JCI Kota Kinabalu E-Newsletter 2nd Issue 2021

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JCI VALUE That faith in God gives meaning and purpose to human life; That the brotherhood of man transcends the sovereignty of nations; That economic justice can best be won by free men through free enterprise; That government should be of laws rather than of men; That earth’s great treasure lies in human personality; And that service to humanity is the best work of life. JCI Mission To provide development opportunities that empower young people to create positive change. JCI Vision To be the leading global network of young active citizens.

The Board of Directors 2021

From the left: Daniel, Daphne, Kimberly, Lawrence, Mei Hsing, Benjamin, Alan, Kang Jie, Nurlia. Sit from the left: Irene, Regina.

President: Immediate Past President: Secretary: Treasurer: Vice President Internal: Vice President External: Commission Director:

Chian Mei Hsing Regina Ngu Irene Chong Benjamin Choi Kimberly Lim Alan Moo Lawrence Chu Daniel Chan Nurlia Iskandar Ng Kang Jie


Project Timeline 1 April, Zero Virus 2.0 18 April, 59th Installation & Award Banquet 24 April, Project Management Training 15 May, Sustaining Happiness and Well-being in JCI Organizations 16 May, 2021 Extraordinary General Meeting 22 May, JCI Discover Training 13 June, GMM #2 Kita Jaga Kita Gathering 19-20 June, Engage, Empower and Growth Training 4-6 June, Area Sabah Virtual Convention 23 June, Halal Market Overview in Sabah for SMEs & How to Apply Halal Certification Seminar 26 June,, Why Covid-19 Vaccination?



Wisma, Off, Jln Lintas, Taman New Far East, 88300 Kota Kinabalu, Sabah


April 1, 2021


Zero Virus! 2021 (2.0)

Project: Zero Virus! 2021 (2.0)

Date: April 1, 2021

Organising Chairperson: Alan Moo

Prevention is better than cure!. JCI Kota Kinabalu has kickstart our flagship project - Zero Virus! 2021 (2.0) by providing free disinfection services to unaffordable preschools. JCI Kota Kinabalu committees helping, has provided the disinfection services to Tabika & Taska Kemas PPAK Kg.Unggun Jaya at Sepanggar, with the support and sponsor by A Plus Pharmacy, the disinfection process has cover the tadika completely, and providing a safer environment to the students. This program are lead by Organizing Chairperson Alan Moo and we would like to take this opportunity to thank A Plus Pharmacy on their efforts and support, with their disinfection services.


April 18, 2021


59th Installation & Award Banqueut

In conjunction with presidential theme of "Butterfly Effect", President believed that each of us is like that Butterfly in the 59th Installation & Award Banquet butterfly effect. By believing a small change can make much bigger changes happen; one small incident can have a big impact in the future. Therefore, she and her Board of Directors will aim Date: to concreate on education and beneficial activities emphasizing 18 April 2021 on program what will strengthen one’s identity character and leadership. They will do their best to BE Better, BE Active, BE Organising Chairperson: Entrepreneurial, BE Connected and produce a few surprises Vincent Ho along the way in 2021.


Guest oh Honour: Dr Roland Chia -

As our Guest of Honour of the Installation and Award Banquet, and Past The Top Outstating Young of Sabah (TOYPS) Honouree (2009) hosted by JCI Kota Kinabalu, Dr. Roland Chia, he mentioned and agreed with two of the JCI Values which stated that “Earth’s great treasure lies in human personality”, that “Service to humanity is the best work of life”.

Thus, he believed that JCI is one of the great platform which can empower young people to create positive change and develop their corporate social responsibility by involving in different kind of community works to build a better world and creating global impact. Congratulations and well done to the organising team lead by Vincent Ho for making this event a successful one.

2021 President Chian Mei Hsing and BOD

Great job to our 2020 President Regina Ngu, despite of pandemic that hit us badly, we still managed to conduct few impactful projects that serve our community. Also heartiest congratulation to our winner in 2021 Chapter, Area and National Awards. Wishing 2021 president and her Board of Directors a successful year ahead!

2020 President Regina and BOD

2021 New Member induction by NEVP Wilson Gan

Speech by Dr Roland Chia, President 2021 Chian Mei Hsing, President 2020 Regina Ngu


April 24, 2021


Project Management Training

Project: Project Management Training

Date: April 24, 2021

Organising Chairperson: Ng Kang Jie

Co-organizer: JCI Manila

With the collaboration with JCI Manila, JCI Kota Kinabalu successfully organized Project Management Training with Trainer Commissioner Clarence Santos. A total of 25 participants participated in this training, participants from JCI Makati Princess Urduja, JCI Manila, JCI Daraga, JCI Padawan JCI Sandakan and JCI Kota Kinabalu.


May 15, 2021


Sustaining Happiness and Well-being in JCI Organizations

Project: Sustaining Happiness and Wellbeing in JCI Organization

Date: May 15, 2021

Organising Chairperson: Harry Vun

Co-organizer: JCI Bacalod

JCI Bacalod x JCI Kota Kinabalu bring you a positive talk about "Sustaining Happiness and Well-being in JCI Organization". We are very honored to have JCI Bacolod 2017 President Dr Calvin Dave Ganub as our speaker of the day. This fruitful webinar aims to foster positive linkages and partnership among JCI organizations and to promote affirmative coping skills in facing current pandemic. Stay positive from the inside out during this pandamic.


May 16, 2021


2021 Extraordinary General Meeting

Project: 2021 EGM

Date: May 16, 2021

Successfully conducted 2021 Extraordinary General Meeting to hand over the 2020 finance report and endorse 2021 Plan of Action and budget with the presence of 15 participants to this Extraordinary General Meeting.


May 22, 2021


JCI Discover Training

Project: JCI Discover Training

Date: May 22, 2021

Organising Chairperson: Oi Yi Lin

Trainer: Head - President Chian Mei Hsing Co - Irene Chong

We have successfully conducted JCI Discover training to our new members on 22nd May 2021. Special thanks to our Head Trainer President Mei Hsing and Co-Trainer Irene. Thank you 6 members who taking their time off to join this training despite it is a physical training trained in JCI Kota Kinabalu secretariat.


June 13, 2021


GMM #2 Kita Jaga Kita Gathering

Project: GMM #2 Kita Jaga Kita Gathering

Date: June 13, 2021

Organising Chairperson: Muhammad Hisyammudin

Honorable Speaker: JCI Senator Dr Henry K F Chok

JCI Kota Kinabalu second virtual General Member Gathering: Kita Jaga Kita Gathering. It was a fun and attractive event where 25 participants of our JCI Kota Kinabalu members and past presidents. Everyone enjoyed their lunch together via Zoom, get connected and having fun together via virtual despite the FMCO.


June 19-20, 2021


Engage Empower Growth Training

Project: Engage, Empower & Growth Training

Date: June 19-20, 2021

Organising Chairperson: Kan Jun Jie

Trainer: Head - JCI Senator David Luk Co - Joyline Chai

JCI Kota Kinabalu successfully hosted Engage, Empower & Growth Training joint organized with JCI Sungai Petani, JCI Entrepreneur Metropolitan, JCI Kuala Lumpur Mandarin and JCI Sibu. A total of 40 participants participated this 2 days trainings. Trainer JCI Senator David Luk from JCI Island, Hong Kong, he in charge the first day of training while co-trainer Joyline in charge of second day of training.


June 4-6, 2021


Area Sabah Virtual Convention

JCI Kota Kinabalu has a total of 20 participants attended this Area Sabah Virtual Convention, became one of the largest delegation to Area Sabah Convention. We have send in 1 debate team into English Debate and Chinese Oregon Debate. We have 3 participants joined Mandarin Public Speaking, 3 participants joined English Public Speaking and 1 participant joined Malay Public Speaking. A total 16 awards won by JCI Kota Kinabalu in the ASC.


June 4-6, 2021


Area Sabah Virtual Convention Awards won listed below: 1. SDG Quiz Champion: Choi Chee Hau 2. Mandarin Oregon Debate Champion 3. Mandarin Oregon Debate Best Debator: Irene Chong 4. English Debate 1st Runner Up 5. Public Speaking Chinese Champion: Snowy Chang Shue Yin 6. Public Speaking Chinese 1st Runner Up: Irene Chong 7. Public Speaking Chinese 2nd Runner Up: Choi Chee Hau 8. Public Speaking English 1st Runner Up: Snowy Chang Shue Yin 9. Public Speaking English 2nd Runner Up: Irene Chong 10. Most Participative President Champion: President Chian Mei Hsing 11. Most Outstanding President Report: President Chian Mei Hsing 12. Top 2 Largest Delegation 2021 JCIM Leadership Summit 13. Top 3 Largest Participants to 2021 JCIM Area Sabah Academy 14. Top 3 Largest delegation to 2021 JCI Area Sabah Convention 15. Most Training Organized Award 16. Most Outstanding LO Project for Project Zero Virus 2.0.


June 23, 2021


Halal Market Overview in Sabah for SMEs & How to Apply Halal Certification Seminar

Project: Halal Market Overview in Sabah for SMEs & How to Apply Halal Certification Seminar

Date: June 23, 2021

Organising Chairperson: Irene Chong

Co-Organizer: IFEA

JCI Kota Kinabalu partnering with International Future of Education Association successfully organized Halal Market Overview in Sabah for SMEs & How to Apply Hala Certification Seminar via Airmeet online. This event has successfully helped more than 200 entrepreneurs to gain the knowledge of how to apply Halal Certification for their products.


June 26, 2021


Why Covid-19 Vacccination?

Project: Why Covid-19 Vaccination?

Date: June 26, 2021

Organising Chairperson: Alan Moo

Project: Zero Virus! 2021

JCI Kota kinabalu successfully organized “Why Vaccine?” (Project of Zero Virus! 2021 - 4.0) by Gleaneagles Hospital Kota Kinabalu, Infectious Disease Speacialist Dr. Timothy William as Honourable Speaker. We are honored to invite Dr. Timothy William to share such informative sharing for us to understand the important to get vaccination in order to protect our loved one. Dr. Timothy William also shared on the common rumours, the vaccinate testing method and how vaccinate work in a human body.

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