2009 Class Syllabus

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Eighth Grade Science & Social Studies Mr. J.S. Buie, Instructor, Room B8 School: 910-277-4350, Ext. 607 Email: jbuie@scsnc.org Web:


Blog: http://buiesblog.pbworks.com


Course Description

Eighth grade science is designed to an exciting, hands-on learning environment where all students can succeed. Students will be challenged to be responsible, independent thinkers, and to manage their time and property efficiently. Throughout this year, we will explore the following concepts: technology, the hydrosphere, cell biology, molecular chemistry, archaeology, anthropology, rock formation, human immunology, and water conservation (among others).


Grading Policy & Scales Students will be assessed using the district-wide grading policy: A = 100 – 93 B = 92 – 85 C = 84 – 77 D = 76 – 70 F = 69 & below Students’ grades will be determined in the following fashion: Tests/Labs/Projects



40% =




Class Participation








Assigned Work Policies Students are required to give 100% participation in all assignments (classwork, homework, projects, etc). •

Homework = Students will daily receive homework to review concepts introduced in class. STUDENTS who do not complete the assigned homework will be given lunch detention and will be required to complete the missed homework for NO CREDIT.


Students not completing homework will receive the following consequences:


1st Offense:

Complete homework during lunch detention for partial credit (70)

2nd Offense:

Complete homework during lunch detention for no credit & phone call to parent

3rd Offense:

ISS REFERRAL and Parent Conference

Classwork = Students will daily receive an in-class assignment to practice concepts taught in class. Classwork will ALSO be graded and returned regularly.

Projects = Students will be assigned projects throughout the school year. Projects & their instructions will be handed out early enough that students will have ample time to complete them. All 8th grade students are required to complete a SCIENCE FAIR PROJECT, due in the Spring. Instructions will be handed out during the second nine weeks so they can prepare.

Make-up Assignments

It is the student’s responsibility to make up all missed work while he/she is out of class. Students are given one (1) school day to make up their missed work for each day he/she

missed. For example, a student missing three consecutive days has three days to bring in the missing work. Missed work not turned in within the given time period will receive a ZERO (0) for the missing assignments. NO EXCEPTIONS!


Extra Credit There will be no extra credit assignments given. Bonus points may be given on tests and projects, but these will be at the teacher’s discretion.


Materials & Supplies In order to succeed in this class, it is imperative that students come to class daily prepared to work. Students failing to come equipped to work will be penalized in their class participation grade. The materials needed for this course are as follows: North Carolina 8th Grade Science Textbook* North Carolina 8th Grade Science Notebook* North Carolina 8th Grade Reading Essentials Workbook* Colored pencils and/or markers Pencil and/or blue or black ink only (other colored inks will NOT be graded) Paper


Classroom Procedures & Expectations Students are expected at all times to conduct themselves in a responsible, orderly,a nd safe manner- in and out of the classroom. Students are expected to: 1- Enter class quietly and promptly begin working on assigned work until dismissed 2- Be respectful of others and their property 3- Raise their hands before speaking or getting out of their seats 4- Give 100% participation in class activities Students who fail to conduct themselves in a respectful and responsible fashion are subject to the following corrective actions: Verbal warning/”Bouncing”

Lunch detention Office referrals

VIII. Tentative Schedule First Nine Weeks:

Intro to Science & Technology, the Metric System, Lab Safety, the Hydrosphere, Food Webs/Biomes

Second Nine Weeks: Chemical Bonding, The Periodic Table, Physical & Chemical Changes, Matter Third Nine Weeks:

Cell Theory, Cell Structure & Function, Infectious Noninfectious Diseases, Microbes, Bacteria, Protists, Fungi

Fourth Nine Weeks: Geologic Time, Absolute/Relative Superposition, Remote Sensing





& of

Social Studies Our classroom instruction time will be geared towards mastering science concepts in preparation for the End-of-Grade (EOG) test. To provide students with an understanding of social studies themes, students will be given social studies contracts and current event assignments to complete at home. These assignments will serve as the base of your child’s social studies grade and will be due EACH WEEK.

I have read & understand the policies and procedures stated in Mr. Buie’s Science & Social Studies syllabus.

___________________________________________________ ________________ Parent Signature


___________________________________________________ ________________ Student Signature


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