The Messenger
July 16, 2012 Volume XXII, No. 7
2012 Nicaragua Volunteers In Mission Trip August 3 - 11
In August our Volunteers in Mission team from the Metropolitan Memorial Cooperative Parish will be traveling to Nicaragua. We will spend our first weekend hearing from and seeing the various projects our Parish supports: Women and Community, September 14th Baseball Academy, Débora’s dental clinic, and Christian Medical Action (CMA). MondayThursday we will be out in Matagalpa, a remote area in the mountains 5 hours outside the capital where we will be working through CMA to provide safe sanitation (latrines!) to 36 families. This is the same organization we worked with last year to refurbish desks, and we sent half of our Christmas Eve offering for building the school we will get to see in action. We’ve got a lot packed into this trip, and the team is very excited to be working in an area of such great need. We also celebrate that Rev. Jimmy Sherrod will be joining us as our videographer to capture all of what you are making possible!
who could otherwise not join us. We invite you to support our mission trip either by mailing a gift to the church office (please make your check out to MMUMC with Nicaragua 2012 in the memo line) or by making your donation online at We ask also that you hold our team and the people of Nicaragua in prayer as we prepare for this mission. Gratefully, The 2012 Nicaragua VIM team
The team hopes to raise at least $8,000 to fund our group’s work in Nicaragua, purchase supplies, support our host organizations, and provide three scholarships for members
Announcing Your 2012 Nicaragua Volunteer in Mission Team!! • Nicki Allen, Member of Wesley UMC • Anna Chamiec-Pauneto, American University student, Crossroads member and leadership team • Mallika Gamage, Member of Wesley UMC and Grate Patrol Coordinator • David Hackney, Crossroads member and leadership team • Karen Howard, MMUMC member—and reigning dancing champion (Just ask her about the 2011 trip!) • Carly Jones, American University Student and Wesley Foundation leader • Andy Millman, Wesley Seminary Student and Pastoral Intern • Rev. Kate Murphey, Lead Pastor of Wesley UMC and Associate Minister of Serving Ministries • Veronica Rutherford, Member of MMUMC and Campus Kitchen leadership team • Rev. Jimmy Sherrod, Lead Pastor of Crossroads and our videographer
Serve Now! Sign up for our many ongoing parish service activities! It is easier than ever for you to get connected with our online volunteer scheduling system at!
Life at Metropolitan Memorial When the Heat is On....Radical Hospitality Prevails! by Rev. Barbara Green
It seems like there was only one topic of conversation in the Washington area this week: who still had power after last Friday’s storm, who lost power, and when was it likely to be restored. Trees and major limbs were down all over the area, and the residential neighborhoods around University Park were without power for nearly a week with temperatures in the high 90s all week. Wagshall’s delicatessen couldn’t keep its meat safely cold, and held a free cook-out for the surrounding neighborhood last weekend. Turtle Park, on Massachusetts Avenue, NW near Metropolitan Memorial was especially hard-hit; hardly any grass showed through the piles of branches and fallen trees. But the church itself did not lose power, and Sunday services went on as usual. One young woman, who attends our Sunday evening “Crossroads” service at St. Luke’s, is an intern during the day at Iona Senior Services community on Albemarle Street in nearby Tenleytown. Iona quickly organized cooling centers for seniors around the area: places where people without power could go to get away from the relentless heat. She suggested to Iona that Metropolitan could function as such a center. Iona contacted our staff, and we, of course, jumped at the chance to offer this kind of hospitality in an emergency situation. So all week, several card tables have been set up invitingly in our lobby with chairs around them and pitchers of ice water on hand. Even though it was not heavily used, we were pleased to be able to open our doors to the community. Long live radical hospitality!
Summer Office Hours M-Th 9 a.m. - 5 p.m. Fri 9 a.m. - 2 p.m.
Please note our new summer office hours. We will return to our regular office hours in September.
Celebrating Community at Crossroads
We celebrate lots of new life in our Crossroads community that meets on Sunday nights at 5 p.m. at the St. Luke’s Mission Center. On Sunday, June 17, we welcomed four middle school youth from our Metropolitan youth group who were participating in Youth 4 the DC Cause while staying in Shalom Place. They helped prepare the community dinner that would also be used to feed the residents of St. Luke’s Shelter. We were also able to use produce harvested from our community garden plots at St. Luke’s for the dinner. We also welcomed 15 interns from the General Board of Church and Society to worship with us. We continue to grow in ministry and celebrate new life each and every week down the street at St. Luke’s. If you can’t make it on Sunday mornings to Metropolitan, you are always invited to join us at 5 p.m. on Sundays at 3655 Calvert St., NW in Glover Park.
Check out our blog at!
Happy 90th Birthday! We wish Nancy Smyrnas, who turned 90 on July 9, a happy birthday!
We welcome Lynnette Rodgers, who joined Metropolitan on June 17. Lynette joins us from Garfield Memorial UMC in Cleveland, Ohio. She states, “The moment I walked into Metropolitan Memorial I had a God moment and KNEW this was my new home church... . I look forward to becoming an active member of this church.” Welcome Lynnette!
Our prayers go out to the family and friends of Joyce Emmerling Dykeman who died on June 28; a memorial service will be held on Friday, July 20 at 1 p.m. at Metropolitan Memorial.
Life at Metropolitan Memorial Please Remember Metropolitan While You are on Vacation!
Summer is the time that many of us retreat from the frantic pace of the school year, and many of us are away on vacations. Please remember that our church’s financial needs do not take a vacation, and we rely on your continued pledge support even when we must miss you in worship. Please keep your pledge current while you enjoy a wonderful summer break!
Prayer Shawl Ministry Sunday, August 19, 12:30 p.m. Tuesday, August 21, 1:30 p.m.
Join us in the conference room for a time of knitting, crocheting, fellowship, ministry and fun!
JAZZ@WESLEY Saturday, July 28, 6:30 p.m. Wesley UMC (5312 Conn. Ave., NW)
Jazz@Wesley presents Fred Foss, one of the area’s finest saxophonist. Mr. Foss is a multi-reed instrumentalist who has performed saxophone, flute, and clarinet, for over 30 years and has played with Lionel Hampton’s orchestra, Ray Charles, James Moody and vocalists Patti Labelle and Aretha Franklin. Joining Fred at Wesley are Herman Bernie on bass, Wade Beach on piano and Harold Summey on drums. Bring a can of food to jazz up someone else’s life. Savory and sweet items available for purchase. Complimentary Coffee & Tea.
Worship in the Great Hall Sunday, July 29, 10:15 a.m., Great Hall
Join us as we welcome guest speaker, Ms. Terry Baugh, President of Kidsave International, headquartered in our nearby Palisades community. The mission of Kidsave is to create systemic change so that forgotten orphanage and foster kids (with special focus on Russia, Sierra Leone, and Columbia) can grow up in families connected to caring adults. For more information or to volunteer to participate in the service, contact Kent Weaver, kenthweaver@gmail. com.
Monday Evening Book Club
The Book Club is in hiatis for the summer, but will start up once again on Monday, September 17 at 7 p.m. We will begin our 2nd season by reading "The Newlyweds" written by Nell Freudenberger. We certainly welcome new members in the church book club. If there are questions get in touch with either Joan Topalian, or Suzanne Clewell,
Jazz in the Garden Friday, August 17, 6:30 p.m. St. Luke’s Mission Center Courtyard
Farmers’ Market Fridays, 3:30 p.m. - 6:30 p.m. Metropolitan Parking Lot
Come and get your farm fresh vegetables, fruits and other goods at the Central Farmers’ market at Metropolitan Memorial every Friday afternoon! The Central Farmers’ Market is managed by Bethesda Central Farm Market.
Bring a blanket and enjoy great music in the courtyard by E&ME! A contemporary jazz band, E&ME features a female vocalist backed by a four-piece rhythm section, and Justin Pinkney, the drummer for the Crossroads band. The band renders soulful interpretations of favorite classic and contemporary jazz standards. The jazz band’s tight arrangements combined with rhythmic precision give this band an irresistible vitality that uniquely distinguishes it from the rest. Complimentary popcorn and lemonade available.
Dr. Seuss’ “The Lorax” August 24, 8 p.m., Metropolitan parking lot
Bring your blankets and chairs and join us for a free evening of fun under the stars! Our movie for the evening will be Universal Pictures’, “The Lorax.” Movie begins at dusk.
Caring and Learning
Quiet Days of Retreat August 18, 9:30 a.m. - 3:30 p.m.
You’re invited to “A Day Apart” for prayerful reflection at Priest Field Pastoral Center (4030 Middleway Pike, Kearneysville, WV 25430...only 90 minutes from the church). Cost is $30 and includes lunch. Register at priestfieldpc@ For more information contact Rev. Drema McAllister-Wilson, or 202-363-4900, ext. 19.
Lunch and More Thursday, September 20, Noon - 2 p.m., Great Hall
Beginning in September, join us every third Thursday of the month for “Lunch and More!” After eating together (sandwiches will be provided) we will plan future activities which might include movie watching, study, games, and/or book discussions. Mark your calendar! This will be a time of feasting, fellowship, and fun! Questions or input, contact Rev. Drema McAllister-Wilson, or 202.363.4900, ext. 19.
Leadership Development Training Enriching the Soul Through Leadership Development
At the direction of the Church Council, Lay Leader Suzanne Forsyth has developed a professional development program for church volunteers. The curriculum will be offered monthly during the Soup-and-Study timeframe on the second Wednesday of the month from 7 p.m. - 9 p.m. The program will begin in September and conclude in late spring. An overview of the program can be found on our website If you are interested or have a question, please contact Helen Simon, or 202-363-4900, ext. 42.
Caregiver Training by Capital Caring Experts Saturday, July 21, 10 a.m. – noon Capital Caring DC (50 F Street NW, Ste 3300)
Learn tips and techniques on caring for your loved one in the home. Topics include: How to use medical equipment and oxygen; How to change a bed and how to transfer a patient into a chair. Same workshop every 3rd Saturday of the month. To register, contact Skip Jordan, 202-244-8300.
Summer Sizzlin’ Series
Arden Courts is offering two programs for those caring for someone with Dementia. RSVP for either program by calling 1-888-478-2410.
IONA Senior Services Support Groups (4125 Albemarle St., NW) Call 202.895.9448 to Register
Chronic Illness Caregivers Support: for adults whose parents have chronic or acute illnesses, including dementia. Thursday, 6:30 – 8pm. $10. Registration required. Parkinson’s Support Group: Fridays, 11 am – noon. Free. Registration through facilitator required. Support Group for Caregivers of Spouses/Partners with Dementia; 2nd and 4th Tuesday of the month, 12.30 p.m. - 2 p.m. Pre-Registration required. Low Vision Support Group: for individuals with low vision who are not completely blind. Scheduled two Thursdays a month, 10 a.m. - 11:30 a.m. Please call Iona, 202.895.9448, to find out the two designated Thursday meeting dates. Preregistration required.
The House is on Fire! Bugs are Crawling on My Legs! And I have to Get to Work! Wednesday, August 1, 6:30 p.m. All Saints Church (3 Chevy Chase Circle, Chevy Chase, MD)
Useful techniques when caring for someone with dementia. Presented by Irene V. Jackson-Brown, PH.D., CSA, CMC.
My Life as a Caregiver Wednesday, August 22, 6:30 p.m. The Lutheran Church of St. Andrew (15300 New Hampshire Ave., Silver Spring, MD)
When did you know that it was time? Meet caregivers who have placed their loved ones at Arden Courts as they share their personal journey.
Caring and Learning (cont.) InterFaith Conference Moderated Chat Room Wednesdays June 27 - August 22, 7:30 p.m. - 8:30 p.m.
The InterFaith Conference of Metropolitan Washington continues its “Weekly Moderated Chat Room” this summer! Every Wednesday, join an online moderated interfaith chat. Back by popular demand, these chats bring together those of many different faiths and generations to engage in dialogues on relevant topics of the day. For more information, contact Maynard Moore, To join a chat, at the appointed hour, go to For technical assistance, contact Elora Kilian,
InterFaith Conference Amazing Faiths Dinner Dialogues Sunday, August 5, 4 p.m. - 7 p.m. In homes across the DC metro area.
More than 250 people of all eleven major faiths (from Baha'i to Zoroastrian) participate each summer in these informal discussion and fellowship events. These dinners offer a great opportunity to connect with those of other faith traditions over a shared meal, using a moderated discussion format. IFC needs a few more volunteers to host the potluck dinner for ten people on August 5, in your home. For more information, please contact Maynard Moore,, asap. To sign up as a participant, contact Brian Mandel,
United Methodist Women UMW Craft Day Saturday, July 21, 9 a.m. - noon Great Hall Beat the heat while creating something neat! Get your craft on and join UMW pals to bead, knit, sew, découpage, glue, whatever. Brush up on an old pastime or try something new – no experience required. You can donate your creation to be sold at the November bazaar, or take it with you. Breakfast goodies provided. For questions and to RSVP, contact Mary Townsend, craft-day coordinator at or 202-534-2022 or Suzanne Vieth at or 202-237-6744.
Bazaar Preparations! Your Donations Are Needed!
The UMW is now accepting gently-used items for the bazaar. Your donations may be left at any time beside the UMW closet. We take kitchen things, china and other collectibles, books/CDs/DVDs/tapes/records, puzzles and games, "attic treasures," Christmas decorations, unused nicer items for the Gifts boutique, and accessories such as scarves and belts and handbags. Questions? Contact Barbara Gaskill, Barbara@ or 202-244-3512.
• Donations of jewelry should be delivered to the church office. • Boutique-quality jackets for the "Jacket Mania" section should be delivered directly to Connie McWorkman on Sunday mornings. Call her ahead of time to be sure you can connect on a specific Sunday: 301-320-4242. • Other than the above, we do not take clothing. Also, no furniture (we don't have space); and no used electronics, no magazines, no textbooks (these don't sell). Thanks! • Sorting and pricing of items donated for the UMW bazaar is ongoing between now and the Bazaar (Saturday, November 3) every Tuesday from 10 a.m. to noon, in the Parlor or nearby. Many hands are needed and all are welcomed with open arms to pitch in with this process!
Children’s Ministries Sundays of Service Bags of Grace Sunday, July 22 10:10 a.m., Vestry
Backpacks for Brighter Day Ministries
On Sundays this summer, the children have participated in service projects to help those in need, from cooking meals for the shelter to making stepping stones for the Metropolitan grounds. On July 22, we will create Bags of Grace for Friendship Place and need your assistance. Please send in donations of granola bars, sunscreen, chapstick, bottled water, hand lotion, snacks, small packs of tissue, hand sanitizer, or any other measures of comfort that a homeless person would use. Items may be left in the church office. On Sunday, July 29, we will prepare sandwiches for the Grate Patrol. Join us, Sundays in July in the Vestry, as we roll up our sleeves to do God’s work in the world.
For the past ten years, Brighter Day Ministries, a cooperative United Methodist parish in Southeast DC, distributes backpacks to kids returning to school in August. If you remember the thrill of starting a new school year with a backpack loaded with notebooks, sharpened pencils, rulers, markers, the promise of a new year, then please consider donating to this cause. We will be collecting school supplies, including new backpacks, on the silver shelves in the foyer of Metropolitan. The Vacation Bible School crowd got us started as their weeklong campaign brought in loads of crayons, glue, colored pencils and more than $45 in donations. Help us help Brighter Day make a difference in the lives of our city’s kids. Thank you very much. If you have questions, please contact Anita Seline, Director of Children’s Ministries, or 202-363-4900, ext. 22.
Vacation Bible School - June 25 - June 29
Dare to Go Deep with God
Here at Metropolitan Memorial, the last week in June was spent underwater at Vacation Bible School’s, “Operation Overboard! Dare to Go Deep with God.” Activities included drama, music, art, and lots of outdoor fun. Below are some pics of the ocean themed event!
Counselor Marissa gets hugged by the bluefish and the dolphins during Closing Assembly at Vacation Bible School.
Ocho the Octopus (voiced by Rev. Kate Murphey) comes out of his hiding place to talk to the kids. Each day Ocho talked to the kids about the day's theme such as Claim Jesus and Dare to Care.
Andreas is proud of the sand art cross he made during the Aquatic Arts time at VBS.
Children’s Ministries Vacation Bible School participants learn the VBS theme song “Operation Overboard”
In keeping with the Operation Overboard theme of the undersea world, one day the kids created an edible coral reef from Cheetos, popcorn, Swedish fish and squeeze cheese. Yummy!
On the final day of Vacation Bible School our Queen of Snacks, Anita Seline, created these beautiful cupcakes to go with the "Dare to Go Deep with God" theme!
Rev. Jimmy Sherrod and Rev. Kate Murphey led assembly every morning and at the close with their friend Ocho.
Vacation Bible School attendees sing and dance with music leader Greg Michel. This year's group was about 10 percent larger than last year's group. We hope next year will be even bigger!
Our Mission Building an inclusive, caring Christian community that invites others into a deepening relationship with God and challenges them to grow as disciples for the transformation of the world. Our Vision Extending radical hospitality, transforming lives, and pursuing justice. Reconciling Statement Metropolitan Memorial United Methodist Church affirms that all individuals are of sacred worth without regard to race, ethnicity, national origin, sex, sexual orientation, age, religion, education, marital circumstances, economic status, physical and mental condition, or criminal history. We declare ourselves in support of the reconciling movement and welcome the full participation in the church of gay, lesbian, bisexual, or transgendered persons and their families, as a reflection of God’s unconditional love. At the same time, we recognize differences of opinion on issues of sexuality and seek to journey together in faith toward greater understanding and mutual respect.
Pastoral and Administrative Staff - 3401 Nebraska Avenue, NW, DC - 202.363.4900 - Pastoral Emergency Number - 202.510.8555
Rev. Dr. Charles Parker –– Senior Pastor, ext. 11, Rev. Drema McAllister-Wilson — Minister of Congregational Care, ext. 19, Rev. Barbara Green – Director of Learning, ext. 25, bgreen Rev. Jimmy Sherrod — Associate Pastor, ext. 24, Rev. Kate Murphey — Associate Pastor, ext. 21, Bruce Caviness — 11a.m. Organist-Choirmaster, ext. 15, Jeff Clouser — Director of Communications and Outreach, ext. 23, Dona Collary — Director of Finance, ext. 18, Casey Elliott — Dayspring Choir Director and 9 a.m. Worship Leader, ext. 12, Caleb Frazier — Campus Ministry Coordinator, ext. 14, David Hosey — Campus Ministry Coordinator, ext. 14, Patrisha House — Director of Worship, Music and Arts, ext. 28, Ohemaa Nyanin — Interim Associate Director of Youth Ministries, Bill Potts –– Executive Director of Operations, ext. 17, Rafael Reyes — Director of Building and Grounds, ext. 20, Anita Seline — Director of Children’s Ministries, ext. 22, Helen Simon - Executive Assistant to Dr. Parker, ext. 42, Linda Smith — Director of Nursery School, 202.362.8746,
The Messenger is published by: The Metropolitan Memorial Cooperative Parish Metropolitan Memorial - 3401 Nebraska Ave., NW., Washington, DC 20016 Tel: 202.363.4900 Fax: 202.686.2056 E-Mail: website: St. Luke’s Campus - 3655 Calvert Street, N.W., Washington, DC 20007 Wesley United Methodist Church - 5312 Connecticut Avenue, N.W., Washington, DC 20015 NEXT ISSUE: August 13, 2012 NEXT DEADLINE: Noon on August 7, 2012