Get Back in Shape with Tracy’s Secret Routine.
Ro u t i n e for
B usy
1. stability ball roll–up TARGET MUSCLES: rectus abdominis
SET UP: Get in a push-up position with your hands flat on floor, shoulder-width apart. Place your feet on a stability ball with your toes pointing behind you. Your body should form a straight line from your head to your heels [A]. ACTION: Slowly draw your knees towards your chest, directing your tailbone toward the ceiling [B]. Pause, then extend your legs back to the starting position. Immediately repeat.
2. pliĂŠ squat with calf rise TARGET MUSCLES: gluteus maximus, quadriceps, hamstrings, gastrocnemius SET UP: Stand with your legs wide, toes pointing out at 45-degree angles. Hold a dumbbell with both hands, arms extended in front [A].
ACTION: Bend your knees to lower your body into a squat, keeping your upper body tall and ensuring your arms stay parallel to the floor [B]. As you rise to standing, press up onto the balls of your feet and lower your arms [C]; hold for one or two counts, then slowly drop your heels to the floor and repeat.
3. box jump TARGET MUSCLES: gluteus maximus, quadriceps, hamstrings SET UP: Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart in front of an exercise step. ACTION: Squat down [A], then jump onto the step, keeping your feet wide [B]. As you land, sink into a deep squat, aiming to get your thighs parallel to the ground [C]. Stand, then hop backward off the step to return to the start. Repeat for your set.
4. lunge with torso rotation TARGET MUSCLES: quadriceps, gluteus maximus, anterior deltoids, internal and external obliques SET UP: Stand with your feet hip-width apart, holding a single dumbbell with both hands, arms extended in front [A]. ACTION: Step your right leg forward, bending both knees to drop into a lunge [B]. When your left knee is an inch or two from the floor, rotate your torso to the right, then left [C]. Keep your arms in front of your chest at all times. Return to the center and stand. Repeat, alternating legs with each rep.
5. dumbell bent–over row B
TARGET MUSCLES: latissimus dorsi, rhomboids, trapezius, biceps brachii, rear deltoids SET UP: Stand with knees slightly bent, leaning forward, holding a dumbbell in each hand in front of your legs, palms facing your thighs [A]. ACTION: Pull both dumbbells smoothly by driving your elbows up and back, keeping your arms in close to your sides, avoiding the use of momentum [B]. Pause for one count at peak contraction, then slowly return to the starting position.
6. dumbbell shoulder press TARGET MUSCLES: anterior and lateral deltoids SET UP: Wide stance, knees soft, abs contracted, hold dumbbells with palms facing in, your arms making a 90-degree angle [A]. ACTION: Exhale and drive your elbows up and out until they are in line with your shoulders [B]. Slowly return your arms to the starting position.
activelife Guide strongly recommends that you consult with your physician before beginning any exercise program. If you follow these fitness tips, you agree to do so at your own risk and assume all risk of injury to yourself, and agree to release and discharge activelife Guide from any claims.