UMW News 9/13

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News of the Metropolitan Memorial United Methodist Women September 2013

Abide In Me I am the vine and you are the branches. He who abides in me and I in him, he it is that bears much fruit, for apart from me you can do nothing…John 15: 5 

Church-wide Picnic is THIS Sunday, September 15 We Need Your Help—Pronto! Needed: grillmeisters, table-setters, food-runners, etc. Get your family involved. Contact: the Rev. Kate Murphey at or Angela Gildener at or Amy Parker Grant at 

Know an Especially Great Woman? Nominate her for the remarkable work she’s done for our church and our community. Nominations due September 30. We’ll select four women to honor at our annual Recognition Luncheon in December. Your 2012-13 UMW directory lists the names of past recipients, so look for new blood. To nominate someone, contact Phyllis Kokus, 202-362-7861 or 

Gentle Yoga Tuesdays, September 10- October 1 11:00AM- 12:00 PM Stretch, strengthen, improve balance, relax and breathe! Cathryn Gunnerson, AYS, Yoga teacher teaches the classes—register for one or the whole series—by contacting Cathryn at or by phone: 301-946-7045. These classes are sponsored by the Congregational Care Committee. A donation of $10-$15 per class is suggested. Please note: Participants must be able to get up and down from the floor—it’s OK to use a chair for help. 

AARP Meeting Monday, September 16, 12:30 Vestry Please join us for our fall kickoff meeting. Don Turnbull will give a program on lesser known memorials and monuments of Washington. Come see what you have been missing in our city! Social time is at 12:30 p.m., meeting starts at 1:00. Refreshments served.

Calling All Gardeners We’re forming a Weed Team to help tame Metropolitan’s gardens. If you eschew manicures, love to get outside, and can bend, dig, and pull —you’re qualified. Contacts: Courtney Leatherman, and Mary Rollefson, 

Please Step Up Your Bazaar Donations—Giving is a Little Light What’s new this year? NO BOOKS! None, Nada. (we’ll hold a book sale in 2014) Donations may be left beside the UMW closet, located on the "Terrace Level" near the Parlor. Receipts for your donations are there for the taking. What we do take: kitchen gadgets, china, collectibles, puzzles, games, "attic treasures," Christmas decorations, unused gifts, and accessories such as scarves and belts and handbags. Did we mention… NO BOOKS. · Boutique-quality jackets etc. for the "Jacket Mania" section should be delivered directly to Connie McWorkman or Elaine Chan. Call Connie (301-320-4242) or email Elaine ( · Jewelry donations should be delivered to the church office. To help make jewelry, contact Kelly D'Angelo Sorting and pricing of donated items: We meet every Tuesday from 10 a.m. to noon, in the Parlor or nearby. Please join in -- many hands are needed to pitch in with this process! · · · When is the bazaar? Saturday, November 2 (first Saturday in November, as always). · Questions, suggestions? Contact Bazaar Coordinator Barbara Gaskill: or 202-244-3512. 

Joys and Concerns Please sing to Connie McWorkman on September 25 and to Alma Stewart on September 30. Both are celebrating significant (90? That can’t be right) Birthdays this year. Keep Suzanne Forsythe in your prayers. She was to have knee surgery on September 9. Please send condolences to the family of Baldwin Tillman who died on July 29. Her memorial service was held at Metropolitan on August 10. 

UMW Circle Meetings Circle 2. Met September 11 at Jennie Stathis' house. Drema McAlister-Wison talked about her long walk (!) this summer. Contact Jennie or 202-295-3870 Circle 3: Contact: Anne Bechdolt, or 317-331-6813. Circle 6: Will meet Thursday, September 12 at 7:00 pm in room 206. The Rev. Dottie Yunger, newest MMUMC staff member and lead minister at St. Luke's Mission Center, will discuss her spiritual journey. Contact: Mary Jo Marchant, or 703-435-1715; Ann Michel,, or 202-885-8582 Circle 8: Met Tuesday, September 3. Contact: Eugenia Evans, Circle 9: Met Wednesday, September 4 in the Choir Room at 10:30. Patrick Landau told us about the church’s youth programs and their participation in Youth 4 the DC Cause this summer. Contact Bobby Turnbull, (301) 320-4154, Circle 10: Hosted UMW luncheon on September 8. Contact Caralee Adams

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