Science Notebook

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Mr. Buie 8th Grade Science Interactive Science Notebook

HOW TO SUCCEED IN SCIENCE 1. THE KEY TO SUCCESS IN SCIENCE IS YOUR STUDY HABITS. Study habits can be defined as your daily approach toward learning science. Did you prepare yourself properly for the lesson? Have you read or listened carefully to all directions? What is the assignment trying to teach you? Do you have the materials you need to complete the assignments? Have you done your homework? 2. ASK QUESTIONS. Ask questions to clear up any concepts you don’t understand. 3. TAKE WORK HOME WITH YOU. Take your science notebook home each day and review the day’s lessons for at least fifteen minutes. If your work is not complete, finish it. If it is to be done in the lab, make arrangements to complete it as soon as possible. Write down questions in your notebook that may come up when you are studying and bring them up for class discussion. 4. STUDY PRIOR TO AN EXAM. Often it is beneficial to study with a partner or in a group. Vocabulary is important. Be sure you understand all the materials on the must learn list and the questions from the review sheets. If you don’t understand something or need clarification on an assignment, please make arrangements to come in and see me. ARE YOU WILLING TO PAY THE PRICE FOR SUCCESS? CONSIDER THE ALTERNATIVE ……

Parent Input Page Mr. Buie 8th Grade Science Interactive Science Notebook


Chapter # or Unit Title

Parent Comments

Mr. Buie 8th Grade Science Interactive Science Notebook


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Mr. Buie 8th Grade Science Interactive Science Notebook




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Mr. Buie 8th Grade Science Interactive Science Notebook




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Mr. Buie 8th Grade Science Interactive Science Notebook

Interactive Notebook Procedures Please do not add anything in this notebook without my approval! 1. Number your pages immediately. a. Odd pages (left side) will be for INPUT (class activities and notes) b. Even pages (right side) will be for OUTPUT (student processing). 2. All answers need to be written in complete sentences. Incomplete sentences receive a score of zero. 3. Everyday and copied text/words need to be spelled correctly. 4. Bring interactive notebooks with you to class every day. 5. Keep your notebook organized and do not insert other sheets into it. 6. Treat your notebooks nicely and with respect. 7. Coloring should be done neatly. 8. This notebook is a tool for studying. 9. If you lose you notebook or your notebook becomes damaged, you must replace it and it up to date with all the work that we have done.

To keep an interactive notebook, you will need: • a 5-subject spiral notebook • colored pencils, highlighters • scissors • pencil, black/blue/red ink, colored pens • glue sticks and/or tape

Mr. Buie 8th Grade Science Interactive Science Notebook

Student “Phone-a-Friend” “Oh no, I was absent! What should I do?” When you are absent, it is best to contact someone to find out what you missed and if there is anything you can do before you return. Check the class website or email Mr. Buie. Also you should get at least get the assignments written down in your planner. Remember, the “one absence, one make-up day” policy in the syllabus. Should you have any questions, contact Mr. Buie. 1. Study Buddy #1 : ___________________________________ Name/Phone/Email 2. Study Buddy #2: ____________________________________Name/Phone/Email 3. Study Buddy #3: ____________________________________Name/Phone/Email **Please remember, only call during appropriate hours (no later than 8 pm).** When you return to school, follow the steps below in order: 1- Check with a buddy and write down what you missed in your planner. 2- See Mr. Buie and/or check the “While You Were Out” folder for any assignments or instructions you may need; you can also ask to see the Interactive Teacher notebook for assignments. 3- Speak to Mr. Buie if you have special circumstances and need extra time (more than the “one absence, one make-up” day policy). 4- Hand in the assignment and/or complete the makeup work in your notebook by the due date. It is your responsibility to find out what you missed and to complete the work without being asked by your teacher! Homework Late Pass (Mr. Buie) How it works: Use this pass to hand in two pieces of work, one day late with no penalty. This pass will not work with late work that is more than 1 day late. Your teacher has the right to make any assignment a “no passes accepted” assignment, e.g. projects, study guides, test reviews. You do not need this pass if you are absent with an excuse. Assignment Name ________________________ Date Due_________ Tchr Initials ____ Assignment Name ________________________ Date Due _________ Tchr Initials____

Mr. Buie 8th Grade Science Interactive Science Notebook

Left Side Pages (Input) These are the traditional form of assignments for class and homework. Basic Knowledge Questions (find answer in reading type question)

Book Notes Cornell Notes Copied Excerpt from a Text Diagrams Guest Speaker Notes Handouts Lab Prep or Reports Lecture Notes Newspaper or Magazine Articles Practice Problems Small Group or Large Group Discussions “Testable” Information Traditional Assignments Video Notes Vocabulary Web Articles

• •

Right Side Pages (Output) Processing Types of Assignments Analogy Brainstorming Ballad Billboard Advertisement Cartoon Chant Cheer Commercial Concept Map Definition Diagram Fable Fairy Tale Flow Charts Graphic Organizers Haiku Jokes Letter to editor Limerick Magazine Ad Matrices Metaphors Mnemonic Devices Newsflash Paraphrasing Persuasive letter Poem Predictions Pun Pre-write Questions Quick Write Quotes Rap Reflections Riddle Short Story Song Story Boards Venn Diagrams Vocabulary Flip-Flash Card “Wanted” Posters Word List

This section should be written in pencil, *This section should use colors black or blue ink ONLY. **May sometimes require an explanation at the This section contains test-able bottom of page telling how the output shows information. an understanding. Student has to explain why and how it helps him/her to learn

Mr. Buie 8th Grade Science Interactive Science Notebook

Mr. Buie 8th Grade Science Interactive Science Notebook

How to Write Your Personal Reflection for your Interactive Notebook‌ At the end of each unit (grading period), you will be expected to write a reflective essay that shows in depth your understanding about the work you are doing. Be honest and open in sharing your thoughts and opinions.

Step 1:

Count the number of assignments we have completed for this unit and record it at the top of your reflection.

Step 2:

Choose four pages from the unit that best supported the big idea in the unit. Two from the left side and two from the right side; record them on your reflection below the assignment count.

Step 3:

You will not be writing three paragraphs (7-10 sentences): Paragraph 1: Write specific reasons why you chose the four assignments that you are writing about.

Paragraph 2: Explain why these pages best support the overall main idea of the unit. Give specific examples why.

Paragraph 3: What do these assignments reflect about your skills as a student? For example, do they show you are organized, good at analyzing, very thorough, creative, good note taker, make connections between assignments and so on. Make sure you give specific examples from the work you chose.

Step 4:

Paragraph 4: In this paragraph, you will rate your own notebook. Use the rubric to rate your own work (4, 3, 2, 1, or 0). How do you think your notebook measures up and why? Use specifics from the rubric and relate it directly to the work that you chose (use examples).

Step 5:

Paragraph 5: In the last paragraph, answer the following questions: (1) What information did you learn that was new to you? Give specific examples. (2) How did you notebook help you

Mr. Buie 8th Grade Science Interactive Science Notebook

in this unit? Again, be specific. (3) How could you improve your notebook? Please explain.

Please type your final draft and tape it as a flip page in your interactive notebook as directed by your teacher.

Mr. Buie 8th Grade Science Interactive Science Notebook

Eighth Grade Science & Social Studies Mr. J.S. Buie, Instructor (B8) School: 910-277-4350, Ext. 607 Email: Web:

Course Description Eighth grade science is designed to an exciting, hands-on learning environment where all students can succeed. Students will explore various science concepts and incorporate technology through numerous projects, demonstrations, and cooperative group activities geared towards real-world application. Students will be challenged to be responsible, independent thinkers, and are expected to manage their time and property efficiently.

Grading Policy & Scales Students will be assessed using the district-wide grading policy: A = 100 – 93


B = 92 – 85 (Good)

C = 84 – 78


D = 77 – 70 (Below Average)

F = 69 & below (Needs Improvement)

Students’ grades will be determined in the following fashion:




Interactive Science Notebook (ISN)/Projects









Assigned Work Policies

Students are expected to give 100% in all assignments!

Tests/Quizzes: Students will be regularly assessed with formal tests and quizzes. All tests and quizzes are cumulative (contain questions from the beginning of the year)! Be sure to keep track

Mr. Buie 8th Grade Science Interactive Science Notebook

of old skills and concepts you learn throughout the year; they will show up on your tests and quizzes over and over again.

Interactive Science Notebook (ISN): Students are required to maintain an interactive science notebook throughout the course of the year. This notebook should be a 5-subject, spiral notebook (college-ruled) used for keeping assignments, taking notes, and organizing test material. This notebook will be collected and graded for organization and completion at least twice per grading period. Information pertaining to this notebook will be distributed at the start of the year.

Projects: Students will be assigned numerous projects throughout the year. Project guidelines will be handed out early enough that students will have ample time to complete them. All 8th grade students are expected to complete a SCIENCE FAIR PROJECT, due in the spring. Instructions will be handed out during the second nine weeks so they can prepare.

Homework: Students will regularly receive homework (3-4 times per week) to review concepts discussed in class. Students who do not complete their homework will receive lunch detention and will be required to complete the missed homework for partial credit (70).

Classwork: Students will daily complete an in-class assignment based on concepts taught in class. All classwork will be graded and should be kept in the Interactive Science Notebook (ISN).

Make-up Assignments: When a student is absent, it is his/her responsibility to make up all missed work while he/she is out of class. Students are given one (1) school day to make up their missed work for each consecutive day he/she missed. For example, a student missing three consecutive days has three days to bring in the missing work. Missed work not turned in within the given time period will receive a ZERO (0) for the missing assignments. No exceptions.

Materials & Supplies Students should come to class daily prepared to work. The materials needed for this course are as follows:

North Carolina 8th Grade Science Workbook *North Carolina 8th Grade Reading Essentials Workbook *5-subject composition (college-ruled) notebook (for Interactive Science Notebook) *notecards, glue sticks, colored pencils, pencil and/or pens

Mr. Buie 8th Grade Science Interactive Science Notebook

(*Needed everyday in class)

Classroom Procedures & Expectations Students are expected at all times to conduct themselves in a responsible, and respectful manner.

Students should: -

Enter class quietly and promptly begin working on assigned work until dismissed;


Be respectful of others and their property;


Raise their hands before speaking or getting out of their seats; and


Give 100% participation in class activities.

Students who do not comply with the classroom procedures will: (1) receive a warning, (2) “bounced”, (3) have parental contact made, and/or (4) receive an office referral.

Tentative Schedule First Nine Weeks:

Science & Technology, Metric System, Lab Safety, Geologic Time, Fossil Record

Second Nine Weeks:

Hydrosphere, Oceanography, Marine Ecosystems, Water Pollution

Third Nine Weeks:

Chemical/Physical Properties, Periodic Table, Chemical Reactions

Fourth Nine Weeks:

Cell Theory, Microbes, Infectious/Noninfectious Diseases, Cell Structure

Social Studies Students will be given social studies contracts and current event assignments to complete at home. These assignments will serve as the base of your child’s social studies grade and will be due EACH WEEK.

I have read the policies and procedures stated in Mr. Buie’s Science & Social Studies syllabus.

___________________________________________________ ________________ Parent Signature

Mr. Buie 8th Grade Science Interactive Science Notebook


___________________________________________________ ________________ Student Signature


Syllabus/Classroom Expectation Processing Questions


In complete sentences, answer the following questions in your interactive notebook.


When students are respectful to each other and to the teacher, as well as the teacher being respectful to students, how does this affect the learning environment in the class?


Describe 3 things you should be doing to ensure you will be able to follow directions correctly the first time.


Why is it important to come to class prepared everyday with your own materials?


Name 3 behaviors that you should not be doing that would distract other students from learning.


What are four science materials that you must have everyday in class?


What is the order of the consequences that will occur if you break a rule?


What will happen to any object(s) that are distractive for learning such as Ipods, pictures, cell phones, etc.?


What steps should you take when you are absent from class?

Mr. Buie 8th Grade Science Interactive Science Notebook


Explain the “one absence, one make-up day” policy.


What percentage of your grade comes from each of the following categories: classwork, homework, tests, interactive science notebook, projects?


When is the only time that it is okay to enter the classroom?


When are the two appropriate times to sharpen your pencil?


You enter the classroom. Identify the next five procedures you should complete.


If you were not absent and turn your homework in late, how much credit could you possibly earn?


What are the four instructions regarding fire drills? (“The Four S’s”)


What should you be doing while the teacher is talking?


What or who dismisses the class? What or who does not dismiss the class?


Once you are told to pack your belongings, what should you do?

Mr. Buie 8th Grade Science Interactive Science Notebook

Class Website and Internet Information

This year, we will be using many websites on the Internet to enhance what we are learning in class. We will also be making good use of our class website ( Assignments will be posted both on the class website and on the Edmodo ( websites. You will be responsible for completing quizzes, activities, and discussion questions on both of these websites.

Each of you will have weekly computer time in class so that you can complete the assignments that will be due for the week. These online assignments will be graded just like regular classwork and homework assignments.

I have provided space for you to record your username and passwords for the sites we will be using over the course of the year:

Glogster: (Username: _______________, Password: ____________)

Edmodo: (Username: _______________, Password: ____________)

MySkillsTutor: (Username: _____________, Password: _____________)

Castle Learning: (Username: ____________, Password: ______________)

We also will be using an online version of our textbook for the year. I will keep a class set of the hardback books in the classroom; you will be permitted to check them out should you need them to study for a test. You will be issued a Reading Essential workbook and a Science Notebook workbook. Some of your assignments will be completed in these workbooks. You will be asked to tear out these pages and add them to your interactive science notebook.

Mr. Buie 8th Grade Science Interactive Science Notebook

Lab Safety Contract Science classes involve a hands-on laboratory component. To ensure a safe place to learn, students are required to follow the safety rules listed below. Conduct in the Laboratory 1. Conduct yourself in a responsible manner at all times in the laboratory or workshop. Horseplay and pranks are dangerous and prohibited. 2. Carefully follow all instructions. 3. Perform only those activities authorized by the instructor. 4. Students may not work in the laboratory without an instructor present. 5. Students are not permitted in preparation areas unless accompanied by an instructor. 6. Eating, drinking or chewing gum during a laboratory activity is prohibited. 7. All chemicals in the laboratory are to be considered dangerous. Do not touch, taste, or smell any chemicals unless specifically instructed to do so. Clothing 8. Lab aprons and safety goggles are provided to protect you from possible injury. They should be worn during activities. 9. Dress properly during a laboratory activity. Long hair must be tied back and dangling jewelry and loose or baggy clothing must be secured. Open-toed footwear is not recommended. 10. Clean up all lab tools, materials, and surfaces as instructed by your teacher. Return all equipment clean and in working order to the proper storage area. 11. Wash your hands with soap and water after performing laboratory activities. In Case of Accident 12. Report any accident (spill, breakage, etc.), injury (cut, burn, etc.), or unsafe condition to the instructor immediately, no matter how trivial it may appear. Students should not handle broken glass. 13. Know the locations and operating procedures of all safety equipment including the eyewash station, safety shower, fire extinguisher, and fire blanket. Know where the emergency exits are located. I have reviewed and understand these safety rules and agree to follow them: Student (print)_______________________ (sign)______________________ Date:________ I have reviewed these rules and agree to support my child and the teacher in maintaining a safe laboratory environment: Parent/guardian (print)_____________________ (sign)_________________________ Date:_________

Mr. Buie 8th Grade Science Interactive Science Notebook

Cooperative Group Information

Basic Rules:

1. Talk at a “whisper” in your group. 2. Stay on task. 3. Ask a question of your group first before you ask your teacher. 4. Offer feedback on ideas; avoid criticizing people.

Group Jobs:

Team Manager: encourages group members to stay on task and keeps track of time; reminds and keeps the group noise level to a whisper so that the group is not disturbing other groups.

Supply Manager: gathers supplies for the activity

Procedure Specialist: reads directions or other materials so the group can understand them

Recycling Engineer: puts away materials, throws away any trash, stacks textbook, and cleans workspace

Beginning Cooperative Skills Using Quiet Voices

1. What does using quiet voices mean? Using “six-inch voices” that cannot be heard beyond the table. 2. Why is it important to use quiet voices? To be able to hear the conversation in your group. 3. How will the working relationships n your group improve if you this skill? Group members will be able to hear clearly and not become frustrated by a loud classroom.

Staying On Tasks 1. What does staying on tasks mean? Counting with assigned activity in spite of distractions.

Mr. Buie 8th Grade Science Interactive Science Notebook

2. Why is it important to stay on tasks? Activity will be accomplished on time with better accuracy and more opportunity for creativity. 3. How will the working relationships in your group improve if you use this skill? The group will be proud of their increased effectiveness in preparing assignments well.

Encouraging Participation

1. What does encouraging participation mean? Motivating all group members to contribute. 2. Why is it important to encourage participation? If one or two people do not participate or they contribute very little, the group product may be finished in time, or it may be lacking in and imagination. 3. How will the working relationships in your group improve if you use this skill? Group members will feel that their contributes are important.

Finishing On Time

1. What does finishing on time mean? Completing the activity by a designated time. 2. Why is it important to finish on time? Learning will be incomplete and unfinished work will receive lower grades. 3. How will the working relationships in your group approve if you use this skill? Group members will gain a sense of accomplishment and team spirit if they complete assignments and do them well.

Dealing With Distractions

1. What does dealing with distractions mean? Avoiding problems that result from diversions or intention to assigned work. 2. Why is it important to deal with distractions? Distractions can keep a group from completing the assignment learning task. 3. How will the working relationships in your group improve if you use this skill? If positive steps are taken by groups to keep distractions at bay, they will develop a sense of accomplishment and maturity about mastering this skill.

Honoring Individual Differences

Mr. Buie 8th Grade Science Interactive Science Notebook

1. What does honoring individual differences mean? Being respectful of all students’ unique cultures, life experiences, and enthnicities. 2. Why is it important to honor individual differences? Hostility can be avoided. Group harmony can be promoted.

Mr. Buie 8th Grade Science Interactive Science Notebook

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