Speak English - Class 3 Perfect Tenses

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Present Perfect



Class 3 - Grammar & Active Vocabulary Tenses – Perfect Think of Perfect Tenses as finished ac7ons. They are formed using the perfect aspect (auxiliary verb to have) which determines whether a sentence has a present (have/has seen), past (had seen) or future (will have seen) meaning.

Tiempo Presente Pasado Futuro


Ejemplo de Golf

Present Simple Present Con7nuous Present Perfect Present Perfect Con<nuous

I play golf every day I am playing golf He has played golf He has been playing golf

Past Simple Past Con7nuous Past Perfect Past Perfect Con7nuous

He played golf He was playing golf He had played golf He had been playing golf

Future Simple Future Con7nuous Future Perfect Future Perfect Con7nuous

He will play golf He will be playing golf He will have played golf He will have been playing golf



Class 3 - Grammar & Active Vocabulary Present Perfect ! The Present Perfect is used to express ac7ons that happened at an indefinite 7me or that began in the past and con7nue in the present. The Present Perfect can also be used for ac7ons that have an effect on the present. Form: Subject + Verb AUX (have) + Verb (Par7ciple). I have been to Scotland. He estado a Escocia With Time Expressions the Present Perfect cannot be used. I have been to St Andrews last year. USE 1: To talk about Past Ac<ons The Present Perfect is used to talk about ac7ons that happened at some undetermined point in the past. I have been to St Andrews. (when is not important) USE 2: Past Ac<ons effec<ng the present The Present Perfect can used when an ac7on has an effect on the present moment. Rory has finished the first hole. (= Present = 2nd hole) USE 3: Past Ac<ons con<nuing into the present The Present Perfect can be used when we want to emphasise that an event con7nues in the present. Rory has won three majors. (he is s7ll playing golf) Ben Hogan won ten majors (no longer playing golf) !



Class 3 - Grammar & Active Vocabulary Time Expressions with the Present Perfect For and Since are common 7me expressions used with the Present Perfect. For is used to express dura7on of 7me (quan7ty of days, months, years) I have lived in Madrid for 7 years. Since is used to express a star7ng point in 7me (such as a date) I have lived in Madrid since 2007. Ques<ons To make ques7ons: FORM Have + Subject + Verb (Par7ciple). Have you eaten? Nega7ve FORM Subject + Have + NOT + Verb (Par7ciple). No, I haven't eaten. ! ! !



Class 3 - Grammar & Active Vocabulary Present Perfect Con<nuous ! The Present Perfect Con<nuous is used to show that an ac7on has started in the past and is s7ll con7nuing in the present. The tense is also used to talk about ac7ons that began in the past and have recently stopped. Form: Subject + has / have + been + Verb (con7nuous form) I have been living here for 20 years. (Pero en español la forma es dis7nta y usáis la forma presente con hace) Hace 20 años que vivo aquí. USE 1: Past Ac<ons con<nuing in the present The Present Perfect Con<nuous is used to show that some ac7on started in the past and con7nues in the present. He has been prac<sing for five hours. (and is s7ll prac7sing) USE 2: Past Ac<ons recently stopped Use this tense also to talk about ac7ons that began in the past and have recently stopped. I have been wai<ng for you for an hour. (as YOU have arrived I am no longer wai7ng) ! ! ! !



Class 3 - Grammar & Active Vocabulary Time Expressions with the Present Perfect Con<nuous For and Since are common 7me expressions used with the Present Perfect Con<nuous. For is used to express 7me dura7on (quan7ty of days, months, years) I have been living in Madrid for 7 years Since is used to express a star7ng point in 7me (such as a date) I have been living in Madrid since 2007 Ques<ons To make ques7ons: FORM Have + Subject + BEEN + Verb (con7nuous form) Have you been playing golf long? Nega7ve FORM Subject + Have + NOT + BEEN + Verb (con7nuous form) No I haven´t been wai<ng long. ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! !



Excercises Please correct these sentences: •  I have been to Scotland two 7mes last year. •  I have been living in Madrid since seven years ago. •  Yesterday I have been playing golf. •  No I haven´t been playing golf on the weekend. •  Over the last few weeks I ate too much meat. •  Tiger won seven majors.

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Exercises 1.  Grammar 2.  Pronunica7on 3.  Listening 4.  Spoken

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