Pop-Up Hotel Expo 2015

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Professore Joseph di Pasquale, Massimiliano Manfren, Alessandro Carrera Assistente professore Pier Alessio Rizzardi, Giorgia Marenzi, Alessio Brogini Autore Joseph di Pasquale Progetto grafico Pier Alessio Rizzardi Traduzione Edna Gee

Tutti i testi e le immagini pubblicate sono state fornite da contributori, autori dei testi e delle immagini. Nessuna parte di questo libro può essere trasmessa in qualsiasi mezzo elettronico, meccanico o altro senza l’autorizzazione scritta dei proprietari dei diritti e dell’editore. jamko.it Finito di stampare nel mese di Luglio 2014 a cura di Jamko Edizioni Stampato in Italia

di Joseph di Pasquale Testi di Elena Mussinelli, Massimiliano Manfren, Alessandro Carrera

POP UP HOTEL TemporaneitĂ come condizione permanente Building Techology Studio - Master in Architetture - Politecnico di MIlano 2013-2014

INDICE Introduzione 1o

Didattica e ricerca per il progetto dell’abitare contemporaneo Elena Mussinelli testi


Pop-Up Hotel: Temporaneità come condizione permanente Joseph di Pasquale


Tutorial Building Physics Massimiliano Manfren


Progetto di strutture temporanee Alessandro Carrera Progetti/Projects


Move Box Hotel Ettore Santi / Paola Zatti


Inflatable Hotel Leonardo Citterio / Alice Pontiggia


Hook-Up Holtel Michela Dell’Orto


Pop Round Hotel Brenda Pracht / Ornella Colombi


Instant Plug-in Hotel Maria Elena Garzoni / Carlotta Pichler


Diffused Hotel Roberta Giovannini


Forest in the City Sun Meifeng / Tu Jiabao


Escalating Boxes Pavel Bartov


Pop-Up “Hutel” Chiara Butta


Instant Skyscrapers Zhang Hankun


The Foldaway Hotel Ingrid Serey


Hexa-Cube Hotel Martin Huba


Sviluppo progettuale



The work into the laboratory aims students to synthetize information acquired along the year. The project is where this crucial synthesis happens. Students are introduced to verify and apply into the project, technology, history, architectural composition, and analysis of physical and social context, study of program requirements. The target is to design through a progressive effort approaching the final result. The target of teaching is to achieve for every student a personal capability to approach technology as a powerful tool that should be used into the architectural project considered as a unique ensemble. The mastery of technology as a tool must be distinguished from its knowledge, although it is necessary. This mastery is the main educational target of the course. The course consists in lectures and workshop activity. Workshop is the main place for interactions with professors. The lectures will analyse masterpieces of architecture as different way to approach and use materials and technology. The workshop will lead students to design their own individual project sharing with the group the knowledge, documents and the preparation activities.


POP UP HOTEL: TemporaneitĂ come condizione permanente

Didattica e ricerca per il progetto dell’abitare contemporaneo Elena Mussinelli

Elena Mussinelli


Il progetto di edilizia abitativa costituisce un campo di sperimentazione particolarmente efficace per lo sviluppo delle attività didattiche nelle Scuole di Architettura ai vari livelli della formazione. Nel primo triennio consente di affrontare aspetti quali il dimensionamento e l’organizzazione spaziale delle diverse unità ambientali, i modelli aggregativi e tipologici, le relazioni tra gli schemi distributivi e i caratteri costruttivi dell’edificio; anche valorizzando elementi conoscitivi governati dallo studente già a partire dalla sua esperienza personale. Nel biennio della Laurea Magistrale permette poi di introdurre livelli di maggiore complessità, sia con riferimento all’interpretazione delle peculiarità del contesto di intervento che in relazione alle caratteristiche prestazionali dei manufatti sotto i profili morfologico, ambientale e tecnologico, orientando il lavoro a verifiche circa la costruibilità e la sostenibilità economica del progetto. L’interesse del tema va però oltre la sua mera funzionalità didattica: il progetto per l’abitare rappresenta infatti un ambito di ricerca e sperimentazione di notevole attualità, per le criticità che caratterizzano la fase recente in ordine al rapporto domanda/offerta, alla drastica contrazione della produzione di edilizia sociale a basso costo, alla bassa qualità prestazionali delle nuove realizzazioni, ed anche al progressivo invecchiamento e alla conseguente inadeguatezza del patrimonio costruito. A fronte di una crescente attenzione ai temi dell’innovazione tecnologica e del risparmio energetico indotta soprattutto dall’introduzione di requisiti normativi cogenti, si registra peraltro un sostanziale arretramento sul versante delle opzioni morfo-tipologiche, versante che ha invece costituito il terreno di sperimentazione privilegiato dai maestri dell’architettura moderna e da una vasta fascia del professionismo italiano di qualità. La produzione corrente si attesta infatti sulla reiterazione di modelli insediativi e soluzioni morfo-tipologiche di tipo tradizionale: la maggior parte delle opzioni tipologiche praticate sono costituite dalla soluzione dell’edificio pluripiano in linea o a torre (con due o tre tagli dimensionali degli alloggi), oppure dalla casa unifamiliare o bifamiliare con giardino, e le realizzazioni (salvo qualche puntuale eccezione) costituiscono spesso una interpretazione reiterata di schemi distributivi ottimizzati rispetto a standard e vincoli normativi e regolamentari, assunti acriticamente. D’altra parte nel mercato dell’edilizia residenziale emerge una domanda in trasformazione, più variegata sotto il profilo della composizione sociale e più sensibile all’innalzamento dei costi di esercizio e manutenzione degli immobili, ed anche più consapevole circa le problematiche dell’ambiente, della salute, della sicurezza e della sostenibilità gestionale.


POP UP HOTEL: Temporaneità come condizione permanente

E’ pertanto interessante leggere in questa duplice ottica (della formazione e della ricerca) gli esiti progettuali del lavoro didattico sul tema dell’abitare temporaneo elaborati dagli studenti del Corso di Building Technology Studio, sotto la guida di Joseph Di Pasquale, Alessandro Carrera e Massimiliano Manfren. La peculiare condizione della temporaneità viene esplorata per le sue valenze di attualità a fronte della domanda emergente per la prossima Expo’ milanese del 2015, così come agli specifici target di utenza che possono sostenere l’offerta nel mercato nazionale, ma anche in quanto interprete di alcuni aspetti paradigmatici del progetto abitativo contemporaneo: la flessibilità del tipo edilizio in termini morfologici, insediativi e di utilizzo, la razionalità e l’efficienza del sistema distributivo e dei modelli aggregativi, la sostenibilità del processo costruttivo in relazione all’intero ciclo di vita del manufatto, il governo delle interfacce tecnologiche e impiantistiche per un corretto utilizzo dei materiali, delle soluzioni di finitura e dell’allestimento dello spazio esterno ed interno, il controllo e il contenimento dei costi. Le prefigurazioni progettuali sono state sviluppate a partire dal momento ideativo del concept, ben alimentato da riferimenti a realizzazioni significative del panorama culturale moderno e contemporaneo, attraverso la messa a punto del progetto definitivo, fino alla verifica della fattibilità tecnica controllata in termini esecutivi ed alla valutazione dei costi, anche con riferimento alle fasi del trasporto, del montaggio, dello smantellamento, dell’eventuale possibile riuso e riciclaggio. Il programma didattico ha predefinito in modo cogente i vincoli e gli standard prestazionali degli interventi, “imponendo” limiti dimensionali, l’impiego di sistemi prefabbricati, di tecnologie a secco e di materiali integralmente riciclabili, la prefinitura degli spazi interni, l’adattabilità ad utilizzi diversi (come strutture residenziali di emergenza), nonché la completa autosufficienza nel funzionamento dell’insediamento, secondo la logica dell’infrafree, ovvero dell’indipendenza dalle reti infrastrutturali. In questo modo la didattica del progetto ha orientato un percorso formativo nel quale i caratteri formali e spaziali del manufatto vengono definiti dagli studenti in modo non arbitrario né autoreferenziale, ma in ragione dei molteplici aspetti di natura tecnica, procedurale e ambientale il cui controllo costituisce una condizione determinante per la qualità finale del prodotto edilizio. I risultati qui documentati non costituiscono quindi solo l’esito formalizzato di un percorso progettuale, ma testimoniano di un processo formativo che ha accompagnato ciascun studente ad una significativa crescita personale e ad una maggior consapevolezza critica del ruolo della tecnologia in ogni azione di trasformazione dell’ambiente costruito. Una condizione necessaria e certamente oggi molto rilevante anche nella prospettiva di un diverso e più sostenibile rilancio delle costruzioni. The project of housing construction constitutes a field of experimentation that is particularly efficient to develop didactic activities at the School of Architecture at different levels of education. In the first three years we tackle issues such as the size and the spatial organization of the different environmental units, aggregative and typological models, the relationships between the distribution patterns and the characteristics of the construction of buildings; also emphasizing relevant information overseen by the student already starting from

Elena Mussinelli


his personal experiences. The two years Master allows then to introduce greater levels of complexity, both referring to the interpretation of peculiarities in the context of the intervention, as well as the relation to the performance characteristics of the products with respect to their morphological, environmental and technological aspects, focusing the work on the verification of constructability and affordability of the project. However, the importance of the subject goes beyond its mere didactic function; living spaces represents an area of research and experimentation of considerable relevance, from the problems that characterize the recent phase in order of the supply/demand ratio, to the drastic decrease of production of social housing at low-cost, low-quality performance of the new buildings, and finally to the progressive aging and the consequent inadequacy of the built heritage. In the face of the growing attention to themes of technological innovation and energy conservation, led by the introduction of mandatory regulatory requirements, one notices moreover, a substantial withdrawal on the side of morpho-typological options which instead has been the privileged testing ground of the masters of modern architecture and a wide segment of the high quality Italian professionalism. The current production stands in fact on the recurrence of settlement models and traditional morpho-typological solutions: the most applied typological options consist of the solution of the multi-story building in-line or as a tower (with two-or three-dimensional cuts of accommodation), or from single family homes or duplexes with a garden, and realizations (except for some timely exceptions) are often a repeated interpretation of distribution patterns optimized with respect to standards and legal and regulatory constraints that are uncritically applied. On the other hand, in the housing market a demand that is in transformation emerges; it is more diverse in terms of social composition and more sensitive to rising costs of operation and maintenance of buildings, and even more conscious about environmental, health and safety issues and sustainability management. It is therefore interesting to read in this dual focus of education and research, the design outcomes of the didactic work on the theme of temporary housing developed by the students during the course of Building Technology Studio, under the guidance of Joseph Di Pasquale, Alessandro Carrera and Massimiliano Manfren. The peculiar condition of impermanence is explored for its topical value in view of the emerging demand for the next Expo ‘Milan in 2015, as well as the specific target audience that can support the supply in the domestic market. It is also explored as an interpreter of some typical aspects of contemporary housing projects: the flexibility of the building type in morphological terms, settlement and use, the rationality and efficiency of the distribution system and patterns of aggregation, the sustainability of the construction process in relation to the entire life cycle of the product, the governing of technological systems and interfaces and production plans for proper use of materials, finishing solutions and the organization of indoor and outdoor space, control, and cost containment. Design prefiguration have been developed starting from the devising moment of the concept, well fed by references of significant accomplishments in the modern and contemporary cultural landscape, across the development of the final project, to the verification of the technical feasibility controlled in terms of execution and the evaluation of


POP UP HOTEL: TemporaneitĂ come condizione permanente

costs, also with reference to the phases of transport, assembly, dismantling, all the way to the eventual possible reuse and recycling. The didactic program has predefined the constraints and performance standards of operations in a compelling way, “imposing� the size limitations, the use of prefabricated systems, dry (sustainable) construction and materials that are completely recyclable, the pre-finishing of the interior spaces, adaptability to different uses (such as residential structures for emergency), and the complete self-sufficiency in the operation of the settlement according to the logic of infra-free, i.e. independence from infrastructural networks. In this way the didactics of the project has created a curriculum in which the formal and spatial characteristics of the product is defined by the students in a consistent way that is not self-referential because the inspection of the many aspects of technical, procedural and environmental nature creates a determining condition for the final quality of the building produced. The results documented here are therefore not only the result of a formalized design process, but a witness to an educational process that has accompanied each student to significant personal growth and a greater critical awareness of the role of technology in every action of the transformation of the built environment. It is a necessary condition today and certainly very relevant in the perspective of a different, more sustainable revitalization of construction.

Elena Mussinelli



POP UP HOTEL: TemporaneitĂ come condizione permanente

PopUp Hotel TemporaneitĂ come condizione permanente Joseph di Pasquale

Joseph di Pasquale


Durante i sei mesi dell’Expo sono attesi venti milioni di visitatori. Secondo uno studio di Assitalia del 2012 è previsto un deficit di 50.000 posti letto alla settimana che eccederebbe la capacità ricettiva massima dell’area milanese in un raggio di un’ora e mezza dal capoluogo lombardo. La costruzione di strutture alberghiere tradizionali per l’occasione è evidentemente antieconomica alla luce del ritorno della domanda ai valori normali subito dopo la fine dell’Expo. L’unica possibile risposta è quindi pensare a strutture alberghiere temporanee che assolvano la funzione ricettiva durante l’esposizione e che successivamente possano essere smontate e riutilizzate altrove e con altre funzioni. La “ricettività temporanea” è divenuta anche un elemento di novità che caratterizza una nuova modalità del concepire la ricezione alberghiera. Diversi operatori stanno in questo momento preparando la messa sul mercato di prodotti low cost che siano però caratterizzate da uno “spirito giovanile” e attuale. La “temporaneità” in questo senso può costituire un elemento di appeal anche commerciale, una caratteristica che rende più accessibile economicamente ma anche più attraente psicologicamente prenotare un modulo abitativo a 35/40 euro per due persone a notte. Questa semplice considerazione innesca però una serie di ulteriori implicazioni che riguardano il concetto di temporaneità come condizione permanente dal punto di vista tecnologico e di utilizzo di una struttura architettonica. L’attenzione posta nelle ultime olimpiadi di Londra e nella stessa EXPO di Milano alla condizione temporanea ha fatto si che lo smontaggio, il riuso e il riciclo delle strutture e dei materiali abbiano assunto uguale se non maggiore importanza della stessa costruzione e installazione delle strutture architettoniche. Questo approccio partendo dalla progettazione di strutture temporanee è divenuto e sta diventando una costante permanente nella progettazione architettonica e nelle scelte tecnologiche ad essa connesse. Concetti quali l’energia grigia (l’energia necessaria per produrre e per smaltire un determinato materiale) come pure le considerazioni relative al “ciclo di vita” di un edificio e al suo destino successivo a questo ciclo, al suo eventuale riutilizzo e al suo smontaggio con reimpiego dei materiali nei processi produttivi e il ripristino del suolo alla funzione originaria, è la direzione verso la quale si stanno orientando le ricerche tecnologiche attuali in ambito architettonico. Il costo di un edificio non è più solo quello necessario per la sua realizzazione ma anche e soprattutto quello che comprende i costi di gestione nel ciclo di vita (riscaldamento,


POP UP HOTEL: Temporaneità come condizione permanente

raffrescamento, manutenzione, ecc.), i costi di riuso, di smaltimento e di eventuale ripristino del terreno utilizzato. Tornando al tema di progetto del corso, gli EXPO POP UP HOTEL saranno strutture mobili, trasportabili, energicamente efficienti, versatili e riutilizzabili. Agli studenti è stato chiesto di fare delle ipotesi di riutilizzo e di prevederne le modalità di smaltimento. Didatticamente il tema è di straordinaria efficacia. Nel singolo modulo sono concentrate tutte le necessità a cui la tecnologia dell’architettura è chiamata da migliaia di anni a dare una risposta: proteggere dagli agenti atmosferici, organizzare lo spazio interno secondo le esigenze e le dimensioni dell’abitare. La necessità di relazionare ed aggregare le singole unità abitative comporta la necessità di pensare all’organismo edilizio come ad un sistema di sistemi e sottosistemi, dove le “regole di interfaccia” devono equilibrare la semplicità di realizzazione e di montaggio del singolo elemento con la possibilità di avere una molteplicità e varietà di possibili combinazioni a la loro flessibilità di utilizzo. La situazione specifica costituita dai tempi e dai costi estremamente ridotti che vengono chiesti nel briefing iniziale, ha obbligato gli studenti a comprendere come agire sulle scelte progettuali per ridurre i costi di costruzione: pre-assemblaggio impiantistico in officina, costi di trasporto, semplicità e rapidità di installazione, tutti concetti che sono alla base di qualsiasi costruzione. Allo stesso modo la verifica strutturale ed energetica delle singole unità abitative è stata ottenuta attraverso una ricerca di materiali e di sistemi edilizi che combinassero efficienza, resistenza anche strutturale e dimensioni il più possibile ridotte. Il risultato in termini progettuali è stato molto interessante, soprattutto nel senso della varietà delle soluzioni. Sebbene il tema sembrasse dare poche variabili su cui agire le soluzioni proposte e le tecnologie adottate e proposte dagli studenti sono state sorprendentemente varie e differenti tra di loro. Il processo progettuale suggerito è stato inverso rispetto a quanto normalmente succede. La progettazione del sistema è stata fatta prescindendo da un contesto fisico specifico. Questo ha consentito di anteporre le problematiche tecnologiche e prestazionali a quelle legate all’analisi urbana di un contesto specifico. Una volta definito il sistema tecnologico sono state proposte delle aree di Milano i proprietà pubblica che si è immaginato potessero essere messe a disposizione per l’occasione e ripristinate una volta concluso il ciclo di vita delle strutture. Il risultato è stato quello di immaginare dodici location a Milano che durante l’Expo vengono occupate da queste strutture ciascuna delle quali consta di duecentocinquanta posti. Tremila posti letto low cost disponibili durante i sei mesi dell’EXPO in strutture temporanee sparse per la città e progettate da studenti. Dopo l’Expo rimarranno a disposizione del comune per diventare residenze per studenti fino al termine del loro ciclo di vita. Un festival della temporaneità, ciascuna istallazione potrà diventare una presenza urbana rivitalizzante, costituendo un modello che l’Expo potrebbe lasciare come eredità da applicare nei successivi eventi globali: Expo, Olimpiadi, Mondiali, etc per risolvere in modo intelligente e innovativo il problema delle ricettività temporanea e per proporre una nuova concezione dell’hotellerie a basso costo.

Joseph di Pasquale


During the six months of Expo twenty million visitors are expected. According to a study of Assitalia of 2012 there will be a shortfall of 50,000 beds per week that would exceed the maximum accommodation capacity of the Milan area within a radius of one and a half hours. The construction of traditional hospitality structures in the occasion of big events, have been clearly proved uneconomical in light of the demand at normal values right after the end of these events. The only possible response is then to think of temporary hotels that that fulfill the accommodative function during the event, and that immediately after can be removed and reused elsewhere possibly also with other functions. “Temporary accommodation” has also become an element of novelty that characterizes a new way in which hotel accommodation is generally being conceived. At the moment several operators are preparing their market placement of low cost products characterized by a youthful and contemporary spirit. The impermanence in this sense can then have an element of appeal also commercially; a characteristic that makes it more economically accessible but also psychologically appealing to book a “living unit” at low cost. However, this simple consideration triggers a series of further implications regarding the concept of the temporary as a permanent condition, from the point of view of both the technology and the use of an architectural structure. The attention paid to the temporary condition in the recent London Olympics and also the Expo in Milan, has meant that dismantling, reuse and recycling of structures and materials have assumed equal if not greater importance than building architectural structures. This approach, initiated from these occasions of designing temporary structures, is also becoming more and more a theme in architectural design in the general sense as well as in the choices of technology and ways to be connected. Research on the most advanced technology in the field of architecture is moving in the direction of concepts such as grey energy (the energy required to produce and to dispose of a particular materials), considerations relating to the “life cycle” of a building and its subsequent fate in this cycle, to its eventual reuse and removal - with the reintroduction of the materials into the production process, and restoring the site to its original function. The cost of building is not just necessary for its realization but especially also the running costs in the life cycle (heating, cooling, maintenance, etc.), as well as costs of re-use, disposal and land recovery. To return to the course material; the EXPO POP UP HOTEL will be mobile structures that are transportable, energy efficient, versatile and re-usable. The students have been asked to formulate ideas of re-use and to predict the ways of removal. From a didactic perspective the theme is extraordinarily effective. All the needs of technology of architecture over thousands of years were concentrated in a single course to find a solution: to protect from the elements, arrange the interior space according to the needs and dimensions of living, and to establish the relationship between individuals and their private spaces. The need to relate and aggregate the individual housing units implies a necessity to think about the building organism as a system of systems and subsystems; here the “rules of interface” must balance the simplicity of construction and mounting of the individual elements with the possibility of having a multiplicity and variety of possible

combinations, and at the same time maintain maximum flexibility of use. The specific situation established, such as reduced times and costs that was asked in the initial briefing, obliged the students to understand how to react on design choices in order to reduce the cost of construction: design pre-assembly in the workshop, reduction and optimization of transport costs, simplicity and speed of installation. All the concepts, although pushed to the extreme, are however general characteristics and the basis of any kind of architecture. Similarly, the energy and structural verification of the individual housing units was obtained through a research of materials and building systems that combined efficiency, resistance as well as structural resistance with dimensions and weights as low as possible. The results in terms of design was very interesting, especially in the sense of the wide variety of solutions. The proposed solutions and the adapted technologies and proposals by the students were surprisingly varied and different among themselves, even though it seemed as if few variables to act on were given. The suggested design process with respect to practice was inversed. The design of the system was made without reference to a specific physical context. This has allowed the technological and performance issues to precede those related to the urban analysis and context. Once the technological system was defined, areas around Milan, of both private and public property, were proposed which were imagined as sites that could be made available for the occasion and restored after completion of the life cycle of the structure. The result was twelve imagined locations in Milan that would host the structures during the Expo; each structure consisting of 250 seats. Three thousand beds at low cost would be available for the six months of the Expo in temporary structures, designed by the students, and distributed around the city. After the Expo these will remain available as supplied low cost accommodation (currently non-existent in Milan) or become residences for students until the end of their life cycle. It is a real festival of impermanence, an urban installation where each episode becomes an urban presence revitalizing the entire urban fabric. It could create a model that Expo could leave as a legacy to be applied in the subsequent global events: Expo, Olympics, World Cup, etc. in order to resolve the problem of intelligent and innovative temporary accommodation, to distribute the revitalizing effects of a major global event widely around the urban fabric and to propose a new concept in the low cost hotel industry as well as an anticipation of a possible future ways of living.


POP UP HOTEL: TemporaneitĂ come condizione permanente

Tutorial Building Physics Massimiliano Manfren

Massimiliano Manfren


The dynamic interaction between building geometry, building physics, building components and system solutions creates a space for possibilities in the design process. The right dimensioning of spaces, volumes and an optimized organization of building function, can help minimizing the need for technical systems (cooling, heating, ventilation, lighting, etc.) that constitute a complex design issue and a potential problem from the point of view of energy performance and cost. The appropriate design of external components such as façades, roofs and basements is one of the main focuses already in the concept phase because of the need for insulation and more in general, attenuation of the effect of external environmental actions. Further, with respect to external building components, the design and size of transparent surfaces (e.g. glazing systems) and the related shading systems affect many aspects related to technical systems: solar protection, climate control, insulation and the connection and coherence with other system solutions. First of all, with the help of a project checklist, it possible to summarize, from the very beginning, the solutions brought into play in a project. The items of the checklist can be fairly general and valid for any project and we can think about them as a kind of brainstorming for the design team. Of course, the relative importance of the different items and the specific solutions can vary from one project to another, depending on the specific case, however a genuine sustainable design has to be incorporated in a project from the very beginning. The key is to achieve the right balance between aesthetics, comfort, and efficiency and more in general, sustainability has to be found in the interaction between architecture and technology, that doesn’t have to be considered as a self-referential topic. Sustainability is necessarily a multi-disciplinary topic and cannot be reduced to only a few simple issues. Sustainability, according to a widely adopted definition, has three sides: society, economy and environment. They represent parts of a larger and variously interconnected mechanism. A variation of one aspect on one side determines a wide range of derived effects. The relation between cause and effect in many cases are not completely clear, but the most relevant connections can be nonetheless unveiled and searched for in possible solutions. These solutions which in many cases represent the best compromise among several possible objectives can also be partially in conflict. Sustainability is an issue that has to be necessarily addressed by society as a whole. Companies, organizations and individuals can play their role in this sense as well. However, in order to transform sustainability into a design goal for an architectural project, it is necessary to first reduce


POP UP HOTEL: Temporaneità come condizione permanente

the complexity to a few key parameters which are in principle primarily related to the energy used in the whole life-cycle of the building (from cradle to grave). The energy impact (direct or indirect), as a matter of fact, turns out to be related to the environmental impact (use of materials, use of resources, pollution, etc.), social impact (comfort, services, etc.) and economic impact (initial investment, operation and maintenance, dismantling, etc.) of the building. By unveiling the “structure” of the problem for the design process we can try to find potential synergies in the process itself, i.e. devoting attention first to the core problems. As introduced before, many other factors related to sustainability come into play when dealing with building design, for example the societal (implications of end-uses, comfort, etc.) and economic aspects. In synthesis, while today many environmental labeling schemes can positively be used as a specialized application of the knowledge developed in the several different fields of sustainability. A deeper understanding of the holistic approach of design should be reached, because the specialization of the different professional fields may not guarantee by itself a sustainable design. By putting the energy issue at the top of the design agenda in the concept phase, the preconditions for sustainability are established. This becomes particularly evident if we use simulation tools from the early stages of design where the variability in the outcomes is particularly large, due to the large amount of possible variations in the design choices. Once the link between architecture and energy behavior is directly addressed with simulation tools, parameters such as height, width, orientation and others should be critically reconsidered. In other, words, the acknowledgment of the connection between design and performance should help to avoid costly technical systems that generally have to be introduced in the late stages of design in order to compensate for, most of the times only partially, the poor choices made at the concept level. From a general standpoint, if our goal from the very beginning is sustainability, the “passive” properties of the building system, related to its components and geometry, have to be carefully considered. Further, the appropriate quality level of building services should be identified, as it determines the features of the technical systems that will be designed in the detail design phase. In this sense, technology can also help finding solutions in the final stages of design but the space for improvement in the global performance of the building and, more in general, in its sustainability is much larger if we consider all the possible implications from the beginning. All the process of design should therefore be guided by a clear commitment to performance, addressed directly by quantitative indicators which necessarily represent a synthesis with respect to the much larger set of objectives and criteria generally outlined before. As introduced before, buildings should fulfill many different needs and satisfy different performance criteria, in many cases in conflict with each other. The starting point for architecture and its aesthetic implications is geometry: the overall geometry and the spaces determine the functional characteristics of the building. The basic geometric features, such as height, width, orientation of the building fabric and the size, position and geometric details of glazing and solar shading systems form the configuration of

Massimiliano Manfren


the building and are generally incorporated within a building for all its lifetime. Technical systems are themselves part of the energy concept but at the same time can be replaced and upgraded as technology improves over time, while modifications in geometry generally require a complete retrofit of the building. As a consequence, when designing a building, the core topics are the following ones: 1. Context, where the building is located and its relation with the surroundings; 2. Orientation and position of the building; 3. Geometry, all the parameters that are determined by the architectural design; 4. Opaque envelope components; 5. Transparent envelope components; 6. Technical systems for heating and cooling; 7. Technical systems for lighting, that should exploit, as much as possible, natural daylight; 8. Distributed generation and renewable energy technologies to produce energy locally. From a design process point of view, it has to become clear that we generally have to start from a simple and idealized building model (in the early stages of design) and work iteratively on it with an optimization purpose, considering the different criteria, objectives and constraints.


POP UP HOTEL: TemporaneitĂ come condizione permanente

Progetto di strutture temporanee Alessandro Carrera

Alessando Carrera


Una struttura temporanea potrebbe apparire semplice se comparata con altre grandi costruzioni da realizzare per importanti eventi, tuttavia questa considerazione è del tutto errata. Infatti ciò che si vuole definire è un modulo “tipico”, facile da realizzare in azienda e non troppo costoso da trasportare ed assemblare in cantiere. Per arrivare ad ottenere un tale risultato bisogna tuttavia valutare con grande attenzione, sin dalla fase di concept, tutti i diversi aspetti tecnologici. Ciò comporta che, per ridurre gli ingombri, i costi ed ottenere un modulo pratico da usare si debba operare, fin da principio, con un approccio aperto alle diverse tematiche in essere, nella consapevolezza di considerare ed anticipare tutti i problemi relativi alle strutture portanti, agli aspetti architettonici ed energetici. Partendo dall’idea architettonica, si deve scegliere il materiale più appropriato per comunicare un certo “effetto”, per avere le proprietà meccaniche e fisiche desiderate e contenere altresì i pesi, i costi e gli spazi, raggiungendo una buona performance anche dal punto di vista dell’isolamento termico. Inoltre tutti i principali elementi devono essere progettati con molta attenzione alla fase di assemblaggio in sito, onde poter garantire la massima flessibilità dei suddetti moduli. La soluzione più intelligente non potrà che essere la più semplice da assemblare in qualsiasi luogo. Ecco perché, sin dalla prima fase del progetto, è necessario valutare molte differenti combinazioni dei moduli prefabbricati fino a giungere alla formazione di un vero e completo edificio temporaneo, facile da smantellare ed anche da riassemblare in un altro sito. Per raggiungere questo obiettivo va posta grande attenzione nella progettazione dei dettagli relativi sia ai nodi tra i diversi elementi che compongono la singola unità sia, soprattutto, alle unioni tra i diversi moduli. In conclusione, soltanto mantenendo un approccio al problema di tipo sistematico, industriale e multidisciplinare sin dalla creazione del modulo base, si potranno ottenere elementi ed edifici temporanei che risultino economici, confortevoli e persino attraenti.


POP UP HOTEL: TemporaneitĂ come condizione permanente

A temporary structure may seem simplistic compared to larger constructions for important events, but this idea is absolutely incorrect. In fact we need to design a typical module which is easy to construct in a factory, and not so expensive to transport and assemble on the building site. In order to achieve the goal, we must carefully consider all the different technological aspects in the concept phase. This means that to save space, money, and obtain a useful unit we have to start at the beginning with a very open minded approach, considering and anticipating all the problems that concern structures, architecture and energy building. First of all, starting with the architectural idea, we have to choose the most appropriate material to communicate a certain feeling, to obtain some mechanical and technological properties and reduce weight. It also has to save money, space, and obtain good performance from the point of view of insulation. After that, all the principal elements are designed looking at the assembly phase and the flexibility of our modules. In particular the smartest solution will be the easiest to assemble anywhere. Next in the design phase we have to consider a lot of different combinations, starting from our modules and arriving at a real complete temporary building, simple to disassemble and replace too. To obtain this purpose, great attention should be paid to the design details such as all the joints between the different elements of a single module, but especially also to the junctions between different units. Designing basic modules, elements and temporary buildings which are economical, comfortable and even glamorous is only possible if a systematic, industrial and multidisciplinary approach is used during the creation process.

Alessando Carrera



POP UP HOTEL: TemporaneitĂ come condizione permanente


Twenty million people are expected from march to October 2015 visiting EXPO 2015 in Milan. This means about 850.000 people per week. The actual maximum accommodation capacity in a range of 90 minutes from Milan is about 500.000 beds. 90 minutes means that also Turin and Bologna are available location. Hence there is a lack of beds roughly around 350.000 beds per week, not considering all the other top events that will take place in Milan in the same months like Salone del Mobile, Fashion weeks and many others important events. A pop Up Hotel is a smart solution for this problem because provides accommodations without creating permanent structures that will be useless after the EXPO. The students will design those temporary resort structures than should be installed and dismantled in one day, providing 200 rooms and collective services using every possible technology that can be suitable for the case.


POP UP HOTEL: Temporaneità come condizione permanente

Progetti Move Box Hotel, Inflatable Hotel, Hook-Up Holtel, Pop Round Hotel, Instant Plug-in Hotel, Diffused Hotel, Forest in the City Sun, Escalating Boxes, Pop-Up “Hutel”, Instant Skyscrapers, The Foldaway Hotel, Hexa-Cube Hotel



POP UP HOTEL: TemporaneitĂ come condizione permanente

Move Box Hotel Ettore Santi / Paola Zatti

Ettore Santi / Paola Zatti



POP UP HOTEL: TemporaneitĂ come condizione permanente

The system is composed by one single element, replicated as a brick to create the hotel block. The module works with a sliding system that duplicates the interior space directly on site. The space to locate the sliding part is provided by switching floor by floor the modules in the assemblement.

Ettore Santi / Paola Zatti

The idea aims to consider different

space to locate the sliding part is

factors: a characterized image,

provided by switching floor by floor

quick assembling/disassembling

the modules in the assemblement.

system, high transportation ratio,

Every module includes the

plan adaptability, spatial comfort.

horizontal circulation, while the

The user request is for a very

vertical is encapsuled into special

short stay, so it is possible to think


about a minimum living space,

The single module is therefore

complete but without any waste

composed by two different

of space. This consideration allows

elements: the structural box using

to strongly reduce the size of the

a steel column-beam structure,

room module and to transport six

completed with corrugated steel

modules on one truck, while for

sandwich panels for stiffness

other existing systems it is possible

reasons, and the sliding box, with

to transport only four. The system

a cross laminated timber structure

is composed by one single element,

providing rigidity during the sliding

replicated as a brick to create the


hotel block. The module works with a sliding system that duplicates the interior space directly on site. The



POP UP HOTEL: TemporaneitĂ come condizione permanente


Ettore Santi / Paola Zatti

Water canopy

Roof; galvanized sheet, corrugated sheet panel, wood panel. 118 mm; U= 0.603 W/m2k; φ=5.95h

Exterior wall; galvanized sheet, corrugated sheet panel, wood panel. 133 mm; U= 0.476 W/m2k; φ=8.614h

Opaque glass sliding wall Wood insulated door Exterior wall; galvanized sheet, corrugated sheet panel, wood panel. 133 mm; U= 0.476 W/m2k; φ=8.614h


Dump corridor

Floor panel; galvanized sheet, corrugated sheet panel, wood panel. 119 mm; U= 0.536 W/m2k; φ=7.34h

Roof; PVC waterproof membrane, insulating, x-lam structural panel. 95 mm; U= 0.624 W/m2k; φ=4.95h

Exterior wall; exterior wood panel, insulating, x-lam structural panel. 107 mm; U= 0.576 W/m2k; φ=5.15h Aluminium frame window


Dump handrail

Floor; exterior wood wo panel, insulating, x-lam structural u panel. 110 mm; U= 0.557 W/m W 2k; φ=5.62h Inox steel wheel Added corridor piece

room unitt section 1:20


POP UP HOTEL: Temporaneità come condizione permanente

ered by galvanized steel sheet inclination 3% Steel hinge as joint of the two sheets

Roof: galvanized sheet, corrugated sheet panel, wood panel. 118 mm; U= 0.603 W/m2k; φ=5.95h

Roof: PVC waterproof membrane, insulating, x-lam structural panel. 95 mm; U= 0.624 W/m2k; φ=4.95h

ular profile element sec.80x30 mm as structure ial piece added on the top roof of the building covered by galvanized steel sheet PVC waterproof roof membrane Galvanized steel sheet - inclination 3% Galvanized steel sheet 20mm Galvanized prepainted or plastified corrugated sheet ISOLPACK ROOF DECK mod. KAPPA 3 with Polyurethane resins (PUR) 100mm

Exterior wall: exterior wood panel, insulating, x-lam structural panel. 107 mm; U= 0.576 W/m2k; φ=5.15h

Exterior wall: galvanized sheet, corrugated sheet panel, wood panel. 133 mm; U= 0.476 W/m2k; φ=8.614h

Wood ceiling made of laminated timber panels 15 mm hanging from the corrugated sheet Rubber gasket 20mm Insulation with Polyurethane resins (PUR) 34mm KLH wood panel made out of 3 layers 60mm

Floor: exterior wood panel, insulating, x-lam structural panel. 110 mm; U= 0.557 W/m2k; φ=5.62h

KLH wood flooring panel made out of 3 layers 60mm Insulation with Polyurethane resins (PUR) 34mm

Inox steel wheel

Floor panel: galvanized sheet, corrugated sheet panel, wood panel. 119 mm; U= 0.536 W/m2k; φ=7.34h

Rack with roller guide actuator, type SQ ZST RK ROSE + KRIEGER Inox steel wheel D:80mm

Precasted foundation plinth Wood flooring made of laminated timber panels 15 mm

On-site made foundation Steel profile carter insulated settled to the beam

room unit section 1:20

Steel profile beam type HEA 120A


Corrugated sheet type RC400 ISOLPACK with polyurethan resins (PUR) Galvanized steel sheet 20mm PVC waterproof roof membrane

Added corridor piece

Galvanized prepainted or plastified corrugated sheet ISOLPACK ROOF DECK mod. KAPPA 3 with Polyurethane resins (PUR) 100mm

Dump corridor

Wood ceiling made of laminated timber panels 15 mm hanging from the corrugated sheet

Exterior wall; exterior wood panel, insulating, x-lam structural panel. 107 mm; U= 0.576 W/m2k; φ=5.15h

Rubber gasket 20mm

Steel column 120x120mm; th=5mm Exterior wall; galvanized sheet, air layer, corrugated sheet panel, wood panel. 233 mm; U= 0.512 W/m2k; φ=7.641h

Junction between modules piece

KLH wood panel made out of 3 layers 60mm Insulation with Polyurethane resins (PUR) 34mm Laminated timber external panels 15mm

Exterior wall; exterior wood panel, insulating, x-lam structural panel. 107 mm; U= 0.576 W/m2k; φ=5.15h

KLH wood flooring panel made out of 3 layers 60mm

Exterior wall; galvanized sheet, corrugated sheet panel, wood panel. 133 mm; U= 0.476 W/m2k; φ=8.614h

Inox steel wheel D:50mm Steel profile carter insulated settled to the beam to support the corrugated sheet wall Steel profile beam type HEA 120A Rubber gasket 20mm Galvanized steel sheet 20mm Galvanized prepainted or plastified corrugated sheet ISOLPACK ROOF DECK mod. KAPPA 3 with Polyurethane resins (PUR) 100mm

Aluminium frame window Opaque glass sliding wall Aluminium frame window

wood ceiling made of laminated timber panels 15 mm hanging from the corrugated sheet PVC waterproof roof membrane Vapor barrier type VEDAGARD

Technical riser

Galvanized prepalnted corrugated sheet type ISOLPACK ROOF DECK mod. ALFA WALL panel with polyurethane resins (PUR) 120mm

Technical riser Polyurethane resins (PUR) insulating; 50 mm

Exterior wall; galvanized sheet, air layer, corrugated sheet panel, wood panel. 233 mm; U= 0.512 W/m2k; φ=7.641h

Laminated timber external panels 15mm PVC waterproof membrane Insulation with Polyurethane resins (PUR) 34mm

Steel column 120x120mm; th=5mm KLH wood wall panel made out of 3 layers 57mm

room unit plan 1:20

Galvanized steel panel steel profile to bolt to the two modules to connect them and keep the xlam box opened

corrugated sheet insulated panel Wood ceiling panel Exterior wood panel Opaque glass sliding wall

Aluminium window Interior wood panel


KLH wood flooring panel made out of 3 layers 60mm Insulation with Polyurethane resins (PUR) 34mm

Corrugated sheet panel Exterior wood panel Insulating

Exterior wood panel

Laminated timber external panels 15mm

Structural X-lam panel Inox steel wheel D:80mm

Exterior wood panel Insulating

Galvanized steel panel Corrugated sheet panel Plastic panel

Structural X-lam panel

wood flooring made of laminated timber panels 15 mm Steel profile carter insulated settled to the beam

Insulating Steel profile beam type HEA 120A

Corrugated sheet insulated panel

Structural X-lam panel Insulating

Corrugated sheet type RC400 ISOLPACK with polyurethan resins (PUR)

Galvanized steel panel Exterior wood panel Structural X-lam panel

Insulating Galvanized steel panel Exterior wood panel

Wood flooring panel Corridor and rail

Corrugated sheet insulated panel Galvanized steel panel

Steel plinth Precasted concrete foundation block 300mm

Inox steel wheel Corrugated sheet panel Wood panel

Concrete foundation with reinforcementss

room unit exploded

Ettore Santi / Paola Zatti



POP UP HOTEL: TemporaneitĂ come condizione permanente

Ettore Santi / Paola Zatti



POP UP HOTEL: TemporaneitĂ come condizione permanente


Ettore Santi / Paola Zatti

Bed Bedrooms drooms

Bedrooms Bed d oo om WC

Laundries ess

Food machines m

Waiting rooms Bedrooms Be d oo o ms


Bedrooms B edroo s


Main access

Ground floor plan


POP UP HOTEL: TemporaneitĂ come condizione permanente


EXPO village


Inner court








Rho fiera EXPO Torino

Cascina Merlata



Ettore Santi / Paola Zatti




Rho fiera M



Cascina Merlata




Division City centre







Inbetween settlement SE



POP UP HOTEL: TemporaneitĂ come condizione permanente

Ettore Santi / Paola Zatti



POP UP HOTEL: TemporaneitĂ come condizione permanente

Inflatable Hotel Leonardo Citterio / Alice Pontiggia

Leonardo Citterio / Alice Pontiggia



POP UP HOTEL: TemporaneitĂ come condizione permanente

The project mixed a standard metal box with a plastic textile that can easily be stored in it; this involve the development of two different technologies but guarantee a convenient storage and transportation system.

Leonardo Citterio / Alice Pontiggia

Thinking about a temporary

with beams that guarantee the

architecture the first idea we

horizontal mechanical resistance.

had was to use a giant inflatable

In the hard part is install all the

structure. It will be installed and

plants machines and the wet room

dismantled in just few minutes

with the bathroom facilities. bed

and it will be recognizable from

working with a flap mechanism.

a long distance for its shining

We design a single room solution, a

colors. In the reality it can’t

two bed and a double one.The unit

exist but we try to develop this

itself will be assembled in factory

idea considered the realization

and the installation on site consist

problems. Our project mixed a

only in open, fix and inflate it. For

standard metal box with a plastic

a building solution we dispose

textile that can easily be stored in

a connection system design on

it; this involve the development

a scaffold idea because of the

of two different technologies but

simplicity of the construction. It will

guarantee a convenient storage

also hold the distribution tubes of

and transportation system.

the electrical, water and heating

The structure that connect the

system. All the pieces to install a

initial and finishing metallic part

working prototype building of 18

is made by a folding pavement

units can be stored on four tracks.



POP UP HOTEL: TemporaneitĂ come condizione permanente



container unit


ring unit

rapidity transportability low cost stability more than one level standard

shell + ring unit


Leonardo Citterio / Alice Pontiggia

aggregation + transportation unit


additional elements





X 14

14 buildings

5 buildings

3 buildings

2 buildings

1 buildings

prototype building _ X 3

10 m

16 m

roof plan

24.3 m north/south elevation

east/west elevation


150 cm

POP UP HOTEL: Temporaneità come condizione permanente

140 cm

346 cm

40 cm 173 cm



A 105 cm


270 cm

128 cm


plan 1 : 20


326 cm

265 cm

240 cm

section AA 1 : 20

26 cm

26 cm

77 cm 326 cm

250 cm

240 cm

112 cm

10 cm

section BB 1 : 20

section CC 1 : 20

close section AA 1 : 20

Leonardo Citterio / Alice Pontiggia



POP UP HOTEL: TemporaneitĂ come condizione permanente






A ground plan 1:500

Leonardo Citterio / Alice Pontiggia



POP UP HOTEL: TemporaneitĂ come condizione permanente

Leonardo Citterio / Alice Pontiggia


1 _ dispose the stair blocks

plan 1 : 100

2 _ add the internal handrail

3 _ add the units, the external handrail and the textile roof

4 _ inflate

section 1 : 100

A ground plan 1:500

access elevation AA 1:200

section BB 1:200

section CC 1:200


POP UP HOTEL: TemporaneitĂ come condizione permanente

Leonardo Citterio / Alice Pontiggia



POP UP HOTEL: TemporaneitĂ come condizione permanente

Hook Up Hotel Michela Dell’Orto

Michela Dell’Orto



POP UP HOTEL: TemporaneitĂ come condizione permanente

Hook Up Hotel was born from the concept of impermanence, modularity and portability. Designed to be insert in any context, the circular shape allows you to have a relationship with the landscape at 360 degree

Michela Dell’Orto

Hook Up Hotel was born from

The units (17 sqm) can be single

the concept of impermanence,

or double rooms with private

modularity and portability.

bathroom and fixed furniture.

Designed to be insert in any

They are structurally designed as

context, the circular shape allows

cantilever trusses and gain in terms

you to have a relationship with

of comfort and quality thanks to

the landscape at 360 degrees: the

the large panoramic window wall.

building consists in a core of 16

A system of stairways and

pairs of circular steel pillars braced

walkways integrated into the core,

together, that support 64 units

links different floors and units,

individually hooked up and spread

overlooking the open courtyard

over 4 floors.


The units are built entirely dry with

The space that is created plays on

prefabricated elements and are

various levels of intimacy through a

transported already mounted (two

form that is in constant relationship

for trucks) while the core and the

with the surroundings.

circulation system is bolted in situ. The complete system consists in 4 of these buildings providing a total of 256 units.



POP UP HOTEL: TemporaneitĂ come condizione permanente

Michela Dell’Orto



POP UP HOTEL: TemporaneitĂ come condizione permanente

Michela Dell’Orto


SCALE 1:20

1. Floor system ( U=0,31 W/m2K)

2. Wall system ( U=0,296 W/m2K)

3. Window

( U=1,2 W/m2K)

4. Roof system ( U=0,31 W/m2K)



2 3




POP UP HOTEL: Temporaneità come condizione permanente




1. main beam HEB140 (14 cm x 14 cm)

2 1

2. column HEB140 3. secondary beam HEB140




4. diagonal L profile ( 7 cm x 7 cm)

c a


b 3

NODE 1 4

1 1 3



3 4



UNIT - CORE STRUCTURE CORE: 1. column Circular HSS


(d= 45,7 cm / s= 8 mm)


2. horizontal C profile (x2) ( 5 cm x 10 cm )


3. diagonal C profile (x2) ( 5 cm x 10 cm )


4. NODE 1














HEB140 M12


BUILDING TECHNOLOGY STUDIO Prof: J. Di Pasquale, E. A. Carrera, M. Manfren a.a. 2013/14

NODE 4 - Section AA

NODE 4 - Section BB


Michela Dell’Orto



POP UP HOTEL: TemporaneitĂ come condizione permanente


Leonardo Citterio / Alice Pontiggia


POP UP HOTEL: TemporaneitĂ come condizione permanente

Leonardo Citterio / Alice Pontiggia



POP UP HOTEL: TemporaneitĂ come condizione permanente

Pop Round Hotel Brenda Pracht / Ornella Colombi

Brenda Pracht / Ornella Colombi



POP UP HOTEL: TemporaneitĂ come condizione permanente

The project is based on cylindrical shapes. The circle not only presents structural advantages, but also flexibility to assemble the units in a wide range of ways. The units could be placed isolated, in small or big groups according to the requirements.

Leonardo Citterio / Alice Pontiggia

The project is based on cylindrical

use. The stairs are also included

shapes. The circle not only presents

in a circular shape and configure

structural advantages, but also

one modules. The materials used

flexibility to assemble the units in

are Corten steel for the exterior

a wide range of ways. The units

surface, steel structure and a flex-

could be placed isolated, in small

board plaster in the interior. The

or big groups according to the

technology process is divided in

requirements. The flexibility is not

three main faces.

only present in the composition

In factory the construction of the

of the complex, but also in the

modulus (including furniture) and

composition of the unit itself.

the assembly of three of them.

Eleven modules (0,80m x 3,20m

The transportation face, with a

Ă˜) can be matched in a variety of

volume of nine modulus per track.

ways to obtain different kinds of

Finally, on site, the assembly of the

rooms. Each modulus contains a

modulus to obtain the unit and

specific function: entrance, wc,

the location of each unit in the

shower, basin, bed, table bed,

complex. In this point stairs and

desk, and balcony. And there is

runways can be added and the

a multifunction piece to add and

hotel is ready to enjoy!

enlarge the space without a specific



POP UP HOTEL: TemporaneitĂ come condizione permanente


03 0.12





0.12 balcony glass railing


H balcony


steel structure 60x40mm thickness: 6mm


sliding pvc window double glazing

sliding pvc window



F tablebed

double glazing

02 1.45 exterior envelope


E bed

corten steel 4mm

balcony glass railing

modulus fastening


welded nut

0.55 corten steel 4mm

vapor barrier

E bed


exterior envelope

Tyvek or similar 6mm

concrete base


wooden floor 12 mm

back elevation


insulation stone wool wired mat Isover Manta Spintex 353-G-150 Dra Naval or similar 40mm+30mm

F tablebed

the units

Leonardo Citterio / Alice Pontiggia

scale 1:20 3.35

modulus fastening bolt (in situ)

C shower


tempered glass translucent 10mm

steel structure

interior envelope

60x40mm thickness: 6mm

curve plasterboard Knauf Flexboard or similar 15mm

translucent glass


pvc door

steel reinforcing rib 0.80

D basin


air layer 30mm


steel structure 60x40mm thickness: 6mm

B wc


tempered glass translucent 10mm


01 balcony glass railing 15mm

A2 entrance


0.55 exterior envelope corten steel 4mm

pvc door

concrete base

translucent glass





front elevation

scale 1:20

scale 1:20


exterior envelope corten steel 4mm

modulus fastening bolt (in situ)


BUILDING TECHNOLOGY STUDIO Di Pascuale . Manfren . Carrera Ornella Colombi 796705 Brenda Pracht 799747

side elevation

section 1-1

scale 1:20

scale 1:20

section 3-3

section 2-2

scale 1:20

scale 1:20


POP UP HOTEL: TemporaneitĂ come condizione permanente

modulus join steps




material details

exterior envelope corten steel / 4mm

insulation stone wool wired mat Isover manta Spinex 353-G-150 Dra Naval or similar / 40mm + 30mm

vapor barrier

Tyvek or similar / 6mm

modulus joins detail

interior envelope

scale 1:1

Curve plasterboard Knauf Flexboard or similar/ 15mm

exploded l d units i components

units join steps 2

BUILDING TECHNOLOGY STUDIO Di Pascuale . Manfren . Carrera Ornella Colombi 796705 Brenda Pracht 799747



unit joins detail scale 1:5

Leonardo Citterio / Alice Pontiggia



POP UP HOTEL: TemporaneitĂ come condizione permanente

masterplan scale 1:500

Leonardo Citterio / Alice Pontiggia



POP UP HOTEL: TemporaneitĂ come condizione permanente

Leonardo Citterio / Alice Pontiggia



POP UP HOTEL: TemporaneitĂ come condizione permanente

Leonardo Citterio / Alice Pontiggia



POP UP HOTEL: TemporaneitĂ come condizione permanente

Instant Plug-in Hotel Maria Elena Garzoni / Carlotta Pichler

Maria Elena Garzoni / Carlotta Pichler



POP UP HOTEL: TemporaneitĂ come condizione permanente

Once the pop-up hotel is not needed anymore, the cores remain in the location to be a catalyzer for events of different type.

Maria Elena Garzoni / Carlotta Pichler

Transportability is the main issue

that includes insulation between

for designing a Pop-Up Hotel.

two glass panels to guarantee

Therefore, the units are entirely

thermal comfort; shading is

made of prefabricated elements, fit

provided with curtains whose

in a common truck and are ready to

colors vary regularly in each unit.

be used when they arrive on site.

Once the pop-up hotel is not

The hotel rooms’ structure consists

needed anymore, the cores remain

of a steel skeleton that allows

in the location to be a catalyzer for

to hang them around a central

events of different type. Eventually,

core; this is made of prefabricated

the internal configuration of the

trusses, stairs and concrete lift

units can be changed or, thanks

box. Its role is to organize the

to their modularity, they can be

distribution of people and of all

joined to have wider internal spaces

the technical compartments that

for different uses. Some of them

are plugged in each unit’s technical

can travel where hotel rooms are


needed: their structure allows them

The principal layout, therefore,

to be hung, piled or to stand alone.

includes twelve units hung around a central core. The short side of each unit is glazed with a technology



POP UP HOTEL: Temporaneità come condizione permanente

INSTALLATION PROCESS, units assemblement

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INSTALLATION PROCESS, core assemblement

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Maria Elena Garzoni / Carlotta Pichler



POP UP HOTEL: TemporaneitĂ come condizione permanente


Maria Elena Garzoni / Carlotta Pichler


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POP UP HOTEL: TemporaneitĂ come condizione permanente



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Maria Elena Garzoni / Carlotta Pichler



POP UP HOTEL: TemporaneitĂ come condizione permanente

Maria Elena Garzoni / Carlotta Pichler



POP UP HOTEL: TemporaneitĂ come condizione permanente

Maria Elena Garzoni / Carlotta Pichler



POP UP HOTEL: TemporaneitĂ come condizione permanente

Maria Elena Garzoni / Carlotta Pichler



POP UP HOTEL: TemporaneitĂ come condizione permanente

Diffused Hotel Roberta Giovannini

Roberta Giovannini



POP UP HOTEL: TemporaneitĂ come condizione permanente

The Diffused Hotel will be located close to the buildings’ blind facades: unresolved surfaces spread all around Milan.

Roberta Giovannini

The Diffused Hotel consists

services as transports, restaurants,

in a network of temporary

shops etc.

accommodation located in

The accommodations are situated

different autonomous buildings and

in reused ISO HC 40’ shipping

coordinated by a central logistics

containers (12192 x 2438 x 2896

headquarters. It is thought as a

mm) and are designed on the

solution for go over to the beds’

concept of extruding: each hotel

needs during the EXPO 2015, at

unit contains five double rooms

the same time it allows guests to

that “are opened” in situ through

enjoy of the Milan old town.

sliding elements that protrude

The Diffused Hotel will be located

about 1 meter and are ready to be

close to the buildings’ blind facades:

used. The units are conceived as

unresolved surfaces spread all

completely dry assembled thus the

around Milan, and also close to

individual layers are separable and

the main touristic attractions.


The accommodations will offer

A network of 260 rooms divided

the hotel services (reception,

in 4 locations, complete of stairs,

24-hour assistance, etc.). Thanks

elevators and foundations, is

to the localization in the city, the

transportable with 62 standard

advantages of the existing public

trucks and a small one.








POP UP HOTEL: TemporaneitĂ come condizione permanente

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Roberta Giovannini

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POP UP HOTEL: TemporaneitĂ come condizione permanente

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Roberta Giovannini


POP UP HOTEL: TemporaneitĂ come condizione permanente

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Roberta Giovannini



POP UP HOTEL: TemporaneitĂ come condizione permanente

Roberta Giovannini






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POP UP HOTEL: TemporaneitĂ come condizione permanente

Roberta Giovannini



POP UP HOTEL: TemporaneitĂ come condizione permanente

Forest in the city Sun Meifeng / Tu Jiaobao

Sun Meifeng / Tu Jiaobao



POP UP HOTEL: TemporaneitĂ come condizione permanente

This project started from the structure. We want to create a structure, which destroys the environment as less as possible. Then we create a structure trees-like shape.

Sun Meifeng / Tu Jiaobao

This project started from the

when people have activities under

structure. We want to create a

the trees-like structure, it reminds

structure, which destroys the

people playing in the forests.

environment as less as possible

For the detail of the structure, it

meanwhile to give a positive

is mainly made of steel, which is

respond to the surroundings. Then

light and strong enough to hold the

we create a trees-like shape. Firstly,

container hotel.

it has only few columns to support

Milan is a modern city, which

the building, which can create

is highly developed. As the city

ground space as much as possible

developed people need more

for activities, also makes less

memory to remind the nature and

destroy to the earth with only few

environment and to introduce more

column foundations. Secondly, as

nature to the living surroundings.

the columns can be higher or lower,

The theme of Milan expo is feeding

it can fit the ground easily. For

the planet. Just remember we

example, it can hide the structure

need to protect the nature to feed

on the slope on a hill; also around


the water, the system can be moved easily and create a bridgeshape to suit the condition. Thirdly,



POP UP HOTEL: TemporaneitĂ come condizione permanente

Sun Meifeng / Tu Jiaobao



POP UP HOTEL: TemporaneitĂ come condizione permanente

Sun Meifeng / Tu Jiaobao



POP UP HOTEL: TemporaneitĂ come condizione permanente

Sun Meifeng / Tu Jiaobao



POP UP HOTEL: TemporaneitĂ come condizione permanente

Sun Meifeng / Tu Jiaobao



POP UP HOTEL: TemporaneitĂ come condizione permanente

Sun Meifeng / Tu Jiaobao



POP UP HOTEL: TemporaneitĂ come condizione permanente

Escalating Boxes Pavel Bartov

Pavel Bartov



POP UP HOTEL: TemporaneitĂ come condizione permanente

The project is based on using dimensions and proportions of containers as one of the most suitable element for the temporary architecture. For this reason, the main structural element is a container skeleton.

Pavel Bartov

The project is based on using

The tower – the cluster that aspires

dimensions and proportions of

to be distributed in the vertical

containers as one of the most

way and the wall – horizontal

suitable element for the temporary

distributed cluster.

architecture. For this reason,

The structure of the modules

the main structural element is a

works in a following way. Due to

container skeleton. As the require

additional columns all this system

of the project assumes a high

works as unbraced truss. The role

density level of the living blocks

of bracing here is played by side

what means we are going to do a


high-raised structure, we designed

All project modules are fully

additional columns in the existing

prefabricated and can be delivered

skeleton. There are two kinds of

on a site as the finished element.


There is an exception for some

The skin of modules is made by

details, which from economical

local Italian firms. There are three

point of view get to the site in

specific material combinations:

disassembled way.

perforated façade, sandwich panel and a flatpack for roofing. All above modules creates clusters.



POP UP HOTEL: TemporaneitĂ come condizione permanente

Pavel Bartov



POP UP HOTEL: TemporaneitĂ come condizione permanente

Pavel Bartov



POP UP HOTEL: TemporaneitĂ come condizione permanente

Pavel Bartov



POP UP HOTEL: TemporaneitĂ come condizione permanente

Pavel Bartov



POP UP HOTEL: Temporaneità come condizione permanente

Pop-Up “HUTel” Chiara Butta

Chiara Butta



POP UP HOTEL: TemporaneitĂ come condizione permanente

The units need an indipendent structure that can also carry the weight of other levels stacked on top of it. From this purpose it was decided to use a light steel structure incorporated inside the panels shaping the units.

Chiara Butta

The basic idea of the project is

closing the unit on the two short

to create a module that can work

sides. The final result warmly recalls

both alone and aggregated to

the ambience of a small mountain

other units, that can be located


in different places which have different needs. To make this

The steel structure is designed in a

possible, the units need a structure

way that it creates a squared matrix

that can also carry the weight

in plan, which allows the units

of other levels. For this reason it

stacked for the first and second

was decided to use a light steel

level to be placed and rotated

structure incorporated inside the

in whichever way. Two units fit


perfectly on a standard dimension truck, which allows the operations

The basic material used is “Sapisol

to do in site to be reduced to

panels”, self-supporting panels

minimum. The system is thought to

ensuring excellent thermal

be on three levels, creating a small

insulation and giving the structure

“village” of tiny houses.

and elegant aesthetic value. The shape reminds the one of a capsule because of the two curved walls,



POP UP HOTEL: TemporaneitĂ come condizione permanente

Chiara Butta



POP UP HOTEL: TemporaneitĂ come condizione permanente

Chiara Butta



POP UP HOTEL: TemporaneitĂ come condizione permanente

Chiara Butta



POP UP HOTEL: TemporaneitĂ come condizione permanente

Chiara Butta



POP UP HOTEL: TemporaneitĂ come condizione permanente

Instant Skyscraper Zhang Hankun

Zhang Hankun



POP UP HOTEL: TemporaneitĂ come condizione permanente

To efficiently use nature source, the core of a highrise assures a void in the middle of a triangular tower, thus creating a chimney effect which should benefit the ventilation, cooling the system especially in summer.

Zhang Hankun

For temporary architecture, it is

arrangement of 3 units on each

crucial to ensure the structural

floor follow a pattern of clockwise-

performance. A rectangular

anticlockwise, thus balance out the

shape would be easily twisted,

horizontal shear force.

on the other hand, triangular

As for the location choice, Viale

shape ensures the rigidness of

Toscana is a city-level boulavard

a building. Any of this building’s

which is well connected to the

piece, room or steel crane, could

metro line, with easy connection

be prefabricated in the factory

to the Expo site. Due to the high-

and easily transported to the side,

density quality of the project, it

which allows a fast installation

reduces the occupation of the

procedure. Due to the fact that the

land to the minimum, as well the

Expo 2015 is mainly held during

destruction of the land. Foundation

summer, to efficiently use nature

of the project could be further

source, the core of a high-rise

transformed for other uses such

assures a void in the middle of

as public parks after the period of

a triangular tower, thus creating


a chimney effect which should benefit the ventilation, cooling the system especially in summer. The



POP UP HOTEL: TemporaneitĂ come condizione permanente

Zhang Hankun



POP UP HOTEL: TemporaneitĂ come condizione permanente

Zhang Hankun



POP UP HOTEL: TemporaneitĂ come condizione permanente

Zhang Hankun



POP UP HOTEL: TemporaneitĂ come condizione permanente

The foldaway Hotel Ingrid Serey

Ingrid Serey



POP UP HOTEL: TemporaneitĂ come condizione permanente

This compacting capacity can be found in many object such as origamis, tents or even clothing, all with an evident similarity: the principle of folding.

Ingrid Serey

The concept was focused to

space- free with only an unfoldable

create a comfortable liveable space

bed (unfolded during the same

transporting it into a compact

process). It has an origami-style

unit. This compacting capacity can

aspect made of light coloured

be found in many object such as

wood xlam panels. The ten

origamis, tents or even clothing,

different panels are all contained

all with an evident similarity: the

in the largest one, unfolding one

principle of folding.

by one of 9.5° to create the wall

The idea was to create a foldable

and the floor. The folded unit has

unit: the unit would simply be

a 2.6x4x3.5m volume to fit three

composed of two elements: one

units on one standard-size truck,

fix part including all the essential

but is doubled when unfolded.

services (bathroom, storage,

The units are stacked on two levels

ventilation, electrical and water

and a wooden pathway and stairs

installations), and the other part

are added to allow access on the

consisting the bedroom. This space

first floor: the outside circulation

was to take the minimum physical

gives a proximity to nature. It’s

space in the unit - but to create

independency and flexible use does

the maximum when unfolding

not limit it’s future to Expo 2015.

producing an entire liveable



POP UP HOTEL: TemporaneitĂ come condizione permanente

Ingrid Serey





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wooden joint to fix panels electric instalations trebelborg joint 1mm

Polypropylene strap Wood panel 1cm Isolation 6cm

Wood panel 1cm

XLAM 10cm CLT wall panel

XLAM 6cm CLT wall panel

Isolation 3cm XLAM 6cm CLT wall panel



POP UP HOTEL: TemporaneitĂ come condizione permanente

position of the rubber joint when the unit is closed 1/10

position of the rubber joint when the unit is oppened expandable rubber


polyvinyl adherent 2mm Wooden walking path 9cm Rigidur aire 2cm Wooden fiber insulation 1cm Gravels (linked) 6cm XLAM CLT wall panel 20cm/14cm Insulation 6cm Wooden panel 1cm

Polypropylene strap 2 cm thick metal plate Double glazed window 1.1cm each with wooden frames

wooden beam

screwed on both units joining them together

XLAM 6cm CLT wall panel

1.6m3 space for independant ventilation Screw hard isolation 2cm expandable rubber

XLAM 6cm CLT wall panel

Wood panel 1cm Isolation 5cm XLAM 10cm CLT wall panel

Ingrid Serey



POP UP HOTEL: TemporaneitĂ come condizione permanente

Ingrid Serey



POP UP HOTEL: TemporaneitĂ come condizione permanente

Hexa-Cube Hotel Martin Huba

Martin Huba



POP UP HOTEL: TemporaneitĂ come condizione permanente

The system is suitable for temporary housing, where the requested functions, room plus bathroom, are distinguished by the different material use, precast concrete, steel frame structure, and hexagonal-squared geometry organization.

Martin Huba

The main idea was to design a

modules = 16 bathrooms). Each

system suitable for temporary

module contains 4 small bathrooms

housing, where the requested

where are concentrated all the

functions (room plus bathroom)

technical stuff - water installations,

are distinguished by the different

electricity and air-condition. The

material use (precast concrete steel

advantage of the concrete material

frame structure) and geometry

is better resistance and protection

organization (hexagonal-squared).

for all the important technical

An overall “cell” is composed by


two main elements - concrete

Along the squared bathroom

bathroom squared modules around

module are attached 4 hexagonal

which are 4 hexagonal room units.

room units composed by a steel

Cell together creates a system

frame structure, the insulated

for the whole building. External

panels for roof, floor and walls.

metallic spiral stairs provides

Folding system – flat-pack - creates

accessibility among the floors.

one room of the size of 13,27

Squared precast bathroom

sq. meters and is suitable for the

concrete module with the size of

economical transportation - up to

2,7 x 2,7 meter is available for the

12 room units in one truck.

truck transportation (one truck 4



POP UP HOTEL: TemporaneitĂ come condizione permanente

B element concrete

bathroom unit precast


Martin Huba



POP UP HOTEL: TemporaneitĂ come condizione permanente

roof panel

roof element:


roof frame

columns panel systems (450x2800x130mm / 900x2800x130mm) + integrated double window (2x900x2100mm)

floor frame

floor element:


floor panel


Martin Huba



POP UP HOTEL: TemporaneitĂ come condizione permanente

Martin Huba



POP UP HOTEL: TemporaneitĂ come condizione permanente



POP UP HOTEL: TemporaneitĂ come condizione permanente



POP UP HOTEL: TemporaneitĂ come condizione permanente



POP UP HOTEL: TemporaneitĂ come condizione permanente


from left to right Joseph di Pasquale Matteo Gatto Cesare Maria Casati


POP UP HOTEL: TemporaneitĂ come condizione permanente



POP UP HOTEL: TemporaneitĂ come condizione permanente



POP UP HOTEL: TemporaneitĂ come condizione permanente


Design development and Final exam

At the beginning of the course every student have to choose a sample of existing temporary hotel or residential building. The students will re draw the main details of the sample and will make a simple physical model. The students will design their pop up hotel concept considering the procedures to install and dismantle the structure, the logic of aggregation, the pre-casting of the basic living units and the refurnishing of the interior spaces. In this phase should be approached and explained the structural concept using dry technologies and full recyclable materials. The pop up hotel will be designed considering a reuse after Expo 2015. Them will be dismantled and delivered to the national civil protection in order to used as emergency residential structures in case of natural disasters such as heart quake, flood, and so on. The building physics will consider the facilities as a system of systems and will be focused in the connection technologies between the basic living element and the building system network. The basic living element will be pre-casted including the all facilities equipment. The structure will be fully self sufficient in terms of energy production, water supplying and sewage disposal. Any kind of connection to the public city networks will not be needed. Third exercise: shop drawings, and main details and materials information. Fourth exercise: sample of real installation of the pop up hotel. Every student will choose a location suitable to install a pop up hotel. Any kind of space is suitable. Every student is free to choose the space they prefer. In the final exam the student will have 25 minutes to present his project: 3 minutes the introduction video.15 minutes the student will present his system and his location case using a PowerPoint presentation.10 minutes for discussion or questions. At the end of the exam the student will submit only the electronic version of his exam documents: 1) Video presentation (3 minutes) 2) Presentation PowerPoint 3) A3 book pdf POP UP HOTEL BUILIDNG SYSTEM 4) A3 book pdf LOCATION CASE 5) “ARCHIVE� FOLDER. All the single files used for the project (dwg, jpg, pdf, doc, etc.) Video presentation of the project The students will present their proposals using a three minutes video. They need to write a script (roughly 3.500 characters including spaces), register the script with an automatic voice reader (natural reader) and edit a simple video using basic editing program (movie maker or imovie) using all the drawings and images or animations produced for the project.


POP UP HOTEL: TemporaneitĂ come condizione permanente

A3 book POP UP HOTEL BUILDING SYSTEM. This A3 book will contain all the schemes, technical drawings, details and materials indications and installation procedures concerning the POP UP HOTEL CONSTRUCTION system. A3 book pdf LOCATION CASE. This A3 book will contain the drawings of the real application in a real location of the system. Including master plan, elevation, renderings and photo inserts. This book will also includes the installation procedures schemes of the specific location considering the spaces needed for the installation site, vehicles and facilities.



POP UP HOTEL: TemporaneitĂ come condizione permanente



This bibliographical references are intended only as starting point and incentive for every student to start his own personal artistic and scientific journey to fully appreciate or maybe permanently deny these texts used here only as a pre-text. General approach to design: LUDOVICO QUARONI, Progettare un edificio, Milano Mazzotta 1977, ed Kappa, 2001 ISBN 8878904120, 9788878904125 ANDREA PALLADIO, I quattro libri dell’architettura, Ulrico Hoepli, 1990, ISBN 8820306131, 9788820306137 YES IS MORE, Biark Ingels, Tashcen 2009 Temporary architecture: PHILIPH JODIDIO, Temporary architecture now, Taschen, 2011 ICO MIGLIORE, MARA SERVETTO, Space Morphing. Temporary Architecture, 5 Continents Editions, 2007 Pop up Hotel, basic Sitography: http://www.treehugger.com/modular-design/travelodge-building-pop-up-prefab-hotels.html http://www.design4retail.co.uk/blog/stuff-we-like/interior-design/-snoozebox--pop-uphotelhttp://pinkcloud.dk/work/05/pop-up-hotel http://www.blinkproject.it/453,Post.html About Technology: Pete Silver, Will McLean, Dason Whitsett, Introduction to Architectural Technology, Laurence King Publishing, 2008. M.Levy, M.Salvadori and K.Woest, Why Buildings Fall Down: How Structures Fail, W.W. Norton & Co., 1994G. Ballio, F.M. Mazzolani, Theory and Design of Steel Structures, Chapman and Hall, 1983 R. S. Narayanan and A. W, Introduction To Design For Civil Engineers, Beeby. Spon Press, 2000 Steven V Szokolay, Introduction to Architectural Science-The basis of sustainable design, 2nd edition, Elsevier Architectural Press, 2004 [ISBN 0750687045] Alison Kwok and Walter Grondzik, The green studio handbook: Environmental strategies for schematic design, 2006 [ISBN 0750680229] Norbert Lechner, Heating, Cooling, Lighting: Sustainable Design Methods for Architects, 3rd Edition, John Wiley & Sons, 2009 [ISBN 0470048093]

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