I love our happy, colorful cover this month introducing MOSH’s new exhibit TOYTO- PIA! It opens on October 17th and Jax4Kids is delighted to sponsor the exhibit. Learn
more about TOYTOPIA on page 5. I also love the Diaper Bank for Northeast Florida – they are our community profile this month. Turn to page 4 to learn about this wonderful and much needed new non-profit that is helping parents.
In the month of October, there are several observances worth noting. The pink ribbons at the bottom of each page are a gentle reminder to make your appointment for a mammogram as we observe Breast Cancer Awareness Month. Another life-saving observance is Teen Driver Safety Week, observed October 18 – 24 this year. The sobering statistic from the U.S. Department of Transportation is that 2,121 teen lives were lost in 2018 and of those, 719 of those deaths were the teen driver. If you
have a teen, please take a moment to read the potentially life-saving information on page 20.