January-February 2016 Metropolitan Memorial, St. Luke’s & Wesley United Methodist Churches 202-363-4900 (MMUMC office)
Mark Your Calendar January
The deadline for registration for the 2016 UMW Retreat is Sunday, January 24!
24 Su
Deadline, Retreat registration
30 Sa
DC Stop Modern Slavery One-Day Conference (9am-4:40pm, Shiloh Baptist Church, NW DC)
4 Th
Deadline, UMW Legislative Seminar registration
UWM Women’s Retreat (Priestfield)
10 W
Ash Wednesday
17 W
Jewelry Group (7pm, Christie Room)
Hello from our 2016-2017 President, list of new officers and committee chairs, p. 3-4
20 Sa
GWD UMW Legislative Seminar (9am-noon, Silver Spring UMC)
Description of UMW Program Resources, p. 5
5 Sa
UMW Book Sale
27 Su
30 W
Jewelry Group (7pm, Christie Room)
See page 3
16-18 F-Su
Northeast Jurisdiction UMW Quadrennial Meeting (Syracuse, NY)
Parting Thoughts from our outgoing UMW President, p. 2
Book & Bake Sale help needed, p. 8 Recap of the Recognition Luncheon & Meeting, p. 9-10
Updates on our charitable giving, income and thank you letters from our benevolent giving recipients, p. 11-13 Book review, The Weight of Mercy, p. 14 Circle info, p. 15 Appendix, p. 16-18
Metropolitan UMW Newsletter : January-February 2016
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UMW News
Parting Thoughts Well, two years have come and gone, and much has changed and much has not. By the former, I mean that much has changed in me. When I first joined the UMW at Metropolitan, I was a stay-at-home mom with a young elementary school-aged child. When I first joined the board, I had gone back to work half-time. Then coincidentally, the very month that I was passed the presidency baton, my work status changed to full-time. Now, this is not remarkable and every other woman I know manages much more than I do on her plate. But for someone like me, who identifies as more of a Type B+ personality than Type A, and who has never exactly been called “organized” by friends or family, let’s just say that I knew I had a lot of praying to do. And the angels arrived in every shape, size and incarnation that I could never have imagined. Over the past two years, I have leaned heavily on the brilliant and dedicated women on the UMW board and they were always there to encourage, analyze and bring wisdom and caring to every challenge thrown at them. Another blessing of this position was that I got to meet inspirational women from within and beyond our unit, whose love and spirit of service filled my own tanks when my “reserves” were running low. Being UMW president has presented me with more opportunities to stretch, learn and grow in faith than any previous church position has. Part of our purpose as United Methodist Women is to explore our full potential and to support and develop women leaders who will go on to transform the world, whether by nurturing and comforting a single child or by spear-heading a movement. This is the part that has not changed since the UMW first began. A parlor-ful of women, who probably did not possess certificates in management science, decided to act on an injustice that was invisible to others. This is what the UMW has been and what it will continue to be. Thank you for giving me a front row seat to all of the action for the past two years. I can’t wait to see how far we’ll go… starting today! ~ Jeanie Mah 2014-2015 UMW President, Metropolitan Church Metropolitan UMW Newsletter : January-February 2016
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UMW News
A Message from Our 2016-2017 UMW President When my daughter was born, many years ago, I found it helpful to remember that, whatever her age, that was how old I was as a mom. I didn’t have to be an expert at it. I was living into what it meant to be a Mom. I feel something similar as I assume my new role as your President. I’ve never done this before. I’ll have to live my way into the task of leading and coordinating the many missions and endeavors of our wonderful United Methodist Women’s organization. I take up this task with gratitude for the leadership that has gone before, and for the very talented group of officers that are part of your Executive Board. I especially thank Jeanie Mah and Suzanne Vieth, the most immediate past presidents, for their example and support. And I look forward to accomplishing our work, the talent and experience of all of those on the Executive Board, who are listed below (page 4)! ~ Ellen Bachman
Metropolitan UMW Newsletter : January-February 2016
2016 Women’s Retreat: Provocative Women of the Bible February 5-7, 2016, Kearneysville, WV Priest Field Pastoral Center 4030 Middleway Pike, Kearneysville, WV
Registration due Sunday, January 24 Don’t miss out on this opportunity to connect one-onone with a wonderful, diverse group of women, learn something new, relax and renew! The content of this year’s retreat will be a dynamic exploration of some of the most fascinating women contained in the pages of the Bible, led by Wesley professor and Old Testament scholar Dr. Denise Dombkowski Hopkins. No prior Biblical study experience is necessary—just an open mind and a willing heart . If you’ve never experienced this brand of fun and fellowship, you are especially encouraged to consider attending! Open to all women in the Metropolitan community. Financial assistance is available on a first come, first served basis. Deadline for registration is January 24. A registration form is attached, and more information can be found here.
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UMW News The 2016 UMW Executive Board and Special Committee Chairs President
Ellen Bachman (
Vice President
Connie Sommers (
Recording secretary
Beth McConnell (
Rita Guenther (
Mission Coordinators: Social Action
Anita Seline (
Spiritual Growth
Mary Rollefson (
Caralee Adams ( & Phyllis Kokus (
Program Resources
Helene Lilly (
Alex McPherron (
Barbara Tate (
Special Committee Chairs: Bazaar
Barbara Gaskill (
Regula Guess ( & Beverly Fleming (
Staats Memorial Committee
Jeanie Mah (
Book Sale
Anita Seline ( & Martha Mizroch (
Suzanne Vieth (
Circle Representatives: 1
Helene Lilly (
Charlotte Carter (
Mary Jo Marchant ( & Ann Michel (
Kelly D’Angelo (
Bobby Turnbull (
Suzanne Vieth ( & Caralee Adams (
Feel free to contact any one of us with your questions and ideas.
Metropolitan UMW Newsletter : January-February 2016
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UMW News Methodist Women’s Program Resources: 1870 to Today A New Year brings change, specifically a change in the leadership of our unit of United Methodist Women. This year I am following in the footsteps of Connie Sommers as the Secretary of Program Resources. It is my privilege and honor to serve as the Secretary of Program Resources. In this role I am responsible for sharing information about the Reading Program, Mission Studies, Program and other resources and to encourage your participation. I would like to share ‘A Brief History of the Reading Program’ which I found in the United Methodist Women News Volume 8 Number 3 2015. The historical information was gathered from “Pages from the Past” by Marion Baker, Response Magazine, December 1979: “The first mention of a Reading Program is cited in the Heathen Woman’s Friend, the magazine of the Woman’s Foreign Missionary Society of the Methodist Episcopal Church, a predecessor of United Methodist Women, wherein the editor encouraged every circle to start a missionary reading circle. The year was 1870. In 1900, the program went ecumenical when the United Brethren adopted the Missionary Society’s Reading Course, a program of 10 interdenominational mission study books selected by a committee for all to read. In 1907, the Woman’s Missionary Society of the Evangelical Association authorized a Mission Reading Department. One hundred and thirty four missionary libraries sprung up, providing books to 538 local groups. As the years unfolded, it did not matter how our predecessor organizations splintered or merged, the Reading Program remained intact and lively. At one time and for one group, a single in-depth mission study was promoted, and for another time, a variety of books were included reflecting the categories of Spiritual Life, Christian Social Relations and Missionary Education. When Evangelical United Brethren and Methodist Churches united in 1968, both aspects – the single mission study and the ecumenical reading selections – became a part of the ongoing offerings of United Methodist Women, a lively and intellectual organization founded on tenets of reading, life-long learning and education.” As you can see the Reading Program has a long history. It was a means to connect with an interdenominational group of women and to broaden their understanding of mission work. Today the Reading Program offers and excellent opportunity to deepen your spirituality and to broaden your understanding of our mission work. Please refer to the article on the UMW Reading Program in the November newsletter for more information about the Reading Program. If you participate in the program, please report the names of the books you read and their categories to Helene Lilly at no later than August 15, 2016. Those who complete a Reading Program Plan will be recognized at a District meeting in the fall of 2016. I am looking forward to a wonderful year of learning and growing with you. ~ Helene Lilly, UMW Program Resources Chair Metropolitan UMW Newsletter : January-February 2016
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UMW News GREATER WASHINGTON DISTRICT United Methodist Women 2016 LEGISLATIVE SEMINAR Theme: “Growing in Blessedness”
Jewelry-Making Group Next meeting Wed., Feb 17 at 7pm (March meeting Wed., Mar 30)
Saturday, February 20, 2016 SILVER SPRING UNITED METHODIST CHURCH (Formerly Woodside United Methodist Church) 8900 Georgia Avenue Silver Spring, MD 20910 Rev. Rachel Cornwell, Pastor Katie Whitley, President, United Methodist Women 9:00 A.M.-12:00 Noon Topic: “Social Networking: Part of Your Ministry” Registration: $12.00 per person Please register by February 4, 2016 (registration form attached)
The Jewelry-Making Group meets in the Christie Room once a month at 7pm during Food for Thought classes after the 6pm Community Dinner. We go over the unsold pieces of jewelry from the la Bazaar, revamp them, and get them ready for the next Bazaar. For questions, contact Kathy Portus.
On Being a UMW and a RUM! Membership drive in February From the Reconciling Ministries team…
Many members of Metropolitan are proud that we have aligned ourselves with the Reconciling Ministries Network (RMN) as a Reconciling Congregation. In so doing, we proclaim our commitment to inclusion of LBGTQ persons in the life and ministry of the church, and support the organizational work of RMN at the denominational level. YOU can also support this work by becoming an individual Reconciling United Methodist, a RUM! The Reconciling Ministries team will be holding an RUM membership drive in February. Please watch for notices, and plan to join up!
The discriminatory statements and policies of the United Methodist Church can only be changed at the quadrennial gatherings of the denomination at General Conference, which will be held in May this year in Portland, Oregon. As we move toward GC, we will also be sharing information regarding the various proposals being made to modify the denomination’s stance toward inclusion, and working to provide advocacy opportunities to all Metropolitan members. Please keep your eyes and ears open!
Metropolitan UMW Newsletter : January-February 2016
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UMW News
DC Stop Modern Slavery One-Day Conference Breaking Chains: A Faith Conference on Combatting Sex Trafficking in our Nation's Capital. Saturday, January 30 9am-4:30pm, Shiloh Baptist Church The Faith Coalition to Combat Sex Trafficking in Our Nation’s Capital invites you to attend this one-day event designed to help people of faith learn more about this modern form of slavery and how to be involved in the struggle against it. The event will focus on Information, Prevention, Intervention and Advocacy. Speakers and panelists will include Tina Frundt of Courtney’s House, sex trafficking survivors, representatives of the Department of Homeland Security, the US Attorney General’s Office, The DC Office of Human Trafficking Task Force, DC Police Department representatives, and organizations who advocate for and support sextrafficking victims and survivors. Saturday, January 30, 2016 9:00 AM to 4:30 PM. Shiloh Baptist Church of Washington DC 1510 9th Street, NW, Washington, DC Registration is FREE! Lunch is free for all registered students! Register at: Questions? Contact Rev. Dr. Alice Greene at The Faith Coalition to Combat Sex Trafficking in Our Nation’s Capital: Asbury UMC, Covenant Baptist UCC, Dumbarton UMC, Shiloh Baptist, Mt. Vernon Place UMC, Wisconsin Ave. Baptist, The Chapel
Metropolitan UMW Newsletter : January-February 2016
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UMW News The UMW Book & Bake Sale March 5 Keep those book donations coming! Our annual Book & Bake sale is Saturday, March 5, so now is the time to de-clutter and recycle your no-longer wanted books. Please tell your friends and neighbors, we are taking books! Drop them off on the shelves located in front of the UMW closet in the Vestry hallway. No cassette or VCR tapes, textbooks, magazines. Please box up your books, if possible, as this makes storing the donations easier until the sale. This year, the Book & Bake Sale will benefit two beloved UMW projects: The DC Diaper Bank, which provides baby essentials to poor families, and Bright Beginnings, a program for homeless kids. Every book and cookie sold will help these wonderful organizations. We need your help now and through the sale to make it a success. There are many jobs for many people. Can you help leaflet your neighborhood schools and businesses? Sign up to be a master leafletter! Do you have a front lawn? Agree to take a lawn sign to publicize our sale. Don't want to move books? Bake brownies for the bake sale! There are a number of jobs that you can help with. Use our electronic sign-up system, volunteer early and often. Click here: But, if you are not comfortable using this system, simply contact Anita Seline at or 202-841-3453 and she can sign you up from her end. Even an hour or two of your time will help us make the UMW Book and Bake Sale a success. We will have a special collection day Saturday, Feb. 27 from 10 am to 3 pm in the church parking lot. Follow these simple steps: 1. Fill up your car with used books. 2. Drive to Metropolitan and pull into the parking lot near the foyer entrance. 3. Wait while UMW volunteers unload your donations. 4. Drive away! Can't get your book donations to Metropolitan? Contact Anita Seline or Martha Mizroch and they will come get the books from you starting now through the first week of March. Anita can be reached at or Martha at
Press time note: If the snow doesn't get us first, please join book organizers Sunday, Jan. 24, at 10 am on the Vestry stage to learn how to promote reading and recycling. If you are looking for an opportunity to get involved in a fun event have we got some opportunities for you !
Metropolitan UMW Newsletter : January-February 2016
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UMW News Recognition Sunday Recap In the eye of the storm that was the 2015 holiday season, there was a moment to exhale and give thanks. For me, that moment was the United Methodist Women’s Recognition Luncheon, which was held on Dec. 6 th. The Great Hall was filled with about 60 attendees, including the families of two of the babies we were honoring that day, Isabel Rose Snow and Eyram Evana Brown-Egue. The megawatts of energy those two little babies imparted to a crowd of 60 was truly amazing! The tables were beautifully arranged with poinsettias and the dessert table was a feast for the eyes and palate of even the most jaded holiday party reveler. Deep thanks go to Mary Jo Marchant, Ann Michel and the ladies of Circle 6 for so gracefully hostessing this luncheon in the midst of their own busy holiday schedules. Thanks also go out to Helene Lilly and Bobby Turnbull for coordinating members of Circles 1 and 9 to help round out those scrumptious desserts. The program truly expressed our unit’s thanks for gifts past, present and future. We remembered with sisterly love the earthly lives of the following women: Jackie Strange Virginia Thompson Gwen Loftin Shelley Preslar The altar flowers on Sunday, December 13, were dedicated by the UMW in memory of these women. We celebrated the blessings of new lives born to our church family: Eliana Eno Eyram Evana Brown-Egue Blake and Brandon Witkowski Isabel Rose Snow
In addition to a contribution of $50 to the DC Diaper Bank in honor of new babies, we collected a nice trunk-load of diapers and supplies for the DCDB as well. Thank you to those who donated these precious and essential items! The presenters of our four honorees did a wonderful job “introducing” us to these extraordinary women. Each presenter illuminated her subject in such a way that I felt I was seeing each of them for the first time. A luncheon guest came up to me afterwards and breathlessly told me how inspiring he had found that afternoon. And yes, you read that pronoun right! We are so proud of our Recognition presenters and honorees: Courtney Leatherman, presented by Caralee Adams Helene Lilly, presented by Rev. Kate Payton Alex McPherron, presented by Ann Michel Mary Rollefson, presented by Courtney Leatherman Continued, pg 10 Metropolitan UMW Newsletter : January-February 2016
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UMW News
Recognition Sunday Recap (Continued from pg 9)
The program concluded with the membership voting to approve an amended 2015 budget that includes a total of $14,000 in disbursements to the following nominated recipients:
Value USA The Mabel Lossing Jones school for boys in Sitapur, India Tree of Life Ministries, a mission to the Sicangu Lakota Nation (The Teton Sioux) on the Rosebud reservation, SD Capital Partners for Education, Wash, DC
Educare, Wash, DC Bright Beginnings, Wash, DC
Clinical Dental Nicaragua Courtney's House, Wash, DC Sasha Bruce Youthworks, Wash, DC
Wesley Theological Seminary Scholarship The Metropolitan-Wesley-St. Luke’s UMC
Nan McCurdy, missionary currently serving stateside after serving for years in Nicaragua
Lillian Wallace, retired missionary who currently volunteers for Clara Swain Hospital, Faridpur, India
Rachel Ternes, US-2 Global Mission Fellow serving in Philadelphia, PA
The membership also voted to approve our 2016 budget and the 2016 – 2017 slate of officers. The planning for this signature event started months in advance and many details had to be lovingly attended to in order make the Recognition Lunch the seamless and meaningful event it was. Thank you to Carol Schleicher, Sandy Yeager and Connie Sommers for the many hours they spent organizing, inviting and coordinating for this year’s program. ~ Jeanie Mah 2014-2015 UMW President
See the Appendix for photos
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UMW News Holiday Cards for Heroes Update Thank you to the dozen or so women who came to the Vestry on Dec. 6, prepared with hundreds of holiday cards and stamps for the Holiday Cards for Heroes project. The good news is that over 150 cards were bundled and labeled as instructed by the Capital Area Red Cross for delivery to veterans. The other news is that although the Red Cross office had assured us that they would accept our donated cards, when the cards were delivered to the Red Cross office, we were told that they had already received 40,000 more cards then they could possibly distribute. Therefore, the cards will be held until next fall and before the first Mannheim Steamroller tune hits the airwaves, we will be at the Red Cross’s front door with our contribution.
Got An Extra 2016 Calendar?
2015 Bazaar Summary (Gross) Jewelry (incl. pre-sale) Attic Treasures Collectibles Gifts/Crafts Fashion/Accessories Lunch Café/Bake Sale Kitchen Christmas Children's Pre-sales (except Jewelry) Coins deposited UMW t-shirts Less Sun. starter cash box (as of 11/21/15)
$3,376 $2,730 $1,711 $1,705 $1,678 $1,056 $970 $550 $369 $545 $73 $20 -$150 $14,633
If you have an extra 2016 calendar that you might have received for promotional or marketing purposes, but you don’t need it, Bread for the City will take them and give them out to clients. You can give calendars directly to Jeannine Sanford (Parker), put them in the labeled receptacle in the MMUMC office or get them to Jeanie Mah (
Metropolitan UMW Newsletter : January-February 2016
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UMW News A word of thanks From Pyper Davis Imperial, Executive Director of Educare:
“On behalf of Educare DC, I would like to thank you for your generous support of me and of Educare’s work with children and families. The support of donors like you is a critical building block in establishing Educare as a quality leader serving the children and families in DC’s most high-need neighborhoods. Your generous gift will help us to deepen supports for high-quality teaching in the classroom, empower our parents as their child’s most important teacher, and deliver at-risk children to kindergarten on track and well-prepared for success. Thank you again, for your commitment to helping young children get the start they need to be successful in school and in life.” From Lillian Wallace, Clara Swain Hospital, Faridpur, India:
“Thank you so much for your faithful support of our work…Thank you for what your women and your church have done for us as well as for so many others. God bless you and this is just what our Lord Jesus wants us to do for those in need…I remember visiting your UMW when I visited Bishop and Eunice Mathews several years ago and was so impressed with what your church is doing for the poor. When I was the Director of the Clara Swain Hospital Bareilly, your church gave our Hospital $95,000.00 so we could clear our large debit on our Provident fund which is for our staff when they retire. Word cannot express my thanks.” From Rachel Ternes, US-2 Global Fellow in Philadelphia, PA:
“I'm touched and joyful to see that I was included in the Metropolitan UMW's benevolent giving plan! Please share my gratitude with the rest of the Circle 8 women (and membership). It's also great to see all the other wonderful missions being supported, and just to see what the UMW is up to! I'm… so grateful for your generosity, and touched by your tradition of sending gifts directly to missionaries! I was also touched to receive a Christmas card from UMW's Circle 8.”
Metropolitan UMW Newsletter : January-February 2016
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UMW News Update on One of the DC Diaper Bank Excerpts from the DC Diaper Bank’s December 15, 2015 email news Diapers serve as a “gateway resource” because they break down walls — families who otherwise don’t reach out for help with food or social services will contact our distribution partners for diapers. In doing so, they become connected to a range of social services offered by our partners. What has your support for DC Diaper Bank meant this past year? We busted through our Warehouse walls to double our space and expand our Baby &
Essentials Pantry inventory. We now offer adult food, baby food, breastfeeding supplies, potty training supplies, adult hygiene items, tampons, adult diapers, cloth diapers, and other critical resources. Each month we distribute more than 100,000 diapers to more than 3,600 families. Since DCDB opened, we have distributed 2,714,000 diapers! The Baby & Essentials Pantry, established with your help in 2014, has distributed over 5,100 pounds of formula. That’s 57,630 prepared 8 oz. bottles for growing babies. Our network of Community Distribution Partners is 30 organizations strong, covering DC, Maryland, and Virginia. Our Ambassador program offers 100 donation drop-off locations – homes and businesses – across the region. We continue to receive national recognition for our work. DC Diaper Bank was honored to be part of the CNN Heroes program in September and to be featured on the Steve Harvey Show in November, gaining a national audience for our work and spreading awareness about diaper need. For more information about supporting us, visit or email me at The diapers and other essentials provided by DC Diaper Bank connect our Community Distribution Partners to some of our area’s most vulnerable families. We are committed to making sure that all our families have the resources they need to thrive. In 2016, help us bust through the barriers holding them back! Love & Diapers, Corinne Cannon Founder & Executive Director Metropolitan UMW Newsletter : January-February 2016
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UMW News UMW Reading Program Book Review Here’s a review of a UMW Reading Program 2016 book from our own Margaret Patterson. A complete list of program plans and book choices for the Reading Program can be found online at or e-mail Connie Sommers at If you participate in the program, please report the names of the books you read and their categories to Connie Sommers,, no later than August 15, 2016. Those who complete a Reading Program Plan will be recognized at a District meeting in the fall of 2016. The Weight of Mercy by Deb Richardson-Moore (2012, Monarch Books, 288 pp.) What would you do if you were the pastor of a church where parishioners were high on crack cocaine, neglected to bathe for weeks on end, shouted or fell asleep during services, stole church property, and behaved in other ways that required the presence of a full-time security guard? Deb Richardson-Moore took on Triune Mercy Center, a "run-down inner-city church where the homeless gathered" in Greenville, South Carolina. Pastor Deb, a newly minted Baptist pastor, accepts an assignment to run the center after a long middleclass career in journalism. The story is as much her story as it is the story of her parishioners, who struggle with homelessness, drug and alcohol addictions, and a host of other challenges that follow deep poverty. Triune Mercy Center was hosted by a once-glorious, now tiny Methodist congregation in downtown Greenville. When Pastor Deb arrives and has a very rough first week dealing with an extremely colorful cast of hundreds who stagger through the church doors, she tells herself she will give it 8 weeks. She ends up staying 7 years. She slowly comes to terms with the real problems her parishioners and the homeless face and comes to realize they need much, much more than weekly worship services and a food bank. It isn't an easy lesson, and she has to grow into her role as pastor just as she requires those who are served to grow into their roles. "We offer hot meals, clothes, groceries, and laundry services," she writes. "We offer a worshiping church community. We offer drug rehab, employment help and housing. You can quite literally go from sleeping under a bridge to homeownership. But you have to want it. We can't want it for you." The story of how Pastor Deb gets to that point, of reaching out and drawing close to the homeless and the addict, is at the heart of this book. She learns how much her congregants need help, hope, and God's love. She starts her story by telling us, "I thought I'd be wise by now... But I don't feel at all wise. I feel, by turns, cranky, humbled, incredulous, deflated, energized, furious, exhilarated, tired...[So] I'll just tell you what happened." What happened? It's a story of pain, triumph, loss, and reconciliation - well worth reading. But I'll let Pastor Deb do what she does best, tell a story will amaze and intrigue you. ~ Margaret Patterson Metropolitan UMW Newsletter : January-February 2016
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The AU UMW Circle meets Fridays at 7:00 p.m. in the "AU Lounge" at Metropolitan. Contact Tori Lynn Gilkeson at
Circle One will hold bi-monthly meetings beginning in February. The meetings will be held on Sundays at 1:00 pm in the Wesley Church Library. The next two meetings will be February 21 and April 17. We plan to continue our discussion on race. Contact Helene Lilly at
Circle 2 will have our “gathering” at Forest Hills on Wednesday, February 10th at 10:30. Jennie Stathis will be playing the piano for a “sing-a-long” with residents there. We have done this before, and it is always lots of fun --- and with punch and cookies served. Contact Jane Cunningham,, 703-821-3486 or Charlotte Carter,
Questions or suggestions, Mary Jo Marchant, or Ann Michel,
We will be meeting on February 2nd at 7:30 p.m. in the Parlor. Sara Humphreys Sheppard will share with us about her mission trips that she has gone on. It should be an interesting meeting. Contact Kelly D’Angelo
Circle 9 will meet on Wednesday, February 3 at 10:30 in the Choir Room. Patrick Landau will tell us about the Multi-Ethnic Conference he attended in September and will update us on his work with the church youth. Please contact Bobby Turnbull at
Contact Caralee Adams or Suzanne Vieth
The February UMW Board Meeting TBA Newsletter prepared by Alexandra McPherron. To add items to the next newsletter, email by Friday, February 26, 2016.
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UMW Recognition Luncheon, December 6, 2015 Photos by Jeanie Mah
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UMW Recognition Luncheon, December 6, 2015
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UMW Recognition Luncheon, December 6, 2015
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