Speak English - Class 2 - Future Tense

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Future Â



Class 2 - Grammar & Active Vocabulary Tenses – Future


Ejemplo de Golf

Present Simple Present Con8nuous Present Perfect Present Perfect Con8nuous

I play golf every day I am playing golf He has played golf He has been playing golf

Past Simple Past Con8nuous Past Perfect Past Perfect Con8nuous

He played golf He was playing golf He had played golf He had been playing golf


Future Simple Future Con<nuous Future Perfect Future Perfect Con8nuous

He will play golf He will be playing golf He will have played golf He will have been playing golf

Presente Pasado





Future Simple ! In English, the Future Simple has two different forms: Will / Be Going to Although the two forms can some8mes be used interchangeably, they have different meanings. WILL FORM: Subject + WILL + Verb I will call you. USE 1: Express Voluntary Ac<ons or Requests The use of "Will” suggests that a speaker is going to do something voluntarily. Speakers say "will" to respond to someone else's request, and for when we request the help of someone else. We use "will not" or "won't" when we refuse. I will send you the 8ckets this aVernoon. Will you translate this email? …no, but I will help you. USE 2: Promises We use "will” to express our inten8on or promise. Yes, I will call you later. Yeah, I´ll call you later. I am going out. I won´t be long. Just going out. Won´t be long. USE 3: Express a Predic<on “Will” is used to express a predic8on about the future. Rory will be number one in the world.



Future Simple GOING TO BE FORM: Subject + Be Going to + Verb I am going to play golf. USE 1: Express a Plan "Be going to” expresses that a person is going to do something in the future. I am going to be the best golfer in the world. Is she going to be late? …no she is not going to be late. Are we going to Cadiz this weekend? USE 2: Express a Predic<on Like “Will” "Be going to” expresses a predic8on about the future. Note Rory is going to be number one in the world. En español hay otra forma por el uso del With Adverbs futuro simple que no existe en Ingles Ejemplo -­‐ ¿Donde Tiger is never going to be number one again. esta Juan? Juan estará en el campo. Ques<ons En Inglés usamos la palabra Probably -­‐ To make ques8ons: John is probably at golf O usamos el Presente FORM Will + Subject + Verb Con8nuo con probably Will you play golf? – He is probably playing golf Nega8ve FORM Subject + Will + NOT + Verb Exercises I will not play golf. 1.  Grammar I won´t play golf ! 2.  Pronunica8on 3.  Listening ! 4.  Spoken




Future Con8nuos Like the Future Simple, the Future Con<nuous has two different forms: "will be doing" and "be going to be doing.” Will be doing FORM: Subject + Will BE + Verb (con8nuous form) I will be living in Spain next year. Be going to be doing FORM: BE + going to be + Verb (con8nuous form) Are you going to be living in Spain next year? USE 1: Interrupted Future Ac<on The Future Con<nuous is used to indicate that a longer ac8on (future) will be interrupted by a shorter ac8on (future). John will be playing golf when you call. USE 2: Parallel Future Ac<on The Future Con<nuous is also used with two ac8ons in the same sentence to express that both ac8ons will be happening at the same 8me. Tonight I am going to working, and I think John will be playing golf. ! ! ! ! !



Future Con8nuos Exercise The Future Con<nuous cannot be used with 8me clauses. Which sentence is correct: While I am going to be playing golf, he is going to wait in the car. While I am playing golf, he is going to wait in the car. Ques<ons To make ques8ons: FORM Will + Subject + Be + Verb (con0nuos form) Will you be playing golf this golf aVernoon? Nega8ve FORM Subject + Will + NOT + Be + Verb (con0nuos form) I will not be playing golf this aVernoon. ! ! ! ! ! ! ! Exercises 1.  Grammar 2.  Pronunica8on 3.  Listening ! 4.  Spoken !

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