The Twenty-Eighth Issue of JEAN

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僅供内部使用 1918年“喀什道尹朱瑞墀共庆升平纪念”章考 A Study of the 1918 Kashgar Intendent Zhu Ruichi Commemorative Peace Medal 珍藏裏的“十裏洋場”——包克收藏的民國郵票與代價券 "The Metropolis Crowded with Foreign Adventurers" Shown in the Collection: Stamps and Coupons of the Republic of China from the Bowker Collection The God of Wealth and the Local Silver 財神與地形銀 The R.B. White Chinese Copper Coin Collection R.B.懷特中國銅幣收藏 『本期專題 | FEATURES 』 2022年澳門錢幣學會年會熊貓紀念章 2022MacauNumismaticSocietyShowPanda No.28 2022 10 / Issue 46 JEAN 1994 2019 2 th 周年5 THE JOURNAL OF EAST ASIAN NUMISMATICS 東亞泉志 中英雙語 - 電子季刊 Bilingual (English - Chinese) Digital Quarterly 2022 冠軍澳門拍賣 時間: 11/27 10:00-18:00 地點: 十六浦索菲特大酒店6樓 2022 CHAMPION MACAU AUCTION Time: 11/27 10:00-18:00 Address: 6F Promenade, Sofitel Hotel at Ponte 16 1898年安徽省造光緒元寶庫平七錢二分銀幣, NGC MS65,Hsi/NC收藏 CHINA-ANHWEI 1898 One Dollar Silver, NGC MS65, Hsi/NC Collection 1871年清同治十年貳拾伍兩金幣,NGC MS63 CHINA-EMPIRE 1871 25 Tael of Emperor T'ung Chih from 1971 Kann Collection Auction, NGC MS63
THE JOURNAL OF EAST ASIAN NUMISMATICS 往期電子雜誌 THEJOURNALOFEASTASIANNUMISMATICS 東亞泉志 漢武帝時期鑄造 Emperor Wuof Han THEJOURNALOFEASTASIANNUMISMATICS No. 17 01 Issue 35 THE JOURNAL OF EAST ASIAN NUMISMATICS 中英雙語-電子季刊 Bilingual(English-Chinese)DigitalQuarterly 潛心研究,竭誠服務——北京公博總經理、銅元專家段洪剛訪談錄 DuanHonggangInterview:ToFocusonStudyingandServing 首套(1元、5元及10元)“韓國製造”的流通硬幣 SouthKorea'sFirst CirculationCoins:One-Won,Five-Wonand10-Won李鴻章出訪德國與德製紀念章 LiHungChang'sTriparoundtheWorld-DestinationGermany『本期专题| 東亞泉志 MedalonLiHungChang’svisittoHamburg 李鴻章訪問漢堡紀念章 LiHungChang 李鴻章 THE JOURNAL OF EAST ASIAN NUMISMATICS東亞泉志 Cuba 我心目中的錢幣學家杜維善 Numismatist Du Weishan In My Mind 川陝蘇區仿造的民國陝西二分銅幣賞析 Appreciation andAnalysis of Shaanxi 2 Cents Copper Coins Counterfeited in the SovietArea in Sichuan and Shaanxi Provinces During the Republican Period 澳門文件 Macau Document 『本期專題 | FEATURES 釋出與回收:民國的黃金政策 Gold Policies of the Republic of China: Issuance and Redemption 中國銅錢的價值——基於費迪南·馮·李希霍芬1869年至1872年間旅華日記研究 The Value of Chinese Cash Coins 1981年大韓民國第五共和國成立紀念幣 The Fifth Republic Inauguration Commemorative Coins (1981) 學 家 費 迪 南 馮 李 希 霍 芬 The travelogue of the geographer Ferdinand von Richthofen Xinjiang Tong Zhi tong bao 1 Cash 同治通寶一文銅錢 THE JOURNAL OF EAST ASIAN NUMISMATICS Bilingual (English - Chinese) Digital Quarterly 東亞泉志 THE JOURNAL OF EAST ASIAN NUMISMATICS 『本期專題 New York in the 1940s THE JOURNAL OF EAST ASIAN NUMISMATICS中英雙語-電子季刊Bilingual (English - Chinese) Digital Quarterly 東亞泉志 僅供内部使用 獨一無二的整套擬發行中國幣設計師手稿 UniqueSetofArtist'sSketchesforProposedChineseCoin塵封七十載:1949年金幣金塊鑄造計劃 AProjectBuriedfor70Years:TheGoldCoinandGoldCakeProjectin1949 張南琛先生與收藏之家 NelsonChangandAFamilyofCollectors民國著名金融家的錢幣收藏⸺ NC收藏中來自前中央造幣廠廠長席德柄先生的錢幣TheCoinCollectionofaFamousFinancierduringtheRepublicPeriod: TheCoinsintheNCcollectionfromtheFormerCentralMintDirectorTurpinHsi 『本期專題| FEATURES』 1911年長須龍大清銀幣 1911Long-WhiskeredDragonDollar 19011901年吉林十箇 Kirin 10 Cash Draft NCCollectionBookReleaseMedal Bilingual(English-Chinese)DigitalQuarterly 東亞泉志 僅供内部使用 THE JOURNAL OF EAST ASIAN NUMISMATICS 席德柄、喬晉梁、韋憲章⸺戰亂時期的三位中央造幣廠廠長 TurpinHsi,QiaoJinliang,WeiXianzhang-ThreeDirectorsoftheCentral MintduringtheWar 泉壇的馬可波羅⸺意大利錢幣雕刻師LuigiGiorgi與大清銀幣 MarcoPolooftheNumismaticCommunity:ItalianCoinEngraverLuigiGiorgiandEmpire1911DollarPatterns 中華錢幣協會歷史 TheHistoryoftheChinaNumismaticSociety 晚清金幣大珍:中國新疆餉金金幣品種考辨⸺兼論中國近代機製 幣史料的輯軼與辨偽 RareGoldCoinsintheLateQingDynastyAResearchonthe1907China SinkiangGoldCoin Alsoontheanecdotesofhistoricalcoinage 『本期專題|FEATURES 1936年孫中山像背布圖中圓銀幣樣幣,NGCMS63 CHINA-REPUBLIC1936SunYatSen50Cents SilverPattern,NGCMS63 上海亞洲文會大樓(現上海外灘美術館 RockbubundArtMuseum 蘇柯仁 Sowerby 僅供内部使用 香港上海匯豐銀行紙幣分類研究(1865-1898) ClassifyingtheNotesoftheHongkongandShanghaiBankCorporation,1865-1898古希臘帕加馬錢幣 PergameneCoinageundertheGreeks 徐世昌像背“仁壽同登”紀念章的“前世今生”SyceeHsuShih-ChangPavillionMedal:PastandPresent ofNorthernSongDynastyJintangCounty50Taels 北宋“懷安軍金堂縣免夫錢折納銀每鋌重伍拾兩”銀鋌 『本期專題|FEATURES』 19211921年徐世昌仁像背“仁壽同登”紀念金章無字版 HsuShih-ChangPavillionGoldMedal, without"Commemorative" 徐世昌 HsuShih-Chang 中國用黃金鑄幣的嘗試從未成功過 China'sAttemptsAtCoinageFromGoldNeverSucceeded錢幣裏的大商機 BigBusinessforNumismatics 一對龍馬金銀樣幣的傳奇 ResearchTheLegendofaPairofDragonandHorseGoldandSilverPatterns ontheTranscriptsofCooleCollection邱文明舊藏《新疆圖志》抄本考論:兼述邱文明生平及其泉學研究 『本期專題 《東亞泉志》 2022 免費訂閱 JEAN 中英雙語 - 電子季刊 Bilingual (English - Chinese) Digital Quarterly 《東亞泉志》為冠軍拍賣公司總裁周邁可先生和著名錢幣學 專家史博祿先生於1994 年創辦,是一本學術性錢幣研究專 業雜誌。旨在讓廣大錢幣收藏家、研究學者更深入地瞭解錢 幣知識,讓世界各地的讀者更好地瞭解中國深厚的錢幣文化。 《東亞泉志》於1994 年7月份問世,1999年停刊,發行了 18 期。2015年5月,周邁可先生決定於2016年1月復刊《東 亞泉志》,聘請著名錢幣研究學者袁水清先生擔任主編。 以披露最新錢幣收藏研究成果、推介泉界成 功人士的事蹟為主。主要欄目有學術研究、 人物專訪、鑒賞爭鳴、拍賣回顧、重要信息等。JEAN 1994 2019 2 th 周年5 2022. 10 / Issue 46 No. 28

Che-lu Tseng 曾澤祿

Hans-Henning Goehrum

-亨寧 · 格魯姆

Yuan Shuiqing 袁水清


Sutton 馬克·修頓

J. Matthew Brotherton 馬修 · 布拉澤頓

Oliver Strahl 奧利弗·斯特拉爾

H. Chou 周邁可

Esther Zhao 趙婷婷

Tan Wanmei 譚婉梅

Reader are welcome to contribute articles. 歡迎投稿 ! Chinese / 中文 / English / 英文 / 臺北公司 Taipei Office 臺北市南京西路 163 號 1 樓 50 室 電話 :886-2-25551761 手機:+886-903937338 郵箱 上海辦事處 Shanghai Office 上海市普陀區常德路 1211 號寶華大廈 1808 室 電話 :86-21-62130771 郵編:200060 郵箱 Publisher & Editor in-Chief 出版人&總編輯 Technical Advisor 技術顧問 Marketing Advisor 市場顧問 Advisors 顧問 Senior Editor 高級編輯 Chinese Editor 中文主編 US Correspondent 美國通訊員 European Correspondent 歐洲通訊員 Advertising & Circulation Manager 廣告與發行經理 Design Director 美術設計
Gu Jun
Bruce W. Smith 史博祿
「 中英雙語 · 電子季刊 | Bilingual (English - Chinese) Digital Quarterly」
Steve Feller 史蒂夫·費勒


Welcome to the 28th issue of the Journal of East Asian Numismatics

In this issue, Stephen Tai's The God of Wealth and Local Silver is one of the featured articles. It introduces how local silver, born out of conservationism, has accidentally preserved the unique culture for various places, with concrete examples.

Cheng Bin's A Study of the 1918 Kashgar Intendent Zhu Ruichi Commemorative Peace Medal explores the birth of this rare medal through the historical background of the time and its striking technique.

The article about the stamps and coupons of the Republic of China from the Bowker Collection by Zhou Bian, based on a loose leaf of Album for Chinese Postage Stamps edited by Zhu Shijie of the Republic of China and two coin collection cardboard holders from the Bowker Collection, introduces the Republic of China stamps and coupons included in the collection. It not only gives us an understanding of the characteristics and circumstances of the issuance of stamps and coupons at that time, but also gives us a glimpse of the entertainment life of Chinese and foreigners living together in Shanghai in the Republic of China.

The last feature article in this issue is R.B. White Chinese Copper Coin Collection based on my experience with R.B. White, a great collector of Chinese copper coins. Although I was not able to make a deal with R.B. White at that time, I would like to take this opportunity to share this interesting experience and Mr. R.B. White's collection of Chinese copper coins.

In our last issue, we published Chang Chiung-po’s correspondence with Arthur Coole about a Far Eastern coin catalog in the republishment of old issues. This issue is devoted to the introduction and foreword of the Encyclopedia of Chinese Coins, which was the topic of discussion in the above correspondence between Arthur Coole and Chang Chiung-po. In addition, we publish, with permission, the report on the 1971 Eduard Kann collection auction originally published in Coin World in 1971, as well as the release announcement of the Chinese Silver Dollar by Chang Huang and Dennis W. Sibert in the October 1946 issue of the Numismatist

In this issue, Zhou Bian contributes Ancient Charms from Countries near China. Two book reviews are also written by Zhou Bian, respectively on ZhangNanQuanSheng and ACatalogofChineseSilverDollars

The 28th issue also contains a Guide to Determining Coin Prices by Jeff Garrett, which is authorized to be republished by NGC.

The past few months have seen a wide variety of coin shows and events around the world, and we have covered them in this issue, with articles such

as Summer 2022 ANA Show in Chicago Proves the Numismatic Industry Remain Strong Despite Global Uncertainties, Champion Auction Attended the 2022 Sungari International Coin & Stamp Exhibition, Champion CEO Michael Chou’s Visit to the Really Big Money Exhibit and NNC Vault The report on Chengxuan 2022 Spring Auction held in August reviews the auction result and highlights. At this auction, the 1903 Fengtien tael silver coin appeared in a public auction after 31 years, and it realized 46.58 million RMB, breaking the record of Chinese vintage coin auction. The 1927 Chang Tso Lin gold pattern and the Tsing Kiang copper coin were also auctioned in this auction. All these set off a new high point in the Chinese vintage coin market.

At the annual meeting of the Taipei Numismatics Society in early October, we released the third issue of the Taiwan Special Edition of the Journal of East Asian Numismatics, and the response was overwhelming. Therefore, we wrote an article to share the results with our readers.

Finally, we released some of the highlights of the Champion 2022 Macau auction in this issue, so stay tuned.

The Champion 2022 Macau Auction will be held on November 27, 2022 from 10:00 to 17:00 at the Sofitel Hotel at Ponte 16 Macau, 6th floor, and many fine coins, banknotes and stamps from the Nelson Chang Collection, the Chinese Family Collection, the Bowker Collection, the Edward Kann Collection, the Goodman Collection, the Arthur Coole Collection, the Nicholas Rhodes Collection and the Norman Jacobs Collection will be presented at the auction. The highlights include a 1923 Tsao Kun Military Dress Gold Dollar from 1996 Champion Sale, NGC UNC Details; a Kwan Ying Large Gold Medal of 93.4g from the 1971 Kann Auction, NGC MS63; a 1898 Anhwei Dollar from the NC Collection, NGC MS65. During the Macau Numismatic Society’s annual meeting, the 2022 Macau Numismatic Society annual show panda medal will be released at the opening ceremony on November 24. A donation ceremony and reception luncheon will be held at noon on November 26 for the ASG certified stamps and PMG certified banknotes from the Bowker Collection. The donation is made from the proceeds of auction of the ASG certified stamps and PMG certified banknotes from the Bowker Collection, which will be used to sponsor the numismatic and stamp activities of Escola Tong Nan (Primary Section) and other Macau elementary schools.

We look forward to seeing you all again at the upcoming Macau Numismatic Society’s annual meeting and the Macau auction!

102 106 110 Ancient Charms from Countries near China Summer 2022 ANA Show in Chicago Proves the Numismatic Industry Remain Strong Despite Global Uncertainties Guide to Determining Coin Prices Zhou Bian〔Shanghai〕 J. Matthew Brotherton〔USA〕 Jeff Garrett〔USA〕 18 42 08 16 44 54 60 62 73 70 72 An Encyclopedia Of Chinese Coins The Announcement on the Publication of Chinese Silver Dollars in the ANA Numismatist Journal in November, 1946 Champion 2022 Macau Auction Highlights The Third Issue of the Taiwan Special Edition of the Journal of East Asian Numismatics was Released The Report on the 1971 Kann Collection Auction in the Coin World Champion CEO Michael Chou’s Visit to the Really Big Money Exhibit and NNC Vault Champion Auction Attended the 2022 Sungari International Coin & Stamp Exhibition A Trip to the Singapore International Coin Fair Chengxuan 2022 Beijing Coin Auction Review A Numismatic Magazine with Southern Fujian Characteristics - Zhang Nan Quan Sheng A Fully-Illustrated Bilingual Book of Chinese Vintage Coins-A Catalog of Chinese Silver Dollars (Chinese - English Edition) Arthur B. Coole〔USA〕 Dennis W. Sibert〔USA〕 Zhou Bian〔Shanghai〕 Zhou Bian〔Shanghai〕 Coin World〔USA〕 Champion〔 Shanghai〕 Champion〔 Shanghai〕 Champion〔 Shanghai〕 Champion〔 Shanghai〕 Champion〔 Shanghai〕 DEPARTMENTS 76 83 86 96 “The Metropolis Crowded with Foreign Adventurers” Shown in the Collection: Stamps and Coupons of the Republic of China from the Bowker Collection The God of Wealth and the Local Silver A Study of the 1918 Kashgar Intendent Zhu Ruichi Commemorative Peace Medal The R.B. White Chinese Copper Coin Collection Cheng Bin〔Urumqi〕 Stephen Tai〔Taipei〕 Michael Chou〔Taipei〕 FEATURES COLUMN CONTENTS Zhou Bian〔Shanghai〕 Michael Chou〔Taipei〕

qian yan

歡迎大家閱讀《東亞泉志》第28 期。

本期專題文章之一是戴學文先生的《財神與地形銀》。文章介紹了 出於保護主義而誕生的地形銀是如何意外地為各地保留下特有的 文化色彩,並佐以具體的例證。

成斌先生撰寫的《1918 年“喀什道尹朱瑞墀共慶升平紀念”章考》 則通過當時的歷史背景及紀念章的鑄造工藝,探究了這一少見的 紀念章的誕生過程。

上海周邊先生撰寫的《珍藏裏的“十裏洋場”——包克收藏的民國 郵票與代價券》,依據霍華德 佛蘭克林 包克收藏的1本民國朱世 傑編的《中國集郵圖譜》散頁和 2 個硬紙板做的錢幣收藏冊,介紹 了其中涉及的民國郵票和代價券,不僅使我們對當時郵票和代價 券的發行特點和情況有所瞭解,更能從中一窺民國上海租界內華 洋同處娛樂生活的一個側面。

本期的最後一篇專題文章則是根據筆者與中國銅幣收藏大家 R.B. 懷特先生的交往經歷,撰寫的《 R.B. 懷特中國銅幣收藏》 一文。雖然當時並未能與懷特先生達成交易,但冀望借此機會讓 讀者瞭解這段有趣的經歷,以及 R.B. 懷特先生珍藏的中國銅幣。

在上期的“舊刊新載”欄目中,我們刊載了《邱文明遠東泉譜考商 榷書》。本期則專門刊載了1940 年邱文明與張絅伯先生兩封通訊中 所涉及的《中國古今泉幣辭典》及其第一卷的序言。此外,我們還

參觀美國國家錢幣收藏“真正的大錢”展及金庫》。另外,冠軍研 究室《市場方興未艾 價格再創新高——北京誠軒2022 年春拍錢幣 類專場綜述》一文,對北京誠軒此次拍賣的各類錢幣成交概況及 其亮點進行了回顧,其中1903 年“奉天一兩”銀幣時隔 31年再度 面世,以4 657.5萬元成交,另有張作霖像伍拾圓金幣和大清銅幣 中心“淮”二十文樣幣共同亮相並刷新拍賣紀錄,把中國機製幣市 場行情推向新高。

在10月初的 2022 年臺北市集幣協會年會上,我們發行了《東亞泉志》 “臺灣特刊”第3 期,反響熱烈。我們也為此撰文,與讀者分享相 關成果。

最後,本期雜誌還對冠軍 2022 年澳門拍賣會拍品亮點作了預報, 敬請關注。

冠軍 2022 年澳門拍賣會將於 2022 年11月27日10:00至17:00 在澳 門十六浦索菲特大酒店六樓舉行,出自張南琛收藏、華人家族收 藏、包克收藏、耿愛德收藏、古德曼收藏、邱文明收藏、尼古拉 斯 羅茲收藏和諾曼 雅各斯收藏的諸多精品錢幣、紙鈔和郵票將 悉數亮相。拍品亮點包括一枚出自1996 年冠軍拍賣的1923 年曹錕 戎裝像壹圓紀念金幣,經評 NGC UNC Details ;一枚同治二年 觀音像金幣,NGC MS63,重 93.4克,出自1971年耿愛德收藏拍 賣;一枚出自席德柄 / 張南琛收藏的1898 年光緒元寶庫平七錢二 分銀幣,經評 NGC MS65 。澳門錢幣學會年會期間,我們將於 11月24日的開幕儀式上舉行 2022 年澳門錢幣學會年會熊貓紀念章 首發儀式;11月26日中午將舉辦包克收藏 ASG 認證郵票及 PMG 認證紙鈔捐贈儀式及招待午宴。捐贈款項為冠軍拍賣對包克收藏 ASG 認證郵票及 PMG 認證紙鈔拍賣所得,將用於贊助澳門東南 學校(小學部)及其他澳門小學的錢幣和郵票活動。

我們期待在即將舉行的 2022 年澳門錢幣學會年會及冠軍澳門拍賣 會上與各位再次相見!

《東亞泉志》總編輯兼出版人 周邁可

( 前
經授權刊載了1971年《硬幣世界》對 1971年耿愛德舊藏拍賣的報 道,以及1946 年10月 ANA《錢幣學家》雜誌刊發的張璜與希伯 特所著《中國銀元》預定公告。 本期,周邊先生還貢獻了《華夏鄰國鑄造的錢文花錢》。兩篇書評 也由周邊先生撰寫,分別是關於《漳南泉聲》和《中國銀圓譜》。 第28 期雜誌中還有傑夫 加勒特先生撰寫的《錢幣價格確認指南》, 該文經 NGC 授權轉載。 在過去的幾個月中,世界各地舉辦的錢幣展會和活動異彩紛呈, 我們也在本期中進行了相關報道,文章包括《 2022 年夏季芝加哥 ANA 國際錢幣展銷會回顧》《新加坡國際錢幣展銷會之行》《冠 軍拍賣參展 2022 年聖佳錢幣、郵品博覽會》《冠軍拍賣總裁周邁可







《硬幣世界》〔美國〕 周邁可〔臺北〕

冠軍研究室〔上海〕 冠軍研究室〔上海〕

市場方興未艾 價格再創新高——北京誠軒2022年春拍錢幣類專場綜述



周 邊〔上海〕


周 邊〔上海〕


目 錄 mulu 專 題 108 113 104 80 85 92 99 專 欄 周 邊〔上海〕 戴學文〔臺北〕 珍藏裏的“十裏洋場”——包克收藏的民國郵票與代價券 財神與地形銀 1918年“喀什道尹朱瑞墀共慶升平紀念”章考 R.B.懷特中國銅幣收藏 成 斌〔烏魯木齊〕 周 邊〔上海〕 馬修·布拉澤頓〔美國〕 華夏鄰國鑄造的錢文花錢 2022年夏季芝加哥ANA國際展銷會回顧——錢幣行情依舊走強 錢幣價格確認指南 傑夫·加勒特〔美國〕 部 門 《中國古今泉幣辭典》 1946年10月ANA《錢幣學家》雜誌刊載《中國銀元》發行公告 冠軍2022年澳門拍賣亮點公佈 《東亞泉志》“臺灣特刊”第3期正式發行 《硬幣世界》對1971年耿愛德收藏拍賣的報道 冠軍拍賣總裁周邁可參觀美國國家錢幣收藏“真正的大錢”展及金庫
31 43 12 66 71 74 75 49 17 57 61

Republishment of Old Issues


1 Cover Picture

The cover picture has been sketched from a photograph that I took of a sea - going junk on the Min River in Fukien, down - river from Foochow. As I launch out on this new endeavor it carries me back to the days when I started to collect Chinese coins as a nine-year-old lad in Fukien. The peak to the left ( just in front of the sails ) is Kushan where a famous Buddhist monastery is located. Fukien Christian University campus is just out of sight at the extreme right jutting out into the river.

It was in these sturdy vessels that 3000 years ago seamen risked their lives to sail to the South Seas to trade for cowrie shells which were returned to the homeland to be used as coins. This was before the plastic age and such shells could not be counterfeited. Down through the years these junks have been the connecting link between the outside world and the Middle Kingdom and linked, from the earliest days, with the coinage of the land. What better symbolism could we ask for on the cover of volume one of this Encyclopedia of Chinese Coins than such a junk?

In the upper right hand corner of China's sky we find another symbol, the Yin ( 陰 ) and the Yang ( 陽 ) which dates back to the 8 th century B.C. and was fully established

in the days of Confucius. The white and the black elements denote the duality of personality and the opposites all through life. The black part portrays the earth, the female element, darkness, the latent and the dormant, the duad, the shadows and the valleys. The white element designates heaven, the male, light, vigor and vivacity, the penetrating power of life, the mountains and the light of the sun.

Thus we launch out this year on a new and interesting journey into mythology and historical facts as seen through numismatography. May this study lead many a scholar into the realms of interest in China's numismatics!


Without dreaming dreams one never accomplishes much in this life. For years I have dreamt that some day there would be a work in the English language that would encompass the

whole realm of China's coinage -- to start back there about three thousand years ago and to work down to the 20 th Century where machinery has replaced the art of casting -

◎ Arthur B. Coole〔USA〕

to start back in the Barter Age and watch the idea of coinage develop as men made miniature models of the objects they wanted to sell and used them as mediums of exchange.

There were the miniature spades or hoes, battle swords or knives, jade cymbals, fish, and numerous other objects. Certainly many of these were used as mediums of exchange. Cowries shells were imported from the South Seas. So called "Ant Nose" coins were cast. Were these objects really coins? What was the story behind them? What finally led to a distinct coinage with round coins and square holes in the middle? Why square holes instead of round ones? Why did so many of the spade or hoe pieces have incurvate cutting edges, or even slots? Why, why, why? There are so many questions to be sought!

These questions have caused me to dream dreams since I started collecting coins as the bare-foot nine-year-old son of missionary parents in Kutien( 古田 ), Fukien( 福建 ). To answer these questions led me to seek factual materials. I asked some Chinese friends how many books the Chinese people had put out on coins and most of them guessed from a half - dozen to a dozen. And so I set out to buy those few books. But, today, in volume one of this work I have been able to list 600 Chinese numismatic books and then there

are an additional few hundred Japanese works and another few hundred European language books and magazine articles of this subject.

One of my dreams is finally starting to come trueAn Encyclopedia of Chinese Coins - to gather into one compound a concise summary of all of the information on this subject. It looks now as though there would be nine volumes, but we shall start with volume one in 1967 and go on from there as fast as we can with due consideration to thoroughness and accuracy. From the 96 feet of shelf - space I have in the "Hidden Valley" at 219 S. Williams St., Denver (my basement study) I expect to smelt the gold from the ore and bring forth in one volume after another the combined knowledge of these numismatic authors. I feel that it is my duty, as one who has been enabled to delve into this realm for almost six decades, to pass on to this and future generations that which will enable them to better understand and appreciate this field of Chinese art and culture. And history plays a great part in it. Thus, officially "in retirement", I hope to bring this dream to fruition within the next ten years, taking one step at a time.


Before any good crop may be grown and harvested the ground must be prepared - plowed, disced, harrowed and cultivated. This volume is that preparatory part - the getting ready for that which is to come. It is the preparation of the soil for a scientific crop.

This book is based mainly on, A Bibliography on Far Eastern Numismatics and An Union Index of the Currency, Charms and Amulets of the Far East, which I completed and published in 1940 as my thesis for a Master of Arts in Chinese Studies, California College in China, Peiping.

It was based on the 25' of shelf - space of books I had in my numismatic library plus the books in the libraries of Yenching University, California College in China, the Catholic University and National Library. The work of my contemporary, Dr. Ting Fu-pao ( 丁福保大夫 ), as the most fruitful source of bibliographical material in Chinese.

I employed Mr. Ch' iu Yu-t' an ( 邱堉橝 ), a former student of mine in Tientsin Hui Wen Academy, two summers while he was working his way through college. He checked every book in the libraries mentioned above for bibliographical


material and for coins for the union index.

Prof. Hitoshi Kozono ( 小園齊 ) of the Fukuoka Middle School ( 福岡縣中學 ), Fukuoka, Japan gave great help in the Japanese section of the book. He and Dr. Ting were both very gracious in their assistance.

Many of the older Chinese works gave poor bibliographical data. They usually dated books only by the dynasty in which they were issued. I was able to pin point some of these dates by checking in China's Historical Who's Who for their authors name and had success in numerous instances.

World War II turned everything up-side-down in China. Many a family had to sell off their horded treasures to keep alive. The invaders secured much of these treasures but when the war ended the Chinese government refused to let the invaders take their booty out of the country. Pawn shops, curio shops and book shops were literally filled with this newly acquired stock. Getting back to Peiping in 1947 I was able to triple the size of my numismatic library until I now have 96' of shelf - space on books. And so the Chinese section of this volume has over 200 more Chinese books listed than did my 1940 work.

I did) and to H. F. Bowker (who was already retired) and asked them if they would not go into this volume as coauthors. Kozono would take the Japanese section, Bowker the Western language section and myself the Chinese unit and the indexes. They agreed. In the meantime Howard F. Bowker was unable to help actively due to health problems. But he sent me the cards he has worked on recently and told me to use any and all of the data he had and, "If you want to include anything in my bibliography, please take the data from that publication." Thus I shall combine his material with mine and consider that this section is really his and that we three shall always be linked together through the years as co-authors of this volume.

Shortly after Coins in China's History came out in 1936

I became acquainted with Howard Franklin Bowker by correspondence and later in person. He retired after World War II as a Lieut. Commander in the U.S. Navy. He had spent a year in Hankow field. He is still the Consultant on East Asian Numismatics to the Curator of Numismatics of the Smithsonian Institution. In 1943 through the American Numismatic Society be published A Numismatic Bibliography of the Far East ( A check list of titles in European languages ).

My thanks also go to the following men for their help in bygone years: Dr. Kenneth C. Colegrove of the Political Science Department at Northwestern University for the scholarly training he gave his students. Dr. Clyde Leclare Grose, under whom I took a course (Historical Bibliography and Criticism) at Northwestern University Graduate School. To Dr. Samuel Lin-sheng Lee ( 李麐生 ), Dr. Chang Wan-yu ( 張蔓友 ), Dr. Yang Yuan-lin ( 楊苑林 ) for their assistance in translating the book titles and to the Reverend Wu Yufeng ( 吳玉峯 ) for his help in the numismatic field and for introducing me to a number of famous contemporary Chinese numismatics between the years of 1924 - 1948.

Thanks also go to Mrs. Margo Russell for sending me a list of articles on Oriental numismatics found in Coin World and to Kenneth E. Bressett, Numismatic Editor of the Whiteman Publishing Company for sending me a list of such articles in the Whitman Numismatic Journal.

In preparing for this general bibliography ( as opposed to a selective bibliography ) which contains everything available on the subject whether it is good or bad I thought how wonderful it would be if three friends could go into this subject together as co-authors. And so I wrote to Hitoshi Kozono (who happened to retire the same day in 1964 as

We also have some embryonic numismatics coming along who have shown signs that some day they will be taking over the authorship of works on Far Eastern numismatology. Among these are G. A. Benadom and John A. Novak. Of course John G. Spadone has already entered the area as has Virgil Hancock. Power to them as they push forward in this field. They are all corresponding friends of mine.

I am sorry that the bamboo curtain has separated Dr. Ting


Fu-pao ( 丁福保大夫 ) and Dr. Chang Chiung-po ( 張綗 伯 ) from me. If it were not for that veil I am sure that they would actively assist in this volume, if they are still on top of this topsy-turvy world.

Volume 2 will be on the origin of coinage in China and I hope to have it out late in 1968 or in 1969.

219 S. Williams St. Denver Colorado 80209 U.S. A

Arthur B. Coole

August 15, 1967 219 S. Williams St.


舊 刊 新

在福建閩江上拍攝到的一艘 帆船

我回想起了九歲時在福 建開始收集中國錢幣的日子。( 帆船前面的) 左側山峰上有 一座著名的佛教寺院


而福建基督教大學的校園就在最右 邊凸出的河面旁


水手們正是在這些堅固的船隻上, 冒着生命危 險航行到南海, 以換取可以帶回中國作為錢幣使用的貝殼

000 年前

這發生在塑膠時代之前, 當時貝殼是無法偽造的。 多年來, 這些船一直是外部世界和中原王朝之間的聯繫紐帶,並且從 最早的時候就與這片土地的錢幣聯繫在一起 。在這本《中國 古今泉幣辭典》第一卷的封面上,還有什麼比這樣的中國式 帆船更有象徵意義的呢?


載 第 ① 頁 第 ② 頁 封面圖片是我從福州沿河而下,
。 3
陰陽。它的誕生可以追溯 到公元前 8世紀, 並在孔子的時代完全成形。 白色和黑色的 元素表示人格的雙重性和對立的生活方式 。黑色部分代表了 大地、女性、黑暗、潛伏和休眠、成對的東西、陰影和山谷。 封面圖片 《中國古今泉幣辭典》序言 ◎ 邱文明〔美國〕 白色則代表天空、男性、光明、活力和生機、生命的穿透力、 山脈和太陽的光芒。 因此,我們今年開始了一個新的、有趣的旅程,通過錢幣學 來瞭解神話和歷史事實。 願這項研究能使許多學者開始對 中國錢幣學感興趣 。 《中國古今泉幣辭典》 人如果沒有理想,那麼這一生中就不會有什麼成就 。我多年 來一直夢想着有一天能有一部英文作品,涵蓋整個中國錢幣 領域 。從三千年前到20世紀,機器已經取代了鑄造藝術。回 顧以物易物時代,讓我們看看貨幣作為人們想要出售的物品


,這些問題激起了我的夢想 。我的 父母是福建古田的傳教士。為了回答這些問題 ,我開始尋找 事實材料。我問一些中國朋友,中國人出版了多少關於錢幣 的書籍

於是我就開始 購買那幾本書


便 已經能夠列出600本中國的錢幣書籍


然後還有幾百本日本 的作品

另外幾百本歐洲語言的書籍和雜誌上也有關於這個 中國錢幣的文章

《 中國古今泉幣辭典》 的面世

我諸多夢想中的一個終 於開始實現了

這本書將所有關於中國錢幣的資訊彙集在一 起



這一系列可能共計會 出九卷

在充分考慮到全面 性和準確性的情況下


盡可能快地從第一卷繼續下去。我在 丹佛威廉姆斯街

隱秘山谷”(我的地下室書房)裏 擁有96平方英尺的書架空間





和 其他眾多物品

我希望能從礦石中熔煉出黃 金



貝殼是 從南海進口的

所謂的“蟻鼻錢”就是這樣鑄造出來的。這 些物品真的是錢幣嗎?它們背後的故事是什麼?最終為何形 成了中間有方孔的獨特圓形錢幣?為什麼是方孔而不是圓形 的?為什麼那麼多的鏟子或鋤頭形狀的錢幣都有弧形的邊 緣, 甚至是槽?為什麼, 為什麼, 為什麼?有太多的問題需 要尋找答案!

並將這些錢幣作者的綜合知識一卷接一卷地呈現出來 。 我覺得作為一個近六十年且有能力鑽研這一領域的人,自己 有責任把那些能夠使人們更好地理解和欣賞這一中國藝術 和文化領域的東西代代相傳。而歷史在錢幣發展過程中起到 了很大的作用。因此,我希望在正式“退休”後,也就是未 來十年內一步一步實現這個夢想 。


13 部門 DEPARTMENTS JEAN 28 第一卷序言 第 ③頁 在種出並收穫好莊稼之前,必須先犁地、分地、耙地、耕地 , 從而把地準備好。本卷便是為科學作物準備的土壤,作為全 書的準備部分,為即將書寫的內容做好準備。 本書是主要基於1940 年我在中國北平加州學院的中國研究 文學碩士論文完成並出版的《 遠東錢幣文獻和錢幣綜合指 南 》(A Bibliography on Far Eastern Numismatics and An Union Index of the Currency)和《遠東花錢》(Charms and Amulets of the Far East) 的基礎上撰寫的。 此外還參考了 我的錢幣藏書室裏 25平方英尺書架上的藏書,燕京大學、中 國加州學院、天主教大學和國家圖書館的書籍,還有與我同 時代的丁福保大夫的著作, 他的著作被認為是研究結果最 為豐富的中文書目資料來源 。 我雇用了我以前在天津匯文中學校的學生邱堉橝 。在他打工 念大學的兩個暑假裏,他檢查了上述圖書館的每本書中的書 目材料和綜合索引中的錢幣。 日本福岡縣中學的小園齊(Hitoshi Kozono) 教授在本書涉 及日文的部分給予了很大的幫助
。 隨着
邱文明 本書作者和出版人

提供了幫助。 許多較早的中文著作中涉及書目的資料頗為不足, 通常只根 據書籍發行的朝代來確定其發行年份。我通過在《中國歷史 名人錄 》 中查詢作者姓名來確定其中一些書籍的發行年份, 並且成功找到了很多書目的發行年份。 第二次世界大戰使中國的一切都發生了翻天覆地的變化 。許 多家庭不得不賣掉他們囤積的財物來維持生計。侵略者獲得 了這些財物中的大部分,但當戰爭結束時,中國政府拒絕讓 侵略者將他們的戰利品帶出國境 。 當鋪、 古玩店和書店裏 裝滿了這些新獲得的庫存。1947年回到北平後 , 我的錢幣 藏書室的規模擴大了兩倍,直到如今 96平方英尺的規模 。


並告訴我可以 使用他的任何研究資料

他說 :“ 如果你想在我負責的書目 中囊括任何資料

都可以從那本出版物中獲取 。” 因此, 我 將把他的資料與我的資料結合起來, 並且我認為這一部分 資料確實是由他提供的,而且我們三人將作為這卷書的共同 作者,在之後的這些年裏永遠被聯繫在一起 。 我還要感謝以下幾位在過去幾年中提供的幫助。 首先是 西北大學政治學系的肯尼斯 科爾格羅夫(Kenneth C. Colegrove) 博士, 他為學生們提供了學術培訓 。 其次是克 萊德 · 勒克萊爾 · 格羅斯(Clyde Leclare Grose) 博士, 我 在西北大學研究生院上過他的過一門課( 歷史書目和考證 )。 我也想感謝李麐生博士、張蔓友博士、楊苑林博士在翻譯書 名的過程中提供的幫助。同時,感謝吳玉峯牧師在錢幣領域 提供的幫助,他向我介紹了一些1924年至1948 年間中國當代 著名的錢幣學家 。 我還要感謝馬戈 羅素夫人(Mrs. Margo Russell) 給我寄 來了《 錢幣世界》(Coin World) 中關於東方錢幣學文章的 清單, 感謝惠特曼出版公司的錢幣學編輯肯尼斯 · 佈雷塞 特(Kenneth E. Bressett) 給我寄來了《 惠特曼錢幣學雜誌 》 (Whitman Numismatic Journal)中此類文章的清單。

此外, 還有一些初出茅廬的錢幣學家 。 有跡象表明, 他們 遲早會在遠東錢幣學著作方面有所建樹,其中包括貝納多姆 (G. A. Benadom) 和約翰 · 諾瓦克(John A. Novak), 以及 已經入門了的約翰 斯帕多內(John G. Spadone)和維吉爾 漢考克(Virgil Hancock)。 他們具有推動遠東錢幣研究發 展的動力

因 此,本卷涉及的中文著作比我1940 年出版作品中涵蓋的多出 了200多本。 1936 年《 中國歷代五金貨幣》 出版後不久, 我就通過書信以 及之後的面談與霍華德 佛蘭克林 包克相識了。 他在二戰 後退休,是美國海軍的一名中校 。他曾在漢口戰場上呆過一 年,至今仍是史密森學會錢幣館長的東亞錢幣顧問。1943年, 他通過美國錢幣學會出版了《 遠東集幣圖書纂要 》( 一份歐 洲語言所著的遠東錢幣書目清單)。 我在準備本書中通用的參考書目( 而不是一個經過篩選的參 考書目)時,使其包含了關於這個主題無論是好是壞的所有 書目。我想如果三個朋友能一起作為合著者研究這個主題該 有多好, 於是我寫信給小園齊( 他和我碰巧在1964年的同一 天退休) 和包克( 他已經退休), 問他們是否願意以合著者 的身份參與編寫這本書。小園齊負責編寫日語部分,包克負 責編寫西方語言部分,
。他們同 意了。在此期間,包克因健康問題無法積極參與到這項工作 當中去。但他給我寄來了他最近研究的資料,
,也都是我的通信友人 。 我很遺憾無法與丁福保大夫和張綗伯順暢的溝通, 不然我 相信他們也會積極協助編輯這卷書, 並且仍然是這一紛繁 領域中的佼佼者。 本書的第二卷將是關於中國錢幣的起源 。 我希望它可以在 1968 年底或1969年出版 。 美國丹佛 - 科羅拉多威廉姆斯街 219 S. 號 ,郵編 80209 邱文明 1967年 8月15日

The Announcement on the Publication of Chinese Silver Dollars in the ANA Numismatist Journal in November, 1946

[ Announcement


I have diligently searched throughout most of the principal cities of China for someone who is really an authority on Chinese silver Dollars. My labours were not in vain. After associating with Mr. H. Chang of the months. I was convinced that he is the best informed man in the world on this subject.

As a result of our association we are happy to announce our forthcoming book.


Due to the fact that a number of noted collections have contained bogus pieces or "coins" that never existed, we have devoted an entire chapter to bogus and counterfeit Chinese silver Dollars, with actual photographs of these fakes.

For the photography we have had available the E. Kahn collection, one of the finest of Chinese silver Dollars ever assembled. Most of these silver Dollars are uniquely different, and, with the exception of a few coins, actual size photos accompany every description.

This book contains much information that has never before been published. Over one hundred experts have been consulted regarding the many minor features that are too numerous to mention here.

One feature of outstanding value to the collector is a table of

About Dennis Willie Sibert

Dennis Willie Sibert (1912-1991) born and died in AL. Lived in Mentone from at least 1946 till 1991. Enl. us Army 9 sent way caption and major.

comparative rarity, giving the approximate number of each of these coins in existence.

The book itself will be beautiful, the finest work of art that the modern publisher can produce.

It may be obtained by reservation only, and only one hundred copies above actual requests will be published. The price is ten dollars.

Mentone Alabama

DENNIS W. SIBERT, Numismatist
H. Chang/Dennis W. Sibert
Dennis W. Sibert〔USA〕

關於丹尼斯 希伯特 丹尼斯·希伯特(1912-1991)生卒於阿拉巴馬州。 從1946年至1991年居住在蒙通市。美國陸軍入伍 9年,曾任少校。



除了少 數錢幣外

17 部門 DEPARTMENTS JEAN 28 1946年10月ANA《錢幣學家》雜誌刊載《中國銀元》發行公告 [[ 公 告 我曾在中國大部分主要城市努力尋找一位在中國銀元研究領域的真正權威人士。 我的努力沒有白費, 在與張璜先 生交往數月後,我確信他是世界上對這一領域最瞭解的人 。 我們很高興地宣佈,我們即將出版一本合著的新書。 《中國銀元》 ◎ 張璜/丹尼斯·希伯特 由於一些著名的收藏品中包含了從未存在過的假幣或臆造 幣, 我們用了一整章的篇幅來介紹假的和偽造的中國銀元, 並附上這些假幣的實物照片。 在攝影方面,
,每一枚描述都附有和實際尺寸相同的照片。 本書包含了許多以前從未發表過的資訊 。我們還諮詢了一百 多位專家,以確定錢幣上很多細微的特徵,在此不一一贅述 。 對收藏者來說,本書非常有價值的一點在於加入了錢幣的稀 有度表,並在上面列出了每一枚錢幣現存的大致數量。 本書製作精美, 堪稱當代出版商所能製作出的最好的藝術 作品。 本書僅供預定,如有超過一百本外的實際需求,將對外發行, 每本定價10美元 。 阿拉巴馬州蒙通市 錢幣學家丹尼斯 希伯特(DENNIS W. SIBERT)
◎ 丹尼斯·希伯特〔美國〕

Champion 2022 Macau Auction Highlights

In May 2021, Champion Auction held the Nelson Chang Chinese Coin Collection Auction and the first release ceremony of LegendofCollection-Nelson'sChineseCoin Collection. The auction realized a record high of more than 130 million RMB, and among more than 100 modern Chinese vintage coins from Nelson Chang's collection at the auction, over 60 broke auction records. As for Legend of Collection - Nelson's Chinese Coin Collection, it won the Numismatic Literature Guild's Best World Coins Book Award in 2021.

auction will be broadcast on the "Champion Auction" account of Kuaishou, and related activities will also be released on the "Champion Auction" account of Bilibili, so stay tuned!

This was the only live auction held in Hong Kong and Macau, China in the past two years. Now, more than a year later, Champion is gearing up for a new auction on November 27, 2022 from 10:00 to 17:00 on the sixth floor of the Sofitel Macau at Ponte 16 Hotel, with many rare coins, banknotes and stamps from the Nelson Chang Collection, the Bowker Collection, the Eduard Kann Collection, the Irving Goodman Collection, the Arthur Coole Collection, the Nicholas Rhodes Collection and the Norman Jacobs Collection.

During the Macau Numismatic Society's annual meeting, we will hold a reception luncheon and a donation ceremony for the ASG Certified Stamps and PMG Certified Banknotes from Bowker Collection at noon on November 26th. The donation is made from the proceeds of the Champion Auction of the ASG certified stamps and PMG certified banknotes of the Bowker Collection and will be used to sponsor the numismatic and stamp activities of the Macau ESCOLA TONG NAN (Primary Section) and other elementary schools in Macau.

The donation ceremony, reception luncheon, and live

The online awarding ceremony by the Numismatic Literature Guild and the Nelson Chang Chinese coin collection auction in May 2021

◎ Champion〔Shanghai 〕


November 24

● 17:00-18:00 Kam Pek Community Centre

Opening Ceremony of the Macau Numismatic Society Annual Meeting and the First Release Ceremony of the Commemorative Panda Medal of the Macau Numismatic Society's annual meeting

November 25

● 12:00-17:00 Kam Pek Community Centre Champion 2022 Macau Auction Preview

● 11:00-19:00 Kam Pek Community Centre Macau Numismatic Society Annual Meeting

November 26th

● 10:00-18:00 The sixth floor of Sofitel Macau at Ponte 16 Hotel

Champion 2022 Macau Auction Preview

● 11:30-13:30 The sixth floor of Sofitel Macau at Ponte 16 Hotel Bowker Collection ASG Certified Stamps and PMG Certified Banknotes Donation Ceremony and Invitational Lunch Sponsored by ASG and PMG

● 11:00-19:00 Kam Pek Community Centre Macau Numismatic Society Annual Meeting

November 27th

● 9:00-12:00 The sixth floor of Sofitel Macau at Ponte 16 Hotel Champion 2022 Macau Auction Preview

● 10:00-12:00 The sixth floor of Sofitel Macau at Ponte 16 Hotel

Champion 2022 Macau Auction - Bowker Collection Banknotes and Stamps

● 12:30-17:00 The sixth floor of Sofitel Macau at Ponte 16 Hotel

Champion 2022 Macau Auction - Chinese Family Collection, Nelson Chang Collection, Vintage Coins

November 28th

● 9:00-12:00 The sixth floor of Sofitel Macau at Ponte 16 Hotel Pickup



Eduard Kann Collection

CHINA-EMPIRE 1871 25 Tael of Emperor T'ung Chih from 1971 Kann Collection Auction, NGC MS63

The 1871 25 Taels Gold Coin and the 1863 25 Taels Gold Coin of Emperor T'ung Chih, NGC MS63, which

were sold at the 1971 auction of the Eduard Kann collection and was in the collection of Eduard Kann.

A group of 1912 Szechuan 50 cent silver coins from the 1971 Eduard Kann Collection auction and the 1991 Irving Goodman Collection auction, including very rare examples such as K784, K784a, K784b, K784c, K784e, K785, K785a, K785b, and five rare examples with different central flower designs.

CHINA-EMPIRE 1863 25 Tael of Emperor T'ung Chih from 1971 Kann Collection Auction, NGC MS63

Nelson Chang collection



LOT 008 - 1899 Kiangnan One Dollar Silver, circle-like scale, NGC MS65, realizing $996,000 LOT 004 - 1898 Anhwei One Dollar Silver, NGC MS66, realizing $360,000 LOT 006 – 1898 Anhwei 20 Cent Silver, realizing $43,200 LOT 007 - 1898 Anhwei 10 Cent Silver, NGC MS66+, realizing $62,400 May 2021 Champion Auction Records
Kiangnan 10 Cents Silver, NGC MS64, Hsi-NC Collection1898 Kirin Half Dollar Silver, NGC MS64, Hsi-NC Collection
Anhwei One Dollar Silver, NGC MS64, Hsi-NC Collection 1898 Anhwei One Dollar Silver, short Chinese character“4”and with large rosette, NGC MS65, Hsi-NC Collection

Arthur Coole Collection

1949 (38th year of the Republic of China) "Gold Yuan" coin pattern, NGC AU55, Arthur Coole Collection. The coin is a rare silver pattern of the "Gold Yuan", containing 93.5% silver and 5.2% copper, with a sharp strike, original toning and surface. It is one of the finest known, with the potential of upgrading. The famous copper dollar expert Zhou Qinyuan ( 周沁園 ) said that this is the only 1949 One Dollar Silver Pattern he has ever seen. (Champion Auction sold several copper patterns from the J.C. Lee collection in Hong Kong in 2010.)

Hupeh Government Mint One Silver Dollar Note, PMG Choice EF 45, Arthur Coole Collection, one of the finest known of this rare type

1912 Li Yuanhung One Dollar Silver, NGC MS64, NC Collection 1908 KIRIN First Games Third Class Medal, NGC MEDAL XF45BN, NC Collection

Nicholas Rhodes Collection of Tibetan and Nepal Coins and Banknotes

1913 Tibetan 50 Tam note, PMG Choice EF45, Nicholas Rhodes Collection, one of the finest known of this rare type. This note is rarely seen in high grades

and is the plate note on the cover of the book Tibetan Paper Money.

Norman Jacobs Collection of Japanese and Korean Coins and Banknote Specimen


Bowker Collection of stamps and banknotes

The cover from the Chinese Philatetic Society to Bowker in New York; The cover from the foreign Christian mission to Bowker on the U.S.S. Seattle, New York; The cover from the China Stamp Society, Shanghai to Edward Thwing of the International Reform Bureau, Bowker Collection. ( Edward Thwing, a pastor of the Presbyterian Church in the United States of America, participated in the Chinese

Cixi's Birthday Stamps 1876 Hong Kong 20 Cent Silver, NGC MS62, Bowker Collection 1868 Hong Kong One Dollar Silver, NGC AU58, Bowker Collection

The cover of the letter from Arthur Coole to Bowker on U.S.S. Seattle when Bowker assumed the job of Chief Pay Clerk

Revolutionary League established in Japan and became friends with Sun Yat-sen. He was a progressive person at that time. He was once appointed by Sun Yat-sen as the adviser of the anti-opium movement of the Republic of China government and delivered anti-opium speeches in various places. Later, when Yuan Shikai was the temporary president, he was also an ally of the anti-opium movement.)

The cover of the AsiaStampJournal edited and published by the famous stamp collector and dealer A.F. Kerneck to Bowker

The cover of the letter from Arthur de Carle Sowerby, the President of the Shanghai Western Numismatic Society, to Bowker; The cover from Royal Asiatic Society to Bowker on U.S.S. Seattle, New York

The letter of Sir Robert Hart of the China Customs in the Bowker collection,Sir Hart is one of the most awarded individuals in modern history, and there were roads named after Sir Hart in Shanghai, Beijing, and Hong Kong


The logo of the China Stamp Society & The stamp album for Chinese treaty port stamps collecting designed and published by Bowker

The cover of the letter from the Baptist missionary Thomas Dearlove Holmes in Jinhua in the Bowker collection

Champion once auctioned a cover of the same kind in July 2022, realizing over 20,000 RMB.

Howard Franklin Bowker's Published Works on Philatelics

Howard Franklin Bowker is not only a famous researcher and collector in the numismatic community but also wellknown in the philatelic world.

Bowker was one of the founders of the China Stamp Society founded in 1936. It was the largest English-speaking Chinese philatelic organizations in the world and the oldest affiliate of the American Philatelic Society.

When Bowker lived in China from the 1920s to 1940s, he was fond of stamp collecting, especially Chinese treaty port stamps. He founded a small stamp exchange company Thornhill Stamp Exchange in the 1920s, and he designed and published a stamp album for Chinese treaty port stamps collecting in 1926.

Bowker also corresponded with many top stamp dealers and collectors in the Mainland China, China, Hong Kong, and America. Also, he published many articles which we once summarized in the book Howard Franklin Bowker –Numismatic Pioneer.

Howard Bowker visited a stamp exhibition with his grandson



Publication: Collectors Club Philatelist - July


Publication: Collectors Club Philatelist – July & October



Publication: Collectors Club Philatelist - July



Publication: Collectors Club Philatelist - January



Publication: Collectors Club Philatelist - July



Publication: The China Clipper - February



Publication: The China Clipper - August


Publication: Collectors Club Philatist - October


Publication: The China Clipper – October



Publication: The Stamp Specialist - Vol. 1 #1


Publication: The China Clipper - February


Publication: The China Clipper - February


Publication: The China Clipper - August


Publication: The China Clipper – August


Publication: The China Clipper - October


Publication: The China Clipper - October


Publication: The China Clipper - December



Publication: The China Clipper - February


Publication: The China Clipper - April



Publication: The China Clipper - April


Publication: The China Clipper - April



Publication: The China Clipper - February


Publication: The China Clipper – May



Publication: The China Clipper - November




Publication: Essay Proof Journal #4



Publication: Essay Proof Journal #14



Publication: The China Clipper - January


Publication: The China Clipper - November




Publication: The China Clipper - March


Publication: The China Clipper - November



Publication: The China Clipper - July



Publication: The China Clipper - September


Publication: The China Clipper - September



Publication: The China Clipper - May


Publication: The China Clipper - May


Publication: The China Clipper - September



Publication: The China Clipper - January


Publication: The China Clipper - January


Publication: The China Clipper - March


Publication: The China Clipper - March


Publication: The China Clipper - May


Publication: The China Clipper - May


Publication: The China Clipper - September



Publication: The China Clipper - May


Publication: The China Clipper - May


Publication: The China Clipper - May


Publication: The China Clipper - September



Publication: The China Clipper - September


Publication: The China Clipper - September


Publication: The China Clipper - November



Publication: The China Clipper - March


Publication: The China Clipper - July


Publication: The China Clipper - July


Publication: The China Clipper - November


Publication: The China Clipper - November



Publication: The China Clipper – March


Publication: The China Clipper - November



Publication: The China Clipper - March


Publication: The China Clipper - March


Publication: The China Clipper - March


Publication: The China Clipper - July


Publication: The China Clipper - July

BISECT COVER Publication: The China Clipper - November


TAIWAN POSTAL GIFT COUPON Publication: The China Clipper - March

A LETTER-BOX CANCEL (HOPEI PROVINCE) Publication: The China Clipper - September



EMERGENCY COVER FEATHER AND BURN MARKS Publication: The China Clipper - January




Publication: The China Clipper – March



29 部門 DEPARTMENTS JEAN 28 1878


Publication: The China Clipper – July


Publication: The China Clipper - July


Publication: The China Clipper - September


Publication: The China Clipper - November



Publication: The China Clipper - January


Publication: The China Clipper - January


Publication: The China Clipper - March


Publication: The China Clipper - March


Publication: The China Clipper – March


Publication: The China Clipper - May


Publication: The China Clipper - May


Publication: The China Clipper - May


Publication: The China Clipper - September



Publication: The China Clipper - March


Publication: The China Clipper - March


Publication: The China Clipper - May


Publication: The China Clipper - May


Publication: The China Clipper - September


Publication: The China Clipper - September


Publication: The China Clipper - September


Publication: The China Clipper - November



Publication: The China Clipper - January


Publication: The China Clipper - January


Publication: The China Clipper - November



Publication: The China Clipper - November


60多枚打破拍賣紀錄;而《收藏傳 奇 張南琛中國錢幣收藏》也獲得了錢幣文學公會 2021年 最佳世界硬幣圖書獎。

這是過去兩年中唯一在中國香港或中國澳門地區舉辦的現 場拍賣。現在,距此已經過去了一年多的時間,冠軍即將於 2022年11月27日10:00至17:00 在澳門十六浦索菲特大酒店 六樓舉行拍賣,將有出自張南琛收藏、華人家族收藏、包克 收藏、耿愛德收藏、古德曼收藏、邱文明收藏、尼古拉斯 羅茲收藏和諾曼 雅各斯收藏的諸多精品錢幣、紙鈔和郵票 亮相拍賣會。

澳門錢幣學會年會期間,我們將於11月26日中午舉辦包克收 藏 ASG 認證郵票及 PMG 認證紙鈔捐贈儀式及招待午宴。

捐贈款項為自冠軍拍賣對包克收藏 ASG 認證郵票及 PMG 認證紙鈔所得,將用於贊助澳門東南學校(小學部)及其他 澳門小學的錢幣和郵票活動。

捐贈儀式及招待午宴、現場拍賣均將在快手賬號“冠軍拍賣” 進行直播,相關活動集錦也將在 Bilibili 賬號“冠軍拍賣”發 佈,敬請關注!


11月24日 17:00-18:00 金碧文娛中心 澳門錢幣學會年會開幕儀式暨澳門錢幣學會年會熊貓紀念章 首發儀式

11月25日 12:00-17:00 金碧文娛中心 冠軍 2022年澳門拍賣預展 11:00-19:00 金碧文娛中心 澳門錢幣學會年會展會

11月26日 10:00-18:00 澳門十六浦索菲特大酒店六樓 冠軍 2022年澳門拍賣預展

11:30-13:30 澳門十六浦索菲特大酒店六樓 包克收藏 ASG 認證郵票及 PMG 認證紙鈔 捐贈儀式及 ASG 和 PMG 贊助的招待午宴 11:00-19:00 金碧文娛中心 澳門錢幣學會年會展會

11月27日 9:00-12:00 澳門十六浦索菲特大酒店六樓 冠軍 2022年澳門拍賣預展

10:00-12:00 澳門十六浦索菲特大酒店六樓 冠軍 2022年澳門拍賣 包克收藏紙鈔郵票專場

12:30-17:00 澳門十六浦索菲特大酒店六樓 冠軍 2022年澳門拍賣 華人家族收藏、張南琛收藏、機 製幣專場


9:00-12:00 澳門十六浦索菲特大酒店六樓 冠軍 2022年澳門拍賣提貨

31 部門 DEPARTMENTS JEAN 28 ◎ 冠軍研究室〔上海〕 冠軍2022年澳門拍賣亮點公佈 冠軍拍賣在2021年5月舉行了張南琛中國錢幣收藏專場拍賣 和《收藏傳奇 張南琛中國錢幣收藏》新書首發儀式。其 中,張南琛中國錢幣收藏專場拍賣總成交額喜創新高,逾1.3 億元人民幣,共有100多枚來自張南琛收藏貽贈的中國近代 機製幣亮相拍賣會,其中
快手 B站
32 DEPARTMENTS 部門 JEAN 28 1971年耿愛德舊藏拍賣上拍出的1871年清同治十年貳拾 伍兩金幣和1863年清同治二年貳拾伍兩金幣,兩枚幣均 一組出自1971年耿愛德舊藏拍賣和1991年古德曼舊藏 拍賣的1912年軍政府造四川銀幣伍角,包括非常少見 的版別:五枚非常少見的佛手花版別、K784、K784a、 K784b、K784c、K784e、K785、K785a 和 K785b。 耿愛德收藏 亮 點 為 NGC MS63,耿愛德收藏。 1871年清同治十年貳拾伍兩金幣,NGC MS63 1863年清同治二年貳拾伍兩金幣,NGC MS63

1898年(光緒二十四年)吉林省造光緒元寶庫平三錢六分銀 幣,NGC

1898年(光緒二十四年)安徽省造光緒元寶庫平七錢二分銀 幣,NGC MS64,席徳柄/張南琛收藏

1898年(光緒二十四年)戊戌江南省造光緒元寶庫平七分二 厘銀幣,NGC MS64,席徳柄/張南琛收藏

1898年(光緒二十四年)安徽省造光緒元寶庫平七錢二分銀 幣,扁“四”,大星花版,NGC MS65,席徳柄/張南琛收藏 張南琛收藏 LOT 008 - 1898年江南省造戊戌光緒元寶珍珠龍庫平七錢二分銀幣,NGC MS65,成交價996 000 美元 LOT 004 - 1898年安徽省造光緒元寶庫平七錢二分銀幣,NGC MS66,成交價360 000 美元 LOT 006 - 1898年安徽省造光緒元寶庫平一錢四分四厘銀幣,NGC MS66,成交價43 200 美元 LOT 007 - 1898年安徽省造光緒元寶庫平七分二厘銀幣,NGC MS66+,成交價62 400 美元 部分2021年5月冠軍拍賣記錄




1949年(中華民國三十八年)“金圓”幣壹錢樣幣,NGC AU55,邱文明收藏。該幣是極少見的“金圓”幣銀質樣 幣,含銀93.5%,含銅 5.2%,鑄打深峻,原包漿,好版底, 是已知品相最好的之一,有升分的可能性。著名銅元專 家周沁園表示,這是他唯一見過的一枚銀質1949年壹錢 樣幣。(此前冠軍拍賣曾在在2010年香港拍賣拍出過幾枚 出自 J.C. Lee 收藏的銅質樣幣。)

湖北銀元局光緒元寶憑票取銀元壹大元銀票,PMG Choice EF 45,邱文明收藏,是該種珍稀紙鈔中已知品相最好之一

MS64,張南 琛收藏
MEDAL XF45BN, 張南琛收藏

年西藏50Tam 紙鈔,PMG

45,尼古拉 斯 羅茲收藏,這是該種珍稀紙鈔中已知品相最好的之

一。該種紙鈔鮮見高分者,是《西藏紙鈔》中紙鈔圖片的 原物。

35 部門 DEPARTMENTS JEAN 28 《西藏紙鈔》 尼古拉斯 · 羅茲收藏西藏、尼泊爾錢幣和紙鈔 1913
Choice EF
諾曼 · 雅各斯收藏日本 、朝鮮錢幣和樣鈔
36 DEPARTMENTS 部門 JEAN 28 慈禧誕辰郵票 1876年香港貳角銀幣,NGC MS62,包克收藏 1868年香港壹圓銀幣,NGC AU58,包克收藏 包克收藏郵票和紙鈔 (左)中華郵票會從上海寄給身處紐約的包克的信件信封;(中)外國傳教會寄給丁義華的信件信封; (右)包克收藏中華郵票會從上海寄至萬國改良會丁義華(Edward Thwing)的信封。( 丁義華是美國基督教北長老會的 牧師,參加了在日本成立的同盟會,與孫中山先生結為好友,是當時的進步人士,曾被孫中山任命為民國政府的禁煙顧問,

邱文明寄至在紐約西雅圖號軍艦上的包克的 通信信封,包克當時在艦上任薪餉文書軍士長

到各地發表“禁煙”演說,後值袁世凱任臨時大總統時,也積極支持 其禁煙運動。)

(左)首任上海西人貨幣會會長蘇柯仁(Arthur de Carle Sowerby)致 信包克的信封;(右)亞洲文會從上海寄至紐約西雅圖號軍艦上的包 克的信件信封

羅伯特·赫德爵士給包克的信封,赫德爵士是受嘉獎最多外國人之一, 當時上海、北京、香港都有道路以其名字命名

《亞細亞郵刊》寄送至包克的信封,由著名集 郵家兼郵商科奈克(A.F.KERNECK)編輯出 版

包克收藏金華地區著名浸信會傳教士翁丕顯(Thomas Dearlove Holmes)通信信封

冠軍拍賣曾在2022年7月的一場微拍中以超過2萬人民幣的 價格拍出過一件

霍華德·佛蘭克林·包克 集郵領域著作

霍華德·佛蘭克林·包克不僅是錢幣領域的著名研究者和 收藏家,在中國郵票界也是赫赫有名。

包克是中華集郵會(The China Stamp Society)的創辦人之

一。該協會成立於1936年,現在已成為全球最大的使用英 語的中國集郵組織,也是美國集郵協會最早的附屬組織。 其郵票收藏中有很多都捐贈到了位於華盛頓的史密森尼國家 郵政博物館。

20世紀20年代至40年代,包克留居中國,當時便熱衷於 郵票收藏活動,尤以中國商埠口岸郵票為主。他在20世 紀20年代成立了一家名為桑希爾郵票交易所(Thornhill Stamp Exchange)的小型郵票交易公司,還在1926年設計 並向國際藏家推出了專門用於收藏中國商埠口岸郵票的集郵 定位冊。

期間,他還和很多中國大陸、中國香港和美國頂尖的郵票貿 易商和藏家進行通信,並就中國郵票撰寫了諸多文章。我們 曾在《霍華德·佛蘭克林·包克 錢幣學研究先驅者》一 書中進行了匯總,現對其進行更新。

1955年,霍華德·包克和他的孫子一起參觀郵票展 中華集郵會標志、包克設計並出版的中國商埠口岸郵票冊












1931年 《關島郵票》





1938年 《鎮江欠資郵票》






1939年 《關島郵票》

刊載於《郵票專家》第一冊#1 《廈門郵票II》










刊載於《中國剪報》10月刊 《破“P”版鎮江欠資郵票》 刊載於《中國剪報》12月刊




《代輔幣郵票》 刊載於《中國剪報》4月刊


《1904年鎮江對剖封》 刊載於《中國剪報》4月刊










《民國元年試樣郵票》 刊載於《Essay Proof 雜誌》#4


《民國元年試樣郵票》 刊載於《Essay Proof 雜誌》#14


《斯蒂芬·阿裏斯托爾·帕帕多普洛(1880-1953)訃告》 刊載於《中國剪報》1月刊

《1911-1912年民國加蓋郵票》 刊載於《中國剪報》11月刊





《一張早期中國郵票試樣票》 刊載於《中國剪報》11月刊





《一個不尋常的上海海關郵戳》 刊載於《中國剪報》9月刊 《東亞日戳》



《寄東京加蓋16分改32分改值日戳郵票信封》 刊載於《中國剪報》5月刊

《寄東京加蓋1942年9月1日改值日戳信封》 刊載於《中國剪報》5月刊




《綿嘉義(廈門當地郵政)》 刊載於《中國剪報》1月刊












《臺灣郵局(1959年郵政指南)》 刊載於《中國剪報》9月刊 《早期欠資信封(廈門)》




刊載於《中國剪報》3月刊 《失事信封》 刊載於《中國剪報》7月刊 《漢口郵戳》

刊載於《中國剪報》7月刊 《第25期73頁<失事信封>資訊更正》

刊載於《中國剪報》11月刊 《山東蓋銷票》 刊載於《中國剪報》11月


《訃告:埃米爾·薩繆爾·維德勒與1961年11月19日逝世》 刊載於《中國剪報》3月刊 《郵資已付》 刊載於《中國剪報》11月刊



刊載於《中國剪報》3月刊 《最早的第一版海關紀念封》 刊載於《中國剪報》3月刊 《郵票上的布幣圖案》

刊載於《中國剪報》3月刊 《統計部門郵資已付》



刊載於《中國剪報》7月刊 《對剖封》


1960年 《防盜加蓋郵票上的文字》 刊載於《中國剪報》5月刊 《經檢查後統計部門信封》 刊載於《中國剪報》5月刊 《統計部門郵資已付》

















《交通銀行郵資明信片注解》 刊載於《中國剪報》3月刊











1966年 《另一張山東蓋銷票(日月戳蓋銷)》



《綿嘉義訃告補充》 刊載於《中國剪報》5月刊 《上海緊急郵政服務》


《1903年10月福州信封III》 刊載於《中國剪報》9月刊





刊載於《中國剪報》3月刊 《承德-太原郵車郵戳》 刊載於《中國剪報》5月刊 《郵政明信片新郵戳》

刊載於《中國剪報》5月刊 《閏日戳》 刊載於《中國剪報》9月刊

《布幣郵票上的有趣戳記》 刊載於《中國剪報》9月刊 《錢幣和郵票展》 刊載於《中國剪報》9月刊

《煙臺地區(煙臺口岸圖)》 刊載於《中國剪報》11月刊


《訃告:艾倫·戈森於1967年11月25日逝世》 刊載於《中國剪報》1月刊 《閏年》

刊載於《中國剪報》1月刊 《(江西蟠龍郵票)對剖封》 刊載於《中國剪報》11月刊


《更名後的中國郵政局》 刊載於《中國剪報》11月刊

刊載於《中國剪報》1月刊 《提奧菲利·皮裏簡介》 刊載於《中國剪報》3月刊 《訃告:埃裏克·梅耶爾與1966年1月29日逝世》 刊載於《中國剪報》3月刊 《村鎮信櫃蓋銷票》 刊載於《中國剪報》3月刊 《綿嘉義附錄》 刊載於《中國剪報》5月刊

The Third Issue of the Taiwan Special Edition of the Journal of East Asian Numismatics was Released

The 2022 Taipei Numismatic Society's annual meeting was held at 3:00 p.m. on October 2 at the Lily Hall on the 2nd floor of the Taipei Hero House.

It has been two years since the annual meeting was held last time, with more than 130 new and old collectors attending. Chou Chien-fu ( 周建福 ), former president of the Taipei Numismatic Society and founder of Fuchin Stamp and Coin Store, and Li Jiayin ( 李家銀 ), the president of the Chinese Numismatic Society attended the event.

The annual meeting was a compact event with a joyful atmosphere. First of all, Guo Yu-zong ( 郭育宗 ), the new president of the Taipei Numismatic Society, gave the opening speech.

was established in cooperation with Colin Gullberg, the English editor of the journal, and numismatist Stephen Tai ( 戴學文 ). In addition to the regular articles, the website also includes sections on chopmarked coins and Chinese sycee, which can be used by collectors and scholars to study and research together.

In his speech, Michael Chou also introduced the auction to be held on November 27th from 10:00 to 17:00 on the 6th floor of the Sofitel Hotel at Ponte 16 Macau, with many fine coins, banknotes and stamps, from the Nelson Chang Collection, the Chinese Family Collection, the Bowker Collection, the Eduard Kann Collection, the Goodman Collection, the Arthur Coole Collection, the Nicholas Rhodes Collection and the Norman Jacobs Collection.

Next, Michael Chou, President of Champion Auction and Publisher and Editor-in-Chief of the Journal of East Asian Numismatics, spoke. Michael Chou joined the Taipei Numismatic Society as an advisor many years ago when Chou Chien-Fu was the president of the society.

In his speech, Michael Chou announced the release of the third issue of the Taiwan Special Edition of the Journal of East Asian Numismatics. After receiving the special edition, the participants were eager to open and browse it, and the response was overwhelming. Michael Chou is also honored to once again collaborate with the Taipei Numismatic Society to publish a special edition featuring Taiwanese authors and Taiwanese coins.

Chou also released the newly launched the Journal of East Asian Numismatics Taiwan website. The website

After that, James Chou shared his trip to Tokyo Taisei Auction.

After the speeches came the auction of this year's annual meeting. Twenty charity lots and 217 other lots were presented at the auction, and the bidding was very spirited both on floor and online. The first 9 items in the charity auction were donated by the Journal of East Asian Numismatics. Lot 9 - the third edition of Top Chinese Coins reached over NT$3,000, more than 10 times the starting bid of NT$300.

The day after the opening of the annual meeting, Michael Chou also had a meeting with Guo Yu-zong, the president of the Taipei Numismatic Society, Huang Keming ( 黃 可名 ), the director, Tseng Wen-hong ( 曾文鴻 ), the supervisor, and other coin collectors and researchers.

◎ Champion 〔Shanghai〕





年來首次舉行,有超過130 位

前9項義拍拍品來自《東亞泉志》捐贈,其中 Lot 9是《中國 近代機製幣精品鑒賞 第三版》,臺北市集幣協會會員為之激 烈競價,以超過3 000 圓新台幣的價格成交,是起拍價300 圓新台幣的10 倍之多。

福先生和現任中華集幣協會理 事長的李家銀先生出席了此次 活動。

本次年會活動環節緊湊,現場氣氛喜悅。首先,新任臺北市 集幣協會理事長郭育宗先生致開幕辭。

接着,冠軍拍賣總裁、《東亞泉志》發行人兼總編輯周邁可 先生進行發言。周邁可先生在多年前便加入了臺北市集幣協 會並擔任顧問,當時周建福先生擔任理事長。周邁可先生發 言中宣佈《東亞泉志》“臺灣特刊”第3期正式發行。與會者 收到贈送的這期特刊後,廹不急待地打開瀏覽,反響熱烈。 周邁可先生也對能再次與臺北市集幣協會合作,並推出了以 臺灣作者和臺灣錢幣為特色的《東亞泉志》特別版倍感榮幸。

43 部門 DEPARTMENTS JEAN 28 郭育宗先生致開幕辭 多位錢幣收藏愛好者獲贈特刊 ◎ 冠軍研究室〔上海〕 《東亞泉志》“臺灣特刊”第3期正式發行 10月2
協會 2022
這是臺北市集幣協會年會時隔 2
錢幣界人士參加,泉界新老藏 家齊聚。原臺北市集幣協會理 事長、福君郵幣社創辦人周建
周先生還發佈了最新上線的《東亞泉志》臺灣網站。該網站 是與《東亞泉志》英文編輯高林先生(Colin Gullberg)、錢 幣學者戴學文先生合作建立,內容除了常規的《東亞泉志》 文章外,還增加了戳記幣板塊和中國銀錠板塊,可供藏家和 學者共同學習、研究。 周邁可先生發言中還介紹了將於11月27日10:00至17:00 在澳 門十六浦索菲特大酒店六樓舉行的拍賣,會有出自張南琛收 藏、華人家族收藏、包克收藏、耿愛德收藏、古德曼收藏、 邱文明收藏、尼古拉斯 羅茲收藏和諾曼 雅各斯收藏的諸 多精品錢幣、紙鈔和郵票,敬請期待。 之後,周士傑先生介紹了其東京泰星拍賣之行。 發言結束後便是今年年會的交流拍賣會,20 件義拍慈善拍品 及其他 217件拍品亮相拍賣會,現場及網上競拍均非常激烈。
年會開幕次日,周邁可先生還與臺北市集幣協會會長郭育宗 先生、理事黃可名先生、監事曾文鴻先生及其他錢幣收藏愛 好者和研究者進行了交流。 “臺灣特刊”第3期 精 HIGHLIGHTS選 2022 NO 3 第三版 THE JOURNAL OF EAST ASIAN NUMISMATICS 東亞泉志 >> >> 李鴻章出訪德國與德製紀念章 澳門文件 眾裏尋他千百度——張叔馴攜美古錢的經歷與歸宿 臺灣龍銀 北宋“懷安軍金堂縣免夫錢折納銀每鋌重伍十兩”銀鋌 亂中有序——洋錢上的戳印模式 試論金圓券中央廠伍拾萬圓後A版與台北廠之關係 臺 灣 特 別 版1995-2022 2022年臺北市集幣協會會員大會 時間:2022/10/02 15:00 地點:臺北市中正區長沙街一段20號國軍英雄館2樓百合廳 臺 灣 特 別 版

Coin World, Wednesday, July 14, 1971

The Report on the 1971 Kann Collection Auction in the Coin World

◎ CoinWorld〔USA〕

International competition, with bidding often representing London, England, and Tokyo, Japan, dominated the 2,458-lot auction which disposed of Chinese coins of the Eduard Kann collection, Japanese coins, and odd and curious items from the Howard D. Gibbs collection, on June 18, 19 and 20 at Los Angeles, Calif.

George Bennett and Hans Schulman called the auction,

which had been cataloged by Han M.F. Schulman, New York City, and Abner Kreisberg and Jerry Cohen, Beverly Hills, Calif. The three-day sale was held in connection with the annual Convention of International Numismatics at the Los Angeles Hilton hotel.

Top price of $6,500 was achieved by the gold 20-yen coin of Japan, 1870, Meiji three. A world record was achieved


by the only coin of Japan known to bear the portrait of the emperor, a 28-millimeter silver pattern one yen, 1915, which sold for $4400. The coin weighs 26.5 grams, purchased by the Superior Stamp and Coin Co., Los Angeles Calif.

Among those present for the sale were Clyde Hubbard, Mexico City, Mexico; Ward D. Smith, Menlo Park, Calif., Virgil Hancock, Bellaire, Texas; Masamichi Oka and Nobu Sugaya, Tokyo, Japan; Al Almanzar, San Antonio, Texas; Lawrence Goldberg, Los Angeles; Abe Kosoff, Palm Springs, Calif.; Irving Goodman, Los Angeles, Calif.; Maxwell Goldberg. Chicago, Ill., Jean-Paul Divo, Zurich, Switzerland: and a representative of Spink and Son, London, England.

An undated silver dollar of Formosa, issued in 1837, Extremely Fine, brought a price of $300. The coin was number one in "Illustrated Catalog of Chinese Coins", by Kann.

Goodman Collection Auction, the coin went to a Taiwan collector). Dated in the 16th year of Kuang Hsu, 1890, was a silver dollar, EF, Kann 12, which sold for $1.050. (JEAN's note: The coin should be purchased for $1,050 by D.C., and D.C. offered this coin in his 1972 Jess Peters Sales List at $ 1,500. Later, Chang Huang offered this coin at $25,000 to Nelson Chang, but Nelson felt that it was overpriced. However, when Nelson Chang went to Hong Kong next time, Chang Huang told him that the coin had already been sold, which should be sold to Eli Wallitt via Andre of England in 1970s. In 1989, the coin was sold to Haru Chang via Chen Chi Mao.)

A variety of the second Formosa dollar, 1853, Very Fine, brought $110. An 1861 Fukien silver dollar, termed unique, VF, brought $785. (JEAN's note: The coin went to Irving Goodman, and on 1991 Goodman Collection Auction, Bruce Smith purchased the coin for T.C.L.)

Three coins of Changchow (Fukien) created considerable interest. Selling for $330 was a VF 1865 ration silver dollar, undated, Kann six; a VF Kann 6a dollar, also 1865, brought $270, while $180 was the final price for a VF undated coin issued about 1866, Kann 70. (JEAN's note: The Kann number should be 7.)

An AU dollar of Kwangtung (Canton) struck in 1889, Kann 16, sold for $1025, while a bid of $1,400 purchased an 1895 Hupeh dollar, AU, Kann 35. Considered by Kann to be rarer than the dollar was an 1895 10-cent coin of Hupeh, VF, which sold for $800. Kann 46, a 20 - cent piece of Hupeh, 1909, VF, sold for $385. (JEAN's note: The coin was purchased by D.C. and then sold to Nelson Chang by Chang Huang. In 2015, Champion auctioned the coin in Macau and won by James Chou of Fuchin. Later, the coin was purchased at the Beijing Chengxuan Auction by a young Taipei collector who purchased the finest known Heaton Hunan Half Dollar Silver, PCGS SP66+, from the Goodman-Chinese Family collection at the 2020 Champion Auction.)

Bringing $600 was a Very Good Taiping silver coin, undated but issued about 1860, 25 millimeters in diameter. Sold for $1,200 was an about uncirculated dollar issued in 1888 for Kweichow province, in the 14th year of Kuang Hsu, Kann nine, an essay piece. (JEAN's note: The coin was purchased by Irving Goodman, and on 1991

An EF, 50-cent coin of Kiangnan, 1899, termed by Shulman the rarest coin of this Mint, Kann 76, sold for $610. Interest was created by a trio of coins from Chekiang province, as a 20-cent piece, 1897, EF, Kann 117, sold for $200; 10-cent, Fine, Kann 118, brought $150; and 1902 dollar, Uncirculated, undated, Kann 119, sold for $1850. (JEAN's Note: The coin was purchased by D.C., and D.C. offered this coin in the 1972 Jess Peters Sales List at $ 6,000, as the highest priced coin in the list.)

A VF Fukien dragon dollar, undated, issued about 1898, an essay piece, Kann 124, sold for $2,500. Bringing $675


was a Shensi dragon silver coin, 50 cents, undated but issued about 1898, Kann 156, one of three known, AU. Also from Shensi is an undated silver five-cent piece, Unc., Kann 159, brought $1,950. (JEAN's note: The coin was purchased by Goodman, and it went to the Chinese Family Collection in the 1991 Goodman Collection Auction.)

Another five-cent coin brought a price of $2,100. Struck about 1902, an undated Hunan piece, Unc., was Kann 164. (JEAN's note: The coin was purchased by Goodman, and it went to Haru Chang in 1991 Goodman Collection Auction.) Sold for $525 was a silver Peiyang, EF, Kann 181. A 20-cent silver coin of Peiyang, VF, Kann 202, sold for $375, while $100 was the purchase price of a five-cent silver piece of Peiyang, 1900, F, Kann 204.

A silver Tai Ching Ti Kuo dragon silver dollar, 1907, Unc., Kann 212, sold for $275, while a copper pattern, EF, Kann 212x, sold for $300. A silver 20-cent coin, Tai Ching Ti Guo, undated, issued in 1908. EF, with reverse legend COPPER COIN, brought $485.

cent, 1900, Kann 236, Unc., brought $275. A five-cent silver coin pattern of Peking, Unc., Kann 237, sold for $650. (JEAN's note: The one-dollar coin went to Michael O'Brian of Chicago, and it was purchased by Champion Auction in 1994. In 1994 first JEAN mailbid sale, the coin went to Dr. Osman Chen of Los Angeles at $ 24,200. D.C. purchased other Peking coins and they went to James Sweeny 1900 Collection with another example of Kann 1900 Peking dollar. This set of Peking coins was sold by Champion in 1995 JEAN mailbid sale and again in 2014 in Macau.)

A VF 50-cent silver coin of Fengtien, 1899, Kann 249, dated in Manchu script "25 th Year of Kuang Hsu", sold for $700. Another 50-cent coin of Fengtien, 1906, Kann 254, an error coin, F, sold for $225, while a 50-cent piece dated 1907, EF, Kann 256, brought $90. A 20-cent silver coin of Fengtien, Kann 257, VF, 1907, sold for $75.

A dollar issued about 1898 for Kirin, VF, Kann 287, sold for $95. A considerable number of coins of Kirin were varieties including denominations of 50, 20, 10 and fivecents.

A unique dollar struck in Tientsin in 1910, AU, Kann 219a, brought $400. Other Tientsin dollars creating interest were a 1911 pattern, Kann 223, Unc., $75; 1911, pattern, Kann 223a, Unc., obverse flowers different, $350; 1911, Kann 225, variety with tail turned to right, Unc., $450; 1911, Obverse type, Kann 223, reverse 225, essay, Unc., $300; 1911, Kann 226a, difference in obverse flowers, Unc., $250.

A 50-cent silver coin of Tientsin, 1911, AU, Kann 228, brought $175. A 1912 dollar of Kiangsi province, not listed by Kann, AU, brought $950.

Silver coins struck in Peking creating a stir of interest included a 1900 dollar, Unc., Kann 233 pattern, which brought $1,350; a 50-cent piece, Unc., Kann 234 pattern, $775; a 1900 20-cent, Unc., Kann 235, $200; and 10-

A silver rupee of Szechuen, undated, issued about 1903. EF, Kann 589, sold for $195. A variety of this coin, with the central rosette standing perpendicularly, AU, Kann 590, sold for $30.

Ten-cent coins of the Chinese Republic, 1912, triggered brisk bidding. Bringing $250 was a 10-cent undated, 1912, EF to AU, Kann 602; $250 also was final price for a 10-cent undated, 1912, AU, Kann 602a, a trifle thinner planchet; and $260 for an undated 10-cent piece, issued in 1912, AU, Kann 602b.

A Prooflike dollar of Sun Yat Sen, silver, 1927, Kann 609, large head of Sun Yat Sen facing, brought $610. A trial piece with a sandblasted surface, produced by engraver R. Placbt, Kann 609a. AU, sold for $410. (JEAN's note:


The coin went to Goodman and it was purchased by Chen Chi Mai in 1991 Goodman Collection Auction.) Bringing $1,300 was a 1929 silver dollar essay piece, Kann 610, Unc. A 1929 essay dollar, made in Japan, Unc., Kann 618, sold for $220. A similar piece, 1929, made in Austria brought $950, also Unc., Kann 619 essay. (JEAN's note: The coin went to Goodman, and Bruce Smith won above two 1929 Sun Yat Sen Junk Dollar patterns for Nelson Chang in 1991 Goodman Collection Auciton.)

Also termed an essay piece was a 50-cent silver coin. 1935, a trial strike, with portrait of Sun Yat Sen. EF, Kann 625x, brought $260.

A gold standard silver coin, 1932 one sun, dated in Chinese the 21st year, Unc., Kann 628, sold for $1,700. A similar type, buy unmilled. Unc., Kann 628a, sold for $1,500. An AU 1932 half-sun silver piece, Kann 629, fetched $900 (JEAN's note: The coin went to D.C. and then it was sold to J.S. Lee of Taiwan to his guest Li Jin Lin who published a book on half dollar coins, most of which came from the D.C. Collection of half dollar coin), while a one-tenth-sun, silver, AU, Kann 631a, brought $500.

686 essay; Unc., Obverse Kann 685, reverse Kann 686

(The coin was purchased by D.C. He offered this coin in the 1972 Jess Peters Sales List at $ 1,700 and sold to Oka of Japan. After sitting in collection for over 50 years, it was sold at April Taisei Auction for RMB 1.4 million.) ; Kann 688, Unc.

Also bringing $1,000 was a 1927 dollar of Chu Yu Pu, Unc., Kann 690. A 10-cent essay piece, made in 1912 in Kwangtung province, VF, Kann 721, sold for $475. Bringing the same price was another Kwangtung piece, a 20-cent dated 1930, Unc., Kann 739.

An unlisted 1921 20 - cent variety of a Kwangsi province coin, Unc., similar to Kann 746, sold for $485. Bringing the same price was a 1921 20 - cent trial strike, Kann 746x.

A 1932 20-cent silver coin of Szechuen, portraying Governor Liu Wen Hwei, VF, Kann 795, sold for $750.

An AU Lenin dollar, struck in the province of Hunan in 1930, Kann 800, sold for $475. A 10-cent coin dated 1940, an aluminum pattern, Unc., Kann 879, sold for $450. Of the same metal and date, a two cent pattern, Unc., Kann 881, one of four pieces struck, sold for $200.

A silver dollar, 1914, one of six known, AU, Kann 644, sold for $1,000; a variety brought $900. A 50-cent coin, 1914, inscribed L. GIORGI, Kann 665k, sold for $190, while $375 coin was achieved for a 1914 20-cent coin. AU, Kann 657a. Initials L.G. appear on a 1914 10-cent coin, AU, Kann 659a, which sold for $375.

Of major interest in the Soochow portrait dollars was the 1912 Republican silver piece, 40 millimeters in diameter, EF, Kann 672 essay, which sold for $2,300. The Chang Tso Lin memorial dollar, 1926, Unc., Kann 685, sold for $1,700. (JEAN's note: The coin went to D.C.)

Three Chang Tso Lin memorial dollars brought $1,000 each in the Kann sale. A piece dated 1927, Unc., Kann

A Shanghai tael, minted in Hong Kong in 1867, Proof, Kann 912, sold for $1,300. Bringing $1,000 was a twomace coin dated 1867, Shanghai, Proof, Kann 913. (JEAN's note: D.C. purchased the coin and offer the coin at $ 2,000 in 1972 Jess Peters Sales list but unsold. In 1976, the coin later graded NGC PR66 was sold to Nelson Chang in Hong Kong's McDonald via Chang Huang. This is among first coins which sold at over $10,000 after Nelson Chang purchased Heaton 1898 Hunan Dollar pattern in 1975 Paramount Auction. The 1975 auction also facilitated Nelson Chang's and Eli Wallitt's interests in Chinese machine-made coins, so the price of Chinese vintage coins raised 3 to 5 times in the 1970s after the auction.)


A tael of Kirin, 10th year of Kuang Hsu (1885), Unc., Kann 915, sold for $900. The only known specimen of a Shangtung tael, 1890, a pattern, VF. Kann 923, brought $1,000. Achieving $1,200 was a Kwangping pattern tael, undated, struck about 1858, an impaired Proof, Kann 925. A half-tael of Kwangping, also undated but issued in 1858, EF, Kann 926, pattern, sold for $1,000.

One of the rarest coins in the collection was described as a Fengtien silver coin dated 1903, called the Mukden tael, EF, Kann 931, which sold for $3,000. Bringing $2,100 was a 1904 tael of Kwangtung, Proof, Kann 932. A tael of the Tai-Ching-Ti-Kuo type, 1906, Unc., Kann 934, sold for $750.

Other taels which created interest in the sale included a 1907 Peiying silver piece, AU, Kann 938. $850; Unc., 1907, 938a, $750; and Taiwan tael, undated, Unc., which sold for $290.

A gold K'uping tael, 1906. AU, Kann 1540, sold for $1,500. A similar K'uping tael, 1907, with milled edge, Unc., Kann 1541, sold for $1,600. The 1911 Tientsin dragon dollar, struck in gold, sold for $1,675.

$1,600. Bringing $2,400 was a Kyoho Koban, EF, while two Genroku ear kobans brought $2,900 each. A VF Manen oban made a world record when it sold for $3,300.

Interest was high in other Japanese patterns, as $2,500 was realized from silver pattern 20-sen coin, 1920, Proof; another $2,500 for a silver pattern 25-sen, 1920, Proof.

Selling for $1,300 was a silver pattern 10-sen undated coin, Proof; a silver pattern for gold, five-yen, 1913, brought $1,400; a silver pattern 50-sen, 1918, $1,100; and a silver pattern 20-sen, 1921, $900.

A silver pattern five-sen, issued in 1943, Wajang design, Proof, brought $1,700.

List of prices realized in the Kann sale is $1, available from either Schulman Coin and Mint Inc. 25 West 45th street, New York, N. Y. 10036, or Quality Sales Corp., 344 North Beverly drive, Beverly Hills, Calif. 90210.

Yuan Shi-Kai Republican gold coins included the 1914 dollar, Proof, Kann 1556, sold for $1,400. An unlisted piece signed by L. GJORGI, 1914 dollar, Unc., not listed by Kann, sold for $1,100, Bringing $1,000 was a 1916 dollar with a facing bust of Yuan Shih-Kai in a military plumed hat, AU, Kann 1560. The pavilion dollar, struck in gold, BU, Kann 1570, brought $1,100. The phoenix and dragon gold dollar, Kann 1575, Unc., sold for $1,100. The Chang Tso Lin memorial dollar, 1928, struck in gold, Unc., sold for $1,200.

Bringing $1,100 in the sale of odd and curious money was a Yap island stone "fei", 19.5 inches in diameter.

An early gold oban of Japan, Yyouka 1573, EF, sold for

1903 FENGTIEN PROVINCE One Tael Silver Pattern, K931-I, PCGS AU55, Kann-Goodman-Chang Foundation Collection


Kreisberg)和傑瑞 科恩(Jerry Cohen)共同編 排。這場為期三天的拍賣連同國際錢幣理事會(International Numismatics)年會在洛杉磯的希爾頓大酒店一起舉辦。 這場拍賣成交最高價格的是日本1870年明治三年20日元金 幣,以6 500 美元成交。一枚僅見的天皇肖像日本錢幣,即 1915年1日元銀樣以4 400 美元的價格成交。該幣直徑28毫 米,重26.5克,被加州洛杉磯的 Superior 郵票和錢幣公司

49 部門 DEPARTMENTS JEAN 28 《硬幣世界》 對1971年耿愛德收藏拍賣的報道 ◎ 《硬幣世界》〔美國〕 6月18日、19日和20日,在加利福尼亞州洛杉磯舉行的拍賣 會上,有來自耿愛德(Eduard Kann)舊藏的中國錢幣、日 本錢幣以及霍華德 · 吉布斯(Howard D. Gibbs)收藏中的一 些稀奇古怪之物,共計2 458 件拍品。國際買家之間的激烈 競爭是這場拍賣最重要的特色,經常在來自英國倫敦和日本 東京的競標者之間展開競爭。 喬治 · 本納特(George Bennett)和來自紐約的漢斯 · 舒 爾曼(Hans M.F. Schulman)共同舉辦了這次拍賣,目錄 原刊載於1971年7月14日(週三)的《硬幣世界》 由舒爾曼,以及來自加州貝弗利山的艾布納 克雷斯伯格 (Abner


參加此次拍賣的有來自墨西哥墨西哥城的克萊德 哈伯德

(Clyde Hubbard)、來自加州門羅公園地區的沃德 史密

斯(Ward D. Smith)、來自德州貝萊爾市的維吉爾 漢考克

(Virgil Hancock)、來自日本東京市的崗政道(Masamichi Oka)和菅穀信幸(Nobu Sugaya)、來自德州聖安東尼奧市 的艾爾 阿爾曼紮爾(Al Almanzar)、來自洛杉磯市的勞倫 斯 戈德伯格(Lawrence Goldberg)、來自加州棕櫚泉地區 的阿貝 · 索克福(Abe Kosoff)、來自加州洛杉磯市的古德曼

(Irving Goodman)、來的伊利諾伊州芝加哥市的麥克斯韋 戈德堡(Maxwell Goldberg)、來自瑞士蘇黎世市的簡 保 羅 迪沃(Jean-Paul Divo),以及英國倫敦斯賓克公司(Spink and Son)的代表。

在這場拍賣上,一枚在1837年發行的 EF 品相1837年無紀年 臺灣老公銀餅(K1,即耿愛德所著《中國幣圖說考匯》中編號 為1號的錢幣),以300 美元的價格成交。

一枚品相 VF 的1853年臺灣銀餅以110 美元的價格成交。還 有一枚品相 VF 的1861年福建銀餅,據稱為僅見品,以785 美元的價格成交(《東亞泉志》注:該幣由古德曼得標,後來 史博祿和Bruce Smith在1991年古德曼舊藏拍賣上代T.C.L.競 得了這枚錢幣)。

有三枚(福建)漳州軍餉也引起了人們極大的興趣。其中, 一枚品相 VF 的1865年無紀年漳州軍餉(K6)以330 美元的 的價格成交;另有一枚品相 VF 的1865年發行的漳州軍餉 (K6a)以270 美元的價格成交;還有一枚是1866年發行的無 紀年漳州軍餉(K7,《東亞泉志》注:原文為K70),品相為 VF,最終以180 美元的價格成交。

VG 的太平天國銀幣,該幣無紀年,約在 1860 年發行,直徑

賣掉了,這應該是D.C.通過英國的安德烈賣給了伊萊·瓦利特, 當時約是20世紀70年代,1989年又經陳吉茂賣給了張秀青)。

一枚品相為 AU 的1889 年廣東省造光緒元寶庫平七錢三分 銀幣(K16)以1 025 美元的價格成交。同時,有一枚 AU 品 相的1895年湖北省造光緒元寶庫平七錢二分銀幣(K35)以

400 美元的價格成交。此外,有一枚 VF 品相的1895年湖 北省造光緒元寶庫平七分二厘銀幣以800 美元的價格成交, 耿氏認為該幣較之1895年湖北省造光緒元寶庫平七錢二分 銀幣更為稀少的。另有一枚 VF 品相的1909 年湖北省造光緒 元寶庫平一錢四分四厘銀幣以385 美元的價格成交(《東亞泉 志》注:該幣由D.C.得標,後經張璜賣給了張南琛。2015年 時,冠軍拍賣在澳門拍賣該幣,被福君郵幣社的周弟買下。後 來,該幣在北京誠軒拍賣上被一位年輕有為的臺北收藏家買到, 這位藏家後在2020年在冠軍拍賣買下出自古德曼/華人家族收 藏的湖南省造庫平三錢六分銀幣,經評PCGS SP66+,是已知 品相最好的一枚)。

一枚 EF 品相的1899年江南省造光緒元寶庫平三錢六分銀 幣(K76)以610 美元的價格成交。漢斯 舒爾曼將其描述為 江南造幣廠所鑄造錢幣中最為稀少的一種。有一套浙江省造 銀幣也吸引了眾多買家的興趣,該套銀幣共有3 枚,包括一 枚1897年的庫平一錢四分四厘銀幣(K117),品相為 EF,以 200 美元的價格成交;一枚庫平七分二厘銀幣(K118),品相 為 F,以150 美元的價格成交;一枚1902年的庫平七錢二分 銀幣(K119),品相為 UNC,以1 850 美元的價格成交(《東 亞泉志》注:該幣由D.C.得標,D.C.在1972年Jess Peters銷 售目錄上將其標價為6 000美元,是這本目錄中標價最高的一 枚錢幣)。

000美元。張南 琛感覺價格略高。可是張南琛下次到香港時,張璜和他說已經

有一枚 VF 品相的1898年無紀年福建官局造光緒元寶庫平 七錢二分銀幣樣幣(K124)以2 500 美元的價格成交(《東亞 泉志》注:該幣由一位意大利買家得標)。一枚 AU 品相的 1898年無紀年陝西省造光緒元寶庫平三錢六分銀幣(K156) 以675 美元的價格成交,該幣已知僅3 枚。另有一枚 UNC 品 相的無紀年陝西省造光緒元寶庫平三分六厘銀幣(K159)以 1 950 美元的價格成交(《東亞泉志》注:該幣由古德曼得標, 後在1991年古德曼舊藏拍賣上收歸華人家族收藏)。 有一枚 UNC 品相的無紀年湖南省造庫平三分六厘銀幣 (K164)以2 100 美元的價格成交(《東亞泉志》注:原文為 2.100美元),該幣約在1902年鑄造(《東亞泉志》注:該幣

25 毫米,以600 美元的價格成交。有一 枚 AU 品相的1888 年光緒十四年貴州官爐造銀幣樣幣( K9) 以1 200 美元的價格成交(《東亞泉志》注:該幣由古德曼得 標,並在1991年古德曼舊藏拍賣上賣至臺灣)。另有一枚 EF 品 相的1890年光緒十六年貴州官爐造黔寶銀幣(K12)以1 050 美元的價格成交(《東亞泉志》注:原文為1 050美元。該幣 由D.C.得標。D.C.在1972 Jess Peters銷售目錄上將其標價為 1 500美元。後來香港的張璜向張南琛開價25


有一枚 EF 品相的光緒二十二年北洋機器局造大清壹圓銀幣 (K181)以525 美元的價格成交。另有一枚 VF 品相的北洋造 光緒元寶庫平一錢四分四厘銀幣(K202)以375 美元的價格 成交。同時,有一枚 F 品相的1900年北洋造光緒元寶庫平三 分六厘銀幣(K204)以100 美元的價格成交。

一枚1907年發行的光緒年造丁未大清銀幣壹圓銀幣(K212) 以275 美元的價格成交,該幣品相為 UNC。同場的一枚 EF 品相的光緒年造丁未大清銀幣壹圓銅質樣幣(K212x)以300 美元的價格成交。另有一枚1908年發行的無紀年光緒年造 造幣總廠光緒元寶貳角銀幣以485 美元的價格成交,該幣背 面題刻英文“COPPER COIN”(銅幣)字樣,品相為 EF。


生;其餘錢幣由D.C.得標,並在之後與另一枚出自耿愛德舊 藏的1900年庚子京局庫平七錢二分銀幣一起賣給了詹姆斯·史 威尼收藏,James Sweeny 1900 Collection,冠軍拍賣在1995年 的《東亞泉志》郵寄拍賣中將這套銀幣以46 000美元的價格賣 出,後在2014年的澳門拍賣中再次經委托拍賣了這套錢幣,成 交價為414 000美元)。

有一枚1910年宣統年造大清銀幣壹圓(K219a)以400 美元 的價格成交。該幣為僅見品,由天津的造幣總廠鑄造,品相 AU。除此之外,還有一些天津造幣總廠鑄造的錢幣引起了 眾多競拍者的興趣,包括一枚1911年宣統三年大清銀幣長須 龍配普通版壹圓樣幣(K223),品相 UNC,以75 美元的價 格成交;一枚1911年宣統三年大清銀幣長須龍陽葉版壹圓樣 幣(K223a),品相為 UNC,以350 美元的價格成交;一枚 1911年宣統三年大清銀幣反龍壹圓樣幣(K225),龍尾向右, 以450 美元的價格成交,品相為 UNC ;一枚1911年宣統三年 大清銀幣長須龍壹圓樣幣,正面同 K223a,背面同 K225, 品相為 UNC,以300 美元的價格成交;一枚1911年宣統三 年大清銀幣大尾龍陽葉版壹圓樣幣(K226a),品相為 UNC, 以250 美元的價格成交。

一枚 VF 品相的1899年光緒二十五年奉天機器局造大清 壹圓銀幣(K249)以700 美元的價格成交。另有一枚品相 為 F 的1906年光緒三十二年奉天機器局造大清伍角錯版銀 幣(K254)以225 美元的價格成交。同場有一枚 EF 品相的 1907年東三省造光緒元寶庫平三錢六分銀幣(K256)以90 美元的價格成交。另有一枚品相為 VF 的1907年東三省造光 緒元寶庫平一錢四分四厘銀幣(K257)以75 美元的價格成交。

有一枚吉林省造光緒元寶庫平七錢二分銀幣(K287),約在 1898年發行,品相 VF,以95 美元的價格成交。吉林省造銀 幣存量龐大,版別眾多,幣值包括庫平三錢六分、一錢四分 四厘、七分二厘和三分六厘。

一枚 AU 品相的1911年宣統三年大清銀幣伍角以175 美元的 價格成交,該幣由天津的造幣總廠鑄造,耿愛德目錄編號為 175 。還有一枚1912年江西省造光緒元寶庫平七錢二分銀幣, 未載於耿愛德所著《中國幣圖說匯考》(以下簡稱“耿愛德目

有一枚無紀年四川省造盧比(K589),約在1903年發行,品 相 EF,以195 美元的價格成交。另有一枚 AU 品相的豎花版 無紀年四川省造盧比(K590)以30 美元的價格成交。 有多枚1912年中華民國開國紀念壹角銀幣也引發了積極的競 價。一枚品相為 EF 至 AU 的1912年無紀年壹圓銀幣(K602) 以250美元的價格成交;一枚 AU 品相的薄版1912年無紀年 壹圓銀幣(K602a)最終以250美元的價格成交;一枚 AU 品 相的1912年無紀年壹圓銀幣(K602b)以260美元的價格成交。

一枚近精製的1927年十六年造孫中山正面像中華民國國民政 府背陵墓壹圓紀念銀幣以610 美元的價格成交。一枚噴砂版 底的1927年十六年造孫中山正面像中華民國國民政府背陵 墓壹圓紀念幣試鑄幣(K609a),品相為 AU,由雕刻師普拉 布特(R. Placbt)製造,以410 美元的價格成交(《東亞泉志》 注:該幣由古德曼得標,後在1991年古德曼舊藏拍賣上被臺灣 的陳吉茂買下)。有一枚 UNC 品相的1929年中華民國十八年 壹圓銀幣樣幣(K610)以1 300 美元的價格成績成交。有一 枚 UNC 品相的日本版1929年孫中山像帆船壹圓樣幣(K618)

錄”),品相為 AU,950 美元的價格成交。 1900年庚子京局銀元也是吸引了廣大買家的興趣。其中, 一枚 UNC 品相的庫平七錢二分銀質樣幣(K233)以1 350 美元的價格成交;一枚 UNC 品相的庫平三錢六分銀質樣幣 (K234)以775 美元的價格成交;一枚 UNC 品相的庫平一 錢四分四厘銀質樣幣(K235)以200 美元的價格成交;一枚 UNC 品相的庫平七分二厘分銀質樣幣(K236)以275 美元的 價格成交;一枚 UNC 品相的庫平三分六厘銀質樣幣(K237) 以650 美元的價格成交(《東亞泉志》注:庫平七錢二分銀幣
O'Brian得標,後在 1993年被冠軍拍賣買下,並於1994年的第一屆《東亞泉志》郵 寄拍賣中以24 200美元的價格賣給了加州洛杉磯的奧斯曼·陳醫

以220 美元的價格成交,而一枚同為 UNC 品相的奧地利版 1929年孫中山像帆船壹圓樣幣(K619)以950 美元的價格成



還有一枚1935 年民國二十四年孫中山像帆船中圓銀幣試鑄幣 (K625x),該幣據稱為樣幣,品相 EF,以260 美元的價格 成交。

一枚品相為 UNC 的1932年中華民國二十一年孫中山像金本 位幣 壹圓銀幣(K628)以1 700 美元的價格成交。還有一枚 品相為 UNC 的光邊版(K628a)以1 500 美元的價格成交。 另有一枚 AU 品相的1932年孫中山側面像金本位 幣 半圓銀 幣(K629)以900 美元的價格成交(《東亞泉志》注:該幣由 D.C.得標,後經臺灣的李振興賣給了藏家李金陵,後來李金陵 出版了《中國龍圖半圓銀幣典藏》,其中大多數的錢幣來自D.C.)。

還有一枚 AU 品相的孫中山像金本位幣壹角銀幣(K631a)以 500 美元的價格成交。

有一枚 AU 品相的1914年中華民國共和紀念幣壹圓銀幣 (K644),已知僅6 枚,以1 000 美元的價格成交;同場有另 一版別以900 美元成交。還有一枚 L. GIORGI 簽字版1914年 中華民國三年造袁世凱像中圓銀幣(K665k)以190 美元的價 格成交,而另一枚同款的 AU 品相貳角銀幣(K657a)以375 美元的價格成交。此外,還有一枚 AU 品相的 L.G. 簽字版 1914年民國三年造袁世凱像壹角銀幣(K659a)以375 美元 的價格成交。

買家們對蘇州造幣廠所鑄肖像幣的興趣主要集中在1912年 中華民國開國紀念銀幣樣幣(K672),該幣直徑40毫米,品 相為 EF,最終以2 300 美元的價格成交。另有品相為

手中,直至2022年4月泰星拍賣上以1 400萬元人民幣的價格成 交);還有一枚品相為 UNC,編號 K688 。

還有一枚品相為 UNC 的1927年褚玉璞像紀念銀幣(K690) 也以1 000 美元的價格成交。此外,有一枚廣東省造壹毫銀 幣樣幣(K721),在1912年製造,品相 VF,以475 美元的價 格成交。同場還有一枚品相為 UNC 的1930年廣東省造二毫 銀幣(K739)以相同的價格成交。

有一枚未載於耿愛德目錄的1921年廣西省造二毫銀幣以485 美元的價格成交,其品相為 UNC,設計類似於 K746 。另有 一枚1921年二毫銀幣試鑄幣(K746x)以同樣的價格成交。

一枚 VF 品相的1932年劉文輝像川康軍進藏貳角紀念銀幣 (K795)以750 美元的價格成交,其耿愛德目錄編號為795 。

有一枚1930年列寧像銀幣(K800),在湖南鑄造,品相 AU, 以475 美元的價格成交。有一枚品相為 UNC 的1940年拾分 鋁質樣幣(K879)以450 美元的價格成交。還有一枚同年的 貳分鋁質樣幣(K881),是鑄打的 4版貳分樣幣之一,以200 美元成交。

有一枚1867年在中國香港鑄造的精製版上海壹兩銀幣 (K912)以1 300 美元的價格成交(《東亞泉志》注:該幣由 D.C. 得標)。同場有一枚精製版1867年上海貳錢銀幣(K913) 以1 000 美元的價格成交(《東亞泉志》注:該幣由D.C.得標, D.C.在其1972年Jess Peters銷售目錄中將其標價為2 000美元, 但未售出。1976年,該幣經張璜在香港的麥當勞裏以10 000美 元的價格交易給了張南琛,後經評NGC PR66。這是在張南 琛於1975年以15 500美元買下喜敦版1898年湖南省造光緒元寶 庫平七錢二分銀質樣幣後,第一批成交價格超過10 000美元的 中國機製幣之一。這場拍賣也極大地促進了張南琛和伊萊·瓦 利特對中國機製幣收藏的興趣,拍賣後的70年代裏,中國機製 幣的價格增長了3至5倍)。

700美元,並成 功交易給日本的崗政道。之後50年中,該幣一直都在收藏家

1885年光緒十年吉林廠平一兩銀幣 (K915)以900 美元的價格成交(《東亞泉志》注:該幣由 D.C.得標。D.C.之後在20世紀70年代,將他收藏中的所有中 國地方省造庫平七錢二分銀幣和一兩銀幣通過Spink拍賣公司 的安德烈·德·克萊蒙特,Andre de Clemont,賣給了伊萊·瓦 利特,Eli Wallitt,其中有一枚喜敦版湖南省造庫平七錢二分 銀質樣幣和一枚陝西省造庫平七錢二分銀質樣幣,是其在1975

UNC 的1926年民國十五年張作霖像海陸軍大元帥壹圓紀念幣 (K685)以1 700 美元的價格成交(《東亞泉志》注:該幣由 D.C.得標)。 另有三枚張作霖像紀念幣,均在此次耿愛德舊藏拍買中 以1 000 美元的價格成交:一枚紀年1927年樣幣,品相為 UNC,編號為 K686 ;一枚品相為 UNC,正面同 K685, 背面同 K686(《東亞泉志》注:該幣由D.C.得標,D.C.在 其1972年Jess Peters銷售目錄中將其標價為1
有一枚品相為 UNC 的

年從安德烈處買到的,均在已知品相最好的之列。1971年耿愛 德舊藏拍賣中的這枚“吉林廠平一兩”在1989年伊萊·瓦利特 藏品銷售中,經陳吉茂收歸臺灣的張秀青)。有一枚1890年光 緒十六年山東製造局足紋壹兩樣幣(K923),為僅見品,品 相為 VF,以1 000 美元的價格成交。一枚無紀年中外通寶關 平銀一兩銀幣(K925),大約在1858年製造,為有損傷的精 製幣,以1 200 美元的價格成交(《東亞泉志》注:該幣由古 德曼得標,並在1991年古德曼舊藏拍賣中由馬克·路易斯·泰勒, Mark Louis Teller,代奧斯曼·陳醫生,Osman Chen,標得)。 同場有一枚同樣無紀年的中外通寶五錢銀幣樣幣(K926), 在1858年發行,品相為 EF,以1 000 美元的價格成交(《東 亞泉志》注:該幣有精美的幻彩包漿,在已知品相最好的中國 機制半圓/五錢銀幣之列。在1971年耿愛德舊藏拍賣上,該幣 古德曼得標,並在1991年古德曼舊藏拍賣上收歸華人家族收藏。

華人家族收藏還在1991年古德曼舊藏拍賣上得標了一枚湖南省 造庫平三錢六分銀質樣幣,皆在當時成交價格最高的半圓/庫 平三錢六分/五錢錢幣之列)。

耿愛德舊藏中最珍罕的錢幣據稱為1903年奉天省造庫平重 一兩銀幣(K931),品相為 EF,最終以3 000 美元的價格成 交(《東亞泉志》注:該幣古德曼得標,並在1991年古德曼舊 藏拍賣上由陳吉茂代張秀青以18.7萬美元的價格競得,打破中 國錢幣拍賣紀錄)。還有一枚精製的1904年廣東省造光緒元寶 “壽”字形檔平重壹兩銀幣(K932)以2 100 美元的價格成交 (《東亞泉志》注:該幣由D.C.得標,後轉手至伊萊·瓦利特, 並在1989年收歸張秀青)。一枚 UNC 品相的1906年戶部“中” 字壹兩大清銀幣(K934)以750 美元的價格成交。 其他在本場拍賣中吸引了眾多買家興趣的包括1907年北洋光 緒元庫平一兩銀幣(K938),品相為 AU,成交價為750 美元 (《東亞泉志》注:該幣由古德曼得標,並在1991年古德曼舊

1914年袁世凱像金幣(K1556)以1 400 美元的 價格成交。一枚未載於耿氏目錄的 L. GIORGI 簽字版1914 年袁世凱像壹圓金幣1 100 美元的價格成交。一枚 AU 品相 的1916年袁世凱像沖天冠金幣(K1560)以1 000 美元的價 格成交。一枚 BU 品相的徐世昌像仁壽同登壹圓銀模金打幣 (K1570)以1 100 美元的價格成交。一枚 UNC 品相的龍鳳 圖壹圓金幣(K1575)以1 100 美元的價格成交。一枚 UNC 品相的1928年張作霖像壹圓紀念銀模金打幣以1 200 美元的 價格成交。

在此次拍賣的一些稀奇古怪的錢幣中,有一枚雅普島的石 環錢以1 100 美元的價格成交。這種石環錢在當地被稱之為 “Fei”,直徑19.5 英寸。 有一枚早期的1573年天正大判金,品相為 EF,以1 600 美 元的價格成交。有一枚 EF 品相的享保小判金以2 400 美元 的價格成交,而兩枚元祿小判金各以2 900 美元的價格成交。 另有一枚 VF 品相的萬延大判金以3 300 美元的價格成交, 打破日本判金拍賣紀錄。

現場買家也對其他一些日本錢幣很感興趣,一枚1920年20日 元銀質樣幣以2 500 美元的價格成交;另有一枚精製1920年 25日元銀質樣幣同樣以2 500 美元的價格成交。

一枚精製無紀年10日元銀質樣幣以1 300 美元的價格成交; 一枚1913年5日元金幣銀樣以1 400 美元的價格成交;一枚 1918年50日元銀質樣幣以1 100 美元的價格成交;一枚1921 年20日元銀質樣幣以900 美元的價格成交。

有一枚1943年發行的精製5日元銀質樣幣,以印尼皮影戲圖 案為設計,以1 700 美元的價格成交。

1美元,可在紐約 45 街25號(郵編:N.Y. 10036)的舒爾曼硬幣和造幣公司

Schulman Coin and Mint Inc.)或比弗利山比弗利大道 北344號(郵編:Calif. 90210)的品質銷售公司(Quality Sales Corp.)購得。

有一枚1911年長須龍銀模金打以1 675 美元的價格成交(《東 亞泉志》注:耿愛德該幣得自1954年埃及法魯克國王收藏拍賣, 在1971年耿愛德舊藏拍賣拍出,又通過Spink賣至英國的伊萊·

藏拍賣上以8 800美元的價格收歸華人家族收藏。該幣後經評 NGC MS62,冠軍拍賣在2008年拍賣上將其拍出,陳吉茂以12 萬美元的價格得標),以及一枚無紀年的大清臺灣軍餉一兩銀 幣,品相為 UNC,以290 美元的價格成交。 有一枚 AU 品相的1906年光緒丙午年造庫平一兩大清金幣 (K1540)以1 500 美元的價格成交。另有一枚類似的 UNC 品相1907年齒邊金幣(K1541)以1 600 美元的價格成交。還
瓦利特,1989年時經陳吉茂轉手至張秀青)。 有一枚精製

On August 3 at 10:00 a.m., Michael Chou, President of Champion Auction, visited the National Numismatic Collection's (NNC) Really Big Money exhibit and the National Numismatic Collection Vault at the Smithsonian Institution in Washington, D.C. with Rick Amos, publisher of World Coin and Chairman of Amos Publishing, his good friend Tom Keener, and Colin Gullberg, English editor of the Journal of East Asian Numismatics

The NNC is the world's largest numismatic collection, with approximately 1.6 million items, and its extensive collection covers coins from all over the world, spanning more than 3,000 years. The most famous coin in its collection is the 1933 U.S. $20 Double Eagle gold coin. In 2021, a 1933 U.S. $20 Double Eagle gold coin sold at auction for $18,872,250 making it the most expensive coin ever sold.

They were led by curator Dr. Ellen Feingold on a tour of the NNC's numismatic vault created in 2015, where many notable collections are on display. The US numismatic collection in NNC is unparalleled. Its collection is a record of the U.S. monetary system, with special collections from the U.S. Mint, the Treasury Department, and the Bureau of Engraving and Printing. Other notable collections include the Josiah K. Lilly Jr. Collection of 6,125 U.S. and international gold coins and bars (a collection that includes almost all of every different US gold coin), the Grand Duke Georgii Mikhailovich Collection of approximately 11,400 Russian coins (considered the most comprehensive collection of Russian coins outside of Russia), the George

ChampionCEOMichaelChou’sVisitto theReallyBigMoneyExhibit and NNC Vault
The Riley Gold Coin Collection in NNC Coins in the NNC 1933 U.S. $20 Double Eagle gold coin
ChampionCEOMichaelChou’sVisitto theReallyBigMoneyExhibit and NNC Vault

B. Glover Collection of 2,025 East Asian coins from the 7th century B.C. to the 19th century, the Ulysses S. Grant

Collection of 25 Japanese coins presented to President Grant by the Meiji Emperor in the 19th century, the Howard F. Bowker Collection, and 473 East Asian monetary objects from the 7th century B.C. to the 20th century.

Rick Amos saw one of the twenty 1964 Kennedy half dollar first strike coins at the NNC. Rick's grandfather, Coin World founder J. Oliver Amos, gave Rick a Kennedy half dollar first strike coin in 1972 which Oliver Amos received when he attended the Kennedy half dollar coin first strike ceremony in 1964. The first 20 first strike coins were given to VIP guests. The obverse of the 1964 Kennedy half dollar was designed and engraved by Gilroy Roberts. Born in Philadelphia on March 11, 1905 and died in Haverton, Pennsylvania on January 26, 1992, Roberts was a renowned American sculptor. He served as the

Colin Gullberg at the NNC vault Rick Amos at the NNC vault From left: Colin Gullberg, NNC staff Jennifer, Tom Keener Visiting the NNC Vault Rick Amos with one of the twenty 1964 Kennedy half dollar first strike coins

ninth chief engraver at the U.S. Mint from 1948 to 1964. He engraved the obverse of one of the most famous U.S. coins, the Kennedy half dollar. During his tenure at the Philadelphia Mint, he designed and engraved presidential and congressional medals, and after leaving the U.S. Mint in 1964, he worked for the private Franklin Mint, which was established at same year.

The NNC has grown from a few thousand objects in the mid-19th century to its current size thanks to donations from public institutions and private collections. The Bowker family's donation of the Bowker collection was previously featured in the NNC's The Value of Money show, as well as in the Bowker Collection Gallery.

Michael Chou also visited the Really Big Money exhibit

From left: Rick Amos, Dr. Ellen Feingold, Colin Gullberg, Michael Chou, and Tom Keener

with Rick Amos, Tom Keener and Colin Gullberg, and the show was presented under the sponsorship of the Howard Bowker Numismatic Research Fund and Michael Chou.

The 1964 Kennedy half dollar first strike coin in the NNC, one of the original twenty first strike coins, was donated by Gilroy Roberts, the chief engraver at the U.S. Mint who engraved the obverse of the coin A 1964 Kennedy half dollar first strike coin Bowker Collection donated by the Bowker Family A 1964 Kennedy half dollar first strike coin

館國家錢幣收藏(National Numismatic Collection,以下簡 稱 NNC)“真正的大錢”展及國家錢幣收藏金庫。

NNC 據稱為世界上最大的錢幣收藏,有大約 160 萬件藏品, 其藏品之豐富,涵蓋了世界各地的錢幣,年代跨越了三千多 年。其館藏錢幣中最為著名的莫過於 1933 年美國 20 美元 雙鷹金幣。在 2021 年,有一枚 1933 年美國 20 美元雙鷹 金幣以 18 872 250 美元的價格在拍賣會上成交,成為全世 界範圍內成交價格最高的錢幣。

我們在館長艾倫的帶領下,參觀了 NNC 自 2015 年創建的 錢幣金庫,這裏展出了許多著名的收藏品。NNC 館藏的美 國錢幣資料堪稱無與倫比,它是美國貨幣體系的收藏紀錄, 有包括來自美國造幣廠、財政部和雕刻印刷局的特別收藏。

其他著名的藏集有小約西亞 萊利收藏(Josiah K. Lilly Jr. Collection)、6 125 枚美國和國際金幣及金條(該系列幾 乎囊括了所有的美國金幣收藏)、喬治 米哈伊洛維奇大公

57 部門 DEPARTMENTS JEAN 28 冠軍拍賣總裁周邁 參觀美國國家錢幣收藏“真正的大錢”展及金庫 ◎ 冠軍研究室〔上海〕 2022 年 8 月 3 日上午 10 點,冠軍拍賣總裁周邁可先生與《世 界硬幣》雜誌出版人暨阿莫斯出版社董事長瑞克阿莫斯(Rick Amos),以及好友湯姆 基納(Tom Keener)、《東亞泉志》 英文編輯高林先生,共同參觀了史密森尼美國國家歷史博物
爵收藏(Grand Duke Georgii Mikhailovich Collection)、 大約 11 400 枚俄羅斯幣章(被認為是俄羅斯以外最全面的 俄羅斯錢幣收藏)、喬治 格洛弗收藏(George B. Glover Collection)、2 025 枚公元前 7 世紀至 19 世紀的東亞錢幣、 尤利西斯 格蘭特收藏(Ulysses S. Grant Collection)、19 世紀明治天皇贈送給格蘭特總統的 25 枚日本錢幣、霍華德· 包克收藏(Howard F. Bowker Collection)、473 件公元前 7 世紀至 20 世紀東亞貨幣物品。 瑞克 阿莫斯還在 NNC 見到了 20 枚 1964 年肯尼迪半美元 首打幣中的一枚。瑞克的祖父,即《硬幣世界》創辦人奧利 NNC的萊利金幣收藏 NNC館藏錢幣 1933年美國20美元雙鷹金幣
58 DEPARTMENTS 部門 JEAN 28 弗 ·阿莫斯(J. Oliver Amos)曾在 1972 年給過瑞克一枚肯 尼迪半美元首打硬幣,那枚是奧利弗 阿莫斯於 1964 年參加 肯尼迪半美元硬幣首打儀式時得到的,而首打的 20 枚硬幣 皆是贈予貴賓的。1964 年肯尼迪半美元硬幣的正面由吉爾 羅伊 羅伯茨(Gilroy Roberts)設計和雕刻。羅伯茨 1905 年 3 月 11 日出生於費城,1992 年 1 月 26 日逝世於賓夕法 尼亞州哈弗頓,是美國著名雕塑家。1948 年至 1964 年, 他擔任美國造幣廠的第九任首席雕刻師,最著名的美國錢幣 之一 肯尼迪半美元的正面即為其作品。在費城造幣廠任 職期間,他設計並雕刻了總統和國會勳章。1964 年離開美 高林在NNC金庫參觀 瑞克·阿莫斯參觀NNC金庫 左起:高林、NNC工作人員詹妮弗、湯姆·基納 參觀NNC金庫 參觀NNC金庫 瑞克·阿莫斯與20枚1964年肯尼迪半美元首打幣中的一枚
59 部門 DEPARTMENTS JEAN 28 國造幣廠後,他為同年成立的富蘭克林私人造幣廠工作。 NNC 收藏規模的擴大離不開公共機構和私人收藏品的捐贈, 使得其藏品從 19 世紀中期的幾千件物品發展到現在的規模。 此前包克家族捐贈的包克錢幣收藏便曾亮相 NNC 的“錢幣 的價值”展(The Value of Money),另外更是設有包克藏 品展廳。 而此次參觀的“真正的大錢”展是在霍華德 包克錢幣研究 基金會和周邁可先生的贊助下推出的。 NNC館藏的1964年肯尼迪半美元首打幣,是20枚首打幣中的 一枚,由雕刻了該幣正面的美國造幣廠首席雕刻師吉爾羅伊·羅 伯茨捐贈 1964年肯尼迪半美元首打幣 NNC館藏,其中刀幣為包克捐贈藏品 包克捐贈藏品 1964年肯尼迪半美元首打幣 左起:瑞克·阿莫斯、艾倫·費恩戈爾德、高林、周邁可、 湯姆·基納

Champion Auction Attended the 2022 Sungari International Coin & Stamp Exhibition

Champion Auction participated in the 2022 Sungari International Coin & Stamp Exhibition hosted by Sungari International Auction from August 6 to 8.

At the exhibition, visitors could not only enjoy the various coins and stamps, but also exchange and trade collectibles. At the same time, people could also attend a series of distinctive lectures. The speakers included Mateo Zhao ( 趙振陽 ), founder of ASG and Vice President of Business Development in Asia of CCG, Duan Honggang ( 段洪剛 ), general manager of Beijing Gongbo Coins Authentication, Jia Hui ( 賈暉 ), founder of Huaxia Ratings

and General Manager of Huaxia Ancient Coins, and Song Jie ( 宋捷 ), Editor-in-Chief of the Ancient Coins Literature Series. The lectures were also broadcast on WeChat video, Douyin, Kuaishou and Sina Weibo.

Champion held the Beijing first release ceremony of the third edition of Top Chinese Coin on the evening of November 29, 2021 at Sungari Art Space. This is the second time that Champion Auction went to Sungari Art Space. The event was broadcast on Kuaishou and other online platforms, receiving over 10,000 views.

The poster of the exhibition The Exhibition Hall The booth of Champion Auction

2022 年 8 月 6 日至 8 日在北京聖佳藝術空 間參加了由中貿聖佳國際拍賣有限公司主辦的 2022 聖 佳錢幣、郵品博覽會。

票展品,還能夠進行收藏品的交流、交易。同時,人們 在本次博覽會上還可以聽到一系列特色鮮明的專題講 座,講座嘉賓包括 ASG 創始人、NGC 亞洲業務拓展副 總裁趙振陽;北京公博古錢幣藝術品鑒定有限公司總經

泉文庫叢書主編宋捷。講座活動還在微信視頻、抖音、 快手、新浪微博平臺進行了同步直播。

於 2021 年 11 月 29 日晚,在聖佳藝術空間舉行了《中 國近代機製幣精品鑒賞 第三版》北京首發儀式。活動 在快手及其他網路平臺同步直播,點擊率破萬。

61 部門 DEPARTMENTS JEAN 28 冠軍拍賣參展2022聖佳錢幣、郵品博覽會 ◎ 冠軍研究室〔上海〕 冠軍拍賣於
2022聖佳錢幣、郵品博覽會海報 2022聖佳錢幣、郵品博覽會展廳 冠軍拍賣展位 理段洪剛;華夏評級創始人、華夏古泉總經理賈暉;古

A Trip to the Singapore International Coin Fair

My first trip to Singapore was to attend the 1991 Singapore International Coin Fair at the Westin Plaza and the TaiseiSpink joint coin auction.

At that show, Mark Louis Teller, a well-known American coin dealer, and I saw T.S. Sinnathuray, formerly a Supreme Court judge in Singapore, and colleagues from Taisei Coin Corporation at the show's opening ceremony. I officially met T.S. Sinnathuray at that show through our mutual friend Mark Louis Teller. T.S. Sinnathuray was a retired Supreme Court justice affectionately known to friends and colleagues as "Sam" or "The Judge". Judge Sam also attended and spoke at the press conference for my Champion Hong Kong Ultima Collection Auction at Intercontinental Singapore on July 31, 2010.

Singapore remained a hotbed of Asian numismatic activity throughout the 1980s and 1990s, with the Singapore International Coin Fair and the Taisei-Spink joint auction being among the highlights. The Singapore International Coin Fair was once discontinued for more than ten years. Later on, Panda America restarted the show in 2011 and it was a great success. The Singapore International Coin Fair has been postponed for the past few years due to the covid epidemic, so we are all excited about its return in 2022. We are pleased to see many old and new friends at the show. Legacy Currency Grading (U.S.) was on hand to conduct the banknote grading event, with NGC and PCGS also participating in the show. I had a very nice meeting with Jeffrey Wai of Collectibles Auction Asia, Singapore and Melanie Albaric, NGC International Marketing Manager from NGC headquarters in Sarasota, Florida.

I also went to People's Park Central to visit Silver Affinity

and Collectibles Auction Asia before the start of the 2022 Singapore International Coin Fair (on September 15), and our good friend, Uncle Tan's Funan Stamp & Coin Society was there. We noticed that there were surprisingly more than a dozen coin companies in this Chinatown neighborhood building. The numismatic community in Singapore is booming with many young people and Malaysian numismatists joining. However, there are only three local numismatic auction companies in Singapore, namely Jeffrey Wai's Collectibles Auction Asia, Mavin International Auctioneers (which used to be run by my friend Judge Sam), and Monetarium Auctioneers (which has changed ownership since my last trip to Singapore).

That evening, we met with Singapore collector Tatt Cheng Tay, American coin collector Adam Biagi, and Phil Doudar, a British banknote expert from Los Angeles, for unagi rice and sushi at a Japanese restaurant called Chikuyotei in the Intercontinental Hotel, Singapore. Chikuyotei is the first unagi restaurant in Japan to be awarded the Michelin

1986 Taisei-Spink Auction Catalogue Singapore Supreme Court Justice T.S. Sinnathuray

star. It is also one of my friend Judge Sam's favorite restaurants, and we've had many delicious meals here together.

On Friday morning (September 16), I went to visit the Singapore International Coin Fair, which was packed with people.

I saw many old and new friends there, so I had a great lunch at the Marina Bay Sands with Jeffrey Wai and his family, George Lim of the Ultima Collection, Timmy Tan, and two other senior Singapore collectors.

In the afternoon, I returned to the Intercontinental Singapore for afternoon tea, followed by a delicious Cantonese seafood dinner co-organized by Jeffrey Wai and the U.S. Legacy Currency Grading team at the Binhai Mansion Kai Gardens Restaurant, with Jason Bradford,

former head of PCGS banknote grading, and Ari Jacobs, one of PMG first graders.

On Saturday (September 17), I had lunch at the Marina Bay Sands with Taisei Coin Chairman Masahiro Oka,

At the Champion 2010 Hong Kong auction, a Yunnan Spring One Dollar Coin (NGC AU55) from the Ultima Collection became the first million-dollar Chinese coin Silver Affinity and Collectibles Auction Asia (From left) Vitoon, CEO of Eur-seree Auction, Thailand; Adam Biagi of Pacific Trading, USA; Johan Agren of Myntkmpaniet, Sweden at the 2022 Singapore International Coin Fair Poh Choo Bin with Judge Sam at the 1992 Singapore International Coin Show Jeffrey Wai in Uncle Tan's store

CEO Nobu Sasaki, and Jeffrey Wai to discuss upcoming projects.

At the exhibition, I met my longtime friend, Poh Choo Bin of the United Numismatic Centre (UNC). UNC is one of the oldest leading numismatic companies in Singapore, and Poh Choo Bin has been my best friend in Singapore for the longest time.

One of the highlights of the trip to Singapore was the night cruise hosted by Taisei Coins. The event took place on the White Rabbit yacht. The yacht, worth US$100 million and 84 meters long, is owned by Goh Cheng Liang, formerly the richest man in Singapore. Goh Cheng Liang is a long-time friend of Masahiro Oka and his father,

Masamichi Oka. Both Goh Cheng Liang and Masamichi Oka were actively involved in the Japanese paint business in the 1960s, and Masamichi Oka was one of the largest shareholders in Japan Paint, while his son Masahiro Oka also worked for the Japanese paint company's branch in Southeast Asia. The Japanese company, Nippon Paint, even had established a partnership with Goh Cheng Liang as early as 1962.

In addition, J.C. Lee, President of Korea Hwadong and three team members, Mr. Yip, Director of Singapore Mint and 4 team members, Kitty Quan, President of Panda American and Sim of Panda Singapore, as well as Philip Becker, CEO of Emporium Hamburg, Sven Moller, the head of wholesales, and the company team all attended

The author's lunch with friends Back row: Jeffrey Wai's wife Fang Meiling, Jeffrey Wai and Michael Chou (the author) Front row: George Lim, Timmy Tan, Jeffrey Wai's son Wai Yuankai 2022 Singapore International Coin Fair Dr. Frank Laiacona at the 2022 Singapore International Coin Fair

the night cruise. All major international mints were represented. I also had a wonderful evening on the yacht, having dinner with friends.

I would like to express my gratitude to my good friends Jeffrey Wai and Masahiro Oka for their hospitality during the show. Unfortunately, I was unable to meet Denny

Hehn of House of Coins during the show as he had to cancel his trip to Singapore at the last minute due to a COVID-19 infection.

I am already looking forward to the 2023 Singapore International Coin Fair from March 24 to 26 next year and hope to see you all there.

Poh Choo Bin at the 2022 Singapore Coin Fair Ari Jacobs at the Legacy Currency Grading booth The author with Sim and Jeffrey Wai of Panda Singapore Chairman of Taisei Coin delivered a welcome speech on the White Rabbit yacht 2023 Singapore International Coin Fair Poster White Rabbit Yacht


我第一次前往新加坡便是為了參加1991年在威斯汀酒店舉行 的新加坡國際錢幣展以及泰星 斯賓克聯合拍賣會。

那次展會上,我和美國知名幣商馬克 路易斯 泰勒(Mark Louis Teller)看到了原新加坡最高法院法官辛納圖雷(T.S. Sinnathuray),以及泰星硬幣株式會社的同仁參加展會開幕 儀式。我正是在那次展會上經共同的好友馬克 路易斯 泰 勒認識了辛納圖雷。他是一名退休的最高法院法官,朋友 和同事都親切地稱他為“山姆”或“法官”。山姆法官還曾 在2010年7月31日參加過筆者在新加坡洲際酒店舉辦的冠軍

Ultima 收藏香港拍賣發佈會並致辭。

新加坡在整個20 世紀 80年代和 90年代一直是亞洲錢幣活動 的熱土,新加坡錢幣展和泰星 斯賓克聯合拍賣會更是其中 的亮點。新加坡國際錢幣展銷會曾一度中斷十餘年之久。後 來,美貓公司在2011年重啟展會,並大獲成功。過去幾年中, 新加坡錢幣展因疫情而不斷推遲,因此我們都對 2022年新 加坡展會的回歸倍感興奮,也很高興在此次的展會上見到了 許多新老朋友。美國的 Legacy 評級公司 (Legacy Currency Grading)在現場進行了紙幣評級活動,NGC 和 PCGS 也 共同參加。我與新加坡亞洲藏品拍賣公司的魏亨泰(Jeffrey Wai),來自佛羅里達州薩拉索塔 NGC 總部的 NGC 國際市 場經理梅勒妮 奧爾布裏奇(Melanie Albaric)進行了一次

1986年泰星-斯賓克拍賣目錄 非常愉快的會面。


我還在2022新加坡國際錢幣展銷會開始之前(9月15日),前 往珍珠大廈參觀 Silver Affinity 和亞洲藏品拍賣公司,而我 們的好友陳德勝的福南郵票錢鈔社也在那裏。我們注意到, 這家唐人街附近的大廈中竟然有十餘家錢幣公司。新加坡的 錢幣業正在蓬勃發展,有許多年輕人和馬來西亞的錢幣業者 加入。然而,新加坡當地只有三家錢幣拍賣行,分別是魏亨 泰的亞洲藏品拍賣、Mavin 國際拍賣公司(過去由我的朋友 山姆法官經營),以及 Monetarium 拍賣行(和我上次前往新 加坡時相比,這家拍賣行已經易主)。 當天晚上,我們在新加坡洲際酒店的一家名為竹葉亭的日 本餐廳與新加坡收藏家鄭達清、美國錢幣收藏家亞當 比亞 吉(Adam Biagi),以及洛杉磯的英國紙幣專家菲爾 杜達爾 (Phil Doudar)會面,並一起吃了鰻魚飯和壽司。竹葉亭是 日本第一家主打鰻魚飯並獲得米其林星級的餐廳 , 也是我的 朋友山姆法官最愛的餐廳之一,我們曾在這裏一起享用過很 多美味的料理。




Ultima 收藏的林青禾(George Lim)、陳國光,以及其他兩

廈的嘉苑餐廳參加了魏亨泰和美國 Legacy 評級團隊共同組



Jacobs)也共同參加了此次 的聚餐。


週六(9月17日),我在濱海灣金沙酒店與泰星硬幣株式會社 董事長崗政博(Masahiro Oka)、首席執行官佐佐木暢(Nobu

67 部門 DEPARTMENTS JEAN 28 在冠軍2010年香港拍賣上,出自Ultima收藏的庚戌春季雲 南省造庫平七錢二分(經評NGC AU55)錢幣成為第一枚價 值百萬美元的中國錢幣 Silver Affinity和亞洲藏品拍賣公司 (左起)泰國Eur-seree拍賣首席執行官Vitoon、美國太平洋 貿易公司的亞當·比亞吉、瑞典Myntkmpaniet公司的約翰·阿 格倫(Johan Agren)在2022年新加坡國際錢幣展銷會 魏亨泰在陳德勝的店鋪內 星期五(
位新加坡資深收藏家在濱海灣金沙酒店共進午餐,非常愉快。 下午,我回到新加坡洲際酒店享用下午茶,之後又在濱海大
織的晚餐,享用了美味的粵式海鮮,原 PCGS 紙幣評級負 責人傑森
Jason Bradford)和 PMG
傅子銘(中)與山姆法官合影於1992年新加坡國際錢幣展 銷會

J.C. Lee)和他的 3人團

4人團隊、美貓公司 總裁張潔嫦和新加坡熊貓公司的沈泉合,以及 Emporium Hamburg 首席執行官菲利普 · 貝克爾(Philip Becker)、大 宗銷售主管斯文 莫勒(Sven Moller)及公司團隊都參加了 此次遊艇夜遊活動。各大國際造幣廠均派代表出席。我也在 遊艇上度過了一個美妙的夜晚,與朋友共進晚餐。

在此,我想向好友魏亨泰和崗政博先生在展會期間的盛情款 待表示感謝。遺憾的是,此次展會期間未能見到 House of Coins 的 Denny Hehn,他因為感染了新冠肺炎而不得不在 最後一刻取消他的新加坡之行。

3月24日至26日舉行的2023年新加坡國 際錢幣展銷會了,希望在那裏再次見到大家。

68 DEPARTMENTS 部門 JEAN 28 筆者與友人聚餐 後排:魏亨泰妻子方美玲、魏亨泰、筆者 前排:林青禾、陳國光、魏亨泰兒子魏源凱 2022年新加坡國際錢幣展銷會 弗蘭克·萊亞科納博士(Dr. Frank Laiacona)在2022年新 加坡國際錢幣展銷會 Sasaki)和魏亨泰共進午餐,並討論即將開展的項目。 展會上,我見到一直以來的好友 聯合錢幣中心公司 (United Numismatic Center,即 UNC)的傅子銘。UNC 是 新加坡歷史最為悠久的領先錢幣公司之一,傅子銘也是我結 交的時間最長的新加坡好友。 此次新加坡之行的亮點之一是由泰星硬幣株式會社主辦的夜 間遊船活動。活動在白兔號遊艇上舉行。這艘遊艇價值1億 美元,長 84米,為原新加坡首富吳清亮所有。吳清亮是崗政 博及其父親崗政道(Masamichi Oka)一直以來的朋友。吳 清亮和崗政道都在20 世紀 60年代積極參與日本的塗料生意, 崗政道更是日本塗料公司最大的股東之一,同時他的兒子崗 政博也為日本塗料公司在東南亞的分公司工作。而日本的立 邦塗料公司更是早在1962年便與吳先生建立了合作關係。 此外,韓國華東公司總裁李濟哲(
69 部門 DEPARTMENTS JEAN 28 傅子銘(右)在2022年新加坡國際錢幣展銷會阿裏·雅各布斯在Legacy評級公司(Legacy Currency Grading)展位 筆者與新加坡熊貓公司的沈泉合(左)、魏亨泰(中)合影 泰星董事長在白兔號遊艇上致歡迎詞 2023年新加坡國際錢幣展銷會海報 白兔號遊艇

Chengxuan 2022 Beijing Coin Auction Review

From August 8 to 12, 2022, Chengxuan 2022 Spring Auction, which happened late due to the epidemic, was held at the Kunlun Hotel in Beijing. The vintage coins were auctioned on August 10 and 11, and ancient coins, sycees, and banknotes on August 12. The auction had more than 1,700 lots and saw a realizing rate of 93.59% and realized 335,092,865 RMB. In addition, 47 lots realized more than 1 million RMB.

The vintage coin auction had spirited bidding, with the prices of rarities breaking records and the turnover reaching a new high. It has been 31 years since the 1903 Fengtien Tael, which has a clear pedigree from four collectors, namely, Eduard Kann, Irving Goodman, Haru Chang, and David Chau, and once set a record for private sales of Chinese coins, appeared on a public auction again. The auction started at 15 million RMB and hammered 40.5 million RMB, realizing 46.575 million RMB, making it the first Chinese coin to exceed $40 million in public auctions at home and abroad.

The 1927 Republic Chang Tso Lin gold pattern with Dragon and Phoenix and the 1906 Tai Ching Ksing Kiang copper pattern also set new records for the highest prices of Chinese vintage gold and copper coins at public auctions with prices of 34.5 million RMB and 5.175 million RMB respectively.

In addition, many other vintage coins set records, such as the 1903 Hupoo Silver Pattern Tael, 1908 Kirin One Dollar Silver, 1914 Republic Yuan Shi Kai One Dollar Silver Pattern, Fengtien One Dollar Silver Pattern, 1910 Empire One Dollar Silver, 1904 Hupeh One Tael Silver (Large Character), 1841 Taiwan Silver Dollar, Yuan Shikai 10 Cash Copper Pattern, 1898 Anhwei One Dollar Silver

Pattern (Small Rosette), Heaton Kwangtung 3 Mace 6.5 Candareens Silver Pattern, 1927 Sun Yat Sen Mausoleum Dollar Silver Pattern, 1921 Hsu Shih Chang Pavilion Dollar Silver, and 1934 China-Szechuan-Shaanxi Soviet One Dollar Silver.

The auction of ancient coins, sycees, and banknotes was also very successful and rewarding. There was a steady rise in all sectors. In terms of the ancient coins, Xian Fung Yuan Pao ( 咸豐元寶 ) 1,000 Cash Pattern of the Ching dynasty and Zhi Zheng Zhi Pao ( 至正之寶 ) 500 Cash Coin of the Yuan dynasty were sold at high prices. Sycees also performed well, especially 50 taels. For example, a Ching Kiangsu Peixian County 50 taels sycee with double chops won the top price, realizing 678,500 RMB. The highgrade first-series Renminbi banknote was also popular. The turnover rate was at 88.08%, realizing more than 23.95 million RMB.

In circumstances where the epidemic is not yet over, the Chengxuan 2022 Spring Auction gathered many rare coins of outstanding conditions under the diligent efforts of Chengxuan Company; 47 lots were sold for over 1 million RMB with the dedicated support of new and senior collectors. 1927 Chang Tso Lin Gold Pattern and 1903 Fengtien One Tael Silver Pattern, sold for 34.5 million RMB and 46.575 million RMB respectively, rewriting the highest record of Chinese coins for two consecutive days and entering the top ten world coins at the auction for the first time. The auction has injected new vitality and set off a new climax for the sluggish Chinese coin market. It also leaves us with a lot of thoughts and gains for the prediction of the numismatic market, the mastery of rare resources, the guidance of the probability of price increase or decrease, and the influence of the social and economic situation.


艾 價 格 再 創 新 高

092 865


“機製幣”專場競投踴躍,高端幣種價格屢破紀錄,成交額 再創新高。歷經耿愛德、古德曼、張秀青與周大為四代收藏 家薪火相傳,脈絡清晰,並創當時中國錢幣私下成交紀錄的 1903 年奉天省造光緒元寶癸卯庫平銀一兩樣幣,此次在誠 軒上拍是時隔 31 年後首次亮相公開拍賣。現場以 1 500 萬 元起拍,4 050 萬元落槌、含傭 4 657.5 萬元成交,成為海 內外公開拍賣首枚超過 4 000 萬元的中國錢幣。

凱側面像壹圓銀質樣幣、癸卯奉天省造光緒元寶滿文“寶奉” 版庫平七錢二分銀幣、宣統年造大清銀幣壹圓“$1”、光 緒三十年湖北省造大清銀幣大字版庫平一兩、清代臺灣“道 光年鑄 庫平柒弍 足紋銀餅”、袁世凱像共和紀念十文銅幣 樣幣、光緒二十四年安徽省造光緒元寶“扁四”小星花版庫 平七錢二分銀幣、喜敦廠“廣東七三反版”庫平三錢六分五 厘銀幣樣幣、民國十六年造孫中山像陵墓壹圓銀幣樣幣、民 國十年九月徐世昌像“仁壽同登”銀幣、“仁壽同登紀念幣” 銀幣、1934 年中華蘇維埃共和國川陝省造幣廠造壹圓銀幣 等機製幣,也創同品種公開拍賣的最高紀錄。

1906 年丙午戶部大清銅幣中心“淮”二十文樣幣,也

“古錢、金銀錠、紙幣”專場同樣成績斐然,收穫頗豐。各 板塊穩中有升。古錢中清代寶泉局“咸豐元寶”當千樣錢、 元代“至正之寶”背“吉 權鈔 伍錢”均高價成交。金銀錠 以五十兩大錠表現不俗,其中清代江蘇“沛縣萬春銀爐 ( 雙 印 )”五十兩銀錠以 67.85 萬元拔得頭籌。高評分的第一版 人民幣也很受青睞。該專場拍品成交率 88.08%,總成交金 額(人民幣)2 395 餘萬元。 在疫情尚未結束的大環境下,北京誠軒 2022 年春季拍賣會 推出的錢幣類拍品,好錢雲集,精品薈萃;在新老藏家的鼎 立支持下,47 件拍品成交價逾百萬元。民國十六年張作霖 戎裝像背龍鳳黼黻圖伍拾圓金幣、奉天省造光緒元寶癸卯庫 平銀一兩樣幣兩件拍品,分別以 3 450 萬元、4 657.5 萬元 的成交價,連續兩天改寫中國錢幣最高成交價紀錄,並首次 進入世界錢幣拍賣價格排名前十。為低迷盤整的錢幣收藏市 場,注入了新的活力,掀起新的高潮。這是該公司特別是錢 幣部員工辛勤努力的結果。不言而喻,北京誠軒 2022 年春 季的錢幣拍賣,在對錢幣市場的預測,對稀有資源的掌握, 價格上升或下降概率的指導,以及社會經濟形勢的影響等方 面,都會留給我們許多的思考與收穫。

71 部門 DEPARTMENTS JEAN 28 北京誠軒2022年春拍錢幣類專場綜述 ◎ 冠軍研究室〔上海〕 8 月 8 日至 12 日,因疫情而姍姍來遲的北京誠軒 2022 年春 季拍賣會在北京昆侖飯店舉辦。8 月 10-11 日機製幣和 8 月 12 日古錢、金銀錠、紙幣的兩個專場,最終以 1 700 餘件拍品, 總成交率 93.59%,總成交金額(人民幣)335
元, 其中 47
市 場 方 興 未
中華民國十六年張作霖戎裝像背龍鳳黼黻圖伍拾圓金幣樣 幣、
分別以 3 450 萬元和 517.5 萬元價格刷新了中國機製金幣、 銅幣公開拍賣成交價的最高紀錄。 1903年奉天省造光緒元寶癸卯 庫平銀一兩樣幣 另外,光緒二十九年戶部光緒元寶庫平一兩銀幣樣幣、戊申 吉林造光緒元寶中心滿文庫平七錢二分銀幣、民國三年袁世

A Numismatic Magazine with Southern Fujian Characteristics


Editorial Office of ZhangNanQuanSheng

Address: No. 111, Xinshishang, Northeast Street, Zhao'an County, Fujian Email: Tel: 0596-3331922

I received the 25th issue of the Zhang Nan Quan Sheng (《漳南 泉聲 》 , the Voice of the Zhang Nan Numismatic Community) sponsored by the Numismatic Society of Zhao’an County, Fujian Province, which is located at the boundary of southern Fujian and Guangdong, at the confluence of the East China Sea and the South China Sea. Zhao’an County, nationally known as the "Town of Painting and Calligraphy", is a famous hometown of overseas Chinese and the ancestral home of many Taiwanese. It is also a central Soviet area during the Great Revolution. It is rare to see a numismatic magazine by a countylevel numismatic society with dozens of articles on various numismatic topics by experts, scholars and ordinary members. The magazine features unique regional and historical culture, making its content highly local. So far, a total of 25 issues have been released. Thus, it can be seen that the numismatic culture has taken root and blossomed at the grassroots level in China since the time of reform and opening up.

In the 25th issue, two feature articles, A Short Memoir of the Portugal Coins Collection in Zhao'an (《 詔安收集十字幣小 記》 ) and AFurtherDiscussionoftheSpanishSilverCoins ( 《再 談 “ 本洋銀幣 ”》), which focus on the Spanish silver pesos and Mexican dollars respectively, were published showing that Zhao'an was historically a port for overseas trade. The Unusual Revolutionary Artifacts (《 很不尋常的紅色文物 》) and the Partial Correction of the Information on the Western Fujian Military and Civilian Cooperative Circulation Coupons

(《 對 “ 閩西軍民合作社流通 券 ” 資料的部分補遺校正 》) are studies and examinations of the revolutionary artifacts of the Chinese Soviet and the FujianKwangtung-Kiangsi border area of the Communist Party of China found in Zhao'an. The Earliest Local Coins in Zhao'anWu Zhu Bronze Coins (《 詔安 本地年代最早的錢幣 ——“ 五

銖 ” 銅錢》), Ancient coins in Southern Fujian and the Folklore of Defeats and Prayers (《 閩南古錢幣與厭勝術、祈禳術的民 俗》), and the Mysterious Culture of the Square Copper Coins and Heavenly Hound in the Qing Dynasty (《 清代的磨邊四方 形銅錢和天狗有關的神秘文化》) reflect the local culture and customs from various aspects. In addition, there are several articles introducing Meiling Port, Meiling Ancient Government Office, Zhecheng Town, and Shicheng Town, giving readers a more comprehensive understanding of Zhao'an. There are also articles about Song dynasty porcelain, such as The Large Bowl with Gold and Silver Inlaid from the Ding Kiln "Food Bureau" (《 說說宋代定窯 “ 尚食局 ” 款鑲金銀口大碗 》), Discussion on the "Food Bureau" Porcelain with Liu Tao (《 關於 < “ 尚 食局 ” 銘定瓷再議 > 與劉濤先生商榷 》), Information on Weights and Measures on A Large Bowl from The Song Dynasty (《 關於 < “ 尚食局 ” 銘定瓷再議 > 與劉濤先 生商榷 》), and A "Grand Dame" Among Monochrome-Glaze Antique Porcelain (《 單色釉 高古瓷器中的 “ 大家閨 秀 ” 》). It is not easy for a publication run by a county-level numismatic society to have such a wide range of topics and various contents. It shows that there are a lot of talented people who have made important achievements in the research of local coins and cultural relics in Zhao’an.

◎ Zhou Bian〔Shanghai〕

A Fully-Illustrated Bilingual Book of Chinese Vintage Coins


(Chinese-English Edition)

◎ Zhou Bian〔Shanghai〕

A Catalog of Chinese Silver Dollars has twenty-nine chapters, covering the state-issued silver dollars by the Qing government and the central government from the Republic of China, provincial dollars made in Anhui, Zhejiang, Fujian, Fengtien, Heilungkiang, Hunan, Hupei, Kansu, Kiangnan, Kilin, Kwuangxi, Kwuangdong, Kweichew, Shanghai, Shuntung, Shanxi, Shaanxi, Sinkiang, Szechuan, Taiwan, Tibet, Yunnan, Mongolia, and Peiyang (Chilhi) during the Qing dynasty and the Republic of China period, the Chinese Soviet silver dollars, and the medals from the Republic of China. The appendices give introductions to fantasy silver dollars, privately struck silver dollars by mints, error coins, major foreign silver dollars in circulation in China, and Chinese gold coins (commemorative medals) in the Republic of China. The book contains 1939 silver dollars and medals, and 90 gold coins and medals, totaling 2029 pieces, basically covering all varieties of vintage Chinese coins.

In each chapter, corresponding silver dollars are described according to detail. For instance, the 1914 Yuan Shikai one dollar silver coin is divided into the commeorative coin, patterns and circulating coins of the Republic of China, the coin with a 3/4 face of Yuan Shikai, the coin with the designer signature, the coin with an extra stroke of hua [ 华 ], the coin with an O on the collar of portrait, the coin with an O and a triangle on the collar of portrait, the coin with a triangle on the collar of portrait, and the coin minted privately by warlords. All of these allow readers to easily understand and grab the key to recognize the variety.

The pictures of coins used in the book come from professional numismatic grading companies, catalogs of major auction companies around the world, and authentic coins certified by collectors. It also standardizes the terminology used in the introduction and description, the scientific nomenclature, the reading of the coin inscriptions, the obverse and the reverse, the ordering, and the font of inscriptions. The grade classification and price evaluation are also explored. Each coin is numbered and has a textual introduction, with the estimated price of each grade noted. In addition, it is bilingual, with reference to the

A Catalog of Chinese Silver Dollars (《中國銀圓譜》, Chinese-English Edition), by Lu Hao (魯昊), Shao Mingquan (邵明權), and Leng Tao (冷濤), is a monograph that makes a systematic study and illustration of Chinese silver dollars. The first colorful hardcover edition was published by Commercial Press in August 2021 in 215.5 printing paper, 628 pages, 32K. Pricing is RMB 598. ISBN978-7-100-19547-8.

usual international vocabulary used in the name and variety of the coins, providing great convenience and reference for Chinese and foreign readers, researchers, and collectors.

There have been dozens of books on the comprehensive study of the Chinese silver dollars since the Republic of China, each with its distinctive features in terms of exposition and illustration. A Catalog of Chinese Silver Dollars stands on the shoulders of its predecessors and reaches a new height. First of all, it gathers all kinds of Chinese silver dollars, removing the counterfeits, only showing authentic examples, and reflecting the history of Chinese silver dollars. Secondly, the language, terminology, text, and data throughout the book are standardized and unified to be logically accurate. The structure of the chapters is well-arranged and organized, the pictures are beautiful and the details are enlarged, which is helpful for reading and identifying. According to the authors, it took 16 years from the conception of the book to its successful publication, which shows the difficulty and hard work involved.

Persistent efforts and exploration have yielded fruitful results, and the publication of ACatalogofChineseSilverDollars is an advancement in the study of Chinese silver dollars. I believe the reader will feel the same way as I do after reading this book.


◎ 周 邊〔上海〕 收閱福建省詔安縣錢幣學會主辦的《漳南泉聲》第25 期雜 誌,特作如下簡介。福建詔安地處閩南與廣東交界,南瀕 東海與南海交匯,是著名的僑鄉與臺胞祖籍地,又是大革 命時期的中央蘇區,還是全國聞名的“書畫藝術之鄉”。很 少見到縣一級的錢幣學會編寫的錢幣雜誌,有幾十篇各種 錢幣題材的文章,洋洋大觀,既有專家學者,又有普通會員, 獨特的地域與歷史文化,使雜誌內容極具地方特色,而且 迄今已經發行了25 期。由此可見,改革開放時至今日,錢幣 文化在華夏已植根基層,生根開花。 雜誌刊有《詔安收集十字幣小記》《再談“本洋銀幣”》兩文,



反映了詔安的地方文化與習俗。另外,還有數篇介紹梅嶺港、 梅嶺古衙署與蔗城石城的文章,讓讀者更全面地瞭解詔安。 《說說宋代定窯“尚食局”款鑲金銀口大碗》《關於《“尚食局”

銘定瓷再議 >——與劉濤先生商榷》《紫金定大碗銘文記載 了宋代的度量衡資料》《單色釉——高古瓷器中的“大家閨 秀”》等文,則對宋代瓷器進行了研究與探索。一本縣級錢 幣學會辦的刊物,有如此素材廣泛的議題,豐富多彩的內 容,實屬不易。說明了詔安地方錢幣與文物的研究與收藏, 人才濟濟,頗有成績。

物》與《對“閩西軍民合作社流通券”資料的部分補遺校正》, 則是對詔安發現的中華蘇維埃和中共閔粵贛邊區紅色文物 進行研究與考證。《詔安本地年代最早的錢幣——“五銖” 銅錢》《閩南古錢幣與厭勝術、祈禳術的民俗》《清代的磨 邊四方形銅錢和天狗有關的神秘文化》等文,從各個側面
《漳南泉聲》 一本極具閩南特色的錢幣雜誌

◎ 周 邊〔上海〕

《中國銀圓譜》(漢英版),是一部對中國銀圓系統研 究與闡釋的學術專著。魯昊、邵明權、冷濤著,商務印 書館2021年8月第一版。印張431/2,628頁,787X1092 開本,彩色精裝。定價人民幣598元。國際標準書號: ISBN978-7-100-19547-8。

《中國銀圓譜》共分二十九章,收錄了從清政府造、中華 民國中央政府造的國家發行的銀圓,和安徽、浙江、福建、 奉天、黑龍江、湖南、湖北、甘肅、江南、吉林、廣西、廣東、 貴州、上海、山東、山西、陝西、新疆、四川、臺灣、西 藏、雲南、蒙古、北洋(直隸)等各省市地方政府清至民 國各時期鑄造的銀圓,以及中華蘇維埃鑄造的銀圓。還有 清與中華民國的紀念章。附錄有臆造銀圓、造幣廠戲鑄銀 圓、錯體幣、在華流通的主要外國銀圓、中國近代金幣(紀 念章)等介紹。全書收錄銀圓、銀章1 939 枚,金幣、金質 紀念章 90 枚,共計 2 029 枚,基本涵蓋了中國近代銀圓的 全部品種。 每個章節中,將同一種銀圓,按版別分節描述。如袁世凱 像中華民國三年壹圓銀圓,分為中華民國共和紀念幣、樣

挑華系列、O 版系列、O 版三角圓、三角圓系列,還有軍 閥私鑄系列等。使人閱後一目了然,抓住重點認識版別。 書中採用的錢幣圖片,來源於專業錢幣評級公司和全球各 大拍賣公司的圖錄,以及收藏家經考證的真品。並對銀圓 介紹說明示意中的用語,銀圓的科學命名、錢文讀法、正背、

排序、字體等制定原則加以規範。對銀圓等級劃分和價格 評判也進行了探索。每枚錢幣圖都有編號與文字介紹,以 及各類評級的相應價格。另外,很有特色地採用了中英雙 語,在錢幣的名稱版別上參考了國際慣用辭彙,為中外讀 者與研究收藏者提供了極大的便利與參考。 中國銀圓綜合性研究圖譜的書籍,民國自今已有幾十本, 在論述和圖錄上各有千秋。《中國銀圓譜》(漢英版)則站 在前人的肩膀上,撐起了新的高度。首先,集聚迄今能發 現的各種中國銀圓,去偽存真,反映了一部中國銀圓史。全 書的語言文字、術語、行文、數據規範統一,邏輯準確; 結構章節詳略得當,條理清晰;圖片美觀,細節放大,對 版別識讀對照和鑒別真偽頗有幫助,收穫得益。據作者自 述,本書從構思起步到成功付梓,歷時16 年之久,可見其 中的艱難與辛苦。堅持不懈的努力與探索換來累累碩果, 《中國銀圓譜》(漢英版)的出版,是中國銀圓的研究的進步。 相信讀者在閱看本書後,也會有與我同樣的感受。

《中國銀圓譜》 一本編排完整圖文並茂漢英雙語的機製幣工具書 (漢英版)

◎ Zhou Bian〔Shanghai 〕

Recently, I saw a Howard Franklin Bowker Republic of China collection which included some loose pages from the Album for Chinese Postage Stamps (《中 國集郵圖譜》) by Church Chu ( 朱世傑 ), and a coin collection album made of two pieces of cardboard with 20 postage stamps and 20 coupons of various types from Shanghai.

The Album for Chinese Postage Stamps was the first stamp album published as a catalog in China. The author, Church Chu, was a director of the Chinese Philatelic Society and a director and supervisor of the New Light Philatelic Society. During his tenure at the post office, he was already working as a part-time stamp dealer and launched the Antique Collection Society. In June 1926, the Album for Chinese Postage Stamps was published. The album specialized in Chinese stamps and was printed with high-quality Dowling paper, a gold embossed title on the hardcover, and was bound with loose pages for easy addition and deletion. The contents of the album were divided into three parts, namely the stamps issued by the official post office, the stamps issued by the Shanghai Ministry of Works and Letters, and the stamps issued for the Chinese commercial ports. It covered 83 sets of stamps in 920 variants and 30 types of postcards in total. The album was made in accordance with the number and size of each set, with notes added at the upper part of the space, and each piece printed with a copperplate photograph so that collectors can easily collect stamps according to the catalog. The history and development of Chinese stamps are explained and recorded in English and Chinese. This is the first album of Chinese stamps printed in China, which was the guide to

Chinese philately at that time and was very popular among stamp collectors. It was updated and reprinted in 1928, increasing from 86 pages to 96 pages.

Thirty-nine of the 42 unbound pages made of Dowling soft paper from Album for Chinese Postage Stamps in Bowker's collection have round holes for binding on the left side, and 3 pages do not. The cover page (without holes) Album for Chinese Postage Stamps is written, and it indicates that the addendum of the Album for Chinese Postage Stamps is priced at $5 on the edge. Different from the formal edition, the "Content" section on page 2, "VIII Erratum" was added. The place of formerly IV. Taiwan Stamps and V. Stamps of the Shanghai Ministry of Works and Letters were interchanged. Therefore, the 39 pages of the Album for Chinese Postage Stamps with binding holes may be a copy for proofreading. The three pages without binding holes should have been advertising or promotional material in the updated version. All these pages are valuable to philatelists, as a rare source for the study of Chinese philatelic history. (Figure 1&2)

As for 20 Republic of China stamps in the two cardboard coin collecting pages, there are four Sun Yatsen 2-cent stamps and two Sun Yat-sen 5-cent stamps. Sun Yat-sen ( 孫中山 , 1866-1925), aslo known as Sun

Figure 1 Figure 2
“The Metropolis Crowded with Foreign Adventurers” Shown in the Collection: Stamps and Coupons of the Republic of China from the Bowker Collection

Wen ( 孫文 ), was a great forerunner of the Chinese democratic revolution, a revolutionary, statesman, and theorist. He served as the first Provisional President of the Republic of China, Premier of the Chinese Nationalist Party, and Grand Marshal of the Revolutionary Government in Kwangchew. He was the founder of the Chinese Kuomintang and advocate of the Three Principles of the People, who raised the banner of complete anti-feudalism in China for the first time. (Figure 3 & 4) There are eleven Chen Yingshi 1-cent stamps. Chen Ying-shi ( 陳英士 , 18781916), a native of Huzhou, Chekiang Province, was a backbone of the Chinese Revolutionary League and served as the governor of the Shanghai Army. In the 2nd year of the Republic of China, Yuan Shikai plotted to claim the empire, and Chen Ying-shi rose up to fight against Yuan. After the defeat, he followed Sun Yat-sen to organize the Chinese Revolutionary Party in Japan and organized an armed riot against Yuan in Shanghai. He was assassinated in Shanghai by Yuan Shikai in the 5th year of the Republic. (Figure 5) There are three Deng Keng half-cent stamps. Deng Keng ( 鄧肯 , 1886-1922), formerly known as Shiyuan, was a native of Meixian County, Kwangtung Province. After the outbreak of the 1911 Revolution, he made his debut in Danshui, Huiyang to restore Huizhou. After rising against Yuan, he failed and joined the Chinese Revolutionary Party in Japan. Under Sun Yat-sen's orders, he returned to China and revolted as the commander-in-chief of the Guangdong antiYuan army in many places in Guangdong but failed. In 1921, he was the commander of the First Division of the Kwangchew Military Government and the chief of

staff of the General Headquarters. He was assassinated at the Guangjiu Station in Dashaotou, Kwangchew in 1922. (Figure 6)

After the Opium War in 1840, Shanghai became one of the five ports of commerce, and from 1845, Western concessions were set up here one after another. With the increase of the economy and population, industry and commerce also became very prosperous in Shanghai, so Shanghai was called "the prosperous metropolis infested with foreign adventurers". Due to the lack of fractional coins, a large number of vouchers were issued by various industries such as foreign banks and money changers, casinos and brothels, telephone and public transportation, and food and vegetable markets. In Bowker's two cardboard coin collecting pages, there are 20 coupons from Shanghai issued during the Republican period.

There are two bank coupons. One is a round paper coupon from Pao Sun Exchange Bank ( 寶生生錢 莊 ). The Pao Sun Exchange Bank was located at No. 305, Kanse Road, Tel: 17254. It traded gold, silver, and currency from various countries and also dealt in discounting bonds and notes. The bank was officially opened on April 12, 1943, and the Ministry of Finance of the Wang Jingwei Reorganized National Government issued business license number 2089 to the bank on September 11, 1944. Its chairman was Rao Kanru ( 勞侃如 ) and the General Manager was Chen Jinghan ( 陳景翰 ). The bank closed after the victory of the Japan-China War. The other one is a round paper coupon from the CHIN TAI BANK

Figure 3 Figure 4 Figure 5 Figure 6

MONEY EXCHANGE ( 勤泰錢莊 ). The bank was founded in Shanghai in 1943 and officially opened on July 29th of the same year. It was located at 312 Kanse Road, Tel.13129. On March 31, 1944, the Ministry of Finance of the Wang Jingwei Reorganized National Government issued business license No. 1320 to the bank. Zhang Qinxian ( 張勤賢 ) assumed both director and general manager positions. The bank closed after the victory of the Japan-China War. (Figure 7&8)

There are two beer coupons. One is a round paper coupon for EWO Brewery Ltd. EWO Brewery Ltd. (later Huaguang Beer) is an old Chinese beer brand from the last century, and it was started by the British EWO Brewery in Shanghai in 1933. (Figure 9) There are two candy store coupons. One was from DeLeonte (A. VANSOVICH Confectionery Café ) located at 1031 1033, N: Szechuan Road, Shanghai; TEL: (02)2335. (Figure 10) The other was from Ceatt Chocolates Confectionery. (Figure 11) There are two coupons for a vegetable market. The obverse of the coupon is written Yongsheng vegetable market, coupon, Ma Lishi. On the reverse it is written: "2 cents,

is invalid, stamped as proof". (Fig. 12 & 13)

is also a Russian coupon that has благотвор

written on the obverse. On the reverse is the serial number 0000649 and an oval stamp on which the text can be translated as "good for health". After the October Revolution in 1917, a large number of Russian refugees flew into Shanghai, including former aristocrats. In 1931, after Japanese occupied the Northeast China, a large number of Russian expatriates moved from Harbin to Shanghai. The total number of Russian expatriates in Shanghai in the 1930s amounted to 15,000 to 20,000, and most of them lived in the central part of the French Concession along Avenue Dubail, Route Vallon, and Route Pere Robert. Since many Russian expatriates opened clothing stores, bakeries, and cafés in the middle of Avenue Joffre, it is presumed that this coupon is from the Russian catering industry. (Figure 14)

There is a coupon for Ford Taxis on which it is written 'FORD TAXIS TEL: 30189(1)'. The most common cars in the Republican period were generally produced by the American Ford company, but at that time only

отд t п H ац i онал bн ком р.3.0.$0.01
Figure 7 Figure 8 Figure 9 Figure 10 Figure 11 Figure 12 Figure 13 Figure 14

the aristocracy could afford them. In Shanghai in the 1920s and 1930s, you could see American Fords and Chevrolets with steering wheels on the left, as well as French Citroens and Freightliner cars with steering wheels on the right. (Figure 15) There is one Shanghai Huacheng Thread Factory coupon on which it is written 'Shanghai Huacheng Thread Factory, Red Lion Brand, North Chekiang Road, West Tientung Road, Tel: 42485'. Huacheng Thread Factory produced Red Lion Brand waxed thread. It was waxed as to be stronger than ordinary thread. (Figure 16) There is a coupon from the Shanghai Yung Lung Factory which was located at No. 303, Route Alfread Magy in the French Concession, with serial number 1236 and a denomination of 1 cent on the reverse. (Figure 17) There are two theater coupons. One is for the costume drama [It] Happened in One Night starring Chen Yunshang at the Astor Theater. Located at 755 Avenue Edward Ⅶ (now East Yan'an Road), the Astor Theater was initiated by Tao Shouxun ( 陶壽遜 ), the owner of Suzhou Grand Theatre, and three other people. In January 1943, Astor joined the Shanghai Cinema Association, a group of 11 cinemas. In May of

the same year, Astor was forced to merge into Lianhua Film Company. After the victory of the Japan-China War, Astor Theater was returned to its original owners. Since then, it has been one of the main domestic film production companies together with Kun Lun Film Company, Wenhua Film Company, and others. (Figure 18)

It is interesting to note that five of the 20 pieces in the collection are coupons from philatelic and coin stores. Three pieces have 'GREETINGS FROM SHANGHAI 1939 A.A. KATKOFF STAMPS AND COINS FOR COLLECTORS 1434 Avenue Road Tel: 33548' written on them. The Avenue Road mentioned cannot be found now. There were many roads in the French Concession in the Republic of China named Avenue rather than Road, such as today's Middle Huaihai Road, which was called Avenue Joffre, and Hengshan Road, which was called Avenue Petain. There are also two coupons with ROMAN STAMP CO. 97B ROUTE VALLON SHANGHAI printed on them. Route Vallon is now Nanchang Road (the section from Yandang Road to South Xiangyang Road). (Figure 19.20)

Time has passed. From these Republican coupons, we can see a side of the entertainment life enjoyed by both Chinese and foreigners in the Shanghai Concession during the Republic of China period. From the analysis of the content and location of the coupons from money changers, coffee, beer, cinemas, stamp and coin stores, we can also know more about Bowker's daily life and hobbies during his stay in Shanghai.

Figure 15 Figure 16 Figure 17 Figure 18 Figure 19 Figure 20

◎ 周 邊〔上海〕

2022 年 7月,筆者有幸見到霍華德 · 佛蘭克林 · 包克的一些 舊藏:1本民國朱世傑編的《中國集郵圖譜》散頁;兩個硬 紙板做的錢幣收藏冊,冊中有未裝訂的《中國集郵圖譜》1 本、中華民國郵政郵票 20 枚、滬上民國各類代價券20 枚。 《中國集郵圖譜》是中國人最早出版的圖譜式貼票冊。編 寫人朱世傑是中華郵票會董事,新光郵票會理事、監事。 民國時在郵局任職期間,即已兼作業餘郵商,開設“集古 社”。1926 年 6月,《中國集郵圖譜》出版。《中國集郵圖譜》 是專貼華郵的郵冊,用優質的道林紙印刷,硬面燙金,活 頁裝訂,增減便利。圖譜內容分為三類,中國官郵局郵票, 上海工部書信館郵票和中國各商埠郵票。共計各類郵票 83 套,變體郵票920 枚,明信片 30 種。依各套枚數和尺寸製成, 空格上端注明刷色,每枚均印有銅版相片,便於收集者按 圖索驥。並有中國郵票的發行歷史與發展過程說明和記錄, 中英文合解,是第一本中國人自己編印的中國郵票貼票冊, 是當時中國集郵的指南,深受集郵者歡迎。1928 年增訂再 版,由 86頁增至96頁。 包克先生收藏的這本《中國集郵圖譜》計有42 張,未裝訂

道林軟紙,其中39 張左側有裝訂圓孔,3 張無裝訂孔。無 孔首頁上印有《中國集郵圖譜》貼票冊的圖樣,硬面活頁, 邊緣加印“中國集郵圖譜‘增編’在內 每部定價洋五元”字 樣。第2頁“目次”部分,增加了“八 . 勘誤”,原編目“四 . 臺 灣郵票,五 上海工部局書信館郵票”,互換了編目。由此 分析,39 張有裝訂孔的《中國集郵圖譜》紙張,可能是此 書的印刷校樣稿。3 張無裝訂孔的紙頁,應該是《中國集郵 圖譜》增訂再版的廣告或宣傳資料。對集郵者而言,彌足 珍貴,都是十分珍貴的集郵史資料。(圖1、2) 在兩頁硬紙錢幣收藏冊中,夾有民國郵票20 枚。其中有中 華民國郵政孫中山先生像 2分4 枚、5分2 枚。孫中山(18661925),原名孫文,中國民主革命的偉大先行者,革命家、 政治家、理論家。曾任中華民國第一任臨時大總統、中國 國民黨總理和廣州革命政府大元帥。是中國國民黨的創始 人,三民主義的宣導者,首次舉起了徹底反封建的旗幟。(圖 3、4)中華民國郵政陳英士烈士像1分11枚。陳英士 (1878 1916),浙江湖州人,同盟會主要骨幹之一,曾任滬軍都督。 民國2年袁世凱陰謀稱帝,陳英士奮起討袁。失敗後,追隨 孫中山先生在日本組織中華革命黨,並在上海組織反袁武

圖 1 圖 2 珍藏裏的“十裏洋場” —— 包克收藏的民國郵票與代價券

裝暴動。民國5年被袁世凱派人暗殺於上海。(圖5)中華民 國郵政鄧鏗烈士像半分3 枚。鄧鏗(1886 1922),原名仕元, 原籍廣東梅縣,辛亥革命爆發後,在惠陽淡水首義,光復 惠州。後起兵反袁,失敗後在日本加入中華革命黨,奉孫中 山之命回國,在廣東多地起義,並任廣東討袁軍總司令,均 未成功。1921年任廣州軍政府第一師師長兼總司令部參 謀長。民國11年被人暗殺於廣州大沙頭廣九車站。(圖6)

1840 年鴉片戰爭之後,上海成為五口通商的口岸之一, 1845 年起,西方在此陸續設立租界。隨著經濟與人口規模 的增大,工商業也十分繁榮,所謂“十裏洋場煙花地,風

路三一二號,電話一三一二九。勤泰錢莊於1943 年創立於上 海,同年 7月29日正式開業,1944 年3月31日汪偽政府財政 部發給錢字第1320 號營業執照。董事長總經理張勤賢。抗 戰勝利後停業。(圖7、8) 啤酒代價券兩枚:怡和啤酒( BEER )代價券,圓形紙質。 怡和啤酒是 20 世紀中國啤酒的老品牌,是英商怡和洋行於 1933 年在上海開辦怡和啤酒廠(後為華光啤酒廠)的產品。 (圖



雲際會上海灘”。由於缺乏小額輔幣,洋行錢莊、賭場妓院、 電話公交、飲食菜場等行業印發有大量的代價券。包克先 生的兩頁硬紙錢幣收藏冊中,就有民國時期上海的代價券 20 枚。 錢莊代價券計兩枚:一枚為寶甡錢莊代價券,圓形紙質。 寶甡錢莊,江西路三〇五號,電話:17254,買賣各國金銀 貨幣 ,兼營債券票據貼現。寶甡錢莊於1943 年 4月12日正 式開業,1944 年9月11日汪偽政府財政部發給錢字第2089 號營業執照。董事長勞侃如,總經理陳景翰。抗戰勝利 後停業。另一枚為勤泰錢莊代價券,圓形紙質。勤泰錢莊 (CHIN
A.VANSOVICH 糖果店)代價券兩枚: DeLeonte (A.VANSOVICH CONFECTIONERY CAFÉ) 1031 1033,N:SZECHUEN ROAD TEL:(02)2335 Shanghai,上海北四川路一〇三一、 一〇三三號。(圖10)Ceatt 牌巧克力糖果代價券1枚: Ceatt CHOCOLATES CONFECTIONERY。(圖 11)菜場代價券兩枚:淺藍色和淺米黃色各1枚,券文同: 圖 3 圖 7 圖 4 圖 8 圖 5 圖 9 圖 6 圖 10 圖 11 圖 12

正面“湧盛號小菜場,代價券,馬立師”。 背面“代價 2分, 塗改作廢,蓋印為憑”。(圖12 、13)有一枚俄文的代價券, благотвор отдt п H ац iоналbн ком р.3.0. $0.01,背 文:№ 0000649,蓋有橢圓形印章,文字意思是“有益健 康”。1917年十月革命後,大批俄國難民蜂擁抵滬,其中包 括前貴族。1931年,日本佔領東北後,又有大批俄僑從哈 爾濱轉移到上海。20 世紀 30 年代上海俄僑總數為1.5萬到 2 萬人。多數居住在法租界中部呂班路、環龍路、金神父路 一帶,在霞飛路中段開設服裝店、麵包房、咖啡館。推測 是俄僑飲食業的代價券。(圖14) 福特出租車代價券1枚:FORD TAXIS TEL:30189(1)。 民國時期最為常見的車型一般都是由美國的福特公司生產, 但是當時只有貴族才能夠使用,20 世紀二三十年代的上海 街頭,可以看到方向盤位於左側的美國福特和雪佛蘭,也

5月,滬光被迫併入偽“華影” 公司。抗戰勝利後,滬光大戲院歸還原主。此後,滬光一 直以放映昆侖、文華等影業公司出產的國產片為主。(圖18) 有意思的是,收藏的 20 枚代價券中有5 枚是集郵集幣 收藏品商店發行的,3 枚英文 GREETINGS FROM SHANGHAI 1939 A.A.KATKOFF STAMPS AND COINS FOR COLLECTORS 1434 Avenue Road Tel:33548 。翻成中文是:來自上海的問候,1939 年, A.A.KATKOFF 郵票和硬幣收藏家,大街路1434,電話: 33548 。這裏的 Avenue Road 沒有查到,Avenue 就是 大街的意思。民國法租界內道路用 Avenue 有很多,不用 Road ,例如今天的淮海中路,當時稱“霞飛路”(Avenue Joffre),衡山路當時稱“貝當路”( Avenue Petain)。兩 枚 ROMAN STAMP CO. 97B ROUTE VALLON SHANGHAI 代價券。中文:羅馬郵票有限公司,上海環 龍路 97B 。環龍路即現在南昌路(雁蕩路至襄陽南路這一

能看到方向盤位於右側的法國雪鐵龍和萊納脫牌汽車。(圖 15)上海華成線廠代價券1枚:上海華成線廠,紅獅牌,北 浙江路天潼路西 電話:四二四八五。華成線廠生產紅獅牌 蠟線。蠟線是線的上面塗了蠟,所以比普通線更結實。(圖 16)另有上海雲隆(YUNG LONG)代價券1枚,面中心 “雲隆”外環“ 上海法租界麥祺路三〇三號”及英文,背: 代價壹分1236 。(圖17)劇院代價券兩枚:滬光大劇院,古 裝巨片,一夜皇后,陳雲裳主演。 滬光大劇院位於愛多亞 路(今延安東路)755號,由蘇州大光明戲院老闆陶壽遜 等3人發起建造。1943 年1月,滬光加入了由11家戲院組成 的“上海影院聯合組織”。同年
段)。(圖19、20) 時光荏苒,收藏卻可使歷史再現。我們如今從這些民國代 價券上,可以看到民國上海租界內華洋同處娛樂生活的一 個側面。上述錢莊、咖啡、啤酒、影院、集郵集幣商店等 代價券的內容,以及地點大都分佈在租界內,也使我們瞭 解到收藏者包克先生在上海期間的業餘生活與收藏愛好的 軌跡。 圖 13 圖 17 圖 14 圖 18 圖 15 圖 19 圖 16 圖 20

The God of Wealth and the Local Silver

In the late Ming and early Qing dynasties, horseshoe silver ingot, square trough ingot, round ingot, stone trough ingot, camellia-shaped ingot, round trough ingot, turtle-shaped ingot, mirror-shaped ingot, waist ingots, and many other silver ingots of different shapes, sizes, and names emerged in different regions of China, disrupting the law of the ingot shape development, that is, the shape of ingot tended to change according to a timeline over the past thousand years. Silver ingots of various shapes and sizes were circulating in different regions at one time, and these so-called "local silver" changed the stereotype of Chinese silver ingots among the public.1

Due to the existence of the local silver, each region set its own standards for the circulation of silver ingots, including the weight, purity, shape, and the related public identification system. Only those meeting the standard were allowed to circulate.

The local silver, as a monetary fortress built locally, was to keep out silver ingots from other regions. It cost 1-5% value of the silver to recast the ingots from other regions to local ingots. This brought a lot of business to the silver casting industry in the Qing dynasty, but it was also the reason why unified and foreign silver

dollars with clear denominations became popular and replaced the silver ingots.

Although the local silver was given birth from the corrupt custom of protectionism, such a backward monetary system accidentally preserved the unique cultural features of each place.

The God of Wealth is commonly worshipped by the traditional money industry, but this Taoist god differs from place to place due to allusions and sayings. The commonly known Gods of Wealth include Wang Hai ( 王亥 ), Bi Gan ( 比干 ), Zhao Gongming ( 趙公明 ), Liu Haichan ( 劉海蟾 ), etc., and even the God of Land was sometimes worshipped as the God of Wealth. The costumes of these legendary characters were mostly imaginative, so their figures tended to be interesting and sometimes even amusing. The ingot carried by the God of Wealth is derived from the ingot in circulation at that time, so it is an excellent object for observing and studying the local silver.

For example, figure 1 shows the God of Wealth on a silver decoration of a hat. Although I do not know which character it is from, it looks like a fat landlord who is smiling and squinting his eyes. There is a large

Stephen Tai〔Taipei〕
Note: 1 Stephen Tai,A Study on SquareTroughs:To Explore the History of Silver Ingots, Chapter 1 - The Exploration on the Origin of Square Troughs

ingot on his fat belly, which could be the local silver to the north of the Huaihe River.

The tablet ingot was the local silver used throughout Yunnan province in the late Qing dynasty, and it was used in trade among the people and taxation by the government. Kunming's distribution industry made offerings to the God of Wealth and held a meeting in the temple of the God of Wealth in the spring annually to elect the official responsible for identifying the weight and quality of ingots 2 . The purpose of this ritual was to circulate the tablet ingot on the basis of the joint certification of the public identification system and the God of Wealth. The temple of the God of Wealth is dedicated to Zhao Gongming, a black-faced, bearded man riding a black tiger, with a silver whip in his left hand and an ingot in his right hand, who was well-matched in strength with Jiang Taigong ( 姜太公 ) in The Legend of the Gods (《封神演 義》). However, the ingot in the hand of the statue of Zhao Gongming was changed to a tablet ingot for the

purpose of local adaptation. (Figures 2 and 3)

As for Taiwan, foreign coins were widely used along the coast of Fukien in the late Ming and early Qing dynasties. After the Sino-Japanese War, Taiwan was ceded to Japan by the Qing government, so no silver ingots were used there any longer. Therefore, when the Taipei Silver House Association was founded in 1931, the statue of the worshipped God of Wealth, Bi Gan, just had his hand in his sleeve, probably because ingots were no longer in circulation in Taiwan (Figure 4, source: Taipei City Gold, Silver and Jewelry Association website), making him a rare God of Wealth who did not show his "treasures". It can be seen that the figure of the god of wealth was changing along with the diversification of the local currency in circulation.

2 Chang Yongseng ( 張庸僧 ), The Relationship and Role of the Distribution Industry inYunnan's Economic Sector in the Late Qing Dynasty,Selected Literary and Historical Materials ofYunnan, 1963. Figure 1 The God of Wealth on a silver hat Figure 3 Bi Gan, the God of Wealth Figure 2-1 Zhao Gongming with a silver whip in his left hand and a silver ingot in his right hand Figure 2-2 The silver ingot in the right hand

明末清初,樣貌、大小、名稱各不同的銀錠,如馬蹄銀、 方鏪、圓錠、石鏪、茶花、圓鏪、龜寶、鏡面、腰錠等, 在中國各地爭相湧現,打亂了過去千百年來銀錠形制堅守 時間軸 (Timeline) 發展的腳步。一時間,各形各式的銀錠, 在不同區域流通。這些所謂的“地形銀”(Local silver), 改變了以往人們對於中國銀錠的印象1 。

藉由地形銀,各地紛紛自訂白銀的流通標準,包括銀錠的 重量、成色、造型以及相關的檢查制度等,只有符合標準 者才放行流通。

地形銀,形同在各地築起的貨幣堡壘,將外來銀錠阻絕於 外,投爐改鑄必須花上1%-5% 不等的費用,這為清代各地 銀爐業帶來許多生意,卻也是後來整齊劃一、論枚計值的 外國銀元受到普遍歡迎,大幅取代銀錠貨幣的原因。

不過,地形銀雖然是出於保護主義的地方陋規,但落後的 貨幣制度卻意外地為各地保留下特有的文化色彩。

傳統銀錢業普遍供奉財神,不過,這尊道教創造的神祉, 往往因同時存在着典故與說法,各地供奉對象就有所不同, 王亥、比幹、趙公明、劉海蟾,等等,甚至土地公福德正神, 都先後當了財神。這些傳說中人物的尊容扮相,多是出於想 象力,充滿趣味,令人莞爾。民間財神隨身攜帶財寶的形象,

, 是清末雲南的地形銀,交易於民、納稅於官,全 省通用。昆明兼銷業祭祀供奉財神,每年春天時分在財神 廟內集會推選公估 2 ,目的就是要將牌坊錠同時建立在公估 制度與財神的共同認證基礎之上,施行不悖。財神廟裏供 奉着《封神演義》所描述黑面濃須,騎坐黑虎,左手持銀鞭、 右手持元寶,與姜太公大戰數百回合的趙公明。不過,因 地制宜的關係,趙公明神像改成手拿牌坊錠了。( 圖2) 臺灣,早在明末清初與福建沿海就一起流通洋錢,到了甲 午戰後被清廷割讓給日本,更是不曾用過銀錠。因此,臺 北市銀樓業者在昭和六年 (1931) 發起聚寶協會時,所供奉 的財神 ( 聚寶尊王 ) 比幹,大概是因已不再流通銀錠,乾 脆將手收到衣袖裏 ( 圖3,來源:臺北市金銀珠寶同業公會 網頁 ),成為極罕見不秀出“寶貝”的財神。由此可知,各 地貨幣不僅多樣化,財神與財富的形象,都跟著改變了。

無不是來自當時社會流通的貨幣,因此就成為觀察研究地 形銀的絕佳對象。 例如,一件銀帽花上的財神,雖不知本於何一人物,活像 一個笑得瞇起眼的胖員外,但肥肚上擱着一只大元寶,應 是影射的淮河以北的地形銀。 ( 圖1) 牌坊錠
◎ 戴學文〔臺北〕 財神與地形銀 注釋: 1 筆者:《方鏪考——一種歷史銀錠的探索》,第一章 方鏪探源。 2 張庸僧:《清末“兼銷業”在雲南經濟界的關係和作用》,收錄於《雲南文史資料選輯》,1963 年。 圖1 銀帽花上 的財神 圖2-1 左手持銀鞭、 右手持元寶的財神 趙公明 圖3 財神(聚寶尊王)比幹 圖2-2 局部, 右手拿元寶

A Study of the 1918 Kashgar Intendent Zhu Ruichi Commemorative Peace Medal

Abstract: The 1918 Kashgar Intendent Zhu Ruichi Commemorative Peace Medal is a recently found medal, and which is the same style as the Kashgar copper minted coin in the early years of the Republic. Due to the fact numerous special pieces were made in Kashgar and the lack of literature, many mysteries have been left in the numismatic community. This article uses a combination of research methods such as documentary analysis, observation, fieldwork, and oral history to restore the specific social and historical background in which the medal was issued. The article argues that Kashgar Intendent Zhu Ruichi ( 朱瑞墀 ) issued this commemorative peace medal for his longing for the dawn of peace against an optimistic situation at home and abroad since China was about to participate in the Paris Peace Conference as a victorious power on December 21, 1918, just after the armistice of the First World War and he perceived a new opportunity in his dealings with the Russians and British. However, weak countries are diplomatically underprivileged. The news sent back of China's diplomatic defeat at the Paris Peace Conference awakened hundreds of millions of Chinese people, signaling a stormy struggle was coming.

Keywords: Kashgar Intendent, Zhu Ruichi, Commemorative Peace Medal, Frontier Crisis, Victory in Europe

In modern China, there were many varieties of silver and copper coins minted in Kashgar, Sinkiang, China which have always been of interest to the numismatic community. In the summer of 2021, I was informed that a unique medal from Kashgar in the collection of a fellow collector had recently been returned from overseas and was in good condition. Since I have been attached to Kashi and coins since my adolescence, and Kashgar medals are rare, I was interested in researching its origins.

I. I.The design and mystery of the medal

This round Intendent Zhu Ruichi Commemorative Peace Silver Medal is 45.5 mm in diameter and 26.0 grams in weight with a small convex dot on the center of the obverse. Inside the circle on the obverse, it is inscribed with characters which means ‘the commemoration of peace’, and at the outer ring, it

is written “Kashgar Intendent Zhu Ruichi on the December 21, the seventh year of the Republic of China (1918)” in Chinese. On the reverse, the characters which mean commemoration are inscribed vertically. There is also a hook for wearing the medal at 12:00 (Figure 1).

Figure 1 Kashgar Intendent Zhu Ruichi Commemorative Peace Medal

The author noticed that there is an obvious seam at the outer edge of the reverse. After consulting with He Junfeng ( 何峻 峰 ), a collector who is familiar with the Kashgar coin minting process, I know that the two sides were minted separately and then joined as one. This is different from the minting process of the common Kashgar coins, that is, minting by pressing on a coin blank in one stage. Given the small mintage of this type of medal, it is the best choice to commission the local Kashgar mint to produce.

The inscription on the medal indicates that the medal was issued to celebrate the peace, Kashgar Intendent Zhu Ruichi is the advocator of the celebration and December 21, 7th year of the Republic of China is the date. However, it is necessary to consider the specific social and historical environment of the time to clarify the reason for minting this medal.

II. Kashgar silver and copper dollars of various special examples

The Kashgar Intendent Zhu Ruichi Commemorative Peace Medal is in line with other Kashgar silver and copper dollars as regards to style. A review of the general characteristics of the Kashgar coins will help to understand the design and minting of this medal and its research situation.

coins, which contrasts sharply with their wide varieties. The minting in Kashgar at the end of the Qing dynasty is only recorded in the Record of Sinkiang (《 新疆圖志 》), there are few written records in the early Republican period. The study and catalog of Kashgar silver and copper dollars in the late Qing dynasty and early Republican period is based on the existing coins. In the Illustrations of Chinese Gold, Silver, And Nickel Coins (《中國金銀鎳幣圖說》) by Chiang Chung-Chuan ( 蔣仲川 ), it is mentioned when discussing the Kashgar coins that "the die of Kashgar coins varies, with the inscription of two characters which mean Kashgr or three characters which mean being made in Kashgar. The varieties are too numerous to mention. If you make a careful differentiation, there will be dozens of types.” 2

For various reasons, there are many special examples to the Kashgar coins beyond rules of minting. For instance, the Kashgar 5 Mace coin numbered C2-70 in the IllustratedCatalog of Chinese Coins (《中國近代鑄幣匯考》) by Kalgan Shih was minted in the first year of Xuantong’s reign, and no other silver coins were made in that year. Also, its name is unique as it is called Xuantong Silver Coin rather than Xuantong “Ingot”. This is inconsistent with the common name of silver coins, that is, the Qing coins are usually named as Qing Silver Coins, while this coin was named with the name of the emperor.3

The Kashgar Mint was called the Kashgar Bureau in the Qing dynasty, and the inscriptions on its coins mostly indicate their place of minting. The mint used the local traditional semimanual minting process, which makes its coinage unique and interesting. The silver dollar minted in Kashgar is of high purity, the largest mintage and most diverse varieties1 among three major mints in Sinkiang (the other two are the Dihua Mint and Aksu Mint). After the reform of the coinage system at the end of Qing dynasty, the Kashgar Mint was one of the few mints that were kept except for the branches of the Tientsin Mint.

It is noteworthy that there are very few records of Kashgar

From the point of its design, the obverse design is close to that of the 1916 Kashgar copper coin and the 1921 Sinkiang Kashgar copper coin from the early Republican period.

The inscription of characters in the outer circle of this medal has as many as 18 characters, which makes the date "December 21, Seventh Year of the Republic of China" compact. The engraver placed the character " 二 " (two) in the lower left margin of the character " 十 " (ten) and the character " 一 " (one) below the character " 廿 " (twenty), and omitted the character " 日 " (day). Such a treatment can also be seen in the 1922 Sinkiang Kashgar copper coin.

1 Shi Songlin ( 史松霖 ), Shanghai Numismatic Society, Outline of Numismatics (《錢幣學綱要》), Shanghai Ancient Books Press, 1995, p. 200.

2 Chiang Chung-Chuan, Illustrations of Chinese Gold, Silver and Nickel Coins, Tianjin Ancient Books Press, 1995, p. 25.

3 Kalgan Shih, Illustrated Catalog of Chinese Coins, Shanghai Bookstore Press, 1989, pp. 41, 43.

專題 FEATURES 87JEAN 28 Notes:

III. Zhu Ruichi's Career as a Border Official

During the late Qing and Republican periods, Zhu Ruichi held important positions in Sinkiang, and in his later years, he was acting president of the Sinkiang provincial government. Nevertheless, Zhu Ruichi is not much mentioned in the historical record. The author makes a brief biography of Zhu Ruichi based on the previous study.

Zhu Ruichi was born in the first year of Tongzhi ’s reign (1862). His early experience can be learned from The Latest Biographical Repertoire of Officials and Gentries (《 最新官紳 履歷匯錄 》) published in 1920. “Zhu Ruichi, fifty-five years old, a native of Huoqiu, Anhwei, was first a Lingsheng ( 廩 生 , a student given money and food subsidies by the state or county government in the Ming and Qing dynasties.) Then, he was appointed as a general magistrate in Sinkiang, a governor of Pishan, a governor of Baosheng, a councilor of the Sinkiang Finance Bureau, a supervisor of Kashi, a supervisor of Zhendi, and Aksu Intendent successively.4 According to the Record of Sinkiang, Zhu Ruichi established two schools when he was the governor of Pishan County, and eight schools when he was the governor of Yutian County at the end of the Qing dynasty.5

Shortly after the outbreak of the 1911 Yili Uprising, Sinkiang governor Yuan Dahua ( 袁大化 ) left Sinkiang, and Yang Zengxin ( 楊增新 ) succeeded as the governor. Then, Yang dispatched Zhu Ruichi, Zhou Dequan ( 周得全 ), and other officials as representatives to negotiate with the rebels of Yili in the Tacheng region, known as the Sinkiang-Yili Negotiation at Tacheng.6 This was a peace conference in which Zhu Ruichi was directly involved.7

Figure 2 Zhu Ruichi served in the Aksu Chief Executive (Yuan Fuli photoed)

as the supervisor of Zhendi and Jungar. From 1914 to 1917, he served as the Intendent of Aksu, and from 1917 to 1924, the Intendent of Kashgar. From 1925 to 1931, he was the Intendent of Aksu (Figure 2), during which Zhu Ruichi's daughter Zhu Yuying ( 朱玉英 ) married the then governor of Kuche County, Jin Shuren's ( 金樹仁 ) son Jin Zuoding ( 金作鼎 ). Then, Zhu and Jin became relatives by marriage.

After Jin Shuren became the governor of Sinkiang Province, he appointed Zhu Ruichi as the provincial finance minister in 1931. In the same year, Jin Shuren also arranged Jin Zuoding, Zhu Yuning ( 朱玉寧 , the son of Zhu Ruichi) and other five people to study abroad in Germany, then known as the "five gentry".8 Because the Sinkiang Provincial Bank is subordinate to the Ministry of Finance, in June 1932, the Finance Minister Zhu Ruichi acted as the Chairman of the Council of the Sinkiang Provincial Bank

In 1913, Zhu Ruichi was responsible for military supplies in Gucheng City (now Qitai). In the same year, Zhu Ruichi served

bank manager.9 According to Zhu Ruichi, "Yang Zengxin only issued one tael provincial notes, with more than 1.3 million taels being issued per month. When it came to the Jin Shuren’s period, three tael and five tael provincial notes were issued, with more than 7.5 million taels being issued per month.10

代史研究》), 1987 (No. 1), pp. 147-164.

8 Chai Hengsen ( 柴恒森 ): Jin Shuren's Sending Students to Study Abroad in Germany ( 《金樹仁向德國送留學生的情況》), Selected Literary and Historical Materials of Sinkiang ( 《新 疆文史資料選輯》), Series 5, Sinkiang People's Publishing House, 1980, pp. 85-86.

9 Economic Research Office of the General Administration Office of the Bank of China, National Bank Yearbook (1936) (《全國銀行年鑒(1936 年)》), Economic Research Office of the General Administration Office of the Bank of China, 1936, p. 162.

10 Wu Aichen ( 吳藹宸 ), Travel in Sinkiang ( 《新疆紀遊》), Commercial Press, 1936.4, p. 123. Quoted from Cai Jinsong ( 蔡錦松 ), Sheng Shih-Ts'ais in Sinkiang ( 《盛世才在新疆》), Henan People's Publishing House, 1998.08, p. 41.

4 Fu Wenshe, The Latest Biographical Repertoire of Officials and Gentries (Volume I), The Commercial Press, 1920, p. 29. 5 Wang Shuzhan ( 王樹枬 ); Zhu Yuqi ( 朱玉麒 ), The Record of Sinkiang Index 2, Shanghai Ancient Books Press, 2017, p. 733. 6 Feng Youzhen ( 馮有真 ), Sinkiang Inspection Records (《新疆視察記》), World Book Bureau, 1934, p. 37. 7 Lu Yiran ( 呂一燃 ), A Few Questions about the Sinkiang-Yili Negotiations in Tacheng in 1912 ( 《關於一九一二年“新伊塔城談判”的幾個問題》), Studies in Modern History ( 《近

After the Hami Incident in 1931, Jin Shuren dispatched Zhu Ruichi as the commander of the First Master in 1932 to govern Hami and defend against the attack from Ma Zhongying's ( 馬 仲英 ) army. Based on this experience, Zhu Ruichi wrote A Brief Account of the Siege of Hami (《 哈密被圍記略 》 , Lead Printing in Dihua in 1932).11 This is one of the few known writings by Zhu Ruichi.

In 1933, after the 412 Coup in Dihua (now Urumqi), Sheng Shih-Ts'ais ( 盛世才 ) became the temporary border governor of Sinkiang. Next year, he became the president of the Sinkiang provincial government. In the transitional period of a year, Liu Wenlong ( 劉文龍 ), Zhu Ruichi, Li Rong ( 李溶 ) and other seniors served as the president of the Sinjiang provincial government in turn.12 According to the Yearbook of Current Affairs (《時事年鑒》), “on January 22n, 1934, 144th meeting: it is decided that the Sinkiang provincial president Liu Wenlong is allowed to have two months of sick leave, and the provincial government member and Finance Minister Zhu Ruichi assume the position of provincial president temporarily. on April 22nd, 1934, 144th meeting: The president reported that the member of the Sinkjiang provincial government and the Director of Civil Affairs (note: should be the Finance Minister) acted president of the Sinkiang provincial government were absent due to illness, which left the chairman and the Director of Civil Affairs vacant, so the provincial government member Li Rong act the position for the time."13 In 1934, Zhu Ruichi died of illness at the age of 72.

IV. The Situation of Kashgar Intendent Zhu Ruichi at the Beginning of His New Position

In the Chinese, Russian and British rivalries for Kashgar during the late Qing and early Republican periods, Russia held the upper hand for most of the time and the parties maintained a fragile balance. The local authorities did their best to maintain the situation. However, the outbreak of the October Revolution

and the fall of the Tsarist regime led to a vacuum of influence in the Sinkiang region. This provided the Sinkiang and local authorities with favorable conditions to recover some of their privileges previously seized by the powers.

Zhu Ruichi had assumed the position of Kashgar Intendent from 1917 to 1924 for nearly eight years. The period of time most closely associated with the medal is the nearly two years between January 1917 and December 1918. “ The Great Presidential Decree on January 13, (1917) ...... Zhu Ruichi is appointed for the Intendent of Kashgar, Sinkiang” (Figure 3).

“ The Great Presidential Decree on February 13: Foreign Affairs Minister Wu Tingfang ( 伍廷芳 ) petitioned for the appointment of Zhu Ruichi to handle the Kashgar diplomatic matters." Then, Zhu Ruichi served as the administrator of Kashgar and undertook foreign diplomatic affairs.

For more than a year thereafter, Zhu Ruichi's political achievements were recognized by his superiors. And "On November 4, (1918), the Great Presidential Decree...... Zhu Ruichi to give the third-class Commemorative Grain Medal (Figure 4).”14

11 Wu Aichen, Travel in Xinjiang, Commercial Press, 1935.10, p. 185.

12 Wang Jiqing ( 王冀青 ), A

of the Manuscript of the

of Stein's

13 The Editorial Department of the Military News Agency, Current Affairs

Expedition to China in the Oxford University Collection (《斯坦因第四次中

England, Gansu Education Press, 2004, p. 229.

(《時事年鑒》), Shanghai, General Military News Agency, 1934, p. 6, p. 21.

14 The Order (《命令》) was published in the Shun Pao on November 8, 1918. Also seen in Government Bulletin (Nov. 1918) (《政府公報》), p. 104.

Fourth Archaeological
國考古日記考釋 英國牛津大學藏斯坦因第四次中亞考察旅行日記手稿整理研究報告》),
Figure 3 Shun Pao reported the appointment of Zhu Ruichi as the Kashgar Intendent in Xinjiang

With the changing situation at home and abroad, Yang Zengxin instructed Kashgar Intendent Zhu Ruichi to gradually withdraw the tax-free privileges of Russian and British merchants and citizens in Sinkiang, which can be seen in the catalog of the second volume of the seventh series of Yang’s Official Documents and Correspondence at the Buguo Study (《 補過 齋文牘 》). Related documents include The Notice to Russian Tax Bureau in Sinkiang for the Taxation on Russian Merchants for Transporting Goods from the Kashgar Intendent, The Notice to the Russian Consul on the Taxation of the Russians in Aksu Count, The Notice on the Discrepancies of the Russian Merchants in Goods Transportation Articles from the Kashgar Intendent, The Direct to the British Consulate for the Taxation on British from the Kashgar Intendent, and The Telegram to Kashgar Intendent Zhu on the Agreement for the Goods Transportation of Russians.

Internationally, the First World War had come to an end. Armistice Day was November 11, 1918, and China was about to dispatch a delegation to the Paris Peace Conference (which began on January 18, 1919), during which the Chinese people had an aspiration of participating in the Paris Peace Conference as a victorious country.

Domestically, the North-South Peace Talks was taking place. After the outbreak of the Law-Protecting Movement in 1917, the troops for the protection of Provisional Constitution, with Sun Yat-sen ( 孫中山 ) as the marshal, fought with the troops led by the warlord Tuan Chi-rui ( 段祺瑞 ) from Anhwei in Hunan. On November 16, 1918, Hsu Shi-chang ( 徐世昌 )

issued an armistice, and on the 23rd, the Southern Military Government also ordered an armistice. From then, the NorthSouth War was transformed into the North-South Peace Talks. In February 1919, a meeting was held between the Peking government and the troops protecting the Provisional Constitution in the south to negotiate an armistice. December 21, 1918 was between the points of North-South Armistice and the North-South Peace Talks.

In 1920, Zhu Ruichi stopped the consular rights of Tsarist Russia in Kashgar on behalf of the Chinese side. On January 18, 1921, the Russian consular office handed over its office, documents, and apparatus to Kashgar Intendent and foreign affair official Zhu Ruichi for protection.

V. Reasons for the Issuance of the Medal

Regarding the reason for the issuance of this medal, there are two records on the Chinese and foreign events around the end of 1918 worthy of attention.

The author discussed the above two scenarios with other coin researchers and collectors. Some questioned whether Kashgar Intendent Zhu Ruichi could respond in a timely manner to domestic and international events that took place thousands of miles away and issue a commemorative medal as Kashgar, Sinkiang, was remote and poorly informed under the social and historical conditions of the time. This issue has been explained by the author. However, some researchers and collectors held that the direct reason for the medal issuance might be related to the favorable situation of Kashgar in the negotiation with Russia and Britain.

So, why does this medallion have such an exact date "December 21, the 7th year of the Republic of China? ” December 21, 1918, was the night of the winter solstice, so the date might be inscribed for the prayer of blessing. However, the date might be the date for the decision to issue a medal. The author found a telegram about the Law-Protection Movement, namely, Tang Chi-rao's Proposal for an Armistice by Land Secession to

Figure 4 Shun Pao reported the award of third-class Commemorative Grain Medal to Zhu Ruichi

Hsu Shi-chang" (December 21, 1918).15 Tang Chi-yao sent this telegram as he was dissatisfied with the advance of the troops from the North even after the explicit ceasefire, and he proposed two pieces of advice to achieve peace. The first paragraph reads as follows: "(The title is omitted) a telegram to Peking: To Mr. Hsu Chu-ren ( 徐菊人 ) in Peking: I received a telegram from Chien Neng-hsun ( 錢能訓 ) on the 30th of last month. He said that it was intended to immediately expressly order the troops at the frontiers to withdraw for the sake of peace, and he believed I would agree that both sides should withdraw in order based on negotiation due to patriotism. Also, I received another telegram. It indicated that the central government wanted to achieve peace and wanted to win the confidence of the world, so that it had ordered a truce on the 16th. We held a meeting with the merchant representatives, military, and government at once to solve the law and political problems and then ordered a truce on the 3rd day of this month. After that, I sent an open telegram that if we want the world to be peaceful, we must realize peace domestically. I hereby expressly ordered the cessation of war and the retreat of troops, and I hope to receive your reply soon.” From the contents of the telegram, December 21, 1918, is not the key time point of the North-South Armistice or North-South Peace Talks. In addition, Sinkiang Governor Yang Zengxin had always pursued the strategy of "determining the advantages and disadvantages only by its external name, personal title or organizational level, regardless of its true level", so he only reported to the Chilhi Government. Since he followed the government in the north, he would not use the date of the telegram from the government in the south as a date for commemoration.

the press reports of that time, the term "celebrating the peace" which was inscribed on the medal was mainly found in articles celebrating the armistice of World War I. In the November 19, 1918 issue of The Times, Cheng Mingde's ( 程明 德 ) HangchewCelebratestheVictoryoftheAlliedPowers ( 《 杭 垣慶賀協約國戰勝紀聞》) begins with the words "celebrating

the peace". I think "celebrating the peace" is a grand commemorative theme which is related to national security. Zhu Ruichi should not issue such a medal due to the ease of border situation in Kashgar but for a larger commemorative intention, such as commemorating the "European victory and world peace" or "North-South Peace Talks and Unification", or commemorating both.

Concluding Remarks

The experience of Zhu Ruichi when he was Kashgar Intendent is clearly illustrated as above. Zhu Ruichi had an insightful judgment on the declaration of war between China and Germany, the Russian revolution, and its specific impact on Kashgar. China, as one of the victorious countries involved in World War I, was on the verge of peace, so it made sense for Zhu Ruichi to issue a commemorative medal. However, what happened to China at the Paris Peace Conference soon afterward was something that Zhu and all Chinese people had never expected. At this time of national crisis, the struggle for the salvation of the Chinese nation is about to reach a new turning point, which was like the calm before the storm.

Some scholars believe that the coin and medal inscriptions are historical materials that are more reliable and can make an addition and correction to historical research. The discovery of this Kashgar Intendent Zhu Ruichi Medal for Celebrating the Peace reflects the Kashgar people located in the border areas have a shared destiny and hope for a bright future as people in other places of the country in the early years of the Republic of China. A more in-depth study of this medal requires the use of related archives and the discovery of more medal-related items.

I would like to express my appreciation to the support of He Junfeng, Su Junfei, and other coin collectors who provided me with some photos in this article.

15 Tang Rexiang, Tang Chi-rao's Proposal for an Armistice by Land Secession to Hsu Shi-chang (December 21, 1918)
The Compilation of Historical Documents of the Law-Protection Movement (Volume 3)
(《護法運動史料彙編 3》), Huacheng
2003, p. 252.

◎ 成 斌〔烏魯木齊〕

摘要 :1918 年“喀什道尹朱瑞墀共慶升平紀念”章是近年新發現的一種幣章,它與民國初年的喀什造銅元風格如出一轍。 由於喀什造幣特例繁多,加之文獻缺乏,在泉界留下了不少難解之謎。文章綜合運用了文獻分析、幣章觀察、實地考察、口述 歷史等多種研究方法,還原該紀念章發行的特定社會歷史環境。文章認為,1918 年 12 月 21 日正值第一次世界大戰停戰之後, 中國即將以戰勝國身份參加巴黎和會,與此同時,喀什道尹朱瑞墀在與俄、英交涉中也覺察到了新的轉機。看到國際國內形 勢一度向好,使得朱瑞墀憧憬着和平曙光,故而發行了這枚紀念章,以示共慶升平。然而“弱國無外交”,中國在巴黎和會上 外交失敗的消息傳回國內,喚起了億萬國人的覺醒,一場暴風驟雨式的鬥爭即將到來。


近代以來,中國新疆喀什所鑄造的銀幣、銅幣品種繁多, 有不少珍品、佳品傳世,向來受泉界所關注。2021年夏日, 筆者獲悉,某泉友收藏有一枚與新疆喀什相關的稀見紀念 章,系近年從海外回流,且保存狀況良好。目前所知為孤品。 由於筆者年少時曾在喀什與錢幣結緣,而且喀什題材紀念 章實屬罕見,遂引發了研究興趣,對其來龍去脈做了考證。

圖1 喀什道尹朱瑞墀“共慶升平紀念”章

毫米,重 26.0克,銀質。該章正面中心有一凸型小圓點,

從該紀念章上的銘文可知“共慶升平”為紀念主題,“喀什 道尹朱瑞墀”為紀念章的宣導人,“中華民國七年十二月廿 一”為紀念日期。但要弄清製作這枚紀念章的原由,需要 從當時的特定社會歷史環境進行考量。

二 品種龐雜特例頻出的“喀什造”銀元銅元

喀什道尹朱瑞墀“共慶升平”紀念章與“喀什造”銀元、銅 元可謂一脈相承,通過對“喀什造”錢幣的一般特徵的梳理, 將有助於理解這枚紀念章的設計鑄造及研究境遇。

FEATURES 專題 92 JEAN 28 1918 年 “喀什道尹朱瑞墀共慶升平紀念”章考
一 紀念章的形制與謎題 這枚喀什道尹朱瑞墀“共慶升平”紀念章為正圓形,直徑 45.5
分內外兩層圈,外圈內環刻“中華民國七年(1918 年)十二 月廿一喀什道尹朱瑞墀”字樣,內圈中間“共慶升平”四字 對讀。章背面豎鐫“紀念”二字。章正上方還有一個用於佩 戴的掛鉤(圖1)。 筆者觀悉該章背面外緣有明顯的接縫。經詢熟悉喀什錢幣 鑄造工藝的何峻峰泉友知,其製作工藝應為正反面分別刻 印後,再嵌接為一體。這與尋常的喀什錢幣使用胚餅壓印 花紋一次成型的鑄造工藝不同。但此種類型的紀念章發行 量極少,委託當地的喀什造幣廠製作應是最佳選擇。

喀什造幣廠在清代稱喀什噶爾局,其錢幣銘文多冠以紀地 “喀什造”或“喀造”,使用當地傳統的半手工式土法機具 造幣工藝,所造錢幣別具一格,耐人尋味。喀什鑄的銀元 成色高,在三家新疆造幣廠(另有迪化、阿克蘇造幣廠)中 鑄量最多,品種最雜。 1清末幣制改革後,喀什造幣廠是在 造幣總廠分廠外保留下來的少數造幣廠之一。

值得注意的是,關於“喀什造”錢幣的文獻記載寥寥無幾, 與其龐雜的品類形成了鮮明反差。清末喀什造幣情形尚且 有《新疆圖志》記載,而民國前期的文字記載則十分罕見。 致使對於清朝末年民國前期“喀什造”銀元、銅元的研究, 基本依據錢幣實物構建編制譜系。蔣仲川在《中國金銀鎳 幣圖說》中論及新疆喀什造之光緒通寶時,稱“其模型不 一,有喀什二字者,有喀什造三字者,複雜情形,不勝枚舉, 細細別之,當亦不止數十種。”2 由於種種原因,“喀什造”錢幣還有許多造幣規律之外的特 例。如施嘉幹編《中國近代鑄幣匯考》所載,C2-70宣統 銀幣喀什造五錢,系宣統元年鑄造,其年未見造其他銀幣, 且性質獨稱銀幣,不遵慣例元寶稱謂,與普通銀幣幣名冠 以大清朝代號相悖,而獨用帝號,故甚特殊。3

從類型學和器型學的角度來看,這枚紀念章正面的版式設 計,與民國初年喀什造“丙辰喀造”銅元(1916 年造)和“十 年新疆喀什造”銅元(1921年造)接近。

該章因外圈內銘文字數多至18個字,以致於日期“七年十二 月廿一”佈局緊湊,刻模者將“二”字置於“十”字左下方

朱瑞墀生於清同治元年(1862 年),其早期經歷從1920 年 出版的《最新官紳履歷匯錄》可知梗概。“朱瑞墀,五十五歲, 安徽霍邱人,廩生,新疆委用通判,皮山縣、於闐縣知縣, 保升知府,新疆財政局會辦,喀什觀察使,鎮迪觀察使, 阿克蘇道道尹。” 4 據《新疆圖志》記載,清末朱瑞墀在皮山 知縣任上建立學堂二所,在於闐知縣任上建立學堂八所。5 伊犁辛亥起義爆發後不久,新疆巡撫袁大化離新,楊增新 繼任新疆都督,即派員與伊方議和,新方代表為朱瑞墀、 周得全等人, 6 在塔城舉行和談,史稱“新伊塔城談判”7 , 這是朱瑞墀直接參與的一次議和會議。

1913 年,朱瑞墀在古城(今奇臺)營務處負責軍需。同年, 朱瑞墀任鎮迪道觀察使、喀什噶爾道觀察使,1914 年至

1917年任阿克蘇道尹,1917年至1924 年任喀什噶爾道尹。

1925 年至1931年再任阿克蘇道尹(圖2),其間朱瑞墀之女 朱玉英嫁給時任庫車縣知事金樹仁之子金作鼎,自此結為 兒女親家。

金樹仁任新疆省主席後,於1931年任命朱瑞墀為新疆省財 政廳廳長。同年,金樹仁還安排金作鼎、朱玉寧(朱瑞墀之 子)等五人赴德國留學,時稱“五大公子”出洋。8 因新疆省

附索引 2》,上海古籍出版社,2017 年,第 733 頁。

6 馮有真:《新疆視察記》,世界書局,1934 年,第 37 頁。

7 呂一燃:《關於一九一二年“新伊塔城談判”的幾個問題》,載於《近代史研究》

專題 FEATURES 93JEAN 28 圖2 朱瑞墀在阿克蘇行政長任上(袁複禮攝)
空白處,將“一”字置於“廿”字下方,還省去了“日”字。 這樣的處理方法,另在“十一年新疆喀什造”銅元中可以 看到。 三 朱瑞墀的邊吏生涯 清末民國時期,朱瑞墀在新疆多地歷任要職,其晚年曾任 新疆省政府代理主席。儘管如此,在以往的歷史敘事中對 注釋: 1 史松霖主編;上海市錢幣學會編:《錢幣學綱要》,上海古籍出版社,1995 年,第 200 頁。 2 蔣仲川著:《中國金銀鎳幣圖說》,天津古籍出版社,1995 年,第 25 頁。 3 施嘉幹編:《中國近代鑄幣匯考》,上海書店出版社,1989 年,第 41、43 頁。 4 北京敷文社編:《最新官紳履歷匯錄(第一冊)》,商務印書館,1920 年,第 29 頁。 5 王樹枬、朱玉麒:《新疆圖志
1987 年(第 1 期),第 147-164 頁。 8 柴恒森:《金樹仁向德國送留學生的情況》,載於《新疆文史資料選輯》第 5 輯,新疆人民出版社,1980 年,第 85-86 頁。 朱瑞墀這個人物卻着墨不多。筆者在前人研究的基礎上, 對朱瑞墀的生平簡況梳理如下。

銀行隸屬於財政廳,1932 年 6月,財政廳廳長朱瑞墀充任 新疆省銀行理事會主席與銀行經理。 9 據朱瑞墀稱:“楊增新 時期只印發一兩省票,每月出130 餘萬兩,到了金樹仁時期, 加印三兩、五兩省票,每月出750 餘萬兩。”10

1931 年“哈密事變”後,金樹仁於 1932 年派朱瑞墀為第一 師師長,坐鎮哈密,抵禦馬仲英部的進攻,朱瑞墀據這段經 歷撰寫了《哈密被圍記略》(1932 年迪化鉛印本)11,這是朱 瑞墀已知為數不多的著述。

1933 年迪化(今烏魯木齊)“四一二”政變後,盛世才任新 疆臨時邊防督辦,翌年又任新疆省政府主席。在過渡時期的 一年間,劉文龍、朱瑞墀、李溶等垂垂老者次第擔任過新疆 省政府主席職。12 據《時事年鑒》記載“(1934年1月)行政 院二十二日第一四四次會:決議,新省府主席劉文龍,准給病假 兩個月,主席職務,着省府委員兼財政廳長朱瑞墀暫行代理。…… (1934年4月)行政院三日開第一五四次會議:院長報告,新疆 省政府委員兼民政廳長(按:應為財政廳長之誤)暨代理新疆省 政府主席職因病出缺,所遺主席及民政廳長職務缺,由該省政 府委員李溶先行代理。”131934 年,朱瑞墀病逝,終年 72 歲。

四 喀什道尹朱瑞墀履新之初的境遇 清末民初,發生在喀什的中、俄、英競爭中,俄國在多數時間 裏佔據着上風,各方保持着脆弱的平衡。喀什地方當局則盡 其所能,維持局面。然而隨着“十月革命”的爆發,沙俄政權 倒臺,其先前在中國新疆地區的影響力隨之出現“真空”。 這為新疆省和喀什地方當局提供了有利條件,使之前被列強 攫取的部分特權得以收回。

朱瑞墀從 1917 年至 1924 年間任喀什噶爾道尹,歷時近 8 年。與本文所述紀念章關係最為密切的時段,當數 1917 年 1 月至 1918 年 12 月之間的近兩年時間。“(

對外交涉事務。 此後一年多的時間裏,朱 瑞墀的政績得到了上級認 可。並於“(1918 年)十一 月四日大總統令……朱瑞 墀給予三等嘉禾章(圖 4)。” 14 隨着國內外形勢變化,新 疆省長楊增新指令喀什道 尹朱瑞墀,逐步收回俄、英 商民在中國新疆地區的免 稅特權,這從《補過齋文牘》 庚輯二的目錄中便可看出 一二。如《指令喀什道尹呈 據俄領照稱新疆各稅局徵 收俄商販運土貨稅課文》《指令喀什道尹朱瑞墀呈報俄領照 詢阿克蘇縣徵收俄民牲稅文》《訓令喀什道尹俄商運貨票照 不符應照會俄領儆辦文》《指令喀什道尹呈據英領照會莎車 統稅局徵收英稅銀文》《電複喀什朱道尹英俄商民運貨來 新因照約章》等,不一而足。

1920 年,朱瑞墀還代表中方停止沙俄在喀什的領事權利。

1921 年 1 月 18 日,俄國在喀領事署房屋、卷宗、器具各頂逐


1998.08,第 41 頁。

1935.10,第 185 頁。

1917 年)一月 十三日大總統令……任命朱瑞墀為新疆喀什噶爾道道尹(圖 2)。”“二月十三日大總統令:外交總長伍廷芳呈請任命朱 瑞墀兼辦喀什交涉事宜。”朱瑞墀擔任喀什行政長官兼承擔 圖3 《申報》報道任命朱瑞 墀為新疆喀什噶爾道道尹 圖4 《申報》報道給予朱瑞墀三等嘉禾章 9 中國銀行總管理處經濟研究室編:《全國銀行年鑒(1936 年)》,中國銀行總管理處經濟研究室,1936 年,第 162 頁。 10 吳藹宸:《新疆紀遊》,商務印書館,1936.4,第 123 頁。轉引自蔡錦松著:《盛世才在新疆》,河南人民出版社,
11 吳藹宸著:《新疆紀遊》,商務印書館,
12 王冀青著:《斯坦因第四次中國考古日記考釋 英國牛津大學藏斯坦因第四次中亞考察旅行日記手稿整理研究報告》,甘肅教育出版社,2004 年,第 229 頁。 13 軍事新聞社時事年鑒編輯部編:《時事年鑒》,上海:軍事新聞總社,1934 年,第 6 頁、第 21 頁。 14 《命令》載於 1918 年 11 月 8 日《申報》。另見《政府公報》(1918 年 11 月),第 104 頁。


年 11 月 11 日,中國派代表團參加“巴黎和會”(1919 年 1 月 18 日開始)在即,這段時間國人對中國以戰勝國身份參與巴 黎和會尚懷有憧憬。

其二是國內方面,“南北議和”。1917 年“護法戰爭”爆發後, 以孫中山為大元帥的護法軍政府部隊與以皖系軍閥段祺瑞 為首的部隊在湖南戰場交鋒。1918 年 11 月 16 日,徐世昌發 佈停戰令,23 日,南方軍政府也下令停戰,從此“南北戰爭” 轉為“南北議和”。1919 年 2 月北京政府和南方護法軍政府 之間為停戰議和召開會議。1918 年 12 月 21 日正介於“南 北停戰”至“南北議和”之間。

筆者將上述兩種設想與泉友做了探討。有泉友質疑,在當時 的社會歷史條件下,新疆喀什地處偏遠、消息不暢,作為地 方官員的喀什道尹朱瑞墀,能否對發生在萬裏之遙的國內外 大事作出及時回應,併發行紀念章呢?此問題筆者已在上文 做出闡釋。而泉友認為紀念章發行的直接原因,或與喀什地 方當局和俄、英交涉暫趨有利態勢相關。

那麼,為何這枚紀念章要寫明“中華民國七年十二月廿一” 這個確切日期呢? 1918 年 12 月 21 日,是當年的冬至夜(即 冬至前一天),或有祈福之意。抑或是發行紀念章的決議日 期。筆者另從日期着手,發現一則有關護法運動的電文,即 《唐繼堯建議劃地停戰各保治安致徐世昌電》(一九一八年 十二月二十一日)15,這則電文為唐繼堯對於明令停戰後,對


府養電於本月三日通令前方各軍一律停戰。旋奉我公微電開:欲 世界躋於和平,須先自求國內息爭,然後國際和平乃有堅確之保 證。爰即明令停戰退兵,推其至誠,冀垂公聽等語。”但從電文 內容來看,1918 年 12 月 21 日並非“南北停戰”或“南北和談” 的關鍵時間節點,而且新疆省長兼都督楊增新一向奉行“認 廟不認神”的策略,一向與北洋政府報告工作,形式上應屬 北方陣營,其下屬朱瑞墀不會使用南方代表人物的電文時間 作為紀念日期。

從當時報刊的新聞報道來看,“共慶升平”一詞主要見諸於 國內各界慶祝第一次世界大戰停戰的文章中。1918 年 11 月 19 日出版的《時報》所刊程明德《杭垣慶賀協約國戰勝紀聞》 開篇即有“共慶升平”四字。筆者認為“共慶升平”是宏大的 紀念主題,關係國計民生,朱瑞墀不應該以邊陲喀什的局勢 一時趨於緩和就發行紀念章,應該有更大的紀念意圖,如紀 念“歐戰勝利,世界和平”或“南北和談,實行統一”,亦或 紀念二者兼而有之。


綜上所述,朱瑞墀初到喀什道尹任上的境遇已經明晰。可以 明確的是,朱瑞墀對中德宣戰、俄國鼎革及其對喀什一隅的 具體影響之判斷,可謂洞若觀火。但中國作為參與一戰的戰 勝國之一,在即將迎來和平曙光之時,朱瑞墀發行紀念章當 屬情理之中。然而隨後不久,中國在“巴黎和會”上的種種遭遇, 是朱氏乃至國人所始料未及的。在此民族危難之際,中華民 族救亡圖存的鬥爭即將迎來一個全新的轉捩點,這猶如風 暴來臨之前的平靜。

有學者認為,幣章銘文是較為可靠的史料,可為歷史研究提 供補正。這枚喀什道尹朱瑞墀“共慶升平紀念”章的發現, 反映了民國初年地處邊陲喀什的人們,與國人一道休戚與共, 期盼和平的美好願景。而關於這枚紀念章更為深入的研究, 尚有待相關檔案資料的開發利用,和更多與紀念章相關實 物的再度面世。

(本文所刊部分圖片得到何峻峰、蘇軍飛等泉友的支持,深表謝 忱。)

專題 FEATURES 95JEAN 28 15 《唐繼堯建議劃地停戰各保治安致徐世昌電》(一九一八年十二月二十一日),載於湯銳祥編著《護法運動史料彙編 3》,花城出版社,2003 年,第 252 頁。 五 紀念章發行之原委 關於這枚紀念章的發行原委,綜觀 1918
事記,有兩條記錄值得關注。 其一是國際方面,第一次世界大戰已停戰。停戰日為 1918
北軍仍步步進兵表示不滿,並提出實現和平兩點意見。首段 如下:“
能訓君三十電,語東海為促進和平起見,擬即日宣佈,明令通飭 前方在事各軍隊,一律罷戰退兵,諸君愛國素切,定必贊同斯言, 希即轉飭前方雙方商洽次第撤退。又接皓電雲:中央准願和平, 並欲取信天下,已於十六日通令停戰,現在籌議撤防等語。當即 商軍政府速開和平會議,解決法律、政治數問題,並遵照軍政

The R.B. White Chinese Copper Coin Collection

With the 1906 Tsing Kiang 20 Cash Copper Pattern and the Yuan Shi Kai Large Face 10 Cash Copper Pattern from the R.B. White collection coming up for auction in Beijing on August 10, my memories of the R.B. White Chinese copper coin collection have been stirred up.

In the summer of 1997, Bruce Smith, the senior editor of the Journal of East Asian Numismatics, contacted me and told me that R.B. White wanted to sell his collection of Chinese copper coins, as R.B. White knew that Frank Robinson consigned his copper coins from the A.M. Tracey Woodward collection to Champion Auction, and these coins realized a high price in Hong Kong in November 1996. (Frank and I were both living in Albany, New York, when I was in graduate school. Frank Robinson had bought the copper coins in the A.M. Tracey Woodward collection from Capitol Coins as Norman Jacobs who worked part-time at Capitol Coins in New York) Therefore, R.B. White told Bruce Smith that I was likely to be the strongest customer among the buyers, so Bruce Smith contacted me.

We arranged to travel to R.B. White's home in New Hampshire in August. I drove from Albany, New York, and picked up Bruce Smith a few hours later at the Manchester, New Hampshire airport. Because Bruce Smith's flight arrived after 6 p.m., we stayed at the hotel for the first night before heading to R.B. White's home early the next morning, all the way up is a very winding and challenging mountain road. When I met R.B. White, I found that he was selling his collection in exchange for gold. He told me that he was going to trade in precious metals because banknotes would be devalued after the millennium. (Because the previous date setting on the calculator only went to 1999, R.B. White was very concerned that all the computers would be wrong when they entered the year 2000. But later it was discovered that the computer date setting did not cause problems. At midnight on January 1, 2000, the flight I was on to New York landed slowly and without any problems or delays.)

I was in Taiwan at the time when R.B. White offered to sell his coins, so I had a discussion with my good friend Chen Chi-mao ( 陳吉茂 ) at Howard Chen’s ( 陳元和 ) home in Neihu District.

1906 Tsing Kiang 20 Cash Copper Pattern

Coinciding with the recent release of Jheng Ren-jieh's ( 鄭仁 傑 ) Chinese Copper Coins (《 中國銅元鑒賞 》), we found the highlights of the R.B. White collection in this book together.

We found a Szechuan 30 Cash Copper Coin in the R.B. White collection. The coin was originally purchased from the famous Hong Kong coin dealer Chang Huang ( 張璜 ), and it was also used by the famous Taiwan coin dealer J.S. Lee ( 李振興 ) on the cover of his magazine Coin World (《 錢幣天地 》). There were also 1906 Tsing Kiang 20 Cash Copper Pattern, Yuan Shi Kai Large Face 10 Cash Copper Patter, a set of 1910 copper patterns, a set of 1911 copper patterns, and many other copper patterns from Anhwei, Kiangnan, and Szechuan.

Chang Huang gave his Kiangsi Ta Han Copper Coin to Ding Chang Kong Liao ( 丁張弓良 ), and later Chen Chi-mao bought this coin at an auction.

The list of the collection that Bruce Smith and I received at R.B. White's home had the cost of each coin he acquired at. We immediately noted that many of the highest-priced coins in R.B. White's collection were the Republican portrait cash coins he purchased at Money Company auctions in the 1980s, including a 1916 Yuan Shi Kai 20 Cash Copper Pattern, which he paid $4,000, a high price back then.

In addition, another 1916 Yuan Shi Kai 20 Cash Copper Pattern was sold at the Champion 1996 Hong Kong Auction, with a color photograph of the coin included in the catalog. I later found out that many of R.B. White’s copper coins were consigned by Chen Chi-mao of Taiwan through his friend Ma Tok Ho ( 馬德和 ) of the Money Company.

from Haru Chang, we received a very high offer from him for the coins he wanted to obtain. Since Haru Chang was not interested in many of the coins in the R.B. White collection, the deal had a large potential payoff, as the other coins he did not buy would bring a handsome profit. Chen Chi-mao and I discussed which of the thousands of coins needed to be brought back to Taiwan, and finally we decided on about 100 two small Whitman single 2*2 coin boxes which hold about 50 coins each. In August 1997, Bruce Smith and I spent about a day and a half selecting 100 coins from the collection. I would have left first and taken 100 coins from the R.B. White collection to Hong Kong, while Bruce Smith would have stayed at R.B. White's house for another 3 to 5 days to look through the remaining 40

Chen Chi-mao talked to Haru Chang ( 張秀青 ) of Taiwan about the R.B. White collection of copper coins. Although Haru Chang did not collect copper coins, Chen Chi-mao convinced him that this was the best collection of Chinese copper coins that had come up for sale in recent years, so Haru Chang agreed to buy the collection, just as he had bought the Eli Wallitt collection in 1989. Therefore, Chen Chi-mao planned to buy the R.B. White collection with me and then only sell the real rarities in the collection to Haru Chang.

Immediately after Chen Chi-mao and I received confirmation

ChineseCopperCoins Yuan Shi Kai Large Face 10 Cash Copper Pattern Chang Huang and his sister Ding Chang Kong Liao

boxes of double row boxes which hold around 200 coins each.

Because I made a very strong offer, the parties quickly agreed. Because the offer was high and R.B. White wanted to trade for gold, I called a friend in Chicago and arranged to have the gold shipped to this small part of New Hampshire.

the correspondence between Eduard Kann and Bowker.

However, the transaction was finally canceled due to a small misunderstanding. I restarted running Champion Auction in Hong Kong in 2007. Many years later, I asked Bruce Smith to contact R.B. White again. Sadly, R.B. White passed away in 2006. His wife stated that White had looked for me but could not find me, as I had moved from Albany to New York after completing my graduate degree in accounting at SUNY Albany and no longer used my previous phone number. We later found out that R.B. White had sold his collection for a very much lower price than in August 1997 to his friend David Bowers, who lived just 15 miles away from him.

The 1906 Tsing Kiang 20 Cash Copper Pattern and Yuan Shi Kai Large Face Copper Pattern in the R.B. White collection were purchased by my friend David Chau in 2018, and both coins would have gone to the Haru Chang collection.

I still regret that I was unable to close the deal with R.B. White, because with Haru Chang's entry into the Chinese copper coin market, all the coins he did not own would have skyrocketed in price and would have gained more collectors' attention. Personally, if that deal had gone through, I think I would have had the opportunity to start some business with Haru Chang.

J.S. Lee had previously acted as an agent for Haru Chang in Taiwan. He said that Haru Chang was the most generous of all his customers and a very caring person, so we missed a great opportunity. But luckily, I met Neil Shafer, who had edited the Standard Catalog of World Banknotes, at the Daniel Ching Collection auction two days before the 1991 Goodman collection auction (the catalog for which was compiled by Bruce Smith), and he asked if I wanted to go to the American Banknote Company Banknote Archive auction at Christie's. I did not know the auction, and all the international coin dealers seemed to go only for the Goodman auction while ignoring this banknote auction. So shortly after the 1991 Goodman auction, with the help of J.S. Lee and Neil Shafer, I bought all the banknotes of the four major Chinese banks in the U.S. Banknote Company's banknote file at the June 1991 auction.

Coincidentally, David Chau also had the Fengtian Tael that Haru Chang bought from the 1991 Goodman auction through Chen Chi-mao. This story of the R.B. White collection is known only by Chen Chi-mao, Bruce Smith, R.B. White, Haru Chang, and me. It is a great honor that the Fengtian Tael originally from the Haru Chang collection would be auctioned together with the 1906 Tsing Kiang 20 Cash Copper Pattern and Yuan Shi Kai Large Face Copper Pattern from the R.B. White collection.

Probably the largest transactions in Chinese vintage gold and silver coins were the sales of the Eduard Kann Collection to a doctor in San Diego in the 1950s, the sale of the A.M. Tracey Woodward Collection to Capitol Coins in New York in the 1950s, the sale of D.C.'s local Chinese provincial silver dollar to Eli Wallitt in the 1970s, and the sale of the Eli Wallitt Collection to Chen Chi-mao in 1989 (most of the top coins were resold to Haru Chang). The two transactions in the 1950s mentioned above are supported by a wealth of information in

Many wonderful stories of the numismatic community took place in the 1990s. I was just starting in the numismatic business at the time. Looking back, I realize that I was very fortunate to have met the giants of the Chinese numismatic community early in my career and had a small part in it by founding the Journal of East Asian Numismatics and Champion Auction.

Bruce Smith, the senior editor of the Journal of East Asian Numismatics, also wrote an article about that loss to the R.B. White collection, originally published in No. 10 in the October 2018 issue of Journal of East Asian Numismatics

At the 2018 Stack ’s-Bowers sale, the top three coins were all the Chinese copper coins from the R.B. White collection. We also expect these Chinese copper coins from the R.B. White collection to have another auction success.


機場接了史博祿。因為史博祿的航班在下午六點之後才抵 達,所以我們在酒店住了第一晚,才在第二天一早前往懷 特的家,途中一路上都是非常彎曲且富有挑戰性的盤山路。 當我見到懷特時,發現他正在出售自己的收藏,以交換黃 金。他告訴我,他要用貴金屬進行交易,因為紙幣在千禧 年後會貶值。(因為之前計算器的日期設定只到1999 年,懷 特非常擔心進入 2000 年時所有電腦都會出錯。但是後來大 家發現電腦日期設定並不會造成問題。2000 年1月1日午夜, 我乘坐的前往紐約的航班緩緩降落,沒有發生任何問題, 也沒有延遲。) 當時懷特邀約出售時,我正身處臺灣,便在好友陳元和位 於內湖的家中和好友陳吉茂先生進行了一次討論。恰逢鄭 仁傑的《中國銅元鑒賞》剛剛面世,我們便一起瀏覽了懷特 藏品中的亮點。

專題 FEATURES 99JEAN 28 R.B. 懷特中國銅幣收藏 ◎ 周邁可〔臺北〕 隨着1906 年丙午年清江浦大清“淮”字(陽文)二十文銅幣 和袁世凱大面像共和紀念十文銅幣樣幣這兩枚出自 R.B. 懷 特(R.B. White)收藏的珍品銅幣即將在8月10日北京拍賣 上亮相,勾起了我對懷特所藏中國銅幣的回憶。 1997年夏天,《東亞泉志》編輯史博祿 (Bruce Smith) 聯繫 我,告知懷特想出售他收藏的中國銅幣收藏。因為法蘭克 羅賓森 (Frank Robinson) 曾如當時在紐約 Capitol Coins 兼職的諾曼 雅各斯一樣,從 Capitol Coins 那裏買下了伍 德華收藏銅幣,懷特看到法蘭克 · 羅賓森將其買到的伍德華 收藏銅幣委託給冠軍拍賣,於1996 年11月在香港進行拍賣, 結果成交價格很高。(當時法蘭克和我都住在紐約奧爾巴尼, 我正在那裏讀研究生。)於是,懷特告訴史博祿,我有可能 是買家中最為強勁的客人,所以史博祿聯繫了我。 我們安排了在當年 8月前往懷特所在的新罕布夏州。我從紐 1906年丙午年清江浦大清銅幣“淮”字(陽文)二十文樣幣 約奧爾巴尼開車過來,幾小時後在新罕布夏州的曼徹斯特

名幣商張璜,臺灣著名幣商李振興也將這枚幣用在了他的 雜誌《錢幣天地》的封面上,此外還有“中心淮二十文”、“袁 世凱大面像十文”、一套1910 年和1911年銅樣,以及其他 很多安徽、江南、四川省造樣幣。 張璜將自己的那枚“大漢銅幣”贈予了丁張弓良,後來陳吉 茂在拍賣會上買下了這枚幣。

我和史博祿在懷特家中收到的藏品清單上有他購得每枚幣 的成本。我們立即注意到,懷特藏品中許多價格最高的錢 幣是他在 20 世紀 80 年代在金錢公司( Money Company) 拍賣會上購買的民國肖像銅幣,包括1916 年袁世凱像二十 文銅幣,以4 000 美元的價格成交,當時堪稱天價。

此外,另有一枚1916 年袁世凱像二十文銅幣在冠軍1996 年 香港拍賣會上被賣出,當時目錄裏還刊載了該幣的彩色照 片。我後來發現,這些銅幣中有許多是由臺灣的陳吉茂經 委托,通過他的朋友,即金錢公司的馬德和買到的。

陳吉茂曾向臺灣的張秀青提及懷特收藏的銅幣。儘管張秀 青並不收藏銅幣,但陳吉茂說服他相信,這是近年最好的 中國機製銅幣收藏,於是張秀青便同意買下這批收藏,正 如他在1989 年買下伊萊 瓦利特( Eli Wallitt)收藏。因此, 陳吉茂計劃與我一起買下懷特收藏,並且只將其中真正的 大珍賣給張秀青。

我和陳吉茂收到張秀青的確認之後,便立即收到了他為自 己所想要得到的錢幣而給出的非常高的報價。由於張秀青 對懷特收藏中的許多錢幣並不感興趣,因此這筆交易有 很大的潛在回報,他沒有買下的其他錢幣將帶來豐厚的利 潤。我和陳吉茂討論了這數千枚錢幣中有哪些需要帶回臺

後來發生了一個小誤會,懷特取消了交易。我於 2007年在 香港重新開始經營冠軍拍賣。許多年後,我請史博祿再次 聯繫懷特。遺憾的是,懷特於 2006 年去世。懷特的妻子表 示,懷特曾找過我,但是找不到,這是因為我在紐約州立 大學奧爾巴尼分校完成會計研究生學位後,便從奧爾巴尼 搬到紐約,不再使用之前的電話號碼了。我們後來發現懷 特以比1997年 8月低非常多的價格將他的收藏賣給了他的朋 友大衛 鮑爾斯( David Bowers),後者住在離他僅15 英里 遠的地方。 懷特收藏中的“中心淮二十文”和“袁世凱大面像”銅幣在

FEATURES 專題 100 JEAN 28 《中國銅元鑒賞》 袁世凱大面像共和紀念十文銅幣樣幣 張璜與胞妹丁張弓良 我們發現其收藏中有“四川當三十”,這枚幣原得自香港著
灣,最終決定分兩個單排惠特曼錢幣收納盒,每個盒子裝 50 枚錢幣,共計帶回100 枚錢幣。1997年 8月,我和史博祿 花了大約一天半的時間從收藏中挑選出100 枚錢幣。本來我 會先離開,並帶100 枚懷特收藏錢幣至香港,而史博祿將在 懷特家裏再呆 3到 5天,查看剩餘的40 箱雙排錢幣盒子(每 箱大約有200 枚錢幣)。 因為我給出了一個很給力的報價,因此雙方很快達成一致。 因為報價很高,懷特又想用黃金交易,我便打電話給一位 芝加哥的朋友,安排將黃金運到新罕布夏州這個小地方。

2018 年被朋友周大為(David Chau)買下,而這兩枚銅幣 本會收歸張秀青收藏。

巧合的是,周大為也收藏了張秀青經陳吉茂從1991年古德 曼拍賣會上買到的“奉天一兩”。這個故事只有陳吉茂、史 博祿、懷特、張秀青和我知道。這次原張秀青收藏的“奉 天一兩”將與懷特收藏的“中心淮二十文”和“袁世凱大面 像”一起拍賣,也是非常有幸的一件事。

中國機製金銀幣交易中最大的幾筆可能是在 20 世紀 50 年代 時耿愛德收藏被賣給聖地牙哥的一位醫生、50 年代時伍德 華收藏被賣給紐約的 Capitol Coins 、70 年代時 D.C. 的 中國地方省造銀元和銀兩幣被賣給伊萊 · 瓦利特( Eli Wallitt),以及1989 年時伊萊 瓦利特收藏被賣給陳吉茂 (其中大部分頂級錢幣轉賣給了張秀青)。而上面提及的 20 世紀 50 年代的那兩筆交易均有耿愛德和包克通信中的大量 資訊可以佐證。

我至今對未能完成與懷特的這筆交易倍感遺憾,因為隨着 張秀青進入中國銅幣市場,所有他未曾擁有的錢幣都會價 格激增,同時市場也會獲得更多藏家的關注。而對我個人 而言,若是那筆交易達成,想必會有機會和張秀青開啟一 些正式的生意。

李振興之前在臺灣擔任過張秀青購買錢幣的代理人。他表 示,張秀青是他所有客人中最為慷慨的一位,也是一個非 常有愛心的人,所以我們錯失了一個很大的機會。但幸運的 是,我在1991年古德曼拍賣前兩天的丹尼爾 陳收藏拍賣會 (該場拍賣目錄由史博祿編撰)上認識了曾編輯了《世界紙 鈔標準目錄》的尼爾 沙弗(Neil Shafer),他詢問我是否 要去 Christie's 的美國鈔票公司紙鈔檔案拍賣會。當時,我





《東亞泉志》編輯史博祿( Bruce Smith)也曾就那次與懷 特收藏失之交臂的故事撰文講述,原文刊載於 2018 年10月 出版的《東亞泉志》第10 期。

在 2018 年的斯塔克 鮑沃斯拍賣上,出自懷特收藏的中國 銅元大珍包攬了拍賣成交價格的前三名。我們也期待這些 出自懷特收藏的中國銅幣大珍再創拍賣佳績。

並不知道這場拍賣會,而所有國際幣商似乎也都只沖着古 德曼拍賣會去,並不瞭解這場拍賣。於是在1991年古德曼 拍賣後不久,我在李振興及尼爾 · 沙弗的幫助下,於1991 年 6月的拍賣會上買下了美國鈔票公司紙鈔檔案中中國四家 主要銀行的所有紙鈔。 許多精彩的錢幣界故事都發生在 20 世紀90 年代。當時我才 初入錢幣行業,回首往事才發現,我非常幸運地在職業生 涯的早期就遇到了中國錢幣業的巨頭,後來創辦了《東亞泉 志》和冠軍拍賣,也算是小小的參與其中了。

Ancient Charms from Countries near China

China's unique historical numismatic and monetary culture is part of the magnificent heritage of the world's numismatic heritage. It has had a significant impact worldwide, especially on countries and regions nearby China. Historically, the counties influenced foremost are Central Asian regions such as Sogdiana, Chaj, Fergana, and Zhetysu, the East Asian regions such as Makhan, Cheon Han, Benham, Koguryo, Silla, Baekje, Korea, Japan, and Ryukyu, and Southeast Asian countries such as Java, Annam, the Champa Kingdom, Siam, Vientiane, Myanmar, and Khmer. Many regions not only circulated but also imitated the Chinese coin patterns in a round shape with a square hole. In terms of units, material, and casting methods, their coins are consistent with Chinese coins. Such inheritance, imitation, and derivation constitute a unique cultural Eastern monetary system.

Because of the similar and common culture, custom and words, the charm coins of neighboring countries and regions were influenced by Chinese folk culture while preserving their own national characteristics.

namely, Wadokaichin [ 和同開珎 ], Mannentsuho [ 萬 年通寶 ], Jingukaiho [ 神功開寶 ], Kanpeitaiho [ 隆平 永寶 ], Fujushinpo [ 富壽神寶 ], Jowashoho [ 承和昌 寶 ], Chonentaiho [ 長年大寶 ], Joekishinpo [ 饒益神 寶 ], Jōganeiho [ 貞觀永寶 ], Kanpyotaiho [ 寬平大 寶 ], Engitsuho [ 延喜通寶 ], and Kengentaiho [ 乾元大寶 ].

The earliest coin of Korea was the Geonwon Jungbo [ 乾元 重寶 ] cash coin with Chinese characters Dongguk [ 東國 ] minted in the 15th year of Mukjong's reign (year 998, the first year of Xianping of the Song dynasty in China). The most typical coin cast in Korea is Sangpyeong Tongbo [ 常平通寶 ] cash coin which was first cast in the 11th year of King Injo’s reign, or 1633 A.D. The reverse of the Sangpyeong Tongbo is generally inscribed with a character from the article ThousandCharacter Classic (《 千字文 》), or patterns such as the moon, stars or the Eight Diagrams. (Figure 1)

From the eighth to early tenth centuries, Japan began casting coins in the form of Chinese coins, known as Kocho Junisen [ 皇朝十二錢 , twelve kinds of copper coins cast in Japan during the period from 708 A.D. to 963 A.D.],

The Kocho Junisen coins had a great impact on the subsequent casting of charm coins. For instance, there were charm coins inscribed with the characters Wadokaichin on the reverse or oval charm coins with a square hole and Longevity God pattern. Japanese Toa Senshi ( 《東亞錢志》 ) covers more than a hundred types of Kan'ei Tsuho [ 寬永通寶 ], including varieties with different character inscriptions on the reverse such as bun [ 文 ] in ordinary and shimaya scripts, modo [ 元 ], mi [ 耳 ] in white copper, kalei [ 川 ] in sharp and ordinary shape, lower mi [ 見 ], ashi [ 足 ], ichi [ 一 ], hisachi [ 久 ], sen [ 千 ] in copper and iron materials, sen [ 仙 ] cast in the year Kyōhō and year Hōei respectively, sato [ 佐 ] cast in the year Shotoku, year Kyoho, year Hoei, and year Anei, and osa [ 長 ]. The inscription also shows some Kan'ei Tsuho coins were cast and circulated in different places such as Nambo, Akita, Zezejiyou, Agasawa, Kashima, Jojakkoji Temple, and Takayido, and there are also inscriptions that indicate Kan'ei Tsuho coins were cast in different years such as the year Hoei 4. The motifs of Kan'ei Tsuho include seven lines, birds, and smaller characters. There are also some examples with other features such as a larger central hole, small characters, or the same two sides. Also, there is a type of Kan'ei Tsuho with two Buddha statues on the obverse with "Namo Amitabha Buddha" on the reverse. It can be seen that varieties are varied. In addition, the variety of Bunkyu Eiho [ 文久貨泉 ] charm coins is also complex. (Figure 2)

The ancient coins of Vietnam (ancient name Annam) were deeply influenced by Chinese numismatic culture. Before the middle of the 10th century, Vietnam mainly used coins that

COLUMN 專欄 102 JEAN 28
◎ Zhou Bian〔Shanghai〕

flowed in from China. In 968 A.D., the Dinh Bo Linh dynasty was established by the Dinh tribes, and the first Vietnamese coin, the Thai-binh-hung-bao [ 太平興寶 ], was minted in 970-978. It has two types, that is, without inscription or with character Dinh [ 丁 ] on the reverse. After that, the Nha Tien Le, Lee, and Chen dynasties cast and issued more than ten kinds of coins, such as the Thien-phuc-tran-bao [ 天福鎮寶 ], Thiencam-nguyen-bao [ 天感元寶 ] and Chinh-binh-thong-bao [ 政平 通寶

]. The Annam charm coins can be seen as an imitation of Chinese charm coins with the name of the year such as Zheng De Tong Bao [ 正德通寶 ] and Zhou Yuan Tong Bao [ 周元通 寶

]. The Annam charm Canh-hung-thong-bao [ 景興通寶 ] has double dragons and an auspicious pattern on the reverse, with the inscription which means "the country is prosperous and the people are at peace". Minh-mang-thong-bao [ 明命通寶 ] is usually inscribed with words that mean "longevity", “the old and the young”, “ beautiful decoration and excellent essence”, “as rivers, as hills, as mountains”,“ justice and integrity”, "The

king's way is swept away, and the sacred plan is in full swing", "Heaven does not love morality, and the earth does not love treasure and silver money", "The emperor's virtue is wide”, etc. The Canh-thinh-thong-bao [ 景盛通寶 ] has a fringe pattern on the outer edge and a fish pattern on the reverse. The Quangtrung-thong-bao [ 光中通寶 ] is a very large charm with an inscription which means “national peace and prosperity" on the reverse. The Vua-thieu-thong-bao [ 紹治通寶 ] is a silver charm inscribed with the words "quiet outside, safe inside, strong army and rich country", "the ruler and courtiers, father and son", and "the eternal reliance of all generations". The Gia-long-thongbao [ 嘉隆通寶 ] features a dragon playing with a pearl on the reverse. The Tu-duc -thong-bao [ 嗣德通寶 ] is a silver charm with auspicious phrases such as "national peace and prosperity for the people", "justice and integrity", and "making the people rich and long-lived". (Figure 3, 4)

Figure 2 Japan: Wadokaichin with figures on the reverse from the Chengxuan 2010 Autumn Auction - Coins and silver ingots

Figure 1 Korea: Sangpyeong Tongbo with characters gichunpal [ 圻天八 ] and moon pattern, Identification Number: 22-0318-34

Figure 4 Annan: Ham-nghithong-bao [鹹宜通寶] with inscriptions which means “quiet outside and safe inside, strengthen the army and enrich the country”from Xiling 2018 Autumn Auction - Coins

Figure 3 Annan: Minh-mangthong-bao with characters which mean“six rule and practice”from Hosane 2021 Autumn Auction - gold and silver coin

In addition, Ryukyu, Cambodia, Thailand, the Philippines, Indonesia, the Malay Archipelago, and other Southeast Asian countries and regions have also imitated the style of Chinese coins. For example, the Thai baht, a kind of early Thai coin, also had a hole in the middle of the coin. Malacca, Singapore, and other places in the Malay Archipelago, cast coins in tin according to the pattern of Chinese coins. The square-holed copper coin cast in Bali, Indonesia, also has the character for charms. The online article The Charms with Foreign Characters and the Tai Yuan Yao Jin Coin ( 閒聊 “ 異文花錢 ” 與 “ 太元么金 ” ) shows a charm coin with the inscription of four directions identified as the language used on Bali island which refers to four gods of directions. (Figure 5) The Balinese character is one of the most complex and ornate Brahmi characters in Southeast Asia.

These neighboring countries cast charms with character inscriptions that served the same purpose as Chinese charms, both to meet the spiritual and cultural needs of the people and to reflect religious beliefs, worldviews, and other ideological connotations. Their charms were not only influenced by traditional Chinese culture but also preserved the local regional culture. The regional characteristics of the charms from the neighboring countries let collectors appreciate while allowing us to have a deeper understanding of the social life and spiritual world of the ancient people.

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Figure 5 Nagawan coin from Bali, Indonesia from the author's collection

朝鮮常平通寶背“圻天”月紋錢 (滿汀洲鑒定編號:22-0318-34) 語類的文字。其錢背有配以千字文,如“天、地、玄、黃, 宇、宙、洪、荒,日、月、盈、昃,辰、宿、列、張”,星月, 八卦等文字與圖案,例如背“圻天八”月紋錢(圖1)。

中國獨特的歷史錢幣與貨幣文化,是世界錢幣文化寶庫中 的瑰麗遺產。歷史上對世界各地尤其是中國周鄰國家與地 區產生過重大的影響,其中對粟特、赭時、費爾幹納、七 河等中亞地區,三韓、高句麗、新羅、百濟、朝鮮、日本、 琉球等東亞地區,爪哇、安南、占城、暹邏、萬象、緬甸、 真臘等東南亞地區各國產生的影響最大。許多地區不僅流 通而且仿製方孔圓形的中國形制的錢幣。在貨幣形制、衡 制、錢文、材質及鑄造方法上,與中國錢幣保持一致性, 而這種繼承、仿效或派生錢幣的歷史,共同構成了獨特的 東方貨幣文化體系。

由於文化、習俗或文字的相同與共通,周鄰國家與地區在 花錢的製作上,既受中國民俗文化影響,又帶有各自的民 族特色。

998 年、即中國宋真宗鹹 平元年)鑄造的“乾元重寶”背“東國”錢。朝鮮鑄錢最具

日本在公元 8 世紀至10 世紀初開鑄仿中國形制錢幣,稱“皇 朝十二錢”,錢文為:和同開珎、萬年通寶、神功開寶、隆 平永寶、富壽神寶、承和昌寶、長年大寶、饒益神寶、貞 觀永寶、寬平大寶、延喜通寶、乾元大寶。對其後鑄錢影 響甚大。後代錢文花錢有,圓形方孔花錢和同開珎背人物 (圖 2),橢圓形方孔花錢萬年富壽背七福神或背壽星。日本 《東亞錢志》一書收錄有“寬永通寶”版式百餘種之多,其 中有文字錢、島屋錢、獲元錢、耳白錢、七條錢、深川錢、 難波錢、鳥羽錢、小字錢、若山錢、伏見錢、秋田錢、膳 所錢、四當錢、藤澤錢、川字錢、加島錢、押上錢、元字錢、 足字錢、因幡錢、長字錢、一字錢、久字錢、四年錢、千 字錢、正德佐字、享保佐字、元文佐字、安永佐字、享保 仙字、元文仙字、寂光寺錢、千字鐵錢、真諭元字錢、邑 井戶鐵錢、元文邑井戶錢等等,其品種繁雜。寬永通寶廣 穿小字合背。寬永面兩佛像,背“南無阿彌陀佛”。另外見

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有代表性的是“常平通寶”錢,該錢始鑄於仁祖十一年,即 公元1633 年。一些"常平通寶"行用錢上,就加有許多吉
圖 1 鄰國鑄造的錢文花錢華夏 ◎ 周 邊〔上海〕


年,丁部領建立丁朝(越南歷史上第一個封建朝代), 並於 970-978 年鑄造了越南第一種方孔圓錢大平興寶錢

通寶背“ 強兵富國 靜外安內 ”(圖4)等背文為吉語或治 國策略花錢。

陳諸朝,又鑄行了天福鎮寶、天感元寶、政平通寶等十餘種 錢幣。安南花錢可見仿中國年號錢文的正德通寶與周元通 寶。越南錢文花錢如,景興通寶背雙龍,“國泰民安”背吉 祥圖案,明命通寶背“壽萬歲萬歲萬萬歲”“老長親幼”“金 玉其相追琢其章”“ 如川如岡如阜如山”、背經傳語:“王道 蕩蕩、聖謨洋洋”“天不愛道,地不愛寶銀錢”“帝德廣運”” 孔府六治允事三修“(圖3)等。再如,景盛通寶面背外緣回 形紋背魚紋,光中通寶背“國泰民安風調雨順”特大型花錢, 紹治通寶背“靜外安內強兵富國”“君父臣子”、銀質背“萬 世永賴”,嘉隆通寶背龍戲珠紋,以及嗣德通寶背“國泰民 安風調雨順”“無黨無政至公至偏”、銀“使民富壽”,咸宜

另外,琉球、柬埔寨、泰國、菲律賓、印尼、馬來群島等 東南亞國家和地區也仿鑄過漢文錢幣。如泰國早期的錢 幣——泰銖,以“銖”為錢名,錢中有穿孔。馬來群島的麻 六甲、新加坡等地也曾經以錫鑄中國形制的錢幣。印尼巴厘 島鑄造的這枚方孔銅幣,也是具有花錢性質。在網上見有 網名“淘炭叟”寫的《閒聊“異文花錢”與“太元么金”》一 文中,將錢文釋讀為巴厘文,按上下左右代表四個天神(圖

5)。巴厘文是東南亞最複雜、最華麗的婆羅米系文字之一。 這些周鄰國家用錢文鑄造的花錢,與中國花錢的作用一樣, 既滿足了民眾的精神文化需求,又反映了宗教信仰世界觀等 思想內涵。既受到中國傳統文化的影響,又將當地的地域 文化保存在花錢之中。在這些極具地域特色的周鄰國家花 錢上,在感受它帶來的愉悅的同時,也更深層次地探知古 人的社會生活和精神世界。

專欄 COLUMN 105JEAN 28 日本和同開珎背人物花錢 (誠軒拍賣2010年秋拍 錢幣銀錠專場) 安南明命通寶背“孔府六治允事三修”花錢 (泓盛2021年秋拍 金銀流霞-中國錢幣專場) 有文久貨泉花錢。 越南(古稱安南)的古代鑄幣深受我國錢幣文化的影響。 10
圖 2 圖 4 圖3 圖 5 安南咸宜通寶背“ 強兵富國 靜外安內 ”花錢 (西泠拍賣2018年秋拍 錢幣專場) 印尼巴厘島納加文錢 (圖片拍自作者自藏錢幣)

Summer2022ANAShowinChicagoProves theNumismaticIndustry RemainStrong Despite Global Uncertainties

I hope all our readers are having a happy and prosperous Summer 2022. The Summer 2022 American Numismatic Association’s (“ANA”) World’s Fair of Money show was held this year at the Donald E. Stephens Convention Center in Chicago, Illinois from August 16th-20th. I am pleased to report that the coin and currency market remain sizzling hot as the gold, silver and precious metals bullion market continue to be drivers in our industry. With global uncertainties on the rise to include the latest Covid-19 virus variant, the War in the Ukraine, and hyperinflation of global currencies, it appears both collectors and investors alike continue to invest in numismatic collectibles. The 2022 Chicago Summer ANA show proved that the numismatic and collectibles markets remains very strong as we go forward in the second half of 2022.

Chicago is the birthplace of the ANA which was founded in 1891 and is celebrating its 131st birthday this year. This year’s ANA World’s Fair of Money show consisted of hundreds of dealers and was attended by thousands of collectors over the five day event. Once again, I set up for the Summer ANA show with Rick Stelzer, my business partners at Estate Collectibles Group out of Sarasota, Florida, Glen Jorde (Lake Region Coin & Currency of Devil’s Lake, ND), and Mark Kingsley, a bullion dealer from Fargo, North Dakota. New to our team for this show was Michael Corley, a 20 year grader at NGC and their former Director for Modern Chinese Coin grading, and Bryan Norris, a world coin and currency dealer from Tennessee. The coin and currency dealers at the show were extremely pleased with the activity of sales as the numismatic market remains very strong. Strong customer demand for gold, silver and other precious metals

continue to fuel a historically strong precious metals market. Along with precious metals, sales of vintage and key date U.S. type coins continue to do well. As for U.S. currency, better condition large size federal paper money, U.S. fractional and colonial currency, obsolete banknotes, and Confederate currency were particularly strong. For the international coins and currency market, vintage Chinese gold, silver and bronze coins as well as vintage Chinese currency remain very strong and continue to lead the demand in the international market once again.

Besides all the buying and selling of numismatic items, the Chicago Summer ANA Show offered grading service appraisals, educational seminars, auctions, collectors meetings, events for young numismatists, and much more. The “Money Talks” educational presentations were excellent this year and included “The Money of Hawaii” presented by Douglas Mudd that explored the different monies from the unification of the islands from 1810 to the present, and “The Draped Bust/ Small Eagle Dollars of 1795-1798” presentation by Harry Salyards that went into great depth of research on these rare and elusive early American dollars. This year’s ANA was not short on lectures that focused on the Asian numismatic market as well. Colin Gullberg’s presentation on “Chopmarked Coins: A Cross-Cultural Numismatic Story” focused on the chopmarked silver pieces used in Chinese trade during the Qing dynasty and early Republican periods. My friend Michael Corley gave an excellent presentation titled “Modern Chinese Coins and Panda Show Medals” that highlighted an overview of the important contributions from Chinese artists Chen Jian, Yu Ming, and Zhu Xi Hua, who served as designers and engravers. This presentation also included photos of the Show Panda first-

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◎ J. Matthew Brotherton〔USA〕

strike ceremonies in Shanghai which the public thoroughly enjoyed. Another presentation our readers might find of interest, Mark Lovmo gave an overview of his new book “South Korean Coins in the Era of Development.” Mark has written numerous articles on South Koran coins for the Journal of East Asian Numismatics in the past, and his new book contains new information and writings about South Korean coins that he has gathered over the past 10 years. Mark’s new book is a must get for anyone with an interest in South Korean coins and I highly recommend it.

The ANA Museum Showcase offers historical numismatic rarities and private collections from all over the world and this year’s exhibits did not disappoint. This year’s feature display included historic California Gold Rushera sunken treasures recovered from the famous 1857 shipwreck of the S.S. Central America also known as the fabled “Ship of Gold.” Recovered items from this famous shipwreck were on display for the first time ever at this year’s World’s Fair of Money show. Among the notable items on display were a unique lid to the oldestknown Wells Fargo treasure shipment box, a pair of the oldest known Levi Strauss-made sailcloth canvas work pants jeans, jewelry made from the California Gold Rush “motherload” native gold in quartz as gemstones, and a 19th Century daguerreotype photograph of an unidentified woman that has come to be known as the “Mona Lisa of the Deep.” This was truly an eclectic mix of items from one of history’s most famous shipwrecks. Other numismatic highlights from the ANA Museum Showcase on display included the Pattern Fugio Cent Hub Trial (the unique earliest pattern for a circulating U.S. coin struck in early 1787), a 1913 Liberty Head Nickel (1 of 5 struck), an 1804 Draped Bust Dollar (the “King of U.S. Coins”), a 20cent registry collection highlighting rarities of this shortlived U.S. type coin, and California gold collection with examples of rare California Territorial gold coins that are rarely seen. The Baker-Manley “Washingtonia” Exhibition was also on display which includes the ultimate collection of George Washington-related medals and includes over 950 numismatic items related to the first President of the United States. On the currency side, the ANA’s signature Bebee Collection of U.S. Paper Money Error Notes was on display which included some incredible printing errors.

A true highlight for me during this Chicago Summer ANA was being able to attend the Operation Bernhard banquet sponsored by the Florence and Laurence Spungen Family Foundation and co-sponsored by my friends Michael Chou, Rick Stelzer and Glen Jorde. Operation Bernhard was a counterfeiting operation by the Nazi Germans in World War II in which selected Jews in the Sachsenhausen Concentration Camp were directed to counterfeit Bank of England currency notes. On its face this operation would purport to try and devalue English currency and disrupt the English monetary system for the benefit of the German war effort, however in reality it turned out to be simply a get rich quick scheme for a select few German officers by having skilled Jewish concentration camp workers counterfeit these English notes. To learn more about this amazing operation of World War II, I highly recommend reading “Forging Secrets: Faces and Facts Inside the Nazi Operation Bernhard Scheme” copyrighted by the Florence and Laurence Spungen Family Foundation. As the first senior graders for the Paper Money Guaranty company (“PMG”), it was Rick Stelzer and Glen Jorde’s privilege to grade and authenticate these Operation Bernhard notes for PMG, and so they were honored at this banquet for doing so. The Operation Bernhard counterfeit English notes were the first contemporary counterfeit notes to ever be graded by PMG and opened the door for the company to be able to grade non-United States contemporary counterfeit notes.

If you ever get a chance to attend an ANA numismatic show I highly recommend it for any lover of numismatics as there something there for everyone. This year’s Summer ANA Show in Chicago was a huge success and It appears that the numismatic industry will continue its very strong year into the second half of 2022. I want to wish everyone all the best, and as travel restrictions continue to improve, I look forward to seeing my good friends, Michael Chou, Jeffrey Wai, and others at Champion 2022 Macau Auction held on November 27 and the upcoming 2022 Macau Numismatic Society Show. I wish you all the best in your numismatic pursuits and if you ever are in the Sarasota, Florida area be sure to stop by and say hello!

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◎ 馬修·布拉澤頓〔美國〕

2022 年夏季美國錢幣協會( American Numismatic Assoication ,以下簡稱 ANA)國際錢幣展銷會於 8月16日 至 20日在伊利諾伊州芝加哥市的斯蒂芬斯會議中心舉行。 在此,我十分高興地告訴諸位,由於黃金、白銀和貴金屬 市場的有力推動,錢幣市場依然火熱。在近期新冠病毒變 異、俄烏戰爭和全球範圍內的惡性通貨膨脹等不確定性增 加的大背景下,收藏家和投資者似乎都在繼續投資錢幣收 藏品。2022 年夏季芝加哥 ANA 國際錢幣展銷會的盛況預 示着,錢幣和收藏品市場在 2022 年下半年的發展仍將保持 非常強勁的勢頭。

ANA 於1891年在芝加哥成立,2022 年也在芝加哥慶祝 了它131歲的生日。此屆 ANA 世界錢幣展銷會有數百名 經銷商參展。這場為期五天的活動吸引了數千名收藏家參 加。筆者再次與佛州薩拉索塔 Estate Collectibles 集團的

業務合作夥伴瑞克 斯特拉爾(Rick Stelzer)、南達科他 州魔鬼湖地區 Lake Region Coin & Currency 公司的格 倫 · 喬德(Glen Jorde),以及北達科他法戈的貴金屬交易 商馬克 金斯利( Mark Kingsley)一起參展這場盛會。本 次我們的參展團隊加入了兩位新成員:一位是原 NGC 中 國現代幣評級總監成員麥克 考利( Michael Corley),他 在 NGC 擔任評級師已逾 20 年;另一位是來自田納西州的 世界錢幣和通貨交易商布萊恩 · 諾裏斯( Bryan Norris)。 由於錢幣市場行情仍然非常強勁,展會上的幣商對現場達 成的銷售結果非常滿意。客戶對黃金、白銀和其他貴金屬 的巨大需求,使得貴金屬市場呈現歷史性的增長勢頭。除 貴金屬外,重要年份的美國錢幣的銷售繼續表現良好。美 國貨幣方面,大張聯邦紙幣、美國輔幣、美國殖民地貨幣 和舊版紙幣的銷售狀況均很良好,邦聯時期錢幣藏品行情 的表現尤為強勁。而國際錢幣市場上,中國機製金銀銅幣 以及其他中國近代錢幣成交仍然非常活躍,從需求熱度看, 依然在國際市場上保持領先地位。

芝加哥夏季 ANA 國際錢幣展銷會上除了錢幣交易,還提 供評級服務、教育研討會、拍賣、藏家論壇、青年錢幣藏 家活動等。此次的“財富會談”( Money Talks)教育演 講非常精彩。其中道格拉斯 穆德( Douglas Mudd)的 “夏威夷錢幣”(The Money of Hawaii)主題演講,探 討了從1810 年群島統一到現在的不同錢幣;哈裏 · 薩爾亞 茲(Harry Salyards)的“1795-1798 年美國波浪頭像 / 小 鷹銀元”演講,對這種罕見且難覓的早期銀幣進行了深入 探討。此次展銷會也不乏專注於亞洲錢幣市場的講座。高 林(Colin Gullberg )在8月18日上午11點進行的“戳記幣: 跨文化的錢幣故事”演講側重於清朝和民國初期中國貿易 中使用的戳記銀元。我的朋友麥克 考利做了一個題為“中

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2022年夏季芝加哥ANA 國 際展銷會回顧 錢幣行情依舊走強

國現代錢幣和展會熊貓紀念章”的精彩演講,重點介紹了 曾擔任這些幣章設計師和雕刻師的中國藝術家陳堅、余敏 和朱熙華在這一領域的重要貢獻。他還展示了在上海舉行 的熊貓紀念章首打儀式的照片,公眾對此十分欣賞。讀者 可能也會對馬克 · 洛夫莫( Mark Lovmo)介紹他的新書《發 展時代的韓國硬幣》(South Korean Coins in the Era of Development)的演講有所興趣。過去,馬克曾為《東亞 泉志》(Journal of East Asian Numistics)撰寫過許多關 於韓國錢幣的文章,而他的新書則包含了他過去10 年中收 集到的關於韓國錢幣的最新資訊和作品。我強烈推薦馬克 的新書,它對於任何對韓國錢幣感興趣的人來說都是必買 的參考書籍。 2022 年 ANA 博物館展覽也沒有讓人失望,展出了來自世 界各地歷史上的錢幣珍品和私人收藏品。其專題展覽包括 來自加利福尼亞淘金熱時期沉船珍寶。這些珍寶極具歷史 意義,是從1857年中美洲著名的沉船中發現的,該船也被 稱為傳說中的“黃金之船”。此次 ANA 世界錢幣博覽會 是首次將從這艘著名沉船中打撈上來的珍品進行展覽。展 出的知名物品包括已知最古老的富國銀行(Wells Fargo) 寶藏運輸箱的蓋子(孤品)、已知列維 · 施特勞斯(Levi Strauss)製作的最古老的帆布牛仔工裝褲、加利福尼亞淘 金熱時期鑲有石英寶石的黃金珠寶。此外,還有一張19 世 紀時用達蓋爾照相法拍攝的一張照片,照片上的女性身份

1787年初鑄造,是最早的為美國流通幣試 打的樣幣,孤品)、1913 年自由女神像鎳幣(已知僅5 枚)、 1804 年波浪頭像銀幣(“美國硬幣之王”)、曾短期流通的 20 美分珍品藏集,以及囊括了罕見加州地區金幣的加州黃 金收藏。貝克 曼利“華盛頓”展覽也在 ANA 國際錢幣 展銷會上亮相,展出了美國第一任總統喬治 華盛頓相關紀 念章收藏品中的精華,以及950 餘件與之有關的錢幣。在 通貨方面,ANA 藏品中標志性的 Bebee 收藏錯版美國紙 鈔,其中包括一些極少見的錯版印刷紙鈔。

對我而言,這次芝加哥夏季 ANA 國際錢幣展銷會真正的 亮點是“伯恩哈德行動”主題書籍首發晚宴。該晚宴由佛 羅倫斯和勞倫斯 斯彭根家族基金會贊助,我的朋友周邁 可、瑞克 斯特拉爾和格倫 喬德(Glen Jorde)協同贊 助。伯恩哈德行動是第二次世界大戰期間納粹德國的一次 紙幣造假行動。在這次行動中,薩克森豪森集中營的一些 猶太人被要求偽造英格蘭銀行的紙幣。從表面上看,這一 行動旨在通過促使英國貨幣貶值,破壞英國貨幣體系,從 而在戰爭中造成有利於德國的情勢。但實際上,這只是 一個為數不多的德國軍官制定的計劃,希望通過讓熟練 的猶太集中營工人偽造這些英國鈔票快速致富。要瞭解更 多關於這一在第二次世界大戰期間驚人行動的資訊,我建 議閱讀《偽造的秘密:納粹伯恩哈德行動計劃的表像和事 實》(Forging Secrets: Faces and Facts Inside the Nazi Operation Bernhard Scheme)一書,該書版權歸佛羅 倫斯和勞倫斯 · 斯潘根家族基金會所有。瑞克和格倫作為 PMG 最早的一批資深評級師,幫助 PMG 對這些涉及伯 恩哈德行動的紙鈔進行了評分和認證,因此他們在本次宴 會上受到了嘉獎。鑒評伯恩哈德行動假鈔是 PMG 有史以 來第一次對當代假鈔進行評級,為該公司評級非美國當代 假鈔打開了大門。 我極力建議所有錢幣愛好者不要錯過參加 ANA 國際錢幣 展銷會的機會,因為那裏有適合每個人的東西。2022 年在 芝加哥舉行的夏季 ANA 國際錢幣展銷會取得了巨大成功, 如此看來錢幣業將在 2022 年下半年繼續保持其強勁的勢 頭。在此,我想祝大家一切順利。隨着旅行限制不斷放鬆, 我期待與周邁可、魏亨泰,以及其他好友在冠軍拍賣 2022 年11月27日舉行的澳門拍賣會以及 2022 年澳門錢幣學會年 會上見面。最後,我想祝各位在錢幣收藏方面一切順利。 如果你路經佛羅里達州薩拉索塔地區,一定要停下來和我 見上一面!

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未知,被人們習稱為“深海蒙娜麗莎”。“黃金之船”是歷史 上最著名的沉船之一,而這場展覽囊括了上面形形色色的物 品。ANA 博物館展覽展出的其他錢幣方面的亮點,包括 福吉歐試鑄幣(
原PCGS世界錢幣終評師肯·朴(Ken Park)欣賞馬克·洛沃 莫的新書

Originally published on ngc. com

Guide to Determining Coin Prices

Jeff Garrett〔USA〕

In recent years, the world of rare coin price guides has changed dramatically. When I began my career as a rare coin dealer in the 1970s, the Guide Book of United States Coins (the "Red Book") was the primary source of rare coin prices. The annual book would usually come out in early summer, and for a few months before publication, rare coin dealers would wait eagerly to price their coins.

Most years, the price changes were moderate, sometimes intentionally, as not to disrupt the market. When huge hoards came out, such as the US government's sale of silver dollars in the 1960s, prices could change significantly. Another interesting fact about early coin pricing is the lack of information available to the editors of price guides. There were no grading company population reports to give an indication of true rarity. The annual price guides of the 1970s and 1980s listed prices for hundreds of coins that did not exist. There has never

been an example of an 1870-CC Double Eagle known in mint condition. The 1973 Redbook lists the price for one at $12,500 in Uncirculated. The prices for extremely rare coins that did not exist were theoretical. Price guides now rarely list a price for a coin unless one has been graded by third-party grading companies.

For most of my career, rare coin prices have been determined by using some combination of price guides. This includes retail and wholesale price guides. When buying or selling a coin, the secret was to have the knowledge about an issue to know what percentage of these price guides one could expect to get for a coin. Some series are more popular than others, and some coins were much rarer than any price guide recognized. Most of this knowledge had to be learned firsthand by buying or selling. For collectors and dealers, knowledge was power.

A great deal has changed about rare coin pricing in the last two decades. Those who create pricing for price guides have much more information at their disposal. The population reports provide very clear information about rarity. One of the biggest pieces of the puzzle, however, has become the rare coin auction results. The latest information about rare coin auction prices is now available with a few clicks of your cellphone. The information is also extremely up-to-date. Most of the major auction houses have the information available within a few days of the sale.

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0781 C C Double EaglefromNGCCoin Explorer
A combination of different elements factor into the price for rare coins.

Today, most collectors and dealers take this information for granted. It is easily accessible and comprehensive. Surprisingly, this information was nearly unavailable about 20 to 25 years ago. In the early 1990s, John Dannreuther and I created one of the first databases for auction prices realized. We were both doing research for numismatic books and thought the information would be very useful. We hired college students to take the latest auction catalogs and enter the prices realized into an Excel database. Then, we worked our way back to include famous named sales as needed. The process was slow and arduous, but within six months, we had a very useful tool.

I soon realized how useful this new tool could be when buying rare coins. At a Michigan State Convention, someone offered me an 1841 Quarter Eagle. With my new tool, I was able to determine that when these rare coins sold, they always brought significantly more than price guides indicated. Shortly after, we hired more college students! The information was extremely valuable and an almost unfair advantage when buying rare coins. In the next 20 to 25 years, others saw the same value of this information and developed their own sophisticated software to capture the information. There was no more need for college students to enter prices by hand.

as an important tool when making a buying decision. The information is now used for coins at every price level and not just for major rarities. Many of the auction houses offer historical auction records as part of their lot information. I am now the Senior Editor of the Guide Book of United States Coins and recent auction prices are an important ingredient when deciding retail prices.

The information is important, but not the only factor when determining accurate retail prices for rare coins. Information about auction prices realized can be extremely confusing. Many coins of the same grade sell for wildly different prices. This can occur in the same year!

One recent example: At the July 2021 Heritage Auctions sale, a 1907 High Relief Double Eagle graded NGC MS 66 realized $60,000. In a November 2021 auction, an NGC MS 66 sold for $87,000. A lot of factors come into play when examining auction prices realized.


Collectors and dealers now use auction prices realized

Auction prices realized can also be very confusing when coins are sold that dealers or collectors think are very under-graded. Quite a few dealers make a living looking for these types of coins and are very aggressive in bidding on them. The prices realized can defy common sense. In October 2016, a 1903 Jefferson Gold Dollar graded NGC MS 66 sold for $3,760 versus a retail price guide listing of

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1907 High Relief Double Eagle graded NGC MS 66. Realized $60,000 in July 2021 Heritage Auctions sale. 1903 Jefferson Gold Dollar graded NGC MS 66. Realized $3,760 in October 2016 Heritage Auctions sale.

$1,500. Cases such as this are quite common, especially when an old-time collection is offered at auction. Interpreting the information of auction prices realized is sometimes more art than science.


Most serious collectors and dealers know that not all coins of the same grade look alike. They are more artworks than bland commodities. In another article, I noted that only about 25% of rare coins are attractive for the grade. Most have a dull or unattractive toning. That is why coins with great eye appeal sell for considerably more money. Rare coins with beautiful toning can sometimes sell for prices that defy logic. What a coin looks like really matters and should be taken into consideration when studying auction prices.


Another factor that plays an important role is the collector demand when a coin is being sold at auction. In recent years, the popularity of collecting coins for set registries has grown substantially. There are some series with a huge number of collectors chasing a few coins to increase their set ranking. This can sometimes lead to prices realized that seem illogical.

There are some coins struck after 1964 that sell for prices usually reserved for true rarities. If two collectors butt heads, the price realized can be a one-time event. It takes at least two for an auction price to run away. I would never purchase a coin based on an auction price that might never again happen. Also, many of these prices are based on grading rarity alone, and prices could tumble if a higher-grade example is produced by the grading services.

Collecting by set registry can be extremely exciting, but I would suggest careful study when buying condition rarities.

Low-end prices

On the other end of the spectrum are coins that sell for seemingly low prices for no reason. This can occur in any large sale where there are always coins that fall through the cracks. Not every coin in every sale has buyer support.

A low price realized can simply be a matter of just a few bottom feeders bidding on the lots. These bottom feeders will buy anything based on price. The prices do not represent what the coins would sell for to a willing buyer who needs the coins for their collection. As a matter of fact, real estate appraisers usually do not consider auction prices when making an appraisal. Those are considered distress sales and eliminated from the equation.

It should be remembered that rare coin prices are the result of supply and demand, and this applies to rare coin auctions. Occasionally, there is too much material offered for the market to absorb efficiently. This can lead to depressed prices at auction, at least until the material has been absorbed.

In the last few years, several massive collections were sold unreserved. Colonial coinage was particularly hard hit with excess material being sold to a relatively small pool of collectors. Prices dropped on many issues and now is a great time to add these to your collection. Just don't expect to buy them at the absolute low auction price realized when dozens of great coins were being sold the same day. The same advice applies to nearly every series that was over-represented at auction in recent years.

Rare coin auction prices have become a very important tool, but the information must be used with intelligence. Make sure to take the information mentioned above into consideration and use all available tools when making a purchase decision.

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指 錢幣價格確定

近年來,珍稀錢幣價格指南的世界發生了巨大的變化。當 我在 20 世紀70 年代開始我的幣商生涯時,《美國錢幣指南》 (“紅皮書”)是珍稀錢幣價格的主要來源。這本年刊通常會 在初夏出版,在出版前的幾個月,珍稀錢幣的經銷商會急 切地等待這本指南為他們的錢幣定價。

在大多數年份裏,價格變化是溫和的,有時是有意為之, 以避免擾亂市場。而當有大量存貨錢幣出現在市場上時, 如美國政府在 20 世紀 60 年代出售銀元,價格可能會發生重 大變化。

關於早期錢幣定價的另一個有趣的事實是,價格指南的編 輯們缺乏可用的資訊。當時沒有評級公司的數據報告來說 明一些錢幣的稀缺性。20 世紀70 年代和 80 年代的年度價格 指南列出了數百種不存在的錢幣的價格。例如當時並沒有 保持出廠狀態的1870 年雙鷹金幣,但1973 年的紅皮書列出 了一枚未流通品相的1870 年雙鷹金幣,其價格為12 500 美 元。因此,這本目錄只是從理論上列出這些不曾面世的極 其稀有的錢幣的價格。現在的價格指南不會將此類錢幣列

◎ 傑夫·加勒特〔美國〕 都必須通過購買或出售錢幣來獲得第一手資料。因此,對 於錢幣收藏家和經銷商來說,知識就 是力量。

在過去的 20 年裏,珍稀錢 幣的定價發生了很大的變 化。那些為價格指南制 定估價的人掌握了更多 的資訊。錢幣數據報告 提供了非常明確的稀有性 資訊。然而,現在定價過程 中最重要的一部分是罕見錢幣 的拍賣結果。現在只要點擊幾下手 機,就可以獲得有關珍稀錢 幣拍賣價格的最新資訊。 這些資訊也是最新的。 大多數主要的拍賣行 都能在拍賣後的幾天 內提供這些資訊。

今天,大多數收藏家 和經銷商認為這種資訊 公佈是理所當然的。它很 容易獲得,而且很全面。令人驚 訝的是,這種資訊在大約 20至 25 年前幾乎是不存在的。在 20 世紀90 年代初,約翰 丹魯瑟(John Dannreuther)和

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入其中,除非其已經被第三方評級公司評級過。 在我職業生涯的大部分時間裏,稀有錢幣的價格都是通過 使用一些價格指南的組合來確定的。這包括錢幣零售和批 發價格指南。在購買或出售錢幣時,秘訣是要對某一問題 有所瞭解。有些錢幣系列比其他系列更受歡迎,有些錢幣 比任何價格指南所確認的都要稀少得多。這些知識大部分
原刊載於 NGCCoin Explorer 中的1870年美國雙鷹 金 幣 稀有錢幣的價格 是由不同因素組 合而成的。 指南

我創建了首批拍賣價格資料庫之一。我們都在為錢幣書籍 做研究,認為這些資訊會非常有用。我們雇用了大學生, 把最新的拍賣目錄和價格輸入到一個 Excel 資料庫中去。 然後,我們又根據需要,把重要的拍品數據輸入到這個 Excel 資料庫內。這個過程是緩慢而艱辛的,但在6 個月內, 我們就建成了一個非常有用的資料庫。


在密歇根州的一次會議上,有人向我提供了1枚1841年的 1/4 盎司雙鷹金幣。有了我的新工具之後,我能夠確定,這 些珍稀錢幣出售時,它們的價格總是大大超過了價格指南 所顯示的。不久之後,我們雇用了更多的大學生。這些資 訊是非常有價值的,在購買稀有錢幣時對我們來說是一種 優勢。在接下來的 20至 25 年裏,其他人也看到了這些資訊 的價值,並開發了他們自己的複雜軟體來捕捉這些資訊。 大學生們不再需要手工輸入價格了。 現在,收藏家和經銷商在做出購買決定時將拍賣價格作為 一個重要工具。這些資訊現在被用於每個錢幣的價格水準, 而不僅僅是主要的稀有品種。許多拍賣行把提供的所拍錢 幣的歷史拍賣記錄作為其拍品資訊的一部分。我現在是《美 國錢幣指南》的資深編輯,在決定零售價格時,最近的拍

惑。許多相同等級的錢幣賣出去的價格大相徑庭,這種情 況可能發生在同一年 ! 最近的一個例子:在 2021年 7月海瑞 得(Heritage Auctions)舉行的拍賣會上,1枚1907年高 浮雕雙鷹金幣經評 NGC MS66 ,拍賣成交價為 60 000 美 元。在 2021年11月的拍賣會上,1枚 NGC MS66 的同一錢 幣以87 000 美元的價格成交。這說明,有很多因素在起作 用,它們影響着拍賣的價格。

評級 當經銷商或收藏家認為拍賣的錢幣被低評時,拍賣的價格 也會變得非常出乎意料。不少經銷商以尋找這些類型的錢 幣為生,並在競標中非常積極,其成交的價格可能超乎尋 常。2016 年10月,1枚1903 年傑斐遜金幣被 NGC 評為 MS66 ,以 3 760 美元的價格售出,而零售價格指南上的價 格是1 500 美元。像這樣的情況是很常見的,特別是當一件 古老的收藏品被拍賣時。拍賣價格有時是依據其藝術性而 不是科學。


大多數收藏家和交易商都知道,並非所有相同等級的錢幣 看起來都一樣。它們更像是藝術品,而不是平淡無奇的商 品。在另一篇文章中,我指出,只有大約 25% 的稀有錢幣 在等級上有吸引力。大多數都有一個暗淡或不吸引人的色 調。這就是為什麼具有巨大視覺吸引力的錢幣能賣出相當

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賣價格是一個重要因素。 在確定珍稀錢幣的準確零售價格時,這些資訊很重要,但 不是唯一的因素。有關拍賣價格的資訊可能會非常令人困
2021年7月海瑞得拍賣會上的1907年高浮雕雙鷹金幣,經評NGC MS66

1903年傑斐遜金幣被NGC評為MS 66。 在2016年10月的海瑞得拍賣會上以3 760美元的價格成交。

高的價格。具有美麗色調的珍稀錢幣有時可以賣到違反邏 輯的價格。一枚錢幣的外觀真的很重要,在研究拍賣價格 時應加以考慮。


另一個起重要作用的因素是,當一枚錢幣在拍賣會上被拍 賣時,收藏家對這枚錢幣的需求度。近年來,將自己的錢 幣收藏在評級公司登記在冊的流行程度大幅提高。因此會 有大量的收藏家追逐某一系列中的一些錢幣,來提高他們 的排名。這有時會導致錢幣的價格似乎有悖常理。

1964 年之後鑄造的一些錢幣,通常只以真正稀有幣的價格 出售。如果兩個收藏者交鋒,實現的價格可能是一次性的 事件。兩種情況下,拍賣價格才會下跌。我永遠不會基於拍 賣價格去購買一枚幣,因為這種情況可能再也不會發生了。


低價格的實現可能僅僅是一個問題,即只有幾個抄底的買 家在競價。這些抄底者會根據價格來購買任何東西。這些 價格並不代表對於需要這些錢幣作為收藏品的買家來說會 賣多少錢。事實上,房地產評估師在進行評估時通常不考 慮拍賣價格。這些被認為是廉價出售,並從影像錢幣價格 的綜合因素中剔除。

應該記住,稀有錢幣的價格是供求關係的結果,這也適用 於稀有錢幣拍賣。偶爾,提供的錢幣太多,市場無法有效 吸收。這可能導致錢幣在拍賣會上的價格被壓低。

在過去的幾年裏,一些大規模的收藏品被無保留地出售。 殖民時期的錢幣受到了特別大的衝擊,多餘的錢幣被賣給 了相對較少的收藏家群體。許多錢幣的價格下跌了,現在 是將這些幣加入你的收藏計劃的好時機。只是不要指望以 絕對低的拍賣價格得到它們,因為同一天有幾十枚錢幣被 拍賣。同樣的建議也適用於近年來在拍賣會上占比過高的 幾乎所有系列。

稀有錢幣拍賣價格已成為一個非常重要的工具,但必須明 智地使用這些資訊。確保在做出購買決定時考慮到上述資 訊並使用所有可用的工具。

專欄 COLUMN 115JEAN 28
按套為單位進行收集可能是非常令人興奮的,但我建議在 購買比較稀缺的錢幣時要仔細研究。 低端價位 另一種極端情況是,是那些無緣無故以看似低價出售的錢 幣。在任何大型銷售中都會出現這種情況,總有一些幣被 低價出售。並非每次銷售的每枚錢幣都能獲得買家的支持。
《中國近代機製幣精品鑒賞》第三版 正式啟動 2020 年 7 月 17 日(週五),冠軍拍賣組織來自上海、浙江、四川等地的 20 名藏家前往上海造幣有限公司參觀了上 海造幣博物館及其包克錢幣展示廳,午餐期間宣佈開始啟動第三版《中國近代機製幣精品鑒賞》編撰工作。《東亞泉志》 出版人周邁可及中文主編袁水清於 8 月 16 日至 20 日前往北京,開展第三版的問卷策劃和評委會構建工作。問卷調查 工作已於 9 月正式啟動,12 月評選出新一版的十大精選硬幣。第三版預計於 2021 年秋面世。 藏家參觀上海造幣博物館 參觀者親自鑄打參觀紀念章 藏家交流 冠軍拍賣總裁周邁可宣佈開始啟動

( 庚戍春季)雲南造宣統元寶庫平七錢二分銀質樣幣




主任委員:孫浩 資深錢幣收藏界專家學者

副主任委員 : 周邁可 愛秀集團董事長暨冠軍拍賣董事長

顧問委員會主任委員 : 戴志強 中國錢幣學會副理事長


周 祥 上海博物館研究員中國文物鑒定委員會委員

沈鳴鏑 上海錢幣學會副秘書長

甄偉剛 廣東集幣協會理事

張明泉 中華錢幣協會理事長

周建福 臺北市錢幣協會理事長


2009年12月18日,上海精選結果發佈會上,甄偉向陳吉茂頒獎 Zhen Weigang awards certificate to Chen Chi Mao at the Top Chinese Coin Survey Conference in Shanghai on December the 18th, 2009 2009年12月18日,上海精選結果發佈會上,周邁可向林青禾頒獎 Michael Hans Chou awards certificate to George Lim at the Top Chinese Coins Survey Conference in Shanghai on December the 18th, 2009 2009年12月18日,精選活動嘉賓參觀上海造幣博物館 Guests of the Top Chinese Coin Survey Conference visited the Shanghai Mint Museum on December the 18th, 2009 2009年12月18日,精選結果發佈會在上海舉行 The Top Chinese Coin Survey Conference in Shanghai on December the 18th, 2009 評選結果 前十名中國近代機製幣如下: 1903 年(癸卯)奉天省造光緒元寶庫平一兩銀質樣幣 1900 年(庚子)京局製造光緒元寶庫平七錢二分銀質樣幣 1898 年湖南省造光緒元寶庫平七錢二分銀質樣幣 1904 年廣東省造光緒元寶庫平重一兩銀質樣幣,背鑄字 1910 年
1896 年四川楷書(缶寶 ) 光緒元寶庫平七錢二分銀幣 1890 年廣東省造光緒元寶庫平七錢二分、七錢三分反版銀質樣幣 1911 年(宣統三年)大清銀幣壹元銀質樣幣,長須龍、短須龍、大尾龍、 反 龍、曲須龍 1906 年(丙午)和 1907 年(丁未)大清金幣庫平一兩樣幣 (1904-1905 年)四川省造光緒元寶當三十銅幣,試鑄幣 組織機構 主辦
協辦:美國 MGC
理事 曾澤祿 美國著名中國錢幣收藏家 媒體宣傳 上海電視臺、新浪網、新民晚報、新聞晨報、錢幣報、新聞晚報、上海 熱線、東方網等媒體均對精選活動及結果進行了隆重報道,引起熱烈的 關注。 2009中國近代機製幣競選活動 弘揚中國錢幣文化 推動市場健康發展 TOP 10 of the Greatest Chinese Struck Coins Survey


had a limited print run of 1000, leaving many numismatists and enthusiasts unable to purchase a copy of their own. In response to high demand, iAsure has made certain that the second volume which was released in June 2011 will be available to a much wider audience. While Top Chinese Coins Vol. 1 included gold, silver and copper coins, the second volume highlights the great range of silver coins. Because 2010 is ancient history in numismatics and because so much has happened in the Chinese coin market in the past eleven years, it is high time for a revision. The third edition will be the same as the first

include gold, silver and copper coins. In addition, the new edition covers the information of top coin museums,

most expensive coin in the world, etc. This bilingual third edition will have the same beneficial effect on the market that the second edition had.

TOP CHINESE COINS 3nd Edition 《中國近代機製幣精品鑒賞》第三版 Price( 售價 ):US $150 Plus Postage( 加郵費 ) In June 2010, Top Chinese Coins Vol. 1 was published by iAsure Group and the The Journal of East Asian Numismatics (JEAN). Top Chinese Coins Vol. 1 offers an in-depth summary of the final results from the Top Chinese 2010 年 6 月,愛秀集團和《東亞泉志》出版了《中 國近代機製幣精品鑒賞》第一版。該書對 60 枚中國最頂 級的近代機製幣進行了全面、深入、系統的研究與展 現。其內容涵蓋高清錢幣圖像、流傳脈絡、拍賣紀錄、 市場趨勢、珍稀度解析和背景故事等,在錢幣業界引起 巨大的轟動和反響,備受讚譽,被譽為“全景式展現中 國珍稀機製幣的重要鑒賞書籍”。 儘管因時間蒼促、經驗不足,書中存在一些缺陷和 錯誤,但仍得到讀者的肯定和欣賞。由於該書僅限量印 刷 1000 本,無法滿足廣大錢幣愛好者的需求。經多位資 深錢幣專家、學者、收藏家建議,愛秀集團決定在第一 版的基礎上出版第二版。第二版於 2011 年 6 月發行,相 比第一版 60 枚錢幣囊括金幣、銀幣和銅元,第二版專注 於 60 枚中國近代機製銀幣,定名為《中國近代機製銀幣 精品鑒賞 銀幣版》 (簡稱《銀幣鑒賞》)。 由於2010年距離現在時間上已經非常久遠,對近代 機製幣收藏研究成果披露有限,而且中國錢幣市場在過 去 11 年發生了很多變化,現在有必要對這本書再次進行 更新。第三版將與第二版一樣採用雙語形式,而內容則 將和第一版一樣包括近代機製幣及其樣幣的金銀銅三大 類別,此外還增加了世界頂級錢幣博物館、世界上最昂 貴的錢幣等內容。相信該書第三版的出版將對讀者有所 助益。 Coins Survey, a landmark event held in the winter 2009 to search for the 10 most valuable Chinese struck coins. Coins submitted for review were judged by their rarity, historical importance, artistic appeal, condition, market value and group identity. The deluxe bound book offered details on the Top Chinese Coins Survey as well as high-quality pictures, price trends, degrees of rarity and historical context of the 60 top Modern Chinese Coins. Top Chinese
Vol. 1
edition to
如果需要請聯繫冠軍拍賣公司 臺北市大同區南京西路163號1樓50室 電話: 021-6213 0771 886-903937338 郵箱: 網站: If required, please contact Champion Auction Frist Floor Room 50, 163 Nanking West Road, Taipei Tel: 021-6213 0771 886-903937338 Email: web:

Scarinci, the author of the book Coin of the Year once said,


with matching artistic design, as one

of the 2021 dated coins."

be enjoyed for a lifetime, and each rose is a

are cut in full bloom. This silver


the edge of each petal.


process and

by Mr. Yu Min, the winner of the Lifetime

the Coin of the Year

Shanghai Mint Co. The

and former senior

is manufactured by Shanghai

Commemorative Coin Manufacturing Co., Ltd, one of the

technologically advanced mints.

It is based on one of the greatest Chinese love stories, Butterfly Lovers.

rose coin features an everlasting rose with the two main characters in the story of Butterfly Lovers in high relief. They look away from each other with a Chinese plum tree separating them, and two butterflies flying together showing the final scene of the story.The plum flower, the plum tree, and the background use a finish silver effect. For the butterflies and the window, blasting and mirror effects are used while the face and clothes of the characters employ a blasting effect.

Juliet. The two stand on the balcony dressed in classical European dresses, the rose below is overall flat and convex, but a prism allows for different colors to be seen from different angles. Behind are the

Venetian dome windows and faded bricks. The text inside the window is the classic line of Romeo and Juliet. The white brick seam lines on the walls are white blasting, and the walls are blasted with a gradual change of brighter top and whiter bottom. The balcony, windows and brick wall replicate the actual location where the story takes place.

Room 1808, Baohua Building, No.1211, Changde Road, Putuo District, Shanghai

Purchase Link: ◎ Donald
"This is a superb
of the most appealing coin
◎ This is a rose that can
real rose. ◎ Naturally grown roses
a real rose processed through
special preservation
finished with 24k gold plating on
◎ The coin is designed
Achievement Award for
designer of
New Century
world's most
Original Package: RMB 2999 NGC PF 70: RMB 3688 Niue Island Eternal Love & Everlasting Rose Pure Silver Coin Nominated in the Most Innovative category in the 2023 Coin of the Year Award Reservation 2oz .999Ag45mm Limited Mintage of 600 ◎ Obverse:
◎ Reverse : It shows Romeo and
Everlasting Rose NGC Holder with Yu Min Signature Label Contact Us : Tel :021-62130771 E-mail Address:
Only 5 pieces available


正面:以中國古代著名愛情故事梁山伯與祝英臺為主題。幣上超高浮雕 的梁山伯與祝英臺人物肖像相互背離,被一顆桃樹分開。樹上兩只蝴蝶翩 翩飛舞,應和了梁祝故事的結局。桃花、桃樹和背景均採用了古銀效果, 蝴蝶與窗格呈現了噴砂和鏡面的效果,人物面部和衣服則採用了漸變鐳射 砂工藝。

◎ 背面:著名的羅密歐與朱麗葉的故事。二人身著歐洲古典禮服站在陽臺 上,下方的玫瑰整體平凸但白色亮丸實現了灰色鐳射幻彩效果,隨著角度

◎ 《世界硬幣大獎賽》一書的作者唐納德 斯卡林奇表示,“這是一枚極富 創意的硬幣,且具有與之相襯的藝術性,是 2021 年發行的錢幣中最具魅力 的錢幣之一。

◎ 這是一朵可以賞玩一生的玫瑰,每一朵玫瑰都是真實的玫瑰。

◎ 自然生長的玫瑰花剪切於盛放之時。這枚銀幣將鮮活的玫瑰通過特殊手 工保存工藝進行處理,最後在每片花瓣的邊緣鍍以24k 金。

◎ 紀念幣由克勞斯世界硬幣大獎賽終身成就獎得主,原上海造幣有限公司 高級工藝美術師余敏先生操刀設計,由世界技術最領先的造幣廠之一的上 海新世紀紀念幣製造有限公司製造。

余敏簽名 原包裝:¥2999 NGC打盒:¥3688 僅5枚可售 紐埃群島永恆之愛&永生玫瑰純銀紀念幣 被提名2023年世界硬幣大獎賽“最佳創意幣”的評選 紀 /念 /幣/ 預/ 定 ◎
的變換會呈現出紅、藍、綠、黃等各種不同的顏色。背後是威尼斯特色的 穹頂窗戶和褪色的磚塊。窗內的文字為《羅密歐與朱麗葉》的經典對白。 牆上的白色磚縫線為白砂,牆面則採用了上亮下白的漸變噴砂。陽臺、窗 戶和磚牆均複刻了故事所發生的實際地點。 永生玫瑰 精 /美 /手/ 繪/ 圖 NGC 打盒 限量100枚 一一錢幣網購買鏈接:
2盎司 .999銀直徑45毫米 聯繫我們: 電話:021-62130771 郵箱
號寶華大廈1808室內 限量鑄造600枚
專業硬幣評級的要素 經驗: NGC評級師均是訓練有素,經驗豐富的專業人 員,並在錢幣學研究領域處於前沿。每一枚硬幣 均由多名專業評級師進行檢驗,以保證準確性與 一致性。 參考: 我們的綜合研究圖書館 為NGC評級師提供最相 關的參考資料。他們同時 也向全世界的專家進行 咨詢。 診斷: 評級師參考我們數據 庫中數百萬的真假幣 圖像,包括非常詳細 的診斷圖像。 科技: X射線熒光光譜分析,結合特定的重力 與顯微鏡評估,幫助判定硬幣表面成分 與鑄造工藝。 每一次NGC評級背後都是一整套高度複雜,經過時間考驗的過 程。依憑于我們行業領先的專業技術,超過5300萬枚硬幣被委託 給NGC,其中甚至包括許多來自世界各地的頂級硬幣。 了解更多,敬請浏覽
紙幣交給PMG鑑定, 最放心 PMG成立於2005年,為紙幣提供獨立公正的專業真品鑑定、評級並封裝的服務。 PMG被世界各地的收藏家和經銷商所認可。因其專業、精準和一致的評級, 對公正的承諾以及全面的真品和等級保證而被全球信賴, 也因此成為全球最大的第三方紙幣評級服務機構。 了解更多? 請瀏覽
CHINA. 1500 Yuan (20 Ounce), 1993. Peacock Series. NGC PROOF-69 Ultra Cameo. Realized: $192,000 CHINA. Anhwei. 7 Mace 2 Candareens (Dollar), Year 24 (1898)-ASTC. Anking Mint. Kuang-hsu (Guangxu). PCGS MS-63. Realized: $126,000 CHINA. Gold K’uping Tael Pattern, CD (1906). Tientsin Mint. Kuang-hsu (Guangxu). NGC MS-62. Realized: $324,000 CHINA. Silver 50 Cents Pattern, Year 3 (1911). Tientsin Mint. Hsuan-t’ung (Xuantong [Puyi]). PCGS SPECIMEN-63. Realized: $384,000 CHINA. Silver Dollar Pattern, ND (1916). Tientsin Mint. Hung-hsien (Hongxian [Yuan Shih-kai]). PCGS SPECIMEN-60. Realized: $372,000 CHINA. Gold Presentation Dollar, ND (1912). Nanking Mint. NGC MS-61. Realized: $264,000 CHINA. Silver Dollar Pattern, Year 12 (1923). Tientsin Mint. PCGS MS-64 Prooflike. Realized: $432,000 CHINA. Gold Dollar Pattern, ND (1923). PCGS SPECIMEN-61. Realized: $360,000 CHINA. Copper 1/2 Dollar (50 Cents) Pattern, Year 24 (1935). Shanghai Mint. PCGS SPECIMEN-63+ Brown. Realized: $204,000 Stack’s Bowers and Ponterio October 2022 Hong Kong Auction Exceptional Prices Realized from the We Are Currently Accepting Consignments to Our Spring 2023 Hong Kong Auction! Contact Us Today for More Information. HONG KONG OFFICE Email: Tel: +011.852.2117.1191 Website: Unit 1603, 16/F Mira Place Tower A, No.132 Nathan Road, Tsim Sha Tsui, Kowloon, HK CALIFORNIA OFFICE Email: Tel: +01.949.253.0916 Website: 1550 Scenic Avenue, Suite 150 Costa Mesa, CA 92626 SBP JEAN Print Issue 221021 LEGENDARY COLLECTIONS | LEGENDARY RESULTS | A LEGENDARY AUCTION FIRM

Looking To Buy?想买?

of the



chances are we have it, or may be able to recover it from an original


we sold it to years ago at first distribution.

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In this world of instant experts and brokers, Mish International is still your best choice to handle the purchase of your prized coins in this fast-changing market. Well-capitalized, truly knowledgeable and accommodating, we buy both single pieces and major collections at fair

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完善的配套体系,与国际造币厂的代表们、供应行业的行家以及数百个投资金币界的 专家和币商们沟通交流。 例如,在年度的坤克拍卖会上,不仅有国际币商对拍品感兴趣,还有热忱的钱币 收藏家和投资者。或在星期五举办的媒体论坛上,那些国际运营的造币厂获得了向国 际行业和国际行业媒体展示他们最新年度项目的平台。

我们期待重逢老友,并结识新的朋友。多年来,世界钱币展览会为常到的 330 位 展商与16,000位观众提供了特别的机遇。 展览会有大约 1 万平方米的展览空间,是世界钱币交易和铸币事业最重要的平 台。和其他同类公司一样,我们的客户对技术发展和最新趋势这方面的信息需求甚 高。 我们期待在即将开幕的柏林世界钱币展览会上看到多元化的内容,并利用展览会
世界钱币展览会的技术论坛将在周四举行,这是特别为与铸币技术有关的所有专 业人士设计的。 目前我们拥有的出色的演讲者和学识渊博的专业观众已超过 400 人。这些业界精 英以及关于技术革新话题的深讨将首次登陆展览会的技术论坛,这不仅使论坛成为界 内的大事件,还使它成为过去几年中世界铸币行业里最重要的会议。 我们期待和你相遇,并见证我们共创的成功。世界钱币展览会——钱币学界的脉 搏,在这里你可以和世界钱币界的专业人士建立联系。 联系方式 地址:World Money Fair Berlin GmbH Ollenhauerstr. 97 13403 BERLIN GERMANY 电话:+49 30 32 76 44 01 电邮 精彩纷呈的世界钱币展览会,欢迎您的加入

易金線上APP成立於2013年10月,是中國最大的貴金屬投資領域紀念金銀幣二級市場社區電商拍賣交易平臺,積聚9年的服 務體系、以完善的技術創新和信任背書的發展勢能。易金線上建立了線上競拍、金幣百科、易金大數據、認知傳播、評級保養5 大品牌方向。構建行業上下游聯動,建立行業信任體系,推動供需增長,50+創新專利,推動行業數位化變革,高效協同的完整

產業鏈條。 地址:北京市西城區德勝置業大廈6號樓 電話:4006906001 地址:上海市黃浦區局門路600號盧工郵幣市場二樓B054 電話:021-63167939 齊心協力 共同振興 中國金銀幣二級市場 拍賣時間 平臺優勢 01 04 03 06 特種金銀幣場 週一 19:00 綜合場 周四 19:00 02 05 熊貓金銀幣場 周二 19:00 郵票幣場 周四 20 :00 精選金銀幣場 周三 20:00 紀念金銀幣場 周日 19:00 ★ 線上拍賣 ★ 評級養護 ★ 高效委託 ★ 幣友社區 ★ 品質保障 ★ 金幣百科 ★ 先行支付 ★ 大宗交易 ◎ 高品質養護評估,NGC官方權威鑒定,累計交易百萬枚 ◎ 中國區評級官方提交中心 ◎ 中金國衡官方指定代理商 ◎ 熊貓金幣特許經銷商



2022年“母愛永恆與永生玫瑰”1盎司純銀熊貓紀念幣(簡稱母親 節紀念幣)由坦桑尼亞銀行批准鑄造,為坦桑尼亞法定貨幣。

紀念幣由克勞斯世界硬幣大獎賽終身成就獎得主,原上海造幣有限 公司高級工藝美術師余敏先生設計。

設計師余敏先生應邀已於 6月8日來到冠軍拍賣上海辦公室,為收藏 證書簽名。購買裸幣的客人將收到帶有余敏先生手簽的收藏證書。

紀念幣主景圖案:正面為象徵“永恆之愛”的永生玫瑰;背面為母 子熊貓、峨眉山金頂及遠山佛光。

該紀念幣的 NGC 認證版本使用了 NGC



直徑 40毫米 品質 精製 發行國家 坦桑尼亞 發行年份


“母愛永恆與永生玫瑰”純銀熊貓紀念幣 開始陸續寄出
專門開發的保護盒,可使 之置於桌上或掛於牆上。 此外,還有少量的金質、銀質和黃銅鍍金樣幣可供出售。 如欲訂購,可致電021-62130771或添加微信1026841006詳詢。 裸幣紀念幣將於 6月10日開始寄出,NGC 打盒紀念幣將於 6月15日 重量 1
成色 .999銀
2022年 面值 1000先令
1000 枚 之後開始寄出。存量不多,欲購從速。 我們還將向那些長期以來支持冠軍拍賣和《東亞泉志》的朋友贈送 母親節紀念幣並附贈感謝卡。 每枚售價(人民幣) 日期 1盎司銀幣裸幣(僅5 枚可售) 1盎司銀幣 NGC PR70 余敏簽名標籤(僅10枚可售) 6月30日前 888元 1 088元 7月1日起 999元 1 188元


2017 年母親節熊貓紀念章同樣由余敏先生設計,正背面以熊貓母 子圖、峨眉山聖地為主景,是為紀念冠軍拍賣公司成立20周年而鑄 造的,並贈予與公司有業務往來的客人。NGC 為此章製造了60 個 評級盒,贈送給出席霍華德 · 包克家族舉辦的美國國家錢幣收藏錢 幣捐贈活動的嘉賓。


50克銀 NGC PR70 1 688元 (鑄造量

NGC PF70的1盎司母親節紀念幣銀質樣幣
NGC PF70的1盎司母親節紀念幣 銅鍍金樣幣
300,3 枚可售) 30克銀 NGC PR70 888元 (鑄造量800,5 枚可售) 2017年母親節紀念章 50克金幣樣幣 NGC PR70 余敏簽名標籤 (鑄造量僅6 枚,1枚可售) 1盎司銀質樣幣 NGC PR70 余敏簽名標籤 (鑄造量僅30枚,5 枚可售) 黃銅鍍金樣幣 NGC PR70 余敏簽名標籤 (鑄造量180枚,5 枚可售) 30 000元 3 888元 1 388元 冠軍拍賣有限公司 地址:上海市常德路1211號寶華大廈1808室 電話:86-21-62130771 傳真:86-21-62130773 郵箱
● Email:● Email: Please Contact Mark Lovmo : ● Release Day : July 1, 2022 ● Author: Mark Lovmo ● Page: 400 US $50 (Plus Shipping) South Korea Coins In the Era of Development South Korean Coins in the Era of Development Mark Lovmo 9 780990 520054 5 5 0 0 0 > ISBN 978-0-9905200-5-4 $50.00 Tel : +82-2-3471-4586/7 | Fax : +82-2-597-8741 E-mail : Hwadong Auction Korean Numismatic Rarities Gold and Silver Commemorative Coins World Banknotes 2022_한국주화_광고.indd 2 2022. 4. 12. 오전 9:42 ● Size: 210mm × 297mm ● Copy: 500
50 美元 (不包含郵費) 9 780990 520054 5 5 0 0 0 > ISBN 978-0-9905200-5-4 $50.00 Tel : +82-2-3471-4586/7 | Fax : +82-2-597-8741 E-mail : Hwadong Auction Korean Numismatic Rarities Gold and Silver Commemorative Coins World Banknotes 2022_한국주화_광고.indd 2 2022. 4. 12. 오전 9:42 郵箱 地址:上海市常德路1211號寶華大廈1808室 電話:86-21-62130771 如若需要,請您與我們聯繫 《發展時代的韓國錢幣》 ● 發行日期:2022/7/1 ● 作者: 馬克·洛沃莫 ● 頁數:400頁 ● 尺寸:210mm×297mm ● 發行量:500本 South Korean Coins in the Era of Development Mark Lovmo
Accepting consignments throughout the year Jeffrey Wai +65 9638‐7225 (WhatsApp) 101 Upper Cross Street, #03 78A, People’s Park Centre, Singapore 058357 亚 洲 藏 品 拍 卖 Collectibles Auction Asia
2021.6.27冠軍上海VIP精品微拍 聯繫我們:上海市常德路1211號寶華大廈1808室 電話: 86-21-62130771 郵箱 : 1916 年中華帝國袁世凱像洪憲紀元飛龍銀幣 沖天冠版,NGC MS63, 曾亮相於 1996 年冠軍 拍賣及 2010 年 Ultima 收藏專場拍賣 起拍價:300 000 元 成交價:1 859 000 元 1923 年中華民國十二年造龍鳳壹圓銀幣 NGC MS65,Su Z. 收藏 起拍價:300 000 元 成交價:1 111 000 元 1898 年(光緒二十四年)安徽省造光緒元寶 庫平七錢二分銀幣,扁四,小星花版 NGC MS64,席德柄 / 張南琛收藏 起拍價:300 000 元 成交價:1 331 000 元 1889 年廣東省造光緒元寶庫平三錢六分五厘 銀幣,NGC AU55,包克收藏 起拍價:300 000 元 成交價:550 000 元 1912 年中華民國袁世凱像共和紀念十文銅幣 小面版,NGC AU55,張南琛收藏 起拍價:30 000 元 成交價:239 800 元 1912 年中華民國黎元洪像開國紀念幣壹圓銀幣 NGC MS64,張南琛收藏 起拍價:100 000 元 成交價:330 000 元 1906 年(丙午)戶部“中”字 大清銀幣貳錢,NGC MS66,張南琛收藏 起拍價:100 000 元 成交價:594 000 元 1898 年吉林省造光緒元寶庫平七錢二分銀幣 NGC XF40,張南琛收藏 起拍價:30 000 元 成交價:187 000 元 1927 年十六年造中華民國國民政府孫中山像 陵墓紀念銀幣 NNC MS64,Richard Wright 收藏 起拍價:300 000 元 成交價:1 386 000 元 1903 年光緒元寶戶部庫平一兩金幣 NGC PF65 起拍價:300 000 元 成交價:891 000 元 1906 年光緒年造大清銀幣戶部貳錢銀幣 PCGS MS65,W.L./ 黃華樞收藏 起拍價:100 000 元 成交價:363 000 元 1895-1905 年湖北省造光緒元寶庫平三錢六分 銀幣,NGC MS64,華人家族藏品。原味包漿, 鑄打深峻 起拍價:30 000 元 成交價:231 000 元 1911 年(宣統三年)大清銀幣壹圓 NGC MS64 起拍價:30 000 元 成交價:165 000 元 1919 年雲南省造唐繼堯像擁護共和紀念拾圓金 幣,反面帶數字“1”,NGC MS62,1991 年美國 錢幣學會複製品 起拍價:30 000 元 成交價:231 000 元 微拍成交亮點/Highlights 1924 年(民國十三年)中華銅幣背嘉禾十文 NGC XF45 BN,NC 藏品 起拍價:10 000 元 成交價:154 000 元
聯繫我們:上海市常德路1211號寶華大廈1808室 電話: 86-21-62130771 郵箱 : 地點:澳門十六浦索菲特酒店六樓會議室 郵箱 電話:021-62130771 2020年11月19日 冠軍澳門拍賣會 掃一掃,關注我們 庚子京局製造一錢四分原鑄幣 NGC MS60,包克收藏 起拍價:USD 10000 成交價:USD 62400 1907 年東三省造光緒元寶庫平七錢二分銀幣 NGC AU58,NC 藏品 起拍價:USD 38000 成交價:USD 67200 1904 年光緒三十年湖北省造大清銀幣庫平一兩 小字版,NGC AU53,包克藏品 起拍價:USD 5000 成交價:USD 62400 1907 年(丁未)大清伍角銀幣 NGC MS65,包克收藏 起拍價:USD 5000 成交價:USD 57200 1853 年臺灣如意軍餉 NGC AU Details,NC 藏品 起拍價:USD 20000 成交價:USD 40800 1920 年中華民國九年鄂造貳角每五枚當一圓銀 幣,NGC MS61,包克收藏 起拍價:USD 3000 成交價:USD 36000 1911 年宣統三年大清銀幣伍角 NGC MS62,包克收藏 起拍價:USD 10000 成交價:USD 132000 1898 年湖南省造光緒元寶庫平三錢六分樣幣 PCGS SP66+,華人家族收藏 起拍價:USD 230000 成交價:USD 540000 1911 年大清長須龍壹元銀幣 NGC MS64,包克收藏 起拍價:USD 30000 成交價:USD 312000 1896 年黑龍江省造光緒元寶庫平三錢六分 NGC AU55,奧托 拜赫德製中國樣幣 起拍價:USD 20000 成交價:USD 67500 1910 年宣統年造大清壹元銀幣 NGC MS64,包克收藏 起拍價:USD 10000 成交價:USD 105600 1852 年臺灣老公銀壹圓 NGC AU55,包克收藏 起拍價:USD 10000 成交價:USD 91200 拍賣成交亮點/Highlights
拍賣成交亮點/Highlights 聯繫我們:上海市常德路1211號寶華大廈1808室 電話: 86-21-62130771 郵箱 : 2020.8.23 冠軍上海VIP微拍Ⅱ 1903 年戶部光緒元寶庫平 5 錢銀幣,L&M2, K928,華人家族藏品 起拍價:200000(人民幣) 成交價:1243000(人民幣) 天津黎元洪像中華民國五族共和紀念銅章, NGC AU55 BN,NC 藏品 起拍價:100000(人民幣) 成交價:275000(人民幣) 1909-1911 年湖北省造光緒元寶庫平七錢二分 銀幣,L&M187,NGC MS65,H.F.Bowker 藏品 起拍價:60000(人民幣) 成交價:319500(人民幣) 1922 年(民國十一年)湖北武昌造幣廠長郭銅 質紀念牌,NGC AU58 BN,NC 藏品 起拍價:100000(人民幣) 成交價:291500(人民幣) 1908 年造幣總廠光緒元寶庫平七分二厘銀幣, L&M13,NGC MS64,H.F.Bowker 藏品 起拍價:60000(人民幣) 成交價:176000(人民幣) 1904-1905 年江蘇省造光緒元寶當十,方龍, NGC AU58 BN,H.F.Bowker 藏品 起拍價:30000(人民幣) 成交價:13750(人民幣) 臺灣老公銀足紋銀餅庫平柒弍,臆造幣, KANN-F1,NGC MS63,Ex.Kann/H.F.Bowker 藏品 起拍價:30000(人民幣) 成交價:52800(人民幣) 1932 民國二十一年孫中山像壹元,三鳥 LM108 PCGS MS 63 金盾品相完整,狀態佳。 起拍價:30000(人民幣) 成交價:132000(人民幣) 1914 年福建福建袁世凱福州海運局鎳幣,反面 福州海運局雙打,NGC AU55,華人家族藏品 起拍價:30000(人民幣) 成交價:61600(人民幣) 1894 年德屬新幾內亞 5 馬克銀幣,KM7, PCGS PR62,華人家族藏品 起拍價:30000(人民幣) 成交價:83600(人民幣) 清 太平天國背聖寶 當百 宋體 尺寸:直徑 56mm 42.21g 起拍價:30000(人民幣) 成交價:103400(人民幣) 1895-1905 年湖北省造光緒元寶庫平三錢六分 銀幣,L&M183,NGC MS62,H.F.Bowker 藏 品 起拍價:30000(人民幣) 成交價:148500(人民幣)
B.H. Mayer´s Kunstprägeanstalt GmbH 創 新 創 造 價 值
Coin Designed by: Yu Min CBPMC Senior designer Winner of 2017 COTY “Lifetime” Achievement Award in Design 设计师:余敏 中国印钞造币总公司高级工艺美术师 曾获得“2017年克劳斯世界硬币大奖赛年度终身成就奖” 1盎司 999纯银 硬币 Minted in Germany 德国铸造 Nano technology applied to the surface of this unique coin 这枚独一无二的硬币表面,采用了纳米技术 Exclusive limited mintage 1000 上海冠坤文化发展有限公司 上海市普陀区常德路宝华大厦1211号1808室 电话:0086(21)-62130772 网址 Magnico Room 1808, Baohua Mansion, No. 1211, Changde Rd., Putuo District, Shanghai Tel:0086(21)-62130772 2019 Tanzania 1000 Shillings 德国铸造 德国梅耶造币厂

1951年生於美國密蘇裏州聖路易斯市, 為密蘇裏大學歷史系學士,哈佛大學中國研究專業碩士。1974-1977 年在克勞斯出版社任《世界錢幣新聞》助理編輯,參與《世界硬幣標準 目錄》與《世界紙鈔標準目錄》編輯工作。1977-1987年全職進行錢幣 交易。1988-1989年在中國鄭州大學留學,主修中國研究課程。19911993年在哈佛大學攻讀碩士。1994-1998 年任《東亞泉志》總編。史 博祿先生擁有30多年的收藏和研究中國錢幣的豐富經驗。他在《東亞 泉志》上發表的研究文獻極大地豐富了中國錢幣的知識內涵。 《東亞泉志》於1994 年7月份問世,1999年停刊,發行了18 期。 雜誌中大部分文章是英文,只有少部分是中文,在20多個國家發行,廣 受歡迎,長期佔據許多重要圖書館書架的顯著位置,包括美國國家博

物館史密森尼學會、大英博物館、哈佛燕京圖書館、哈佛大學、耶魯大 學、哥倫比亞大學、斯坦福大學、康奈爾大學和美國錢幣學會、美國錢 幣協會。雜誌刊發過不少有重要學術價值的文章,如托馬斯 · 烏爾曼寫

1886-1888年間朝鮮首鑄機製幣⸺德國專家相助創建現代造幣 廠》、史博祿寫的《袁世凱像大鬍子開國紀念幣》、範治南與何緯渝寫的 《欽差大臣驚世之旅,記李鴻章訪美破冰之行》、湯姆 · 基納寫的《1897 年浙江三分六厘樣幣和1899年安徽三分六厘流通幣的關係》以及曾澤 祿寫的《明代天啟通寶和崇禎通寶銅錢加蓋戳印 VOC/C 探析》等。

2015年 5月,周邁可先生決定於 2016 年1月復刊《東亞泉志》,聘 請著名錢幣研究學者袁水清先生擔任主編。復刊後的《東亞泉志》為電 子季刊,中英雙語。內容以披露最新錢幣收藏研究成果、推介泉界成功 人士的事蹟為主。主要欄目有學術研究、人物專訪、鑒賞爭鳴、拍賣回 顧、重要信息等。

從 2017年起,《東亞泉志》加盟由克勞斯在德國柏林世界錢幣展覽 會期間舉辦的“世界硬幣大獎”頒獎活動。

《東亞泉志》上海辦公室 電話:021-62130771 郵箱 地址:常德路 1211 號寶華大廈 1808 室 1 頁 (A4):210×297mm分辨率:300 1/2 頁:210×148mm 2022-2023 年 發行時間 廣告截止時間 1 頁 1 期 1 頁 4 期 1/2 頁 1 期 1/2 頁 4 期 第 29 期 1 月 31 日 1 月 1 日 US $800 (¥ 6,000) US $2,500 (¥20,000) US $500 (¥ 4,000) US $1,600 (¥ 12,000) 第 30 期 4 月 30 日 4 月 1 日 US $800 (¥ 6,000) US $2,500 (¥20,000) US $500 (¥ 4,000) US $1,600 (¥ 12,000) 第 31 期 7 月 31 日 7 月 1 日 US $800 (¥ 6,000) US $2,500 (¥20,000) US $500 (¥ 4,000) US $1,600 (¥ 12,000) 第 32 期 10 月 31 日 10 月 1 日 US $800 (¥ 6,000) US $2,500 (¥20,000) US $500 (¥ 4,000) US $1,600 (¥ 12,000) 2023年《東亞泉志》廣告現在接受預定! 第 01 期 第 27 期 JEAN Online Links 《東亞泉志》線上閱讀 《東亞泉志》為冠軍拍賣公司總裁周邁可先生和著名錢幣學專家史 博祿先生於1994 年創辦,是一本學術性錢幣研究專業雜誌。旨在讓廣 大錢幣收藏家、研究學者更深入地瞭解錢幣知識,讓世界各地的讀者 更好地瞭解中國深厚的錢幣文化。 雜誌高級編輯史博祿先生
電子季刊 中英雙語 出版人 周邁可 2022 微信掃一掃 關注我們 25 周年紀念章 東亞泉志出版 JEAN Publications Chinese Show Panda CATALOGUE 1984—2019 紀念章目錄 《東亞泉志》免費 訂閱 簡 介 閱 讀 廣告刊登 第27期

The Journal of East Asian Numismatics

In 1994, The Journal of East Asian Numismatics (JEAN) was founded by Michael Chou, the CEO of Champion Auction and Bruce Smith, a noted numismatist. It is a professional numismatic academic journal whose mission is to educate collectors and researchers on the subjects of Chinese numismatics, culture and history.

Bruce Smith, the chief editor of JEAN, was born in 1951 in St. Louis, MO. He received his BA in history from the University of Missouri St. Louis; and his MA in China studies from Harvard University. In 19741977, he worked for Krause Publications as Editorial Assistant on World Coin News and as cataloger for Standard Catalog of World Coins and Standard Catalog of World Paper Money. He was a full time coin dealer 1977-1987. In 1988-1989, he studied in China as a student of China Studies in Chengchow (Zhengzhou) University, Henan province. In 19911993, Mr. Smith was a graduate student at Harvard University. In 19941998, he was the editor of The Journal of East Asian Numismatics (JEAN). Bruce Smith has been a collector and researcher of Chinese coins for over 30 years. His published research in JEAN has added immensely to the body of knowledge for Chinese coins.

The first issue of JEAN was released in July 1994, and the last issue (18th issue) in 1998. Most articles were written in English, the remainder in Chinese. The journal was distributed in over 20 countries, and remained a mainstay on many important library shelves, including the Smithsonian Institution, the British Museum, the Harvard Yenching Library, Harvard University, Yale University, Columbia University, Stanford University, Cornell University, the ANS (American Numismatic Society), and the ANA (American Numismatic Association). The journal enjoyed great popularity and many important articles were published in JEAN, including “Peking Coins of 1900” by James Sweeny, “More on the Hsu Shih-Chang Pavillion Medals with engraved names” and “The true story of China’s 1936 and 1937 Silver Dollars” by Bruce Smith, “The Apparent Relationship between 1897 Chekiang 5 Cents Pattern and 1899 Anhwei




























5-Cents Circulation Strike” by Tom Keener, and “A Forgery of Taiwan’s Old Man Dollar” by Dr. Che-lu Tseng.

In May 2015, Michael Chou decided to start issuing the journal again starting in January 2016. The famous numismatic researcher Mr. Yuan Shuiqing will be chinese chief editor. He is a member of China Numismatic Society, serving as executive director of the Shenxi Numismatic Society and executive vice president of the Xi’an Collectors Association. As a numismatic researcher, he was chief editor of Collections and China Numismatics. He has published over 100 numismatic research articles and the masterpiece The Elite of Monetary History of China. Other distinguished contributors from home and abroad are numismatists, collectors and coin dealers, including Bruce Smith (author of Howard Franklin Bowker-Numismatic Pioneer), Colin Gullberg (Canada, author of Chopmarked Coins-A History), Chinese American senior numismatist Dr. Che-lu Tseng, Steve Feller former international banknote society editor, senior numismatic scholar of China modern gold and silver commemorative coins King L. Chan (Hong Kong), senior numismatist Chien Fu Chou (Taiwan) and CEO of Beijing Coins website Richard Guo.

It will be a quarterly, bilingual e-journal, covering the latest numismatic research, interviews with famous collectors, auction reviews, and general news. The Journal's distribution is now over 1,000, including over 3,000 in Greater China region.

Starting in 2017, Journal of East Asian Numismatics is a co-sponsor of Krause's Coin of the Year Award Ceremony in Berlin with World Money Fair.

You are welcome to subscribe, submit articles for publication, and advertise in the upcoming JEAN. The 2023 subscription is free of charge. Please send your email to,

Bilingual (English-Chinese) Digital Quarterly ** * 2022-2023 Issue Issue Date Ad Required Full Page for 1 Issue Full Page for 4 Issues 1/2 Page for 1 Issue 1/2 Page for 4 Issues Issue 29 01/31 01/01 US $800 (¥ 6,000) US $2,500 (¥20,000) US $500 (¥ 4,000) US $1,600 (¥ 12,000) Issue 30 04/30 04/01 US $800 (¥ 6,000) US $2,500 (¥20,000) US $500 (¥ 4,000) US $1,600 (¥ 12,000) Issue 31 07/31 07/01 US $800 (¥ 6,000) US $2,500 (¥20,000) US $500 (¥ 4,000) US $1,600 (¥ 12,000) Issue 32 10/31 10/01 US $800 (¥ 6,000) US $2,500 (¥20,000) US $500 (¥ 4,000) US $1,600 (¥ 12,000) 2022-2023 JEAN Advertising Rate 1st
JEAN Online Links Contact JEAN Shanghai Office Tel: 021-62130771 Email: Add: Room 1808, Bao Hua Building No. 1211, Changde Rd. full page (A4): 210×297mmPX: 300 1/2 page: 210×148mm


博祿先生於1994年創辦,是一本學術性錢幣研究專業雜誌。旨在 讓廣大錢幣收藏家、研究學者更深入地瞭解錢幣知識,讓世界各地 的讀者更好地瞭解中國深厚的錢幣文化。

雜誌高級編輯史博祿先生 1951年生於美國密蘇裏州聖路易斯市, 為密蘇裏大學歷史系學士,哈佛大學中國研究專業碩士。19741977年在克勞斯出版社任《世界錢幣新聞》助理編輯,參與《世 界硬幣標準目錄》與《世界紙鈔標準目錄》編輯工作。1977-1987 年全職進行錢幣交易。1988-1989年在中國鄭州大學留學,主修 中國研究課程。1991-1993年在哈佛大學攻讀碩士。1994-1998 年任《東亞泉志》總編。史博祿先生擁有30多年的收藏和研究中 國錢幣的豐富經驗。他在《東亞泉志》上發表的研究文獻極大地豐 富了中國錢幣的知識內涵。 《東亞泉志》於1994年7月份問世,1999年停刊,發行了18期。 雜誌中大部分文章是英文,只有少部分是中文,在20多個國家發 行,廣受歡迎,長期佔據許多重要圖書館書架的顯著位置,包括美 國國家博物館史密森尼學會、大英博物館、哈佛燕京圖書館、哈佛 大學、耶魯大學、哥倫比亞大學、斯坦福大學、康奈爾大學和美國 錢幣學會、美國錢幣協會。雜誌刊發過不少有重要學術價值的文章, 如詹姆斯 史威尼寫的《1900年京局銀元》、史博祿寫的《徐世昌 刻字紀念章》和《民國二十五年和民國二十六年之中國銀元故事》、 湯姆 基納寫的《1897年浙江三分六厘樣幣和1899年安徽三分六 厘流通幣的關係》以及曾澤祿寫的《臺灣老公銀偽品》等。

· 中英雙語 《東亞泉志》線上閱讀

2015年5月,周邁可先生決定於2016年1月復刊《東亞泉志》,聘 請著名錢幣研究學者袁水清先生擔任主編。袁水清,1948年生, 大學金融專科畢業,從事銀行工作30多年。中國錢幣學會會員,澳 門錢幣學會學術顧問,陝西省錢幣學會第六屆常務理事,西安市收 藏協會常務副會長。退休後,歷任《收藏》《古泉園地》《西部金融 錢 幣研究》雜誌的責任編輯,《中國錢幣界》雜誌主編。多年來他傾 力於中國貨幣史和錢幣學的研究,發表過近百篇錢幣研究文章; 2012年,出版了彙集中國古今錢幣的鴻篇巨制《中國貨幣史之最》。 同時聘請國內外知名的錢幣學者、收藏家及專業人士加入,如《霍 華德 · 富蘭克林 · 包克―錢幣學研究先驅者》作者史博祿先生、《戳 記幣簡史》作者高林先生、美國華人資深錢幣學者曾澤祿先生、國 際紙鈔收藏協會前任總編輯 Steve Feller、香港中國現代金銀幣資 深研究學者陳景林先生、臺灣資深錢幣學者周建福先生、美國東南 亞錢幣專家亞當 比亞吉先生以及北京錢幣網總裁郭嘉華先生等。 復刊後的《東亞泉志》為電子季刊,中英雙語。內容以披露最新錢 幣收藏研究成果、推介泉界成功人士的事蹟為主。主要欄目有學術 研究、人物專訪、鑒賞爭鳴、拍賣回顧、重要信息等。

從2017年起,《東亞泉志》加盟由克勞斯在德國柏林世界錢幣展覽 會期間舉辦的“世界硬幣大獎”頒獎活動。

《東亞泉志》2023年免費訂閱,如果需要,請把您的郵箱發到 !我們的網址:

第 01 期 第 02 期 第 03 期 第 04 期 第 05 期 第 06 期 第 07 期 第 08 期 第 09 期 第 10 期 第 11 期 第 12 期 第 13 期 第 14 期 第 15 期 第 16 期 第 17 期 第 18 期 第 19 期 第 20 期 第 21 期 第 22 期 第 23 期 第 24 期 第 25 期 第 26 期 第 27 期
《東亞泉志》上海辦公室 電話:021-62130771 郵箱 地址:常德路1211號寶華大廈1808室 1頁 (A4) :210×297mm分辨率:300 1/2頁:210×148mm** * 2022-2023年《東亞泉志》廣告現在接受預定! 2022-2023 年 發行時間 廣告截止日期 1 頁 1 期 1 頁 4 期 1/2 頁 1 期 1/2 頁 4 期 第 29 期 01 月 31 日 01 月 1 日 US $800 (¥ 6,000) US $2,500 (¥ 20,000) US $500 (¥ 4,000) US $1,600 (¥ 12,000) 第 30 期 04 月 30 日 04 月 1 日 US $800 (¥ 6,000) US $2,500 (¥ 20,000) US $500 (¥ 4,000) US $1,600 (¥ 12,000) 第 31 期 07 月 31 日 07 月 1 日 US $800 (¥ 6,000) US $2,500 (¥ 20,000) US $500 (¥ 4,000) US $1,600 (¥ 12,000) 第 32 期 10 月 31 日 10 月 1 日 US $800 (¥ 6,000) US $2,500 (¥ 20,000) US $500 (¥ 4,000) US $1,600 (¥ 12,000)


入會申請表 Application
申請會員類別: 本地會員 Macau Member Membership applied for: 外地會員 Non Macau Member 姓名 Name: (中文及外文) 性別 Gender: 證件號碼 ID No.: 出生日期 Date of Birth: 住址 Add.: 職業 Occupation: 錢幣收集範圍 Interest: 聯絡電話 Phone Number: 繳納會費: 會費 新會員需交付:入會費 MOP 1000.00 New membership fee: MOP 1000.00 本會宗旨:團結錢幣愛好者,推動錢幣之收藏及研究 介紹人 Referee:(需我會兩位成員推薦 two members of the Society) 會員姓名編號 Member No: 會員姓名編號 Member No: 此欄由澳門錢幣學會填寫 (Filled by the Society only): 新會員入會日期: 新會員編號: 申請日期 Application date: 1)新會員需認同本會宗旨。 New members should comply with the Society regulations. 2)入會申請人需填妥本申請表、交 1 張相片及繳納相關入會費用。 Please attach one photo and pay the membership fee. Add: AV. DR. RODRIGO RODRIGUES. 600E-P105 FIRST INTERNATIONAL COM. CENTER, MACAU Tel: (853)2833 4556 Fax: (853)2830 4772 Email: 地址:澳門羅理基博士大馬路 600E-1 樓 P105 室 電話:(853)2833 4556 傳真:(853)2830 4772

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Champion Auction
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you can find the latest information on coin activities and excellent articles on the coin world. There is also a new mall and auction function, many exquisite coins are waiting for you to buy and collect! Champion Collection Hi! Welcome to follow All see here, follow us! How to pay attention: 1. Search the official accounts “Champion Auction” and “Champion Collection” directly! 2. Just search for the QR code below.

浙江塘棲“三月卅日”雙圈中文干支中轉戳,蓋 浙江三橋埠“丙午四月二日”干支到達戳,戳記 清晰,郵路完整,包克收藏 起拍價:3 000(人民幣)

1897 年大清郵政局壹分銀小龍小字加蓋“暫 作洋銀壹分”,ASG VF/XF85 Mint OG, 包克收藏 起拍價:1 000 元(人民幣)

1912 年大清國郵政蟠龍加蓋宋體字 “中華民 國”郵票貳圓,ASG F/VF Mint OG,包克收藏 起拍價:1 000(人民幣) 1903.1.15 上海寄美國清二次郵資明信片,加貼

分 3 枚,銷上海 1 月 15 日戳,

月 15 日中轉戳,有美國 2 月

年廣東蘇寧寄美國西式封,貼蟠龍郵票 10 分一枚,銷廣東蘇寧干支戳,背蓋廣州、 英國廣州客郵局中轉戳,有香港 7 月

日轉 口戳,有美國三藩市

日到達戳及圖森 (TUCSON

拍賣亮點/Highlights 聯繫我們:上海市常德路1211號寶華大廈1808室 電話: 86-21-62130771 郵箱 : 2022.11.06 冠軍上海微拍 掃一掃,關注我們 1897 年大清慈禧壽辰短距改值郵票,一套 3 枚: (1)半分 / 三分,ASG VF80 Mint POG;(2) 壹分 / 壹分,ASG VF80 Mint POG;(3)貳分 / 貳分,ASG VF80 原膠輕貼,包克收藏 起拍價:1 000 元(人民幣) 1906 年浙江蘭谿寄莫幹山紅條封,背貼蟠龍郵 票 2 分一枚,銷蘭谿“丙午三月廿七”干支戳, 有浙江紹興“三月廿七”、浙江杭州“三月廿八”、
倫敦版蟠龍郵票 1
加蓋上海客郵局 1
10 日落地戳,包克收藏 起拍價:1 000(人民幣) 安徽裕皖官錢局憑票發銅元足錢一千文, PMG VF25,包克收藏 起拍價:6 000(人民幣) 1793 年西藏乾隆寶藏唐卡銀幣臆造幣, NGC XF40,原耿愛德 / 包克收藏 起拍價:6 000(人民幣) 1944 年中央銀行信託版法幣券壹百圓(棕復 興關),PMG Choice UNC 63 EPQ, 包克收藏 起拍價:1 000(人民幣) 1046 年中央銀行貳仟圓紙鈔,PMG Choice UNC 64,包克收藏 起拍價:1 000(人民幣) 1907
26 日投遞戳,包克收藏 起拍價:1 000(人民幣) 1898-1908 年四川省造光緒元寶庫平三錢六分 銀幣,該幣版底有模具銹蝕痕跡 NGC MS61,華人家族收藏 起拍價:60 000(人民幣) 1915 年西藏 5 Sho 回頭獅銀幣,NGC AU53, 華人家族收藏 起拍價:6 000(人民幣)
CHINA 1949 People's Republic-People's Bank of China 200 Yuan, PMG UNC62 EPQ, H.F.Bowker Collection Estimate:$1,000-$2,000 CHINA 1935 Bank Of CommunicationsShanghai 1 Yuan, PMG Gem UNC66 EPQ, H.F.Bowker Collection Estimate:$1,000-$2,000 CHINA-Ching Dynasty 1858 Ta Ching Pao Chao 2000 Cash(Huan-9162), PMG Choice AU58 NET, Arthur Coole Collection Estimate:$1,000-$2,000 CHINA Tibet ND(1913) Government Mint of Tibet 50 Tam, PMG Choice EF45, Finest Known, Nicholas Rhodes Collection Estimate:$6,000-$12,000 CHINA 1941 Central Bank Of China 2 Yuan, "Wang He Lou", PMG Choice AU58 Estimate:$2,000-$4,000 CHINA ND(1912-1927) HK Chtd. Bank of India, Aust.& China 100 Dollars, Contemporary Counterfeit, PMG VF20, H.F.Bowker Collection Estimate:$1,000-$2,000 CHINA 1945 Central Bank of China 5 Yuan, PMG Choice UNC63, H.F.Bowker Collection Estimate:$300-600 CHINA 1914 Bank Of CommunicationsShanghai 50 Yuan, PMG Gem UNC65 EPQ, H.F.Bowker Collection Estimate:$600-$1,200 CHINA 1936 Farmers Bank of China 50 Cents, PMG Gem UNC66 EPQ, Exceptional Paper Quality, H.F.Bowker Collection Estimate:$600-$1,200 CHINA 1945 Central Bank Of China 2500 Yuan, PMG Gem UNC65 EPQ, Exceptional Paper Quality, H.F.Bowker Collection Estimate:$600-$1,200 JAPAN ND(1900-1913) Bank of Japan 100 Yen-Payable in gold, Specimen, PMG AU50, Dr. Norman Jacobs Collection Estimate:$12,000-$24,000 KOREA 1904 Dai Ichi Ginko 1 Yen Specimen, Excellent, PMG EF40. Norman Jacobs Collection Estimate:$1,000-$2,000 Time:10:00-18:00 Add:6F Promenade, Sofitel Hotel Macau at Ponte 16 2022.11.27 Champion Macau Auction Add:Room 1808, Bao Hua Building, No.1211, Changde Rd, Shanghai Tel:86-21-62130771 Email: championghka@gmail.comContact us Hight Light
1949 年(民國三十八年)中國人民銀行貳佰圓 “農民與小橋”,PMG UNC62 EPQ,優良紙張, H.F.Bowker 收藏 估價:$1,000-$2,000 1935 年(民國二十四年)交通銀行英國華德路版 上海壹圓,PMG Gem UNC66 EPQ,優良紙張, H.F.Bowker 收藏 估價:$1,000-$2,000 1858 年(鹹豐八年)大清寶鈔貳仟文,PMG Choice AU58 NET,邱文明收藏 估價:$1,000-$2,000 1913/1659 年西藏政府 50Tam,PMG Choice EF45,已知最好的,尼古拉斯 羅茲收藏 估價:$6,000-$12,000 1941 年(民國三十年)中央銀行德納羅版貳圓, “ 黃鶴樓”,PMG Choice AU58 估價:$2,000-$4,000 1912-1927 年香港印度新金山中國渣打銀行壹 佰圓,老仿,PMG VF20,H.F.Bowker 收藏 估價:$1,000-$2,000 1945(民國三十四年)中央銀行東北九省流通券 伍圓,PMG Choice UNC63,H.F.Bowker 收藏 估價:$300-600 1914 年(民國三年)交通銀行美國鈔票版 上 海伍拾圓,PMG Gem UNC65 EPQ,優良紙張, H.F.Bowker 收藏 估價:$600-$1,200 1936 年(民國二十五年)中國農業銀行德納羅 版伍角,PMG Gem UNC66 EPQ,優良紙張, H.F.Bowker 收藏 估價:$600-$1,200 1945 年(民國三十四年)中央銀行大東書局版 貳仟伍佰圓(AL447727),PMG Gem UNC65 EPQ,優良紙張,H.F.Bowker 收藏 估價:$600-$1,200 1900-1913 年日本銀行 100 圓黃金支付樣票, PMG AU50,諾曼 雅各布斯收藏 估價:$12,000-$24,000 1904 年(明治三十七年)韓國日占時期株 式會社第一銀行壹圓樣票,品相極好,PMG EF40Norman Jacobs 收藏 估價:$1,000-$2,000 聯/系/我/們 拍/賣/亮/點 時間:10:00-18:00 地點:澳門十六浦索菲特酒店六樓會議室 2022/11/27冠軍澳門拍賣會 地址:上海市常德路1211號寶華大廈1808室 電話:86-21-62130771 郵箱:
CHINA-KANSU 1928 Sun Yat Sen One Dollar Silver, PCGS VF35 Estimate:$30,000-$60,000 CHINA-REPUBLIC 1912 Li Yuan Hung One Yuan Silver, NGC MS64, NC Collection Estimate:$30,000-$60,000 CHINA-REPUBLIC 1916 Yuan Shi Kai Hung Hsien One Dollar Silver, NGC MS63 Estimate:$30,000-$60,000 Add:Room 1808, Bao Hua Building, No.1211, Changde Rd, Shanghai Tel:86-21-62130771 Email: championghka@gmail.comContact us Hight Light Time:10:00-18:00 Add:6F Promenade, Sofitel Hotel Macau at Ponte 16 2022.11.27 Champion Macau Auction CHINA-REPUBLIC 1943 Sun Yat Sen 50 Cents, NGC MS62, Chinese Family Collection Estimate:$3,000-$6,000 CHINA-SHANSI ND(1919) 10 Cash Copper, NGC MS62 BN Estimate:$6,000-$12,000 CHINA-HUPEH 1915 5 Cents Nickel, NGC AU DETAILS, Obv. Spot Removed, WA SHE WONG Collection Estimate:$6,000-$12,000 CHINA-TIBET Undated Panchan Erdeni One Dollar Silver, Fantasy, NGC AU58, Bowker Collection Estimate:$6,000-$12,000 CHINA-FENGTIEN (ND)1899 10 Cash Copper,Without Center Hole, NGC VF30 BN, NC Collection Estimate:$2,000-$4,000 CHINA 1906-DATED Ration Gold 2 Maces, Fantasy, NGC UNC DETAILS, Scratched, Chinese Family Collection Estimate:$10,000-$20,000 CHINA-REPUBLIC 1936 Chiang Kai-shek Spade Half Dollar Silver Pattern CU-NI, J.C.Lee Collection Estimate:$3,000-$6,000 CHINA-REPUBLIC 1949 One Mace Silver Pattern, 93.5% Silver and 5.2% Copper,NGC AU55, Arthur Coole Collection Estimate:$10,000-$20,000 CHINA-HONGKONG 1866 One Dollar Silver, NGC MS61, W&B Capital Collection Estimate:$10,000-$20,000 1928 年(民國十七年)甘肅省造孫中山像壹圓 銀幣,PCGS VF35 估價:$30,000-$60,000 1912 年黎元洪像開國紀念銀幣壹圓,NGC MS64,張南琛收藏 估價:$30,000-$60,000 1916 年中華帝國袁世凱洪憲紀元飛龍壹圓銀幣, NGC MS63 估價:$30,000-$60,000 地址:上海市常德路1211號寶華大廈1808室 電話:86-21-62130771 郵箱: championghka@gmail.com聯/系/我/們 時間:10:00-18:00 地點:澳門十六浦索菲特酒店六樓會議室 2022/11/27冠軍澳門拍賣會 拍/賣/亮/點 1943 年(民國三十二年)孫中山像布圖半圓, NGC MS62,華人家族藏品 估價:$3,000-$6,000 1919 年山西中華銅幣當制錢十文, NGC MS62 BN 估價:$6,000-$12,000 1915 年湖北省造五分鎳幣,NGC AU DETAILS,正面除斑,WA SHE WONG 藏品 估價:$6,000-$12,000 西藏額爾德尼班禪壹圓銀幣,臆造幣, NGC AU58,包克收藏 估價:$6,000-$12,000 1899 年奉天機器局造光緒通寶當十錢紫銅,中 心無孔大字,NGC VF30 BN,張南琛收藏 估價:$2,000-$4,000 1906 年新疆餉金二錢,臆造幣,NGC UNC DETAILS,華人家族藏品 估價:$10,000-$20,000 1936 年(民國二十五年)蔣介石像背布圖半圓 銀質試樣 50 分鉛幣,J.C.Lee 藏品 估價:$3,000-$6,000 1949 年(民國三十八年)金圓壹錢銀質樣幣,含 銀 93.5%,含銅 5.2%,NGC AU55,邱文明收 藏 估價:$10,000-$20,000 1866 年香港壹圓銀幣,NGC MS61,W&B Capital 藏品 估價:$10,000-$20,000
拍/賣/亮/點 時間:10:00-18:00 地點:澳門十六浦索菲特酒店六樓會議室 2022/11/27冠軍澳門拍賣會 1908 年(戊申滿文)吉林造光緒元寶庫平七錢 二分銀幣,戳記幣,NGC AU Details, 張南琛收藏 估價:$50,000-$100,000 1898 年(光緒二十四年)安徽省造光緒元寶庫 平七錢二分銀幣,NGC MS65,席徳柄 / 張南琛 收藏 估價:$150,000-$300,000 1898 年(光緒二十四年)安徽省造光緒元寶庫 平七錢二分銀幣,NGC MS64, 席徳柄 / 張南琛收藏 估價:$60,000-$120,000 1902-1906 年安徽省造光緒元寶每元當制錢十 文銅幣,初鑄版,中心方孔,中國銅元十大珍, NGC MS63 BN,張南琛收藏 估價:$40,000-$80,000 1898 年(光緒二十四年)吉林省造光緒元寶庫平 三錢六分銀幣,NGC MS64,席徳柄 / 張南琛收 藏 估價:$10,000-$20,000 湖北銀元局光緒元寶憑票取銀元壹大元銀票, PMG Choice EF45,邱文明收藏,是該種珍稀 紙鈔中已知品相最好之一 估價:$20,000-$40,000 1863 年清同治二年貳拾伍兩金幣,來自 1971 年耿愛德舊藏拍賣,重 93.4 克 估價:$10,000-$20,000 1871 年清同治二年貳拾伍兩金幣,來自 1971 年 耿愛德舊藏拍賣 估價:$50,000-$100,000 1923 年曹錕戎裝像憲法成立紀念壹圓金幣, NGC UNC DETAILS 估價:$100,000-$200,000 1898 年(戊戌)江南省造光緒元寶庫平一錢四 分四厘,外圈小字,NGC MS64,原包漿,好味道, 席德柄 / 張南琛收藏 估價:$8,000-$16,000 1898 年(戊戌)江南省造光緒元寶庫平一錢四 分四厘,無圈大字,NGC MS64,原包漿,原光, 席德柄 / 張南琛收藏 估價:$10,000-$20,000 1898 年(戊戌)江南省造光緒元寶庫平七分二厘 銀幣,無圈龍,NGC MS64,席德柄 / 張南琛收 藏 估價:$10,000-$20,000 地址:上海市常德路1211號寶華大廈1808室 電話:86-21-62130771 郵箱: championghka@gmail.com聯/系/我/們
Hight Light Time:10:00-18:00 Add:6F Promenade, Sofitel Hotel Macau at Ponte 16 2022.11.27 Champion Macau Auction CHINA-KIRIN 1908 One Dollar Silver, L&M576, Manchu Legend, NGC AU DETAILS, Chopmarked Coin, NC Collection Estimate:$50,000-$100,000 CHINA-ANHWEI 1898 One Dollar Silver, NGC MS65, Hsi/NC Collection Estimate:$150,000-$300,000 CHINA-ANHWEI 1898 One Dollar Silver, NGC MS64, Hsi/NC Collection Estimate:$60,000-$120,000 Hupeh Government Mint One Silver Dollar Note, PMG Choice EF45, Arthur Coole Collection, one of the finest known of this rare type Estimate:$20,000-$40,000 CHINA-ANHWEI ND (1902-1906) 10 Cash Copper, with square hole in center, not in Woodward, top ten Chinese copper coins,NGC MS63 BN,NC Collection Estimate:$40,000-$80,000 CHINA-KIRIN 1898 50 Cents Silver, L&M517, NGC MS64, NC/Hsi Collection Estimate:$10,000-$20,000 CHINA-EMPIRE 1863 25 Tael of Emperor T'ung Chih from 1971 Kann Collection Auction, NGC MS63, 9.34g Estimate:$10,000-$20,000 CHINA-EMPIRE 1871 25 Tael of Emperor T'ung Chih from 1971 Kann Collection Auction, NGC MS63 Estimate:$50,000-$100,000 1923 REPUBLIC Tsao Kun One Dollar Gold Coin,NGC UNC DETAILS Estimate:$100,000-$200,000 CHINA-KIANGNAN 1898 20 Cents Silver, Small Outer Characters, NGC MS64, Original toning and eye appeal, Hsi/NC Collection Estimate:$8,000-$16,000 CHINA-KIANGNAN 1898 20 Cents Silver, Uncircled & Large Characters, NGC MS64, Superb toning and mint luster of this original coin, Hsi/NC Collection Estimate:$10,000-$20,000 CHINA-KIANGNAN 1898 10 Cents Silver, Uncircled Dragon, NGC MS64, His/NC Collection Estimate:$10,000-$20,000 Add:Room 1808, Bao Hua Building, No.1211, Changde Rd, Shanghai Tel:86-21-62130771 Email: championghka@gmail.comContact us

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