March, 2015 Metropolitan Memorial, St. Luke’s & Wesley United Methodist Churches 202-363-4900 (MMUMC office)
Mark Your Calendar March
March (continued)
1 Su
Contemplative Service (7pm, Sanctuary)
22 Su
Contemplative Service (7pm, Sanctuary)
Lenten Lifestyle Renewal Program (10am & 7pm, Great Hall)
23 M
Lenten Lifestyle Renewal Program (10am & 7pm, Great Hall)
23 M
Feldenkrais Lessons (1pm, Great Hall)
Feldenkrais Lessons (1pm, Great Hall)
25 W
Jewelry Making Group
5 Th
Feldenkrais Lessons (7pm, Great Hall)
26 Th
8 Su
Contemplative Service (7pm, Sanctuary)
Feldenkrais Lessons (7pm, Great Hall)
29 Su
Palm Sunday
Lenten Lifestyle Renewal Program (10am & 7pm, Great Hall)
29 Su
Contemplative Service (7pm, Sanctuary)
30 M
Feldenkrais Lessons (1pm, Great Hall)
Lenten Lifestyle Renewal Program (10am & 7pm, Great Hall)
30 M
UMW Board Mtg (7-8:30pm, Conference Rm)
Feldenkrais Lessons (1pm, Great Hall)
12 Th
Feldenkrais Lessons (7pm, Great Hall)
14 Sa
April 5 Su
UMW Book Sale (8am-3pm, Vestry)
13 M
15 Su
Contemplative Service (7pm, Sanctuary)
UMW Board Mtg (7-8:30pm, Conference Rm) Tentative
25 Sa
Great Day of Service
16 M
Lenten Lifestyle Renewal Program (10am & 7pm, Great Hall)
16 M
Feldenkrais Lessons (1pm, Great Hall)
19 Th
Feldenkrais Lessons (7pm, Great Hall)
Metropolitan UMW Newsletter : March 2015
May 15 - 17
Charter for Racial Justice Seminar
F - Su 23 Sa
Greater Washington District UMW Prayer Breakfast (9am, Great Hall)
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UMW News Highlights – New This Month
Table Of Contents UMW News
Metropolitan News
Lenten activities - Contemplative worship p. 3 - Lifestyle Renewal Program p. 10 - Feldenkrais classes p. 11
Book & Bake Sale p. 4
Sun-Ok Lee talk p. 5 Great Day of Service p. 6 Annual District Prayer Breakfast p. 6 February UMW Retreat Reflections - Recap p. 7-8 - Favorite things p. 9 - Retreat photos p. 17-20 Art exhibit, Picturing Mary p. 12
Reflections Let us take things as we find them: let us not attempt to distort them into what they are not... We cannot make facts. All our wishing cannot change them. We must use them. ~ John Henry Newman, English Cardinal, 1801-1890
God sees you just exactly as you are. He sees you perfectly and more truly than people can, and He loves you more than you can ever imagine. ~ Unknown
Metropolitan UMW Newsletter : March 2015
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UMW News
Lenten Contemplative Worship Sundays, March 1-29 7pm, MMUMC Sanctuary Greeters needed from 6:30-8:30pm Hello ladies, You may have noticed that Lent is nearly upon us... A lovely Lenten service opportunity has come our way again this year, the UMW is helping to host the Sunday evening Contemplative Services from February 22 to March 29 (please see below). Not only do we get to support and take part in these peaceful services, but the freewill offering we collect will contribute even more to UMW missions during 2015. How can you help? We need two women per Sunday evening to serve as greeters. We're asking for only two hours, from 6:30 to 8:30 PM. It's fun to greet those who arrive, and the duties are simple. Volunteers and open dates for 5 more slots so far are: March 1:
Claire Saret
Penny Pagano
March 8:
March 15:
March 22:
Claire Saret
Connie Summers
March 29:
Jeanie Mah
If you can serve in this way, please e-mail your preferred date(s) to Margaret Patterson at I'll give you the details and tell you how to connect with the service coordinator (our own Mary Jo Marchant) when you arrive to greet. Thank you for blessing our congregation in this way! ~ Margaret This service is for all who seek a deeper encounter with the Holy Spirit. Come to one or all of these evening celebrations sponsored by our Ministries of Worship and Caring with support from the United Methodist Women (UMW) of Metropolitan. The UMW participates as an expression of their annual “Call to Prayer and Contemplation".
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UMW News The UMW Book & Bake Sale Approaches Saturday, March 14 8am-3pm, Vestry Thank you to the many, many people who have donated books to our upcoming used book sale March 14. As you can see our closet is overflowing! If you intend to donate more books, please consider bringing them to Metropolitan on Thursday, March 12 to the Vestry. That will mean fewer books for volunteers to move during set-up. Speaking of volunteers, This year, we are using an electronic sign-up system to organize ourselves for the upcoming Book and Bake Sale, March 14. The system is through an organization called Sign Up Genius and it's easy to do. Click the link below, and add your name to the slot(s) when you can work. You do NOT need to set up a Sign Up Genius account to do this. Or, if you prefer, contact Anita Seline, at and she will be happy to sign you up. Even an hour or two of your time will help us make the Book and Bake Sale a success. We are in need of set-up help, clean-up help, and bakers. There are many ways to plug in. Here is the link: Finally, help us publicize the book sale. Are you a member of a local neighborhood list serve? Do you frequent a coffee shop that has a community bulletin board? Do you know anyone who likes to find a bargain and to read a good book? Please help us publicize the upcoming Book and Bake Sale by posting our flyer, posting an announcement on your list serve, and telling your friends about the event. Publicity (especially the free kind) can't be done too early or too often, so please use our flyer and help us spread the word.
Jewelry-Making Group 4th Wednesday each month Next meeting March 25 at 7pm The Jewelry-Making Group meets in the Christie Room on the fourth Wednesday of the month at 7pm during Food for Thought classes. The Community Dinner is 6pm in the Vestry. We go over the unsold pieces of jewelry from the last Bazaar, revamp them, and get them ready for the next Bazaar. For questions, contact Kelly D'Angelo at
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UMW News UMW National Seminar Quadrennial UMW National Seminar, July 29 - August 2, 2015, in Chicago, IL Interrupting Indifference: Jesus, Justice and Joy
The National Seminar 2015 will equip and empower participants to engage as leaders for social justice by:
exploring the life and ministry of Jesus for practical application and concrete social action building practical skills and tools to respond to current social issues
visiting local organizations and learning from grassroots leaders building community and connection with others
engaging in dynamic worship
Together we will celebrate the extraordinary work that God is accomplishing through the witness of United Methodist Women in ministries of justice, service and advocacy, through four issue areas: Climate Justice; Maternal and Child Health; Criminalization and Racial Justice; Gender and Economic Justice. We will develop new tools to strengthen the witness of Christ's mission and ministry in the church and the world.
A special invitation from Esther Barkat, a new member at MMUMC and representative to the UMW National Board:
As you know March is women's history month. The UMW of St. Luke's in Falls Church, VA (my husband's church) has invited Sung-Ok Lee, Assistant General Secretary of Christian Social Action of the UMW from the NY office to speak to the congregation about United Methodist Women. I would like to invite interested UMW members of Metropolitan to come and hear her speak. She is a fantastic lady and leader. Sung-Ok is also in-charge of National Seminar so it would be good time for Q/A. Sung-Ok Lee will be speaking on Sunday, March 15, at the 11am service at St. Luke's UMC in Falls Church, VA ( It would be great if one or two women could attend and reported back to us!
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UMW News
Upcoming Great Day of Service! Saturday, April 25 The UMW Great Day of Service is planned for Saturday, April 25th, 9am – noon at St. Luke’s Mission Center. Some of us will work with Chef Anthony in the kitchen while others work on service projects in the sanctuary. We will also send a team of 5 volunteers to the DC Diaper Bank warehouse in Silver Spring, MD. If you would like to RSVP for the Diaper Bank or with Chef Anthony, e-mail so that we can plan accordingly. Thank you!
Charter for Racial Justice Seminar May 15-17, 2015 The Baltimore Washington Conference UMW is holding a Charter for Racial Justice Seminar from May 15 - 17, 2015, at Blackstone United Methodist Conference Center, Blackstone, VA. The registration brochure is attached or go to es/um_women/charter_for_racial_jus tice_2015_registration_form_2_sided. docx-----final1.pdf Please note that Early Bird rates apply only until Feb. 28th. Please e-mail or contact a UMW board member if you are interested in attending. Our Unit has set aside funds for UMW regional meetings and we may be able to provide some financial support (e.g., registration fees).
Metropolitan UMW Newsletter : March 2015
District UMW Annual Prayer Breakfast Saturday, May 23 9am-noon Our unit has been asked to host the Annual Prayer Breakfast of the Greater Washington District UMW on Saturday, May 23, 9am – noon in the Great Hall. This is a wonderful opportunity to connect with our sisters from all quadrants of the city and put Radical Hospitality into action. The theme will be “Welcomed by God, Welcoming All”. If you can contribute a dish and/or help host, please send an e-mail to
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UMW News The Women’s Retreat at PriestField 2015 – Wish You Were There! If you were not able to make it to the Women’s Retreat, which took place Feb. 6-8 at PriestField Retreat Center in West Virginia, please consider this your personal, belated “Wish You Were Here!” postcard. I can’t believe this was my 6th annual retreat as every year there is that excitement of the “new”. There are always new women to get to know, and even we repeat retreaters find ourselves at a different place in life than we did just one year ago. The retreat planning team did an amazing job of reaching out to the women in all of our worshipping communities. Of the 32 women who came to the retreat, 10 women took a chance and attended for the first time! During the Friday night ice-breaker, we each wrote down two facts about ourselves that others were not likely to know. Then we crumpled up our papers and had a big, paper snowball fight! Once the papers were scattered around the room, we opened the one closest to us and had to find the person belonging to those facts. We realized right away that we had gathered an intriguing group of women! Our retreat leader, Martina Martin, spoke about “compassion fatigue” and the circumstances (and our reactions to them) that lead us there. Over the weekend, Martina helped us make our own portable art pieces, which incorporated a picture of ourselves; a favorite excerpt from Scripture; a collage that reminded us of our “best” selves; a haiku mission statement; and a letter that we wrote to our future, discouraged selves. Many of us had to overcome some latent art class anxiety, but there was also something meditative about the ironing, stitching, and gluing. Sometimes we worked in silence and sometimes there was constant talking among our craft mates. There was a lot of laughter. Saturday afternoon is always free time and there are also loosely organized activities. Kate Payton led a drumming circle and Pat Simpich led a Feldenkrais movement session. Usually I do the organized activities, and this year’s sounded especially divine, but for whatever reason I chose to take the extra time to ploddingly work on my art project. That’s another thing I love about the retreat: you aren’t pressured to do anything! Saturday night, as is tradition, was dedicated to pure fellowship, although some of us relished a quiet night to ourselves. I think there was a 13 person game of Quiddler going on in one
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UMW News Continued from page 7 room while Janet Craswell dominated the Scrabble board in another. Others simply snacked on the “junk food” (kale chips, anyone?) we had brought and enjoyed relaxed conversation. On Sunday, many women participated in the worship service. Dottie Yunger shared the sermon and Kate Payton presided over Communion. This litany, inspired by the Prayer of St. Francis, summed up the theme of the retreat: Help me to remember that I cannot sow love in the world if I don’t love myself. Help me to not feed into drama but rather seek reconciliation. Help me to focus on being right with you, Lord, instead of just being right. Give me the vision to see your grace at work in the midst of suffering and fear, and to shine a light on it. Help me to be mindful that my role is to offer empathy and encouragement; not to try to “fix” others, or to enable them. Help me to remember that this is my choice to claim. It is not meant to be a burden, but a promise. And all the women said: AMEN! Our unit is so lucky to have had many different women involved in retreat planning over the years, who have blessed us with their spiritual gifts. This year we are grateful to Suzanne Vieth, who chaired the retreat team, Ellen Bachman, Janet Burkhart, Debbie Gustowski, Courtney Leatherman, and Mary Rollefson. May these women never grow weary of well-doing! Based on the success of the PriestField retreats, we would like to consider offering a oneday or half-day women’s retreat, perhaps in June. If you would like to suggest a location (no more than one hour’s drive from the DC metro area) or a retreat leader, please e-mail the information to or contact Jeanie Mah. Meanwhile, save the date for the next PriestField retreat: February 5-7, 2016 Hope to see you! ~Jeanie Mah, UMW President
See all 82 photos taken by Angela Carpenter Gildner at the Metropolitan Flickr site:
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UMW News My favorite thing about the retreat‌
I guess I loved most the atmosphere of embracing that was present for all. ~ Pat Simpich What I love most about these retreats is the opportunity to separate myself from home and work (well, mostly) and relax with people I usually see in passing. I love catching up with old friends, but I find it rewarding to sit at meals and activities with people I don't know well, or at all, seeing the divine in them as I hope they see a glimmer of the divine in me.
~ Ann Cochran I loved the making of the Passion Purse, the company, the food, and the Feldenkrais. The retreat location is also lovely!! It was so nice to get away and focus on our best self. It was all too short a time. ~ Pam Rogers I liked the fellowship the most. Being with each other over an extended period of time rather than on a schedule (during choir, during Sunday school, right after church) gave me a chance to speak with others that I do not see regularly, and even those that I do. Wonderfully enriching - and the opening icebreaker should be an annual event!
~ Linda Davenport
I absolutely loved the drumming session with Kate! I felt a sense of connectedness to all of the other women in a way which transcended words. ~ Claire Saret I found an openness and acceptance among the women at the retreat so powerful from such a diverse group of people. The joy and love that flowed and the harmony experienced created such a safe and meaningful time together. ~ Gail Crane Metropolitan UMW Newsletter : March 2015
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Metropolitan & Community News
Lenten Lifestyle Renewal Program -- "Change One Thing” Mondays, February 23 – March 30 at 10am or 7pm MMUMC, Great Hall Please join our MMUMC Lenten Lifestyle Renewal Program -- "Change One Thing." MMUMC members Nancy Nelson, Jane Ward, Pat Simpich and Janet Burkhart, along with a team of talented practitioners, are offering a 6-week program designed to improve body, mind & spirit. Beginning on Monday, February 23rd, MMUMC is offering an interfaith, research-based series on healthful eating, exercise, and stress management including strategies for better sleep & relaxation. Our simple Lent challenge of “Change One Thing” will enable you to sustainably improve your health and well-being!
Dates/Times: Mondays February 23 – March 30th, 2015 at 10:00 – 11:30 a.m. Mondays February 23 -- March 30th, 2015 at 7:00 – 8:30 p.m. The series is inspired by the work of John Wesley, the founder of the Methodist Movement. The love and support of our fellow “travelers” in the spiritual tradition of John Wesley’s “Holy Clubs” will guide the sessions. Join with other like-minded enthusiasts who are dedicated to learning, living and loving all that is good for body, mind & spirit. The Caring Pillar of Metropolitan Memorial United Methodist Church (MMUMC) is sponsoring this innovative effort. MMUMC’s Sunday evening Lenten Contemplative Worship Series and Wednesday morning Meditation Practice also complement our Lenten Lifestyle Renewal program. For more information and times for the worship series and meditation, visit the MMUMC website at . All are welcome to join this voyage, so please share with your friends! All of the offerings are free of charge! You only need to bring an open heart and mind! We promise to inform, delight and motivate you in a supportive, stress-free environment.
CLICK HERE for dates, times and RSVP information. For additional information, please contact Nancy at or contact Jane Ward at We look forward to seeing you!
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Metropolitan & Community News
New Feldenkrais Series To Be Offered—Experience the Magic Mondays, March 2 – 30 at 1 – 2:30 p.m. Thursdays, March 5 – 26 at 7- 8:30 p.m. MMUMC, Great Hall As part of the MMUMC Lenten Lifestyle—“Change One Thing”—Renewal Program being offered on Mondays in March, there will be a parallel series of Feldenkrais lessons offered by MMUMC member and Feldenkrais practitioner, Pat Simpich. The Feldenkrais Method is a series of lessons that develops one’s awareness of movement that results in improved range of motion, better posture, increased flexibility, reduced pain, reduced tension, and greater ease and pleasure of movement. Feldenkrais will help you accomplish any movement better, such as sports, dancing or daily activities. Two sets of Feldenkrais sessions will be offered, in the daytime at 1 p.m. on Mondays, and in the evenings at 7 p.m., on Thursdays, both in the Great Hall. Dates/times: Daytime lessons: Mondays at 1 – 2:30 p.m.-- March 2, 9, 16, 23, and 30. Evening lessons: Thursdays at 7- 8:30 p.m.--March 5, 12, 19, 26 Wear comfortable clothes, bring a towel or a mat. You are not expected to break a sweat and yet it improves you for any fitness activity. Come and experience an unexpected, but cherished, sense of well-being through Feldenkrais. Attendees at the recent UMW retreat gasped at how easily they could move at the end of just one lesson! RSVP requested, but not required. To RSVP or for more information, contact Pat Simpich at
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Metropolitan & Community News
UMW and the Arts at the National Museum of Women in the Arts Picturing Mary: Woman, Mother, Idea on view December 5, 2014–April 12, 2015.
Fra Filippo Lippi, Madonna and Child (Madonna col Bambino) (detail), ca. 1466– 69; Provincia di Firenze, Palazzo Medici Riccardi, Florence
“Picturing Mary: Woman, Mother, Idea” explores the concept of womanhood represented by the Virgin Mary as well as the social and sacred functions her image has served through time. This landmark exhibition organized by the National Museum of Women in the Arts brings together more than 60 Renaissance- and Baroque-era masterworks from the Vatican Museums, Uffizi Gallery, and other museums, churches, and private collections in Europe and the United States. Divided into six thematic sections, the exhibition presents images of Mary as a daughter, cousin, and wife; the mother of an infant; a bereaved parent; the protagonist in a rich life story developed through the centuries; a link between heaven and earth; and an active participant in the lives of those who revere her.” See more at:
Labels for Education and Box tops Are you saving your Labels for Education and Box tops for a school of your choice? If not please save them for the Board of Child Care in Baltimore. These are both of great value to any school. In the past before Box tops, the Board of Child Care purchased mobile vans for their Robert Strawbridge School with Labels sent to them by Methodists. It's helpful to keep the box tops and labels separate. There is a 4x7-inch box in the Foyer for collection. Thanks! For more information on the programs, see: Metropolitan UMW Newsletter : March 2015
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Metropolitan & Community News GRATE PATROL ~ GREAT CIRCLE ACTIVITY
Wanted: Circles to volunteer to assemble lunches for the Grate Patrol Pick a Sunday study hour, Vestry (see dates below) Is your circle looking for an easy service project that can be done on Sunday morning? Please consider signing up to help out The Grate Patrol. Every month, Metropolitan assembles about 50 or more lunch bags that are distributed to the homeless through a Salvation Army program called The Grate Patrol. The Service Ministry Team has recently retooled how it recruits volunteers for the once-a-month Grate Patrol duties. Anita Seline is coordinating the scheduling of this volunteer activity and encourages all UMW circles to consider taking a date. The groups that sign up don't have to do the shopping nor the distribution on Monday night, but simply show up in the Vestry on the last Sunday of the month during the study hour, make sandwiches, and assemble the bag lunches. It's a fun activity while also providing a great service (and it doesn't take that long). If you are looking for a short but useful service activity, see if any of these dates fit in your circle's calendar and contact Anita Seline at to schedule.
As of press time, the following 2015 dates are open: June 28 July 26 August 30 September 27 October 25 November 29 December 27
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Metropolitan & Community News Food for Thought Spring 2015 Wednesday evening adult Christian formation programs Dinner 6 pm; Classes 7 pm Childcare available by request Food for Thought: Every Wednesday, Every Week Every Wednesday evening, everyone is welcome to a community dinner in the Vestry between 6 and 7 pm. Enjoy a chef-prepared meal with friends old and new. Dinner is $7 per adult, $4 per child, with a maximum of $20 per family. AU students pay what you can. Reservations are appreciated for planning purposes; to reserve your meal, go to After you feed your body, feed your mind and soul with a mid-week study. Food for Thought features two different study opportunities: a Bible study and a topical study. Studies change monthly, so you can choose a Bible study one month and a topical study the next, without missing pieces of either. The Bible study is led by Bob Olson, co-chair of the Learning Pillar, and Rev. Charlie Parker, the senior pastor of the Metropolitan Church. Topical studies will be led by different individuals throughout the year. Upcoming sessions: Session 7: March 4-25, 2015 Bible Study: The Gospel of Luke From birth to resurrection, the Gospel of Luke presents Jesus of Nazareth as the savior of the entire world, and focuses on what it means to be a disciple of Jesus Christ. Luke offers parables such as the prodigal son, the shepherd and the lost sheep, and the woman with the lost coin to show the great extent to which God will go to reclaim the least, the last, and the lost. Topical Study: Continuation of “Worthy Before God: An LGBTQ-inclusive theology� Led by AhnnaLise Jennings This small group will provide a theological basis for what it means to be a reconciling congregation. We will explore what it means to be a reconciling community through Bible study, conversation, service projects, prayer, advocacy, discipleship, and cross campus cooperation. We will discuss what it means to be an LGBTQ person in the Church, and do projects that will help to continue making our community a fully welcoming and inclusive one.
AhnnaLise Stevens-Jennings received her Bachelors' degrees in History and Religion, both with focuses on gender studies, from Emory & Henry College in 2012. She was the president of her college's Gay Straight Alliance, and Campus Christian Fellowship where Continued page 15
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Metropolitan & Community News
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she worked to facilitate cooperation and friendship between the two organizations. She is the current president of the advocacy group Of Sacred Worth at Wesley Theological Seminary, where she is working towards Masters of Divinity . Session 8: April 8-29, 2015 Bible Study: Job Why do bad things happen to good people? Is good rewarded? Is evil punished? The book of Job engages these questions using rich, poetic language. Topical Study: A Hopeful Earth: Faith, Science and the Message of Jesus by Sally Dyck and Sarah Ehrman Led by Rev. Dottie Yunger This study pairs the Christian faith of Bishop Sally Dyck and the scientific world of her niece, Sarah Ehrman, as they discover how the church can reach the younger generation by joining them in the race to save the environment that God created.
Dottie Yunger is an Associate Pastor at Metropolitan. She currently provides leadership to the service team. Previously Dottie was the Executive Director of Interfaith Partners for the Chesapeake, an interfaith environmental organization in the Chesapeake Bay Watershed. She has served at Capitol Hill UMC as the student associate for reconciliation ministries, which included multicultural ministry and creation care. Dottie is a marine biologist who has worked for the Smithsonian Institution, Discovery Channel, and the National Aquarium. She has studied ecosystem modeling and sea turtle conservation, mostly in warm, sunny climates. Dottie received a Bachelor of Science in marine science from the University of Maryland, and her Master of Divinity and Master of Theological Studies from Wesley Theological Seminary.
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Circles 2
All are invited. Contact Jane Cunningham,, 703-821-3486 or Charlotte Carter,
Circle 6 will meet March 12 at 7:00 P.M. in the Parlor. Rev. Drema McAllisterWilson will lead us on the topic of "Art of Sacred Listening". Please feel free to invite friends that might be interested. Any questions, please contact Mary Jo Marchant,
Circle 8 will meet in the parlor on Tuesday March 3rd at 7:30pm. Our program will be a report on the UMW retreat by our members who attended. Contact Eugenia Evans,
Circle 9 will meet on Wednesday, March 4 at 10:30 a.m. in the Choir Room. Rev. Charlie Parker will tell us about his sabbatical last summer. Please contact Bobby Turnbull,
Sunday, March 1 at 6-8 p.m. Vestry Kitchen: It’s a bake-a-thon! Bring ingredients to make goodies for the March book sale, led this year by our own Martha Mizroch and Anita Seline. Think brownies, quick breads, cookies….we’ll wrap and freeze for the March 14 event. I know there is lots of baking talent out there – bring it on! This is during MYF, so hope that works for many of you with kids in youth. Contact Caralee Adams or Suzanne Vieth The next UMW Board Meeting will be held March 9, 2015.
Newsletter prepared by Alexandra McPherron. To add items to the next newsletter, email by Friday, March 27, 2014.
Metropolitan UMW Newsletter : December 2014
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Metropolitan UMW Retreat 2015 Pictures from Angela Gildner
Hanging out at PreistField
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Drumming: Jayne Mardock Cabigas, Gail Crane, Janet Burkhart, Claire Saret (left to right)
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Arts & Crafts: Pam Rogers & Sarah Ousley (top); Martina Martin (leader, standing), Courtney Leatherman, & Pat Simpich (below)
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Arts & Crafts
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