UMW Newsletter

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News of the Metropolitan Memorial United Methodist Women January, 2013

Reflection “You cannot find peace by avoiding life.” —Virginia Woolf (on her 131st birthday)

What’s New UMW Retreat Weekend is Upon Us February 8-10, Dozens of Metropolitan and Wesley women will head to Priest Field Pastoral Center in Kearney, WVa for fellowship and faith-building. This year’s topic is “Journey to Inner Trust.” Mary Elizabeth Marlow, will lead us in our efforts. 

Get Happy Six Sundays of Lent February 17, 24; March 3, 10, 17, 24 7:00-8:30 PM Great Hall, Metropolitan Forget your troubles, Come on … Sing hallelujah …. (Channeling Judy Garland) This year’s Lenten series will focus on “Cultivating Happiness.” Senior Pastor Charlie Parker, and Drema McAllisterWilson, Minister for Congregational Care, will lead this liturgy of healing and renewal, contemplation and communion. Our worship will illuminate practices for Cultivating Happiness within a supportive spiritual community. Contemplative silence invites us to experience the joy of God’s Being from the depth of our own. This service is for all who seek a deeper encounter with the Holy Spirit. Please join us for one or all of these evening celebrations. The collection at each service again will be donated to a UMW charity—this year, The Ballet Studio, Barbara Gaskill’s effort to bring ballet to underserved kids at Brightwood Elementary.

ISO Happy Helpers We need three to four UMW members to serve as greeters for each of the evening Lenten services. Our chapter is participating in the services in lieu of the UMW’s annual service of prayer and selfdenial. To volunteer—as an individual or a Circle—email Pam McFarland, and specify which dates you can greet. Circle 10 has already claimed February 24, all other Sundays are available.

Does the idea of long periods of SILENT contemplation scare you? Let these women show you the way… Drema McAllister Wilson, Ann Cochran and Betty Rogers have organized one-hour meditation groups to meet every Wednesday morning of Lent—8:30 AM in the sanctuary. Sharon Salzberg (leading meditation teacher and co-founder Insight Meditation Society) offers a workshop on “How to Meditate”—Monday, March 18, 7-9 pm, the Great Hall: 

Jewelry Making Workshop 7pm, 2nd Wednesday of each month Christie Room Come string beads and create other baubles to sell at the UMW’s 2013 annual bazaar. Join us for a pre-Bazaar jewelry-making workshop. We’ll provide wire, clasps, etc. You provide the imagination as we rework some pieces that didn’t sell last year. Please bring pliers, as well. If you can take part in the workshop, which will follow the soup portion of the Soup and Study Hour, contact: Kelly D'Angelo (202) 210-2220. 

UMW Craft Club Sunday, March 10, 12:30 The Great Hall Join Mary Townsend in a craft to benefit Metropolitan members in need, as well as local charities. Projects are suited for all ages—kids are welcome. The Club meets the 2nd Sunday of each month, typically in the Vestry. Contact Mary at or 202-534-2022 

Welcome Aboard Several new members joined the UMW board in January. They are: Carol Griffith, recording secretary, Pam McFarland, spiritual growth coordinator, Maura Porcelli, social action Coordinator, and Mary Rollefson as treasurer. Many thanks for the dedicated service of outgoing board members, Eliza Hamner-Koenig, Penne Nelson and Kate Vogt. (FYI: Eliza and Penne have moved on to other churches and are dearly missed.) 

Mark your calendars (albeit, in pencil—coordinating w/ church calendar) Saturday, March 9: Great Day of Service. Details to follow. Sunday, May 5: Mother-Daughter Tea, 12:30. Details to follow

UMW Circle Meetings Circle 2. Contacts: Charlotte Carter (, Jane Cunningham Circle 3: Contact: Anne Bechdolt, or 317-331-6813. Circle 6: Meet February 14 at 7:00 pm in room 206. Barbara Tate will share the history of UMW. This is a great presentation. Please join us on the 14th. Questions, Contact: Mary Jo Marchant (703-435-1715 or or Ann Michel (202-885-8582 or Circle 8: Meet on Tuesday, February 5th @ 7:30pm in the library at church. Bobby Turnbull will lead us in a discussion of the UMW Reading program. Hoping to see everyone then. Contact: Eugenia Evans, Circle 9: Meet Wednesday, February 6 at 10:30 in the Choir Room. Please contact Bobby Turnbull, (301) 320-4154, Circle 10: Meet on Sunday evening Feb. 24. We will gather at the church at 5:45 for appetizers and fellowship. At 6:30, we will help with greeting for the evening Lenten Service and then attend the event at 7 p.m. as a group. Contact: Caralee Adams

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