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July 15, 2013 Volume XXIII, No. 7 Nationalchurch.org

The Messenger

Metropolitan Memorial and Brighter Day Ministries Partnership in Action by Linda Davenport

Metropolitan and Brighter Day UMC held a rousing joint worship service on Sunday, June 30, to pray for our city, for more affordable housing, and to demand the redevelopment of an abandoned apartment complex in Southeast DC. Filled with joy, fellowship and praise, the service was inspiring to all who attended, including Vincent Gray, Mayor of the District of Columbia and several other city officials. The service was held at the AP Shaw Campus of Brighter Day just a block from the boarded-up 266 unit Parkway Overlook apartment property. Without a renewed effort to preserve this property as affordable housing, it could be auctioned off to the highest bidder with no affordability requirements. Several previous redevelopment efforts failed due to a lack of city funding. But advocates believe the time is right for action because of Mayor Gray’s recent commitment of $100 million for affordable housing. Metropolitan and Brighter Day Partner to save and renovate Parkway Overlook into low and moderate income housing

The magic of the fellowship that occurred at the June 30 worship service touched everyone. Rev. Lyles called on the city to fulfill the recommendations of a government-appointed panel calling for housing preservation. Dr. Parker, using the story of Nehemiah and his determination to rebuild Jerusalem against opposition, chided the city for preventing the community from reclaiming the property. Two former Parkway Overlook residents, Rufaro Jenkins and Cynthia Eaglin, spoke from the heart about the loss of the places they called home. Ms. Jenkins and Ms. Eaglin are members of Brighter Day Church who have lead the fight on behalf of the tenants to preserve the property ever since their evictions five year ago. Linda Davenport held up the church’s work through the Washington Interfaith Network as a way we can act on our call to social justice. Mayor Gray gave a personal testimony to his own childhood in cramped housing in a nearby neighborhood, his brother’s experience working on behalf of tenants, and a commitment to the need to preserve and create more affordable housing in the city.

Rufaro Jenkins and Cynthia Eaglin speak to the congregation

Choirs from both churches had the congregation on its feet and alive with responsive song, singing “I’ll Pray For You, You Pray For Me” and “Greater things are yet to come, and greater things are still to be done in this city.” New Washington District Superintendent Rev. Dr. Joe Daniels, who also is pastor of Emory UMC, held up the joint action of Brighter Day and Metropolitan as a model for how people across the District can work together for the common good. Closing the service, Rev. Kate Murphey invited the worshipers to “Stand on Holy Ground” and urged the city to action. While singing “This Little Light of Mine,” the assembled worshipers recessed from the sanctuary and walked down the street to the Parkway Overlook property where they held hands, prayed, and sang against a backdrop of the chain link fences that surround the boarded up housing – blighted buildings that could become homes once more, if we take action. From the beginning to the end of the service, the spirit of God moved among us.

50th Anniversary of the March on Washington Were you a Freedom Rider in the early 60’s? Were you there to hear Dr. King’s “We Have A Dream” Speech?

On August 28, 1963, Dr. King gave what would become a groundbreaking speech at the steps of the Lincoln Memorial. Were you there for this momentous day? Did you participate in the Freedom Riders? We’d love to hear about your experiences during those turbulent times. If you are interested in sharing your reflections and experiences, please contact Rev. Kate Murphey, kmurphey@nationalchurch.org or 202-363-4900, ext. 21. We look forward to hearing from you!

Dr. Parker speaks with Mayor Vincent Gray during the rally

Life at Metropolitan Memorial Introducing Rev. Dottie Yunger

We welcome Rev. Dottie Yunger to the Metropolitan family. Dottie is our new Associate Pastor and is the lead pastor of Crossroads at our St Luke’s Mission Center. Previously Dottie was the Executive Director of Interfaith Partners for the Chesapeake, an interfaith environmental organization in the Chesapeake Bay Watershed. Dottie was recently commissioned in the Baltimore Washington Conference as a Provisional Elder. She has served at Capitol Hill UMC as the student associate for reconciliation ministries, which included multicultural ministry and creation care. Dottie is a marine biologist who has worked for the Smithsonian Institution, Discovery Channel, and the National Aquarium. She has studied ecosystem modeling and sea turtle conservation, mostly in warm, sunny climates. Dottie received a Bachelor of Science in marine science from the University of Maryland, and her Master of Divinity and Master of Theological Studies from Wesley Theological Seminary. She and her husband live in Cheverly, MD with their dog Cosette, rescued from New Orleans after Hurricane Katrina, and three rescue cats.

Dottie and Friend

Our prayers go out to • the family and friends of Elma Fritts, who died on June 5 • the family and friends of Mary Hinshelwood, who died on June 8 • the family and friends of Mary Jean Evans, who died on June 9


• to C. J. Johnson (son of Roger and Carolyn Johnson) and Suzanne Torrenga, who celebrated their marriage Saturday, June 29. • to Elizabeth Geyer (daughter of Barbara Green) and Alikhan Salehi who were married on Saturday, June 29.

Welcome New Members

We welcome Sarah, Thomas and George Mancinelli. Sarah and Tom joined our congregation on Sunday, June 23.

“The Pirates: Band of Misfits” Friday, August 23, 8pm Metropolitan Parking Lot

Metro Players Public Reading An Invite from the Artistic Director, Bob Benn Saturday, July 20, 10am - 1pm

Come and enjoy a reading of The Metro Players fall production, "A Civil War Christmas: An American Musical Celebration," a play, by Pulitzer Prize-winning playwright Paula Vogel, that Variety describes as "a rich and moving play with music...[it] taps into seasonal themes of redemption, forgiveness, and community, with a decidedly American bent." The New York Times writes, "Ms. Vogel manages to humanize her many characters in a few crisp strokes of dialogue, so they come across as full-blooded people glimpsed clearly, rather than as talking statues in a historical diorama." Interested in being a cast member? Some parts have been cast, but more “characters” are needed. Interested? Contact Bob Benn at rjb2graphicdesign@yahoo. Rehearsals will be mid-September through mid-November with perfomances the weekend of November 15-17. I hope you will be as charmed by this play as I am and will be moved to consider working on it with us.

Bring your blankets and chairs and join us for a free evening of fun under the stars! Our movie for the evening will be Sony Pictures’, “The Pirates: Band of Misfits.” Movie begins at dusk.

Please Remember Metropolitan While You are on Vacation!

Summer is the time that many of us retreat from the frantic pace of the school year, and many of us are away on vacations. Please remember that our church’s financial needs do not take a vacation, and we rely on your continued pledge support even when we must miss you in worship. Please keep your pledge current while you enjoy a wonderful summer break!


Life at Metropolitan Palisades 4th of July Parade A Fun and Rewarding Time

On Thursday, July 4, members of our congregation marched in the annual Palisades 4th of July Parade. Not only was a great time had by all, but the group won a prize for one of the best presentations in the parade. All who attended believed it was the Dove that did it...with a little help from Uncle Sam (Mike Emery) and John Wesley (Rev. Mark Schaefer). We’d like to thank Suzanne Forsyth, Maura Porcelli and Erik Edgerton for their leadership and preparation for the parade. We’d also like to thank those who marched; Dick Schleicher for all his work on the Dove and those that carried it all that way in the parade; Kelly Kuwayama for his service, and the red, white and blue military caps; and Bob Benn for driving!

Bob Benn (Driver), Suzanne Forsyth, and Fumiko and Kelly Kuwayama wave to the crowds

Rev. Mark Schaefer (John Wesley) and Mike Emery (Uncle Sam) show their spirit

Thanks to the many brave handlers, the dove was a great success!

Service and Advocacy Meet Our Missionaries Nan McCurdy and Miguel Mariena

For a number of years, Metropolitan has supported United Methodist Missionaries Nan McCurdy and Miguel Mariena through a covenant of missionary support which provides funding to underwrite their work through the General Board of Global Ministries. This husband and wife team serves in Nicaragua. They have been instrumental in our efforts to build stronger, longer-term mission connections in that country. Nan began her work in Nicaragua in 1984 with her first husband Phil Mitchell. They were commissioned by Global Ministries in 1989 and assigned to an ecumenical center that encouraged Christian unity between Catholics and Protestants during the Contra war. Later, they worked with the Foundation for Nicaraguan War Victims in accompaniment of severely disabled veterans and helping to get a micro-loan project off the ground for the disabled veterans. During this time, Phil died suddenly of a pulmonary embolism leaving behind Nan and their two small children, Daniel, age three, and Nora, thirteen months. Four years later, Nan married Miguel who had grown up on an island at the end of Lake Nicaragua. His family is Nazarene and two brothers are pastors. Although he wasn’t able to begin primary school until he was 20, he never stopped studying and today has a master’s degree in law and has studied theology in many different settings. Two years after their marriage, Miguel was also commissioned as a United Methodist Missionary. They continued to work with the Ecumenical Center and also pioneered a program called “Women and Community.” Since 2002 they have helped launch many programs with women, youth and children including Integral Health and a Women’s Clinic; a program to prevent violence and psychological/ legal counsel for survivors of violence; a Youth Scholarship Program and a Youth Leadership Development program that gave birth to the Youth Network Against Violence; Women’s Economic Development and a loan fund; work with pregnant teens to avoid more pregnancies and other projects within these programs. Miguel has done a lot of the legal work and legal support for the women and also for the organization. To learn more or view videos related to their work go to bwcumc.org/ministries/missionaries/nicaragua. If you would be interested in receiving their quarterly newsletters, please email Nan at nanmigl@yahoo.com.


Campus Kitchen Project Saturday, July 20, 3pm, St. Luke’s Mission Center (3655 Calvert St., NW)

Grate Patrol Sunday, July 28, 10:10 a.m., Vestry Kitchen

The Campus Kitchen Project empowers thousands of students each year to recycle food from their cafeterias into nourishing meals that are then delivered to those in need. How can you get involved? Join us from 3pm - 6pm at our St. Luke’s Mission Center to prepare the food or join us at Regency House (5201 Connecticut Ave., NW) from 6pm - 9pm to serve. To volunteer, sign up at nationalchurch.org/servenow! or contact Rev. Kate Murphey, kmurphey@nationalchurch.org.

Join the Grate Patrol team to make sandwiches and prepare the meal bags that will be distributed the following day to those in need in our area. For more information or to volunteer, go to nationalchurch.org/servenow.

Serve Now! Sign up for our many ongoing parish service activities! It is easier than ever for you to get connected with our online volunteer scheduling system at nationalchurch.org/servenow!

Reconciling Ministries Support the National Reconciling Ministries Network Convocation in Washington, DC August 30 - September 2

Over Labor Day weekend (August 30 - September 2), Reconciling Methodists from around the country will join together to celebrate God’s wondrous love and the ministry of the Reconciling Ministries Network (RMN) at their biennial Convocation. There are several important ways people from Metropolitan Church can support this important gathering. Register to attend the convocation being held at the National 4H Center. There is no better time to attend this event than when it is being held in our own backyard. Learn more or register at www.rmnetwork.org.

Be a Part of the Mass Choir Reconciling Ministries Network Convocation

Attend the Sunday Night Celebration Sunday, September 1 7:30pm, Metropolitan Memorial Sanctuary

On Sunday, September 1, Metropolitan Memorial is hosting a worship celebration for Convocation attendees and other area United Methodists. We need Metropolitan Church members to support this event and help with a reception to follow. Please contact Ann Michel to volunteer, amichel@ wesleyseminary.edu.

A massed choir, composed of singers and choirs from all over the Baltimore-Washington region, will perform at the Sunday Night Celebration of the National Reconciling Ministries Network Convocation at Metropolitan Memorial. The choir will be prepared and conducted by Dr. Stanley Thurston, Director of Music at Foundry United Methodist Church. To learn more or sign up to participate, email mittie@bwarm. org. The rehearsal schedule is as follows: •August 24, 11am - 12:30pm, Hughes United Methodist Church, Wheaton, MD. (near Washington Beltway and within walking distance of the Wheaton Metro stop) •August 29, 6:30pm - 9pm, Metropolitan Memorial •September 1, Dress Rehearsal - 6:30pm, Metropolitan Memorial and Performance, 7:30pm, Metropolitan Memorial

Volunteers Needed to Provide Welcoming Hospitality

The national Reconciling Ministries Network convocation will be held August 30 through September 1 at the 4-H Center in Chevy Chase, Maryland (for more information visit www.rmnetwork.org and click on ChurchQuake!). We are looking for local United Methodists to provide hospitality in many ways. For a complete list, check out www.bwarm.org . Currently, we are trying to identify people who would be available to help welcome attendees as they arrive in this area: 1) Offer a ride from a local airport (Washington National, BWI, or Dulles) directly to the 4-H Center for individuals with limited mobility; 2) Greet attendees and give transportation directions at any of the area airports (2-4 hour shift) between the hours of Noon and 8pm on Thursday August 29 or Friday August 30; 3) Provide shuttle service (your car or a church van) between the Bethesda metro and the 4-H Center; the nearest metro to the Center is about a mile away and many attendees will metro from the airport or train station to Bethesda. Cover a 2-4 hours shift between Noon and 8pm on either Thursday August 29 or Friday August 30, positioned at the 4-H Center and on-call to pick up attendees when they reach the metro. If you are interested in providing radical hospitality in any of these ways to fellow United Methodists and friends attending the Reconciling convocation, please contact Mark Elder, markuselder@gmail.com, or 703-212-8528 or Mittie Quinn, mittie. quinn@verizon.net or 703-864-0725.


Caring and Learning Weekly Meditation Practice Wednesdays, 8:30am, Sanctuary

Join us for guided and walking meditation that nurtures a sense of inner peace and balance. For more information, contact Betty Rogers, betty.rogers24@verizon.net.

IONA Summer Series: Livable DC? August 13 and September 10 2pm, IONA Senior Center*

Aging in Place in Washington DC can be more enjoyable than you think. Staying informed is the key to well being and quality of life. Find out what kind of services in DC can help make your life better.

Prayer Shawl Ministry Tuesday, July 16, 1:30pm Sunday, July 21, 12:30pm

Join us in the parlor for a time of knitting, crocheting, fellowship, ministry and fun! Interested in joining? Contact Barbara Tate, Bdtate@verizon.net.

Come and be part of three-session summer series where experts in the field of housing, transportation, health and well-being share knowledge on how you can profit from services meant for seniors in DC. •Tuesday, August 13 - Age in your neighborhood and know your rights; Judy Levy, Iona’s Long Term Care Coalition and Kat Taylor, The Equal Rights Center •Tuesday, September 10 - Prepare to overcome everyday challenges and thrive; Marlene Berlin, Pedestrian Safety Advocate, Becca Smokowicz, Housing Counseling Services, and Bob Pohlman, Coalition for Nonprofit Housing and Economic Development Register at registration@iona.org or (202) 895-9448. The series is supported by AARP DC *4125 Albemarle Street NW, Washington DC 20016.

Stephen Ministry at Metropolitan Memorial

Did you know that there are 8 Stephen Ministers in our church who are equipped and serve as lay caregivers? They provide high-quality, confidential, faith-centered care and support to persons experiencing grief, divorce, illness, job loss, loneliness, disability, and other life difficulties. They have received training and meet monthly for ongoing support. We are looking for others to join this team. Training is offered on Tuesday evenings from October – May at the National Presbyterian Church. If you are interested, please talk with Drema McAllister-Wilson (dwilson@ nationalchurch.org or 202.363.4900 ext. 19).

Support Group Meetings Bereavement Support for Widowed Persons

Widowed Person Outreach—Helping and Healing offers support groups for people who have been widowed two years or less. An ongoing group meets on the 2nd and 4th Wednesday of each month at 2pm at Sibley (5255 Loughboro Rd., NW). For more information, call 202-537-4942.

Club Memory

A supportive social group for people with mild cognitive impairment or early stage dementia, along with their caregivers or family. Meets 2nd and 4th Wednesdays in the Great Hall at MMUMC from 1:30pm – 3:30pm. Call Sibley Senior Association for more information 202.364.7602 or Drema McAllister-Wilson, dwilson@nationalchurch.org, 202.363.4900 ext. 19.

Alcoholics Anonymous Sundays, 8pm, Metropolitan Memorial Thursdays, 8pm, Wesley UMC Al-Anon Fridays, 5pm, Wesley UMC

Summer Sundays in the Great Hall Join us at the 10:10am study hour for these interesting and thought provoking discussions. July 21 - “C. S. Lewis” - Rev. Dr. John Tate July 28 - “C. S. Lewis” - Rev. Dr. John Tate August 4 - “Grounds for Discussion” - Rev. Dr. Charles Parker


Youth Ministries During the week of June 23 - 30, our Students in grades sixth - eighth engaged in a mission week here in DC, learning about issues of poverty, literacy, ecology, and aging. It was an exciting opportunity for our young people to learn about mission here in their hometown. Y4DCC Participants: Perry Ann Brody, Isabel Brown, Caroline Brown, Steven D’Alessandro, Brian Gill, Sean Gill, George Im- Our youth learn about water conservation perial, Julia Parker, Cordell Pugh, Elena Remez, Caroline Sanford, Maddy Vieth Y4DCC Leaders: Patrick Landau, Sia Puloka Y4DCC Volunteers: Duane Pugh, Cynthia Pugh, Perry Brody, Christine D’Alessandro, Suzanne Vieth, Doug Sanford, Pyper Imperial, Eric Imperial, Kristina Gill, Tony Brown, Anita Seline

Appalachia Service Project

Our youth are hard at work helping those in need during their annual Appalachia Service Project. Over 25 youth and adults are participating in this year’s ASP trip, continuing a nearly 40 year tradition of supporting the people of Appalachia through engaging our high school youth in mission. ASP Participants: Spencer Adams, Noah Totsline, Adam Settlage, Owen Brody, Jacob Sanford, Marissa Mizroch, Eduardo Cacalcanti, Anna Hukill, Danielle Whitehead, Sara Amanda Whitehead, Leslie Crockett, Allie Boyle, Nina Cavalcanti, Kate Peters, Savanna Chapa, Mikaela McCleery, Isabel Brown, Kelsey White ASP Leaders: Lee Crockett, John Parker, Jr., Brian Boyle, Mike House, Holly Hukill, Kevin Settlage, Patrick Landau, Sia Puloka, Eron Picus, Ned Bachmann To see reflections of their time at ASP and a calendar of youth events, visit our youth ministry blog at youthmetropolitan.wordpress.com.

Upcoming Dates for Youth Ministry: •

July 21: Youth at the Ballpark

August 23: Middle School Lock-In

For a calendar of youth events or to see reflections on our youth program, visit the youth ministry blog at youthmetropolitan.wordpress.com. 6

Children’s Ministries Backpacks for Brighter Day Ministries Pick up a Back Pack!

Sundays of Service at 10:10am

Plant a community garden, make a meal, pack a bag of grace, create a garden stepping stone. Or do it all this summer during our Children’s Sunday school, which is focused on helping others. For more information, contact Anita Seline, Director of Children’s Ministries, aseline@nationalchurch.org or 202-363-4900, ext. 22.

Yo Ho Yo Ho! A Pirate’s Life for Metropolitan Memorial Friday, August 23, 8pm

Kids! Find your eye patch and fake parrot, and get ready for a special piratical evening on Friday, August 23. This year during our annual outdoor movie, Met-Flix, we’ll watch “The Pirates: Band of Misfits” and have a pirate party. Come dressed as your favorite swashbuckler. Aaargh!

For the past ten years, Brighter Day Ministries, a cooperative United Methodist parish in Southeast DC, has distributed backpacks to kids returning to school in August. If you remember the thrill of starting a new school year with a backpack loaded with notebooks, sharpened pencils, rulers, markers, and the promise of a new year, then please consider donating to this cause. Fill a backpack for Brighter Day Ministries for their Back-toSchool event. We have purchased new backpacks and will distribute them at church for you to take home, fill, and bring back to Metropolitan. Help us help Brighter Day make a difference in the lives of our city’s kids. All donations must be received by Thursday, August 15. Cash donations are accepted in lieu of a filled back pack.


Vacation Bible School wrapped up last week at the Everywhere Fun Fair. Thank you to all the volunteers who helped our campers learn to be neighbors who are friendly, giving, bold, forgiving, and welcoming! Below are some pics of the fun we had. See you next summer!

Volunteer to be a Sunday School teacher

As you make your plans for the fall, please plan to be a part of our children’s Christian education by volunteering to be a greeter or a teacher for our Sunday School classes. We are building teacher teams of five people to avoid a weekly commitment on each volunteer’s part. Training for new teachers and returning teachers will be held Saturday, September 7. Please prayerfully consider becoming part of this important ministry at Metropolitan. Contact Anita Seline at aseline@nationalchurch.org if you are interested or have questions.

Bibles for Third-Graders for Next School Year Deadline September 5

Will your child be in third-grade next school year? Metropolitan’s tradition is to present a “first Bible” to these children in the fall of the new school year. If you would like your son or daughter to be a part of this presentation, please contact Anita Seline, aseline@nationalchurch.org. Please provide your child’s full name for the Bible’s personalization. Deadline is September 5, in order to have the Bibles personalized for the presentation September 22.

Our Mission - Building an inclusive, caring Christian community that invites all into a deepening relationship with God and challenges all of us to grow as disciples, seeking justice and joy for the transformation of the world. Our Vision - Extending radical hospitality, transforming lives, and pursuing justice. Reconciling Statement - Metropolitan Memorial United Methodist Church affirms that all individuals are of sacred worth without regard to race, ethnicity, national origin, sex, sexual orientation, age, religion, education, marital circumstances, economic status, physical and mental condition, or criminal history. We declare ourselves in support of the reconciling movement and welcome the full participation in the church of gay, lesbian, bisexual, or transgendered persons and their families, as a reflection of God’s unconditional love. At the same time, we recognize differences of opinion on issues of sexuality and seek to journey together in faith toward greater understanding and mutual respect.


Pastoral and Administrative Staff - 3401 Nebraska Avenue, NW, DC - 202.363.4900 www.nationalchurch.org - Pastoral Emergency Number - 202.510.8555 Rev. Dr. Charles Parker –– Senior Pastor, ext. 11, cparker@nationalchurch.org Rev. Kate Murphey — Associate Pastor Service/Advocacy, Lead Pastor at Wesley UMC, ext. 21, kmurphey@nationalchurch.org Rev. Dottie Yunger –– Associate Pastor, Lead Pastor at Crossroads, ext. 24, dyunger@nationalchurch.org Rev. Drema McAllister-Wilson — Minister of Congregational Care, ext. 19, dwilson@nationalchurch.org Rev. Barbara Green – Director of Learning, ext. 25, bgreen@nationalchurch.org David Hosey - Pastoral Associate for Crossroads and Campus Ministry, dhosey@nationalchurch.org Rebecca Ballard — Director of St. Luke’s Mission Center, rebecca@stlukesmissioncenter.org Bruce Caviness — 11a.m. Organist-Choirmaster, ext. 15, bcaviness@nationalchurch.org Jeff Clouser — Director of Communications and Outreach, ext. 23, jclouser@nationalchurch.org Dona Collary — Pastoral Care Assistant/Wedding and Funeral Coordinator, ext. 19, dcollary@nationalchurch.org Casey Elliott — Dayspring Choir Director/9am Worship Leader/Youth Choir Director, ext. 12, celliott@nationalchurch.org Patrisha House — Director of Worship, Music and Arts, ext. 28, phouse@nationalchurch.org Patrick Landau — Director of Youth Ministries, ext. 24, plandau@nationalchurch.org Bill Potts –– Executive Director of Operations, ext. 17, wpotts@nationalchurch.org Rafael Reyes — Director of Building and Grounds, ext. 20, rreyes@nationalchurch.org Anita Seline — Director of Children’s Ministries, ext. 22, aseline@nationalchurch.org Helen Simon — Executive Assistant to Dr. Parker, ext. 42, hsimon@nationalchurch.org Linda Smith — Director of Nursery School, 202.362.8746, lsmith@nationalchurch.org

The Messenger is published by Metropolitan Memorial United Methodist Church Metropolitan Memorial - 3401 Nebraska Ave., NW., Washington, DC 20016 Tel: 202.363.4900 St. Luke’s Campus (3655 Calvert St., N.W.)/Wesley Campus (5312 Conn. Ave., N.W.) Fax: 202.686.2056 E-Mail: jclouser@nationalchurch.org website: nationalchurch.org NEXT ISSUE: August 12, 2013 NEXT DEADLINE: Noon on August 6, 2013

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