Four Ways to Bring Positivity to Your Workplace | Jason Walker PhD

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Stress is debilitating when it is not addressed in healthy ways. To encourage a healthier and more appealing work environment, here are four ways to bring about positive change in your business.

AUTHENTIC GRATITUDE Â Employees sincerely appreciate it when their work is recognized and acknowledged. Positive feedback goes a long way. When given sincerely, other employees begin to acknowledge others. Gratitude is an extremely cost-effective way to increase productivity and teamwork.

MENTORING AND CONNECTIONS Despite the perception of a low rate of return, organizations that pair new employees with more seasoned employees notice their new employees stay because mentoring builds a connection with the organization. Loyalty towards one’s employer builds productivity and improves a company’s reputation

SOLUTIONFOCUSED THINKING David Cooperrider and Suresh Srivastva developed a solutionfocused thinking process called Appreciative Inquiry. The process involves considering the available resources, assessing past positive outcomes, shifting from deficiency thinking to solutionthinking, envisioning the future and finally, collaborative design and delivery phases that move toward a solution.

RESILIENCY AND HAPPINESS Some organizations hire happiness trainers as a way to shift organizational mindsets from negative to positive. Whether your organization chooses to go this route or not, it is wise to consider the relationship between resiliency and happiness. Stress happens and is often unavoidable. Workers who are able to cope with stress are those who nurture resilient behaviors.

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