February 9, 2015 Volume XXV, No. 2
The Messenger Experience a Transformational Lent
Ash Wednesday begins the season of Lent. The biblical witness is found in the opening epic of the human story: "you are dust and to dust you shall return" (Gen 3:19). In the 10th century the use of ashes was employed in visibly reminding worshipers of their mortality as they began their Lenten "watch by the cross."
Writing a New Chapter: Annual Commitment Campaign
Through the dedication of our prayers, presences, gifts, service, and witness, we are helping to write the next chapter in our collective story of faith. Please give careful and prayerful consideration to how you will support the ministries of our Church in the coming year. If you haven’t submitted your 2015 pledge yet, you can do it online at Giving/Annual_Campaign or fill out a pledge card found in the attendance pads in the pews. Your continuing generous support is vital to our church’s mission and ministry! Questions? Contact Bill Potts, or 202-363-4900, ext. 101.
On February 18, the first day of Lent reminds us that two things are involved in genuine repentance: the dying of the old self and the coming to life of the new. The way to Easter is the way of the cross. "Do you not know that all of us who have been baptized into Christ Jesus were baptized into his death?" (Romans 6:3). New life with Christ involves a daily surrendering of the old life. The first step of this Lenten journey invites us to acknowledge our mortality and our sinfulness by the imposition of ashes. A contemplative style worship with music, prayer, meditation and silence followed by the imposition of ashes and celebration of communion, will be offered at Metropolitan Memorial at 7:30am and 7:30pm, and at Wesley (5312 Conn. Ave. NW) at noon.
Get Your Ash Out of Church...
Last year, Pastors Kate Payton and Dottie Yunger began a new tradition of “Get Your Ash Out of Church” making themselves available for the imposition of ashes at the Tenley Metro Stop and the Starbucks near our St. Luke’s Mission Center. This year, they will be spreading the net wider and need some volunteers to help. If you would like to participate contact Rev. Kate Payton, or 202-363-4900, ext. 110 or Rev. Dottie Yunger, or 202-363-4900, ext. 111.
Transforming Fear - Sunday Evening Contemplative Worship February 22, March 1, 8, 15, 22 and 29
Our Sunday evening Lenten Contemplative service offers a time of quiet prayer and reflection, song and meditation and silence. Let the sounds of the organ, flute and cello wash over you as you sit in quiet contemplation. Center yourself with the music of Taize and sit or walk in silence as you reflect on the word. Then enter back into community with communion and blessing before returning back into the world.
Lenten Sermon Series: Who Is Jesus?
During Lent at Metropolitan, Rev. Dr. Charles Parker will lead us on an exploration of who we understand Jesus to be. Through the use of the lectionary readings, each week will highlight a particular aspect of our understanding of Jesus: Son of God, Son of Man, Prophet of the Most High, Redeemer, Priest and Sacrifice, Suffering Servant and on Easter Sunday, the Risen One.
Vacation Bible School 2015 - Register Now!
Splash! What could be more fun than a Vacation Bible School (VBS) camp all about water?! This year Metropolitan will host VBS the week of July 13-17 from 9am - noon for kids age 4 through rising 5th graders. (Youth helpers from grades 6 and up are welcome.) To better accommodate more families, we’re offering extended day from noon to 3pm for a limited number of children. The theme for this year’s VBS is Splash in God’s Word. Immerse your child in scripture through faith-filled games, science activities, crafts, music and more! Splash in God’s Word includes the stories of Noah’s Ark, Jonah and the Big Fish, Walking on Water, Woman at the Well and Lydia. For the extended day option, learning and play related to the theme will continue. Children will bring their own lunch, watch a video from the Splash program, do a service project at the church, and have free time for crafts and games. Cost for the half-day camp is $60. Extended day option is an additional $100 ($160 total). Online registration is now open at Adult and youth volunteers are also needed for all aspects of the program. Opportunities for paid college-age students are available in the afternoon (see page 7). For more information, contact Courtney Leatherman, or Rev. Janet Craswell, or 202-363-4900, ext. 115..
Life at the Metropolitan Church Dona Collary, 20 Years at Metropolitan By Barry D. Wood
Like only a few others, Dona Collary is the institutional memory of Metropolitan Memorial. Hired 20 years ago as a bookkeeper, Dona has toiled under five senior pastors from Bill Holmes to Charlie Parker. Over the years she has been the finance chief, director of administration and is now working as the pastoral care assistant. In addition to this position she is also in charge of weddings and funerals and works closely on all elements of those events. Dona is self-proclaimed “old school,” with a formidable work ethic and fervent loyalty. There are few tasks she’s unwilling to take on. She was intimately involved in both the $6 million capital campaign that among Dona gets a birds eye view of NW DC from the top of other things installed the steeple and completed the stonework on the east façade. Earlier she oversaw the $5 million campaign that built the Metropolitan Memorial new wing that houses church offices and the gathering space above. Dona grew up in small town Amsbry in central Pennsylvania, where her 95-year-old mother still lives. She’s been married to Don, a retired accountant, for 52-years. Her daughter recently moved from Beltsville, where Dona lives, to Annapolis and her son Scott is a banker who just took a position in financial services in Melbourne, Australia. Dona has four grandchildren and a “great-grand dog,” Boots. For most of her working life Dona held two jobs. She was in multiple positions during a 20-year Dona poses with the new career at Sears in the White Oak Mall in Silver Spring. Beginning in hosiery and handbags, she steeple before it is put advanced to personnel, credit and finally customer services where she supervised a staff of 30. into place Dona becomes misty-eyed when talking about the demise of a once great company. While Dona was at Sears she worked 12 years at a second job at a property management firm in Silver Spring. She came to Metropolitan in February 1995 and continued part time at Sears for several years. Many things have changed over these 20 years and one of them is that a commute to Beltsville that used to take as little as 20-minutes now takes an hour. Join us in honoring Dona Collary and her 20 years of service on Sunday, February 22 at 10:10am in the Vestry and during the 9am and 11:15am Worship Services at Metropolitan Memorial.
Welcome! New Volunteer Coordinator at Campus Kitchen Project DC
We welcome Leigh Finnegan as our new Volunteer Coordinator at our Campus Kitchen Project DC (CKPDC) at our St. Luke’s Mission Center. Leigh is a third year Master of Divinity Student at Wesley Theological Seminary. Originally from Ft. Lauderdale, FL, she is a member of Christ Church United Methodist and a certified candidate in the Florida Conference seeking ordination as a deacon. Along with being the volunteer coordinator for the Campus Kitchen Project, she serves as an intern with Church of the Common Table, an emerging congregation in Vienna, VA. Currently Leigh is looking forward to becoming a DC resident, graduating from seminary, and marrying her best friend David Hosey.
Church Council Retreat: Writing A New Chapter February 22, 1-5pm (Lunch Included) February 23, 6-9:30pm (Dinner Included) at St. Luke’s Mission Center*
What is your greatest hope for our church in 2015 and beyond? All are invited to attend our Church Council Retreat to consider the goals that have been proposed by our Pillars in the programmatic areas of our church and those submitted by you, the congregation. If you plan on attending, please rsvp by February 18 to Bill Potts, or 202-363-4900, ext. 101. *3655 Calvert St., NW.
Our prayers go out to... • The family and friends of Dr. Clifton R. Gruver, who died on January 11. • The family and friends of Jackie Strange who died on February 1. A memorial service will be held at Metropolitan Memorial at a later date. We will send out a notice when it has been scheduled.
Tech Volunteers Needed!
Calling all tech-oriented high schoolers, college students and adults. The volunteers who run the sound and light systems for Metropolitan’s services would love to welcome new members into their clan! This is a great way for those with theater or technical interests to further skills while making a useful contribution to Metropolitan. We rotate responsibilities among our crew and are very flexible with scheduling. For more information and a noncommittal tour of our setup, contact David Sproul, or 202-213-7076.
Life at the Metropolitan Church Metropolitan Book Club Monday, February 16 7:30pm, Parlor
Join us as Regula Guess reviews Gray Mountain by John Grisham. All folks are welcome. Contact Joan Topalian, or Suzanne Clewell, reader1021@ with questions.
Grate Patrol 2 Locations to Serve! February 22, 10:10am, Vestry Kitchen
Help make the meals that are distributed to those in need in our area. Contact: Maura Porcelli, maura.porcelli@gmail. com or volunteer at!
March 1, 5:30pm, St. Luke’s Mission Center*
UMW Book Sale Saturday, March 14, 8am - 3pm, Vestry
The United Methodist Women are holding their annual used book sale on Saturday, March 14 and we need your donations of used books to make the sale a success. Bring in your paperbacks, hardbacks, coffee table books, CDs, DVDs, and vinyl records (please no textbooks or magazines, as those are not sellable)! Drop them off at the UMW closet, located at the end of the hallway off the Vestry, (near the parlor). The sale benefits women and children's programs globally and locally, so mark your calendars for March 14 and please bring in your donations now!
Help assemble meals (provided by our Campus Kitchen Project) and/or deliver meals to the needy in our area. Contact: Rev. Dottie Yunger, or 202-363-4900, ext. 111. *3655 Calvert St., NW.
The Arts at the Metropolitan Church Concert & Art Exhibition Sunday, March 22
Sing out for Shelter Concert Saturday, February 21, 8pm
For over 20 years, The Augmented Eight, a local men’s a cappela group, has organized this popular benefit concert which provides funds to Metropolitan House, Friendship Place, and other local homeless service providers. In addition to the Augmented Eight, this year’s concert will feature performances by The Capital Hearings and Gracenotes. Tickets available at the door: $25/person; $15/Seniors, $10/ Students; $50/patron or online at
Jazz@Wesley Dunbar Alumni Jazz Band February 28, 6:30pm, Wesley*
Enjoy the jazz sounds of Baltimore’s Dunbar Alumni Jazz Band. Headed by trombonist/educator Charles Funn, this outstanding, award-winning 17 member brass band will be playing Duke Ellington music written or arranged by the phenomenal musician Billy Strayhorn. Tickets: $10 entry l $7 Senior l 12 and under free. Purchase tickets at instantseats. com. Bring a nonperishable food item or a lightly used coat to jazz up someone else’s life. Call the Jazz@Wesley Information line at 202-966-5144, ext. 325 or email WesleyInfo@ *5312 Conn. Ave., NW.
On March 22, two days after the official start of spring, the Arts Council will present a spring-y concert and photography exhibit. At 3 pm, “Spring, Love, etc.! Songs from Broadway and Beyond” will feature out-of-uniform singers from various military ensembles performing a delightful variety of songs. Then at 4:30 there will be a reception and the opening of “Visible but Unseen: Photographs by James D. and Kathryn K. Steele,” which will display the beautiful work of two Alexandria photographers.
Metro Players Present "Enchanted April" by Matthew Barber April, 24, 25 and 26
The Metro Players begin its 30th anniversary season with “Enchanted April” by Matthew Barber, directed by Bob Benn. When two unhappy London housewives rent a villa in Italy for an impulsive holiday away from their bleak marriages, they recruit two very different English women to share the cost and the experience. Alone together among the Wisteria blossoms and under the Mediterranean sun, all four women clash — and then bloom again — rediscovering themselves in ways that they — and we — could never have expected. "A comical, restorative journey of discovery . . . from darkness to light, from inhibition to unrestrained joy. Beautiful and theatrically rewarding." —Daily Variety. 2003 Tony Award nominee for Best Play. For more information or to become involved with the Players, contact Bob Benn,
Tables of 8 You’re Invited to Participate in
Tables of Eight 2015
Three Saturday Night Dinners: March 7 April 11 May 2
Tables of 8 is an informal way for members and friends of our parish to get to know new people and strengthen friendships. Its success depends on how many people sign up and on how many new people sign up so we have fresh faces around the tables.
How it works:
•Sign up by Friday, February 13 using the form below. You can sign up as an individual, or with spouse or a friend for a Saturday dinner at a different home each date you can attend. • Email or mail the completed sign-up sheet to Sharon Smith (address below) or to the office at Metropolitan Memorial. •After receiving all of the participant information, the groupings will be arranged. You will receive all the details by midFebruary: who is hosting, the other participants’ names, and food assignments. •Hosts provide the main course and beverages. Participants bring side dishes, salad, bread and dessert. •The host should call the guests about two weeks before the dinner to confirm attendance, answer any menu questions, set a time, and give directions to their home.
Don’t worry about scheduling so far in advance:
Few of us know our May schedules in February; don’t let that concern you. Sign up for the number of Saturdays that feels comfortable. If you cannot attend, you can get a substitute from a list that’s provided or ask someone at church if they’d like to attend. Contact: or 202-393-0308.
Tables of Eight 2015 Sign-up
Please mail, fax, email or deliver your completed form by Friday February 13, 2015 to: Sharon Smith @ OR Mail to: Metropolitan Memorial UMC Attn: Sharon Smith (202)861-4513 (office fax) 3401 Nebraska Avenue NW Washington DC 20016 YOUR NAME(S):___________________________________________________________________ STREET ADDRESS:________________________________________________________________ PHONE NUMBERS:________________________________________________________________ EMAIL ADDRESS(ES):______________________________________________________________ March 7 April 11 May 2 I am able to host a total of _______ people. Even if you say you can host all three months, we won’t do that to you! But multiple possibilities are appreciated. If you can host, please indicate your maximum capacity. When we have a host shortage, seating for more than 8 is helpful. I/we cannot eat the following foods: __________________________________________________________________________ Additional comments/preferences: ________________________________________________________________________________
Adult Study In the Great Hall “John Wesley's Engagement with the ‘Science’ of his Day” Sunday, February 22, 10:10am, Great Hall
From the beginning of the Methodist movement, Methodists have believed that science and religion can be compatible. Rev. Dr. Maynard Moore will give us a preview of the paper that he will present at the 2015 meeting of the Wesleyan Theological Society, titled “John Wesley’s Engagement with the ‘Science’ of his Day.” In his introduction to the inaugural issue of his magazine, The Arminian, Wesley says he will argue that God's mercy extends to "all creation,” an idea he will illustrate "partly from Scripture, partly from Reason." Wesley includes in every issue of the monthly magazine an extract from his 4 volume Survey, and other writings from learned scholars in the Academy of Sciences and the Royal Society. The extracts include many descriptive findings from the writings of the "scientists" of his day, including entries on the human eye, human muscular anatomy, blood circulation, electricity, geological and fossil discoveries, and voyages of merchant vessels in remote parts of the globe (presaging Darwin's assignments on the Beagle a century later). Dr. Moore’s paper will illustrate Wesley's conviction that all humans have the capacity to know God through their "natural endowments" and have the freedom of choice to act ethically based on this knowledge. Though the paper is a formal presentation, there will be time for questions and comments. All are welcome.
Food for Thought Wednesdays, 6pm - Dinner, 7pm - Study
Join us for a chef-prepared dinner followed by a choice of classes. Dinner is $7/adult, $4/child ($20/family maximum). AU students pay what you can. Reserve your spot for dinner at (requested but not required)! Classes include: Hosea - Led by Rev. Charlie Parker and Bob Olson. Hosea gives a tragic picture of people turning away from God and a story of how far God is willing to go to woo back his beloved; Topical Study: “Worthy Before God: An LGBTQ-inclusive theology.” Led by AhnnaLise Stevens-Jennings. Explore the theological basis for being a reconciling community through study, service and conversation. For more information, contact Rev. Janet Craswell, or 202-363-4900, ext. 115.
Bible Study The Gospels and the Kingdom of God Wednesdays, 7pm, Wesley Library*
Join us at Wesley as we explore the gospels and the stories and passages that were included, left out, or misinterpreted. Come and discover what they have to say for us today. For more information, contact Rev. Kate Payton, or 202-363-4900, ext. 110. *5312 Connecticut Ave., NW.
Mondays at the Parsonage Monday, March 9, 6:30pm, Parsonage*
Come to the parsonage for a potluck dinner and reflection on how we make space for God. We will use Don Postema’s Space for God as a guide to deepen our practice of spirituality and prayer. Be ready to share your stories about connecting with God! Contact: Rev. Kate Payton, kpayton@ or 202-363-4900, 110. *3311 Nebraska Ave., NW.
Science, Story, Scripture: Living Together with Understanding Sunday, February 15, 4pm, Conference Room
Conflict around religion has caused much suffering and death in our world. Join Ned Bachman as he hosts a dialogue and discussion group of the live streamed event “Living Together with Understanding.” Our panel of scholars: Haytham Younis, Dennis Skocz, Daniel Spiro and John Shook, will explore how some theological and some secular worldviews fuel such discord and harm, while others foster dialogue, mutual understanding, trust, and friendship. The panelists share common ground, even though they otherwise greatly differ as a Muslim imam, a Christian philosopher and diplomat, a Jewish public interest lawyer and author on religion, and a Humanist philosopher and author on science, ethics and politics. They all work to confront the dangerous divisiveness of religion in our society and around the world, challenging religious and academic leaders to directly address the diversity of theologies & worldviews. The panel will model dialogue - rather than debate - challenging all of us to uproot our own biases, and to explore the expansive meanings and pragmatic relevance of divinity and other ideals and values. Q&A will follow panel presentations. You can also attend the event in person at the Baltimore Washington UM Conference Center (11711 East Market Place, Fulton, MD 20759). Learn more at
Washington Region Leadership Day 2015 - Let Your Life Speak March 14, 8am - 3:30pm, Blake High School*
Join local church leaders as they expand their horizons, grow in faith and revitalize their congregations with skills and insights gained at Leadership Days. Jorge Acevedo, one of the denomination's most sought after speakers who grew his Florida church from 400 to 2,600 members, will lead the session. During the day, participants will also be able to take two of the 35 offered workshops. Cost: $40 (includes lunch). Learn more and register at Registration deadline is February 27. All registrations must be paid in full by February 27. No refunds after February 27, unless event is cancelled due to weather. Pre-registration required. No Walk-ins (no space). *300 Norwood Rd., Silver Spring, MD.
Caring Ministries Ministries for Life Transitions
Ministries for Life Transitions completed its highly successful series of programs at the January “Food for Thought” sessions, including two weeks with renowned spiritual leader Marjory Bankson. We learned in detail of the cycle which defines times of transition. Paradoxically, transitions begin with an ending, a coming to a close which can be joyous (graduation, promotion), but is likely to involve pain. They then move through a “neutral zone,” a time when the old is over and the new has not yet begun. This can be a time of deliberate separateness or a time of chaos or fallowness. Only as the neutral zone ends can the new beginning take root. Moving forward, Ministries for Life Transitions plans to hold an educational event on Sundays at 12:30 after the second service each month until the summer break. The February event will be February 15. Lois Copeland, a leader of The Compassionate Friends will speak about bereaved families and the people who care about them following the death of a child, sibling or grandchild. A light lunch will be served. To sign up for lunch, please contact Barbara Green, or 202-363-4900, ext. 105. Four transition groups have emerged for the next stage of this ministry. Their leaders are: • Careers – Suzanne Forsyth: • Creative Aging – Susan • Chronic Illness and Caregiving: Susan Roach:, and Nancy Nelson: • End of Life and Bereavement – Drema McAllister Wilson ( Anyone is invited to join any of these groups, whether or not you attended the January sessions.
Gentle Yoga for Well-Being Thursdays, 4pm, Great Hall
Practise gentle yoga with Cathryn Gunnerson, AYS. Chairs available for those who need them. Contact: Cathryn, or 301-642-3889.
Prayer Shawl Ministry February 15, 12:30pm l February 17, 1:30pm
Enjoy a time of knitting, crocheting, fellowship, ministry and fun in the Parlor! If you are interested in joining, contact Barbara Tate,
Lunch and More February 19, 12:00pm, Great Hall
Join us for “Lunch and More”! After eating together, we will have the opportunity for playing a game like Bananagrams, Trivial Pursuits, bridge or watch a movie. Questions? Contact Phyllis Kokus,, Mary Jo Marchant, mjmarchant@ or Rev. Drema McAllister-Wilson, or 202-363-4900, ext. 104.
Lifestyle Renewal Mondays, February 23 to March 30 10am or 7pm, Room TBD
Join a Lenten journey towards a healthier body, mind and spirit in the footsteps of John Wesley and other faith traditions. Maynard Moore’s talk on Sunday, February 22 will introduce the life work of John Wesley in the areas of science and health. Sessions will include traditional interfaith and current research-based guidance on healthful eating, exercise, and stress management techniques including strategies for better sleep and relaxation. The love and support of fellow “travelers” in the spiritual tradition of John Wesley’s “holy clubs” will guide our practice. This series is designed to complement the transformation theme of the Lenten Contemplative worship series and our Wednesday morning meditation practice. Sponsored by the Caring Pillar and led by Nancy Nelson, Jane Ward and Pat Simpich, assisted by guest professionals. For information, contact Jane Ward,, Nancy Nelson or Pat Simpich
Care for the Soul While Living with Loss: Gentle Movement & Writing for Grief Saturday, March 21, 10am, Community Hospice of DC*
Loss can shatter our world: our hearts, our spirits and even our bodies. In this workshop we’ll use gentle movement, guided breathing and journal writing exercises to examine our relationship with grief and restore our ability for self-care. Coffee, tea and a light breakfast will be served. Teachers include: • Yael Flusberg, an award-winning poet and integrative yoga therapist. Since 2007, she’s married these two loves through her Pen & Pose series, leading yoga and writing workshops at conferences, public libraries, universities and yoga studios. Learn more at • Carmen Calatayud, LPC is a licensed professional counselor and a bereavement coordinator for Community Hospice. She is a published poet, writer and yoga practitioner who shares mind-body approaches and creative arts to support people living with loss and seeking self-growth. Please wear comfortable clothes, bring a notebook and pen, and an open heart. RSVP to ccalatayud@communityhospices. org or 202-895-2641. *3720 Upton St. NW.
Campus Ministry
College Students! Free Food Friday Fridays, 11am, AU Lounge
College Bible Study Wednesdays, 7pm, AU Lounge
All college-aged folks are welcome to join us on Wednesday nights for Bible study on "church words": Language that Christians often use that we often don't define or reflect on. We'll examine words like "fellowship," "discipleship," and "blessed," to see what they might have meant in their original context and what they might mean for us today. Dinner at 6pm in the Vestry, followed by study and conversation at 7pm.
Our ever popular Free Food Friday is back for the spring semester! All college students are welcome in the AU Lounge (across from the Parlor) from 11am - 2pm for free pizza, veggies, snacks, drinks, and great conversation. Bring your appetite and a friend!
Children & Youth Ministry Pancake Supper Tuesday, February 17 6pm, Vestry
The annual Pancake Supper is coming up! The event is free. There will be activities and games for the kids as well as all you can eat pancakes, bacon, sausage, egg casseroles, and a performance by the children’s choirs. Join us for the pre-Lenten fun. To help volunteer for the supper, please go to
Temporary summer child care position
We are looking for help from 12pm 3pm the week of July 13-17 at the extended day child care program after Vacation Bible School at Metropolitan Memorial. You would be part of a four-person adult team supervising up to 20 children from ages 4-9 during lunch, service activities, crafts and games. Pay $15/per hour. Must be 18. Ideal for college students. Contact Rev. Janet Craswell, or 202-363-4900, ext. 115.
Sand Box Summer Camp May 28 - July 2 9am - 12:30pm Daily 4 Full-Week Sessions or 2 Abbreviated HolidayWeek Sessions
Sandbox Summer Camp is designed to provide a happy, exciting, and fun camp experience for children ages 3 through 5. Experienced Metropolitan Nursery School staff will provide a wide range of indoor and outdoor activities, with time to explore and discover and to play and make friends. Weekly music and movement as well as other special programs are also provided. We will give the children a morning snack. Children bring their own lunch except on special lunch days. Enrollment Information: • Tuition for summer camp is $225 for each full 1-week session and prorated for abbreviated sessions. • Applicants accepted on a first-come, first-served basis. • Children who have turned 3 by June 1, 2015, are eligible to attend. • There will be no refunds. • Total camp enrollment is thirty children per week. Register at!
Youth Ministry
All youth are invited to join us on Sunday mornings for Our Middle School youth follow the Bible-inLife curriculum, walking them through important biblical stories. Our High School youth participate in regular discussions shaped by their lives and current events. Contact: Patrick Landau, or 202-363-4900, ext. 112.
Check out our youth blog at 7
Our Mission: Building an inclusive, caring Christian community that invites all into a deepening relationship with God and challenges all of us to grow as disciples, seeking justice and joy for the transformation of the world.
Our Vision: Extending radical hospitality, transforming lives, and pursuing justice. Reconciling Statement: Metropolitan Memorial United Methodist Church affirms that all individuals are of sacred worth with-
out regard to race, ethnicity, national origin, sex, sexual orientation, age, religion, education, marital circumstances, economic status, physical and mental condition, or criminal history. We declare ourselves in support of the reconciling movement and welcome the full participation in the church of gay, lesbian, bisexual, or transgendered persons and their families, as a reflection of God’s unconditional love. At the same time, we recognize differences of opinion on issues of sexuality and seek to journey together in faith toward greater understanding and mutual respect.
Pastoral and Administrative Staff - 3401 Nebraska Avenue, NW, DC - 202.363.4900 - Pastoral Emergency Number - 202.510.8555 Rev. Dr. Charles Parker –– Senior Pastor, ext. 108, Rev. Kate Payton — Associate Pastor, Sharing, Lead Pastor at Wesley UMC, ext. 110, Rev. Dottie Yunger –– Associate Pastor, Service/Advocacy, ext. 111, Rev. Drema McAllister-Wilson — Minister of Congregational Care, ext. 104, Rev. Janet Craswell—Director of Christian Education, ext. 115, Rev. Barbara Green – Minister of Life Transitions,, ext. 105 David Hosey - Campus Ministry Coordinator, Princess Bethea — Office Coordinator, ext. 102, Bruce Caviness — 11a.m. Organist-Choirmaster, ext. 152, Jeff Clouser — Director of Communications and Outreach, ext. 113, Dona Collary — Pastoral Care Assistant/Wedding and Funeral Coordinator, ext. 106, Casey Elliott — Dayspring Choir Director/9am Worship Leader/Youth Choir Director, ext. 151, Patrisha House — Director of Worship, Music and Arts, ext. 114, Patrick Landau — Director of Youth Ministries, ext. 112, Bill Potts –– Executive Director of Operations, ext. 101, Rafael Reyes — Director of Building and Grounds, ext. 116, Helen Simon — Executive Assistant to Dr. Parker, ext. 109, Linda Smith — Director of Nursery School, 202.362.8746,
The Messenger is published by The Metropolitan Church - A Multi-site United Methodist Community Metropolitan Memorial - 3401 Nebraska Ave., NW., Washington, DC 20016 Tel: 202.363.4900 St. Luke’s Mission Center (3655 Calvert St., NW)/Wesley UMC (5312 Conn. Ave., NW) Fax: 202.686.2056 E-Mail: website:
NEXT ISSUE: March 9, 2015
NEXT DEADLINE: Noon on March 3, 2015