4 minute read
The Spiral of Life
from Upspiraling Ebook
Similar to many of us, you probably have a pretty good idea of what you want for your life. A happy and healthy relationship? Financial success and a healthy amount of money in savings? A great career? Or a successful business (if you’re an entrepreneur)? Meaning and purpose? However, have all the things you feel deep down are right for you already fallen into place? If not, then you’re like a lot of us. It’s not that we’re not grateful for all that we already have, but we know there are more experiences and accomplishments we’re meant to have. We also want to do all we can to make sure that our lives have meaning and a sense of purpose.

My guess is that today you’re probably doing your best to move forward and live a really good, meaningful, and successful life. But, along the way you probably have encountered some challenges or setbacks? We all have these seeming setbacks at some point. There are so many things that happen to us as we make our way through the journey of life. However, what we call setbacks aren’t actually setbacks. Instead, they’re important pieces of the puzzle that happen as we make our way up the Spiral of Life. That’s where understanding the Spiral of Life comes into play. It’s so helpful to understand and look at your life and everything that’s happening through this new lens. Why? Because once we understand that our life is unfolding as we make our way up the Spiral of Life, it’s like turning on the light in a dark room. You see everything so much clearer. The events in your life and what you’ve gone through makes much more sense. You’re able to see the bigger picture and how the ups and downs are stretching you for a reason. You also understand how to take advantage of certain experiences and create important shifts in your life. Most importantly, it becomes clear what you’re meant to do each day to move forward and align with what’s most important to you and the good things that are meant to unfold in your life. There’s no need to spin our wheels or feel like we’re stuck on the “hamster wheel of life.” There’s no need to stress or have worries that things aren’t falling into place the way we need them to. There’s no need to question ourselves or give up on anything we know deep down is right for us. Why? Because we can upspiral! That’s what this 33-Day Action Plan is all about. You’ll find everything you need to align your days, your mindset, and your daily steps forward to move up your Spiral of Life.
Today, you’re at some point on this spiral path. Think about what’s specifically going on in your life today. Is there something really important to you today that you’re working on? Or maybe you’re working through a challenge today? Depending on what’s going on in your life right now, you’re moving through one of the 3 big phases: Building, Strengthening or the Momentum phase. You might be at a time in life where you’re on the frontside of the Spiral of Life. If that’s the case, then that means right now life is going fairly smoothly for the most part. Maybe certain areas of your life that are important to you are flowing or falling into place as you want them to. However, on the other hand, you might be going through one of those times where you’ve hit the backside of the spiral. If that’s the case, then that means you’re currently at a point in time in life where you have hit some challenges, or some problems surfaced that you’re working through. Maybe something really important to you didn’t go as planned? Whatever the case may be, it’s helpful to look at your life through this lens, know that today you’re somewhere on the Spiral of your Life, and understand the different dynamics of the spiral that will help you navigate successfully the journey of life.
Because here’s one important realization: Even when you’re on the backside of the spiral and working through challenges or something has gone wrong, you’re moving forward.

Look at the Spiral. Each loop is moving forward and upward.
You’re always moving up, no matter how it feels. All those times in your life when you’ve been worried, or confused or had doubts because something was going wrong, or not falling into place, you were most likely just on the backside of the Spiral. As long as you take the right steps during the day (which will be a combination of your inner work and outer work), you’ll keep moving forward up the spiral. You’ll reach a frontside again of the Spiral. And, here’s the magic of understanding and knowing how to use your days to upspiral. We can see the bigger picture, get a handle of where we are on the spiral and in life, and really focus on using the day in front of us to integrate the right practices and do the work that will keep us moving forward and up the spiral. That’s the art of upspiraling we’ll be talking about in this action plan. It’s like having a personal roadmap of your life that gives you a lot of the directions and answers you’re looking for. You’re able to align with what’s happening, what’s coming next and make the necessary adjustments so that you’re moving forward and in the right direction. There’s no more making a wrong turn, or driving around in circles, or getting lost.