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What is happiness? My take: Happiness is being happy meaning encountering an incident that makes you smile meaning positive vibes meaning eradicating the negative. Many

Many who i spoke to say: Happiness to them is eat, sleep and family.

How can happiness be evoked?

the english dictionary states: It is the state of being happy(... duh?) good fortune; pleasure; conentment; joy

True Story: I had an interview for a placement in Leeds and although i frquent to the city i always use google maps just to be safe. however, this particular day it betrayed my expectations of it as it led me somewhat near to the building, yet somehow managed for the destination to be on the other side of a bridge leaving me with no choice but to ask for manual directions ( which is never my strong point as i need some sort of physical arrow direction me to my destinations). You think well atleast you made it, yes i did and things went well and I made my way back to the train station (with google maps directling the way) until tragedy struck and I was left with a phone with a blank screen. my battery died, having a phone with no battery is like clutching onto a brick for dear life, the funny thing is there are road signs all around me yet I’m hopelessly asking pedestrians for the way back, feeling frustated, stressed and even a bit dizzy. That day I knew that I could be given all the natural tools supplied by nature to help me live but I wuld probably die if I didn’t have google showing me tutorials on how to use them.

I am a victim of the digital age

Character References

Character front and side

Digital Chracters

Script Ideas

Script in layout

Script in layout

Comic Strip Layouts

abcdefgijkl mnopqrst uvwxyz<?/.,;


Title-Life Hacks //TODO display title system,print (“Life Hacks”); cout.just print(“life hacks”); <html> <head> <title>page title</title> </head> </html>




//TODO display title system,print

Life Hacks



//TODO display title system,print

Life Hacks



<personwhomadethis>Javairia Farrukh</personwhomadethis>

<personwhomadethis>Javairia Farrukh</personwhomadethis>

//TODO display title system,print

Life Hacks



<personwhomadethis>Javairia Farrukh</personwhomadethis>

//TODO display title system,print

Life Hacks



<personwhomadethis>Javairia Farrukh</personwhomadethis>

//TODO display title system,print

Life Hacks



//TODO display title system,print

Life Hacks



<personwhomadethis>Javairia Farrukh</personwhomadethis>

//TODO display title system,print

Life Hacks



<personwhomadethis>Javairia Farrukh</personwhomadethis>

<personwhomadethis>Javairia Farrukh</personwhomadethis>

//TODO display title system,print

Life Hacks



<personwhomadethis>Javairia Farrukh</personwhomadethis>

Final Comic


on for Augment Reality


on for Augment Reality

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