The Messenger A Reflection for Pentecost There is inside a burning discontent With the status quo The shallow mundanities of church The lack of connection with God And the burning Fans the flames of passion And desire Of longing To become what God calls us to be To be In a place where God is ignited to move To excite Where God may reach out And people may be reborn Where the passion and desire Grow stronger Till we ignite each other And the flame burns even brighter And we are purified Made holy The dross burnt off Until we stand in the heart of the flame And remain unharmed Then we stand in the right place With the right focus Our hearts aflame With passion Our eyes focused on God
May 13, 2013 Volume XXIII, No. 5
Happy Birthday Church! Pentecost is celebrated as the birthday of the church. It’s the day when we celebrate the coming of the Holy Spirit to the early church. The disciples were gathered in Jerusalem for the Jewish Festival of weeks, praying and worshipping God. All at once there was the sound of a rushing wind, and what looked like tongues of fire came and rested on the heads of the disciples. The disciples went out and spoke to the people of the crowds in many different languages, telling them about Jesus. The Holy Spirit brings with it various gifts and skills, and today is a day to explore those skills. It is also a day in which we are encouraged to go out and tell others about God and Jesus. Here at Metropolitan, we are celebrating this special day as a combined parish with members of Wesley United Methodist Church and members of the Crossroads Worship Community at St. Luke’s joining with the members of Metropolitan. It will be a glorious day of music as choirs from all locations and ages join their voices together. We are also joined by our friends from Brighter Day ministries, a merged parish in Southeast Washington. Our celebration will continue with a neighborhood picnic under the tent. We will have games, moon bounces and live music, as we welcome all who come to join in our party and celebration. This is an excellent day to invite a neighbor or friend to join you at church to experience the best of what we, as a joint worshiping community, can offer.
A Brighter Day On Pentecost
Stop by the Brighter Day table on the plaza of the church during Pentecost to learn about our growing relationship with Brighter Day Ministries, a cooperative United Methodist parish in the Congress Heights neighborhood of Southeast Washington DC. Metropolitan will be supporting its Summer Academic Camp Explosion this summer through a donation from our Foundation, volunteers, and supplies. For more information, see article on page 7.
Pentecost - Sunday, May 19 One Worship Service at 11:15am Pentecost on the Plaza - 12:30pm
Join us as we celebrate the birth of the Church! Our “Pentecost on the Plaza” will take place after our single worship at 11:15am with a picnic of sandwiches, salads and lots of ice cream. And we need your help! We ask congregation members to bring their favorite salad including pasta, green, potato, etc., enough for 10 to 12 people. We will also have live music from the Wesley combo, a moon bounce and games for the kids. Plus we’re bringing back the origami Pentecost doves to support Brighter Day. Come and celebrate and don’t forget to wear red!
Life at Metropolitan Memorial
Welcome New Members
Congratulations • to Carol Farris, who participated in the newly released documentary “Defiant Requiem: Voices of Resistance” that premiered on PBS on Sunday, April 7. Carol says of the experience, “Roughly 10 years ago, I sang a concert at the former Nazi prison camp, Terezin, in the Czech Republic as a tiny part in the filming of a documentary about how inmates in the camp sang the Verdi Requiem in defiance of their captors...It is a gripping story and was quite an experience for me.” You can purchase the documentary at and it can be viewed online at (search for Defiant Requiem). • to Elaine Lohrman, who sang the National Anthem at the Washington Nationals Ballpark on April 24! • to Heather Mahaffey and Gerald Wolfe, who were married on April 27. • to Eunice Mathews who celebrated her 99th birthday on April 29!
Summer Office Hours M-Th 9 a.m. - 5 p.m. Fri 9 a.m. - 2 p.m.
Please note our new summer office hours will begin on Friday, May 24. We will return to our regular office hours in September.
We welcome our new members who joined our congregation on Sunday, April 21. Luke Heselden is a graduate student at the School of International Service at American University, where he is studying US foreign policy. He just completed an internship with the State Department, and is looking forward to finishing his degree in the Fall. Outside of school he likes to stay active playing Irish football (like Aussie rules football if you’ve ever seen that!) and get to as many Nats games as he can! He grew up in the Gaithersburg, MD area and attended Grace United Methodist Church. Jon, Lisa and Kelsey White moved to DC from Louisiana late last year as a result of a Navy transfer. Jon has been in the Navy for 30 years and is an oceanographer. Jon & Lisa have been married 29 years. Kelsey is 17 and a Junior at School Without Walls. Jon enjoys teaching Sunday School (adult & youth) and participating in worship (e.g., Children’s Moments, prayer); Lisa has been active in Disciple Bible study, women’s circles, handbells, and a variety of mission/service projects; Kelsey is a veteran youth volunteer at VBS and is looking forward to participating in the Appalachian Service Project this summer. We also welcomed Elizabeth and Michael Wolski who transferred to Metropolitan Memorial from Westford United Methodist Church in Westford, MA. When you see our new members in worship, please give them a warm welcome!
Thank You from Team Sophie Bear
On Sunday, May 5, team Sophie Bear ran in the DC 5K Race for Hope in support of Sophie Posner Brown a member of our church family who has been bravely and successfully fighting brain cancer since she was three years old. Below is a thank you note from the Posner family, thanking all those who support their family and Sophie in particular before they began the race and crossed the finish line.
Team Sophie Bear 2012
“One more thank you to all donors and teammates of Team Sophie Bear. This is by far our biggest year yet, we exceeded our original goal by $6,000 (raising a total of over $21,000 this year) and have almost 60 registered runners or walkers this year!! We are so amazed by the outpouring of support that Sophie has received from friends, family and our community near and far. We continue to be very excited about the development with Sophie's new drug and hope to continue to share exciting news with every future MRI. Thank you from all of us.
Sincerely, Steven, Jessica, Isabelle and Sophia
Life at Metropolitan Memorial The organ at St. Luke’s has found a new home! Trinity Lutheran Church in Topton, PA, is now the proud owner of the Moller Console and Lawless & Associates pipe organ. For several months, Metropolitan’s Board of Trustees has been working with the Topton church to secure a new home for this amazing instrument that was not being used at the St. Luke’s campus. The church in Topton will be working through the next year and a half to repair the organ and retrofit it to fit into their worship space. Amazingly, the Lord brought our two churches together. The following is an excerpt of a newspaper article shared by Dave Ehrig, Pipe Organ Committee Chair expressing the joy and excitement of the church in fulfilling a nearly 7 year process to find the right organ for their church. “We did it! Hallelujah!! After seven years in the desert...and three intense years visiting...and less than a year saying “let’s get started raising some money,” the Trinity Lutheran Church Pipe Organ Committee exchanged a $55,000 dollar check for a Moller Console and Lawless & Associates pipe organ. April 22, 2013 was once know as “Earth Day” in the United States, but for the hard working and persistent members of our committee, it will now be known as “organ transplant day” for Trinity. As we listened to Steve Schucker’s informal concert on the new pipe organ, our spirits were lifted by the reality that this event had finally come to pass...Yes, there was truly joy in our hearts and minds, and the committee can’t wait to share it with Topton’s Trinity.”
National RAISE the Dough Challenge Results!
Campus Kitchen Project Saturday, May 18, 3pm, St. Luke’s Mission Center (3655 Calvert St., NW)
The Campus Kitchen Project empowers thousands of students each year to recycle food from their cafeterias into nourishing meals that are then delivered to those in need. How can you get involved? Join us from 3pm - 6pm at St. Luke’s Mission Center to prepare the food or join us at Regency House (5201 Connecticut Ave., NW) from 6pm - 9pm to serve. To volunteer, sign up here or contact Rev. Kate Murphey.
Metropolitan Book Club Monday, May 20, 7:30pm, Parlor
Join our monthly Book Club meetings in May and June! On May 20, Mary Jo Marchant leads our discussion of Amor Towles’ novel, Rules of Civility. On June 17, Lorraine Marsh leads our discussion of Nobel Prize Winner Toni Morrison’s latest, Home. All are welcome. Contacts: Suzanne Clewell, or Joan Topalian,
Greater things have yet to come and greater things are still to be done in this city. St. Luke’s Mission Center is thrilled to share that they have come in FIRST PLACE in the NATIONAL Raise the Dough challenge, raising $8,708 + $1,000 for winning the competition. That's nearly $10,000 for our programs to reduce hunger insecurity in Washington, DC! Many, many thanks to all of you who supported this campaign, through your prayers and encouragement, attending our charity breakfast or fun(draising) happy hour, and making an online donation. For more information on the St. Luke’s Mission Center go to
Grate Patrol Sunday, May 26, 10:10 a.m., Vestry Kitchen
Join the Grate Patrol team to make sandwiches and prepare the meal bags that will be distributed the following day to those in need in our area. For more information or to volunteer go to
On Sunday, May 26 (Metropolitan) and Sunday, June 2 (Wesley and Crossroads), Lesli, Henry and I will say goodbye to the Metropolitan community. It has been wonderful to serve this faithful church for five years. You have continued to embrace and love us throughout our time here in DC. You welcomed Henry with open arms, and you showered him not only with gifts, but with your love and prayers as well. Along the way, you have helped me to grow as a pastor and spiritual leader.Your passion for serving others has inspired me, and will invariably inform how I pastor in my new projected role at Powell United Methodist Church in Knoxville, TN. We will carry the people of this community in our hearts wherever we go, and along the way will pray that you will continue to be a blessing and that you will always pursue justice in this city. I am hopeful that God's will is done here at it is in heaven. We've seen great things happen, but I know that "greater things have yet to come and greater things are still to be done here." As we move forward on our journeys, let us remember that nothing can separate us from the love of God. I will no longer be your pastor, but we remain brothers and sisters in Christ. We will always rejoice to receive a note or card. Our new address beginning on June 10 will be 1401 Grainger Ave. Knoxville, TN. 37917. Joy and Peace,
Service and Advocacy
Support the Washington Interfaith Network
On May 1st over 1,000 DC residents emailed and called their councilmembers letting them know that DC voters care about making housing affordable for middle and low income residents, and ending homelessness for 1,400+ teens, children, families, and adults. Thank you for participating in this great action! WIN will update its website with statements from councilmembers on their position on our budget priorities as we check in with them throughout the next few weeks. It has been a busy month for WIN – in addition to May 1, with your help, WIN helped make the plight of the homeless visible at our April 13th event to encourage early voting. And WIN turned out almost 700 people at Temple Sinai on Earth Day to support more jobs for DC residents. WIN’s next steps on the budget will be attending committee hearings at the Wilson Building. On May 14th – DC Council Budget Negotiation Day – WIN will be at the Wilson Building from 9am - noon to meet councilmembers as they go into their horse trading session on the budget. WIN will watch as councilmembers put their budget priorities on the table to see which of them come through on our budget priorities. We will phone bank voters to ask them to weigh in along the way. If you'd like to join these efforts, contact Linda Davenport, Metropolitan Memorial’s WIN team leader, linda@davenport-associates. com. To receive up-to-date information sign up at
Reconciling Ministries We are Marching in the Light of God Saturday, June 8
The LGBTQ Pride Festival weekend is June 8 and 9. As part of our celebration of our reconciling status, that same weekend we will again take to the streets to proclaim the love of God. (Truly, the churches get the second biggest applause.) Why should we walk in the parade June 8 in the mid afternoon? 1. We were reconciled to God before we even knew it-and we need to remember it. 2. The love of God is far more powerful than the power of hate - and we need to show it. 3. There are fearful parents who believe that their children will burn in Hell forever because they love the "wrong person." These hurting parents need to understand that their children are "fearfully and wonderfully made." 4. That people may see that being religious and supportive of LGBTQ folk are not mutually exclusive terms. 5. When we sing that “He's Got the Whole World in His Hands," we are singing our faith. 6. We want to raise our children to love and to walk the talk. 7. It is about evangelism. 8. It is about the basics of our Faith. 9. Our new bishop will be marching with us. Please join us to walk or wheel on the afternoon of June 8 about 4pm with the other UMC's in the area. Water, beads, church t-shirt provided. Details will be posted regarding precise meeting location (about 24th and M, NW) and time as that information is provided to us. For more details, contact Kerm Towler, or Suzanne Forsyth,
Join the Reconciling Team!
Help Plan September’s Reconciling Ministry Network’s Convocation! The Reconciling Ministry Network will hold their biennial National Convocation (referred to as the Convo) in the Washington Area Friday, August 30 – Monday, September 3. On Sunday evening, September 2, Metropolitan Memorial will host a gala celebration and reception for the attendees and local reconciling congregations. Festivities will include a community sing with the renowned Dr. Ysaye Barnwell, music from a mass choir of D.C. area congregations, awards for outstanding achievements in the Reconciling movement, and more. To learn more about the Convocation or to register go to To learn more about our reconciling team, contact Kerm Towler, or Suzanne Forsyth,
Serve Now! Sign up for our many ongoing parish service activities! It is easier than ever for you to get connected with our online volunteer scheduling system at!
Caring and Learning Lunch and More Thursday, May 16, Noon, Great Hall
Join us for lunch and a choice of activities including a movie, Bible study with Charlie Parker, and games including bridge. We would love more bridge players - right now we usually have one table, but would love to have 2 or 3 tables each month. Questions or input, contact Phyllis Kokus, or Mary Jo Marchant,
Prayer Shawl Ministry Sunday, May 19, 1:30pm Tuesday, May 21, 12:30pm
Join us in the parlor for a time of knitting, crocheting, fellowship, ministry and fun! Interested in joining? Contact Barbara Tate,
May AARP Meeting Monday, May 20, Vestry, 12:30pm
Join the President of the Association for the Preservation of Historic Congressional Cemetery as he discusses the fascinating history of the facility and some of the famous, not-so-famous, and infamous people who are buried there. Discover some of the humorous and fun aspects of the cemetery and the activities and programs sponsored by the Association. Refreshments will be served.
Juggling Caregiving Responsibilities Wednesday, May 22, 7pm, Conference Room
Are you the caregiver of a spouse, parent or relative who is experiencing memory loss or other challenges? There are many competing caregiving issues demanding attention. Hear representatives from Arden Courts Kensington, Home Instead, and Seabury Resources for Aging discuss the balancing act of Juggling Caregiving Responsibilities and explain resources that can help. This discussion is open to all and is sponsored by Congregational Care.
Cloud of Witnesses: Christian Writers “Frederick Buechner: Listen to Your Life” Wednesday, May 22, 7pm, Great Hall
Listen to your life. See it for the fathomless mystery that it is...
Join us as Ned Bachman leads a discussion on Frederick Buechner, a Presbyterian clergyman and author of more than thirty works of fiction and nonfiction. He has been a finalist for both the Pulitzer Prize and the National Book Award and was honored by the American Academy of Arts and Letters. His most recent work is Beyond Words: Daily Readings in the ABC’s of Faith.
Soup and Study Wednesday, May 22, 6pm, Vestry
Join us for “Soup and Study,” Metropolitan’s Wednesday evening study program. Supper of soup, bread, salad and dessert will be served at 6pm with classes beginning at 7pm. Questions? Contact Barbara Green, bgreen@nationalchurch. org. Classes include: Juggling Caregiving Responsibilities - Leader: Drema McAllister-Wilson; Cloud of Witnesses: Christian Writers “Frederick Buechner: Listen to Your Life” Leader Ned Bachman (see above); Disciple I - Leader: Barbara Gaskill; Bible Study - Leader: Charlie Parker.
Weekly Meditation Practice Wednesdays, 8:30am, Sanctuary
Join us Wednesday mornings for guided and walking meditation (20 minutes of each) that nurtures a sense of inner peace and balance. Under the guidance of Betty Rogers, participants share an opportunity for health and emotional benefits that include receptivity to the presence of Spirit, increased self-awareness, and skills to manage stress and release from negative emotions. All are welcome. For more information, contact Betty Rogers, betty.
Bereavement Support for Widowed Persons
Widowed Person Outreach—Helping and Healing offers support groups for people who have been widowed two years or less. An ongoing group meets on the 2nd and 4th Wednesday of each month at 2pm at Sibley (5255 Loughboro Rd., NW). For more information, call 202-537-4942.
Club Memory
A supportive social group for people with mild cognitive impairment or early stage dementia, along with their caregivers or family. Meets 2nd and 4th Wednesdays in the Great Hall at MMUMC from 1:30pm – 3:30pm. Call Sibley Senior Association for more information 202.364.7602 or Drema McAllister-Wilson,, 202.363.4900 ext. 19.
Sibley Celebrates National Cancer Survivors Day Friday, June 7, 10:30am, Leonard Memorial Chapel*
Join Sibley as they celebrate National Cancer Survivors Day with the theme, "Strength for the Journey." This free program is for survivors, family members, caregivers, medical professionals, chaplains, clergy, social workers, palliative care teams and anyone who would like to honor a loved one who has survived cancer. Program Highlights include: Interfaith Prayers of Healing; Survivors Reflection of Hope; Guided Imagery—Relax and Heal, an experiential introduction to relaxation techniques that support healing; Healing Wall; Complimentary lunch, gifts and more Featured Speakers include: Joan Vincent, Senior Vice President and Chief Nursing Officer, Sibley Memorial Hospital; Rev. Barbara Mckenzie, Survivor, Director of Pastoral Care, Suburban Hospital; Janet Connors, Licensed Clinical Social Worker, Family Therapist and Mind-body Practitioner; Colette M. Magnant, M.D., Breast Cancer Surgeon and Director, Sibley Breast Cancer Program; Sign Language Interpreter for the hearing impaired Registration is required by June 3. Visit or call 202-537-4084 *Sibley Memorial Hospital, 5255 Loughboro Road, N.W.
Caring and Learning (cont.)
May is Mental Health Month “Faith and Mental Health: Creating Caring and Sharing Communities”
United Methodists around the world are called to join the Caring Communities program, congregations and communities in covenant relationship with persons with mental illness and their families. - Mental Health Ministries, #3303, 2012 Book of Resolutions
This Month at IONA Living with Late Stage Caring Communities Alzheimers for Caregivers • Educate congregations and the community in public discussion Monday May 13, 6pm, Iona Senior Services* about mental illness and work to reduce the stigma experienced Registration required, 202.895.9448 by those suffering. • Covenant to understand and love persons with mental illness & their families. • Welcome persons and their families into the faith community. • Support persons with mental illness and their families through providing awareness, prayer, and respect. • Advocate for better access, funding and support for mental health treatment and speak out on mental health concerns. Mental Health Resources • Creating Caring Communities - • United Methodist Committee on DisAbility Ministries - • Pathways to Promise - • Mental Health Ministries - • NAMI Faithnet - Sponsored by: General Board of Church and Society - umc-gbcs. org/issues/mental-health; General Board of Global Ministries -; National Mental Health Institute -
Information Panel: Alcohol and Medication Wednesday, May 29 2pm, Five Star Residences** Registration required, 301.915.9217 Sponsored by IONA and Five Star Residences of Chevy Chase.
Low-Vision Support Group Thursday, 10am, Iona Senior Services* Registration required, 202.895.9448 Parkinson’s Support Group Fridays, 11 – noon, Iona Senior Services* Registration required, 202.895.9448 *4125 Albemarle Street NW, WDC 20015 **8100 Conn. Ave., Chevy Chase.
Youth Ministries Celebrating Cinco De Mayo
On Sunday, May 5 our youth hosted the youth from Foundry UMC for a Cinco De Mayo party. There were over 25 youth spending time eating tacos, playing games, and getting to know each other.
Senior Recognition Sunday
On Sunday, May 5, we recognized our graduating High School Seniors: Danielle Whitehead, David Davenport, Kojo Otchere, and Marissa Mizroch. If you see our seniors, please congratulate them!
Anita Seline and Martha Mizroch congratulate Marissa Mizroch at the Senior Recognition Reception
Youth 4 the DC Cause - Sunday, June 23 through Friday, June 28
As our High School students prepare to go off to ASP in July, our Middle School students will be staying in the DC area with a week of service at the end of June. This “Youth 4 the DC Cause” experience is an opportunity for rising sixth through ninth graders to experience the various opportunities to serve in our community. Each day will be focused on a different issue where youth will learn the biblical basis for the service project as well as experience engaging in it. If you would like to participate, please contact Patrick Landau, Director of Youth Ministries,
Youth Talent Show - Sunday, June 10
Are you between the ages of 8 and 20? Do you have a talent that you would like to show the world? Then this year’s Youth Talent Show is right up your ally. You can plan a routine with your friends that don’t go to church here with us or play an instrument. No matter your talent, this will be an event for the whole family to enjoy. To share your talent, contact Patrick Landau, Director of Youth Ministries,
Donations Needed Brighter Day Ministries Summer Academic Camp
Children’s Ministries
Summer Sundays of Service
Our fledgling alliance with Brighter Day Ministries, located in Congress Heights in Ward 8, continues to grow stronger. Metropoitan visited Brighter Day Ministries last July and worshipped at their Congress Heights Church (Brighter Day encompasses three United Methodist churches). Later Metropolitan helped out with Brighter Day’s Back-to-School Jam, by collecting backpacks and school supplies for kids starting school. We also collected clothes and food for the pantries that Brighter Day operates. Over the holidays, Metropolitan Nursery School adopted five families from among the people that Brighter Day helps and provided Christmas gifts. And recently, Metropolitan’s Foundation trustees approved a donation to support Brighter Day’s Summer Academic Camp Explosion. This summer, our congregation is reaching out again to help Brighter Day Ministries by supporting its summer academic camp for 150 kids. Brighter Day organizers are in need of volunteers and supplies and will be on hand during Pentecost to talk about this critical summer program. They seek volunteers who can come and work with the camp kids to teach math skills, spelling, language arts, reading, arts and crafts and more. Place your donations on the silver shelves in the foyer. For questions, contact Anita Seline, aseline@nationalchurch. org; Pat House,; Martha Mizroch,; or Cynthia Pugh, cynthia. Supplies Needed: School supplies such as folders, pens, pencils, markers, paint brushes, paint, construction paper, composition notebooks, notebook paper, tape, and dispensers, pencil sharpeners, coloring books, crayons, index cards, brown craft paper, Xerox paper, white and color, water, juices, dictionaries, rulers, scissors, paper clips, staplers, dry erase boards, math and spelling books, reading games, basketballs, large and small playground balls, and calculators. Also needed are DVD players, CD players, TVs, computers.
Plant a community garden, make a meal, pack a bag of grace, create a garden stepping stone. Or do it all this summer during our Children’s Sunday School, which is focused on helping others. We have a wonderful summer shaping up. June 10, we’ll visit our St. Luke’s Mission Center to help plant the community garden. Later this summer, we’ll support Brighter Day Ministries’ summer academic camp explosion (see related article) and build sandwiches for the Grate Patrol. Thank you to everyone who has already volunteered and we are looking for just two more service project leaders for July dates. Please check your calendar and step up to help others. We’ll provide a service project to lead if you do not have an idea. Your commitment is just for one hour on one summer Sunday. You can do it! Contact Anita Seline aseline@
Children’s Book Drive Now through Sunday, June 2!
Have your children outgrown some of their books? Consider donating them to Brighter Day Ministries! This year, our sister church in Southeast DC is organizing its annual summer academic camp and is working to establish a library of children’s books to distribute to the campers at the conclusion of the summer to encourage reading throughout the year. You can place your donations in the collection bins on the first and second floor hallways. The book drive will conclude on Sunday, June 2. If you have any questions, please contact Anita Seline, Children from ages 4 to rising 6th graders are invited to share the unique, relaxed fellowship found in VBS. A typical morning includes segments of music, arts and crafts, recreation, and storytelling. Each VBS morning opens and closes with a community worship session. Register now at!
Well, Wiggle Dee-Dee Two New Books by Ellen Cromwell
Congregation member Ellen Cromwell, who is the founder of the Georgetown Hill Early Schools in Maryland, has published two children’s books: Wiggle-Dee-Dee…A Story about Friendship and Splash Puddle Splash. Wiggle-Dee-Dee, illustrated by Melanie Halperin, is about an unlikely friendship between a caterpillar and a worm. Splash Puddle Splash is about how a child’s walk in the rain inspires a voyage of the imagination. It is illustrated by Desiree J. Sterbini. Check out these sweet and colorful books the next time you’re in the children’s section of the church library.
Our Mission
Building an inclusive, caring Christian community that invites others into a deepening relationship with God and challenges them to grow as disciples for the transformation of the world.
Our Vision
Extending radical hospitality, transforming lives, and pursuing justice.
Reconciling Statement
Metropolitan Memorial United Methodist Church affirms that all individuals are of sacred worth without regard to race, ethnicity, national origin, sex, sexual orientation, age, religion, education, marital circumstances, economic status, physical and mental condition, or criminal history. We declare ourselves in support of the reconciling movement and welcome the full participation in the church of gay, lesbian, bisexual, or transgendered persons and their families, as a reflection of God’s unconditional love. At the same time, we recognize differences of opinion on issues of sexuality and seek to journey together in faith toward greater understanding and mutual respect.
Pastoral and Administrative Staff - 3401 Nebraska Avenue, NW, DC - 202.363.4900 - Pastoral Emergency Number - 202.510.8555 Rev. Dr. Charles Parker –– Senior Pastor, ext. 11, Rev. Jimmy Sherrod — Associate Pastor Evangelism, Lead Pastor at Crossroads, ext. 24, Rev. Kate Murphey — Associate Pastor Service/Advocacy, Lead Pastor at Wesley UMC, ext. 21, Rev. Drema McAllister-Wilson — Minister of Congregational Care, ext. 19, Rev. Barbara Green – Director of Learning, ext. 25, Rebecca Ballard — Director of St. Luke’s Mission Center, Bruce Caviness — 11a.m. Organist-Choirmaster, ext. 15, Jeff Clouser — Director of Communications and Outreach, ext. 23, Dona Collary — Pastoral Care Assistant, ext. 19, Casey Elliott — Dayspring Choir Director and 9 a.m. Worship Leader, ext. 12, Caleb Frazier — Campus Ministry Coordinator, ext. 14, Kristianna M. George — Cherub Choir Director, Patrisha House — Director of Worship, Music and Arts, ext. 28, Patrick Landau — Director of Youth Ministries, ext. 24, Bill Potts –– Executive Director of Operations, ext. 17, Rafael Reyes — Director of Building and Grounds, ext. 20, Anita Seline — Director of Children’s Ministries, ext. 22, Helen Simon — Executive Assistant to Dr. Parker, ext. 42, Linda Smith — Director of Nursery School, 202.362.8746, Ian Urriola — Interim Children’s Music Director,
The Messenger is published by Metropolitan Memorial United Methodist Church Metropolitan Memorial - 3401 Nebraska Ave., NW., Washington, DC 20016 Tel: 202.363.4900 St. Luke’s Campus (3655 Calvert St., N.W.)/Wesley Campus (5312 Conn. Ave., N.W.) Fax: 202.686.2056 E-Mail: website: NEXT ISSUE: June 17, 2013 NEXT DEADLINE: Noon on June 11, 2013