What's Next

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Questions about the JCC programs and services described in this publication should be directed to Student Services at 517.796.8425. Comments or questions about the publication should be directed to the Marketing Department at 517.796.8416. Publisher: Editor: Writer: Creative Director/Design: Photography:

Cynthia S. Allen Dotty Karkheck Marilynn Fryer Lisa Drake Lisa Drake Marilynn Fryer

JCC Board of Trustees:

Dennis DaPra Chairman

John M. Crist Trustee

Dr. Edward A. Mathein Vice Chairman

William S. Lambkin Trustee

Charles E. Anderson Secretary

Christina L. Medlar Trustee

Philip E. Hoffman Treasurer

Dr. Daniel J. Phelan President/CEO

It is the policy of Jackson Community College that no person shall be discriminated against on the basis of race, color, religion, national origin or ancestry, age, sex, marital status, or handicap, excluded from participation in, denied the benefits of, or otherwise be subjected to, discrimination in any program or activity for which it is responsible for or for which it receives financial assistance from the U.S. Department of Education. Higher Learning Commission of the North Central Association of Colleges and Schools, 30 North LaSalle Street, Ste 2400 Chicago, IL 60602-2504 (312) 236-0456 www.ncacihe.org

Jackson Community College 2111 Emmons Road Jackson, MI 49201


Winter 2008

A publication of Jackson Community College

Preparing for college:


What 9th Graders need to know


What 10th Graders need to know


What 11th Graders need to know


What 12th Graders need to know

6 Why should you

choose a community college?

8 Career Pathways:

Arts and Communication Business Engineering Health Human Services

18 Paying for college 20 Figuring out

college lingo

21 Tuition comparison 22 JCC helps students Connect!

24 Transfer is

the answer

What’s Next Magazine • Winter 2008

Printing of this publication funded in part through a Carl D. Perkins grant.

If you or your parents haven’t started yet, begin saving money for college. College costs do vary, and starting at a community college like JCC can save you money, but it is still a significant investment. It will be worth it – statistics show that college graduates make significantly more income throughout their lives than those with only a high school diploma, so saving and then investing in yourself can help you throughout your life. One way you can start saving is:


Open a savings account in a bank or credit union

Take challenging core classes in academic subjects: English, social studies, mathematics, science and foreign languages.

s What’s Next Magazine • Winter 2008 • Winter 2008

Michigan has high school graduation requirements designed

to prepare for future success in college and the workplace. Be sure to meet with your counselor so you are following the Michigan Merit Curriculum.

k k k k k

Mathematics – 4 credits English Language Arts – 4 credits Science – 3 credits Social Studies – 3 credits Physical Education & Health – 1 credit Visual, Performing and Applied Arts 1 credit Language other than English – 2 credits Online learning experience

k k k

Start planning for college by thinking about your career interests. If you are not sure, try different classes and activities to see where your talents and abilities fit. Work hard in your classes, stay on top of homework and earn good grades.

Meet with your school counselor or mentor to discuss colleges and their requirements.

s Almost all colleges and

universities have web sites that can give you an idea of what the institution is like.

s Talk with family, friends,

neighbors and older students who have been or are currently in college and see what thoughts or advice they have to give.

Have some ideas about what careers may interest you but are not certain? Job shadowing someone in that field currently is a great way to find out more about it and whether it’s right for you. Join clubs, play sports and volunteer. This is a good way to develop or expand your interests. The Jackson Legacy Scholarship program requires community service to be eligible for funds. when offered, usually in the fall, a practice test for the ACT college entrance test. This will allow you to get some practice and familiarize yourself with test-taking, and results can help in guidance throughout your remaining high school years and future planning.

in preparation for next year. If you are thinking of dual enrolling in college courses, you should take the PSAT. Utilize resources for career preparation that may be available to you at your high school, such as the Career Cruising® program.

. Continue to take challenging core classes. Again, speak with your counselor to be sure you are following all graduation requirements and getting the courses you need that may be prerequisites to courses you take in your junior and senior years. s Work hard in your classes, stay

on top of homework and earn good grades.

In your free time and over the summer, read as much as you can of a variety of materials. Reading can help build your vocabulary, improve your concentration and boost your writing skills.

What’s Next Magazine Winter 2008 What’s Next •• Winter

You will have two important tests to take this year.

s In October, juniors should take the Preliminary SAT®/National Merit Scholarship Qualifying Test (PSAT/ NMSQT). You must take this test in the 11th grade to qualify for scholarships and programs associated with the National Merit Program. s

In the winter or spring, take the exams for college admission, the ACT® or the SAT®. Check with the college you are interested in attending to see what test they require. In February or March, make a list of prospective colleges and work campus visits into your family’s travel plans. A visit while classes are in session will be most beneficial.

s College fairs and college nights are a great opportunity to learn more about several institutions at once. Continue to review the high school curriculum requirements for graduation. Work hard in class and maintain your good grades. In the summer before 12th grade, narrow down the list of prospective colleges and begin requesting applications, course catalogs and financial aid information.


Continue your involvement in school or community-based extracurricular activities. Taking a math class your senior year of high school will improve your performance when you get to college and reduce your need for foundational courses. Continue to save for college.

What’s Next Magazine • Winter 2008 • Winter 2008

Keep taking challenging classes. scholarship eligibility.

Second semester grades can affect

s Stay involved and seek leadership roles in your activities. Apply to the colleges you have chosen. Prepare your applications carefully. Follow the instructions and pay attention to deadlines! College applications are typically due in January, though it varies, and you should find out in April if you have been accepted.

s Well before your application deadlines, ask your

counselor and teachers to submit required documents (e.g. transcript, letters of recommendation) to the colleges to which you are applying.

Complete all necessary financial aid forms. All colleges require the FAFSA, the Free Application for Federal Student Aid, which is available online or can be acquired from the college, guidance counselor or library.

s Attend a financial aid workshop to learn more

about the process.

s Encourage your parents to complete their income tax

forms early. That information will be necessary in filling out the FAFSA form, available online at www.fafsa.ed.gov.

s Fill out your FAFSA as soon as income taxes are

filed. Submit your FAFSA by the earliest financial aid deadline of the schools to which you are applying, usually by early February. After you complete your FAFSA, you should receive a Student Aid Report (SAR). Quickly make any necessary corrections and send them to FAFSA for further processing.

s Males age 18 to 25 must register for Selective

Service to apply for financial aid.

Apply for scholarships as soon as possible. Check with your high school’s guidance office or local library about which scholarships are available, and ask about any scholarships available from employers or any professional associations, clubs or unions you or your parents belong to. Retake ACT or SAT tests if scores weren’t what you hoped for. When you receive acceptance letters from colleges inviting you to enroll, review the acceptances and compare financial aid packages. When you decide which school you want to attend, notify that school of your commitment and submit any required financial deposit. Some schools require this notification by May 1.

What’s Next • Winter 2008 What’s Next Magazine Winter 2008

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Satisfied employers and successful graduates tell us that JCC’s quality educational programs are well-recognized in the area. Employers are eager to hire JCC graduates.

2 3

What’s the bottom line for most students entering college? Getting a good job that offers excellent pay and benefits. JCC has programs that help you land that perfect job.

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JCC has mapped out dozens of transfer programs that will allow you to complete 60 credit hours, or more, and then transfer to another college or university.

What’s Next Magazine • Winter 2008 • Winter 2008

4 3

Get the classes you need at about half the cost of a public university! You will pay hundreds less at JCC, putting you that much further ahead when you graduate or transfer. Financial aid and scholarships are available.

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JCC’s faculty members are experts in their field, and they’re here to help you succeed. Many of our instructors have been recognized for excellence in teaching in the classroom.

6 3

JCC’s classes are typically smaller and taught by a professor, not a graduate student. Students enjoy courses in the same subjects and disciplines as university students, and benefit from one-on-one accessibility with their professors.

8 3 JCC is increasing the number of activities that students may participate in outside the classroom, including sports, clubs, cultural events, Student Parliament and more. Campus View student housing provides a living and learning community.

9 3 10 3

JCC offers a variety of course times at several locations each semester.

JCC has enjoyed continuous accreditation by the Higher Learning Commission of the North Central Association of Colleges and Schools since 1933, which means the College’s courses and programs are constantly examined, refined and updated.

Complete an application online at www.jccmi.edu, or call any JCC location to request an application form.

Complete the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) online at www.fafsa.ed.gov, or obtain an application form from any JCC location and mail it in. Information on scholarships and loans is available from the JCC Financial Aid Office or on JCC’s web site.

If you have graduated from high school, have a high school transcript sent to JCC.

JCC course placement assesses your current skill level in writing, reading and math. Check with a Student Services advisor to see if course placement is necessary. ACT/SAT scores or previous college course work may fulfill this admission requirement.

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Successful completion of a JCC career programs guarantees that you have mastered the skills needed for the job that you are working toward. If you follow program guidelines and an employer finds you lacking in skills necessary for an entry-level employee, JCC will provide further training, within two years of graduation.

Orientation sessions will help you learn about succeeding in college from faculty and staff; get acquainted with JCC’s campus, programs, organizations and services; and meet fellow students!

What’s Next Magazine What’s Next • • Winter Winter2008 2008

Arts & Communication Business, Management, Marketing & Technology Engineering, Manufacturing & Industrial Technology Health Sciences Human Services

Careers in this path are related to the humanities and performing, visual, literary, and media arts. These include graphic and web design; writing; fine arts; journalism; languages; media; advertising; and public relations.

Web developers use a thorough knowledge of programming and server software operations to plan, develop, implement, maintain and enhance Internet web sites for businesses, profit/nonprofit organizations, colleges, governmental agencies, and other entities. If you are interested in becoming a Web Developer, you should prefer:

s Activities that require creative imagination

and high degree of risk

s Activities of a scientific and technical nature s Activities that require self-motivation s Activities relating to

What’s Next Magazine • Winter 2008 • Winter 2008

processes, machines and methods

High school pathway courses to take: Communications, Computers, Electronics, Math, Technology

Graphic Designers create artwork to illustrate or promote products, services and ideas, and to improve appearance or attract attention. They plan, design and draw illustrations for displays, billboards, brochures, catalogs, books, magazines, newspapers, television, the Internet and packaging. If you are interested in becoming a Graphic Designer you should prefer:

s Activities concerned with

communicating ideas to people

JCC offers certificate programs in the following fields that can help you find job or career opportunities now, or serve as a building block for further study.

Actors perform in stage, radio, television, video, or motion picture productions. They also work for nightclubs, cruise ships and theme parks.

Videographers produce images that can tell a story, inform or entertain an audience, or record an event. Learn the basics of working with digital video.

Artists create work to communicate ideas, thoughts and feelings using a variety of methods – painting, sculpting, or illustration. Individual creativity coupled with basic studio skills can help artists find success.

s Activities which require

creative imagination

s Activities which provide satisfaction

from seeing your work in print

High school pathway courses to take: Art, Math, Videography, Communications, Computers, Photography

Theatre technicians or stagehands find work in a variety of production settings, including behind the scenes in theatre or with video production.

What’s Next Magazine What’s Next • Winter Winter2008 2008

Careers in this pathway are related to the business environment, from management, entrepreneurship to marketing and sales, as well as computer/information systems.

Microcomputer Specialists install, troubleshoot and repair problems with microcomputers, related hardware and software, and components such as printers and terminals. They also train users of microcomputers in basic operation and maintenance as well as provide support for microcomputer systems. If you are interested in becoming a Microcomputer Specialist, you should prefer:

s s s

Working with machines or equipment Using your imagination to find new ways of doing things Activities of a scientific or technical nature

High school pathway courses to take: Communications, Electronics, Technology, Computers, Math

Digital Artists and Animators create art for the digital environment. These artists create special effects, animation, or other visual images using film, video, computers or other electronic tools and media for use in products or creations, such as computer games, movies, CD-ROMS, music videos and commercials. If you are interested in becoming a digital artist or animator you should prefer:

s s s

Activities concerned with communicating ideas to people Activities which require creative imagination Activities which provide satisfaction from seeing your completed work

High school pathway courses to take: What’s Next Magazine • Winter 2008 • Winter 2008

Art, Communications, Computers, Math, Photography and Videography

Networking Specialists install, maintain, monitor and enhance the operation of an organization’s computer Local Area Network. They evaluate vendor products and make purchase recommendations for hardware, software and telecommunications equipment. Networking Specialists also recommend computer system policies and procedures to ensure the security of the network. If you are interested in becoming a Networking Specialist you should prefer:

High school pathway courses to take: Communications, Math, Computers, English, Electronics, Technology, Automotive, Technical Drawing, Building Trades

Accounting Clerks prepare statements, invoices, and bills of lading (contracts issued to a shipper by a transportation agency).

Computer Programmers write stepby-step instructions called programs for computers, using one of the languages developed especially for computers. These instructions tell the computer exactly what it must do to solve a problem.

s Activities of a routine, concrete, and

technical nature

If you are interested in becoming a Computer Programmer, you should prefer:

related equipment

s Activities of a scientific and

Activities of a scientific or s Activities involving computers and s

s Activities which require creative


s Activities concerned with the

communication of ideas

s Activities which require


High school pathway courses to take: Business, Math, Communications, Computers

Computer Service Technicians install, maintain and repair computers and computer-related machines, such as magnetic tape readers, highspeed printers, disk drives, modems, scanners, monitors, hand-held wireless mobile devices and dataentry equipment. If you are interested in becoming a Computer Service Technician, you should prefer:

s Working with machines s Seeing the physical results of

your work

technical nature

s Activities which require creative


High school pathway courses to take: Communications, Technology, Business, Computers, English, Math

If you are interested in becoming an Administrative Assistant, Accounting Clerk or Tax Preparer, you should prefer:

organized nature

s Activities concerned with

communication of data

High school pathway courses to take: Communications, Life Management, Business, Computers, Math, Accounting

Careers in sales are available in a wide range of fields, from retail sales, to real estate and insurance, to marketers. Sales personnel in all fields should be: Mature, creative, highly motivated, resistant to stress, flexible, decisive High school pathway courses to take: Math, Business, Economics, Public Speaking, Computers, Communications

Administrative assistants manage a variety of clerical and technological duties in office settings. They serve as information and communication managers, plan and schedule meetings and appointments, organize and maintain paper and electronic files and more. Bookkeeping, Accounting, and Auditing Clerks are an organization’s financial record keepers. Tax Preparers help complete tax returns for individuals or small businesses but do not have the educational background or responsibilities of an accredited or certified public accountant.

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Careers in this pathway are related to technologies necessary to design, develop, install or maintain physical systems.

Automotive Service Technicians inspect, maintain, troubleshoot, diagnose and repair mechanical, electronic and electrical parts of automobiles, vans, trucks and buses. If you are interested in becoming an Automotive Services Technician, you should prefer:

s Activities dealing with the

mechanical and electrical repair of things



Activities involving the use of machines, processes or methods Activities that bring satisfaction from working on or fixing equipment

High school pathway courses to take: Automotive, Communications, Electronics, Math, Technical Drawing, Computers, Technology

What’s Winter 2008 What’sNext NextMagazine • Winter•2008

Climate Control Mechanics are skilled workers who install, service and repair air conditioning, refrigeration and heating units used in homes, schools, commercial and industrial buildings. They may be called heating and cooling service technicians. If you are interested in becoming a Climate Control Mechanic, you should prefer:

s Activities involving the use of equipment, processes, or methods

If you are interested in becoming an Electrical Technician, you should prefer:

s Working with electronic/electrical/

scientific/technical equipment

s Solving problems about processes,

machines and techniques

High school pathway courses to take: Building Trades, Communication, Technical Drawing, Electronics, Science, Computers, English, Technology, Math


Activities that bring satisfaction from working on/producing equipment High school pathway courses to take: Building Trades, Computers, Communications, Electronics, Technical Drawing, Science, Technology

Electricians install and maintain the wiring, fuses and other components that bring electricity into homes, businesses and factories. If you are interested in becoming an Electrician, you should prefer:

s Working with electronic/electricial/

Electrical and Electronics Technicians, also known as electrical and electronic engineering technicians, apply electrical and electronic theory and related subjects to help develop, manufacture, maintain and service a wide variety of electrical and electronic equipment and components.

scientific/technical equipment

s Seeing the results of your work High school pathway courses to take: Communications, English, Computers, Math, Electronics, Technology

Magazine 2008 What’s NextWhat’s Next• •Winter Winter 2008

Careers in this pathway relate to the promotion of health as well as the treatment of injuries, conditions and disease.

Medical Assistants, under the direction of a physician, provide various medical care and related services. They may assist physicians examining patients and/or handle duties involving office management. If you are interested in becoming a Medical Assistant, you should prefer:

s Activities of a scientific or technical


s Activities that involve helping and

working with people

High school pathway courses to take: Communications, Computers, Health & Health Careers, Math, Technology, Science

Registered Nurses provide care, treatment, counseling and health education to the sick and injured. They assist in the maintenance of health and the prevention or management of illness, injury or disability. If you are interested in becoming a Nurse, you should prefer:


Activities that involve direct personal contact with people


Activities of a scientific and technical nature


What’s Winter 2008 What’sNext Next • Magazine • Winter 2008

Activities that involve helping and working with people

High school pathway courses to take: Communications, Math, Nutrition, Science, Social Studies, Technology, Health and Health Careers

Diagnostic Medical Sonographers, also known as ultrasound technologists, use complex equipment to direct high frequency sound waves into specific areas of a patient’s body to produce images which show the shape and position of internal organs, fluid accumulations, masses or fetal development. Physicians use these images in making diagnoses. Vascular Sonographers perform arterial and venous diagnostic procedures. They assist in electrocardiograms, cardiac catheterizations, pulmonary functions, lung capacity and similar tests. Technologists who use ultrasound to examine the heart chambers, valves, and vessels are referred to as Cardiac Sonographers, or Echocardiographers. They use ultrasound instrumentation to create images called echocardiograms. If you are interested in becoming a sonographer you should prefer:

persons and transporting them to medical facilities. Respiratory Care Practitioners (also known as respiratory therapists) work primarily in hospitals and assist in the evaluation, diagnosis and care of patients with breathing or other cardiopulmonary problems. They work with all ages and types of patients, administering oxygen therapy and breathing treatments, operating non-invasive and traditional mechanical ventilators, assessing cardiopulmonary health and performing pulmonary function and cardiovascular diagnostic testing.

machines and techniques

High school pathway courses to take: Communications, Technology, Health and Health Careers, Science, Photography and Videography, Computers, Electronics, Math

with and helping people

High school pathway courses to take: Math, Social Studies, Science, Technology, Computers, Communications, Health and Health Careers Radiologic Technicians (also called radiographers, radiographic technologists, X-ray technologists, or X-ray technicians) assist physicians in the use of X-ray and fluoroscopic equipment in the diagnosis of disease or injury.

s Enjoy working with people, including s Enjoy direct patient care

mechanical nature

s Activities involving processes,

technical nature

s Activities which require working

s Activities of a scientific and

s Activities of a scientific and technical nature

s Activities of a scientific and

If you are interested in becoming a Respiratory Care Practitioner, you should prefer:

If you are interested in becoming an EMT, you should prefer:

patients, other caregivers and the public

If you are interested in becoming a Radiologic Technician, you should prefer:

s Activities involving direct personal

High school pathway courses to take: Health, Biology, Mathematics, Chemistry, Physics

contact to help people

s Activities that bring personal

satisfaction from your work

s Activities of a scientific or

Emergency Medical Technicians (EMTs) work as members of pre-hospital emergency care medical teams administering first-aid treatment and other emergency care to sick and injured

technical nature

High school pathway courses to take: Business, Math, Communications, Computers, Technology, Science, Health and Health Careers What’s Next Magazine What’s Next • Winter Winter2008 2008

Careers in this pathway are related to serving others, including careers in civil service, education, hospitality, police and the social services.

Law Enforcement Officers and Detectives are government employees whose functions are protecting life and property, preserving the peace, detecting and preventing crime, and maintaining public order through the application of the law.

What’sNext Next•Magazine • Winter 2008 What’s Winter 2008

If you are interested in becoming a Law Enforcement Officer, you should prefer:

s s s

Working to serve your community Communicating ideas Having business contact with people

High school pathway courses to take: Criminal Justice, Business, Communications, Computers, English, Foreign Language, Government, Health and Health Careers, Math, Physical Education, Public Speaking, Social Studies.

Corrections Officers guard inmates in prisons according to established rules, policies and procedures to prevent disturbances and escapes. If you are interested in becoming a Corrections Officer, you should prefer:

s Activities concerned with

communication of information/ ideas to people

s Activities involving business

contact with people

High school pathway courses to take: Math, Social Studies, Communications, Criminal Justice

Next •• Winter Winter2008 2008 What’s NextWhat’s Magazine

College is a significant investment, but you can save money on your tuition at JCC. You will save thousands of dollars here, which will put you further down the road when you transfer on to a larger university or ease your bank account when starting a new career. Paying for college takes a lot of planning, but don’t be scared off because it is possible – thousands of students are doing it! Assistance in paying for college, also known as financial aid, is available. JCC’s Financial Aid Office can help you through the process and decide what will work best for you.

What’sNext Next • Magazine • Winter 2008 What’s Winter 2008

Financial aid students may receive:

s Grants or scholarships, which you do

not have to pay back.

dependent. Applicants will also need their Social Security number, driver’s license, and proof of any untaxed income.

It’s best to file as soon as possible after your annual taxes are complete for the upcoming academic year. The federal government urges students to file before March 1 for maximum consideration. Students need to re-apply for financial assistance each academic year.

s Work-study which is part-time

employment on campus to help pay for educational expenses.

s Loans that have to be paid back

with interest.

The first step in the financial aid process is filling out the FAFSA, or Free Application for Federal Student Aid, available online at www.fafsa. ed.gov. Start by applying for a Personal Identification Number or PIN, at www.pin.ed.gov. This serves as your electronic signature and provides access to your personal information. To complete the FAFSA, students will need their tax return from the previous year, and their parents’ return if they are still

Everyone should file the FAFSA. A variety of federal and state aid is available, including grants, work study and loans. Federal Stafford Loan applications will not be considered without a FAFSA and all required documentation on file. In addition, numerous scholarship monies are available and are awarded based on any number of criteria, but many require the FAFSA be completed as a first step.

After a student has completed the FAFSA, he or she will receive a Student Aid Report (SAR) which details the information submitted and the Expected Family Contribution (EFC), the dollar amount that is subtracted from the school’s cost to determine one’s need for financial aid. If you are planning to attend JCC, a financial aid eligibility letter is then sent to you. It is important to respond to any requests for information from JCC promptly to ensure one’s file is reviewed and processed in a timely manner.

In figuring how much aid a person will receive, four key areas are considered: number of people in household, number of people in college, household income and household assets.

Next •• Winter Winter2008 2008 What’s NextWhat’s Magazine

Many colleges use the following terms, but their definitions may vary slightly. Academic advisor: Member of student services or the faculty who helps and advises students on academic matters. He or she may also assist students during the registration process. Academic year: The period of formal academic instruction, which at JCC includes three semesters, Fall, Winter and Spring/Summer. ACT®: A nationally standardized test provided by American College Testing (ACT) mostly to high school students to determine skills in English, Math, Reading and Scientific Reasoning. Add/Drop: A process at the beginning of a semester when students can change their course schedules by adding or dropping classes. Advanced Placement: Some institutions accept AP test results, taken by high school juniors and seniors, for college credit. Policies vary from college to college. Articulation agreement: A transfer plan by a four-year institution detailing what credits need to be taken at JCC and what need to be taken at said institution. Associate degree: A two-year degree from a community or junior college. What’s Next Next Magazine Magazine • • Winter Winter 2008 What’s

Bachelor’s degree: A four-year degree from a college, university or professional school; usually requires at least 120 credit hours, also called a baccalaureate degree. Billing contact hour: A measurement that represents the actual time spent in class used as the basis for tuition costs. Catalog of entry: The catalog current at the time you started at JCC. If you maintain continuous enrollment, you follow the requirements listed in your catalog of entry, or a more recent catalog of your choice. Certificates: College certificates are generally 30-59 credit hours (about 10-16 classes) and concentrate on specific skills with few general education courses. CLEP: “Collegiate Level Examination Program” enables students to earn college credit for courses by successfully completing a test offered in a variety of subject areas. Continuous enrollment: Registered for at least one class in any semester during an academic year: Fall, Winter or Spring/Summer. Corequisite: A class that must be taken at the same time as another class because of the relationship of materials. Core course requirements: Courses required for completion of certificate or degree that are specific to the program of study. Course section: The same course is offered at a variety of times, and each has its own section number. Course placement test: An assessment used to test a student’s academic ability so that he or she may be placed in the appropriate courses. Credit hour: Credit given for attending one lecture hour of class each week for 16 weeks or equivalent. Cumulative GPA: Your overall GPA earned over your entire time at JCC. Continued on page 22

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COLLEGE LINGO continued Electives: In some degrees you can choose from a list of course options to fulfill your requirements. This allows you to choose the courses that interest you the most. FAFSA: This Free Application for Federal Student Aid is a federal form that must be completed over the Internet. It must be renewed each year. JCC staff is happy to assist with this process. FERPA: The Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) of 1974 provides: Protection of a student’s right to privacy of information that JCC has in its possession concerning the student; and, a guideline for release or disclosure of information as is required by federal and state law. Financial assistance or aid: A general term that includes all types of money, loans and part-time jobs offered to a student. Foundational courses: Your success in college classes depends upon your entry level skills in reading, writing and mathematics. Your need for foundational courses is identified by your Course Placement results. These courses may not count toward college degrees as they are considered preparatory. Full time: Twelve or more credit hours per semester. General Education Requirements: Courses required for completion of degree that all students must take in order to graduate. GPA: Grade point average; the average of your class grades, generally based on a 4.0 scale. Grants: Financial assistance that does not require repayment. Half-time: Enrolling in six to eight credit hours per semester. Loans: Financial assistance that must be repaid. MACRAO: This acronym stands for the Michigan Association of Collegiate Registrars and Admissions Officers. The MACRAO agreement helps students transfer from Michigan community colleges to other colleges and universities .

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Jackson Community College is partnering with local high schools, colleges and universities across the country to make college planning easier for students, parents and guidance counselors with the help of a new web-based tool, Connect!

COLLEGE LINGO continued Major: A student’s concentrated field of study. Minor: A student’s secondary field of study. Nonresident: Any JCC student who lives outside of Jackson County. Online courses: Classes held on the Internet instead of in a traditional classroom, also called distance learning courses.

Imagine being able to search for colleges with the added convenience of entering your own personal preferences regarding size and type of institution and programs you are interested in, interfacing that with your high school academic information and test scores and getting a report of colleges and universities that would best suit you. Connect! does just that. It is designed to simplify the process of going to college by bringing together everything needed throughout the process for all parties involved. Connect! provides integrated tracking of key dates and deadlines for each school’s application process, allows request of transcripts and recommendation letters and tracking by student and counselor, and guides student through the financial aid

Prerequisite: A course that must be taken prior to enrollment in another course.

process and evaluation of financial aid awards. Parents and counselors may also log on to see where the student is in the process and make suggestions. Learn more about Connect! at http://www.connectedu.net/.

Program of study: The degree or certificate you are working towards is your program of study. Registration: Period of time designated for enrollment in classes for a specific semester.

“This brings everything together into one place, making it a convenient tool for students, parents and high school counselors in putting together go-tocollege plans,” said Charlotte Finnegan, JCC dean of student services.

Resident: A JCC student who lives in or owns property in Jackson County or whose Jackson County employer is paying their tuition. Scholarships: Financial assistance based on merit that does not require repayment.

Connect! is an Internet-based tool established by ConnectEdu, who maintains privacy and security of student information. All students, or parents of minor students, have the option to “opt out” of having their information shared.

Semester: Period of study of approximately 16 weeks’ in duration for Fall and Winter semesters. Spring/Summer semester is 12 weeks long. Service learning: A teaching and learning strategy that brings together community service with instruction and reflection to enrich the learning experience.

More than a dozen Michigan colleges and universities currently participate with Connect! and several local high schools are coming aboard. High school students interested in this new tool should speak with their counselor to set up an account.

Syllabus: An outline of topics to be covered in an academic course. Transcript: A student’s legal and historical record of courses completed and attempted, along with all grades. Tuition: Costs for courses, not including fees. Withdrawal: Dropping a course after the add/drop period. Work-study program: A federal financial aid program that allows students to work on campus.

What’s Next •• Winter Winter2008 2008 What’s Next Magazine

If your goal in college is to transfer to a university, starting at a community college is a smart and economical choice. For a smooth transfer it’s important to plan ahead. Meet with an advisor to discuss your program and what courses are needed that will transfer. JCC participates with several colleges and universities across the state in the Michigan Association of Collegiate Registrars and Admission Officers (MACRAO) agreement. MACRAO is a cooperative program between the state’s two- and four-year colleges and universities designed to assist students in transferring credit. If you complete specified general studies courses in English, social science, natural science and humanities, you may have satisfied the basic first two-year requirements of Michigan four-year colleges and universities that have signed on to the agreement. JCC also has transfer agreements with other universities through “articulation agreements.” These are specific, program-to-program transfer arrangements that connect degree programs at JCC with bachelor’s degree programs. Speak with an advisor to learn more about all of your transfer options.

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Move ahead by attending college while you’re still in high school. Jackson Community College has the programs to make this a reality. If you’re motivated and focused, there are several options to help you earn college credit now and put you ahead in the future.

You could earn free JCC credit if you attend the Jackson Area Career Center, Lenawee Vo-Tech, or Hillsdale Workforce Development & Technology Center. Articulation Agreements between Jackson Community College and Jackson County Intermediate School District, Lenawee Intermediate School District and Hillsdale County Intermediate School District allow students to apply for articulated credit for knowledge and skills learned in vocational programs. Dual Enrollment allows high school students to enroll in classes at both their high school and JCC, and the costs may be paid by your home high school. You may even earn college credit for high school Advanced Placement courses taken in your junior and senior year.

also offers big savings – it’s free college credit. You’ll have credit from JCC before you graduate from high school! Many high school career programs offer the opportunity for students to earn free college credits. Examples include: • Business • Automotive • Computers • Building Trades • Health Care • Law Enforcement For details, talk with your instructor or call JCC Student Services at 517.796.8425 or the JCC location nearest you.

Get a head start on college courses! Under Michigan’s Postsecondary Enrollment Options Act, high school juniors and seniors may be able to take college courses with the tuition and fees covered by the high school. Dual Enrollment programs offer students many benefits: • Earn credit while in high school • Explore subjects not available at your high school

If you do not meet the dual enrollment requirements, you may still enroll as a high school guest student with the permission of your parent/guardian and high school. High school guest students are responsible for the cost of college courses.

Advanced Placement (AP) gives high school students an opportunity to take college level courses while in high school. High school instructors find that AP courses enhance their students’ confidence and academic interest; and college faculty report that AP students are well prepared for higher education. Students take AP examinations during their junior or senior year in high school. Check with your high school counselor about the availability of AP courses and check out the JCC website, www.jccmi.edu, for a listing of available Advanced Placement credits.

• Save money on college tuition Jackson Area Career Center, Lenawee Vo-Tech and Hillsdale Workforce Development & Technology Center students who successfully complete requirements in eligible programs may receive JCC credit toward a certificate or an associate degree. Articulation

Ask your counselor if you meet the eligibility requirements for dual enrollment. Dual enrollment can save you money! If you meet eligibility requirements, your school district may pay for JCC tuition and fees. Ask your high school counselor for details.

Contact your high school counselor or instructor about earning college credit in high school. You can also call JCC at 1.888.522.7344 or visit us on the web at www.jccmi.edu.

Jackson Campus 517.796.8425 • LeTarte Center Hillsdale 517.437.3343 • JCC @ VO-TECH 517.265.5515

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