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They Call Him Holy Spirit by Melva L. Henderson

just between us SPRING 2020 44 Melva L. Henderson is an author and speaker. Additionally, she is the founder of The Milwaukee Give, a humanitarian outreach, and co-founder of World Outreach and Bible Training Center, Inc. Melva is wife to pastor Ervin L. Henderson, mother of five, and grandmother of two. Connect with her on Facebook and Twitter. Visit my sites! Melvahenderson.org, worldoutreachbtc.org

“If ye love me, keep my commandments. And I will pray the Father, and he shall give you another Comforter, that he may abide with you forever” (John 14:15-16, KJV). In 1991, I was a Bible college student working third shift as a hotel auditor. One evening, I was driving to work on a dark road when I heard a stern voice suddenly say, “Stop the car!” I was the only person in the car, but the voice was loud and clear. Immediately, I slammed on my brakes and within seconds, a train sped past in front of me. With hands clinging to the steering wheel, my body shook and tears filled my eyes as I realized what could have happened. While dating Skip, my now husband of 25 years, I met a man who could have destroyed my life. As this new “friendship” progressed, I decided to end my relationship with Skip. It was a decision I soon regretted. Over a short period of time, things in the new relationship began to shift in an unhealthy way. One day as I pondered whether or not to stay in this unhealthy relationship, I heard a voice within me ask, “Melva, did you notice you’re being pressured to compromise moral integrity in this new relationship? Did you notice Skip never pressured you in this way?” After a few more critical questions, I realized I had made the wrong decision and quickly ended the relationship. Space won’t permit me to share all the times the Holy Spirit has assisted me concerning my family, business, and ministry. He’s been faithfully by my side, providing wisdom and guidance just as Jesus said He would. My grandmother called the Holy Spirit her “first mind,” but Jesus called Him the Comforter who would be with us forever.

I studied the word “comforter” and found that in the Greek language, comforter is translated Parakletos, “one called alongside to help.” I also discovered seven attributes defining who the Holy Spirit is for the believer—Advocate, Comforter, Intercessor, Strengthener, Standby, Counselor, and Helper. 1. Advocate. As your advocate, the Holy Spirit publically recommends or supports you. He allows the world to know that God is with you. By allowing His anointing and power to be on display in your life, He endorses you before men, angels, and the devil. 2. Comforter. In the natural, a comforter is something you can wrap around yourself to keep warm. The same is true of the Holy Spirit. When the world you’re in feels cold, the Holy Spirit is there as your covering. He surrounds you and supernaturally wraps you in the love, peace, and presence of God. As your comforter, the Holy Spirit listens to you and gets you through rough or troubled times. He will forever be there when you need Him most. 3. Intercessor. Although Jesus is your intercessor with God, the Holy Spirit also acts on your behalf. He prays the will of God through you when you don’t know how to pray (Rom. 8:26). He speaks to peo

ple on your behalf, conducting negotiations when they are needed. 4. Strengthener. As your strengthener, the Holy Spirit provides additional stamina when you need it— spiritually, mentally, emotionally, and physically. He’s your personal trainer and reinforcement. If fear or the desire to quit overwhelms you, the Holy Spirit infuses your heart with the power to stand strong. 5. Standby. As your standby, the Holy Spirit is ready for duty or deployment especially in times of emergency. You can rely on Him as a resource to move in the places you ask of Him. 6. Counselor. The Holy Spirit is also your counselor, He’s the one qualified and fully equipped to give you guidance in your personal, business, and ministry life. He has the answers for every social, relational, business, and psychological situation or problem. 7. Helper. By revealing the Word and heart of God, the Holy Spirit supports and helps you walk out this Christian life so you can be a powerful witness for Christ.

This is who the Holy Spirit is in your life. When you yield to Him, allowing all He is to manifest through you, your life becomes an example of Christ to the world. Others will be drawn to you and God will receive the glory. You were created to live a life dominated by the Holy Spirit. When you step into that reality, you will find strength and peace like you’ve never known.

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