June 2016

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June 2016 Metropolitan Memorial, St. Luke’s & Wesley United Methodist Churches 202-363-4900 (MMUMC office) MetroUMW@gmail.com

Mark Your Calendar



 Daughter’s Tea, p. 3

1-3 W-F

BW Annual Conference (Wardman Park Hotel, DC)


 Nominations for December Recognition Luncheon needed, p. 4

4 Sa

Daughter’s Tea


16-18 Th-Sa

Northeast Jurisdiction UMW Quadrennial Meeting (Syracuse, NY)


 Mission U and Greater UMW and UM conferences, p. 5

20 M

AARP Potluck Luncheon (noon, Vestry)


 Thank yous from donation recipients, p. 7  Recap of UMW Ecumenical Advocacy Days, p. 8

July 11-15 M-F 29-31 F-Su

 Get ready for the November Bazaar, p. 6

Vacation Bible School Mission U (Pooks Hill Marriott, Bethesda)

 Circles, p. 9 5

November 5 Sa



December 4 Su

Recognition Luncheon


Twoheartsdesign.com Metropolitan UMW Newsletter : June 2016

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UMW News

Reflections Chaucer, the London poet, sums it up in a pithy phrase: “Whan maistrie [mastery] comth, the God of Love anon, Beteth his wynges, and farewell, he is gon.” As the reality of God has faded from so many lives in the West, there has been a corresponding inflation of expectations that personal relations alone will supply meaning and happiness in life. This is to load our partner with too great a burden. We are all incomplete: we all need the love which is secure, rather than oppressive, we need mutual forgiveness, to thrive. ~ Anglican Bishop of London, Richard Chartres The Royal Wedding Homily for Prince William and Catherine Middleton, April 29, 2011 http://www.london.anglican.org/articles/royal-wedding/

The Wedding Feast of Cana (Christ, detail), 1563 Paolo Caliari, dit Véronèse The Louvre

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UMW News

Metropolitan / Wesley United Methodist Women Cordially invite you to a Daughter’s Tea Because we’re All Daughters Saturday, June 4, 2016 3:30 pm – 6:30 pm Wesley United Methodist Church Fellowship Hall 5312 Connecticut Avenue, NW Washington, DC Come celebrate with Family and Friends Enjoy a cup of Tea, Savory and Sweet Treats And Live Music Hats and Gloves are encouraged but not required

Would you like to share a ride to the Tea?

Kelly D'Angelo has kindly volunteered to coordinate a carpool to Wesley from the Metropolitan Memorial UMC parking lot or rides from your home if you don't have a car. If you would like to carpool, need a ride or can volunteer to drive that afternoon, please contact Kelly D'Angelo at kellysclothes@aol.com. Please try to let her know by Thursday, June 1.

Suggested Donation $10.00

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UMW News

June AARP Meeting Monday, June 20, noon, Vestry

Please join us on Monday, June 20 at noon in the Vestry for our spring luncheon. The cost is $10.00 per person. Please contact Bobby Turnbull, bobbyturnbull@comcast.net for reservations.

Recognition Lunch Sunday, December 4th, 12:30 p.m.

Each year the UMW of Metropolitan Memorial hold a Recognition Luncheon honoring women who have made a significant contribution to the church the nation, and the world. This year the luncheon will be held on Sunday, December 4th at 12:30 p.m. We are seeking nominations of outstanding women to honor this year. Please submit nominations to Beverly Fleming at Beverly.fleming@gmail.com.

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UMW News

UMW Mission U July 29-July 31, Bethesda Marriott, Pooks Hill 5151 Pooks Hill Road Bethesda, MD 20814 Attention all! The UMW Mission U is coming up July 29-July 31 at the Bethesda Marriott (Pooks Hill). Courses will be held on: The Bible and Human Sexuality; Latin America: People and Faith; and Climate Justice: Call to Hope. The commuter rate is $175 if you register by June 30. That includes three lunches and two dinners. To register online, go to BWCUMC.org and look under events. Select Mission U and follow the instructions. I hope we can get a good representation for this important event. ~ Barbara Tate

UMW & United Methodist Upcoming Events June 1-3, 2016, Wednesday – Friday Baltimore-Washington Annual Conference Washington Marriott Wardman Park Hotel, Washington DC July 29-31, 2016, Friday – Sunday Mission U at (formerly School of Christian Mission) Pooks Hill Marriott Hotel, 5151 Pooks Hill Road, Bethesda, MD 20814 As usual, there will be youth and adult courses with this year’s focus being Latin America: People and Faith, Climate Justice, and The Bible and Human Sexuality. Cosponsored by the B-W Conference UMW and the General Board of Global Missions. October Greater Washington District Annual Meeting Date and location TBD Late November UN Seminar sponsored by the B-W Conference UMW New York City. Date TBD Early December Greater Washington District Leadership Training. Date and location TBD Experienced UMW officers coach newer officers in their roles. Metropolitan UMW Newsletter : June 2016

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UMW News UMW Bazaar Saturday, November 5, 2016

What you can do this summer to help… We'll be looking for lots of folks to do lots of things, so be prepared to pitch in -- this is the main source of the funds for the projects we support locally, nationally, and around the world. For starters, we'll be in need of volunteers this summer on Tuesdays from 10 a.m. to noon to assist with sorting and pricing all of the donated items. Hope you can join in the fellowship. Our first gathering will be in late June or early July -- stay tuned for the date!"

What can you donate? What’s for sale? All manner of gently-used items, such as: Things for the kitchen / China and other Collectibles / Puzzles and games / “Attic Treasures” / Christmas decorations / New and like-new items for the Gifts boutique / Hand-made crafts / Accessories, Scarves, Belts, Handbags. All of the preceding categories may be dropped off at any time outside the UMW closet beginning in June.  Jewelry (must be delivered to the church office, not to the UMW closet area)  Boutique-quality ladies’ wear such as jackets, sweaters and gowns (please hold on to these for now; do not drop with other donations outside the UMW closet area since we lack appropriate space to store them adequately) And yes, the Bake Sale and Lunch on site featuring our renowned Harvest Soup and more, will continue! Also continuing will be the Alternative Gifts table, where you may purchase a gift that will directly support a specific UMW-sponsored project. What we don’t take:  No furniture (we have neither storage nor display space)  No used electronics or old phones (these don't sell well)  No books (Save them for the spring book sale; we don't have storage space to take them now. The only exception: We will take children's books for sale in the children's section at the bazaar. Again, children's books only.)  No clothing (Except for Boutique-quality ladies’ jackets, sweaters, and gowns. See above. But again, don't drop these at the UMW closet -- we don't have good storage space for these.) For more information contact Barbara Gaskill at BETQGaskill@gmail.com

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UMW News Thank Yous from our March Book Sale Donation Recipients

Hi Anita,

Anita –

You all are absolutely amazing- thank you so much for making us a part of this incredible sale! We are honored and very grateful for your support of our work.

I brought all the wonderful supplies into Educare this week and the teachers are so excited. They are really amazing kits for our “graduating” children. I can’t wait to see what each child will create when they decorate their bags.

Lisa Oksala Program Manager DC Diaper Bank

Dear Anita, What wonderful news! How fabulous that the book sale was so successful! We just broke ground a couple of weeks ago for our new center in Ward 8 that will allow us to serve 100 more infants and toddlers. UMW's gift will be an important contribution to our on-going work. Thank you and all the members again for this wonderful gift! Best regards, Ruth Ruth McKey Bright Beginnings Board of Directors & UMW Member

Metropolitan UMW Newsletter : June 2016

Our Moving Up Ceremony for children moving up to Kindergarten is in July, so I will share some pictures when they all have their fabulous bags. Thank you for thinking of this and for making it happen as a project for UMW Service Day. I am grateful to you and to all the outstanding UMW women who gave their time and energy to support Educare. The families and children of Educare truly appreciate the school kits and the other generous supports provided by the UMW and Metropolitan. Warm regards, -Pyper Pyper Davis Executive Director Educare of Washington, D.C.

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UMW News Recap: Ecumenical Advocacy Days, April 15-18, 2016 The United Methodist Women Organization have always advocated justice for all, and therefore it was very fitting for me, along with other UMW women, to attend this event and represent our organization. As usual, participation from all faith communities was great. All speakers were dynamic and very informative. However, Rev. Amy Gopp, Dr. Rev. Barber, and Marian Wright Edelman gave the most compelling speeches. Rev. Amy Gopp is the Vice President of External Relations, IMA World Health. Her speech focused on national and international gender oppression and inequality. She pointed out that we should never stop working for the rights of women. If we do stop, we leave half of the humanity behind. Rev. Dr. Barber, a keynote speaker, encouraged everyone to move forward together to make the difference in our world. Dr. Barber is the president of the North Carolina NAACP. Marian Wright Edelman, founder and president of the Children’s Defense Fund (CDF) gave disturbing statistics regarding the condition of children in America and around the world, and challenged us to stand up for the rights of children. I also, participated in a discussion on Christian and Muslim communities moving forward together. During this session panelists spoke about how they are involved in building relationships between Christian and Muslim communities in the United States. However, it appeared that there are no substantial efforts being made to include immigrants who are Christians and who came to America from Muslim countries where they faced serious religious discrimination. In my view it is vital to include everyone to build stronger relationships so we can support and empower each other and our communities. ~ Esther Barkat

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The AU UMW Circle meets Fridays at 7:00 p.m. in the "AU Lounge" at Metropolitan. Contact Tori Lynn Gilkeson at VP@aumethodists.org


Contact Helene Lilly at j718hel@aol.com


Contact Charlotte Carter, char.carter@cox.net


Watch for an email, we will have a Summer Gathering in July at Deb Gustowski's home feedback regarding our new format and to talk about the coming year. Questions, Mary Jo Marchant, mjmarchant@verizon.net or Ann Michel, amichel@wesleyseminary.edu.


We are having our beginning of Summer Pot-Luck on Tuesday, June 7th. Please bring a salad to share. Desserts will be provided. It will be 6:30-8:30pm at Phyllis Kokus’ home at 4720 45th Street, NW, Washington, D.C. 20016. There is plenty of street parking. Please be thinking of whether you want to do something as a circle during the summer as well. Contact Kelly D’Angelo at kellysclothes@aol.com.


Circle 9 will meet for a potluck luncheon on Wednesday, June 1 at 11:30 a.m. in the Choir Room. Please contact Bobby Turnbull, bobbyturnbull@comcast.net.


All welcome! RSVP to Jeanie Mah / msjcmyu1@gmail.com.

The next UMW Board Meeting is in August Newsletter prepared by Alexandra McPherron alexmcph@gmail.com

Metropolitan UMW Newsletter : June 2016

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