United Methodist Women's Newsletter

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News of the Metropolitan Memorial United Methodist Women May, 2013

Spring Tea Honoring the women in our lives Sunday May 5, 12:30 Vestry

Come celebrate the arrival of spring with an inter-generational gathering of women and girls. We’ll have tea and treats, crafts and conversation. Cost: $10 per person. RSVP to: Courtney Leatherman at c_leatherman@ix.netcom.com. 

Make a Craft for Your Mothers UMW Craft Club May 12 – Mother’s Day—12:30-3:00 Vestry

The UMW Craft Club will meet in May if I can get any daughters and/or sons to participate WITHOUT the mom's being present! I have a great craft idea the kids can make for Mother's Day (ssshhhhhhh....it's a surprise). Please RSVP – I’ll need at least 3 participants to hold the event. We’ll make a Father’s Day gift in June. In July, we will be working each month on items for the UMW Bazaar. We want to have an even bigger Bazaar this year and Crafts & Gifts tables need a lot of merchandise to be able to offer. The items we make at UMW Craft Days will augment whatever we create on UMW Service Day. Contact: Mary Townsend, maryleekt@gmail.com or call me at 202-5342022. 

AARP Meeting

Monday, May 20 A representative from Congressional Cemetery will tell us about the fascinating history of the facility and about some of the famous, not-so-famous, and infamous people who are buried there. Social time is at 12:30 p.m., and the meeting starts at 1:00. Refreshments will be served. 

Too Soon For Bazaar Donations…. You gotta wait till June to bring in your treasures, unless you absolutely cannot wait. Then, you must negotiate with Barbara Gaskill to see if you may keep things at her house. But you must talk to her first: Barbara@bgaskill.com or 202- 244-3512.

Read a Book Please consider participating in the UMW Reading Program this year. You will need to read one book from each of five categories. Many of the books are in the church library, as is a list of all the books. Stock up for your summer reading! The list also is in the UMW Directory mailed to you last fall. A report of which books you read is due to Bobby Turnbull before the end of August. 

Give a Book

Children’s Book Drive Through Sunday, June 2 We’re collecting gently used children’s books for Brighter Day Ministries. Brighter Day, our sister church, is working to establish a library for its annual summer academic camp. At the end of the camp, the church will distribute books to the kids to encourage reading on their own. Metropolitan has collection bins on the first and second floor hallways. Contact: Anita Seline aseline@nationalchurch.org 

Jewelry Making

7pm, 2nd Wednesday of each month Christie Room Come string beads and create other baubles to sell at the UMW’s 2013 annual bazaar. Join us for a pre-Bazaar jewelry-making workshop. We’ll provide wire, clasps, etc. You provide the imagination as we rework some pieces that didn’t sell last year. Please bring pliers, as well. If you can take part in the workshop, which will follow the soup portion of the Soup and Study Hour, contact: Kelly D'Angelo (202) 210-2220. 

Mark your Calendars UMW Sunday, September 15th Details to come 

UMW Circle Meetings Circle 2. Contacts: Charlotte Carter (char.carter@cox.net), Jane Cunningham JTC3rd@aol.com) Circle 3: Contact: Anne Bechdolt, abechdolt@msn.com or 317-331-6813.

Circle 6: Meet May 9 at 6:30 pm at Barbara Tate’s house for a tour of Tenleytown. Barbara grew up in Tenley and will share lots of interesting tidbits, stories and history. Barbara’s address is: 4215 Chesapeake NW. Any questions, Mary Jo Marchant, mjmarchant@verizon.net or 703-435-1715; Ann Michel, amichel@wesleyseminary.edu, or 202-885-8582 th Circle 8: Meet Tuesday May 7 at 7:30 in the parlor. We will be assembling bags of toiletries for a women’s' shelter. Guests welcome. Contact: Eugenia Evans, setevans@comcast.net Circle 9: Meet Wednesday, May 1 at 10:30 a.m. in the Choir Room. We will discuss the Reading Program books we selected last month. Contact Bobby Turnbull, (301) 320-4154, bobbyturnbull@comcast.net Circle 10: Meet May 9 at 6:30 p.m. at Barbara Tate’s house for a tour of Tenleytown. (See info under Circle 6 entry— we’re glomming onto their event.) RSVP to Caralee Adams caralee.adams@verizon.net

Next UMW Board Meeting: Monday, May 13, at 7.

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