JCC Today, Fall 08

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The Right Stuff Volume 4, Issue 1 Fall 2008


Stephen Krusich Vice President

Dr. Stephanie K. Richmond Secretary

Kip Cunningham Treasurer

Thomas Vainner Assistant Treasurer

L. Donald Bush John Crist ’66 Richard N. Dodge ’57 Thomas R. Draper ’66 Janice Sweet Fairley Ronald J. Martoia, Sr. Dr. Edward A. Mathein ’61 Christina L. Medlar Dr. Daniel J. Phelan Dr. George E. Potter ’56 Lawrence L. Bullen ’49 Director Emeritus

Clyde Mauldin Legal Counsel

Jason H. Valente, CFRE Executive Director

Mark Schissler, Sr.

Director of Donor Relations

Kathy Spring ’80

Director of Annual Giving & Alumni Relations

Debbie Johnson

Senior Office Associate

Address changes: Direct address changes, duplicate copy information or requests to: JCC Foundation 2111 Emmons Road Jackson, MI 49201 Phone 517.787.0244 Fax 517.796.8697 www.jccmi.edu/foundation JCC Today is Jackson Community College’s publication for alumni and friends. It is published twice yearly. ON THE COVER: Dr. Daniel J. Phelan shares his wishes and vision for the future of JCC.

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I am an aviation enthusiast. I have a passion for all things air and space. During many of the 10 years I have lived in Jackson, I certainly knew of Jackson Community College but didn’t really have an understanding of the institution or the depth of its impact on our community. My first experience with the College was joining my wife’s fifth grade students on a field trip to the Michigan Space Center on campus, that experience led me to take flight lessons at the College. During my flying lessons, I was impressed by the passion and professionalism of the instructors and the quality of education I received. Having spent my career in higher educational administration, I couldn’t help but follow the progress of JCC while I served at one of our sister community colleges in Livonia. Sometimes we become complacent with the familiar, but I can tell you this: Jackson Community College and President Dan Phelan are highly regarded in the regional educational community, and JCC is seen as a pacesetter for other organizations to follow. In my four months at JCC, I have been constantly reminded of the transformational learning experiences our students have been receiving for more than 80 years. Did you know that more than 200,000 people have taken classes at JCC? The Foundation plays a crucial part in the success of the organization. This year alone, the Foundation will award more than $220,000 to over 200 students (see story on page 10). This support could not come at a more critical time. As enrollment continues to increase, the strain on the limited scholarship funds available also continues to grow. Our students are feeling the pain of increased tuition costs, surging fuel prices, and a soft job market. Our students face a real uphill battle to achieve their dream of a higher education. We need to do our part to get them there. JCC is at a critical point in its history, the

Foundation’s role is pivotal in providing needed resources for growth, development and a first class learning environment. We’ve got the right stuff here at JCC. Under the visionary leadership of President Dan Phelan, the Board of Trustees and the administration, JCC is blazing new paths. I am pleased to report that the Foundation is also in good hands. We are led by a talented and committed board of directors under the guidance of board chair, David Goldfarb. We are also fortunate to have an energetic and passionate staff that is committed to providing access to higher education, and I am extremely proud of their hard work. I am very appreciative for the warm welcome I have received at JCC. The College continues to soar to new heights. I encourage you to stop by and see why JCC has the right stuff.

Jason H. Valente, CFRE Executive Director, Jackson Community College Foundation



Griehs honored with Crockett Award

Foundation board welcomes new members The Jackson Community College Foundation Board of Directors is pleased to welcome three new board members, L. Donald Bush, Ronald J. Martoia Sr., and Janice Sweet Fairley.

Leonard F. Griehs has used his business and financial leadership skills to lead two Fortune 500 companies. An alumnus of Jackson Community College class of 1967, Griehs received the Dr. Ethelene Jones Crockett Distinguished Alumni Award for 2008.

L. Donald Bush

Griehs was featured in the Spring 2008 edition of JCC Today. He is a graduate of Parkside High School and attended JCC, graduating with his Associate in Arts in 1967. He then transferred to Eastern Michigan University in Ypsilanti and received a Bachelor of Business Education degree in 1970. He later obtained a Master of Business Administration degree in finance from Grand Valley State University.

In 1968 he was elected to the Britton-Macon Area School Board of Education, where he served 20 years, many as president. He was also elected to the Lenawee Intermediate School District Board and served 22 years. During his time as president of this board, JCC and the LISD signed the agreement resulting in JCC @ LISD TECH. Bush has served on various boards at his church and is a retired director of the board of United Bank and Trust.

In 1976, he went to work as an internal auditor with Gerber Products, where he later progressed to manager of investor relations and pension fund investments. In 1990 he was recruited to Campbell Soup Company in Camden, New Jersey, and currently is their vice president of investor relations. He is known for both professional and community service, currently serving on the national Financial Accounting Standards Advisory Council. In the past he has been a leader for the United Way, American Red Cross and Catholic Social Services foster care program. .

L. Donald Bush of Tecumseh has a history of service in Lenawee County. He farmed a 1,260-acre family farm in Macon Township, and has now retired. As a young man, Bush attended one of Henry Ford's Edison Institutes. He also attended Michigan State University in what is now called the Institute of Agricultural Technology. He was a member of the Michigan National Guard and served as mechanic crew chief for small airplanes.

Ronald J. Martoia

Ronald J. Martoia has had a long and successful career as an engineer in the automotive industry, and for the past several years he has been president of RJM Associates, Inc., business consultant specialists. He earned his bachelor’s degree in mechanical engineering from General Motors Institute (now Kettering University) in 1960. He worked for the Hydra-Matic Division of General Motors Corporation as an electrical engineer from 1956-’64, then went to work in the Walker Manufacturing Division of Tenneco, Inc., where he worked till 1993 as vice president of sales and engineering. Martoia worked with Cardone Industries from 1992-’95 as executive vice president of business development and executive vice president of sales and marketing. While at Walker Manufacturing, he was issued four U.S. patents for exhaust system design. In the community, Martoia has served as a director of Security Savings Bank (predecessor to Flagstar Bank), director and chairman of the Jackson Education Fund from 1983-’93, elder and treasurer of Westwinds Community Church from 1987-’96, director of the Jackson Symphony Orchestra from1979-’93, and director of the Jackson Y Center from 1988-’94. Martoia has been a member of Mensa since 1998.

Janice Sweet Fairley

Janice Sweet Fairley current works as director of instruction and quality assurance with NCO Financial Systems of Jackson, and previously worked for Ameritech for many years. In 1998, she was the first woman elected as president of the local branch of the NAACP. Fairley has mentored young people and has served on many different boards throughout our community. Currently, she co-chairs the Jackson Justice Watch, a group that is examining the court system, housing, education and other services that affect everyone and seeking ways to make them better. Active with the United Way of Jackson County, Fairley has helped with both fundraising and fund distribution. She is a former recipient of the Susan B. Anthony Award for community service. She teaches Sunday school, a Bible study of committed covenant Christian women, and sings in the choir at Second Baptist Church. Working to bring Christian women together regardless of color or Christian denomination, she is the co-founder of the Sisters in Ministry of Jackson. Fairley was recently recognized by the Jackson Citizen Patriot as a Distinguished Citizen, and in 2008 received the Martin Luther King, Jr. Medal of Service Award from JCC. She and her husband, James, have six children, 17 grandchildren, and nine godchildren. F A L L

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Wish list for the

future A conversation with Dr. Daniel Phelan


hange has been underway at Jackson Community College, and it continues.

Of course, tight finances have limited the full range of vision of President Dan Phelan. We recently sat down with him and, working from the premise of “What would you do if you have all the funding and resources you needed,” we learned his vision and “wish list” for JCC.


Instruction is at the forefront. “From a priority standpoint, those things that help us benefit students and that help us advance the student success agenda in the district would be my first priority,” Phelan said. “One of the specific things that I’m interested in is being able to grow the number of fulltime faculty so that we are able to provide a higher level of connection between student and faculty,” Phelan said. More full-time faculty provide more stability in instruction, and helps both students and the College overall. For example, a faculty member who has a student for English 131, 4 • J C C


Writing Experience, will have an idea of that person’s strengths and weaknesses and if they continue with that student as they progress to English 132, Writing Experience, they have that perspective to offer assistance as needed because they know the student. One of the interventions being used with the College’s Achieving the Dream grant initiative is the development of learning communities, in which students remain with a “cohort” group of peers and progress through classes together, so they have that sense of having someone to go through the classes with them. Phelan believes the same holds true with instructional communities, where students and faculty develop relationships as the student progresses academically. As an institution, more full-time faculty allows the College to advance its work as many faculty serve on committees, such as continuing accreditation, curriculum committee and more. “In addition to doing their job in the classroom, faculty members have office hours and we are asking them to serve on committees, so we need a fairsized core of faculty to accomplish this work,” he said. In order to help accomplish this goal, the College would benefit from additional endowed faculty chairs. An endowed chair allows the College to attract and retain professors of proven accomplishment. They enable JCC to offer a more diverse curriculum that is not dependent on usual income sources such as tuition, and they provide long-term financial stability. Currently, the College has one endowed chair named in honor of Dr. Wilbur Dungy, former science faculty member and the College first African-American professor. A $1 million fundraising campaign was completed in 2007, and the College is currently seeking a person to fill the faculty seat. A second $1 million has been promised to the College from donors George and Barbara Raven's estate. New program development is also an important component. “As the needs of society are changing and we are becoming more global, paying attention to what these new and emerging Continued on page 6


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programs are is important,” Phelan said. “Areas such as biochemistry, biomedical, biotechnology, sustainability, those are things we have in mind and are trying to advance. Each is a very expensive proposition, depending on which way we go, so being able to have funding to support them is vital.” Other programs have been suggested but their costs are prohibitive, including dental hygiene and culinary arts. “We would need funding for programs to not only pay for up-front equipment, but also to sustain that equipment,” Phelan said.


Ideally, advancing the College’s student success agenda – attracting students and helping them successfully complete their goals – would be furthered by hiring more faculty and staff. In addition, hiring more staff to help advance minority entrance and success is essential. “I would love to have a JCC employee in every high school, to work with the students who are preparing to graduate,” Phelan notes. “They could ask students what their educational plan is, what courses are they taking, explain what they need if they go to JCC, and

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“As the needs of society are changing and we are becoming more global, paying attention to what these new and emerging programs are is important.” help get the application, financial aid, and scholarship processes started. It would help provide a really smooth transition between high school and college. Being able to fund that in terms of personnel would be wonderful.”


Quality instruction requires sound facilities. The College is currently constructing a second student residence, Campus View II, which will be paid for through residents’ rent. Hopefully, funding from the state will come through to help complete renovations to Justin Whiting Hall and add a new building. Plans are for reconstruction and major remodel of the entire east and west wings of Whiting Hall, as well as expansion of the west wing. Renovation will allow

for expanding nursing and allied health career programs and will include advanced classroom technologies, state-of-the-art instructional laboratories, and more. Phelan adds that there is much “deferred maintenance” to be completed. While work has been completed on McDivitt and started on Whiting, Bert Walker Hall and the Potter Center also need renovations, and the campus’s infrastructure system –parking lots, water lines, electrical lines– also need upgrades. “Some of these buildings are very tired,” he notes. Examples include: • Bert Walker Hall – further development on Student Services one-stop center; student breakout/meeting space added; cyber café added near student spaces; patio reopened at south entrance; atrium and skylight installed in center of building. • Potter Center – update carpeting for theatres and lobby; update kitchen and improve dining experience; relocate and increase number of Federer (meeting) Rooms; update boiler infrastructure; increase cooling tower capacity; improve access for persons with disabilities; improve sustainability. • Fitness – the College’s long-term master plan contemplates adding on to the existing Victor Cuiss Fieldhouse with a fitness expansion to allow more indoor activities including handball courts, aerobics fitness area and more.

Increasing the number of full-time faculty would help benefit students and the College overall, Phelan believes. Pictured here is Professor Mary Belknap with her students.

• New building – depending on the College’s needs, there is a “placeholder” for another building depending on what those demands and needs are. • Beltway - completion of a service drive all the way around campus is another item on Phelan’s agenda. This would also include an ingress and egress off of Hague Road. • Outside of Jackson County, expanding efforts in Lenawee County and doubling the size of the JCC @ LISD TECH facility would help meet the growing demand there. Other items would be fun to do if the College did have unlimited funds, such as finishing off the courtyard in the middle of campus with some kind of large feature like an indoor/outdoor lecture area that may be cut into the ground, or perhaps a large water fountain. More artwork for the Lenawee and Hillsdale campuses would also improve those areas, he notes.

“We need to expand our efforts for scholarship support for nontraditional students that have a lot of responsibilities that preclude them from attending full-time.”

easier time with assistance through federal Pell Grants and the availability in Jackson of the new Legacy Scholarship, nontraditional aged students who are not right out of high school often face real struggles in balancing home and family obligations with college costs. “What about the adult student who has lost his job, but can’t go to school full-time and get the full Pell Grant because they

have a couple kids at home to support,” Phelan said. “We need to expand our efforts for scholarship support for nontraditional students that have a lot of responsibilities that preclude them from attending full-time.” While these are the “wishes” of JCC’s college president, he noted that any decisions go through the appropriate review and decision-making processes of college personnel and the Board of Trustees. “The initiatives we have taken so far have prompted the re-emergence of JCC, the ‘new JCC’ as I have called it,” Phelan said. “We’re about student success, and I think that is appealing.” JCC Going Green: Increasing the College’s sustainability is an important objective for President Phelan and the College. Read more about these efforts in our next issue.

Currently, the Campus View and Whiting Hall projects will likely be the end for a while because the College is limited by debt capacity and current revenue. “We have been able to generate activity principally through state support and debt financing, and we are at a point where it is no longer prudent to go beyond those conservative levels with regard to debt,” Phelan said. A third Campus View unit may be possible, however, since those costs are “selfliquidating,” paid by residents’ rent rather than the College.


College is always a serious financial undertaking for students. To help ease the way for more students, Phelan would like to build the College’s endowment to offer more scholarships. He notes that while traditional-aged students typically have an


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JCC awards scholarship dollars for coming year Helping pave the way for students to afford their education, Jackson Community College and the JCC Foundation awarded more than a quarter million dollars in scholarships to students for the 2008-09 academic year. JCC and the Foundation awarded $293,900 in scholarships to 326 students. JCC awarded $15,000 in Presidential Scholarships and $53,900 in Recognition of Excellence Scholarships. The JCC Foundation, which oversees privately endowed scholarships from donors, awarded $225,000 in scholarships. “The need for scholarships has certainly increased due to the rising cost of higher

“The need for scholarships has certainly increased due to the rising cost of higher education and the worsening economy” — Dick Dodge

education and the worsening economy,” said Dick Dodge, JCC Foundation board

member and chair of the Scholarship Committee. “This was reflected in the greatest number of scholarship applicants since I have been involved with the program.” There are many scholarships are available to students who qualify academically or financially. Scholarship monies can significantly cut a student’s college costs and break down financial barriers. Dodge said the committee looks for several items in evaluating scholarship applications, including need, previous academic performance (grades), program interest (as many Foundation scholarships are restricted to specific programs), and interest in attending JCC.

Donors Dave and Stephanie Richmond (at left) meet scholarship recipient Kathy Myers at a recent scholarship reception. 8 • J C C


While some scholarships are earmarked for a specific area of study, others are based on financial need, some reward academic excellence, and others are there for students who fall in the “gray area” between not qualifying for federal assistance and actually being able to afford higher education costs. “The scholarships obviously help the students finance their education; however, I think that it gives students a sense of reward for their hard work and a desire to continue their education,” Dodge said. “Many of our students wouldn’t be attending college without the financial aid package they receive through JCC.” Dan Hovater, a non-traditional student who graduated in 2008 with an Associate in Arts, received the Fred & Lorraine J. Stephens Endowed Scholarship. The funds helped him stay in school. “About six years ago I was hurt in Dan Hovater a car wreck. Going to school, scholarships and student loans helped me to stay alive,” Hovater said. Felicia Drayton of Jackson received the Peggy Dotterweich Student Scholarship and the College Incentive Program Scholarship. The funds enabled her to take classes during the summer, as well as full-time in the fall and winter. “The money has helped me in so many ways,” Drayton said. “You just fill out a paper application, Felicia Drayton and most of them have an essay, but they give you ideas about what to write. Just go talk to someone in financial aid. The hardest part is probably that first step.”

Scholarship reception is a success in many ways By Mark Schissler Scholarship recipents meet with donors.

Each year, the JCC Foundation hosts a scholarship reception to give scholarship recipients a chance to connect with and thank donors. This year, a record number of donors were able to meet 125 award and scholarship recipients and their families. Each of the Foundation’s 261 awards was a direct result of our donors’ commitment and investment in the success of our students, many of whom would not have been able to cover college expenses on their own. The recipients were 101 high school graduates and 160 returning and non-traditional students attending JCC. And rest assured our donors have been successful as described by Ralph Waldo Emerson and/or Bessie Stanley: To laugh often and much; To win the respect of intelligent people and the affection of children; To earn the appreciation of honest critics and endure the betrayal of false friends; To appreciate beauty, to find the best in others; To leave the world a bit better, whether by a healthy child, a garden patch or a redeemed social condition; To know even one life has breathed easier because you have lived. This is to have succeeded.

Donor Libby Warner with scholarship recipient Nancy Thomas.

Thank you to all our award and scholarship donors! F A L L

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Investing in the future:

Jackson Legacy Program hopes to boost college attendance, success

Beginning this Fall, hundreds of incoming freshman to Jackson Community College will benefit from a new scholarship initiative, the Jackson Legacy Program. It is designed to assist young people in Jackson County who choose to start their education at one of Jackson County’s three higher education institutions – JCC, Baker College and Spring Arbor University. Nancy Miller is the director of the Jackson Legacy Program. We recently sat down with her to learn more about this new program.

Q. Who is eligible for the Jackson Legacy Program? Miller: “Any student who lives in Jackson County and has been enrolled in a Jackson County school since eighth grade. They have to attend JCC, Baker or Spring Arbor University, and also agree to community service. Students must maintain a 2.0 grade point average their first year to be eligible for a second year scholarship. Legacy is renewable for one year, with a benefit of $3,000 per year.”

Q. How did this program start? Miller: “It is similar to the Kalamazoo Promise, which started about three years earlier. Jackson has a low percentage rate of people with a college degree; only 16.4 percent have a bachelor’s degree, which is below average (national U.S. Census figures indicate 24.4 percent of the population have a bachelor’s degree). Community leaders and the Jackson County Community Foundation discussed the feasibility of doing something like this here. “Understanding that a high rate of future jobs, nearly 70 percent, will require some college, and 85 percent of the fastest growing jobs require some college, the decision was made to start the Jackson Legacy program. It should help with economic development for our area by making sure we have a qualified workforce, and it should help students get the skills they need to find a job.”

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Q. How did you get involved with the Legacy Program? Miller: “I was previously CEO at LifeWays (managing organization for community mental health services for Jackson and Hillsdale counties) for five years and, while a business leader, I said that we weren’t doing enough to support our kids. I said you can’t just give them money and expect them to be successful. Some students need a lot of support Nancy Miller understanding the complexity of the (college) process, from filling out the application to picking a major to going to class. That fit with my human service background. “There is a sense that, by the time a student gets to his or her first year of college, ‘I should know how to do this,’ when in reality, support services should be readily available. A lot of students don’t know where to start.” The Jackson Legacy Program established an access center in the Jackson Crossing Mall, in the Sears wing. The location in a shopping area gives it easy access, and any prospective student may stop by to learn more about the scholarship program, or use the computers to research colleges

and programs. The Legacy Program also supports early awareness programs for students still in elementary, middle and high school and their parents to become aware of and plan for postsecondary education.

Q. How is the Legacy funded? Miller: “Private donations have been made to establish an endowment at the Jackson County Community Foundation. The College Access Center and early awareness programs are funded through a combination of sources, the community foundation, grants, and institutions of higher learning. There is still a lot of fund raising work to be done to sustain this program.”

Q. When should students apply?

Student Voices “I heard about (the Legacy Program) from the Career Center, there was a large promotion through the Career Center. I thought it was the easiest scholarship I’d ever filled out. Definitely look into the Legacy Program, take advantage of it; it is the easiest Stacy Allen scholarship you will ever fill out.” Stacy Allen, Hanover Horton H.S. graduate attending JCC

Miller: “The application is available online (www.jacksonlegacyprogram.org/apply/). The deadline for next year’s seniors, as well as those wanting to renew, will be May 1, 2009.” Students should file their Free Application for Federal Student Aid form (FAFSA) as early as possible to learn about financial aid opportunities. Legacy Program monies are “last dollars,” meaning other forms of aid like Pell Grants will be utilized first. During its first year, the program accepted 446 applications for scholarships, exceeding its goal of 400 for the first year. Of those, 440 scholarships were awarded.

Kevin Miller

“I’m looking forward to going to JCC to meet new people and get started on a career. I am absolutely thankful for the Legacy Program’s help. Even the community service hours, you get to do a lot new things.”

Kevin Miller, Jackson H.S. graduate attending JCC


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‘Iron butterfly’s’ wings still spread over JCC nursing program Vera Agnes Bassett’s family lovingly called her the “iron butterfly” during her life because she had the constitution and strength of cast iron and the grace, sensitivity and warmth of a butterfly. Though she passed away nearly 16 years ago, her impact is still felt over the JCC nursing program through the scholarship fund that bears her name. Son and daughter-in-law Leland and Tina Bassett established the Vera Bassett Nursing Scholarship immediately after her death in 1992 as a means of continuing the impact of her life. This year 31 scholarships were awarded in honor of Vera Bassett. “They truly are life-changing scholarships,” Leland Bassett said. “It’s an opportunity as we see it for Vera to continue giving back. She had a simple philosophy about life, and it was that we have a responsibility to make this world a better place as we pass through. That sense of generational responsibility was something she ingrained in us.” Vera Agnes Bassett

Bassett was a graduate of the University of Michigan’s School of Nursing in the 1930s, and she ran the emergency operating room at U-M. She married Dr. Wilfred G. Bassett, attorney and later judge and state representative from Jackson, and after World War II they raised a family in Jackson. By the early 1960s, JCC was trying to start a nursing program, and Vera joined the faculty and was instrumental in establishing the licensed practical nursing (LPN) curriculum. She taught nearly 800 nursing graduates during her 15 years at the College. She oversaw students completing their clinical experience at what was then Mercy Hospital in Jackson. She was tough on procedure and the seriousness of having someone’s life in your 12 • J C C


“It’s an opportunity as we see it for Vera to continue giving back. She had a simple philosophy about life, and it was that we have a responsibility to make this world a better place as we pass through. That sense of generational responsibility was something she ingrained in us.” — Leland Bassett hands. You had to be exact and good at what you did. But if you would work at it, she would bend over backward to help you. She helped students financially, helped them with family problems, whatever they needed to graduate,” Leland said. Her students were so committed to her, he said, that in her declining years when she moved into Vista Grande Villa and required care of various doctors, the family never worried because whatever doctor’s office she went to, there were students there who remained devoted to her. She and Dr. Bassett were married for 53 years, and upon his passing, Vera moved into Vista Grande Villa. There she met Earl Peterson, a retired engineer who had been a lifelong bachelor. The two quickly became close companions and had a “whirlwind romance,”

Leland said. They never married but remained sweethearts till the end. When Earl Peterson passed away in 1997, he remembered Vera, the love of his life, by leaving $450,000 to the Vera Bassett Nursing Scholarship Fund, along with another gift of $230,000 to the Dahlem Environmental Education Center, making the total estate gift worth $680,000. That donation helped jumpstart the scholarship, which continues to grow. “She was just so special, she touched people’s live forever,” Leland added. Bassett also stresses the increasingly important role of community colleges in today’s world. “Community colleges can act and provide services that adapt to local or community needs that four-year colleges cannot do,” he said. Anyone wishing to contribute to the Vera Bassett Nursing Scholarship fund may contact the JCC foundation at 517.787.0244. Leland and Tina Bassett with scholarship recipient Terri Holthaus and her two children.



African American Male Summit shines light on problems, seeks solutions What started with a day when the community came together at Jackson Community College to consider the plight of African American males has grown into a diverse effort to help increase awareness and encourage opportunity for all. Close to 200 community members from all backgrounds gathered at JCC in May for the African American Male Summit, detailing the plight of African American males in today’s society. A report on that event is now available from JCC. The event was designed to help identify barriers and provide solutions so that African American males may find more success. The report offers highlights and overviews from the event, as well as detailed concerns and recommendations from the three key areas explored, education, family role and penal system. Some recommendations included: • Develop and locate mentors within the family and the community. • Stay in school and graduate, because there is a direct link between truancy and incarceration.

• Encourage more parental interest and involvement in education so students see its importance. • Encourage more hiring of minority teachers in education. • Encourage discipline, teach that an undisciplined life has consequences. • Family stays involved in child’s activities.

Possibility for a 2009 initiative to invite a national speaker to come to Jackson to discuss increasing personal expectations among African American males, especially academically.

Proposal for an African American Family Summit to discuss ways the family can improve their position in society.

• Family develops self-dependent mentality. “One of the overriding ideas of the summit was not to create a bunch more “For our next step, we are meeting programs, because a lot of existing with leaders in the community that programs are not being utilized by the have the capacity to implement the community of color,” Hampton said. “We recommendations in these areas,” said want to highlight existing initiatives or Lee Hampton, director of the Office existing programs in the community that of Multicultural Relations at JCC and are being under-utilized by people of color. coordinator of the event. We want to be more efficient at what we are already doing.” Some of these efforts include: •

An African American history of Jackson project with Ella Sharp Museum. Plans include a six-month exhibit at the museum, a traveling exhibit to schools, and a book.

• Possibility of a leadership class taught by African American leaders at Jackson Public Schools.

Anyone interested in helping with the African American history project, participating in the 2009 summit, or who would like a free copy of the report, may call the Office of Multicultural Relations at 517.796.8470.


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College Incentive Program

makes college possible for many

College breaks ground on new Campus View II housing unit JCC Board of Trustees members, local legislators, contractors and friends helped celebrate the official groundbreaking of Campus View II student housing unit in July. The ceremony marked the beginning of construction on the new facility, which will sit just east of the existing Campus View building. It will house 96 residents just as the current building does, with a recreation area in the basement as well as classroom space. The project cost is $8 million, to be paid for through residents’ rent payments. Anticipated completion date is Fall 2009. “From a community standpoint, we want to note that no tax dollars are used in building student housing. It is paid for by the users, the students who live there,” said Dennis DaPra, chair of the JCC Board of Trustees. “The construction of this new building will help boost the local economy by providing some important construction jobs during these difficult economic times. It is our intent to hire local labor and pay prevailing wages.” JCC President Daniel Phelan thanked lawmakers who have helped JCC continue its path of progress, including state Rep. Martin Griffin, Rep. Randy Richardville, Sen. Mark Schauer, and U.S. Rep. Tim Walberg. Phelan also stressed that, while the new student housing will have living, recreation and classroom areas, JCC remains committed to being environmentally aware and using “sustainable” products in the construction. “We are being very intentional about ways we can increase our sustainability at JCC,” Phelan said. 14 • J C C


For nearly 20 years now, Jackson Community College has offered deserving students the promise of a college education through the College Incentive Program.

said that, for the past five years, about 33 percent of eligible CIP students have taken advantage of their scholarship by enrolling at JCC.

Students in sixth-grade are identified by each of the county’s 12 public school districts for their ability to benefit from the scholarship program. The program began in 1989 by former JCC President Clyde LeTarte and was originally called CARE, Concerned Adults Responding Early. Students are promised that, if they continue their education and graduate from high school, they will have two years free college tuition at JCC. This is an incentive to the students to stay in school and graduate and continue on to higher education. Students are identified who would benefit from the award but who may face challenges, such as low income, first generation college students, or those whose family environment may present challenges (such as a foster home).

“We want to help these young people reach their dream and fulfill their potential,” Hampton said. “With this scholarship, we want to provide means, as well as support, for each of these students.”

JCC’s Office of Multicultural Relations administers the program and helps provide support to students through middle and high school and then during their enrollment at JCC. Director Lee Hampton

Students are visited at their school every year, and we have an in-depth discussion about the importance of preparing for and going to college, Hampton said. Students are invited to campus activities, such as the Martin Luther King, Jr. Dinner, receive pre-college campus tours, and there are CIP parents meetings, freshman orientation, and CIP financial aid nights. CIP scholarships are funded by the College’s operational budget, donations and fundraisers. The summer Juneteenth Music Festival held in Jackson is one major fundraiser. “We are very grateful for the generosity of those who have invested in this program,” Hampton said. “You have touched the lives of many.”

JCC Trustee Sheila Patterson hands out CIP certificates at the induction ceremony in May.

JCC Foundation student phonathon scheduled to begin Oct. 13th

CP Federal Credit Union donates to name high-tech meeting, conference room in Atkinson Hall

JCC students will be making calls this Fall to garner support from alumni and friends for the JCC Annual Fund.

(L to R) JCC President Daniel J. Phelan; Board of Directors Chairman Rev. Michael Poole; and CPFCU President/CEO John Crist, also a JCC Trustee

Jackson Community College’s new state-ofthe-art meeting and teleconferencing room, the collaboratorium, has been named in honor of CP Federal Credit Union thanks to a $50,000 donation to the College. “We greatly appreciate this generous gift and are pleased to announce the CP Federal Credit Union Collaboratorium in JCC’s new William Atkinson Hall,” said JCC President Daniel J. Phelan. CPFCU has a long history of supporting education, with programs in elementary, middle schools and high schools, the largest youth program in the nation. Now, they want to build support for local colleges, giving the whole community a boost in the process, said John Crist, CP FCU president and chief executive officer. “We believe that some of Jackson County’s biggest assets are the three higher

education institutions,” Crist said. “We want to help support them to allow all Jackson County citizens to get the higher education they need for the future.” The CP Federal Credit Union Collaboratorium is on the second floor of Atkinson Hall and features an acorn-shaped table with six 58-inch plasma televisions. It can be used for video conferencing and for distance learning courses with the Hillsdale and Adrian campuses. CP Federal Credit Union is a full-service credit union originally serving Consumers Energy employees, which today serves over 350 businesses, organizations and schools in the Jackson area. The CPFCU family has more than 39,000 members, with branches in Jackson, Brooklyn, Parma, and Mason.

Employment law seminar lively and informative Mark Toth, chief legal officer of Manpower North America entertained and educated alumni, business owners and human resource professionals in the May 6 seminar, “Everything You Ever Wanted to Know About Employment Law (But Didn’t Want to Pay a Lawyer to Ask).” Combining entertainment with information, Toth provided up-to-the-minute information on the latest employment

law developments along with answers to some of the most difficult employment situations to date. As chief legal officer for a company that employs more than four million employees worldwide and as a former partner in a major employment law firm, Mark’s experience with employment law is far reaching. “It’s amazing how many of the issues Mark Toth raised today come into play on a daily basis,” said Jackson businessperson Todd Holmes. “It’s good to know how others are dealing effectively with such issues. As a small business person, this type of presentation is extremely relevant to me and my business.” Co-sponsored by Manpower and the JCC Foundation, the seminar was offered free to alumni and the community.

Students will soon be making calls to ask for your help in supporting the College’s operations, which is the purpose of the Annual Fund. We ask in advance that you please be supportive of their efforts to reach our Annual Fund goal this year. Why is the Annual Fund important? Because the cost of educating a student goes beyond what is covered by tuition and fees. This gap has continued to rise as state support has dwindled from 50 percent in the 1970s to the current 30 percent expected in 2008. We must appeal to donors and our alumni and friends to make up the ever-widening gap. Please be supportive this year and help us make JCC’s next 80 years every bit as successful as the first!

New Facebook online community for JCC alumni available Now you can network with JCC alumni on Facebook. Did you know that Facebook is fast becoming the networking vehicle of choice for individuals over age 30? Help us build our online alumni community on JCC's Alumni Facebook page. Simply click on www.facebook.com create your profile as a JCC Alumni. (Not necessary if you already have a Facebook page). Next in the search box, enter “Jackson Community College Alumni Association.” Click the "friends" or "fans” link to become a fan, connect with classmates, and to see who’s left a message. You will be able to message your classmates directly from the “friends” tab. You can help us build our alumni network by e-mailing your friends from the site and inviting them to join. Besides corresponding with classmates, you'll be able to see our upcoming events and programs including November Alumni Week, sign up, and leave messages for the Alumni Relations Office. Get on ... get connected ... and send us a message! F A L L

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Ready, set,


Soccer teams get rolling at JCC Jackson Community College’s athletic program will welcome two new teams this Fall, men’s and women’s soccer. Coaches have been hired for both teams and were busy throughout the summer building their rosters. Jason Smith, a recent graduate of Spring Arbor University, will coach the men. Andy Hosmer, varsity coach for Columbia Central High School, will coach the women. “This year’s tryouts were very competitive for a first-year program. We had about 30 players try out, and we cut it down to 20,” Smith said of the men’s team. “This upcoming season brings a lot of unknowns. We have many talented individuals and it will be interesting to see how well we Jason Smith mesh as a team. As a coach, I expect to win, whether it is a first-year program or a dynasty.” Smith said his athletes are very excited about representing JCC and re-establishing the tradition that JCC sports once had. “The strengths of this team are the players’ ability to be coachable. Many of the players have been away from this game for a while, and they are open for instruction and ready to improve,” Smith said. “We have quite a few great athletes who have leadership skills. “With some preseason work, I look forward to establishing JCC soccer among other elite junior colleges.” Hosmer was pleased with tryouts for women. “As a new head coach coming in late in the recruiting process, my initial concern was whether there would be any 16 • J C C


quality players left from which to choose,” Hosmer said. “In what I can only describe as a ‘miracle’ scenario, we were able to sign a number of tremendous collegiate soccer players, including many local standouts as well as a few top players from abroad.” Hosmer said early training has seen a group of hardworking young women gutting it out in the heat and humidity to come together toward a common goal.

Men's Soccer 2008 Schedule Date Opponent Time 10/1 Ancilla College 4:00 pm 10/4 Delta Community College 1:00 pm 10/8 Kellogg Community College 4:00 pm 10/11 Macomb Community College 1:00 pm 10/19 Schoolcraft Community College 1:00 pm

Women's Soccer 2008 Schedule Andy Hosmer

“Our goals are to qualify for the national tournament and to establish the foundation of a program which will represent the resolute work ethic of our local community,” Hosmer said. “In this way, we will take the first step toward building what we expect to become a proud soccer tradition of women’s soccer excellence at JCC.” Jason Smith Jason Smith is originally from Monroe and played varsity soccer at Spring Arbor University for four years. He has coached the Michigan Rush local soccer club in Jackson for two years, and has also coached for the Central Michigan Soccer Association. Andy Hosmer Andy Hosmer was the varsity boys and girls soccer coach at Columbia Central High School, where he has coached for a total of nine years. He spent three years with Jackson Christian H.S. and one year coaching junior varsity at Columbia Central. He is currently employed at Onsted Community Schools where he does grounds and maintenance work.

Date Opponent 9/23 Siena Heights University 9/26 Cincinnati State University 10/2 Alma College 10/6 Adrian College 10/8 Holy Cross 10/14 Olivet College 10/16 Michigan State University (Club) 10/19 U of M Dearborn 10/22 Alma College

Time 4:00 pm 5:00 pm 4:00 pm 7:00 pm 5:00 pm 4:00 pm 6:30 pm 1:00 pm 4:00 pm

Cross Country 2008 Schedule Date Opponent 9/26 Lansing Community College 10/3 Great Lakes CC Championships 10/10 Michigan Intercollegiate Championships 10/25 MCAA Championships/ Region XII 11/8 NJCAA Championships

Time 4:00 pm 2:00 pm 4:30 pm Noon TBA

Women's Volleyball 2008 Schedule Date 9/23 9/25 9/30 10/2 10/7 10/9

Opponent Time Muskegon Community College 5:00 pm Kalamazoo Valley 6:30 pm Ancilla College 6:30 pm Kellogg Community College 6:30 pm Grand Rapids 6:30 pm Lansing Community College 6:30 pm Games in burgundy are at home

10/10 10/14 10/16 10/17 10/21

Kankakee Tournament TBA Lake Michigan College 6:30 pm Muskegon Community College 6:30 pm Jets Invitational TBA Kalamazoo Valley 6:30 pm

Men's Basketball 2008 Schedule Date 11/7 11/10 11/15 11/18 11/20 11/24 11/25 12/5 12/13 12/18

Opponent Mott Community College Siena Heights University Albion College Kalamazoo College Indiana Tech University Adrian College Henry Ford CC Mott CC Tournament Mott Community College Trine University

Time TBA 7:30 pm 1:00 pm 7:00 pm 7:00 pm 7:00 pm 7:00 pm TBA 7:00 pm 7:00 pm

Women's Basketball 2008 Schedule Date 11/1 11/5 11/8 11/10 11/12 11/15 11/17 11/19 12/3 12/6 12/10 12/13 12/17 12/22

Opponent Tip Off Classic University of St. Francis Concordia University Davenport College Calvin College Indiana Tech Trine University Siena Heights University Lake Michigan College Siena Heights University JV Kalamazoo Valley CC Albion College Owens Community College Macomb Community College

Time TBA 7:00 PM 5:30 PM 5:30 PM 7:00 PM 3:00 PM 5:30 PM 5:30 PM 5:30 PM 1:00 PM 5:30 PM 1:00 PM 5:30 PM 5:30 PM

For a complete and up-to-date schedule of athletic events, please visit our web site at www.jccmi.edu/athletics.

Athletics thank Jets Club Donors Jackson Community College Jets Athletics would like to acknowledge and thank the following businesses and individuals who have made various contributions to our Jets athletic teams. A & A Market A & B Carpet Corner ACE Hardware Vandercook Richard Adams Agatha Enterprise Inc Geoff & Deborah Agnew Aladdin Electric, Inc. William & Cynthia Allen Anonymous Robert Ashby Scott E. Askam Greg Awrey Sharon Badders Keith P. Baker Joseph & Nancy Balk Sam F. Barber Jeffrey A. Bart Nancy Bartlett Leo & Kathy Bell Biomedical Designs Inc. Daniel & Karen Bishop Mitchell & Dawn Blonde Steve & Julie Bloomfield Marlene Blumhardt Bone Island Grille Adam C. Brieger Brigham Hardware, Inc. Thomas & Darby Bullinger Kristen Buttigieg Mark & Lori Butts David & Lauren Campbell William & Dana Carr Donna J. Carris Carter Crompton Site Development Contractor, Inc. H. Dean & Donna Cartmell Mark & Lisa Case Mark A. Cesarz Clarkstead Holstein Farm Steven & Janet Clements Donald L. Coleman Comerica Bank Patrick & Sharon Connors Sharon Connors Consumers Energy Foundation Michael & Janice Cook Paul Crist Sandra Cross Crossing Photography Daniel & Julianne Crowley David & Thema Cubic Victor & Jacquelyn Cuiss John D. Danielewicz Dennis & Sarah DaPra

James & Marilyn Dauer Frederick & Deborah Davies John & Kimberly Day Walter Debries Richard H. Dedrick Alice L. Denslow Timothy & Diane Donaldson Kimberly J. Dowding Barbara J. Dwyer Nancy A. Elwood Thomas & Nancy Evanson Katie Fall Jim & Rachele Fether Richard & Karen Fether Larry N. Finley Janet L. Frees Michael J. Fronce Jason Furqueron Michael & Jane Furqueron G Force Automotive Jeff & Paula Gates Bernadine M. Gazlay Lawrence & Connie Gerard Alvin L. Glick Cynthia J. Gochhanour John D. Gonzalez Peter & Peggy Gonzalez Gordon Food Service Rick Grant Daniel Greene GreenStone Michael Grinnell Henry J. Grubb Gerald & Bette Hamilton Harold Haneline John & Susan Harden Robert & Dawn Harmon Valerie C. Harrison Russell & Suzan Haughey Diana L. Helm Karen A. Hill Nancy Hinton Andrew Hoaglin Philip & Dennise Hoffman Arlene H. Holtgeerts Stephen F. Howard Barry & Kirsten Hughes Gary Hull Judith J. Hull Brian & Kim Hurley Jackson Monument Works Charles & Jill Jacobson Rockey & Patricia Jones Justin Tyme Pizza, LLC

K & A Machine Tools John & Dorothy Karkheck Kelly Fuels, Inc. Tony & Amy Kemnic James G. King David Klender Robert & Geraldene Knaggs James Kohn David A. Kovar Edward & Laurie Kowaleski Rosemarie Kozlowski Fredrick L. Lemmon John & Cleo Leppien Benjamin & Sandra Lewin Barry & Kathy Lockwood Arthur & Dorothy Lubahn James & Bonnie Ludwick William & Mary Lee Maher Michael & Christine Malone Mark H. Marosi Frank Marriott Timothy J. Martin Glen & Julie McCoy James H. McCulloch Patricia McGill Richard & Becky Jo McGill Michael & Gail McGlynn McKenzie Auto Service Center Paul & Wendy Meyer Valerie A. Mitchell James Moore Shirley Morrison James & Joanne Murosky Napoleon Lawn & Leisure Inc. Jacqueline Niciporek Suzanne O'Rourke Michael & Christina Olds Brian Onken Andrea Paluck Eva M. Paluck Theodore & Ester Paluck Phelps Towing, Inc. Adelia M. Phillip Richard L. Poirier Polly's Country Market George E. Potter Premiere Sports, Inc. Edward G. Pulse R. Douglas & Thressa Race Rappleye & Rappleye, P.C. Krista Rashap Gary & Constance Ray Roderick D. Riggs Marshall & Wendy Roberts

Kelli J. Rohloff Clarence & Carol Sue Rose James & Lorraine Rose Linda Russell Eric & Vicki Salsbury Jason Salsbury David & Patricia Salsbury Danny L. Santee Earl & Elizabeth Schultz Nathan R. Schweizer James & Constance Scultz Walter G. Seal Gregory & Mary Jo Sherwood Joel G. Sherwood Keyna E. Sherwood Mark & Dawn Sherwood Sherwood Masonry Construction Philip B. Simon Sandra L. Skinner Bryan J. Smith James & Joan Smith Rex & Ruth Smith Richard & Danielle Smith Thomas L. Smith Tom Smith Kathy L. Spring Steve Wehner Construction Storey Stone Campany, Inc. The Salesman, Inc. Benjamin J. Thomas Kevin & Lucia Thomson David C. Thorrez Cathy Tower Dennis Trudell Linda Tynan Thomas & Gail Vainner Valenti, Trobec, Chandler Insurance Group Brandon J. Valentine Philip & Cheri Valkuchak Anita Vandenbert Vandy's Pizzeria Beverly Volders Thomas & Gail Ward Constance B. Weaver Terry J. Wegrzyn Karl & Lois Wehner Samuel R. West Willis Information Technologies, Inc Jack Winnigham Stephen & Theresa Wolvin Lou Ann Wood



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Alumni Passings Alumni Passings March 2008-August 2008 Jan C. Baldwin Paul J. Berry Joyce E. Blair Bryan L. Bowman ‘06 Pamela K. Burt ‘88 Melissa E. Cole ‘00 Robert N. Curtis ‘33 Nancy A. Dochoda ‘85 James F. Layher ‘48 Richard K. Otto ‘54 Jyman K. Thayer DuWayne V. Travis Loretta Whitney ‘97 Howard C. Woods ‘41 Melissa E. Cole June 18, 2008 Class of 2000 Melissa E. Cole, 39, of Rives Junction, passed away at Allegiance Health June 18, 2008. She is survived by her husband, Howard Cole Jr.; two children, Jacob R. Sandford, Carissa T. Cole; step-daughter, Jessica Shaughnessy; parents, Rick and Donna Sandford; sister, Deborah (Kevin) Wright; mother and father-in-law, Howard and Arista Cole; two aunts, Janet (Rick) Rombyer and Marsha Preis; many sisters and brothers-in-law, cousins, nieces and nephews. She was preceded in death by grandparents, Howard and Gloria Tisch; Herbert and Gail Sandford; and uncle, Gary Sandford. Melissa was a country girl who loved horses, fishing and canoeing. She was known as the “Queen of the Microwave,” (five course meals in a jiffy). Robert Norman Curtis June 22, 2008 Class of 1933 Robert Norman Curtis passed away on June 22, 2008. He is survived by his wife of 70 years, Marjorie (Markie); daughter, Suzanne C. Gray of Farmington, NM; son, Philip J. Curtis of Jackson, and several grandchildren. Bob attended Jackson Junior College, obtained an undergraduate degree in engineering at the University of Michigan and then his Juris Doctorate degree from the University of Michigan Law

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School. He practiced law in Jackson for more than 50 years, with the law firm of Curtis & Curtis, P.C., which was started by his father, George H. Curtis, in 1901 and continues under the direction of his son, Philip J. Curtis. He was a longtime member of the Board of Directors of Security Saving & Loan (now Flagstar Bank), the Board of Directors of the Salvation Army, the Board of Trustees of the First Presbyterian Church, a member of the Exchange Club and the Country Club of Jackson, and past president of the Jackson County Bar Association. Bob loved living at Clark Lake and enjoyed many summer activities including swimming, water skiing, windsurfing and boating. He was one of the lake's first water skiers, using a pair of snow skies for the feat. He also enjoyed the winters at Clark Lake, where he liked to ice skate and was one of the first ice boaters on the lake. Mostly, he enjoyed spending time with his family and friends. Cheryl Kiefer Class of 2005 Jan. 26, 2008 BROOKLYN — Cheryl Kiefer, age 23, of Brooklyn passed away suddenly Saturday, Jan. 26, 2008. Cheryl was born Sept. 28, 1984, in Jackson, the daughter of Ronald and Kathy (Love) Kiefer. Cheryl is survived by her parents of Brooklyn; her sister, Becky (Kevin) Verdier of Manitou Beach; maternal grandfather, Wayne Love; paternal grandfather, Wallace Kiefer, and many aunts, uncles, cousins and countless friends and co-workers. She was preceded in death by infant sister, Victoria; paternal grandmother, Pauline Kiefer, and maternal grandmother, Alice Love. Cheryl was very patriotic and served our country in both the Army and the Marines. She also served with the Columbia Township Fire Department and was currently working as an EMT for Jackson Community Ambulance. Cheryl was driven to serve people with great passion. She was a very loving and dedicated daughter, sister, niece, cousin and friend. She will be greatly missed by all who knew her.

James F. Layher May 24, 2008 Class of 1948 James F. Layher died May 24, 2008. He graduated from Napoleon High School, Jackson Junior College (’48) and the University of Detroit. After graduation from high school, James enlisted in the U.S. Navy. He was discharged at the end of World War II. He retired as superintendent of the audit department of Consumers Energy, where he was employed for 32 years. He was active in sports and played basketball during his years at Jackson Junior College. In addition, he managed the Drewrys Baseball team, which won Jackson several championships in the 1950s and 1960s. He refereed high school basketball and football in Jackson for several years. Jim loved gardening and sports and was a committed Notre Dame fan. James is survived by his wife of 52 years, Dolores M. (Franklin); and two children, son Mark (Deborah) of Okemos and daughter, Lynne (Leonard) Layher-Burns of Lansing; and granddaughters Danielle and Shannon Layher. Also surviving are his brother, Frank (AvaNelle); sisters RoseMary (Lawrence) Mack and JoAnn (Glenn) Atkin; sisters-in-law Rita and Bernie. Preceeding him in death were brothers Art, Vincent and Harry. Richard K. Otto May 16, 2008 Class of 1954 Richard Kenneth “Dick” Otto, 73, of Jackson passed away May 16, 2008, at the Jackson Hospice Home, under the loving care of his family. He was preceded in death by his brother, Neil Otto. He is survived by his loving wife of 46 years, Rita; children, Linda (Dennis) Philips of Spring Arbor, Bradley Otto of Jackson; grandchildren, Sydney Phillips, Dominic Otto, Nathaneal Otto, all of Jackson; and several nieces, nephews and cousins. Richard was a retiree of the City of Jackson with 36 years of service. He proudly served his contry in the U.S. Army. He enjoyed bowling and was an avid golfer, hunter and fisherman. In high school he played

Alumni Wall of Fame: JCC's new display features outstanding alumni basketball and continued his love of athletics by playing baseball in the Army. Howard C. Woods July 18, 2008 Class of 1941 Howard C. Woods Sr., of Jackson, passed away July 18, 2008, at age 89. He was preceded in death by his beloved wife, Eleanor; his parents, James and Georgia Woods; his sister, Mable Cole; and his son-in-law, Jeffrey Cotton. He is survived by his children, Howard C. Woods Jr. of Jackson, Sally Taylor of Grand Rapids, Sue Woods of Jackson, Debbie Louise (Thomas II) Armstrong of Toledo, Ohio, Dawn Marie Cotton of Martin, Tenn., Dianne Ruth Woods of Jackson; seven grandchildren; four great-grandchildren; and several nieces and nephews. Howard was director of court services for Jackson County Juvenile Court for 29 years. Howard was named the Michigan All Conference Guard both years he attended JCC, as part of the Michigan Junior College Athletic Conference. Howard held the state record of 27 points in a game for many years. He proudly served his country in the U.S. Navy during World War II. He was an avid University of Michigan fan who also devoted many years working as a coach, referee, and umpire for countless football, baseball, basketball games throughout the Jackson area and State of Michigan.

This year marks JCC’s 80th year as a community college and leading educational institution in the tri-county area. The college plans to celebrate JCC’s rich history with a number of special programs and events scheduled throughout the year. As part of this celebration, an Alumni Wall of Fame has been installed in the main stairway of the George E. Potter Center to highlight the many successful JCC alumni who began their educational journey with us. Every three months, we will feature four outstanding JCC alumni who have been successful in their careers and who have made outstanding contributions to their field of work or the communities in which they live. The eight alumni featured so far this year are included for you in this issue of JCC Today. If you would like to suggest someone you know to be featured, please contact Kathy Spring at 787.0244, or springkathyl@jccmi.edu.

Leonard Griehs ’67, vice president of investor relations, Campbell Soup Co.

Brian Walker ’82, president

and chief executive officer, Herman Miller, Inc. Upcoming featured alumni are:

Amy L. Torres ’73, director of economic development of The Enterprise Group. Patricia L. Anderson ’58,

retired schoolteacher.

Brendan R. Beer ’95, attorney, Abbott, Thomson, Beer PLC. David W. Riggs ’83, president of Chemir Analytical Services.

The first featured alumni were:

Carlene Walz ’70, attorney and retired district court judge.

Howard Woods ’41, longtime

local coach and sports enthusiast. Worked professionally as a probation officer and director of court services with juvenile court system.

We make every attempt to ensure that this list is complete. If we've missed a name and you can help to make our records more complete, please call Debbie Johnson in the Alumni Relations Office, 517.787.0244. If you would like us to publish an obituary, please send to the JCC Foundation or submit to JohnsonDeborah01@jccmi.edu


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1928 Founders Circle - ($5,000.00 + ) Addison P. Cook II Foundation Anonymous Michael J. Baughman '49 Clear Channel Worldwide Country Club of Jackson County National Bank CP Federal Credit Union Frank & Shirley Dick Thomas R. '66 & Jeanne N. Draper DSA Architects Tony & Lauren Dungy Ervin Industries Ford Motor Comapny Alvin L. Glick Linda Hath Indianapolis Colts, Inc. Patricia E. Maher William J. '41 & Mary Lee Maher F. Harold Matthews Charles & Christina Medlar Peter Basso Associates, Inc. Practice Partner Harish & Sudha H. Rawal David S. '92 & Stephanie '93 Richmond John & Dannielle Richmond Roger D. Spencer Trust Clare H. '36 & Elizabeth D. Sergeant South Central State Employees Credit Union Stephen & Jeanette Wright

President’s Club - ($1,000.00 + ) Adrian Steel Company Agape Booksellers, Inc Leland K. '64 & Tina Bassett Barry Beal Lawrence L. '49 & Valerie Bullen Lyle D. Chriswell Dennis M. & Miriam Coleman Comerica Bank Consumers Energy Foundation Helen Jean Crary '46 Victor S. '39 & Jacquelyn Cuiss John B. & Shirley A. '52 Daball Hagop & Aida B. Dakessian Dennis & Sarah E. DaPra Frederick L. '66 & Deborah B. Davies Dawn Food Products, Inc. Arthur P. & Dolores J. Dungy David E. & Patricia Eggert Estate of Elizabeth Sergeant Patricia '68 & Gary Fenchuk Michael & Charlotte A. '04 Finnegan Galamp Corporation Gleaner Life Insurance Society James S. & Joyce D. Grace Leonard F. '67 & Gretchen Griehs Robert B. & Dawn Hardy Jackson Community Ambulance Service Jackson District Dental Society Evelyne A. Jones L J Ross Associates, Inc. Bernard H. '51 & Kathleen Levy Victor B. & Gretchen A. Marshall 20 • J C C




Helen Y. McGlone '53 Kirk N. Mercer Michigan Dental Association Abby-Louise Minor '40 Ronald & Charlotte R. '86 Morse Michael P. & Alice W. Murphy Robert & Lorraine A. Murphy National City Bank John & Maureen A. '96 Piper Daniel J. Phelan April Sue Platt Ralph & Mary F. Redmond Rehmann Robson, CPA Sirius Satellite Radio Gloria B. Stevens United Bank & Trust Karen Vainner Jason H. & Elizabeth Valente Wachovia Securities Michael & Jacqueline '73 Walker Beato Brian C. Walker Kenneth A. '67 & Julia B. Walz David White Woodrow Wilson '67 Russell C. & Mary A. Youngdahl

Maroon and Gold Club - ($500.00 + ) Donald N. Abbott William M. & Karen Abbott William C. Allen Bina & Nitin Ambani Daniel C. '78 & Karen L. Bishop Steve & Julie Bloomfield Kristen Buttigieg Campbell Soup Foundation Colleen B. Chadderton Melissa Combs '84 A.P. '51 & Beatrice P. Cook John M. & Cheryl Crist David A. '70 & Karen R. DesNoyer Richard N. '57 & Sue Ann Dodge Richard N. '80 & Pamela L. Dodge William & Ruth Flynn John & Deborah J. '85 Friedrich Lawrence E. & Connie M. Gerard Richard E. '54 & Mildred L. '55 Gillett Gordon Food Service Ann M. Green William B. & Dorothea S. '69 Henry Andrew Hoaglin Herbert L. & Lola M. Howell Justin Tyme Pizza Kiwanis Club of Jackson Jerome Krakowiak LaSalle Bank Larry D. & Ruth A. Merillat Metronet Telecom Michigan International Speedway George E. '56 & Donna E. Potter Robert A. & Dolores Puckey Sadasiva & Vijaya L. Reddy William R. & Doris '53 Reid Jason Salsbury Lanta J. Schaffer

(Gifts received July 1, 2007 - June 30, 2008) Matt & Valerie '00 Schuette Dorothy Schultz Martin Sears Kathy L. Spring '80 William E. & Deborah Strohaver Charles J. Thor Steven & Laura Thurlow Linda Tynan Ucompass.com, Inc. Thomas L. & Gail L. Vainner Philip M. & Cheri E. Valkuchak Janet Wendt Scott L. Whitaker Michael L. Wilcox '67 Howard C. Woods '40 Michael J. & Diane E. '94 Worthing

Wickwire Circle - ($250.00 + ) Geoff L. & Deborah P. Agnew William & Cynthia S. '86 Allen Robert Ashby Joseph M. & Nancy A. Balk Sam F. Barber Stephen M. & Margaret A. Beison Mitchell P. & Dawn M. Blonde Bone Island Grille Monica L. Bouman '02 Ricky L. Chadderton '69 Philip J. Chamberlain '52 Comerica Bank Donna J.Dancer '78 Thelma Dempsey '52 Tim & Jean M. '70 Dennerll Timothy C. '81 & Joan E. Dodge Cecil E. Dulworth '69 Kenneth A. & Rita D. Dungee Eaton Corporation Flagstar Bank Angel M. Fonseca '04 Michael P. & Jane A. Furqueron General Electric Foundation Lawrence Halman and Cathy Glick David B. & Anne Marie W. Goldfarb John D. Gonzalez Rick Grant Theodore H. & Lucille F. Grier Robert F. '50 & Mary D. Halcott Kenneth F. '40 & Jean L. '43 Hall Max G. Hamilton '93 Harold Haneline Donald L. '65 & Blanch D. '66 Higgins George W. & Shirley A. Hoaglin Clark R. '48 & Phoebe B. Honig David N. & Janet L. Horthrop John Ireland Jack F. '55 & Delores L. Jackson Charles & Jill Jacobson Michael O. & Mari S. Johnson James L. & Robin L. Jones John C. & Dorothy A. Karkheck Roy E. '63 & Lois J. Kelly Michael F. & Linda M. Killian Albert G. & Margaret P. '86 Krieger Sheldon E. & Jean B. Laughlin

Clyde E. & Kathy LeTarte Benjamin F. & Sandra F. Lewin Robert H. & Carroll A. Lutz William J. & Kae M. Marcoux Mark H. Marosi Jennie E. Master John W. '48 & Annetta '48 McAuliffe Michael & Jackie McCormick William J. & Marilyn Meadowcroft Paul & Wendy Meyer Microsoft Emmanuel G. '35 & D.V. Miller Monarch Community Bank Napoleon Lawn & Leisure M. A. Nichols '91 Michael & Christina A. Olds Donna O'Neill Myron P. & Geraldine A. Patten Martha Petry Principal Financial Group William L. & Jean B. '39 Reid David W. '83 & Melissa T. Riggs Philip A. & Joane Riley Jim & Jane Schrandt James J. & Lisa Scott Robert M. & Mary I. Smith Ludwick D. '55 & Joyce P. Smoyer T. Harrison & Barbara G. Stanton Barbara B. Trudgen Constance B. Weaver Craig D. & Susan Whitmore Andrew Willbee John D. & Suzanne M. '79 Wood Douglas E. '83 & Cheryl A. '99 Yearling Leon J. & Helen I. Zimmerman Dean’s Club - ($100.00 + ) A & A Market Anthony & Veronica D. Abrams Ann Acker William C. & Anne P. Albright Harold & Maleana P. Annabel Anonymous ARAMARK Brad & Monica Bakowski David D. '60 & Joellen C. '59 Barnes James M. & Marjorie R. Barnes Charley '69 & Mary C. '07 Belknap Gerald B. '57 & Harriet Bennett Bruce & Kathi Bigelow Biomedical Designs Inc. Richard J. '55 & Louise Bohl Carolyn Bosheff Pamela S. Boyle Joseph M. & Helen B. Brager Waldo A. & Helen L. Breitenwischer Adam C. Brieger Paul Brink Grant H. '77 & Anne B. Brown William E. '36 & Jane C. Buffe John & Helen Bulick Marian Burlingham Joseph A. '87 & Anne E. Campau David L. & Lauren A. Campbell Michael & Camilla Carmody

William H. & Dana Carr Carter Crompton Site Development Contractor, Inc. Bruce E. & Beth A. '02 Caswell Mary Chapin Dennis P. Chappell '62 Stanley L. '65 & Brenda J. Cimbal Jackson Citizen Patriot Citizens Bank Ann N. Clark Marla Clark Anthony Cleveland Richard E. & Dorothy L. Clifton Marcella Clone '04 Commonwealth Associates Inc. Margaret Comstock Sharon Connors F. Jane Cotton '46 Leslie Coxon Byron R. & Cheryl Crary Curtis E. & Joan V. Cremeans Robert L. Cross David R. '81 & Thema M. Cubic Patrick M. & Marlene Cunningham John D. Danielewicz Frank L. '49 & Martha Darket Bruce E. & Ann Marie Deverman Charles E. '51 & Doris T. Dixon Warren A. & Doris M. Dolsen Dow Corning Corporation Bill & Lisa Drake Barbara A. Dungee Darin Dungee Clairbourne I. & Madgetta T. Dungy Mary Kathryn Egan '69 Estate of Katherine Smeed Thomas C. '67 & Nancy L. '68 Evanson Quentin A. Ewert '36 Matt & Katie Fall Richard & Karen Y. Fether Travis L. & Georgia R. Fojtasek John R. & Jane M. Foster Barbara B. Franklin Helen Suzanne Frisk '50 Marilynn Fryer Jason Furqueron Elaine Galoit Robert E. & Betty E. '53 Gamble Denise S. Geisman Marianne K. George Wendy Gerber Robert E. & Carol L. Gifford Melvin C. '49 & Jewel D. '62 Gill Peter & Peggy A. Gonzalez Byron A. '59 & Charlotte Greene Daniel Greene Michael Grinnell Berta E. Hallett David Halsey Russell G. & Virginia L. '49 Hanson John & Susan Harden Robert & Dawn Harmon Robert E. '49 & Dorothy A. Harr Valerie C. Harrison Donald E. & Joan M. Harrop Florence M. Hausler '76

James J. '62 & Bonnie M. Hendrickson Robert D. & Allie Mae Henning Philip E. & Dennise M. Hoffman Ralph J. '77 & Joan Hoffman Arlene H. Holtgeerts Susan M. Hoover '76 Paula D. Hopper David L. & Carol Ingall Paul & Betty Ingell Jackson Civic Art Asssociation Jackson County Education Association Jackson Radio Works Richard E. & Hazel Jacobs Amanda Janes Deborah L. Johnson Philip M. '49 & Marilyn Johnston David M. '79 & Joann M. Karle Don R. '48 & Nora J. '48 Kebler Kelly Fuels, Inc. Kathleen A. Kelso '64 Ray H. & Lee A. King Virgil E. & Ellen M. Kingsley Rodney L. & Colleen G. Kirtland John & Sandra J. '91 Knibloe David A. Kovar Edward & Laurie Kowaleski Stephen C. & Karen B. Krusich Charles & Beth A. Kuntzleman Wayne M. & Karen F. Leja John & Cleo Leppien Doris S. '45 & Robert C. Libey Daniel L. & Susan Livingston James R. & Bonnie J. Ludwick Marie Machnik Michael G. & Sue Ann Macrellis Peggy Maher Karen Marler Victor F. & Shirley Marquardt Alfred & Nancy '77 Martini Donald E. '52 & Patricia T. '52 Masters Michael Masters William H. '74 & Elizabeth S. Matteson Glen D. & Julie McCoy Richard J. & Becky Jo McGill Earl & Arlene B. McGuire Mary Jane McIntee Terry A. Mees '76 Meijer, Inc. Gerald E. Memmer Samuel C. & Grace P. Merritt Werner & Jeanette M. '67 Meyer Arlen & Kathleen Miller Nancy Miller Charles & Donna Mills Marjorie J. Mohr James Murosky Charles R. '82 & Christina L. Murphy William & Leah Nicholas John S. Nidelcheff '49 Susan Nielsen Chad '81 & Vicki Noble Ronald N. '87 & Margaret A. Oman Theodore & Ester Paluck Morgan L. '56 & Dorothy G. Patch Sarah H. Petsis Joseph W. & Sandra L. Phelan

Adelia M. Phillip '97 Polly's Country Market Mark S. & Michelle Porter Premiere Sports, Inc. Daniel C. '48 & Virginia Probert Walter L. '48 & Mary Jaqueline Purdy Bruce A. '75 & Linda A. Race Thressa & R. Douglas Race MaryAnn Rainey Katherine Raper Rappleye & Rappleye, P.C. Krista Rashap Mary E. Rees John Z. & Patricia J. Reynolds Scott Reynolds Roy H. & Betty J. Rider Roderick D. & Cydney K. Riggs Barbara E. Roys Roger Rutan David K. & Patricia D. '85 Salsbury Earl Schultz Nathan R. Schweizer Tom Scott '97 Walter G. Seal Miles A. '57 & Nancy K. '75 Shadley Gregory & Mary Jo Sherwood Mark & Dawn Sherwood Sherwood Masonry Construction G. Jean '96 & Clarence F. Sheufelt Russell L. & Barbara J. Simmons Philip B. Simon Frederic B. '78 & Susan D. Slete Faith F. Small Beverly A. '43 & John E. Smith Bryan J. Smith James & Joan Smith Richard T. & Danielle M. Smith Tom Smith James J. Snyder '95 Jeffrey S. & Emily M. '95 Stebing Carl C. & Valorous J. Steinkraus Robert G. & Lisa M. '95 Stevens Lynette S. Stindt Barbara A. Stockton Richard & Rebecca Stone James G. '51 & Naomi Stratton Donald R. & Normajean Tassie Jack R. '48 & Phyllis E. Thomson Kevin M. & Lucia D. Thomson Robert D. '49 & Marian R. Thomson David C. Thrun '55 Joseph P. & Marianne Tomasik Patricia Trudell Jerry W. & Rebecca A. '87 Turner Timothy Q. Upham Walter J. '51 & Joann H. Vaclavik Penelope L. Vandenburgh '82 Patricia Visser Beverly Volders Melvin L. & Terri Waisanen Robert J. & Lillian C. Walker Michael G. Walraven Max H. & Alice L. Walton Leo E. Warren '53 Dennis & Vickie Watters Perry D. & Jeanne Wetherby

Mary G. White Dennis V. Whitehead Gerald Williams Willis Information Technologies, Inc. James F. & Katherine A. Winter Joseph C. & Judith A. Wolfe Heather Wollet Arthur N. Woodruff '54 Anthony P. & Carol L. '91 Wurmlinger Milton F. & Diane K. Zimmer Campus Club - ($1.00 + ) A & B Carpet Corner ACE Hardware Vandercook Brian A. & Jane M. Adamczyk Richard Adams Mary Ann Adkins Agatha Enterprise Inc. Diana Agy Aladdin Electric, Inc. Billy J. '84 & Carolyn Allen Kenneth F. & Sandra L. Allen Anonymous Scott E. Askam Allene Averill Jayne Averill Greg Awrey Sharon Badders Keith P. Baker Pamie E. Ball '57 Richard & Betty Barca Robert & Donna Barraco Jeffrey A. Bart Nancy Bartlett Bruce A. & Barbara A. Barton Christine Beacco Jessica Beagle Kavonzo M. & Joyce G. Beamon Mark & Karen S. '01 Beers Leo & Kathy Bell Becky Belter Jill B. Bentley Susan M. Berendes-Wood Mary Ann Berthiaume Mark A. & Karen L. Biskupski Peter H. & Jacqueline E. Blake Marlene Blumhardt Boeing Company Dennis L. Boltz Janice L. Bradford Brigham Hardware, Inc. Sharon Broaddus Denniston I. & Isabelle J. Brown Thomas E. & Darby A. Bullinger Mark & Lori Butts Kristine Cale Gerald T. '50 & Barbara C. Cargo Donna J. Carris H. Dean & Donna L. Cartmell Mark D. & Lisa D. Case Gregory & Cynthia A. '90 Ceithaml Mark A. Cesarz Marty Chamot Timothy D. Chapel Charlotte's W.E.B. F A L L

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Gary L. Childs '57 Larry Choate Stanley C. '60 & Sandra V. Chrapek Starr D. & Judy A. Clark Maria Clark Clarkstead Holstein Farm Steven & Janet Clements David W. & Amy R. '93 Coleman Donald L. Coleman Patrick & Sharon M. Connors Michael L. & Janice Cook Alain F. & Joanne L. '50 Corcos Joellen E. Corder '84 Sara M. Cornell '06 Kortni Corning Douglas A. Cox '68 Paul Crist Sandra Cross Crossing Photography Daniel P. & Julianne Crowley Cunningham Construction Philip J. '49 & Norma M. Cunningham Myong-Il & Shirley Cunningham D&L Equipment James A. & Sandra M. Dale James & Marilyn Dauer Minnta Davis John R. & Kimberly S. Day Robert & Carol M. Deaver Walter Debries Heather DeCourval Richard H. Dedrick '48 Allan S. & Dorothy R. '47 deFrates Charles J. '08 & Cheryl E. '86 DeGroote Alice L. Denslow Sandra R. DiCesare Timothy L. & Diane L. Donaldson Jennifer Dorer Vera M. Dorsey Donald C. '48 & Arlene M. Douglass Albert Dowdell Kimberly J. Dowding Prudence Dreyer Donald Dungee Kevin G. Dungee Barbara J. Dwyer '67 Lea Ebersole Nancy A. Elwood James M. & Patricia K. '07 Emerson Wilma Espy Sheryl L. Fagin John K. Feldvary Diane M. Fenby Thomas W. & Jodie L. '02 Fenstemacher Jim & Rachele Fether Larry N. Finley Fish Doctors Elise B. Fish Thomas G. '59 & Carolyn K. '85 Fleming Joe & Barbara Fontana Philip M. '49 & Barbara L. '49 Fowler Janet L. Frees Michael J. Fronce G Force Automotive Robert E. & Betty E. '53 Gamble 22 • J C C




Garcia Clinical Laboratory Inc. Kenneth Garrison Jeff A. & Paula Gates Kathie E. Gates Bernadine M. Gazlay Paul E. & Rosemary Gies Carolyn E. Gillespie '50 William L. & Marilin E. Ginnow Cynthia J. Gochhanour Jeanie Gordon Mitchell & Karen L. Graham GreenStone Grant & Dorothea P. Griebenow Henry J. '79 & Monica D. Grubb Susan C. Guerriero Thomas E. '61 & Christine Gutowski Gerald I. & Bette M. '81 Hamilton Lee Hampton Julia Hanawalt Jerry K. & Barbara P. Harness Joy Hasbrouck Russell D. Haughey Douglas & Carol T.Hayes Mary Lou Hayes Donald L. V. '49 & Ruby E. Heath Diana L. Helm Karen A. Hill Ronald & Lois G. '94 Hill Nancy Hinton David & Constance D. '52 Hobde Payge Hodapp Stephen F. Howard '83 Barry & Kirsten E. Hughes Gary Hull Judith J. Hull Brian & Kim Hurley IBM Corporation Jackson Monument Works Penny Janiak JCC Drama Club John J. & Patricia T. Jimenez Diana M. Jonas Rockey A. & Patricia A. '07 Jones K & A Machine Tools Robert E. Karazim Andrew & Patricia A. Karr Christopher Kaser, Sr. Tony & Amy Kemnic Mike & Sandra '64 Kerwin James G. King Rose Klee '04 David Klender Richard J. '52 & Elaine E. Kluk Robert & Geraldene Knaggs Robert J. & Dorothy N. Kobs James Kohn Roger Korten Rosemarie Kozlowski Kenneth W. '98 & Jennifer N. '88 Krejcik Gary L. & Jann F. Krupa Martha R. Kruskamp Frank J. & Samantha E. Kruszka Phyllis G. LaChance '75 Kristi Laird James LaMacchia

David T. '63 & Betty K. '63 Lathrop Stephen & Linda L. '06 Lattime Donald F. & Patricia A. '46 Lawrence Barbara Lee Fredrick L. Lemmon Harry & Marilyn '53 Lindberg Barry & Kathy Lockwood Arthur F. & Dorothy L. Lubahn Lubrizol Foundation Raymond & Virginia F. '62 Lumley Charles & Janet K. '03 Lyons S. L. & Marcia C. MacCready Carla A. MacMillan '88 Jack L. Malone Michael A. & Christine Malone Frank Marriott Timothy J. Martin Winoma Mathews Tina May Erin Mazur Jean M. McCluskey '54 Charles '73 & Virginia McCord James H. McCulloch Kenneth V. & Theresa McGaugh Patricia McGill Michael C. '95 & Gail McGlynn Suzanne McKee McKenzie Auto Service Center Thomas & Marria McKown Alice H. Medlar John H. '52 & Catherine F. Merry Met Life Michigan Computer Supply Carol Miller Edwin B. '66 & Nancy Miller Ted L. Miller David T. '65 & Sheyrl Mitchell Valerie A. Mitchell William Mary Moburg John W. '56 & Sharon R. '57 Mohrlok James Moore Shirley Morrison David L. & Carrie D. '75 Morton Charles R. '78 & Diane Moyer Ralph & Marjorie T. Muhich Nathan D. & Elizabeth A. Munro Charles & Denise M. Musech Bruce R. & Marjorie K. '73 Nanian Eulah Nathan '54 Steve & Virginia Q. '43 Nearing New Horizons Tour & Travel Jacqueline Niciporek Bryan & Rose O. Noble Alexandra N. Noppe Lester J. & Delores A. '53 Norton Sharon Nowak Brian Onken Maria Orlowski Suzanne O'Rourke Ralph '32 & Mabel Osborn Mark E. Ott Mary A. Pachella Peter C. & Mary Pallesen Andrea Paluck Eva M. Paluck

Nancy L. Pepper '49 Fred J. & Sarah H. Pesetsky Phelps Towing, Inc. Playford Music Co. Richard L. Poirier Earl G. & June Poleski Brandy Jo Pollard Don A. & Shirley S. Pomering Dan Preston Donald K. '57 & Joan Preston Gordon & Diane Preston Meryle & Marilyn Preston Edward G. Pulse '69 Tony Pusey Anthony P. Rana K. Vidyasagar & Bharathi Rao Robert G. & Phyllis P. Raut Gary D. & Constance J. Ray Kenneth Reed Jack A. Rifenberg '56 Patricia A. Riggs Marshall J. & Wendy J. Roberts Monica Rodman Bethany M. Rogers '82 Dan B. '63 & Joan K. Rogers Kelli J. Rohloff '82 Clarence & Carol Sue Rose James D. & Lorraine P. Rose Sheldon & Phllis Rosenbaum Robert & Patricia D. Roswell Dennis L. '78 & Patricia K. Rowlison Linda Russell Eric T. & Vicki L. Salsbury Danny L. Santee Douglas L. '89 & Deborah J. Scharp Gary H. & Pamela J. Schauffler Mark Schissler, Sr. Leonard H. Scott Lawrence & Rebecca Scott James L. & Constance Scultz Philip T. '80 & Leslie R. Shaughnessy Roland J. & Doris Shelby Arlene Shepherd Joel G. Sherwood Keyna E. Sherwood '78 Louis F. '96 & Nicole Sicilia Sandra L. Skinner Rex & Ruth Smith Thomas L. Smith Richard C. Soderbeck '52 Steelcase Foundation Steve Wehner Construction Ethon L. & Jean W. Stone Storey Stone Campany, Inc. Robert O. & Sonia E. Sutch Thomas M. Syrjamaki '52 Chet J. & Jill A. Taraskiewicz Gerald J. '55 & Patricia A. Terry Dale A. & C. Kay Tesch Carolyn K. Tesch Charles '52 & Norma '55 Testa The Salesman, Inc. Benjamin J. Thomas Blair H. & Marleah R. '70 Thompson David C. Thorrez

Cathy Tower Theodore L. & Mona R. Townsend Alice M. Truax Dennis Trudell Robert & Linda J. '85 Trumbull Valenti, Trobec, Chandler Insurance Group Brandon J. Valentine Anita Vandenbert Inman E. & Meribah Vandry Vandy's Pizzeria Neil & Susan VanWalbeck Robert C. '62 & Mary S. Venners James M. & Mary Sue Wallace Cinda Lou Walton Timothy C. Walz Thomas J. & Gail C. Ward Stephen G. '63 & Mary Jo Wasilew Terry J. Wegrzyn Karl & Lois Wehner Samuel R. West '98 Duke & Brenda White Linda S. Williams '79 Jack Winnigham Alice Wolpert Stephen & Theresa M. Wolvin Lana D. Wood '99 Lou Ann Wood Bonnie J. Wright '81 Anthony P. & Carol L. '91 Wurmlinger David A. & Mary V. Wylie Dennis E. & Ellen S. '93 Young William Zimmer '52 Dorothy R. Znosko '03

JCC students go to work in New Orleans service trip A group of eight Jackson Community College students and an advisor, JCC Foundation Director of Donor Relations Mark Schissler, traveled to New Orleans in July to assist with reconstruction efforts in the continuing wake of Hurricane Katrina. Students traveled to New Orleans as part of the Alternative Break program, an effort by colleges and universities across the country to involve students in service during their school breaks. Students plan this to be the first of a continuing annual effort to offer service in different locations each year, and have formed a student organization called A BIG (Alternative Breaks Interest Group). The students worked in St. Bernard's Parish, an area particularly hard hit.

Heritage Society Members Anonymous A. P. & Bea Cook Charles J. & Cheryl E. DeGroote Frank & Shirley Dick David & Anne Marie Goldfarb Clyde & Kathy LeTarte Victor F. Marquardt & Shirley J. Fair-Marquardt Dorothy M. Schultz

This Heritage Society listing includes those who have named JCC as beneficiary through a planned gift and given the College permission to be included in a published listing. We welcome new members and encourage you to contact the Foundation to discuss your wishes. Despite our best efforts to avoid errors in the printing or recording of gifts, they sometimes occur. If your name has been omitted or misprinted, please accept our apologies and notify us at the Alumni & Foundation Office, 517.787.0244

Get Connected. Stay Connected!

We’d like to communicate our alumni programs and events to you in a more timely manner. If you’d like to receive e-mail notifications from JCC, please e-mail Debbie Johnson with your e-mail address to: JohnsonDeborahL01@jccmi.edu.

(L to R) Jamie Hubbard, Michael Caligiuri, Za Thao, Anton Allen, Kathleen Volker, Amanda Caligiuri, James Jenkins (kneeling), and James Emerson. F A L L

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Alumni Week at JCC!

Fall back to one or all of these great programs and events, Nov. 8-14 Please join us for a series of special activities we have scheduled for the inaugural JCC Alumni Week. This is your opportunity to reconnect with JCC in as many ways that are meaningful to you, whether through a Potter Center performance and pre-show reception, a workshop designed just for alumni, the basketball season opener and reception, or the All-Alumni Party. You’ll want to enjoy as many of these activities as you can. Make your reservations for all, one or more events by calling the Office of Alumni Relations at 517.787.0244, or sign up online on the Alumni Association’s Facebook page at www.jccmi.edu/alumni. Click the Facebook link at the bottom of the Alumni Welcome page, sign in, and click on the events of your choice. e-Bay Workshop Saturday, November 8, 10 a.m. – 3 p.m. Cost: $10 – Lunch provided Atkinson Hall Room 222 Learn the ins and outs of e-Bay hands-on and buy or sell an item. Session One, 10 a.m. – 12 p.m. Learn the basics of buying and selling online, understand how e-Bay works, and get prepared to either buy or sell an item in Session Two.

Lunch, 12 – 1 p.m. Enjoy a box lunch provided by the JCC Alumni Association. A tour of Atkinson Hall will be available of campus’s new library and information technology center. Session Two, 1 – 3 p.m. Now let’s do it! Create your e-Bay account, put an item up for sale or bid on one. Hands-on and individual help will be provided. An Evening of Wine & Comedy, Saturday, November 8, 6:45 p.m. “Last Comic Standing” 8:00 p.m. JCC Potter Center Scheffer Music Hall Cost: $30 – Section A Seating Already have a show ticket? Reception-only cost: $5/person Enjoy the Potter Center performance of “Last Comic Standing” and the pre-performance wine and cheese tasting. Join fellow alumni and friends on the third floor mezzanine. Wine tasting will be by Cork-n-Cap with ordering opportunities. Seating for “Last Comic Standing” begins at 7:30 p.m. Are you a Premier Partner, or do you already have a ticket to the show? You can still attend the pre-performance wine & cheese tasting for $5. Call the Alumni Relations Office at 517.787.0244 to make your reservation.

Basketball Season Opener Tailgate Party Monday, November 10 6:30 – 7:30 p.m. Campus View Cost: $5 per person Enjoy JCC’s famous fajita bar as we gather for the season opener. Join us after the women play Davenport College, or before the men play Siena Heights University, and enjoy the company of friends, alumni and student athletes. All-Alumni Class Reunion Friday, November 14 Wanted: Members of the classes of 1929-2008! Cost: $25/person JCC’s first-ever all All-Alumni Class Reunion is an event you won’t want to miss. Party and reminisce with your classmates, friends and favorite instructors at the All-Alumni Reunion celebration. The scrapbooks will be out, the band will be cooking, and so will the kitchen with foods from throughout the decades. Bring your dancing shoes and sign up early for an evening of fun and entertainment! Are you out of town and can’t make it? Click on the Alumni Association Facebook page and leave a message for your fellow alumni.

Community Day at JCC! Come see the "NEW" Jackson Community College

Saturday, September 27


• Environmentally efficient and friendly and cars on display • Children’s play area sponsored by CPFCU with Kirby the Kangaroo • Demonstrations of Jackson City Police Segway and the Swat Unit • Plen-Aire Art Exhibit • Campus Tours including Campus View Student Housing, Potter Center Backstage

• YMCA’s “Count 10,000 Steps in a Day” • Jackson County Community Foundation Legacy Scholarship Booth • Information and demonstrations of College programs • Food and prizes




from 12 noon to 5 p.m. • Live remote with K105.3 from 1 to 3 p.m.



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