Champion 2020 Auction Catalog

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預祝 2020 年澳門錢幣學會年會取得圓滿成功

2020.11.29.12:00 預展時間: 11 月 27 日 11:00-17:00 地點:澳門金碧文娛中心 11 月 28 日 10:00-18:00 11 月 29 日 9:00-12:00 地點:澳門十六浦索菲特酒店六樓會議室 (11 月 30 日 9:00-13:00 領取拍品)

冠軍澳門拍賣會 掃一掃,關注我們




拍賣亮點 /Highlights

1898 年湖南省造光緒元寶庫平三錢六分樣幣 PCGS SP66+,華人家族收藏 起拍價:US 230000

1911 年大清長須龍壹元銀幣 NGC MS64,包克收藏 起拍價:US 30000

1896 年 黑 龍 江省 造 光 緒 元 寶 庫 平三 錢 六 分 NGC AU55,奧托·拜赫德制中國樣幣 起拍價:US 20000

1853 年臺灣如意軍餉 NGC AU Details,NC 藏品 起拍價:US 20000

1844 年福建漳州軍餉銀餅 NGC AU Details,NC 藏品 起拍價:US 20000

庚子京局製造一錢四分原鑄幣 NGC MS60,包克收藏 起拍價:US 10000

1911 年宣統三年大清銀幣伍角 NGC MS62,包克收藏 起拍價:US 10 000

1852 年臺灣老公銀壹圓 NGC AU55,包克收藏 起拍價:US 10000

1910 年宣統年造大清壹元銀幣 NGC MS64,包克收藏 起拍價:US 10000

1901-1908 年四川省造光緒元寶 庫平七錢二分,NGC MS63 起拍價:US 10000

1927 年孫中山開國紀念壹元銅幣 NGC MS61 BN,NC 藏品 起拍價:US 6000

1907 年(丁未)大清伍角銀幣 NGC MS65,包克收藏 起拍價:US 5000

聯繫我們:上海市常德路 1211 號寶華大廈 1808 室

電話 : 86-21-62130771

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3 4 5-6 7 8 9-80

Programme 摘要 Forword 前言

Terms of Sale 銷售條款

Instruction for Mail Bidders 郵寄競投須知 Liveauctioneers 注冊幫助

Banknotes, Struck Coins, World Coins & Modern Coins 紙鈔、機製幣、外國幣、中國現代金銀幣

Category | 分類

Lots | 拍品號



Struck Coins(機製幣)


World Coins(外國幣)


Chinese Modern Coins(中國現代金銀幣)


We are one of the leading dealers in East Asian numismatics. We attend over 30 conventions and auctions annually in Asia, Europe, and the U.S. to buy and sell World numismatics. Collectors please sent us your want list. We are ready to assist you in the formation and location of items for your collection. We also serve as representatives for bidders at auction. When you are thinking of selling, we can assist in the appraisal and sale of your numismatic holdings for market value. Please contact us at our Shanghai office by email, phone, Fax. Letter, or meet us at one of the many conventions we attend.


Hong Kong


iAsure Champion

iAsure Shanghai Champion

Room 907 Silvercord Tower 2, 30 Canton Road,

Room 1808, Bao Hua Building Lane 1211,

Tsim Sha Tsui, Kowloon, Hong Kong

Changde Rd, Shanghai, 200060

Tel: 852-2150-5744

Tel: 86-21-62130771 Cell: 13701793363

Fax: 852-3007-4311

Fax: 86-21-62130773





iAsure Japan K.K.

Champion Auction Taipei Office

Computec Ichigaya Building 3F. 2-20 Honmuracho

First Floor Room 51, 163 Nan King West Road,

Ichigaya, Shinjuku, Japan 162-0845

Taipei, Taiwan, Republic of China

Tel: 03-5225-7017

Tel: (02) 2555-1761

Cell: 09090150225

Cell: 0920630566

Fax: 03-5225-7105





6/F Promenade, Sofitel Macau at Ponte 16


Rua do Visconde Paco de Arcos Macau


Time of Sale

November 29 12:00 Banknotes & Struck Coins November 29 15:00 World Coins & Chinese Modern Coins Viewing in Macau

11 月 29 日 12:00 紙鈔、機製幣

11 月 29 日 15:00 外國幣、中國現代金銀幣 澳門預展

11 月 27 日 11:00-17:00

November 27 11:00 - 17:00


2F Macau Kam Pek Community Centre

11 月 28 日 10:00-18:00

November 28 10:00 - 18:00

11 月 29 日 09:00-12:00

November 29 09:00 - 12:00


6/F Promenade, Sofitel Macau at Ponte 16 Pick up


11 月 30 日 09:00-13:00

November 30 09:00 - 13:00


6/F Promenade, Sofitel Macau at Ponte 16


Rua do Visconde Paco de Arcos Macau


11/29 網上拍賣 Please contact us for other viewing arrangement. 如需安排特別預覽時間,請與我們聯繫。


Michael H.Chou Bruce W. Smith Dr. Tseng Che Lu (consultant) Chou Chien Fu (consultant) Ronald Guth (consultant)


Welcome to the 2020 Champion Macau Auction. This will be the first live numismatic floor auction in Hong Kong or Macau this year. Champion features coins from the Chinese Family Collection and Howard Bowker East Asian Collection. Champion started to sell coins from the fabulous Chinese Family Collection in December 2007, and now it has been over ten auction sales featuring coins from this collection with many rare and interesting Chinese coins. The Heaton Hunan province pattern coins were first auctioned back in 1975 by Paramount, and the dollar purchased by the NC Collection set the world record price for a Chinese coin and the first to surpass USD 10,000 at USD 15,500. Champion was fortunate to purchase this coin from the NC Collection many years later, again at a record price. Champion has handled three out of the six known examples of the Hunan 50 cents, first in 2008 another example from Chinese family collection graded PCGS SP63, also the example from the NC Collection in a private treaty sale graded NGC PR66. This finest known example from the 1991 Irving Goodman auction graded PCGS SP66+. We expect extremely strong interest in this great rarity of Chinese numismatics and look forward to meeting the new owner. In 2016 we held a Hong Kong auction featuring the coins from the Howard Bowker collection, which attracted extremely strong interest, many coins setting record prices. This Howard Bowker Auction Part II will also attract strong interest as the coins were preserved in coin envelopes, and many have fabulous original toning. The feature coins are the finest known 1911 Long Whisker One Dollar pattern NGC MS64, an extremely rare variety of the 1911 50 cents pattern NGC MS62, a superb 1838 Taiwan Old Man Dollar NGC AU55, and an original strike 1900 Peking 20 cents NGC SP60. Again, funds from the Bowker collection will go to Howard F. Bowker numismatic research fund, which has funded many projects at the Smithsonian National Numismatic Collection for the past four years. Also, coins from the fabulous NC Collection are in the sale including the finest known 1853 Taiwan Lotus dollar NGC AU DETAILS, the finest known 1844 Fukien Ration Dollar NGC AU DETAILS, and an extremely rare 1912 Sinkiang Unification Silver medal NGC AU55. We hope there something of interest for everyone and look forward to seeing everyone again in Macau on 11/29. Michael Chou Champion Auction 歡迎來到2020年冠軍澳門拍賣,這將是今年第一場香港 / 澳門的現場拍賣。

冠軍拍賣今年的現場拍賣將聚焦於華人家族收藏和霍華德 · 包克東亞錢幣收藏。冠軍拍賣自2007年12月開始出售華人家族收藏


幣於1975年的拍賣會上被派拉蒙公司拍下(Paramount),之後被 NC 收藏以打破中國錢幣拍賣紀錄的價格買下,這也是第一枚

拍賣價格超過1萬美元的中國錢幣,成交價為15 500元。多年前,冠軍拍賣有幸從 NC 收藏中買下這枚錢幣,並且再次打破價格

紀錄。冠軍拍賣共經手過3枚湖南省造三錢六分銀幣(已知僅6枚),第一枚出自華人家族收藏,經評 PCGS SP63,於2008年拍

賣 ;第二枚出自 NC 收藏,經評 NGC PR66,通過私人交易出售 ;而本次出售的這枚出自1991年古德曼舊藏拍賣,亦即本次拍 賣的這枚,是已知品相最好的一枚,經評 PCGS SP66+。我們期待各位藏家能夠對這枚中國錢幣大珍產生濃厚的興趣,也期 待這枚錢幣能夠遇到自己的新主人。

2016年,冠軍拍賣舉辦了霍華德 · 包克舊藏香港拍賣,這場拍賣吸引了廣大的藏家,多枚錢幣打破拍賣紀錄。本次將拍賣包克

收藏的第二部分藏品,這些錢幣都保存在信封中,很多都有著漂亮的原包漿,想必也會引起各位濃厚的興趣。其中的亮點錢幣 包括已知最高分的1911年長須龍大清銀幣庫平七錢二分,經評 NGC MS64,極為稀少的1911年庫平三錢六分樣幣,經評 NGC MS62,精美的1838年臺灣老公銀餅,經評 NGC AU55,京局庚子貳角初鑄幣,經評 NGC SP60。此外,本次包克收藏藏品拍

賣的收入將捐贈至霍華德 · 包克錢幣研究基金,這一基金在過去四年中資助了很多史密森美國國家歷史博物館國家錢幣收藏的 很多專案。

這次拍品中也不乏精美的 NC 收藏藏品,比如1853年臺灣如意銀餅,經評 NGC AU DETAILS,已經品相最好的1844年漳州

軍餉,經評 NGC AU DERAILS,還有一枚極為罕見的1912年新疆維持統一會銀質紀念章,經評 NGC AU55。我們希望每一



冠軍拍賣 4

1. This auction sale is conducted pursuant to the terms of

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16. In those conditions, the sales firm means CHAMPION

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AUCTION, an iAsure Company.


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William D. Craig, Coins of the World, 3rd Edition, Racine, Wisconsin, 1976


E.Kann, Illustrated Catalog of Chinese Coins(Gold, Silver, Nickel, and Aluminum.) Los Angeles, 1956)


Kim KNDA catalog 1993.


Krause and Mishler, Standard Catalog of the World Coins, 2 Volume, Iola, 1985.


Alfred Pick. Standard Catalog of Paper Money. 2 Volume, Iola, Wisconsin 1995.


Albert Schroeder (Annam), Etudes Numismatiques, 2 Volumes, Paris, 1905.


R.S. Yeomen, Modern World Coins, 1950-1964, 13th Ed. Fort Lee, 1984.

1. Please send your bids as soon as possible. If identical bids

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001 001

(1)CHINA 1913 Hunan Bank 30 Coppers(01280), Pick S2037, Printer:TYPC, PMG Choice F15;(2)CHINA 1915 Hunan Provincial Bank 100 Coppers(A145806), Pick S2050, Printer:ABNC, PMG VF25;(3)CHINA 1938 Hunan Provincial Bank 2 Cents(C769591), Pick S1987, Printer:CMPA, PMG AU53;(4)CHINA 1923 Provincial Bank of Honan 10 Coppers(337933), Pick S1676, Brown Back, PMG VG10. Total 4 Pieces, H.F.Bowker East Asia Collection ( 1 ) 1913 年湖南銀行銅元叁拾枚( 01280 ), Pick S2037 , Printer : TYPC , PMG Choice F15 ;( 2 ) 1915 年湖南銀行 銅元壹百枚( A145806 ), Pick S2050 , Printer : ABNC , PMG VF25;(3)1938年湖南省銀行貳分(C769591),Pick S1987,Printer:CMPA,PMG AU53;(4)1923年河南省銀 行銅元拾枚(337933),Pick S1676,褐黑色,PMG VG10。 共4枚, H.F.Bowker藏品

003 003

CHINA 1921 Municipal Bank of Wuchow-Kwangsi 5 Dollars(166905), Pick Unlisted, PMG F12 NET, H.F.Bowker East Asia Collection 1921年(民國十年)梧州市立銀行 - 廣西伍圓(166905),PMG F12 NET,H.F.Bowker 藏品

US $30-60

US $30-60

002 002

(1)CHINA 1918 Bank of China- Shanghai/Harbin 10 Cents(B801242), Exceptional Paper Quality, Pick 48b, Printer : ABNC, PMG Gem UNC66 EPQ;(2)CHINA 1925 Bank of China-Shanghai 10 Cents(G675238), Exceptional Paper Quality, Pick 63, Printer:W&S, PMG Choice UNC64 EPQ. Total 2 Pieces, H.F.Bowker East Asia Collection (1)1918年中國銀行 - 上海 / 哈爾濱壹角(B801242),優良紙 張,Pick 48b,Printer :ABNC,PMG Gem UNC66 EPQ ; (2) 1925年中國銀行 - 上海壹角(G675238),優良紙張,Pick 63, Printer :W&S,PMG Choice UNC64 EPQ。共2枚,H.F.Bowker 藏品

US $50-100

004 004

CHINA 1921 Chinese Italian Banking Corp. 5 Yuan(397566), Pick S254r, Printer:ABNC, PMG Choice VF35 NET, H.F.Bowker East Asia Collection 1921年( 民 國 十 年 ) 震 義 銀 行 伍 圓(397566),Pick S254r, Printer :ABNC,PMG Choice VF35 NET,H.F.Bowker 藏品

US $30-60 9

007 007

005 005

CHINA ND(1924) Kan Sen Bank of Kiangsi 5 Dollars(B029095), Pick S1092, Ovpt.on China#S2226, PMG VF30 NET, H.F.Bowker East Asia Collection 1924年(民國十三年)贛省銀行兌換券伍圓(B029095),Pick S1092,Ovpt.on China#S2226,PMG VF30 NET,H.F.Bowker 藏品

CHINA 1944 Central Reserve Bank of China 200 Yuan Set(3): (1)S/N H151558AE, Pick J30b, Printer:CRBP,PMG Gem UNC65 EPQ;(2)S/N H151560AE, Pick J30b, Printer: CRBP, PMG Choice UNC64;(3)S/N H151561AE, Pick J30b, Printer : CRBP, PMG Gem UNC66 EPQ. Total 3 Pieces, Without Watermark, Exceptional Paper Quality, H.F.Bowker East Asia Collection (1)S/ 1944年(民國三十三年)中央儲備銀行貳百圓一套3枚 : N H151558AE , Pick J30b , Printer :CRBP , PMG Gem (2)S/N H151560AE,Pick J30b,Printer : UNC65 EPQ ; (3)S/N H151561AE,Pick CRBP,PMG Choice UNC64 ; J30b,Printer :CRBP,PMG Gem UNC66 EPQ。 共3枚, 沒 有水印,優良紙張,H.F.Bowker 藏品

US $50-100

US $30-60

006 006

(1)CHINA 1920 Exchange Bank of China-Tientsin One Dollar(129960), Pick S304b, Printer:BEPP-With Ovpt., PMG VF20;(2) CHINA 1928 Exchange Bank of China-Tientsin 20 Cents(0425270-Ovpt."T"), Pick S310c, Printer:BEPP, PMG VG10. Total 2 Pieces, H.F.Bowker East Asia Collection (1)1920年(民國九年)中華匯業銀行 - 天津壹圓(129960), Pick S304b , Printer :BEPP-With Ovpt. , PMG VF20 ; (2)1928年( 民 國 十 七 年 ) 中 華 匯 業 銀 行 - 天 津 貳 角 ( 0425270-Ovpt."T" ), Pick S310c , Printer :BEPP , PMG VG10。共2枚,H.F.Bowker 藏品

US $30-60


008 008

CHINA 1949 Central Bank Of China 1 Cent(P815037), Exceptional Paper Quality, Pick 428, Printer:CPFC, PMG Choice AU58 EPQ, H.F.Bowker East Asia Collection 1949年中央銀行銀元輔幣券壹分(P815037),優良紙張,Pick 428,Printer :CPFC,PMG Choice AU58 EPQ,H.F.Bowker 藏品

US $80-160

009 009

CHINA ND(1949) Kwangsi Provincial Government Set(2):(1) S/N 723477, 100 Cents, Pick S2314, Printer:HKPA, PMG Choice AU58 EPQ;(2)S/N 2260533, 50 Cents, Pick S2313, Printer : HKPA, PMG Gem UNC65 EPQ. Total 2 Pieces, Exceptional Paper Quality, H.F.Bowker East Asia Collection (1)S/N 723477, 拾 角, 1949年 廣 西 省 輔 幣 流 通 券 一 套2枚 : (2 ) Pick S2314,Printer :HKPA,PMG Choice AU58 EPQ ; S/N 2260533, 伍 角,Pick S2313,Printer :HKPA,PMG Gem UNC65 EPQ。共2枚,優良紙張,H.F.Bowker 藏品

US $50-100

011 011

(1)JAPAN ND(1869) Civil Department 1 Bu, Pick S169, PMG VF25;(2)JAPAN ND(1868) Cabinet 1 Bu, Pick S163, PMG VF30. Total 2 Pieces, Spindle Hole, H.F.Bowker East Asia Collection (1)1869年 日 本 名 部 省 通 商 司 金 壹 分,Pick S169,PMG (2)1868年 日 本 太 政 官 會 計 局 金 壹 分,Pick S163, VF25 ; PMG VF30。共2枚,有洞,H.F.Bowker 藏品

US $60-120

010 010

CHINA Sino-Scandinavian Bank Set(5):(1)1922-Chang Li One Yuan(A0146668), Pick S580, Printer :BEPP-Ovpt.on China#S585, PMG Choice UNC64 NET;(2)1922-Tientsin 5 Yuan(O0144287), Pick S592b, Printer :BEPP-With Character Ovpt., PMG Gem UNC66 EPQ;(3)1925-Tientsin 20 Cents(W0032975), Pick S596, Printer :BEPP, PMG AU50 EPQ;(4)1925-Tientsin 10 Cents(0386353), Pick S595, Printer :BEPP, PMG Choice EF45;(5)1926-Chinwangtao 30 Copper Coins(0025770), Pick S584, Printer :BEPP, PMG AU55. Total 5 Pieces, H.F.Bowker East Asia Collection 華 威 銀 行 一 套5枚 : (1)1922年( 民 國 十 一 年 ) 昌 黎 壹 圓( A0146668 ), Pick S580 , Printer :BEPP-Ovpt.on (2)1922年( 民 China#S585,PMG Choice UNC64 NET ; 國 十 一 年 ) 天 津 伍 圓(O0144287),Pick S592b,Printer : (3) BEPP-With Character Ovpt.,PMG Gem UNC66 EPQ ; 1925年( 民 國 十 四 年 ) 天 津 貳 角(W0032975),Pick S596, (4)1925年( 民 國 十 四 Printer :BEPP,PMG AU50 EPQ ; 年)天津壹角(0386353),Pick S595,Printer :BEPP,PMG (5)1926年(民國十五年)秦皇島銅元叁拾枚 Choice EF45 ; (0025770),Pick S584,Printer :BEPP,PMG AU55。共5枚, H.F.Bowker 藏品

012 012

JAPAN ND(1872) Development Office 10 Sen, Pick S174, PMG VF20, Minor Rust, Stamp Affixed, H.F.Bowker East Asia Collection 1872年日本拾錢,Pick S174,PMG VF20,輕微生銹,印章, H.F.Bowker 藏品

US $50-100

US $100-200 11


JAPAN ND(1872) Constitutional Monarchy 1 Yen(341750), Ministry of Finance, Pick 4, PMG AU53, H.F.Bowker East Asia Collection 1872年日本財政部明治通寶金壹圓(341750),Pick 4,PMG AU53,H.F.Bowker 藏品

US $100-200

013 014

(1)JAPAN ND(1872) Constitutional Monarchy 10 Sen(6083), Ministry of Finance, Pick 1, PMG Choice VF35 NET;(2) JAPAN ND(1872) Constitutional Monarchy 10 Sen(8295), Ministry of Finance, Pick 1, PMG VF30 NET. Total 2 Pieces, Previously Mounted, Annotation, H.F.Bowker East Asia Collection (1)1872年日本財政部明治通寶拾錢(6083),Pick 1,PMG (2)1872年 日 本 財 政 部 明 治 通 寶 拾 錢 Choice VF35 NET ; (8295),Pick 1,PMG VF30 NET。共2枚,以前裝幀,H.F.Bowker 藏品


US $50-100



(1)JAPAN 1881 ND(1882) Constitutional Monarchy 20 Sen(314944), Block 94-Great Imperial Japanese Gov't Note, Pick 15, PMG VF20;(2)JAPAN 1881 ND(1882) Constitutional Monarchy 20 Sen(440072), Block 52-Great Imperial Japanese Gov't Note, Pick 15, PMG VF30 NET. Total 2 Pieces, H.F.Bowker East Asia Collection (1)1881年(1882年)大日本帝國政府紙幣貳拾錢(314944), (2)1881年(1882年 ) 大 日 本 帝 國 政 Pick 15,PMG VF20 ; 府紙幣貳拾錢(440072),Pick 15,PMG VF30 NET。共2枚, H.F.Bowker 藏品

US $50-100


JAPAN 1881 ND(1882) Constitutional Monarchy 20 Sen(800571), Block 81-Great Imperial Japanese Gov't Note, Pick 15, PMG AU55, H.F.Bowker East Asia Collection 1881年(1882年)大日本帝國政府紙幣貳拾錢(800571),Pick 15,PMG AU55,H.F.Bowker 藏品

US $100-200 016 12



JAPAN ND(1915) Bank of Japan 10 Yen(020626), Block 189 , Pick 36, PMG VF25, H.F.Bowker East Asia Collection 1915年日本銀行拾圓(020626),Pick 36,PMG VF25,H.F.Bowker 藏品

US $50-100

018 018


JAPAN 1937 China-Japanese Military WWII 1 Yen, Japanese Imperial Government , Pick M3a, PMG Choice UNC63, H.F.Bowker East Asia Collection 1937年 中 國 用 日 本 帝 國 政 府 軍 用 手 票 壹 圓,Pick M3a,PMG Choice UNC63,H.F.Bowker 藏品

US $100-200



KOREA 1916 Bank of Chosen 50 Sen, Block 2, Pick 22, PMG AU53 NET, H.F.Bowker East Asia Collection 1916年 朝 鮮 銀 行 伍 拾 錢 券,Pick 22,PMG AU53 NET, H.F.Bowker 藏品

US $100-200


(1)KOREA 1916 Bank of Chosen 20 Sen, Block 4, Pick 21, PMG Choice VF35; (2)KOREA 1919 Bank of Chosen 10 Sen, Block 4-7 Character Imprint, Pick 23a, PMG EF40 NET. Total 2 Pieces, H.F.Bowker East Asia Collection (1)1916年朝鮮銀行貳拾錢,Pick 21,PMG Choice VF35 ; (2)1919年朝鮮銀行拾錢券,Pick 23a,PMG EF40 NET。共2枚, H.F.Bowker 藏品

US $100-200


Extremely Rare Heaton Mint 1897 50 Cents Silver, L&M379 ,KM-Pn2



CHINA-HUNAN 1897 50 Cents Silver, L&M379, KM-Pn2, PCGS SP66+, Finest Known example and only 2 graded by PCGS, Chinese Family Collection 1897年湖南省造光緒元寶庫平三錢六分,L&M379,KM-Pn2,PCGS SP66+,此枚是 PCGS 評 級的2枚中最好的,華人家族藏品

US $230,000-400,000 Finest known Hunan 1897 50 cents pattern Heaton mint PCGS SP66+ Irving Goodman collection this was the highest price realized of all the 50 cents coins in the 1991 Goodman auction. In 2008 Champion auction the other PCGS graded SP63. Both coins are from the Chinese Family Collection which in 2009 we started to auction coins from this superb collection. We sold in private transaction another example a NGC PF66 from the NC Collection in 2014. There are six know pieces of this incredible rarit y discovered by Richard Wright in the Heaton archive in the 1970s, with 3 examples in Taiwan. 1)

NC Collection NGC PR66;

2) Chang collection to Taiwan collector David ho Raw looks like SP65 or 66; 3) Lee 50 cents collection now in southern Taiwan. Looks slightly cleaned SP63 to 64; 4) 2008 PCGS SP63 Champion Hong Kong Auction Chinese Family Collection. Sold to Macau collector; 5) Where about currently unknown; 6)This Goodman example was sold by Spink to Irving Goodman in the 1980s and was purchased directly from Heaton by Spink London, the Hunan and Shansi Heaton patterns was sold together to Irving Goodman.

No examples are in any Chinese museums or collection in mainland China. 1897年湖南省造光緒元寶庫平三錢六分樣幣,PCGS 評級分為 PCGS SP66+,歐文 · 古德曼(Irving Goodman)藏品。1991年, 古德曼拍賣中,在所有五角硬幣中,這枚幣的成交價最高。2008年, 冠軍拍賣拍出了另一枚湖南庫平三錢六分樣幣,其 PCGS 評分為 SP63。這兩枚幣都來自華人家族收藏。自2009起,冠軍拍賣開始 拍賣華人家族收藏的硬幣。2014年,受 NC 收藏的委託,冠軍拍 賣私下售出一枚湖南樣幣,其評分為 NGC PR66。 20世紀70年代,理查 · 賴特在喜敦造幣廠發現了6枚罕見的湖南樣 幣,其中三枚樣幣在臺灣 :

1) NC 收藏 NGC PR66 ; 2) 張秀清收藏品,裸幣,由中國臺灣收藏家何代水在拍賣會上拍得, 品相看似為 SP65或66 ; 3) 目前在臺灣南部的李金陵五角收藏品,看上去有清洗過,評分為 SP63至64 ; 4) 2008年,華人家族委託冠軍香港拍賣將評級幣賣給了澳門的一 位收藏家,該評級幣評分為 PCGS SP63 ; 5) 還有一枚目前下落不明 ; 6) 這枚古德曼的樣幣是倫敦斯賓克公司(Spink’s)從喜敦造幣 廠直接購買來的,20世紀80年代,斯賓克將這枚湖南樣幣和陝西 樣幣一起賣給了歐文 · 古德曼。 任何中國大陸的博物館和收藏館都沒有陳列過這些樣幣。

To bid on this lot, special deposit of USD 50,000 and special auction paddle number will be inside, so please contact us early to certified to bid. 我們將為該拍品競拍發放特別拍牌號,如欲競拍本拍品,需繳納保證金50 000美元保證金,請提前聯繫我們。


Hidden Dragons of Hunan: The 1898 Dollar and Half Dollar Until now, the origins of the Hunan Provincial Mint at Changsha have been obscure. Kann’s History of Minting in China dated the opening of the mint to 1901 but notes that there are Hunan ten cent coins dated 1898 and 1899. Our most reliable source of information on the early mints in China, the annual reports of the Chinese Maritime Customs Bureau, are of little use here because Changsha was not opened as a treaty port until 1904. The first treaty port in the province, Yochow, was opened in 1899, by which time the Changsha silver coin mint was already closed. Hunan had the reputation of being the most antiforeign province in China. Foreigners were not allowed into its capital, Changsha, until the early years of the 1900’s. Why then would Hunan purchase a foreign style coinage plant, which would require the presence of foreign workmen to set it up and a foreign supervisor to keep it running? The answer is Ch’en Pao-chen (1831-1900), Hunan governor during 1895-1898, and a prominent member of the 1890’s reform movement in China. Writing in the 1900 Chinese Customs Report for Yochow , Alec. W. Cross, gives a brief account of the mint: CHINA-HUNAN ND (1898) One Dollar Silver Proof Pattern. Heaton Mint Collection - NC Collection, NGC SP67, sold in 2014 Champion Auction private transaction, USD 1 million+

CHINA-HUNAN ND (1898) 50 Cents Silver Proof Pattern. Heaton Mint Collection - NC Collection, NGC SP67, sold in 2013 Champion Auction private transaction.

A mint was opened in Changsha by Governor Ch’en Pao-chen towards the end of 1897. During its two years working existence only 20 cents and 10 cents pieces were minted, the latter preponderating. I have been unable to find out the total number coined. Their fineness must be very much better than that of the subsidiary coinage of the other provinces, as they exchange for the same number of cash, proportionately, as the dollars. Dollars, preferably Hupeh, are in current use at the capital, but the obnoxious habit of “chopping” has been introduced by the Cantonese merchants, of whom there is quite a large colony in Changsha and Hsiangtan. The Changsha silver coin mint was closed in late 1898 or early 1899 as a result of the collapse of the “Hundred Days Reform Movement.” Ch’en had been one of the leaders of the reform movement, but when the Empress Dowager returned to power and imprisoned Emperor Kuang Hsu, Ch’en was dismissed in September 1898 and replaced by Yu Lien-san. The 1900 Chinese Customs Report for Yochow:


Under the enlightened governorship of His Excellency Ch’en Pao-chen, instructors were engaged to drill the Hunanese forces according to western methods, a mint was set up in Changsha, and electric light installed. On the appointment of the present governor, however, all these reforms were at once abolished, and nothing of the kind has since been attempted. Research by Richard N. J. Wright in the Heaton Mint records reveals that Heaton received an order in April 1898 for assorted small equipment for the Hunan mint and for master dies for a dollar and half dollar. The order did not include any other dies nor any stamping machines. Since no earlier records for Hunan coins were found at Heaton, it is unclear whether the 1898 order was for additional equipment for an existing mint–supplied by some other firm–or whether this order was a supplement to an earlier order which has not been found. Looking at the coins which were actually issued, the 20 cents appears to be struck from Heaton dies, but the 10 cents coins seem to be struck from locally prepared dies. The extremely rare Hunan 5 cents coin is clearly modeled on the Kwangtung 5 cents coins of 1889 and 1890, but with stars instead of crosses as decoration. Whether Heaton made the dies or not is unclear. The Heaton Mint collection does not contain any dies for 5, 10 or 20 cents coins, nor any examples of such coins. This brings up the possibility that the original Changsha mint was set up by someone else. Though the 5 and 20 cents coins are in Heaton style, we know from other examples that both American and German die makers copied the Heaton Mint’s Kwangtung coins when supplying dies to China. The clues to the origin of the Hunan Mint have now been found, in a small article published in the North China Herald for 15 January 1897. Published without a title, the account reads:

A dispatch received from Changsha, the provincial capital of Hunan, reports that Governor Ch’en has bought or set aside some houses in that city to be used as a mint for the coinage of silver dollars and subsidiary coins. The machinery and artisans to work it are now on the way from Canton in a gunboat detailed for the purpose, and will be unloaded at Wuchang or Hankow, whence boats sent from Changsha will take them by the Tungting Lake to that city. From this it seems that Governor Ch’en avoided the problem of foreigners setting up or running the mint in Changsha. Apparently, the machinery and the workers were supplied by the Canton Mint, and were delivered by a Chinese gunboat. This makes sense because Ch’en was an associate of the famous reformer, Chang Chih-tung, who had founded the Canton Mint, and was at that time Governor-General of Hunan and Hupeh provinces. Since the article is dated in the middle of January,


the planning for this mint must have begun in 1896. When the Canton Mint opened in 1889, it was the largest in the world, with 90 stamping machines (compared to 16 at London’s Royal Mint and about 10 at the Philadelphia Mint). In the 1890’s many of those machines often sat idle as demand for the new coins was slow to develop. A survey of the number of minting machines in each Chinese mint published in the North China Herald for 23 June 1905, showed that the Canton Mint had only 80 machines at that time, and that the Changsha Mint had 4 old machines plus 36 new machines (for making 10 cash copper coins). Those four old stamping presses were probably the original machinery of the Changsha Mint, supplied by Canton. There is still the question of who supplied the dies for the Hunan minor coins. It is possible that the Canton Mint made the dies for the 5, 10 and 20 cents coins, but for some reason did not or could not supply the half dollar and dollar dies. The Changsha Mint was already in operation when Heaton’s received the order for dollar and half dollar dies in the spring of 1898. This order was apparently cancelled because of Ch’en’s removal from office in September 1898. It was only in 1974 that Richard Wright published for the first-time photographs of the Hunan dragon dollar and half dollar. These two coins had never been seen before and were a stunning discovery. Wright found the coins in the reference collection of the Heaton Mint along with the master dies used to produce the coins. Combined with the April 1898 sales record, there can be no doubt that Heaton had made the dies and struck these samples in 1898. It would seem that the dies and the samples were never sent to China, no doubt due to the collapse of the reform movement and the closing of the Changsha Mint. Just about the time Wright was doing his research, the Heaton Mint was bought by another company, which ordered all the duplicate coins in the Heaton collection to be sold. Hundreds of coins from various countries, struck by Heaton’s over the previous century, went to the British coin firm Spink’s, or perhaps a combination of Spink’s and the American firm, Paramount. These two companies began marketing the coins in 1975. The first Hunan coin to be offered was the mysterious dragon dollar. Paramount somehow knew that I had some information about this coin, and one of their associates, James Jelinski, brought the coin (and 14 other Chinese coins from the sale) to the Krause Publications office in Wisconsin, where I was working on the Standard Catalog of World Coins , for my examination and some free publicity. I told their representative that I knew of only one other example of this coin, the one in the Heaton Mint collection. I did not yet know about the sale of the Heaton company or its collection. Paramount claimed the coin came from the collection of an old mint master. World

Coin News published a story about the coin, saying it was one of two known, and that information was also published in the Paramount auction catalog. After the sale, Richard Wright wrote to me saying that the coin was not one of two, but that there were about a dozen of the Hunan coins. I published this information, and Wright wrote again pointing out I had misunderstood his previous letter. There were not a dozen dollars and a dozen half dollars, but about a dozen in total – approximately six pieces of each coin. The first Hunan dollar to be sold was in the Long Beach Sale of the Paramount International Coin Corporation, August 7-10, 1975, Lot 084 (pictured on the front cover of the catalog). The catalog description reads:

Hunan, 1898 Dollar, Proof. Lovely delicate lilac toning and flawless surfaces. The existence of a Hunan dollar was not even hinted at in Kann. Our research indicates that only one other specimen exists and that is permanently impounded in The Mint Birmingham Museum. This represents the first time this rarity has been offered at auction. One of the highlights of this sale that could approach the five-figure mark.

by NASCA, the dollar sold for $23,000 and the half dollar for $12,000. There is a problem, however, as both of these coins turned up for sale again. The half dollar appeared in the Money Company sale of June 1979 (Lot 231) and the dollar showed up in the Money Company sale of January 1980 (Lot 260). Did someone buy these coins and resell them two years later or are the NASCA prices fictitious? In the years that followed, four more half dollars and three more dollars have appeared in auction through 2008. In addition, a Hong Kong museum has a Hunan dollar which has not appeared in auction and NC collection has a half dollar which apparently has not been seen in an auction. This brings the total known examples to six dollars and six half dollars – plus one of each in the Heaton Mint collection. Although all of these coins were undoubtedly struck from the same pair of dies, and probably on the same day, they can be identified because they have toned in different patterns over the past century.

Of course Paramount, or at least Spink’s, knew that there were other examples of this coin available, but at the time, no one else knew. The coin sold for $15,500 – the highest price ever paid for a Chinese coin at the time. It was an historic purchase. This was not, however, the first example of a Hunan dragon dollar to enter a private collection. The Italian collector of Chinese coins, Guissepe Ros, somehow obtained a specimen of the coin sometime before 1921, when a rubbing of it was obtained by the American Numismatic Society in New York. Ros never published the coin and the rubbing lay forgotten in the ANS files until I found it in 1993. In addition the 1909 annual report of the British Museum says that in 1908 a Hunan dollar was given to the museum by Major E. H. McKenzie Elliot. I have been unable to confirm the presence of this coin in the British Museum collection; perhaps this was a typographical error for Hupeh. The next sale of a Hunan dragon dollar contained another surprise–a matching Hunan half dollar–also never seen before. This was the NASCA Auction, December 5-8, 1977 - the first part of the Wayte Raymond Collection. It is highly unlikely these two coins were in the Raymond collection; rather they were probably consigned by Spink’s or Paramount. The dollar is described as “One of the Three Known Hunan Dollars” and the half dollar is described as “Possibly Unique …… almost certainly the only collectible example in the world.” Spink’s and Paramount knew this was not true, but NASCA probably did not know. According to the Prices Realized list published



1898 年湖南省造光緒元寶庫平七錢二分銀質樣幣, 鏡面, 喜敦造 幣廠藏品,NC 藏品, NGC SP67 2014 年冠軍拍賣私人交易, 成交 價超過一百萬美元 。


1898年湖南省造光緒元寶庫平三錢六分銀質樣幣,鏡面 ,喜敦造幣 廠藏品, NC 藏品 , NGC SP66, 2013 年冠軍拍賣私人交易 。

廉三接任。《1901年嶽州海關貿易冊》這樣記述 :

其《中國造幣史》(History of Minting in China ) 一書中指出,長 沙造幣廠開辦於1901年,但湖南七分二厘卻有1898和1899的鑄

湖南巡撫陳寶箴力推新政 , 鼓勵地方官員借鑒西方開發湖南, 在長


沙開辦造幣廠, 安裝電燈。 然而新任巡撫上任後, 這些改革立即被


廢除, 再無嘗試任何新政之舉措。

到1904年才成為貿易開放口岸。湖南省的第一個開放口岸是岳州, 於1899年開放,那時長沙銀幣廠業已關閉。

英國錢幣研究學者萊特(Richard N.J. Wright)在研究英國喜敦 造幣廠檔案時披露,喜敦造幣廠於1898年4月接到一份訂單,交運







一切與1895-1898年任湖南巡撫的陳寶箴 (1831-1900年 ) 有關,




Alec. W. Cross 曾在《1900年中國嶽州海關貿易冊》中對長沙造


幣廠進行了簡單描述 :


1897年底, 湖南巡撫陳寶箴開辦了長沙造幣廠。 造幣廠運營的兩年


內, 僅鑄造了一錢四分四厘和七分二厘 , 以七分二厘為主 。 我無法


得出造幣總數 。 這兩種錢幣肯定比其他省份鑄造的輔幣成色要好 ,


因它們可以相應兌換同等數量的七錢二分。 當時的長沙主要流通湖


北壹圓銀圓, 但廣東商號打戳記的不良舊習也在湖南流行, 尤以長







刊登的一篇無標題短文中找到了些許線索,內容如下 :




從湖南省府長沙發來的快件記述 :湖南巡撫陳寶箴在長沙購買或準


備了幾間房屋, 用作鑄造銀幣和輔幣的造幣廠。 造幣設備和技師專


程從廣東乘坐炮艇前往, 將在武昌或漢口下船, 從長沙而來的船在


此接應 ,然後經洞庭湖返回長沙 。 第一枚湖南七錢二分是在1975年8月7日至10日的 Paramount 長 由此可以看出,陳寶箴好像在避免外國人在長沙組裝設備或運營造

灘拍賣會上售出,LOT 084(圖片刊在目錄封面上)。拍賣目錄中


這樣描述 :

中國炮艇運送。因陳寶箴曾是廣東造幣廠創辦人、著名改革家張 定道理。因文章寫於1月中旬,因而造幣廠定於1896年已經開辦。

1898年湖南省造七錢二分銀幣 , 精製 。 表面光潔無瑕 , 散發淡紫色


七錢二分的存在 。 我們的研究顯示還存在另一枚樣幣 , 但永久存放


的包漿光澤 。 耿愛德的 《 中國幣圖說匯考 》 中沒有提及1898年湖南


在英國伯明罕造幣廠博物館中。 這表明這是湖南七錢二分首次出現


在拍賣會中 , 成交價有望突破一萬美元大關。

1905年6月23日的《北華捷報》發佈的中國各個造幣廠造幣機器 數量調查顯示,當時的廣東造幣廠只有80台機器,長沙造幣廠有4 台舊機器和36台新機器(製造十文銅元)。這4台舊的衝壓機可能 是長沙造幣廠最初的造幣設備,由廣東造幣廠提供。 然而,湖南輔幣的幣模來自哪裡仍是個謎。可能是廣東造幣廠製作 了三分六厘、七分二厘和一錢四分四厘的幣模,但由於某種原因, 沒有或不能提供三錢六分和七錢二分的幣模。1898年春,喜敦造 幣廠接到三錢六分和七錢二分的幣模訂單時,長沙造幣廠已在運 營,1898年9月陳寶箴被革職,這份訂單也就隨之取消了。 萊特(Richard Wright)只在1974年第一次發佈了湖南省造七錢

當然,Paramount(或至少 Spink's)公司知道該幣存在另一枚實 例,但在當時再無其他人知道這一事實。該幣成交價為15500美元, 是當時中國錢幣的最高拍賣價。這創造了中國錢幣的成交記錄。 然而,這不是湖南七錢二分第一次成為私人收藏。義大利籍中國錢 幣收藏家羅斯(Guissepe Ros)於1921年前獲得了一枚七錢二分 樣幣,1921年紐約的美國錢幣學會獲得了該幣的拓圖。羅斯從未 公開過該幣,美國錢幣學會的拓圖也被遺忘,直到1993年我找到 這張拓圖。此外,1909年大英博物館的年度報告稱,1908年 E.H.

McKenzie Elliot 少將贈給博物館一枚湖南七錢二分銀幣。我無法 確認大英博物館的藏品中是否有這枚幣,或許是湖北銀幣拼錯了。

二分和三錢六分圖片。之前從未見過這兩枚幣,實屬驚人的發現。 萊特在喜敦造幣廠的資料室發現了這些幣和祖模。再加上1898年4 月的銷售記錄,毫無疑問的是,喜敦造幣廠於1898年製作了這些 幣模、鑄造了樣幣。好像這些幣模和樣幣從未送至中國,當然原因 還是由於維新變法的失敗和長沙造幣廠的關閉。 大約是萊特在喜敦造幣廠做研究的時候,喜敦造幣廠被另一家公 司購買,該公司訂購了喜敦造幣廠用作研究的所有複品用於出售。 喜敦造幣廠在過去百年為各國鑄造的數百枚錢幣流向了英國錢幣 公 司 Spink's, 或 者 是 Spink's 與 美 國 公 司 Paramount 聯 合 銷 售。1975年這兩家公司開始推廣行銷這些錢幣。亮相的第一枚湖 南銀幣就是頗具神秘色彩的七錢二分。不知為何,Paramount 知 道我對此幣有所瞭解,這兩家公司的代表 James Jelinski 將這枚 幣和拍到的其他14枚中國錢幣帶到了威斯康辛(Wisconsin)的 克勞斯出版社(Krause Publications)的辦公室,讓我看看這枚 幣,同時做些免費的公開宣傳。當時我正在那編輯《世界硬幣標準 目錄》(Standard Catalog of World Coins ) 這本書。我告訴他們

湖南七錢二分銀幣第二次拍賣時也有驚喜的發現,出現了之前從未 見過的三錢六分銀幣,見於1977年12月5日至8日 NASCA 拍賣的

Wayte Raymond 藏品第一部分。 很 有 可 能 這 兩 枚 幣 不 是 Raymond 的 收 藏, 而 是 Spink's 或

Paramount 的委託拍品。其中,七錢二分被描述為“已知的三 枚湖南七錢二分銀幣其中一枚” ,三錢六分銀幣則是“可能為僅見 品,幾乎可以確定的是世界唯一一枚可供收藏之實例”。Spink's 和 Paramount 均瞭解這樣描述不正確,不過 NASCA 或許不知道 實情。根據 NASCA 的成交清單,七錢二分銀幣成交價為23 000 美元,三錢六分銀幣成交價為12000美元。然而,問題是後來又 有七錢二分和三錢六分後流入市場進行拍賣 :1979年6月 Money

Company 拍 賣 了 三 錢 六 分(Lot231) 和1980年1月 Money Company 拍賣了七錢二分(Lot260)。是有人買入又在兩年後賣 出嗎?還是 NASCA 編造了成交價? 之後多年又有4枚三錢六分和三枚七錢二分(2008年)出現在拍賣




上 ;NC 收藏中有一枚三錢六分,也從未現身拍賣會。這樣,已知

售。Paramount 宣傳他們的這枚幣來自喜敦造幣廠一位老員工的


收藏。《世界硬幣新聞》(World Coin News )刊登了此幣的一則




Paramount 的拍賣目錄中。拍賣會後,萊特寫信給我,說該幣不




Choice EMPIRE 1907 One Dollar Silver Pattern 022

CHINA-EMPIRE 1907 One Dollar Silver Pattern, L & M 2 0 , N G C M S 6 1 , H . F. B o w k e r E a s t A s i a Collection 1907年( 丁 未 ) 大 清 銀 幣 壹 圓,L&M20,NGC MS61, H.F.Bowker 藏品

US $5,000-10,000 022


CHINA-EMPIRE 1908 One Dollar Silver, L&M11, NGC MS63, H.F.Bowker East Asia Collection 1908年 造 幣 總 廠 庫 平 七 錢 二 分 銀 幣,L&M11,NGC MS63,H.F.Bowker 藏品


US $3,000-6,000

Finest Known EMPIRE 1907 50 Cents Silver Pattern 024

CHINA-EMPIRE 1907 50 Cents Silver Pattern, L&M21, NGC MS65, H.F.Bowker East Asia Collection, Finest known, strong strike, nice toning, with die polishing lines. 1907年( 丁 未 ) 大 清 銀 幣 伍 角 樣 幣,L&M21,NGC MS65,H.F.Bowker 藏品,已知最高分,鑄打深峻,包漿 精美,有模具拉絲線。

024 To unify the currency system and withdraw authority from the provincial mints, the Qing government set up several rules and established the Hupoo general mint. Although the Hupoo mint produced many beautiful silver dollars (including the 1906 Hupoo“ Chung ”One Tael and the 1907 Ta Qing series), all of the coinage failed to circulate due to the unstenable policy and interference from the provinces. The 1907 Ta Qing series designs are based on the 1906 Hupoo Tael. On the 1907 Ta Qing series, the denomination "Tael" or "Mace" was changed to "Dollar" or "Cent." Four rosettes replaced the characters for Hupoo and Chung. This series includes denominations of One dollar, 50 cents, 20 cents and 10 cents. None of the coins ever circulated.


US $5,000-10,000

清政府為統一幣制制定了許多條議,並由中央設立了戶部造幣總 廠,擬收回各省的造幣權,但無法落實。雖然有多款設計精美的 整套銀幣,如丙午年 (1906年 ) 的戶部“中字壹兩”及隨後的“丁 未大清銀幣”,但因政策拿捏不定,又因各地方基於自身利益不予 配合,這些錢幣都未能發行。 “丁未”年元角制銀幣是依照户部中字壹兩的形式制造,除變更 製作年度外,將原來的計重單位“兩”或“錢”改為計值的“元” 或“角”。另外還取消了“戶部”兩字及正面中心的“中”字,但 增加了四個花飾以免視覺上有單調之感。 在1907年 ( 光緒三十三年歲次丁未 ),戶部天津造幣總廠仿丙午 年紀重幣形式,製造丁未大清銀幣,該幣系列有壹圓、伍角、貳 角及壹角四種面值,壹圓幣之幣面邊緣刻有精美之水波紋,其他 輔幣則無。雖造幣總廠試製若干錢幣,但均未發行流通。

Finest Known EMPIRE 1911 One Dollar Long Whisker Silver Pattern


025 CHINA-EMPIRE 1911 One Dollar Long Whisker Silver Pattern, L&M28, NGC MS64, H.F. Bowker East Asia Collection 1911年(宣统三年)大清银币壹圆长须龙样币,L&M28,NGC MS64,H.F. Bowker 藏品

US $30,000-60,000 This coin is the finest known, and the long whisker dollar may formerly belong to L. Giorgi, then Ros to Bowker, like many of the coins designed by L. Giorgi such as the 1906 one tael with Chinese character zhong [ 中 ] in the center set donated to Germany Moritzberg Museum, and 1914 yuan shi kai dollar, 50, 20, 10 and 5 cents with L. Giorgi donated to Shanghai Mint Museum.

這枚1911年大清長須龍壹元銀幣是已知品相最好的一枚,可能 原來屬於 L. Giorgi,之後轉手至義大利籍的中國錢幣收藏家羅斯 (Guissepe Ros),最後被包克收入囊中。這枚錢幣的設計出自 L. Giorgi 之手,這位設計師還曾設計過1906年中字壹兩套幣(後 捐贈至德國莫里茨堡博物館)及1914年袁世凱壹圓、伍角、貳角、 壹角和五分 L. Giorgi 簽字版(後捐贈至上海造幣博物館)。

1911 Ta Qing silver dollars

1. Long Whisker Dragon: the whisker of dragon is long and downward. The obverse also has two versions base on the saturation of leaf veins. The reverse has three different versions, two of which only used on patterns, the third used on actual circulated coins.

whisker, which was rarely seen in the world. Kann stated that before he left Shanghai in 1949, only 5 of short whisker dragon were known to exist. Among which the Chicago collector Don C. Keefer had one piece, Kann had two pieces. To raise money for publishing his book Illustrated catalog of Chinese Coins, Kann sold one piece via New York coins dealer Hans M.F. Schulman in June 1953 to auction, the other piece sold for USD 2,100 at Kann collection auction in March 1972 and sold for USD 13,000 at Chicago auction in 1978.

2. Short Whisker Dragon: has the same obverse with long whisker dragon. The dragon on reverse has a big head and short

3 Wide Tail Dragon: it was one of the rarest version of 1911 Ta Qing silver dollars, with a smaller mintage than long whisker

1911 Ta Qing silver dollars were made with different patterns by Tientsin mint. While the obverses of One dollar are similar, the reverse has four kinds of design.


dragon and reversed dragon. A wide tail dragon pattern NGC PF60 was sold for USD 73,600 at Hong Kong Champion auction on April 2008. 4. Reversed Dragon: the dragon’s body curls in the opposite direction with normal dragon coins, with the tail ending on the right and the center of the dragon’s body on the left. Based on the leaf veins on obverse there are raised version and incused version of reversed dragon. Kann does not list the incuse vein variety, which has K.223a obverse and K.225 reverse. The most famous engraver of Chinese coin dies was an Italian named Luigi Giorgi. Giorgi was an excellent artist and produced some beautiful coins, but his fame is due to the fact that he was the only engraver to place his name on a Chinese coin in a western language. Many Chinese and western engravers produced dies for Chinese coins, but most of them are unknown to us. Giorgi was the Chief Engraver at the Tientsin Central Mint from 1910 to about 1917. In addition to designing and engraving coins for China, Giorgi also trained several Chinese in the art. These men became some of China’s first professional coin engravers. Giorgi must have been born around 1880, and was still living in retirement in Italy in 1953, according to Kann, who was probably corresponding with him. According to “Coins of the Republic of China” published in 1917 by Giuseppi Ros, who knew Giorgi personally (they were both Italians), before coming to Tientsin, Giorgi had worked for the medallic firm, Stabilimento Stefano Johnson in Milan, Italy. Founded in 1836, this company expanded when the Milan Mint closed in 1887, and the firm had the opportunity to hire all of its engravers. Though its plant was destroyed by allied bombing in 1943, the company was rebuilt and is still in operation today. The company maintains a reference collection, open to scholars, of more than 50,000 medals. It should be noted that there was another coin engraver by the name of Luigi Giorgi, and the two are often confused. The older and more famous engraver was Raffaele Evaristo Luigi Giorgi (1848-1912) who was appointed Chief Engraver at the Rome Mint in 1906. During that time, he produced the dies for the Italian coinage of 1908-1912 and for the copper and silver coins of Italian Somaliland. Many of his works are signed L. GIORGI F. or L. GIORGI FECE. (The “F” or “Fece” is an abbreviation meaning “he made this.”). Judging from the coins, Giorgi’s first project at the Tientsin Mint was the last set of imperial silver coins struck there – the 1911 dated (Year 3) dollar and fractional coins (Kann 223230; KM Y28-31). Before the final design was selected for the circulating coins, several pattern dollars were produced. All had the same obverse design (though there are die varieties), but


five different dragon designs were tried. The design produced for circulation has a small headed dragon whose tail ends on the left side of the coin, with or without a dot after the English word DOLLAR. The dot is a mintmark, but we don’t know which mint it indicates. Other designs include a small head dragon with a larger tail on the left, a small head dragon with tail ending on the right side (known as the reverse pattern dollar), a large head dragon with long whiskers, and a large head dragon with short whiskers. A signed pattern dollar in this series is listed by Kann with the “L. GIORGI” signature on the Chinese side (Kann 227k), and an unlisted uniface half dollar (Kann 228 type), struck in pewter with Giorgi signature on the Chinese side, is also known. More recently, two other signed dollars have been discovered. One has GIORGI on the Chinese side and the other has GIORGI INC. on the Chinese side (Lin & Ma 34 and 35). The INC on the coin is an abbreviation for incusare or engraver. Giorgi’s next works did not appear until 1914 - the various Yuan Shih Kai dollars and fractional coins. Though dollars depicting Sun Yat Sen and Li Yuan Hung had appeared during 1912 (struck at the Wuchang Mint), the Yuan Shih Kai coins did not come out until 1914 because the Tientsin Mint was destroyed on 2 March 1912, when unpaid soldiers began a riot as a diversion while they looted and burned the mint. Eduard Kann witnessed the burning of the mint, and perhaps Giorgi did as well. When the rebuilt Tientsin Mint opened in 1914, Giorgi began work on the Yuan Shih Kai coins.

宣統三年大清銀幣 1911年“宣統三年”試製了多種不同的樣幣。在一元面值的各版中,

米 蘭 的 Medallic 公 司 為 Stabilimento Stefano Johnson 工 作。


Medallic 公司成立於1836年,1887年米蘭造幣廠關閉時開始擴 張,並雇傭了米蘭造幣廠所有的雕刻師。儘管工廠在1943年被盟





子中間是向上凸起稱陽紋版,向下凹稱陰紋版。其中俗稱“長須龍 配普通版”,罕見珍品。這種錢幣的反面圖案有三種不同版本,其 中兩種只用於樣幣,第三種用於實際流通的錢幣。

值得注意的是,還有一位錢幣雕刻師也叫做 Luigi Giorgi,與我們 所指的 Luigi Giorgi 並非一人。年齡稍大且更有名的是 Raffaele

Evaristo Luigi Giorgi(1848年 -1912年 ), 他 於1906年 被 指 派 2.“短須龍”:正面大致同長須龍。但龍頭上端大而龍鬚較短,極罕

為羅馬造幣廠主雕刻師。當時,他製造了1908年 -1912年義大利



中芝加哥藏家 Don C. Keefer 有一枚,耿氏有兩枚,後為籌款出版 《中國幣圖說匯考》,將其中一枚在1953年6月交紐約錢幣商 Hans

名“L. GIORGI F”或“L. GIORGI FECE” (F 或 FECE 都是縮寫, 意為由他製造)。

M. F. Schulman 拍賣 ;另一枚情況不明,1972年3月耿愛德專場 第三次拍賣交易總價美金2 100元 ;再度出現在1978年芝加哥錢幣

Giorgi 在天津造幣廠的第一個任務是製造清朝的最後一套銀幣⸺

拍賣會,價格已達美金13 000元。

1911年( 宣 統 三 年 ) 大 清 銀 幣 (Kann 223-230 ;KM Y28-31)。 在作為流通錢幣的設計被最終確定以前,一些不同的樣幣被生產





龍”和“反龍”。在2008年4月的香港冠軍拍賣會上,一枚 NGC

DOLLAR 後面有點或者無點。這一點是一個造幣廠標誌,但指的

PF60大尾龍樣幣以總價美金73 600元賣出。

是哪一個造幣廠尚不清楚。其他四種圖案是 :龍頭稍小,龍尾偏大


且在左邊 ;龍頭稍小,龍尾在右邊(稱為反版);龍頭稍大,龍鬚 偏長 ;龍頭稍大,龍鬚偏短。

又以其正面花葉不同分陰紋與陽紋兩種版本。耿愛德書中沒有列出 陰紋反龍版,其實陰紋反龍版即 K.223a 的正面與 K.225的反面結

此系列中一種在中文那一面有 L. GIORGI 簽名的樣幣被 Kann 列


入目錄中 (Kann 227k),還有一種白蠟鑄造的單面半圓銀幣 (Kann

最著名的中國錢幣雕模師是一位名叫 Luigi Giorgi 的義大利人。

Giorgi 是傑出的藝術家,他製造了很多精美的錢幣,但他的聲名 主要來自於他是唯一一位將其英文名留在中國錢幣上的雕刻師。很 多中國和西方雕刻師都為中國製造過錢幣幣模,但大多數人都默默

228 型 ) 在 中 文 一 面 也 有 Giorgi 簽 名, 未 被 列 入 Kann 目 錄 但 已被發現。近期又有兩種簽名幣被發現,一種是中文一面有簽名

GIORGI,另一種是中文一面有簽名 GIORGI INC(Lin & Ma 34 和35),INC 是 incusare 的縮寫,指雕刻師。

無聞。從1910年到1917年,Giorgi 在天津中央造幣廠擔任主雕

Giorgi 的下一個作品直到1914年才出現,那就是各種袁世凱壹圓

刻師。除了設計中國錢幣和制模,Giorgi 還培訓了一批中國徒弟。


這些 Giorgi 的徒弟後來成為中國首批專業錢幣雕刻師。據可能與


Giorgi 有過交往的 Kann 表述,Giorgi 應是在1880年左右出生,



洩憤他們搶劫和焚燒了造幣廠。Eduard Kann 親眼目睹造幣廠被

根據與 Giorgi 有私交、同為義大利人的 Giuseppi Ros 於1917年 出版的《中華民國錢幣》記載,在到天津之前,Giorgi 曾在義大利

燒毀,很可能 Giorgi 也看到了。當1914年天津造幣廠完成重建,

Giorgi 便開始製造袁世凱銀幣。


Extremely Rare EMPIRE 1911 50 Cents Silver Pattern



CHINA-EMPIRE 1911 (Hsuan Tung 3rd Year) "Standing Dragon" Silver 50 Cents Pattern, L&39,NGC MS62,H.F. Bowker Collection. 清宣統三年大清銀幣“立龍”伍角樣幣一枚,L&39,NGC MS62,包克藏品。

US $10,000-20,000

CHINA - EMPIRE 1911 (Hsuan Tung 3rd Year) "Standing Dragon" Silver 50 Cent Pattern, L&39, NGC MS62, H.F. Bowker Collection. Steel die trial, original strike, mirror surface with a strong strike. Nice toning and excellent eye appeal. The 1911 "standing dragon" silver 50 cent patterns are popular among collectors because their design and inscriptions are elegant, with an standing dragon full of spirit. There are three varieties of 1911 "standing dragon" 50 cent coin, with only three certified by PCGS and two by NGC. The one in this sale is a rarer variety that features a raised flame on the dragon ball. Champion Auction sold one of this variety graded by NGC from the Chinese Family Collection in a past auction. The same coin in PCGS holder realized at 690,000 RMB at a Fanhua Auction in 2018. The 1911 50 cents standing dragon design was originally for a dollar coin, as seen in an imperial document from the Arthur Coole Collection for inspection by the emperor. Therefore this design is very different from the dollar, 20 cents, and 10 cents, and the 50 cents is the rarest in the 1911 series. Compared to the ordinary variety, the one in this sale has a dragon ball with both raised and incuse swirls, so the design is more delicate and elegant. As for ordinary variety, the dragon ball only has an incuse swirl, so the design is simpler. Moreover, the Chinese inscription wu jiao [ 伍 角 , 50 cents] of this variety is different from the ordinary variety in detail. Its coin teeth are longer, its dragon pattern is different from the ordinary variety in cloud decoration, and its surface has a strong mirror effect. Therefore, this is an important and entirely


different variety, with a brand-new overall design. PCGS has set an independent catalog number for this variety, and it is named raised flame, while ordinary variety is incuse flame. PCGS may name the variety according to the feature of the dragon ball. There is a "standing dragon" 50 cents coin with L. Giorgi's signature, from the Kann Collection in A Priced Listing of the Silver Coins of China by Jess Peters, U.S.A. 1972. The coin was sold to NC through Hong Kong famous numismatic expert Chang Huang in 1975. Though the photos in the book are black and white, they are of high quality. The "standing dragon" 50 cents coin with L. Giorgi's signature is the first coin in the book, and the signature is below the dragon pattern, close to the edge of the coin. The details of the coin in the book are completely in line with the raised flame variety. Therefore, the coin in this sale must be the same as the one in the book except for the L. Giorgi signature. There are only three known "standing dragon" 50 cents silver coins with raised flame, so they are quite rare among Tai Ching silver coins. J.C. Lee found a Year 3 dollar with L. Giorgi signature in the collection of A.N.S., New York. John Reilly Jr. bought this coin in the 1920s and donated it to the A.N.S. after his death. Note: Jess Peters was a great dealer of modern Chinese gold and silver coins and an important buyer at Eduard Kann Collection auctions. The Kann Collection accounts for a large part of its A Priced Listing of the Silver Coins of China . The book is not only a priced list but also a reference catalog.

此幣系鋼模初鑄,打制壓力十足,鏡面底版,包漿色澤柔和勻 稱,狀態極佳,圖案文字挺拔優美,立龍呼之欲出,霸氣十足, 向為藏家所珍視 ;另宣三立龍有兩種版式,此為較少見之版式, PCGS 入盒僅見三枚。冠軍拍賣在過去的拍賣中也曾交易過一枚 該版式的 NGC 打盒“立龍”伍角,出自華人家族收藏。2018年 泛華拍賣上以690 000元人民幣的價格成交。

伍角簽字版。這枚立龍伍角簽字版在1975年經中國香港著名錢幣 專家張璜之手賣給 NC 收藏。本書雖然為黑白圖,但圖片品質不 俗,此簽字版一眼開門,L.GIORGI 簽在龍圖的下方,靠近邊緣處。 觀其細節特徵,與陰陽旋版完全相同。故此陰陽旋版立龍伍角應 該為 L.GIORGI 簽字版立龍伍角的去字版。陰陽旋版立龍伍角目 前僅見三枚,當為清代中央銀幣的新晉大珍。

根據邱文明收藏中的皇家檔可知,宣統三年“立龍”伍角的設計 原來是用於為了皇帝視察而鑄造的壹圓銀幣,因此其設計與宣 統三年系列中的壹圓、貳角與壹角非常不同,是最為珍稀的一 枚。與普通版立龍伍角相比,此版立龍伍角最明顯的特徵是龍珠 為陰陽旋,設計更加美觀細膩,而普通版的龍珠為陰旋,設計略 顯單調簡單。除此之外,“伍角”兩字的筆劃細節亦與普通版不 同,正面的馬齒明顯比普通版細長,龍身雲飾等細節與普通版亦 有差異,底板鏡面感極強等等。諸類特徵顯示此版與普通版全然 不同,是另外一種整體性的全新設計,屬於綱目性大版。PCGS 有此版的獨立編號,名稱為 Raised Flame,而普通版的編號名 稱為 Incuse Flame,亦應是從火珠上進行命名的。 1972年美 國 Jess Peters 公司的《中國銀幣售品目錄》(A Priced Listing Of The Silver Coins of China )中有一品原耿愛德收藏的立龍

而李正民先生曾在美國錢幣協會的藏品中發現一枚宣三壹圓簽字 版,乃是小約翰 · 賴利(John Reilly Jr.)在20世紀20年代購入, 後捐贈至美國錢幣學會。 附注 :Jess Peters 公司是當時中國近代金銀幣重量級經銷商, 是耿愛德拍賣專場的重要買家之一,《中國銀幣售品目錄》中耿愛 德的舊藏占很大比例,此書既是一本參考目錄,同時也是一本售 價表。

耿愛德和 NC 收藏中的宣三立龍五角 The Year 3 “standing dragon” 50 cents coin from the collection of Eduard Kann and NC


Very Rare EMPIRE 1911 One Dollar Reversed Dragon Silver


CHINA-EMPIRE 1911 One Dollar Reversed Dragon Silver, Outer Lvs Veined Pattern, L&M3, PCGS SP60, Ex Zhu H.J. Collection 1911年(宣統三年)大清銀幣壹圓,反龍陽葉樣幣, L&M31,PCGS SP60,Ex Zhu H.J. 藏品


US $50,000-100,000

Very Rare EMPIRE 1910 One Dollar Silver


CHINA-EMPIRE 1911 One Dollar Silver Pattern, L&M28, NGC MS64, H.F. Bowker East Asia Collection 1911年( 宣 統 三 年 ) 大 清 銀 幣 壹 圓 長 須 龍 樣 幣, L&M28,NGC MS64,H.F. Bowker 藏品

US $10,000-20,000 028

According to almost all the historical records, including research articles wrote by world leading numismatists Woodward and Kann, the 1910 Ta Qing Ti Kuo series coin dies were made at the Tientsin mint by Italian engraver L. Giorgi. Nonetheless, Giuseppe Ros, counselor of Italy embassy and a dedicated Chinese coin expert wrote in his 1917 book Coins of the Republic of China that the dies for the 1910 Ta Qing Ti Kuo series were made in Austria. In the early 1980 ’ s, the British numismatist Richard Wade dedicated a lot of time researching this series. Dr. Karl Schulz of the Vienna Art Museum (Kunsthistorisches Museum) confirmed that the dies of the 1910 Ta Qing Ti Kuo series were made at the Vienna mint, and that diemaking equipment was preserved in the museum. Rudolf Neuberger, Adolf Hofmann and Josef Prinz worked together to carve the mold. Denominations for this series include one dollar, 1/2 dollar, 1/4 dollar and 1/10 dollar. This was the only series using fractional numbers as denominations, and the 1/4 dollar is the only Chinese coinage in this denomination. A set of 1910 coin in lead appeared in a major Southeast Asia Collection with a presented box. This set was offered at December 2010 Champion Auction without the presented box.


以往幾乎所有記載,包括中國機制幣大師伍德華與耿愛德的許多研 究文獻中,都注明1910年版銘文“宣統年造”系列幣模由天津造 幣總廠製造,是意籍雕刻師喬治 (L.Giorgi) 作品。但曾任職上海義 大利總領事館參贊的羅斯在1917年(民國六年)初撰寫《中華民 國錢幣》(Coins of the Republic of China ) 中指出,此系列銀幣 制模於奧地利。

1980年代初期,英國錢幣學家李察偉德深入追查,經維也納藝 術 史 博 物 館(Kunsthistorisches Museum) 的 舒 茲 博 士(Dr. Karl Schulz)證實,此系列模確在維也納造幣廠刻成,製作模 具的工具現保存於該館。負責雕刻的技師分別是紐伯格(Rudolf Neuberger)、 霍 夫 曼(Adolf Hofmann) 及 普 林 茲(Josef Prinz)。 這套銀幣有壹圓、五角、二角五分及一角銀幣四種。也是中國唯 一一套使用分數1/2 Dol、1/4 Dol 和1/10 Dol 紀值的錢幣。其中 1/4 Dol( 貳角伍分錢幣 ) 是唯一採取此面值的中國銀幣。據說因庫 銀缺乏,所以數額有限,並未流通,僅五角較多見。據耿愛德統計, 二角五分曾於1910年製成140萬枚之多,但以存世量判斷,即便 製成也遭到了回爐重制。 這種宣統年造錢幣中存在一套來自一個重要東南亞收藏的完整單面 套幣,均為鉛質,原本配有一個展示盒。這套錢幣後在2010年12 月的冠軍拍賣會中進行銷售,但當時已沒有原裝展示盒了。

Superb REPUBLIC 1919 Goat Medal Silver


CHINA-REPUBLIC 1919 Goat Medal Silver, L&M1000A, NGC MS64, Chinese Family Collection 1919年銀質羊章,L&M1000A,NGC MS64, 華人家族藏品

US $1,000-2,000 029 CHINA-REPUBLIC 1919 Goat Medal Silver, L&M1000A, NGC MS64, Chinese Family Collection. Central Mint at Tientsin, silver medal, Obv.“ 歲 在 己 未 ”, Rev. rising sun above sea, 10.91g, 27 mm. Auction Results: 1/2015, Stephen Album Rare Coins Auction, realized at USD 3,250.

1919年銀質羊章,L&M1000A,NGC MS64,華人家族藏品。 天津造幣廠造,銀質紀念章,正面刻“歲在己未”,背面為太陽從 海面升起,重10.91克,直徑27毫米。 拍賣記錄 : 2015年1月15日,Stephen Album Rare Coins 拍賣,成交價 : 3 250美元。


CHINA-REPUBLIC 1919 Yuan Shi Kai One Dollar Silver, L&M76, NGC MS61, Chinese Family Collection 1919年( 民 國 八 年 ) 袁 世 凱 像 壹 圓 銀 幣, L&M76,NGC MS61,華人家族藏品

US $1,000-2,000


Auction Result(s) 10/2020, NGC MS63, realized at US $8,400; 10/2020, PCGS AU58, realized at US $6,000; 9/2020, NGC AU55, realized at US $3,120.

拍賣記錄 2020年10月,NGC MS63,成交價 :8 400美元 ;2020年10月,PCGS AU58,成交價 :6 000美元 ; 2020年9月,NGC AU55,成交價 :3 120美元。

Gem REPUBLIC 1920 Yuan Shi Kai One Dollar Silver 031

CHINA-REPUBLIC 1920 Yuan Shi Kai One Dollar Silver, L&M77, Y329.6, NGC MS64, Chinese Family Collection, Fine hair, finest known. 1920年( 民 國 九 年 ) 袁 世 凱 像 壹 圓 銀 幣, L&M77,Y329.6,NGC MS64,華人家族藏品 , 細發版,已知品相最好的之一。

US $1,000-2,000 031

Auction Result(s): 5/2020, PCGS, realized at US $10,200; 5/2020, PCGS, realized at US $8,400.

拍賣記錄 : 2020年5月,PCGS MS64,成交價 :10 200美元 ;2020年5月,PCGS MS64,成交價 :8 400美元。


Extremely Rare REPUBLIC 1927 Sun Yat Sen One Dollar Copper

032 032

CHINA-REPUBLIC 1927 Sun Yat Sen One Yuan Copper, KANN-680Ⅱ , NGC MS61 BN, NC Collection, Extremely rare, missing from Kann and Goodman Auctions. 1927年孫中山像開國紀念銅幣壹圓,KANN-680Ⅱ,NGC MS61 BN,NC 藏品,非常稀少,耿愛德舊藏拍賣與古德曼舊藏拍賣均未有 這枚幣。

US $6,000-12,000 This 1927 dollar pattern in copper may be from the Kann Collection. It is extremely rare and was missing in Goodman collection and the 2008 Carl F. Chirico Jr. collection auction, which had many Chinese patterns. There was one from the Chinese Family Collection which was auctioned at 2007 Champion Auction (LOT 051). The coin in this sale was likely sold by a famous Hong Kong Chinese coin expert Chang Huang to NC collection in the 1970s. Most patterns for silver coins were struck in copper as copper is much harder and needs more striking pressure to show details of the coin dies. This 1927 dollar in copper is similar to the 1914 Yuan Shi Kai dollar pattern in copper with similar dark copper color.

这枚拍品可能出自耿爱德收藏。這枚1927年銅質樣幣非常稀少, 不論是古德曼舊藏拍賣,還是2008年包含了諸多中國樣幣的小卡 爾 · 基裡科舊藏拍賣,都沒有出現這枚樣幣。2007年的冠軍拍賣 華人家族收藏拍賣中曾有一枚這樣的銅質樣幣(LOT 051)。本次 拍賣這枚幣這枚硬幣可能在20世紀70年代由一位中國香港的著名 中國錢幣專家張璜賣給 NC 收藏的。大多數銀幣的樣幣均是銅質, 因為質地更加堅硬,壓印的時候需要更大的壓力才能清稀展現出 幣模上的細節。1927年銅質樣幣和1914年袁世凱銀元銅質樣幣 非常相似,他們的銅質顏色都較暗。

Catalog of 2008 Carl F. Chirico Jr. collection auction 2008年小卡爾 · 基裡科舊藏拍賣目錄


033 033

034 034

CHINA-REPUBLIC 1927 Sun Yat Sen One Yuan Memento Silver, 6 Pointed Stars, L&M49, Y318a.1, NGC AU55, H.F.Bowker East Asia Collection 1927年 孫 中 山 像 開 國 紀 念 銀 幣 壹 圓, 六 角 星,L&M49, Y318a.1,NGC AU55,H.F.Bowker 藏品

CHINA-REPUBLIC 1927 Sun Yat Sen One Yuan Memento Silver, 6 Pointed Stars, L&M49 , Y318a.1, NGC AU50, H.F.Bowker East Asia Collection 1927年 孫 中 山 像 開 國 紀 念 銀 幣 壹 圓, 六 角 星,L&M49, Y318a.1,NGC AU50,H.F.Bowker 藏品

US $50-100

US $50-100


CHINA-REPUBLIC 1927 Sun Yat Sen One Yuan Silver, 6 Pointed Stars, L&M49, Y318a.1, NGC UNC DETAILS, Chopmarked Coin, H.F.Bowker East Asia Collection 1927年 孫 中 山 像 開 國 紀 念 銀 幣 壹 圓, 六 角 星,NGC UNC DETAILS,L&M49,Y318a.1,戳記幣,H.F.Bowker 藏品

US $50-100 035

Choice 1929-DATED Sun Yat Sen Brass Medallic Art CO.N.Y



CHINA 1929-DATED Sun Yat Sen Brass, 75mm, Medallic Art CO.N.Y., #1220, NGC MS63,Norcal Collection 1929年孫中山銅像,75mm,NGC MS63,#1220,Norcal 藏品

US $2,000-4,000


Choice REPUBLIC 1933 Sun Yat Sen One Dollar Silver

037 037

CHINA-REPUBLIC 1933 Sun Yat Sen One Dollar Silver, L&M109, Y345, NGC MS63, Chinese Family Collection 1933年(民國二十二年)孫中山像帆船壹圓銀幣,L&M109,Y345,NGC MS63,華人家族藏品

US $1,000-2,000 Auction Result(s): 109/2020, PCGS MS64, realized at US $6,900; 10/2020, PCGS MS66, realized at US $72,000; 9/2020, PCGS MS64, realized at US $7,200.

拍賣記錄 : 2020年10月,PCGS MS64,成交價 :6 900美元 ; 2020年10月,PCGS MS66,成交價 :72 000美元 ; 2020年9月,PCGS MS64,成交價 :7 200美元。





CHINA-REPUBLIC 1933 Sun Yat Sen One Dollar Silver, L&M109, Y345, NGC MS61, Chinese Family Collection 1933年( 民 國 二 十 二 年 ) 孫 中 山 像 帆 船 壹 圓 銀 幣,L&M109, Y345,NGC MS61,華人家族藏品

CHINA-REPUBLIC 1933 Sun Yat Sen One Dollar Junk Silver, L&M109, Y345, NGC UNC DETAILS, Chinese Family Collection 1933年( 民 國 二 十 二 年 ) 孫 中 山 像 帆 船 壹 圓 銀 幣,L&M109, Y345,NGC UNC DETAILS,華人家族藏品

US $600-1,200

US $300-600

Rare PROVISIONAL GOVT 1941 One Cent Silver 040

CHINA-PROVISIONAL GOVT 1941 One Cent Silver, KM-PN1, NGC SP61 1941年(民國三十年)中國聯合準備銀 行壹分銀幣,KM-PN1,NGC SP61

US $3,000-6,000 Auction Result(s): 8/2014, Hong Kong, NGC SP61, realized at US $2,640.



拍賣記錄 :

2014年8月, 香 港,NGC SP61, 成 交 價 :2 640美元。

Extremely Rare COOLE Collection1949 One Chien Silver Pattern

041 041

CHINA-REPUBLIC 1949 One Chien Silver Pattern, 93.5%AG 5.2%CU, NGC AU55, COOLE Collection 1949年(民國三十八年)中華民國壹錢樣幣,93.5% 銀,5.2% 銅,NGC AU55,邱文明藏品

US $8,000-16,000

CHINA 1949 One Chien Silver Pattern 民國三十八年(1949)“金圓”幣樣錢

The 1949 Gold Dollar was designed by Shanghai Central Mint. It include 1 mace, 2 mace, 25 cents, 5 mace and 1 tael of weight type; and 10 dollars and 20 dollars of normal type. These trial patterns of Gold Dollar are very rare. They are also the last trial patterns of Gold Dollar issued by the national government. At the end of 1940's, inflation was very serious in China, the gold yuan notes issued by national government was facing collapse, people all didn't like to use paper money, they changed to use silver dollar. So in November 1948, the Shanghai Central Mint began to product silver dollars again. But its production rate can't meet the large requirement of the silver coins, so the central bank plan to issue the new gold dollar. At that time, some trial patterns in silver and copper were made, but the real gold coins were not made, for the lack of gold and the unstable political situation.

民國三十八年(1949)“金圓”幣,是由上海中央造幣廠設計雕刻 的。金幣的面值採用兩種形式 :計重有壹錢、貳錢、貳錢伍分、伍 錢、壹兩等五種。計值的有拾元、貳拾元兩種。這種試製的“金圓 幣”各種試樣幣,留存至今皆為罕見之品。它是國民政府在大陸籌 發行的最後一種“金圓”試樣幣。上世紀四十年代末,中國通貨膨 脹嚴重,國民政府發行的金圓券面臨崩盤,眾多百姓不願用紙鈔而 改用銀元。在這種情況下,上海中央造幣廠於民國三十七年(1948)

11月恢復生產銀元,其餘各省亦相繼投產製造銀元,以供市場需求。 由於銀元需求量急增,供不應求,則需用更貴重的黃金才能應付當 時市場之需。中央銀行在這種情勢下,決定採用發行新金幣的計畫。 當時這種“金圓幣”曾經打制了一些試樣幣,有銀質、銅質的,此 項計畫因黃金的儲備不足、又加政局動盪等因素,最終未打制真正 的金質貨幣。 邱文明(Coole Arthur B.,1900-1978),美國堪薩斯州人。父

Coole Arthur B., ABC, (1900-1978), born in Kansas, United States. Coole’s father was a Methodist pastor who brought families to Fujian, China for preach in 1906. Coole had the hobby of collecting from young. He returned to US to study in college at Colorado and graduated as master of theology in 1923, after that he walked the same path with his father and came to China for preach. When worked at Tientsin Huiwen middle school as Business director, Coole wrote Coins in China’s History in 1936, the first 500 copies of which were sold out in a very short time. Coole has preached in North China until 1948 and kept working in church when returned to US. Coole published Encyclopedia of Chinese Coins in 1967.

親是衛理公會牧師,1906年攜眷赴中國福建傳教。邱文明的姓氏 邱即閩南語發音。邱文明自幼即開始收藏,年齡稍長即返美接受大 學教育並於1923年在科羅拉多州修得神學碩士,亦承其父衣砵來 華傳教,曾參加國父孫中山先生在北平協和醫院殤禮。邱文明擔 任天津匯文中學商科主任時,于1936年編成《中國歷代五金錢幣》 (Coins in China’s Histroy),初版五百本隨即售罄,次年增訂 再版。邱氏在華北地區傳教直到1948年離開。返美後繼續在教會 工作,晚年遷居科羅拉多州丹佛。邱文明於1967年發表《中國錢 幣百科全書》(Encyclopedia of Chinese Coins ),共出版七冊, 但僅是其研究成果的一部份,賚志以歿,令人惋惜。



CHINA-ANHWEI 1898 20 Cents Silver, "A.S.T.C.", L&M201, Y43.4, NGC AU58, Chinese Family Collection 1898年(YR24) 安 徽 省 造 光 緒 元 寶 庫 平 一 錢 四 分 四 厘 銀 幣, “A.S.T.C.”,L&M201,Y43.4,NGC AU58,華人家族藏品

US $300-600


Auction Result(s): 10/2020, Hong Kong, PCGS AU DETAILS, realized at US $1,200. 拍賣記錄 : 2020年10月,香港,PCGS AU DETAILS,成交價 :1 200美元。

043 043

CHINA-ANHWEI 1898 20 Cents Silver, L&M205, Y43.3, NGC VF DETAILS, Chinese Family Collection 1898年 安 徽 省 造 光 緒 元 寶 庫 平 一 錢 四 分 四 厘 銀 幣,L&M205, Y43.3,NGC VF DETAILS,華人家族藏品

US $100-200

045 045

CHINA- CHEKIANG ND(1898-1899) 10 Cents Silver, L&M285, Y52.4, NGC AU50, H.F.Bowker East Asia Collection 1898-1899年浙江省造光緒元寶庫平七分二厘銀幣,L&M285, Y52.4,NGC AU50,H.F.Bowker 藏品

US $100-200





US $100-200

US $100-200

CHINA-ANHWEI 1899 5 Cents Silver, L&M209, Y41.1, NGC AU55, H.F.Bowker East Asia Collection 1899年安徽省造光緒元寶庫平三分六厘銀幣,L&M209,Y41.1, NGC AU55,H.F.Bowker 藏品

CHINA-CHEKIANG ND(1899) 5 Cents Silver, L&M286, NGC AU50, H.F.Bowker East Asia Collection 1899年浙江省造光緒元寶庫平三分六厘銀幣,L&M286,NGC AU50,H.F.Bowker 藏品




CHINA-CHEKIANG 1906 Copper 2 Cash, Gap Mouth Dragon, Lo cal "BI"-4 Waves, Y-8b, NGC MS62 BN, H.F.Bowker East Asia Collection 1906年 ( 丙午 ) 浙江大清銅幣,當制錢二文,四水波龍嘴有槽, Y-8b,NGC MS62 BN,H.F.Bowker 藏品

US $100-200


CHINA-CHEKIANG 1906 10 Cash Copper, "KIIO" Local Obv., Y-10b, NGC MS61 BN, H.F.Bowker East Asia Collection 1906年(丙午)浙江省造大清銅幣當制錢十文,地方龍“KIIO”, Y-10b,NGC MS61 BN,H.F.Bowker 藏品

US $100-200


Scarce CHIHLI 1896 10 Cents Silver

049 049

CHINA-CHIHLI 1896 10 Cents Silver, L&M442, NGC AU55, H.F. Bowker East Asia Collection 1896年(光緒二十二年)北洋機器局造壹角銀幣,L&M442,NGC AU55,H.F. Bowker 藏品

US $1,000-2,000 As for the mintage figures of the 1896 coins, the Chinese Customs Report for 1897 specifically states that the coins struck during the year were: Dollars 3,000 pieces; half dollars 2,500 pieces; 20 cent 12,500 pieces; 10 cent 5,000 pieces; and 5 cent 7,000 pieces. The total face value was $7,600 (as noted by Kann).

下 :壹圓3000枚、五角2500枚、二角12500枚、一角5000枚、 五分7000枚,面值總額為7600元(與耿愛德所說一致)。


2018年4月,NGC AU58,成交價 :6 600美元。

Auction Result(s): 4/2018, NGC AU58, realized at US $6,600. 拍賣記錄 :


CHINA-CHIHLI 1897 5 Cents Silver, L&M448, NGC VF30, H.F.Bowker East Asia Collection 1897年( 光 緒 二 十 三 年 ) 北 洋 機 器 局 造 半 角 銀 幣,L&M448, NGC VF30,H.F.Bowker 藏品


US $100-200


CHINA-CHIHLI 1897 5 Cents Silver, L&M448, NGC F12, H.F.Bowker East Asia Collection 1897年( 光 緒 二 十 三 年 ) 北 洋 機 器 局 造 半 角 銀 幣,L&M448, NGC F12,H.F.Bowker 藏品


US $50-100


Scarce CHIHLI 1898 One Dollar Silver

052 052

CHINA-CHIHLI 1898 One Dollar Silver, L&M449, NGC XF45, H.F.Bowker East Asia Collection 1898年(光緒二十四年)北洋機器局造壹圓銀幣,L&M449,NGC XF45,H.F.Bowker 藏品

US $1,000-2,000 Auction Result(s): 10/2020, Hong Kong, PCGS EF45, realized at US $7,200;

拍賣記錄 : 2020年10月,香港,PCGS EF45,成交價 :7 200美元 ;


CHINA-CHIHLI 1898 10 Cents Silver, L&M452, NGC VF30, H.F.Bowker East Asia Collection 1898年( 光 緒 二 十 四 年 ) 北 洋 機 器 局 造 一 角 銀 幣,L&M452, NGC VF30,H.F.Bowker 藏品


US $100-200


CHINA-CHIHLI 1899 5 Cents Silver, Surface Hairlines, L&M458, NGC AU DETAILS, H.F.Bowker East Asia Collection 1899年(光緒二十五年)北洋造光緒元寶庫平三分六厘銀幣,表 面發線刮痕,L&M458,NGC AU DETAILS,H.F.Bowker 藏品


US $100-200


CHINA-FENGTIEN 1898 20 Cents Silver, L&M475, NGC AU DETAILS, H.F.Bowker East Asia Collection 1898年(光緒二十四)奉天省造二角銀幣,L&M475,NGC AU DETAILS,H.F.Bowker 藏品



US $100-200




CHINA-FUKIEN ND(1844)CHANGCHOW MILITARY RATION One Dollar Silver, Zhu Signature, L&M291, KANN-6, Drill Tested, NGC AU DETAILS, NC Collection 1844年福建漳州軍餉銀餅,朱簽版,L&M291,KANN-6,NGC AU DETAILS,NC 藏品

US $20,000-40,000 Auction Result(s): 8/2016, PCGS VF DETAILS, realized at US $15,600; 9/2015, PCGS EF DETAILS, realized at US $24,000.

拍賣記錄 : 2016年8月,PCGS VF DETAILS,成交價 :15 600美元 ; 2015年9月,PCGS EF DETAILS,成交價 :24 000美元。

The finest known example of this Fukien ration dollar from NC collection likely purchased this coin from famous Hong Kong Chinese expert Zhang Huang. Sharp strike with extremely attractive mint luster and eye appeal.

auction in the 1950s.

Past pedigree maybe the 1950's Woodward collection sold by New York Hans Schuman, who also auctioned Kann's collection in 1971 and sold the 1911 Empire long Whisker dollar in gold to King Farouk. Schuman was arguably the world's leading world coin dealer as his sales to King Farouk of Egypt helped bankrupt the country, and King Farouk still own him a huge sum of funds before being overthrown. Schuman was a leading debt holder during the King Farouk palace collection

這枚已知品相最好的漳州軍餉出自 NC 收藏,可能是從中國香港 的著名中國錢幣專家張璜處購得。鑄打清晰,保留著漂亮的原廠 光澤,味道非常好。 這 枚 銀 餅 可 能 是 在20世 紀50年 代 由 紐 約 的 漢 斯 · 舒 曼(Hans Schuman)出售的伍德華舊藏,他也曾在1971年拍賣了耿愛德 舊藏,並將1911年長須龍大清銀幣銀模金打賣給了埃及的法魯克 國王。舒曼可以說是世界上最重要的幣商之一,他賣給埃及國王 法魯克甚至讓其破產,而在法魯克國王的統治被推翻前,他仍然 欠他很多錢。舒曼是20世紀50年代法魯克國王收藏拍賣的主要債 權人。

Changchow Military Ration Dollar 福建漳州軍餉 The mystery of this coin is that its date and background is still unknown to us and it is very difficult to see. According to some important catalogs (Kann, H. Chang, Dr. Tseng, Chang Foundation), it may be issued in 1836 or 1866. If it was made in 1836 which is two years earlier than old man dollar, then it would be the first coin issued in China.

臺灣漳州軍餉神秘點主要是其發行背景及時期不詳,並且難得一 見。綜合有關重要錢譜(耿愛德,張璜,曾澤祿,鴻禧等)的論述, 其可能發行期早起清道光16年(1836),晚至同治6年(1866)。 但都無法定論。如果是1836,那就比臺灣壽星銀餅的發行更早2年, 成為中國發行的第一枚銀幣!



CHINA-FUKIEN ND(1894) 5 Cents Silver, L&M294, NGC MS62, H.F.Bowker East Asia Collection 1894年福建省造光緒元寶庫平三分六厘銀幣,L&M294,NGC MS62,H.F.Bowker 藏品


US $200-400



CHINA-FUKIEN ND(1894) 5 Cents Silver, L&M294, SURFACE HAIRLINES, NGC UNC DETAILS, H.F.Bowker East Asia Collection 1894年福建省造光緒元寶庫平三分六厘銀幣,L&M294,表面發 線刮痕,NGC UNC DETAILS,H.F.Bowker 藏品

US $60-120


CHINA-FUKIEN ND(1901-1905) 10 Cashes Copper, Y100.3, PCGS XF40 1901-1905年 福 建 官 局 造 光 緒 元 寶 每 枚 當 制 錢 十 文,Y100.3, PCGS XF40


US $300-600


CHINA-FUKIEN ND(1901-1905) 10 Cash Copper, 3 Cloud Inside, Cloud Behind Tail, Y100.3, NGC AU50 BN, H.F.Bowker East Asia Collection 1901-1905年福建官局造光緒元寶每枚當制錢十文,尾後有雲, Y100.3,NGC AU50 BN,H.F.Bowker 藏品


US $30-60


CHINA-FUKIEN 1906 10 Cash Copper, Disconnected "WEN", Y-10f, NGC MS65 RB, H.F.Bowker East Asia Collection 1906年(丙午)福建造大清銅幣當制錢十文,離“文”,Y-10f, NGC MS65 RB,H.F.Bowker 藏品



US $100-200

Finest Known FUKIEN OFFICIAL BUREAU 1924 10 Cents Silver

062 062

CHINA-FUKIEN OFFICIAL BUREAU 1924 10 Cents Silver, L&M309, NGC MS61, H.F.Bowker East Asia Collection 1924年福建銀幣廠造庫平七分二厘銀幣,L&M309,NGC MS61,H.F.Bowker 藏品

US $300-600

Finest Known FUKIEN 1932 20 Cents Silver

063 063

CHINA-FUKIEN 1932 20 Cents Silver, HUANG HWA MARTYRS MEMORIAL GRAVE COMMEMORATIVE CION, L&M854, Y391, NGC MS64, Chinese Family Collection 1932年(民國二十一年)福建省造黃花崗紀念幣,每五枚當壹元,L&M854,Y391,NGC MS64, 華人家族藏品

US $600-1,200 Auction Result(s): 8/2011, NGC MS62, realized at US $3,300; 8/2011, NGC AU58, realized at US $1,800.

拍賣記錄 : 2011年8月,NGC MS62,成交價 :3 300美元 ; 2011年8月,NGC AU58,成交價 :1 800美元。


CHINA-FUKIEN 1932 20 Cents Silver, HUANG HWA MARTYRS MEMORIAL GRAVE COMMEMORATIVE CION, L&M854, Y391, NGC UNC DETAILS, Chinese Family Collection 1932年(民國二十一年)福建省造黃花崗紀念幣,每五枚當壹元, L&M854,Y391,NGC UNC DETAILS,華人家族藏品

US $300-600 064 Auction Result(s): 3/2014, PCGS AU58, realized at US $1,020.

拍賣記錄 : 2014年3月,PCGS AU58,成交價 :1 020美元。


Very Rare HEILUNGKIANG 1896 50 Cents Brass


CHINA-HEILUNGKIANG 1896 50 Cents Brass, Otto Beh Mint Pattern, 83%Cu 17%Zn <1%sSn (13.4g), L&M586, NGC AU55 1896年 黑 龍 江 省 造 光 緒 元 寶 庫 平 三 錢 六 分 銀 模 銅 鑄 幣, 奧 托 拜 赫 公 司 樣 幣, L&M586,NGC AU55US

US $20,000-40,000 065

HEILUNGKIANG 1896 50 Cents Brass Otto Beh Mint Pattern 1896年奧托 · 拜赫黑龍江省造光緒元寶庫平三錢六分銀模銅鑄幣

Recent research reveals that the Heilungkiang dies were made using generic punches and hubs in common with the Anhwei, Chekiang, Fengtien and Sinkiang series of dies manufactured by Otto Beh during the period 1897-99. As a total of 260 dies were made, not counting the rejects, the wear and tear on the punches and hubs explains the softness or lack of details on some of the patterns of the above series. Otto Beh was a specialist in the production of seals and dies. From neighboring Goppingen, Louis Schuler received an order for coining presses in 1895 and commissioned Otto Beh to manufacture the dies. In 1897 and 1898, Beh supplied Schuler with over 200 dies for Chinese coins. At the time, this was the largest order that the company had ever received. Schuler, which started as a Locksmith’s shop in 1839, had grown to become one of the world’s leaders in metal forming and in fact supplied the aforementioned mints with coining presses. The first piece to be published was a half dollar belonging to Tai Pao-t’ing which appeared in the July 1944 issue of the Shanghai magazine, Ch’uan Pi. The coin was listed by Kalgan Shih in his 1949 Catalog of Chinese Silver and Gold Coins , and by Eduard Kann in his 1953 Catalog of Chinese Silver and Gold Coins, though Kann never owned the coin. The dollar coin was first published in 1981 in H. Chang’s (Chang Huang) book, Silver Dollars and Taels of China . The first Heilungkiang coin seen in a public auction was the dollar struck in brass, which appeared in a Money Company Hong Kong sale in September 1985. That coin had been discovered in Europe by U.S. coin dealer Bill Randel, and was published in a World Coin News story in the 9 April 1985 issue. The first half dollar to appear in auction was in a Spink-Taisei sale of February 1988, which also contained a Heilungkiang dollar.

An Otto Beh Sinkiang dollar (VF) sold for USD 206,500 in August 2013 Hong Kong auction. 近期的研究表明,黑龍江錢幣模具的製造所使用的衝壓床和輪軸和 安徽、浙江、奉天和新疆系列的錢幣是一樣的,都是在1879-99年 間由德國奧托 · 拜赫造幣廠製造。一共有260 套模具被製造,因品 質問題被淘汰的還不算在內。衝壓床和輪軸的磨損和裂縫解釋了以 上幾個系列錢幣中為何部分錢幣會較軟或缺乏細節。

Otto Beh 造幣廠是生產印章和模具的專家。1895年,臨近的哥平 根地區(Goppingen)的舒勒公司(Louis Schuler)收到一份錢 幣壓制機的訂單,轉而委託奧托 · 拜赫公司(Otto Beh)生產錢幣 模具。1897年至1898年,奧托 · 拜赫向舒勒供應了200多種中國 錢幣的模具。當時,這是該公司接到過的最大的一份訂單。舒勒最 初在1839年靠開一家鎖店起家,最後發展成為一家金屬成型方面 的先進公司。實際上,它是以上提到的造幣廠的供應商,為他們提 供錢幣壓制機。 這些樣幣中最早見諸文字記載的是黑龍江省造三錢六分樣幣,發 表在1944年6月的上海雜誌《泉幣》,該幣屬於著名錢幣收藏家 戴葆庭。該錢幣1949年又被列在了施嘉幹《中國近代鑄幣匯考》,

1953年被列在耿愛德《中國幣圖說匯考》,雖然耿愛德並沒有這枚 錢幣。七錢二分樣幣首次發表是在張璜1981年出版的《中國銀圓 及銀兩幣目錄》。而第一次出現在拍賣會的則是一枚黃銅樣幣,它 在1985年9月香港金錢公司(Money Company)拍賣會上出現。 這枚錢幣是由美國錢幣經銷商比爾 · 蘭德爾(Bill Randel)在歐洲 發掘,並發表在1985年4月9日出版的《世界硬幣新聞》 (World

Coin News)。三錢六分樣幣首次現身拍賣會則是在1988年2月的 斯賓克 - 泰星(Spink-Taisei)拍賣會,同場拍賣的還包括一枚七 錢二分樣幣。

2013年8月香港拍賣會上,一枚奧托 · 拜赫的新疆省造七錢二分銀 幣(美品)的成交價達到了206 500美金。


Choice HONG KONG 1866 One Dollar Silver



CHINA-HONGKONG 1866 One Dollar Silver, KM10, NGC MS61, W&B Capital Collection 1866年香港壹圓銀幣,KM10,NGC MS61,W&B Capital 藏品

US $5,000-10,000 Auction Result(s): 5/2019, PCGS MS62, realized at US $19,200.

拍賣記錄 : 2019年5月,PCGS MS62,成交價 :19 200美元。

Choice HONG KONG 1866 50 Cents Silver



CHINA-HONGKONG 1866 50 Cents Silver, Surface Hairlines, KM8, NGC AU DETAILS, H.F.Bowker East Asia Collection 1866年香港半圓銀幣,表面發線刮痕,KM8,NGC AU DETAILS,H.F.Bowker 藏品

US $300-600 Auction Result(s): 11/2018, NGC MS61, realized at US $9,280.

拍賣記錄 : 2018年11月,NGC MS61,成交價 :9 280美元。


Choice HONG KONG 1868 One Dollar Silver

068 068

CHINA-HONGKONG 1868 One Dollar Silver, KM10, NGC AU58, H.F.Bowker East Asia Collection 1868年香港壹圓銀幣,KM10,NGC AU58,H.F.Bowker 藏品

US $3,000-6,000


069 069


US $100-200

US $300-600

CHINA-HONGKONG 1866 10 Cents Silver, 10 Pearls, KM6.3, NGC MS62 1866年香港一毫銀幣,10珠版,KM6.3,NGC MS62



CHINA-HONGKONG 1876 20 Cents Silver, KM7, NGC MS62, H.F.Bowker East Asia Collection 1876年香港貳毫銀幣,KM7,NGC MS62,H.F.Bowker 藏品

CHINA-HONGKONG 1977 20 Cents Brass Pattern, PCGS SP66, Ex King's Norton Collection 1977年香港貳毫黃銅樣幣,PCGS SP66,Ex King's Norton 藏品


US $300-600 Auction Result(s): 12/2015, NGC MS63, realized at US $2,880. 拍賣記錄 : 2015年12月,NGC MS63,成交價 :2 880美元。


CHINA-HONGKONG 1902 10 Cents Silver, KM13, NGC MS64, H.F.Bowker East Asia Collection 1902年香港一毫銀幣,KM13,NGC MS64,H.F.Bowker 藏品


US $200-400



CHINA-HUNAN ND(1897) 10 Cents Silver, L&M381, NGC AU50, H.F.Bowker East Asia Collection 1897年 湖 南 造 光 緒 元 寶 庫 平 七 分 二 厘 銀 幣,L&M381,NGC AU50,H.F.Bowker 藏品

CHINA-HUNAN 1902 20 Cents Silver, L&M380, NGC XF DETAILS, Chinese Family Collection 1902 年湖南省造光緒元寶庫平一錢四分四厘銀幣, L&M380 , NGC XF DETAILS,華人家族藏品

US $100-200

US $100-200



Choice Kann Bowker Collecton HUNAN 1916-Dated One Dollar Silver

075 075

CHINA-HUNAN 1916-Dated One Dollar Silver, Fantasy, X-1395, NGC MS63, Ex.Kann -Bowker Collection 1916年湖南洪憲元年開國紀念中華銀幣壹圓,臆造幣,X-1395,NGC MS63,原耿愛德 - 包 克收藏

US $1,500-3,000

076 076

CHINA-HUNAN 1919 20 Cash Copper, Y400.2, PCGS MS64 BN 1919年湖南省造當制錢二十文銅幣,Y400.2,PCGS MS64 BN

US $100-200 41

Scarce HUNAN 1922 Constitution Commemorative Silver Coin One Dollar



CHINA-HUNAN 1922 Constitution Commemorative Silver Coin One Dollar, L&M867, NGC UNC DETAILS, Surface Hairlines, H.F.Bowker East Asia Collection 1922 年(民國十一)湖南省憲成立紀念幣壹圓銀幣, L&M867 ,表面發線刮痕, NGC UNC DETAILS , H.F.Bowker 藏品

US $3,000-6,000

Choice HUPEH 1904 One Tael Silver



CHINA-HUPEH 1904 One Tael Silver, Small Characters, L&M180, NGC AU53, H.F.Bowker East Asia Collection 1904年湖北省造大清銀幣庫平一兩,小字,L&M180,NGC AU53,H.F.Bowker 藏品

US $5,000-10,000


CHINA-HUPEH ND(1902-1905) 10 Cash, Circled Dragon, Long Stroke "HSU", NGC AU58 BN, H.F.Bowker East Asia Collection 1902-1905年湖北省造光緒元寶當十銅幣,長日緒,NGC AU58 BN,H.F.Bowker 藏品



US $30-60

Choice HUPEH 1920 20 Cents Silver



CHINA-HUPEH 1920 20 Cents Silver, L&M191, NGC MS61, H.F.Bowker East Asia Collection 1920年(民國九年)湖北省造(鄂造)貳角銀幣,L&M191,NGC MS61,H.F.Bowker 藏品

US $3,000-6,000 Auction Result(s): 5/2020, Hong Kong, PCGS AU53, realized at US $16,200; 8/2019, Hong Kong, PCGS AU55, realized at US $16,800.

拍賣記錄 : 2020年5月,香港,PCGS AU53,成交價 :16 200美元 ; 2019年8月,香港,PCGS AU55,成交價 :16 800美元。

Superb KIANGNAN 1898 10 Cents Silver

081 081

CHINA-KIANGNAN 1898 10 Cents Silver, L&M221, KANN-73A, Uncircled Dragon, NGC MS66, H.F.Bowker East Asia Collection 1898年(戊戌)江南省造光緒元寶庫平七分二厘銀幣,L&M221,KANN-73A,無圈,NGC MS66,H.F.Bowker 藏品

US $1,000-2,000


Gem KIANGNAN 1898 10 Cents Silver

082 082

CHINA-KIANGNAN 1898 10 Cents Silver, L&M221, KANN-73A, Uncircled Dragon, NGC MS64, NC Collection, Finest known. 1898年(戊戌)江南省造光緒元寶庫平七分二厘銀幣,L&M221,KANN-73A,無圈,NGC MS64,NC 藏品,已知最高分。

US $8,000-16,000


CHINA-KIANGNAN 1898 10 Cents Silver, Encircled Dragon, L&M221A, NGC AU DETAILS, H.F.Bowker East Asia Collection 1898 年(戊戌)江南省造光緒元寶庫平七分二厘銀幣,有圈, L&M221A,NGC AU DETAILS,H.F.Bowker 藏品


US $100-200


CHINA-KIANGNAN 1899 10 Cents Silver, L&M227, NGC AU58, H.F.Bowker East Asia Collection 1899年(己亥)江南省造光緒元寶庫平七分二厘銀幣, L&M227,NGC AU58,H.F.Bowker 藏品

US $300-600 084


CHINA-KIANGNAN 1899 10 Cents Silver, L&M227, NGC VF35, H.F.Bowker East Asia Collection 1899年(己亥)江南省造光緒元寶庫平七分二厘銀幣, L&M227,NGC VF35,H.F.Bowker 藏品

US $60-120 085 44

Gem KIANGNAN 1902 20 Cents Silver



CHINA-KIANGNAN 1902 20 Cents Silver, L&M249, NGC MS65, H.F.Bowker East Asia Collection 1902年(壬寅)江南省造光緒元寶庫平一錢四分四厘銀幣,L&M249,NGC MS65,H.F.Bowker 藏品

US $600-1,200 Auction Result(s): 10/2020, Hong Kong, PCGS MS64, realized at US $2,640. 拍賣記錄 : 2020年10月,香港,PCGS MS64,成交價 :2 640美元。

Scarce KIANGNAN 1904 10 Cents Silver

087 087

CHINA-KIANGNAN 1904 10 Cents Silver, L&M261, NGC AU55, H.F.Bowker East Asia Collection 1904年(甲辰)江南省造光緒元寶庫平七分二厘銀幣,L&M261,NGC AU55,H.F.Bowker 藏品

US $300-600



CHINA-KIANGNAN 1905 10 Cash Copper, Brockage on Obv. NGC MINT ERROR VF35, H.F.Bowker East Asia Collection 1905年(乙巳)江南省造銅幣十文,陰打,NGC MINT ERROR VF35,H.F.Bowker 藏品


US $30-60


CHINA-KIANGNAN 1911 20 Cents Silver, L&M267, NGC AU53, H.F.Bowker East Asia Collection 1911 年江南省造宣統元寶庫平一錢四分四厘銀幣, L&M267 , NGC AU53,H.F.Bowker 藏品


US $100-200


CHINA-KIANGSU 1901 2 Cash Brass Pattern, NGC AU55, H.F.Bowker East Asia Collection 1901 年江蘇省造光緒元寶黃銅幣,中花飛龍,每元當錢二文, NGC AU55,H.F.Bowker 藏品


US $300-600

Gem KIAU CHAU 1909 10 Cents Copper-Nicke

091 091

CHINA-KIAU CHAU 1909 10 Cents Copper-Nicke, Y2, NGC MS65+, Chinese Family Collection 1909青島大德國寶壹角鎳幣,Y2,NGC MS65+,華人家族藏品

US $300-600 Auction Result(s): 10/2020, PCGS MS66, realized at US $2,640.


拍賣記錄 : 2020年10月,PCGS MS66,成交價 :2 640美元。

Choice KIAU CHAU 1909 10 Cents Copper-Nickel

092 092

CHINA-KIAU CHAU 1909 10 Cents Copper-Nickel, Y2, NGC MS64, H.F.Bowker East Asia Collection 1909青島大德國寶壹角鎳幣,Y2,NGC MS64,H.F.Bowker 藏品

US $200-400


CHINA-KIAU CHAU 1909 10 Cents Copper-Nickel, Y2, NGC AU58, Chinese Family Collection 1909青島大德國寶壹角鎳幣,Y2,NGC AU58,華人家族藏品

US $100-200 093


CHINA-KIAU CHAU 1909 10 Cents Copper-Nickel, K872, Y2, NGC MS62, H.F.Bowker East Asia Collection 1909 青 島 大 德 國 寶 壹 角 鎳 幣 , K872 , Y2 , NGC MS62 , H.F.Bowker 藏品


US $100-200


CHINA-KIAU CHAU 1909 BRAND 5 Cents Copper-Nicke, Y1, NGC MS63, Chinese Family Collection 1909青島大德國寶伍分鎳幣,Y1,NGC MS63,華人家族藏品

US $100-200 095

Auction Result(s): 10/2020, NGC MS64, realized at US $1,080; 9/2020, NGC MS65, realized at US $5,400.

拍賣記錄 : 2020年10月,NGC MS64,成交價 :1 080美元 ;2020年9月,NGC MS65,成交價 :5 400美元。


Choice Kann Bowker Collecton KIRIN 1882 One Tael Silver

096 096

CHINA-KIRIN 1882 One Tael Silver, Fantasy, X-M322, NGC MS63, Ex.Kann- Bowker Collection 1882年(光緒八年)吉林機器官局造廠平壹兩銀幣,臆造幣,X-M322,NGC MS63,H.F.Bowker 藏品,原耿愛德 - 包克收藏

US $1,500-3,000





US $300-600

US $100-200

CHINA-KIRIN 1898 50 Cents Silver, L&M517, NGC AU53, H.F.Bowker East Asia Collection 1898 年吉林省造光緒元寶庫平三錢六分銀幣, L&M517 , NGC AU53,H.F.Bowker 藏品

CHINA-KIRIN 1898 50 Cents Silver, L&M517, NGC AU DETAILS, Chopmarked Coin, H.F.Bowker East Asia Collection 1898 年吉林省造光緒元寶庫平三錢六分銀幣, L&M517 , NGC AU DETAILS,戳記幣,H.F.Bowker 藏品

098 098


US $300-600

US $100-200

CHINA-KIRIN 1898 50 Cents Silver, L&M517, NGC XF45, H.F.Bowker East Asia Collection 1898 年吉林省造光緒元寶庫平三錢六分銀幣, L&M517 , NGC XF45,H.F.Bowker 藏品


100 CHINA-KIRIN 1898 50 Centsr Silver, L&M517, NGC VF DETAILS, SURFACE HAIRLINES, H.F.Bowker East Asia Collection 1898 年吉林省造光緒元寶庫平三錢六分銀幣, L&M517 , NGC VF DETAILS,表面發線刮痕,H.F.Bowker 藏品





US $30-60

US $300-600

CHINA-KIRIN 1898 10 Cents Silver, L&M519, NGC AU50, H.F.Bowker East Asia Collection 1898 年吉林省造光緒元寶庫平七分二厘銀幣, L&M519 , NGC AU50,H.F.Bowker 藏品



CHINA-KIRIN 1900 50 Cents Silver, Flower Basket, L&M532, NGC AU58, H.F.Bowker East Asia Collection 1900 年(庚子)吉林省造光緒元寶庫平三錢六分銀幣,花籃, L&M532,NGC AU58,H.F.Bowker 藏品

US $500-1,000

CHINA-KIRIN 1900 50 Cents Silver, Flower Basket, L&M532, NGC XF45, H.F.Bowker East Asia Collection 1900 年(庚子)吉林省造光緒元寶庫平三錢六分銀幣,花籃, L&M532,NGC XF45,H.F.Bowker 藏品



CHINA-KIRIN 1901 50 Cents Silver, Flower Basket, L&M537, NGC AU58, H.F.Bowker East Asia Collection 1901 年(辛丑)吉林省造光緒元寶庫平三錢六分銀幣,花籃, L&M537,NGC AU58,H.F.Bowker 藏品

US $300-600





US $300-600

US $100-200

CHINA-KIRIN 1900 One Dollar Silver, L&M526, NGC XF DETAILS, Chopmarked Coin, H.F.Bowker East Asia Collection 1900年(庚子)吉林省造光緒元寶庫平七錢二分銀幣, L&M526,NGC XF DETAILS,戳記幣,H.F.Bowker 藏品

CHINA-KIRIN 1901 One Dollar Silver, L&M536, NGC AU DETAILS, Chopmarked Coin, H.F.Bowker East Asia Collection 1901年(辛丑)吉林省造光緒元寶庫平七錢二分銀幣, L&M536,NGC AU DETAILS,戳記幣,H.F.Bowker 藏品


Choice KIRIN 1902 50 Cents Silver



CHINA-KIRIN 1902 50 Cents Silver, L&M543, NGC MS61, H.F.Bowker East Asia Collection 1902年(壬寅)吉林省造光緒元寶庫平三錢六分銀幣,L&M543,NGC MS61,H.F.Bowker 藏品

US $600-1,200





US $50-100

US $50-100

CHINA-KIRIN 1906 5 Cents Silver, L&M566, NGC XF40, H.F.Bowker East Asia Collection 1906年(丙午)吉林省造光緒元寶庫平三分六厘銀幣, L&M566,NGC XF40,H.F.Bowker 藏品

CHINA-KIRIN 1907 5 Cents Silver, L&M571, Y179.1, NGC F12, H.F.Bowker East Asia Collection 1907年(丁未)吉林省造光緒元寶庫平三分六厘銀幣,L&M571, Y179.1,NGC F12,H.F.Bowker 藏品

Choice KIRIN 1908 20 Centsr Silver 110



CHINA-KIRIN 1908 20 Centsr Silver, L&M580, NGC MS63, H.F.Bowker East Asia Collection 1908 年 ( 戊 申 ) 吉 林 省 造 光 緒 元 寶 庫 平 一 錢 四 分 四 厘 銀 幣 , L&M580,NGC MS63,H.F.Bowker 藏品

US $100-200

Scarce KWANGSI 1921 10 Cents Brass 111

CHINA-KWANGSI 1921 10 Cents Brass, L&M168A, NGC MS63 BN, Chinese Family Collection 1921 年(民國十年)廣西省造壹毫銀幣,銅打, L&M168A , NGC MS63 BN,華人家族藏品

111 Auction Result(s) 8/2019, PCGS SP64, realized at US $1,980; 3/2019, PCGS SP63, realized at US $1,800.

US $300-600 拍賣記錄 2019 年 8 月,PCGS SP64,成交價:1 980 美元; 2019 年 3 月,PCGS SP63,成交價:1 800 美元。

112 112

CHINA-KWANGSI 1921 20 Cents Copper, L&M167A, Environmental Damage, NGC AU DETAILS, Chinese Family Collection 1921 年(民國十年)廣西省造贰毫銀幣,銅打, L&M167A , NGC AU DETAILS,華人家族藏品

US $100-200

115 115

C H I NA- K WAN GTU N G N D ( 1 8 9 0 - 1 9 0 8 ) 1 0 C e nt s Silver,L&M136, NGC MS63, H.F.Bowker East Asia Collection 1890-1908年廣東省造光緒元寶庫平七分二厘銀幣,L&M136, NGC MS63,H.F.Bowker 藏品

US $100-200

113 113

CHINA-KWANGTUNG ND(1909-1911 ) 20 Cents Silver, L&M139, NGC MS63, H.F.Bowker East Asia Collection 1909-1911年廣東省造宣統元寶庫平一錢四分四厘銀幣, L&M139,NGC MS63,H.F.Bowker 藏品

US $100-200

116 116

CHINA-KWANGTUNG ND(1890-1905) 50 Cents Silver, L&M134, NGC VF DETAILS, EXCESSIVE SURFACE HAIRLINES, H.F.Bowker East Asia Collection 1890-1905年廣東省造光緒元寶庫平三錢六分銀幣,L&M134, NGC VF DETAILS,明顯表面發線刮痕,H.F.Bowker 藏品

US $100-200





US $100-200

US $100-200

CHINA-KWANGTUNG ND(1890-1908) 10 Cents Silver, L&M136, NGC MS63, H.F.Bowker East Asia Collection 1890-1908年廣東省造光緒元寶庫平七分二厘銀幣,L&M136, NGC MS63,H.F.Bowker 藏品

C H I NA- K WAN GTU N G N D ( 1 8 9 0 - 1 9 0 8 ) 1 0 C e nt s Silver,L&M136, NGC MS62, H.F.Bowker East Asia Collection 1890-1908年廣東省造光緒元寶庫平七分二厘銀幣,L&M136, NGC MS62,H.F.Bowker 藏品


118 118

CHINA-KWANGTUNG ND(1909-1911) One Dollar Silver, L&M138, Y206, NGC UNC DETIALS 1909-1911年廣東省造宣統元寶庫平七錢二分銀幣,L&M138,Y206,NGC UNC DETIALS

US $1,000-2,000

Scarce KWANGTUNG 1918 2 Cents Brass

119 119

CHINA-KWANGTUNG 1918 2 Cents Brass,NGC AU58 1918年(民國七年)廣東省造銅幣貳仙,NGC AU58

US $1,000-2,000

120 120

CHINA-FUKIEN 1923 20C FLAGS WITH ROSETTES, L&M-304,NGC MS64, Chinese Family Collection 1923年福建銀幣廠造中華癸亥庫平一錢四分四厘,雙旗,L&M-304,NGC MS64,華人家族收藏

US $100-200


Gem KWANGTUNG 1924 Sun Yat Sen 20 Cents Silver

121 121

CHINA-KWANGTUNG 1924 Sun Yat Sen BUST 20 Cents Silver, L&M155, Y424, NGC MS65, H.F.Bowker East Asia Collection 1924年(民國十三年)廣東省造孫中山半身像2毫銀幣,L&M155,Y424,NGC MS65,H.F.Bowker 藏品

US $300-600

Choice KWANGTUNG 1924 Sun Yat Sen 20 Cents Silver

122 122

CHINA-KWANGTUNG 1924 20 Cents Silver, L&M155, Y424, PCGS MS63 1924年(民國十三年)廣東省造貳毫銀幣,L&M155,Y424,PCGS MS63

US $1,000-2,000

123 123

CHINA-KWANGTUNG 1924 20 Cents Silver, L&M155, Y424, NGC MS60, Chinese Family Collection 1924年(民國十三年)廣東省造2毫銀幣,L&M155,Y424,NGC MS60,華人家族藏品

US $300-600


Choice MANCHURIAN 1907 One Dollar Silver

124 124

CHINA-MANCHURIAN 1907 One Dollar Silver, L&M487, NGC AU58, NC Collection 1907年東三省造光緒元寶庫平七錢二分銀幣,L&M487,NGC AU58,NC藏品

US $38,000-76,000 Auction Result(s) 10/2020, PCGS MS62, realized at US $136,000; 1/2015, PCGS MS62, realized at US $117,000.

Very Rare 1907 Manchurian dollar 2nd finest known and only 1 in a higher grade in NGC MS62, as all 1907 Manchurian dollars are rare in AU grade or above and extremely rare mint state with only one coin graded by NGC in MS62. From the famous NC collection with nice original toning and sharp strike, one of the rarest dollar of China, even rarer than the famous Chihli year 22nd dollar. With 2 in NGC MS62, one was from Prague in eastern Europe and purchased by Champion for around 200,000 euros from the Kuenker Auction for a client, and one in NGC MS63 from the Howard Bowker collection auction by Champion in 2016 for USD 345,000.

拍賣記錄 2020 年 10 月,PCGS MS62,成交價:136 000 美元; 2015 年 1 月,PCGS MS62,成交價:117 000 美元。

這枚罕見的1907年東三省銀幣是已知第二高分,只有一枚評分 更高為 NGC MS62。評分為 AU 或更高的1097年東三省銀幣都 非常稀少,保留出廠狀態的非常少,僅一枚為 MS62。這枚出自 著名的 NC 收藏,原包漿,鑄打清晰,是中國最為稀少的壹圓銀 幣之一,比著名的二十二年北洋機器局造壹圓銀幣更為稀少(該 幣有2枚 NGC MS62,有一枚出自東歐的布拉格,冠軍拍賣在以 200 000歐元的價格從昆克拍賣上買下 ;還有一枚 NGC MS63, 出自包克收藏,冠軍拍賣在2016年拍出,成交價345 000美元。)

Very Rare PEKING 1900 20 Cents Silver Pattern Original Strike


CHINA-PEKING 1900 20 Cents Silver Pattern, L&M8, NGC MS60, Original Strike, H.F. Bowker East Asia Collection 1900 年京局製造光緒元寶庫平 一錢四分四厘銀幣,樣幣,初鑄 幣,L&M8,NGC MS60,H.F. Bowker 藏品



US $20,000-40,000

Auction Result(s): Originally strike, 20 cents, 2012, Chengxuan Auction, PCGS SP61, realized at US $54,520; Originally strike, 20 cents, 2007, Chengxuan Auction, UNC, realized at US $66,370; Originally strike, 10 cents, 2007, Chengxuan Auction, UNC, realized at US $66,370. 拍賣記錄: 原版貳角,2012 年秋, 誠軒拍賣,PCGS SP61, 成交價:54 520 美元; 原版貳角,2007 年秋,誠軒拍賣,UNC,成交價:66 370 美元; 原版壹角,2007 年秋,誠軒拍賣,UNC,成交價:66 370 美元。

The coin in this sale is from the Bowker Collection. Bowker mentioned the coin in his letter to Eduard Kann in 1949, and stated that this is the only important recent addition to his collection. Champion Auction sold an original strike 10 cents from the Chinese Family Collection in Hong Kong auction in December 2007, and it was purchased by Taiwan famous collector David Ho. 這枚“京局”貳角出自包克收藏。包克曾在其1949年寫給耿愛德 的信中提到這枚幣,表示這他近期新增收藏中唯一重要藏品。 冠軍拍賣還曾在2007年12月的香港拍賣上拍出一枚出自華人家 族收藏的壹角初鑄幣,被中國著名收藏家何代水收入囊中。

The 1900 Peking Dragon Silver Dollar series “京局”庚子銀幣 The 1900 Peking Dragon Silver Dollar series is famous among collectors of Chinese coins. Kann published information about the Peking Dollar for the first time in his 1954 catalog. In Kann’s account of how the dies were bought and sold, it seems that the final sale of the Peking Dragon Dollar dies was to a Shanghai collector who moved to Hong Kong in 1947. Although the final sale date is unknown, it may have been during or after the anti-Japanese war. Most collectors agree the One Dollar and Half Dollar were not made by Peking mint but were probably made privately in the 1940’s.

Champion-JEAN sold Kann’s Peking Dollar and Sweeny’s Peking set to Chinese collectors in United States. “京局”庚子銀幣在中國近代機制幣收藏界中非常有名。該幣首次 出現是在 Kann1954年的拍賣目錄中。根據 Kann 的文章《京局的 鋼模》,京局庚子鑄幣最後賣給了一位1947年去香港的錢幣經銷商。 可能因為戰亂,銷售的具體日期沒有注明。Kann 在文章中以史實 推導並得出結論,七錢二分或三錢六分的“京局”庚子銀幣可能在

1940年代由私人所鑄,而不是京局製造,大多數收藏家均同意這 一觀點。

Ch’uan Pi magazine reported the 10 Cents, believed to be a product of the Peking mint, in the 1940’s. James Sweeny referred to the Peking 1900 series in an article published in the Journal of East Asian Numismatics (JEAN). Both Richard Wright (who owned the original 20 and 10 Cents proofs) and Bruce Smith added information to the Peking series in JEAN.


New developments concerning the 1900 Peking series occurred in recent years. The British numismatic firm of Spink’s offered two and a half piefort sets of Peking coins with matte proof finish and plain edges. The edges of one set were marked with serial numbers by the owner. Spink’s sold two sets to a Taiwan collector, owner of a private coin museum. In the 1980’s, The British Royal Mint tested Kann's specimen of the Peking Dollar and Sweeny’s Peking set extensively. In 1994 and 1995,


James Sweeny 曾在《東亞泉志》上發表題為《“京局”庚子銀幣 1900系列》的文章,詳細描述了庚子之亂以及清朝唯一以城市命 名的錢幣系列。Richard Wright 和 Bruce Smith 後來在《東亞泉 志》上對《“京局”庚子銀幣1900系列》進行了補充。

Spink 曾 有 兩 套 半 matte proof piefort 光 邊 的“ 京 局 ” 庚 子 銀 幣,一套邊緣上標有序號。Spink 將其中兩套賣給了一位擁有私人 藏品博物館的臺灣收藏家。1980年代,Sweeny 把 Kann 的庚子 京局製造庫平七錢二分樣幣及自己的套幣都提交給了英國皇家造幣 廠進行測試。1994年 -1995年,冠軍拍賣將 Kann 的七錢二分和

Sweeny 的套幣分別賣給了美國資深華裔收藏家。






US $100-200

US $200-400

CHINA-SHANSI 1928 Arsenal 2 Fens Token, KM-TN2, NGC XF45, NC Collection 1928 年(民國十七)山西軍工工友消費證貳分代用幣, KMTN2,NGC XF45,NC 藏品

CHINA-SINKIANG 1878 5 Fens Silver, L&M664, NGC AU55, H.F.Bowker East Asia Collection 1878年(AH1295)新疆五分銀幣,L&M664,NGC AU55, H.F.Bowker 藏品





US $100-200

US $100-200

CHINA-SINKIANG 1875 5 Fens Silver, L&M671, NGC AU50, H.F.Bowker East Asia Collection 1875年(AH1292)新疆五分銀幣,L&M671,NGC AU50, H.F.Bowker 藏品

CHINA-SINKIANG 1878 1/2 Miscal Silver Coin, L&M678, NGC XF45, H.F.Bowker East Asia Collection 1878年新疆光緒銀錢五分,L&M678,NGC XF45, H.F.Bowker 藏品

Choice SINKIANG 1894 2 Maces Silver 130

CHINA-SINKIANG 1894 2 Maces Silver, L&M689, NGC AU58, H.F.Bowker East Asia Collection, Finest known. 1894 年( AH1311 )新疆光緒銀圓貳錢, L&M689 , NGC AU58,H.F.Bowker 藏品,已知最高分。




CHINA-SINKIANG 1896 5 Maces Silver, L&M695, NGC XF45, H.F.Bowker East Asia Collection 1896 年( AH1313 )喀什光緒銀圓伍錢, L&M695 , NGC XF45,H.F.Bowker 藏品

CHINA-SINKIANG 1903 5 Maces Silver, L&M721, NGC XF45, H.F.Bowker East Asia Collection 1903 年( AH1321 )喀造光緒銀圓伍錢, L&M721 , NGC XF45,H.F.Bowker 藏品

US $100-200

US $100-200



US $300-600


133 133

CHINA-SINKIANG 1904(AH1322) 3 Maces Silver, L&M794, NGC AU50, H.F.Bowker East Asia Collection 1904 年 (AH1322) 新疆迪化光緒銀圓三錢, L&M794 , NGC AU50,H.F.Bowker 藏品

US $100-200

137 137

CHINA-SINKIANG 1910 Ration Silver 2 Maces, L&M822, Y4, NGC F15, NC Collection 1910年新疆省造餉銀二錢銀幣,L&M822,Y4,NGC F15,NC 藏品

US $300-600

134 134

CHINA-SINKIANG 1904(AH1322) 5 Maces Silver, L&M793, Y35, NGC XF45, H.F.Bowker East Asia Collection 1904年 (AH1322) 新 疆 迪 化 光 緒 銀 圓 五 錢,L&M793,Y35, NGC XF45,H.F.Bowker 藏品

US $100-200

138 138

CHINA-SINKIANG 1910 Ration Silver 5 Maces, L&M820, NGC VF35, H.F.Bowker East Asia Collection 1910年新疆餉銀伍錢銀幣,L&M820,NGC VF35,H.F.Bowker 藏品

US $50-100


135 135


CHINA-SINKIANG 1904 5 Maces Silver, L&M724, NGC VF35, H.F.Bowker East Asia Collection 1904 年 (AH1322) 新疆喀造光緒銀圓五錢, L&M724 , NGC VF35,H.F.Bowker 藏品

CHINA-SINKIANG 1911 5 Maces Silver, L&M764, NGC VF35, H.F.Bowker East Asia Collection 1911年(AH1329) 喀 什 餉 銀 伍 錢 銀 幣,L&M764,NGC VF35,H.F.Bowker 藏品

US $100-200

US $60-120

136 136

CHINA-SINKIANG 1910 5 Maces Silver, L&M755, NGC VF35, H.F.Bowker East Asia Collection 1910 年( AH1328 )喀什造宣統銀幣五錢, L&M755 , NGC VF35,H.F.Bowker 藏品

US $100-200 57

Extremely Rare SINKIANG 1912 Unification Society Silver Medal with lion and flags patterns

140 140

CHINA-SINKIANG 1912 Unification Society Silver Medal with lion and flags patterns, 27.8g, NGC MEDAL AU55, NC Collection 1912年(民國元年)新疆維持統一會獅子雙旗圖銅質紀念章,重27.8克,NGC MEDAL AU55,NC藏品

US $8,000-16,000 This extremely rare 1912 Sinkiang unification silver medal looks like it was overstruck on a 1912 Republic Sinkiang double flag silver tael. The medal has an extremely interesting lion design with cross flags on top of a globe. Sharply struck with very attractive details of the lion worth original mint luster and surface. This is the only known example seen in the past 30 years from the NC collection, who likely purchased this medal from Hong Kong Chinese numismatic expert Zhang Huang in the 1970s. This coin may be issued under the order of Zhang Zengxin, the "king of Xinjiang." When the Beiyang Government governed China, warlords fought nationwide. Under the rule of Zhang Zengxin, the Xinjiang region was relatively stable and prosperous. After the National Revolutionary Army won the Northern Expedition War in 1928, Zhang announced that he would obey the Nanjing National Government's leadership and appointed to

be the governor of Xinjiang Province. Zhang Zengxin safeguarded Xinjiang's territorial integrity, stability, and peace and benefited people in Xinjiang by using his political talent and military strength. 這枚非常稀少的1912年新疆維持統一會銀質紀念章是在1912年民 國新疆雙旗壹兩銀幣上重打而成。這枚紀念章上的獅子圖案越於雙 旗之上,下有地球圖案,這一設計頗為有趣。紀念章鑄打深峻,獅 子圖案的細節非常清晰,出廠原光和原版底。這枚是紀念章出自 NC 收藏,NC 可能是在20世紀70年代從中國香港的著名錢幣專家 張璜處買入這枚紀念章,這似乎是過去30年中唯一已知的一枚。 這枚幣可能由“新疆王”張增新下令鑄造。在北洋政府時期,全 國各地軍閥混戰,新疆在張增新的統治下,內部安定,歌舞昇平。 1928年,國民革命軍北伐成功,張增新宣佈服從南京國民政府領 導,改懸青天白日滿地紅旗,就任新疆省主席。張增新利用其政 治頭腦和軍事實力,成功維護了新疆的領土完整,安定和平,委 實造福一方。

141 141

CHINA-SINKIANG 1915 Hong Xian Copper 10 Cash, Y-A38.1, NGC VF25 BN, H.F.Bowker East Asia Collection 1915年(AH1334)新疆喀造洪憲銅幣當製錢十文, Y-A38.1, NGC VF25 BN,H.F.Bowker 藏品

US $60-120 58

142 142

CHINA-SZECHUAN ND(1898-1908) 50 Cents Silver, L&M347, Y237, NGC AU DETAILS, H.F.Bowker East Asia Collection 1898-1908年四川省造光緒元寶庫平三錢六分銀幣,L&M347, Y237,NGC AU DETAILS,H.F.Bowker 藏品

US $1,000-2,000

Gem SZECHUAN ND(1901-1908) One Dollar Silver 143

CHINA-SZECHUAN ND (1901-1908) One Dollar Silver, L&M345, Y238, NGC MS63, 2nd highest grade, with 2 higher in MS64. 1901-1908 年四川省造光緒元寶庫平七錢二分, L&M345,Y238,NGC MS63,已知第二高分, 有2枚更高分為MS64。

US $10,000-20,000 Sharply struck with nice steel toning, one of the finest known examples of this dollar with only three higher grades in MS64.


Auction Result(s): 10/2020, PCGS MS64+, realized at US $216,000; 8/2012, PCGS MS64, realized at US $47,800; 4/2013, NGC MS62, realized at US $22,705.

這枚拍品鑄打清晰,有著漂亮的原包漿,是已知品相 最好的之一,僅有三枚評分更高,為 MS64。

拍賣記錄: 2020 年 10 月,PCGS MS64+,成交價:216 000 美元;2012 年 8 月,PCGS MS64,成交價:47 800 美元;2013 年 4 月,NGC MS62,成交價: 22 705 美元。

1901-1908 Szechuan Series 1901-1908年四川省造光緒元寶

A PCGS MS64 sold in Stack's Bowers Aug-12 sale for US $56,763; A NGC MS63 sold in Champion Apr-08 sale for US $17,250. A PCGS MS64 sold in Champion December 2007 for US $36,800.

production of K.145-149, apparently with a new set of dies.

This set (K145-149) is actually Szechuan's first coinage. All denominations have the same incorrect writing of the character P'ing [ 平 ]. Errors in the writing of other characters, especially

MS64在2007年12月的冠軍拍賣會以36 800美元售出。

一 枚 PCGS MS64在2012年8月 斯 塔 克 · 鮑 沃 斯(Stack's

Bowers) 拍 賣 會 上 的 成 交 價 是56 763美 元 ;一 枚 NGC MS63 在2008年4月冠軍拍賣會上的成交價是17 250美元。一枚 PCGS


ch'ien [ 錢 ] show clearly that the dies were made outside of


China. There are many minor varieties of this coin due in part to recutting of the die.


The contract to set up the Chengdu mint was given to the Ferracute Company of Bridgeton, New Jersey (USA). Ferracute provided all the machinery for the Chengdu mint, but the dies were engraved at the Philadelphia mint under a private contract between Ferracute and Charles E. Barber. In 1898 an engineer from Ferracute went with the machinery to China. During the trip, the equipment was unloaded and left beside the Yangtze river which rose and submerged the crates. When the equipment finally arrived in Chengdu, the dies were found to be rusted. In the summer of 1898, the embarrassed engineer produced some trial strikes at Chengdu with the rusted dies. To his surprise, the Chinese officials felt that the blemished dies would make the coins more difficult to counterfeit. It is unknown whether a new set of dies was ordered at that time, but for reasons which are unclear, the mint did not go into operation. Finally, in 1902 the mint reopened and began

細分的話有很多版別。但這套錢幣確實為四川的第一套錢幣。所有 面額上均有同樣錯誤的“平”字。 成都造幣廠的成立是與美國新澤西州的漢立克那浦公司 (Ferracute Company)簽訂的合同,漢立克那浦公司為成都造幣 廠提供所有的造幣設備,但幣模卻是在費城造幣廠雕刻,通過簽訂 私人合同由查理斯 · 巴伯公司(Charles E. Barber)進行製造。

1898年,漢立克那浦公司的一位元元工程師攜帶這些設備啟程去 中國。途中,這些設備發生意外,裝有設備的箱子被水淹過。當設 備最終到達成都造幣廠的時候,幣模已經生銹。1898年夏天,這 位元倒楣的工程師使用這些生銹的幣模試著生產了一些錢幣。令人 驚訝的是,中國的政府官員認為這些錢幣上的瑕疵反而令錢幣難以 被仿製。當時有否重新訂購一批幣模,我們並不知道,但因為某種 未知原因,造幣廠當時並未投入運營。 最後在1902年,造幣廠重新開業並進行 K.145-149的生產,明顯 使用的是新的幣模。



147 147


CHINA-SZECHUAN ND(1902-1911) Tibet Rupee Silver, Without Collar and Horizontal Rosette, L&M358, NGC VF35, H.F.Bowker East Asia Collection 1902-1911 年四川省造盧比銀幣,無領橫花, L&M358 , NGC VF35,H.F.Bowker 藏品

CHINA-SZECHUAN 1912 50 Cash Bronze, Small Flower, Y449a, NGC AU58 BN, H.F.Bowker East Asia Collection 1912 年(民國一年)軍政府造四川銅幣當制錢五十文,青銅小 花,Y449a,NGC AU58 BN,H.F.Bowker 藏品

US $30-60

US $100-200





US $300-600

US $100-200

CHINA-SZECHUAN 1912 One Dollar Silver, L&M366, NGC MS62, H.F.Bowker East Asia Collection 1912 年(民國元年)軍政府造四川銀幣壹圓, L&M366 , NGC MS62,H.F.Bowker 藏品

CHINA-SZECHUAN 1913 20 Cash Brass, 3 Rosettes, Y448.1a, NGC MS63, H.F.Bowker East Asia Collection 1913 年(民國二年)軍政府造四川銅幣當制錢二十文,三花, Y448.1a,NGC MS63,H.F.Bowker 藏品

Auction Result(s): 10/2020, PCGS MS62, realized at US $4,800. 拍賣記錄: 2020 年 10 月,PCGS MS62,成交價:4 800 美元。

146 146

CHINA-REPUBLIC ND(1920) 10 Cash Copper, Y-302, PCGS Genuine 1920年中華民國開國紀念十文銅幣,Y-302,PCGS Genuine

US $30-60

149 149

CHINA-SZECHUAN 1913 10 Cash Brass, Y447a, NGC MS63, H.F.Bowker East Asia Collection 1913 年(民國二年)軍政府造四川銅幣當制錢十文, Y447a , NGC MS63,H.F.Bowker 藏品

US $100-200


CHINA-SZECHUAN 1914 20 Cash Brass, 3 Rosettes, Y448.1a, NGC MS62, H.F.Bowker East Asia Collection 1914 年(民國三年)軍政府造四川銅幣當制錢二十文,三花, Y448.1a,NGC MS62,H.F.Bowker 藏品



US $100-200

Finest Known TAIWAN ND(1838-1850) One Dollar Silver



CHINA-TAIWAN ND (1838-50) Old Man Dollar Silver, L&M316, NGC AU55, H.F. Bowker East Asia Collection 1838-1850年臺灣老公銀壹圓,L&M316,NGC AU55,包克藏品

US $10,000-20,000 Auction Result(s): 8/2019, Hong Kong, NGC AU50, realized at US $72,000.

The old man dollar in this auction is an early version without chopmark, and it may be the finest known. This maybe from the 1950s Tracey Woodard sale held by Hans Schuman where also Eduard Kann acquired many of the rare Fukien ration dollars also.

拍賣記錄: 2019 年 8 月,香港,NGC AU50,成交價:72 000 美元。 此次拍賣的1852年臺灣老公銀壹圓上沒有戳記,亦是早期版本, 可能也是已知硬幣中品相最好的一枚。这枚可能在20世纪50年代 时汉斯 · 舒曼(Hans Schuman)通过邮拍卖出的伍德华旧藏耿 愛德也正是從這裡收穫了很多珍稀的漳州軍餉。

Taiwan Old Man Dollar 臺灣壽星銀餅 The Taiwan old man dollar was first struck at 1838, and was made for 10 years. It is not only the first silver coin issued in China, but also the earlies struck coins which witness the inflation in China. Though the face value is 7.2 Mace, its weight decreased from 26.8g in early times to 26.4g in middle times and below 26g in late times. The diameter was 43mm in early times and became 40mm in late time. Same face value and less silver, the prices at that time must be rising. This old man dollar is struck in early time and the above one is in middle time. Because circulating for a long time, the coins in early times

with few chomparks are difficult to see. 臺灣壽星銀餅始鑄于清道光18年(1838),前後發行共約10年。 不僅是中國發行的第一枚銀幣,也是見證中國通貨膨漲最早的壓鑄 幣。其面值雖一直為“庫平七二”,但重量卻從早期的26.8克,降 到中期的26.4克,及後期的26克以下。早期的直徑有43mm, 後期 縮至40mm。同樣面值,銀子少了,當時物價必在上漲。這枚錢幣 為早期的壽星銀餅。上面那枚則為中期。由於流通時期較長,早期 銀餅少列印的更是難得。





CHINA-TAIWAN ND (1853) LOTUS MILITARY RATION Silver, L&M323, K2, NGC AU DETAILS, Chopmarked Coin, NC Collection 1853年臺灣如意軍餉,L&M323,K2,NGC AU DETAILS,戳記幣,NC藏品。

US $20,000-40,000 Auction Result(s): 5/2020, NGC EF DETAILS, realized at US $38,400; 4/2012, J.C. Lee Collection, NGC EF DETAILS, realized at US $90,000.

拍賣記錄: 2020 年 5 月,NGC EF DETAILS,成交價:38 400 美元; 2012 年 4月, J.C. Lee 收藏, NGC EF DETAILS, 成交價:90 000 美元。

Another finest known example of the famous Taiwan lotus ration dollar comparable to the J.C. Lee example, which was sold in 2014, Macau. Sharply struck with some noticeable doubling of the lotus flower with strong mint luster, original toning, and eye appeal. This coin from the NC collection is also likely acquired from Hong Kong Chinese numismatic expert Zhang Huang.

這枚也是已知品相最好的著名臺灣如意軍餉,可以與2014年澳門 拍賣上售出的李正民先生收藏的那麼相媲美。這枚幣鑄打深峻, 如意圖案有著漂亮的出廠光澤,原包漿,味道非常好。這枚拍品 出自 NC 收藏,可能也是從中國香港的著名中國錢幣專家張璜處 購得。

Taiwan Lotus Military Ration Dollar 臺灣如意銀餅

The Taiwan lotus military ration dollar was first made at 1853. It is the second silver coin issued in China. On the obverse is the design of a treasure bowl containing treasure trees, on the reverse are two lotus flowers with their stems crossed. The whole coin looks very attractive and contains pure silver over 98 percent. Unfortunately, at that time people usually identified these coins by making chopmarks on them, and though this coin was only issued for few years, it was continued to be used until Xianfeng era, so most of the old man dollars were chopped far from their original look. Now it is difficult to see a Ju-I military ration dollar, not only because of the high content of silver, but also that they were melted to make silver ornament. 62

臺灣如意銀餅始鑄于清咸豐三年(1853),是中國發行的第二枚銀 幣。正面有聚寶盆及珍寶樹圖案,背面為交叉的芝形如意。餅體制 作古樸誘人,銀色亦過98%。可惜當時通用習俗,多用列印來試真 偽,其前後雖發行僅有數年,但一直長期通用到光緒年間,因此餅 面多被打的面目全非,稱之為“耝銀”或“爛板“。由於銀色高純, 又被大量溶解去做銀飾,如今要尋見一枚完整清晰的“萬寶如意”, 非常不易! 在2012年4月的香港拍賣會上,一枚 NGC EF Details 的成交價是

89 625美元。


CHINA-TAIWAN ND(1893-1894) 10 Cents Silver, L&M328, NGC AU DETAILS, H.F.Bowker East Asia Collection 1893-1894年臺灣省造光緒元寶庫平七分二厘銀幣,L&M328, NGC AU DETAILS,H.F.Bowker 藏品


US $300-600


CHINA-TAIWAN ND(1893-1894) 10 Cents Silver, L&M328A, Sarshly Cleaned, NGC XF DETAILS, Chinese Family Collection 1893-1894年臺灣製造光緒元寶庫平七分二厘銀幣, L&M328A,NGC XF DETAILS,華人家族藏品


US $300-600




CHINA-TIBET SZECHUAN GOLD IMITATION TYPE 1/4R, FANTASY, L&M1055, NGC UNC DETAILS. Obv die match with lot 228 of the king, Umberto sale by schulman in 1967 西藏四川1/4R金質幣,臆造幣,L&M1055,NGC UNC DETAILS。幣正面的國王圖案,與1967年Umberto在 舒爾曼拍賣過的Lot228號幣模相似。

US $3,000-5,000






CHINA-TIBET Tangka 1793 Chien Lung Treasure Coin, 24 Dots, L&M637, NGC AU58, H.F.Bowker East Asia Collection 1793年(CD58)西藏造乾隆寶藏1/2T銀幣,24星點, L&M637,NGC AU58,H.F.Bowker 藏品

CHINA-TIBET SHO 1821 Tao Kwang Treasure Coin, L&M647, NGC AU55, H.F.Bowker East Asia Collection 1821年(CD1)西藏造道光寶藏銀幣,L&M647,NGC AU55,H.F.Bowker 藏品

US $200-400

US $200-400

157 157

CHINA-TIBET Tangka 1793 Chien Lung Treasure Coin, L&M637, NGC XF40, H.F.Bowker East Asia Collection 1793年(CD58)西藏造乾隆寶藏銀幣,唐卡,L&M637,NGC XF40,H.F.Bowker 藏品

US $100-200

160 160

CHINA-TIBET SHO 1821 Tao Kwang Treasure Coin, L&M647, Environment Damage, NGC AU DETAILS, H.F.Bowker East Asia Collection 1821 年( CD1 )西藏造道光寶藏銀幣, L&M647 , NGC AU DETAILS,H.F.Bowker 藏品

US $100-200


158 158


CHINA-TIBET SHO 1821 Chia Ching Treasure Coin, L&M646, NGC AU53, H.F.Bowker East Asia Collection 1821 年 ( CD25 ) 西 藏 造 嘉 慶 寶 藏 銀 幣 , L&M646 , NGC AU53,H.F.Bowker 藏品

CHINA-TIBET 1936(BE1610) 3 Srangs Silver, L&M658, NGC AU58, H.F.Bowker East Asia Collection 1936年(BE1610)西藏造3兩銀幣,L&M658,NGC AU58, H.F.Bowker 藏品

US $200-400

US $50-100


CHINA-TIBET 1916 1/2 Srang Silver, Lion Looking Backwards, L&M656A, NGC VF DETAILS, H.F.Bowker East Asia Collection 1916 年( BE1550 )西藏造五錢銀幣,後看獅, L&M656A , NGC VF DETAILS,H.F.Bowker 藏品



US $50-100

Finest Known TIBET SKAR 1910 Hsuan Tung Treasure Coin

163 163

CHINA-TIBET SKAR 1910 Hsuan Tung Treasure Coin, Y-4, NGC MS64 RB, H.F.Bowker East Asia Collection 1910年西藏造宣統寶藏,Y-4,NGC MS64 RB,H.F.Bowker 藏品

US $300-600

Gem YUNNAN ND(1911-1915) 10 Cents Silver 164

CHINA-YUNNAN ND(1911-1915) 10 Cents Silver, L&M424, Y255, NGC MS65+, Chinese Family Collection 1911-1915年雲南省造光緒元寶庫平七分二厘銀 幣,L&M424,Y255,NGC MS65+,華人家族 藏品

US $300-600 Auction Result(s): 10/2020, PCGS MS66, realized at US $3,120; 9/2020, PCGS MS65, realized at US $2,520.


拍賣記錄: 2020 年 10 月,PCGS MS66,成交價:3 120 美元;2020 年 9 月,PCGS MS65,成交價:2 520 美元

165 165

CHINA-YUNNAN ND(1911-1922) One Dollar Silver, L&M421, Y258.1, 4 Circles Below Pearl, H.F.Bowker East Asia Collection 1911-1922年雲南省造光緒元寶庫平七錢二分銀幣,火球下4個圈,L&M421,Y258.1,NGC AU58,H.F.Bowker 藏品

US $100-200 65


166 166


US $50-100

US $100-200

CHINA-YUNNAN ND(1911) 20 Cents Silver, L&M423, NGC VF20, Chinese Family Collection 1911 年雲南省造光緒元寶庫平一錢四分四厘銀幣, L&M423 , NGC VF20,華人家族藏品

CHINA-YUNNAN 1917 Tang Chi Yao 50 Cents Silver, L&M863, Netting on Left Flag, NGC AU58, H.F.Bowker East Asia Collection 1917 年 雲 南 省 造 唐 繼 堯 像 擁 護 共 和 紀 念 庫 平 三 錢 六 分 銀 幣 , L&M863,NGC AU58,H.F.Bowker 藏品




CHINA-YUNNAN 1917 Tang Chi Yao 50 Cents Silver, L&M863, Netting on Left Flag, NGC MS62, H.F.Bowker East Asia Collection 1917 年 雲 南 省 造 唐 繼 堯 像 擁 護 共 和 紀 念 庫 平 三 錢 六 分 銀 幣 , L&M863,NGC MS62,H.F.Bowker 藏品

US $300-600


C H I NA-YU N NAN 1 9 3 2 5 C e nt s B ra s s , N G C VF 2 5 , H.F.Bowker East Asia Collection 1 9 3 2 年 ( 民 國 二 十 一 ) 雲 南 省 造 伍 仙 銅 幣 , N G C VF 2 5 , H.F.Bowker 藏品

US $200-400


CHINA-YUNNAN 1949 20 Cents Silver, L&M432, NGC AU58, Chinese Family Collection 1949 年(民國三十八年)雲南省造貳角銀幣, L&M432 , NGC AU58,華人家族藏品

US $100-200


Choice CAMBODIA 1860E 2 France Silver 171

CAMBODIA 1860E 2 France Silver, X-E8, NGC PF63 1860年柬埔寨2法郎銀幣,X-E8,NGC PF63

US $1,000-2,000


Auction Result(s): 7/2020, Hong Kong, NGC PR65, realized at US $3,600; 1/2019, NGC PR63, realized at US $2,640; 8/2014, NGC PR63, realized at US $2,880.

拍賣記錄: 2020 年 7 月,香港,NGC PR65,成交價:3 600 美元;2019 年 1 月,NGC PR63,成交價:2 640 美元;2014 年 8 月,NGC PR63,成交價: 2 880 美元。


172 172

GERMANY 1895-DATED Bismarck 80th birthday Silver, Bennert-162, NGC UNC DETAILS 1895年德國俾斯麥80歲生日紀念章,Bennert-162,NGC UNC DETAILS

US $100-200

Choice Great Britain 1899B One Dollar Coin

173 173

Great Britain 1899B One Dollar Coin,NGC MS62,H.F.Bowker East Asia Collection 1899年大不列顛(英國)壹圓銀幣,NGC MS62,H.F.Bowker 藏品

US $300-600

Scarce N.H.INDIES ND(1939-1940) One Tael

174 174

N.H.INDIES ND(1939-1940) One Tael, NGC AU55, R.T.Braakensiek Assay 1939-1940荷屬東&西印度群島1兩銀幣,NGC AU55,R.T.Braakensiek 檢驗

US $2,000-4,000 Auction Result(s): 1/2019, NGC MS62, realized at US $6,600; 1/2019, NGC AU55, realized at US $4,320.

拍賣記錄: 2019 年 1 月,NGC MS62,成交價:6 600 美元; 2019 年 1 月,NGC AU55,成交價:4 320 美元。


Choice JAPAN 1905 One Yen Silver


JAPAN 1905 One Yen Silver, NGC MS64 1905 年 ( 明 治 28 年 ) 日 本 一 圓 銀 幣 , NGC MS64

US $600-1,200 175


KOREA 1902 5 Fun Copper, KM 1116, NGC MS65RB. H.F.Bowker East Asia Collection 1902年(光武六年)韓國五分銅幣,KM 1116,NGC MS65 RB,H.F.Bowker 藏品

US $200-400 176


KOREA 1910 One Chon Bronze, KM 1137, NGC MS65 BN. H.F.Bowker East Asia Collection 1910年(隆熙四年)韓國一錢銅幣, KM1137,NGC MS65 BN,H.F.Bowker 藏


US $200-400


MONGOLIA 1925(AH15) 10M Silver, NGC MS62, H.F.Bowker East Asia Collection 蒙古1925年10M銀幣,NGC MS62, H.F.Bowker 藏品

US $100-200 178


Very Rare NETHERLAND 1862 Reception for the first Japanese Ambassador and visit of a delegation to the Netherlands



NETHERLAND 1862 Reception for the first Japanese Ambassador and visit of a delegation to the Netherlands, Bronze Medal, 1862, armorial devices side by side, 1609-1862, legend around, NIPPON TAI-KOEN-NO HOLAND NI KITAROE, rev legends, Japanese script in centre, Dutch around, plain edge, 38mm, NGC PF66BN. H.F.Bowker East Asia Collection. Rare 1862 年日本大使團第一次訪問荷蘭紀念銅章,正面兩國徽章,數字“ 1609-1862 ”,周圍文字環繞“ NIPPON TAI-KOENNO HOLAND NI KITAROE”,反面日本文字“兩國親睦益篤”,周圍荷蘭文字環繞,光邊,直徑38mm,NGC PF66 BN。 H.F.Bowker 藏品。罕見

US $300-600


PHILIPPINES 1837 8 Reales, T6 C/S, 1835LM MT, NGC VF DETAILS 1837 年菲律賓 8 Reales , T6 C/S , 1835LM MT , NGC VF DETAILS


US $100-200


Gem THAILAND 1874(CS1236) 2 ATT Coppe

181 181

THAILAND 1874(CS1236) 2 ATT Copper, Y19, NGC MS63 BN, H.F.Bowker East Asia Collection 1874年泰國2 ATT銅幣,Y19,NGC MS63 BN,H.F.Bowker 藏品

US $600-1,200


182 182

THAILAND 1887(CS1249) ATT Bronze, Y22, NGC AU58 BN, H.F.Bowker East Asia Collection 1887 年泰國 ATT 銅幣, Y22 , NGC AU58 BN , H.F.Bowker



THAILAND 1887(CS1249) 1/2 ATT Bronze, Surface Hairlines, Y21, NGC AU DETAILS, H.F.Bowker East Asia Collection 1887 年泰國 1/2 ATT 銅幣,表面發線刮痕, Y21 , NGC AU DETAILS,H.F.Bowker 藏品

US $50-100

US $50-100

183 183

THAILAND 1887(CS1249) ATT Bronze, Excessive Surface Hairline, Y22, NGC UNC DETAILS, H.F.Bowker East Asia Collection 1 8 8 7 年 泰 國 AT T 銅 幣 , 過 度 發 線 刮 痕 , Y 2 2 , N G C U N C DETAILS,H.F.Bowker 藏品

US $50-100 70

185 185

THAILAND 1890(RS109) 2 ATT Bronze, Surface Hairlines, Y23, NGC UNC DETAILS, H.F.Bowker East Asia Collection 1890 年泰國 2 ATT 銅幣,表面發線刮痕, Y23 , NGC UNC DETAILS,H.F.Bowker 藏品

US $50-100


THAILAND 1890(RS109) 1/2 ATT Bronze, Surface Hairlines, Y21, NGC UNC DETAILS, H.F.Bowker East Asia Collection 1890 年泰國 1/2 ATT 銅幣,表面發線刮痕, Y21 , NGC UNC DETAILS,H.F.Bowker 藏品


US $50-100


THAILAND 1890(RS109) ATT Bronze, Environmental Damage, Y22, NGC AU DETAILS, H.F.Bowker East Asia Collection 1890 年泰國 ATT 銅幣,有損傷, Y22 , NGC AU DETAILS , H.F.Bowker 藏品


US $30-60


THAILAND 1895(RS114) ATT Bronze, Surface Hairlines, Y22, NGC UNC DETAILS, H.F.Bowker East Asia Collection 1 8 9 5 年 泰 國 AT T 銅 幣 , 表 面 發 線 刮 痕 , Y 2 2 , N G C U N C DETAILS,H.F.Bowker 藏品


US $50-100

Choice THAILAND 1899(RS118) 1/2 ATT Bronze

189 189

THAILAND 1899(RS118) 1/2 ATT Bronze, Y21, NGC MS63 BN, H.F.Bowker East Asia Collection 1899年泰國1/2 ATT銅幣,Y21,NGC MS63 BN,H.F.Bowker 藏品

US $100-200



THAILAND 1899(RS118) ATT Bronze, Y22, NGC AU58 BN, H.F.Bowker East Asia Collection 1899 年泰國 ATT 銅幣, Y22 , NGC AU58 BN , H.F.Bowker 藏品


US $60-120


UNITED STATES ND(1840-1935) One Dollar Silver Planchet, 26.7g, Mint Error. H.F.Bowker East Asia Collection 1840-1935年美國一元銀幣空白幣坯,重26.7克,Mint Error錯 版,H.F.Bowker 藏品

US $200-400 191



UNITED STATES-Oakland 1930's East Harbor Oriental Club Token Set(4):(1)20 Dollars Brass Token, 38mm, NGC MS61;(2) One Dollar Aluminium Token, 38mm, NGC MS60;(3)50 Cents Aluminium Token, 31mm, NGC MS61;(4)10 Cents Aluminium Token, 17.5mm, NGC MS60. Total 4 Pieces, H.F.Bowker East Asia Collection 30 年代美國奧克蘭唐人街東灣代幣一套 4 枚:( 1 ) 20 元黃銅,直徑 38mm , NGC MS61 ;( 2 )壹圓鋁幣,直徑 38mm , NGC MS60;(3)伍毫鋁幣,直徑31mm,NGC MS61;(4)壹毫鋁幣,直徑17.5mm,NGC MS60。共4枚,H.F.Bowker 藏品

US $100-200


Very Rare 1980 Moscow Olympics Archery 300 Yuan Gold Proof Piefort

193 193

CHINA 1980 Moscow Olympics Archery 300 Yuan 20g .916 Gold Proof Piefort,Mintage 500,CC-16B,NGC PF69 ULTRA CAMEO,Chinese Family Collection 1980年 莫 斯 科 奧 運 會 射 箭 加 厚 金 幣, 面 值300元, 重20克, 成 色91.6%, 發 行 量500枚,CC-16B,NGC PF69 ULTRA CAMEO,華人家族藏品

US $6,000-12,000 Auction Result(s): 8/2015 PCGS PR69, realized at US $15,600.

Very rare 1980 Moscow Olympic Archery 300 yuan piedfort gold. This program was distributed entirely by a United States company in the state of Vermont. The authorized mintage was 500 pieces, but the actual mintage was much lower, likely less than 50 examples as gold prices surged in 1979 to USD 800, production cost more than tripled; therefore, it received much lower orders and the boycott of the Moscow Olympics by the United States further reduced the sales.

拍賣記錄: 2015 年 8 月,PCGS PR69,成交價:15 600 美元。 這枚1980年莫斯科奧運會射箭300元加厚金幣非常少見。這枚紀 念幣的經銷由佛蒙特州的一家美國公司負責。該幣的授權鑄造量為 500枚,但是實際鑄造量低得多,可能不足50枚,這是因為1979年 時,金價飆升至800美元,因此鑄造成本翻了超過三倍。因此,這 枚幣的訂單數量大幅降低,加之美國抵制莫斯科奧運會又造成了銷 量的進一步下降。


194 194

CHINA 1980 Chinese Olympic Committee 1 Yuan 12g .700 Brass Proof Piefort, Mintage 2500, CC-21B, NGC PF66 CAMEO, Chinese Family Collection 1980年中國奧林匹克委員會加厚銅幣,面值1元,重量12克,成 色70.0%, 發 行2500枚,CC-21B, 精 緻 鏡 面,NGC PF66 CAMEO ,華人家族藏品

US $300-600


CHINA 1981 Xinhai Revolution 70th Anniversary 400 Yuan 1/2 Oz .916 Gold Proof, CC-31, Mintage 1500, NGC PF69 ULTRA CAMEO, Chinese Family Collection 1981年 辛 亥 革 命70周 年 金 幣, 面 值400元, 重 量1/2盎 司, 成 色91.6%,CC-31, 精 緻 鏡 面, 發 行 量1500枚,NGC PF69 ULTRA CAMEO,華人家族藏品

US $600-1,200



CHINA 1981 Rooster 30 Yuan 15g .850 Silver Proof, Mintage 10000, CC-26, NGC PF69 ULTRA CAMEO, Chinese Family Collection 1981年( 辛 丑 ) 雞 年 生 肖 銀 幣, 面 值30元, 重 量15克, 成 色 85%,發行量10000枚,CC-26,NGC PF69 ULTRA CAMEO, 精緻鏡面,華人家族藏品

US $100-200 196 196


CHINA 1981 Rooster 250 Yuan 8g .916 Gold Proof, Mintage 5000, CC-25, PCGS PR69DCAM, with Certificate,Chinese Family Collection 1981年( 辛 丑 ) 雞 年 生 肖 金 幣, 面 值250元, 重 量8克, 成 色 91.6%,發行量5000枚,CC-25,PCGS PR69DCAM,精緻鏡面,

CHINA 1985 Ox 150 Yuan 8g .916 Gold Proof, CC-82, Mintage 5000, NGC PF66 ULTRA CAMEO, Chinese Family Collection 1985乙 丑 牛 年 生 肖 紀 念 金 幣, 面 值150元, 重 量8克, 成 色 91.6%,CC-82, 發 行 量5000枚, 精 緻 鏡 面,NGC PF66 ULTRA CAMEO,華人家族藏品


US $400-600

US $600-1,200

Extremely Rare (1987) Fu Lu Shou Gold Medal Off-Metal-Strike in Aluminium Character "Yong Shou Chang Le" 199

CHINA ND(1987) Fu Lu Shou Gold Medal Off-Metal-Strike in Aluminium, Character "Yong Shou Chang Le", with Box, Diameter 8 c m , We i g ht 5 . 3 3 g , S h e nya n g M i nt , Mintage 3, Very Rare 1987年中國造幣公司瀋陽造幣廠造福祿壽章金模 鋁制,有“永壽長樂”字樣,帶盒,直徑8cm, 重量5.33克,发行量3枚,非常稀少

US $300-600




CHINA 1992 Monkey 150 Yuan 8g .916 Gold Proof, CC-361, Mintage 5000, NGC PF69 ULTRA CAMEO, Chinese Family Collection 1992年 壬 申 猴 年 生 肖 紀 念 金 幣, 面 值150元, 重 量8克, 成 色 91.6%,CC-361, 發 行 量5000枚, 精 緻 鏡 面,NGC PF69 ULTRA CAMEO,華人家族藏品

US $1,000-2,000


CHINA 1996 China Yuan Set(2):(1)9/12 Shengyang Space Panda Ceremony;(2)1980-2020 Yu Min 40th Work Anniversary. Total 2 Pieces, Mintage 20, NGC SAMPLE, Signed by Yu Min (1)9月12日瀋陽太空貓典禮 ; (2) 1996年1元牡丹幣一套2枚 : 1980-2020年 余 敏 從 業40周 年。 共2枚, 發 行 量 各20枚,NGC SAMPLE,余敏簽名版

US $30-60 201 74

Extremely Rare 2016 World Money Fair Berlin-Otto Beh Dies Berlin Special Exhibit 1 Oz .999 Palladium Proof 202

CHINA-BERLIN 2016 World Money Fair Berlin-Otto Beh Dies Berlin Special Exhibit 1 Oz .999 Palladium Pro of,Diameter 40mm,Commemorative Show Panda, Number 3,Mintage 10,NGC PF69 ULTRA CAMEO 2016世界錢幣博覽會 · 柏林 - 德制幣模柏林特別 展鈀質紀念熊貓,重量1盎司,直徑40mm,成 色99.9%,精緻鏡面,編號 #3,發行量10枚, NGC PF69 ULTRA CAMEO


One of the highlights of the 2016 Berlin World Money Fair was the exhibition of the Otto Beh Chinese Dies, which had been donated to the Saxony-Anhalt Museum by Michael Chou of Champion Auction. A plaster of the Show Panda the only Show Panda made by lasering of the die - was also in display. This was the first time a Show Panda plaster ever left China. The official ceremony of the transfer of the dies was attended by the Managing Director of the World Money Fair Hans Henning Goehrum and Alber t Beck, founder of the World Money Fair and the Chief Editor of the Münzen Revue magazine. Jeff Stark of Coin World , Tom Michael of the Standard Catalog of World Coins , and representatives from other leading numismatic publications were in attendance to report on the event. The head of the German Dealer Association, Christoph Raab and the wife of the famous coin collector Dr. Joachim Krüger were also in attendance. The ceremony started with a speech by Ulrich Künker and the presentation (donation) of a check of €12,500, (representing proceeds from the sales of the pair of #1 gold and silver Show Pandas) by Robert Mish, of Mish International Monetary Inc. to Christian Philipsen, Director of the Foundation of Domes and Castles of Saxony-Anhalt. Thirteen blank palladium planchets were imported from the supplier of the U.S. Mint at West Mint and sent to the Shanghai Mint Co., Ltd. One planchet was used for testing the metal fineness, two pieces were used for test strikes with serial numbers, and the rest were used for minting regular Show Pandas. The ten palladium Show Pandas, together with 200 copper pieces were handed out as gifts to mint and museum dignitaries, exhibit event attendees, and working show personnel. 45 brass versions were struck as part of a two-piece copper and brass presentation set for distributors and for current and future museum events. Worth noting is the Piedfort 2 ounce gold Show Panda with a mintage of 20 pieces, which was the first Piedfort ever made in Show Panda history. Show Pandas were sold at the Künker booth. The most popular item was the silver Show Panda which was priced at €69. The 300 pieces allotted on

US $6,000-10,000

a strict, one-per-person basis sold out on the second day. The remaining 1,700 silvers Show Pandas were distributed to dealers throughout the world. In an auction held by Künker, the gold #1 Berlin Show Panda sold to a mail bidder for €9,250, while the #1 silver version sold for €2,200 to a Chinese floor bidder. 2016年柏林世界錢幣展覽會的亮點之一是德國 Otto Beh 公司鑄 造的中國幣模,該幣模現已由冠軍拍賣公司總裁周邁可先生贈予德 國薩克森 - 安哈爾特州博物館。此次展會上展出的熊貓章原模是 唯一一個通過鐳射工藝鑄造的,這是熊貓章石膏原模首次離開中 國至海外展出。德國世界錢幣展覽會常務董事漢斯 · 亨甯 · 格魯姆 (Hans Henning Goehrum)、德國世界錢幣展 覽會 創辦人 及《德 國錢幣》雜誌主編阿爾伯特 · 貝克 (Albert Beck) 出席正式交接儀 式。 《錢幣世界》雜誌代表傑夫 · 斯塔克 (Jeff Stark)、 《世界硬幣 標準目錄》代表湯姆 · 麥克 (Tom Michael) 及其他著名錢幣出版社 均派代表出席本次活動,並報道相關情況。德國幣商協會主席拉 布先生 (Christoph Raab) 及著名錢幣收藏家約阿希姆 · 克魯格博士 (Joachim Kruger)的妻子亦出席本次活動。交接儀式開始,烏爾 裡希 · 昆克 (Ulrich Kunker) 上臺發表演講。隨後美國米什錢幣公司 總裁羅伯特 · 米什先生 (Robert Mish) 將出售1號展會熊貓金章與銀 章所得款項12,500歐元悉數捐獻給薩克森 - 安哈爾特州穹頂和城堡 基金會,由基金會理事克利斯蒂 · 菲力浦森 (Christian Philipsen) 領取。 當年,上海造幣有限公司共向美國西點造幣廠供應商進口了13塊鈀 金坯餅。其中1塊用於測試金屬純度,另有兩塊用於鑄造帶有序號 的試鑄幣,其餘10塊則用於鑄造常規的柏林世界錢幣展覽會熊貓紀 念章。此次鑄造的這10枚熊貓鈀金章和其他200枚熊貓紫銅章一同 被作為禮物贈予造幣廠和博物館的貴賓、展會與會者及展會工作人 員。此外還鑄造了45枚熊貓黃銅章,與紫銅章配套,兩枚一套,部 分贈予經銷商,部分用於當年及在此之後的博物館活動。 值得注意的是,該次展會上還發行了2盎司加厚坯餅展會熊貓金章, 發行量20枚,這是首枚加厚坯餅熊貓金紀念章。此次展會熊貓章在 昆克拍賣公司的展位銷售,其中最受歡迎的一款是熊貓銀章,售價 69歐元,發行量300枚,每人限購1枚,開售第二天即售罄。剩餘 1,700枚熊貓銀章由各經銷商在世界各地出售。在昆克拍賣公司舉 辦的此次拍賣中,1號熊貓金章拍出9,250歐元,得標者是通過郵件 方式競標的 ;而1號熊貓銀章的落槌價為2,200歐元,被一位中國競 買者現場收入囊中。


Very Rare 2017 World Money Fair Berlin-Sino-German Friendship Berlin Special Exhibit Brass Proof 203

C H I N A - B E R L I N 2 0 1 7 Wo r l d M o n e y Fa i r B e r l i n - S i n o - G e r m a n F r i e n d s h i p B e r l i n S p e c i a l E x h i b i t B ra s s P ro o f, Commemorative Show Panda , 40mm , Mintage 46, Number 11, NGC PF70 2017年世界錢幣展覽會 · 柏林 - 中德友好特別展 黃銅紀念熊貓,直徑40mm,發行量46枚,精緻 鏡面,編號 #11,NGC PF70 ULTRA CAMEO

US $1,000-2,000 203 Four official China Show Panda products were produced and sold at the event: 1 ounce, 8 gram and 16 gram silvers, and a Tri-metallic version. All of the issues sold out quickly.

Show Pandas.

The 2017 Berlin World Money Fair Show Panda joined the 2013 and 2016 Berlin WMF editions to renew German interest in not only the old Munich Show Pandas, but in the entire worldwide collection of Show Panda commemoratives since 1984. After the event, the rights to produce a 50 gram silver, an 8 gram gold and a 16 gram gold were subcontracted to a marketing company. There is controversy today as to whether these are entitled to be classified as


這次博覽會鑄造並出售四款中國官方推出的展會熊貓紀念章,分別 是1盎司、8克和16克銀章,以及三金屬章。與往年一樣,所有紀念

繼2013年和2016年,2017年是第三次舉辦柏林世界錢幣展覽會。 這次展覽會除了推出藏品,還重燃了德國人對老慕尼黑幣展熊貓紀 念章和1984年之後全球各類展會熊貓紀念章的興趣。展覽結束後, 主辦方把額外生產50克銀章以及8克和16克金章的權益分包給了一 家經銷公司。關於這件事情今天仍存在些許爭議,有些人認為這些 紀念章不能作為展會熊貓章。

Extremely Rare 2017 Coin of the Year Beijing Book Release 31.104g .999 Gold Proof 204

CHINA 2017 Coin of the Year Beijing Book Release 31.104g .999 Gold Proof, Diameter 40mm, Mintage 10, Number 4, NGC PF69 ULTRA CAMEO 2017年 世 界 硬 幣 大 獎 賽 中 文 版 首 發 金 質 紀 念 熊 貓 章, 重 量31.104克, 直 徑40mm, 成 色 99.9%, 精 製 鏡 面, 發 行 量10枚, 編 號 #4, NGC PF69 ULTRA CAMEO


US $5,000-10,000

《世界硬幣大獎賽》書籍 / The Coin of the Year Book


Very Rare 2018 Macau Numismatic Society commemorative Gold panda medal 2 Oz .999 Gold Proof 205

CHINA 2018 Macau Numismatic Society commemorative Gold panda medal 2 Oz .999 Gold Proof, Diameter 40mm, Mintage 15, Number 7, NGC PF70 ULTRA CAMEO 2018年澳門錢幣學會年會金質2盎司紀念熊貓 章, 直 徑40mm, 成 色99.9%, 精 製 鏡 面, 發 行 量15枚, 編 號 #7,NGC PF70 ULTRA CAMEO

US $6,000-10,000 205 This was the first ever "First Striking Ceremony" for a Show Panda. The event was held at the Shenzhen Guobao Mint Co., Ltd. It was attended by Mr. David Chio, president of the Macau Numismatic Society, Mr. Gu Jun, former secretary of the Shanghai Mint Co., Ltd., Mr. Charlie Chang, Director of LPM, Michael Chou, King Chan, as well as the management staff of the Mint. The guests were received warmly by the mint workers at a welcoming ceremony at the entrance of the mint. A meeting was held between the mint directors and the guests. The guests and the management team witnessed the wonderful transformation of a blank planchet into a beautiful gold Show

Panda. A welcoming banquet was hosted by Chen Jinglin, the mint director, and the day ended with a tour around the mint and the designers' studios. 這是首次為展會熊貓章舉辦首鑄儀式。澳門錢幣學會理事長趙康 池、上海造幣有限公司前黨委書記顧軍、香港 LPM 公司總裁張文 嘉、周邁可、陳景林及深圳國寶造幣有限公司的相關管理層負責人 出席首鑄儀式。 該公司在造幣車間入口處舉行了歡迎儀式,熱烈歡迎來賓蒞臨。公 司領導與諸位來賓參會,公司管理團隊與來賓共同見證了坯餅變化 為精美熊貓金章的美妙時刻。董事長陳景林舉辦歡迎宴。最後,眾 來賓參觀了造幣公司概貌,重點看了設計師工作間。



CHINA-BERLIN 2020 World Money Fair Berlin Special Exhibit 16g .999 Silver Proof, Diameter 30mm, Commemorative Show Panda, Mintage 100, NGC PF70 ULTRA CAMEO. Total 2 Pieces( Mirror Variety + Forest Variety) 2020年世界錢幣展覽會 · 柏林特別展銀質紀念熊貓章,重量16克, 直徑30mm,成色99.9%,精製鏡面,發行量100枚,NGC PF70 ULTRA CAMEO。共2枚(鏡面版 + 霜面版)


US $500-1,000


207 207


US $120-200

US $200-400

CHINA-BERLIN 2020 World Money Fair Berlin Silver Panda 1 Oz .999 Silver Proof, Diameter 40mm, #060 with Certificate, Mintage 500, NGC PF70 ULTRA CAMEO 2020年世界錢幣展覽會 · 柏林銀質紀念熊貓章,重量1盎司,直徑 40mm,成色99.9%,精製鏡面,帶證書編號 #060,發行量500 枚,NGC PF70 ULTRA CAMEO

CHINA-BERLIN 2020 World Money Fair Berlin Silver Panda 50g .999 Silver Proof, Diameter 40mm, #262 with Certificate, Mintage 300, NGC PF69 ULTRA CAMEO 2020年世界錢幣展覽會 · 柏林銀質紀念熊貓章,重量50克,直徑 40mm,成色99.9%,精製鏡面,帶證書編號 #262,發行量300 枚,NGC PF69 ULTRA CAMEO





US $200-400

US $1,000-2,000

CHINA 2020 The 100th Anniversary of Clifford Hewitt's Visit to China Commemorative Silver Medal 30g .999 Silver Proof, First Releases, Diameter 40mm, #055 with Certificate, Mintage 100, NGC PF70 ULTRA CAMEO 2020年柯利弗德 · 赫威特訪華100周年銀質紀念章,首發,重量 30克,直徑40mm,成色99.9%,精製鏡面,帶證書編號 #055, 發行量100枚,NGC PF70 ULTRA CAMEO

CHINA 2020 The 100th Anniversary of Clifford Hewitt's Visit to China Commemorative Silver Medal 30g .999 Silver Proof Sample, First Releases, Diameter 40mm, Mintage 5, NGC PF70 ULTRA CAMEO 2020年柯利弗德 · 赫威特訪華100周年銀質紀念章樣品,首發,重 量30克,直徑40mm,成色99.9%,精製鏡面,發行量5枚,NGC PF70 ULTRA CAMEO


211 78

CHINA 2020 The 100th Anniversary of Clifford Hewitt's Visit to China Commemorative Silver Medal 50g .999 Silver Proof, First Releases, Diameter 40mm, #36 with Certificate, Mintage 40, NGC PF70 ULTRA CAMEO 2020年柯利弗德 · 赫威特訪華100周年加厚銀質紀念章,首發,重 量50克,直徑40mm,成色99.9%,精製鏡面,帶證書編號 #36, 發行量40枚,NGC PF70 ULTRA CAMEO

US $300-600

Extremely Rare 2018 2020 The 100th Anniversary of Clifford Hewitt's Visit to China Commemorative Piedfort Silver Medal 212

C H I NA 2 0 2 0 T h e 1 0 0 t h A n n i ve rs a r y of Clif ford Hewitt's Visit to China Commemorative Piedfort Silver Medal 50g .999 Silver Proof Sample, First Releases, Diameter 40mm, Mintage 5, NGC PF70 ULTRA CAMEO 2020年柯利弗德 · 赫威特訪華100周年加厚銀質 紀念章樣品,首發,重量50克,直徑40mm,成 色99.9%,精製鏡面,發行量5枚,NGC PF70 ULTRA CAMEO


US $1,500-3,000


213 214


CHINA 2020 The 100th Anniversary of Clifford Hewitt's Visit to China Commemorative Silver Gold Gilt Medal 30g .999 Silver Proof Sample, First Releases, Diameter 40mm, Mintage 5, NGC PF70 ULTRA CAMEO 2020年柯利弗德 · 赫威特訪華100周年銀鍍金紀念章樣品,首發, 重 量30克, 直 徑40mm, 成 色99.9%, 精 製 鏡 面, 發 行 量5枚, NGC PF70 ULTRA CAMEO

US $1000-2000

CHINA 2020 The 100th Anniversary of Clifford Hewitt's Visit to China Commemorative Piedfort Copper Gold Gilt Medal Proof Sample, First Releases, Diameter 40mm, Mintage 5, NGC PF70 ULTRA CAMEO 2020年柯利弗德 · 赫威特訪華100周年加厚銅鍍金紀念章樣品,首 發, 直 徑40mm, 成 色99.9%, 精 製 鏡 面, 發 行 量10枚,NGC PF70 ULTRA CAMEO

US $1000-2000 215

CHINA 2020 Macau Numismatic Society commemorative Silver Gold Gilt panda medal 2 Oz .999 Silver Proof Sample, Diameter 40mm, Mintage 30, NGC PF70 ULTRA CAMEO 2020年 澳 門 錢 幣 學 會 年 會 銀 鍍 金2盎 司 紀 念 熊 貓 章 樣 品, 直 徑 40mm, 成 色99.9%, 精 製 鏡 面, 發 行 量30枚,NGC PF70 ULTRA CAMEO

US $300-600



CHINA Design Draft-2021 Space Panda Coin, Designer Yu Min, Mintage 50, Number 9, Authentic Hand Signed by Yu Min 2021年太空熊貓幣 - 中國嫦娥四號首次登月紀念幣設計圖稿,發 行量50张,編號 #9,余敏手簽版

US $100-200

216 79



The Journal of East Asian Numismatics Issue 19, Issue 20 & Shenyang Speical Edition. Total Three 《東亞泉志》第19期,第20期,瀋陽特別版,共3本

US $10-20



US $100-200

US $100-200

Howard Franflin Bowker-Numismatic Pioneer, Iasure Publishing House, 2014, 185 pages, color photos, 300 copies 《霍華德 · 佛蘭克林 · 包克 - 錢幣學研究先驅者》,愛秀集團2014 年出版,185頁,彩色,發行量300

221 221

Coin of the Year (Chinese edition), China Financial Publishing House, 2017, 208 pages, 138*207mm, color photos, Signed by Yumin 《世界硬幣大獎賽》中文版,中國金融出版社2017年出版,共 208頁,138*207毫米,彩色,余敏簽字。

US $10-20


Howard Franflin Bowker-Numismatic Pioneer, Iasure Publishing House, 2014, 185 pages, color photos, Deluxe edition, 200 copies 《霍華德 · 佛蘭克林 · 包克 - 錢幣學研究先驅者》,愛秀集團2014 年出版,185頁,彩色豪華版,發行量200



US $50-100

Top Chinese Coins Silver edition, Iasure JEAN Publishing House, 2010, 152 pages, color photos 《中國近代機制幣精品鑒賞》,愛秀集團東亞泉志2010年出版, 152頁,彩色





CHINA-2020 Chinese Show Panda Catalogue, Soft Cover European version 2020年中國熊貓紀念章目錄,軟裝歐洲版

US $30-60

“克利福德 · 赫威特訪華100周年”紀念章首打儀式在滬舉行 冠軍研究室

“ 克利福德·赫威特訪華100周年 ”紀念章

9月30日上午, “克利福德 · 赫威特訪華100周年”紀念章首 打儀式在上海新世紀紀念幣製造有限公司隆重舉行。


幣的模具由美國費城造幣廠首席雕刻師約翰 · 辛諾克(John




敏先生自1980 年至 2020 年在上海造幣有限公司工作,該造

廠⸺ 費城造幣廠相媲美。赫威特於1933年初回到美國,

敏先生設計,旨在紀念克利福德 · 赫威特到華100周年。余


克利福德 · 赫威特(1869-1942)出生於賓夕法尼亞州的哈


生產力為每天500萬枚銀幣,這可以與世界上最大的造幣 從此再未返回中國,退休後去到聖地牙哥。1933年末,中

國政府曾因造幣廠的設計和生產問題邀請他再次來華,但 他由於健康原因未能再次前來。


出席首打儀式的嘉賓有 :紀念章設計者,即世界硬幣大獎




赫威特製定了最先進的造幣廠基建設備所需的技術規範。 在他的建議下,中國自1920年至1922年間進口了許多現代


賽終身成就獎得主余敏先生、上海新世紀紀念幣製造有限 業 務 拓 展 總 監 趙 振 陽 先 生、NGC 終 審 評 級 師 Michael

Corley 先生、原上海造幣有限公司書記顧軍先生等。

們可以從中知道,赫威特選擇在蘇州河邊建造造幣廠,因其 鐵路和水路便利,並且靠近上海銀行業的中心。同時,他

堅持造幣廠應該在非租界地區建造(該區域採用國際利率) 。


沒有足夠的資金繼 續建造造幣廠,赫威特也回到了美國。 但在1928年,他從美國返回中國,並在1930 年完成了中央

造幣廠的建設工作。1931年,在赫威特支持下,設計出了全 國流 通幣,即孫中山帆船銀幣,時至1933年3月1日,造幣

首打儀式前進行會面 左起 :周邁可 、趙振陽 、Michael Corley、 余敏 81



( 左起) Michael Corley、裔式忠 、余敏欣賞首枚紀念章

裔式忠與Michael Corley合影




左起 :Michael Corley、 周邁可 、 裔式忠


The First Strike Ceremony of the "100th Anniversary of Clifford Hewlett's Visit to China" Medal in Shanghai Champion

"100th Anniversary of Clifford Hewlett's Visit to China" Medal On the morning of September 30th, the first strike ceremony

returned in 1928 to complete the construction of the now named

of the “100th Anniversary of Clifford Hewlett’s Visit to

Central Mint in 1930. The Central Mint's proposed minting

China Medal” was held at Shanghai New Century Co., Ltd. in

capacity was 5,000,000 silver dollars daily, which rivaled the


Philadelphia Mint, the largest mint in the world at that time. Hewlett returned to the USA for good early in 1933 to retire

This interesting medal commemorating the 100th anniversary

to San Diego, but the Chinese government, due to design and

of Clifford Hewlett’s visit to China was designed by COTY

production issues at the mint, asked him to return later in 1933,

winning designer Yu Min who worked at the Shanghai Mint

but he declined due to health reasons.

from 1980 to 2020. The Shanghai Mint was previously the Central Mint at Shanghai.

Yu Min (the designer of the medal and the winner of COTY Lifetime Achievement Award), Yi Shizhong (the founder of

Clifford Hewlett (1869-1942) of Philadelphia was born in

Shanghai New Century Mint Co., Ltd.), Michael Chou (the

Halston, Pennsylvania. He was the chief mechanical engineer

president of Champion Auction), Mateo Zhao (NGC director of

for the US Mint and was instrumental in projects involving the

business development), Michael Corley (NGC finalizer) and Gu

building and equipping of the mints of Philadelphia, Denver,

Jun (the former Secretary of the Shanghai Mint) presented the

Manila, and Shanghai. Hewlett came to Shanghai, China, from


the Manila Mint in the Winter of 1920 to serve as a technical advisor and set up the Shanghai Mint, which later became China's Central Mint. Hewlett helped to formulate technical specifications in which capital equipment needed to operate a state of art mint was installed. Under Hewlett's advice, China imported many modern coinage machines from 1920 to 1922. In 1926, due to the f inancial diff iculties of the central government and the war between the Chili and Fengtian factions, there were not enough funds to finish the construction of the mint. Hewlett returned to the USA in 1926 but later

The meeting before the ceremony From left: Michael Chou, Mateo Zhao, Michael Corley, Yu Min 83


Designer Yu Min operated the press machine to strike the �irst medal

From left: Michael Corley, Yi Shizhong, and Yu Min appreciate the �irst medal

Yi Shizhong and Michael Corley

Michael Chou operates the press machine

Yi Shizhong and Michael Chou

The medal on the press machine

From left: Michael Corley, Michael Chou, and Yi Shizhong

A group photo after the �irst strike ceremony

余敏設計的2021庫克群島2元太空熊貓紀念銀幣發佈會暨 國際錢幣精品展同日在瀋陽舉行 圆 方〔中國西安〕




球訪客。 2019 年1月3日,中國的“嫦娥四號”探測器成功

2021太空熊貓紀念 銀幣 發佈會在瀋陽九方禾穀藝術 館舉





技成就,發行 2019版嫦娥四號登(着)陸月背5美元紀念銀



評為2019 年中國十大科技新聞之一。庫克庫島為紀念此科


3)、瀋陽造幣有限公司原正高級工藝美術師王福德(圖4 )、 美國 NGC 亞洲業務總監趙振陽(圖 5)等嘉賓先後發言,

遼寧省社會公益事業發展中心主任郭東海, 《東亞泉志》中


錢幣收藏家張培林、劉廣隆、崔力、李明澤等及當地金融 界人士共70多人出席了發佈會(圖 6)。

圖3 周邁可發言

圖1 劉瀛致辭

圖4 王福德發言

圖2 姜力華髮言

圖5 趙振陽發言


圖6 劉瀛介紹出席發佈會合影的部分嘉賓( 第一排左起):劉瀛、 趙振陽、 余敏、 王福德、 周邁可、 劉廣隆、 姜力華、 袁水清、張培林、 馬今 ;第二排 :伊丹。


計師余敏與德國梅耶造幣有限公司運用最新的納米造幣技 術、銀鈦合金、超高浮雕創新設計鑄造(圖7)。2021年1月


次由全球最先進的造幣廠⸺ 德國梅耶造幣有限公司鑄造。 第三,由於德國沒有製作熊貓主題幣章的經驗,鑄造錢幣

3日,是“嫦娥四號”實現人類首次月背着陸兩周年,為此, 不使用石膏模型,這樣會使熊貓形象失真,所以我在雕刻 庫克庫島特發行 2021版該款 2庫克庫島元紀念銀幣。冠軍

拍賣在瀋陽的發佈會上限量預售300 枚。


石膏模型進行掃描並數位化,之後再製作模具,從而使鑄 造出的紀念幣熊貓形象逼真,令人滿意。 (圖 9)



像 ;主景為中國長城運載火箭發射登月,下部為地球、上


年 版 號 2021及 面 值 2 dollars ;中間 左 為 伊 莉 莎白二世 頭


體文字“2021嫦娥四號實現首次月背登(着)陸兩周年”; 主景為局部鍍金嫦娥四號登月艙着陸月球 ;背景為遠方的

展,展品由51枚包克舊藏古錢、機製幣 ;由冠軍拍賣提供、 元寶銀質和銅質3枚罕見樣幣及1枚光緒三十年湖北省造大

清銀幣壹兩(圖10);藏家提供、首次公開露面的瀋陽造幣 廠1955年壹分“非金屬”硬幣試樣幣4種版別(顏色為橘黃


和醬紫兩種,每種顏色又有光 邊和齒邊兩種),和1952年

(圖8) 從10月份起發行600 枚,每枚售價999元。

製 )、東北銀行紙幣 ;余敏設計雕刻的33枚熊貓紀念幣章,

重量 :1盎司 .999銀 ;發行量 :2 000 枚,其中在中國大陸


在 2030年實現載人登月的美好願望。該紀念銀幣背面主圖

版壹角鎂質試樣硬幣(圖11);瀋陽金融博物館館藏元寶 ( 複


是精品薈萃、琳琅滿目,令參觀者流連忘返。其中余敏設 計的幣章,特別是包裝新穎的2021庫克群島2元太空熊貓



國 ) 還會再回來的。他說,除了這一創意,這枚錢幣的誕生


貓的手勢既代表中國首次實現月背着陸,也意味着“我”( 中 還有三個特別的方面 :首先它是採用中外合作的方式設計




預售余敏設計的紀念幣章19 套,購買者爭相請余敏在獲贈

12)。余敏先生簽名版 NGC 中國壹圓牡丹評級幣也在發


圖8 庫克群島 2021版太空熊貓2庫克群島元紀念銀幣設計圖稿

圖7 庫克群島2019版太空熊貓5美元紀念銀幣

圖9 余敏介紹2021版太空熊貓紀念銀幣設計創意及特點

圖10 德國代鑄的清代奉天、 黑龍江光緒元寶銀質和銅質3枚罕見樣幣,光緒三十年湖北省造大清銀幣壹兩。 ( 李明澤拍攝提供)


圖11 藏家收藏的原瀋陽造幣廠1955年壹分“ 非金屬” 試樣幣( 橘黃色是齒邊、 醬紫色是光邊) 和1952年壹角鎂質硬幣試樣 幣(姜力華先生提供)

圖12 余敏為預購2021版庫克群島太空熊貓銀幣者贈書簽名


The Release Ceremony for the 2021 Cook Islands 2 Dollar Space Panda Commemorative Silver Coins in Shenyang Yuan Fang〔Xi’an〕 O n t he af ter noon of Se ptember 12 , 2020, t he relea se ceremony for the 2021 Cook Islands 2 Dollar Space Panda commemorative silver coin designed by top Chinese panda coin designer Yu Min was held at Nine Art Gallery ( 九 方 禾 穀 藝 術 館 ) in Shenyang. The second anniversary celebration of Nine Art Gallery foundation and the Shenyang International Exquisite Coin Exhibition were also held in the same day. The opening ceremony of those events was hosted by Ms. Yidan ( 伊丹 ), a host of Collection World at Shenyang Radio and TV Station. In the beginning of the ceremony, Nine Art Gallery curator Liu Ying ( 劉瀛 ) delivered a speech (Figure 1). Among the guests present at the ceremony were Wang Yiheng ( 王 意 恒 ), Director of Liaoning Political and Consultative Committee for Culture and History, Jiang Lihua ( 姜 力 華 ) (Figure 2), Deputy Secretary of Liaoning Numismatic Society, Ma Jin ( 馬 今 ), Deputy Director General of Shenyang Municipal Culture, Tourism, Radio and Television Bureau, Michael Chou (Figure 3), President of Champion Auction, Chief Editor of JEAN and one of the judges of Coin of the Year Awards, Wang Fude ( 王

福 德 ) (Figure 4), former senior designer of Shenyang Mint Co., Ltd., Mateo Zhao (Figure 5), NGC China Regional Sales Manager. The above guests also gave speeches after Ms. Liu. More than 70 numismatics experts were present at the release ceremony, such as Director of the Liaoning Provincial Social Welfare Development Center Guo Donghai ( 郭東海 ), Chinese Editor of JEAN Yuan Shuiqing ( 袁水清 ), Deputy Director of Research Office of Shenyang Financial Museum Liu Lei ( 劉 磊 ), and some well-known coins collectors like Zhang Peilin

Figure 3 Michael Chou delivering a speech

Figure 1 Liu Ying delivering a speech

Figure 4 Wang Fude delivering a speech

Figure 2 Jiang Lihua delivering a speech

Figure 5 Mateo Zhao delivering a speech 89

a spacesuit represents Chinese astronauts pursuing dreams in the endless u niverse. The weight of a 2021 Sp a c e Pa n d a c oi n i s one ou nc e, wh i le it s fineness is 99.9% silver and its mintage is 2,000. Starting from October, 600 2021 Space Panda coins will be issued in China for 999 yuan for each. (Figure 8) According to Yu Min’s int roduction at the Figure 6 Liu Ying introducing some distinguished guests present at the release ceremony: Liu Ying, Mateo Zhao, Yu Min, Wang Fude, Michael Chou, Liu Guanglong, Jiang Lihua, Yuan Shuiqing, release ceremony, one of Zhang Peilin, and Ma Jin (from the left to the right); the second row: Yi Dan China’s space strategies is to land hu mans on the Moon before 2030. The main pattern on the reverse of this ( 張 培 林 ), Liu Guanglong ( 劉 廣 隆 ), Cui Li ( 崔 力 ), and Li space panda coin is a panda landing on the moon, which is also Mingze ( 李明澤 ) (Figure 6). the primary design element of the coin, reflecting China’s space On January 3, 2019, the far side of the moon got its first earthly dream. The panda’s hand gesture not only symbolizes China’s visitor. The Chinese spacecraft, Chang’e-4, successfully first landing on the far side of the moon but also means that “I landed on the far side of the moon, achieving humanity’s first(China) will come back”. According to Yu Min, the coin has ever soft landing on the moon’s far side. This unprecedented three highlights apart from its creative design: Firstly, it was undertaking was selected as one of China’s top ten scientific designed and manufactured through Sino-foreign cooperation, and technological news events in 2019. To commemorate this combining Chinese design with advanced coin minting technological achievement, the Cook Islands issued in 2019 technology overseas. This cooperation project is one of the most Space Panda 5 Dollar commemorative silver coin, hereafter successful projects that he had cooperated with foreign experts. referred to as 2019 Space Panda silver coins. Through applying Secondly, it was minted by the world’s most advanced mint, the the latest nano technology, silver-titanium alloy and ultra-high B.H. Mayer Mint in Germany. Thirdly, since German experts relief design, those coins were designed by Yu Min and struck have no experience in making panda-themed coins or medals, by the German company B.H. Mayer Mint (Figure 7). The and they don’t use plaster models to produce coins, which may second anniversary of Chang’e 4’s landing on the far side of the lead to the distortion of panda images, Mr. Yu chose to send the moon fell on January 3, 2021. To commemorate this, the Cook plaster model to Germany. After receiving the plaster model, Islands issued the 2021 Space Panda 2 Dollar commemorative the German experts scanned and digitized the plaster and then silver coin, which were later presold at the Shenyang release made a mold. Therefore, the panda pattern appeared on the coin ceremony by Champion Auction with a limited quantity of 300 was realistic and vivid. (Figure 9) pieces. After the release ceremony, the participants went to the Struck at the B.H. Mayer Mint, the 2021 Cook Islands Space exhibition hall on the second floor of Nine Art Gallery to visit Panda 2 Dollar commemorative silver coin was also designed the International Exquisite Coin Exhibition, which included by Yu Min. On the obverse side of the coins, the main pattern is the following exhibitions: 1) Coins provided by Champion a Long March 3B carrier rocket launching Chang’e 4, showing Auction: 51 pieces of ancient coins and milled coins from the remarkable progress achieved by China’s space industry, the Howard Bowker Collection, three rare silver and copper and on the left is a portrait of Elizabeth II. The outer ring of patterns of China Fengtian Province Kuanghsu Yuanpao and the obverse was engraved with “COOK ISLANDS”, the year of China Heilongjiang Province Kuanghsu Yuanpao struck by issuance “2021” and the denomination “2 DOLLARS”. On the Germany (Figure 10), and one 1904 Tai Ching Hupeh province reverse of the coins are legends, both in English and Chinese, one tael silver coin. It was the first time that these coins have read “the Second Anniversary of Chang’e-4 lunar landing on appeared in Northeast China; 2) Coins provided by collectors: the Far Side”. The main pattern of the coins is the partially four varieties of Shenyang Mint 1955 one cent non-metallic gold plated Chang’e-4 spacecraft landing on the moon, and the trial patterns (orange: reeded edge coin; purple: plain edge background is the distant Earth and starry sky. The panda in coin), and the 1952 10 cents magnesium pattern coin. It was 90

the first time that these coins have appeared in public (Figure 11); 3) the Shenyang Financial Museum treasure ingot (copy) and banknotes of the Northeast Bank; 4) 33 commemorative

panda coins and medals designed and engraved by Yu Min; 5) the People’s Bank of China 1951 10,000 yuan sample banknote depicting the painting Eight Horses. All of the above

Figure 8 Design draft of the 2021 Cook Islands Space Panda 2 Dollar commemorative silver coin

Figure 7 The 2019 Cook Islands Space Panda 5 Dollar commemorative silver coin

Figure 9 Yu Min introducing his design concept and the features of the Cook Islands 2021 Space Panda 2 Dollar commemorative silver coin.

Figure 10 Three rare silver and copper patterns of China Fengtian Province Kuanghsu Yuanpao and China Heilongjiang Province Kuanghsu Yuanpao struck in Germany; 1904 Tai Ching Hupeh province one tael silver coin struck in Germany (Photo by: Li Mingze) 91

exhibitions were magnets for visitors. Among these, the coins and medals designed by Yu Min, especially the 2021 Cook Islands 2 Dollar Space Panda silver coin and its plaster model with novel packaging, attracted many visitors. Nineteen sets of commemorative coins and medals designed by Yu Min were sold or presold within half an hour. The visitors were

competing to obtain Yu Min’s signature on the gift books titled Chinese Show Panda Catalogue 1984-2019, and they were also eager to take photos with Mr. Yu (Figure 12). Furthermore, Mr. Yu’s signature version of the NGC graded one yuan peony coin made its first appearance at the release ceremony.

Figure 11 The Shenyang Mint 1955 one cent non-metallic trial pattern coin (orange: reeded edge coin; purple: plain edge coin) and the 1952 10 cents magnesium pattern coin (Photo by: Jiang Lihua)


Figure 12 Yu Min signing the book titled Chinese Show Panda Catalogue 1984-2019 as a gift for those who pre-ordered the 2021 Cook Islands Space Panda silver coins

《中國近代機製幣精品鑒賞》第三版 正式啟動 7 月 17 日(週五),冠軍拍賣組織來自上海、浙江、四川等地的 20 名藏家前往上海造幣有限公司參觀了上海造幣博 物館及其包克錢幣展示廳,午餐期間宣佈開始啟動第三版《中國近代機製幣精品鑒賞》編撰工作。《東亞泉志》出版 人周邁可及中文主編袁水清於 8 月 16 日至 20 日前往北京,開展第三版的問卷策劃和評委會構建工作。問卷調查工作 將於 9 月正式啟動,12 月將評選出新一版的十大精選硬幣。第三版預計於 2021 年秋面世。





《中國近代機製幣精品鑒賞》 第一版封面

《中國近代機製幣精品鑒賞 》第二版封面





2009 中國近代機製幣競選活動 弘揚中國錢幣文化


TOP 10 of the Greatest Chinese Struck Coins Survey 評選標準



珍品稀少性:好的錢幣應是稀有的,僅有少量生產或流傳下來。本書中 有些錢幣是孤品,世上獨此一枚。有些錢幣很少在市面出現,因此相當 難得。但是,一些僅在其系列錢幣的背景下屬稀有的錢幣亦位列精選活 動的上榜名單。

價值昂貴性:一般來說,好的錢幣應具有昂貴的價值,但並非一定如此。 品相完美性:好的錢幣一般都保存得非常完好。但完美的品相並不一定 2009 年 11 月 11 日 , 戴志強、孫浩與周邁可在北京的初選結果發佈會上合影 Dai Zhiqiang, Sun Hao and Michael Hans Chou, at the Top Chinese Coins Survey in Beijing on November the 11th, 2009










幣收藏的關注與興趣,推動錢幣市場健康、繁榮、有序的發展,特舉辦 品鑒賞》一書。


2009 年 10 月 9 日至 2009 年 12 月 18 日

錢幣的背景故事並不為人所知,僅在少教的相關文獻中提到過。精選活 動的意義不僅在於評選出一個名單,更在於讓人們瞭解錢幣背後的歷史 故事,瞭解令錢幣具有極致誘惑的原因。




國等地舉行五次大型說明會,近 150 人次出席。並通過電話、郵件、

面對面交流等方法,向 138 位權威專家發出選票,收回選票 102 張,

其中 45% 來自中國內地,20% 來自臺灣,15% 來自香港,還有 20% 來自世界其他地區。

11 月 11 日,初評結果發佈會在北京舉行,公佈初步選出的 12 枚 珍稀錢幣。12 月 10 日,組委會根據選票評分,將 12 枚錢幣分為三等, 前三枚為第一等,另三枚為第二等,後六枚為第三等,提交顧問組進行

評分,最後選出前十枚錢幣。12 月 18 日,精選結果發佈會在上海順利


2009 年 11 月 11 日 ,初選結果發佈會暨晚宴在北京舉行 Primary Selection party in Beijing on November the 11th, 2009

2009 年 10 月 9 日 , 啟動儀式暨晚會在上海舉行 The Dinner of the Opening Ceremony in Shanghai on October the 9th, 2009

2009 年 10 月 24 日 ,宣傳說明會暨晚宴在香港舉行 Top Chinese Coins Survey Dinner in Hongkong on October the 24th, 2009

2009 中國近代機製幣競選活動 弘揚中國錢幣文化


TOP 10 of the Greatest Chinese Struck Coins Survey 評選結果


1903 年(癸卯)奉天省造光緒元寶庫平一兩銀質樣幣 1900 年(庚子)京局製造光緒元寶庫平七錢二分銀質樣幣 1898 年湖南省造光緒元寶庫平七錢二分銀質樣幣 1904 年廣東省造光緒元寶庫平重一兩銀質樣幣,背鑄字 1910 年 ( 庚戍春季)雲南造宣統元寶庫平七錢二分銀質樣幣 1896 年四川楷書(缶寶 ) 光緒元寶庫平七錢二分銀幣 1890 年廣東省造光緒元寶庫平七錢二分、七錢三分反版銀質樣幣 1911 年(宣統三年)大清銀幣壹元銀質樣幣,長須龍、短須龍、大尾龍、 反 龍、曲須龍

1906 年(丙午)和 1907 年(丁未)大清金幣庫平一兩樣幣 (1904-05 年)四川省造光緒元寶當三十銅幣,試鑄幣

組織機構 主辦:愛秀集團

協辦:美國 MGC 冠軍拍資公司

2009 年 12 月 18 日 ,上海精選結果發佈會上 ,周邁可向林青禾頒獎 Michael Hans Chou awards certificate to George Lim at the Top Chinese Coins Survey Conference in Shanghai on December the 18th, 2009

廣州國標錢幣收藏鑒定評估有限公司 上海申泉工貿總公司組委會 主任委員:孫浩 資深錢幣收藏界專家學者

副主任委員 : 周邁可 愛秀集團董事長暨冠軍拍賣董事長

顧問委員會主任委員 : 戴志強 中國錢幣學會副理事長 顧問:

周 祥 上海博物館研究員中國文物鑒定委員會委員 沈鳴鏑 上海錢幣學會副秘書長

甄偉剛 廣東集幣協會理事

張明泉 中華錢幣協舍理事長

周建福 臺北市錢幣協會理事長 郭俊勝



曾澤祿 美國著名中國錢幣收藏家



2009 年 12 月 18 日 ,上海精選結果發佈會上 ,甄偉向陳吉茂頒獎 Zhen Weigang awards certificate to Chen Chi Mao at the Top Chinese Coin Survey Conference in Shanghai on December the 18th, 2009

熱線、東方網等媒體均對精選活動及結果進行了隆重報導,引起熱烈 d 的關注。

2009 年 12 月 18 日 , 精選活動嘉賓參觀上海造幣博物館 Guests of the Top Chinese Coin Survey Conference visited the Shanghai Mint Museum on December the 18th, 2009

2009 年 12 月 18 日 ,精選結果發佈會在上海舉行 The Top Chinese Coin Survey Conference in Shanghai on December the 18th, 2009

中國近代機制幣十大精選活動 第三版(2020.9-12) 美國原 PCGS 總裁及資深錢幣專家 Ron Guth 所編輯的“100 Greatest US Coins ”(《美國錢幣百大精選》)一書中, 根據調查而評選出美國十大精選錢幣,使錢幣收藏家和愛好者們對這些美國錢幣的背景有更好的瞭解。因此我們準備用 類似的概念,在中國錢幣界內進行一次深入而廣泛的調查和評選活動,以評出公認的中國近代機制幣的十大精選,以此 使錢幣收藏者對中國錢幣有更多瞭解,並提升社會對錢幣收藏和研究、探討的興趣,活躍錢幣市場。 為此成立“中國近代機制幣的十大精選”甄選委員會。委員會設有由錢幣界權威組成的組委會及顧問組,和由著名錢幣 界專家、學者以及收藏家組成的評選組。評選方法首先通過書面調查等方法,綜合評選組的見解後提交組委員會審核, 最後由網上向錢幣界公佈評選統計及評選出來的中國近代機制幣十大精選。為使精選的十大錢幣具有廣泛性,所選的錢 幣至少包括一枚銅幣、一枚金幣,一枚銀幣。 組委會、顧問組和評選組成員,以及活動計劃,近期將在網上公佈。敬請各位錢幣愛好者關注及參與!

評選方法 1. 在下頁表內選出您認為的中國近代機制幣十大精選的錢幣。 2. 為使精選的十大錢幣具有廣泛性,所選的錢幣至少包括一枚銅幣、一枚金幣,一枚銀幣。 3. 選出後請將挑選單交回組委會: 上海普陀區常德路寶華大廈 1211 號 1808 室





郵箱 4. 所有參加問卷調查的朋友都將收到第三版書籍及編委會發放的參與證明。 “中國近代機制幣十大精選”甄選委員會 2020 年 9 月

評選人姓名: 地址:

電話 :




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(德制奥托·拜赫公司(Otto (德制奥托·拜赫公司(OttoBeh)中国样币专场)圆满成功 Beh)中国样币专场)圆满成功 2020/07/19 2020/07/19

成交亮点 成交亮点 /Highlights /Highlights

LOT 32 LOT 32

1908 年北洋造光绪元宝库平七钱二分银币,连云版, 1908 年北洋造光绪元宝库平七钱二分银币, 连云版, PCGS MS66 PCGS MS66 成交价:495,000 元(人民币) 成交价:495,000 元(人民币)

LOT 23 LOT 23

1897 年湖南省造光绪元宝当十铜元 奥托·拜赫德制中国样币 NGC PF63 RB 1897 年湖南省造光绪元宝当十铜元 成交价:294,800 元(人民币) 奥托·拜赫德制中国样币 NGC PF63 RB 成交价:294,800 元(人民币)

LOT 37 LOT 37

1889 年广东省造光绪元宝库平三钱六分五厘银币 1889AU55,包克藏品 年广东省造光绪元宝库平三钱六分五厘银币 NGC NGC AU55,包克藏品 成交价:357,500 元(人民币) 成交价:357,500 元(人民币)

LOT 17(宝台 88 分) LOT 17(宝台 88 分)

康熙通宝罗汉式套子钱 20 枚大型 ,GBCA 美 75(05), 1康熙通宝罗汉式套子钱 枚;GBCA 美 80 ,1 枚;GBCA 美 82,10 枚; 20 枚大型 ,GBCA 美 75 (05), GBCA 美 85,5 美 88,3美枚,包克藏品 1 枚;GBCA 美枚;GBCA 80 ,1 枚;GBCA 82,10 枚; 成交价:220,000 元(人民币) GBCA 美 85,5 枚;GBCA 美 88,3 枚,包克藏品 成交价:220,000 元(人民币)

LOT 24

LOT 29

LOT 24 1903-1905 年四川省造光绪元宝当二十 奥托·拜赫德制中国样币,PCGS MS63 BN 1903-1905 年四川省造光绪元宝当二十 成交价:198,000 元(人民币) 奥托·拜赫德制中国样币,PCGS MS63 BN 成交价:198,000 元(人民币)

LOT 29 1939 年(民国二十八年)党徽背布币图下“桂”字 壹分铜币,NGC MS65 RD,包克藏品 1939 年(民国二十八年)党徽背布币图下“桂”字 成交价:176,000 元(人民币) 壹分铜币,NGC MS65 RD,包克藏品 成交价:176,000 元(人民币)

LOT 26 1911-1915 年云南省造光绪元宝,库平七分二厘铜质 LOT 26 样币,奥托·拜赫德制中国样币,PCGS SP64 BN 1911-1915 年云南省造光绪元宝,库平七分二厘铜质 成交价:104,500 元(人民币) 样币,奥托·拜赫德制中国样币,PCGS SP64 BN 成交价:104,500 元(人民币)

LOT 33 1914 年福建袁世凯福州海运局镍质代币 LOT 33 NGC AU58,华人家族藏品 成交价:68,200 元(人民币) 1914 年福建袁世凯福州海运局镍质代币 NGC AU58,华人家族藏品

LOT 25 1903-1905 年四川省造光绪元宝当十铜币 LOT 25 奥托·拜赫德制中国样币,加厚版,PCGS SP62 1903-1905 年四川省造光绪元宝当十铜币 成交价:103,400 元(人民币) 奥托·拜赫德制中国样币,加厚版,PCGS SP62 成交价:103,400 元(人民币)

LOT 03 先秦五字刀 - 即墨之法化,187mm,57.2 克 LOT 03 GBCA 美 80,包克藏品,原方药雨收藏 成交价:66,000 元(人民币) 先秦五字刀 - 即墨之法化,187mm,57.2 克 GBCA 美 80,包克藏品,原方药雨收藏

LOT 30 LOT 30

1898-1899 年浙江省造光绪元宝库平三钱六分银币 1898-1899 年浙江省造光绪元宝库平三钱六分银币 NGC MS63,华人家族藏品 NGC MS63,华人家族藏品 成交价:352,000 元(人民币) 成交价:352,000 元(人民币)

LOT 22 LOT 22

1896 年黑龙江省造光绪元宝库平三钱六分铜质样币 奥托·拜赫德制中国样币,PCGS SP Genuine 1896 年黑龙江省造光绪元宝库平三钱六分铜质样币 Scratch AU DETAILS 奥托·拜赫德制中国样币,PCGS SP Genuine 成交价:214,500 元(人民币) Scratch AU DETAILS 成交价:214,500 元(人民币)

LOT 36 LOT 36 1905 年吉林省造光绪元宝库平七钱二分

PCGS 1905 MS62 年吉林省造光绪元宝库平七钱二分 成交价:126,500 元(人民币) PCGS MS62 成交价:126,500 元(人民币)

LOT 10 清代 1853 年天国圣宝,直径 38.6mm,重 24.4 克, LOT 10 厚 3.2mm,GBCA 美 80,包克藏品 清代 1853 年天国圣宝,直径 成交价:77,000 元(人民币) 38.6mm,重 24.4 克, 厚 3.2mm,GBCA 美 80,包克藏品 成交价:77,000 元(人民币)

LOT 38 1890-1908 年广东省造光绪元宝库平七钱二分银币 NGC MS61,包克藏品LOT 38 成交价:61,600 元(人民币) 1890-1908 年广东省造光绪元宝库平七钱二分银币 NGC MS61,包克藏品


NGC評級師均是訓練有素,經驗豐富的專業 人員,並在錢幣學研究領域處於前沿。每一枚硬 幣均由多名專業評級師進行檢驗,以保證準確 性與一致性。



我們的綜合研究圖書館 為NGC評級師提供最相 關的參考資料。他們同時 也向全世界的專家進行 咨詢。

評級師參考我們數據 庫中數百萬的真假幣 圖像,包括非常詳細 的診斷圖像。


X射線螢光光譜分析,結合特定的重力 與顯微鏡評估,幫助判定硬幣表面成分 與鑄造工藝。


每一次NGC評級背後都是一整套高度複雜,經過時間考驗的過 程。依憑於我們行業領先的專業技術,超過4700萬枚硬幣被委託 給NGC,其中甚至包括許多來自世界各地的頂級硬幣。


NGC以及第三方认证的优势 关于NGC



2. NGC对硬币进行归类和描述。

NGC成立于1987年,为硬币、代币和章 时至今日,NGC已经认证了4700多万



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《東亞泉志》為冠軍拍賣公司總裁周邁可先生和著名錢幣學 專家史博祿先生於1994年創辦,是一本學術性錢幣研究專


業雜誌。旨在讓廣大錢幣收藏家、研究學者更深入地瞭解錢 幣知識,讓世界各地的讀者更好地瞭解中國深厚的錢幣文化。

2021 免費訂閱



中英雙語 - 電子季刊


Bilingual (English - Chinese) Digital Quarterly

以披露最新錢幣收藏研究成果、推介泉界成 功人士的事蹟為主。主要欄目有學術研究、

25 th

No. 20



JEAN 1994-2019

2020. 10 / Issue 38

志 泉志 亞 泉東亞 東志 東亞 泉 No. 14 2019. 04 /

東亞 泉東 志亞 泉 東 志亞 泉

No. 15

No. 14

Issue 32

2019. 07 / Issue 33

2019. 04 / Issue 32


2020. 01 /

中英雙語 - 電子季刊 周年 Bilingual (English - Chinese) Digital Quarterly 周年

JEAN 中英雙語 - 電子季刊

- 電子季刊



JEAN 1994-2019

JEAN 1994-2019




(Englis h - Ch ine 季刊 se) Dig ital



Lena River

g Chan








of th 民國 e Late 初 (1 Qing 912 Em pi 年) 中國 re (191 2) 地圖


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2020 . 07


Slave ships 奴隸 船隻



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期專 題





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Huna 湖南 n


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Zhili 直隸



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Anhu 安徽 i

Jiang xi 江西

Fujia n 福建

Price s of 商品 Good 價格 s Fish/ 魚 / kan 24 Meat 斤 240 0 Cash 肉 13 130 Ca 文 Flour 0 文 sh 麵粉 150 Ca An ora150 文 sh 橘子 nge/ Ca Cotto / 個 1 sh 文 棉花 n lb 38 ...... / 磅 38 0 Cash 0文

ang zheji 江 浙

Tai臺 wan 灣

ana 紀念 angx EAT 章 Ingots and Coins Unearthed from the Tomb of the Western Han g Chang's Trip aro 德製紀念章 i廣 西 und the UR Dynasty Marquis Haihun Liu He World ES 』 Destina 首套(1 tion Ger Pin 解讀 San Pin many 澳門文 “白金三品”銘文辨識與 on Bai Jin San 中 元、5 元 『本 of Inscriptions on Bai Jin South 件 Th 國銅 與解讀 珍妮特號極地遠征記——華人 Interpretation ript ions 及 10 元 Maca Korea's 唐先榮獲美國國會獎章 Inscand 期專 錢的 Recogni n oftion u Do 品”銘文辨識 First “K ) “韓國 題 |F cume e Valu “白金三 ) 3) orean) Charles 價 Interpretatio 年發行 行 198 e 1983 、 製 Tong and nt Sing 2, 年發 ( and 1982 Chin Mad the Arctic Expedition 1983) EAT 造”的流 of the USS Jeannette ese Show of Ch 成功紀念幣 Coi ns (198 1/31/202值—— e”Circ 1983 會韓國申奧 Panda Cata Recogn ition 屆首爾奧運 潛心研 ines 0 ulation 川硬 幣 (1982、 第 24 UR E 通 《中國 紀念 orat ive c Bid” Commemorative Coins (1982, 陝 logue Coins: e Ca 基 成功 熊貓紀 幣 mem 究 蘇 Berli 1 申奧 , 念章目 “Olympi Com One-Wo 於費 S』 竭誠 服 區仿 981 Duan Hon 錄》柏 shn Release Med Bid ” Games 袁世凱像共和紀念十文銅元 Ap Olympic 林首發 Co 爾奧 運會韓國 n,pre 務—— 《东亚泉志》 Five ympic 紀念章 年大 ggang ciatio n Th造 ins— al 迪南 “Ol24th 的民 第 24 屆首 esThe Intervie 25京公 周年纪念章 北 in Sic -Wo n ande10Fifth From ·馮·李 w: To Foc The 種類 Yuan Shih Kai Portrait 10 Cash Coins Won 國韓 huan and An Oly mpic Gam 陝民 aly Re the 西國 us on Stu 博總經理 and 史》 rks pmarks 類 第二章——淺談戳記的 The 24th 二第 《戳記幣簡 Expe Shaa sis ofpuSh 希霍 、銅元 blic of Cho 分五 戳記的種 dying and Chapter 2 - Types of Chopma 銅共 nxi Pr aaInau History ditio - es 2 - Typ 章——淺談 幣賞 Serving 我 專家段 芬1 rked pterCoins i 2gura ovinc nx n Di Chopma 心目中 釋洪 簡史》第二 析 出剛 ory Cha es Du Ce ntsn Co 和國 869 arie tio 《戳記幣 與訪 Numi s of G Coi ns - Hist 回談 er Co成立 年至 d Po smati 的ol錢 mm Ferd 收錄 ring the ReCopupp 幣lic學 emorins Co紀 Chopmarked st Du inan 民 1 blica ie 家 : un 念

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Medal on


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Li Hung Cha 李鴻章訪 ng’s visit to Ham 問漢堡紀 burg 念章



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Arms Pla 古巴 za, Cuba 兵器 廣場

Medal on

ue 37

25 th




USS Jeannette

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Cake Coin, 查尔斯 · 唐先珍妮特號美國國會獎章 Pattern Cake Coin, n Pattern Coin. Jin San Pin - Dragon BaiThe Pin - Drago ped Cake USS Jeannette Charles Tong Singd Cake Coin. Turtle-shape Turtle-sha Horse Pattern Cake Coin and Bai Jin San US Congressional Medal Coin and rn Cake Coin. r Coin. Horse Patte China’s Earliest Silver Earl iest Silve


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Issue 36



中英 雙語

- 電子 lish 周年 季刊 JEAN Ch ines1994e) 2019 Digita l

Otto von


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幣 行的銀 中國最早發行的銀幣 中國最早發

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Pict 同治 ure of Em 皇帝 像

Emperor Wu of Han

Wu of Han







2020 . 04 /

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沉没 (Sinking Point)

Issue 35

中英雙語 - 電子


Map of the USS Jeannette Sailing Route


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往期電子雜誌 往期电子杂志



免費 訂閱 2021


電子季刊 中英雙語 出版人 周邁可






幣協會。雜誌刊發過不少有重要學術價值的文章,如托馬斯 · 烏爾曼寫


的《1886-1888年間朝鮮首鑄機製幣⸺ 德國專家相助創建現代造幣


廠》 、史博祿寫的《袁世凱像大鬍子開國紀念幣》 、範治南與何緯渝寫的


《欽差大臣驚世之旅,記李鴻章訪美破冰之行》 、湯姆 · 基納寫的《1897




祿寫的《明代天啟通寶和崇禎通寶銅錢加蓋戳印 VOC/C 探析》等。











雜誌中大部分文章是英文,只有少部分是中文,在20多個國家發行,廣 受歡迎,長期佔據許多重要圖書館書架的顯著位置,包括美國國家博

從2017年起, 《東亞泉志》加盟由克勞斯在德國柏林世界錢幣展覽 會期間舉辦的“世界硬幣大獎”頒獎活動。



25 周年紀念章

No. 20

2020. 10 / Issue 38


20世紀40年代紐約風景 New York in the 1940s

Chinese Show Panda CATALOGUE


25 th


Bilingual (English - Chinese) Digital Quarterly

JEAN 1994-2019

20世紀30年代上海外灘 The Bund, Shanghai, in the 1930s Zhang Shuxun




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『本期專題 | FEATURES 』

乾統元寶 qian tong yuan bao

T h e F ir

大齊通寶拓片 da qi tong bao rubbing


紹定元寶大錢 shao ding yuan bao large coin

余敏先生訪談錄 Yu Min Interview


2020 年澳門錢幣學會熊貓紀

The Story and Destination of Ancient Coins Brought to the United States by Nai-chi Chang


“克 利 福 德· 赫 威 特 訪 華 100 周年”紀念章首打儀式

NNC 東亞硬幣收藏數字化的實現

From Vault Storage to Virtual Study: Digitizing the National Numismatic Collection's East Asian Objects For Access.


JEAN Online Links 《東亞泉志》線上閱讀


章 目 錄

東亞泉志出版 JEAN Publications

Harry Ramsden and the American Numismatic Society Collection

第1期 第 20 期

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2021年《東亞泉志》廣告現在接受預定! 2020-2021 年



第 20 期

7 月 31 日


US $500 (¥ 3,500) US $1,600 (¥ 11,000) US $300 (¥ 2,000)

US $1,000 (¥ 6,500)

第 22 期

10 月 31 日

10 月 1 日

US $500 (¥ 3,500) US $1,600 (¥ 11,000) US $300 (¥ 2,000)

US $1,000 (¥ 6,500)

第 22 期

1 月 31 日


US $500 (¥ 3,500) US $1,600 (¥ 11,000) US $300 (¥ 2,000)

US $1,000 (¥ 6,500)

第 23 期

4 月 30 日

4 月1日

US $500 (¥ 3,500) US $1,600 (¥ 11,000) US $300 (¥ 2,000)

US $1,000 (¥ 6,500)

《東亞泉志》上海辦公室 電話:021-62130771 郵箱 地址:常德路 1211 號寶華大廈 1808 室


1頁 4 期


1/2 頁 1 期

1 頁 (A4):210×297mm

1/2 頁 4 期

1/2 頁:210×148mm

The Journal of East Asian Numismatics Bilingual (English-Chinese) Digital Quarterly In 1994, The Journal of East Asian Numismatics (JEAN) was founded by Michael Chou, the CEO of Champion Auction and Bruce Smith, a noted numismatist. It is a professional numismatic academic journal whose mission is to educate collectors and researchers on the subjects of Chinese numismatics, culture and history. Bruce Smith, the chief editor of JEAN, was born in 1951 in St. Louis, MO. He received his BA in history from the University of Missouri St. Louis; and his MA in China studies from Harvard University. In 19741977, he worked for Krause Publications as Editorial Assistant on World Coin News and as cataloger for Standard Catalog of World Coins and Standard Catalog of World Paper Money. He was a full time coin dealer 1977-1987. In 1988-1989, he studied in China as a student of China Studies in Chengchow (Zhengzhou) University, Henan province. In 1991-1993, Mr. Smith was a graduate student at Harvard University. In 1994-1998, he was the editor of The Journal of East Asian Numismatics (JEAN). Bruce Smith has been a collector and researcher of Chinese coins for over 30 years. His published research in JEAN has added immensely to the body of knowledge for Chinese coins. The first issue of JEAN was released in July 1994, and the last issue (18th issue) in 1998. Most articles were written in English, the remainder in Chinese. The journal was distributed in over 20 countries, and remained a mainstay on many important library shelves, including the Smithsonian Institution, the British Museum, the Harvard Yenching Library, Harvard University, Yale University, Columbia University, Stanford University, Cornell University, the ANS (American Numismatic Society), and the ANA (American Numismatic Association). The journal enjoyed great popularity and many important articles were published in JEAN, including “Peking Coins of 1900” by James Sweeny, “More on the Hsu Shih-chang Medals with engraved names” and “The true story of China’s 1936 and 1937 Silver Dollars” by Bruce Smith, “The Apparent Relationship

JEAN Online Links 《東亞泉志》在線閱讀

between 1897 Chekiang 5 Cents Pattern and 1899 Anhwei 5-Cents Circulation Strike” by Tom Keener, and “A Forgery of Taiwan’s Old Man Dollar” by Dr. Che-lu Tseng. In May 2015, Michael Chou decided to start issuing the journal again starting in January 2016. The famous numismatic researcher Mr. Yuan Shuiqing will be chinese chief editor. He is a member of China Numismatic Society, serving as executive director of the Shenxi Numismatic Society and executive vice president of the Xi’an Collectors Association. As a numismatic researcher, he was chief editor of Collections and China Numismatics. He has published over 100 numismatic research articles and the masterpiece The Elite of Monetary History of China. Other distinguished contributors from home and abroad are numismatists, collectors and coin dealers, including Bruce Smith (author of Howard Franklin BowkerNumismatic Pioneer), Colin Gullberg (Canada, author of Chopmarked Coins-A History), Chinese American senior numismatist Dr. Chelu Tseng, Steve Feller former international banknote societ y editor, senior numismatic scholar of China modern gold and silver commemorative coins King L. Chan (Hong Kong), senior numismatist Chien Fu Chou (Taiwan) and CEO of Beijing Coins website Richard Guo. It will be a quar terly, bilingual e-journal, covering the latest numismatic research, interviews with famous collectors, auction reviews, and general news. The Journal's distribution is now over 1,000, including over 3,000 in Greater China region. Starting in 2017, Journal of East Asian Numismatics is a co-sponsor of Krause's Coin of the Year Award Ceremony in Berlin with World Money Fair. You are welcome to subscribe, submit articles for publication, and advertise in the upcoming JEAN. The 2021 subscription is free of charge. Please send your email to

1st Issue 2nd Issue 3rd Issue 4th Issue 5th Issue 6th Issue 7th Issue 8th Issue 9th Issue 10th Issue 11th Issue 12th Issue

13th Issue 14th Issue

15th Issue 16th Issue 17th Issue

18th Issue 19th Issue 20th Issue

2020-2021 JEAN Advertising Rate 2020-2021 Issue Issue Date

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1/2 Page 4 Issues

Issue 20



US $600 (¥ 4,000) US $2,000 (¥ 13,000) US $400 (¥ 2,500)

US $1,300 (¥ 9,000)

Issue 21



US $600 (¥ 4,000) US $2,000 (¥ 13,000) US $400 (¥ 2,500)

US $1,300 (¥ 9,000)

Issue 22



US $600 (¥ 4,000) US $2,000 (¥ 13,000) US $400 (¥ 2,500)

US $1,300 (¥ 9,000)

Issue 23



US $600 (¥ 4,000) US $2,000 (¥ 13,000) US $400 (¥ 2,500)

US $1,300 (¥ 9,000)

Contact JEAN Shanghai Office Tel: 021-62130771 Email: Add: Room 1808, Bao Hua Building No. 1211, Changde Rd.

* PX: 300

* full page (A4): 210×297mm * 1/2 page: 210×148mm

入會申請表 Application Form 申請日期 Application date: 申請會員類別:

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本會宗旨:團結錢幣愛好者,推動錢幣之收藏及研究 介紹人 Referee:(需我會兩位成員推薦 two members of the Society) 會員姓名編號 Member No: 會員姓名編號 Member No: 此欄由澳門錢幣學會填寫 (Filled by the Society only): 新會員入會日期: 新會員編號: 1)新會員需認同本會宗旨。 New members should comply with the Society regulations. 2)入會申請人需填妥本申請表、交 1 張相片及繳納相關入會費用。 Please attach one photo and pay the membership fee. Add: AV. DR. RODRIGO RODRIGUES. 600E-P105 FIRST INTERNATIONAL COM. CENTER, MACAU Tel: (853)2833 4556 Fax: (853)2830 4772 Email:

地址:澳門羅理基博士大馬路 600E-1 樓 P105 室 電話:(853)2833 4556 傳真:(853)2830 4772


Wi sh t h e 2020 Mauau N umi s m atic Society Annua l Expo a G reat Succe s s

2020.11.29.12:00 Preview: 11.27 11:00-17:00 Kam Pek Community Center 11.28 10:00-18:00 11.29 9:00-12:00 6/F Promenade, Sofitel Macau 11.30 9:00-13:00 Pick up

Champion Macau Auction

Address: 6/F Promenade, Sofitel Macau




CHINA-HUNAN 1898 50 Cents Silver PCGS SP66+, Chinese Family Collection Starting Price:US 230000

CHINA-EMPIRE 1911 One Dollar Silver, Pattern,NGC MS64, H.F. Bowker East Asia Collection Starting Price:US 30000

CHINA-HEILUNGKIANG 1896 50 Cents Brass,Otto Beh Mint Pattern, NGC AU55 Starting Price:US 20000

CHINA-TAIWAN ND(1853) Fu Ku Military Ration Silver,NGC AU DETAILS, NC Collection Starting Price:US 20000

CHINA-FUKIEN ND(1844)Changchow Military Ration One Dollar Silver NGC AU DETAILS, NC Collection Starting Price:US 20000

CHINA-PEKING 1900 20 Cents Silver Pattern,NGC MS60, H.F. Bowker East Asia Collection Starting Price:US 10000

CHINA-EMPIRE 1911 50 Cents Silver Pattern,NGC MS62, H.F. Bowker East Asia Collection Starting Price:US 10 000

CHINA-TAIWAN ND(1838-1850) One Dollar Silver,NGC AU55, H.F. Bowker East Asia Collection Starting Price:US 10000

CHINA-EMPIRE 1910 One Dollar Silver NGC MS64, H.F. Bowker East Asia Collection Starting Price:US 10000

CHINA-SZECHUAN ND(1901-1908) One Dollar Silver,NGC MS63 Starting Price:US 10000

CHINA-REPUBLIC 1927 Sun Yat Sen One Yuan Copper,NGC MS61 BN, NC Collection Starting Price:US 6000

CHINA-KIRIN 1907 5 Cents Silver NGC F12, H.F. Bowker East Asia Collection Starting Price:US 5000

Address: Room 1808, Bao Hua Building, No.1211, Changde Road, Shanghai 200060, People's Republic of China Tel: 86-21-62130771 Email :

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