Erica Hubble

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S u r v i va l Workout

This routine has been designed to focus on all major muscle groups. You will perform each exercise with a rep range of 12 to 15, using a moderate weight, which should be challenging. As soon as you are done with one exercise you must move on to the next one without rest in between. The exercises should be performed at a “quick pace.� You will take a 2-minute rest period as soon as you complete the entire circuit. This circuit should be performed 4 times for best results. Make sure to stretch as soon as you complete this routine. For more routines you can do at home, visit

Welcome Erica Fitness Model Erica Hubble joins the activelife Guide family. PHOTOGRAPHY BY DAN BRAND New You Issue

TURN THE PAGE FOR MORE / January 2012 / activelife Guide




Dumbbell Front Squat

Target Muscles: quadriceps, glutes Setup Stand with your feet hip-width apart, holding a dumbbell in each hand. Raise both dumbbells in front of your collarbone, palms facing your chest. Action Slowly bend your knees and squat down until your thighs are parallel to the floor. Push yourself back up to the start and repeat.


Dumbbell Flye

Target Muscles: pectoralis major Setup Lie on a flat bench with your head securely rested. Hold a dumbbell in each hand, your arms open and parallel to your shoulders, keeping a slight bend in your elbows. Action Without flexing your elbows, bring the dumbbells together over the top of your chest until they are close but not touching. Hold for one count, and then slowly open your arms to return to the starting position.


Plank Row

Target Muscles: transverse abdominis, latissimus dorsi, anterior deltoids Setup Get into a push-up position on the ground, with feet spaced wider than shoulder-width apart, and gripping a dumbbell in each hand (hands directly under your shoulders). Action Pull one dumbbell up until it reaches the side of your ribcage. Lower the weight; then repeat with opposite arm. Alternate, doing the same number of reps on each side.


activelife Guide / January 2012 /

New You Issue


Tricep Dumbbell Kickbacks

Target Muscles: triceps Setup Hold the dumbbells and lean over at the waist so that your torso is about parallel to the floor. Action Begin with your upper arms parallel to the floor and your elbows at 90 degrees. Moving only at the elbows and keeping them up high and in close to your sides, contract your triceps to extend your arms, lifting the dumbbells up and back until your elbows are fully extended. Slowly reverse the motion, and then repeat.


Twisting Bicep Curls

Target Muscles: deltoids, biceps, triceps Setup Stand with your feet hip-width apart, holding a dumbbell in each hand. Hands should be at your sides, with palms facing your thighs. Action Keeping your elbows close to your body, curl your hands toward your shoulders, rotating your forearms mid-move so your palms face your body at the top. Slowly reverse the move to lower back to the starting position, and repeat.


Arnold Press

Target Muscles: deltoids, biceps, triceps Setup Stand holding the dumbbells at shoulder level with your palms and forearms facing you. Action In one fluid motion, press the dumbbells over your head while rotating your wrists so that by the top of the rep your palms and forearms face forward. Stop just short of your elbows locking. Then reverse the motion to return to the start position.


Flat–bench Leg Raises

Target Muscles: abs Setup Lie on a flat bench if you have one. If you don’t, then just lie down on the floor. Keep your hands under your hips to support your back. Action With your feet together and your toes pointed, raise your legs straight up towards the ceiling. Keep your legs straight, but don’t lock your knees. Pause at the top and lower your legs back to the starting position in a slow, controlled manner.

New You Issue / January 2012 / activelife Guide


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