JCIKK 55th Installation and Awards Ceremony

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The President Board of Directors and Members of Junior Chamber International Kota Kinabalu is proud to welcome Our Guest of Honour Datuk Yeo Boon Hai Mayor of Kota Kinabalu National Officers Past Presidents JCI Senators Chapter Presidents 2017 Corporate Patron Distinguished Guests Representative of other organisations Friends from the Press and Fellow Jaycees To Our 55th Installation and Award Ceremony 18th March 2017 Junior Chamber International Kota Kinabalu Secretariat No.72-3, 3rd Floor Wisma New Far East, off Jalan Lintas, 88300, Kota Kinabalu.

CREED We believe; That faith in God Gives meaning and purpose to human life; That the brotherhood of man transcends the sovereignty of nations; That economics justice can best be won by free men through free enterprise; That the government should be of laws rather than of men; That Earth’s great treasure lies in human personality; And that service to humanity is the best work of life.

VISION To be the leading global network of young active citizens

MISSION To provide development opportunities that empowers young people to create positive change.

World President Dear members of JCI Malaysia, Please accept warm greetings! It is my great honor to address you for your 2017 Inauguration Ceremony. JCI Malaysia members have given so much to society as they have worked to create positive change addressing the relevant needs of your communities. This year, we will continue to build on that amazing momentum as we have seen what highly committed young active citizens can achieve. In the midst of turmoil and social upheaval around the world, JCI members must continue to foster an everlasting world peace as we advance the Peace is Possible campaign. We have just begun to see what this campaign can achieve, so we must take it to the next level and advocate as voices standing up for human dignity for all. Furthermore, we must commit to not be satisfied with the status quo but Build a Better Future for ourselves and the generations to come. We must take ownership of the challenges and responsibility for the solutions. As JCI members, we must stand together, uniting all sectors of society for sustainable impact. That is why we must remember that each one of us can say #WeAreJCI. I have great confidence that JCI Malaysia will continue to dedicate its efforts to leverage opportunities and expand JCI’s influence as we seek to unite all sectors of society for sustainable impact. We wish you all the best in this significant event at the commencement of 2017. I look forward to hearing about the significant positive change that JCI Malaysia members are making and meeting you somewhere around the world this year! Keep on building a better world! Dawn Hetzel

Executive Vice President It is with great honor and privilege that I extend my warmest felicitations and congratulations to Junior Chamber International (JCI) Kota Kinabalu, one of the most active and progressive local organizations of JCI Malaysia, on the occasion of your Installation and Awards Banuqet. The Installation symbolizes a renewal of JCI Kota Kinabalu commitment to the Values, Mission, and Vision of JCI as we start a new century of creating positive change; it also seeks to build on the momentum we created in 2015, JCI’s centennial year, by continuing to generate more sustainable impact in the communities of Malaysia through the utilization of the Active Citizen Framework. Therefore, let me take this opportunity to reiterate my utmost support to JCI Kota Kinabalu, as we continue to focus on JCI’s 2017 Plan of Action and the 2014-2018 Strategic Plan to create a more just and peaceful future for the citizens of the world. Let me also humbly thank all of you for the hospitality and friendship you have shown me as your assigned JCI Vice President in 2016. It truly has been an honor and a privilege to have worked with JCI Malaysia this year, and I look forward to a more productive 2017 in my capacity as the assigned Executive Vice President for Asia and the Pacific. I sincerely wish you all the best for your continued success! Congratulations JCI Kota Kinabalu! Marc Brian Lim

National President Greetings to all JCI Malaysia members. It is an honor to be invited to pen a few words in conjunction with Junior Chamber International Kota Kinabalu (JCIKK) 2017 Installation and Awards Ceremony. Best wishes to 2017 IAB Organizing Committee led by OC Victoria Su for your effort in coordinating the event. The experience gained will help develop you and your team, both in personal and work life. On behalf of JCI Malaysia, I would like to extend my heartiest congratulations to 2017 President Patrick Teo and Board of Directors for taking on the challenge to lead and manage JCI KK in 2017. Appreciation goes to 2016 President Ng Tze Ek and your Board of Directors for all your effort and dedication. Well done for the amazing projects that you have completed this year for the development of young people in Sabah. JCI KK is like my second home, having served as Ex-Officio of 2015 JCIM Annual National Convention, when JCI KK was the hosting local organization. It is always fun and entertaining to interact with the members and past presidents, with the dry sense of humor and lots of laughter. Thank you for your support and I look forward to see JCI KK continue to grow and be one of the Top Ten Active Local Organizations in Malaysia in 2017.

2017 JCI Malaysia Presidential Theme : CCTV

As we embrace the new year, JCI Malaysia theme for 2017 is CCTV. Let’s instill the spirit of Courage; Courage: Members should be brave to do the right Collaborate; Teamwork; Value in our members. thing and continuously exploring new boundaries for the betterment of our organization.

Year 2017 will be an extraordinary year. With a strong and capable National Board of Directors and Appointees, and passionate members in this country, let us synergize and bring JCI Malaysia to greater heights. Thank you. Nurul-Huda Mohamed Afandi

Collaborate: We shall foster the spirit of collaboration with all sectors of society when conducting programs and projects in JCI Malaysia. Teamwork: We shall unite JCI Malaysia members to work together towards the same goals and direction. Value: We must always ensure that all the stakeholders involved benefit from their involvement, whilst upholding the integrity and image of the organization.

National Executive Vice President Dear members of JCI Kota Kinabalu, Warmest greetings to all of you on the occasion of your 55th Installation and Award Ceremony. The peaceful transfer of authority is rare in many countries and organisations, yet it is common in JCI. With a simple oath, we affirm old traditions, and make new beginnings with the passing of the Presidential chain to the new President, Patrick Teo as he readies himself to lead JCI Kota Kinabalu in year 2017. I wish you all the best and look forward to working with you. To the outgoing President Ng Tze Ek and his Board of Directors, congratulations on a fantastic 2016 filled with meaningful projects and activities. This year, let us all provide the opportunity to empower others through sharing, engaging others towards positive change, and translate our enthusiasm into actions. Area Sabah Team will be focusing on the following initiatives to continue to grow: Empowerment - To empower LOs to achieve sustainable impact through operational efficiency and strengthening administrative and management skills. Engagement – To engage with like-minded partners and create relational proficiency with the Government, NGOs and public in order to expand mutual impact. Enthusiasm – To continuously instil enthusiasm to ensure strategic impact with corporate partner through sustainable project and active participation of LOs. Let’s continue to create positive change by creating sustainable impact in our community. I wish to take this opportunity to thank the Guest of Honour, Datuk Teo Chee Kang, Minister of Special Task for gracing today’s event and to all the sponsors and friends for you continuous support to JCI Kota Kinabalu. My congratulations to the hardworking Organising Chairperson for making this afternoon a memorable and enjoyable one. To the members of JCI Kota Kinabalu, I wish you all the best in 2017 and God Bless. Veronica Chin

Sisterhood President

JCI Manila (Philippines)

“We set ourselves limits, but we are all strong enough to aim higher, to achieve our goals. All we have to do is find such strength within ourselves. Know how to develop it.” - Alain Robert In September 12, 1962, US President John F Kennedy gave one of the best speeches of his career. In this speech, he promised a space program that would land men on the moon. An ambitious goal, almost impossible, but JFK believed it could be done. He dreamed for the moon, and in less than a decade, they were able to send men to the moon. JFK did not limit himself to mediocrity. He set his limits to the impossible, because he knew that nothing is impossible. He was able to inspire people to work together to achieve a shared goal : To send men to the moon. In the same year in 1962, a small group of individuals dreamed of a better future. They dreamed of making a difference. In that year, JCI Kota Kinabalu (then known as Jesselton Junior Chamber) was born. 55 years later, JCI Kota Kinabalu continues to inspired its members and the community to work together to achieve a sustainable positive impact that would create a better future for the next generation. JCI Kota Kinabalu has been in the forefront in developing its members to be better leaders. Their continuous strive for excellence has not only created an impact on themselves, but also for their community. On behalf of your brothers in JCI Manila, we would like to extend our best wishes to the incoming board of JCI Kota Kinabalu. We vow to continue to fan the flame that motivates cooperation between our two organizations. To keep it burning brighter than ever so that it will inspire us to create more impact to the people we serve. The friendship between our organization has strengthened over the years, we hope to continue to grow this bond thru collaboration and commitment. As you begin this new chapter in your history, I leave you with this message...Work Hard, Dream Big, Fear less, Love More, Trust your struggle, believe in friendship and AIM HIGHER!!! Niño L. Namoco 2017 President JCI Manila

Sisterhood President

JCI City (Singapore) Dear Members of JCI Kota Kinabalu, On behalf of my Board of Directors and Members of JCI City Singapore, we give our heartiest congratulations to President Elect Patrick Teo and his Board for the successful Election. JCI Kota Kinabalu has always been an exemplary model to many Chapters in Malaysia and around the world for being a contemporary chapter. Since the sisterhood signing between our chapters in 1982, the chapter has grown from strength to strength, creating sustainable impact to the community. It is because of leaders groomed in JCI Kota Kinabalu that makes it a meaningful organization, full of opportunities for growth and development. To my fellow President Elect Patrick Teo, it is my honor to work and learn together with you this year. Let us strive to collaborate on an international project for 2017 so as to foster a stronger relationship between members in our chapters. This year we would like to invite you and your team to attend the 2017 Asian Academy which is happening in Singapore. It will be an amazing opportunity for your members to be trained under Past World President Graham Handlon and his team of experienced JCI trainers. Your participants will experience JCI Singapore’s hospitality first hand and have the opportunity to meet other passionate JCI leaders and members from all around South East Asia. As hosting chapter of this Academy, I personally invite you to join us in Singapore for an exciting time. I have great confidence that through your leadership and the newly elected BOD, the chapter will soar to even greater heights as you continue to dedicate your efforts to expand JCI’s influence and impact within the community. We wish you the best in this joyous event as you begin your journey for 2017. Eugene Tan 2017 Chapter President Junior Chamber International (City) Singapore

Sisterhood President

JCI Angeles City Culiat (Philippines) On behalf of JCI Angeles City Culiat your sister chapter, please accept our warmest congratulations to the newly inducted officers and members of the JCI Kota kinabalu led by of course the newly inducted President Patrick Teo. Thank you and congratulations Mr. President on your victory and my best wishes for your success as you prepare to take up the responsibilities and challenges of your chapter. I look forward to the change that you can bring into your chapter and in developing deeper brotherhood between Kota Kinabalu and Culiat. Renato Quiambao Jr. 2017 Chapter President JCI Angeles Culiat

Organising Chairlady Dear Members, My sincere gratitude to the Board of Directors 2017, for entrusting me to head the organising committee for the 55th Installation and Award Ceremony. Through my active participation in JCIKK last year, I learnt many things but most importantly I truly understand that: Alone, I can do so little, together we can do so much. by Helen Keller During preparation for this event, members were assigned tasks. Although we have arguments,and disagreements but ultimately in the end, we understand that everyone is aiming to have a outstanding project. I am most overwhelmed with the active participation of all the committee members. We truly understand a quote by Mark Saborn “in teamwork, silent isn’t gold, it’s deadly”. Without discussion and contribution of ideas, this installation would not be possible. I hope this active discussion and argument will continue and take our future project even further. With a strong foundation that was built from the past, we can go further. On behalf of the members of JCIKK, we wish to thank all the contributors and supporters. Victoria Su

Organising Committee Organising Chairlady Victoria Su Secretary Bernice Chui Registration Manager Wendy Chan Treasurer Lim Fang Yi Floor Manager Kaven Chung Sound & Light Manager Jonathan Sim Master of Ceremony Voon Chin Kai & Bernice Chui International Affair Vincent Ho Logistic Manager Benjamin Choi Ex-officio Ng Tze Ek Patrick Teo

Outgoing President Dear Members, It gives me great pleasure to address you in conjunction of our 55th Installation and Award Ceremony. Congratulation Victoria and your team on job well done! In year 2016, we have seen many achievements by the chapter and members. We were able to organise project such as Area Sabah Train the Trainers, JCIKK Health Day and The Art of Nation Building Programme 2016 to name a few. But we are exceptionally proud that after a hiatus of 6 years, we have successfully reignited our Flagship Project – The Outstanding Young Person of Sabah. Besides outstanding achievement in projects, our members were able to represent the chapter and JCI Malaysia at International arena for Public Speaking and Debate Championship during 2016 JCI AsiaPacific Conference. Our local talents were able to shine internationally. My sincere appreciation to the members for your hard work and participation, I am truly blessed as president to have such a DREAM team with me in year 2016! I would also like to take this opportunity to especially thank Ministry of Youth and Sports Sabah in bestowing JCI Kota Kinabalu with the Anugerah Perdana Belia Negara – Sabah State Level Winner for Outstanding Youth Society. Congratulations to Patrick Teo on being elected as 2017 President. I look forward to see the chapter flourish under your leadership. Ng Tze Ek

Incoming President Dear Members, First and foremost I would like to congratulate President Ek and his Board of Directors for an outstanding 2016. Being part of the Board myself, I feel exceptionally proud that the chapter has risen to this level, and I hope I will not disappoint. During the last AGM, President Ek quoted Lao Tzu: “A leader is best when people barely know he exists, when his work is done, his aim fulfilled, they will say: we did it ourselves.” And I believe the success of 2016 was through his leadership direction. This quote truly reflects his understanding of JCI Kota Kinabalu’s commitment to engage and train tomorrow’s leaders and strive to make our community a friendly place to live in. Through this understanding we were able to put members first, we were able to honed and strengthen members’ confidence to create outstanding projects. After an impactful year, it is only befitting that this year’s theme is “Sustainable Impact”. We hope that members will be able to continue to create outstanding projects and continue the positive impact around our community. Again, let me thank the members for their trust and confidence in me to lead JCI Kota Kinabalu. I will do my best. Patrick Teo


Board of Directors & Commission Directors

Victoria Su Secretary

Jonathan Sim

Commission Director (Individual)

Pridip Adran (Jelly) Commission Director (International)

Patrick Teo President

Hiezran Azman

Commission Director (Business)

Ng Tze Ek

Immediate Past President

Lim Fang Yi Treasurer

Vincent Ho

Vice President (External)

Bernice Chui

Commission Director (Community)

Wendy Chan Vitalis Ronald Vice President (Internal)

General Legal Counsel

In the Beginning The idea of a Junior Chamber germinated back in 1959. The “3 Musketeers” who closely associated with the formation of the first chapter in Jesselton (now known as Kota Kinabalu) were Mr. Fauzi Patel, John Hii and Michael Chen. Fauzi Patel was on a study tour to Australia, recalled being hosted by Nombour Junior Chamber, Queensland. John Hii, manager of Messer Jardine Waugh Co. was on a training course in London. He was registered by his colleagues to attend the 17th JCI World Congress in Paris. He was impressed with the friendliness, warmth and charm. Mr Michael Chen, Manager of Cathay Cinema then, was contacted by both Fauzi & John and started recruiting members. It was only in late 1961 when Mr Lee Choon Fatt appeared that there was some momentum in recruitment. Together with another 3 members (Robert De Souza, John Su and George Chin) a meeting was held in January 1962. On July 1962, the chapter was formed and the 1st Organisation meeting was held at Jesselton Recreation Club. 17 members were present, Fauzi Patel, John Hii, Michael Chen, Lee Choon Fatt, Robert De Souza, John Su, Teo Geok Sang, Yuen Peng Cheng, Mak Sin Loong, Ho Fook Kee, Lim Kim Jee, Lim Beng Aun, John Foo, Spencer Lim, Peter Soong and Liew Yun Choi. The Jesselton Junior Chamber was formed by the following protem officers; Acting Chairman – John Hii VP (External) – George Chin VP (Internal) – Lee Choon Fatt Secretary – Fauzi Patel Treasurer – Michael Chen Directors – Teo Geok Seng, Ho Fook Kee, Yuen Peng Cheng, Mak Sin Loong The Inauguration General Meeting held on November 1962 elected the Board of Directors for 1963 Charter President – George Chin VP (External) - Lee Choon Fatt VP (Internal) – John Hii Secretary – James Yap Treasurer – Foo Tiang Keng Board members – Lawrence Liew, Lim Su Seng, Michael Chen, Fauzi Patel From a membership size of 17 in 1962, Jesselton Junior Chamber has grown and transformed into Kota Kinabalu Jaycees to Kota Kinabalu Junior Chamber and finally to JCI Kota Kinabalu.

Background Since its inception, JCI Kota Kinabalu has been committed to engaging and training tomorrow’s leaders and striving to make our community a friendly place to live in. As universal values are changing and the world outlook takes a new perspective, JCI plays an important role in developing young people. Over 50 years, JCI Kota Kinabalu has a proven record of accomplishment as an excellent training ground for young minds. The projects undertaken by JCI Kota Kinabalu are always in line with the philosophy of Junior Chamber International, providing “areas of opportunity” for members to acquire and refine leadership skills, which are necessary in today’s world. JCI Kota Kinabalu is the oldest chapter in Sabah. Many of the past presidents and members of JCI Kota Kinabalu has continue to contributed back to the development of Sabah.

Achievement sponsored Intan Jaycees (current JCI Intan) in 1975, sponsored Tanjung Aru (current JCI Tanjung Aru) and Penampang Jaycees (current JCI Penampang) in 1980; signed sisterhood pacts with JCI Manila,Philippines (1981), JCI City, Singapore (1983), JCI Lu Chu, Taiwan (1985) and JCI Culiat,Philippines (2009) hosted JCI Malaysia National Convention in 1978, 1982, 1996, 2005 and 2015 Organised Internet Seminar (Awarded Commercial Education Project Award 1996 Pusan World Congress, 1996 Annual National Convention Malaysia) Organised Tolumis Care Centre Charity in 2013, 2014, 2015 (Awarded Best Long Term Community Project – 2014 JCI Malaysia Annual National Convention) Organised Flagship Project - The Outstanding Young Person of Sabah in 2007, 2009 & 2016. Awarded Premier Award for Best Youth Organisation 2016 by Ministry of Youth and Sports Sabah

Chapter Presidents

Chapter Awards The All Kota Kinabalu Jaycees Award

In recognition of: An individual member who has continued to render outstanding services to the Jaycees movement for a continuous period of a minimum of four years 2013 : NEELKRISH PERUMAL 2014 : CHARLES LIM 2015 : VITALIS RONALD

Community Development Project Award

In recognition of: The best local community development project 2013 : TOLUMIS LEND A HAND CHARITY 2013 (OC : Jeff Lu) 2014 : CHILDREN’S DAY (OC : Donald Dunstan Wong) 2015 : CARING SOULS OF JCI SABAH (OC : Jelly)

The Membership Award

In recognition of: The best programme incorporating membership extension, recruitment, induction and assimilation. 2013 : 10TH AREA SABAH CONVENTION (OC : Elias Yee) 2014 : CHILDREN’S DAY (OC : Donald Dunstan Wong) 2015 : 40TH ANNUAL NATIONAL CONVENTION (OC : Doris Thian)

Leadership Development Award

In recognition of: the best programme in the field of leadership development. This includes such items as Effective Speaking Course, Management Course and any other projects of a self-development nature. 2013 : 10TH AREA SABAH CONVENTION (OC : Elias Yee) 2014 : AREA SABAH TRAIN THE TRAINERS PROGRAMME (OC : NEELKRISH PERUMAL) 2015 : JCI OFFICIAL COURSES (OC : DAPHNE LO WEI CHING)

The Special Project Award

In recognition of: The best project or programme which does not fall within the parameters of any awards category 2013 : EM MUDBALL WORKSHOP (OC : Aldric Thien) 2014 : 52ND INSTALLATION AND AWARD BANQUET (OC : Wendy Chan) 2015 : ART OF NATION BUILDING PROJECT (OC : Ng Tze Ek)

The Best Overall Project Award

In recognition of: The best overall local project. 2013 : TOLUMIS LEND A HAND CHARITY 2013 (OC : Jeff Lu) 2014 : CHILDREN’S DAY (OC : Donald Dunstan Wong) 2015 : 40TH ANNUAL NATIONAL CONVENTION (OC : Doris Thian)

The Outstanding Project Chairman Award

In recognition of: A project chairman for his outstanding leadership in organising a project or program. 2013 : JOSEPH SELESTINE 2014 : DONALD DUNSTAN WONG 2015 : NG TZE EK

The Best Senator of the Year Award

In recognition of: outstanding personal contribution and achievement of a JCI Senator in the interest of the Chapter since becoming a Senator. 2013 : JOHN SOON 2014 : DONALD STEPHENS 2015 : NEELKRISH PERUMAL

The Outstanding New Member Award

In recognition of: An Individual member who continue to show strong support dedication and enthusiasm during his/her first two years of membership. 2013 : ELIAS YEE 2014 : NG TZE EK 2015 : VINCENT HO VUN SHIN

The Outstanding Jaycee of the Year Award

In recognition of : A current member, who has done the most to promote the organisation by making the greatest personal contribution towards its development since he/she becomes a member for at least three years. 2013 : CHARLES LIM 2014 : VITALIS RONALD 2015 : JEFF LU SIAU WEE

The Most Outstanding Past President Award

In recognition of: A Past President who continues to show strong support, dedication and enthusiasm for the chapter and its members. 2013 : DONALD STEPHENS 2014 : NORBERT SU 2015 : JOSEPH SELESTINE

JCI Malaysia Awards won by JCI Kota Kinabalu since 1991 1991 National Convention (Kuala Lumpur) Outstanding LOM President of Malaysia Award (Certificate of Merit) Peter Chu Assistance to the handicapped Award (Certificate of Merit) Help The Blind for a Better Tomorrow (OC: Dr. Teh Poh Teik) 1992 National Convention (Damai) Membership Award (Certificate of Merit)

1996 National Convention (Kota Kinabalu) Commercial Education Project Award Internet Seminar (OC: Norbert Su) Speech Contest Winners Champion : Iskandar Ahmad

Outstanding Member Award (Certificate of Merit) 1997 National Convention (Kuala Lumpur) Wong Mee Lin Commercial Education Project Award IT Trends : Towards a new millennium 1993 National Convention (Sandakan) (OC: Donald Stephens) Outstanding New Member of the Year Award Speech Contest Winners Melvin Kiandee 1st Runner-up: Nabil Hyder Outstanding LOM President of Malaysia Award Lim Chee Dean 1998 National Convention (Kuching) Commercial Education Project Award Civil Involvement Programme Award Sabah Housing Symposium Bronze Commemorative Plaque (OC: Andrew Chong) (OC: Melvin Kiandee) Assistance to the Handicapped Award Home for the Blind Audio Visual Presentation Award Home for the Blind (OC: Dr.Teh Poh Teik) Membership Award (Certificate of Merit) Speech Contest Winners Champion : William Chee 1st Runner-up : Iskandar Ahmad 2nd Runner-up : Melvin Kiandee 1994 National Convention (Pearl) Civil Involvement Programme Award Sabah Treasure Hunt, The Mystic Trail (OC: James Lam) 1995 National Convention (Miri) Outstanding LOM President of Malaysia Award Melvin Kiandee Outstanding LOM Board Member Award Francis Hii Commercial Education Project Award Your Key to Public Listing (OC: Francis Hii) Special Project Award Towards hosting ANC ‘96 (OC: William Chee) International Affair Award (Certificate of Merit)

2000 Annual National Convention (Petaling Jaya) Civil Involvement Programme Award Sustainable Rural Outreach Programme (OC: Joseph Selestine) Outstanding New Member Award Benjamin Lo 2002 National Convention (Tanjung Aru) Outstanding Fund Raising Project Kota Kinabalu Treasure Hunt (OC: Benjamin Lo) 2014 National Convention (Achiever) Best Long Term Community Development Programme Tolumis Care Centre (OC: Jeff Lu) 2015 National Convention (Kota Kinabalu) Public Speaking Championship Champion : Doris Thian English Debate Championship Champion : Daphne Lo, Doris Thian, Donald Dunstan Wong 2016 National Convention (United Penang) Best Community Development Programme (Certificate of Merit) JCIKK Health Day (OC: Patrick Teo)

Junior Chamber International Award Won By JCI Kota Kinabalu since 1995 1995 Asia Pacific Area Conference (Cheju) Assistance to the handicapped Award Help The Blind for a better tomorrow Premier Show (OC: Dr. Teh Poh Teik) 1996 Asia Pacific Area Conference (Kanazawa) Outstanding LOM President of Asia Pacific Area (LOM with 46-75 members) Melvin Kiandee 1996 World Congress (Pusan) Commercial Education Project Award Internet Seminar (OC:Norbert Su) 1997 Asia Pacific Area Conference (Pattaya) Speech Contest 1st Runner up: Iskandar Ahmad 2000 World Congress (Sapporo) Outstanding Jaycee Benjamin Lo 2002 World Congress (Las Vegas) Outstanding Fund Raising Project Kota Kinabalu Treasure Hunt (OC: Benjamin Lo) 2016 Asia Pacific Area Conference (Kaohsiung) English Debate Championship 1st Runner up: Daphne Lo, Doris Thian, Ng Tze Ek

2016:Year in Review International Visitation Manila, Philippines

Ten members from our chapter attended JCI Manila’s induction ceremony. We visited them from 24th to 27th January 2016. We were hosted by JCI Manila represented by IA Director Rowel Ong, Mike Uy and their members who ensured that our trip was full of surprises. We were all very well taken care for and their induction ceremony was nothing but spectacular.

Angeles City, Philippines JCI Kota Kinabalu was the only international sister-hood chapter to have sent representatives to attend JCI Angeles City Culiat’s Induction Ceremony,

Luchu & Kaohsiung, Taiwan

It’s a short 30 minutes’ drive away from Kaohsiung, hence we made plans to visit our sisterhood chapter in Taiwan. Although Luchu has been deaffliated from JCI HQ for quite some time now (due to most of the youth moving to the urban areas, resulting in difficulty recruiting members), it was still quite an amazing insight to see that the older JCI Luchu members still schedule in a monthly GMM.

JCI Area Sabah representatives to 2016 JCI Asia-Pacific Conference.

2016:Year in Review Anugerah Perdana Belia Negara

JCI Kota Kinabalu was nominated to run for the Anugerah Perdana Belia Negara 2016 at the federal level. Panel of judges flew from Kuala Lumpur to Kota Kinabalu to interview us. They consist of representatives from Majlis Belia Malaysia, Registrar of Youth, University Putra Malaysia. During the interview, the Board of Directors presented our achievements, chapter management system and introduced projects and programmes conducted in the last 3 years.



JCI Kota Kinabalu was honoured to be one of the finalist of the Anugerah Belia Perdana Negara. The award ceremony was held in conjunction with Hari Belia Negara at University Putra Malaysia and was graced by Our Deputy Prime Minister - Dato’ Seri Dr. Ahmad Zahid Hamidi, Minister for Youth and Sports - Khairy Jamaluddin Abu Bakar and Majlis Belia Malaysia President. We were presented with a certificate of appreciation and mock cheque of RM5,000.00 for being shortlisted as one of the finalists.

Hari Belia Sabah

This year Majlis Belia Sabah held the annual Hari Belia on 21st May 2016 in Sandakan. JCI Kota Kinabalu attended the event, whereby we also received an award for being champion for the Anugerah Perdana Belia Sabah 2016 under the Organisation category. We were presented the award by our YB Datuk Seri Paglima Musa Haji Aman, also present were YB Datuk Haji Tawfiq bin Datuk Haji Abu Bakar Titingan, Minister of Youth and Sports Sabah and YB. Datuk Raymond Tan Shu Kiah, Deputy Chief Minister.

2016:Year in Review JCIKK Health Day

JCI Kota Kinabalu organised Health Day event at Oceanus Waterfront Mall. This Health Day is a fund raising project to feed a group of students in need in secondary school located Kota Kinabalu area by providing luncheon for the whole school year. JCI KK in adhering to its Creed, Mission and Vision, strives to meet the urgent physical needs of children by providing food, taking action and creating long-term solutions. By addressing the issue of hunger, the community can help create an environment which allows students to focus on their studies.

Area Sabah Train the Trainer Programme

We successfully hosted the Area Sabah Train the Trainer Programme with International Head Trainer Marc from JCI Philippines., assistant Trainer Daphne Lo and Doritz Thian. During this intensive 3 days training, members of Area Sabah were able to identify their respective “method of learning� and some were inspired to train others. Participants were formed into groups and each group was given a topic to conduct a mock-training. They were then assessed on the skills they currently have and the skills they should have to be an outstanding trainer. Great feedback was received from participants and we thoroughly enjoyed hosting this important programme. Thank you COC Team for your effort!

2016:Year in Review

54th Extraordinary General Meeting

54th Annual General Meeting

Fellowship and Gathering

2016:Year in Review Conventions & Conferences 13th Area Sabah Convention

JCI Kota Kinabalu managed to achieve the following at the Area Sabah Convention: Most Participative President – Ng Tze Ek Best Debator (English) – Wendy Chan Public Speaking (English) 1st Runner-up – Wendy Chan Public Speaking (English) 2nd Runner-up – Wendy Chan Parliamentary Procedure 2nd Runner-up - Wendy Chan JCI Idol 1st Runner-up - Jelly the Clown NEVP Incentive Award - Most Active Local Organisation Training Award NEVP Incentive Award - Most Outstanding Secretary Award Congratulations to all the winners!

JCI Asia-Pacific Conference, Kaohsiung, Taiwan

Member Doris Thian represented the chapter and Malaysia in the Public Speaking Championship. Our chapter’s debate team represented by ATD Daphne Lo, ASG Doris Thian and President Ek managed to argue their way into the finals. Unfortunately, we lost to JCI Philippines. Nonetheless, we put up a good fight! Congratulations to the debate team, you did us proud!

JCI Malaysia 41st Annual National Convention, Penang We have an overwhelming representation from 14 members led by President EK. Besides enjoying the Penang food, we attended various trainings and participated in the election for 2017 National President and 2017 National Board of Directors. JCI Kota Kinabalu was also awarded 100% efficiency award for Chapter administration.

2016:Year in Review

The Art of Nation Building Programme Prize Presentation Ceremony

The Art of Nation Building programme climaxed with a prize presentation ceremony as well as an appreciation day on the 12th March 2016 (Saturday) where the Chief Minister of Sabah, YAB Datuk Seri Panglima Musa Hj Aman represented by Datuk Teo Chee Kang graced the event as the Guest of Honor to award and recognize the talents of the young budding artists amongst our school children. For our effort and in view of the vision of this Programma, the Chief Minister allocated RM50,000.00 for the programme in hopes that this Programme will continue to inspire youths to create positive change by being active citizens, thereby helping our nation to be prepared for the future, in line with the Malaysian Government’s Vision 2020.


This marks the second time JCIKK is collaborating with the Sabah State Education Department (JPNS), the Society Empowerment & Economic Development of Sabah (SEEDS) and the Federation of Sabah Chinese Women Associations (FCWS). The Art of Nation-Building Programme is aimed at cultivating a sense of nationhood and belonging, encouraging patriotism and instilling loyalty among the young people by creating awareness on national values and the diversity of Malaysian society. The winners were determined based on the factual contents of their work, originality, creativity and their artwork synopsis. The winners were selected on a one-day judging basis, held on 7th September, 2016. The main feature of The Art of Nation-Building Prize Presentation was to give away of prizes to winners of the “Hari Jadi Malaysia� Art Competition from the Upper Primary, Lower Secondary and Upper Secondary levels. A special prize was also given to the highest participating schools for both primary and secondary schools. Guest of Honour for the prize presentation ceremony was Datuk Seri Panglima Wilfred Madius Tangau, Minister of Science, Technology and Innovation Malaysia.

2016:Year in Review

The Outstanding Young Person of Sabah 2016 Launching of TOYPS

A courtesy call was made to the Yang Berhormat Datuk Haji Tawfiq Bin Datuk Haji Abu Bakar Titingan, the Minister of Youth and Sports on 16th June 2016 by the members of Junior Chamber International Kota Kinabalu.

Judging Day forTOYPS

The judging day for The Outstanding Young Person of Sabah 2016 Award organised by JCI Kota Kinabalu was led by Yang Berhormat Datuk Haji Tawfiq Bin Datuk Haji Abu Bakar Titingan, the Minister of Youth and Sports on 11th August 2016. All nominations were scrutinized by a team of prominent and diverse judges such as Sabah Women Entrepreneur & Professional Association (SWEPA) President, Ms Wynnie Jong, Sabah Law Association President, Mr Brenndon Soh, Past TOYPS Honouree (2009), Dr Roland Chia.

TOYPS Award Ceremony The highlight of the TOYPS is the Gala Dinner held at Le Meridien. The night was graced by the Minister of Youth and Sports, YB Datuk Haji Tawfiq Bin Datuk Seri Paglima Haji Abu Bakar Titingan and it was filled with smiles and inspirational messages from our Honourees namely, Rozella Marie, Joffey Jolly, Dr Pamela Yong, Sheelasheena Damien, Arthur Joseph Kurup and Anne K Baltazar.

2016:Year in Review

Area Sabah Appreciation Luncheon

The year comes to an end, with JCI Malaysia Area Sabah’s appreciation of all the hard work of members with an appreciation luncheon held at Skyhotel. During the award, JCI Kota Kinabalu was acknowledge by winning Best Local Organisation Project Award – The Art of Nation Building 2016 Most Outstanding Local Organisation Award – JCI Kota Kinabalu Certificate of Merit for Best Training Programme – Area Sabah Train the Trainers Programme Inidividual members were also awarded : Wendy Chan – Most Outstanding Secretary Award Scott Lu – Most Creative Area Committee Award Doritz Thian - Most Supportive Area Committee Award Guest of Honour was our Minister of Youth and Sports Sabah, Datuk Haji Tawfiq bin Datuk Seri Panglima Haji Titingan once again congratulated JCI Kota Kinabalu for winning the Anugerah Perdana Belia Negara - Organisation category. In light of the above, we hope that the awards will not only inspire those individuals involved in making the awards possible but also to inspire other members in the chapter to strive to be the best they can be.


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Heartiest Congratulations President elect Patrick Teo and his newly elected 2017 Board of Directors. Congratulations and all the best to JCI KK

JCI Senator George CS Chu ASSEAN President 2017 Sabah Regional President 1978 KK Chapter President 1973

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Congratulation to JCIKK President Patrick Teo and his Board of Directors. Wishing you all the very best for year 2017.




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