January 2015

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Join Us Sundays in January

Into the Hundred Acre Woods

Metropolitan Memorial

g in ild Bu s ge id Br Building Bridges

Wesley (5312 Conn. Ave., NW)

Writing a New Chapter: Annual Commitment Campaign

Through the dedication of our prayers, presences, gifts, service, and witness, we are helping to write the next chapter in our collective story of faith. Please give careful and prayerful consideration to how you will support the ministries of our Church in the coming year. If you haven’t submitted your 2015 pledge yet, you can do it online at nationalchurch.org/ Giving/Annual_Campaign or fill out a pledge card found in the attendance pads in the pews. Your continuing generous support is vital to our church’s mission and ministry! Questions? Contact Bill Potts, wpotts@nationalchurch.org or 202-363-4900, ext. 101.

The Messenger

January 12, 2015 Volume XXV, No. 1 Nationalchurch.org

Sundays in February

Following our sermon series in January on the wisdom of Winnie-the-Pooh and the theological lessons we learned from these beloved stories, we are going to have a couple of stand-alone sermons in February: On February 1: We will be blessed by the youth from the Bokamoso Youth Center, sharing their stories and songs. The Bokamoso youth will lead the 9am service and then the 11am service at Wesley. Rev. Dottie Yunger will be preaching at the 11:15 am service at Metropolitan Memorial. On February 8: I am feeling brave, so I am going to try something new and have an “Ask the Pastor” sermon time during which I will answer the religious questions you have asked! We have posted a form on our Website at nationalchurch.org/qa as well as links in our Metro Updates for you to pose your questions. You can also write them on a piece of paper and drop it off in the church office addressed to Pat House, who will coordinate the questions (I’m assuming that there will be some overlap between questions). I will NOT SEE the questions ahead of time, so I will address as many as I can during the sermon time. I will also devote the Great Hall session at 10:10am that day to any questions I missed! On February 15: I am again soliciting your thoughts, but with a different focus and venue. Our Stewardship campaign this year was Writing a New Chapter, and now I want us to work together to write that new chapter. On February 22 and 24, our Church Council will retreat and consider goals that have been proposed by our Pillars in the programmatic areas of our church. In preparation for that retreat, the sermon will focus on Transfiguration (it being Transfiguration Sunday) as well as between services at 10:10am, I am inviting each of you to provide your suggestions, so that when the Church Council deliberates on identifying the goals for 2015 and beyond, we have a rich pool of ideas from which to draw. The specific question I am asking you to address is: What is your greatest hope for our church in 2015 and beyond? This was one of the questions that was discussed at our tables during the program on Commitment Sunday, but I have heard from many of you that you didn’t have enough time to consider this fully. Now is your chance! You can do this in a couple of ways: Fill out and submit our online form at nationalchurch. org/qa or write your thoughts on a piece of paper and drop it at the church office addressed to me. You can also join me in the Great Hall at 10:10am where we will have a time for you to share your thoughts and suggestions for your greatest hope for our church this year and beyond. The Transfiguration is the event in the New Testament in which Jesus is transformed in the sight of the disciples and becomes radiant upon a mountain. It is a pivotal moment in Jesus’ ministry laying the groundwork for the passion to come (which is why we celebrate it on the eve of Lent). The mountain is a meeting place for the temporal and the eternal with Jesus himself as the connecting point, acting as the bridge between heaven and earth. We celebrate that we have Jesus as our connecting bridge between God and the work we have undertaken here on earth. I am very excited about the wonderful programs that we have underway in our Pillar areas of praising, learning, sharing, caring and serving – all of them filled with promise and possibility. We want to work together to discern where God is calling us to put a particular focus this year and in the next few years and tackle them together with God’s help. Blessings, Rev. Dr. Charles Parker

Life at the Metropolitan Church Martin Luther King, Jr. Day of Service Monday, January 19, 10am St. Luke’s Mission Center*

Help assemble and distribute meals to our partner clients in NE and SE, that include at-risk children, seniors, and veterans. Contact: Rev Dottie Yunger, dyunger@nationalchurch. org. *3655 Calvert St., NW.

Metropolitan Book Club Monday, January 19, 7:30pm, Parlor

Join us as we view a documentary about “The Orphan Trains.” Our February book is “Gray Mountain” by John Grisham. Contacts: Joan Topalian, jtopa62045@aol.com and Suzanne Clewell, sfclewell@verizon.net.

Love Shouldn’t Hurt: Exploring Relationship and Gender Violence Thursday, January 22, 7pm AU Conference Room #200*

The United Methodist Women, along with the PEERS group of American University, hosts an evening with Curt Brungardt, Founder of Jana’s Campaign. Founded in honor of Jana Mackey and other victims of domestic violence, Jana’s Campaign seeks to reduce and respond to gender violence and be a catalyst for real change. Learn more at janascampaign.org. *4400 Massachusetts Ave. NW.

Family Game Night Winnie the Pooh and Games Too! January 23, 6pm, Vestry

Join us for a fun family evening. We’ll share a kid-friendly dinner (donations welcome), watch a classic Winnie the Pooh movie, and play board games. Bring your favorite family games to share. Sponsored by the Children and Youth Ministry Team.

Men’s Breakfast Saturday, February 7, 9am, Vestry

The Men’s Group invites all men of the church to attend a breakfast where we’ll get to know each other over pancakes, bacon and coffee. Like to help cook and set up for the breakfast? Contact Chris Smith, chris-smith@comcast.net.

Thank You to Our Front Desk Volunteers

We recently celebrated our front desk volunteers with a Volunteer Thank You Dinner. Pictured volunteers include: Beverly Fleming, Trish Long, Roberta Lesh-Stedman and Joan Topalian. Not pictured are Karen Howard and Janet Burkhart, who are also volunteers at our front desk. Our front desk is manned by volunteers five days a week. If you like to have fun, meet nice people, and have a couple of hours to give during the week, 9am to 5pm, please contact Princess Bethea, pbethea@nationalchurch.org or 202-363-4900, ext. 102.

Bring in Da' Books!

If you received any books this past Christmas, follow the advice of home organizers: for every book you bring into your house, take one out and keep down the clutter. The United Methodist Women can assist (of course). We are holding a used book sale on Saturday, March 14 and we need to your donations of used books to make the sale a success. The usual rules apply: please no textbooks or magazines, as those are not sellable, but everything else, including paperbacks, hardbacks, coffee table books, CDs, DVDs, and vinyl records are welcome! Drop them off at the UMW closet, located at the end of the hallway off the Vestry, (near the parlor). The sale benefits women and children's programs globally and locally, so mark your calendars for March 14 and please bring in your donations now!

Where Are the Acolytes?

My college junior was home for her recent fall break. As we sat in the sanctuary at the start of the 11:15 worship service, she turned to me and asked, "Where are the acolytes?" Where indeed. Like many children growing up at Metropolitan, my daughter, as well as my other two children, served as an acolyte under the watchful tutelage of Mary Golladay. One may ask, what is an acolyte? Acolytes at Metropolitan are our young people who set the stage for the formal worship service. They bring in the banners, light the candles, assist with communion. They collect the offering and lead the processionals and recessionals. Or at least they did. But, at the beginning of September, the acolyte corps has been temporarily disbanded as Mrs. Golladay, after many years of quietly and elegantly shepherding this important ministry while connecting with young people in a way that few people can, has decided to retire to assist her own four children who have grown up and had kids of their own. It is impossible to fill these big shoes. As a volunteer, Mary tended to a myriad of tasks related to the acolyte corps, not the least of which was making sure teenagers were robed and prepped at the beginning of every 11:15 worship service. Her ministry was an act of love and dedication and we are all grateful. We never really know what we had until it is gone. On Sunday, March 1 we hope to celebrate Mary Golladay’s ministry and will launch a new acolyte program with acolytes serving on Communion Sundays and Holy Week. - Anita Seline


The Arts at the Metropolitan Church Jazz@Wesley Tiya! and Fred Foss Saturday, January 24, 6:30pm, Wesley*

Enjoy the sounds of Wesley’s own Tiya! and world-renowned saxophonist Fred Foss. Tickets: $10 entry l $7 Senior l 12 and under free. Purchase tickets at instantseats.com. Bring a nonperishable food item or a lightly used coat to jazz up someone else’s life. Call the Jazz@Wesley Information line at 202-966-5144, ext. 325 or email WesleyInfo@nationalchurch.org. *5312 Conn. Ave., NW.

The Arts Council Presents The Navy Band Brass Quintet in Concert Sunday, January 25, 3pm, Sanctuary

The Arts Council's first concert of the new year will bring us a beautiful blast of brass. The Navy Band Brass Quintet opened our season in September 2013, and we're delighted to have a repeat performance. Their repertoire includes works from the sixteenth century through the present. Among the composers on the program this time will be Dvorak and Shostakovich. The quintet consists of two trumpets, horn, trombone, and tuba. Members are often soloists with the Navy Concert Band. The ensemble plays at varied venues in the National Capital Region, such as museums and colleges. They also perform at special events that have included inaugural festivities and a service at Washington Cathedral commemorating the Navy's 216th birthday. The sound of brass instruments in a big, resonant space like the Metropolitan sanctuary is not to be missed. The concert begins at 3:00 and will be followed by a reception in the Great Hall and the opening of a show of watercolors by Deborah Ellis.

Art Exhibition Reception Still Points: Watercolors by Deborah Ellis Sunday, January 25, 5pm, Great Hall

The Arts Council presents its first exhibition of 2015, “Still Points: Watercolors by Deborah Ellis.” Ms. Ellis was born in Boston, graduated cum laude from Radcliffe College, and studied at the Art Students League in New York. She has lived for 40 years in the Washington, DC, area where she has taught at the Art League in Alexandria for 25 years. She exhibits in group and solo shows in New England and in museums, both public and private. Her work can be found in many corporate and public collections. Executed in transparent watercolor on paper, these works present to the viewer a moment of poetic contemplation. Blades of grass in water and a single flowering branch stand out for the striking simplicity and understated elegance that one finds in Japanese painting. The title “Still Points” refers to Ms. Ellis’s striving, in still life and in landscape, to make each watercolor an opportunity to distill a moment, a “still point.” Each work is a composed, condensed poem; she wants the viewer to participate in the reflection that leads to each ethereal watercolor. “My subject is often woods and water, and the details they break down into through focus and reflection.” Ms. Ellis paints on an island in Maine, where she is surrounded by water and trees. She sees the trees bathed in the strong glow of summer or in the watery light of winter. She sees the water, still as can be, reflecting summer clouds, then in halfmoon waves of the winds. Memory and refraction coalesce in the water of ponds and sea and are reflected in droplets of water and icicles on the eaves. Memory in the rough texture and the smooth whiteness of the bark of the trees. After viewing the exhibition, you will understand why the medium of choice for Ms. Ellis is transparent watercolor on paper: its hovering, layered washes are well-suited to the nature of her subjects. Exhibition runs from January 25, to March 1. Sundays (9am - noon), M-F (9am - 5pm). See the receptionist in the church office for weekday entrance.

Metro Players Present "Enchanted April" by Matthew Barber Friday, April, 24 I Saturday, April 25 I Sunday, April 26, 2015

The Metro Players begin its 30th anniversary season with “Enchanted April” by Matthew Barber, Directed by Bob Benn. When two unhappy London housewives rent a villa in Italy for an impulsive holiday away from their bleak marriages, they recruit two very different English women to share the cost and the experience. Alone together among the Wisteria blossoms and under the Mediterranean sun, all four women clash — and then bloom again — rediscovering themselves in ways that they — and we — could never have expected. "A comical, restorative journey of discovery . . . from darkness to light, from inhibition to unrestrained joy. Beautiful and theatrically rewarding." —Daily Variety. 2003 Tony Award nominee for Best Play. For more information or to become involved with the Players, contact Bob Benn, rjb2graphicdesign@yahoo.com.


Caring Ministries Ministries for Life Transitions Goes Public

Gentle Yoga for Well-Being Thursdays, 4pm, Great Hall

Interested in practicing gentle yoga? Join our new series (January 15, 22, and 29; February 5, 12, 19, and 26; March 5, 12, 19, and 26) led by Cathryn Gunnerson, AYS. Chairs available for those who need them. Bring a yoga mat, and wear loose and comfortable clothing. Register by contacting Cathryn, Cathryn@yogawell-being.com or 301-642-3889.

Prayer Shawl Ministry January 18, 12:30pm I January 20, 1:30pm, Parlor

Enjoy a time of knitting, crocheting, fellowship, ministry and fun in the Parlor! If you are interested in joining, contact Barbara Tate, Bdtate@verizon.net.

Lunch and More January 15, 12:00 pm. Great Hall, Metropolitan

Join us Thursday, January 15 for “Lunch and More”! After eating together, we will have the opportunity for playing a game like Banana-grams, Trivial Pursuits, bridge or watch a movie (still to be determined!). Questions or input, contact Phyllis Kokus, PKokus@aol.com, Mary Jo Marchant, mjmarchant@verizon.net or Rev. Drema McAllister-Wilson, dwilson@nationalchurch.org or 202-363-4900, ext. 19.

The first public session of Ministries for Life Transitions was held at Food for Thought on Wednesday, January 7. Marjorie Bankson led spiritual reflections on the three stages of transition: the ending, the between-time, and the new beginning. The remaining Wednesdays in January at Food for Thought will continue to feature Life Transitions. On January 14 Marjorie Bankson will return to focus on the loss so often experienced in transitions. On January 21 and 28 the individual transition teams will begin discussions and educational events as individual teams. They are birth/adoption, career, creative aging, chronic illness, and end of life/bereavement. After January one educational event per month will be offered by a particular team at 12:30 on Sundays, with lunch. The first of these will be February 15, offered by the end of life/bereavement team. Lois Copeland, Chapter Leader of the Arlington VA Chapter of The Compassionate Friends (TCF) will be the speaker. The Compassionate Friends is an organization for bereaved families and the people who care about them following the death of a child, sibling or grandchild. For more information, to ask for help, or offer expertise, contact Barbara Green, bgreen@nationalchurch.org.

Adult Study Mondays at the Parsonage Monday, January 19 6:30pm, Parsonage*

Come to the parsonage for a potluck dinner and reflection on how we make space for God. We will use Don Postema’s Space for God as a guide to deepen our practice of spirituality and prayer. Be ready to share your stories about connecting with God! Contact: Rev. Kate Payton, kpayton@nationalchurch.org or 202-3634900, 110. *3311 Nebraska Ave., NW.

Washington Region Leadership Day 2015 Let Your Life Speak March 14, 8am - 3:30pm, Blake High School* Registration opens January 6, 2015

This winter local church leaders will expand their horizons, grow in faith and revitalize their congregations with skills and insights gained at Leadership Days. Jorge Acevedo, one of the denomination's most sought after speakers who grew his Florida church from 400 to 2,600 members, will lead the session. During the day, participants will also be able to take two of the 35 offered workshops. Cost: $40 (includes lunch). Learn more and register at bwcumc.org. Registration deadline is February 27. All registrations must be paid in full by February 27. No refunds after February 27, unless event is cancelled due to weather. Preregistration required. No Walk-ins (no space). *300 Norwood Rd., Silver Spring, MD.

Food for Thought Wednesdays, 6pm - Dinner, 7pm - Study

Join us for a chef-prepared dinner followed by a choice of classes. Dinner is $7/adult, $4/child ($20/family maximum). AU students pay what you can. Reserve your spot for dinner at nationalchurch.org/foodforthought (requested but not required)! Classes include: Bible study: 2nd Samuel - Led by Rev. Charlie Parker and Bob Olson. King David is on the throne, vacillating between his desire to please God and himself. Come and discover this saga about the consequences of sin and the power of God’s grace; Life Transitions - Those who are interested in exploring life transitions, going through transitions, or who have been through transitions, and want to share experience and learning are all invited to Attend. For a full description of this class see above article “Ministries for Life Transitions Goes Public.”

Bible Study The Gospels and the Kingdom of God Wednesdays, 7pm Wesley Library*

Join us at Wesley as we explore the gospels and the stories and passages that were included, left out, or misinterpreted. Come and discover what they have to say for us today. For more information, contact Rev. Kate Payton, kpayton@nationalchurch.org or 202-363-4900, ext. 110. *5312 Connecticut Ave., NW.


United Methodist Women Women’s Retreat 2015 Overcoming the Weariness of Well-Doing: Exploring the Essential Art of Self-Care

Serving our neighbor—particularly those who are vulnerable, wounded, or lost—is the central teaching of Jesus. For most of us, this command is a calling that we embrace willingly and whole-heartedly—in fact, for some of us, this is the primary way in which we encounter Jesus. But what happens when our wellspring of compassion, energy and enthusiasm for the mission of “well-doing” begins to run dry? What do we do with feelings like emotional fatigue, guilt, even resentment? How do we reboot, recharge and refresh so that we can recommit to our calling and, more importantly, live into a balanced, healthy and spiritually fulfilling life? Join us as we explore the essential art of self-care as a pathway toward personal balance and well-being. Together we will identify and examine the challenges that can arise from service and care-giving, such as compassion fatigue and ministry-related stress. Using the creative process we will discover self-care practices that can serve to nourish, replenish and maybe even inspire us. We will engage our minds and our hands through activities ranging from journaling to working with various media, from paints to textiles. No prior artistic experience or aptitude required. The only tools we need to bring are open minds and willing hearts—leave the self-critical impulses at home! Our retreat will once again be held at the lovely PriestField Pastoral Center in Kearneysville, West Virginia (about 90 minutes from DC). In addition to interactive sessions, time will be set aside for self-directed activities and quiet contemplation, as well as worship and opportunities to break bread together. Our leader for the retreat is Martina Martin, M.Div., M.A., ATR-BC, a Board Certified art therapist and Licensed Professional Counselor and a seminary graduate currently preparing for ordination as a UMC Deacon. She earned both an undergraduate degree and a Master of Divinity from Howard University, as well as a Master of Arts in Art Therapy from George Washington University. In her “day job” Martina serves as the Behavioral Health Treatment Coordinator with Whitman-Walker Health working in individual and group settings with individuals living in crisis. She is also an experienced presenter and workshop leader, having conducted interactive healing arts workshops for professional associations, churches and government human services agencies. Registration forms are available at nationalchurch.org/umwretreat. Space is limited, so don’t delay. Final registration deadline is January 30. Financial assistance is available on a first-come-first-served basis; deadline for requests for financial assistance is January 23. For questions on financial assistance or other concerns, contact Suzanne Vieth, MetroUMW@gmail.com. Judy Edstrom's introduction of honoree Joyce Shields at our 2014 Recognition Luncheon included a witty poem. The four women honored at the luncheon were: Jane Cunningham, Barbara Green, Cynthia Pugh, and Joyce Shields.

Thank You for Your Gifts of Hope

During the holidays, it’s easy to get caught up in the quest for the perfect present for a loved one. Thanks to all those who chose an alternative way to shop this year by honoring someone special with a donation to a charity. By purchasing a card at our Alternative Gift Market, you helped the UMW raise $1,530 for nonprofit organizations that help women and children in need in our area and abroad. Individual contributions ranging from $5 to $200 were passed on directly to the ten organizations designated by the donors. Beneficiaries included: • Bright Beginnings - providing child-care to homeless families in Washington, DC. • Gaithersburg Beloved Community Initiative - reaching out with mentoring and programs for at-risk children in partnership with Asbury Methodist Village (Gaithersburg, Md). • Fairfield Orphanage and Sponsorship Association –helping children in the area surrounding the Old Mutare Mission in southeastern Zimbabwe; • The Ballet Studio - providing academy-quality ballet instruction to local girls from under served minority and immigrant populations. • Wesley Scholarship Fund – supporting seminary students at the Wesley Theological Seminary. • Women and Community – empowering women and promoting action to protect the environment in Nicaragua. • Tree of Life Ministry - serving Native Americans in Rosebud, South Dakota. • Courtney’s House - helping children hurt in human trafficking. • Sasha Bruce Youth Works - supporting programs and training for homeless youth in Washington, D.C. • Heifer International – giving hope to hungry families around the world with the gift of livestock and training. It was a joy to hear how many of you planned to honor your grandchildren, teachers, and friends with donations in their honor and card explaining the cause. This is the second year that the UMW has had an alternative giving market and we nearly doubled our donations over 2013. At my home church in Des Moines, Iowa, my mother has held an alternative giving market in Advent for the past 22 years for Heifer International and raised nearly $3,500 this year. With your support, I hope this continues to be a tradition at Metropolitan, as well, and more worthy charities can benefit from your generosity. -Caralee Adams

Thank You for Your Donation to the DC Diaper Bank!

The United Methodist Women of Metropolitan would like to thank all of the Christmas elves and angels alike who filled our baby bins to overflowing! The following supplies were delivered by Anita Seline to a DC Diaper Bank neighborhood drop-off point: 1,178 diapers; 648 pull-ups; 1,238 wipes; 324 oz. of dry formula; 48 oz. liquid formula And the “Creative Negotiator” award goes to Suzanne Vieth, who saw a poster on the DC Urban Moms listserv looking to sell her extra diapers. Suzanne convinced her to donate them to the DC Diaper Bank instead! To learn more about why we donate diapers, visit dcdiaperbank.org. - Jeanie Mah


Service and Advocacy Campus Kitchen Volunteer Shifts

Love Shouldn’t Hurt: Exploring Relationship and Gender Violence with Jana’s Campaign Thursday, January 22, 7pm AU Conference Room #200*

The United Methodist Women, along with the PEERS group of American University, hosts an evening with Curt Brungardt, Founder of Jana’s Campaign. Founded in honor of Jana Mackey and other victims of domestic violence, Jana’s Campaign seeks to reduce and respond to gender violence and be a catalyst for real change. Learn more at janascampaign.org. *4400 Massachusetts Ave., NW.

Serve Now!

Sign up for our many ongoing service activities at nationalchurch.org/servenow.

The Campus Kitchen Project (CKP) is a national leader in community service for students and is the future of hunger relief. CKP is empowering the next generation of leaders to implement innovative models for combating hunger, developing food systems and helping communities help themselves. We now offer several shift days and times to choose from. Come and help out at one or all three options: Wednesdays: 3:30pm - 7pm; Fridays: 2pm - 6pm; and Saturdays: 11:30am - 3:30pm. To volunteer, go to our Campus Kitchen online resource, nationalchurch.org/volunteerhub.

Grate Patrol 2 Locations to Serve! December 28, 10:10am, Vestry Kitchen

Help make the meals that are distributed to those in need in our area. Contact: Maura Porcelli, maura.porcelli@gmail. com or volunteer at nationalchurch.org/servenow!

Sunday, January 4, 5:30pm St. Luke’s Mission Center*

Help assemble meals (provided by our Campus Kitchen Project) and/or deliver meals to the needy in our area. Contact: Rev. Dottie Yunger, dyunger@nationalchurch.org or 202-363-4900, ext. 111. *3655 Calvert St., NW.

The Anacostia River...A River of Contrasts

You may have seen the recent Washington Post article by Julie Zauzmer (http://wapo. st/1xIig4C), about the Anacostia River, and the ambitious plan to clean it up in 10 years. Folks have asked me what I think about the article, and the plan. The Anacostia River is a river of contrasts. Often called “the nation’s forgotten river,” it flows for eight-and-a-half miles through some of the richest and poorest communities in and around D.C., through residential and industrial zones, through marshes and military installations. In fact, the federal government owns so much land in the watershed that when all those federal toilets flush during a heavy rain, they drain directly into the river. The antiquated sewer system that pumps more than 2 billion gallons of raw sewage, mixed with polluted runoff, into the river each year is not just a shame, it’s a sin. African-American churches along the Anacostia used to baptize their members in the river. Nowadays, the river wouldn’t wash away anyone’s sins. Before coming to Metropolitan, I was the Anacostia Riverkeeper, and my goal was an Anacostia that was not only “fishable” and “swimmable”—as required by the Clean Water Act—but also “baptizable.” That is still my goal, and I was humbled to realize when I arrived at Metropolitan as a pastor that it has been Metropolitan’s goal as well – clean local waterways, safe for recreating, fishing, and drinking. The rain garden at Metropolitan Memorial’s parking lot reduces the amount of polluted runoff going into the storm drain. We have stopped using styrofoam and use eco-friendly disposable dinnerware. We use reusable water bottles instead of bottled water, and we have water fountains that track how many plastic bottles that saves. We advocate with our partner congregations in the Washington Interfaith Network for clean rivers and green jobs. Our youth spent a week along the Anacostia River, learning about it and cleaning it up. And every time Metropolitan and Brighter Day get together, we witness that the Anacostia River is not what divides east and west of the city, but what connects us, unites us. - Rev. Dottie Yunger


Children & Youth Ministry

Youth Ministry

All youth are invited to join us on Sunday mornings for Our Middle School youth follow the Bible-in-Life curriculum, walking them through important biblical stories. Our High School youth participate in regular discussions shaped by their lives and current events. Contact: Patrick Landau, plandau@nationalchurch.org or 202-363-4900, ext. 112.

Check our our youth blog at youthmetropolitan.wordpress.com.

2014 - 15 Admissions Open House Thursday, January 22, 9:30am, Great Hall

Metropolitan Nursery School invites you to join us for an Open House. During the Open House our school’s program, curriculum, and admission procedures are discussed in detail. The Director is available to answer any questions you may have about the nursery school. You will also have the opportunity to see our lively classrooms in action. In order to truly appreciate our program we encourage you to attend.

Baptism: An Outward sign of God’s ‘prevenient’ grace

The first Sunday after Epiphany is traditionally the day when the church remembers Jesus' baptism in the River Jordan by John. This episode in Jesus’ life is reported in all four gospels: Matthew 3, Mark 1: 1-11, Luke 3: 1-22, and John 1: 29-34. While some details vary, Matthew, Mark and Luke all agree that at the point of his baptism, Jesus heard God say that he was beloved, and God was well pleased with him. Baptism in the United Methodist Church is an outward sign of God’s ‘prevenient’ grace – the grace that God extends to us even before we have a clue it’s happening. Baptism is a tangible, wet way of showing outwardly that the person has been marked inwardly by God. We believe that God acts in baptism, not just us, and claims the baptized person for God’s own. This is why we allow infant baptism as well as adult baptism. The person being baptized does not have to understand what is happening, because God is the one doing the work. Baptism is not some kind of magic that saves us from hell. It’s not a photo-op (although some of the baby baptismal clothes are really cute). It’s God’s action. It is God saying: you are mine. You are beloved, as you are. Not because you are old enough to understand what is going on. Not because you are already perfect or holy or completely lovable. But because God is perfect and holy and completely loving. While the primary activity in baptism is God’s, we play a part in baptism as well. Parents vow to raise their child in the faith. The congregation vows to surround the baptized with a “community of love and forgiveness,” so that they will learn to “walk in the way that leads to life.” If you’ve ever wondered why we have children’s messages in worship, or why we pour so much energy into children’s Sunday school, choirs, Vacation Bible school and special events for children, the answer lies in those baptismal vows: we promised to nurture them in the faith. It’s a serious covenant that we make before God and before one another. Because the vows we take at baptism are so important, we at the Metropolitan Church require that families bringing their children for baptism actively participate in our worship life together. If our covenantal promises are to have meaning, then we must spend time together. As we worship, learn and grow together, we build the community of love and forgiveness promised in our baptismal liturgy. If you have questions about the process for being baptized at the Metropolitan Church, please contact me at jcraswell@nationalchurch.org or 202-363-4900, ext. 115, or go to the church website to learn more, nationalchurch.org/About/Baptisms. Just as God declared that Jesus was beloved at his baptism, our baptism is a sign of our own belovedness. Because we are loved, beloved, by God, it is possible for us to love others and build a community based on reconciliation and love. - Rev. Janet Craswell 1

Baptismal Covenant II, The United Methodist Hymnal


Prayer Concerns Hospitals: Dr. Clif Gruver (Sibley) Assisted Living: Brenda Caviness (Arcola Health and Rehab); Gwen Loftin (The Villages of Rockville) Prayers for Metropolitan: Ann Michel’s father; Chris Brown; Jean Ney; Bill Owens; Mary Rynearson; Alma Stewart; Bob Younes (Anne Mathews-Younis’ husband); for those affected by the ebola virus Extended Family: Bob (Nancy Nelson and Coke Cherney’s friend); Kinsloe and Garrick Colwell (Mike Kelley’s daughter and son-in-law); Deb Hubsmith and Bonnie McGlaughlin (Jane Ward’s friends); Babak Bobby Kaymb (Brandi Bohannon’s friend); Lolita Moore (Roscoe Dellums’ friend); Carolyn Morrison (Suzanne Forsyth’s cousin); Anna Simonardin’s grandmother; Wendy (Camille Saum’s friend); Margaret Wood-Hays (Marilu Wood’s mother); Jim Wyse (Dick Schleicher’s friend)

Wesley Community Prayers: Julian Blair; Noah Reynolds; Pastor Kate’s grandfather; the Pollock’s nephew, Neil; Eli’s friend, Abby; Yvonne Sumby; Tori Selimis; Michael Constantine; Irving Agnew; Liz and Elizabeth Whitlock; Darrell and Lea; Jebby; Leah Stitz’s mother; Susan Cook; Tawanna Isler; Deborah Shelton Finley; Yvonne Parks; Dee Bryant; Dorothy Williams; Valerie Latham; Audrey Thomas; Ronald Almer Carroll; Iris Johnson; Anne Burton; Nellie Ealy; Janet Burkhart’s grandson, Trent and friend Jennifer; Nat McMaster’s grandmother and cousin; Ysaye Barnwell; Dot Thomas; Travis Rice; Richard Jones

Our Mission: Building an inclusive, caring Christian community that invites all into a deepening relationship with God and challenges all of us to grow as disciples, seeking justice and joy for the transformation of the world.

Our Vision: Extending radical hospitality, transforming lives, and pursuing justice. Reconciling Statement: Metropolitan Memorial United Methodist Church affirms that all individuals are of sacred worth with-

out regard to race, ethnicity, national origin, sex, sexual orientation, age, religion, education, marital circumstances, economic status, physical and mental condition, or criminal history. We declare ourselves in support of the reconciling movement and welcome the full participation in the church of gay, lesbian, bisexual, or transgendered persons and their families, as a reflection of God’s unconditional love. At the same time, we recognize differences of opinion on issues of sexuality and seek to journey together in faith toward greater understanding and mutual respect.

Pastoral and Administrative Staff - 3401 Nebraska Avenue, NW, DC - 202.363.4900 www.nationalchurch.org - Pastoral Emergency Number - 202.510.8555 Rev. Dr. Charles Parker –– Senior Pastor, ext. 108, cparker@nationalchurch.org Rev. Kate Payton — Associate Pastor, Sharing, Lead Pastor at Wesley UMC, ext. 110, kpayton@nationalchurch.org Rev. Dottie Yunger –– Associate Pastor, Service/Advocacy, ext. 111, dyunger@nationalchurch.org Rev. Drema McAllister-Wilson — Minister of Congregational Care, ext. 104, dwilson@nationalchurch.org Rev. Janet Craswell—Director of Christian Education, ext. 115, jcraswell@nationalchurch.org Rev. Barbara Green – Minister of Life Transitions, bgreen@nationalchurch.org, ext. 105 David Hosey - Campus Ministry Coordinator, dhosey@nationalchurch.org Princess Bethea — Office Coordinator, ext. 102, pbethea@nationalchurch.org Bruce Caviness — 11a.m. Organist-Choirmaster, ext. 152, bcaviness@nationalchurch.org Jeff Clouser — Director of Communications and Outreach, ext. 113, jclouser@nationalchurch.org Dona Collary — Pastoral Care Assistant/Wedding and Funeral Coordinator, ext. 106, dcollary@nationalchurch.org Casey Elliott — Dayspring Choir Director/9am Worship Leader/Youth Choir Director, ext. 151, celliott@nationalchurch.org Patrisha House — Director of Worship, Music and Arts, ext. 114, phouse@nationalchurch.org Patrick Landau — Director of Youth Ministries, ext. 112, plandau@nationalchurch.org Bill Potts –– Executive Director of Operations, ext. 101, wpotts@nationalchurch.org Rafael Reyes — Director of Building and Grounds, ext. 116, rreyes@nationalchurch.org Helen Simon — Executive Assistant to Dr. Parker, ext. 109, hsimon@nationalchurch.org Linda Smith — Director of Nursery School, 202.362.8746, lsmith@nationalchurch.org

The Messenger is published by The Metropolitan Church - A Multi-site United Methodist Community Metropolitan Memorial - 3401 Nebraska Ave., NW., Washington, DC 20016 Tel: 202.363.4900 St. Luke’s Mission Center (3655 Calvert St., NW)/Wesley UMC (5312 Conn. Ave., NW) Fax: 202.686.2056 E-Mail: jclouser@nationalchurch.org website: nationalchurch.org

NEXT ISSUE: February 9, 2015

NEXT DEADLINE: Noon on February 3, 2014

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