Arcadian Newspaper April 7, 2016

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Thursday, April 7, 2016 - 24 pages / 75 cents

DCHS SPRING ART SHOW The DeSoto High School Spring Art Show featured a number of eye-catching pieces on display.


“Serving DeSoto County since 1887”


The Arcadian won 2 first-, 3 second- and 5 thirdplace awards in the Fla. Press Club 2015 contest! Amvets host lunch ........7

Parade winners .............9


Foundation, DMH Board clash By STEVE BAUER

ARCADIAN EDITOR What started as a routine meeting of the DeSoto Memorial Hospital Board of Directors quickly turned ugly when board members clashed with DMH Foundation members over a phone call and letter from DMH CEO Vince Sica prior to the Board’s Feb. 25 meeting. Foundation members received a two-page letter and a phone call from Sica prior to the Board’s February meeting, informing them the Foundation had not been

following its bylaws and as a result, some were told their terms would expire March 31. After the regular business of the meeting ended, several Foundation members questioned why they weren’t given prior notice regarding the bylaws so they could remedy the situation. DMH Board Member Dan Presilla started the discussion by saying, “We’ve been made aware of our responsibilities (regarding the Foundation board) in the past six or nine months,” he said. “It’s good to have a discussion, it’s not us

against them.” Although she admitted the Foundation needs to do a better job in following its bylaws, Bradt said the tone of Sica’s letter was hurtful, and felt the situation could have been resolved in a more civilized manner. “We obviously as a Foundation board over the years became very lax about bringing people before (the board) to OK to be on the Foundation,” Foundation member Kathy Bradt said. “I think maybe we’re 50 percent responsible for that, and

I’m holding Mr. Sica and the Board 50 percent responsible, because where the hell have you been? You’re just sending me a letter now, and after all these years you didn’t figure it out that we weren’t bringing anyone here? It could have been handled much better, without the two-page letter and the telephone call. It probably hasn’t affected any of you because you weren’t aware of it, but it’s caused a lot of anxiety and bad feelings.” Bradt added the Foundation

DMH | 3

A balancing act: Sparkle your garden ...19

When faith conflicts with community By COURTNEY CLAYTON

ARCADIAN STAFF WRITER Driving by the weathered, modest white house on Poinsettia Ave. in Arcadia, it would be nearly

impossible to imagine it being the centerpiece of one of the biggest controversies in DeSoto County in recent memory. At issue is eight Sunni Muslim men, immigrants from

Bangladesh and India who have lived and worked in Arcadia for years, wanting to use the building as a house of worship. But based on public reaction on social media sites such as Facebook

and Tuesday night’s Planning and Zoning Board hearing, DeSoto residents aren’t exactly welcoming them with open arms.


Support Smith Brown 22

INDEX Viewpoint .................4 Calendar ...................6 Police Beat ................8 Obituaries .................9 Religion ....................10 Sports .....................14 ůĂƐƐŝĮĞĚƐ .............. 2 0

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Arcadian | Page 2

The Sun / Thursday, April 7, 2016


Misconceptions and mistrust

FROM PAGE 1 Built in 1945, the home is located on one acre of land, and ironically is only two houses away from the red, white and blue fence that borders Allied Recycling. According to DeSoto County’s Planning and Zoning Department, the home is within a Residential Multi-Family district, and within any RMF district, a place of worship, public, private, parochial schools or child care centers are allowed a special exception use. Following a complaint in Dec. 2015, DeSoto County Code Enforcement checked into the issue, and the individuals who prayed within the home confirmed they were using the 1,129-square-foot structure as a place of worship. The DeSoto County Sheriff’s Office reports there have been no calls located for a response for service in the last five years at the location. According to the Development staff’s report, when code enforcement followed up on a complaint received Dec. 21, Hafiz Shahadat Hossain verified the home was being used as a place for worship. Code enforcement advised him to set up a pre-application conference with the planning and zoning division. Hossain, on behalf of the owner, filed a special exception use application. Development Director Earl Hahn presented staff’s report to the Board on its findings on whether the application conformed to 12 factors, which are criteria used in determining whether staff will direct the Board on whether it should recommend an approval or not. Hahn noted the application complied with most of the factors, but the followng provisions were needed to ensure the exception met certain standards. The driveway was determined to show deficiencies that didn’t meet county standards of safety regarding fire and catastrophe, and the applicants needed to ensure the property met a number of conditions in order to meet the general compatibility requirement. Hahn said the provisions would “mitigate potential incompatibilities.” Specifically, the county’s engineer could not determine if the ingress and egress to the property could accommodate a fire truck, and upgrades would be needed. Staff also requested worship services be suspended until the County determined the property supported approved public safety measures. The use of the special exemption only applied to the dwelling itself, and without special exception approval, the applicants could not add or build a new structure on the property. The applicants said they had no plans to build anything on the property. Additionally, no chemicals, fluids, gases or potentially hazardous substances shall be stored on site. During the question portion of the hearing, one member from the public asked, “Who’s going to monitor (chemical

Editor’s note: The members of the Islamic Center of Arcadia Inc. invited the Arcadian staff to join them after prayer Friday afternoon. Below are thoughts from the members regarding their perceptions of the world’s view of Muslims and the damage extremist groups are doing to their religion.


The Muslim men who are part of Islamic Center of Arcadia Inc. gather for a picture after their Friday prayer. and hazardous materials) that they could produce? Who’s going to continue to monitor that to show it’s not happening?” Hahn said the DeSoto Public Safety Department conducts annual inspections, and if the inspector found hazardous material, then the applicants would need to remove it from the property. Staff also stipulated the maximum number of vehicles allowed (20) and if there were more vehicles on the property the applicants would need to request another special exception for an expansion. Staff outlined the maximum noise level from the property line, to be 55-65 decibels, calculated by the noise level over an average of an hour. For perspective, Hahn noted a vacuum cleaner is 75 decibels and a lawn mower is 90 decibels. The applicants were also requested to double bag animal remains from a ritualistic animal sacrifice that takes place on the Islamic holy day, Eid al-Adha, which is celebrated worldwide through the ritual killing of livestock. The festival is in honor of a story in the Old Testament when God asked Abraham to sacrifice his son, and when Abraham was about to do so, God offered him an animal instead. Board member Debby Snyder expressed concern whether the killing might be viewable from the surrounding areas after a few members from the public questioned whether the applicants would humanely kill the animals. The applicants said they would not participate in the slaughter of an animal on the property. Another provision stipulated for the approved use of the home included specific times worship would take place. The applicants needed to follow set hours of operation, which staff determined amounted to 34 hours per week, with the exception of two holidays a year and the span of Ramadan. Additionally, child care and religious education could only be used an accessory use and can only take place during worship times alone. The applicants also said their intention was to use the home for prayer only, and


PUBLIC NOTICE MEETING DESOTO COUNTY LOCAL COORDINATING BOARD TRANSPORTATION DISADVANTAGED EVALUATION COMMITTEE Will meet on April 14, 2016 at 10:30am at 201 East Oak Street, Suite 103, Arcadia, Florida 34266 To obtain additional information concerning the meeting contact Peggy Waters at (863) 993-4858 or email HANDICAP ACCESSIBLE FACILITIES

not as a place of teaching activities. “We are not forming an association. We are not teaching,” he said, and added he doesn’t want the community to see them as a group, but “individuals alone.” If the provisions were met, staff advised the Board the group’s request was a reasonable use of the property and not a detriment to public welfare, as well as upholding the individual right to practice religion freely.

Board denies exception Based on the evidence presented during the Board’s hearing, the request was denied 4-3. The denial is not the end of the process, however, as the Board of County Commissioners has the final say in approving the exception. The BOCC will address the issue at its April 26 public hearing. While the Board is obligated to make its decision based on evidence presented at the hearing, the anti-Muslim tone from many in the audience left no doubt how locals felt about Muslims worshiping in DeSoto. Several members made their feelings known to the board during the public comment portion of the meeting: “It’s difficult to deal with a group of people who have declared war on the nation, and it’s only paranoia when they aren’t after you, and I can’t help to say I’m a little paranoid. When I’m on a plane and someone is dressed in full garb I get paranoid.” “To give them shelter, safety … I’m a Vietnam War Vet. It’s kinda like … I’m not saying all Muslims are bad, but I know it’s the Shiites fighting the Sunnis.” “I wish I could preach the gospel of Jesus Christ to the Muslim world. The problem is they will kill me for doing so.”

While enjoying a buffet style lunch after the Friday prayer, one of the applicants, who has lived in DeSoto County for 20 years, commented, “We are local people too, American citizens.” When asked about hostile views regarding what happens at a Muslim place of worship, one man replied, “They don’t know what’s going on here.” During the same interview, the men were asked their views on Muslims and their association with terrorist groups. One individual, who asked to be identified simply as “Moe” replied, “real Muslims cannot do that. As a Muslim, (we) cannot harm another human being. I can’t hurt you, never kill, never hurt,” he said. When asked how extremists groups like ISIS can interpret the Quran to justify raping and killing, the men had no answers. “We don’t know,” one said. “We hear it (on the news) like you. We have those discussions here, trying to figure out how they can justify acting they way they do in the name of Islam.” Mo added, “They are crazy people only. They do politics. We are scared.” “They (terrorist groups) are not our friend. They are hurting us. We work hard. We work seven days, sometimes 17, 18 hours a day,” another man said. Another responded to several questions about their intended use of the home, and said there would not be any “activities,” in the home and it would be used as a place for men to worship mostly due to convenience because each of them live and work in Arcadia and don’t want to make the hour-long commute to worship at the nearest mosque in Port Charlotte. “We don’t believe in 40 hours. We work as much as we can and go home,” one said. Prior to Tuesday night, the applicants said they have not experienced direct discrimination in the community, and for those who have yet to see how they worship, Moe said, “They are welcome. Anybody can come here.”

exception, than he or she must specify which criteria they believe was not met. However, before voting commenced, “Basically, there is no control, no oversight. Arcadian resident William Baily yelled out, Nothing to tell this community what goes on “If I started a religion and said I was going inside that building unless the FBI decides to to allow people in my religion to smoke crack, could you tell me I cannot do it then? take interest.” People are talking about their lives here!” Provau then moved to approve the “What guarantees that we are safe … to recommendation to the BOCC that the know we are safe and that we’re not having special exception use be granted, and underground terrorist activity.” Snyder seconded it. While board member Judy Kirkpatrick voted in favor of the At one point during the meeting Board member Larry Hudson asked one of the ap- motion, Hudson, John Super, Mel Jackson plicants about the incorporated, non-profit and Board Chairman Bill Martin voted no, with all of them citing item number eight as status of the Islamic Center of Arcadia, an criteria for their decision. organization established in 2014 and used Jackson explained his vote, “I just want to to apply for the special exception. “I want say it’s a shame in society today, we have to you to feel at ease. This is not an inquicome to this. I don’t think these people are sition,” he said. “I’d like to ask you about bad, they are probably hard workers. The the charity. You stated you are from the thing today it’s scary. I just feel to be perSunni side … Have you been taught in the fectly honest, I’m not against what they are teachings of Wassad?” doing. I just think it’s the wrong place. We “No,” the applicant said. talk about compatibility and harmony, the “No?” Hudson replied and continued, adjacent properties, general compatibilities. “How is establishing your presence in the I’m not against what they do. I hope they community not going to be a detriment can find a place if this doesn’t go through to the welfare and well-being of the and do it in a suitable location,” he said. community? Following the vote, Provau said churches At the closing of the public comments Board member Mike Provau asked Conn if have been put in residential areas before, stating, “A church is a church.” it would be illegal if the Board denied the One of the applicants said after the request based on religious reasons. meeting, “(To hear what people said about Conn advised the 12 criteria Hahn Muslims) it is hurtful to us.” presented should be the only evidence — Steve Bauer contributed to this article used, and if a member denies the special

The Sun / Thursday, April 7, 2016 Page 3 | Arcadian

DMH FROM PAGE 1 canceled its popular Texas Hold ‘Em Fundraiser because, “Why would I devote another 20 hours to this hospital running around begging for sponsorships, raffle gifts and spending seven or eight hours at the Elks Club clearing tables.” After Bradt finished, Presilla responded, “I don’t happen to agree with a lot of things that you said. Noboby is trying to end anyone’s term; no one’s trying to replace the board. “Have you read this letter?” Bradt asked. “Sure I’ve read the letter. You’re reading things into the letter that I didn’t,” Presilla responded. Foundation member Trudi Super told the board she was resigning her position with the Foundation. “I wanted to show my support for the Foundation. I believe in what they’re doing,” she said. “I did not receive a letter or phone call, so I had to call you (Sica), right? So I had no idea what was going on. I can not in all good conscience be a part of anything like this again. I already sit on three other foundation boards, and I am going to resign.” Presilla asked Super to reconsider, adding, “There was nothing nefarious, there really wasn’t. We didn’t all the sudden come up and say ‘Oh, we’re going to start messing around with those people.’” Foundation member and Arcadian Publisher Joe Gallimore disagreed with Presilla, and the two began a back-and-forth that started with Presilla contradicting himself from an earlier statement regarding the Board’s knowledge of its responsibilities in relation to the Foundation. “I heard you say that for the past eight to nine months that you’ve been conversing that there’s been an issue with the Foundation,” Gallimore said. “No, no, no, no, I said I’ve been in this job for eight or nine months, and one of the conversations was about the Foundation,” Presilla responded. “You’re playing games now. Let me clarify something. What I said is that I’ve been in this position for eight or nine months. I am a stickler for following procedure. If you read the bylaws, my friend, you have not been following the bylaws for years. We’re just trying to get back on track; and incidentally, you’ve missed two

or three dates already.” Board member Jerry Waters said he was not aware there was any connection between the Foundation board and the DMH board until the past few weeks. “I’m trying to listen to what you are all saying, and I think if I was in your position I’d probably be offended by some of the wording in the letter,” he said. “I don’t think it was intended that way, but intentions are not communication. Communication is what is received, not what is sent. I’m really sorry about that. We’d just simply like for this board and your board to work together. We’re not trying to replace any officers or any structure; all we’d like to see is that the bylaws are being followed. And I’m afraid all the discussion here has been very negative instead of positive, and we need to work together. There’s plenty of blame to go around, but we need to work together to fix this.” “You all need to understand this was not an attack on the Foundation or members of the Foundation. I think what you all missed because you’re emotionally involved is the bylaws,” Watson said. “And that means getting this situation back to conforming with the bylaws. I think what we’re trying to do is wipe that slate clean and start over again.”

Fighting intensifies Later in the meeting, Gallimore said when he was first approached to be a member of the Foundation, the vision was to someday have a full-time fundraiser, with the Foundation’s role to help offset costs associated with hiring a full-time individual. “I love this community and this hospital, but to get a phone call on the day of your last meeting sir, out of the blue and am told that things weren’t being run properly, and yes I’ve had a 501(c) 3 before and was aware of the annual obligations of the board,” he said. “Then during that meeting you discuss the Foundation board’s failures. It’s never been brought to our attention until that phone call and letter.” Presilla again engaged Gallimore, saying the Board had made three requests for a listing of the Foundation’s members and officers, and hadn’t received a response. Gallimore responded, “I see how you feel now because we weren’t shared that information.” “I wish your chairperson was here,

because your chairperson may have something to do with all of this,” Presilla said. “Listening to the recording from the last meeting you said you know what the problem is. I’d like to find out what the problem is,” Gallimore said. “You really want to know what the problem is,” Presilla said. “I’ll tell you what the problem is. Dr. Nathan has been wanting to get rid of Vince Sica. That’s the problem, that’s the problem.” The response brought groans of disapproval from several in the room. When Gallimore tried to respond Presilla quipped, “Oh boy, I wish I was a publisher.” Gallimore was quick to counter. “Mr. Presilla, you’ve shown me in the past how you can be. You’re showing your position right now. I stand here boldly, firmly and committed,” he said. “We believe in what’s the process is in this hospital, we need to have someone going out and bringing in the money that’s desperately needed in this community, we know that. But to belittle others, that’s something you need to work on.” DMH Legal Counsel Connie Collins attempted to diffuse the situation by offering to work with both boards to review the Foundation’s bylaws and help bring Foundation members back in line with their bylaws. “Blaming and looking back at who the cause of the communication breakdown was doesn’t move us forward,” she said. Brandt then scolded Presilla for bringing up the topic of Nathan and Sica’s relationship, which caused Presilla to respond angrily. “He asked me (what the problem was),” Presilla said. “He can sit there and bellow all he wants and I’m just supposed to sit back and take it?” Collins responded, “Yes you do, it’s a public comment period, he’s allowed to talk.” DMH’s newest Board member, Robert Heine, said he was also unaware their was a relationship between the Hospital Board and the Foundation until the hospital’s auditors mentioned it in a recent report. “I’ve been here since July of last year and didn’t know anything about the Foundation Board until then,” he said. Bonnie Molloy, who’s been a member of the DMH Auxiliary and the Foundation for more than a decade, fought back tears as she described receiving the phone call from Sica. “For me to get a phone call two

hours before the day of your last board meeting was shocking,” she said. “I said ‘Vince, you’re kidding, right?’ You need to consider how you treat the people who work so hard for you and are your biggest cheerleaders in the community,” she said. Molloy then presented a board that listed every item the Foundation has purchased for the hospital, totaling approximately $200,000. After Molloy finished speaking, and said the Foundation had invited Presilla to its meetings but had never attended, he responded that he hadn’t been notified of any Foundation meetings taking place. “How am I supposed to know what you have been doing when I don’t know when the meetings are,” he said. After further discussion, Waters moved to remove any previous dates placed on the Foundation board’s expiring terms, and requested the Foundation present the Board with a new list of proposed officers and members. The Foundation is expected to present its list at the next DMH meeting April 25. Sica, who is president of the Foundation, was silent throughout the discussion, but was asked directed by Molloy near the end of the meeting to clarify that in the past he was responsible for reporting the Foundation’s actions to the hospital board. “I take some responsibility for not providing the information,” Sica responded. The Board then voted to approve Waters’ motion. DMH’s next regular board meeting is scheduled for April 25, although the Foundation is scheduled to meet April 18 at 5:30 p.m. with another meeting following at 6 p.m.

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Viewpoint DeSoto

The Sun / Thursday, April 7, 2016 Arcadian | Page 4

Derek Dunn-Rankin — Suncoast Media Group Chairman David Dunn-Rankin — Suncoast Media Group President Joe Gallimore — Arcadian Publisher Steve Bauer — Arcadian Editor E-mail letters to


Terror fight: Stay cool, calculated


ot again. Even on Easter, innocent people are slaughtered by terrorists. At least 72 people were killed and 300 wounded in the attack, aimed at Christians gathered for Easter at a park in the Pakistani city of Lahore. “The park was crowded with families, some celebrating Easter. Many victims are said to be women and children,” the BBC reported. “Police told the BBC it appeared to be a suicide bomb. A Pakistan Taliban faction said it carried out the attack.” Taliban Islamic extremists were the ruling government in neighboring Afghanistan that President George W. Bush overthrew when he invaded the country after the Sept. 11 attacks in 2001. The main intent of the invasion was to capture or kill 9/11 mastermind Osama bin Laden. Unfortunately, Bush expanded the mission to attempting to reform the whole country into a model democracy, something that still hasn’t happened, despite a U.S. military presence that continues in America’s longest war. Most Taliban also are members of the Pashtun tribe that inhabits large parts of both Afghanistan and Pakistan, facilitating cross-border trade, contraband and terrorist planning. “Pakistan Taliban splinter group Jamaat-ul-Ahrar told local and Western media it was behind the attack,” the BBC said. “We claim responsibility for the attack on Christians as they were celebrating Easter,” said Taliban spokesperson Ehansullah Ehsan, according to Pakistan’s Express Tribune. Also Sunday, two terrorist suspects were arrested in Mali in connection with a March 13 attack on a resort in neighboring Ivory Coast that killed at least 19 people. “One of the suspects was identified as the driver who brought the men to Ivory Coast,” reported the Associated Press. “Authorities identified the second man as his accomplice. Already three men from Mali have been detained in Ivory Coast.” The attacks in Ivory Coast and Pakistan demonstrate the worldwide scourge of terrorism, which this month also hit Brussels, Belgium. Paris was hit twice last year. And, of course, in December, terrorists killed 14 people and seriously wounded 22 in San Bernardino, Calif. That’s five major terrorist attacks across four continents. The problem of Islamic extremist terror obviously isn’t abating. What can be done? First, as we have warned since the 9/11 attack almost 15 years ago, it is a big mistake to “nation build,” even when such horrible regimes as the Taliban rule a country. Going

COOL | 13

LETTER TO THE EDITOR Say no to recreational vehicle campground Editor: Pristine wilderness of 138 acres in a quiet rural neighborhood — gone! Clear-cut entirely of all natural vegetation, destroying valuable wildlife habitat and paved over to allow 375 intrusive, metallic behemoths to roar in and out on noisy, smelly diesel engines during the precious winter months that local full-time, long-time residents value.

That is the disturbing, disruptive picture presented by — and casually approved for a suggested zoning change from agricultural and low density residential (A5) use to Recreational Vehicle Campground — by the DeSoto County Department of Health, Florida Department of Transportation and several other subordinate agencies to the DeSoto County Planning Commission. The Planning Commissioners hold the power to rject this radical, unnecessary change to the unique aesthetics

and atmosphere of this peaceful community in Fort Ogden. They are conducting three public hearings on this proposed zoning change in the Board of County Commissioners Meeting Room in the County Administration Building, 201 E. Oak St., Arcadia. May their good judgment and care for the future of our beautiful county guide their sensibilities to vote against such a mindless move.

Connie Harbeson Fort Ogden


Cruising the crowded campaign trail


unker down and get ready, DeSoto County, because the invasion of the political candidates is underway! Have you ever seen so many races in one year? We’ve got the sheriff, county commissioners, city council, school board, supervisor of elections, clerk of the court, property appraiser, tax collector and school superintendent — everything but the city marshal and dog catcher, it looks like. When you see the ballot, there’ll be so many familiar names that it’ll look like a who’s-who (or maybe a who wants to be who) list! Does the opening of this song’s chorus sound familiar? “Signs, signs, everywhere signs. ...” I predict that there’ll be so many political advertisement signs put up soon that it’ll be hard to see where you’re going when driving. Whoever’s making them will be making some good money, along with those who make

Grits & Pieces Luke Wilson

T-shirts, caps, foam drink coolies, ink pens, bumper stickers, pamphlets, hand-held fans and business cards. I see Nocatee finally has a billboard — whose smiling face will be adorning it first? That’s all part of the game, though. If you want votes, you need recognition. It’s not all about shoveling a lot of baloney in every direction, smooching babies, knocking on doors and showing up at everything from social events to the funerals of strangers. You gotta get your face out there, shake some

hands, explain what you’re about and answer a lot of questions. It is said that the only party that knows how to run our country is the one that’s currently not in office. That can sometimes be said about local offices as well, because every candidate believes they can do a better job than who was elected for it last time. Truth is, nobody can please everybody at the same time, nor should they be expected to do so. Social media can be a boon or a bane for those seeking office. One one hand, they can reach countless “Facebookers” with their ideas, personal info and photos of them looking community-minded and stoic. And on the other, they can be drawn and quartered on public group pages. I would imagine reading them as a candidate would be like being in the audience


LETTER SUBMISSION POLICY Letters are welcome on virtually any subject, but we do have some rules. Please keep them to less than 250 words. Letters will be edited to length as well as grammar and spelling. All letters must be signed with full name - not initials. An address and telephone number must be included; they are not for publication, but must be provided so we may verify authorship if necessary. Due to the number of letters received, we reserve the right to run only one letter per person per month. The Letters to the Editor section is intended as a public forum for community discourse and the opinions and statements made in letters are solely those of the individual writers. The Arcadian takes no responsibility for the content of these letters. Please send or bring correspondence to the Arcadian, 108 S. Polk Ave., Arcadia FL 34266, or fax to 863-494-3533. Readers with access to the internet may e-mail Letters to the Editor at

The Sun / Thursday, April 7, 2016 Page 5 | Arcadian

Election results and preview With the general election approaching in November, as well as local primaries in August, this year will have plenty to satisfy a hungry voter’s belly. The combination of well-seasoned and polarizing candidates on the national level offers a captivating forum for citizens to listen in and vote accordingly. Additionally, with a number of local offices up for re-election, DeSoto County voters will have a multitude of decisions to make this year. DeSoto County Supervisor of Elections Mark Negley said this election cycle will be an “interesting year.” “There’s a lot of interest in the Republican field this year and that has brought some people out,” he said. Negley, who has been the Supervisor of Elections for 16 years, said the turnout for a presidential preference primary increased from 31 percent in 2008 to 32 percent in 2012, and 2016 saw a four percent increase to 36 percent. A total of 52 percent of registered Republicans voted in the recent primary, compared to 26.8 percent of registered Democrats. Donald Trump won DeSoto County with 58.24 percent of the Republican votes, with the next majority of

votes going to Ted Cruz and Marco Rubio with 18.22 percent and 17.09 percent respectively. On the Democrat side, Hilary Clinton edged out Bernie Sanders by a slimmer margin with 52.56 percent versus Sanders’ 38.66 percent. In DeSoto County, there are currently 7,071 registered Democrats, 4,849 Republicans and 3,206 classified as “other. Negley notes there were a portion of those registered voters who came out on the final day of book closing, the deadline for voters to make changes to their registered party affiliation (a 29-day span), to switch from the Democratic party to Republican, including 188 on the last day. “We had a great number of people change parties prior,” Negley said of the number. He noted some of these party switches are temporary and he has already had requests to switch them back to the Democratic party after the presidential primaries ended. “A lot of people since the primary

GRITS & PIECES FROM PAGE 4 for your own autopsy at times, and just about as painful to witness. The reality is that nobody has all the answers to all the questions, nor the solutions to all the problems. If you can see past your own personal expectations of those running for office and accept what’s available to fix what needs fixing, that will go a long way towards galvanizing our community, instead of polarizing it. Nobody in office is beholden to you as an individual — their loyalty is first to the community as a whole. Speaking of nobody: No one will be completely happy with the election results because there are so many positions open and there are so many candidates after them. And when the chips have all fallen, the votes have been cast and the smoke clears, we’ll still have the same little community with the same people in it that will see each other regularly

have changed back to Democrats because there are more choices during local elections,” he explained, adding the large majority of local candidates are Democrats. He attributes the back-and-forth shift in registrations upcoming primary elections on Aug. 30, when individuals must vote with their registered party affiliation. Negley expects a good election this year with a decent turnout. “I think the August primary will be good,” he said. “There are lot of local races, and a lot of interest in the constitutional offices.” The list of upcoming vacancies in DeSoto County include Board of County Commissioners (districts one, three and five); School Board districts (two and four—non-partisan); Clerk of Court; Property Appraiser; Sheriff; Supervisor of Elections; Superintendent; City Council; and Tax Collector. “There is no reason why someone shouldn’t vote,” Negley said, adding that in Florida there are 14 straight days of early voting, along with absentee ballot voting and of course voting in person on election day. With such a large number of important offices up for election, Negley’s hope is that many decide their vote matters in both local and general elections, when smallest voice can make the biggest impact.

around town shopping, at ball games and driving our roads, where we’ll wave at each other as we pass. That’s what rural Americans do. We carry on. Win or lose, we’re all still here when it’s over. Whoever gets elected should do their very best for all. We may have our differences in opinion on many things, but that’s part of it, too. Suggestions with solutions go a lot farther than lambasting, so let’s all give that a try first. There are good qualities in all the candidates, but unfortunately we can’t combine them all into one person. So vote your conscience — support your candidate and ultimately, your community. Some carry on as if where we live is a sinking boat, but if they’d get busy bailing instead of browbeating, we’d all stay afloat and would function as a working team. As Walt Kelly’s famous cartoon strip possum character Pogo once said, “We have met the enemy, and he is us.” DeSoto County deserves the best from its office holders, as well as its denizens. And that’s all of us.


BOX OFFICE 813 494-9644 APRIL 16, 2016







“GENESIS CENTER” SATURDAY 7PM - APRIL 16, 2016 218 E. Bellvue St., Lake Placid Feauring:







$25.00 $18.50 $28.00





Arcadian | Page 6

• DeSoto County Library story time is at 3 p.m. at 125 N. Hillsborough Ave., Arcadia. Call 993-4851 for more information. • Faith Mission provides free lunches for anyone in need, 11 a.m.-12:30 p.m. 1109 S.E. 9th St., Arcadia. Donations gratefully accepted. • Alcoholics Anonymous Second Tradition meets at 7 p.m. at St. Edmund’s Episcopal Church, 327 W. Hickory St. • Prescription Assistance is at the DeSoto County Health Department Clinic Location: 1031 E. Oak St., Arcadia. Call to make an appointment or for more information, call 491-7580 ext. 256.

The Sun / Thursday, April 7, 2016

• Faith Mission provides free lunches for anyone in need, 11 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. 1109 S.E. 9th St., Arcadia. Donations gratefully accepted.


• The fourth annual CCA Peace River kid’s fishing clinic is being held at Lake Katherine from 10 a.m.-2 p.m. All anglers will receive a rod and reel combo provided by Fish Florida. For more information, call Adam Miller at 941-270-0895. • Relay for Life of Desoto will be held from 2 NOTE: All phone numbers are in Area Code 863 p.m.-10 p.m. We are in the planning stages and unless stated otherwise. really want your positive and constructive feedback to make sure this year’s event is even more TODAY FRIDAY successful than last year’s event. Our idea of success • The DeSoto Arts and Humanities Council Board • The Photography Group of DeSoto Arts and is seeing this event becoming the community event of directors meets on the first Thursday of the Humanities Council meets the second Friday of each that it used to be in DeSoto County. month at 5:30 p.m., at The Arcadian, 108 S. Polk. month 3:30 – 5 p.m. at the DeSoto Public Library. • St. Paul’s Knights of Columbus will hold • Chamber of Commerce Early Bird Breakfast is Free and open to the public. For more information a spaghetti dinner fundraiser from 5 p.m. to at 8 a.m. the first Thursday monthly. Each month’s email . 7:30 p.m., at the parish hall. Proceeds from this location will be announced. • Peace River Civil War Round Table meets at 1:30 fundraiser will go to support the Knights’ various • DeSoto County Historical Society Research p.m. second Fridays monthly at the Emerald Pointe charitable causes. For additional information, Library is open in the Ingraham Seed House, 120 clubhouse, 25188 E. Marion Ave., Punta Gorda. contact Agustin Albiter at 941-232-8132 or Richard W. Whidden Street: 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. on Thursdays (except for the second Thursday of the month), and Lunch available. For more information, call 941-575- Jordon at 863-444-0082. 4269 or 941-639-0782. • The Orchid Society of Highlands County presents second and fourth Saturdays, and by appointment. • The All Faiths Food Bank distributes free food its 10th annual Orchid Show April 9-10 at the Bert • The John Morgan Ingraham House museum, 300 6-10 a.m. Monday through Friday at the Center for J. Harris Jr. Ag Center, 4509 George Blvd., Sebring. N. Monroe Ave., is open from 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. on The event features orchid displays, supplies, orchid Thursdays, except the second Thursday, and second the Needy, 161 S. Orange St. • Arcadia Quilt Club meets from 9-11:30 a.m. vendors, door prizes, raffles and peoples choice and fourth Saturdays,. Fridays at the Palace Dance Hall, 1627 N.E. Floridian awards. Admission is $3, with children under • The All Faiths Food Bank distributes free food9 Circle, Arcadia. 12 free. For more information call 414-3381 or a.m. to noon every Thursday at Trinity United • Friendship Center, 219 W. Oak St. Low impact 699-1575 Methodist Church, 304 W. Oak St. exercises from 9:30-10 a.m.followed by Bingo from • Women in Fellowship Ministry meets every • Kiwanis meets at 6 p.m. Thursday at Beef 10-11 a.m. Lunch available with a 48-hr. advance second Saturday of the month at 10 a.m. at Greater O’Brady’s. notice; call 494-5965. Mt. Zion AME Church, 256 S. Orange Ave. Be •Friendship Center, 219 W. Oak St. for crafts, • iPads and eBooks - Instruction and assistance uplifted, motivated and inspired by God. Free and 9:30-11 a.m. Lunch available with a 48-hr. advance with questions about using your digital devices at 3 open to the public. Light brunch is served. notice; call 494-5965. p.m. every Friday at the DeSoto Public Library. • The John Morgan Ingraham House museum, 300 • The All Faiths Food Bank distributes free food • Walk & Talk: gentle exercise and conversation at N. Monroe Ave., is open from 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. on 6-10 a.m. Monday through Friday at the Center for 8 a.m. every Friday at the DeSoto Public Library. the second Saturday of the month. the Needy, 161 S. Orange St. • Alcoholics Anonymous Hispanic meets at 7 p.m. • DeSoto County Historical Society Research • Relaxation Yoga Class every Thursday, 5 p.m. Library is open in the Ingraham Seed House, 120 W. Sign-in 4:50 p.m. Enjoy an hour of serenity focused at 426 N. Brevard Ave., next to El Charro Rest. • Alcoholics Anonymous Second Tradition meets at Whidden Street, 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. on the second and on breathing, gentle yoga poses, peaceful stretching 8 p.m. at Grace Lutheran Church, 900 W. Oak St. fourth Saturdays of the month, and by appointment. and quiet relaxation. Held in the Health Dept. • Square Dancing classes are held at the Palace • DeSoto County Library children’s movies are conference room, 34 S. Baldwin Ave. Drop-in $7/ offered at 10:30 a.m. at 125 N. Hillsborough Ave. class, 8-class package $40 ($5 per class). Bring your Square Dance Hall, 1627 N.E. Floridian Circle, from 7-9 p.m. every Friday. Robert at 813-601-1834 or every Saturday. Children must be accompanied by own mat. For more information, call Christine at Mary at 941-380-5336 494-2749 for information. an adult. Call 993-4851 for more information. 244-1925. • The Palace Promenaders meet for square and round dance from 7-9 p.m. every Saturday at the Palace Square Dance Hall, 1627 N.E. Floridian Circle. Art Miller, caller, and Jennie Martin, cueing. Call Jennie at 494-2749 or Mary at 941-380-5336 for CITY COUNCIL MEETING information.




• The Orchid Society of Highlands County presents its 10th annual Orchid Show April 9-10 at the Bert J. Harris Jr. Ag Center, 4509 George Blvd., Sebring. The event features orchid displays, supplies, orchid vendors, door prizes, raffles and peoples choice awards. Admission is $3, with children under 12 free. For more information call 414-3381 or 699-1575. • The public is invited to attend the Installation Service of St. John Missionary Baptist Church Pastor Rev. Dr. Michael Rue. The church is located at 208 Gordon St. in Arcadia. • Volunteers needed for the Friendship Center open Monday through Friday, 9 .am. – 4 p.m. Call 494-5965 if you have 4 hrs/week to share. Positions available for receptionists (morning or afternoon), help serving meals, help with activities, special talents, and more. • Alcoholics Anonymous Serenity Group meets at Grace Lutheran Church, 900 W. Oak St. (State Road 70) at 8 p.m. Sunday. • Hispanic Alcoholics Anonymous meets at 7 p.m. Sunday at 426 Brevard Ave. next to El Charro Restaurant.




• The DeSoto County Special Olympics committee meets at 3 p.m. on the second Monday every month at The Last Chapter Coffee Shop on W. Oak St. The meeting is open to anyone who is interested in coaching or working with adults or youth in sports. For more information, call Joyce at 873-8219 or 494-3440. • DeSoto County Veterans Honor Guard practices at 6 p.m. second Monday monthly at the American Legion Post. • The American Legion Post K-11 meets at 7 p.m. on the second Monday, 2124 N.W. American Legion Drive. For more information, call Roger Bumgarner at 993-0129. • The Amvets Ladies Auxiliary meets at 7 p.m. on the second Monday each month. • The American Merchant Marines Veterans, Robert J. MacAlvanah Chapter (Suncoast Chapter),


• Star Road in Orlando. Pre-register on-line at Last year students who attended this event met with several college admission representatives and organizations which awarded more than $8.9 million in full and partial scholarships. Students should bring: multiple copies of transcripts, their ACT or SAT scores; letters of recommendation, a resume; and an essay on “Why I want to attend college.” Sponsored by Infinite Scholars Program serving more than 100,000 students with more than $1 billion in scholarships and financial aid. • DeSoto Arts and Humanities Council is selling 2016 wall calendars featuring original paintings of DeSoto County landmarks and scenery. Only $5 each. Available at The Arcadian, Glass Antique or Not, Not Just Frames, Peddler’s Boutique and Stuff with a Past, or email or call 863-703-0373. • A new Lions Club is forming! Arcadia once had a strong Lions Club, and the goal is to once again have a local chapter. For details, call Brandy Newman at 941-539-0742 or visit www. • The Nav-A-Gator Grill & Marina is offering a Summer Special on their Boat Slips. Dock slips include water and electric conveniently located near the slips. Prices start as low as $8 per foot and we can take up to 30-foot boats. Boat trailers are also able to stay here at no additional charge. Take advantage of this special – sign a one-year contract and receive one month free. Call 941-627-3474 for more information. • The Center for the Needy is desperately in need of essential supplies such as clothing, food, personal hygiene goods, household items, and cash donations. Call 444-0499 for information or pickup. • Veterans — For free transportation to VA clinics, call 993-9670 for an appointment. • Faith Mission provides free lunches for anyone in need, a 1109 S.E. 9th St., Arcadia. They are in need of cash donations to help pay for utility bills and other expenses. • Community Resource Center at the Friendship Center, 219 W. Oak. Large selection of information on resources available to DeSoto residents. Open Mon.-Thu., 9 a.m.-4 p.m., and 9 a.m.-1 pm. Fri.

meets at noon every second Monday at The Family Table Restaurant, 14132 S. Tamiami Trail, North Port. All Merchant Mariners and their spouses are welcome. For information, call 941-625-3234.


• DeSoto County Commission Board meets at 9 a.m. at the County Administration building, Room 103, 201 E. Oak St., Arcadia. • DeSoto County School Board meets at 5:30 p.m. at the School Board meeting room of the DeSoto County School District, 530 La Solona Ave., Arcadia. • The Safe Mobility for Life Coalition will conduct a presentation at the Senior Friendship Centers of Desoto County at 10 a.m. The SMFL Coalition, with FDOT, are working to positively impact a reduction in these rates by sharing research based tools to understand the impact of aging on driving, learn how to stay proactive about mobility, and plan for a safe transition from driving. Presenter will be Katie Arnold, from the Pepper Institute on Aging and Public Policy, at Florida State University. Arnold is the Community Champion Coordinator for the Safe Mobility for Life Coalition. Information will also be available for local transportation alternatives for seniors. Seating is limited so reserve your spot by calling 494-5965. • The All Faiths Food Bank distributes free food 6-10 a.m. Monday through Friday at the Center for the Needy, 161 S. Orange St. • Rotary Club of Arcadia meets at noon every Tuesday in the McSwain Room at DeSoto Memorial Hospital. • The All Faiths Food Bank distributes free food 9 a.m. to noon every Tuesday at Trinity United Methodist Church, 304 W. Oak St. • Freedom Fellowship Christian Ministries Support Group meets at 7 p.m. Tuesday at 1528 N.E. Turner Ave. • Friendship Center, 219 W. Oak St. Join us for Movie of the Week, 9:30-11:30 a.m. Lunch available with a 48-hr. advance notice; call 494-5965. • Every Tuesday night, line dance class at the Palace Dance Hall (17N). Beginners welcome. $3 donation. For more info, call Jennie Martin at 494-2749.


The Sun / Thursday, April 7, 2016 Page 7 | Arcadian

Family Album

Happy anniversary


George and Lois Wight will celebrate their 68th anniversary on April 10. Happy anniversary!

FAMILY ALBUM PHOTOS Send us a photo to celebrate a birth, birthday, engagement, wedding, anniversary, etc. The Arcadian will run it free. We must have it no later than noon on Monday. Bring your photo to the office or e-mail to

that’s so desoto

The Arcadian is asking those in the DeSoto community to submit a recent photo for our new section, That’s so DeSoto. Whether it’s a grazing cow, sunset, the animal caught in the best wrong place, or action we just shouldn’t miss, any subject is welcome. Please send your photo along with a brief explanation of where the picture was taken and how you came across the snapshot. Please also include your name, and you may see it and your picture in the following week’s edition. Email your photos to Courtney at

Sons of Amvets do it big SUBMITTED BY JACKIE TUCKER For the past 12 years, the Sons of Amvets Squadron 60 has hosted barbecue lunches on the first Saturday of every month. The lunch includes a selection of chicken or ribs, beans and coleslaw. These men volunteer and spend many hours preparing the food before guests arrive. They serve the lunch from 11 a.m. to 3 p.m. at the Post, located at 2846 S.W. Highway 17. For an extra treat, the Amvets Ladies’ Auxillary also has a bake sale. The Sons hold this monthly event


Several members of the Sons of Amvets pose for the camera. From left: Robert Willis (Commander), Conrad Tompkins, Albert Pierce, Larry Kirsch, Robert Higgins, Paul Kirsch and Doug Dancer. A special thanks to these terrific men. to raise funds for charities and the community. Some examples include helping the Post and all veterans, the Cub Scouts, Five Star Youth,

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Arcadian | Page 8

The Sun / Thursday, April 7, 2016

Man accused of snatching wallet The Arcadian Police Department reported the arrest of Nytavis Dejuan Brown, 18, of Arcadia, on charges of robbery by sudden snatching without firearm or weapon. The arrest comes after an APD officer made contact with the victim, who reported Brown snatched his wallet from him in the area of 600 block of Hickory Street on BROWN April 3. According to the arrest report, the victim said Brown approached him while he was trying to get change from the change machine at a car wash. Brown reportedly said, “Excuse me Sir,” and when the victim turned around, Brown allegedly had snatched the wallet and took off running. The victim said he tried to chase Brown, but then a white, four-door vehicle picked Brown up and drove away. The victim was given a ride by a family member and drove in the white vehicle’s direction, attempting to follow Brown’s path. The victim said he had a total of $600$630 in his wallet, his driver’s license, a personal debit card, and a business debit card. After, the white vehicle was involved in a crash in the area of Airport Road and Hargrave Street, the driver of the white vehicle was contacted and reportedly said Brown claimed he would pay him $5 for a ride. When an APD officer made contact with Brown at DeSoto Memorial hospital, he allegedly did not want to speak about the incident. Brown was arrested on April 3, and transported to the DeSoto County Jail where he is being held on a $25,000 bond.

Report: Man arrested on kidnap charge




The Arcadia Police Department reported the arrest of Silvestre Arnulfo Manriquez Jr., 19, of Arcadia after he allegedly tried to falsely imprison a woman at the DeSoto Connections School. According the report, the victim said she tried to avoid Manriquez that morning, and he kept trying to talk to her while MANRIQUEZ she was doing her school work, and she walked away to another classroom. Manriquez allegedly followed her and pushed her into the bathroom, refusing to allow her to leave. When the victim attempted to get up, Manriquez reportedly pushed her down to make her sit on the toilet, and she fell on the floor. A teacher heard her cry out after Manriquez squeezed her hands.

• Joshua Montoya Adkins, 26, 1100 block of S.W. Rainbow Ave., Arcadia. Charge: robbery by sudden snatching without firearm or weapon. Bond: $1,500. • Brian The information for Police Beat is gathered from police, sheriff’s office, Florida Highway Patrol, jail and fire records. Not every arrest Daniel Parris, 27, 1400 block of Harlem Circle, Arcadia. Charge: DUI with alcohol or drugs. Bond: $500. leads to a conviction and guilt or innocence is determined by the • Marnie Rae Quave, 33, 5900 block of S.E. County court system. Road 763, Arcadia. Charges; battery by person detained in The report said when the APD arrived, prison or jail facility, possession or use of drug equipment, an officer made contact with Manriquez, and possession of less than 20 grams of marijuana. Bond: who admitted to pushing the victim $1,740. down. Manriquez was arrested on the • Dawayne Shykeen Hearns, 20, 1400 block of E. Gibson charges of kidnapping by false imprisSt., Arcadia. Charges: robbery without firearm, and grand onment and felony battery. He was theft between $300-$5,000. Bond: $26,000. transported to the DeSoto County Jail on • Kevin Alexander Arismendi, 56, Bradenton. Charge: March 30. He was released on a $4,000 violation of probation. Bond: released on recognizance. bond later that day. On March 31, he was • Larry Lynn Harrelson, 44, Gibson Road, Arcadia. arrested for violation of probation, and Charge: violation of probation. Bond: none. he is being held at the jail without bond. • Travor Lynn Henson, 45, Bradenton. Charge: failure to appear. Bond: none. The DeSoto County Sheriff’s Office reported the • Jay Jesus Terrazas Jr., 23, 5300 block of N.E. Cubitis following arrests: Ave., Arcadia. Charge: battery. Bond: none. • Kyle Lamar Chaney, 27, 5600 S.W. Highway 17, • Timonthy John McGuire, 47, 300 block of N. Volusia Arcadia. Charge: out-of-county warrant. Purge: $365. • Demetrius Dontay Godwin, 26, 1400 block of E. Gibson Ave., Arcadia. Charge: out-of-county warrant. Bond: none. • Antoine Dametric Mincey, 34, Port Charlotte. Charges: St., Arcadia. Charge: out-of-county warrant. Bond: none. possession or use of drug equipment, and possession of • Michael Warren Mitchell, 39, Lake Placid. Charges: less than 20 grams of marijuana. Bond: $240. resisting an officer with active siren lights, and driving while license is suspended. Bond: $2,120. The Charlotte County Sheriff’s Office reported the • Thomas Lee Hancock, 24, Santa Rosa, Fla. Charge: following arrests: battery on an officer, firefighter, or EMT. Bond: $2,000. • Pedro Segura-Camacho, 42, 2200 block of S.E. Airport • Kenneth James Myers, 25, North Port. Charges: two Road, Arcadia. Charge: driving without a valid license. counts of possession of a controlled substance without a Bond: $1,000. prescription, and possession or use of drug equipment. • Danielle Frances Humphrey, 43, 11200 block of S.W. Bond: $2,120. Cedar Ave., Arcadia. Charges: violation of probation, petty • Antonio Efrain Nicolas, 24, Jasper, Fla. Charges: two counts of interfering with custody of minor. Bond: $2,000. theft, and resisting a law enforcement officer or merchant during retail theft. Bond: $12,000. • David Anthony West, 33, 3800 block of Pineapple St., • Stephanie Michelle Diaz-Sharp, 19, 500 block of N. Arcadia. Charge: violation of probation. Bond: none. 10th Ave., Arcadia. Charges: possession of alcohol by • Woodrow Wilson Noyes, 37, Punta Gorda. Charge: person under 21 years old, and possession of less than 20 out-of-county warrant. Bond: none. grams of marijuana. Bond: none. • Marco Peter Mastropolo, 51, Fort Myers. Charge: DUI • Alonzo Martinez Barron, 24, 4700 block of S.E. Apache with alcohol or drugs. Bond: $500. • Lewis Jackson Buchanan, 50, 2800 block of N.W. Haile Drive, Arcadia. Charges: tampering with evidence, possession of a controlled substance without a prescription, Dean, Arcadia. Charge: domestic assault. Bond: $120. possession of less than 20 grams of marijuana, possession • Marcus Alexander Clark, 30, 700 block of W. Pine St., or use of drug equipment, and driving while license is Arcadia. Charge: out-of-county warrant. Bond: $10,000. suspended or revoked. Bond: $11,000. • Brett Michael Johnston, 21, 700 block of North 17th • Timothy John McGuire, 47, 300 block of Volusia Ave., Ave., Arcadia. Charge: child neglect without great harm. Arcadia. Charge: violation of probation or community Bond: $20,000. control. Bond: none. • Natalie Nicole Worley, 22, 700 block of N. 17th Ave., —Compiled by Courtney Clayton Arcadia. Charge: child neglect without great harm. Bond: $20,000. • Tybreel Lavonte Bentley II, 18, 300 block of N. 13th Ave., Arcadia. Charge: possession of weapon or ammunition by a convicted felon. Bond: $5,000. U.S. 17 from C.R. 760A to Heard • Rachel Lynn Perrusquia, 45, 1600 block of Turner St., Street and within the City of Arcadia Arcadia. Charge: petty theft. Bond: $120. — Crews are expanding U.S. 17 to four • Lorraine Phillips, 59, 400 block of W. Imogene St., lanes. Work is underway for two new Charge: unarmed burglary of occupied dwelling, and grand travel lanes to the east of existing U.S. theft of dwelling between $100-$300. Bond: $8,500. 17 travel lanes and includes utility activ• Beronica Luisa Ramos, 25, 2500 block of S.W. Lois Ave., ities, installation of drainage and fill Charge: aggravated battery. Bond: $2,000. soils, and new roadway construction. In • Rolando Dominguez, 33, 1600 block of N.E. Turner Nocatee, the contractor plans on a sinAve., Arcadia. Charge: driving while license is suspended. gle lane flagging operation to cross C.R. Bond: $120. 760 with a new water line. In Arcadia, • Joaquin Solis Lopez, 24, 1300 block of S.E. 1st Ave., SW Hibiscus Dr. will be closed for about Arcadia. Charge: driving without a valid license. Bond: three weeks starting on March 23. The $120. detour route will be S.W. Palm Dr. to • Tia Shannah Thompson, 37, Bradenton. Charge: retail S.E. Hillsborough Ave. Northbound theft more than $300, second or subsequent offense. Bond: and southbound U.S. 17 traffic have $500. switched to the new portion of U.S. 17 from south of CR 760A/McCaskill St. to north of C.R. 760/Welles Ave. Traffic remains on the existing lanes of US 17 north of Joshua Creek. Motorists should continue to observe the posted speed limits. Work vehicles are entering and exiting the roadway during the week. Please use caution and plan additional travel time. Expected project completion is in the summer of 2017. The contractor is Prince Contracting.


ARIES—Mar 21/Apr 20 Aries, you are ready to get moving and have a lot of momentum behind you. This is an ideal time to reach your goals. Don’t let your confidence waver. TAURUS—Apr 21/May 21 Taurus, this week it is better to trust your heart instead of your head. Sometimes you have to let your emotions guide your actions, and your gut could be telling you something. GEMINI—May 22/Jun 21 Gemini, you have good news to share and you are eager to reconnect with some friends or coworkers. Just complete prior commitments before you begin making plans to socialize. CANCER—Jun 22/Jul 22 Cancer, things in your life seem to be growing more challenging by the day. Make a list and tackle things as they come up so you don’t start to feel overwhelmed. LEO—Jul 23/Aug 23 A few possibilities intrigue you, Leo, but you don’t yet know just where you are going to direct your creative energy. Think it through a little longer. VIRGO—Aug 24/Sept 22 Virgo, you may feel like you can ignore your responsibilities this week, but you cannot. Although you have plenty of free time coming up, you have lots to do before then. LIBRA—Sept 23/Oct 23 Libra, someone close to you isn’t on board with your point of view. You can’t please everyone all of the time. Stay the course if you feel it is right. SCORPIO—Oct 24/Nov 22 Scorpio, something is on your mind you need to share your feelings. Resist the urge to hold your tongue. Honesty is the best policy in your book. SAGITTARIUS—Nov 23/Dec 21 Sagittarius, you are having a lot of fun now that you made it through a rather extensive to-do list. You can finally rest and breathe a little easier. Make some time for yourself. CAPRICORN—Dec 22/Jan 20 Capricorn, a busy schedule is proving problematic because so many people are demanding some face time and you want to help them all. However, you will have to pick and choose. AQUARIUS—Jan 21/Feb 18 Your amicable nature and willingness to let go of your own personal agenda makes it relatively easy for you to interact with a lot of people this week, Aquarius. PISCES—Feb 19/Mar 20 Pisces, think of ways to increase your income this week. Explore all of your options, even if they mean going out of your comfort zone. FAMOUS BIRTHDAY April 3: Eddie Murphy, Comic Actor (55) April 4: Robert Downey, Jr., Actor (51) April 5: Pharrell Williams, Singer (42) April 6: Candace Cameron Bure, Actress (40) April 7: Jackie Chan, Actor (62) April 8: Robin Wright, Actress (50) April 9: Leighton Meester, Actress (30)

The Sun / Thursday, April 7, 2016 Page 9 | Arcadian

| OBITUARIES Martha Sylvia Rothluebber Martha Sylvia Rothluebber, 75, of Port Charlotte, Fla., passed away Monday, March 28, 2016. She was born May 22, 1940, in Newport, N.H., and moved to Arcadia, Fla. 29 years ago. Martha was retired from G. Pearce Wood Memorial Hospital, where she had worked as a legal secretary. She dearly loved spending quality time with her grandchildren and great-grandchildren. She enjoyed doing crossword puzzles and watching her television programs. Survivors are her son, Michael (Victoria) Rothluebber of Arcadia; two daughters, Tiffany (John) Burnsed of Arcadia and Dawn Wright of Boscawen, N.H.; seven grandchildren, Joanna Rothluebber, Amanda (Gabriel) Burnsed, Kenneth (Brittney) Burnsed, Melissa Wright, Joshua Wright, Michael Rothluebber and Taylor Rothluebber; and eight great-grandchildren, Marah, Emily, Nicolas, Reyna, Ambyr, Bryce, Austin and Aria. Martha was preceded in death by her beloved husband, William Anton Rothluebber in 1989; and her parents, Urho and Aili Kivisto Visitation was conducted on April 1, 2016, at the chapel of PongerKays-Grady Funeral Home, 50 N. Hillsborough Ave., Arcadia. Funeral services and burial followed on April 4, 2016, at Florida National Cemetery, Bushnell, Fla., with the Rev. Ted Stanton officiating. Online condolences may be made at Arrangements were by Ponger-KaysGrady Funeral Home and Cremation Services, Arcadia.

Ivan E. Martin Ivan E. Martin, 84, of Arcadia, Fla., formerly of Athens, Ohio, passed away Tuesday, March 22, 2016, at his residence. He was born Jan. 22, 1932, in Jackson, Ohio, to William G. and Flora E. (nee Montgomery) Martin. Ivan was a retired line department supervisor with Columbus Southern Power (AEP) with 33 years of service, and was an active member of First

Baptist Church of Fort Ogden, Fla. He was also a member of Athens, Ohio BPOE Lodge 973, Constitution Lodge 426 F & AM, A.A.S.R., and Athens County Shrine Club. Ivan is survived by his wife of 40 years, Gaye Martin; son, Chris Martin, Columbus, Ohio; daughter, Deborah (Mark) Martin Swart, Arcadia; stepson, Jeff (JoAnn) Seaman, Pickerington, Ohio; stepdaughter, Michele (Roger) McKibben, Lebanon, Ohio; grandchildren, Meredith Swart, St. Joseph, Mich., Brandy Martin, Grove City, Ohio, Chrissy Martin, Columbus, Andrew McKibben, Chicago, Ill., Adam McKibben, Bend, Ore., and Aaron McKibben, Lebanon; great-grandchildren, Hannah Leahy, Jack Foster, and Haylie McDaniel; sisters, Marie (Marvin) Brady, Westerville, Ohio, and Lenna Beaty, Huber Heights, Ohio; nieces; nephews; and cousins. He was preceded in death by his sister, Alice (Bob) Harness; brother, Clarence Martin; and brother-in-law, Bill Beaty. A memorial service will be held today, at 11 a.m. at First Baptist Church of Ft. Ogden, 9500 S.W. Hull Ave., Ft. Ogden, with Pastor Wayne Earnest officiating. A funeral service was held in Ohio with burial at Athens Memory Gardens. Friends who wish, may contribute to the building fund of First Baptist Church of Ft. Ogden, P.O. Box 157, Ft. Ogden, FL 34267 or Tidewell Hospice, 5955 Rand Blvd., Sarasota, FL 34238 in Ivan’s memory. Online condolences may be made at

Abel Carrera Ramirez Abel Carrera Ramirez, 48, of Arcadia, Fla., passed away Monday, April 4, 2016, in Arcadia. Ponger-Kays-Grady Funeral Homes have been entrusted with the arrangements.

Sarafino Theodore Saraf Sr. Sarafino Theodore Saraf Sr., of New York, passed away Saturday, April 2, 2016, in Arcadia, Fla. Arrangements are by Charlotte Memorial Funeral Home and Cemetery.

OBITUARY POLICY Obituaries are accepted from funeral homes only. There’s no charge for publishing an abbreviated death notice. Full obituaries and repeat death notices will be subject to an advertising charge. Obituaries must be submitted to the Charlotte Sun; call 941-206-1000 for details. Please send e-mails to The American flag accompanying and obituary indicates a veteran of the U.S. Armed Forces.

DeSoto Church Directory ... And Make Your Choice from our Church Directory

ommunity Celebrative Worship Challenging Bible Study Connection With People

Special Music by Luellen Clay Sunday, Sunday School/Life Groups April 10 at 2pm 9:30 AM - 10:30 AM Family Contemporary Worship 10:45 AM - Noon


Loving God, Connecting with People, Expanding His Kingdom

Fort Ogden United Methodist Church 6923 SW River St.



(863) 558-0982

209 West Hickory Street 494-4434

See Your Grace Lutheran Church in this Church 1004 W. Oak Street

Rev. Mark Steinke

Sunday Worship 10:00AM Interim Pastor Nursery & Children’s Adult Sunday School Church Provided 8:45 AM Monday AA & Sunday Worship 10:00 AM AL Anon 7:30PM Wednesday Bible Studay All Welcome! 11AM-6PM

Kings Way Baptist Church Where the Book and the Blood are Believed and Taught.

6200 N.E. Cubitis Ave.

(941) 915-1961 Sunday School - 10:00 am Sunday Morning - 11:00am KJV 1611 Rev. 20:15 - And whosoever was not found written in the book of life was cast into the lake of fire.

Pastor Ellis Cross


Pastor Tommy Simmons

Rev. Bill Teng Sunday School 9:30am 9:30 - Sunday School Morning Worship 10:30am Mission: 10:45 - Morning Worship Evening Worship 6:00pm “Take Jesus with you 6:00 - Evening Worship Wednesday Prayer Mtg. wherever you go” Wednesdays 6:00 6:00pm AWANA & YOUTH Worship: Where the 9:45am Sunday School Bible is preached 863-494-3622 11:00am Traditional Worship & Christ is King! Casual, Family Oriented

(253 N. Hillsborough Ave.)

Find it in the

8 miles W of Peace River on Hwy 70 W

FIRST First Christian First Baptist PRESBYTERIAN Church Church of Arcadia CHURCH 34 El Verano Ave. 1006 N. Brevard Ave.

North Hillsborough Baptist Church


4836 N.W. Florida Ave.

Sunday School 9:30am Morning Service 11:00am Pastor Jerry Alexander Jr. 100 South Orange Avenue Arcadia, Florida 34266 863-993-4212


only $10.00 weekly

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327 W. Hickory St. (70 W at Manatee)


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2865 SW CR 661 ARCADIA, FL 34266 863-993-5568


5104 NW Oak Hill Ave.


Pastor Dr. Howell Upchurch

Sunday School 9:30 am

Youth & Children

Episcopal Church

Call Tami at

See your Church in this spot for

Worship 11:00 AM Sunday Worship 10:45 am and 6:00 pm Evening Worship 6:00pm Wednesday 6:30 pm Wednesday 6:30pm for Prayer Group, Thursday Youth Group 6pm

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“To know Christ and to make Him known” 304 W. Oak Street • 494-2543

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only $10.00 weekly

Contact Tami

494-2434 for more information

May the Lord fill your heart with love. adno=706555

Arcadian | Page 10


The Sun / Thursday, April 7, 2016

Putting your faith on the line

nce again, my e-mail program had started presenting problems. “Error occurred” kept appearing on my computer screen: Not an encouraging sign since e-mail is my primary vehicle to send this weekly column to more than 100 newspapers in the United States and Canada. A call to the technical support department of my Internet provider sent me on an international telephone journey to technicians who are supposed to know how to fix problems like mine. Starting with an overseas expert who gave up on my difficulty, I was switched to Canada, Arizona and Texas. At each electronic stopover, I probed the needs of these hopeful helpers, ending each conversation saying, “Remember God loves you.” “God bless you,” said the overseas contact. “I try to remember that, but sometimes forget,” replied the Canadian. “I’ve made some mistakes in life,” volunteered the Arizonan, while letting

wind-up “party line” phone was one of the lifelines of our family business. During those depression years, phone calls often meant customers were interested in buying cattle and horses — our means of livelihood — so callers were Roger Campbell greeted with kind words and courteous Ministries information; qualities of conversation I still try to convey to all who call. The advent of telemarketing tempome know he was interested in what I had rarily cooled my enthusiasm for phone to say. I’ve mailed a helpful book to him. calls. How did these interrupters of my The Texan was cheerful, friendly life know when I was eating, enjoying and most helpful of the four, but a conversation or involved in the most non-committal. pressing work of the day? Why didn’t My e-mail problems were finally they mind their own business? Then, solved by a friend not far from my office one day, I realized this was their busiwith some added help from one of my ness and my business was to find out computer-wise grandsons. But I don’t about their personal needs so I could count my nearly fruitless telephone help them. conversations with those supposed to This change of perspective has be in the know wasted. Each of these enabled me to welcome these formerly people provided opportunities to share unwanted calls, seeing each of them my faith as another chance to connect with a My affection for ringing telephones is person who is likely in need of encourprobably rooted in my youth. Our old agement and faith, a candidate for

Rodeo parade winners announced SUBMITTED BY JACKIE TUCKER Rodeo Association, we’d like to thank all of DeSoto On behalf of President County for the outstandDon Hall and the Arcadia ing units in the Arcadia

Rodeo Parade that make it so special. — Parade Director Troy Hughes

new life. I’ve been amazed at what a few kind words can accomplish when spoken to a person who has been told off, cursed out and hung up on; some of these wounded ones have written to me for more help. When I’m away from home, I commission my answering machine to minister for me. If you call today and I’m unable to get to the phone, you’ll hear me saying, “Remember God loves you and nothing you face today will take Him by surprise.” Frequently, when I play back my calls, some thank me for the message, saying it was just what they needed. The next time your phone rings, consider it the sound of good news. Every call will either be one of good news for you or an opportunity to put your faith on the line, giving your caller the best news of all. — Roger Campbell was an author, a broadcaster and columnist who was a pastor for 22 years. Contact us at

Toby’s presents check to Senior Friendship Center


Other rodeo parade winners included Randi Baker and Ken Craft of Whispering Pines, Chris Brown and Louise Wall of the Arcadia Shoot-out and Vera Rogers of ARC Angels Flag and Show Team.


A $700 check was presented to Senior Friendship Centers of DeSoto County at a recent Coffee Hour at Toby’s RV Resort. This represents a year-long collection of aluminum cans from the park residents – to be exact, 2,135 pounds, or approximately 68,400 cans! Pictured is: Dave Colvin, Bill Payne, Joe Lovrinic, Bill Conant, SFC Director Karen Blanchette and Fred Zerwitz. Blanchette praised the committee for devoting many hours to this project and to the residents who provide the cans. One hundred percent of all donations received by SFC remain in DeSoto County and are used to provide services to the frail elderly clients they serve.

Winning the most outstanding unit award was the DeSoto Republican Club. They are represented by Trudi Super, Robert Staton, Ted Zolkos and Alice Ames.

Don Hall and Troy Hughes present awards to Craig Aument for the Sheriff’s Posse, Tara Finley (best youth rider) and Mayor Susan Coker (best horse rider).

A new award is the “President’s Trophy” that given out by Rodeo Association President Don Hall. It’s awarded to the unit that is dedicated to excellence in their activity and participation with the Rodeo Assocation and the parade. This year’s winner is the All Florida Quadrille Team. The award is being accepted by members Kelly Eggers, Julia Robertson, Keith Robertson, Tara Finlay and Tammie Steele.

Pictured is Marty Dow, representing the Masonic Lodge (outstanding unit award) and Sahib Shriners (best all-around award).

Winning the Grand Champion of the parade is Big Tree RV. Receiving the award from Don Hall and Troy Hughes is Donna Mutlick and Dee Hunkins.

The Sun / Thursday, April 7, 2016 Page 11 | Arcadian

Arcadian seeks writers, photographers STAFF REPORT The Arcadian is looking for a few freelance writers and photographers to help us cover local events and people. It’s a great opportunity for anyone who likes a flexible schedule, and who loves to get out in the community and highlight things that are going on in our own backyard. These are not full-time positions nor would you be an Arcadian employee. Instead, when events or reporting

CALENDAR FROM PAGE 6 • Weight Watchers meets every Tuesday at 6 p.m. at Calvary Baptist Church, 1509 E. Oak St. For details visit www. and “find a meeting” or call 800-651-6000. • Faith Mission provides free lunches for anyone in need, at 11 a.m.-12:30 p.m. 1109 S.E. 9th St. Donations gratefully accepted. • DeSoto County Library holds story time at 3 p.m. Tuesdays at 125 N. Hillsborough Ave., Arcadia. Call 993-4851 for more information. • The Peace River Woodcarvers meet at 8 a.m. every Tuesday, at the Turner Exhibit Hall, 2250 NE Roan St., Arcadia. For information, call Dale Weese at 941-740-4790 or Bob Rippner at 244-3657. • Alcoholics Anonymous Second Tradition meets at 8 p.m. at St. Edmund’s Episcopal Church, 327 W. Hickory St. • AA Hispanic Group meets at 8 pm. at La Clinica, 1901 10th Ave. • Prescription Assistance is at the DeSoto County Health Department Clinic Location: 1031 E. Oak St., Arcadia. Call to make an appointment or for more information, call 491-7580 ext. 256. • Suncoast Community Blood Bank is open from noon to 6 p.m. today at 710 N. Brevard Ave. (U.S. 17 North), Arcadia. For more information, call 993-9366.


• DeSoto Toastmasters meets the second and fourth Wednesdays of each month at noon to 1 p.m. at First State Bank of Arcadia, 400 N. Brevard Ave. • Been There Rancher’s and Farmers’ Club meets every second and fourth Wed. through April at 1 p.m., first clubhouse inside South Entrance Arcadia Village Country Club. North of Walmart, State Road 70. Call Max R. Fitzpatrick at 863-494-6257. Free. Tours, speakers, conversation, friends, fun – all welcome. • The All Faiths Food Bank distributes free food 6-10 a.m. Monday through Friday at the Center for the Needy, 161 S. Orange St. • The All Faiths Food Bank distributes free meals every Wednesday 11 a.m.-12:30 p.m. at Trinity United Methodist Church, 304 W. Oak St. •Friendship Center, 219 W. Oak St. Low impact exercises from 9:30-10 a.m. followed by discussion of Healthy Eating and Recipe Sharing from 10-11 a.m. Lunch available with a 48-hr. advance notice; call 494-5965. • Hour of Power Prayer time is held at noon at Freedom Fellowship Christian Ministries, 1528 N.E. Turner Ave. • AA “Brown Bagger” meetings are offered every Wednesday at 11 a.m. at Trinity United Methodist Church, 304 W. Oak St. • Alcoholics Anonymous Serenity-Big Book meets at 8 p.m. at Grace Lutheran Church, 900 W. Oak St. (State Road 70). • “Art for Kids” is at 3 p.m. every Wednesday in the DeSoto County Library’s children’s wing. This free program, sponsored by the DeSoto County Arts and Humanities Council, is for elementary schoolaged children. • Prescription Assistance is at the DeSoto County Health Department Clinic Location: 1031 E. Oak St., Arcadia. Call to make an appointment or for more information, call 491-7580 ext. 256.

you wide variety and exposure. The pay is per assignment, based on your level of experience. While you won’t become independently wealthy, this opportunity will give you real-world experience to add to your resume, and you can make new friends in the community. If you are interested, call 863-4940300 or email to set up an appointment. We’ll want to meet you, get to know something about your experience and your style, and look through your portfolio.

Center, 219 W. Oak St. • The DeSoto County Veterans Council meets the second Thursday of every month at 6 p.m. at the Elks Lodge. For details, call Ron Jones at 941-806-7108. • TEAM Arcadia meets on the second Thursday of the month at 4:30 p.m. at Mary Margaret’s Tea & Biscuit, 10 S. Polk Avenue. The purpose of TEAM Arcadia is to unite community organizations and coordinate community improvement efforts. • DeSoto County Historical Society meets at noon every second Thursday monthly at the Family Service Center annex, 310 W. Whidden St., Arcadia. Lunch is available for $6 at 11:30 a.m. • Arcadia-DeSoto County Habitat for Humanity meets at 6 p.m. second Thursday monthly at the SunTrust Bldg., second floor, 10 S. Desoto Ave. Call 494-4118 or email for more information. • Free blood pressure screenings administered by DeSotO Memorial Home Health at the Friendship Center, 219 W. Oak St., every second and fourth Thursday from 10:30-11:30 a.m. • The All Faiths Food Bank distributes free food9 a.m. to noon every Thursday at Trinity United Methodist Church, 304 W. Oak St. • Kiwanis meets at 6 p.m. Thursday at Beef O’Brady’s.

•Friendship Center, 219 W. Oak St. for crafts, 9:30-11 a.m. Lunch available with a 48-hr. advance notice; call 494-5965. • The All Faiths Food Bank distributes free food 6-10 a.m. Monday through Friday at the Center for the Needy, 161 S. Orange St. • Relaxation Yoga Class every Thursday, 5 p.m. Sign-in 4:50 p.m. Enjoy an hour of serenity focused on breathing, gentle yoga poses, peaceful stretching and quiet relaxation. Held in the Health Dept. conference room, 34 S. Baldwin Ave. Drop-in $7/class, 8-class package $40 ($5 per class). Bring your own mat. For more information, call Christine at 244-1925. • DeSoto County Library story time is at 3 p.m. at 125 N. Hillsborough Ave., Arcadia. Call 993-4851 for more information. • Faith Mission provides free lunches for anyone in need, 11 a.m.-12:30 p.m. 1109 S.E. 9th St., Arcadia. Donations gratefully accepted. • Alcoholics Anonymous Second Tradition meets at 7 p.m. at St. Edmund’s Episcopal Church, 327 W. Hickory St. • Prescription Assistance is at the DeSoto County Health Department Clinic Location: 1031 E. Oak St., Arcadia. Call to make an appointment or for more information, call 491-7580 ext. 256.


• Grandparents Raising Grandchildren and other Relations Raising Relations meets monthly on the second Thursday from 9-11 a.m. at the Friendship



• The next meeting of the Central Florida Regional Planning Council is at 9:30 a.m. at the DeSoto County Courthouse in the Commission Chambers, 201 East Oak St., Arcadia. If you have any questions or comments concerning an agenda item, you can email Patricia M. Steed, executive director at or call 534-7130 ext.130. • The All Faiths Food Bank distributes free food every second Wednesday from 3-5:30 p.m. at St. Edmund Episcopal Church, 327 W. Hickory St.

opportunities are coming up, we would like to call you to see if you’re interested in writing a story about it or taking photos. You can make a little extra money and have fun getting out

in the community — and if an assignment conflicts with your previous plans, or you’re just not interested, you can decline the assignment. We’re not looking for people to write columns about themselves — we want someone who can cover a news story about a current event or situation. Maybe you’ll interview the owners of a new business in town to tell our readers what they offer, or you’ll take photos of children exhibiting their animals or enjoying the rides at the County Fair. The assignments will offer

Arcadian | Page 12

The Sun / Thursday, April 7, 2016

High school artists shine at spring show by Carol Mahler ARCADIAN CORRESPONDENT Communicating colors, expressive lines and whimsical sculptures filled the DeSoto County High School Media Center for the Spring Art Show. Art Teacher Stephanie Heuer explained that everyone who saw the show helped to judge it. Students, staff and visitors voted for their favorite two-dimensional (2-D) and three-dimensional (3-D) art. Junior Kayla Lara won the best-ofshow award for her ceramic sculpture “Kurama The Nine-Tailed Fox.” She said that she never really enjoyed sculpture until her high school art classes. “I like the feeling of the real clay,” she said. In 3-D art, Junior Yesenia German won first prize for “Yellow Glass.” She and Lara are both members of the Art Club who joined in the Club’s annual field trip paid for by the Club’s fundraising efforts. This year’s trip included a fused-glass workshop with glass sculptor Dale Chihuly at the Morean Arts Center in St. Petersburg. Heuer said that 20 students participated.

“I received awesome compliments about how wonderful the students were,” she said. Lara and Yesenia were chosen for the more-expensive pulled-glass workshop — also directed by Chihuly — where Yesenia created her winning piece. Lara’s “Black Glass” (also a product of the pulled-glass workshop) won honorable mention for 3-D art, as did senior Kirsten Kent’s “Cupcake Teapot” and Senior Stefan Williams’ “Jamaica Time.” Second prize for 3-D artwork went to Lara for her ceramic “The Teenager” and third prize was won by Senior Leticia Gracia for “Lionel Messi.” For 2-D art, sophomore Jessica Backer won first prize for her painting “Moonlight;” sophomore Ben Mendoza second for his painting “Moon and Rose;” and senior Maria Barajas for her pen drawing “Expressive Lines With Skull.” Honorable mention awards went to freshman Jessica Kilgore for her paintings “Face To Face” and “Abstract Face,” and to sophomore Alessia Trujillo for her painting “Sunset on Water.”

The Sun / Thursday, April 7, 2016 Page 13 | Arcadian

Simons announces run for City Council SUBMITTED BY JACCARIE SIMONS

develop an interest in city government and ways that I could help serve and seek to improve different aspects of the I’m Jaccarie Simons, and I’m officially city of Arcadia. announcing my candidacy for Arcadia Throughout those years, City Council, and would appreciate your I have had the opportunity support and vote. I am a life-long Arcadia to witness both challenges resident and have deep family roots in and critical decisions Desoto County. I’m a 2006 graduate of that needed to be made Desoto County High School and I conin the best interest of our tinued my education at South Florida city. Likewise, I have also Community College (now SFSC) with courses relating to Business Management. SIMONS witnessed various successes and accomplishments My interest to serve on the city council was birthed many years ago. Having that the council worked so hard and attended our local city council meetings diligently to achieve. Recently, we have seen progress since my high school years, I began to

within our city’s finances and a few street and water infrastructure improvements, and we have the leadership and strategic effort of our current council and city administrator to thank for that. Although we are seeing such progress, there is still more work to be done. My hope is to work cohesively with the council, city administrator and all other city staff, promoting an atmosphere of unity and open dialogue, with the perspective that we can accomplish much more together than we can divided. I do believe that our city has a bright future ahead. I have a desire to see the city of Arcadia grow and be a positive


This photo features one of the different forms of art on display at the Spring Art Show.

Ben Mendoza won second prize for this “Moon and Rose” painting.


This picture demonstrates the variety of art on display.

Sophomore Jessica Backer won first prize for this painting “Moonlight.” Left: This is one of several beautiful pieces of art on display at the show.

Students painted human figures as part of the Spring Art Show, along with a variety of other creative art forms.

Above: This painting shows a little Bulldog pride at the high school’s Spring Art Show.

The Spring Art Show brought many out to enjoy the day filled with creative pieces.

landmark that will continue to attract new business opportunities and lifelong residents, that Arcadia will be a place that continues to boast its rich history and scenic downtown area that offers the hometown atmosphere that we have become so accustomed to. The city of Arcadia has served me well; providing me with a great place of employment and a safe community to live in. I would consider it an honor to have the opportunity to represent and serve the constituents of the hometown that I grew up in, the City of Arcadia! For more information, email

Left: This black glass was a product of the pulled-glass workshop and won honorable mention for 3-D art.

These pieces show repetition and pattern as part of the Spring Art Show.

Senior Maria Barajas won a prize for her pen drawing “Expressive Lines With Skull” at the Spring Art Show.

after bin Laden certainly was a necessary mission, but the diversion of U.S. forces to the wars in Afghanistan and Iraq delayed dealing with him by almost 10 years. Meanwhile, Afghanistan is a bigger mess than ever, continuing to serve as an incubator of terrorism, even as U.S. troops remain bogged down. The lessons of the Soviet Union’s own quagmire in that benighted country in the 1980s were not adequately learned. As to the 2003 Iraq invasion, Lt. Gen. Michael Flynn, the former head of U.S. Special Forces in Afghanistan, recently told Germany’s Der Spiegel, “We were too dumb. We didn’t understand who we had there at that moment. When 9/11 occurred, all the emotions took over, and our response was, ‘Where did those bastards come from? Let’s go kill them. Let’s go get them.’ Instead of asking why they attacked us, we asked where they came from. Then we strategically marched in the wrong direction.” Second, America’s military and intelligence services should work more closely with forces in other countries to preclude terrorist attacks. However, the services in those cooperating counties need to take the lead because they best know their countries and peoples and such an approach would tend to mitigate anti-Americanism. We should be friends and assistants, not overlords. Third, the demonization of any group, such as Muslims, should be shunned. Almost all Muslims are dedicated to peace. This needs to be encouraged. And cooperation with such Muslims is crucial to finding the bad actors among them. Fourth, we need to continue to safeguard American liberties, including the rights of privacy and freedom from unreasonable searches and seizures. It makes no sense to defend our liberties if we weaken them in the process. Fifth, American military commitments need to be reassessed. For example, the 28-nation European Union is wealthier and more populous than the United States. Certainly, we should assist our NATO allies with intelligence and logistics. But they need to do more to defend themselves so we can redirect U.S. forces where they’re really needed. In sum, what’s needed against terrorism is not more irrational lashing out, but cool and calculated action. ©2016 The Orange County Register (Santa Ana, Calif.)


The Sun / Thursday, April 7, 2016



TRACK AND FIELD The DeSoto County boys’ and girls’ track and field teams both finished second in a five-team meet at Sebring. Arcadian | Page 14


Varsity Dawgs score win over Island Coast By STEVE KNAPP

ARCADIAN SPORTS WRITER Fans of the DeSoto County varsity baseball team didn’t get a chance to exhale until the final out was made in the 5-2 win over Island Coast. It’s been that kind of season. Nothing is sure about this team until the game is over. With the bad luck the Bulldogs have had this season, the fans and perhaps even the players kept waiting and wondering, “How are we going to lose this game”? The Gators have a solid 11-5 record, with the Bulldogs’ record flipped in the opposite direction. DeSoto only had five hits and none after the third inning, but they used them wisely to score twice in the second inning and three times in the third. The Bulldogs committed just two errors, with none coming after the third inning. They used heads up base running, particularly from Luke Womack, and a couple of nice defensive plays on the infield to keep the Gators scoreless after the second inning. Casey Rittenberg had an outstanding effort on the mound. The big righthander threw 83 pitches and struck out three while walking just one. He allowed six hits and had men on base

ARCADIAN PHOTOS BY STEVE KNAPP, sbigdaddyknapp@aol. com

Johnathon England got robbed as he hit a one-hop screamer to the second baseman with the bases loaded and two outs in the sixth inning of the Desoto County win over Island Coast.

every inning but got out of more jams than a judge at a county fair. One particularly impressive inning came in the third just after the Bulldogs had tied the game at two apiece in the second inning. Two singles and an error loaded the bases with no out, but a couple of fielder’s choice plays at home and a ground out ended the inning with nothing on the board for the Gators. Max McKettrick finished off the final

DeSoto County Chamber of Commerce With Title Sponsor MOSAIC Presents the 7th Annual

two inning with hitless relief. He did, however, walk two in the seventh inning which brought the tying run to the plate. A ground ball to Zach Aldret at short ended the inning. Even the final out was dramatic as the throw to first was low and Womack, who had played on the other side of the diamond for the entire game, made a nice scoop nd managed to slide his foot back on the bag in time to nip the speedy hitter and end the game. The Gators scored an unearned run in the first as Rittenberg fielded a one-hopper on the mound with two runners on base and two out. His throw to first was up the line and high which drew first baseman McKettrick off the bag.

Saturday, April 23, 2016 Square One Sporting Clays Club 7500 SR 70 West – Lake Placid, FL **Proceeds from this event support year-round activities in DeSoto County** PARTICIPATION LEVELS: TITLE Sponsorship .......... $1000 Includes up to 6 shooters, lunch, use of shooting cart, Recognition as presenting along with chamber in all flyers, banners, articles, communications and ads. Limited to one title sponsor per industry. GOLD Sponsorship .......... $500 Includes up to 6 shooters, lunch, use of a shooting cart, Gold Sponsorship signage & recognition during awards ceremony TEAM Sponsorship .......... $325 Includes 4 shooters, lunch and a station sponsorship sign on course. STATION Sponsorship .......... $ 50 Includes business sign on a station

DeSoto County starting pitcher Casey Rittenberg checks the sign from his catcher before he delivers in the 5-2 win over Island Coast.

Rittenberg explained after the game, “When I threw the ball it hit my head and went off target.” Yes, it has been that kind of year for the Bulldogs. The Gators scored again in the second on a leadoff double and a sacrifice fly to take a 2-0 lead. The Bulldogs came back to tie the game on just one hit and some heads-up base running by Womack. McKettrick led off the inning with a long triple to the wall in right center. Womack was hit by a pitch. McKettrick scored as Womack stole second and the throw home to tag out McKettrick was dropped by the catcher. Womack kept on motoring to third. Peyton Smith walked but was caught stealing. Womack tied the game when he easily scored on a wild pitch. The Bulldogs took the lead in the third when Robb Adams doubled in Will Nelson, who had a one-out single. Adams scored on Womack’s base knock, and Smith drove home Womack with a double. It was the final hit of the game for DeSoto County as three of their five hits went for extra bases. The final four innings saw nothing but bagels on the board for both teams as the Bulldogs hung on for a 5-2 win. “We had a couple of missed signs early in the game but we looked pretty good overall,” Bulldog coach Nick Loughren told his team after the game. “Casey and Max great job throwing tonight. Our bats are still coming around; we didn’t get a lot of hits tonight but we hit the ball hard and that’s OK. I think it is starting to turn around in our favor. You guys are making a lot more plays and they’re starting to boot some balls instead of us.”

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Max McKettrick puts a sweep tag on an Island Coast runner as DeSoto pitcher Casey Rittenberg picks him off. McKettrick pitched the final two innings of relief in the 5-2 win.

The Sun / Thursday, April 7, 2016 Page 15 | Arcadian

Lady Dawgs wrap up top seed in 10-5 win By STEVE KNAPP

ARCADIAN SPORTS WRITER The DeSoto County softball team reached the first of their goals with a 10-5 win over Lemon Bay last Thursday to wrap up the first seed in District 5A-12. The win gave them a 6-0 record and means they will be hosting the district tournament next Tuesday and Thursday. Had the Bulldogs lost to Lemon Bay, both teams would have had a 5-1 record and the host site would have been determined by a coin toss. The Bulldogs made sure that wasn’t going to happen as they jumped out to a 5-0 first inning lead and kept that margin throughout the game. Alyssa Hairston drove in two first inning runs, with the first of her four hits a double to score Malyssa Jeter and Kayla Gibson (who was running for winning pitcher Hannah England). Chelsea Whitmore’s single scored the final run. It was the first of Whitmore’s three hits in the game. The Bulldogs scored one in the second and another in the fourth, but it wasn’t until Dekoda Johnson’s two-run double in the sixth that the Lady Dawgs finally had some breathing room. The Johnson double broke open a close and tense game to give the Bulldogs a 9-5 lead. Johnson scored on two passed balls to finish the scoring. Johnson went 3-for-5 with a pair of singles and scored twice to go along with her two RBIs. The Bulldogs banged out 18 hits, with everyone in the lineup collecting at least one except for the leadoff hitter Shea Lipe. She was on base twice, however, and started a beautiful 4-6-3 double


Michaela Cross fires to first in the second inning of the DeSoto County 10-5 win over Lemon Bay.

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play to end the third inning.

Strength on the bench One can’t help but think of former New York Yankee Wally Pipp when looking at this game. Pipp suffered migraine headaches throughout his life because of getting hit in the head by a hockey puck as a child. He went on to play for three major league teams and led the league in home runs twice. Pipp played with Yankee legends of the game such as Babe Ruth and Lou Gehrig. Pipp had a headache before a game one day and his manager saw him taking two aspirins. The manager

DAWGS | 18


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Freshman Stephanie Whitmore drops a nice bunt in the fourth inning to load the bases for the Bulldogs. Whitmore, along with her sister Chelsea, had five of the Bulldogs’ 18 hits in the win over Lemon Bay.

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DeSoto County catcher Alyssa Hairston comes up from a pop up slide as the late tag is put on her. This double leading off the fourth was part of Hairston’s 4-for-4 night in the Bulldog win.

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Arcadian | Page 16

The Sun / Thursday, April 7, 2016

JV boys mount comeback in win By DAVE BREMER SPORTS WRITER

With a .500 record and four games to play, DeSoto County junior varsity baseball coach Ryan Fullerton posted this message in the dugout: “Need three wins to be above .500 for the season.” Falling behind early by four runs to Avon Park, it looked like the Bulldogs were going to have to win three in a row, but a late comeback in the last two innings due to some timely hits and a bit of trickery gave DeSoto a 6-4 comefrom-behind victory. Carlos Valenzuela had a first inning he’d soon like to forget. He gave up four runs on four hits, two throwing errors into center field, a walk and hit two batters. As a lead-off hitter, Valenzuela reached first on a walk, but tried to score from third on a ground out and slid into a double play at home to damper a rally. Fortunately, things got a lot better when he had a key hit in the bottom of the fifth, and came around to score one of the Bulldogs three runs for the inning. Braden Steele came in to pitch for the Bulldogs in the second inning, and virtually shut the door on the Red Devils, not allowing a single run the rest of the game. Steele had a pick-off play to get out of a jam in the second inning; put the side down in order in the third; a strikeout and two fly outs in the fourth; two fly outs and a ground out in the fifth; and three strikeouts in the sixth. “He came in and pitched a great game,” Fullerton said. “Fortunately he only pitched a little over an inning Friday, so he was available.” Down by four, the Bulldogs looked a bit sluggish and down until the fourth inning. With the fleet-footed Mason Ayers reaching first on an error and advancing to third with a stolen base and a wild pitch, Ayers scored the first

Braden Steele was not afraid to throw to first to keep the Avon Park runners close at bay. Steele picked off a runner in the second to get out of a jam and the Bulldogs went on to win 6-4.


Clayton Owens tries to lay down a bunt to advance a runner during a JV baseball game against Avon Park. The Bulldogs clawed their way back for a 6-4 victory. Bulldog run on a Clayton Owens ground out. The Bulldogs added two more runs when Larry Taylor had a base hit to short center, Trent Daniels followed with a base hit dribbler to short, and a second out later, Dalton Delaney had a solid, two-RBI base hit up the middle to pull the Bulldogs within one. Fullerton’s trick play came in the fifth After an Eli Wilhelm walk followed by a Valenzuela base hit to put runners on the corner. Avon Park called time out to change pitchers. This is when Fullerton set up his special play. After the time out, Valenzuela took his lead off first base, but instead of taking a lead toward second, Valenzuela took his lead heading toward right field. Establishing his unique base path — which is perfectly legal — a stunned Avon Park pitcher (who had just came into the game) turned around, moving both feet to


APRIL 4 - 10

Despite the look of determination, Carlos Valenzuela struggled in the first inning against Avon Park, giving up four runs. The Bulldogs came roaring back, however, and won the game 6-4. change his magic number to two with three games to go.

Soccer at First Baptist Church-Arcadia

Upward Soccer started at First Baptist Church-Arcadia Saturday morning.


look at Valenzuela heading toward right field and the umpire quickly called him for a balk. Both Bulldog runners got to advance to the next base, with Wilhelm’s walk-in tying the game. After Delaney reached first on an error and Valenzuela advanced to third, Delaney’s early attempt to steal created another Avon Park balk, and again the Bulldogs walked the lead run home. A Trent Daniels’ RBI single gave the Bulldogs an insurance run which wasn’t needed as Steele struck out the side in the sixth and the game was called on the two-hour time rule. “We finally showed that we were not quitters tonight,” Fullerton said. “You put the ball into play and put pressure on them with the first-and-third situations.” The Bulldogs are now 8-7 with three games to play. Fullerton can now

Trent Daniels makes a long stretch and gets his foot back on the bag for a put out against AvonPark. The JV squad came back and defeated Avon Park 6-4.





Though the day would bring rain, many children enjoyed their day playing soccer as part of Upward Soccer’s event at First Baptist Church-Arcadia on Saturday morning.

These two girls played in the soccer matches Saturday morning. The games were part of Upward Soccer at First Baptist Church-Arcadia.

The Sun / Thursday, April 7, 2016 Page 17 | Arcadian but a couple of errors cost them the game. • The varsity softball team had their makeup game with Lemon Bay and won 10-5 to give them the top seed in the district tournament. • The boys’ and girls’ track teams did very well last week, finishing second in both divisions. Of the five teams at the meet the girls finished just 2 ¼ points short of first place.




It looks like DeSoto County’s Max McKettrick is playing a game of Twister with the Island Coast catcher. McKettrick scored the first Bulldog run on the back end of a double steal after hitting a triple to lead off the second inning. The Bulldogs defeated the Gators 5-2.

• The varsity boys’ baseball team lost to Lemon Bay 8-7 and to North Port 17-13. They then beat Island Coast 5-2. • The junior varsity baseball team was tied late in their game at Canterbury,

Upcoming games • The varsity softball team travels to Sebring tonight at 6:30 p.m. Tomorrow will be senior night with the game against Avon Park starting at 6 pm. The Bulldogs will host the district tournament on

Tuesday and Thursday the 12th and 14th. Game times have not been set. • The boys’ and girls’ track team will be in Lake Placid tonight for a 4 p.m. meet. • The JV baseball team will face Hardee tomorrow at 4:30 p.m. Next Tuesday will be their final home game at 4 p.m. against Lehigh. They will finish their season at Charlotte April 14 at 4:40 p.m. • The varsity baseball team will host Hardee tomorrow at 7 p.m. and then will go to Booker on Monday to meet the Tornadoes. Senior night is April 12, with Lehigh coming to town. The regular season will end April 14 at Charlotte for 7 p.m. game.

DeSoto track takes second in Sebring didn’t help in the team scores either. The Bulldogs showed their strength in the hurdles and sprints. For the girls, The DeSoto County boys’ and girls’ Tashona Ligon and Aleaha Richardson track and field teams both finished finished second and third in the second in a five-team meet at Sebring 100-meter dash. Richardson then last week. The girls finished just 2¼ finished first in the 200-meter dash, points short of first place behind Lake with Ligon in second. Region High School. The boys’ team was Shaterrica Luther won both the second to host Sebring. 100-meter hurdles and the 300-meter As usual the Bulldogs did well in the hurdles. Luther also finished third in the track events, especially the sprints and high jump. Keria Nicklow was second in hurdles. Long distance runners and the the long jump and the Bulldogs showed field events were the downfall for the their skills in the triple jump with Ligon team. With no pole vault pit to practice in first with Nicklow third and Luther in, nobody from DeSoto competed in fourth. the event. The shot put and discuss The 4-by-100 meter relay team



finished just one-third of a second behind the first place team, which would have been enough to win the meet. The 4-by-400 team also finished second. The only long distance runner to finish in the top three was Kaylyn Castro, who finished third in the 1600-meter run.


Shaterrica “Big Red” Luther had a good meet finishing first in the 100-meter hurdles and 300-meter hurdles. Luther also finished third in the high jump and fourth in the triple jump.

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Arcadian | Page 18

The Sun / Thursday, April 7, 2016

Literary Club holds March meeting SUBMITED BY SUSAN BARNES The March meeting of Arcadia Literary Club was held at the lovely home of Diane Baxley. Co-hostesses included Shirley Cullom, Cherie Hollingsworth and Bonnie Molloy. We were treated to Irish-themed refreshments. Nineteen members and one honorary life member attended. Guests included Leanna McLure, friend of Cherie Hollingsworth and Nancy Mabrey, friend of Beau Carson. March birthdays were recognized and the collect was read by all. Secretary Raye

Southwell read the minutes and gave the Treasurer’s report in the absence of Heidi de Jong. In attendance were Sally Aldrich, Laura Amendola, Susan Barnes, Diane Baxley, Marcia Brown, Beau Carson, Shirley Cullom, Ruth Dunn, Darlene Foster, Muriel Hall, Debi Halvorson, Cherie Hollingsworth, Heather Kamberg, Jamie Kirschner, Bonnie Molloy, Ann Pepper, Jessica Ritch, Raye Southwell, Janie Watson and honorary life member Joy Tinsley. Our annual business meeting will be April 13, 2016 at 4 p.m. at the home of Heather Kamberg. Continuing our

program for 2015-2016 in May, From Page to Stage, members are encouraged to read the novel Madame Bovary by Gustave Flaubert and watch the movie adaptation. Membership committee chair Ann Pepper reminded us that sponsor letters for prospective new members must be signed by two members and sent to the membership committee one month prior to this month’s business meeting. Jessica Ritch read the quote of the month by Laura Hillenbrand, author of Unbroken. Laura Amendola and Marcia Brown gave a review of the book Unbroken. Author Laura Hillenbrand

suffers from chronic fatigue which keeps her home bound. Most of her research into the life of Louis Zamperini was done over the telephone. When Louis heard about her illness, he sent her one of his purple hearts. Laura’s life parallels the life of Louis Zamperini in many ways. The book is about survival and resilience in the face hardship. Louis, an Olympic athlete during the 1936 games in Berlin, joined the ďŹ ght against Japan in WWII and was shot down, captured and tortured by the Japanese. The book describes his heartbreak, and his journey back home, where he lived a long and successful life.


The March meeting of the Arcadia Literary Club featured discussions about resilliant and inspiring stories from different novels.

DAWGS FROM PAGE 15 told him to take the day off and he would play the new kid Lou Gehrig. Gehrig got into the lineup and never left for the next 15 years, setting a record for consecutive games played. Pipp later said, “Those were the most expensive aspirins I’ve ever taken.� The similarity with the Bulldogs was that the leading home run and RBI hitter for the Lady Bulldogs is Lauren Rotering. She missed school for a couple of days and stayed home with a bad case of the flu. Stepping into her place behind the mask was Hairston. Rotering doesn’t have to worry about pulling a “Wally Pipp�

and losing her position, but it is good to know that there is a capable replacement for her if the need ever arises. Besides her two-run first inning double, Hairston had a single in the second, a leadoff double in the fourth that just missed getting over the fence and a single in the fifth to load the bases. Ayla Reynard ran for Hairston and scored three times in Hairston’s perfect 4-for-4 performance. DeSoto County Head Coach Mike Jeter said, “Alyssa did a great job behind the plate. She was the key to the win tonight. She played well.� The Bulldogs did a good job on defense as 14 of the 21 outs recorded came on ground balls. There was only one first inning fly ball hit

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Members of the Arcadia Literary Club met for their monthly meeting in March. by the Mantas, and after that the DeSoto County outfielders could have taken the night off. England went the distance scattering 10 hits and striking out four. She also had several ground balls hit back to her that the slick fielding moundsman made the play on. Of her 108 pitches, there was exactly a two-to-one ratio of strikes to balls. While the gloves and bats were in top form, the Bulldog base running was terrible. Freshman Kayla Gibson stood just a couple of feet off first when a fly ball dropped for a hit and was an easy force out at second. Chelsea Whitmore did just the opposite and ran on a fly ball that was easily caught. She was saved when the throw back to first was bad as she was an easy out trying to get back. Stephanie Whitmore was too aggressive on her lead at second and took a big lead even though there was a runner on third. Luckily she got back before the catcher’s throw. Reynard was caught too far off third and was saved when the catcher’s

throw went into left field or she would also have been an easy out. “We know what we need to work on. We need to work on base running, identifying where the ball is going to go and take it from there. We’re going to work harder in the next two weeks than we have all year,� Jeter said. The Bulldogs will host Dunbar next Tuesday and then the championship game next Thursday. Dunbar has had it’s struggles this season and should pose little trouble. They are winless and have been shutout six times. For the season they have scored a total of 34 runs, which is six fewer than what Lemon Bay scored against them in their 40-0 win over the Tigers. The Bulldogs put in their junior varsity lineup after the varsity started the game in their first meeting which was a 20-1 Bulldog win Feb. 26. The last game was March 11 and resulted in a 16-0 win for DeSoto County. If you want to see the softball game, don’t get there late as it probably won’t last too long.

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Hannah England delivers one of her 108 pitches in the win over Lemon Bay. The victory gave the Bulldogs the first seed and home field advantage for the district championship playoffs.

The Sun / Thursday, April 7, 2016 Page 19 | Arcadian

Add sparkle to your landscape BY MELINDA MYERS

Weather-resistant butcher-block with built in planting space is sure to get the conversation going. Gardener’s Supply Perk up your containers and add a bit Company is offering a new reclaimed of sparkle to your landscape with bright wood outdoor bar with an integrated planter. colors, unusual materials or a unique Perhaps, ďŹ ll the planting space with purpose. some favorite cocktail herbs. Then mix Include an elevated garden to up your beverage and let your guests increase planting space and make planting, weeding and harvesting easier add a bit of homegrown avor. Include the next course by growing on the back and knees. Liven things your own salad bar. Guests will enjoy up with a robin’s-egg blue VegTrug or washtubs elevated on a support for a bit harvesting and creating their own bed of greens to accompany the main course. of rustic charm. Add wheels to make it easier to move Fill a pot or elevated garden with greens, radishes, onions, carrots, herbs and your planters around the patio or deck. other favorite salad ďŹ xings. This allows you to follow the sun or Keep your containers healthy and make room for company at summer productive with proper care. Water gatherings. thoroughly whenever the top inch of Recycle items into containers or insoil is dry. Check pots daily and water vest in some of the new planters made as needed. Extend the time between from galvanized metal, wooden apple watering with self-watering pots. Look crates and more. Look for new colors for features such as weep holes that or personalize them to create a warm allow excess water to drain, funnels for greeting for you and your guests. Increase growing exibility with light- top watering, and moisture indicators that let you know when it is time to add weight grow bags. They now come in a variety of colors and sizes. These fabric more water. Further reduce maintenance by containers fold at for easy storage adding a slow release fertilizer to the when not in use. potting mix at planting. Small amounts Save space with sleek designs and of nutrients are released over time, built in trellises. You’ll be growing pole beans, tomatoes and owering vines in eliminating the need to mix and fertilize weekly. Give planters a mid-season a compact space. The colorful owers boost or when making a second plantand fruit will brighten a blank wall or ing by sprinkling slow release fertilizer screen a bad view. over the soil surface. Use containers and elevated garHarvest regularly to keep vegetables dens to increase the fun factor at producing and looking their best. your summer gatherings. Start your Replace early plantings as they fade party with a trip to the outdoor bar.


Crates, recycled or purchased, can be painted and personalized to create a colorful, unique planter for flowers and edibles. with a second crop. You’ll extend both the harvest and your enjoyment. So take a second look at your patio,

deck or front steps and move in a bit of color, fun and avor for this growing and outdoor entertaining season.


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The girls’ track team finished a close second in the meet at Sebring last week.

TRACK FROM PAGE 17 The boys’ team also did well in the same events. Keyshawn Smith won the 100- and 200-meter dash. JonShea Reed was second in the 200 and third in the 100-meter events. The DeSoto boys won both the 4-by100 and 4-by-400 relays. They also did well in the triple jump with Arnold Mele and Tyler Vest ďŹ nishing ďŹ rst and second, with Caleb Blackwood in fourth.

5FBN 4QPOTPSTIJQ $500 Includes Shooting 4UBUJPO 4QPOTPSTIJQ $ Includes lunch for 4, station sponsorship signs, lunch for 2 and a station sign -VODI 0OMZ $

Arnold Mele won the triple jump for the Bulldogs as they finished second to Sebring last week.

The 110-meter hurdles saw Semaj Elrod come in second and he ďŹ nished fourth in the 300-meter hurdles. Tomas Cruz “cruisedâ€? to a ďŹ rst place ďŹ nish in the 400-meter, while the longer distances didn’t get any points for the Bulldogs. Quay Fudge ďŹ nished third in both the high jump and the long jump. The Bulldogs still need depth in the longer distance events and ďŹ eld events. “They all did real good today especially the girls’ team. I was very proud of both teams,â€? Coach Darrel Nicklow said. The teams will be in Lake Placid tonight.

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Quay Fudge stretches before the meet. Fudge finished third in both the high jump and long jump.

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Arcadian | Page 20



The Sun / Thursday, April 7, 2016



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MAINTENANCE LABORER Full Time position. Experience preferred. Carries out apartment and building maintenance and repair activities requiring basic knowledge, skills and experience in the following areas: plumbing, electrical, painting, appliance repair, HVAC and general building maintenance. Must be professional, highly motivated, multi-task oriented, good organizational skills, and a fast learner. Complete job description available. Applications can be obtained via email, fax or in person at Arcadia Housing Authority, 7 Booker T Washington Rd., Arcadia, FL 34266. The position is open until filled. Equal Opportunity Employer. SOD INSTALLERS, with or without drivers license. Full time, starts immediately office in Punta Gorda. Maloney’s Sod. 941-637-1333

3116 NOTICE OF ACTION IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE TWELFTH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT IN AND FOR DESOTO COUNTY, FLORIDA CASE NO.: 16DR163 ALEJANDRO HERNANDEZ, Petitioner and ZENAYDA FRANCO HERNANDEZ, Respondent NOTICE OF ACTION FOR DISSOLUTION OF MARRIAGE NO CHILD OR FINANCIAL SUPPORT TO: ZENAYDA FRANCO HERNANDEZ Last Known Address: #13 CECECANIEL ORIZATION HIDAIG, MEXICO 43020 YOU ARE NOTIFIED that an action for dissolution of marriage has been filed against you and that you are required to serve a copy of your written defenses, if any, to the Petitioner, ALEJANDRO HERNANDEZ - HERNANDEZ, whose address is 403 N Volusia Ave. Arcadia, FL 34266 on or before 4/25/16 , and file the original with the clerk of this Court at 115 E. oak St. Arcadia, FL 34266 before service on Petitioner or immediately thereafter. If you fail to do so, a default may be entered against you for the relief demanded in this petition. Copies of all court documents in this case, including orders, are available at the Clerk of the Circuit Court's ff



office. You may review these documents upon request. You must keep the Clerk of the Circuit Court's office notified of your current address. (You may file Notice of Current Address, Florida Supreme Court Approved Family Law Form 12.915). Future papers in this lawsuit will be mailed to the address on record at the Clerk's office. Dated: MARCH 28, 2016 NADIA K. DAUGHTREY INTERIM CLERK OF COURTS By: /s/ M. Marshall Deputy Clerk Published 3/31/16, 4/7/16, 4/14/16 & 4/21/16 131159 3298705

Eugene E. Waldron, Jr., P.A. 124 N. Brevard Avenue Arcadia, Florida 34266 Telephone: (863) 494-4323 Person Giving Notice: Veratta Goodwin P.O. Box 13 New York, New York 10026 Ernest Williams 445 Conradi Street Apt. 3 Tallahassee, Florida 32304 Rhonda Faye Williams 1473 SW Harlem Circle Arcadia, Florida 34266 Ernestine Williams 20613 NE 6th Court Miami, Florida 33179 Published 3/31/16 & 4/7/16 228541 3298507



IN THE CIRCUIT COURT FOR DESOTO COUNTY, FLORIDA PROBATE DIVISION File No. 2016-CP-14 Division Twelfth IN RE: ESTATE OF Earnest Williams Deceased. NOTICE TO CREDITORS (Summary Administration) TO ALL PERSONS HAVING CLAIMS OR DEMANDS AGAINST THE ABOVE ESTATE: You are hereby notified than an Order of Summary Administration has been entered in the estate of Earnest Williams, deceased, File Number 2016-CP-14; by the Circuit Court for DeSoto County, Florida, Probate Division, the address of which is 115 East Oak Street, Arcadia, Florida 34266; that the decedent's date of death was August 16, 2015; that the total value of the estate is $45,961.00 and that the names and addresses of those to whom it has been assigned by such order are: Name & Address Veratta Goodwin P.O. Box 13 New York, New York 10026 Ernest Williams 445 Conradi Street Apt. 3 Tallahassee, Florida 32304 Ernestine Williams 20613 NE 6th Court Miami, Florida 33179 Rhonda Faye Williams 1473 SW Harlem Circle Arcadia, Florida 34266 ALL INTERESTED PERSONS ARE NOTIFIED THAT: All creditors of the estate of the decedent and persons having claims or demands against the estate of the decedent other than those for whom provision for full payment was made in the Order of Summary Administration must file their claims with this court WITHIN THE TIME PERIODS SET FORTH IN FLORIDA STATUTES SECTION 733.702. ALL CLAIMS AND DEMANDS NOT SO FILED WILL BE FOREVER BARRED. NOTWITHSTANDING ANY OTHER APPLICABLE TIME PERIOD, ANY CLAIM FILED TWO (2) YEARS OR MORE AFTER THE DECEDENT'S DATE OF DEATH IS BARRED. The date of first publication of this Notice is March 31, 2016. Attorney for Person Giving Notice: Eugene E. Waldron, Jr. Attorney for Petitioners Primary Service E-Mail: Secondary Service E-Mail: Florida Bar No. 0794971

IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE TWELFTH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT, IN AND FOR DESOTO COUNTY, FLORIDA CASE NO. 2014CA000370AXMA DEUTSCHE BANK NATIONAL TRUST COMPANY, AS TRUSTEE FOR ARGENT SECURITIES INC., ASSET-BACKED PASSTHROUGH CERTIFICATES, SERIES 2004-W8, Plaintiff, vs. MATTIE P. CAMPBELL A/K/A MATTIE PEARL CAMPBELL, DECEASED, ET AL. Defendants NOTICE OF FORECLOSURE SALE NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN pursuant to a Final Judgment of Foreclosure dated March 21, 2016, and entered in Case No. 2014CA000370AXMA, of the Circuit Court of the Twelfth Judicial Circuit in and for DESOTO County, Florida. DEUTSCHE BANK NATIONAL TRUST COMPANY, AS TRUSTEE FOR ARGENT SECURITIES INC., ASSET-BACKED PASSTHROUGH CERTIFICATES, SERIES 2004-W8 (hereafter “Plaintiff”), is Plaintiff and UNKNOWN HEIRS OF MATTIE P. CAMPBELL A/K/A MATTIE PEARL CAMPBELL, DECEASED; STEVEN CAMPBELL A/K/A STEVEN ANDRE CAMPBELL; GERALD CAMPBELL A/K/A GERALD DEVONE CAMPBELL; MELINDA CAMPBELL; UNITED STATES OF AMERICA – DEPARTMENT OF THE TREASURY – INTERNAL REVENUE SERVICE; STATE OF FLORIDA; CLERK OF THE CIRCUIT COURT, DESOTO COUNTY, FLORIDA, are defendants. Nadia K. Daughtrey, Clerk of Court for DESOTO, County Florida will sell to the highest and best bidder for cash at the SOUTH DOOR of the Courthouse; 115 East Oak Street, Arcadia, at 11:00 a.m., on the _26th_ day of _April_, 2016, the following described property as set forth in said Final Judgment, to wit: LOT 2, BLOCK B, GOLDEN MELODY SUBDIVISION, ACCORDING TO THE PLAT THEREOF, RECORDED IN PLAT BOOK 9, PAGE 24, OF THE PUBLIC RECORDS OF DESOTO COUNTY, FLORIDA. If you are a person with a disability who needs any accommodation in order to participate in this proceeding, you are entitled, at no cost to you, to the provision of certain assistance. Please S C

3122 NOTICE OF FORECLOSURE contact the DeSoto County Clerk’s Office, 115 East Oak Street, Arcadia, Florida 34266, (863) 993-4876, at least seven (7) days before your scheduled court appearance, or immediately upon receiving this notification if the time before the scheduled appearance is less than seven (7) days; if you are hearing or voice impaired, call 711. Dated this 22nd day of March, 2016. Nadia K. Daughtrey CLERK OF THE CIRCUIT COURT BY: /s/ M. Marshall As Deputy Clerk Van Ness Law Firm, PLC 1239 E. Newport Center Drive Suite #110 Deerfield Beach, Florida 33442 Phone (954) 571-2031 Any person claiming an interest in the surplus from the sale, if any, other than the property owner as of the date of the Lis Pendens must file a claim within 60 days after the sale. Published 4/7/16 & 4/14/16 232598 3300157 IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE TWELFTH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT IN AND FOR DESOTO COUNTY, FLORIDA GENERAL JURISDICTION DIVISION CASE NO. 2015CA000323AXMA BANK OF AMERICA, N.A., Plaintiff, vs. WANDA JOHNSON, et al. Defendant(s). NOTICE OF FORECLOSURE SALE NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN pursuant to a Final Judgment of Foreclosure dated December 01, 2015, and entered in 2015CA000323AXMA of the Circuit Court of the TWELFTH Judicial Circuit in and for DeSoto County, Florida, wherein BANK OF AMERICA, N.A. is the Plaintiff and WANDA JOHNSON; UNKNOWN SPOUSE OF WANDA JOHNSON; UNITED STATES OF AMERICA, ACTING ON BEHALF OF THE SECRETARY OF HOUSING AND URBAN DEVELOPMENT are the Defendant(s). Nadia K. Daughtrey as the Clerk of the Circuit Court will sell to the highest and best bidder for cash at 115 E. Oak Street,, Arcadia, FL 34266, at 11:00 am, on June 28, 2016 , the following described property as set forth in said Final Judgment, to wit: THE EASTERLY 15 FEET OF LOT 9, ALL OF LOT 10 AND THE WESTERLY 15 FEET OF LOT 11, BLOCK 5, OF RIO VISTA SUBDIVISION, A SUBDIVISION, ACCORDING TO THE PLAT THEREOF, AS RECORDED IN PLAT BOOK 5, AT PAGE 1, OF THE PUBLIC RECORDS OF DESOTO COUNTY, FLORIDA. Property Address: 710 PARKVIEW ROAD, ARCADIA, FL 34266 Any person claiming an interest in the surplus from the sale, if any, other than the property owner as of the date of the lis pendens must file a claim within 60 days after the sale. Dated this 24 day of March, 2016. Nadia K. Daughtrey As Clerk of the Court By: /S/ M. Marshall As Deputy Clerk IMPORTANT f

The Sun / Thursday, April 7, 2016

3122 NOTICE OF FORECLOSURE If you are a person with a disability who needs any accommodation in order to participate in a court proceeding, you are entitled, at no cost to you, to the provision of certain assistance: Please contact DeSoto County Jury Office, 115 East Oak Street, Arcadia, Florida 34266. Telephone: (863) 993-4876. At least 7 days before your scheduled court appearance, or immediately upon receiving this notification if the time before the scheduled appearance is less than 7 days;If you are hearing or voice impaired, please call 711. Published 3/31/16 & 4/7/16 331723 3298574 IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE TWELTH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT, IN AND FOR DESOTO COUNTY, FLORIDA MATTHEW LAPORTA, Plaintiff, vs RODOLFO CERVANTES, BRIANA CERVANTES, JOHN DOE AND JANE DOE AS UNKNOWN TENANTS IN POSSESSION AND ALL OTHER PARTIES CLAIMING AN INTEREST, Defendants. NOTICE OF FORECLOSURE SALE PURSUANT TO CHAPTER 45 NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that Sale will be made pursuant to an Order of Final Judgment. Final Judgment was awarded on March 23, 2016 in Civil Case No. 2015 CA 0559 AXMA, of the Circuit Court of the Twelfth Judicial Circuit in and for Desoto County, Florida, wherein Matthew LaPorta is the Plaintiff, and Rodolfo Cervantes, Briana Cervantes, John Doe and Jane Doe as Unknown Tenants in Possession are Defendants. The clerk of the court, Nadia Daughtry will sell to the highest bidder for cash at: The DeSoto County Courthouse, 115 Oak Street, Arcadia, FL 34266 at 11:00 a.m. on the 28th day of April, 2016, the following described real property as set forth in said Final Judgment, to wit: Lot 35, Mockingbird Manor, according to the Plat thereof as recorded in Plat Book 9, Page 41 of the Public Records of DeSoto County, Florida. Parcel ID# 12-38-24-0231-0000-0350 Together with: 1981 Pace HS Mobile Home, VIN# GDOCFL34807085 Title #19701671, and VIN# GDOCFL34807085 Title #119701673 Any Person Claiming An Interest In The Surplus From The Sale, If Any, Other Than The property Owner As Of The Date Of The Lis Pendens Must File A Claim Within 60 Days After The Sale. Signed this day on April 4, 2016. /s/ Angela Reimer Attorney for Plaintiff AMR Law Firm, P.A. P.O. Box 47387 Tampa, FL 33647 Tel.: 813-315-9952 Fax: 813-280-6180 Americans With Disabilities Act (ADA) Notice: In accordance with the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990 (ADA), If you are a person with a disability who needs any accommodation in order to participate in this proceeding, you are entitled at no cost to you, to the provision of certain assistance. Please contact the ADA Coordinator at (863) 993-4876 at least 7 days before your scheduled court appearance, or immediately upon receiving this notification if the time before the scheduled appearance is less than 7 days; if you are hearing or voice impaired, call 711. Published 4/7/16 & 4/14/16 386203 3301696







PURSUANT TO CHAPTER 45 NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN Pursuant to a Final Judgment of Foreclosure dated 22 March, 2016, and entered in Case No. 142009CA001220CAAXMA of the Circuit Court of the Twelfth Judicial Circuit in and for DeSoto County, Florida in which Bank of America N.A., is the Plaintiff and Jane Doe a/k/a Lisa Johnson, John Doe a/k/a Dustin Price, Patrick Skinner A/K/A Patrick C. Skinner, Any And All Unknown Parties Claiming by, Through, Under, And Against The Herein named Individual Defendant(s) Who are not Known To Be Dead Or Alive, Whether Said Unknown Parties May Claim An Interest in Spouses, Heirs, Devisees, Grantees, Or Other Claimants are defendants, the DeSoto County Clerk of the Circuit Court will sell to the highest and best bidder for cash in/on the DeSoto County Courthouse, 115 Oak Street, Arcadia, FL 34266;, DeSoto County, Florida at 11:00AM on the 26th of April, 2016, the following described property as set forth in said Final Judgment of Foreclosure: LOT 20 BLOCK L FOREST PINE ESTATES AS PER MAP OR PLAT THEREOF RECORDED IN THE OFFICE OF THE CLERK OF THE CIRCUIT COURT IN AND FOR DESOTO COUNTY FLORIDA IN PLAT BOOK 9 PAGE 20 TOGETHER WITH A 1997 HOMES OF MERIT DOUBLE WIDE MOBILE HOME MANUFACTURE SERIAL NUMBER FLHMBT576 40713 A AND B COMMONLY KNOWN AS 1449 PLUM DRIVE SOUTHEAST ARCADIA FL 34266-0000 1449 PLUM DR SE, ARCADIA, FL 34266 Any person claiming an interest in the surplus from the sale, if any, other than the property owner as of the date of the Lis Pendens must file a claim within 60 days after the sale. Dated in Hillsborough County, Florida, this 29th day of March, 2016 /s/ David Osborne David Osborne, Esq. FL Bar # 70182 Albertelli Law Attorney for Plaintiff P.O. Box 23028 Tampa, FL 33623 (813) 221-4743 (813) 221-9171 facsimile eService: JR- 15-182122 If you are a person with a disability who needs any accommodation in order to participate in this proceeding, you are entitled, at no cost to you, to the provision of certain assistance. Please contact the DeSoto County Court's ADA Coordinator at 115 E. Oak Street, Arcadia, Florida 34266, (863)993-4876 at least 7 days before your scheduled court appearance, or immediately upon receiving this notification if the time before the scheduled appearance is less than 7 days; if you are hearing or voice impaired, call 711. To file response please contact DeSoto County Clerk of Court, 115 E. Oak Street, Room 101, Arcadia, FL 34266, Tel: (863) 993-4876; Fax: (863) 9934669. Published 4/7/16 & 4/14/16 272484 3301576

Parties May Claim An Interest in Spouses, Heirs, Devisees, Grantees, Or Other Claimants are defendants, the DeSoto County Clerk of the Circuit Court will sell to the highest and best bidder for cash in/on the DeSoto County Courthouse, 115 Oak Street, Arcadia, FL 34266;, DeSoto County, Florida at 11:00AM on the 28th of April, 2016, the following described property as set forth in said Final Judgment of Foreclosure: LOT 35 AND THE NORTHEASTERLY 25 FEET OF LOT 36, BLOCK "F" OF RIDGEWOOD SUBDIVISION, A SUBDIVISION ACCORDING TO THE MAP OR PLAT THEREOF RECORDED IN PLAT BOOK 5, PAGE 85, OF THE PUBLIC RECORDS OF DESOTO COUNTY, FLORIDA. 324 VALDOSTA ROAD, ARCADIA, FL 34266 Any person claiming an interest in the surplus from the sale, if any, other than the property owner as of the date of the Lis Pendens must file a claim within 60 days after the sale. Dated in Hillsborough County, Florida, this 29th day of March, 2016 /s/ Justin Ritchie Justin Ritchie, Esq. FL Bar # 106621 Albertelli Law Attorney for Plaintiff P.O. Box 23028 Tampa, FL 33623 (813) 221-4743 (813) 221-9171 facsimile eService: JR-15-206456 If you are a person with a disability who needs any accommodation in order to participate in this proceeding, you are entitled, at no cost to you, to the provision of certain assistance. Please contact the DeSoto County Court's ADA Coordinator at 115 E. Oak Street, Arcadia, Florida 34266, (863)993-4876 at least 7 days before your scheduled court appearance, or immediately upon receiving this notification if the time before the scheduled appearance is less than 7 days; if you are hearing or voice impaired, call 711. To file response please contact DeSoto County Clerk of Court, 115 E. Oak Street, Room 101, Arcadia, FL 34266, Tel: (863) 993-4876; Fax: (863) 9934669. Published 4/7/16 & 4/14/16 272484 3301566

COURT By: /s/ M. Marshall Deputy Clerk If you are a person with a disability who needs any accommodation in order to participate in a court proceeding, you are entitled, at no cost to you, to the provision of certain assistance: Please contact DeSoto County Jury Office, 115 East Oak Street, Arcadia, Florida 34266. Telephone: (863) 993-4876. If you are hearing or voice impaired, please call 711. Published 4/7/16 & 4/14/16 357986 3301652

scheduled appearance is less than 7 days; if you are hearing or voice impaired, call 711. To file response please contact DeSoto County Clerk of Court, 115 E. Oak Street, Room 101, Arcadia, FL 34266, Tel: (863) 993-4876; Fax: (863) 9934669. Published 3/31/16 & 4/7/16 272484 3298494

MAY 4, 2016 at 11:00 a.m. Dated this 23RD DAY OF MARCH, 2016 NADIA K. DAUGHTREY INTERIM CLERK OF COURT DESOTO COUNTY, FLORIDA By: CRYSTAL HENDERSON, Deputy Clerk Publication Dates 3/31/16, 4/7/16, 4/14/16 & 4/21/16 112132 3298529

ADVERTISE In The Classifieds!


IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE TWELFTH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT IN AND FOR DESOTO COUNTY, FLORIDA CIVIL ACTION CASE NO.: 142014CA000491CAAXMA DIVISION: Z NATIONSTAR MORTGAGE LLC, Plaintiff, vs. ROBINSON, BRIDGET et al, Defendant(s). NOTICE OF SALE PURSUANT TO CHAPTER 45 NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN Pursuant to a Final Judgment of Foreclosure dated 22 March, 2016, and entered in Case No. 142014CA000491CAAXMA of the Circuit Court of the Twelfth Judicial Circuit in and for DeSoto County, Florida in which Nationstar Mortgage LLC, is the Plaintiff and Bridget Y. Robinson, HSBC Bank Nevada, N.A., Unknown Occupant NKA Veronica Davis, Any And All Unknown Parties Claiming by, Through, Under, And Against The Herein named Individual Defendant(s) Who are not Known To Be Dead Or Alive, Whether Said Unknown C


IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE TWELFTH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT IN AND FOR DESOTO COUNTY, FLORIDA CIVIL ACTION CASE NO.: 14-2015-CA-000424 DIVISION: Z THE BANK OF NEW YORK MELLON FKA THE BANK OF NEW YORK,AS TRUSTEE FOR THE CERTIFICATEHOLDERS OF CWALT, INC., ALTERNATIVE LOAN TRUST 2005-19CB, MORTGAGE PASS-THROUGH CERTIFICATES, SERIES 200519CB, Plaintiff, vs. MURPHY, JAMES et al, Defendant(s). NOTICE OF SALE PURSUANT TO CHAPTER 45 NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN Pursuant to a Final Judgment of Foreclosure dated 15 March, 2016, and entered in Case No. 14-2015-CA-000424 of the Circuit Court of the Twelfth Judicial Circuit in and for DeSoto County, Florida in which The Bank of New York Mellon FKA The Bank of New York,as Trustee for the certificateholders of CWALT, Inc., Alternative Loan Trust 2005-19CB, Mortgage PassThrough Certificates, Series 2005-19CB, is the Plaintiff and Holley Murphy, James A. Murphy, Any And All Unknown Parties Claiming by, Through, Under, And Against The Herein named Individual Defendant(s) Who are not Known To Be Dead Or Alive, Whether Said Unknown Parties May Claim An Interest in Spouses, Heirs, Devisees, Grantees, Or Other Claimants are defendants, the DeSoto County Clerk of the Circuit Court will sell to the highest and best bidder for cash in/on the DeSoto County Courthouse, 115 Oak Street, Arcadia, FL 34266;, DeSoto County, Florida at 11:00AM on the 21st of April, 2016, the following described property as set forth in said Final Judgment of Foreclosure: LOT 6, BLOCK 53, ORIGINAL SURVEY OF ARCADIA, AS PER MAP OR PLAT THEREOF RECORDED IN THE OFFICE OF THE CLERK OF THE CIRCUIT COURT IN AND FOR DESOTO COUNTY, FLORIDA, IN PLAT BOOK 1, PAGE 67 AND IN PLAT BOOK C-5, PAGE 56. 626 E MAGNOLIA STREET, ARCADIA, FL 34266 Any person claiming an interest in the surplus from the sale, if any, other than the property owner as of the date of the Lis Pendens must file a claim within 60 days after the sale. Dated in Hillsborough County, Florida this 23rd day of March, 2016. By: /s/ Erik Del’Etoile Erik Del’Etoile, Esq. FL Bar # 71675 Albertelli Law Attorney for Plaintiff P.O. Box 23028 Tampa, FL 33623 (813) 221-4743 (813) 221-9171 facsimile eService: JR- 15-188227 If you are a person with a disability who needs any accommodation in order to participate in this proceeding, you are entitled, at no cost to you, to the provision of certain assistance. Please contact the DeSoto County Court's ADA Coordinator at 115 E. Oak Street, Arcadia, Florida 34266, (863)993-4876 at least 7 days before your scheduled court appearance, or immediately upon receiving this notification if the time before the

Cash in with Class! NOTICE OF APPLICATION FOR TAX DEED Notice is hereby given that STEVE ADAMS the holder of the following certificate has filed said certificate for a tax deed to be issued thereon. The certificate number and year of issuance, the description of the property, and the names in which it was assessed are as follows: Certificate Number: 1427 Issuance Date: MAY 27, 2011 Tax Deed File Number 16-05-TD Description of Property: LOT 24 AND THE SOUTH ½ OF LOT 22, BLOCK 3, TIER 6, A.W. GILCHRIST’S EAST END ADDITION TO ARCADIA, FLORIDA, AS PER MAP OR PLAT THEREOF RECORDED IN THE OFFICE OF THE CLERK OF THE CIRCUIT COURT IN AND FOR DESOTO COUNTY, FLORIDA IN PLAT BOOK 1, PAGE 27 AND IN PLAT BOOK C-5, PAGE 48. Names in which assessed: 1ST INTEGRITY INVESTMENTS LLC 1083 N COLLIER BLVD STE 334 MARCO ISLAND, FL 34145 All of said property being in the County of DeSoto, State of Florida. Unless such certificate shall be redeemed according to law, the property described in such certificate or certificates will be sold to the highest bidder at the South Courthouse Door MAY 4, 2016 at 11:00 a.m. Dated this 23RD DAY OF MARCH, 2016 NADIA K. DAUGHTREY INTERIM CLERK OF COURT DESOTO COUNTY, FLORIDA By: CRYSTAL HENDERSON, Deputy Clerk Publication Dates 3/31/16, 4/7/16, 4/14/16 & 4/21/16 112132 3298525 NOTICE OF APPLICATION FOR TAX DEED Notice is hereby given that STEVE ADAMS the holder of the following certificate has filed said certificate for a tax deed to be issued thereon. The certificate number and year of issuance, the description of the property, and the names in which it was assessed are as follows: Certificate Number: 1425 Issuance Date: MAY 27, 2011 Tax Deed File Number 16-06-TD Description of Property: LOT 20 AND THE NORTH ½ OF LOT 22, BLOCK 3, TIER 6, A.W. GILCHRIST’S EAST END ADDITION TO ARCADIA, FLORIDA, AS PER MAP OR PLAT THEREOF RECORDED IN THE OFFICE OF THE CLERK OF THE CIRCUIT COURT IN AND FOR DESOTO COUNTY, FLORIDA IN PLAT BOOK 1, PAGE 27 AND IN PLAT BOOK C-5, PAGE 48. Names in which assessed: 1ST INTEGRITY INVESTMENTS LLC 1083 N COLLIER BLVD STE 334 MARCO ISLAND, FL 34145 All of said property being in the County of DeSoto, State of Florida. Unless such certificate shall be redeemed according to law, the property described in such certificate or certificates will be sold to the highest bidder at the South Courthouse Door 20 6 00

Find it in the Classifieds! NOTICE OF APPLICATION FOR TAX DEED Notice is hereby given that STEVE ADAMS the holder of the following certificate has filed said certificate for a tax deed to be issued thereon. The certificate number and year of issuance, the description of the property, and the names in which it was assessed are as follows: Certificate Number: 1423 Issuance Date: MAY 27, 2011 Tax Deed File Number 16-07-TD Description of Property: LOT 18 AND THE SOUTH ½ OF LOT 16, BLOCK 3, TIER 6, A.W. GILCHRIST’S EAST END ADDITION TO ARCADIA, FLORIDA, AS PER MAP OR PLAT THEREOF RECORDED IN THE OFFICE OF THE CLERK OF THE CIRCUIT COURT IN AND FOR DESOTO COUNTY, FLORIDA IN PLAT BOOK 1, PAGE 27 AND IN PLAT BOOK C-5, PAGE 48. Names in which assessed: 1ST INTEGRITY INVESTMENTS LLC 1083 N COLLIER BLVD STE 334 MARCO ISLAND, FL 34145 All of said property being in the County of DeSoto, State of Florida. Unless such certificate shall be redeemed according to law, the property described in such certificate or certificates will be sold to the highest bidder at the South Courthouse Door MAY 4, 2016 at 11:00 a.m. Dated this 23RD DAY OF MARCH, 2016 NADIA K. DAUGHTREY INTERIM CLERK OF COURT DESOTO COUNTY, FLORIDA By: CRYSTAL HENDERSON, Deputy Clerk Publication Dates 3/31/16, 4/7/16, 4/14/16 & 4/21/16 112132 3298532 NOTICE OF APPLICATION FOR TAX DEED Notice is hereby given that STEVE ADAMS the holder of the following certificate has filed said certificate for a tax deed to be issued thereon. The certificate number and year of issuance, the description of the property, and the names in which it was assessed are as follows: Certificate Number: 1421 Issuance Date: MAY 27, 2011 Tax Deed File Number 16-08-TD Description of Property: LOT 14 AND THE NORTH ½ OF LOT 16, BLOCK 3, TIER 6, A.W. GILCHRIST’S EAST END ADDITION TO ARCADIA, FLORIDA, AS PER MAP OR PLAT THEREOF RECORDED IN THE OFFICE OF THE CLERK OF THE CIRCUIT COURT IN AND FOR DESOTO COUNTY, FLORIDA IN PLAT BOOK 1, PAGE 27 AND IN PLAT BOOK C-5, PAGE 48. Names in which assessed: 1ST INTEGRITY INVESTMENTS LLC 1083 N COLLIER BLVD STE 334 MARCO ISLAND, FL 34145 All of said property being in the County of DeSoto, State of Florida. Unless such certificate shall be redeemed according to law, the property described in such certificate or certificates will be sold to the highest bidder at the South Courthouse Door 20 6 00

Arcadian | Page 22

The Sun / Thursday, April 7, 2016





MAY 4, 2016 at 11:00 a.m. Dated this 23RD DAY OF MARCH, 2016 NADIA K. DAUGHTREY INTERIM CLERK OF COURT DESOTO COUNTY, FLORIDA By: CRYSTAL HENDERSON, Deputy Clerk Publication Dates 3/31/16, 4/7/16, 4/14/16 & 4/21/16 112132 3298533

MAY 4, 2016 at 11:00 a.m. Dated this 23RD DAY OF MARCH, 2016 NADIA K. DAUGHTREY INTERIM CLERK OF COURT DESOTO COUNTY, FLORIDA By: CRYSTAL HENDERSON, Deputy Clerk Publication Dates 3/31/16, 4/7/16, 4/14/16 & 4/21/16 112132 3298537

must be submitted in writing to the Superintendent, within 21 days after the date of publication of this notice. Any material pertinent to the issues under consideration submitted to the Superintendent within 21 days after the date of publication of this notice or submitted between the date of publication and the end of the last public hearing shall be considered by the Board and made a part of the rulemaking record. Action on the rule repeal and adoption will occur at a future School Board meeting, which shall be separately noticed. The Person to be contacted regarding the policies is: Dr. Karyn E. Gary, Office of the Superintendent, 530 LaSolona Ave, Arcadia FL, 34266; telephone 863-494-4222. Any person who decides to appeal a decision with respect to a matter considered at the hearing is hereby advised that, for such purpose, the person may need to ensure that a verbatim record of the meeting is made, which record includes the testimony and evidence upon which the appeal is to be based. Any person with a disability or physical impairment who wishes to attend this meeting and who requires special accommodations should contact the Office of the Superintendent, 530 LaSolona Ave, Arcadia FL, 34266; telephone 863-494-4222 at least 48 hours prior to the meeting. By Dr. Karyn E. Gary, Superintendent of Schools and Secretary to the Board. Published 3/31/16, 4/7/16, 4/14/16, 4/21/16 102569 3298639

cuito Alguacil Tasador de Inmuebles Recaudador Fiscal Superintendente de Escuelas Supervisor de Elecciones Juez del Tribunal del Condado: grupo 1 Junta Escolar: distritos 2 y 4 Comisionado del Condado: distritos 1, 3 y 5 Distrito de Conservación de Tierra y Agua de Peace River: grupos 2 y 4 Published 4/7/16 & 4/14/16 283740 3292734

Great Deals in the Classifieds! NOTICE OF APPLICATION FOR TAX DEED Notice is hereby given that STEVE ADAMS the holder of the following certificate has filed said certificate for a tax deed to be issued thereon. The certificate number and year of issuance, the description of the property, and the names in which it was assessed are as follows: Certificate Number: 1419 Issuance Date: MAY 27, 2011 Tax Deed File Number 16-09-TD Description of Property: LOT 12 AND THE SOUTH ½ OF LOT 10, BLOCK 3, TIER 6, A.W. GILCHRIST’S EAST END ADDITION TO ARCADIA, FLORIDA, AS PER MAP OR PLAT THEREOF RECORDED IN THE OFFICE OF THE CLERK OF THE CIRCUIT COURT IN AND FOR DESOTO COUNTY, FLORIDA IN PLAT BOOK 1, PAGE 27 AND IN PLAT BOOK C-5, PAGE 48. Names in which assessed: 1ST INTEGRITY INVESTMENTS LLC 1083 N COLLIER BLVD STE 334 MARCO ISLAND, FL 34145 All of said property being in the County of DeSoto, State of Florida. Unless such certificate shall be redeemed according to law, the property described in such certificate or certificates will be sold to the highest bidder at the South Courthouse Door MAY 4, 2016 at 11:00 a.m. Dated this 23RD DAY OF MARCH, 2016 NADIA K. DAUGHTREY INTERIM CLERK OF COURT DESOTO COUNTY, FLORIDA By: CRYSTAL HENDERSON, Deputy Clerk Publication Dates 3/31/16, 4/7/16, 4/14/16 & 4/21/16 112132 3298535 NOTICE OF APPLICATION FOR TAX DEED Notice is hereby given that STEVE ADAMS the holder of the following certificate has filed said certificate for a tax deed to be issued thereon. The certificate number and year of issuance, the description of the property, and the names in which it was assessed are as follows: Certificate Number: 1417 Issuance Date: MAY 27, 2011 Tax Deed File Number 16-10-TD Description of Property: LOT 8 AND THE NORTH ½ OF LOT 10, BLOCK 3, TIER 6, A.W. GILCHRIST’S EAST END ADDITION TO ARCADIA, FLORIDA, AS PER MAP OR PLAT THEREOF RECORDED IN THE OFFICE OF THE CLERK OF THE CIRCUIT COURT IN AND FOR DESOTO COUNTY, FLORIDA IN PLAT BOOK 1, PAGE 27 AND IN PLAT BOOK C-5, PAGE 48. Names in which assessed: 1ST INTEGRITY INVESTMENTS LLC 1083 N COLLIER BLVD STE 334 MARCO ISLAND, FL 34145 All of said property being in the County of DeSoto, State of Florida. Unless such certificate shall be redeemed according to law, the property described in such certificate or certificates will be sold to the highest bidder at the South Courthouse Door 20 6 00

NOTICE OF APPLICATION FOR TAX DEED Notice is hereby given that STEVE ADAMS the holder of the following certificate has filed said certificate for a tax deed to be issued thereon. The certificate number and year of issuance, the description of the property, and the names in which it was assessed are as follows: Certificate Number: 1412 Issuance Date: MAY 27, 2011 Tax Deed File Number 16-11-TD Description of Property: LOT 1 AND THE EAST ½ OF LOT 2, BLOCK 3, TIER 6, A.W. GILCHRIST’S EAST END ADDITION TO ARCADIA, FLORIDA, AS PER MAP OR PLAT THEREOF RECORDED IN THE OFFICE OF THE CLERK OF THE CIRCUIT COURT IN AND FOR DESOTO COUNTY, FLORIDA IN PLAT BOOK 1, PAGE 27 AND IN PLAT BOOK C-5, PAGE 48. Names in which assessed: 1ST INTEGRITY INVESTMENTS LLC 1083 N COLLIER BLVD STE 334 MARCO ISLAND, FL 34145 All of said property being in the County of DeSoto, State of Florida. Unless such certificate shall be redeemed according to law, the property described in such certificate or certificates will be sold to the highest bidder at the South Courthouse Door MAY 4, 2016 at 11:00 a.m. Dated this 23RD DAY OF MARCH, 2016 NADIA K. DAUGHTREY INTERIM CLERK OF COURT DESOTO COUNTY, FLORIDA By: CRYSTAL HENDERSON, Deputy Clerk Publication Dates 3/31/16, 4/7/16, 4/14/16 & 4/21/16 112132 3298539

3138 OTHER NOTICES Board Updates – March 2016 The School Board of District of DeSoto County, Florida, gives notice of its intent to repeal its existing policies and adopt or update new policies as shown below. Existing policies proposed for addition, revision, or deletion to current School Board Policy: 0149.3 Board-Staff Communication, 1112 Board-Staff Communication, 3112 Board-Staff Communication, 4112 BoardStaff Communication, 8210 – School Calendar Purpose and Effect: To update the policies, conform policies to current legislation, consolidate similar policies on the same subject, eliminate redundant and obsolete language, and make policies easier to find, understand and use. Once adopted, the new policies will be electronically published, hyperlinked and keyword searchable. Authority: F.S. 1001.41(2); 1001.42, 1001.43, 1012.23 Summary of Statement of Estimated Regulatory Cost: No statement of estimated regulatory costs has been prepared. Any person who wishes to provide information regarding the statement of estimated regulatory costs, or to provide a proposal for a lower cost regulatory alternative, must do so in writing within 21 days of this notice. Any affected person may request a public hearing on the proposed repeal and adoption of these policies. Such requests


NOTICE OF GENERAL ELECTION I, Ken Detzner, Secretary of State of the State of Florida, do hereby give notice that a General Election will be held in DESOTO County, State of Florida, on the Eighth day of NOVEMBER, 2016, A.D., to fill or retain the following offices: President and Vice-President United States Senator Representative in Congress: District 17 State Attorney: Judicial Circuit 12 Public Defender: Judicial Circuit 12 State Senator: District 26 State Representative: District 56 Circuit Judge, Twelfth Judicial Circuit: Groups 2, 4 and 11 Clerk of the Circuit Court Sheriff Property Appraiser Tax Collector Superintendent of Schools Supervisor of Elections County Judge: Group 1 School Board: Districts 2 & 4 County Commissioner: Districts 1, 3 and 5 Peace River Soil and Water Conservation District: Groups 2 and 4 Published 4/7/16 & 4/14/16 283740 3292735

Yo, Ken Detzner, Secretario de Estado del Estado de la Florida, por el presente notifico que se llevarán a cabo ELECCIONES GENERALES en el Condado de DESOTO, Estado de la Florida, el día OCHO de NOVIEMBRE de 2016 d. C., para determinar la ocupación o la retención de los siguientes cargos: Presidente y Vicepresidente Senador de los Estados Unidos Representante ante el Congreso: distrito 17 Procurador del Estado: 12. º Circuito Judicial Defensor Público: 12. º Circuito Judicial Senador Estatal: distrito 26 Representante Estatal: distrito 56 Juez del Circuito, 12. º Circuito Judicial: grupos 2, 4 y 11 Secretario del Tribunal del Cir-



6035 FURNITURE BED, QUEEN Mattress and Box Brand New will sell. $175 Also have KING. 941-6295550 MATTRESS AND Box. New will sell $100 941-629-5550


The Smith Brown Community Foundation is hosting it second annual Kentucky Derby themed fundraiser May 7. The event will take place at the Turner Center and features a roast of this year’s honoree, DeSoto School Board Member Ronny Allen. The event begins with a tailgate reception at 4 p.m., with the program and dinner immediate following at 5 p.m. The evening will include race betting, a best hat and tie contest, a live auction and the broadcast of the “Run for the Roses.” Sarasota’s Shantel Norman will sing live. Shantel, a soulful R&B and pop singer, has competed on ABC’s reality show “Karaoke Battle USA,” performed at the Legendary Apollo Theater and more! David Carlton will be returning as the Master of Ceremonies. Coach Richard Bowers (co-founder of The Smith Brown Community

Foundation) will be on hand to roast Allen, along with Steve Boggess and more. In 2013, The Smith Brown Community Foundation commissioned a steering committee to research and raise funds for the restoration of the Smith Brown Gym. The Foundation used the gym for many years to provide afterschool, summer and recreational programming. Their goal is to restore the facility into a community center to offer afterschool and summer programs, community events and more. The Smith Brown Community Foundation was founded in 1998 by Richard Bowers and Bill Hackney. The charity is a 501(c) 3 non-profit and all donations are tax-exempt. Tickets for the Kentucky Derby Fundraiser are $35 and sponsorship opportunities are still available. Visit www.facebook. com/smithbrowngym or contact 863-990-0527 for more information.

BUYING BUYING gold, silver and vintage costume jewelry. 941-769-8561 $1 941-7698561




Foundation to host Derby fundraiser

WE BUY & PICK UP JUNK CARS 941-661-1928

7270 AUTO PARTS/ ACCESSORIES TIRES (6) Good Shape, No leaks $300, OBO. For info Call 863-244-3853 TIRES, FIRESTONE 265 60 R18 Like New $125 863-2632669

You Sa ve Big Bucks Shopping Classifieds!


The Sun / Thursday, April 7, 2016 Page 23 | Arcadian

Arcadian | Page 24

The Sun / Thursday, April 7, 2016


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