December 2016 Metropolitan Memorial, St. Luke’s & Wesley United Methodist Churches 202-363-4900 (MMUMC office)
Mark Your Calendar December
10 Sa
BW UMW Conference 150th Legacy Celebration (11am) BW Conference Center, Fulton, MD)
11 Su
UMW Recognition Sunday (12:45pm, Great Hall)
19 M
December AARP Luncheon (noon, Vestry)
24 Sa
Christmas Eve
25 Su
January 7 Sa
GWD UMW local officers training (Hughes Mem. UMC, WDC)
17 T
Next newsletter deadline
Donations and help needed early December!! See page information
Christmas gifts for homeless children – sign up by Dec. 2 Winter clothing donation for Friendship Place – donate this week for event on Sunday, Dec. 4 at Washington Hebrew. Or volunteer before or the day of the event.
February 3-5 F-Su
UWM Women’s Retreat (Priestfield, WV)
18 Sa
UMW GWD Legislative Seminar
25 Sa
UMW Book & Bake Sale (8am-3pm, Vestry)
Metropolitan UMW Newsletter : December 2016
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UMW News UMW Sisters! We have much to celebrate from our work together in November! And we have much to anticipate this month and as we look forward to the New Year! Our annual Bazaar, held November 5, was a great success, exceeding our budget goal of $15,000! Please join me in thanking coordinators Barbara Gaskill and Bobby Turnbull, as well as all of those who volunteered in the weeks and hours of preparation and conduct of the bazaar itself. We are blessed women who know how to get things done! Our proceeds will go to support mission partners here at home and around the globe! In November, I attended two meetings that led me to rejoice in the many gifts we enjoy at Metropolitan Church. The first was the annual meeting of the Baltimore-Washington Conference UMW. Reports of UMW activity in each of the Districts of the Conference highlighted creative and dedicated work for many UMW units, which we celebrated. The second was the Greater Washington District meeting with Bishop LaTrelle Easterling. Reports were made from each of the clusters within our District, and attendees were asked to stand if they or their congregations were committed to various named ministries and missions. Those of us from Metropolitan didn’t get to sit down much! The work of the Campus Kitchen was highlighted in Charlie’s report to the gathering, and in the meal prepared and served by Chef Anthony! I gave thanks, knowing that UMW members were participants and leaders in all of the work that we lifted up that evening. As we move into December, I look forward to greeting many of you at our Recognition Lunch on Sunday, December 11. We will remember those who have died this year, and celebrate new babies in our midst. We will honor four women who have exemplified the spirit of the UMW. We’ll receive your Pledge to Mission Contributions, and hold a brief business meeting to pass next year’s budget. And we’ll pause to affirm, again, that “we are a community of women whose purpose is to know God and to experience freedom as whole persons through Jesus Christ.” ~ Ellen Bachman UMW President
Save the Dates for UMW Greater Washington District Events February 18, 2017 - Legislative Seminar, 9 AM - 12 noon, location TBA April 8, 2017 - Epworth House Committee Luncheon, 11 AM - 3 PM, Holiday Inn, College Park, MD May 20, 2017 - Greater Washington District Prayer Breakfast, 9 AM - 12 noon, location TBA May 31 - June 2, 2017 - Baltimore-Washington Annual Conference, Washington Marriott, Washington D.C. Metropolitan UMW Newsletter : December 2016
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UMW News United Methodist Women Recognition Luncheon Sunday, December 11, 12:45 pm, MMUMC Great Hall We are pleased to announce that four outstanding women have been selected for special recognition at our annual recognition event in December. As always, there are many women in our church who contribute in countless ways. The four women we will recognize this year are: Joan Davenport, Jeanie Mah, Anne Mathews-Younes and Connie Sommers. Each one of these women has made significant contributions to our church, to our community and beyond. We look forward to hearing more about each of their achievements and contributions at the Recognition Luncheon on December 11, at 12 p.m. In the Great Hall. In addition, we will welcome new UMW members, recognize babies born in our church family this year, as well as honor the lives of women in our church family who passed away within the last year. A luncheon will be served. A donation of $10.00 is suggested for UMW members; guests are free. This annual event promises to be a special day of celebration for all women in the Metropolitan. Memorial Church community. (2016 Pledges may be dropped off at the Luncheon. See below for more information.)
Dear UMW Sister, As we head into our busy holiday season, bustling with Thanksgiving and Advent preparations, cookie exchanges, and New Year’s resolutions, we pause to consider how we can extend those blessings to others in our local and global communities through our own monetary gifts. Through the combined proceeds of our key fundraisers - the book sale and bazaar – AND our own gifts, we are able to support women and children here in our own community and in our global village. Our own contributions make up more than 15% of our total income and are an ESSENTIAL SOURCE of our gifts to others. In 2016, our UMW made contributions to the Greater Washington UMW, DC Diaper Bank, and Bright Beginnings among others. On December 11, we will be hosting our annual UMW Recognition luncheon, which will be a time of fellowship for all UMW circles and a time when we can honor some special UMW members. Please consider making a contribution at the luncheon or write a check to UMW and give it to Rita Guenther or drop it off at the church office. At the luncheon, we will also briefly describe our new plans for selecting benevolent giving recipients. We hope to see you there! Ellen Bachman, President Connie Sommers Vice President Rita Guenther, Treasurer
Metropolitan UMW Newsletter : December 2016
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UMW News
Providing Christmas Joy to Homeless Children Sign up by December 2 Gifts due December 18 Our ministry partner, Friendship Place, has asked for help providing holiday gifts to 240 formerly homeless children housed through the Neighbors First permanent supportive housing initiative. If you are interested in adopting a child or a family, notify Ann Michel ( by December 2. You will be matched with a gift recipient and provided suggestions for an appropriate gift of $35 or less. Unwrapped gifts need to be dropped off at the Friendship Place office at the St. Luke’s Mission Center by December 18.
6th Annual Winter Warmth Event Sunday, December 4, 2:30 – 5:30 pm On Sunday, December 4, 2:30 – 5:30 pm, area congregations will come together under the banner of Friendship Place to provide cold-weather gear and a hot meal to our homeless neighbors. This year, Washington Hebrew Congregation is the host, but our church members are encouraged to:
Volunteer to help on December 4, or with sorting in the days leading up to the event. You can also sign up to donate food.
Donate coats, scarves, hats, gloves, boots, long-underwear, and warms socks - new or in “dignity condition.” Drop off donations at Washington Hebrew, 3925 Macomb St., Mon. Nov. 28 and Tues. Nov. 29, 9 am to 6 pm; Wed. Nov. 30 and Thurs. Dec. 1, – 5 pm – 4 pm; or Fri. Dec. 2 , 9 am – 4 pm.
Metropolitan UMW Newsletter : December 2016
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UMW News Women’s Retreat
December AARP Luncheon
Feb. 3-5, 2017 PriestField, Pastoral Center, Kearneysville, WV
Monday, December 19, noon Please join us on Monday, December 19 at noon in the Vestry for our annual holiday luncheon. We will have a delicious meal of turkey and all the trimmings, followed by singing of holiday songs. The cost is $15 per person, and reservations are necessary. Contact Bobby Turnbull, (301) 320-4154, by December 15 to reserve your spot.
Sponsored by the United Methodist Women of Metropolitan but open to all women in our church family and their invited guests. First-timers are most welcome! Registration opening soon.
UMW Directory Updates New members: At large Penny Pagano 4701 Berkeley Terr., NW, Washington, DC 20007 202-338-7926, c202-257-0237; Circle 2 Pat Schofield 5327 Nebraska Ave., NW, Washington, DC 20015 202-363-2881; Correction, addition to Directory: At large Joyce Shields 621 N St. Asaph St., #405, Alexandria, VA 22314-1929 703-706-0085, c703-740-7523;
Any questions or corrections to the Directory, please contact Membership Cochairs Phyllis Kokus (202-362-7861; or Caralee Adams (301-8010553; Metropolitan UMW Newsletter : December 2016
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UMW News UMW Book & Bake Sale February 25, 8am-3pm, Vestry The date of the Book & Bake Sale, a little earlier than past years, has been set for February 25, 2017. We encourage all donors to hold off bringing their book donations until the week of set-up, beginning Feb. 19, so that books can be organized more efficiently. If you MUST get your books out of the house, you may begin dropping off your donations, in small boxes please, at the UMW closet at the end of the hallway off of the Vestry. Please do not donate cassette tapes, VCR tapes, textbooks, magazines or travel guides published before 2012.
We are having a special collection drive at Metropolitan on Sunday, Feb. 19 and Monday, Feb. 20. Drive up to the church with your books and volunteers will be there waiting in the parking lot to off load your boxes of books. Please tell your friends about this book collection drive. A sign up genius has been set up to ease and organize all of the volunteers who will help with this sale. If you do not feel comfortable using this electronic sign up, please contact books sale organizers and we will be happy to sign you up from our end. Here's the link: If you can help us publicize the book sale by posting a flyer locally or sending it to your neighborhood list serve, please contact Anita Seline at and she can point you in the right direction. Publicity (especially the free kind) can't be done too early or too often, so please help us spread the word about the drive and the sale. Attached is a flyer that we encourage you to put up at your local library, apartment building lobby, supermarket, and Starbucks! Remember, we will need everyone to help make the annual Book & Bake Sale a success. Even if you are not going to be in town on the day of the sale, you can help us with set-up, publicity, or even bake something yummy. Every little bit helps. Please contact Anita Seline at and 202-841-3453 or Martha Mizroch at and 202-421-5150, if you have any ideas, resources, or energy. The UMW Book & Bake Sale, it may not be the bazaar, but we still have a lot of fun! ~ Anita Seline Metropolitan UMW Newsletter : December 2016
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The AU UMW Circle meets Fridays at 7:00 p.m. in the "AU Lounge" at Metropolitan. Contact Tori Lynn Gilkeson at
Contact Helene Lilly at / (202) 733-1876.
Circle 2 will meet for a Christmas luncheon at Kenwood Country Club on December 14th. Contact Jane Cunningham,, 703-821-3486 or Charlotte Carter,, 703-442-0934
Circle Six – Reminder, Christmas Cookie Exchange, December 4, after the second service in the Parlor. Bring dozen +/- cookies and a container to take home you goodies! We will need someone to cover the drinks and holiday paper products, thank you. Any questions: Mary Jo Marchant, or Ann Michel,
Circle 8 is going to meet in the parlor at church on Tuesday, Dec. 6th, at 7:30 p.m. Mary Rollefson will talk to us about her landscape work on the church grounds, like the rain-water recycling.
Circle 9 will have a potluck Christmas luncheon on Wednesday, December 7 at 11:30 in the Choir Room. Bring your favorite dish to share. Our January meeting will be on the 4th at 10:30 in the Choir Room. Please contact Bobby Turnbull, (301) 320-4154,
Circle 10 will hold a cookie exchange on Monday, Dec. 5 at 10:30 at Beth McConnell's home in Bethesda. For details, contact Caralee Adams ( or Suzanne Vieth (
Newsletter prepared by Alexandra McPherron. To add items to the next newsletter, email by Tuesday, January 17, 2017.
Metropolitan UMW Newsletter : December 2016
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