United Methodist Women Newsletter

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News of the Metropolitan Memorial United Methodist Women March, 2012

Reflection We ought to act with God in the greatest simplicity, speak to Him frankly and plainly, and implore His assistance in our affairs.- -Brother Lawrence

I: What’s New Great Day of Service March 10, 2012 9 a.m. – noon Vestry Bring the family and join us for The Great Day of Service, a wonderful tradition of service to the church, community, and world. We will gather in the Vestry, but there will activity throughout the church and in the neighborhood. Our activities will target organizations that receive financial support from UMW and the Metropolitan Cooperative Parish. This is a great chance to learn more about the amazing work we support as you make your own contribution of time and talent. Activities will include: assembling health and maternity kits for UMCOR, tending Metropolitan's gardens, packing toiletry kits for children served by Courtney's Place, cooking meals for Metro House, visiting residents of the Methodist Home, preparing Bags of Grace for Friendship Place. Youth can receive Student Service Learning hours. A nursery will be provided for the littlest ones. Breakfast and snacks wil be provided. Please bring a can of meat-based soup as your "price of admission-for donation to the Community Council for the Homeless at Friendship Place. For more information, contact Eliza Hamner-Koenig, (202) 558-8194, eliza_hamner@yahoo.com

A Call to Prayer for Lent Great Hall Sundays, 7pm, March 11, 18, 25, April 1 This year, the UMW has joined Metropolitan and Shalem Institute in offering a series of contemplative communion services on the six Sunday nights of Lent. This healing worship will combine scripture, communion and sacred music in a peaceful atmosphere. Rev. Drema McAllister-Wilson will preside in partnership with Shalem’s Carol Crumley, an Episcopal priest. Alex Helsabeck will guide the music and our own Betty Rogers will coordinate.These Lenten evenings promise to nurture our spirits in a creative way. Part of UMW's supportive role will be to provide greeters and light refreshments following each service. For more information, contact Ann Cochran at 301-229-2114 or ann@annpcochran.com

GOT BOOKS? UMW Used Book Sale Saturday, April 21, 9:00a.m. to 1:00pm Vestry Private sale to follow on Sunday between church services Clear off your night stand and dig through the old boxes in the basement. Donations of all kinds of books are accepted: any size, any genre, any language. Please deliver your donations to the vestibule near the UMW closet (up the steps from the vestry, between the restrooms). Then, after you've cleared some space off your shelves, please plan to clear some space on your calendar between Tuesday, April 17 - Sunday, April 22, to help sort and sell the books. For more info, contact Megan Lordos, LosLordos@verizon.net

AARP Meeting Please join us on Monday, March 19 in the Vestry as we kick off our spring programs. Mary Cheh, DC Councilmember for Ward 3, will be our speaker. Social time is at 12:30 p.m., and the meeting starts at 1:00. Refreshments will be served.

UMW Circle Meetings Circle 2. Contacts: Charlotte Carter (char.carter@cox.net), Jane Cunningham JTC3rd@aol.com) Circle 3: Contact: Anne Bechdolt, abechdolt@msn.com or 317-331-6813. Circle 6: Contacts:, Mary Jo Marchant (mjmarchant@verizon.net) or Ann Michel (amichel@wesleyseminary.edu). Circle 8:. Contact: Annie Butler: anniepresbury@juno.com Circle 9: meet on Wednesday, March 7 at 10:30 in the Choir Room. A representative from the Board of Child Care will speak with us. Please contact Bobby Turnbull, (301) 320-4154., bobbyturnbull@comcast.net. Circle 10:.Contact: Caralee Adams caralee.adams@verizon.net

Next executive committee meeting, March 21

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