November 2015

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November 9, 2015 Volume XXV, No. 11

The Messenger



“It’s About Time”

In our worship services over the past month, our sermons have focused on the theme “It’s About Time.” The central thesis of the series has been that when we put God and God’s call at the center of our life, and carve out time for what God calls us to do, the other pieces of our life fall into place. In a world and a city that value “busy-ness,” where our value is determined by the frantic pace of our activity, this is an important truth of which to be mindful. The plain truth is that how we use our time shows more clearly than almost anything what we value. But most of us spend our time in a haphazard reaction to whatever crisis is in front of us. Setting aside time for God’s work, for prayer, for family, these things give our lives the rhythm that allows us to be pro-active rather than re-active. Once these “big rocks” are in place, the other, less important activities fall into their proper place. I have been preaching out of our lectionary texts and have structured this sermon series about the five “pillars” of the program life of our church: Praising, Learning, Serving, Caring, and Sharing. My hope has been that as we have reflected on these broad program areas, that you might have felt a small tug from the Holy Spirit to engage in some area of this work. Many of you are already engaged in one of these ministry areas, and my goal has not been to have you spread yourselves more thinly. If you feel fully engaged and fulfilled by this work, wonderful! If you have been working in a particular area for a while and feel a call to a different area, that may be a sign that there is a different call on your life than before. And if you have been engaged in one of the ministry areas and feel a call to engage more deeply, that too is a gift. But primarily, my hope is that everyone finds a place where the Holy Spirit is calling them to work. In the same way that putting God first in our time allows the other pieces of our schedule to fall into place, putting God first in our money allows the other pieces of our budget to fall into place. All of our money is God’s, and the question that healthy stewardship asks is “how much of God’s money do I need to keep to live a full and happy life?” When we ask ourselves that question, it is amazing how many things that we thought were essential no longer seem so. As we have discussed in years past, sacrificial giving (of both our time and our money!) is at the heart of heathy stewardship. On Sunday, November 22, we will gather in the Great Hall at Metropolitan Memorial at 9am and 11:15am for a continental breakfast, worship (with the focus on “A Life of Gratitude”) and Communion. Gathered around small tables, we will discuss our hopes and dreams for our congregation. We are not mailing pledge cards in advance, and you will receive Stewardship materials that day. You can fill out the Pledge Card then or take it home and reflect and bring or send it back to the church. We will mail materials on November 23 to those who were not able to be at our Stewardship Brunch. I hope that you will read and reflect on both the programmatic and financial materials from Metropolitan. You might start by looking at your checkbook (or its electronic equivalent) and your calendar. They will tell you a lot about where you are currently setting your priorities, and I would encourage you to prayerfully consider where God might be calling you to engage in ministry in a more active way as we work together to live out our Vision of extending radical hospitality, transforming lives, and pursuing justice. Blessings,

Charlie Parker

Commitment Sunday - Sunday, November 22 Metropolitan Memorial 9am and 11:15am Worship, Great Hall

Join us at Metropolitan Memorial on November 22nd when we celebrate our commitments with breakfast and worship in the Great Hall. It will be a time of sharing and celebration.

Wesley 11am Worship, Sanctuary

Join us at Wesley in worship to commit your pledges for 2016 on November 15 or 22. After worship on the 22nd, we’ll have a Thanksgiving celebration for gifts received and ministry made possible at “More than Coffee Hour” following worship in the Fellowship Hall.

Life at the Metropolitan Church The Metro Players Present Doubt: A Parable Friday, November 13, 8pm Saturday, November 14, 5pm Sunday, November 15, 2pm

Jazz@wesley: The Sharon Thomas Experience Saturday, November 21 6:30pm, Wesley*

Enjoy the smooth Jazz sounds of saxophonist, Sharon Thomas. Tickets available at the door and at instantseats. com. Entry $10 I $7 Seniors I Children 12 and Under Free. For more information email wesleyinfo@nationalchurch. org or call 202-966-5144, ext. 325. Bring a non-perishable food item to jazz up someone else’s life. *5312 Connecticut Ave., NW.

In this powerful drama, Sister Aloysius, a Bronx school principal, takes matters into her own hands when she suspects the young Father Flynn of improper relations with one of the students. Winner of the 2005 Pulitzer Prize and Tony Award. Directed by Bob Benn and Trish Long. Tickets available at the door: $15/Adults I $10 Students and Seniors.

Metropolitan Book Club Monday, November 16 7:30pm, Parlor

Join us as we discuss Erik Larson’s new book, Dead Wake, the Last Crossing of the Lusitania. On January 18th, Larry Ellsworth will facilitate the discussion of John Grisham’s newly released novel, Rogue Lawyer. All folks are welcome! We will not be meeting in December. Contacts: Joan Topalian, or Suzanne Clewell,

Front Desk Volunteer Needed

Have fun and meet nice people! Volunteer at the front desk! If you have a couple of hours to give on Wednesdays (9am to 5pm), please contact Princess Bethea, or 202-363-4900, ext. 102.

Congratulations •

to Bill and Cathy Anderson on the birth of their granddaughter, Fiona Quinn Anderson on October 18. Parents are Lynn Teo and Nate Anderson

to John and Eugenia Evans on the birth of their great granddaughter, Charlotte Grace Arias on October 19

to David and Robin Sproul on the birth of their granddaughter, Lucy Robin Theodora Latimer on October 23. Parents are Anna and Matt Latimer.

The Star has a Tail and the Tail is of Fire! Amahl and the Night Visitors by Gian Carlo Menotti December 6, 10am Worship (One Service)

On Sunday, December 6, the Metropolitan church community will observe the second Sunday of Advent with a performance of the holiday classic: Amahl and the Night Visitors. The first opera written for television, Amahl was commissioned by NBC and first aired on December 24, 1951. It tells the story of crippled shepherd boy, Amahl, who lives with his mother in a simple hut in the desert not far from Bethlehem. One night, Amahl (who is given to flights of fantasy) and his mother receive visitors at their door – three kings traveling to Bethlehem to pay homage to a newly born Child King. Amahl and his mother, though poor, have many friends in the neighboring villagers and shepherds – whom they ask to join them to entertain the kings. Later, Amahl’s mother, dazzled by the king’s packages, and hoping to help make a better life for Amahl, tries to take some of the gold, but is caught by the kings’ Page. Amahl defends his mother and the three kings – impressed by Amahl’s love for his mother, and impressed by her devotion to Amahl – forgive her. In gratitude, Amahl offers his crutch to the kings as the only gift he could give to the Child. Miraculously cured, Amahl dances about the hut in joyful abandon and then asks to join the kings on their journey, to which his mother gives her permission. The opera, written by Gian Carlo Menotti, will be the centerpiece of the single worship service on December 6, at 10:00 am. Music direction is by Casey Elliott Campbell (assisted by Bruce Caviness) with stage direction by Bob Benn. The cast features Maddy Vieth as Amahl, Jennifer Rutherford as the Mother, Steven Dawson as King Kaspar, Elliot Matheny as King Melchior, Bruce Caviness as King Balthazar, Ian Urriola as the Page, with members of Dayspring, Chancel, and Youth Choirs as the shepherds and villagers. A reviewer wrote: “It’s an honest story of sorrow, pity, greed, rage, and forgiveness – and all of it in less than an hour!” We hope you and your whole family will join us on December 6th, and that you’ll join us for a reception afterwards to meet the cast.


Life at the Metropolitan Church Crèche Exhibit Sunday, November 29, 10:10am - 1:30pm, Great Hall

The Arts Council is proud to present its sixth “Crèche Exhibit”—but with a twist. All of these manger scenes are from the collection of Rev. Janet Craswell! Since she was a child, Rev. Craswell has been collecting examples of the images found in different parts of the Christian world. Many of her nativity scenes have a connection to her family. She grew up with her father’s plaster-of-Paris scene, made by her grandmother in the early 1950s. When she and her husband got married, her aunt made them a duplicate set, using the same molds. Rev. Craswell’s father is very talented—when she was in middle school her father knit a finger-puppet set of the first Christmas and used Styrofoam balls to hold up the heads. Three other crèches in the exhibit were hand carved by her dad: one of Western yellow cedar for her, and a painted set for each of her sons. When Rev. Craswell moved to Washington DC in 1985, her mother sent her a small glass crèche so that she would have a bit of Christmas from home. From there the collection mushroomed into forty-some scenes. At her house, Rev. Craswell says that all the shelves and china cabinets are cleared to make room for Baby Jesus and his family and “friends.” The scenes reflect the areas of the world from which they came. From Latin America, where the figures are made of terra cotta, the animals are all llamas and the shepherds wear Andean hats! From Oaxaca is a complete yet tiny scene—with some of the figures about the size of a women’s pinky nail. African scenes are carved of mahogany and ebony. Small boxes are set up like dioramas with different backgrounds, including the inside of a house instead of the usual barnlike setting. From Germany came a set of Playmobil figures for the participants in the crèche. And animals from sets of other play toys have migrated to the manger scenes! When Rev. Craswell’s elder son David was 2 years old he asked his mother where the pigs were. She answered that Jewish people wouldn’t have kept pigs. In all seriousness he replied, “No, the but Romans did.” Following that conversation, David’s gramps added a yellow cedar pig to the manger scene. When younger son Noah was 8, he used pipe cleaners and feathers to fashion Inca warriors with flaming swords for one of the crêches. Of course, Rev. Craswell has several manger scenes from the Holy Land of the Baby Jesus and his family. All are made of olive wood except one. This crêche came from her husband’s family when they visited the Holy Land and brought back a manger scene made of mother-of-pearl. Please thank Rev. Craswell for sharing with the church her lovely manger scenes—particularly when each set has a myriad of figures, some as small as the nails on your pinky finger.

Annual Christmas Coat Drive Shop Early!

It's time once again for the annual Bible Plus Sunday School Class Christmas Coat Drive. We are starting earlier this year in order to partner with our sister church at Brighter Day. In past years, we have donated the new coats our congregation so generously provided to Martha’s Table to distribute to needy DC children. This year Brighter Day indicated there is a great need now for coats among the children of their congregation and, being a good partner, we would like to fill that need. So the Bible Plus Sunday School Class will be immediately collecting coats, hats, and gloves for children (sizes 24 months to 16), new or used (in good condition only please). A collection bin will be placed in the lobby by the church offices on Sunday mornings from now until December 20th. Receipts will be available at the collection box. Although we encourage you to donate the above items, monetary donations are also welcome and we will shop for you. Please make checks payable to Metropolitan Memorial and note that it is for the Coat Drive. Thank you for your gifts that will help keep children warm this winter. Contacts: Debbie Gustowski, 202-298-6222 or or Pat Simpich, 202-966-1566 or Pat.Simpich@

Eternally Yours

Coming in January! Luminous Grace: Visions of Heaven and Earth

As I write this, I am looking out on a gray day and thinking of the many gray days to come. BUT I want to assure all of you that the Arts Council will not leave you to face those endless days and nights alone! In January, we will be hosting "Luminous Grace: Visions of Heaven and Earth." In this art exhibition painter Elise Ritter visually explores "the concept of grace: gifts freely given, and blessings generously bestowed. As Elise writes, “All around us in nature, and throughout heaven and earth, are light-filled visions of grace: the sun, moon and stars; angels and humanity; the sky and clouds; trees, rivers and gardens. Shining and bright, they reveal the spirit-filled handiwork of the Divine. All is grace; all is love.” Blessings, Marilu Wood


Study at the Metropolitan Church Food for Thought Wednesday Evenings, Now - November 18, Dinner - 6pm, Vestry; Classes - 7pm

Feed your mind, body and soul! Community dinner: $8/person I Students pay what you can. RSVP at foodforthought! Classes include: Bible Study: The Gospel of John. The last gospel to be written, John offers the most developed picture of Jesus as the divine Christ of all the gospels. (led by Rev. Charlie Parker and Bob Olson) Topical Study: Life Transitions. Led by members of Metropolitan’s Life Transitions Team • November 11 - Services for Senior Adults in the Metropolitan Area: Sharon Smith, Metropolitan Member and Chair of the Board at Iona House in DC, will speak about the services Iona provides to help senior adults age in place so that they can “age well, live well.” She will also discuss other resources in the DC area. Contacts: Susan Elliott, and Ann Cochran, Join us for the community dinner at 6pm (see Food for Thought). • November 18 - Being Mortal, by Atul Gawande: A Book Discussion Led by Rev. Drema McAllister-Wilson: In his book, Atul Gawande, a practicing surgeon, has fearlessly revealed the struggles of his profession. Now he examines its ultimate limitations and failures—in his own practices as well as others’—discovering how we can do better. (Please note that you don’t have to read the book beforehand). Contact: Rev. Drema McAllister-Wilson, dwilson@

Intergenerational Bible Story Hour Sunday, November 15, 9:30am, Wesley*

Join us on the first and third Sundays of the month for an in-depth look at the stories in scripture we’ll be reading in worship at Wesley. We’ll sing, tell stories and reflect on the story using different art mediums--drama, drawing, painting, modeling clay, journaling. *5312 Connecticut Ave., NW

"Meal from Below" Bible Study Sunday, November 15, 7pm, Wesley Library*

Share a journey centered on the words of Jesus when he “took the bread, blessed it, broke it, gave it to his disciples, and said, ‘This is my body given for you.’” Contact: Duncan Wilson, *5312 Conn. Ave., NW.

Serving Ministries WIN Rally Thursday, November 19, 7pm, Covenant Baptist UCC*

Come out and support the Washington Interfaith Network (WIN) Rally! As we have heard during our stewardship series, a faith of works is critical. You will get a chance to put your faith into action at our rally on jobs, affordable housing and homelessness. One reason to attend is to continue to keep funding for Parkway Overlook in front of DC officials. With the Tenants Association, we attended a meeting at the DC Housing Authority and believe that the DCHA has made a funding request to complete the financing package. We also believe that it is currently pending at the Department of Housing and Community Development. If we are successful, Parkway Overlook will be redeveloped with 100% of the units at affordable rent levels. Please email Linda Davenport if you can join what promises to be another inspiring rally with congregations and nonprofits across the city. Please let her know if you will need a ride. *3824 S. Capitol St., SW.

Campus Kitchen DC Tues./Wed./Thurs., 4pm - 7pm Saturdays, 11am - 3pm St Luke’s Mission Center* Campus Kitchen DC increases food security among vulnerable populations and reduces food waste by focusing on food recovery.We are partnering with area universities, local churches and businesses, and community members to recover food that would otherwise go to waste, prepare nutritionally appropriate meals, and deliver them to those in need of increased food security. CKDC has several shifts a week (Tuesday-Thursday, 4-7pm, Saturdays 10am-1pm) for meal prep and cooking, meal delivery, and food recovery. We have expanded the clients we serve to, especially in Wards 7 and 8. CKDC now provides the food for Grate Patrol twice a month — on the last Monday of the month and the first Sunday of the month — bringing together Metropolitan Memorial, Wesley, AU, and SLMC in this ministry and providing a hot, cooked meal for the Salvation Army clients. For more information and sign up, contact Rev. Dottie Yunger, or visit

Grate Patrol - Two Locations to Serve

The Metropolitan Church participates in Grate Patrol twice each month, preparing food and then riding in the Salvation Army van to deliver it to the homeless. St. Luke’s participates on the first Sunday of each month, and Campus Kitchen prepares the food. Metropolitan Memorial participates the last weekend of each month. Sandwiches are prepared on Sunday and delivered Monday evening.

Sunday, November 29, 10:10am, Vestry Kitchen

Help make sandwiches on Sunday and/or serve meals by going out in the van on Monday, November 30 at 6:30pm. Please note that the van will leave on Monday night from our St. Luke’s Mission Center (3655 Calvert St., NW). Volunteer at!

Sunday, December 6, 6pm St. Luke’s Mission Center*

You can volunteer to put together meals, serve meals by going out in the van Sunday evening or both. Volunteer at! *3655 Calvert St., NW.


Caring Ministries Prayer Shawl Ministry Sunday, November 15 12:30pm, Parlor

Enjoy a time of knitting, crocheting, fellowship, ministry and fun! If you are interested in joining, contact Barbara Tate,

AARP Meeting Monday, November 16, 1pm, Vestry

Join Marti Bailey, Director of the Sibley Hospital Senior Association, for a program on brain health, “The Brain: What’s Normal? What’s Not?” Social time is at 12:30pm. Refreshments will be served.

Weekly Meditation Practice Wednesdays, 9am, Sanctuary

Nurture a sense of inner peace, calm and balance with guided and walking meditation. All are welcome. Contact: Mary Jo Marchant,

Lunch and More Thursday, November 19 Noon, Great Hall

Join us Thursday, November 19 for “Lunch and More!” After eating together, we will have the opportunity for playing a game like Bananagrams, Trivial Pursuits, bridge or watch a movie. This month’s movie is “MacFarland USA,” a film about Jim White who moves his family after losing his last job as a football coach. He sees that some of the students are worth starting a cross-country team and turns seven students with no hope into one of the best crosscountry teams. Highly recommended by our own Phyllis Kokus. Hope to see you Thursday, November 19! If you committed to bringing a game, please don’t forget!!! Also, bring a friend! Contact: Phyllis Kokus, and Mary Jo Marchant,

Gentle Yoga for Well-Being Thursdays, 4pm, Great Hall

Join us for Gentle Yoga. Class meets every Thursday and is open to all who are interested. We will do basic yoga poses and movements to stretch, strengthen, improve balance, and lift our spirits. We will practice yogic breathing and meditation/relaxation as well. Chairs are available for those who may need some help getting on/off the floor. Bring your mat, wear comfortable clothing for exercise. Sign on for the 10-week series, or drop in when you’re in town! To register or for more information, contact Cathryn Gunnerson, or 301-642-3889.

Learn More About Our Ministries for Life Transitions

All Saints Sunday

On November 1, we celebrated all the people of God, living and dead, who together form the Body of Christ. Below are the names of those who died this year that were lifted up during worship. Dr. H. Grant Taylor Jr. 10/04/14 Lorraine Jenkins 10/31/14 Eric Chapman Wirth 11/19/14 John G. Gosnell 12/12/14 Diane B. Moller 12/12/14 Alyce Joan Hawkins 12/15/14 Christopher Erbeck 12/24/14 James Nicholas Wyse 12/24/14 Faye West Warren 01/04/15 Betty Bomma 01/07/15 John Fall 01/10/15 Donald Paul David 01/12/15 Jennifer Klugel 01/11/15 Clifton Gruver 01/11/15 Irene Roberts 01/12/15 Frank Rich, Sr. 01/15 Brenda Florence Caviness 01/22/15 Phillip Monroe Grace 01/23/15 Lillian Inez Lawson 01/26/15 Nancy Meadows Mooney 01/26/15 Tocola Leach 02/01/15 Jackie Strange 02/01/15 Ronald Harper 02/02/15 Boyce Overton Griffith 02/08/15 Lucye Gray Davis 02/12/15 Penelope Potts Bailey 02/21/15 Billie J. Webster 03/01/15 Virginia Thompson 03/04/15 Hugh Bradley Warren 03/13/15 Kay Elizabeth McDonagh 03/21/15 Emma Dean Cox 03/19/15 Mary Carter 03/13/15 Shirley Tsung Wang 03/07/15 Phyllis Holowaty Albrecht 04/02/15 Barbara F. Rommell 04/02/15 Robert Frisco 04/13/15 Shiu Won Wong Eng 04/18/15 William Hopkins 04/22/15 Alice Louisa Butler 04/24/15 James Owen Finney 04/15/15 Gwen Loftin 05/12/15 Santiago Gonzalez 05/15/15 Shelley Preslar 05/16/15 Madeline Hunter 05/21/15 Theresa Claytor 05/22/15 Lu Vason 05/22/15 William Hathaway Shay, Jr. 05/24/15 William Lauber 05/25/15 Jesse Green 06/16/15 Margaret Gillelan Wood-Hays 06/18/15 Joel Johnson 06/19/15 Vicky Marshall 06/24/15 Nancy McBride 07/04/15 Aurelia Rose Tarpinian 07/16/15 Robert Willis 07/19/15 Fred Pierce Wilson 07/27/15 Elizabeth P. Conway 07/28/15 Gene Peters 07/29/15 Richard Adams Rixey 09/18/15 Ernest Daniel David 09/24/15 Helen Derr 09/25/15 William Benjamin Hutto, III 09/29/15 Sidney Tate 10/16/15


The United Methodist Women United Methodist Women Recognition Luncheon Sunday, December 6, 12:45 pm, Great Hall

The Annual UMW’s Recognition Luncheon honors women who have made a significant contribution to the church and community. This year we honor four outstanding women, Courtney Leatherman, Helene Lilly, Alex McPherron, and Mary Rollefson. We will also celebrate this year’s newborns, welcome our new UMW members and remember with gratitude those who have died this year. This is a special event in the life of our church and we hope that many of our women (and men) in the church can attend. Lunch will be catered and UMW Circle 6 is hostessing the luncheon with support from Circles 1 and 9. Suggested donation $10. Reservations not necessary. Any questions, please contact Carol Schleicher, or Connie Sommers,

The Red Tent Project

The United Methodist Women's Red Tent Project has successfully concluded for the year with a great number of feminine protection products collected for the clients of the Mount Vernon UMC's meal program. We thank the greater community who were moved to donate pads and tampons to the cause. Vivian, the letter carrier for the church, dropped off three large bags of tampons and pads for The Red Tent Project earlier this month. She had seen our red tent and the sign explaining the project in the church foyer and she started a collection up at her post office, 4000 Wisconsin Ave. Her colleagues responded and she dropped of their donation to the church earlier this month. Thank you postal workers! And they were not the only ones to take action. Nursery school parents and nannies contributed to the drive and even a member of the exercise class at Metropolitan gave a donation. Mount Vernon UMC, located on Minnesota Ave. in NE DC, has a large meal program that helps the poor and homeless. They contacted Metropolitan, which supplies some of Mount Vernon's meals through our Campus Kitchen ministry, asking if the church could help provide feminine protection products, an overlooked need of impoverished women. Metropolitan turned to the UMW, which took up the cause. The UMW is so heartened by the response that another drive will be planned for 2016, when the red tent will return.

Youth Ministries Family Camp November 13 – 15

Join us for a weekend away at West River Camp! Located about an hour away on the Chesapeake Bay, West River Camp is a wonderful place to spend time with families from across our church. There will be games, campfires, a ropes course, climbing wall, arts, and food! Sign up at! Sponsored by our Children and Youth ministries, all families are welcome. For more information, please contact Patrick Landau, or 202-363-4900, ext. 112.

Youth Ministry Sunday Mornings, 10:10am Rooms 204 and 206

All youth are invited to join us on Sunday mornings! Our Middle School youth follow the Bible-in-Life curriculum, walking them through important Biblical stories. Our High School youth participate in regular discussions shaped by their lives and current events. Contact: Patrick Landau, or 202-363-4900, ext. 112.

Check Out Our Blog

Youth @ Metropolitan

where every high school and middle school student is welcome.

Discover more about our youth and what they are doing! Follow their adventures at


Children’s Ministry Nursery School Open House Thursday, November 17, 9:30am, Great Hall

The Metropolitan Nursery School invites you to an Open House, where you can learn about our school’s program, curriculum, and admission procedures. The Director will also be available to answer any questions you may have about the nursery school. You will also have the opportunity to see our lively classrooms in action. In order to truly appreciate our program we encourage you to attend any one of the scheduled dates below: • December 11, 9:30am-10:30am, Great Hall • January 21, 9:30am-10:30am, Great Hall

Inspired Parenting Class Sundays, 10:10am, Fireplace Room

Metropolitan Youth and Children’s Ministry invites you to an Inspired Parenting Class. This class is open to parents with kids of all ages and offers a safe space to share the week’s parenting challenges and joys. We talk about helping keep our kids grounded and passing along lessons of our faith. It’s a great place to find advice, feel affirmed, and become connected with other parents in our church community. Drop in as you can—newcomers always welcome. For more information, contact Rev. Janet Craswell, or 202-363-4900, ext. 115.

Our Mission: Building an inclusive, caring Christian community that invites all into a deepening relationship with God and challenges all of us to grow as disciples, seeking justice and joy for the transformation of the world. Our Vision: Extending radical hospitality, transforming lives, and pursuing justice. Reconciling Statement: Metropolitan Memorial United Methodist Church affirms that all individuals are of sacred worth without regard to race, ethnicity, national origin, sex, sexual orientation, age, religion, education, marital circumstances, economic status, physical and mental condition, or criminal history. We declare ourselves in support of the reconciling movement and welcome the full participation in the church of gay, lesbian, bisexual, or transgendered persons and their families, as a reflection of God’s unconditional love. At the same time, we recognize differences of opinion on issues of sexuality and seek to journey together in faith toward greater understanding and mutual respect.

Pastoral and Administrative Staff - 3401 Nebraska Avenue, NW, DC - 202.363.4900 - Pastoral Emergency Number - 202.510.8555 Rev. Dr. Charles Parker –– Senior Pastor, ext. 108, Rev. Kate Payton — Associate Pastor, Sharing, Lead Pastor at Wesley UMC, ext. 110, Rev. Dottie Yunger –– Associate Pastor, Service/Advocacy, ext. 111, Rev. Drema McAllister-Wilson — Minister of Congregational Care, ext. 104, Rev. Janet Craswell—Director of Christian Education, ext. 115, David Finnegan-Hosey - Campus Ministry Coordinator, Princess Bethea — Office Coordinator, ext. 102, Bruce Caviness — 11a.m. Organist-Choirmaster, ext. 152, Jeff Clouser — Director of IT and Communications, ext. 113, Dona Collary — Pastoral Care Assistant/Wedding and Funeral Coordinator, ext. 106, Casey Campbell — Dayspring Choir Director/9am Worship Leader/Youth Choir Director, ext. 151, Patrisha House — Director of Worship, Music and Arts, ext. 114, Patrick Landau — Director of Youth Ministries, ext. 112, Bill Potts –– Executive Director of Operations, ext. 101, Rafael Reyes — Director of Building and Grounds, ext. 116, Helen Simon — Executive Assistant to Dr. Parker, ext. 109, Linda Smith — Director of Nursery School, 202.362.8746,

The Messenger is published by The Metropolitan Church - A Multi-site United Methodist Community Metropolitan Memorial - 3401 Nebraska Ave., NW., Washington, DC 20016 Tel: 202.363.4900 St. Luke’s Mission Center (3655 Calvert St., NW)/Wesley UMC (5312 Conn. Ave., NW) Fax: 202.686.2056 E-Mail: website:

NEXT ISSUE: December 7, 2015

NEXT DEADLINE: Noon on December 1,2015

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