October 2016

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October 17, 2016 Volume XXVI, No. 10 Nationalchurch.org

The Messenger



Twenty-Five Years of Service to the Homeless On Sunday October 23, we will observe Homeless Awareness Sunday, an opportunity to pause and reflect on the ongoing needs of our homeless neighbors, lift up our call to serve, and recommit ourselves to this important work. Metropolitan Memorial 9am - Worship (Dayspring Choir and Children’s Sermon) 10am - Coffee/Fellowship 10:10am - Children & Youth Sunday School 10:30am - Worship (Chancel Choir, Organ and Children’s Sermon) 10:30am - Adult Study Wesley (5312 Connecticut Ave., NW) Rockin’ Gospel Choir 11am - Musical Prelude 11:15am - Worship Service For questions about Worship, contact Pat House, phouse@ nationalchurch.org. For questions about the Christian education program, contact Rev. Janet Craswell, Director of Christian Education, jcraswell@ nationalchurch.org.

When the St. Luke’s Shelter opened in December 1991, followed by the opening of Metropolitan House just two months later, our congregation became the first institution, public or private, to shelter the homeless in Upper Northwest DC. In the coming year, as we mark twenty-five years of continuous service to the homeless, we give thanks to God for the many volunteers and supporters who have made this ministry possible and for the ways our lives have been touched by the hundreds of men and women who have been our guests. We are proud of the longevity of this service, but equally proud of the ways this work has expanded and evolved in light of changing needs and standards of care. Both shelters now operate year-round, providing 24-hour access and a less-structured environment that encourages independent living skills, with Metropolitan House serving women and St. Luke’s House serving men. Through our partnership with Friendship Place, residents receive intensive job and housing placement assistance. And through the generosity of donors to our Residents Assistance Fund, we can provide help with security deposits and other up-front costs that can be barriers to those otherwise able to transition into rental housing. With these changes, the average shelter stay has been reduced to 6 months or less, allowing us to serve many more individuals. And our success rate in transitioning residents into jobs and permanent housing is more than ninety percent. We invite you to join us on October 23 – to participate in our annual Help the Homeless Walk (see below), which will be conducted after both services of worship, and to take the opportunity to learn more about the work of Metropolitan House and St. Luke’s House as well as our advocacy for affordable housing, the Campus Kitchen food recovery program, and the Grate Patrol which aids individuals living on the streets of DC. Discover more ways you can help on page 5. Blessings, Ann Michel Tyler Rusch Help the Homeless Walk Sunday, October 23 - 10am and 11:30am, Metropolitan Memorial On Sunday, October 23, The Metropolitan Church will host our annual Help the Homeless Walk, held in honor of Tyler Christian Rusch, a young member of our church who was actively involved in our homeless ministry and who was killed in a tragic automobile accident in 2003. This event has come to symbolize our congregation’s commitment to serving the homeless, and over the years, it has raised almost $300,000 to support our transitional housing ministries.

There will be two start times at 10am and 11:30am, so you can walk after either church service. Persons of all ages are encouraged to take part. The Mann School Track will be used by the youngest children and anyone else who prefers a shorter walk. There will be a three-quarters mile course through the neighborhood for those who prefer a longer route. Sunday School students will participate with their classes during Sunday School hour. The registration fee is $25 for adults and $15 for people under 25 years of age. Registration will be on the Newark Street side of the church just outside the office foyer.

Life at the Metropolitan Church Metropolitan Book Club Monday, October 17, 7:30pm, Parlor Join us as Regula Guess leads our discussion of Nation of Nations by Tom Gjelten. This war correspondent tells the stories of many immigrants who came to the United States from Bolivia, Libya, Korea, and El Salvador. For questions contact, Joan Topalian, topajoan62045@ gmail.com or Suzanne Clewell, reader1021@aol.com. Annual Charge Conference Tuesday, October 18, 7:30pm, Great Hall Metropolitan will hold its annual Charge Conference led by Rev. Gerard A. Green, Jr., Superintendent, Greater Washington District, on October 18 at 7:30pm in the Great Hall at Metropolitan Memorial. This will be held as a “Charge/Church Conference,” meaning that all are invited to attend, and all church members can vote. Food for Thought - Session 2 Begins, Wednesday, October 19 6pm - Dinner* I 7pm - Class Every Wednesday evening, you’re invited to a community dinner in the Vestry between 6pm and 7pm. After you feed your body, feed your mind and soul with a mid-week study. Classes include: Bible Study: Isaiah. Explore the book of Isaiah both within its historical context and how it has been understood over time. Led by Rev. Dr. Charlie Parker and Bob Olson; Topical Study: What Methodists Believe. Examine the theology and practice of John Wesley, distinctive Methodist theology, the Methodist general rules, our emphases on grace, personal holiness, and social justice, and the Methodist method for making ethical decisions.For more information, contact Rev. Janet Craswell, Director of Christian Education. *Community dinner available at 6pm, $8/person. College Students pay what you can. Community Pumpkin Night Saturday, October 29 4pm - 6pm, Wesley* A non-scary celebration of our favorite Halloween vegetable! Enjoy pumpkin games, pumpkin carving, pumpkin painting, and pumpkin pie! Wear a (non-scary) costume and bring a pair of socks, gloves or mittens for our homeless neighbors. B.Y.O.P. (Bring Your Own Pumpkin). *5312 Connecticut Ave., NW. Join the Journey A short class (not just) for new members Sundays, 1pm, Conference Room Are you interested in joining the church or simply want to know more about Methodism? Then we invite you to Join the Journey! The class meets Sundays from 1pm - 2:30pm and will end with an opportunity to join the church on November 20. Classes will repeat in the spring at Wesley (5312 Connecticut Ave., NW). For more information, contact Rev. Janet Craswell, jcraswell@nationalchurch.org or Patrick Landau, plandau@nationalchurch.org.

All Saints Sunday Sunday, November 6 All Saints Day is a universal festival of the church that directs our attention to the richness of Christian history through the faith and lives of the saints. On this day, we celebrate not only the martyrs and saints, but all the people of God, living and dead, who together form the Body of Christ. During both the 9am and 10:30am services, the names of Metropolitan members who have died since the last All Saints Day will be read, remembered, and lifted in prayer and thanksgiving. Also, the “Book of the Departed Saints” (located in the side Phillips Chapel) will be placed on the altar and those names will be symbolically lifted to God as well. You are welcome to write in names of persons you knew who have died, so they can be remembered. Candles will also be available to light in the Phillips Chapel in memory of loved ones. If you wish to remember a loved one who has passed away since November 2, 2015, please provide the full name and date of death by Wednesday, October 26 to Jeff Clouser, jclouser@nationalchurch.org.

Campus Kitchen The Campus Kitchens Project (CKP), is a leader in resourceful anti-hunger programs for communities around the country. The Campus Kitchen Washington DC, housed at our St. Luke’s Mission Center, engages in food recovery, meal prep and delivery on a weekly basis. Below are some statistics for Campus Kitchen from January - August 2016! # of Volunteers – 706 # of Volunteer Hours – 2231 # Meals Served – 23,460 To volunteer to make meals and recover donated produce and protein we receive from local food operators, sign up at nationalchurch. org/volunteerhub! Shifts include: Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday, 4pm - 7pm and Saturday, 10am - 1pm. *3655 Calvert St., NW. View a video on our Campus Kitchen Program at youtu.be/DkMjjJPZ_LI.


Life at the Metropolitan Church What a Rockin' Concert! by Lois Weaver Many, many kudos to the dozens and dozens of musicians, singers, speakers, artists, technicians, program designers and staff who put on one rockin' concert and to the attendees from the Metropolitan Memorial and Wesley campuses, from the surrounding community, from the Washington National Cathedral and from the United Methodist General Board of Church and Society. The music played, the words spoken and the slides shown of victim memorials elicited, at times, tearful hopelessness and, at other times, full-throated hopefulness. Our voices, lifted up with thousands of others across the country, raised the volume on gun violence prevention. Special thanks to Rev. Charlie Parker for his Call to Action. He believes we can and must organize, lobby, raise money and VOTE for common sense gun laws. With this concert The Metropolitan Church has become part of the movement to turn gun violence around and we have more to do. If you wish to join our Gun Violence Prevention (GVP) group, please contact You can view the youtu.be/5kz8l9SpSLE Rev. Charlie Parker, pastorsoffice@nationalchurch.org.



12th Annual InterFaith Unity Walk by Maynard Moore

The 12 Annual InterFaith Unity Walk, commemorating 9/11, drew over 900 persons to the Washington Hebrew Congregation. The walk began with Rabbi Bruce welcoming everyone and Rabbi David Shneyer, and several of his musical friends, inspiring those walking down Massachusetts Avenue visiting 10 houses of worship and the Indian and Vatican embassies. th

Sponsored by the InterFaith Conference of Metropolitan Washington (IFCMW), the event attracted many faith groups and a diversity of organizations to a showcase of exhibits, including The Metropolitan Church. The Unitarian Universalist Church of Silver Spring substituted the walk for their morning worship, so their entire congregation participated. The Montgomery County Faith Working Group promoted the event heavily and drew a host a faiths, races and ethnicities. The All Dulles Area Muslim Society (ADAMS) provided buses to bring walkers back up the hill. Concluding at the international Islamic Center on the eve of Eid al-Adha with the Mosaic Chorus and interfaith voices reaffirming our solidarity as sisters and brothers was very special, and reminded everyone how important it is to remember the pain of 9/11, our fruitless efforts to prevent further violence, and the need to be walking, praying and acting for peace today at every opportunity. Cynthia Pugh gives testimony to the impact of the event below: Dear Maynard and Judy, Thank you both for spear-heading Metropolitan's involvement in the Unity Walk and for your commitment to getting the word out to those of us less familiar with this event. Until the last minute, I was not sure that it would be possible for my family to participate. Largely due my recent discussions with Maynard, after the church picnic we re-thought our priorities and three of us joined in the second half of the walk. It was incredible experience, beginning with a discussion with the Pope's US representative and culminating in a first-ever visit to a Mosque for Ellie and me (Duane has visited this Mosque before). Along the way we met Dr. Siva Subramanian at the Indian Consulate, and he asked us to send you both his regards. I am very grateful that we were able to have had this experience. Thank you for making it happen. We all look forward to next year, when we will participate fully Cynthia and daughter Ellie enjoy the unity walk activities from start to finish. Everyone at Metropolitan should plan to do this. Warm regards, Cynthia Pugh


The Arts at the Metropolitan Church Jazz@wesley October 22, 6:30pm, Wesley* Jazz@wesley presents The Fred Foss Ensemble. Tickets available at the door and at instantseats. com. Entry $10 I $7 Seniors I Children 12 and Under Free. For more information email wesleyinfo@nationalchurch.org or call 202-966-5144, ext. 325. Bring a non-perishable food item to jazz up someone else’s life. *5312 Connecticut Ave., NW.

Arts Council Concert: VERY Local Talent Sunday, October 23, 3pm, Sanctuary For the concerts it sponsors four times a year, the Arts Council usually brings in professional musicians from the Washington area and occasionally more distant places, such as Chicago. Not this time. The performers on October 23 will be from the Metropolitan Memorial and Wesley congregations. We'll be treated to a wide variety of music: jazz piano, classical four-hand piano, show-tune vocal duets, flute and violin duets, guitar and vocal, classical vocal, and more. Most performers are not part of the church's normal music staff, though the Chancel Choir Director and the Dayspring Choir Director will be on the lineup.

New Bell Ringer Needed! Have you studied piano for a few years or played an instrument in band or orchestra or rung in a bell choir? If so, please consider joining a fun and forgiving group of dedicated ringers (high school age through retirement) who rehearse Sunday evenings and ring once a month in Sunday morning services. We’d be delighted to welcome you! For more information, contact Susan Staines, staines@rcn.com.

No matter what kind of music you prefer, you're likely to hear some of it at this concert. Well, maybe a few exceptions. Probably no country/western, or Gregorian chant, or hip-hop, though if you're adept at any of these it's not too late to make yourself known! For more information, contact Eugenia Evans (setevans@ comcast.net or 301-320-4036) or carolgriffith33@ hotmail.com. The Congregational Crafts and Art Show will be on display before and after the concert, so it will definitely be a not-to-be-missed afternoon. Dorothy Towler

Mary Rynearson

Susan Elliott

Dorothy Towler

Mary Rynearson

Susan Elliott

Dorothy Towler

Mary Rynearson

Susan Elliott

The Arts Council of Metropolitan Memorial UMC Mary Rynearson Susan Elliott Rynearson Susan Elliott MaryMetropolitan Rynearson Susan Elliott The Arts Council of Memorial UMC In celebration of the Council’s 30-year anniversary presents The Arts Council of Metropolitan Memorial UMC InAn celebration of 30-year anniversary presents Afternoon ofthe ArtCouncil’s and Music fromMemorial our Congregations TheArts Arts Council Council Metropolitan UMC The of Metropolitan Memorial UMC InAn celebration of the Council’s 30-year anniversary presents The Arts Council of Memorial UMC Afternoon oftheArt andMetropolitan Music fromanniversary our Congregations celebration ofCouncil Council’s 30-year InIn celebration of the Council’s 30-year anniversary presents The Arts of Metropolitan Memorial UMC presents Sunday, October 23, 2016 An Afternoon of Art and Music from our Congregations In An celebration ofof theArt Council’s 30-year anniversary presents Afternoon andOctober Music from our celebration of the 30-year presents 23,anniversary 2016 AnInAfternoon ofSunday, ArtCouncil’s and Music from ourCongregations Congregations The Arts Council of Metropolitan Memorial UMC An Afternoon ofof Art and Music from our Congregations Sunday, October 23, 2016 An Afternoon Art and Music from our Congregations CONGREGATIONAL CRAFTS AND ART SHOW Dorothy DorothyTowler Towler Dorothy Towler

Dorothy Towler

Dorothy Towler

Mary Rynearson

Mary Rynearson

Susan Elliott

Susan Elliott

Sunday, October 23, 2016 In celebration of the Council’s 30-year Sunday, October 23,anniversary 2016 CONGREGATIONAL CRAFTS ANDpresents ART SHOW Sunday, October 2016 An AfternoonSunday, of Art and Music23, from our Congregations October 23, 2016 CONGREGATIONAL CRAFTS ART SHOW Congregational Concert 3:00 pm inAND the Sanctuary CONGREGATIONAL CRAFTS AND ART SHOW Sunday,CRAFTS October 23, 2016 CONGREGATIONAL CRAFTS AND ART SHOW Congregational Concert 3:00 pm in the Sanctuary CONGREGATIONAL AND ART SHOW Featuring jazz piano, classical four-hand piano, show-tune vocal duets, CONGREGATIONAL CRAFTS ART SHOW Congregational Concert 3:00 pm inAND the Sanctuary

The Dayspring Choir hit the road (and the river) this past month! In addition to our weekly Sunday morning anthems, Dayspring Choir: •Sang in the Concert Across America for Gun Violence Prevention, •Picnic-ed and canoed down the Potomac at our fall gathering hosted by Chris Brown and Mary Rollefson •Cheered on our soloists Sarah Tietsort and Beth Revell at the Navy Concert at Strathmore

Featuring jazz four-hand piano, show-tune vocal duets, Congregational Concert 3:00 pm in the Sanctuary CONGREGATIONAL CRAFTS ART SHOW flute and piano, violin,classical guitar and vocal, classical vocal and more Congregational Concert 3:00 pm inAND the Sanctuary Congregational Concert 3:00 pm inshow-tune the Sanctuary Featuring jazz piano, classical four-hand piano, vocal duets, flute and violin, guitar and vocal, classical vocal and more Featuring jazz piano, classical four-hand piano, show-tune vocal duets, Featuring jazz piano, classical four-hand piano, show-tune vocal duets, Congregational Concert 3:00 inSanctuary the Sanctuary Congregational Concert 3:00 pmpm in the Featuring jazz piano, classical four-hand piano, show-tune vocal flute and violin, guitar and vocal, classical vocal and more duets, flute violin, guitar and vocal, classical vocalvocal andvocal more Featuring jazz piano, classical four-hand piano, show-tune duets, flute andand violin, guitar and vocal, classical and more Exhibit Opening Featuring jazz piano, classical four-hand piano, show-tune vocal duets, flute andflute violin, guitar and vocal, classical vocal and more and violin,Exhibit guitar and vocal, classical vocal and more Opening and violin, guitar and Opening vocal, classical vocal more Hall 10:00 flute am-3:00 pm and 4:00pm-5:30 pm in theand Great Exhibit

Exhibit Openingpm in the Great Hall Exhibit Opening 10:00 am-3:00 pm and 4:00pm-5:30 Exhibit Opening With watercolors, pottery, woodworking, needlework, 10:00quilts, am-3:00 pm and 4:00pm-5:30 pm in the Great Hall Exhibit Opening 10:00 am-3:00 pm and pm the GreatHall Hall 10:00 am-3:00 pm 4:00pm-5:30 ininGreat the Great 10:00 am-3:00 pm and4:00pm-5:30 4:00pm-5:30 pmpm in the Hall With quilts, watercolors, pottery, woodworking, needlework, Exhibit With quilts, watercolors, pottery, woodworking, needlework, assemblages, glassOpening and illustrations 10:00 am-3:00 pm and 4:00pm-5:30 pmneedlework, in needlework, the Great Hall With quilts, watercolors, pottery, woodworking, With quilts, watercolors, pottery, woodworking, needlework, With quilts, watercolors, pottery, woodworking, assemblages, glass and illustrations glass and illustrations 10:00 am-3:00assemblages, pmassemblages, and 4:00pm-5:30 pm in the Great Hall glass and illustrations With quilts, watercolors, pottery, woodworking, needlework, assemblages, glass illustrations assemblages, glass and and illustrations Exhibition Dates: October 23 – November 27 With quilts, watercolors, pottery, Exhibition Dates: October 23woodworking, – November 27 needlework, assemblages, glass and illustrations Exhibition Dates: October 23 – November 27 Exhibit hours: M-F 9 am-5 pm; Sundays 9 am-12:30 Exhibition Dates: October 23 –9November Exhibit hours: M-F 9 am-5 pm; Sundays am-12:30 pm27 pm Exhibit hours: M-F 9 am-5 pm;and Sundays 9 am-12:30 pm assemblages, glass illustrations Exhibition Dates: October 23 – November 2727 pm Exhibit hours: M-F 9 am-5 pm; Sundays 9 am-12:30 Exhibition Dates: October 23 – November MetropolitanMemorial Memorial United Methodist ChurchChurch Metropolitan United Methodist Metropolitan Memorial UnitedSundays Methodist Church Exhibit hours: M-F am-5 pm; 9920016 am-12:30 Exhibit hours: M-F 99Avenue am-5 pm; Sundays am-12:30 pm 3401 Nebraska Avenue NW / Washington, DC Exhibition Dates: October 23 – November 27 pm 3401 Nebraska NW / Washington, DC 20016 3401 Nebraska Avenue NW / Washington, DC 20016 Metropolitan Memorial United Methodist Church 202-363-4900 www.nationalchurch.org 202-363-4900 www.nationalchurch.org Exhibition Dates: October 23 – November 27 Exhibit hours: M-F 9 am-5 pm; Sundays 9 am-12:30 202-363-4900 www.nationalchurch.org Metropolitan Memorial United Methodist 3401 Nebraska Avenue NW / Washington, DC 20016pm No No admission charge, plentiful parking admission charge, plentiful parking Church Metropolitan Memorial United Methodist Church Exhibit M-F 9 am-5 pm; Sundays 9DC am-12:30 No admission charge, parking 3401hours: Nebraska Avenue NW / plentiful Washington, 20016 pm 202-363-4900 www.nationalchurch.org 3401 Nebraska Avenue NW / Washington, 20016 Metropolitan Memorial United MethodistDC Church 202-363-4900 www.nationalchurch.org No admission charge, plentiful parking 202-363-4900 www.nationalchurch.org Metropolitan Memorial United Methodist Church 3401 Nebraska Avenue NW /plentiful Washington, DC 20016 No admission charge, parking No admission charge, parking 3401 Nebraska Avenue NW /plentiful Washington, DC 20016 202-363-4900 www.nationalchurch.org 202-363-4900 www.nationalchurch.org No admission charge, plentiful parking No admission charge, plentiful parking

If you want to join in the fun of singing and serving together, Dayspring is open to all, regardless of ability or prior experience. Contact Melissa Chavez, Dayspring Choir Director, mchavez@nationalchurch. org for more information.

Randy Oberdick

Randy Oberdick

Margaret Halpin

Margaret Halpin

Elise Ritter

Elise Ritter

4 Randy Oberdick Randy RandyOberdick Oberdick

Margaret Halpin MargaretHalpin Halpin Margaret

Elise Ritter Elise Ritter Elise Ritter

The Arts at the Metropolitan Church “On the Verge” - Metro Players Dedicate Fall Production to UMW Friday, November 18, 8pm I Saturday, November 19, 5pm I Sunday, November 20, 2pm The Metro Players are delighted to dedicate their Fall production of "On the Verge" to Metropolitan's United Methodist Women. Inspired by playwright Eric Overmyer's Victorian-era women explorers; by the rise of women leaders in our country; and by the UMW's long history of educational leadership on social and economic issues, the Players are proud to salute the work done by the past and present members of the UMW. Join us in November as our three intrepid sojourners (portrayed by Carol Bartlett, Liz Clendenin, and Trish Long) set out on an adventure that takes them to darkest Africa, highest Himalaya, and on to Terra Incognita. Mel Gussow, in his New York Times review of the premiere of the play in 1985, wrote: "The playwright is an ecologist of language and a shrewd observer of our quest to control our environment - and the environment of others . . . A frolicsome jaunt through a continuum of space, time, history, geography, feminism, and fashion - a serendipitous journey." During their journey from when they set out in 1888 to their arrival at Nicky's Paradise Bar and Grill in 1955, our inquisitive explorers meet many interesting and delightful characters (played by Bob Benn, Kevin Settlage, Jennifer Rutherford, and Randy Oberdick, and introducing Matthew A. Milam and Nathaniel Tolbertsmith) in a wonderful romp through the language and history of the 20th century. With a challenging set built by Dick Schleicher and his team, and painted and dressed by Carol Schleicher; lit by Michael Leaver; and enhanced by a music score composed by Michael House; director Bob Benn hopes you will be charmed and entertained by this extraordinary play. We look forward to seeing you in November as we celebrate and honor the women of the UMW!

Serving at the Metropolitan Church Wish List For Metropolitan House and St. Luke’s House Are you interested in supporting the residents of Metropolitan House and St. Luke’s House with specific, needed items? We are seeking the following to support our transitional housing ministry. • Twin Sheet Sets and Pillow Cases - Extra long, new or very gently used. • Twin Blankets - Both summer and winter weight, new or very gently used. • Bath Towels and Wash Cloths - New or very gently used. • Toiletry Items for Men and Women. • Soap, shampoo, deodorant, tooth brushes, tooth paste, shaving items, etc. • New Couches and Comfortable Chairs for St. Luke’s House - We are requesting leather upholstery for stain resistance and durability. • A Very Sturdy, Large Coffee Table. • Monetary donations to our Resident’s Assistance Fund - This assists residents with security deposits and other up-front costs as they transition to permanent housing. There will be a collection box for linens and toiletries in the Great Hall Foyer from October 16 – November 27. If you are able to supply furniture items, contact Ann Michel, amichel@wesleyseminary.edu. Support the Resident’s Assistance Fund with checks made out to The Metropolitan Church noting Resident’s Assistance Fund in the memo line.

Looking for Volunteers with Financial Planning Expertise Residents of St. Luke’s House have asked for help with financial management, especially with resolving credit history problems. If you are able to lead information sessions on this subject and/or work one-on-one with our residents, contact Ann Michel, amichel@ wesleyseminary.edu or Kent Weaver, kenthweaver@ gmail.com.

Grate Patrol Opportunities to Serve!

October 30, 10am, Vestry October 31, 6:30pm St. Luke’s Mission Center* On Sunday, help prepare sandwiches and meal bags at Metropolitan Memorial. On Monday, join us at the St. Luke’s Mission Center to load additional meals prepared by Campus Kitchen into the Salvation Army van and distribute them throughout downtown DC. To volunteer on Sunday, come to the Vestry or, if a group, contact Anita Seline, amseline@aol.com. If you can go out on the van Monday night, volunteer at nationalchurch.org/ servenow! *3655 Calvert St., NW. November 6, 6pm, St. Luke’s Mission Center* Help assemble meals (provided by our Campus Kitchen Program) in to-go containers, load meals into the Salvation Army van and distribute them throughout the city. You can volunteer for one or all opportunities. No experience necessary. Volunteer at nationalchurch. org/volunteerhub! *3655 Calvert St., NW 5

Caring Ministries Lunch and More! October 20, Noon, Vestry Join us for lunch, a bridge game, a board game or a movie! This month’s movie is “Eye in the Sky.” The moral implications of modern warfare are confronted in this Bleecker Street drama, tackling an ethical dilemma in a thought-provoking suspenseful story. See you there! Please note room change. Contacts: Phyllis Kokus, pkokus@aol.com and Mary Jo Marchant, mjmarchant@verizon.net. Weekly Meditation Practice Wednesdays, 9am, Sanctuary New comers welcome! Nurture a sense of inner peace, calm and balance with guided and walking meditation. Contact: Mary Jo Marchant, mjmarchant@verizon.net. Gentle Yoga with Cathryn Ellen Pethick Thursdays 4pm, Great Hall Join our yoga practice of standing, seated and reclining yoga poses, breath awareness exercises, and meditative relaxation. Contact: Cathryn, cathryn@ yogawell-being.com or 301-946-7045/301-642-3889. Sponsored by the Congregational Care Committee. Prayer Shawl Ministry Sunday, November 20, 11:45am, Parlor Come and enjoy a time of fellowship, ministry and fun! If you are interested in joining, contact Barbara Tate, Bdtate@verizon.net.

Life Transitions’ Educational Forum “Long Term Health Insurance” Sunday, November 13, 11:45am, Great Hall Join Social Worker, Mary Anne Griffin, LCSW, as she discusses long term health insurance. You may remember Mary Anne from when she spoke on Medicare at Metropolitan Memorial last spring. She is also a speaker at the Palisades Neighborhood Villages. Refreshments provided.

Our prayers go out to the family and friends of : • Ann Karen Howard, who died on September 10. A memorial service was held on September 24. • Barbara Toms Gray, who died on September 16. A memorial service was held on September 27.

Children & Youth Ministries Fun, Faith, and Fellowship Outdoors - Register Now! November 18-20, West River Camp* Join us for a weekend of fun on the shores of the Chesapeake Bay for a camp experience open to singles, couples, and families of all ages. There will be activities for kids and adults (ropes course, climbing wall, and giant swing), along with campfires and optional programs. Come for one night or two—or just Saturday. Cost for lodging and food is affordable, but varies by family size and dates attending. For more information or to reserve a space now, contact Patrick Landau, plandau@nationalchurch.org or 202-363-4900, ext. 112. Sponsored by Metropolitan’s Children and Youth Ministries Team. *5100 Chalk Point Rd, West River, MD 20778. Children & Youth Sunday School Children and youth Sunday school classes are held at Metropolitan Memorial, and are timed so that kids may participate and still worship at either of the Metropolitan Memorial services (9am or 10:30am) or the Wesley service (musical prelude 11am, Worship at 11:15am). Children’s Ministry: Children ages 3 through 4th grade learn through Godly Play, a Montesorri-based technique emphasizing Bible stories, wonder, questions, and creative play. Contact: Rev. Janet Craswell, jcraswell@ nationalchurch.org or 202-363-4900, ext. 115. Youth Ministry: Our Middle School youth follow the Bible-in-Life curriculum, walking them through important Biblical stories. Our High School youth participate in regular discussions shaped by their lives and current events. Contact: Patrick Landau, plandau@nationalchurch.org or 202-363-4900, ext. 112. 6

The United Methodist Women Mark your calendars for the UMW Bazaar! Saturday, November 5, 8am – 3pm Pre-bazaar Jewelry Sale (parishioners only) Sunday, October 30 between services Why do the United Methodist Women of Metropolitan “Bazaar” each November? (Yes, we’ve been doing it so long, it’s become a verb). Bazaar season actually begins in July, when about 6 - 8 women gather each Tuesday, for an hour or two, to begin sorting and pricing donations. This weekly ritual of chipping away against a Sisyphean mountain of gentlyused merchandise connects us to our roots as United Methodist Women. The UMW of today started in 1869, when two missionary wives shared their witness of the neglected spiritual, medical and educational needs of women and girls in India with a group of only 8 women. From this tiny assembly, a larger, committed group grew, which collected “Pledges to Mission” of 5 cents each – via snail mail! – Ultimately raising enough money to send a female educator and a female doctor to India. As part of our call as a UMW unit, we pledge over $6,000 each year to support the U.S. and international missions sponsored by the wider UMW. These missions intentionally focus on the health and education of women, youth and children (see unitedmethodistwomen.org/what-we-fund). Our unit also has a tradition of “local” giving in order to support women, youth and children close to home and close to the hearts of our members. Local mission donations have supported organizations like Courtney’s House, a safe haven for youth who have been trafficked; Sasha Bruce Youth Works for homeless youth; Bright Beginnings, childcare and early learning for homeless families; and Health in Harmony (“Saving the Rainforest with a Stethoscope”), to name just a few.

UMW Bazaar Donations Cut Off October 23 Bring in your stuff NOW! There are only a few days left before the United Methodist Women cuts off donations of gently-used items to be sold at the annual fall bazaar! Clean out those cupboards, closets, nooks and crannies. You may drop off your contributions beside the UMW closet at any time, (located at the end of hallway off of the Vestry). Remember no furniture, electronics, books. On Tuesdays, join us at 10am for our sorting and pricing sessions. The more, the merrier!

But the other reason we love to “Bazaar” is that it’s just plain fun! We get to see friends whom we haven’t seen all year and with whom we keep meaning to catch up. We’re also bound to meet new friends while browsing for “Attic Treasures.” It's a church-wide event, and beyond. It's a time of fellowship for our community, in the broadest sense of the word. Women and men, boys and girls, teens and pre-teens, all pitch in to make it happen, from sorting and pricing sessions to bazaar set-up and shopping on bazaar day, all the way through to clean up. What's for sale? All manner of gently-used items, such as: things for the kitchen, china and other collectibles, CDs/DVDs/tapes/records, puzzles and games, “Attic Treasures,” Christmas decorations, jewelry, scarves and handbags and other accessories, ladies' boutique jackets, hand-made crafts, new and like-new items for gift-giving, alternative gifts, bake sale goodies, lunch on site featuring our renowned Harvest Soup, and more! Whether you love to browse or simply relax with a steaming hot cup of Harvest soup and a sandwich, drop by the Bazaar and drop a few nickels on us. You never know how far they’ll go – maybe to India and back. Can you volunteer on November 5th or the week before? Contact Bobby Turnbull, bobbyturnbull@comcast.net or 301-320-4154. Have questions about items to donate? Contact Barbara Gaskill, BETQGaskill@gmail. com or 202-244-3512.

UMW Recognition Lunch Sunday, December 11, 12:30pm Please Note Date Change Each year the UMW of Metropolitan Memorial hold a Recognition Luncheon honoring women who have made a significant contribution to the church, the nation, and the world. This year the luncheon will be held on Sunday, December 11 at 12:30pm.

Were you unable to attend worship on Sunday?

If you miss any of the sermons in our sermon series, you can listen to the audio version of the sermons on our website at nationalchurch.org/Praising/Sermons_Podcasts.


Our Mission: Building an inclusive, caring Christian community that invites all into a deepening relationship with God and challenges all of us to grow as disciples, seeking justice and joy for the transformation of the world. Our Vision: Extending radical hospitality, transforming lives, and pursuing justice. Reconciling Statement: Metropolitan Memorial United Methodist Church affirms that all individuals are of sacred worth without regard to race, ethnicity, national origin, sex, sexual orientation, age, religion, education, marital circumstances, economic status, physical and mental condition, or criminal history. We declare ourselves in support of the reconciling movement and welcome the full participation in the church of gay, lesbian, bisexual, or transgendered persons and their families, as a reflection of God’s unconditional love. At the same time, we recognize differences of opinion on issues of sexuality and seek to journey together in faith toward greater understanding and mutual respect.

Pastoral and Administrative Staff - 3401 Nebraska Avenue, NW, DC - 202.363.4900 www.nationalchurch.org - Pastoral Emergency Number - 202.510.8555 Rev. Dr. Charles Parker –– Senior Pastor, ext. 108, cparker@nationalchurch.org Rev. Drema McAllister-Wilson — Minister of Congregational Care, ext. 104, dwilson@nationalchurch.org Rev. Janet Craswell—Director of Christian Education, ext. 115, jcraswell@nationalchurch.org Princess Bethea — Office Coordinator, ext. 102, pbethea@nationalchurch.org Bruce Caviness — 11a.m. Organist-Choirmaster, ext. 152, bcaviness@nationalchurch.org Melissa Chavez — Dayspring Choir Director/9am Worship Leader/Youth Choir Director, ext. 151, mchavez@nationalchurch.org Jeff Clouser — Director of IT and Communications, ext. 113, jclouser@nationalchurch.org Dona Collary — Pastoral Care Assistant/Wedding and Funeral Coordinator, ext. 106, dcollary@nationalchurch.org Patrisha House — Director of Worship, Music and Arts, ext. 114, phouse@nationalchurch.org Patrick Landau — Director of Youth Ministries/AU Campus Ministries, ext. 112, plandau@nationalchurch.org Pam Murdoch –– Finance Coordinator, ext. 103, finance@nationalchurch.org Bill Potts –– Executive Director of Operations, ext. 101, wpotts@nationalchurch.org Stephanie Quammen — Serving Pillar Coordinator, ext. 111, squammen@nationalchurch.org Rafael Reyes — Director of Building and Grounds, ext. 116, rreyes@nationalchurch.org Helen Simon — Executive Assistant to Dr. Parker, ext. 109, hsimon@nationalchurch.org Linda Smith — Director of Nursery School, 202.362.8746, lsmith@nationalchurch.org Non-Staff Ministry Partners Rick Sullivan — AU Associate Chaplain for Community Engagement, rick@aumethodists.org

The Messenger is published by The Metropolitan Church - A Multi-site United Methodist Community Metropolitan Memorial - 3401 Nebraska Ave., NW., Washington, DC 20016 Tel: 202.363.4900 St. Luke’s Mission Center (3655 Calvert St., NW)/Wesley UMC (5312 Conn. Ave., NW) Fax: 202.686.2056 E-Mail: jclouser@nationalchurch.org website: nationalchurch.org

NEXT ISSUE: November 14, 2016

NEXT DEADLINE: Noon on November 8, 2016

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