May 2016

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May 9, 2016 Volume XXVI, No. 5

The Messenger



Reconciling Sunday - Sunday, June 5 Featuring Guest Preacher, Rev. Matthew Berryman

2016 General Conference Stay Informed!

As General Conference approaches, Reconciling Ministry Network volunteers will join with others from the Love Your Neighbor Coalition to offer hospitality and engage in dialog with delegates who will have to decide how the denomination will move forward. Votes will be taken on whether or not and how the church will continue to discriminate against lesbian, gay, bisexual, trans, and queer members and clergy. Follow what happens at umc. org/who-we-are/every-unitedmethodist-can-be-part-ofgeneral-conference-2016.

Save the Date - June 11 DC Pride Parade

Join us at the DC Pride Parade for a fun time, and an opportunity to march with other Reconciling United Methodists from around the Capital Area. Plan to gather at our assigned area between 2pm and 3pm. We’ll supply the beads! Details to follow. See you there!

Reconciling Sunday is our yearly celebration of having joined the Reconciling Ministries Network (RMN). On June 1, 2008, Metropolitan Memorial proclaimed its commitment to welcome and include LGBT persons stating, “Metropolitan Memorial United Methodist Church affirms that all individuals are of sacred worth without regard to race, ethnicity, national origin, sex, sexual orientation, age, religion, education, marital circumstances, economic status, physical and mental condition, or criminal history. We declare ourselves in support of the reconciling movement and welcome the full participation in the church of gay, lesbian, bisexual, or transgendered persons and their families, as a reflection of God’s unconditional love.” In so doing, Metropolitan became a part of RMN, which was founded in 1982 to “develop a program in which local churches will declare their support for the concerns of lesbians and gay men.” The need for such an organization in the United Methodist Church developed both from the emerging gay rights movement, and from opposition many in the denomination had to the language adopted at the 1972 General Conference stating, “The United Methodist Church does not condone the practice of homosexuality and considers this practice incompatible with Christian Teaching.” In the intervening years, additions were made to the Discipline that flowed from this statement, specifically, denying ordination of “practicing homosexuals” and restricting clergy from conducting same gender marriage ceremonies, or permitting their sanctuaries to be used for such ceremonies. Both Metropolitan Memorial and Wesley congregations joined RMN to affirm the sacred worth of all persons, and to commit to undoing the harm caused by the denomination’s policies in regard to human sexuality. Our commitment to RMN intensified with Frank Schaefer’s trial in the fall of 2013, and our adoption of the “Stop the Trials” motto, which was proclaimed on banners at United Methodist churches across the city. Reconciling Methodists at Metropolitan Memorial and Foundry then spearheaded Catching Fire, a benefit concert hosted at Metropolitan Memorial that raised over $25,000 for RMN. This year, we welcome guest preacher, Rev. Matthew Berryman, Executive Director of RMN. Rev. Berryman received a B.A. from the University of South Carolina and a M.Div. from Emory University, and studied law at Florida Coastal School. Since becoming Executive Director, Rev. Berryman has led the organization through a period of intense growth, galvanized by dismay as clergy were defrocked after being tried for being gay or for conducting same gender marriage ceremonies. The strategic decision to focus organizing effort in the South East and South Central Jurisdictions has resulted in massive growth in the number of Reconciling Congregations, Campus Ministries and Communities which have committed to this work. There are now over 700 congregations supporting RMN, including 12 who joined in April, 2016! Rev. Berryman’s visit with us will be within weeks of the conclusion of the 2016 General Conference (GC). So, we can be sure that Matt will have much to share with us about the progress made at GC, and will celebrate our history together, while challenging us to the continued work ahead, as we seek to “transform the world by living out the Gospel’s teachings of grace, love, justice and inclusion for all of God’s children.” See you there! Blessings, Ellen Bachman

Pentecost, Sunday, May 15 — One service at 10am!

We will celebrate Pentecost with a joint worship service at Metropolitan Memorial! It will be a glorious day of music with offerings from Dayspring, Chancel and Wesley Gospel choirs. New members will be joining from both Wesley and Metropolitan Memorial and Rev. Kate Payton will offer the message. Following worship the new Hospitality Team will be hosting a “Party on the Plaza” with time to visit with friends. See you there and wear red!

Life at the Metropolitan Church 20016 General Conference - What Can You Do?

The most recent decision to approve for ordination a woman in a married lesbian relationship is a huge step forward, for which the Board of Ordained Ministry is to be congratulated for being a prophetic voice (see article by Erik Alsgaard at Other Board of Ordained Ministries (BOOMs) in other conferences have found a way to do likewise. This is indeed good news. The most recent turn of events regarding the Rev. Cynthia Meyer, a former dean at Candler School of Theology who was invited by her bishop to leave the denomination along with her supportive congregation, demonstrates that while local congregations may be accepting of LGBT folks, clearly there is much work to do at General Conference and our communities. "But what can I do?" You ask. Lots! 1. Pray for the delegates to the 2016 General Conference in Oregon, May 10-20, and let them know that you are doing so. Remember that delegates have a lot of reading material to digest and decisions to make on several issues. They are in need of grace, too, regardless of their voting behavior. 2. Call on delegates to General Conference to let them know your position. The "bi-jurisdictional" crowd has even more opportunity. The Reconciling Ministries Network (RMN) has a very quick and clever way to send your message at Ellen Bachman and Kerm Towler have contact information sheets as well. 3. Pray for the people who are attending General Conference as observers and workers for the Baltimore-Washington Area Reconciling Methodists (, Methodist Federation for Social Action ( and the Love Your Neighbor Coalition ( The workers in the vineyard have a hard job and we have some fantastic and powerful people working on our behalf. 4. Stay informed. Tune into the General Conference proceedings at See news, interviews, live streamed video, and more. 5. Pray for the bishops who preside over each day's session. They allow the tone for discussion and debate. 6. Register to be a Reconciling United Methodist. It is free. Go to for more information. 7. Go to your local school's or school board's website and check if there is a non-discrimination policy in place regarding LGBTQ youth. If not, call the school board members. Why is this important? For example, the 2015-16 student handbook for Prince William County Public Schools, a 62-page document, fails to mention gender identification and sexual orientation in a list of other identifiers as a basis for bullying and harassment, either face-to face or cyber varieties. Student handbooks are legal documents. On the other hand, "occult, cult and ritualistic activities" including recruiting - which we don't agree with either - are specifically mentioned as prohibited. Supporting youth who are going through this period of trying to understand themselves will save lives-literally. 8. Like the Reconciling Ministries Network (RMN) on Face Book and Twitter. Social media is a powerful tool. 9. Contact Ellen Bachman, and Kerm Towler, They'd love to hear from you. Blessings, Kerm Towler Financial Summary March—2016 2016 Annual Budget Category

(25% of year completed) Annual Budget

Year to Date Actual

% of Budget Used

Income Contributions


Facility Usage Nursery School Other Rev. (Foundation, Metro Players, Shelters, VIM, etc.) Total Income
















Expenses Caring Pillar



Learning Pillar




Praising Pillar




Serving Pillar




Sharing Pillar


Hospitality Programming

Finance Committee Derek Willis—Chair Joe Arnold—Treasurer Louisa Imperiale—Steward. Marcello Trigg—Wesley For Questions: Bill Potts Phone: 202-363-4900, x-101 E-mail:






Nursery School











Property Clergy Compensation Total Expenses Net Total To Date

+ or (-)









Monthly Financial Summary Report

To view our brand new monthly “Finance and Trustees” report go to financialsummary. In the report, you will be able to see the summary of where we are for the month with regards to the church’s budget as well as a listing and updates of active Board of Trustees projects.

If you have any questions, please contact Bill Potts in the church office, or 202-3634900, ext. 101.

Bread Bakers needed!

If you are interested in taking over for Pastor Kate in baking bread for Sunday services, please contact her at kpayton@ or 202-363-4900, ext. 110. She will set up a time with you to go over instructions and will work with Paula Pree to set up a rotation of volunteers. We gotta keep the warm bread tradition going! Help us make that possible!


Life at the Metropolitan Church Celebration of the Ministries of Dottie Yunger and Kate Payton

Members of the Staff Parish Relations Committee invite you to a celebration of the ministries of Rev. Dottie Yunger and Rev. Kate Payton as they transition to their new appointments on July 1. As has been announced previously, Dottie is going to Solomons UMC in Southern Maryland and Kate is going to Epworth UMC in Cockeysville, Maryland. Please join us on Sunday, May 29 at 10:10am in the Great Hall at Metropolitan Memorial and at 12:30pm at Wesley (5312 Connecticut Avenue, NW ) for a reception and an opportunity to offer them your thanks for the many contributions each of them has made to the life and ministries of our Metropolitan Church.

Service of Ordination for Dottie Yunger

After serving her three-year provisional period at Metropolitan Church, please join Rev. Dottie Yunger as she is ordained as an Elder in full connection in the Baltimore-Washington Conference. The ordination service on Saturday, June 4 is the culmination of a ten-year journey for Dottie, and all are welcome to attend. The service is from 9-11am, with doors open around 8:15am so guests may find seating in the unreserved seating section. This year’s ordination service will be held at the Marriott Wardman Park Hotel, 2660 Woodley Road, NW, in Washington D.C. There is limited (and expensive) nearby parking. We congratulate and celebrate with Dottie this wonderful culmination of her decade-long journey to ordination. We are honored to have been on this journey with her over the last three years and are grateful for all that she has meant to her church family at the Metropolitan Church. We know that the folks at Solomons United Methodist Church will be blessed by her ministry with them beginning on July 1.

Congregational Library Association 55th Annual Conference Anniversary Celebration May 14, 10am, Chevy Chase Presbyterian Church*

You’re invited to the annual meeting of the Congregational Library Association. The celebration is open to those interested in church libraries and joining our organization. Special guests include, Ms. Emily Sheckatoff, Executive Director of the Washington Office of the American Library Association who will present, "The American Library Association and the World Libraries Today.” The meeting and luncheon are free to new members and guests. We need more Methodists in this organization! Contact: Joan Davenport, Library Coordinator, 202-966-0710. *1 Chevy Chase Circle.


To Don and Grace Cranick on the birth of their great grand-daughter, Charlotte Grace Ames, daughter of Alexander and Isabelle Cranick Ames, born April 28th.

Metropolitan Book Club Monday, May 16, 7:30pm, Parlor

All readers are welcome to join us as we review Boys in the Boat, a story about the American Olympic victory in Nazi Germany, by Daniel James Brown. Joan Topalian will be facilitating our discussion. For questions contact, Joan Topalian, or Suzanne Clewell,”

Jazz@wesley Saturday, May 21 6:30pm, Wesley*

Jazz@wesley presents The Rick Alberico Project. Tickets available at the door and at instantseats. com. Entry $10 I $7 Seniors I Children 12 and Under Free. For more information email or call 202-966-5144, ext. 325. Bring a non-perishable food item to jazz up someone else’s life. *5312 Connecticut Ave., NW.

Arts Council Concert - “String Quartets on the Ides of May” Sunday, May 15, 3pm, Sanctuary

The Army is coming (to play string quartets). If at first you don't succeed...we didn't, and so we're trying again. The Arts Council and a lot of other music-lovers expected to hear the U.S. Army String Quartet at Metropolitan last January 24, but as you may recall, that late January Sunday was a day where nobody went anywhere. Fortunately, we were able to reschedule the concert for Sunday, May 15, at 3pm. The quartet will perform a wonderfully varied program of works by Beethoven, Gershwin, Charles Ives, and Elliott Carter. There will be a light reception afterward, and at least some of the Cuba photographs that have been hanging in the Great Hall since our April concert and art show will be on display. (Of the two dozen photographs in that show, twenty-one were sold in a silent auction. The purchasers agreed to leave them in place until late afternoon on May 15). You're cordially invited to join us for what we promise will be a splendid and snow-free afternoon.


The United Methodist Women Great Day of Service - Thank You to Our Volunteers!

Thank you to everyone who joined us for our annual Great Day of Service. We had a wonderful breakfast, provided by Chef Anthony, and then got to work at the St. Luke's Mission Center. Three people headed off to Grand Oaks to arrange flowers, play games and sing songs with the residents. Another three people headed over to the DC Diaper Bank to be a part of the distribution of the 3 millionth diaper to families in need. Those of us who stayed at St. Luke's built 150 UMCOR health kits, 200 hygiene kits, and 36 school backpacks for Educare, an early childhood program in DC. We also gussied up 60 teddy bears for the Wendt Center on Loss and Healing's summer camp for grieving children. And we created 46 birthday cards and 21 care cards, sewed stoles, signed letters and sorted food bags for Metro House and St. Luke's Shelter. Please join us next year as we love our neighbors by helping our neighbors. Pictures of the day are below.

Metropolitan / Wesley United Methodist Women Cordially invite you to a Daughter’s Tea Because we’re All Daughters Saturday, June 4, 2016 3:30 pm – 6:30 pm Wesley United Methodist Church Fellowship Hall 5312 Connecticut Avenue, NW Washington, DC Come celebrate with Family and Friends Enjoy a cup of Tea, Savory and Sweet Treats And Live Music Hats and Gloves are encouraged but not required Suggested Donation $10.00

UMW Recognition Lunch - Call for Nominations

Each year the United Methodist Women of Metropolitan Memorial hold a Recognition Luncheon honoring women who have made a significant contribution to the church, the nation and the world. This year the luncheon will be held on Sunday, December 4 at 12:30pm. We are seeking nominations of outstanding women to honor this year. Please submit nominations to Beverly Fleming, Beverly. or 703-978-7654.


Serving at the Metropolitan Church Our Campus Kitchen project continues to expand and we need you! Currently each month we recover 5000 pounds of food that would otherwise be thrown away and turn it into 2000 nutritious meals that are distributed to the hungry across the city. Our food recovery partners include the Del Ray Farmers Market in Northern Virginia, three Chipotle restaurants in DC, and seven MOM'S Organic Market grocery stores in the Metropolitan Washington area as well as their main warehouse in Jessup, MD. In fact, we have become so popular with the College Park MOM’S store that we are currently picking up from there two times a week and starting in May three times a week. We are in the process formalizing our partnership with InspireDC, a project of the Greater Washington District of the UMC. InspireDC is now making available to us a driver and a van to primarily help us with our meal deliveries to Brighter Day, Democracy Prep, and Hughes Memorial, Jones Memorial, and Mt. Vernon UMCs. The InspireDC driver is also serving as a back-up driver for our food recovery effort when needed. In addition to the meal recipient partners just mentioned we are also providing meals for the Friendship Place Welcome Center and both of our transitional housing shelters, Metropolitan House and St. Luke's House. We are always interested in acquiring additional food recovery volunteers who can serve either as primary drivers or backup drivers. The Chipotle restaurant pick-ups take about an hour and occur on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday mornings. The MOM’S Organic Market pick-ups can take several hours and occur on a variety of days. The Del Ray Farmers Market pick-up occurs seasonally on Saturdays. If you’re interested in becoming involved in our food recovery effort, please contact Kent Weaver at As we move into the late spring and summer we lose many of our university student volunteers who man the cooking shifts at our St. Luke’s Mission Center under the direction of our Chef, Anthony Mickens. The irony of this situation is that summer is the time when our food recovery effort is most productive and the need to produce meals to be distributed does not diminish. Currently cooking shifts run from 4pm to 7pm on Tuesdays, Wednesdays, and Thursdays and from 10am to 1pm on Saturdays. Significant cooking skills are not needed. If you can chop vegetables we can use you. For more information on our Campus Kitchen cooking shifts, please contact Kitchen Manager Rhey Duque, kitchencoordinatorckpwdc@gmail. com. To volunteer for a cooking shift go to

Feeding the 5000 DC May 18, 11am - 4pm, Woodrow Wilson Plaza*

Feeding the 5000 is a recurring event that shines light on global food waste, champions delicious solutions, and catalyzes a global movement against food waste. It is sponsored by Feedback, a global nonprofit working to end food waste. At each event, Feeding the 5000 serves up a delicious communal feast for 5000 people made entirely out of food that would otherwise have been wasted, bringing together a coalition of organizations that offer the solutions to food waste, raising the issue up the political agenda, and inspiring new local initiatives against food waste. On Wednesday, May 18th, Thousands (5000!) will be provided with a delicious free feast, sourced entirely from fresh top-quality produce that would have otherwise been wasted. Campus Kitchen@Washington DC and Campus Kitchens Project are proud to be partners in this event.

Washington DC Disco Chop Party! May 17, 10am – 2pm, St. Luke’s Mission Center*

Local Communities are invited to get involved with the lead up to Feeding the 5000 events. Come along to the Washington DC Disco Chop Party, where hundreds of volunteers will groove to music while peeling and chopping rescued vegetables to be served at the main festival. There will be good food, good music, and celebrity chefs on hand, including Campus Kitchen's own Chef Anthony! To sign up for the chop party and/or the Feeding 5000 event go to *3655 Calvert St., NW.

East Capitol Urban Farm Grand Re-Opening Saturday, May 21 9am - 1pm East Capitol Urban Farm*

Come join us for the community grand re-opening of the East Capital Urban Farm. Enjoy food, games and tons of fun. To learn more, contact Rev. Dottie Yunger, or 202-3634900, ext. 111. *5929 East Capitol St., NE.

Grate Patrol

Sunday, May 29, 10:10am, Vestry May 30, 6:30pm, St. Luke’s Mission Center*

On Sunday at 10:10am, help make sandwiches and prepare meal bags in the Vestry at Metropolitan Memorial. On Monday at 6:30 pm, volunteers are needed at the St. Luke’s Mission Center to load additional meals prepared by Campus Kitchen into the Salvation Army van and distribute them throughout downtown DC. To volunteer to put together meal bags on Sunday, come to the Vestry or, if a group, contact Anita Seline, If you can go out on the van on Monday night, volunteer at nationalchurch. org/servenow! *3655 Calvert St., NW.

May 1, 6pm, St. Luke’s Mission Center*

Help assemble meals (provided by our Campus Kitchen Program) in to-go containers. Volunteers are also needed to load meals into the Salvation Army van and distribute them throughout the city. You can volunteer to put together meals, serve meals by going out in the van, or both. No experience necessary. Volunteer at! For more information, contact Rev. Dottie Yunger. *3655 Calvert St., NW.


Caring Ministries Prayer Shawl Ministry Celebrating Ten Years of Caring

The Prayer Shawl Ministry combines knitting and crocheting with prayer and has been practiced in many denominations since its inception in the late 1990’s. Metropolitan Memorial began its ministry in the summer of 2006 with an active group of all ages. Our meetings include prayers for the shawl recipients known and unknown, and blessings of the shawls for members and their families, neighbors or co-workers who are: • In need of comfort after a loss • Undergoing medical procedures • Caring for a family member or friend • Making a life style change • Needing to be reminded of God’s love Our prayers are that each shawl will carry our strength, love and energy to each who receive one and that they be reminded of God’s love as the shawl is wrapped around their shoulders.

Weekly Meditation Practice Wednesdays, 9am, Sanctuary

Nurture a sense of inner peace, calm and balance with guided and walking meditation. All are welcome. Meets every Wednesday at 9am. Contact: Mary Jo Marchant,

Gentle Yoga with Cathryn Ellen Pethick Thursdays 4pm, Great Hall

Bind us together, Lord, bind us together with cords that cannot be broken.

All* are invited to explore basic yoga movements and “poses” (asanas) to help us be more conscious of our body and mental condition, and to stretch, strengthen, and improve balance. Eight classes/ $100; seniors (65+)/ $80; drop-in fee $15/class. To register contact Cathryn, or 301-946-7045/301-642-3889. *The ability to get up and down from the floor is necessary for this class; you may use a chair to do so, if needed. Sponsored by the Congregational Care Committee.

Bind us together, Lord, bind us together, bind us together with love.

April AARP Meeting Monday, May 16, 1pm, Vestry

To date, we have given approximately 441 shawls to friends locally, and mailed to many states including Hawaii in addition to Palestine and Belgium. Others who have been touched by this ministry include Katrina flood victims, students at Virginia Tech, our ministers moving to other appointments, our shelter members, ASP families, the world-wide programs of the United Methodist Women through donations at General Assembly and a local project and The Ignatius Spirituality Project sponsored by Holy Trinity Church. The Prayer Shawl Ministry also participated in creating a stole to be part of the Reconciling Church Project that circulates around the country in support of the Reconciling Ministry. The Prayer Shawl Ministry meets the third Sunday of each month and welcomes all ages, experienced or beginners. Members are always willing and happy to help anyone get started. Also, you can be a member of the ministry without attending meetings! Just let us know to include you; completed shawls can be left in the church office to the attention of “The Prayer Shawl Ministry.” Yarn is available either free or at a discounted price. Our joy is in sharing the talents that we have been given enriching the giver as well as the receiver. Five years ago we added the gift of baby blankets to our ministry. Our blankets are presented at baptism. If there is someone in your life who needs to be enveloped in the loving care of a prayer shawl, please contact Metropolitan’s Minister of Congregational Care, Rev. Drema McAllister-Wilson, or 202-3634900, ext. 104. If you would like to join us in any capacity, please contact Beverly Fleming, beverly.fleming@gmail. com or 703-978-7654 or Barbara Tate, or 202-363-5950.

Please join us as writer, lecturer and tour guide Garrett Peck discussed his book Walt Whitman in Washington, D.C.: The Civil War and America’s Great Poet. Social time is at 12:30pm. Refreshments will be served.

Life Transitions: Chronic Illness and Caregiving Wednesday, May 18, 7pm, Fireplace Room

Both those experiencing chronic illness and people who are caregivers are invited to join our support group. Meets every third Wednesday of the month. For more information, contact Susan Roach, or Nancy Cherney,

Lunch and More Thursday, May 19, Noon, Great Hall

Join us for lunch, a bridge game, a board game or a movie! If you committed to bringing a game, please don’t forget! Contacts: Phyllis Kokus, and Mary Jo Marchant,

Blue Zones: 9 Lessons for Living Longer June 1, 10:15am, Great Hall

Live longer & be happier! Join the Wellness Team for Dan Buettner’s, “Blue Zones: 9 Lessons for Living Longer” and discover healthy ways to thrive, discover true happiness, & unlock personal vitality. To RSVP and reserve Blue Zones study guide, contact Janet Burkhart, janetburk@ or Emily Best, Meets the first Wednesdays of the month. Drop-ins welcomed.


Study at the Metropolitan Church Food for Thought Wednesday Evenings Dinner - 6pm, Vestry Classes - 7pm

Feed your mind, body and soul! Community dinner: $8/person I Students pay what you can. RSVP at! For more information, contact Rev. Janet Craswell, or 202-363-4900, ext. 115. Classes include: • Bible Study: 1 Corinthians. Come and explore Paul’s first letter to the Corinthians. Patrick will share with us insights from his work on his book on 1 Corinthians, which is being developed specifically for ministry leaders who work with young people (Led by Patrick Landau). • Topical Study: Embracing Forgiveness. A study by Barbara Cawthorne Crafton.Embracing Forgiveness. A study by Barbara Cawthorne Crafton. In this video & discussion class, we’ll hear from Barbara Cawthorne Crafton, Episcopal priest and Ground Zero chaplain, on what forgiveness is, what it isn’t, and how to find it in our lives on both the personal and communal level (Led by Rev. Janet Craswell).

Racial Justice Task Force Wednesday, May 11, 7pm, Room 204

The Racial Justice Task Force now has a webpresence on the Metropolitan Church website. Our notices are included as part of the Learning pillar, and can be accessed at The first of the background articles for discussion have been posted, and others will be added periodically. We suggest that you visit the site and download these information pieces for your files and we welcome your participation in our bimonthly discussions in May. Contact: Maynard Moore,

Inter-generational Bible Story Hour at Wesley Sunday, May 15, 9:30am, Wesley*

Join us on the first and third Sundays of the month for a more in-depth look at the stories in scripture we’ll be reading in worship at Wesley. We’ll sing, tell stories and reflect on the story using different art mediums--drama, drawing, painting, modeling clay, journaling. This is a time for all of us to gather--no matter what age--for some Wesley family time in exploring scripture together. Contact Pastor Kate with any questions or ideas. *5312 Connecticut Ave., NW.

Children’s Ministries VBS - Register Now! July 11-15 Join us for a week of music, arts and crafts, games and Bible storytelling.

Metropolitan’s VBS is geared toward kids age 4 to rising 5th graders. Rising 6th graders may enroll and serve as junior counselors. The program runs from 9am till Noon and costs just $75. VBS kicks off with a family event, including a pot-luck dinner, on Sunday evening July 10.

With the arrival of spring, it’s time for us to turn our attention to celebrate an important milestone in the life of our community: the 50th Anniversary of the Metropolitan Nursery School.

Vacation Bible School is open to all. This year’s program, Abundance Orchard, focuses on the Hebrew Bible’s stories of food and faith and aligns with Metropolitan’s effort to help end hunger in our city. Register now at vbs!

What a truly remarkable accomplishment that our beloved nursery school has been around for half a century. Metropolitan Nursery School has a reputation for showering its students with love, energy, and personal attention, and laying a strong educational and emotional foundation for the future of these children, and for our community.

Children’s Chorus of Washington Auditions

We have several fun events planned to mark this special occasion, and we hope you’ll save the date to help us celebrate!

Love to Sing? Join the premier youth choral program in the national capital area in its 21st season with new artistic director Margaret Nomura Clark. For singers ages 5 to 18, schedule an audition today on selected dates in June. Call 202-237-1005. No previous experience necessary. Dates available: Tuesday, June 7; Tuesday, June 14; Monday, June 20; Tuesday, June 21; and Saturday, June 25 Also, check out our programs for younger singers 5 to 8, an introduction to the choral experience with no audition necessary. Register for Prep Class directly online at (next session in September).

50th Birthday Party Back-to-School Picnic & Groundbreaking Sunday, September 11 Metropolitan Memorial 50th Anniversary Gala Thursday, October 20, Great Hall


Our Mission: Building an inclusive, caring Christian community that invites all into a deepening relationship with God and challenges all of us to grow as disciples, seeking justice and joy for the transformation of the world. Our Vision: Extending radical hospitality, transforming lives, and pursuing justice. Reconciling Statement: Metropolitan Memorial United Methodist Church affirms that all individuals are of sacred worth without regard to race, ethnicity, national origin, sex, sexual orientation, age, religion, education, marital circumstances, economic status, physical and mental condition, or criminal history. We declare ourselves in support of the reconciling movement and welcome the full participation in the church of gay, lesbian, bisexual, or transgendered persons and their families, as a reflection of God’s unconditional love. At the same time, we recognize differences of opinion on issues of sexuality and seek to journey together in faith toward greater understanding and mutual respect.

Pastoral and Administrative Staff - 3401 Nebraska Avenue, NW, DC - 202.363.4900 - Pastoral Emergency Number - 202.510.8555 Rev. Dr. Charles Parker –– Senior Pastor, ext. 108, Rev. Kate Payton — Associate Pastor, Sharing, Lead Pastor at Wesley UMC, ext. 110, Rev. Dottie Yunger –– Associate Pastor, Service/Advocacy, ext. 111, Rev. Drema McAllister-Wilson — Minister of Congregational Care, ext. 104, Rev. Janet Craswell—Director of Christian Education, ext. 115, Princess Bethea — Office Coordintor, ext. 102, Bruce Caviness — 11a.m. Organist-Choirmaster, ext. 152, Jeff Clouser — Director of IT and Communications, ext. 113, Dona Collary — Pastoral Care Assistant/Wedding and Funeral Coordinator, ext. 106, Patrisha House — Director of Worship, Music and Arts, ext. 114, Patrick Landau — Director of Youth Ministries/AU Campus Ministries, ext. 112, Bill Potts –– Executive Director of Operations, ext. 101, Rafael Reyes — Director of Building and Grounds, ext. 116, Helen Simon — Executive Assistant to Dr. Parker, ext. 109, Linda Smith — Director of Nursery School, 202.362.8746,

The Messenger is published by The Metropolitan Church - A Multi-site United Methodist Community Metropolitan Memorial - 3401 Nebraska Ave., NW., Washington, DC 20016 Tel: 202.363.4900 St. Luke’s Mission Center (3655 Calvert St., NW)/Wesley UMC (5312 Conn. Ave., NW) Fax: 202.686.2056 E-Mail: website:

NEXT ISSUE: June 13, 2016

NEXT DEADLINE: Noon on June 7, 2016

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