SDG Junior Ambassador Programme 2018 cum Closing Ceremony Souvenir Programme

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程序表 Program Rundown 介紹嘉賓及致歡迎辭 香港女青年商會會長 黃皓欣女士 Recognition of Guests and Welcome Speech by JCI Hong Kong Jayceettes President Ms Rosanna Wong 致辭 國際青年商會香港總會會長 簡汝謙先生 Remarks by JCI Hong Kong National President Mr Ronald Kan 致辭 培訓協辦 香港女童軍總會 國際事務總監 吳慧妍博士 Remarks by Training Co-organizer, The Hong Kong Girl Guides Association International Commissioner Dr Jackie Ng 主禮嘉賓致辭 署理中西區民政事務專員 王雪兒女士 Remarks by Guest of Honour, Home Affairs Department Acting District Officer (Central and Western) Ms Penny Wong 全體合照 Group Photo

SDG 小專員計劃 2018 活動回顧 SDG Junior Ambassador Programme 2018 Project Highlights 專題環保短片播放(樂力高 x 另類體驗劇場) Environmental Video Showcase (Lexngo x KEY Theatre) 日本交流團分享(女童軍) Sharing from SDG Junior Ambassadors (Girl Guides) on Japan Exchange Tour 頒發獎章及獎項 Award Presentation 籌委會主席致謝 江穎敏女士 Vote of thanks by Project Chairlady Ms Samantha Kong

Master of Ceremony 大會司儀 : Ms Sherry Chong 莊小慧女士


香港女青年商會簡介 About JCI Hong Kong Jayceettes 香港女青年商會簡介 香港女青年商會 ( 女青商 ) 是國際青年商會香港總會 (JCI Hong Kong) 豁下的女性分會之一,成立於 1969 年 10 月 19 日的國際 性非牟利青年團體即將邁向五十週年。女青商的會員來自不同行業,活躍會員年齡介乎 18 至 40 歲。宗旨是讓青年有實踐理想之 機會,提升個人技能和質素,從而建立和諧社會。女青商為年輕人提供創造機會、發揮潛能的平台,會員可透過舉辦及參與不同 類型的工作計劃及活動,從而得到正面改變。 詳情請瀏覽本會網頁 或在本會 Facebook 專頁,關注我們的最新動向。

About JCI Hong Kong Jayceettes JCI Hong Kong Jayceettes, a female chapter of JCI Hong Kong, is an international non-profit and Voluntary youth organization established since 19 October 1969 and is celebrating its 50th anniversary next year. Members of the chapter, aged from 18 to 40 years old, come from professions that span across different industries. The chapter aims to empower youngsters in terms of personal experience and enhance their quality through a spectrum of opportunities to pursue their goals, which will in return create a harmonious society. Through hosting various campaigns and activities, the chapter is dedicated to serving as a creative platform that provides opportunities, which ultimately facilitates a positive change. For more information, please visit the organization’s website or follow our Facebook fans page www. to keep posted on our latest moves.

個人發展 Individual

國際發展 International

為會員提供多樣化的訓練 計劃,如制定目標、時間 管理、演講技巧、會議程 序法、禮儀等,旨在提昇 個人領袖才能,為日後成 為社會領袖作準備。

國際青年商會是一個全球性 的組織,會員通過互相交流 學習,可結識來自不同文化 背景和國籍的會員,擴闊視 野及發展友誼。

Through various leadership training programs, members develop valuable skills such as goal setting, time management, public speaking, parliamentary procedures, protocol etc. thereby equipping them with necessary techniques to become future leaders of the community.

Members will be connected to a network of 170,000 Junior Chamber members from more than 110 countries and regions around the world, by participating in exchange tours or trainings, members gain valuable international exposure and develop friendship.

社會發展 Community

商務發展 Business

透過積極籌辦及參與社會 發展活動,會員可依從具 體的計劃框架了解社會需 要及重要議題,按部就班 地推展造福社會的工作計 劃,從而掌握社會脈衝, 加強對時事的認知。

來自各行各業的會員可以在 會務活動當中建立和擴展良 好的商務網絡。商務活動及 講座可為會員提供專業見解 和行業資訊。

Members are encouraged to actively organize and participate in community projects. They will adopt practical framework to identify social needs and issues, and develop projects to encourage the betterment of the community. Awareness and sensitivity on community problems are thus enhanced.

JCI Hong Kong Jayceettes


Members from different industries can build up their personal business network through the National Business Network as well as worldwide inter national networking activities. Members can exchange business ideas and broaden their exposure to other industries through participation in seminars and networking sessions.


計劃簡介 Project Introduction

計劃簡介 聯合國於 2015 年訂定了 17 個全新的可持續發展目標 (SDGs),當中重點期望於 2030 年可以消除貧困、對抗氣候變化,以 及停止一切不平等待遇。憑藉去年 SDG 小專員計劃成功推出,此計劃今年將通過全新的培訓課程材料和系統將培訓擴展至新 水平。為響應以上目標,香港女青年商會今年與香港女童軍總會首度合作推出 「SDG 小專員計劃 2018」,主題為「環境, 健康與福祉」,透過進行教育推廣及培訓,讓小女童軍及女童軍提升個人領導才能、並於社區層面宣揚聯合國可持續發展目標 及提倡響應其目標之行動。

About SGD Junior Ambassador Programme The Sustainable Development Goals (also known as SDGs) were agreed by global leaders at the United Nations in 2015 to shape the future of the world, and bring countries together to continue the work started by the Millennium Development Goals. The 17 new Global Goals represent an ambitious agenda to end poverty, fight climate change, and tackle all forms of inequality by 2030. Riding on the success from last year, in 2018, the Programme has extended trainings to the new level with brand new training course materials and system. In response to the Global Goals, JCI Hong Kong Jayceettes collaborates with the Hong Kong Girl Guides Association this year to launch the "SDG Junior Ambassador Programme 2018", with the theme "Environment, Health and Well-being". Through participation in SDG trainings, not only will the Brownies and Guides be able to enhance leadership skills, this will also encourage promotion of the United Nations SDGs at the community level and become a keen advocate to promote actions that respond to the goals.

學習目標 1

了解聯合國訂立的 17 個可持續發展目標,以及對日常生活的重要性


明白 SDG 小專員是地球的一分子,其參與是何其重要





Learning Objectives 1

To have a better understanding of the significance of the 17 SDGs in their own lives


To understand they are part of a global movement and their participation is important


To identify what goal(s) they care about and how they can make a difference as Junior Ambassadors


To sharpen their activity planning skills and communication skills


可持續發展目標簡介 About Global Goals 2015 年 9 月,世界各國領導人在一次具有歷 史意義的聯合國峰會上上通過了 2030 年可持

On 1 January 2016, the 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) of

續發展議程,該議程涵蓋 17 個可持續發展目

leaders in September 2015 at an historic UN Summit — officially came

標,於 2016 年 1 月 1 日正式生效。這些新目

into force. Over the next fifteen years, with these new Goals that

標適用於所有國家,因此,在接下來的 15 年

universally apply to all, countries will mobilize efforts to end all forms


of poverty, fight inequalities and tackle climate change, while ensuring


that no one is left behind.

the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development — adopted by world



The SDGs, also known as Global Goals, build on the success of the


Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) and aim to go further to end all


forms of poverty. The new Goals are unique in that they call for action


by all countries, poor, rich and middle-income to promote prosperity


while protecting the planet. They recognize that ending poverty must


go hand-in-hand with strategies that build economic growth and


addresses a range of social needs including education, health, social


protection, and job opportunities, while tackling climate change and environmental protection.

雖然可持續發展目標不具法律約束力,但是各 國政府都應主動承擔責任,建立實現 17 個目

While the SDGs are not legally binding, governments are expected to


take ownership and establish national frameworks for the achievement


of the 17 Goals. Countries have the primary responsibility for follow-up


and review of the progress made in implementing the Goals, which will


require quality, accessible and timely data collection. Regional follow-


up and review will be based on national-level analyses and contribute to follow-up and review at the global level. 4


Congratulatory Message from the Secretary for Food and Health 食物及衛生局局長 陳肇始教授 , JP Professor Sophia Chan, JP, Secretary for Food and Health


Congratulatory Message from Organizer 香港女青年商會 會長 黃皓欣女士 Ms Rosanna Wong, President, JCI Hong Kong Jayceettes

For 49 years, JCI Hong Kong Jayceettes has not only aspired to care for its members and the community, but also inspired many young ladies to create positive changes, with well-known projects such as the "Hong Kong Master of Ceremony Competition" ( 全港司儀大賽 ) from 2005 to 2011, "Care and Dare" ( 敢想敢做 ) from 2013 to 2018, as well as different initiatives to address the Sustainable Development Goals ( 聯合國可持續發展目標 ) . As an affiliated chapter under the international leadership organization Junior Chamber International, Hong Kong Jayceettes puts its belief and mission into action. Our theme for Year 2018 is "Engage To Empower". The true essence "to engage" is well exemplified with our SDG Ambassador Programme, which was the first-ever project engaging primary school students to promote Sustainable Development Goals back in 2017. We continue to plant our JCI seed in young kids both locally and globally in 2018. A four-hours SDG training program was tailor-made by our organizing committee with more than 20 workshops conducted throughout the project. We are delighted to engage Hong Kong Girl Guides Association, the current largest female youth organization in Hong Kong, as our Training Co-Organizer by promoting and engaging our programme to more than 1000 Girl Guides. To further promote this initiative, our team has taken this program to an international level by conducting two overseas training in Manila in The Philippines and Tokyo in Japan with more than 500 students engaging in the program to create a vast impact. May I hereby express my deep gratitude to our Training Co-organizer The Hong Kong Girl Guides Association; Strategic Partners including UNESCO Hong Kong Association, Wofoo Social Enterprise, Consulate-General of Japan in Hong Kong and all our sponsors Hong Kong Red Swastika Society, The Israeli Chamber of Commerce in Hong Kong, HKJC Foundation, JCI Hong Kong Jayceettes Trust Fund; Airline Sponsor Hong Kong Airlines and fellow supporting organizations and partners for the astounding support all along. My appreciation also goes to my dedicated organizing committee for bringing us another year of empowerment. Rosanna Wong 2018 President JCI Hong Kong Jayceettes



Congratulatory Message from Training Co-organizer 香港女童軍總會 香港總監 李周美枝女士 Mrs Pearl Lee, Chief Commissioner, The Hong Kong Girl Guides Association

香港女青年商會 SDG 小專員計劃 2018

影響生命 共創未來 香港女童軍總會 香港總監 李周美枝女士


Congratulatory Message from Strategic Partner 香港聯合國教科文組織協會會長 陳達文博士 , SBS Dr Darwin Chen, SBS, President of UNESCO Hong Kong Association

謹賀香港女青年商會 SDG 小專員計劃 2018 圓滿達標

鍥而不捨 金石可鏤 香港聯合國教科文組織協會會長陳達文



Congratulatory Message from Strategic Partner 和富社會企業會長 李宗德博士,GBS,OStJ,太平紳士 Dr. Joseph LEE, GBS, OStJ, JP, President of Wofoo Social Enterprises

和富社會企業一直致力推動年幼學童的全人發展,希望於學業以外,能讓他們透過不同活動和計劃發掘他們的潛能和培 養正面價值觀。 因此,我們很高興能夠支持由香港女青年商會主辦的《SDG 小專員計劃 2018》。本計劃進行了教育推廣及培訓,讓女 童軍提升個人領導才能,於社區層面宣揚聯合國可持續發展目標,並透過交流活動,讓她們在推廣計劃的同時,學習各 地不同文化。 最後,謹此祝賀本年活動圓滿成功,謝謝。 李宗德博士,GBS,OStJ,太平紳士 會長 和富社會企業


Congratulatory Message from Strategic Partner 香港聯合國教科文組織協會和平中心聯合創辦人 梁信慕教授 Professor (Dr.) Samuel Leong, Co-founder, UNESCO Hong Kong Centre for Peace and Glocal Development Vice President, UNESCO Hong Kong Association My sincere congratulations to JCI Hong Kong Jayceettes for successfully launching the SDG Junior Ambassador Programme. As we live in an interlinked world faced with changes and challenges so profound and rapid, it requires everyone to share responsibility and contribute to a common vision for the betterment of humanity. Both the JCI and UNESCO Hong Kong share such a vision and are pleased to support the sustainable development of human societies. I would like to express my heartfelt appreciation to JCI Hong Kong Jaycettees for demonstrating resolute dedication and enthusiasm in implementing programmes that promote the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and nurturing young students from Hong Kong and other parts of the world to become responsible global citizens. It is inspirational to learn that six outstanding SDG Junior Ambassadors had gone all the way to Japan, learning and exchanging ideas and culture with local students through the SDG Training and Cultural Exchange Tour. Such programmes can positively impact young people from countries involved and strengthen their global, cultural and social awareness. Once again, congratulations to JCI Hong Kong Jaycettees and President Rosanna Wong for your achievements and wishing you every success in future endeavors. Professor (Dr.) Samuel Leong j Co-founder, UNESCO Hong Kong Centre for Peace and Glocal Development Vice President, UNESCO Hong Kong Association



Congratulatory Message from Junior Chamber International Hong Kong 總會會長 簡汝謙先生 Mr Ronald Kan, National President The United Nations Sustainable Development Goals is a remarkable plan that unifies the world in making changes to create a better planet for everyone. The 15 year time frame to achieve 17 goals with 169 targets is very ambitious. In addition to forming partnerships between all sectors of society, it is of essential importance to increase awareness of the existence of this plan and give guidance on how to implement programs that will help to achieve the goals. The SDG’s impact everyone on the planet and it requires every individual in every nation to take part for its success and to create sustainable change. The SDG Junior Ambassador Programme by the JCI Hong Kong Jayceettes is exactly what is needed to promote the SDG, and it is exciting that people in Hong Kong, Manila, and Japan will all be involved. It is always important for the youth in our society to be educated and inspired to bring innovation to the society. In taking action by gaining knowledge about the issues that their nations face and by embracing a green and healthy lifestyle they impact not only themselves but the future of the planet. I would like to congratulate the JCI Hong Kong Jayceettes for a highly successful campaign and encourage their continued hard work in creating positive changes in the world! Senator Ronald Kan 2018 National President JCI Hong Kong


Congratulatory Message from Junior Chamber International Hong Kong 總會副會長 麥頌斌先生 Mr Ben Mak, National Vice President In recent years, JCI Hong Kong work hard on promoting Sustainable Development Goals that educate and mobilize members to apply Global Goals in their projects and also to promote Global Goals projects from local chapters throughout the world. We are happy that JCI Hong Kong Jayceettes being a part with us and successfully organise the SDG Junior Ambassador Programme 2018 with the aims to provide an opportunity for girl guides to generate innovative and practical ideas for promoting the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) in Hong Kong. That great projects not only support the SDGs, but also inspire the SDG Junior Ambassador, allowing children and teens to start the awareness and to support the SDGs. Furthermore, six of the selected Junior Ambassadors also have a chance to join an exchange tour in Japan, In the tour, they can learn and promote SDGs with Girl Guides and JC members from all over the world. I am glad to witness our members and Junior Ambassadors are inspired to create positive change, which also upholds and advances our JCI Mission. The last but not least, congratulations and thanks to our amazing SDG Junior Ambassadors for the help on building a better world for us. Ben Mak 2018 National Vice President JCI Hong Kong



Congratulatory Message from Silver Sponsor 香港紅卍字會董事及司庫 任德添先生 Mr Timmy Yam, Director and Treasurer of Hong Kong Red Swastika Society

Save the world, save our future, by committing yourselves to environmental protection.


Congratulatory Message from Bronze Sponsor 香港以色列商會主席 雷夫爾赫魯尼博士,BBS Dr. Rafael Aharoni, BBS, Chairman of the Israeli Chamber of Commerce in Hong Kong My heartiest congratulations to Junior Chamber International (JCI) Hong Kong Jayceettes on its yearly occasion for Award Presentation cum Closing Ceremony of Sustainable Development Goals of SDG Junior Ambassador Programme 2018, especially under the leadership of Rosanna Wong, DoDo So and colleagues. As you all know, Chambers of Commerce are important in order to develop trade and development around the world, and to integrate with the local and international communities. Today, we are fighting environmental issues and its impact for global warming is tremendous. I do believe in prevention rather than waiting until tragedy being occurred. Therefore, we all have to work hard to protect our environment. I think leading a healthy diet, doing exercise and raising public awareness of our personal hygiene also play an important part of our daily lives. From what I see, your organization is highlighting this subject to encourage people from all walks of life from youth to the elderly to preserve and protect our environment. I think it is wonderful to see so many participants in your event, and I am very happy to play a small part of your organization. I look forward to working with you in the future. You always have my support. I wish you every success in your event. With gratitude With gratitude

Rafael Aharoni



Congratulatory Message from Gift Sponsor 樂力高董事長及始創人 王詠儀女士 Ms Carlotta Wong, Managing Director & Co-Founder of Lexngo

Congratulations and thank you JCI Hong Kong Jayceettes for giving Lexngo the chance to promote ECO mission in 2018 SDG Junior Ambassadors Programme. Let's Reduce - Reuse - Recycle to make our city more clean and sustainable! Carlotta Wong Managing Director / Co-Founder Lexngo 樂力高


Congratulatory Message from Training Partner 香港中文大學賽馬會氣候變化博物館 Jockey Club Museum of Climate Change The Chinese University of Hong Kong

香港女青年商會 SDG 小專員計劃 2018

綠「識」地球 始於足下 香港中文大學賽馬會氣候變化博物館 10


Congratulatory Message from Junior Ambassador 兒童大使 楊鎧凝小朋友 Ms Celine Yeung, Junior Ambassador

我今年十歲,發覺人類越來越不環保,希望大家將努力積少成多,齊齊用心用力保護我們親愛的地球,也希 望我們的下一代,會有一個更可愛更乾淨,更藍色的地球呀!

Celine Yeung


Congratulatory Message from Organizing Committee 籌委會主席 江穎敏女士 Ms Samantha Kong, Project Chairlady

四年前,有幸加入紐約聯合國總部工作,與各國元首一起編寫聯合國可持續發展目標。可持續發展目標致力 解決各國重大議題,包括環境、健康及安全、就業、供應鏈及社會問題等 ,因此決定將可持續發展目標概念 帶到香港,與各方合作推動可持續發展工作。現為環境工程師及環境教育政策博士研究生,著重從小教育, 積極推動健康生活和綠化環境。 自 SDG 小專員計劃於 2017 年的誕生,從計劃統籌與規劃、課程編寫與設計、活動安排與實踐,我都有幸參 與其中。減碳、抗暖化、災難風險防減、生物多樣化、淨水衛生、乾淨能源及公共健康等都是 21 世紀人類面 臨最嚴峻的一些挑戰 。 有見及此,SDG 小專員計劃 2018 以「環境,健康與福祉」為主題。今年,香港女青 年商會與香港女童軍總會合作推動可持續發展目標,招攬了小女童軍成為「SDG 小專員」及女童軍領袖成為 「SDG 小專員領袖」。透過累積多年的環保專業知識編寫整個培訓課程及設計工作坊,讓女童軍們從時事專 題討論加深對可持續發展目標的認識,從而提升個人領導才能,並於社區層面宣揚聯合國可持續發展目標及 提倡響應其目標之行動。在短短四個月的培訓,女童軍不但大大提升環保及健康的知識,並同時以「SDG 小 專員」身分定下目標,實踐行動承諾。 此計劃亦讓女童軍們更了解環境與健康的重要性,從而讓她們反思,態度行為改變如何能為環境、人類社會 及未來生活帶來改變。 齊來兌現「可持續發展,由我們開始」!

Samantha Kong Project Chairlady SDG Junior Ambassador Programme 2018 JCI Hong Kong Jayceettes 11

活動回顧 Project Highlights


2月 FEB


Kick-off Ceremony

SDG 小專員計劃 2018 之啟動禮於 2018 年 2 月 10 日成功舉行,並吸引 100 多位 嘉賓和與會者參加,學習和分享可持續發展目標的信念將使我們在 2030 年前實現 和平與可持續發展。主禮嘉賓連同一眾活動嘉賓一同合力將 SDG 蘋果擺放在大樹 上,拼成象徵健康及可持續發展的基石,正為這個為期半年的「SDG 小專員計劃 2018」揭開序幕。本年度主題為「環境,健康與福祉」,主要推廣之四大可持續 發展目標,包括 : 目標三 : 良好健康與福祉、目標六 : 清潔食水與衛生設施、目標七 : 經濟適用的清潔能源及目標十三 : 氣候行動。 透過我們的活動大使楊楊鎧凝朋友和 2017 年獲獎隊伍的分享,讓觀眾能夠了解如 何在學校和整個社區中實施可持續發展目標。我們的培訓合作夥伴香港中文大學賽 馬會氣候變化博物館亦舉辦了環保酵素工作坊,向觀眾提供有關創造綠色生活方式 的一些建議。

The SDG Junior Ambassador Programme 2018 Kick-off Ceremony was successfully held on 10 February 2018, with over 100 guests and participants attended, learning and sharing the belief of SDG would lead us to peace and sustainability by year 2030. The officiating guests joined forces with the same event to put the SDG apple on the tree and form the cornerstone of health and sustainable development, kicking off the half-year Programme. With the theme "Environment, Health and Wellbeing", the Programme aims to promote 4 core SDGs, namely SDG3: Health and Well-Being, SDG6 Clean Water and Sanitation, SDG7: Affordable and Clean Energy and SDG13: Climate Action. Through sharing from our Event Ambassador Miss Celine Yeung and the 2017 Winning Team, the audience were able to learn how SDGs can be well-implemented in schools and in the community as a whole. Our Training Partner Jockey Club Museum of Climate Change, Chinese University of Hong Kong also organized an Eco-Enzyme Workshop by giving the audiences some tips on creating a green lifestyle.


4 月 和富社會企業香港水足印定向 APR Wofoo Social Enterprise

Water Race

SDG 策略性伙伴和富社會企業的邀請擔任香港水足印定向活動的支持 機構,並負責建立一個與此計劃及聯合國可持續發展目標的遊戲攤位, 以促進及提高社區對環境和全球健康的認識。 攤位設計有 3 個回收紙板骰子,由 17 個可持續發展目標組成,參加者 需要摘骰子,然後向我們分享他們對可持續發展目標的理解。根據我 們當天的觀察,發現極少香港青少年或兒童了解可持續發展目標,這 無疑促使我們更大力推動此計劃,務求教育我們的下一代有關可持續 發展目標。

The SDG Team was invited by our Project Strategic Partner Wofoo Social Enterprise to participate in the Hong Kong Water Race as a Supporting Organisation by hosting a Game Booth. A game booth was created to promote the Project and the UNSDGs, as well as raising the awareness on environmental and global health in the community. The booth was designed with 3 recycled cardboard dices that were made up of 17 SDGs, participants were required to throw the dices and share with us their understanding towards the SDGs. Based on what we observed that day, it revealed not many Hong Kong young teens or children know about SDGs, which has definitely motivated us to continue our project and to educate our future generation about the goals.


活動回顧 Project Highlights


5 月 領袖與朋輩工作坊 MAY Train-the-Trainer Workshop

由香港女青年商會首創的第一個以 SDG 為培訓主題,並首次與香港女童軍總會合作。 領袖與朋輩工作坊當天有超過 50 位領袖、深資女童軍以及香港女青年商會會員出席。 整個工作坊透過活動和遊戲,讓領袖們感受認識 SDG 的重要性,並一起探討如何對社 會作出貢獻,為世界帶來積極正面的影響。我們的培訓伙伴《賽馬會氣候變化博物館》 跟領袖們一同分享如何將自己的舊衣服製成環保袋。另外,他們還為參加者帶來了流動 版本「賽馬會氣候變化博物館」多媒體展覽,當中包括「地球時光機、極地探索、冰芯 啟示」多媒體互動組件,將氣候變化的資訊以深入淺出的方式呈現給領袖們。藉此,希 望眾領袖能夠在未來能在女童軍內推廣 SDG,培訓更多的 SDG 小專員,實踐此計劃的 「我的承諾行動 2018」。

The first-ever "Train-the-Trainers" Workshop co-organized with Hong Kong Girl Guides Association was successfully held with over 50 participants, including Guiders, Rangers and our JCI Hong Kong Jacyeettes members. The participants were highly motivated and engaged by the trainers through activities and games. Guided by the Trainers, the Guiders discussed how to contribute to the society and bring positive impact to the world. Our Training Partner, the Jockey Club Climate Change Museum, shares with leaders how to turn their clothes into green bags. In addition, they also brought us a Mobile Museum, including "Time Machine, Polar Exploration, Ice Secrets" with multimedia interactive components, to present climate change information in a simple way Leaders! In this way, the leaders will be able to promote SDGs in the Girl Guides community in the future and implement the "My Commitment to Action 2018" of this program.


5 月 女童軍工作坊 MAY Guides Workshop

繼 5 月 6 日的領袖與朋輩工作坊後,活動深受女童軍歡迎,因此舉辦 了 5 月 20 日的 女童軍工作坊,並吸引了超過 40 位 10-18 歲的女童軍及香港女青年商會會員參與 3 小 時的工作坊。 透過簡單易明又輕鬆既小活動和遊戲,讓女童軍更從生活例子更深入認識 S DG。除了 生動的教學和例子外,還準備了一系列活動,包括 : 製作「靜觀瓶」以助情緒管理、用 環保物料製作氣球動力車讓女童軍了解動力能源及由中大賽馬會氣候變化博物館大使使 用流動展品講解氣候變化。整個工作坊裏女童軍非常投入學習,氣氛熱鬧。

Upon the Train-the-Trainer workshop conducted on 6 May 2018, the workshop was very popular among the Girl Guides. Therefore, another workshop has been held on 20 May 2018 just for Guides. There were more than 40 Guides (age 10-18 ) and our JCI Hong Kong Jayceettes members attending this 3-hour workshop. Through the simple activities and inspiring games, the Guides obtained a deeper understanding of SDGs from real life examples. In addition to the lively classes conducted by the trainers, a series of activities have been prepared, including: Making a "Mindful Jar" to help with emotional management, making an eco-car with environmentally friendly materials so as to allow the Guides to understand the various sources of energy. In addition, the CUHK Climate Change Museum brought along some mobile exhibits to showcase and explain climate change. Use mobile exhibits to explain climate change. The Guides were very engaged throughout the workshop and the atmosphere was lively.


活動回顧 Project Highlights


6月 JUN


Judging Day

今次個人選拔賽共有 16 名女童軍參與,經過評審嚴格挑選後,選出了 6 位出色的 SDG 小專員 ( 女童軍 ) 獲贊助參加於 2018 年 7 月 5 至 9 日舉 行之日本東京交流營。 選拔賽是透過個人自我介紹 及小組討論形式進行,參加 者相當投入討論環保議題, 時事觸角相當敏銳。選拔過 程中除了感受到女童軍們透 過工作坊認識 SDG,並嘗 試努力將工作坊學到的知識 實踐到日常生活當中 。

A total of 16 Guides participated in the interview. After careful selection by the judges, six outstanding SDG Junior Ambassadors (Guides) were selected to participate in a sponsored Tokyo Exchange Tour in Japan from 5 to 9 July 2018. The interview began with self-introduction, followed by group discussion. Participants were very devoted on discussing environmental issues and they have a very good understanding on the recent news. Throughout the interview, the judges were inspired on how the Guides learn to implement what they have learnt in the SDG workshops into their daily lives.


6月 JUN

交流團簡介會 ( 日本國駐香港領事館 )

Exchange Tour Briefing (Consulate-General of Japan in Hong Kong)

獲選的六位的香港女童軍代表 SDG 小專員在前往日本東京交流團前出席由 日本國駐香港領事館所舉辦的行程簡介會。這個簡介會是由日本國駐香港領 事館廣新報文化部人員親自向女童軍介紹不同的日本資訊,同時亦分享了今 次行程的重點交流項目,旅程內容既豐富又富意義。小專員們相當期待接下 來的日本東京交流團,紛紛向領事館人員請教關於日本的文化和禮數,藉此 對日本有更深入的認識!

6 SDG Junior Ambassadors (Girl Guides) selected for the Tokyo, Japan Exchange Tour attended a special pre-trip by the Consulate-General of Japan in Hong Kong. This briefing was conducted by the Consulate-General of Japan in Hong Kong’s Public Relations and Cultural Affairs Division with detailed information on Japan, educational and cultural matters. In addition, the trip itinerary was announced to them in preparation for the exchange tour. Enthusiastic SDG Junior Ambassadors (Girl Guides) raised many good questions to Consulate-General staff about Japanese culture and activities, this event enhanced their understanding about Japan and prepared them for the exchange tour to come.


活動回顧 Project Highlights

5 9

7月 JUL


Exchange Tour to Tokyo, Japan

《日本東京交流團》獲得《香港航空》贊助,日本國駐香港總領事館,日本國 家旅遊局 ( 訪日教育旅行 ),日本女童軍的大力支持,因此行程豐富,並於 7 月 5 日至 7 月 9 日順利進行。獲選的六位香港女童軍代表 SDG 小專員在出發前 出席領事館的日本文化簡介會。藉著日本政府觀光局的安排,一眾女童軍有幸 參觀多達一百年歷史在日本著名的聖心女子學院並為當地近七十名學生進行交 流。另外,香港女青年商會受邀到日本東京女童軍總部進行《Train The Scouts Workshop》,一共有超過 50 名日本女童軍和領袖參加。在行程中,SDG 小專 員們到訪了東京都水道歷史館和參觀著名的安藤百福發明紀念館,即「杯麵博 物館」。此行 SDG 小專員導師分享聯合國基本資訊及持續發展目標的發展概況 外,SDG 小專員們在活動中付予協助,以實際行動響應可持續發展目標。透過 工作坊,使日本女童軍及領袖對 SDG 有更深的認識,使她們在自己的女童軍隊 中,傳播 SDG 信息,期望兩地日後可以再相互分享推廣經驗。SDG 小專員們 紛紛表示不往此行,而且獲益良多。

The "Tokyo Exchange Tour" was sponsored by Hong Kong Airlines Ltd and also supported by the the Consulate-General of Japan in Hong Kong, the Japan National Tourism Organization (Japan Educational Travel) and the Girl Scouts of Japan. It was successfully held from July 5th to July 9 th in Tokyo, Japan. Six Hong Kong Girl Guides was selected to be SDG Junior Ambassador and attended the pre-trip briefing conducted by the General – Japan Consulate in Hong Kong. The SDG Junior Ambassadors was honored to visit the famous school, Sacred Heart School, Tokyo and met more than 70 students. In addition, JCI Hong Kong Jayceettes was invited to conduct the "Train the Scouts Workshop" at the headquarter of Girl Scouts of Japan in Tokyo. More than 50 Japanese girl scouts and leaders participated. SDG Junior Ambassadors also visited the Tokyo Waterworks Historical Museum and the “Cup Noodle Museum in Yokohama”. The SDG Junior Ambassadors were able to promote the SDG goals delightfully during the workshops and benefited from the trip to build up a good relationship with Japanese students and Girl Scouts. It is hoped that these two places will be given more opportunities in sharing SDGs in the future.


7月 JUL


Brownies, Guides and Parent Workshop

這次活動對象相當特別,不單有 6-12 歲的小女童軍,還有女童軍和童軍領 袖或家長們參與,由五月的第一個工作坊至今,已培育了 200 多位 SDG 小 專員。我們籌委會各成員希望藉著舉辦工作坊,將知識承傳給其他年輕人, 讓參加者學以致用、回饋社會,將環保及可持續的生活方式推廣至社區。

In the past two rounds of workshops, trainings were conducted to Guiders and Guides. This time, a special arrangement has been made, to allow not only Guiders and Guides, but also Brownies (age 6-12) and their parents to attend. Since the first workshop in May, we have trained up more than 200 SDG Junior Ambassadors. The Organizing Committee hope that through conducting workshops, the SDG knowledge will be passed on to other young people, allowing participants to apply what they have learned and to give back to the community. Moreover, we hope to promote environmentally friendly and sustainable lifestyles to the community.


活動回顧 Project Highlights 7月 JUL

8 月 夏日營 AUG Summer Camps

在 7 月到 8 月初,我們把之前工作坊的培訓內容搬到多個小女童軍夏日營中, 希望能透過互動工作坊及有趣的活動環節,令各位女童軍在小女童軍夏日營 中玩樂之餘,也可以深入認識到 SDG,參加者相當投入製作能助情緒管理的 「靜觀瓶」及用環保物料製作氣球動力車,參加者更投入討論可持續發展目 標及環保議題,整個氣氛相當熱鬧。希望他們能學以致用,把學到的知識實 踐到日常生活當中,並把聯合國可持續發展目標宣揚給身邊的同學及家人, 一起與我們實踐「SDG Go Go Goal」吧!

From July to early August, we took our SDG Training course to Brownie Guides’ Summer Camps. Through interactive workshops and fun hands-on activities, Brownies can learn about SDGs in an interesting format. The participants were very engaged in the production of “Mindful Jar”, an activity to promote emotional management, as well as the making of an eco-car with environmentally friendly materials. These young girls also engaged in lively discussions about Sustainable Development Goals, as well as how they can action on environmental and health issues. Brownie Guide pledge to take actions in their daily lives, and promote the SDGs to their classmates and family members – it’s time to “SDG Go Go Goal”!


8 月 馬尼拉學校培訓日 AUG School Training in Manila

繼之前的日本東京交流團,SDG 再次衝出香港,走到馬尼拉學校培訓更多 SDG 小專員們。這次很高興能夠再次與我們的姊妹會 - 菲律賓馬尼拉青年商 會 (JCI Manila) 合作,為當地超過 450 名馬尼拉學生進行 SDG 小專員的訓 練及交流,希望令更多的馬尼拉學生都可以認識 SDG。藉著舉辦更多國外培 訓,我們同時把環保及健康概念分享給當地學生,更鼓勵他們一起以實際行 動響應可持續發展目標,相互交流聯合國基本資訊及持續發展目標的發展概 況,培訓更多來自馬尼拉的 SDG 小專員。這次 SDG 不只在香港推廣,而是 讓不同國家的學生也參與到,將環保及可持續的生活方式帶到馬尼拉,讓更 多國外參加者一起傳播 SDG 信息。

After the successful Exchange Tour to Tokyo, Japan in July, the Programme goes abroad again to Manila, The Philippines to train up more SDG Junior Ambassadors. We are proud to work with our sister chapter JCI Manila for the second consecutive year, and had the opportunity to train up more than 450 Manila students at a local primary and secondary school about the SDGs. Through the training, we shared the concept of environmental protection and good health to the students, and encouraged them to promote the SDGs with practical actions to influence more peers to become SDG Junior Ambassadors. By bringing the trainings to Manila and overseas, we impact more students from different countries and we together spread the Sustainable Development Goals for better future.


《7 宗罪餐》 微電影 環保係一件好有意義事情,只要大家行 多步,多用可循環既環保器皿,地球就 會 少 一 點 污 染 同 垃 圾 喇! 今 年 SDG 小 專員計劃有幸跟 Lexngo 樂力高及 KEY Theatre 另類體驗劇場推出有意思的微電 影。 大家請多多支持及立即分享!

Eco-friendly living is an important way of life. If everyone is willing to take one extra step to use more environmentally friendly utensils, we can reduce waste and pollution in the world. This year, SDG Junior Ambassador proudly supports Lexngo and Key Theatre to launch a meaningful micro film about eco-living. It's time to act, support and share the video to your friends and family!

今年 SDG 小專員 2018 籌委會推出了兩個新產品用作為本工作 計劃籌款之用 , 兩個產品都與環保概念息息相關 , 請化支持心意 為行動 , 購買一個支持這個有意義而有持續性的工作計劃吧 ! This year, we have launched two special products for fund raising to our project. Both related to upcycling ideas. Let's buy one to support this meaningful & sustainable project!




SDG Junior Ambassador Programme 2018 Upcycling Pin SDG 小專員計劃升級再造襟章

SDG Junior Ambassador Programme 2018 Upcycling Lunch Box SDG 小專員計劃 升級再造食物盒

以舊 的木襟章 版 量 限 此 ,非 製作而成 的紅酒箱 常特別 ! ooden

edition - W This special t h e m ate r ia l by p in m a d e ooden Case from Wine W


- 防漏矽膠設計 - 放外帶食物 / 小食 水 - 可摺疊 , 便攜節省空/ 間 果 - 可用於微波爐和洗碗碟 機 - 不含 BRA - Perfect for storing me - Collapses to 1/2 the als on the go size for space saving storage - Microwave & dishwas - 100 % food grade maher safe terial (Silicone) and BPA free


Girl Guides Sharing in Exchange Tour to Tokyo, Japan 林泳怡

東九龍第 136 女童軍隊(福建中學)

這次到日本,我深入了解到日本家庭如果進行垃圾分類的方法。其實看到了日本家庭 的環保的意識那麼高,再想起香港家庭處置垃圾的方法,我認為我們真的要好好向日 本人學習。在香港,我們只會把所有的垃圾都丟在同一個垃圾桶,根本不會把他們分 類或者循環再用。 眾所周知,日本是一個極其注重清潔的國家,每一個家庭都有不同的垃圾箱收集不同 種類的垃圾,例如廢紙,廚餘和膠樽等。一瓶飲料,把它喝光或倒光、然後用水洗、 去掉瓶蓋和標籤、踩扁、最後拿到指定的地點或飲料瓶回收處。但相比起香港,我們 只會放到垃圾桶裡。 在日本的 5 天 4 夜,仔細留意其實在每一條街道中,垃圾桶的數量也不多,這是為了 推行環保的風氣。而人口密度如此高的日本怎麼還能保持乾淨的街道呢?在日本,父 母會從小培養他們的孩子,不同的垃圾應該怎樣細分,每個孩子也都會認真學習這些 知識,然後一代傳一代,傳到今時今日,日本人的環保意識仍然那麼高。 在運輸方面,日本人也比較環保,若在不遠的路程上,他們會選擇以步行或者單車代 替汽車。在香港,基本上很少有會用這些方法代替車輛,汽車的廢氣排放,會引致空 氣污染指數增加,懸浮粒子更會令一些有鼻敏感或氣管敏感的人帶來影響。 在這次了解日本的環境之後,我會跟身邊的人宣揚環保意識,希望能好好改善香港的 環境問題。 林泳怡 東九龍第 136 女童軍隊(福建中學)


西九龍第 61 女童軍隊(九龍真光中學)

在這次日本交流營中,我對 17 個可持續發展目標有了新的認識。我發現 SDG 與生 活息息相關,從貧窮、良好健康與福祉、教育、技能和就業、一個安全公平的世界, 發展及環境保育,每一個範疇都與我們生活環環相扣。 環境保育為例,環境保育在日本是十分之盛行的,在垃圾分類中,日本會把垃圾分為 可燃燒及不可燃燒垃圾,當中還會分為膠樽、玻璃樽、廢紙和金屬物。在這一個層面, 我們已經可以看到日本將環境保育方面(回收)已比香港做得出色多了。另外在日本 的街道上也不會看見很多垃圾桶,因為這樣可以警醒日本市民減少製造垃圾,降低日 本的垃圾量,令到日本成為一個乾淨及健康的城市。 在提供優質教育方面,在日本旅程中,我們參觀了聖心女子學院,這一間學校是一間 私立學校,由小學到中學,學校中有很多實驗室、操場、兩層的圖書館、閱讀室和語 言室等等,還請了很多外籍老師受教英文,法文等等其他國家的語言,提供最好的環 境,最好的師資,讓在此學習的學生可以得到最優質的教育。在香港,雖然並不是每 一間學校也有那麼大的面積興建如此多的特別教室,但是我認為政府應該確保老師的 質素,用最好的人才資源,教授及培養下一代傑出的社會棟樑。我想這就是優質教育 這一個可持續發展目標的用意了。 另外在日本旅程中、我發現日本人對水資源是十分珍惜的。日本小國是處於一個地震 帶,一個小小的震動有可能導致水管破裂的問題出現,可是日本人十分聰明,發明了 伸縮管道,當有地震發生的時候,管道可以隨著震動的幅度而擺動,從而減少或避免 管道破裂的問題出現。我認為在日常生活中我們也應該節省用水,例如使用節省器, 把洗米的水用來澆花,洗澡的時間也不應該超過 10 至 15 分鐘,如果香港人真的可 以人人做到,這樣的話就可以減少使用水,從而保護及珍惜水資源。 總括而言,在日本旅程中,我更加明白到 SDG 在生活中的小細節原來是可以實現的。 溫巧明 西九龍第 61 女童軍隊(九龍真光中學)



Girl Guides Sharing in Exchange Tour to Tokyo, Japan 陳卓穎

新界第 45 女童軍隊(佛教善德英文中學)

此次交流令我受益不淺,能有幸獲選為小專員把 SDG 概念推廣至日本,實在與有榮 焉。不僅到訪日本中學和女童軍總部,更以工作坊分享 SDG,與志同道合的青年即席 交流不禁惺惺相惜。 起初發現他們對 SDG 的概念只一知半解,但言談間有感他們把環保習慣視作理所當 然,那份使命從小便透過家族傳承根深蒂固,自然而然融入日常生活。但當然我們此 行絕非百無一用,能鼓勵他們不囿於生活實踐,亦有日本女童軍利用教材以 SDG 為集 會主題,帶領市民邁進一步面向世界,集合民間力量,配合政府及聯合國全球目標。 而我亦會把交流所得的在校內及社區中推廣。作為學生從小在校內接收環保知識,但 生活上卻無從入手,最終滿腔熱誠只流得泛泛而談,相信大家亦有同感。尋根究底政 府雖有教育等軟性手段,但商人和私人公司大多只考慮利益,而且成本高和不便利皆 成空談的籍口,故我決心把旅程中見聞帶回香港並加以實踐。 在寄住家庭中見到和洗手盆結合的馬桶,啟發我嘗試以家中用抹地,洗菜等淡水沖廁。 而且參考日本學生養成自攜便當習慣,亦鼓勵親友一同素食,減少碳足印。我亦借鑒 日本垃圾分類措施,以屋村委員會為渠道收集不同種類廢物,如鋁罐和紙張,更提出 邀請環團定期收集廚餘。眼見日本二手風氣盛行,我亦參與社區中心的義賣活動,把 用不着的衣物及二手書捐贈,推廣資源共享。 回顧此行所得,一鼓使命感油然而生,點點滴滴皆鼓舞並堅定了我把推動環保視為理 想事業的決心。能夠得到一時千載的體驗,實在有賴香港女青年商會、香港女童軍總 會,以及各界的鼎力支持和協助,雲集響應下相信 SDG 能從民間綿力擴展至全港,甚 至跨國界,要全面達成目標亦不遠。 陳卓穎 新界第 45 女童軍隊(佛教善德英文中學)


新界第 115 女童軍隊(沙田蘇浙公學)

這次交流團不僅提供了愉快充實的學習旅程,還助我開闊眼界、了解更多日本文化及 認識日本朋友。 永續計劃意義深遠、需要全球協作進行,相互幫助。我十分有幸可以親身參與在內。 我希望將旅程中學習到與體驗到的帶回香港,與家人和身邊的朋友分享。 一:日本處理廢物的意識 途經街道時,我看不見垃圾桶,街道上亦沒有垃圾;在寄住家庭中,可回收的廢料被 整齊地束起放置,等待指定回收日期的來臨。 這可以反映日本人在環境和環保方面的教育十分優秀,以及廢物回收系統十分完善。 若香港能加強在回收方面的措施及教育,政府主動帶領使用再造物料,相信定能改善 浪費情況。 二:潔淨飲水與衛生設施 日本的自來水是可以直接飲用的。水管的保養做得十分好,基本上完全沒有漏水的問 題;水管的設計更可以減低地震的損失 ( 水源方面 )。於衛生設施方面,常見家庭日式 馬桶設計是為洗手台接連水箱。這可以重用水資源,多少都能降低水的使用量。 若果流進水箱的水是海水,我相信會更加節省能源。在香港,家居狹小,這款設計大 大可派上用場。 永續發展需要政策、資金、以及最重要的合作 ------ 人民的配合。意識很重要,行動 更加重要。 不妨從身邊做起,回收、減少使用能源難不到您;保持心理平衡、幫助別人更為這個 社會創造轉機。 梁嘉桐 新界第 115 女童軍隊(沙田蘇浙公學)



Girl Guides Sharing in Exchange Tour to Tokyo, Japan 楊綺雯

新界第 115 女童軍隊(沙田蘇浙公學)

我從今次日本交流中獲益良多,而當中有許多行程或活動更使我了解到日本如何推廣 SDG,啟發到我如何在 香港—一個對 SDG 不太了解的城市推廣 SDG,從而使香港更正視地球現在正面對的問題。 在我們到訪日本的第二天,探訪了聖心女子學院。她們的英文比我們想像中好,而且他們亦很積極分享她們 學校如何節約能源和綠化校園。她們幾乎整間學校都佈滿綠色植物,只要有空間她們就會種植花花草草。她 們學校甚至有一片小樹林,使校園空氣變得清新,學生的環保意識亦因此有所提升。 雖然香港的學校並沒有這麼大的空間開發一片小樹林,但是我們亦可以向學校提議綠化校 園,在學校的不同角落,例如在圍欄邊,操場邊,課室門口種植植物,從而吸收二氧化碳, 使空氣更清新。同時學校亦可以向同學介紹綠化校園的目的,從而提升學生的環保意識。 此外,聖心女子學院的體育館沒有冷氣,以節約能源。這也是學校教導學生的其中一個方法,以提高學生的環保意識。 在她們上我們所準備關於 SDG 的課程的時候,我發現她們大部分也對 SDG 有一定的認識,這個絕對有賴學校的課 程安排,學校會在一些科目中安排關於 SDG 的課程,因此同學對地球所面對的問題亦有所了解。由此可見其實日本 十分重視教育,這也是香港學校可以學習的地方。我會就此向學校提議,在初中的通識課程中加入介紹 SDG 的課程, 從而加強同學對 SDG 的認識。 除此以外,我們亦入住了寄住家庭。在這個難得的機會中,我終於了解到日本人長壽和健康的秘訣。他們每一餐都 包含很多種不同的食材,達到均衡飲食。此外,他們認為每天最重要的一餐是早餐,因此他們的早餐都特別豐盛。 我還記得第一餐早餐桌上有八樣餸,每人一碗飯和一碗麵豉湯,更有巧克力包。在營養均衡和重視早餐的情況下, 他們怎麼會不健康呢?香港人則跟日本人完全相反,就像我跟我的同學,我們會因遲起床而忽視早餐,此外,我們 大多數也有偏食問題。我認為我們應該學習他們的飲食習慣,由自己做起,再推動家人和朋友養成健康飲食習慣。 此外,我們亦到了日本女童軍總會作分享,我們互相分享自己的城市推廣可 持續發展的方案。雖然我們有些少語言障礙,但我們仍以畫圖的方式表達出來。他們十分節約用 水,他們會用洗手的水沖廁。我認為香港亦可以推廣這樣的馬桶以提升市民的環保意識。 楊綺雯 新界第 115 女童軍隊(沙田蘇浙公學)


新界第 115 女童軍隊(沙田蘇浙公學)

在 5 天的東京交流團中,我獲益良多,增加了自己對 SDG 的認識和了解。 在東京的第二天,我們到聖心女子書院探訪。校園面積很大,裡面到處都種滿了綠色的植物,當中還設有 小路讓學生在樹林散步,環境安靜舒適,讓人精神放鬆,不會感受到學校的壓迫感。這讓學生能夠在校園 裡能多走動,呼吸新鮮空氣,在小樹林裡和空曠的草地上作適當的休息,有效地促進她們的健康成長。透 過與當地學生談話,我們得知學校時常安排環保課程,並會舉行一些種植活動,以加強學生的環保意識。 在參觀校園期間,我發現到她們的室內體育館沒有設有冷氣機和暖氣,只設有幾個大風扇,打開窗戶,讓 空氣流通。這讓學生能透過做運動正常排汗,不會被冷氣而堵塞毛孔,達到做運動以促進健康的目的。我 認為香港的學校可以學習日本這幾點,可以在校內定期安排環保課程和工作坊,舉行一些環保活動和實行 綠化校園,如種植盆栽等,以加強香港學生的環保意識;並儘量在室外進行體育課,避免在室內開冷氣上 課。 到東京的第三天,我們去了當地的女童軍總會進行交流,並協助女青年商會的專員在班上進行有關 SDG 的課程。活動期間,透過和當地女童軍交流,我知道了更多可以促進水資源的可持續發展的方法,例如自 行在家中安裝濾水器、將洗過菜的水灌溉植物、多次使用同一盆水等,以達到淨水、節水的目的。因此我 認為我們亦應學習日本人的節水方法,先在家中實行這些方法,養成自己習慣,再和朋友親戚分享,以推 動香港水資源可持續發展。 在寄住家庭居住期間,我發現日本人普遍早餐是較為豐富的。早餐的食材多元化,有肉、飯、湯、菜、 水果、蛋和奶,飲食非常均衡。他們亦非常喜愛吃蔬果,而且用少鹽煮食,不會用過量的油和鹽煎炸 食物,盡量保留食材原有的味道,同時不破壞食材的營養價值。這就是日本人長壽健康的訣竅。我發 現了原來蔬果可以如此飽腹,也可以透過烹煮做成各種好吃的菜式。我決定以後多吃蔬菜水果,儘量 以少鹽少油煮食,減少外出用餐,讓自己和家人吃得更健康。 周宇婧 新界第 115 女童軍隊(沙田蘇浙公學)


執行主席 Deputy Chairman: 藍仲雯 Angel Lam 今年是第二年參與 SDG 小專員工作計劃 , 非常榮幸和樂意可以繼 續對這個別具意義的工作計劃出一分力。其實由去年起就深深感受 到 SDG 小專員計劃就是把環保的種子種入小孩子的腦袋裡,令他 們根深柢固對環保有個良好的概念和想法,也透過計劃內容和一系 列的訓練,讓他們對世界以及對國際關注的可持續發展目標有更多 理解。看到通過兩年的努力,不論本地或海外,都已經培育到這麼 多 SDG 小專員 , 再由他們影響身邊的人和社區,確實開心 ! 希望這 個理念這麼好的工作計劃可以繼續在多個國家持續宣揚開去吧。

節目執委 Program Committee: 林綺琪 Debbie Lam 今年 SDG 小專員計劃的口號是「SDG gogogoal」, 每次透過工作坊,都好感受到每位小專員 , 透過簡單 易明又輕鬆既小活動和遊戲 , 可齊齊認識 SDG, 向著 SDG 的目標努力 , 導師們的精心努力教也沒有白費, 最後希望他們將學到既實踐到日常生活當中 , 為地球 出一份力。

節目執委 Program Committee: 劉惠娟 Kambo Lau 有幸可以與六名獲選 SDG 小專員一同到東京交流,向聖心 女子學院及日本女童軍推廣 SDGs,感受到她們在工作坊 中學習更多 SDGs 的知識,是一件很滿足的事。香港日本 一同促進可持續發展目標,大家都在為更好的世界而努力, 無限國界,超越國界。

節目執委 Program Committee: 謝秀明 Marissa Tse 很榮幸今年有份加入 SDG 小專員 2018 的 OC 團隊大家庭! 今次活動十分有意思。見證多位女童軍及小女童軍一開始 由「不懂甚麼是 SDG」到每位小專員能獨立向他人介紹、 推廣 SDG,證明到 SDG 種子已經埋在他們的心中。希望 各位小專員們能繼續發光發亮,把這裡學到的知識傳授給 身邊的每個人吧!


宣傳及場刊執委 Promotion & Souvenir Program Committee : 翁冠燊 Sammi Yung 籌備了多個月的活動,最開心就是看到各位參與者的主動和積極,從活 動及遊戲中慢慢培訓小女童軍及女童軍成為出色的 SDG 小專員,讓他們 把所學到的知識應用在學校及日常生活當中,從小養成習慣,希望 SDG 小專員能影響身邊的每一位,把 SDG 的理念及精神宣揚開去吧!

督導委員 Supervising Officer: 鍾雅倫 Ellen Chung 「一個人走得快,一班人走得更遠。」多得會長、活動顧 問以及一班勞苦功高的籌委會成員,今年來不斷的支持, 令活動得以成功進行,規模擴大,並且衝出亞洲!活動過 程中,見到會員的進步,參與者的支持,與各位女青商的 姊妹建立了濃厚的友誼,都是我在人生不能用錢買到的。 我希望這個活動會在大家生命中帶來積極正面的影響!

計劃顧問 Project Advisor: 楊嘉樂 Carol Yeung 可持續發展目標(SDGs)是一套宏大的發展目標, 又稱全球 目標, 這些目標體現了全球萬眾一心在 2030 年前消滅貧困、 保護地球及確保全人類的繁榮。本人十分榮幸連續兩年擔任 SDG 小專員計劃顧問,自 2017 年成功在本港小學首次舉辦計 劃並透過比賽讓學生在校園實踐可持續發展目標後,籌委會的 努力令此計劃在 2018 再創高峰。從編寫全新 SDG 小專員課程 及獲得香港女童軍總會的支持,到舉行多個工作坊給予女童軍 領袖、女童軍、小女童軍及家長,超過 200 人接受了 SDG 培訓。 今年最大的收獲是本計劃可以衝出香港,到日本及馬尼拉作培 訓。我最深刻是可以去日本東京跟當地的中學生及女童軍交流, 盡管語言及文化有所差異,但當討論這全球目標時,大家想法 不謀而合,亦產生了各種意念及解決方法。這就是 SDGs -- 「人 人有責,一起實踐」。最後,好開心有機會編寫 SDG 3 ( 健康 與福祉 ) 的課程,並透過培訓進一步提升自己。希望我們每位 小專員可作出健康選擇,保持正面樂觀,繼續影響別人及推動 可持續發展。


鳴謝 Acknowledgement 主辦機構 Organizer 香港女青年商會 JCI Hong Kong Jayceettes 培訓協辦機構 Training Co-organizer 香港女童軍總會 The Hong Kong Girl Guides Association 策略伙伴 Strategic Partners 香港聯合國教科文組織協會 UNESCO Hong Kong Association 香港聯合國教科文組織協會和平中心 UNESCO Hong Kong Centre for Peace and Glocal Development 和富社會企業 Wofoo Social Enterprise UNESCO-UNEVOC Centre (Hong Kong) 日本國駐香港總領事館 Consulate-General of Japan in Hong Kong 銀贊助 Gold Sponsor 香港紅卍字會 Hong Kong Red Swastika Society 銅贊助 Bronze Sponsor 香港以色列商會 The Israeli Chamber of Commerce in Hong Kong 資助機構 Funding Organizations 香港青年商業基金 HKJC Foundation JCI Hong Kong Jayceettes Trust Fund 啟動禮場地支持 Kick-off Ceremony Venue Sponsor 香港科學園 Sing Yin Secondary School 閉幕禮場地支持 Closing Ceremony Venue Sponsor 亞洲協會香港中心 Asia Society Hong Kong Centre 航空公司贊助 Airline Sponsor 香港航空 Hong Kong Airlines 禮品贊助 Gift Sponsor Lexngo 樂力高 培訓伙伴 Training Partners 賽馬會氣候變化博物館 The Jockey Club Museum of Climate Change 香港工程師學會 The Hong Kong Institution of Engineers 傳媒伙伴 Media Partner 旭茉 JESSICA 兒童大使 Junior Ambassador 楊鎧凝小朋友 Miss Celine Yeung 海外培訓支持機構 Overseas Supporting Organizations JCI Manila JCI Yokohama 日本國家旅遊局 ( 訪日教育旅行 ) Japan National Tourism Organization (Japan Educational Travel) 日本女童軍 Girl Scouts of Japan 聖心女子學院 Sacred Heart School, Tokyo University of Perpetual Help System- Biñan Campus 本地支持機構 Local Supporting Organizations 英國文化協會 British Council Delightfully Green 香港特別行政區傑出學生聯會 Hong Kong Special Administrative Region Outstanding Students' Union 香港綠色建築議會 Hong Kong Green Building Council 香港傑出學生協會 Hong Kong Outstanding Students' Association 香港可持續發展研究中心 Hong Kong Sustainable Development Research Institute 另類體驗劇場 KEY Theatre 香港科技大學學生會模擬聯合國學會 Model United Nations Club, HKUSTSU 郵心出發 mymailbox852 傑出少年協會 Outstanding Teens Association 城泉 Urban Spring HK 世界綠色組織 World Green Organisation 啟動禮嘉賓 Kick-off Ceremony Officiating Guests 香港聯合國教科文組織協會會長陳達文博士,SBS Dr Darwin Chen, SBS, President, UNESCO Hong Kong Association 國際青年商會香港總會會長簡汝謙先生 Mr Ronald Kan, JCI Hong Kong 國際青年商會合作伙伴事務委員會 ( 亞洲及太平洋區 ) 委員連冠豪先生 Mr Zenith Lin, JCI Partnership Committee Member, Asia and the Pacific 香港女童軍總會副總監 ( 活動策劃及程序 ) 黃詠恒女士 Ms Charlotte Wong, Deputy Chief Commissioner(Educational Programme), The Hong Kong Girl Guides Association 富社會企業尹德恩女士 Ms Phoebe Wan, Wofoo Social Enterprise 賽馬會氣候變化博物館助理館長馬興闓博士 Dr George Ma, Assistant Director, The Jockey Club Museum of Climate Change 日本東京交流團評審團 Tokyo Japan Exchange Tour Judging Panel 香港女童軍總會國際事務總監吳慧妍博士 Dr Jackie Ng, International Commissioner, The Hong Kong Girl Guides Association 香港聯合國教科文組織協會協理副會長 楊慕貞博士 Dr Shirley Yeung, Associate Vice President, UNESCO Hong Kong Association 國際青年商會香港總會總會副會長麥頌斌先生 Mr Ben Mak, National Vice President, JCI Hong Kong 工作坊培訓師及義工 Workshop Trainers & Helpers ( 香港女青年商會會員 JCI Hong Kong Jayceettes Members): 江穎敏 Samantha Kong, 楊嘉樂 Carol Yeung, 鍾雅倫 Ellen Chung, 蘇頌琪 Do Do So, 王詠詩 Vincy Wong, 袁雲彩 Rainbow Yuen, 魏嘉欣 Caren Ngai, 陳芸芝 Dora Chan, 李詠怡 Winnie Jones, 黃鈺琪 Yuki Wong, 黃慧玫 Winnie WM Wong, 劉珮君 Kathy Lau 籌委會 Organizing Committee 主席 Chairman: 江穎敏女士 Ms Samantha Kong 執行主席 Deputy Chairman: 藍仲雯女士 Ms Angel Lam 節目執委 Program Committee: 林綺琪女士 Ms Debbie Lam, 劉惠娟女士 Ms Kambo Lau, 謝秀明女士 Ms Marissa Tse 宣傳及場刊執委 Promotion & Souvenir Program Committee: 翁冠燊女士 Sammi Yung 督導委員會 Supervising Committee 2018 會長黃皓欣女士 2018 President Ms Rosanna Wong 2014 會長兼計劃顧問楊嘉樂女士 Project Advisor & 2014 President Ms Carol Yeung 督導委員 鍾雅倫女士 Supervising Officer Ms Ellen Chung Credit: The Global Goals (

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