I’ll use my life as an example because oftentimes it’s easier to see how to use the Spiral of Life as a tool when you see how the spiral is at work and being used in other people’s lives. So, I’ll be your guinea pig. Toward the middle of last year, there were several weeks where I had a long stretch on the backside of the spiral. We ran into this huge speed bump at work that threw things out of whack financially. At the same time I was working through all of that, my teenage daughter was going through that summer slump that some kids slipped into last year after a year of virtual learning and all that’s been going on in the world. As many of you know, when you’re a mom, your kids’ pain becomes your pain and so I really felt the weight of that. And, I was also trying to refinance my home, which if you’ve ever done that and are self-employed, it’s exhausting and WILD and can push you to your limits. All of this was going on in my life at the exact same time. It was A LOT. One afternoon, while I was processing everything and figuring out what to do, I got a call from Tami, the CEO of Sounds True, the company I work with. She started talking to me about all the work challenges we were working through. She said, “We’re really getting pushed hard right now. Or, as you say, we’re on the backside of the spiral for sure!”
10 Upspiraling: The 33-Day Action Plan
The Possibility of Today by Sibyl Chavis