The Art of Nation Building 2017.......Celebrating Diversity

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THE ART OF NATION BUILDING ..........................CELEBRATING DIVERSITY 35,=( 35(6(17$7,21 &(5(021< 6HSWHPEHU





This programme is jointly organised annually by the Sabah State Education Department (JPNS), the Society Empowerment & Economic Development of Sabah (SEEDS), the Federation of Sabah Chinese Women Associations (FSCWA) and JCI Kota Kinabalu. The programme is aimed: • To cultivate a sense of nationhood and belonging through art • To encourage patriotism and instill loyalty into the hearts of young people by creating awareness about national values through the expression of art • To create awareness to the diverse race, ethnicity and cultures of our society especially in our youth • To further create an understanding of this diversity and thereby acceptance and respect for each other There are three (3) parts to the programme: (I) NATION-WIDE ART COMPETITION The third installment of The Art of Nation Building (TANB 2017) drawing competition themed “Hari Jadi Malaysia” with its slogan Celebrating Diversity was carried out over the months of May, June and July where students from Upper Primary (Primary 4, 5 and 6), Lower Secondary (Form 1, 2 and 3) and Upper Secondary (Form 4, 5 and 6) as well as college / university students all over the country participated. These art pieces were then judged based on the accuracy of the factual contents, originality and creativity as well as the brief synopsis of the art work submitted. (II) THE NATION BUILDING ART EXHIBITION (26th August – 23rd September) Judging Day was held on the 10th August 2017. A total of 400 pieces of art work was shortlisted. These selected pieces of artwork as well as their synopsis will then be exhibited in prominent locations which include Kota Kinabalu International Airport, Suria Sabah Shopping Mall, City Mall, Centre Point and Riverson throughout the national month. (III) PRIZE PRESENTATION CEREMONY (9th September) The Art of Nation Building programme will then climax with a prize presentation ceremony at the Suria Sabah Shopping Mall, on the 9th of September 2017 (Saturday).

organising committee Patron:

Advisor: Co-Organising Chairman Vice Chairman

Secretary Assistant Secretary Treasurer Legal Advisor Committee I) Drawing Competition

1) Ybhg Datuk Hj Maimunah Binti Suhaibul, Director of Sabah Education Department 2) Datuk Badil Zaman, President of SEEDS 3) Patrick Teo, President of JCI KK 4) Dr Pamela Yong, President of Federation of Sabah Chinese Women Association Datuk Dr Mohd Hj Kassim bin Haji Mohd Ibrahim, Deputy Director of Sabah Education Department 1) Mr. Mohd Zaini bin Yanin Head of SPS 2) Dr Pamela Yong, Treasurer SEEDS 1) Head of SPK 2) Head of SPA 3) Mr Abdul Zaini Sani Paijo, Head of Assistant Director, SPS 4) Mr Vincent Ho, JCI KK 5) Ms Gracia Ng Giok Chin, FSCWA 6) Mr Rahezzal Shah, SEEDS 7) Katty Voon Wan Yee, YMM Tanjung Aru 1) Mr Chai Ket Min, SPS, JPNS 2) Madam Jane Lim, FSCWA 1) Mr Chai Ket Min, Penyelia USR, SPS 2) Ms Katty Voon Wan Yee, YMM Tanjung Aru Madam Tsen Mu Khyun, FSCWA 1) Ms Joaneseh James Ghani, SEEDS 2) Mr Nelson Angang, SEEDS Person-in-charge Polyanna, SEEDS Sponsorship Datuk Agnes Shim Record of Receiving Artworks Publicity (Media) Promotion Publicity (Participation) Judges (JPNS)

II) Art Gallery III) Prize Presentation

Person-in-charge Venue Banner and Promotion Venue PA System and Lighting Program Invitations Protocol Video Food & Beverages Registration Usher Publicity (Media) Prize & Certificate Master of Ceremony Floor Manager

Head of Unit of Social Studies 1) Dr Arnold, SEEDS 2) Jane Lim, FSCWA 3) Mark Tan, JCIKK 1) Tony Paridi, SEEDS 2) Rafiq Idris, SEEDS 3) Gracia Ng, FSCWA 1) Mr Mohd Aspurani bin Ismail 2) Madam Anna binti Idrus 3) Mr Musta bin Nasip 4) Mr Abdul bin Wajil 5) Madam Mushariani binti Ismail Patrick Teo, JCIKK Dr Pamela, SEEDS Ng Tze Ek, JCIKK Patrick Teo, JCIKK Vincent Ho, JCIKK 1) Rahezzal, SEEDS 2) Queenie, FSCWA 3) Gladies Yong, FSCWA 1) Polyanna, SEEDS 2) Jane Lim, FSCWA Tham Yun Fook Daphne Lo, JCIKK Irene Voo, FSCWA Mary Woo, FSCWA Ashling Tang, FSCWA 1) Dr Arnold, SEEDS 2) Jane Lim, FSCWA Michelle Tang, FSCWA Sabah Education Department, SPS SEEDS

FOREWORD YB Datuk Hjh Jainab Datuk Seri Panglima Hj Ahmad Ayid Minister of Community Development and Consumer Affairs I would like to thank the organising committee for inviting me to be the Guest of Honour in this programme. Congratulations to all the committee members for your success and determination in organising this event which commemorates the founding of Malaysia 54 years ago. This is an important programme as it allows our young people to express their artistic talents and to learn about the country’s history at the same time. An understanding of our country’s founding is important as we march into the future – we must not forget the past, we must learn from it. This programme is also in line with the government’s aspiration to use education as a tool to unite Malaysians and to inculcate deeper understanding of our roots. The young people are the future of this country and it is important for them to be exposed to the challenges that our forefathers had to endure in securing independence for Malaysia. It is my sincere hope that this programme will open the eyes and minds of our young people on the importance of appreciating the sacrifices of our founding fathers. I was informed that the competition this year also involved students from the institutions of higher learning. Hopefully by involving our young scholars, the message of the “Spirit of Malaysia” can be widely shared and promoted throughout the country. This message should be spearheaded to all strata of society and to every nook and corner of the country. I wish the organising committee all the best and congratulations to all the winners, parents and teachers. Thank you for making the programme a success and for helping to instill in our young people the appreciation towards the country’s unique history and progress.

FOREWORD Dr. Pamela Yong Organising Chairlady cum President of the Federation of Sabah Chinese Women Associations We are here once again to ponder our Nationhood; to reflect on whence we came, where we find ourselves today, and our aspirations for a future Malaysia, primarily through the visions of our youth. We started our journey as a Nation on the 16th of September 1963, a most joyous marriage of four entities being Sabah, Sarawak, Malaya and Singapore, later to include only the first three aforementioned. Tunku Abdul Rahman, or affectionately known as “Bapa Malaysia” envisioned a nation based on the following ideal: “It is our intention together with all those who have made their home in these territories, to build a nation where we can all live together in peace and happiness with one another — a nation where there will be freedom, equality, peace, justice and prosperity for all”. For the third consecutive year running, the Society Empowerment & Economic Development of Sabah (SEEDS), in collaboration with the Sabah State Education Department, the Federation of Sabah Chinese Women Associations, and JCI Kota Kinabalu, has set about to engage with our youth, and explore Nationhood through the eyes of our young Malaysians. And this year, we are most fortunate to be supported by new partners; UiTM Sabah, Young Malaysian Movement (Tg Aru) and Doodles Malaysia. Over the course of this programme and looking through the art pieces submitted by the children, I am reassured that our youth have a good idea of how they envision their Malaysia. They appreciate the struggles we have faced and how we have grown as a nation. I have come to realise that children possess a fundamental or intrinsic knowledge of how to be decent human beings. They actually understand the concept of love for their country, and love for their fellow countrymen, in a far purer sense than the vast majority of mature Malaysians. Perhaps as we grow out of adolescence into adulthood our clarity of vision is skewed by the shifting undercurrents of life, and we lose this basic sense of nationhood. We build up barriers, segregate ourselves and distort the path to unity. Perhaps from time to time we should all stop and take a moment to look at ourselves through the eyes of our children, and I believe this programme is one such opportunity, to reconnect with the basic fundamentals of unity that we see reflected in the artwork of these children. More often than not, we adults find ourselves embroiled in politics, or self-interest to such an extent, that we step off the path of unity. An example of which is evident in the murmurs of dissent that tend to gain momentum leading up to the national month every year, whereby the perceived imbalance in significance of Malaya’s Independence Day, and our National Day continues to frustrate many Bornean Malaysians. And these effects may snowball to much larger divisions, in this example, between East and West Malaysia. Challenges to national unity such as these are issues that the next generation may be left to tackle. But no matter how tough the going gets, we must not allow it to gnaw (bite away) at the delicate stitches of national unity and nationhood, which were painstakingly sewn by our country’s founding fathers. In conclusion I would like to express my deepest gratitude to the other co-organisers and supporters of this programme. This whole initiative is clearly not a one man show, and its success is clearly a testimony to all their hard work. I am so encouraged by the response, which has seen no less than 10033 entrants from all over the country! My deepest appreciation to the schooling communities across the country for their participation and support. Last but by no means least the parents of the children deserve great cheers, as they have a big role to play in the encouragement and guidance they give their children at home. My congratulations to all the winners, and to each and every participant, I thank you. It’s indeed refreshing to marvel at all your wonderful creations that celebrates diversity!

FOREWORD Datuk Hajjah Maimunah Binti Haji Suhaibul Sabah State Education Department Director I, on behalf of the Sabah Education Department, would like to congratulate the Society Empowerment & Economic Development of Sabah (SEEDS), the Federation of Sabah Chinese Women Associations (FSCWA), and the Junior Chamber International Kota Kinabalu for successfully organising the third series of the nationwide art competition themed “Hari Jadi Malaysia” with the slogan “Celebrating Diversity”. Once again, the response was most astounding, with more than 10000 entries submitted. We also saw an increase in the number of schools as well as the number of States (and Federal Territories) participating. The objectives of the programme will be further emphasised with the Nation Building Art Exhibition which will be held throughout the national month. The Exhibition will feature 400 shortlisted art pieces of our talented youths showcasing their vision and aspirations for their country. These art work will be displayed at strategic locations throughout Kota Kinabalu. The Sabah State Education Department is proud to be part of this program and would like to continuously support such an effort by SEEDS, FCWS and JCI Kota Kinabalu in the future. Such an activity will not only enhance students’ skills and creativity in arts but also inculcate their love, faith and loyalty to the nation. In addition, the involvement and support from the public and NGOs in the development of education are highly appreciated, in tandem with the aspirations of the Malaysian Education Blueprint 20132025. I hope that this programme would be continued in the future and would create a snowballing effect of its worthy cause and objective. And Syabas! to all the winners and the organisers.

FOREWORD Datuk Badil Zaman bin Fazul Rahman Society Empowerment & Economic Development of Sabah Chairman This is the third series of the The Art of Nation Building (TANB) Drawing Competition and I am proud to see that we received more than 10 000 artworks from students nationwide. The idea behind the TANB came through the realisation that something must be done to educate the young people about the founding of the country. The founding of this country we proudly call Malaysia would not have been possible without the contributions of our forefathers who represented Malaysians from various ethnic and religious backgrounds. If there is one thing that our young people can learn from our founding fathers, it is their sacrifices and willingness to put aside their political differences in order to see the success of Malaysia. The TANB is about reminding the young people of the vision of the past leaders in making Malaysia a successful multiracial and progressive nation. The TANB is also about providing the platform for the young people to express their appreciation towards the peace, stability and progress that we have enjoyed since the formation of Malaysia. When the participants presented their drawings, they also had to provide a synopsis explaining the rationale behind their artworks. This is crucial as it allows us to understand the minds of the young people and their thinking about the country’s past and future. I wish to extend my appreciation to the organising committee for their hardwork and congratulations to all the winners on your success. I would also like to thank all of our sponsors for your continuous support.

FOREWORD Patrick Teo 2017 President of JCI Kota Kinabalu Firstly, on behalf of JCI Kota Kinabalu, I would like to congratulate all the organisations involved for achieving yet another milestone. The success of The Art of Nation Building 2017 is commendable. We are proud to be jointly organising this programme with the Sabah State Education Department (JPN), the Society Empowerment & Economic Development of Sabah (SEEDS) and the Federation of Sabah Chinese Women Associations (FSCWA) once again. We are also very honoured to have seen the growth of this programme from being state wide to nation wide and from taking entries of art done by young ones to include young adults now. Part of patriotism is about inclusiveness and this programme shows just that. JCI Kota Kinabalu will continue to carry out our mission to develop opportunities that empower youths to create positive change for the betterment of our community and nation.

activities Launching of The Art of Nation Building 2017

The launching of the third TANB was held at the SJK (C) Yuk Yin, Keningau on May 12th by the State Education Director, Y Bhg. Datuk Hajjah Maimunah Suhaibul. TANB is aimed at inculcating a sense of belonging among the students and instilling in them the spirit of unity in diversity. It also provides a platform for the students to express their appreciation and gratitude towards the country’s peace and stability through their creative work. The programme aims to let the students experience the “process” of producing an artistic work through research and interactions with the parents and teachers. We also hope that through this competition, the students will gain greater understanding about the formation of Malaysia; especially the challenges that our forefathers had to endure in the course of uniting Sabah, Sarawak and Malaya to form this nation we call home. This programme is jointly organised by the Sabah State Education Department (JPN), JCI Kota Kinabalu, the Society Empowerment & Economic Development of Sabah (SEEDS) and the Federation of Sabah Chinese Women Associations (FSCWA). This year we welcome the support of Universiti Teknologi MARA (UITM) Sabah, the Young Malaysians Movement (YMM) Tanjung Aru and Doodles Malaysia. It is open to students from primary and secondary schools, as well as students from higher learning institutions. Selected drawings will be exhibited at a later date at strategic areas in Kota Kinabalu. Winners will be decided based on the creativity of their artworks and the factual accuracy of their presentation.


activities Courtesy Visits to Various Schools

As we are targeting 10,000 participants this year, the Organising Committee has been working doubly hard to boost participation by visiting and promoting the programme to as many schools as possible within the state. Our partners have also been mobilised throughout the Sabah State and nationally to hike and hype interest in this art competition in the spirit of nationalism in this National month of August and September. Our partners who are dotted around the Sabah State, has been taking their own initiative to pay courtesy visits to the local District Education Departments (PPD) as well as the local schools to promote the programme. We thank them for their great enthusiasm and passion in wanting to make this programme a success.


activities Judging Day A total of 10033 art pieces from schools all over Malaysia were submitted. Sabah schools contributed more than 80 per cent of the total artworks. Apart from that, there is also a signiďŹ cant participation amongst schools from Peninsula Malaysia with a total of 1,718 entries from 10 states and the Federal Territories including Labuan compared to only 5 states last year. Back in 2015, the inaugural programme was launched State-wide and amassed a total of about 5189 art entries. Subsequently, in view of the favourble response, it was launched as a Nation-wide programme in 2016 and we managed to encourage as many as 8283 entries including from other states such as Johor, Perak, Penang, Negeri Sembilan and Kuala Lumpur. Additionally, the Organising Committee was most excited to receive 26 drawings from students with various learning disabilities such as autism, Down Syndrome, cerebral palsy and speech and hearing impediments. Top winners were determined by the creativity of their artworks and the factual accuracy of their presentation as well. The synopsis of each of the artworks also constituted a portion of the assessment marks.

activities Announcement of Winners

The organising committee held a press conference on 14th August 2017 at Sabah Education Department Building. This year, we are proud to announce that a total of 10033 art entries from 11 states and the federal territories including Labuan were submitted to the organising committee before the closing date on 28 July 2017. There was also a 65% increase in the total number of schools / institutions participating whereby there were126 primary schools, 108 secondary schools, and 9 institutions of higher learning taking part in this art competition. During the press conference, the Organising Committee annouced the results of this year’s TANB art competition. The winners of the highest participating schools are: SJK (C) Chung Hwa, Likas with 100% participation (Primary School - Urban), SK Sinapokan Menumbok with 98.11% (Primary School – Rural), SM St Francis Convent with 100% (Secondary School - Urban) and SMK Bundu Tuhan with 93.97% (Secondary School - Rural).

activities Preparation leading up to the Prize Presentation Ceremony Special thanks to the super-ladies of the Federation of Sabah Chinese Women Associations (FSCWA) where no job was too big nor too small. They even managed to complete stamping all 10,000 pieces of the CertiďŹ cate of Participation in less than 24 hours. Kudos to their speedy eďŹƒciency!!

Category: Upper Primary (Primary 4, 5 & 6)

Category: Upper Primary (Primary 4, 5 & 6) Champion

TAN EE VEN SJK(C) YUK CHIN, TAWAU Rakyat Malaysia sangat bertuah kerana dapat hidup secara bermaruah di negara sendiri. Ikon Malaysia seperti Menara Berkembar Petronas, Menara Kuala Lumpur, Bunga Raesia, Orang Utan dan sebagainya telah membuka mata masyarakat dunia. Walaupun Sabah dan Sarawak telah dipisahkan dengan Semenanjung Malaysia oleh Laut China Selatan, tetapi masyarakat Malaysia berjiwa 1 Malaysia. Kita sama-sama menyambut Hari Malaysia pada 16 September setiap tahun. Selamat Hari Jadi Malaysia.

Category: Upper Primary (Primary 4, 5 & 6) First Runner-up

CHOW JING XIN SJK(C) CHUNG HWA LIKAS Pada 16 September setiap tahun, rakyat Malaysia dari seluruh pelusuk negara pasti gembira menyambut HARI MALAYSIA. Pada tarikh ini, seluruh rakyat Malaysia memaparkan wajah kegembiraan melalui air muka yang bersinar-sinar seperti ‘Roda Feris’ yang berputar bersama dengan hiasan lampu neon yang berwarna-warni.

Category: Upper Primary (Primary 4, 5 & 6) Second Runner-up


Category: Upper Primary (Primary 4, 5 & 6) Consolation


PANG EE JUN SJK(C) SIN HWA, TAWAU Jalur Gemilang dikibarkan di semua sudut negara. Pada Hari Jadi Malaysia, kami rakan sedarjah yang berbilang kaum menyambut dan meraikan hari yang begitu unik dan mesra. Semangat perpaduan antara kaum dan kehidupan harmoni amat dihargai. Tarian jet-jet tempur dijadikan tarian utama pesta ini. Program-program lain seperti perbarisan unit beruniform dan tariantarian tradisional pelbagai kaum amat menarik dan tidak akan saya lupakan.

CHIA YEE XIN SRJK(C) PUI GIN, SANDAKAN Rakyat Malaysia yang terdiri daripada pelbagai jenis kaum bersama-sama meraikan Hari Malaysia dengan sehati sejiwa.


Category: Upper Primary (Primary 4, 5 & 6) Consolation


YVONNE NG YI WEN SJK(C)SYN HUA, SANDAKAN Masyarakat Malaysia menyambut Hari Malaysia ke-54 dengan saling menyayangi, hormat-menghormati, semoga perpaduan dan keharmonian. Selamat Hari Jadi Malaysia!



Category: Upper Primary (Primary 4, 5 & 6) Consolation


TAN EE JET SJK(C) YUK CHIN, TAWAU Kejayaan demi kejayaan telah dicapai oleh Malaysia. Bangunan pencakar langit bagai cendawan tumbuh selepas hujan di setiap pelosok Malaysia. Walaupun rakyat Malaysia terdiri daripada masyarakat berbilang bangsa, kita hidup harmoni di bawah payung 1 Malaysia. Setiap tahun, kita menyambut Hari Malaysia secara bersama-sama. Keranamu Malaysia, kita menjadi bangsa yang disanjungi. Selemat Hari Jadi Malaysia!

JOAN FU ZHI QI SJK(C) SYN HUA, SANDAKAN Malaysia terdiri daripada masyarakat yang berbilang kaum dan mempunyai keunikan dari segi bahasa, pakaian dan adat resam tradisi yang tersendiri. Rakyat Malaysia bersatu padu dan saling bertolak ansur untuk mencapai kerohanian dan permuafakatan demi negara tercinta.


Category: Upper Primary (Primary 4, 5 & 6) Consolation


SJK(C) PAY FONG 3, MELAKA Kemajuan teknologi maklumat dan permodenan infrastruktur melambangkan Malaysia telah maju dan berjaya. Alam semula jadi Malaysia kaya dengan pelbagai sumber ora dan fauna menjadikan Malaysia unik di antarabangsa. Kestabilan dalam bidang ekonomi, politik dan sosial di antara negeri-negeri Malaysia mengekalkan lagi kemakmuran negara. Saya cintaimu Malaysia.

EMMA EVELYN PANG SJK(C) SHAN TAO, KK Setiap kaum di Malaysia hidup bersatu padu, saling menghormati tanpa mengira bangsa. Perpaduan yang kuat dan kukuh antara rakyat akan menjana kejayaan, kesejahteraan dan kemakmuran Malaysia.


Category: Upper Primary (Primary 4, 5 & 6) Consolation


HONG LE YI SJK(C) CHI HWA, SANDAKAN Malaysia merupakan sebuah negara yang terdiri daripada pelbagai kaum dan agama. Saya sebagai rakyat Malaysia berasa sangat bersyukur kerana dapat hidup di negara yang aman dan damai ini. Saya berharap Malaysia akan kekal aman dan terus maju. Terima Kasih Malaysia.

PAU JIN SHUN SJK(C) SHAN TAO, KK Bunga api yang berwarna-warni mencorakkan langit Malaysia menunjukkan kemeriahan sambutan Hari Jadi Malaysia. Slogan “Sehati Sejiwa� bermaksud masyarakat Malaysia yang berbilang kaum dan budaya hidup harmoni dam bersepadu untuk mengekalkan keamana negara. Semua rakyat bertoleransi, menghormati budaya tradisional dan adat resam antara satu sama lain.


Category: Lower Secondary (Form 1, 2 & 3)

Category: Lower Secondary (Form 1, 2 & 3) Champion

CHEN YI WEN KIAN KOK MIDDLE SCHOOL, KOTA KINABALU Sebagai rakyat Malaysia, saya amat berbangga dengan keunikan Malaysia di mata dunia. Diversiti Kaum, Kemajuan Negara. Keindahan Penorama dapat dilihat dalam lukisan. Selamat Hari Jadi Malaysia.

Category: Lower Secondary (Form 1, 2 & 3) First Runner-up

IRYNNA BINTI IRWAN SMK ST FRANCIS CONVENT (M), KOTA KINABALU Kita sebagai rakyat Malaysia yang berbilang kaum dan bangsa bersama-sama meraihkan Hari Jadi Malaysia. Kepelbagaian budaya Malaysia haruslah dijaga selari dengan pembangunan Malaysia agar dapat diwarisi oleh generasi yang akan datang.

Category: Lower Secondary (Form 1, 2 & 3) Second Runner-up

OOI LI XIN SMJK PHOR TAY, PULAU PINANG Sepasang tangan yang disatukan menjadi “bentuk cinta� menyimbolkan rakyat jelata yang dapat menghayati Hari Malaysia iaitu pada 16 September kerana dapat hidup bersama-sama dengan harmoni dan maju jaya. Selamat Hari Jadi Malaysia.

Category: Lower Secondary (Form 1, 2 & 3) Consolation


YONG KAI WEN SMJK CHAN WA 2, NEGERI SEMBILAN Hari Jadi Malaysia ini penting dalam sejarah Malaysia untuk memperingkatkan kejayaan penubuhan Malaysia yang melibatkan Malaya, Sabah dan Sarawak pada tahun 1963. Setem kenagan Hari Malaysia bukan sahaja dapat merangsangkan kenangan dan pengetahuan rakyat terhadap peristiwa bersejah ini di peringkat Negara tempatan tetapi juga di peringkat antarabangsa.

JOEL SIA ZHAO YU KIAN KOK MIDDLE SCHOOL KOTA KINABALU Hari Malaysia disambut pada 16 September setiap tahun untuk memperingati penubuhan persekutuan Malaysia 1963.


Category: Lower Secondary (Form 1, 2 & 3) Consolation


NG JING YING SM FOON YEW-KULAI, JOHOR Jalur Gemilang berkibar-kibar. Hari Jadi Malaysia kini telah disambut oleh pelbagai kaum yang diikuti budaya yang bersitimewa dan berbagai-bagainya.

YU YUAN SECONDARY SCHOOL, SANDAKAN Perpaduan dalam kalangan masyarakat dapat membangunkan negara menjadi lebih maju dan makmur. Saya berdoa agar negara tercinta saya semakin maju dan menjadi termasyhur diseluruh dunia.



Category: Lower Secondary (Form 1, 2 & 3) Consolation


KELVIN SUM KOK SIONG KIAN KOK MIDDLE SCHOOL, KOTA KINABALU Inspirasi karya saya ialah perpaduan bangsa, gambar ini menunjukkan negara kita sangat maju.

CHIN BAO ER SABAH TSHUNG TSIN SECONDARY SCHOOL, KOTA KINABALU Hari Malaysia disambut pada 16 September setiap tahun untuk memperingati penubuhan persekutuan Malaysia di tarikh yang sama pada tahun 1963.


Category: Lower Secondary (Form 1, 2 & 3) Consolation


RUTH NG WAN LIN SABAH TSHUNG TSIN SECONDARY SCHOOL, KOTA KINABALU Malaysia merupakan tempat yang berbilang kaum dan dapat menjaga agama, budaya serta adat resam masing-masing.

YEE MING BAO SMJK YOK BIN (CF), MELAKA Malaysai tanah airku, Malaysiaku yang tercinta, selamat Hari Jadi Malaysia. Semoga negara yang ku cinta ini aman damai dan maju ke hadapan tanpa halangan.


Category: Lower Secondary (Form 1, 2 & 3) Consolation


PANG EE YANG SABAH CHINESE HIGH SCHOOL, TAWAU Ibu bapa memainkan peranan yang penting dalam menerapkan semangat patriotik dan kepentingan menyambut Hari Jadi Malaysia dalam jiwa anak-anak.

Kanak-kanak menyambut Hari Jadi Malaysia cinta tanahair ini. Mereka meraikan Hari Jadi Malaysia dengan penuh kegembiraan.



Category: Upper Secondary (Form 4, 5 & 6)

Category: Upper Secondary (Form 4, 5 & 6) Champion

CHEN YEE KEE KIAN KOK MIDDLE SCHOOL, KOTA KINABALU Malaysia Tercinta, Malaysia ku, di sinikah tempat aku dilahirkan, disinilah juga aku dibesarkan, aku berbangga demi negara tercinta. Malaysiaku, keindahan ora dan faunanya, perpaduan anata pelbagai kaumnya, kemajuan ekonomi dan teknologinya Malaysiaku, selamat hari jadi aku ucapkan. Syair malaysiaku indah, lihatlah saya bermadah dengan lukisanku.

Category: Upper Secondary (Form 4, 5 & 6) First Runner-up

LAI MING QIN SABAH CHINESE HIGH SCHOOL, TAWAU Wajah riang dan gembira pada muka anak watan jelas memperlihatkan kesyukuran setiap rakyat Malaysia terhadap tanah air tercinta ini.

Category: Upper Secondary (Form 4, 5 & 6) Second Runner-up

MICHAEL VUN YI LUNG SM SHAN TAO (CF), KOTA KINABALU Suasana yang penuh dengan gembira, kasih-sayang dan hormatmenghormati, menjadikan Malaysia sebuah negara yang aman damai.

Category: Upper Secondary (Form 4, 5 & 6) Consolation


LYNZ LEE SM TSHUNG TSIN, KOTA KINABALU Malaysia adalah negara masyarakat makmur.

LIM ZHEN YI SM FOON YEW-KULAI, JOHOR Indahnya Malaysia! Masyarakat berbilang bangsa sehati dan sejiwa, seiring dan senada, ceria bersama menyambut kemeriahan Hari Jadi Malaysia. Semarakkan semangat 1Malaysia.





Category: Upper Secondary (Form 4, 5 & 6) Consolation


NG WEN JIA SMK DATO’ BIJAYA SETIA, KEDAH Saya yakin negara Malaysia pasti akan pesat membangun dan memaju sekiranya masyarakat sejagat mengamalkan semangat perpaduan kerana Malaysia kita mempunyai banyak kelebihan yang unggul dan istimewa.



Category: Upper Secondary (Form 4, 5 & 6) Consolation


CHANG AN TING SM VISI, TAWAU Rakyat Malaysia yang terdiri daripada pelbagai etnik, kaum dan agama akan bekerjasama dan berganding bahu untuk mencapaikan segala harapan negara yang tercintai.



Category: Upper Secondary (Form 4, 5 & 6) Consolation


MELISSA KEVIN LIM YEE XUAN SABAH CHINESE HIGH SCHOOL, TAWAU Rakyat Malaysia hidup dalam keadaan yang aman, makmur dan harmoni.



Category: Upper Secondary (Form 4, 5 & 6) Consolation


SABAH CHINESE HIGH SCHOOL, TAWAU Warna merah maksud keberanian, warna biru ialah perpaduan rakyat Malaysia, warna putih ialah menandakan kesucian dan warna kuning ialah kedaulatan Raja Berperlembagaan. Selamat Hari Jadi Malaysia!

JESSICA WONG SHEAU WEI SABAH CHINESE HIGH SCHOOL TAWAU Walaupun rakyat yang hidup dalam negara yang berbilang kaum dan istimewa ini, rakyat kita masih boleh hidup dengan aman damai dan perpaduan seperti peribahasa “bulat air kerana pembentung, bulat manusia kerana muafakat.�


Category: College / University

Category: College / University Champion

GOH WERN SZE MONASH UNIVERSITY Keunikan perpaduan rakyat Malaysia yang berbilang kaum yang kekal teguh sejak Malaysia dibentuk pada tahun 1963. Persefahaman dan penghormatan antara budaya di Malaysia merupakan resipi kemakmuran tanah air kita yang tidak pernah lupuh dan faktor utama semangat patriotisme terus membara dalam jiwa setiap rakyat Malaysia.

Category: College / University First Runner-up

MICHELLE VUN YI LING UCSI UNIVERSITY Setem hari jadi Malaysia, salah satu wahana untuk memperingati sumbangan pejuang-pejuang demi tanah air ini di samping mengekalkan keunikan tradisi Malaysia.

Category: College / University Second Runner-up

CHONG ZHI LIANG HERIOT-WATT UNIVERSITY Rakyat Malaysia daripada berbilang bangsa berganding bahu bagai ‘ air dengan tebing’ bagi memberikan satu persembahan yang meriah sebagai sambutan Hari Jadi Malaysia. Walaupun mereka berasal daripada budaya yang berbeza, mereka masih boleh memainkan peralatan muzik sendiri bersama-sama dengan harmoni.

Category: College / University Consolation


LEONG KA MUN IACT COLLEGE, SELANGOR On 16th September 1963, Malaya joined Sabah and Sarawak formed Malaysia. It brought together dierent races, religions and culture to form one nation, one heart, one soul

HEE MEE YUN UNIVERSITY MALAYSIA SABAH Bendera Malaysia menjadi lambang kepada semua warga Malaysia tentang setiap kejadian semasa penjajah sehinggalah satu senyuman terukir yang menunjukkan Malaysia sudah Merdeka.


Category: College / University Consolation


HIZKIA CHOI YUN HIN KOLEJ TINGKATAN ENAM TAWAU “Malaysia di sini lahirnya sebuah Cinta� yang sesuai dijadikan sebagai tajuk karya saya, dengan terkandungnya imej tiga orang yang berbeza bangsa dan sebuah bendera yang berdiri tegak perkasa dapat melambangkan kejayaan Malaysia dalam memupuk perpaduan antara satu sama lain tanpa mengira bangsa dan agama.


TUNKU ABDUL RAHMAN UNIVERSITY COLLEGE, SABAH Sebagai seorang warga Malaysia, kita seharusnya mengamalkan nilai perpaduan dalam kehidupan.

Category: School with Highest Participation (Primary School - Bandar)


Category: School with Highest Participation (Primary School - Luar Bandar)


Category: School with Highest Participation (Secondary School - Bandar)


Category: School with Highest Participation (Secondary School - Luar Bandar)


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