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News of the Metropolitan Memorial United Methodist Women Summer 2013

Save the date UMW Sunday September 8, 2013 We are delighted to announce that our featured preacher on UMW Sunday will be our new associate pastor, Dottie Yunger. Stay for the welcome back luncheon at 12:30 in the Great Hall: reconnect with your UMW sisters and learn more about the work that our UMW unit financially supports at Brighter Day Ministries – a cooperative parish in SE Washington. Brighter Day and Metropolitan have enjoyed a deepening partnership that has enabled us to live out our commitment to social justice and service.

We Want to Recognize Great Women We Need Your Help Deadline: September 30 Send us your nominations of women who have done remarkable work for our church and our community by September 30. We’ll select four to honor at our annual recognition lunch in December. Your 2012-13 UMW directory lists the names of past recipients, so look for new blood. To nominate someone, contact Phyllis Kokus, 202-362-7861 or pkokus@aol.com

Bring on the Bazaar… Donations You know the drill – but the details follow. What’s new this year? NO BOOKS! None, Nada. (we’ll hold a book sale in 2014) The UMW is now accepting gently-used items for the bazaar. Donations may be left beside the UMW closet, located on the "Terrace Level" near the Parlor. Receipts for your donations are there for the taking. What we do take: All manner of gently-used things—kitchen gadgets, china, collectibles, puzzles, games, "attic treasures," Christmas decorations, unused gifts, and accessories such as scarves and belts and handbags. Did we mention… NO BOOKS. · Boutique-quality jackets etc. for the "Jacket Mania" section should be delivered directly to Connie McWorkman or Elaine Chan. Call Connie (301-320-4242) or email Elaine (helainechan73@gmail.com) · Jewelry donations should be delivered to the church office. Want to help with the jewelry? Contact Kelly D'Angelo kellysclothes@aol.com What we don't take: No clothing (except boutique-quality items for the "Jacket-Mania), no furniture, no used electronics, no magazines or textbooks. In fact—NO BOOKS at all. Sorting and pricing of donated items: We meet every Tuesday from 10 a.m. to noon, in the Parlor or nearby. Please join in -- many hands are needed to pitch in with this process! · · · When is the bazaar? Saturday, November 2 (first Saturday in November, as always). · Questions, suggestions? Contact Bazaar Coordinator Barbara Gaskill: Barbara@bgaskill.com or 202-244-3512.

A Time For Books Spring 2014 We know you want to get rid of those books. What we need is a coordinator to run the book sale. So if you’re bonkers for books, passionate for prose now is your time to step up. We need an enthusiastic volunteer (or two) to spearhead this effort. This is a great short-term project with an excellent track record, and a past chairperson who is willing to pass along her know-how – not to mention a dedicated pool of willing helpers to assist with set-up and sale day. The book sale, like the bazaar, raises money for causes and organizations the UMW supports. If you think you might be interested (or know someone who would) please contact Suzanne Vieth msvieth@verizon.net.

Support a Student Mwazomele Mbewe is an outstanding 17-year-old Zambian woman who became involved in the life of our church a few years ago while her father was serving at the Zambian Embassy in Washington. After her father’s return to Zambia, Mwazo stayed in the U.S., having been accepted at the Mary Baldwin Early College Program for the Exceptionally Gifted. Although Mary Baldwin provided considerable financial aid, Mwazo was not eligible for other sources of financial aid since she is not a US citizen. A number of Metropolitan members, largely UMW members, created a charitable College Scholarship Fund to support her education. This fund permits church members to make taxdeductible charitable contributions to the education of Mwazo and other young people from our church family who merit support in the future. Mwazo earned a 3.75 GPA as a 16-year-old freshman. She is now entering her sophomore year and her Metropolitan supporters are eager to reach out to others interested in contributing to her education. A letter with more details is attached to the UMW email. You may also contact Charlie Parker or any of the following: Judy Edstrom, Pyper Imperial, Kathy Rawlings, and Helen Simon 

Joys and Concerns Our dear friend Jayne Mardock-Cabigas has officially moved to Tampa with her husband, Rick. While we are sad to see her go, we are so happy for her. She has promised to return for the UMW retreat in February. So this is not really goodbye, Jayne. Just au revoir. (said with a KY accent) 

UMW Circle Meetings Circle 2. Contacts: Charlotte Carter (char.carter@cox.net), Jane Cunningham JTC3rd@aol.com) Circle 3: Contact: Anne Bechdolt, abechdolt@msn.com or 317-331-6813. Circle 6: Will meet September 12 at 7:00 p.m. in room 206. Ann and Mary Jo are soliciting ideas for the meeting, so please email suggestions: Mary Jo Marchant, mjmarchant@verizon.net or 703-4351715; Ann Michel, amichel@wesleyseminary.edu, or 202-885-8582 Circle 8: Will meet Tuesday, September 3. Contact: Eugenia Evans, setevans@comcast.net Circle 9: Will Meet Wednesday, September 4 in the Choir Room at 10:30. Contact Bobby Turnbull, (301) 320-4154, bobbyturnbull@comcast.net Circle 10: Contact Caralee Adams caralee.adams@verizon.net

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