JCI Kota Kinabalu 58th Installation and Award Ceremony

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The President Board of Directors and Members of Junior Chamber International Kota Kinabalu is proud to welcome Our Guest of Honour Yang Berhormat Chan Foong Hin Member of Parliament of Kota Kinabalu National Officers Past Presidents JCI Senators Local Organisation Presidents Distinguished Guests Representative of other organisations Friends from the Press and Fellow Jaycees To Our 58th Installation and Award Ceremony 29th February 2020

Junior Chamber International Kota Kinabalu Secretariat No.72-3, 3rd Floor Wisma New Far East, off Jalan Lintas, 88300, Kota Kinabalu. Email : info@jcikk.org

CREED We believe; That faith in God Gives meaning and purpose to human life; That the brotherhood of man transcends the sovereignty of nations; That economics justice can best be won by free men through free enterprise; That the government should be of laws rather than of men; That Earth’s great treasure lies in human personality; and that service to humanity is the best work of life. VISION To be the leading global network of young active citizens MISSION To provide development opportunities that empowers young people to create positive change.


Dear members & friends of JCI, Greetings to each and every one of you! It is indeed a great pleasure to be able to pen a few words for the occasion of the 58th Installation & Awards Ceremony 2020. This auspicious occasion symbolizes unity and solidarity of JCI Kota Kinabalu as we celebrate the successes and achievements of the outgoing President and his Board of Directors; to witness the handing over of offices to the new President and Board of Directors; and subsequently to cheer with them for yet another successful year ahead. Being at the helm has its own challenges, trials and tribulations; a good leader faces the challenges and solves the problems whereas a wise leader strives to nip it in the bud. At the end of the day, it is all a learning process for each one of us. Therefore, I would like to congratulate the 2019 President and her Board of Directors for their dedication and commitment to face the challenges and turned each one into a success story. I would also like to congratulate the 2020 President and her Board of Directors for taking up the leadership torches and carry out the JCI tradition of excellence. I wish each of you a fruitful and successful year ahead. To the hardworking organising committee led by Irene Chong, my heartiest congratulations to you for taking up the challenge to host this ceremony and making it a most memorable one.

OATH oF THE PRESIDENT “I,__________ acknowledge the manifold demands of the office of the President of Junior Chamber International Kota Kinabalu and conscious of the heavy responsibilities and the honour associated therewith, hereby pledge myself to the utmost of my ability: To devote my energies to the service of this organisation and its members; To direct my efforts towards the training and development of young people through more effective operation of my Board of Directors; To act at all times with due humility and dignity, and without selfish or narrow motive; To endeavour throughout my term of office to contribute to the growth and progress of this organisation, and I make this earnest pledge that I shall discharge my responsibilities to the benefit of Junior Chamber International Kota Kinabalu and the community.”

Oath of Office of the Board of Directors “I, __________do solemnly, affirm that, I with faithfully execute the office of Junior Chamber International Kota Kinabalu and will do to the best of my ability, serve as a living example of this organisation’s philosophy and belief and will uphold and enforce the Constitution of this Organisation at all times.”

jAYCEE OATH Inspired by the JCI Creed, the official oath of a Jaycee shall be: “I, (state name of member), do solemnly pledge that I will uphold the ideals and principles of Junior Chamber International Kota Kinabalu and promote the objectives of Junior Chamber International Kota Kinabalu”.


It is my great pleasure in welcoming you to this Installation Awards and Ceremony, during which recognition will be given to the dedicated members and to introduce the new Board to JCI members and the public. On behalf of the organising committee and the Chapter, a special thanks to our Guest of Honour who has taken his valuable time to witness this event. His involvement and interest towards our organisation is a great support for us. We also feel very honoured that our Sisterhood Chapters and friends from outstation have come all the way to join us in this event. “Coming together is a beginning. Keeping together is progress. Working together is success.� --Henry Ford The beginning of JCI Kota Kinabalu some 58 years ago saw some idealistic youth came together to form this chapter. After 58 years, this chapter is still thriving, this is progress. More importantly, the true success of this chapter is to bring together many individuals from different background to work together. I would like to take this opportunity to thank all the organising committee members for their support and always volunteering whenever manpower is needed. I consider myself very lucky to have such a great team. Our thanks to all our members, family, friends and sponsors too for their continuous support to make this event even more meaningful. I hope you enjoy the rest of the evening with us. Thank you.


Dear Inspiring everyday changemakers of JCI Malaysia It is a great honor for me to extend my warmest wishes to you all this great New Year full of happiness and success. In November 2019, I took up the presidency of our great organization after the successful General Assembly of the 2019 JCI World Congress in Tallinn, Estonia. Together with my team, we have reviewed the performance and achievements of JCI, and moving forward, we have also set objectives for the year 2020 and committed ourselves to implement them. As stated in the 2020 Plan of Action, this is the year to accelerate transformation, and we would achieve this as a team by bridging the gap between vision and reality and I am 100% convinced that with your hard work and compassion, 2020 would indeed be a year of unspeakable transformation. My dear colleagues, facing our challenges with strength, determination and confidence is what will propel the transformation we are looking forward to achieving this year 2020. You can always count on my sincere support to be with you on this journey and I shall do my utmost efforts to achieve our goal of bridging the gap. Finally, you will agree with me that unity is strength and that when there is teamwork and collaboration, extraordinary things can be achieved. It is therefore my wish that we work well together toward our common vision to be the leading global network of young active citizens. We rely on you young people to advance sustainable impact in the world and drive the world in a positive direction. We are everyday changemakers. We are JCI!


Dear JCI Members and Friends, First and foremost, I would like to take this opportunity to congratulate the organising committees and members for having such a successful Inauguration and Award Banquet. Every year, this is the best moment of the time where all our hard work in a year are being recognised at the wonderful stage. Unity is the key to a successful organisation. For the Plan of Action 2020, we must work together to bridge the gap between members regardless of the culture, background and geographical differences. In year 2020, we focus on four categories which is Sustain, Lead, Inspire and Motivate. The S.L.I.M. movement implementation is to ensure every local organisation can grow healthily and sustainably. We believe that only healthy and growing local organisations can lead towards a healthy and growing national organisation. Global Impact is happening now. As a JCI member we do not only BE together but also WORK together, then only we are able to UNITE AS ONE and LEAVE NO ONE BEHIND. Lastly, I would like to take this opportunity to thank the outgoing President and the Board of Directors for all your hard work and achievements in the year 2019. I would like to also congratulate the newly installed President and the Board of Directors for taking up this opportunity to walk together in this great journey. With a strong, passionate and united members, let’s together bring JCI Malaysia to even a greater height in 2020! Together, we UNITE AS ONE.


First of all I would like to congratulate JCI Kota Kinabalu on your 58th Installation and Awards ceremony, it is indeed one of the most important events of your planned activities. On behalf of Area Sabah team 2020, I would like to extend our sincere salute to the Organizing Chair lady Irene Chong and Committee members in what we believe it would be a smashing function filled with fun and excitement. One can always expect a warm welcome and uncompromising hospitality whenever we visit the beautiful KK city. Our time here in JCI is limited and we should strive to the best that we can to serve the organization and our community. Our action should reflect the JCI Creed and we should take the lead to be active citizens for others to follow. Being a voluntary organization, we are the leaders of our community because we CHOOSE to do the things we do not because we were asked or paid to do so. However we should also be mindful that being a voluntary organization, Our greatest assets are our members and our organization should be treated as an organic entity and things has to governed fluidly with the needs of the members paramount without sacrificing the ideals of the Local organization. To the 2019 President Victoria Su, Board of Directors and members, I would like to say GOOD JOB ! For taking up the task of the hosting chapter for NatCon, I believe it was a good year and the memories which stay with you will be the testament to your achievements. To 2020 President Regina Ngu and your incoming Board of Directors, to emulate the success of your predecessor will not be a walk in the park, but if you BELIEVE you CAN, you will enjoy the journey as President, the sky’s the limit for what you can achieve. This year Area Sabah Theme is “UNITED”, we have aligned with our National President’s Plan Of Action. Let’s us united for the best achieve to our local organization, JCIM Area Sabah, JCIM National KPI to impact our Sabah community. Last but not least, as you only have one year to lead, please enjoy your term as President because anything worth is not worth if you’re not laughing all the way.

SISTERHOOD PRESIDENT JOHN I. BAUTISTA JR. JCI MANILA (Philippines) Greetings from JCI MANILA! On behalf of JCI Manila, I would like to extend our best wishes to President Regina Ngu. I’m sure with your leadership, your chapter will be in great hands in 2020 and the generations to come. Our sisterhood is on its 39th year. We are at the end of another decade but I’m sure that this is not the end. If there is something we would like to do to finish this decade, it’s to end this decade with doing something special together. This 2020, I firmly believe that we will be able to have a stronger partnership and friendship between chapters. One of our focus this year is to communicate more with our international sister chapters and also be more active in the JCI international community and share our projects and trainings as well. I believe with you as our partner, we will be able to do great projects together in Malaysia and the Philippines and create long lasting positive change. Again congratulations to the incoming board of directors JCI Kota Kinabalu and to all their members and I wish you all the success in the coming year. To end, I would like to share this little message that I hope will inspire us this year: “The greatest glory in living, lies not in never failing, but in rising every time we fail” - Nelson Mandela Being part of JCI will always have its seatbacks or defeats but this is the organization is where we will all learn how to Rise again. In 2020, Let us all Rise Together!


JCI CITY(SINGAPORE) Dear Members and Friends of JCI Kota Kinabalu, On behalf of JCI Singapore – City Chapter, we extend our warmest greetings and congratulatory to the incoming board of directors of JCI Kota Kinabalu, our dearest of friends. The incoming Board of 2020 exudes positivity, unity and strength. This spirit has been exemplified and carried forth by your members. Since the sisterhood signing between JCI City and JCI Kota Kinabalu back in 1982, we have witness the growth of your organization and we would like to congratulate each officer and member who took part in this growth. With this opportunity and on behalf of JCI City, I would like to express our gratitude to JCI Kota Kinabalu and your delegates for attending our JCI City’s 70th Anniversary and 2020 Board of Directors’ installation. Your presence and kind gesture is much appreciated and we hope to continue our relationship into the foreseeable future. I have great confidence that through the leadership of President Regina Ngu and the newly elected Board of Directors, JCI Kota Kinabalu will soar to even greater heights as you continue to dedicate your efforts to expand JCI’s influence and impact within the community. We wish you the best in this joyous event as you begin your journey for 2020.


JCI ANGELES CITY CULIAT (Philippines) It’s been so many years that JCI Kota Kinabalu and JCI Angeles City Culiat are in partner in creating positive change in our society. As we look forward to another year Angeles City Culiat’s vision is to ease all the flaws of our society, ease the problems in the environment, education and poverty. All of this can be achieve with the collaboration projects and support of JCI Kota Kinabalu. We always look forward for a good relationship and build camaraderie between the two chapters. To President Regina and the Board of Directors, we believe that you can always achieve your vision in creating our society to be better. Your involvement in the society will always create a good impact. Congratulations and more power.


The positive thinker sees the invisible, feels the intangible, and achieves the impossible. I believe that all of us likeminded people are positive thinkers and see the bright side of things. I am honoured to be a chapter president for past twelve months, and it has certainly been very challenging for me to develop my leadership character. This last twelfth months has its ups and downs. Nevertheless, there is a famous quote, by a German philosopher, Friedrich Nietzsche, “That which does not kill us, makes us stronger.” I would like to extend my deepest appreciation to my Board of Director and members who has helped me tremendously in steering JCI Kota Kinabalu throughout 2019. Their commitment and dedication had successfully proven that we can only be stronger together! Congratulation to Incoming President Regina and her new Board of Directors 2020. I am certain that you and your Board of Directors will continue to further strengthen the Chapter into a greater level. Their enthusiasm and commitment will be the catalyst for positive change for JCI Kota Kinabalu. Remember the beauty and strength of this organisation lies in the “Be Better”. Let us continue to be better, do better, achieve better!


First and foremost I would like to extend my congratulation to President Victoria Su and her Board of Directors for an outstanding 2019. I would also like to thank all the members for their commitment and leadership throughout 2019 as JCI Kota Kinabalu was not only able to host the 44th JCI Malaysia National Convention but also able to organise all the signature projects: Go Botak (Childhood Cancer Awareness) and Tingkoh Noh Plastic Straws (Say No to Plastic Straws). This is a testament to JCI Kota Kinabalu’s strength as an organisation but the core of the organisation its members. The unity of the members not only shows that we can be stronger together to achieve its goal, but if we unite as a team, we can achieve greater heights together. Looking forward if we are going to be successful, we can no longer split into different departments or divisions. We must look at the bigger picture and resolve to work together in ways we may never have done before. This year’s theme is T.E.A.M. : Teamwork, Encouragement, Appreciation, Motivation. There is one saying : “A team becomes a genius when everyone works together.” The vision of the 2020 Board of Directors and myself is to build a team by respecting each person’s individual contribution, showing appreciation, exciting them about their possibilities for achievement, and sharing with them that their group effort has the potential for real genius. Again, let me thank the members for their trust and confidence to lead JCI Kota Kinabalu. I will do my best and your participation is essential. Thank you.

list of members No. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. 33. 34. 35. 36. 37. 38. 39. 40. 41. 42. 43. 44. 45. 46. 47. 48. 49. 50. 51. 52. 53.

Name Regina Ngu Wan Hang Victoria Su Ning Joan Shim Yik Young Irene Chong Yee Ting Benjamin Choi Chee Hau Brian Ho Joon Chuan Ben Goh Min Yen Lim Way Yang Pullman Wong Poo Yee Kimberly Lim Kee Jin Sean Long Zachary Dickie Lee Channon Chai Jay Poon Yung Wui Pridip Adran A/L Revindren Lim Fang Yi Vitalis Ronald Ng Tze Ek Daphne Lo Wei Ching Chian Mei Hsing Jonathan Sim Poh You Oi Yi Lin Kaven Chung Kar Vui Chan Chee Ching Daneil Chan Kevin Wong Huong Jenn Oliver Ho Ka Fei Ryan Soon Chun Kang Goh Chuen Sheng Carl Eddison Ahlieu Sunny Yeoh Siew Chuan Wong Chun Kai Alan Moo Joon Voon Victor Yong Wei Ten Jess Yong Siao Wee Vincent Ho Vun Shin Ku Soon Hou Lawrence Chu Zheng Hua Melvin Tsen Yuh Huei Alex Loo Wei Kong Alex Teo Kian Boon Chen Chin Yee Shirley Chong Oi Ling Chew Wang Chung Jason Boon Chau Ming Lau Youn Li Liew Yiew Ming Monica Chin Nyuk Moi Wong Wei Jian Sheldon Lee Xue Sheng Denis Chong Min Jun Nurlia Iskandar Tina Chong Chee Ting

Email reginangu@hotmail.com victoria_su@hotmail.com joanyikyoung@gmail.com iirenechong@gmail.com kalzak1992@yahoo.com brianhjc.94@gmail.com bg.my@hotmail.com mickey.lim@jomrun.com pullman90@gmail.com kimberly_lim@e-post.com.my seanlong6313@gmail.com zachary.bep@gmail.com poon92@live.com jelly@jellynfrenz.com fangyiapple_90@hotmail.com vitkel86@gmail.com ngtzeek@gmail.com daphne.lo23@hotmail.com meihsing86@gmail.com jonathanspy94@gmail.com oiyilin97@gmail.com ahwei1345@gmail.com chancheeching@gmail.com kevinwong_care@yahoo.com oliverhoemail@gmail.com chunkangsoon@gmail.com carloptom@yahoo.com sunnyyeoh26@gmail.com chunkai.wong@gmail.com alanmjvoon@gmail.com victor414@live.com jessysw@hotmail.com vincentshiniho@gmail.com Soonhou57@gmail.com Lawrence_chu@live.com melvin.tsenyh@gmail.com myflooringkk@yahoo.com dutdut212@gmail.com 1479400870@qq.com Shirley881116@gmail.com wanling880622@gmail.com jasonbooncm@hotmail.com younli.lau.tgh@gmail.com kirigayaevil@gmail.com monicachin84@gmail.com weijiannick@yahoo.com slxs8650@gmail.com denisuperman@hotmail.com nurliaiskandar@gmail.com cheeting3098@gmail.com

2020 Board of Directors & Commission Directors

Vice President (Internal) Benjamin Choi

General Legal Counsel Ben Goh

Commission Director Pullman Wong

Vice President (External) Brian Ho

President Regina Ngu

Commission Director Lim Way Yang

Immediate Past President Victoria Su

Commission Director Kimberly Lim

Honorary Secretary Joan Shim

Commission Director Sean Long

Honorary Treasurer Irene Chong

in the beginning The idea of a Junior Chamber germinated back in 1959. The “3 Musketeers” who closely associated with the formation of the first chapter in Jesselton (now known as Kota Kinabalu) were Mr. Fauzi Patel, John Hii and Michael Chen. Fauzi Patel was on a study tour to Australia, recalled being hosted by Nombour Junior Chamber, Queensland. John Hii, manager of Messer Jardine Waugh Co. was on a training course in London. He was registered by his colleagues to attend the 17th JCI World Congress in Paris. He was impressed with the friendliness, warmth and charm. Mr Michael Chen, Manager of Cathay Cinema then, was contacted by both Fauzi & John and started recruiting members. It was only in late 1961 when Mr Lee Choon Fatt appeared that there was some momentum in recruitment. Together with another 3 members (Robert De Souza, John Su and George Chin) a meeting was held in January 1962. On July 1962, the chapter was formed and the 1st Organisation meeting was held at Jesselton Recreation Club. 17 members were present, Fauzi Patel, John Hii, Michael Chen, Lee Choon Fatt, Robert De Souza, John Su, Teo Geok Sang, Yuen Peng Cheng, Mak Sin Loong, Ho Fook Kee, Lim Kim Jee, Lim Beng Aun, John Foo, Spencer Lim, Peter Soong and Liew Yun Choi. The Jesselton Junior Chamber was formed by the following protem officers; Acting Chairman – John Hii VP (External) – George Chin VP (Internal) – Lee Choon Fatt Secretary – Fauzi Patel Treasurer – Michael Chen Directors – Teo Geok Seng, Ho Fook Kee, Yuen Peng Cheng, Mak Sin Loong The Inauguration General Meeting held on November 1962 elected the Board of Directors for 1963 Charter President – George Chin VP (External) - Lee Choon Fatt VP (Internal) – John Hii Secretary – James Yap Treasurer – Foo Tiang Keng Board members – Lawrence Liew, Lim Su Seng, Michael Chen, Fauzi Patel From a membership size of 17 in 1962, Jesselton Junior Chamber has grown and transformed into Kota Kinabalu Jaycees to Kota Kinabalu Junior Chamber and finally known as JCI Kota Kinabalu.

achievements sponsored Intan Jaycees (current JCI Intan) in 1975, sponsored Tanjung Aru (current JCI Tanjung Aru) and Penampang Jaycees (current JCI Penampang) in 1980; signed sisterhood pacts with JCI Manila,Philippines (1981), JCI City, Singapore (1982), JCI Lu Chu, Taiwan (1985) and JCI Angeles City Culiat,Philippines (2009) hosted JCI Malaysia National Convention in 1978, 1982, 1996, 2005, 2015 and 2019 Organised Internet Seminar (Awarded Commercial Education Project Award - 1996 Pusan World Congress, 1996 Annual National Convention Malaysia) Organised Tolumis Care Centre Charity in 2013, 2014, 2015 (Awarded Best Long Term Community Project – 2014 JCI Malaysia Annual National Convention) Organised Flagship Project - The Outstanding Young Person of Sabah in 2007, 2009 & 2016. Awarded Premier Award for Best Youth Organisation 2016 by Ministry of Youth and Sports Sabah

chapter presidents Portem Chairman

Founding Of The JCI Movement

Charter President

Idea To Start Junior Chamber In Jesselton

John Hii

George Chin

Joseph Leong

Lim Tyng Yee


Safari Hj Manan

Frederick Chin

John Soon

Victor Wong

Janet Lee

Peter Chu

Patricia Poh

Andrew Chong

Norbert Su

Caretaker Petrus C. Mojuntin

Michael Chen

George Chu

Donald Stephens

Tony Tan

Teo Geok Sang

Peter Chong

Kamis Awang Ali

Chin Kah Thing

Lim Chee Dean

Priscilla Oon

Melvin Kiandee

Bonnaventure Kilos

Joseph Selestine

Benjamin Lo

Chin Nyuk Fatt

Henry Chok

S.S Naidu

Francis Hii

Peter Liau

John Su

Mak Sin Loong

Robert De Souza

Victor Hiew Kon Ching

Wilson Hsieh

Chong Choon Kim

Patrick Wong

Anthony Ng

Francis Ng

Rebecca Chai

Iskandar Ahmad

Benedict Basinau

Neelkrish Perumal

Petrus C. Mojuntin

Vivien Lee

Daphne Lo

Victoria Su

Caretaker Neelkrish Perumal Charles Lim

Vitalis Ronald

Jeff Lu

Brandon Tang

Ng Tze Ek

Patrick Teo




2019: Year in Review Tingkoh Noh Plastic Straws The goal for this project is to raise and create awareness on the danger and pollutionof single-use plastics & Styrofoam products. Also, to provide sustainable solutions to the market such as promoting 100% biodegradable and compostable disposable products. This project aimed towards ZERO single-use plastic for a cleaner and healthier environment in Sabah. The organising committee organised various roadshows to spread awareness. They were also invited to schools to spread this important message to students.

2019: Year in Review Go Botak This will be the second year we organise Go Botak. It is the only head-shaving event that raises funds and spreads awareness for childhood cancer. Every shaven head represents an understanding by an individual of the ordeals that a child with cancer is subjected to. The programme also aim to: 1. Raise awareness of childhood cancer in Malaysia 2. Offer a public demonstration of moral support to cancer patients and their families. 3. Tell children with cancer that it’s ok to be bald 4. Raise funds to help children with cancer, and their families. 5. Build a community of support for children with cancer, and their families

2019: Year in Review Trainings Various training was organised to equip members with knowledge for their future JCI career.

Fellowship & Gatherings

2019: Year in Review Project H JCI KK took the love and gifts of our many generous sponsors to San Damiano Convent, Kiulu Tamparuli. This was done through our Project H. Donations include, food, dictionary, sports equipments. We also didn’t miss the opportunity to spread our Tingkoh Noh Plastic Straws message to students of the convent.

2019: Year in Review 2019 Annual National Convention

2019: Year in Review We were honoured to be hosting the JCI Malaysia 44th Annual National Convention. These are just snippets of what happened throughout the convention.

chapter awards

Community Development Project Award

In recognition of: The best local community development project 2016 : JCIKK Health Day (OC : Patrick Teo) 2017 : FreeMarket (OC : Vincent Ho) 2018 : Go Bald (OC : Regina Ngu)

The Membership Award

In recognition of: The best programme incorporating membership extension, recruitment, induction and assimilation. 2016 : 54TH Installation and Award Ceremony (OC : Lim Fang Yi) 2017 : ANC2019 Bidding (OC : Pridip Adran A/L Revindren) 2018 : GMM (The Awesome) (OC : Jonathan Sim)

Leadership Development Award

In recognition of: the best programme in the field of leadership development. This includes such items as Effective Speaking Course, Management Course and any other projects of a self-development nature. 2016 : Area Sabah Train The Trainer Programme (OC : Vincent Ho) 2017 : JCI Presenter (OC : CK Voon) 2018 : Vision Board Workshop (OC : Victoria Su)

The Special Project Award

In recognition of: The best project or programme which does not fall within the parameters of any awards category 2016 : The Outstanding Young Person Of Sabah 2016 (OC : Vitalis Ronald) 2017 : 55th Anniversary Celebration (OC : Joan Shim) 2018 : Save Our Ocean X Beyond Borders (OC : Regina Ngu)

Best Fund Raising Project

In recognition of: A project that whose primary purpose is to raise money for a cause, charity or chapter. 2018 : Tingkoh Noh Plastic Straws (OC : Chian Mei Hsing)

Environmental / Commercial Education Project Award

In recognition of: The best local project that incorporates environmental/commercial education within its programme. 2018 : Save Our Ocean x Beyond Borders (OC : Jonathan Sim)

Most Outstanding LO to LO Assistance Project Award

In recognition of: The best local joint project. Project that are jointly organised with other Local Organisation or other non-JCI Organisations. 2018 : FreeMarket 4.0 (OC : Jonathan Sim)

Most Outstanding Youth Activity Award

In recognition of: The best local joint project. Project that are jointly organised with other Local Organisation or other non-JCI Organisations. 2018 : MBO Kiwanis Movie Treat 2.0 (OC : Joan Shim)

The Best Overall Project Award

In recognition of: The best overall local project. 2016 : The Outstanding Young Person Of Sabah 2016(OC : Vitalis Ronald) 2017 : 2018 : Tingkod Noh Plastic Straws (OC : Chian Mei Hsing)

The Outstanding Project Chairman Award

In recognition of: A project chairman for his outstanding leadership in organising a project or program. 2016 : Vitalis Ronald 2017 : Pridip Adran A/L Revindren 2018 : Dr. Chan Chee Ching

The Best Senator of the Year Award

In recognition of: outstanding personal contribution and achievement of a JCI Senator in the interest of the Chapter since becoming a Senator. 2016 : Joseph Selestine 2017 : Benjamin Lo 2018 : Neelkrish Perumal

The Most Outstanding Past President Award

In recognition of: A Past President who continues to show strong support, dedication and enthusiasm for the chapter and its members. 2016 : Neelkrish Perumal 2017 : Joseph Selestine 2018 : Ng Tze Ek

The Outstanding New Member Award

In recognition of: An Individual member who continue to show strong support dedication and enthusiasm during his/ her first two years of membership. 2016 : Victoria Su 2017 : Regina Ngu 2018 : Chian Mei Hsing

The Outstanding Jaycee of the Year Award

In recognition of : A current member, who has done the most to promote the organisation by making the greatest personal contribution towards its development since he/she becomes a member for at least three years. 2016 : Wendy Chan 2017 : Pridip Adran A/L Revindren 2018 : Regina Ngu

The All Kota Kinabalu Jaycees Award

In recognition of: An individual member who has continued to render outstanding services to the Jaycees movement for a continuous period of a minimum of four years 2016 : Daphne Lo 2017 : Vitalis Ronald 2018 : -


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