Learning english on the course

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Modal Verbs

Time Expressions

Compara/ve Adjec/ves



Expressions of Measurement

Superla/ve Adjec/ves




Verbs Pronouns




Present Past Future

Present Simple Present Con@nuous Present Perfect Present Perfect Con@nuous

Past Simple Past Con@nuous Past Perfect Past Perfect Con@nuous

He played golf He was playing golf

Future Simple Future Con@nuous Future Perfect Future Perfect Con@nuous

He will play golf He will be playing golf

I play golf every day I am playing golf He has played golf He has been playing golf

He had played golf He had been playing golf

He will have played golf He will have been playing golf



Class 1 - Grammar & Active Vocabulary


Present Past

Present Simple Present Con@nuous Present Perfect Present Perfect Con@nuous

I play golf every day I am playing golf

Past Simple Past Con@nuous Past Perfect Past Perfect Con@nuous

He played golf He was playing golf

Future Simple Future Con@nuous Future Perfect Future Perfect Con@nuous

He will play golf He will be playing golf

He has played golf He has been playing golf

He had played golf He had been playing golf


He will have played golf He will have been playing golf



1. Present Simple ! The Present Simple is the most basic tense. It is used to describe: 1.  Present Ac@vi@es 2.  Rou@nes or Habits 3.  Facts / Generalisa@ons or Truths 4.  Situa@ons 5.  Future Events/Arrangements that are certain or unchangeable 6.  With State verbs 7.  To tell stories / give instruc@ons / or to commentate Form: Subject + Verb (without ¨to¨) John plays golf (to play) Juan juega al golf Examples of the present tense in use Tiger Woods is beZer than Rory (Fact / Generalisa@on / Truth) He plays golf every Sunday (Rou@nes or Habits) He lives in Barcelona (Situa@ons) The match starts at 5pm (Future Events/Arrangements) I like Tiger Woods (State Verbs) Ques/ons Ques@ons require the auxiliary verb (do/does) Form: Aux Verb + Sub + Verb Do you play golf? Nega/ve Sentences Nega@ve sentences require the auxiliary verb (do/does) + not Form: Sub + Aux Verb + NOT + Verb I do not play golf Or I don´t play golf (do + not = don´t)




1. Present Simple – Examples USE 1: Roun@nes / Habits / Repeated Ac@ons 1.  I play golf. 2.  My wife does not play golf. 3.  He hits the ball very well. USE 2: Present Ac@vi@es 1.  2.  3.  4.

Where are you? I am in the restaurant. I think he needs a hand looking for his ball. Tiger has a 5-­‐iron in his hand. Do you have your golf clubs in the car? No, I do not have them.

USE 3: Scheduled Events / Future Arrangements 1.  The course closes at 10pm. It opens at 8am. 2.  What hole do we tee-­‐off from? 3.  What @me is our class this aiernoon? USE 4: Facts / Generalisa@ons / Truths 1.  2.  3.  4.  5.

St Andrews is in Scotland. It is near Edinburgh. Golf clubs are made of steel. This course is difficult. It is very long. The greens are fast. The rough is deep. Rory likes playing in the Ryder Cup with Sergio.


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2. Present Con/nuous ! The Present Con/nuous is used to express the idea that something is happening at the moment of speaking. FORM: Subject + to be + Verb (con@nuos form) John + is + playing + golf John is playing golf In English, the Present Con/nuos can be used to express ac@vi@es that will happen in the future. However, in Spanish the present simple is used. They are arriving at 2pm llegan a las 2pm The Present Con/nuous can be used to express long-­‐term ac@vi@es that are in progress: I am training to be a golf professional. (ongoing progress) Ques/ons Ques@ons require the auxiliary verb (to be) Form: Aux Verb + Sub + Verb (con@nuos form) Is John re/ring next year? Nega/ve Sentences Nega@ve sentences require the auxiliary verb (to be) + not Form: Sub + Aux Verb + NOT + Verb (con@nuos form) No, he isn´t re/ring next year. ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! !



2. Present Con/nuos -­‐ Examples ! USE 1: Ac@on that is happening (right now) 1.  Tiger is aiming for the flag. 2.  He is studying the line of the puZ. 3.  He is speaking with the umpire about the rule. USE 2: Long-­‐Term Ac@ons in progress (but not right now) 1.  I am training to be a golf professional. ….Are you taking classes? 2.  I am learning English. …Are you studying at the University? ! USE 3: Near Future 1.  I am playing golf this aiernoon with Luis. 2.  Tiger is going to win a Major (Grande) next year. 3.  Are you playing golf this weekend? ! USE 4: Repeated Ac@ons / Frustra@on (when used with Always and Constantly – the speaker is showing frustra@on at the ac@vity). 1.  He is always playing golf 2.  I never see him. He is always working. 3.  She is constantly talking. ! ! ! ! ! !

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3. Past Simple ! We use the Past Simple to talk about ac@ons that happened at a specific @me in the past. The ac@ons can be short or long. Form: Subject + Verb (past form) I + went + to London yesterday. I went to London 10 years ago. The Past Simple is used to talk about Past Situa@ons. I lived in Australia for 10 years. We also use the Past Simple for a series of ac@ons that happened in the past. I birdied the first hole. Then bogeyed the second hole. And then eagled the next hole. In English it is common to use the Past Simple for the recent past. However, in Spanish the Present Perfect is used. I spoke to him five minutes ago. Hace cinco minutos le hablé. Ques/ons Ques@ons require the auxiliary verb DO (past form) Form: Aux Verb (Past form) + Sub + Verb (present form) Did you play golf yesterday? Nega/ve Sentences Nega@ve sentences require the auxiliary verb DO (past form) + not Form Subject + DO (past form) + Verb (present form) No, I didn´t play golf yesterday.



3. Past Simple – Examples ! USE 1: Completed Ac@on (in the past) 1.  I saw your ball land on the green. 2.  I went to St Andrews last year. 3.  I tried to reach the green with a 5-­‐iron. 4.  I found my ball. It was in the woods. 5.  I had two birdies today. 6.  I sold my golf clubs. And bought new ones. USE 2: A series of past ac@ons 1.  I finished work, drove to the golf course, and played nine holes. 2.  I arrived at the hotel, got changed, and then went for dinner. ! USE 3: Dura@on in the pat 1.  I lived in Australia for 10 years. 2.  I played golf un@l I broke my knee. 3.  I broke my knee 7 years ago playing football. ! ! ! ! ! ! !

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4. Past Con@nuous ! ! USE 1: Interrupted Ac@on (in the past) 1.  I was playing golf when you called me. 2.  Luis was wai@ng for me when I got there. 3.  I was wri@ng an email when the computer suddenly crashed. USE 2: Two Ac@ons (in the past) 1.  While I was playing my shot he was talking on the phone. 2.  What were you doing while you were wai@ng for me. ! While v. When When you talk about things in the past, "when" is most oien followed by the Past Simple verb tense, whereas "while" is usually followed by the Past Con@nuous. "While" expresses the idea of "during that @me.” The examples below have similar meaning but emphasise different parts of the sentence. I was playing golf when she called. = SHE CALLED While I was playing golf, she called. = PLAYING GOLF ! ! ! ! ! ! !

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4. Past Con@nuous ! The Past Con/nuous is used to talk about ac@vi@es that lasted for some @me in the past. Typically, the ac@on has been interrupted by something or can be happening at the same @me as another ac@on. Form Subject + BE (past form) + Verb (con4nuous form) John was playing golf when it started to rain. Past Con@nuous Past Simple The Past Con/nous can be used to express an ac@vity that was happening whose dura@on is not known or important. John was watching TV. We can use the Past Con/nuous to express when two ac@ons are happening at the same @me. To connect these two clauses we use WHEN or WHILE. He was playing golf while his wife was shopping in Madrid. Ques/ons Ques@ons require the auxiliary verb to be (Past Form) Form: BE (Past Form) + Sub + Verb (con@nuos form) Was he playing golf when you called? Nega/ve Sentences Nega@ve sentences require the auxiliary verb to be (past form) + not Form: Sub + BE + NOT + Verb (con@nuos form) No, he wasn´t playing golf when I called.! ! ! ! !



Class 2 - Grammar & Active Vocabulary Tenses – Future Tiempo

Ejemplo de Golf

Present Simple Present Con@nuous Present Perfect Present Perfect Con@nuous

I play golf every day I am playing golf He has played golf He has been playing golf

Past Simple Past Con@nuous Past Perfect Past Perfect Con@nuous

He played golf He was playing golf He had played golf He had been playing golf


Future Simple Future Con/nuous Future Perfect Future Perfect Con@nuous

He will play golf He will be playing golf He will have played golf He will have been playing golf

Presente Pasado





Future Simple ! In English, the Future Simple has two different forms: Will / Be Going to Although the two forms can some@mes be used interchangeably, they have different meanings. WILL FORM: Subject + WILL + Verb I will call you. USE 1: Express Voluntary Ac/ons or Requests The use of "Will” suggests that a speaker is going to do something voluntarily. Speakers say "will" to respond to someone else's request, and for when we request the help of someone else. We use "will not" or "won't" when we refuse. I will send you the @ckets this aiernoon. Will you translate this email? …no, but I will help you. USE 2: Promises We use "will” to express our inten@on or promise. Yes, I will call you later. Yeah, I´ll call you later. I am going out. I won´t be long. Just going out. Won´t be long. USE 3: Express a Predic/on “Will” is used to express a predic@on about the future. Rory will be number one in the world.



Future Simple GOING TO BE FORM: Subject + Be Going to + Verb I am going to play golf. USE 1: Express a Plan "Be going to” expresses that a person is going to do something in the future. I am going to be the best golfer in the world. Is she going to be late? …no she is not going to be late. Are we going to Cadiz this weekend? USE 2: Express a Predic/on Like “Will” "Be going to” expresses a predic@on about the future. Note Rory is going to be number one in the world. En español hay otra forma por el uso del With Adverbs futuro simple que no existe en Ingles Ejemplo -­‐ ¿Donde Tiger is never going to be number one again. esta Juan? Juan estará en el campo. Ques/ons En Inglés usamos la palabra Probably -­‐ To make ques@ons: John is probably at golf O usamos el Presente FORM Will + Subject + Verb Con@nuo con probably Will you play golf? – He is probably playing golf Nega@ve FORM Subject + Will + NOT + Verb Exercises I will not play golf. 1.  Grammar I won´t play golf ! 2.  Pronunica@on 3.  Listening ! 4.  Spoken




Future Con@nuos Like the Future Simple, the Future Con/nuous has two different forms: "will be doing" and "be going to be doing.” Will be doing FORM: Subject + Will BE + Verb (con@nuous form) I will be living in Spain next year. Be going to be doing FORM: BE + going to be + Verb (con@nuous form) Are you going to be living in Spain next year? USE 1: Interrupted Future Ac/on The Future Con/nuous is used to indicate that a longer ac@on (future) will be interrupted by a shorter ac@on (future). John will be playing golf when you call. USE 2: Parallel Future Ac/on The Future Con/nuous is also used with two ac@ons in the same sentence to express that both ac@ons will be happening at the same @me. Tonight I am going to working, and I think John will be playing golf. ! ! ! ! !



Future Con@nuous Exercise The Future Con/nuous cannot be used with @me clauses. Which sentence is correct: While I am going to be playing golf, he is going to wait in the car. While I am playing golf, he is going to wait in the car. Ques/ons To make ques@ons: FORM Will + Subject + Be + Verb (con0nuos form) Will you be playing golf this golf aiernoon? Nega@ve FORM Subject + Will + NOT + Be + Verb (con0nuos form) I will not be playing golf this aiernoon. ! ! ! ! ! ! ! Exercises 1.  Grammar 2.  Pronunica@on 3.  Listening ! 4.  Spoken !



Class 3 - Grammar & Active Vocabulary Tenses – Present Perfect Think of Perfect Tenses as finished ac@ons. They are formed using the perfect aspect (auxiliary verb to have) which determines whether a sentence has a present (have/has seen), past (had seen) or future (will have seen) meaning.

Tiempo Presente Pasado Futuro


Ejemplo de Golf

Present Simple Present Con@nuous Present Perfect Present Perfect Con/nuous

I play golf every day I am playing golf He has played golf He has been playing golf

Past Simple Past Con@nuous Past Perfect Past Perfect Con@nuous

He played golf He was playing golf He had played golf He had been playing golf

Future Simple Future Con@nuous Future Perfect Future Perfect Con@nuous

He will play golf He will be playing golf He will have played golf He will have been playing golf



Present Perfect ! The Present Perfect is used to express ac@ons that happened at an indefinite @me or that began in the past and con@nue in the present. The Present Perfect can also be used for ac@ons that have an effect on the present. Form: Subject + Verb AUX (have) + Verb (Par@ciple). I have been to Scotland. He estado a Escocia With Time Expressions the Present Perfect cannot be used. I have been to St Andrews last year. USE 1: To talk about Past Ac/ons The Present Perfect is used to talk about ac@ons that happened at some undetermined point in the past. I have been to St Andrews. (when is not important) USE 2: Past Ac/ons effec/ng the present The Present Perfect can used when an ac@on has an effect on the present moment. Rory has finished the first hole. (= Present = 2nd hole) USE 3: Past Ac/ons con/nuing into the present The Present Perfect can be used when we want to emphasise that an event con@nues in the present. Rory has won three majors. (he is s@ll playing golf) Ben Hogan won ten majors (no longer playing golf) ! ! ! !



Time Expressions with the Present Perfect For and Since are common @me expressions used with the Present Perfect. For is used to express dura@on of @me (quan@ty of days, months, years) I have lived in Madrid for 7 years. Since is used to express a star@ng point in @me (such as a date) I have lived in Madrid since 2007. Ques/ons To make ques@ons: FORM Have + Subject + Verb (Par@ciple). Have you eaten? Nega@ve FORM Subject + Have + NOT + Verb (Par@ciple). No, I haven't eaten. ! ! !



Present Perfect Con/nuous ! The Present Perfect Con/nuous is used to show that an ac@on has started in the past and is s@ll con@nuing in the present. The tense is also used to talk about ac@ons that began in the past and have recently stopped. Form: Subject + has / have + been + Verb (con@nuous form) I have been living here for 20 years. (Pero en español la forma es dis@nta y usáis la forma presente con hace) Hace 20 años que vivo aquí. USE 1: Past Ac/ons con/nuing in the present The Present Perfect Con/nuous is used to show that some ac@on started in the past and con@nues in the present. He has been prac/sing for five hours. (and is s@ll prac@sing) USE 2: Past Ac/ons recently stopped Use this tense also to talk about ac@ons that began in the past and have recently stopped. I have been wai/ng for you for an hour. (as YOU have arrived I am no longer wai@ng) ! ! ! ! ! ! ! !



Time Expressions with the Present Perfect Con/nuous For and Since are common @me expressions used with the Present Perfect Con/nuous. For is used to express @me dura@on (quan@ty of days, months, years) I have been living in Madrid for 7 years Since is used to express a star@ng point in @me (such as a date) I have been living in Madrid since 2007 Ques/ons To make ques@ons: FORM Have + Subject + BEEN + Verb (con@nuous form) Have you been playing golf long? Nega@ve FORM Subject + Have + NOT + BEEN + Verb (con@nuous form) No I haven´t been wai/ng long. ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! !




Excercises Please correct these sentences: •  I have been to Scotland two @mes last year. •  I have been living in Madrid since seven years ago. •  Yesterday I have been playing golf. •  No I haven´t been playing golf on the weekend. •  Over the last few weeks I ate too much meat. •  Tiger won seven majors.

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Exercises 1.  Grammar 2.  Pronunica@on 3.  Listening 4.  Spoken



Class 4 - Grammar & Active Vocabulary Tenses – Past Perfect Think of Perfect Tenses as finished ac@ons. They are formed using the perfect aspect (auxiliary verb to have) which determines whether a sentence has a present (have/has seen), past (had seen) or future (will have seen) meaning.

Tiempo Presente Pasado Futuro


Ejemplo de Golf

Present Simple Present Con@nuous Present Perfect Present Perfect Con@nuous

I play golf every day I am playing golf He has played golf He has been playing golf

Past Simple Past Con@nuous Past Perfect Past Perfect Con@nuous

He played golf He was playing golf He had played golf He had been playing golf

Future Simple Future Con@nuous Future Perfect Future Perfect Con@nuous

He will play golf He will be playing golf He will have played golf He will have been playing golf



Past Perfect ! The Past Perfect is used to express that something happened before another ac@on in the past. Form: Subject + Verb AUX Past (had) + Verb (Par@ciple). I had played golf before I went to Scotland. Third Condi@onal It is also possible to use the Past Perfect to express the third condi@onal If I had used a 5-­‐iron I would have reached the green. Note in Spanish you would use another structure Si yo hubiera usado un hierro 5, habría alcanzado el green. Ques/ons To make ques@ons: Form: Verb AUX Past (had) + Subject + Verb (Par@ciple). Had she seen Tiger Woods before? Nega@ve FORM Subject + Verb AUX Past (had) + NOT + Verb (Par@ciple). No, she hadn´t seen Tiger before.!



Past Perfect Con/nuous ! The Past Perfect Con/nuous is used to show that an ac@on started in the past and con@nues un@l another @me in the past. Form: Subject + had + been + Verb (con@nuous form) John had been wai/ng for 40 minutes before I arrived. The Past Perfect Con/nuous is also used to show a cause and effect rela@onship. The golf course was wet because it had been raining all morning. ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! !



We use the Past Perfect Con/nuous to express the third condi@onal If it hadn't been raining, we would have played golf. Note – but in Spanish you use another form. Si no hubiera estado llorando -­‐ habríamos jugado golf. Ques/ons To make ques@ons: FORM Had + Subject + BEEN + Verb (con@nuous form) Had you been playing golf long before it rained? Nega@ve FORM Subject + Have + NOT + BEEN + Verb (con@nuous form) No I hadn´t been wai/ng long before it rained. ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! !



Excercises Please correct these sentences: •  I had gone to class by the @me you arrived. •  I had been living in Madrid for twenty years. •  Yesterday I had been playing golf for 2 hours.

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Exercises 1.  Grammar 2.  Pronunica@on 3.  Listening 4.  Spoken



Class 5 - Grammar & Active Vocabulary Tenses – Future Perfect Think of Perfect Tenses as finished ac@ons. They are formed using the perfect aspect (auxiliary verb to have) which determines whether a sentence has a present (have/has seen), past (had seen) or future (will have seen) meaning.

Tiempo Presente Pasado Futuro


Ejemplo de Golf

Present Simple Present Con@nuous Present Perfect Present Perfect Con@nuous

I play golf every day I am playing golf He has played golf He has been playing golf

Past Simple Past Con@nuous Past Perfect Past Perfect Con@nuous

He played golf He was playing golf He had played golf He had been playing golf

Future Simple Future Con@nuous Future Perfect Future Perfect Con@nuous

He will play golf He will be playing golf He will have played golf He will have been playing golf



Future Perfect ! The Future Perfect has two different forms: "will have done" and "be going to have done.¨ Form 1: Subject + will have + Verb (Past Par@ciple). You will have perfected your English by the @me you finish this course. Form 2: Subject + BE + going to + Verb (Past Par@ciple). You are going to have perfected your English by the @me you finish this course. Use 1 – Completed Ac@on before a Future Ac@on The Future Perfect shows that something will occur before another ac@on in the future or before a specific @me in the future. By next Christmas I will have reduced my handicap by 5 shots. Christmas 2014 Christmas 2015 I am not going to have finished by 5pm. Present 5pm



Use 2 – Dura@on before something in the future (with non-­‐con@nuous verbs) With non-­‐con@nuous verbs we use the Future Perfect to show that something will con@nue up un@l another ac@on in the future. I will have studied for six months by the @me I leave (for London) Leave for London 0 Present 6 Months Note: Time Expressions The Future Perfect cannot be used with @me expressions such as: when, while, before, aier, by the @me, as soon as, if, unless, etc. Ques/ons To make ques@ons: Form: Will + Subject + Have + Verb (Past Par@ciple). Will you have finished your homework by 3pm? Nega@ve FORM Subject + will + NOT + have + Verb (Past Par@ciple). No, I will not have finished my homework by 3pm.



Future Perfect Con/nuous ! Like the Future Perfect, the Future Perfect Con/nuous also has two forms: "will have been doing " and "be going to have been doing.” Form 1: Subject + will have been + Verb (Con@nuous form). You will have been playing golf for 5 hours by the @me you finish. Form 2: Subject + BE + going to have been + Verb (Con@nuous form). You are going to have been playing golf for 5 hours by the @me you finish. Use 1 – Dura@on before something in the future We use the Future Perfect Con/nuous to show that something will con@nue up un@l a par@cular event or @me in the future. They will have been prac/cing for over an hour by the @me you arrive. When you arrive Present +1 hour We are going to have been playing golf for 5 hours by the @me we finish. When we finish 0 Present + 5 hours s



Use 2 – Cause of something in the future We use the Future Perfect Con/nuous to show cause and effect. They will be hungry when they finish because they will have been playing for 7 hours. When finish = HUNGRY 0 +7 Present Note: Time Expressions The Future Perfect Con/nuous cannot be used with @me expressions such as: when, while, before, aier, by the @me, as soon as, if, unless, etc. Use the Present Perfect Con@nuous. Ques/ons To make ques@ons: Form: Will + Subject + Have Been + Verb (Con@nuous Form). Will they have been walking around Madrid all day? Nega@ve FORM Subject + will + NOT + have + Verb (Past Par@ciple). No, they will not have been walking around Madrid all day? ! ! ! ! ! ! ! !



Exercises Which sentence is correct? 1.  Grammar When I will have finished my homework I am going to play golf. When I have finished my homework I am going to play golf. 2. Pronuncia/on & Listening No, they will not have been walking around Madrid all day? 3. Spoken Form No. They won´t ´ve been walkin´ around al´day.

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