The eighth issue of jean

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2017 年 10 月 Octobor 2017 第 8 期 總第 26 期 No. 8 Issue 26

THE JOURNAL OF EAST ASIAN NUMISMATICS 中英雙語 電子季刊 Bilingual (English - Chinese) Digital Quarterly

北京天壇 Temple of Heaven

1 oz 金(Au)


《世界硬幣大獎賽》中文版首發紀念熊貓章 Coin of the Year Commemorative Panda

本期專題 Features

1902 年喜敦造幣廠浙江楷書七錢二分龍幣 The Heaton Mint Chekiang K'ai Style Dragon Dollar of 1902 趙康池: “我一定要扛好澳門錢幣學會這面大旗” David Chio: Must Greatly Maintain the Macau Numismatic Society 《戳記幣》節選——第一章中國白銀史 Chopmarked Coins Chapter 1 The History of Silver in China


2017 年 10 月 October 2017 第 8 期 總第 26 期 No. 8 Issue 26

THE JOURNAL OF EAST ASIAN NUMISMATICS 中英雙語 電子季刊 Bilingual (English - Chinese) Digital Quarterly


Che-lu Tseng



Publisher & Editor in-Chief

Michael H. Chou



Senior Editor

Bruce W. Smith




Yuan Shuiqing



Advertising & Circulation Manager

Wang Yue



聯繫我們 Contact Us 臺北公司 Taipei Office 臺北市南京西路 163 號 1 樓 50-51 室 Room 50-51, No.163 Nan King W. Rd., Taipei 電話 (Tel):886-2-25551761 郵箱 (Email):

上海辦事處 Shanghai Office 上海市普陀區常德路 1211 號寶華大廈 1808 室 Room 1808, Bao Hua Building, No.1211, Changde Rd., Putuo District 電話 (Tel):86-21-62130771 郵箱 (Email):

前言 Foreword Welcome to the 8th edition of the Journal of East Asian Numismatics. Our mission is to promote numismatic exchanges between the East and West.

In this issue we will start a series of articles from the Book on chopmarks which we published a few years ago by Colin Cullberg.

Along those lines, in this issue, we feature an article about the legendary Heaton Mint Chinese 1902 Dragon Dollar Pattern by our senior editor Bruce Smith. Our senior advisor Dr Tseng Che Lu provided us an interesting article about Ming Dynasty VOC/C countermarks on Chinese cash coins.

Our senior editor, Bruce Smith, has again provided us with a book review which should be very interesting for our readers. Mr Su Jun of Beijing, submitted “Taiwan Currency Notes released by the Central Bank of the Republic of China”.

Mr. Yuan Shui Qing, our Chinese editor, has submitted an article in which he interviewed Macau Numismatic Society President David Chio, a Macau banknotes and Chinese postcards expert and author of several books on collectables.

We also have a new introduction written by Clifford Mishler, the cofounder of Coin of the Year Awards for Chinese edition of the Coin of the Year book which will be released in Beijing on 11/11 at the Beijing International Coin Convention.

Also in this issue we welcome another guest article about First Strike Ceremony at German State Berlin Mint of the SinoGerman Friendship Panda by Sebastian Wieschowski.

歡迎閱讀第 8 期《東亞泉志》。我們的宗旨是促進東西方 之間的錢幣交流。

We hope you enjoy these interesting, well-researched articles! Michael Chou Publisher and Editor in Chief 此外,我們將從本期雜誌開始連載我司前些年出版的、科 林·卡爾伯格所著的《戳記幣簡史》一書。



寫了《1902 年喜敦造幣廠浙江楷書七錢二分龍幣》一文。高




加蓋戳記的有趣文章。 本期雜誌還刊登了世界硬幣大獎賽聯合創辦人克利福德·米 中文主編袁水清貢獻了一篇澳門錢幣學會會長趙康池先生



界硬幣大獎賽》中文版將於 11 月 11 日在北京國際錢幣展上進



本期,我們還邀請到了塞巴斯蒂安·威斯霍夫斯基為我們 撰寫了一篇關於柏林造幣廠中德友好熊貓首鑄儀式的文章。

希望諸位讀者能夠喜歡這些集趣味性和研究性為一體的文 章! 《東亞泉志》總編兼出版人:周邁可

CONTENTS 目錄 Features 專題 Bruce W. Smith (USA)




Yuan Shuiqing (Xi’an) 袁水清(西安)

44 49

Colin James Gullberg (Taipei) 高林(台北)

53 64

《東亞泉志》2017 秋季新聞

Bruce W. Smith (USA) 史博祿(美國)

3 8

JEAN Reviews Autumn 2017

Bruce W. Smith (USA)

12 16

The Heaton Mint Chekiang K'ai Style Dragon Dollar of 1902 1902 年喜敦造幣廠浙江楷書七錢二分龍幣 David Chio: Must Greatly Maintain the Macau Numismatic Society 趙康池:“我一定要扛好澳門錢幣學會這面大旗” Chopmarked Coins Chapter 1 The History of Silver in China 《戳記幣》節選——第一章中國白銀史

Departments 部門 JEAN Reviews 2017 News & Info



COTY Beginnings Overview

Clifford Mishler (USA)


柯利弗德·米什勒 ( 美國 )

45 Years of Sino-German Friendship: Commemorative Pandas Struck

Künker Auction (GER)

賀中德 45 年友誼:熊貓紀念章首打儀式

坤克拍賣公司 ( 上海 )

The Fourteenth Chinese Copper Coin Forum

Duan Honggang (Beijing)



Shanghai Numismatic Association 上海市錢幣學會 World Money Fair - Coin of the Year Award 世界錢幣展覽會——世界硬幣大獎賽 錢幣界奧斯卡大獎的傳奇故事

20 22 24 26 28 30

Shen Mingdi, Zhangjun (Shanghai) 沈鸣镝 章军 ( 上海 )

32 33

Hans-Henning Goehrum (Germany) 漢斯·亨甯·格魯姆(德國)

34 35

Column 專欄 The 50-Sen Coin of 1874 1874 年日本 50 錢銀幣 VOC/C Countermarks on Tian Qi Tong Bao and Chong Zhen Tong Bao Coins of the Ming Dynasty 明代天啟通寶和崇禎通寶銅錢加蓋戳印 VOC/C 探析 The First Strike Ceremony of the 2017 Sino-German Friendship Commemorative Panda 中德建交 45 周年紀念熊貓章首打儀式 Chinese Coins from the Scholar’s Study 一位文人所研究的中國錢幣 Taiwan Currency Notes Released by the Central Bank of the Republic of China 中央銀行臺灣流通券 The Casting of the Hubei One Tael Silver Coin Advocated by Chang Chih-tung during the Qing Dynasty, and Chang's Funeral Affairs 清代張之洞奏鑄湖北一兩銀幣及其後事

Bowker F. Howard (USA)




Che-lu Tseng (USA)




Sebastian Wieschowski (GER)




From Huobishi 2014


摘自《貨幣史》2014 年刊


Su Jun (Beijing)




Che-lu Tseng (USA)


曾澤祿 ( 美國 )


Departments 部門

JEAN Reviews 2017 News & Info Bruce W. Smith (USA) Who Is The Woman Holding The Sycee?

So the question is-who is the woman in the photograph?

Perhaps she was the wife of Eduard Kann or the wife of

Robert J. Grant. Perhaps she was an actress visiting Shanghai in 1933. Or perhaps she was just a friend of the reporter who took the picture. The photograph should have been used in

newspapers or magazines published in the United States and China sometime after March of 1933, perhaps as late as early 1934. If so she may be identified in the article. The writer

would like to hear from anyone who can identify the mystery woman.

Colin R. Bruce II (1939-2017) Colin Robert Bruce II passed away on 3 September 2017

after a bout with cancer. His name is known throughout the world as the long time numismatic editor at Krause

Publications in Iola, Wisconsin. He was editor and chief

cataloger for the Standard Catalog of World Coins (KM catalog), for the Standard Catalog of World Paper Money (Pick catalog), and for Unusual World Coins (Colin's own project-a catalog

of fantasy coins, pretender coins, bullion pieces, medals and The photograph of the attractive young woman holding

a large silver sycee ingot is an old news photograph, probably from 1933. Such photos normally have the date and an explanation of the photo pasted on the back, and were

other non-circulating coin-like pieces).

Colin was also editor of Collecting World Coins (a catalog

of actual circulating coins); Standard Guide to South Asian Coins

distributed to newspapers and magazines in the English

& Paper Money (on India and surrounding countries); Standard Catalog of World Gold Coins; Standard Catalog of German Coins ;

Ebay, and does not have the note pasted on the back. This

Standard Catalog of Stocks & Bonds .

speaking world, but this is a copy purchased by the writer on was probably made to accompany a news story about the

first coins produced by the Shanghai Central Mint and the

Standard Catalog of Mexican Coins & Paper Money ; and the The Standard Catalog of World Coins was originally

demonetization of sycee in favor of dollar coins. The lady is

compiled by Chet Krause and Cliff Mishler in 1972. Though

date is unreadable.

countries, the first to attempt to list the entire world was put

holding a Sun Yat Sen junk dollar in the other hand, but the Although the Shanghai Mint opened with great publicity

in 1930, it did not begin making coins until 1933. The first coin made for circulation was the Sun Yat Sen dollar with

three birds above the junk on the reverse and dated 21st year (1932). Despite the date, these coins were actually made

during March through May 1933. During May 1933 the mint

there were many catalogs which listed coins of individual

out in 1937 by an Italian named Comencini. This was followed in the 1950's by Wayte Raymond's two catalogs, one covering the 19th century, the other covering the 20th century. The

rights to this set was purchased in the late 1950's by Whitman Publishing Company in Racine, Wisconsin, which produced a

three volume catalog series: Coins of the World 1750-1850 (Craig catalog); Modern World Coins 1850-1960 (Yeoman catalog);

began minting coins dated 22nd year (1933) without the birds

and Current Coins of the World 1961 onward (also by Yeoman).

Kann's "History of Minting in China" (1939), and may be

known dates, without known mintmarks, and without major

above the ship. This information can be found in Eduard

considered reliable because Kann was an advisor to the mint at that time. Also during that time, former director of the

United States Mint, Robert J. Grant, was the technical expert working for the Shanghai Mint.

All of these catalogs recorded type coins only, without

varieties. The Krause Standard Catalog was the first catalog to

attempt a listing of all the world's coins by date and mintmark and variety. For some countries, mintage figures have been provided.

The eighth Issue of JEAN


Departments 部門 Originally published as a large (8.5x11 inches), thick, 800

page soft cover book, listing coins from the 19th and 20th

centuries. Over the years the catalog expanded beyond 1300

pages. At Krause staff meetings we considered how to expand the book even more. Cliff Mishler wanted a catalog covering 1600 to the present, but the question was how to divide the

book? Should it be divided alphabetically as the first editions were; or by regions of the world (perhaps one book each for

Far East; India & SE Asia; Europe; Africa; and the Americas.); or by century. For business reasons the Standard Catalog of

World Coins was divided into five large volumes, each covering a century, beginning with the 17th century (coins dated in the 1600's). There are also volumes for the 18th, 19th, 20th and 21st century.

The sizes of the coin book and the paper money catalog

(now in three volumes) are astounding. The five volume coin

Youth Colin R. Bruce , by 1974

catalog fills more than 6,000 pages, containing about 150,000 photographs, and listing hundreds of thousands of coins, with

Marian Moe, by 1974

three times as many price listings. Putting together the coin

and paper money catalogs was a massive task, carried out by

Colin Bruce and his cataloging staff of one: Marian Moe. They were assisted by a network of unpaid contributors, collectors and dealers, around the world, with input from other Krause Publications employees.

The gathering and sorting of photographs was itself a

major undertaking. Entire collections were borrowed and

photographed at Krause Publications offices. At major coin

shows, Colin would borrow boxes of coins from dealers, run them upstairs to a hotel room where photographer David

Heisey would photograph them on a portable stand he had

developed. Then Colin would take them back downstairs and

borrow more boxes from other dealers. The Krause photo files today probably contain half a million images of coins, tokens, medals and paper money.

Before joining Krause Publications, Colin lived in the area

of Niagara Falls in New York State. Born 16 September 1939, he graduated from North Tonawanda High School in 1957,

and went to work in the engineering department of Columbus McKinnon Corporation. He joined the U.S. Army in 1962,

serving for three years. After training in Ft. Bliss, Texas, he was assigned to a Nike Missile base near Boston, Massachusetts.

While in Texas he became friends with Mexican coin authority, Neil S. Utberg, and developed an interest in Mexican coins.

In 1971 he entered the coin business as a mail order dealer in Lockport, NY, specializing in Indian and oriental coins. That same year he founded the India Asiatic Numismatic Society, which by 1973 had over 200 members. He published seven

issues of its journal through 1974 when it was succeeded by

Pat Hogan's short-lived journal, T'ung Pao, which produced six issues during 1975-1976.



Colin R. Bruce

After joining Krause in 1973, Colin turned over his coin

business to his brother, Donald Zubris, who operated it for several years from New York. In addition to his cataloging

duties, Colin sometimes contributed brief articles and even Letters to the Editor for World Coin News. In the 1970's he

sometimes used the pseudonym Ivan Draught (Suamico, WI). In 1986 he wrote about the Hong Kong coin show under the name Lo Huang-yi and again in 1987 as Huang-lo Yuan.

On 6 August 1986 Wisconsin Senator William Proxmire

paid tribute to several outstanding Wisconsin numismatists, including Colin Bruce, Chet Krause and Cliff Mishler, in a

speech recorded in the Congressional Record. He referred to Colin as: "..... having the most extensive grasp of world coinage and currency of any individual today."

About 1990 Colin began collecting military medals from

the Peoples Republic of China. Previously these had rarely

been seen in the numismatic market, but with the opening of

China, they became more available. The literature about such medals is still rare.

Departments 部門 In December 2008, after more than 30 years on the

job, Colin retired from his position at Krause Publications. Afterwards he continued his blog, "The Court Jester" on

one of Krause's websites, Colin was always ready with a joke or wisecrack, and sometimes

stamped his letters with an image of Bullwinkle the Moose. At Colin's memorial service held in Iola on 12 September 2017,

Clifford Mishler delivered a eulogy saying: "Colin Bruce was an outstanding cataloger of world numismatic issues. He

was, in my opinion, in a global sense, the most outstanding numismatic cataloger of his era."

Philippines Medals and Tokens Books The second edition of "Philippine Medals & Tokens 1780-

2015" by Earl D. Honeycutt has been released. The new edition at 220 pages is nearly twice the size of the 2014 first edition.

This book is a catalog of souvenir and commemorative medals and tokens issued throughout the history of the Philippines.

The author served in the U.S. Air Force in Vietnam, and was stationed at several facilities in the Philippines during that

time. It was then that he began collecting Philippine tokens and medals. Honeycutt holds graduate degrees in Asian

Studies, History and Business Administration. Honeycutt's

work follows the trail blazed in the 1960's and 1970's by Neil Shafer and Aldo Basso.

The Honeycutt book compliments the 1998 work,

"Philippine Medals" by Robert Reynolds, published by the Orders and Medals Society of America. This 96 page hard cover work is a listing of military medals.

card file he compiled of information on medals. In 1966 he was treasurer of the society and lived in Columbus, Ohio.

Commemorative Thai Bullet Coin A 20 Baht silver bullet coin (weight 303.7 grams) was

issued in 1880 to commemorate the ceremonial cremation

of Siamese King Chulalongkorn's mother, Somdet Pra Deb Sirindhra. An example of this coin appeared in a Stacks

Bowers Hong Kong sale in August of 2017, where it sold for US $22,800.

Brunei & Singapore Commemorative Notes Brunei and Singapore issued new notes on 7 July 2017

commemorating the 50th anniversary of the Currency

Interchangeability Agreement between the two countries. The colors are the same and front and back designs are very similar. The face of the Singapore 50 Dollars note has a

portrait of Yusof bin Ishak, first president of Singapore to the

right, with the country's coat of arms in the upper center. The

face of the Brunei 50 Ringgit has a portrait of Sultan Hussanal Bolkiah Mu'izzaaddin Waddaulah to the right and the Brunei national arms in the upper center. The back of both notes depicts four soldiers standing to the left; the Botanical

Gardens Pavilion and a rope bridge upper center; and boys

and girls reading books in lower center. The face value of the notes is about US $35. For more details see International

Bank Note Society Journal 2017 #3. An illustration can be seen at:

Orders And Medals Society of America Books Other books published by the OMSA of interest to our

readers include:

Orders, Decorations and Medals of the French Overseas and Post Colonial Periods by Edward J. Emering, published in

printed version 2003 and as a CD-ROM. This book contains 380 color illustrations of French colonial medals, including those for French Indochina and Vietnam.

Orders and Medals of Japan and Associated States by James

W. Peterson. This was the first catalog published by OMSA

(Monograph #1 1967), and is now in its third edition (2000; revised by Barry C. Weaver and Michael A. Quigley). The catalog covers medals of Japan, Korea, Manchukuo, and

the Japanese puppet state of Inner Mongolia (Mengchiang).

During the 1960's James Peterson contributed many articles on world military medals to The Medal Collector, journal of

the Orders & Medals Society of America, based on a 60,000


The eighth Issue of JEAN


Departments 部門 and extremely rare. One of the coins is inscribed on one side in Chinese: Xi Ning Tong Bao. The other side is inscribed

in Uighur, with the tamgha (symbol) of the Mongol ruler, Mongke, dating the coin to the 1200's AD. Xining was an

important city in modern Gansu, on the old Silk Road. The

Chinese side of the coin is in the form of a cash coin (though the center hole is not punched out), but it is struck by dies, not cast.

The second coin is a low grade silver cash coin inscribed

in Chinese: Da Chao Tong Bao, with an Arabic inscription on the reverse. The Da Chao coin with blank reverse was first

seen in the early 20th century and was believed to have been

issued by the Mongols before the establishment of the Mongol Dynasty. The newly discovered coin confirms that the Da Chao coins were issued in the 1250's AD.

The next coin is a silver dirham issued by the Golden


Hong Kong & Shanghai Bank Letter of Credit The IBNS Journal 2017 #3 contains part 3 of a series

titled: "Circular Letters of Credit" by Ikka Makitie. This

installment covers banks of Great Britain and its colonies. Pictured in the article is a Letter of Credit from the Hong

Kong and Shanghai Banking Corporation branch in Manila dated 7 March 1879. The Letter of Credit or Circular Letter of Credit was the predecessor of the travelers check. It is a

letter size, partly printed document issued by a bank, allowing the bearer (named in the document) to draw against a fixed

amount of money held in the bank for that individual. As the bearer travels he can present the document to a local branch

Horde Mongols, probably at Saray. The obverse is inscribed

in Arabic within a star, but the reverse is in Chinese: Qi Guo

Hui Min, meaning "bringing benefit to the country and mercy to the people." Only a single example of this coin has so far

been recorded. The final coin was also issued by the Golden Horde, first published in 1988, but is inscribed in Tibetan,

which could not at first be translated. It has now been shown that the Tibetan legend is a Buddhist blessing transcribed from Uighur. This issue of the ONS Journal also contains

photos of the author, Vladimir Belyaev, and the noted Dutch numismatist, Dr. Tjong D. Yih.

Archives International February 2017 Sale Two notes issued by the Russo-Chinese Bank starred in

of that bank and draw a desired amount for current expenses,

the February 2017 sale by Archives International. Both are

Credit normally were returned to the issuing bank and a very

notes in his 1929 book, "Currency and Finance of China." The

is also known on the Chartered Bank of India, Australia &

US $17,400. The second note, issued under the bank's second

contacted at:

1913-1917. Denominated One Gold Fen (Pick S479), the Very

which is noted on the back of the document. Letters of

from the collection of Alexander Pogrebetsky and were plate

difficult to find today. The article notes that a Letter of Credit

first was a 3 Tael note (Pick S507) in Very Fine, which sold for

China. The International Bank Note Society (IBNS) can be

title, Russo-Asiatic Bank, is undated but was issued during

Oriental Numismatic Society Journal Issue #229 (Fall 2016) contains several items of interest

to our readers. First there is a long review of Werner

Burger's new book, Ch'ing Cash (Volume 2), by Fresco Sam-

Sin, a Manchu specialist at Tubingen University and Leiden

University. This book was reviewed previously in JEAN. Next is an article titled: "Some Silver Coins of Mongol States with Chinese, Uighur and Tibetan Legends" by Vladimir Belyaev. The four coins he discusses are mostly newly discovered



Fine note brought $12,000. For more information visit their website:

Heritage Auctions June 2017 Hong Kong Sale Highlights The major auction company, Heritage, headquartered in

Dallas, Texas, received strong bids in its Hong Kong sale this

summer. A 1000 Dong "Old Man and Temple" specimen note from Vietnam (Pick 4A) sold for US $35,850. A Peoples Bank

Departments 部門 of China 1953 10 Yuan note (Pick 870) brought $47,800. This

Taipei Numismatic Society Journal #40

withdrawn from circulation following the Sino-Soviet split.

The 40th issue of the annual Taipei Numismatic Society

note is rare in all grades because it was printed in Russia and

Also from China, a Board of Revenue 50 Tael note (the highest denomination issued) 1858 (Pick A13c) in Very Fine realized $28,680.

One of the most interesting notes in the sale was

a Japanese military note issued 1918 for the Siberian

Intervention. During World War I, after the Bolshevik

Revolution, Russia signed a peace treaty with Germany,

allowing the Germans to shift troops to the western front. The United States, Japan and other allied countries sent troops to Siberia in an attempt to overthrow the Bolshevik government and return Russia to the war. Japan issued military notes for this occupation, the highest denomination of which was the

10 Yen (Pick M18a). The Heritage cataloger stated that they were unable to find another sale of the 10 Yen value. The

note in VF with edge damage still sold for $28,680. For more information the Heritage Auction website is:

The Numismatist October 2017 The October issue of The Numismatist, the journal for the

American Numismatic Association, contains two items of

interest to our readers. The first is an article titled: "Heaven &

Hell: Ancient China's Earthly & Otherworldly Money", written

Journal was released in August 2017. The contents include (all articles are in Chinese):

Collecting Kiang Han Customs Sycee by Li Xiaoping Dating Qing Dynasty Sycee from Sichuan (Part 2) by Zhi


The 1950 Sun Yat Sen and Spade Coin Design Gold Coins by

Sun Hao

Sichuan Military Government Copper Coins Produced in Gansu by Wang Aixue Egypt Yields King Farouk's Sichuan 30 Cash Coin by Sun Hao The Life of [Chinese Coin Collector] Dr. Hoene by Sun Hao Shen Hungying and Guangxi Temporary Military Notes by Cai


Zhejiang Provincial Bank Silver Dollar Notes by Cai Xiaojun Notes of the Shaanxi Fu Qin Monetary Bureau by Zhu

Qinghua and Li Dong

Secret Marks on Central Bank of China 1947 1000 Yuan Notes by Lin Qingchi

by Ted Puls, a physician in Pueblo, Colorado. The article

illustrates clay imitations of cowrie shells, ant nose coins,

bridge coins, dragon coins and turtle coins which the author

says were made for use as burial money during the Zhou and Han dynasties.

Also in this issue is a report on a counterfeit French

Indochina one piastre dated 1890. This is a key date in this

series, but the coin shown has had its date altered. The altered coin can be identified because the zero in the date is thicker than on the genuine coin.

The eighth Issue of JEAN


Departments 部門

《東亞泉志》2017 秋季新聞 史博祿(美國) 這位手拿銀錠的女士究竟是誰?

在美國或中國出版的一篇報紙或雜誌上的文章中。如果是這樣 的話,那麼就可以憑藉這篇文章確定這位女士的身份。如果有 人瞭解關於這位元神秘女士的相關資訊,歡迎聯繫本文作者。

小科林·R·布魯斯 (1939-2017) 2017 年 9 月 3 日,小科林·R·布魯斯因癌症去世。因多 年擔任克勞斯出版社(威斯康星州,艾奧拉)錢幣編輯聞名於 世的小科林,曾經參與或主編過的書籍及錢幣目錄包括:《世 界硬幣標準目錄》(KM 目錄);《世界紙幣標準目錄》(Pick 目錄)以及《非常規世界硬幣》(科林自己策劃的 一本錢幣目 錄,書中收錄了臆造幣、贗品幣、貴金屬幣、紀念章及其他非 流通性錢幣類似品)。 此外,科林還參與過《世界錢幣收藏》(一本世界流通幣目 錄)、《南亞硬幣、紙幣標準指南》(收錄了印度及周邊國家錢 幣)、《世界金幣標準目錄》《德國硬幣標準目錄》《墨西哥硬 幣及紙幣標準目錄》以及《股票債券標準目錄》等書的編纂工作。 這張一位年輕貌美的女性手拿碩大銀錠的照片是往日一篇 新聞的插圖,時間大概在 1933 年左右。這種照片通常在背後 標有拍攝日期和圖片說明,並被用作英文報紙或雜誌文章的插 圖。但這張我在 Ebay 上購買的照片後面沒有任何相關說明。

《世界硬幣標準目錄》成書於 1972 年,最初由切特·克 勞斯和克里夫·米什勒負責編撰。雖然各個國家錢幣的目錄層 出不窮,但第一本真正涵蓋了世界範圍內錢幣的書籍成書於 1937 年,作者為義大利人科門奇尼。之後,20 世紀 50 年代,


韋特·雷蒙德編寫了兩本分別羅列了 19 和 20 世紀世界錢幣的


目錄。惠特曼出版社(威斯康星州,拉辛市)於 50 年代後期

廠生產的第一批硬幣的新聞報道的插圖,這塊銀錠就是錢幣對 應的面值。

將這兩本書的版權買下,之後將其整理出版為一部錢幣目錄系 列,整部書共分為三冊,分別為《1750-1850 年間的世界硬幣》 (克雷格目錄);《1850-1960 年間的近代世界硬幣》(約曼

在鋪天蓋地的宣傳下,上海造幣廠於 1930 年開廠運營。

目錄)以及《1961 年之後的當代世界硬幣》(約曼目錄)。

但直到 1933 年,上海造幣廠才正式開始鑄造錢幣。第一批生


產的流通幣是民國二十一年(1932 年)孫中山船洋,背帆船三鳥。


雖然標記為民國二十一年,但這批硬幣的實際鑄造時間為 1933


年 3 月至 5 月。1933 年 5 月,造幣廠又開始生產民國二十二


年(1933 年)孫中山船洋,背帆船(無鳥)。此事在耿愛德著《中 國造幣史》(1939 年)中可以查閱到,由於耿愛德當時是上海

最初版本的《世界硬幣標準目錄》為大開本(8.5X11 英


寸)、共計 800 頁的大部頭的作品(軟皮封面),書中收錄了


19、20 世紀世界各地的錢幣。多年來,這套目錄一直擴展增


訂到 1300 多頁,即便如此,我們還是多次在克勞斯出版社員 工會議上就如何為目錄增加更多的新內容展開討論。米什勒希


望目錄能涵蓋 1600 年至今世界各地的所有硬幣,但如何分卷

耿愛德或者羅伯特·J·格蘭特的妻子?是某位於 1933 年到訪




友?這張照片應該是被用在了 1933 年 5 月以後或 1934 年初




Departments 部門 慮,出版社決定按照年份,以一個世紀為節點,從 17 世紀開始, 將這一系列分為了 17 世紀、18 世紀、19 世紀、20 世紀以及 21 世紀 5 卷。 這套硬幣目錄及紙幣目錄(現共 3 卷)的規格巨大,令人 瞠目。5 卷硬幣目錄共計 6000 多頁,收錄了約 15 萬張照片、 數千枚錢幣以及錢幣價格表(價格表的規模是錢幣規模的 3 倍 之多)。將這些硬幣和紙幣整理成冊是一個巨大的工程,在執 行這一任務的過程中,負責人科林·布魯斯及其編務瑪麗安·莫 伊得到了世界各地撰稿人、藏家及幣商的無私幫助以及克勞斯 出版社其他員工的大力支持。 收集整理照片是編纂中的一項艱巨的任務。所有錢幣藏品 的借用及拍攝工作都是在克勞斯出版社完成的。在一些重大的 錢幣展上,科林會從幣商那裏借來錢幣盒子,然後飛快地把盒

小科林 · R · 布魯斯青年時期, 攝於 1974

瑪麗安 · 莫伊

子拿到樓上的酒店房間,好讓攝影師大衛·海西在其自製的可 攜式支架上完成拍攝工作。之後,科林會把盒子拿回樓下,然 後繼續向別的幣商借用錢幣盒。到今天,克勞斯照片庫中的硬 幣、代幣、紀念章及紙幣的照片已多達 50 多萬張。 在進入克勞斯出版社之前,科林一直住在紐約州尼亞加拉 瀑布一帶。生於 1939 年 9 月 16 日的科林於 1957 年從北托納 旺達高中畢業,後進入哥倫比亞麥金農公司工程部任職。1962 年,科林入伍,在軍隊一共服役 3 年。在德克薩斯布裏斯堡 完成受訓之後,他被派往馬薩諸塞州波士頓附近的勝利女神導

小科林 · R · 布魯斯

彈基地服役。在德克薩斯接受訓練期間,科林和墨西哥錢幣專 家——尼爾·S·烏德堡成為了朋友,並因此開始對墨西哥錢 幣產生興趣。1971 年,他成為了一名幣商,開始在紐約洛克 波特以郵購上的方式從事錢幣、尤其是印度及其他東方錢幣的 銷售業務。同年,科林成立了印度 - 亞洲錢幣學會,到 1973 年, 該學會一共吸納了 200 多名會員。他為學會一共出版了 7 期期 刊,這些期刊後於 1974 年被帕特·霍根的《通寶》雜誌取代。 這本雜誌同樣未能長久,只在 1975-1976 年間出版了 6 期。 1973 年,科林將錢幣生意轉給他的兄弟唐納德·祖布利斯 (他在紐約將生意又維持了幾年),自己進入克勞斯出版社工作。 除編纂目錄之外,科林有時還會負責一些短篇及給《世界硬幣 新聞》主編信件的撰寫工作。20 世紀 70 年代的時候,他偶爾 會使用伊萬·多福特(威斯康星州,Suamico)的筆名寫文章。 1986 年,他以 Lo Huang-yi 的名義寫了一篇關於香港錢展的文

1990 年左右,科林開始收集中國的軍事紀念章。此前,市 面上鮮有這類紀念章的身影,直到改革開放之後,這種紀念章 才漸漸多了起來。不過相關的文章仍舊是少之又少。 在辛勤工作了 30 多年之後,科林於 2008 年 12 月從克勞 斯出版社退休。之後,他繼續在克勞斯出版社的網站(www.上的“宮廷小丑”的博客上更新文章。 之所以給博客取這個名字是因為科林本人喜歡開玩笑,說起話 來也是妙語連珠,有時候他還會在信件上蓋上動畫人物波波鹿 的圖案。2017 年 9 月 12 日,科林的追悼會在艾奧拉舉行,克 利福德·米什勒在悼詞中說道:“科林·布魯斯是一位出色的 世界錢幣目錄編目者。在我看來,他是全世界最出色的一位錢 幣目錄編纂大師。”

章,1987 年,他又將筆名改為了 Huang-lo Yuan。 1986 年 8 月 6 日,威斯康星州參議員威廉·普羅克斯邁 爾在其一篇國會記錄演講致辭中對科林·布魯斯、切特·克勞

菲律賓紀念章及代幣書籍 厄爾·D·霍尼卡特著第二版《菲律賓紀念章 及代幣,


1780-2015》已經上市。新版的規格是 2014 年第一版的兩倍,


共計 220 頁。本書是一本菲律賓紀念幣、紀念章及代幣的目錄,



The eighth Issue of JEAN


Departments 部門 並開始收集菲律賓代幣及紀念章。霍尼卡特有亞洲研究歷史及





值在 35 美元左右。更多詳細資訊請參考 2017 年第 3 期《世界 紙幣協會期刊》流覽紙鈔圖案請訪問:www.banknotesplanet.

霍尼卡特在書中對 1998 年羅伯特·雷諾茲的《菲律賓紀


念章》表示了讚賞。該書由美國勳章及紀念章學會出版,共 96 頁,硬皮封面,羅列了多種菲律賓軍事紀念章。

美國勳章及紀念章學會出版的圖書 其他由美國勳章及紀念章學會 (OMSA) 出版的書籍還包括: 《法國海外及後殖民主義時期的勳章、獎章及紀念章》, 愛德華·J·艾摩琳著,附 CD,2003。書中收錄了 380 幅包 括法屬印尼、越南等法國殖民地的紀念章彩色插圖。 《日本機器聯邦國的勳章及紀念章》,詹姆斯·W·彼得森著。 本書是美國勳章及紀念章學會 (OMSA) 出版第一本目錄(專著 #1,1967 年),現已更新至第三版(2000 年出版,由巴裏·C·韋 弗及邁克爾·A·奎格利負責修訂)。目錄涵蓋了日本、朝鮮、 滿洲國及偽蒙疆國發行的各種紀念章。20 世紀 60 年代,作者 詹姆斯·彼得森根據自己搜集到的關於紀念章的資訊(記載在


6 萬多張卡片上),多次為 OMSA 出版的雜誌——《紀念章藏家》 撰寫稿件。1966 年,他還在該協會擔任會計一職,當時住在 俄亥俄州哥倫布市。

《錢幣學家》2017 年 10 月刊 美國錢幣協會 10 月發行的《錢幣學家》雜誌上有兩處我們 的讀者可能感興趣的內容。一處是一篇名為《天堂和地域:古代 中國的貨幣與冥幣》,作者是科羅拉多州普韋布洛的一位物理學 家泰德·普爾世。文中附上了陶仿貝、蟻鼻錢、橋形幣、龍幣及 龜幣的圖片,作者說這些錢幣是周代和漢代用來陪葬的冥幣。 另一處是一篇關於一枚 1890 年法屬印尼 1 皮阿斯特假幣 的報道。雖然 1890 年是這種錢幣鑄造中的一個重要年份,但 文章中的這枚錢幣上的年份是後期改製成的。之所以能辨認出 來這是一枚改製的假幣,是因為錢幣年份裏的數字 0 雕刻的比

反面 (上圖為新加坡紀念鈔)


香港上海銀行信用證 文萊及新加坡的紀念鈔

2017 年 第 3 期《 世 界 紙 幣 協 會 期 刊 》 上 刊 登 了 Ikka

為慶祝雙方《貨幣互通協議》簽訂 50 周年,2017 年 6 月

Makitie 的長篇——《流通信用證》的第三部分。這篇連載介紹

7 日,新加坡和文萊共同發行了兩種顏色相同、設計類似的新


型紀念鈔。新加坡發行的 50 元紀念鈔正面為新加坡首任總統

張香港上海銀行馬尼拉分行於 1879 年 3 月 7 日發行的信用證



萊發行的 50 林吉特紀念鈔正面為汶萊蘇丹名哈吉·哈桑納爾·博




10 《東亞泉志》第八期

Departments 部門 還可以向開證銀行在當地的分行出示此證,以此提取其所需數



其中一張紙幣的面值為 3 兩(Pick 號碼 S507),VF, 成交


價 17400 美元。另一張紙鈔以俄亞銀行(中俄銀行的別稱)的


名義發行,時間為 1913-1917 年之間,幣面上未標注年份,面


值 為 1 金 分(Pick 號 碼 S479),VF, 成 交 價 12000 美 元。 更多資訊請訪問:。

《東方錢幣學會期刊》 2017 年 6 月海瑞德香港拍賣會亮點

《東方錢幣學會期刊》第 229 期(2016 年)中記載的一 些內容可能會引起一些讀者的興趣。賓根大學及萊登大學清史 專家弗雷斯科·薩姆·辛為沃納·伯格所著的《清錢編年史》 一書撰寫了一篇長篇書評。此前《東亞泉志》上也曾刊載過本 書的相關評論。弗拉基米爾·別耶夫斯基的文章《一些帶漢字、 維吾爾及西藏文字的蒙古諸國銀幣》介紹了最近發現的四枚極 為罕見的銀幣,其中一枚銀幣的一面刻有“西寧通寶”幾個漢字, 另一面刻有維吾爾文及蒙哥汗的符號,因此可以推斷出這枚銀 幣的年代應在公元 13 世紀左右。西寧在近代曾是甘肅省(1929 年起歸青海省)內的一所重要的城市,位於古絲綢之路。儘管 刻有中文的一面為古錢樣式(儘管中心錢孔並未穿透),但這 枚幣應為錢模子壓製而非鑄造而成。 第二枚幣為評分較低的古錢,正面刻有“大朝通寶”四個 漢字,背面為阿拉伯銘文。第一枚幣單面(背空白)大朝通寶 發現於 20 世紀,應該是在蒙古帝國建立之前由蒙古人發行的。 新發現的這枚錢幣證明了大朝通寶的發行年代應該在公元 1250 年左右。

拍賣大行海瑞德(總部位於德克薩斯達拉斯)2017 年的 夏季拍賣會成果豐碩:一張 1000 盾越南“老人與廟宇”紙鈔 樣 幣(Pick 號 碼 4A) 以 35850 美 元 的 價 格 成 交; 一 張 中 國 人民銀行 1953 年 10 元紙鈔(Pick 號碼 870)的成交價達到 了 47800 美元。由於在蘇聯印製,後隨着蘇聯解體而退出流 通領域的緣故,這種紙鈔非常稀有。而另一張同樣來自中國的 1858 年大清 50 兩紙鈔(最高發行面值,Pick 號碼 A13c)則 以 28680 美元的價格成交(VF)。 一張 1918 年日本出兵西伯利亞軍用鈔票成為了整場拍賣 中最有意思的錢幣之一。一戰期間,俄國在經歷了十月革命之 後與德國簽訂了和平條約,允許其將軍隊運往西方前線。為推 翻布爾什維克政府及重新將俄羅斯拉入戰局,美國、日本及其 盟國派兵前往西伯利亞。為紀念這次佔領行動,日本方面發行 了這種軍用鈔票,其中最大面值的就是此次拍賣的這種 10 元 紙幣(Pick 號碼,M18a)。儘管邊緣有磨損,這張評分為 VF 的鈔票還是售出了 28680 美元的高價。更多相關資訊請訪問海



為薩拉伊。錢幣正面有一顆星星,內部刻有阿拉伯銘文,背面 刻有“祈國惠民”四個漢字,意為創利於國、造福於民。目前

第 40 期《臺北市集幣協會會刊》

僅有一枚這種樣幣被記載在冊。最後一枚錢幣同樣是出自金帳 汗國(第一次出現在世人面前的時間為 1988 年),但卻帶有 藏文銘文,這些銘文的意思一開始未能被翻譯出來,但現在我

第 40 期《臺北市集幣協會會刊》於 2017 年 8 月出版,部 分目錄如下(文章均為中文):






《亂世黃金 盛世收藏——民國三十九年孫像布圖金幣》, 孫浩;

泰國子彈紀念幣 1880 年, 為 紀 念 泰 國 國 王 朱 拉 隆 功 的 母 後 Somdet Pra

《甘肅機鑄四川軍政府銅元研究》,王愛學; 《埃及遜王法魯克的四川“當三十”》,孫浩;

Deb Sirindhra 火化,泰國發行了一種 20 泰銖的子彈銀幣(重


303.7 克)。2017 年 4 月, 一 枚 此 種 銀 幣 的 樣 幣 在 Stacks


Bowers 香港拍賣會上以 22800 萬美元的價格成交。

《浙江省銀行銀元券》,蔡小軍; 《民國期間陝西省富秦錢局紙幣收集與研究》,朱清華、

檔案國際 2017 年 2 月拍賣會 檔案國際 2017 年 2 月拍賣會上出現了兩張中俄銀行發行

李東; 《民國三十六年中央銀行關金一千元中央印製廠印製個別 暗記的分野》,林清池。


The eighth Issue of JEAN 11

Departments 部門

JEAN Reviews Autumn 2017 Bruce W. Smith (USA) Taiwan's Tokens chapters cover: 1) U.S. Military Tokens; 2) Public Services (telephone, airports, schools, transportation); 3) Children's Parks; 4) Department stores (almost 50 pages); 5) Animal Parks; 6) Resorts and Amusement Parks (25 pages); 7) Hotels; and 8) Miscellaneous Businesses. Chapter 9 is a listing of game tokens which have not yet been attributed to a place. Chapter 10 is a supplement depicting an assortment of older Chinese tokens (mostly from Shanghai) and a sampling of world tokens.

By Yuan Ming-ta, Taipei, Taiwan, 2016, 207 pages, color photos. Chinese text. ISBN 9789869406208 card covers. This is the first listing to be published of tokens used in Taiwan. Previously the tokens used at U.S. military facilities in Taiwan had been listed in books by James Curto (1970 & 1979), Paul Cunningham (1995), and John Kallman (1988 & 1998). Yuan Ming-ta's new book records tokens used from the 1950's to the present, arranged in chapters by category. The

The last page in the book is a price guide. All of the tokens listed have been assigned a rarity rating from one to five. Rarity 5 is rated at NT50 Yuan (about U.S. $1.25); Rarity 4 is NT100 and higher; Rarity 3 is NT500 (about U.S. $125); Rarity 2 is NT2500; and Rarity 1 is NT5000 or higher. Except for the military tokens, most of the tokens listed are rated at Rarity 4 or 5 (common). Most of the military tokens are rated at Rarity 1 or 2 - that is, in the range of U.S. $600 to $1200. Though it is true that none of the military tokens are common, I have never heard of one selling for more than $200. The U.S. - Taiwan military tokens most often seen are the MAAG 5 cent (Yuan's number 1-1); the Taipei Air Station 50 cent red colored aluminum (Yuan 2-2); and the Shu Lin Kou Air Station 5 cent aluminum (Yuan 8-1 and 8-2). All of these sell for $50 or less in the United States. On the other hand, some of the military tokens Yuan illustrates, I have never seen for sale in 50 years of collecting them. An important and welcome feature of Yuan's catalog are the illustrations of signs, tickets and various forms of advertising used by the issuers of some tokens. These illustrations confirm the attributions of many tokens, which usually do not have place name on the token. For topical collectors, Chapter 8 includes listings of tokens for bowling, baseball and golf, as well as a listing of children's play money.

The Boxer Uprising: Campaigns, Medals and Men By Barry C. Weaver, Charles P. McDowell and Ronald E. Fischer, Orders and Medals Society of America, Monograph No. 13 Revised Edition, 2016, 185 pages, color photos, maps, charts. English text. ISBN 9781890974361 hardcover. Originally published in 2000, this revised edition has

been expanded by more than 50 pages. The book is divided

into three sections. The first, filling 79 pages, is a history of the Boxer Uprising, the foreign military response, and the various battles fought. Part 2 records the national medals issued in connection with this campaign by the governments of Austria,

12 《東亞泉志》第八期

France, Germany, Great Britain, Italy, Japan, Russia and the United States. Also recorded are the privately issued medals: Imperial Order of the Dragon and the Military Order of the Dragon. Part 3, running over 70 pages is titled: The Medal Rolls. This section contains several lists of names of those who received medals or those eligible to receive medals. The lists cover United States troops (including naval personnel), plus Legation Defenders, both civilian and military, from the United States, Great Britain, Italy, Japan and France. The medal rolls contain not only the name and unit of each recipient, but also the number of the medal awarded. This includes a numbered list of those eligible for the Imperial Order of the Dragon.

Departments 部門 The book is filled with color photographs of the medals, old black and white photos of people mentioned in the text, and several maps. The list of British Legation Defenders includes the names of four foreign employees of the Imperial Bank of China and Edward Wyon, Superintendent of the Chinese Mint at Canton. It is believed that Wyon was in Peking to consider becoming the Superintendent of the newly opened Peking Mint. That mint was destroyed in the uprising and Wyon returned to the Canton Mint. The last page of the book illustrates one of the very rare, privately issued Peking Siege Medals (also known as the Ichabod Medal, from the inscription at the bottom) with the original box, inscribed to Captain J. T. Myers, United States Marine Corps. A little over 30 of these medals are known, each with name of the recipient engraved on the edge. This is the "must have" book for anyone interested in the Boxer Uprising or military medals connected with China. For more information, contact the Orders & Medals Society of America, 414 Westchester Drive SE, Warren, Ohio 44484.

MWR - Mehilba World Replacement 60 notes. The serial number is then printed on the notes while still in sheet form. If a sheet contains one or more defective notes, the sheet is set aside and later destroyed. When the printing of one group of sheets is finished, the number of defective sheets is counted, and the same number of new sheets is printed and added to the group. Some countries use special serial numbers to mark the replacement notes. A special serial number may be indicated by a symbol or letter (often X, Y or Z) at the beginning or the end of the serial number, or by fractional letters (for example, A/B or H/G) or double letters. The number of defective sheets should be small and therefore the number of replacement notes which get into circulation is small.

By Dr. Ali Mehilba, 2013, 543 pages, color photos, English text. ISBN 9784235698744 soft cover. Replacement Notes are those which replace notes that were damaged, misprinted or misnumbered by the printer. Banknotes are printed in large sheets which may contain 50 or

Apparently about half the countries in the world use replacement notes. Dr. Mehilba's book explains how to identify replacement notes for each country which marks them, and catalogs all such notes, using Pick numbers (Standard Catalog of World Paper Money) and his own numbering system. The notes are also priced in Very Fine and Uncirculated. For many countries signatures are recorded and identified; this alone is a great feature. For collectors of East Asian notes, quite a few countries use replacement notes. Mehilba's catalog identifies notes from Bhutan, Burma, Cambodia, Hong Kong, Indonesia, Japan, Korea, Laos, Manchukuo, Mongolia, Philippines, Singapore, and Thailand. At the end of the book is a section for countries whose replacement note system is still being investigated. This section includes Macau, China, Malaysia, Nepal, Taiwan, and Vietnam. Dr. Mehilba lives in Alexandria, Egypt and in Southern California. For more information see:

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Departments 部門 Ma Dingxiang: A Commemorative Album on the 100th Anniversary of his Birth Chen Hao, chief editor, Shanghai 2016, 278 pages, photos, Chinese text. ISBN 9787543972131 soft cover. Yet another tribute book to the famous collector Ma Dingxiang (1916-1991), this one published by the Zhejiang Numismatic Society. As the title suggests, the main part of the book is a collection of about 300 photographs of Ma, alone, with family and with many Chinese collectors (and a few overseas collectors, including the writer). The book opens with a painting of Ma in his study and plates of several medals honoring him. Following the photo album is a section of rare coins he owned or handled at some point in his long career. This is followed by sections on his calligraphy, his seals, his publications, and a collection of essays on some rare Chinese coins. The remainder of the book consists of memories of Ma written by two dozen collectors who knew him. In addition to being a fine summary of Ma Dingxiang's life, this book is also a wonderful photographic record of other Chinese collectors of the 20th century.

Illustrated Catalog of China's Jilin Province Silver Coins

By Wang Chunli, Beijing 2010, 200 pages, color photos, Chinese and English text. ISBN 9787504467355 soft cover. An excellent guide to the silver coins of Kirin and the main varieties of each, priced in five grades, with enlarged photos to aid in the identification of varieties. The coins are arranged by date with a separate numbering system for each year. Each denomination has a chart to show how to sort varieties. Wang was born in Liaoning Province in1969. After graduating from Dalian Foreign Language University, he served as a translator for Japanese companies such as Panasonic and Mitsubishi. Later he became a lawyer and real estate broker. He began collecting Chinese coins in 1986 and is a life member of the Beijing Numismatic Society. He is also author of: "Illustrated Catalogue of Chinese Gold & Silver Coins 1791-1949", a large size hard cover book published in 2012.

14 《東亞泉志》第八期

Departments 部門 Illustrated Catalog of Chinese Sycee A wonderful catalog containing 1800 photographs of 1163 sycee ingots selected from the storage vault of the Peoples Bank of China. The first hundred pages illustrate an amazing array of silver ingots from the Tang, Song, Jin, Yuan and Ming Dynasties. The remainder of the book records sycee of the Qing Dynasty, arranged by categories. There is almost no text in the book, aside from descriptions, but the measurements and weights of each ingot are provided. The listing of sycee before the Qing Dynasty is quite impressive -- nearly 200 ingots are illustrated.

Wen Sili and Zuo Xiuhui, editors, China Financial Publishing House, Beijing 2013, 400 pages, color photos. Chinese text. ISBN 9787504967664 soft cover.

This is one of the latest in a line of sycee catalogs, each improving on the one before. The first such catalog in a western language was a small monograph "Sycee Silver" by Phares Sigler, published in 1943 by the American Numismatic Society. The first two books on the subject in Chinese both appeared in 1988-one by Jang Huey-shinn (Chang Hui-hsin) and the other by Ch'en Hung-pin-and were both published in Taiwan. The following year "The Historical Currencies of Yunnan" by Tang Guoyan was published in China. Though not specifically on sycee, this book recorded a thousand different sycee used in Yunnan Province. In 1991 "The Pictorial Yuanbao" by Zhang Zhigao was published in China, illustrating 1,500 different ingots. The most authoritative study and classification so far published appeared in 1992 - "A Catalogue of Sycee in the British Museum" by Joe Cribb. Since then several more books on sycee in general or on sycee of a particular province, have been published in China.

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《東亞泉志》2017 秋季書評 史博祿(美國) 《臺灣的代用幣》 分為以下章節,分別是:第一章:美國軍用代幣;第二章:公 共服務設施(電話、機場、學校和交通設施);第三章:兒童 公園;第四章:百貨商店 ( 近 50 頁 );第五章:動物園;第六章、 娛樂場所(25 頁);第七章、酒店;第八章、雜項;第九章、 遊戲代幣(未具體區分地區)以及第十章增補部分,收錄了各 種中國老式代幣(多為上海地區代幣)以及一些世界各地的代 幣。 本書最後附有一張價格指南,將書中的所有代幣按照稀有 程度劃分出了五個等級。如 50 元新臺幣(約為 1.25 美元)為 第五級;100 元新臺幣為第四級或更高;500 元新臺幣為第三 級(約 125 美元);2500 元新臺幣為第二級;而 5000 元新臺 幣則為第一級或更高。除軍用代幣外,大多數代幣均在第四、 第五級之間(常見)。而軍用代幣大多為第一到第二級,估價 在 600-1200 美元之間。雖然軍用代幣都不算常見,但據我所知, 目前還沒哪張代幣的售價超過 200 美元。最常見的駐台美軍代 幣有美軍顧問團 5 分(本書中編號為 1-1)、臺北航空站鋁合 金鍍紅色 50 分(本書編號 2-2),以及樹林口通訊站鋁制 5 分(本 書編號 8-1、8-2)。這些代幣在美國的售價均未超過 50 美元。

(臺灣)臺北袁明達著,2016 年出版,共 207 頁,彩圖, 中文,硬皮封面。ISBN 9789869406208 這是第一本列舉了臺灣地區所使用代幣的著作。之前出版 過關於駐台美軍使用代幣書籍的作者有詹姆斯·庫爾托(分別 出版於 1970 年和 1979 年)、保羅·康寧漢(出版於 1995 年) 以及約翰·卡爾曼(出版於 1988 年和 1998 年)。袁明達的這 本新書收錄了 20 世紀 50 年代至今的臺灣代幣,並按照種類劃

另外,書中提到的有些軍用代幣,在我 50 多年的收藏生涯中 還從未遇見過。 本書的一處亮點是書中收錄了一些代幣發行商的簽名、票 券和廣告的照片。因為很多代幣幣面上並未標注地區,這些照 片就成為了用來區分代幣類別的依據。本書第八章收錄了一些 保齡球、棒球、高爾夫以及兒童玩遊戲時使用的代幣,某些專 門研究這些領域的藏家可能會對這些內容產生興趣。


《義和團:戰役、勳章及其獲得者》,巴里·C·韋弗、 查理斯·P·麥克維爾及羅奈爾得·E·費舍爾合著,美 國勳章與獎章協會發行的專著,第 13 次修訂版,2016 年出版,共 185 頁,彩圖、附地圖和圖表,英文,硬皮 封面,ISBN 9781890974361。

本書第一版於 2000 年出版,本次的修改版在原版的基礎 上新增了 50 多頁的內容。全書共分為三個部分,第一部分共 79 頁,記錄了義和團運動的歷史、外國軍隊的應戰,以及二者 之間爆發的多次戰鬥;第二部分澳大利亞、法國、德國、英國、 意大利、日本、俄羅斯以及美國政府發行的關於這場運動的紀 念章、一些私人發行的紀念章、帝國龍像榮譽證書及龍像軍隊 榮譽證書;第三部分紀念章名單共計 70 多頁,記載了獲得或

16 《東亞泉志》第八期

Departments 部門 有資格獲得這些紀念章的人員,除美國軍隊士兵(包括海軍) 以外,還有來自美國、英國、意大利、日本和法國的使館防衛 人員,這些人有的是軍隊士兵,有的是普通平民。除姓名外, 這些名單中還記載了每個獲獎者的所屬單位及所獲獎章數量。 另外,還有一份有編號的、有資格獲得帝國龍像榮譽證書的人 員名單。 書中附有紀念章的彩色照片,提及的人物和地圖均為黑白 照片。英國使館防衛人員中有四名中國通商銀行的員工以及廣 東造幣廠負責人愛德華·懷恩。據說,愛德華·懷恩原本是打 算來北京出任新設立的北京造幣廠負責人一職,後來造幣廠為 義和團破壞,懷恩於是又回到了廣東造幣廠。本書末頁是一張 非常稀有的、私人發行的北京被圍攻紀念章的插圖(按照底部 銘文,這種紀念章又被稱之為:伊卡博多紀念章)。對義和團 運動或中國軍用紀念章感興趣的讀者一定不要錯過這本書。更 多資訊請聯繫美國證書與紀念章協會——俄亥俄州 44484,沃 倫市威斯賈斯特街東南 414 號。

《米希爾巴的世界替換幣》 替換幣是指用於替換磨損、錯印或錯號幣的紙幣。紙幣通 常被印刷在一張大版印鈔紙上,每張大版可以裁切出 50 或 60 張紙幣。序號的印刷在大版上進行,因此如果一張大版上有一 兩張瑕疵幣,這張大版就會被挑出銷毀。一組大版印刷完成之 後,相關人員會計算出瑕疵大版的數量,然後重新印刷相同數 量的大版。有的國家會在替換幣上印上特殊的錢幣序號,在一 串數字前面或後面加上一個符號、字母(通常 X,Y 或者 Z), 或者分數格式的字母(如 A/B、 H/G)、或者兩個字母。由於 瑕疵幣的數量稀少,因此進入流通領域的替換幣並不多。 顯然,世界約一半的國家都會使用替換幣。阿裡·米希爾 巴博士在書中介紹了辨別各個國家替換幣的方法,並使用 Pick 號碼(《世界紙鈔標準目錄》)及他自己的編號系統將書中的 紙幣分門別類。這些紙幣均以 VF(非常精美)、未流通幣的 價格標價。此外,書中還收錄了並辨識了很多國家的替換幣上 的簽名和標記,單憑這一點,本書就不失為一本非常優秀的著 作。東亞各國及地區鮮有使用替換幣者,東亞紙幣藏家們都瞭 解這一點。米希爾巴在書中記載了來自不丹、緬甸、柬埔寨、 香港、印尼、日本、韓國、老撾、滿洲國、蒙古、菲律賓、新 加坡以及泰國的替代幣。在書本最後一章收錄了目前替換幣系

阿裡 ·米希爾巴博士著,2013 年,543 頁,彩圖,英文, 軟皮封面。ISBN 9784235698744

統尚待調查研究的國家和地區的名稱,包括:澳門、中國內陸、 馬來西亞、尼泊爾、臺灣以及越南。米希爾巴博士現居於埃及 亞歷山大及南非兩地。更多資訊請訪問。

The eighth Issue of JEAN 17

Departments 部門 《馬定祥百年誕辰紀念集》

浙江省博物館館長陳浩主編,上海,2016 年,278 頁, 帶插圖,中文,軟皮封面。ISBN 9787543972131 另一本悼念知名錢幣學大師馬定祥(1916-1991)的著作, 浙江錢幣學會策劃出版。如書名所示,本書主要收錄了約 300 張馬定祥的照片,有單人照,也有和家人及眾多中國錢幣藏家 的合影(其中有和本書作者的合影,還有一些和海外藏家的合 照)。書本開頭是馬定祥研究錢幣的照片及幾枚馬定祥紀念章。 緊接着是馬定祥多年錢幣研究生涯中得到的或鑒定過的一些珍 稀錢幣的照片。後面的章節分別是馬定祥墨寶、馬定祥印章、 馬定祥著作、馬定祥關於一些珍稀中國幣的遺稿。 最後一章是 由 20 多位收藏家撰寫的關於馬定祥先生的紀念文集。除總結 了馬定祥先生一生的經歷之外,本書還是一本非常精美的 20 世紀中國錢幣藏家照片集。


王春利著,北京,2010 年,200 頁,彩圖,中英雙語, 軟皮封面。ISBN 9787504467355 本書是一本極佳的吉林銀幣主要版別的指導性用書,書中 按照五個等級標示出銀幣的價格,另附有局部放大圖,以便讀 者辨識版別,書中銀幣按照年份整理排列,同年的銀幣另附有 獨立的編號,各相同面值的銀幣下還附有圖表幫助區分類別。 作者王春利 1969 年生於遼寧。從大連外國語學院畢業之後, 王春利擔任過松下、三菱等日本公司的翻譯,後相繼獲得律師 執業資格和房地產經紀人資格。1986 年,他開始收集中國錢幣, 並成為北京錢幣學會終身會員。此外,他還曾撰寫過《中國金 銀幣目錄(1791-1949)》一書(大開本,硬皮封面,2012 年 出版)。

18 《東亞泉志》第八期

Departments 部門 《中國銀錠圖錄》 文四立、左秀輝編,中國金融出版社出版,北京,2013 年, 400 頁,彩圖,中文,軟皮封面。ISBN 9787504967664 本 書 精 選 了 1163 枚 中 國 人 民 銀 行 庫 藏 銀 錠, 收 錄 圖 片 1800 張,前 100 頁按照年份羅列了唐、宋、金、元、明幾個 朝代的銀錠,剩下的清代銀錠則按照種類進行整理排列。全書 除描述外幾乎沒有任何文字,每一件銀錠都附有大小與重量資 訊。清代之前近 200 件銀錠的內容着實讓人印象深刻。 這本《中國銀錠圖錄》是最新出版的銀錠圖錄之一,隨着 時間的推移,新出版的圖錄也不斷得到完善。第一部用西方語 言撰寫、銀錠目錄性質的專著是法爾斯·辛格樂所寫的《銀錠》 一書。而最早的、真正意義上的兩本銀錠目錄都成書於 1988 年, 出版地都在臺灣,作者分別是張惠信、陳鴻彬。後來,大陸的 湯國彥出版了《雲南歷史貨幣》一書,雖然不是專門的銀幣圖 錄,該書中還是收錄了 1000 多種不同的雲南銀錠。1991 年, 張志高著、收錄了 1500 種銀錠的《元寶圖錄》在中國大陸出版。 迄今為止,關於中國銀錠最為權威的研究和分類性作品是喬·克 力布在 1992 年出版的《大英博物館所藏中國元寶圖錄》。之後, 又有更多關於中國或地方各省銀錠的書籍在大陸出版。

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COTY Beginnings Overview Clifford Mishler (USA) drawn from the ranks of mint and treasury officials, hobby community organizations and individuals, the ranks of artists and designers, and others variously involved in the hobby publishing realms. For that first year 39 coins were nominated and considered in six classifications, with four coins from the United States, Canada, Panama, and China drawing classification honors. Those first recognitions were bestowed at an event hosted in the historic United States Treasury “Cash Room” in Washington, D.C., on May 16, 1984, with about 100 dignitaries in attendance. Accepting the 1982 Coin of The Year recognition on behalf of the United States were U.S. Treasurer Katherine Ortega, Mint Director Donna Pope, and sculptorengraver Elizabeth Jones. Accepting the ”Most Artistic” and ”Best Gold” coin honors for Canada was embassy ministercounselor Patrick Gossage, the “Best Crown” coin honor for China was embassy press counselor Shi Chengshun, and the “Best Silver” coin honor for Panama was embassy press counselor Lawrence Chewning.

Origination of the Coin of The Year program percolated for a couple years. Over that time a series of informal discussions ensued between Chet Krause, myself, World Coin News senior editor Russell Rulau and editor Trey Foerster. We pondered and debated the practicality of undertaking such a program, and how it might positively impact and benefit the hobby community and our publishing involvements therein. The likely inspiration for the discussions, reflecting back some 35 years later, was the 1982 release of the United States silver half-dollar commemorative marking the 250th anniversary of the birth of George Washington. That was a most popular and historic offering, an issue that resurrected the tradition of U.S. commemorative issues following a 28year lapse dating back to the close out of the 1951-1954 George Washington Carver/Booker T. Washington series. Throughout the 1960s and 1970s, Krause Publications, through the editorial pages of Numismatic News and during the course of ongoing interactions with officials at the United States Mint and in the Treasury Department, had pushed for the resurrection of a meaningful, ongoing commemorative coin program.

Other dignitaries in attendance included Congressman Doug Barnard, Jr. from Atlanta, Georgia, who had originated the legislation authorizing the issue, and Bureau of Engraving and Printing director Robert J. Leuver. Also U.S. Fine Arts Commission secretary Charles Atherton, Smithsonian Institution Numismatic Collection director Mrs. Elvira ClainStefanelli, American Numismatic Association executive secretary Edward C. Rochette, Industry Council for Tangible Assets president Donald Evans, and Soviet Embassy counselor Yuri Subbotin. “This is a happy and uniquely specialized gathering,” Mishler observed in his opening greeting to the Coin of The Year gathering. “Virtually every person in this room is engaged in one way or another with coins: coin legislation, design, production, distribution, research, engineering, collecting, publicizing.” Rulau had emphasized that in inaugurating the COTY program, the intended purpose was to “recognize significant achievements in modern coinage and at the same time spur competition among producers of these metallic memorials.”

The promise that the 1976 Bicentennial quarter, halfdollar and dollar commemorative series might have portended in the United States did not appear to have materialized, and activity was also relatively dormant world-wide.

“Our objective is to rekindle an awareness of, and increased application of coins to their secondary role of placing more history, more effectively in the hands of the people who use them,” Mishler elaborated; “No nation should fail to employ its coinage to the fullest in reminding, and reawakening in its public and on the world stage, a greater appreciation for its heritage.”

With the decision made to proceed, Foerster became coordinator of the program, organizing a 43-judge panel

The international standing of the Coin of The Year program was in question in the early years, with the United

20 《東亞泉志》第八期

Departments 部門 States being accorded the premier recognition in both 1984 and 1985, and Canada in 1986 for its 1984 gold $100 commemorative of the 450th anniversary of Jacques Cartier’s “Voyage of Discovery “. In 1987, Finland was recognized for its 1985 silver 50-Markkaa marking the Kalevala National Epic’s 150th anniversary, an offering that pulled down three of the by then seven categories of competition; Most Artistic, Best Silver, and Best Crown. The United States was the top COTY winner again in 1988, this time with its 1986 gold $5 commemorative marking the centennial of the Statue of Liberty, making the U.S. the winner in three out of the first five years, and with Canada in 1986, having North America at the top in four out of the first five years. Not another winner was drawn from North America until 2002, when the U.S. 2000 silver dollar recalling Leif Ericson as “Founder of the New World” came out on top after having been recognized as the “Most Historically Significant Coin,” it being one of the years ten category winners. The 13 interim years featured nine Coin of The Year winning countries stretching from the United Kingdom (1989 and 1996) to South Africa (1999), and Albania (1990) to Bermuda (1999). Over the past 15 years the far-flung countries of Belarus, Latvia, and Mongolia have been added to the roll of winners. While the United States ranks at the top in honors at six, it is closely followed by Italy with five, France with four, and Austria with three. Those taking home top honors twice are Canada, Finland, South Africa, and the United Kingdom. Sixteen countries in all have been recognized for Coin of The Year winners since 1984.

China 1982 year of dog 20 Yuan win the COTY of "Best Crown"

Over a two-decade span stretching from 1986, when I travelled to Ottawa, Canada, to present the 1984 COTY winner at the Bank of Canada, it was my pleasure to preside at presentation ceremonies around the globe. My far-flung destinations included Vienna, Johannesburg, Madrid, Warsaw, Canberra, and Helsinki. The capping experience probably came in 1996 when I travelled to London to recognize the United Kingdom for its 1994 COTY winning commemorative marking the 50th anniversary of the invasion of Normandy, which I had the distinct privilege of presenting to Prince Philip. Acceptance of the Coin of The Year program has certainly stood the test of time as an internationally recognized accreditation of excellence in numismatics’ metallic form.

Clifford Mishler

The eighth Issue of JEAN 21

Departments 部門

《世界硬幣大獎賽》前言概述 柯利弗德•米什勒 ( 美國 ) 我們決定繼續推動這個項目。福斯特成為了專案協調員, 他組織了一個 43 人的評委組,評委從造幣廠和財政部的官員、 愛好者社群及個人、藝術家和設計師及其他各種業餘出版領域 的人當中按等級選拔出來。世界硬幣大獎賽開辦的第一年共有 39 枚幣被提名為六大類別獎的候選幣。最後這些獎項被來自美 國、加拿大、巴拿馬和中國的四枚幣分獲。 1984 年 5 月 16 日,在華盛頓特區美國歷史上著名的財政 部的“現金廳”內舉辦了一個活動。在活動上,這批最早的獎 項被頒發給了獲獎國家的代表們,現場大約有 100 名嘉賓出席。 代表美國接受 1982 年鑄幣的“世界硬幣大獎賽最佳硬幣”獎 的是美國財政司庫凱薩琳·奧爾特加(Katherine Ortega), 美國鑄幣局局長唐娜·波普(Donna Pope)和雕塑家、硬幣 雕刻師伊莉莎白·鐘斯(Elizabeth Jones)。代表加拿大接受 “最佳藝術幣”和“最佳金幣”獎的是大使館部長參贊派翠克·戈 薩奇(Patrick Gossage)。代表中國接受“最佳克朗幣”獎的 是大使館新聞參贊施承訓。代表巴拿馬接受“最佳銀幣”獎的 《世界硬幣大獎賽》中文版

是大使館新聞參贊勞倫斯·切寧(Lawrence Chewning)。

“ 世 界 硬 幣 大 獎 賽” 項 目 的 啟 動 花 了 好 幾 年 時 間。 在


那 期 間, 我 和 克 勞 斯 出 版 社 的 初 創 人 切 特·克 勞 斯(Chet

納德(Doug Barnard, Jr.),他起草了該專案的授權立法,雕


刻與印刷局局長羅伯特·J. 魯維(Robert J. Leuver),還有美

Rulau)、編輯特雷·福斯特(Trey Foerster)進行了一系列

國美術委員會秘書查理斯·亞瑟頓(Charles Atherton),史




Clain Stefanelli)女士,美國錢幣協會執行秘書愛德華·C. 羅


切特(Edward C. Rochette),有形資產工業理事會主席唐納

在過了 35 年後,回顧當初啟發了我們展開這些討論的, 大概是 1982 年發行的“喬治·華盛頓誕辰 250 周年”半美元 紀念銀幣。那是一件極受歡迎、非常具有歷史意義的作品。在

德·埃文斯(Donald Evans),以及蘇聯大使館參贊尤裡·薩 伯廷(Yuri Subbotin )。 “這是一次愉快的、特別的行業盛會”,米什勒(Mishler)

1951—1954 年 的 喬 治·華 盛 頓·卡 弗(George Washington


Carver)和布克·T. 華盛頓(Booker T. Washington)紀念幣


系列完結之後,經歷 28 年的停滯,這枚半美元紀念銀幣復蘇




在 20 世紀 60、70 年代,通過與美國鑄幣局和美國財政








出乎意料的是,1976 年的 25 美分硬幣、半美元和 1 美元


的 200 周年紀念幣系列可能使紀念幣專案受到關注的希望並沒



該盡可能地用它們的硬幣來提醒、煥發自己的人民和世界舞臺 上的人們對其歷史遺產的賞識。”

22 《東亞泉志》第八期

Departments 部門 “世界硬幣大獎賽”早期在國際上的地位是受到質疑的。 美國分別在 1984 年和 1985 年被授予了頭等嘉獎“年度最佳 硬幣”獎,而 1986 年的桂冠由加拿大 1984 年所鑄的“雅克·卡 蒂埃探險之路 450 周年”100 加元紀念金幣所獲。在 1987 年, 該桂冠由芬蘭 1985 年所鑄的“《卡勒瓦拉》民族史詩誕生 150 周年”50 馬克紀念銀幣摘取,這枚幣還一舉獲得了那時七 個類別獎中的三類,分別是“最佳藝術幣”、“最佳銀幣”、“最 佳克朗幣”。 美國在 1988 年再次榮膺桂冠,這次的獲獎幣是 1986 年鑄 的“自由女神像矗立百年”5 美元紀念金幣。這使美國成為了“世 界硬幣大獎賽”開創以來頭五年中獲得過三年頭獎的國家。加 上 1986 年加拿大獲得的頭獎,北美在五年中獲得了四次桂冠, 獨佔鰲頭。而在 1988 年後美國都與頭獎失之交臂,直到 2002 年一枚紀念“新大陸發現者萊夫·埃裡克森”的 1 美元紀念銀 幣在獲得當年十個類別獎之一的“最佳歷史意義幣”之後,被 授予了“年度最佳硬幣”的頭獎。 在美國缺席的這 13 年期間,“世界硬幣大獎賽最佳硬幣” 的獲獎國家漂洋過海,從英國(1989 年和 1996 年)到南非(1999

中國 1982 年壬戌(狗)年 20 元紀念銀幣獲得世界硬幣大獎賽 “最佳克朗幣”獎

年)、阿爾巴尼亞(1990 年),再到百慕大群島(1998 年)。 至今,那些遙遠的國家,譬如白俄羅斯、拉脫維亞、蒙古國等 都加入了獲勝者的行列。雖然美國以獲得六次最高獎項位居榜 首,但義大利、法國、奧地利緊跟其後,分別以五次、四次和 三次摘取桂冠的記錄名列前茅。加拿大、芬蘭、南非和英國分 別獲得頭獎兩次。自 1984 年起共有 16 個國家的硬幣當選了世 界硬幣大獎賽的最佳硬幣。 1986 年,我前往加拿大渥太華的加拿大銀行,將“世界硬 幣大獎賽最佳硬幣”獎頒發給一枚 1984 年鑄的幣。從那時起 的二十年時間裡,我很榮幸能到世界各地主持頒獎典禮。我到 過的那些遙遠的目的地包括維也納、約翰尼斯堡、馬德里、華沙、 坎培拉和赫爾辛基。而我最難忘的經歷大概是在 1996 年前往 倫敦為英國 1994 年鑄的“諾曼地登陸 50 周年”50 便士銅鎳 流通紀念幣頒發“世界硬幣大獎賽最佳硬幣”獎時,有幸將該 獎呈送給菲力浦王子。 “世界硬幣大獎賽”受到的認可經歷了時間的考驗,成為

柯利弗德 • 米什勒


The eighth Issue of JEAN 23

Departments 部門

45 Years of Sino-German Friendship:

Commemorative Pandas Struck Künker Auction (Germany) July 6, 2017 – What would the friendship between states be if it was not lived by people? Ulrich Künker, Managing Director of Künker, has been a good friend of Michael Hans Chou, owner of Champion Leilo Co., Hong Kong, for years. Their personal friendship inspired the two of them to erect a numismatic monument to the friendship of their nations. And so the idea of a set of two Panda medals was born. Both medals feature the same motif on their obverse. The reverses have a different design: for China by Yu Min, for Germany by Heinz Hoyer and Sneschana Russewa-Hoyer. The Staatliche Münze Berlin was won over to strike the German medal. This pair of panda has become a symbol for China, the Berlin Bear they face is much less popular. With the Chinese Embassy of the People’s Republic of China in the Federal Republic of Germany’s support, the initiators received the approval of the Chinese Ministry of Culture to use the official logo of the 45th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between the People’s Republic of China and the Federal Republic of Germany for the production of the Panda medals. Yu Min has designed more than 100 circulation and commemorative coins of the People’s Republic of China, including over 40 Panda motifs. The talented engraver is highly esteemed not only in China but throughout the world. He received the ‘Krause Award’ for his life’s work as part of the COTY Ceremony early in 2017. He is the first Asian designer ever to be awarded this honor. The One Yuan coin with peony flower designed by him has mintage over 10 billion.

Michael Chou (left) and Ulrich Künker (right) presenting Chinese Ambassador Shi Mingde with the very first set commemorating 45 years of Sino-German friendship

China Version - 45 Years of Sino-German Friendship: Commemorative Panda

Heinz Hoyer is also a ‘Krause Award’ laureate. As the first German to receive it, he won it in 2016. His name is familiar to all collectors of FRG and GDR coins, for he has designed more than 20 circulation and commemorative coins. The most famous and widespread work of his are the German 1- and 2-euros circulation coins which, manufactured by the billions, are in use in the whole of Europe. Yu Min designed the common obverse of the medal. At the center it features the logo of the 45th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between the People’s Republic of China and the Federal Republic of Germany; in the background one can see the Brandenburg Gate and the Great Wall of China, with ‘Sino-German Friendship’ below. On the reverse of the Chinese version one can see a bear on the left, standing with two playing pandas turning towards him and a bamboo branch behind indicating a natural ambience. Sino-German friendship in German and Chinese characters are placed in the bottom and the top. The version

24 《東亞泉志》第八期

Germany Version - 45 Years of Sino-German Friendship: Commemorative Panda designed by Yu Min is produced by New Century Mint which is one of the leading private mints in China. The German reverse features the Berlin Bear, welcoming two pandas with a bouquet of flowers, in the background one sees Berlin landmarks. And the inscription ‘ChinesischDeutsche Freundschaft’ in English, Chinese, and German.

Departments 部門 The version created by the Hoyer couple is produced by Germany’s oldest mint, the Staatliche Münze Berlin, which started operation as early as 1280. On June 30, 2017, the first-strike ceremony of the ‘German’ medal took place in the Staatliche Münze Berlin. Dr. Andreas Schikora, head of the Berlin Mint, hosted a wellattended event. Speakers were the Chinese Ambassador Shi Mingde and the Ambassador and the head of the Asia section in the Foreign Minstry of the Federal Republic of Germany Dr. Norbert Riedel who represented the German government. Aside from the official event, the two contemplated if 50 years of Sino-German friendship in 2022 would not constitute the perfect opportunity to issue official commemorative coins of the People’s Republic of China and the Federal Republic of Germany. When the Chinese panda couple MengMeng and Jiao Qing was officially handed over to the Berlin Zoo on July 5, 2017, a set of Panda medals made from silver plated brass designed by Yu Min and Heinz Hoyer, distributed by the Chinese Embassy in the Federal Republic of Germany, were given to the dignitaries from both China and Germany presented at the ceremony. This version is not available for sale. However, made from 1 ounce of .999 fine silver, a set of Panda medals will be offered, in a prestigious box accompanied by a certificate. The mintage amounts to 3,000 sets.

Chinese Ambassador Shi Mingde celebrates 45 years of SinoGerman friendship

From left to right: Dr. Norbert Riedel, Ulrich Künker, Shi Mingde, Dr. Andreas Schikora, Michael Hans Chou

Dr. Andreas Schikora welcomes the guests in the Staatliche Münze Berlin

Together with Chinese Ambassador Shi Mingde, Dr. Norbert Riedel, official representative of the German government, is pleased with the German commemorative striking

Photos for this event:

The eighth Issue of JEAN 25

Departments 部門

賀中德 45 年友誼:熊貓紀念章首打儀式 坤克拍賣公司(德國) 如果沒有人民之間的友誼,國與國的友誼又如何存在呢? Ulrich Künker 是坤克拍賣公司的執行董事,周邁可是冠軍拍 賣公司的總裁,他們兩人是長達多年的好友。 他們的個人友誼啟發了二人為他們國家的友誼創造一個錢 幣文化的紀念物。因此,一套有兩隻熊貓的紀念章的構想誕生 了。 兩枚紀念章的正面有着同樣的主題,而背面的設計不同。 余 敏 設 計 了 中 國 版 的 紀 念 章, 德 國 版 的 由 Heinz Hoyer 和 Sneschana Russewa-Hoyer 設計。柏林國家造幣廠贏得了鑄造 該章德國版的機會。這一對國寶大熊貓成了中國的代表,而它 對面的柏林熊受歡迎度遠遠不及它。經中國駐德國大使館的支 持,主辦方收到了中國文化部的授權,同意他們在熊貓紀念章 的製作中使用中德建交 45 周年官方標識。

周邁可(左)與 Ulrich Künker(右)同中國駐德國大使史明德 展示首套中德友好 45 周年紀念章

余敏為中華人民共和國設計的流通幣和紀念幣達 100 枚以 上,其中以熊貓為主題的幣有 40 多枚。這位才華橫溢的錢幣 雕刻師不僅享譽中國,並且名揚世界。在 2017 年初,他在世 界錢幣大獎賽頒獎典禮上以他一生的作品榮獲“克勞斯大獎”。 他是第一個獲此殊榮的亞洲人。余敏設計的牡丹壹圓鑄造量超 過了百億枚。 Heinz Hoyer 也是“克勞斯大獎”的得主。他於 2016 年受

中德建交 45 週年紀念熊貓章——中國版

選,成為第一個獲得該獎的德國人。他設計了德國的 20 多枚 流通幣和紀念幣,他的名字為德意志聯邦共和國及德意志民主 共和國硬幣的收藏者們所熟知。德國 1 歐元和 2 歐元流通幣的 設計是他最家喻戶曉、廣為流傳的作品,這些幣已被鑄造了數 十億枚,在全歐洲被人使用。 余敏設計了這套紀念章的正面,在它的中央是中德建交 45 周年的標識。在背景裡可見勃蘭登堡門和中國萬里長城,在底 部是“Sino-German Friendship(中德友好)”的字樣。

中德建交 45 週年紀念熊貓章——德國版

在中國版的背面是一隻熊呈“r”字形站立,兩隻在玩耍 的熊貓正轉向它。在熊貓後面是一些竹枝,設計師以它表現了 大自然的氛圍。在下方是“中德友好”的德語和中文。余敏設 計的版本是由中國的一家頂級的私人鑄幣廠——新世紀造幣廠 生產。 德國版的背面的一隻柏林熊,手持一束鮮花歡迎兩隻大熊 貓。在背景裡你可以看到柏林的城市地標,以及中德友好的英 文、中文和德語銘文。Hoyer 夫婦設計的這個版本是由德國最 古老的造幣廠——柏林國家造幣廠生產,它的運營歷史可追溯 到 1280 年。

26 《東亞泉志》第八期

從左到右:Norbert Riedel 大使, 坤克董事 Ulrich Künker,史 明德大使,柏林造幣廠理事長 Andreas Schikora,冠軍拍賣總 裁周邁可

Departments 部門 在 2017 年 6 月 30 日,德國版紀念章的首打儀式在柏林國 家造幣廠舉行。Andreas Schikora 博士是柏林造幣廠的理事長, 他主持了這個高朋滿座的活動。中國駐德國大使史明德以及代 表德國政府的德國外交部亞洲地區總管及大使 Norbert Riedel 博士在儀式上發表了演講。 除了這次官方活动,两人还讨论了在 2022 年——中德建交 的第 50 周年,是否是发行中华人民共和国与德意志联邦共和 国官方纪念章的绝佳时机。 在 2017 年 7 月 5 日這對大熊貓被正式轉交給柏林動物園的 交接儀式上,經由中國駐德使館傳播發行,中國國家赴德國的 代表團和德國的嘉賓有收到由余敏和 Heinz Hoyer 聯手設計的 黃銅和黃銅鍍銀的熊貓紀念章一套。這個版本的紀念章是不出 售的。然而,一套各含 1 盎司 99.9 白銀的熊貓紀念章將附與 鑒定證書,以精緻盒子包裝出售。這套銀製紀念章的發行量是

中國駐德國大使史明德慶祝中德友好 45 周年

3000 枚。

Andreas Schikora 博士在柏林國家造幣廠歡迎來賓

代表德國政府的 Norbert Riedel 大使與中國駐德國大使史明德 共同為德國版紀念章的首打儀式感到欣喜


The eighth Issue of JEAN 27

Departments 部門

The Fourteenth Chinese Copper Coin Forum Duan Honggang (Beijing)

Pic 1 A group photo of attendees, taken in Wenzhou, Zhejiang province on September 16, 2017

The Fourteenth Chinese Copper Coin Forum successfully concluded in the General Hotel of Wenzhou on September 17, 2017 (Pic 1). The last time this forum was held in Zhejing Province was in 2012 (the Sixth Chinese Copper Coin Forum, in Hangzhou). The enthusiasm of Chejing collectors and the development of copper coin collecting and study in Zhejiang left a deep impression on attendees at that time. The wish of some collectors that the forum might be held in Zhejiang again finally came true. The Fourteenth Chinese Copper Coin Forum opened on September 15, 2017 and was presided over by Huang Jianru, Tang Chuan and other Wenzhou collectors.. A few days earlier, there were rumors that a typhoon was on its way. Most collectors still attended, although some canceled their trip for fear of the bad weather. The weather was good when the forum was opened, but the number of attendees was smaller than that of last year. In the end, a total of about 80 collectors attended this forum. Once again, we were warmly welcomed by Zhejiang collectors and local numismatic circle. Various activities were arranged during the forum. The host gave a welcome dinner on the night of the 15th. To promote more meaningful and authoritative numismatic books, a raffle was held during the dinner. Many books and numismatic works edited by professional collectors were donated by Beijing Gong Bo company as prizes for this raffle. Many meaningful and creative books on copper coins have been published by numismatic experts and collectors since 2014, which makes an active contribution to the development of the study of copper coins and the

28 《東亞泉志》第八期

Pic 2 Representatives sitting at the opening ceremony podium: (from left) Ni Bingquan, Huang Jianru, Duan Honggang, Yu Wenmin, Chen Baoxiang, Xu Liang, Tang Jinchuan and Zhou Qinyuan

Pic 3 Duan Honggang giving a speech

Departments 部門 spread of copper coin culture. At the opening ceremony, held in the General Hotel meeting hall on the morning of September 16 (Pic 2), Chen Baoxiang, director of the Zhejiang Association of Coin Collection; Yu Wenmin, director of the Wenzhou Antique Chamber of Commerce; Huang Jianru, the moderator of this forum; Ni Bingquan, a representative of Zhejiang copper coin collectors; Duan Honggang, the deputy chief editor of the Chinese Great Numismatic Dictionary and Zhou Qinyuan, the well-known copper coin expert, delivered speeches. Duan Honggang gave a report on the latest achievements in Chinese copper coin research (Pic 3) which was a thorough introduction of the Illustrated Catalog of Exquisite Chinese Copper Coins and six other works on copper coins published by experts and collectors all over the country (among which, are included the monograph by Qin Mingchen’s Jiangxi Copper Coins; Dai Xiaobo’s five volumes of Catalog of Chinese Copper Coin Collection; Chinese Character Copper Coin, by Song Weijie; the third edition of the Catalog of Chinese Copper Coin edited by Duan Honggang; anthologies of Zhang Peilin’s Research and Collection of Chinese Copper Coins; and Xiong Shenpu’s On Collection of Chinese Copper Coins.) Duan made a brief introduction of the importance of these books to the development of Chinese copper coin research. His speech boosted the confidence of attendees in their pursuit of copper coins. The last event on the morning of September 16 was to select a venue for the Fifteenth Chinese Copper Coin Forum to be held in 2018. In the end, the Wuhan bid team (headed by Cao Yu and Fangjie) won the support of most attendees, and the Fifteenth forum will be held in Wuhan next time. The last time a forum was held in Wuhan was ten years ago, when Wuhan hosted the Fifth Forum. A lot of things have changed in these years, but people’s enthusiasm for copper coin remains the same. The forum committee cooperated with the “1884 coin” Wechat group to hold a live auction of more than twenty copper coins and some medals with special serial numbers. The bidding on the afternoon of September 16 was fierce and several items were sold at very good prices. However, the most important thing was not the prices, but the joy of attending the Forum and communicating with other collectors. The closing dinner was held later at 6:30 pm. Guests toasted each other and talked in a warm atmosphere. Another raffle was held during the dinner. The prizes included a set of Duan Honggang’s Catalog of Chinese Copper Coin (the third edition, 4 volumes of sample books ) and four 1 oz silver medals (Pic 4). The prize drawing inspired enthusiasm from attendees and the dinner became a sea of joy.

Pic 4 The Fourteenth Chinese Copper Coin Forum commemorative medal (obverse and reverse), 40mm in diameter, 30 grams in weight

Pic 5 A snapshot of the meeting hall

On the morning of September 17, the exchange activity was held in the meeting hall of the hotel (Pic 5). Attendees viewed coin collections on display and communicated experiences of copper coin collecting and identification skills with each other. Collectors improved their abilities, widened their views and obtained information after attending this activity. In addition to the guests of the forum, many local collectors and fans of ancient and modern copper coins appeared in at the meeting hall. Against the backdrop of a decline in the copper coin market, the organization of this forum improved the confidence of collectors. As a united and successful activity, the Fourteenth Chinese Copper Coin Forum will be remembered in the history of Chinese copper coin collecting. The success of this forum couldn’t have been achieved without the work of the organizing committee members and the support of sponsors and attendees. By organizing forums and other activities such as this, we hope to create a brighter future for the collecting and study of copper coins.

The eighth Issue of JEAN 29

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第十四屆中國銅元研討會綜述 段洪剛(北京)

圖 1 全體與會代表合影 2017 年 9 月 16 日於浙江溫州

全國泉友矚目的第十四屆中國銅元研討會於 2017 年 9 月

17 日在著名的商人之城、“鹿城” 溫州的將軍大酒店勝利閉 幕 (圖 1)!本次大會是十四年來中國銅元研討會第二次在浙 江舉行,上一次是在 2012 年於杭州舉行的第九屆銅元大會,當 時大家都對浙江泉友的熱情以及對浙江銅元的收藏研究有了全 面的認識。不少與會者笑稱有機會 5 年後再到浙江舉辦全國大 會。今天,這個當年部分泉友的戲說,變成了人人欣喜的現實! 經過充分準備,溫州泉友黃堅如、唐進川等人主持的第 十四屆中國銅元研討會於 9 月 15 日如期召開。會議前兩天大 家還在擔心颱風過境的不利影響,但是大部分泉友都熱情不減, 毅然前往。本次大會到會人數有所減少,颱風登陸前一天,少 部分泉友由於擔心天氣情況,或者因為航班不確定,取消了參

圖 2 大會開幕式主席臺就坐者(左起):倪炳權、黃堅如、段 洪剛、余文敏、陳寶祥、徐亮、唐進川、周沁園

會計劃。雖然會議報到當天天氣晴朗,颱風最後未登陸溫州沿 岸,但參會人數比上一屆還是有所減少。外地泉友加本地泉友, 約 80 人參加了大會。當地泉友的踴躍參與,使與會者進一步 體驗了浙江泉友的熱情,感受到了浙江收藏界和錢幣界的蓬勃 力量。 本次銅元研討會設置了多個議程,15 日報到當天晚上,主 辦方舉行了豐盛的迎賓晚宴,並進行了現場抽獎活動,獎品由 北京公博錢幣鑒定公司贊助一批多位專家泉友編著的銅元類專 著,目的是把更多更好有價值有意義的錢幣著作傳播出去。這 一行動得到了與會泉友的熱情支持和積極參與,在觥籌交錯之 際,共同為銅元研究事業的發展與進步歡呼慶賀。自 2014 年 中國銅元研討會十周年以來三年裡,全國多位專家、藏家泉友 編撰了多部有價值有意義有創新的銅元專著,為銅元研究與銅 元文化傳播做出了積極的貢獻。

30 《東亞泉志》第八期

圖 3 段洪剛作主題報告

Departments 部門 16 日上午在將軍大酒店大會議廳的開幕式上(圖 2),浙 江泉友會會長陳寶祥、溫州古玩商會會長余文敏、會議主持人 黃堅如、浙江銅元收藏代表倪炳權、中國錢幣大辭典編委會副 主編段洪剛、知名銅元專家周沁園等人相繼發言。段洪剛並做 了關於中國銅元研究最近成果與發現的主題報告(圖 3),該 報告全面介紹了自 2014 年中國銅元研討會十周年以來,中國 錢幣博物館主編的《中國銅元精品展圖錄》,和全國各地專家、 藏家編撰出版的 6 部銅元類書籍,其中專題研究類型的有,秦 鳴晨的《江西銅元》、戴曉波的《中國銅元版式收藏圖錄》(第 1-5 部)、宋偉傑的《漢字銅元》、段洪剛的《中國銅元譜(第 三版)》 ;綜合文章選編類型的有,張培林的《銅元探究與收藏》、 熊申甫的《中國銅元藏玩散論》。段洪剛對這些作品的主要特 點做了大致介紹,同時指出這些作品本身的意義、對中國銅元 研究事業乃至中國錢幣文化事業的意義和價值,以及為銅元研

圖 4 第十四屆中國銅元研討會紀念銀章(正、反) 直徑:40 毫米 重量:30 克

究的目的、方法等提供的啟發和價值。這一發言得到了與會泉 友的共鳴,都覺得銅元研究不是小事,銅元收藏大有可為。 大會上午的最後一項議程,是由周沁園和黃堅如主持,進 行 2018 年第十五屆中國銅元研討會的主辦地選舉,最後武漢 泉友以曹昱、方潔為主的申辦小組,獲得了與會泉友的一致支 持,正式通過決定 2018 年的大會在武漢舉行。上一次武漢大 會是 2008 年由段洪剛主持的第五屆,同時也是五周年慶典大 會。2018 年是武漢大會十周年,大家都期待能積極參與,見 證這一光輝的時刻。畢竟十年一揮間,太多的物是人非,但泉 友對銅元的熱愛,對銅元文化的情懷,絲毫不減。 16 日下午會議組委會結合 1884 錢幣微拍群,進行了現場 反響熱烈,踴躍出價。部分拍品拍出了不錯的價格,但也有部

圖 5 交流現場一角





銅元 20 幾枚以及部分特殊號碼大會紀念章的競價活動,大家

還有本地不少古幣及現代幣愛好者、銅元愛好者前往參與交流。 會議閉幕晚宴於 16 日晚 6 點半舉行。宴會期間,大家除 了頻頻舉杯之外,還暢敘情誼,依依不捨。晚宴上再次進行了




修訂第三版樣書 4 冊、組委會提供一盎司純銀紀念章(圖 4)4 枚,


一共 8 項組成。一個個獎項的抽出與頒發,點燃了大家的熱情



留下濃墨重彩的一筆!這次大會的成功,離不開組委會全體委 員的努力,離不開贊助單位的奉獻,更離不開所有參會者的支

17 日上午在會議廳舉行了大家期盼已久的錢幣交流活動


(圖 5),大家互通有無,既互相觀摩藏品,又交流收藏的心




The eighth Issue of JEAN 31

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Shanghai Numismatic Association Shen Mingdi, Zhangjun (Shanghai) Founded in 1983, and under the guidance and help of Shanghai Social and Science Federation, Chinese Numismatic Society and the Shanghai branch of People’s Bank of China, the Shanghai Numismatic Association has received supports from all aspects and has gathered a group of numismatists, currency historians, scholars and experts. The Shanghai Numismatic Association aims to enhance numismatic academic research and numismatic cultural with the consideration of the situation of economy and to provide better service to the society and the public. The Numismatic Journal and the series of Chinese Currency System edited by the association are very popular among domestic and abroad numismatic researchers and collectors. The quarterly Numismatic Journal focuses on articles of RMB research written by professionals from the Shanghai Banknote Printing Co., Ltd, the Shanghai Mint Co., Ltd Shanghai branch of People’s Bank of China and other institutions. The Chinese Currency System series is regarded as “a landmark project” in the numismatic world and is divided inyo 13 volumes in 8 format. In recent years, with the help of Shanghai Social and Science Federation, the Shanghai Numismatic Association has jointly organized many events with the annual research topic , including the 2005 Seminar of Chinese Currency System and Numismatic Thoughts; the 2006 Seminar of Modern

32 《東亞泉志》第八期

Numismatic Journal 2017 first issue Currency Circulation in Shanghai; the 2007 Seminar on the Development and Research of Shanghai Currency; the 2008 Seminar on Finance and Currency in Shanghai (co-organized with Shanghai Financial School); the 2009 International Center of Finance and Shanghai Currency Seminar (jointed held with Shanghai Banknote Printing ); the 2010 Seminar on Modern Currency and Numismatic Culture and others. In 2015, the Shanghai Numismatic Association organized the Seminar to Celebrate the 70th Anniversary of the Victory of Chinese Anti- Japan War and the Anti-Fascist War. In 2016, the association held the Seminar of Currency and Culture Research to celebrate the 95th anniversary of the founding of the CPC and the 80th anniversary of the victory of the Long March.

Numismatic Journal 2017 second issue

Chinese Currency System

Departments 部門

上海市錢幣學會 沈鸣镝 章军 ( 上海 ) 上海市錢幣學會成立於 1983 年,在 上海市社會科學界聯合會、中國錢幣學 會的領導和指導下,在中國人民銀行上 海分行支援下,得到了各方面支持、關心、 扶植和幫助。學會團結了一批錢幣學家、 貨幣史學家、學者,組成了一支以專家、 學者和錢幣收藏家為骨幹的錢幣研究和 收藏隊伍。 學會主要開展學術研究、弘揚錢幣 文化,密切結合當前經濟形勢,更好地 服務社會、服務民眾。學會主辦的《錢 幣博覽》和編撰的《中國歷代貨幣大系》 受到了國內外錢幣界人士的歡迎。 學會主辦的《錢幣博覽》刊物為季刊, 體現普及與提高相結合,內容豐富、通 俗易懂,突出人民幣研究的文章,充分 依靠上海印鈔有限公司、上海造幣有限 公司、中國人民銀行上海分行等單位的 有關專業人員撰稿,以保證刊物的品質。 《中國歷代貨幣大系》的編撰工作, 在錢幣界是一部劃時代的重點工程,曾 被列為上海市的科研項目,按時代劃分 共計 13 卷,為 8 開本巨著。



2006 年舉辦了“近代上海貨幣流通”學 術研討會;2007 年舉辦了“上海貨幣的 發展與研究”學術研討會;2008 年學會 和上海金融學院聯合舉辦了“上海的金 融與貨幣”學術研討會;2009 年學會與 上海印鈔有限公司聯合舉辦了“國際金 融中心與上海貨幣”學術研討會;2010 年舉辦了“近現代貨幣與貨幣文化”學 術 研 討 會;2015 年 舉 辦 了“ 紀 念 中 國 人民抗日戰爭暨世界反法西斯戰爭勝利


七十周年”學術研討會;2016 年舉辦了“紀





有 機 地 結 合 起 來。2005 年 舉 辦 了“ 中


國貨幣制度和貨幣思想”學術研討會; 《中國歷代貨幣大系》

The eighth Issue of JEAN 33

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A Truly Success Story of the Oscars of the Coin Industry Hans-Henning Goehrum (Germany) WORLD MONEY FAIR was founded by Albert Beck back in 1972. Until 2005 it already developed to the most important Coin Trade Fair worldwide. In 2006 a new era began when the management decided to move the Fair to the capital of Germany, to Berlin. This decision has been made because Germany is one of the most important collector markets worldwide and the leading country in the EURO zone. With the move to Berlin another success story began and the development of the WMF until date is truly exceptional. Due to this great development the todays partners World Money Fair and Krause Publications started to think about how to combine both worldwide leading institutions. In the end World Money Fair invited Krause Publication to hold their world most famous Coin Awarding ceremonies COTY at the most famous World Money Fair. Or like David Harper, the Editor of World Coin News, a Krause Publication part, explained the move: “We are going to where the music plays”. So, COTY moved to Berlin and at World Money Fair 2008 the first awarding ceremony was held under great demand of the total coin market. COTY confirmed its importance even more. It is an important event during the WMF every year. Hans-Henning Goehrum by 2016 Macau International Coin Show

In 2016 both partners, World Money Fair and “COTY” decided to accept an additional partner as supporter. With Champion Auctions, one of the leading Auctioneers in Asia, the activities expanded even further and especially into the Asian market. This was the start of a further great development. This is the reason why we call it today A Truly Success Story of the Oscars of the Coin Industry. October 10th, 2017 Hans-Henning Goehrum Past President of World Money Fair (2008 to 2016)

34 《東亞泉志》第八期

Departments 部門

世界錢幣展覽會——世界硬幣大獎賽 錢幣界奧斯卡大獎的傳奇故事 漢斯·亨甯·格魯姆(德國) 1972 年阿爾伯特·貝克先生創建了世界硬幣展覽會。截 至 2005 年,世界錢幣展已經成為全世界最重大的錢幣展銷會 之一。2006 年,世界錢幣展管理方決定將舉辦地搬往德國首 都柏林,從此開啟了一個新的時代。 德國不僅是世界上最重要的錢幣市場之一,還是歐盟區的 領導國家,所以做出這一決定也是情理之中的事。 鑒於現今取得的巨大發展,世界硬幣展覽會聯合克勞斯出 版社,計劃讓更多的世界性領先企業參與進來。 最終,展覽會邀請克勞斯出版社旗下知名度最高的“世界 硬幣大獎”進駐同樣聞名於世的世界硬幣展覽會。 克勞斯出版社旗下《世界硬幣新聞》的編輯大衛·哈伯在 描述這一行動時說:“我們將進駐一個充滿音樂的地方。” 2008 年,世界硬幣大獎頒獎儀式在錢幣界人士的熱切期 盼下在世界硬幣展覽會上拉開序幕,並從此成為了世界硬幣展 覽會一年一度的重要活動之一。 2016 年,世界硬幣展覽會和世界硬幣大獎赛決定再邀請一 位合夥人和贊助商。隨着亞洲拍賣行領軍之一——冠軍拍賣公 司的加入,這兩項活動的影響力特別是在亞洲市場的影響力進 一步得到擴展。而這,只是一個開始,未來的巨大發展指日可待。 這也是今天我們將世界硬幣展覽會和世界硬幣大獎賽稱為 漢斯 · 亨甯 · 格魯姆出席 2016 年澳門國際錢幣年展

“錢幣界奧斯卡大獎的傳奇故事”的原因。 世界錢幣展覽會前任主席漢斯·亨甯·格魯姆 (2008-2016 年在職)寫於 2017 年 10 月 10 日

The eighth Issue of JEAN 35

Features 專題

The Heaton Mint Chekiang K'ai Style Dragon Dollar of 1902 Bruce W. Smith (USA)

China Chekiang 1902 Undated (1902) One Dollar Copper Pattern Champion Auctiong April, 2011 Lot 284, realized US $74,750

The history of modern mints in Chekiang Province is complex. In 1885 Chekiang Governor Liu Ping-chang established a small modern arsenal near the eastern gate of Hangchow, the provincial capital. In 1887 in response to a decree from the central government that the provinces should investigate the possibility of establishing machine equipped mints to produce cash coins, one or two stamping machines used to make bullet cartridges, were modified with a die to make struck cash coins. Because each struck cash cost three cash to make, the experiment was abandoned and cash were afterwards cast in the usual manner in a shed attached to the arsenal. In 1894 Governor Sung Chun planned to open a silver coin mint in Hangchow, but his unexpected death ended the program. Early in 1896 new machinery for making struck cash, at the rate of 250,000 per day, was installed in the arsenal, described as having its own moat and a high mud wall, and production continued through 1898. The machinery for both cash mints was apparently supplied from Germany. In 1897 a new mint was built for production of silver coins. By May the machinery and boiler were on hand awaiting instillation. The Chinese Customs Report for 1897 says that although the mint could produce 40,000 coins per day, little had been struck because the Provincial Treasurer felt the coins were of poor quality. New equipment, consisting of three presses, was ordered from Europe. According to a newspaper account, the equipment was ordered from England but was really made in Germany, and a German mint technician arrived in the fall of 1898. The silver mint was under construction throughout 1898 and did not begin production until 1899. In the fall of that year, the mint was dismantled and shipped to Peking to establish a new mint there. The German mint technician was transferred to the Nanking Mint, and the now empty Hangchow Mint was converted to an arsenal. The Chinese Customs Report for 1901 says that officials in Chekiang were considering production of 10 Cash copper coins, examples of which, struck at the Nanking Mint, were

36 《東亞泉志》第八期

already circulating in Chekiang. In the spring of 1903 a new mint in Hangchow began producing 10 Cash coins, using only one stamping machine, which could produce 120,000 coins a day. In November 1903 a strike at the mint forced production to cease for 30 days, during which time it was discovered that Mint Director Liu had embezzled money from the mint. When the mint reopened in December, it had two stamping presses, which together could produce 300,000 coins per day, and it began production of a 20 Cash coin. Coinage of the 20 Cash stopped early in 1904, under new Mint Director Chu. Early in 1905 a second copper coin mint was built near the Chien T'ang Gate. This mint may have been established by merchants rather than the provincial government. During the year both copper coin mints added new stamping machinery, which reached 96 presses by the end of the year, making Hangchow one of the largest mints in China. An interesting account of problems encountered in the early years of the Hangchow Mint was published in the 5 March 1898 issue of the London & China Telegraph: The Hangchow Mint Fiasco. The penny-wise-and-poundfoolish policy which finds such ready acceptance on the part of most Chinese high officials, is once more exemplified by the fitting, running and collapse of the Hangchow minting machinery. This machinery, ordered from a British firm, but really made in Germany, was landed here [Shanghai] and dispatched to Hangchow, there to be fitted up by the native authorities in the way they thought best. After a good deal of bungling and perplexity, foreign aid had at last to be called in, and a Shanghai engineer was engaged on a three years contract. An inspection of certain parts led this gentleman to the opinion that if the machinery was to be run at the prescribed speed, certain important alterations would have to be effected to prevent serious accident. On two of these machines his suggestions were carried out, on the third they were not. When the machines were all set going, two ran very smoothly; the third -- without alterations -- collapsed, as he had predicted. The Chinese, however, were content to run the two machines, and when they were about

Features ĺ°ˆéĄŒ to turn out bright, clean dollars and other silver coins, they coolly told the engineer that his services would be no longer required. When he mentioned his three years engagement, he was laughed at. Consular advice was obtained, and ultimately he left Hangchow city with the determination to take further action. He was about to leave for Shanghai when a messenger from the Governor brought him a letter, begging him to return, as the machinery had broken down; no more than he expected, as there was not one skilled person, foreign or native, employed to work or superintend it. Finally the engineer returned, when he was told he could work out the unexpired period of his engagement if he chose, so long as he again put the machinery into working order. This he undertook to do, but his employers were determined to make things so thoroughly uncomfortable for him, that no man could endure their treatment. However, the machinery was again set running, and it worked very satisfactorily. There was nothing broken, nothing worn out; the trouble arose solely from want of skilled attention and knowledge of the nice adjustment of delicate parts. In the end, a compromise was effected, and the engineer finally left Hangchow with a year's full pay, glad to have done with such shuffling tactics. The machinery was again entrusted to coolie blacksmiths, and others of that ilk, and as a consequence, again stopped working For some time the whole of this beautiful plant, costing between Taels 50,000 and 70,000 has been lying idle and unattended and now the mint authorities have undertaken to engage the services of three expert engineers, to leave Germany for Shanghai. From the foregoing mint history, from James Sweeny's book on the Heaton Mint, and the discovery of the Otto Beh Chinese coin dies, we can attempt to reconstruct the Chekiang silver coinage. The 22nd Year coins, which contain errors in the English legends, must be the poor quality coins rejected by the Provincial Treasurer in 1897. The Lin & Ma catalog claims these coins were made at the Wuchang Mint for Chekiang, but this cannot be true because the Wuchang Mint was second only to the Canton Mint for high quality coinage. Wuchang coins would not have English errors. The 22nd Year coins were probably made at Hangchow by inexperienced mint staff, using master dies possibly supplied by Otto Beh, but with working dies made in Hangchow. The dies for the silver coins dated 1897 (23rd Year) were produced by Otto Beh for the L. Schuler Company, which must have supplied the equipment for the Hangchow silver mint, and perhaps the German mint technician. The Beh dies, now in the Moritzburg Art Museum in Halle, Germany, include a 23rd year dated dollar and half dollar, neither of which is listed in the Kann catalog. The coins dated 1897 (23rd Year) are all be patterns except some of the 10 Cent and 20 Cent coins (Kann 117 & 118), which may have been made in 1897. This leaves two sets of Chekiang undated silver coins. One set has the province spelled CHEH-KIANG, in what the Chinese call Wei style characters (with the character "p'ing" at the bottom written incorrectly as on Kwangtung and Szechuan

dragon dollars). This set must be the coins made in 1899 after new equipment was set up in the mint and before the mint was shipped to Peking in the autumn. H. Chang's book, "Silver Dollars and Taels of China", claims this set was struck in 1902, but that most were melted when they were rejected by the Shanghai Bankers Association. The other undated set of Chekiang coins are all patterns in what the Chinese call K'ai style characters, with the name of the province spelled CHE-KIANG. These coins were struck at the Heaton Mint in Birmingham, England as samples for a proposed silver coinage which was never produced. From Heaton records we know that the dies for this silver set and a copper 10 Cash were made in 1902. It seems clear that the new mint built in 1903 was intended to produce both silver and copper coins, but only the 10 Cash was actually struck. The Heaton die for the 10 Cash was not used. The copper coins struck for circulation were made by similar dies with the Manchu mintmark written differently. The dollar from this set was first published in China in 1939 in a catalog of Chinese silver coins by T. S. Tsiang. Interestingly the Heaton Mint produced new designs for both the silver and copper coins. Heaton was the source of what collectors call the side view dragon design, which became something of a standard design for dragon silver coins. Heaton used this design for the mints it set up at Canton and Wuchang, but introduced a new dragon design for the mint it set up at Nanking. In 1900 Heaton created the flying dragon design for the first 10 Cash (One Cent) copper coins, made at the Canton Mint. In 1902 when preparing to set up the new Hangchow Mint, Heaton created a new design for the 10 Cash, showing an upstanding dragon circling a ringed disk, with a small mountain and waves below. A new dragon design was also created for the silver coins, depicting a dragon which seems to be cross-eyed and appears to be drunk. This dragon was only used for this set of Chekiang pattern coins, just as the large headed Kiangnan dragon was only used by the Nanking Mint. The dollar coin from the Heaton "drunken dragon" set is excessively rare. Five examples are known struck in copper. Two examples areknown in silver plated copper. Struck in silver, this dollar has appeared in sales six times, but it is believed that these are only three different coins. Because all the coins are uncirculated, it is difficult to identify them from photographs. In chronological order, these sales are: 1) Von Halle Collection, Glendenning sale, London, November 1966 2) Jess Peters Fixed Price List of Chinese Coins January 1972 3) Money Company Hong Kong sale, September 1986 4) Spink-Taisei sale, February 1989 5) Private sale to Taiwan collector 2011 (not slabbed) 6) Private sale to collector in China 2014

The eighth Issue of JEAN 37

Features 專題 It is interesting to note that this dollar coin was not in the Kann collection sales, nor in the Goodman collection sale. In a March 1941 letter to Howard Bowker, Kann states that he had just bought the CHE-KIANG dollar for $2500. Since his 1954

catalog contains only a drawing of this coin, it appear that the coin he bought was a forgery, probably the coin illustrated in his catalog section on fake coins.

Pedigrees of the CHE-KIANG Dragon Dollar Coins STRUCK IN SILVER Coin A - Heaton Mint Collection (Birmingham, England). James Sweeny stated that Heaton had two silver and two silver plated examples of the dollar in its archive. However, we do not know when he saw them there, and the duplicates may have later been sold. We can expect they have at least one example of each version. In an interview by Champion Auction Michael Chou with AD he was told that shortly after the 1975 Paramount Heaton Pattern auction in Long Beach he was offered additional Heaton Mint patterns at 2/3 of the auction price and he took advantage of this opportunity to purchase some of the rarest Chinese pattern,s many of which later went to Eli Wallitt, and a pair of Shensi and Hunan Dollar patterns to Irving Goodman for USD 42,000. The Paramount auction had the Hunan Pattern Silver dollar which realized USD 15,500 , the first Chinese coin to go over USD 10,000 at auction. Purchased by NC at the auction, which was the only public auction he ever attended, Michael Chou purchased this coin from NC directly and later sold this coin for over USD 1 million, with the Yunnan Spring Dollar, which was the first Chinese coin to realize USD 1 million at auction in the Ultima Collection sold by Champion auction in 2011. Both coins went to a Taiwan collector.

Coin B - Hong Kong & Shanghai Bank Museum (Hong Kong). The bank's museum purchased an example of this coin for 12,000 pounds from William Barrett (Montreal, Canada) some time before 2011 when the writer saw the coin at the museum. The coin has heavy black toning along the upper edge of the dragon side and at the 3:00 position on the Chinese side. This coin is illustrated in Sweeny's "A Numismatic History of the Birmingham Mint" (1981). Coin 567 - Von Halle Collection, sold in a Glendening auction (London) November 1966. This coin was soldto Spink (London). And later it was sold to William H. Foster,, an American living in London. The photo in the auction catalog is of a plaster cast, making it impossible to identify this specimen. It may, in fact, be the silver plated coin which appeared in the Jess Peters 1972 Fixed Price List. Coin 123 - H. Chang Catalog "The Silver Dollars and Taels of China" (1982 supplement). The photo, on page 31, appears here for comparison to an old forgery. The photo of the forgery was made in the late 1940's for Chang's unpublished 1948 work on the same subject.

38 《東亞泉志》第八期

Coin 800 - Money Company Hong Kong sale September 1986. The catalog notes "blue grey toning." Coin 602 - Haru Chang Collection (Taiwan). Illustrated in "An Overview of China's Gold & Silver Coins of Past Ages" (1993), edited by Dong Wenchao (page 396). Also illustrated in Volume 2 of "Top Chinese Coins" by Michael Chou, Ron Guth and Bruce W. Smith (2011) (page 38). This coin, from the Eli Wallitt Collection, was privately sold by dealer AD thru Chen Chi Mao to the Haru Chang Foundation about 1989. It was sold in 2011 in a private transaction to a collector in Taiwan for over US $1 million. This specimen can be identified by the toning around the letters and characters. It has not yet been slabbed.According to an interview by Michael Chou with AD, the total price of the Eli Wallitt collection was for USD 750,000 an extremely high price for a collection of Chinese coins and the transaction almost did not go thru due to the asking price! Coin 2010 - Liu Kai Tsao Collection. The Liu collection was sold to Taiwan coin dealer, Chen Chi-mao, about 2009. In 2014 this coin was sold in a private transaction to David Chau, a collector in Shanghai China, for around US $900,000. It was consigned by David Chau to a November 2016 Cheng Xuan auction (Beijing), where it sold for RMB 6,325,000( around USD 950,000) to Mr. Chen Yong, a native of Chekiang Province, now living in Nanking. Graded by PCGS SP63. This example is illustrated in "Top Chinese Coins" Volume 1 (2010 page 37) and Volume 2 (2011 page 39). So there are outside of museums, three silver examples which were last seen in the late 1970's and early 1980's, and three examples whose locations have been known since 2000 (including the Hong Kong & Shanghai Bank example). Though we have not been able to connect the 1980's coins to specific post-2000 examples, it seems likely they are the same coins, and that there are only three Che-Kiang silver dragon dollars in private hands. The first silver specimen to appear in public sale, the coin in the 1972 Jess Peters Fixed Price List, turned out to be silver plated and is listed below. Another silver example, which turned up in a May 2016 auction by Herbert Grun (Heidelberg, Germany), lot 1007, appears to be a very well made forgery. With enlargement, the letters are slightly different from the genuine examples, and the western number 2 has a flat base in the forgery but a curved base in the genuine coin. The same type of forgery was illustrated in the second edition (1951) of Kalgan Shih's catalog of Chinese silver and gold coins.

Features ĺ°ˆéĄŒ STRUCK IN SILVER PLATED COPPER Coin C - Heaton Mint Archives. As mentioned earlier, the Heaton Mint Archives at one time contained two examples of the silver plated copper dollar. It is uncertain whether both are still in the archive. Coin 115 - Jess Peters Fixed Price List January 1972. Some time before 1972 this coin belonged to William H. Foster, an American living in England, and may in fact be the coin sold in the 1966 sale of the Von Halle collection. American coin dealer, DC purchased Foster's collection and consigned the coins to the Jess Peters 1972 price list. This coin did not sell at that time, but DC sold the coin to an Italian collector. In 1977 DC bought the Italian collection, and so owned the coin a second time. DC, working with British dealer, AC, then sold the coin to Eli Wallitt. In the early 1990's the coin was purchased by Taiwan dealer, Chen Chi-mao, who consigned it to the June 1996 Champion Hong Kong auction, where it was still listed as silver.After the auction the coin was sold to a Taiwan collector, but has not been publicly seen since the 1990's . This coin can be identified in the 1972 Peters sale and the 1996 Champion sale by a tiny mark on the dragon side, at 3:00, between the rosette and the letter E. In addition there are tiny marks on the Chinese side, in the field above the character "p'ing", and in the outer margin, at the upper right corner of the character "chiang", and between the characters "erh" and "ch'ien". Cheng Xuan Auction (Beijing) November 2015. This example can be readily identified by the two parallel scratches in the field on the Chinese side below the character "che" and by the dark toning below the right rosette on the dragon side. This specimen had been illustrated in books by Sun Hao and by Wang Chunli, both published in 2012, but was previously unknown. In the 2015 auction, the coin was in a PCGS holder graded SP62, and sold to David Lee (Li Ta-wei), a native of Taiwan living in Shenzhen, China. Lee consigned this coin to a June 2017 Heritage Auction, but it did not sell. At that time, the coin was in a new PCGS holder, still rated as SP62, but with "Li Da Wei Collection" on the holder. In the same auction, Lee also consigned a copper version of this Che-Kiang dollar. Amazingly dealer DC, Jess Peters, Eli Wallitt, Chen Chi-mao all believed the first coin was silver. Michael Chou did notice it wasunder weight and had questions about the composition of the coin. Only when it was sent to PCGS for grading was it discovered that the coin was plated. . The coin is now labeled PCGS SP62 silver plated.

STRUCK IN COPPER Coin D - According to Michael Chou, in the 1990's Taiwan dealer Chen Chi-mao donated an XF specimen of the copper dollar to the Chekiang Museum. Coin 139 - Spink Taisei sale February 1989. Pictured in "Illustrated Catalogue of Chinese Gold & Silver Coins" by Lin Gwo-ming and Ma Tak-wo (LM 277), though it is not identified as copper. This example can be identified by the vertical toning lines on the Chinese side. Coin 196 - Pacific Coast auction September 1989. Later sold in Champion Hong Kong sale June 2008, NGC MS63, for US $41,400 to Taiwan dealer, Chen Chi-mao. Later it was consigned to a Ding Fong auction, where it sold for US $150,000 to David Lee . This coin was converted to a PCGS graded slab. This example can be identified by a small scratch at 8:00 above the character "fen". This coin was also consigned by David Lee (Li Ta-wei) to aJune 2017 Heritage Auction, but it did not sell. Coin 71 - Champion Hong Kong Auction July 2008 (Ebay Liveauctioneers), PCGS SP62. This coin, consigned by the Format coin firm in Birmingham England, was reportedly found in a desk drawer. It sold for US $48,300 to Ta Han Coin & Stamp Company (Taiwan). This piece was PCGS graded but Ta Han asked Champion Auction to submitto NGC for conservation and it is now NGC MS64. This example also has vertical toning marks and may be the same as Coin 139, though the markings do not seem to match. Coin 79 - Norman Jacobs Collection. Jacobs bought this coin in the Taisei Baldwin sale February 1997. When the Jacobs collection was broken up, this copper example was sold in the Baldwin Ma Sale August 2008. NGC MS45. This specimen can be identified bya dig at 5:00 in the field above the character "ping" on the Chinese side. Coin 284 - Champion Coin Auctions April 2011. This pattern consigned ungraded from Max Stern 1967 Melbourne Australia (Ex Sydney Hagley), sold for USD 74,750 to a collector from Che-Kiang. Champion sent it to NGC which graded it MS63. This example has diagonal toning lines on the Chinese side and a green spot on the dragon side, at 4:00, on an inside fold of the dragon's body. Comparing photos of the copper examples of the CheKiang Dollar shows there are five examples in private hands. Note: The various specimens of the Che-Kiang Dollar coin have been "named" here according to auction lot catalog numbers or other catalog numbers.

The eighth Issue of JEAN 39

Features 專題

1902 年喜敦造幣廠浙江楷書七錢二分龍幣 史博祿(美國)

1902 年浙江省造銅質七錢二分樣幣,圖為冠軍拍賣 2011 年 4 月拍賣會 Lot 284,成交價 74,750 美元 浙江省近代造幣廠有一段曲折複雜的歷史。1885 年,浙

時候,造幣廠又增加了一臺衝壓機,每天的產量增加到 30 萬



廠。1887 年,朝廷下令各省盡可能地設立配備機器的造幣廠

到 1904 年,當時在任的是新上任的朱姓廠長。

以製造銅錢。為回應這一政令,有一臺或許是兩臺彈藥筒生產 機被改裝,並配以幣模用以生產錢幣。由於用這種機器生產一

1905 年初,第二家銅幣廠在錢塘門附近建成。這間造幣廠

枚錢幣要花費其面值的 3 倍之多的成本,這一實驗遂被廢棄。



都新引進了衝壓機器,到年底,造幣廠的衝壓機數量達到了 96

1894 年,總督巡撫計划在杭州新開設一間生產銀幣的造幣廠,


但這一計划隨着他的突然離世而被擱淺。1896 年初,這間被


稱之為“有護城河和高牆的”軍工廠裏配備了日產量為 25 萬 枚錢幣的新式機器。這種硬幣的生產一直持續到 1898 年。顯然, 這兩間造幣廠所使用的機器都是從德國進口的。 1897 年,杭州新開設了一間生產銀幣的造幣廠。同年 5 月,

1898 年 3 月 5 日出版的《新聞紙》上面刊登了一篇關於 杭州造幣廠早期困境的有趣文章: 《杭州造幣廠醜聞》:“小事精明、大事糊塗”是大多數

造幣機器和鍋爐就位,只待安裝。據當年(1897 年)的《中

中國高官行事的“原則”, 杭州造幣廠造幣器械的裝配、運轉

國海關報導》記載,儘管造幣廠的日產量可以達到 4 萬枚,但




來,造幣廠從歐洲訂購了一臺裝備了 3 臺衝壓機的新機器。據




卻是德國。1898 年秋,一位德國技工來到造幣廠幫助生產。


1898 年一整年,造幣廠都在持續地修建當中,直到 1899 年都


還沒有開始生產。1899 年秋,造幣廠被拆除,設備被運往北京,







的機器運轉順利,但未進行改造的那一臺則如預期的一樣發生 了故障。不過造幣廠的中方負責人還是對兩臺運轉正常的機器

1901 年的《中國海關報導》中稱:浙江當局計划以當時浙




幣。1903 年春,杭州新設立的造幣廠開始生產當十銅幣,由


於只有一臺衝壓機的緣故,造幣廠每天的產量僅為 12 萬枚。


1903 年 11 月,由於罷工原因,造幣廠停產了 30 天,這期間,


造幣廠劉姓廠長私吞公款的事情敗露。 到 12 月份重新開工的


40 《東亞泉志》第八期

Features 專題 地技工可以操作或檢視機器,他們在信中希望他能回去重新主

模及另一種當十銅元均鑄造於 1902 年。顯然,1903 年建成的










七錢二分的銀幣的最早記錄出現在 1939 年中國出版的《中國


銀元目錄》中( T. S. Tsiang. 著)。

相關知識。最後,雙方達成協議,工程師帶着一年份的工資離 開了造幣廠,很高興事情能夠得到解決。但機器又重新被交到




器再次停工。有一段時間,這間造價 5 萬 -7 萬兩白銀的造幣廠





新的樣式。1900 年,喜敦造幣廠設計了飛龍當十銅幣,並交 由廣東造幣廠負責生產。當 1902 年準備設立杭州造幣廠時,







元應該就是 1897 年被省司庫拒絕的那一批品相較差的銀幣。




浙江省所鑄,但由於武昌造幣廠是僅次於廣東造幣廠的高品質 銀幣造幣廠,其生產錢幣上面應該不會出現英文銘文錯誤,所

喜敦造幣廠的“醉龍”系列極為罕見。其中銅質樣幣有 5 枚,


其中已知 2 枚是銅鍍銀材質。這一系列的銀幣曾在拍賣會上出


現過六次,但據說這六次出售的僅是 3 枚不同的錢幣。由於所


有的錢幣均未流通過,所以很難通過照片將這些錢幣辨別出來。 按時間順序,這些錢幣分別曾在以下拍賣會上出現過 :

這批 1897 年(光緒二十三年)的銀幣幣模是奧托拜赫公 司為 L. 舒勒公司所鑄,舒勒公司很可能就是當時為杭州造幣

(1)1966 年 11 月, 倫敦格倫迪寧拍賣,Von Halle 藏品;


(2)1972 年 1 月,傑斯·彼得斯公司中國錢幣直銷會;


(3)1986 年 9 月,金錢公司香港拍賣;


(4)1989 年 2 月,斯賓克—泰星拍賣;

德的目錄上未能找到記錄。除一些可能鑄造於 1897 年的七分

(5)2011 年臺灣藏家私人交易(未打盒);

二厘和一錢四分四厘銀幣(耿愛德編號 117&118)外,所有的

(6)2014 年中國藏家私人交易。

1897 年硬幣均為樣幣。 值得一提的是,無論是耿愛德的藏品還是古德曼的藏品拍 此外,還有兩種年份不詳的浙江銀幣。一種銀幣上的“浙

賣中都沒有出現這類銀幣的身影。耿愛德在 1941 年 3 月寫給


霍華德·包克的信中曾經提到自己剛以 2500 美元買下一枚浙


江七錢二分銀幣。由於耿愛德在 1954 年出版的目錄中只收錄

1899 年造幣廠引進新機器之後,當時造幣廠的機器應該還未




一書說這種銀幣鑄造於 1902 年,在被上海銀行家協會拒絕之 後,這批銀幣大多都被熔毀。 另一種年份不詳的浙江銀幣均為楷書樣幣,“浙江”二字 被拼寫為“ CHE-KIANG”。這些銀幣是英國伯明翰喜敦造幣 廠為一種計划發行的銀幣所打造的樣幣,但後來這種銀幣卻沒 有被投入生產。從喜敦造幣廠相關資料我們得知,這套銀幣幣

浙江七錢二分龍幣譜系 銀幣 銀幣 A:喜敦造幣廠藏品(英國,伯明翰)。詹姆斯·史 威尼提到喜敦造幣廠檔案館里藏有兩枚七錢二分銀幣和兩枚七

The eighth Issue of JEAN 41

Features 專題 錢二分鍍銀樣幣。但是我們不能確定他是何時在那裡見到過這

品鑒賞》第二卷(2011 年出版,第 38 頁)中有收錄。這枚樣


幣原本是伊萊·瓦力特的藏品,后于 1989 被幣商 AD 私下經


陳吉茂賣給張秀清基金會。2011 年,這枚錢幣又以超過 100 萬美元的高價在一場私人交易中被一位台灣藏家買走。通過錢

在一次訪談中,幣商 AD 向冠軍拍賣公司總裁周邁可透露,


1975 年 Paramount 喜敦造幣廠樣幣長灘拍賣會結束后不久,

未打盒。從周邁可對 AD 做的訪問中我們得知,伊萊·瓦力特

造幣廠代表曾答應以成交價 2/3 的價格向其出售其他喜敦樣幣。

的全部藏品在當時那場私人交易中的全部成交價達到了 75 萬





樣幣則以 4.2 萬美元的高價賣給了埃爾文·古德曼。1975 年 Paramount 拍賣會上的一枚湖南七錢二分銀質樣幣的最終成交

銀幣 2010:劉改造藏品,2009 年左右被賣給台灣幣商陳

價為 1.55 萬美元,這是第一枚在拍賣會上成交價超過 1 萬美

吉茂。2014 年,這枚錢幣又在一場私人交易中以 90 萬美元左

元的中國錢幣。這枚錢幣的買家是收藏家 NC,這也是他唯一

右的價格被中國上海的藏家周大偉買走。2016 年 11 月,周大

參加的一次公開拍賣会。之後,周邁可直接從 NC 手中將這枚


幣買下,并在之後以超過 100 萬美元的成交價賣出。成交價同

人民幣 632.5 萬元 ( 約 95 萬美金)的價格被一位浙江本地的

樣超過 100 萬美元的還有一枚春季雲南造七錢二分。在冠軍拍

陳永(現居南京)標到。 這枚樣幣的 PCGS 評分為 SP63,圖

卖公司 2011 年的 Ultima 藏品專場拍賣中,這枚春季雲南七錢

片在《中國近代機製幣精品鑒賞》第一卷(2010 年,第 37 頁)

二分是第一枚以超過 100 萬美元成交的中國幣。這兩枚幣均被

及第二卷(2011 年,第 39 頁)中均有收錄。

同一位來自台灣的藏家買走。 除博物館之外,有 3 枚浙江楷書銀質樣幣至少曾於 20 世 銀幣 B: 香港上海銀行博物館館藏(香港)。筆者曾於

紀 70 年代後期和 80 年代初期出現過,2000 年之後,又有 3

2011 年在香港上海銀行博物館見到過這枚錢幣。這枚樣幣是博


物館之前以 1.2 萬英鎊的價格從威廉·巴雷特(加拿大,蒙特

那枚樣幣)。儘管我們不能將 80 年代的錢幣同 2000 年之後出




3 枚浙江七錢二分銀質龍幣在私人藏家手中。第一枚樣幣曾被


公開拍賣過;第二枚曾於 1972 年在傑斯·彼得斯公司一口價 中國錢幣拍賣上出現過的銀幣後來被證明是一枚鍍銀幣,在下

銀幣 567:Von Halle 藏品,1966 年 11 月由倫敦格倫迪寧

面鍍銀部分中有詳述;另一枚曾在 2016 年 5 月為赫伯特·格


倫(德國,海德堡)拍出的銀質樣幣,拍品號 1007,似乎是




真品錢幣之間存在一些細微的差別,贗品上的阿拉伯數字 2 的

在很難辨別這枚樣幣的身份。實際上,這枚幣很可能就是 1972

底部是平的,而真品幣上數字 2 的底部則呈彎曲狀。類似的贗


品在施嘉幹 1951 年出版的一本關於中國金銀幣的目錄 ( 第二 版 ) 上有收錄。

銀幣 123:張璜著《中國銀元及銀兩幣目錄》(1982 年增 訂版)中有收錄。為了和一枚舊的贗品幣作對比,作者將這枚


錢幣的照片放在了該目錄的第 31 頁,而那張贗品幣的照片拍 攝于 20 世紀 40 年代後期,當時是為了供張璜 1948 年所著的 另一本相同題材的目錄所使用,但該目錄並未出版。

銅鍍銀幣 C:喜敦造幣廠檔案館館藏。上面提到過喜敦造 幣廠檔案館藏有兩枚浙江楷書七錢二分銅鍍銀樣幣,但我們現 在不確定這兩枚幣現在是否還在那裡。

銀幣 800:曾出現在 1986 年 9 月份的金錢公司香港拍賣會 上。據拍賣目錄描述,該銀幣“附有一層藍灰色包漿”。

銅鍍銀幣 115:曾於 1972 年 1 月在傑斯·彼得斯公司的中 國錢幣直銷會上出現。1972 年之前,這枚幣歸美國人(現居

銀幣 602:Haru Chang 藏品(台灣)。董文超主编的《中

英國)威廉·H·福斯特所有,而且可能就是 1966 年賣出的

國歷代金銀貨幣通覽 . 近代金银币章卷》(1993 年出版,第

Von Halle 藏品中的一件。美國幣商 DC 買下了福斯特的藏品,

396 頁)及周邁可、古富、史博祿編著的《中國近代機製幣精

並將這些錢幣委託給傑斯·彼得斯公司在 1972 年進行銷售,

42 《東亞泉志》第八期

Features 專題 但當時並沒有賣掉,後來 DC 把這枚幣賣給了一位意大利藏家。

賣,并以 15 萬美元的成交價賣給了李大偉。這枚樣幣曾被交

1977 年,DC 買下了那位意大利藏家的藏品,於是這枚幣再次

由 PCGS 公司打盒,可通過漢字一面“分”字八點鐘方位(南

回到了他的手上。再後來,DC 和另一位英國幣商 AC 一起將

偏西方向)的細微擦痕進行辨別。2017 年 6 月,李大偉將這

這枚幣賣給了伊萊·瓦力特。20 世紀 90 年代早期,這枚幣被


台灣幣商陳吉茂買下,後于 1996 年 6 月委託給香港冠軍公司 進行拍賣。當時拍賣目錄上仍舊將這枚幣標記為銀幣,拍賣會

銅幣 71:曾在 2008 年 7 月的香港冠軍拍賣上出現(Ebay

之後,這枚幣又被賣給了一位台灣的錢幣藏家。從 90 年代起,

Liveauctioneers),PCGS SP62。據報道稱,這枚由英國伯明

這枚幣就消失在了大眾的視野之中。1972 年彼得斯直銷會和

翰 Format 公司委託的錢幣是在一個桌子抽屜里發現的。最終,

1996 年冠軍拍賣會上出現的這枚錢幣都可以通過龍面三點鐘

這枚幣以 48,300 美元的價格被 Ta Han 錢幣與郵票公司(台灣)

方向、字母 E 和花紋之間的一個小標記識別出來。另外漢字一

拍下。雖然之前有 PCGS 的打盒,但 Ta Han 公司又委託冠軍


拍賣將錢幣交給 NGC 公司,所以這枚幣現在的分數是 NGC


MS64。儘管形狀不大一樣,但這枚錢幣和上面的銅幣 139 一 樣也附有垂直包漿。

銅鍍銀幣 2453:曾在 2015 年 11 月份的北京誠軒拍賣上 出現。通過漢字一面“浙”字下面兩處平行的傷痕和龍面右側


花紋下面的深色包漿可以輕鬆地辨別出這枚樣幣。同於 2012




此前這枚樣幣的身份並不為人知曉。在 2015 年的拍賣會上,


這枚經 PCGS 打盒的 SP62 樣幣被台灣人李大偉(現居於深圳)


買走。2017 年,李大偉將這枚幣委託給海瑞得進行拍賣,但未 能成交。當時這枚幣被 PCGS 重新打盒,分數仍然是 SP62,

銅幣 284: 曾於 2011 年 4 月在香港冠軍拍賣上出現。這枚


1967 年出自澳大利亞墨爾本的馬克思·斯坦恩的樣幣藏品(也


曾是西德尼·海格力的舊藏),在當時以 74,750 美元的價格 被一位來自浙江的買家買走。當時未打盒。后來香港冠軍拍卖

令人吃驚的是,幣商 DC、傑斯·彼得斯、伊萊·瓦力特、 陳吉茂都認為這枚錢幣是一枚銀幣。周邁可因為注意到這枚

公司將其送往 NGC,評分為 MS63。這枚樣幣漢字一面有斜角 包漿線,龍面龍身內圈四點鐘方向(東南方向)有一個綠點。

幣只有 22 克,於是對其成分產生了懷疑。直到被送到 PCGS 進行評級,人們才發現這是一枚銅鍍銀幣,重量僅為 22 克, 而通常的銀幣重量為 26 克。PCGS 將這枚幣打盒,并評出了 SP62 的分數。


通過對比浙江七錢二分銅質樣幣的照片,我們可以得知目 前應該有 5 枚樣幣現存于私人藏家手中。 作者注:這裡並未將被這些浙江七錢二分樣幣進行命名, 而只是標註了拍賣目錄上的拍品號或其他錢幣目錄上的號碼以 示區分。

銅幣 D: 據周邁可透露,20 世紀 90 年代台灣幣商陳吉茂 曾將一枚品相為極美品的浙江紅銅七錢二分樣幣捐贈給浙江省 博物館。 銅幣 139:曾出現在 1989 年 2 月的斯賓克 - 泰星拍賣會上。 錢幣圖片在林國明著、馬德和編輯的《中國金銀幣目錄》中有 收錄(LM277),但並未將其標註為銅幣。通過漢字一面上的 垂直包漿可以鑒別此枚樣幣。 銅幣 196:曾出現在 1989 年 9 月太平洋海岸拍賣會上。 于 2008 年 6 月在香港冠軍拍賣會上以 41,400 美元賣給台灣 幣商陳吉茂(NGC MS63)。後被委託給鼎豐拍賣公司進行拍

The eighth Issue of JEAN 43

Features 專題

David Chio: Must Greatly Maintain the Macau Numismatic Society Yuan Shui Qing (Xi’an) The Macau Numismatic Society was founded in 1988, and

since then has become a major player in the Greater Chinese collecting sector. The Society’s leading figure is David Chio.

David Chio was born in 1957 in Macau. After much hard

work, he obtained a diploma in Interior Design from the

Chinese University of Hong Kong in 1976. Later in his career he received an EMBA degree from Tsinghua University in

2007, obtained a Master of Business Administration (MBA)

from the University of Wales in 2008, and achieved a national level certificate in Psychological Counseling in China in 2011. Currently he works as both Design Director and Head of the

Board of Directors of David Chio Design Firm, Supervisor of the Macau Institute of Psychology, Chairman of the Interior

Designers Association, Director of the Philatelic Association, President of the Association of the Institute of painting, President of the Macau Numismatic Society and other

Pic. 1-1 (from left) David Chio, Yuan Shuiqing and Lv Ganzhou (vice president of Macau Numismatic Society) on September 7, 2012

positions (13 titles in total). Chio has won the Macau Design

Competition three times, as well as the Australian quick shot

shooting and standard pistol championship in 2012. In 2016,

he was appointed as the third National Numismatic Collection Expo’s presidium consultant.

From David Chio’s many titles, it’s not difficult to see that

he is a busy and energetic man with wide-ranging interests. Yet out of all of his jobs, he focuses mainly on numismatics and leading the Macau Numismatic Society.

On September 7, 2012, David Chio led a delegation to

the Xi'an Numismatic Society on an academic exchange.

This is where I had the honor of meeting him (Pic. 1). I was

impressed by his open-mind and how warm yet professional he was. We met multiple times after that while participating in national numismatic activities. I saw his exhibit of rare

banknotes, witnessed his organizational skills, and listened

to his wonderful speeches. So I think I’ve come to understand Macau’s leading numismatic figure. He is responsible for

introducing the finer points of numismatic collection to his peers, and that’s why I included him in my book, 100 Top

Chinese Numismatic Collector Interviews. On December 5, 2016, I had the privilege of an exclusive interview with Mr. David Chio, which I’ve shared with you below.

David Chio, Chairman of the Macau Numismatic Society,

today’s interview is focused on collecting for numismatic purposes and its research aspects.

44 《東亞泉志》第八期

Pic. 1-2 A photo of the author and David Chio, taken on July 22, 2017

Yuan Shui Qing (YSQ): I would like to ask you now as the leader of the Macau Numismatic Society, how have you managed to keep the association going so consistently? In addition, how did you start your own numismatic collection? David Chio (DC): First of all, no matter how difficult

it is, I must keep raising up the Macau Numismatic Society. I think in order to carry out this job consistently, one must set an example and take the lead in numismatic research. One

can constantly enrich one’s own collections to produce more research results. On the other hand, unit members need to

start exhibiting more often, so that the work and collection of the entire society can expand together.

I used to collect stamps since when I was a student;

many people collected stamps at that time. After working and

Features 專題 having a stable income, I liked to seek out potential items for my collection during my free time. These items could

include lighters, ink pens, refined handicrafts, and stamps. Once, under the Macau Ruins of St. Paul’s at Travessa do

Armazém Velho’s market, I saw a white, unused 1972 $100

past banknote and bought it. From then on, I was in love with the ancient Macanese banknotes, and have collected them all the way until today.

YSQ: How do you systematically collect Macau banknotes and coins? What is the focus of your collection? How do you plan it out? DC: First, I find out the history of the issuance of the

currency in question, then I collect them by series. Macau currency can be divided into three series: the first series is

the official issue of the Macau government, the second series goes from the year 1902 to the present, and the third series

includes past banknotes issued by local civilian banks. Macau coins can also be a separate collectible series, but they have less variety. There are only a few dozens series, so they are relatively easy to collect.

Pic. 2 The 25 dollar banknote (both sides) issued by Macau Banco Nacional Ultramarino on January 1, 1907, 20cm×12.6cm

Collecting Macau banknotes is comparably difficult.

After all, it has less circulation and a high recycling rate,

leaving very few past banknotes still extant. But they do have a lot of varieties. For example, the five dollar and 10 dollar banknotes from before Macau’s reunification have seven

to eight different signature editions; a complete collection

would consist of two to three hundred different versions. My collection of Macau's first set of banknotes is very precious,

it joined the second annual National Numismatic Collection Expo at Xiamen in 2015. Please enjoy these two 25 dollar

banknotes issued by Macau Banco Nacional Ultramarino in

1907 (Pic. 2) and this 10 dollar banknote issued in 1941 (Pic. 3). In 2017, we plan to publish the Complete Collection of

Macau Circulated Banknotes, a reference work in two volumes published in the name of the Macau Numismatic Society. The compilation has already begun. There are about 700

pages, with each banknote described with as much detailed data in this area, especially for earlier issues. These are more

Pic. 3 The 10 dollar banknote (both sides) issued by Macau Banco Nacional Ultramarino on December 26, 1941, 20cm×12.6cm

and the hardest part of my collecting.

an American banknote. I saw it during a trip to the America

information as possible. But Macau banknotes have little

difficult to find, collect, and research. This is both the focus

YSQ: It is known that you have collected misprinted banknotes from all over the world for more than 10 years, especially misprinted banknotes from China and the United States, so far more than anyone else. Collectors called you the “top collector of today's rare banknotes”. Please tell us about your collection progress.

DC: The first misprinted banknote I ever collected was

during the 90s in the 20th century. I found it very special, and thought that if I can collect all kinds of misprinted

and error banknotes, then I can enjoy and study them in detail. I can also improve banknote printing technology

and make suggestions to quality control, so this would be a

very meaningful subject. Thus I began collecting misprinted banknotes, and at this point I have more than a thousand

The eighth Issue of JEAN 45

Features 專題 pieces in my collection and have invested around 10 million dollars in it.

I think misprinted money is produced due to the design,

the printing or even the papermaking process. It is based on human negligence, mechanical error or malfunction, having passed by chance through any and all quality checkpoints to enter the market. Misprinted banknotes can be divided into 15 categories, including folding white, folding, cover white, corner ear, shift, reverse printing, inverted cover, wrong

number, leak cover, overprint, print through, wrong version, water through print and other errors. For example, here I

have a 50 dollar Chinese People's Bank of China banknote

issued in 1990. It has an inverted watermark (Pic. 4). Here, a United States 1935 edition of the one dollar banknote has its number and signature printed on the reverse as the result of

Pic. 4 A 50 dollar Chinese People's Bank of China banknote with an inverted watermark (obverse) issued in 1990

folding (Pic. 5).

Senior Li An Shen is a famous collector of Chinese

banknotes. He is also one of the first collectors of misprinted money, known as the “King of Strange Money”. He loved to

collect these banknotes so much that he spared no expense. I want to learn his spirit and persistence.

YSQ: How many of your books have been published? Please talk about the contents and the objectives of these books. DC: Over the years I carefully researched and studied

the items in my collection. Based upon this intense interest, I compiled and officially published three books (Pic. 6).

The first book is called the Daqing Hand-Painted Postcards

Art Appreciation and Collection. It was published in conjunction with the Associacao de Artes e Pintura Hang Ian de Macau,

46 《東亞泉志》第八期

Pic. 5 An United States 1935 edition of the one dollar banknote with its number and signature printed on the reverse as the result of folding

Pic. 6 Three books of David Chio

Features 專題

Pic. 7 Macau Money Aspect 2012-2016 issue the Macau SAR Government Cultural Affairs Bureau, and the

hats have gems. This custom is popular along the Jiangnan

when I was young I had a collection of stamps, and I really

is a craft and a folk art, and such studies have not been seen

Macao Foundation in September 2012. Like I said earlier,

enjoyed early Chinese postcards. This first book introduces the early Chinese hand-painted postcards produced during

the Qing Dynasty, which feature very detailed and beautiful Chinese paintings. They were sold to foreigners to mail

back home. It advertises Chinese culture, so it is a very good method.

The second book is called Huayang Strange Banknotes:

Chinese and Foreign Misprinted Notes Appreciation. It is co-

authored by myself and the Chairman of the Macau Chinese Banknote Association, Chen Yaoguang. He has collected

a lot of misprinted banknotes from the Qing Dynasty and the Republic period, and I have a lot of misprinted RMB and US banknotes, so we really hit it off compiling this

book. It was published by the Macau Numismatic Society in December 2015. You might have seen it before - it was the

first publication in China that introduced misprinted money. The book features thorough descriptions of the causes of the misprintings, their historical backgrounds, their values, and how to distinguish between genuine and fake banknotes. I

believe it allows readers to completely understand this field of banknote collecting.

The third book is called the Xiang Yin Ji Yu - Chinese

Modern Hat Emblem Album. It was co-authored by the Macau Numismatic Society’s Overseas Executive Director Huang Xiao Tan and published by Associacao de Artes e Pintura

Hang Ian de Macau in November 2016. This book describes the folk hat flower. In the past, after a child was born, he

or she wore a hat with a decorative cap flower; rich adults’

area, and is most common in the Northeast. Hat decoration before.

YSQ: According to the evaluation from a Macau Numismatic Society vice president, you are a rare kind of contributor due to your selfless dedication of people, money, effort, time - which is the main reason for the Macau Numismatic Society’s rapid development in such a short period of time. I would like to ask you, what major contributions have you made since you were elected as president of the Macau Numismatic Society? DC: The Macau Numismatic Society was established in

1988 under the club’s first chairman, Chen Meng. I joined

the Society in 2011 and was recommended and elected as the president. With the support of the Macao SAR government

and help from the Board of Supervisors, my six years of major work include:

1.) Organizing the annual academic exchange with

Chinese mainland provincial and municipal numismatic

societies. From 2012 onwards, we have visited numismatic

clubs in Xi'an, Beijing, Shanghai, Hefei, Kunming and other

places. In 2017, we will go to Hangzhou and Zhejiang Province to exchange with their numismatic societies.

2.) Holding an annual numismatic exhibition, exchange,

and auction week in Macau. Over the past three years we have worked together quite happily with Macau Champion Auction company’s president Michael Chou. While our society is a

non-profit club, in 2016 we tried to add business elements

into it and the effect has been a good one. Macau citizens have

The eighth Issue of JEAN 47

Features 專題 good reactions to it, and citizens from the mainland China, Taiwan and Hong Kong also have good reactions to it.

3.) From 2012 onwards, publishing the annual exhibition

special issue of Macau Money Aspect. It includes the latest research and studies from our members (Pic. 7). These initiatives have contributed greatly to the numismatic

collection and to academic exchanges, expanding the influence of the club.

YSQ: What is different about the current Macau Numismatic Society compared to the past? What are your plans for the future? DC: There have been three main changes. First the board became bigger. Previously, there were

only a few dozen members; now we have 600 members from

all over the country. Many well-known collectors have joined, as well.

Pic. 8 The member auction of the Macau Numismatic Society held in June 2016

Second, the club holds more activities. Each month

there are members’ auctions (Pic. 8), member exchanges,

and numismatic forums held by the club. At each event there are over 100 members participating. By the end of each year we sum up all the recognitions (Pic. 9), so that the club’s organization is greatly enhanced.

Third is how we solved the problem of funding the

club’s activities. In other regions, a lack of funding can be a bottleneck that restricts a club’s healthy development. Our activities can resolve or greatly reduce such problems. The Macau Foundation and the Culture Bureau have focused

on our activities since 2012. We have received funding for

support. Although it’s not a lot, this monetary support shows that the SAR Government recognizes us. Plus, a number of

the club’s honorary presidents donate generously to the club

and the Macau Champion Auction Company helps us organize charity auctions. Add in membership fees from club members, and our activity funds are doing well.

About the club’s future: I plan to unite the members, and

to enhance the research value of its numismatic collections--

this is the Macao Numismatic Society’s mission. Maintaining this club is part of my career, therefore I must do my best

48 《東亞泉志》第八期

Pic. 9 The 2015 annual meeting of Macau Numismatic Society while serving as chair, sparing no effort. I am confident this club will do better in the future. Of course, it also depends on the development of the national economy, as well as

the development of Macau. Our main goals are to collect

and study money, to increase the growth and scope of our collection, to publish more studies and books, to run the

annual exhibition, to compile the special issue of Macau Money Aspect, and to join the ranks of the world's most advanced numismatic societies.

Features 專題

趙康池: “我一定要扛好澳門錢幣學會這面大旗” 袁水清(西安) 1988 年誕生的澳門錢幣學會,以其獨特的生存方式,穩步 向前發展,並在大中華泉界嶄露頭角。這支隊伍現在的舉旗人, 名叫趙康池。 趙康池,1957 年出生於澳門。經過刻苦求學,1976 年取得 香港中文大學室內設計文憑,2007 年獲清華大學高級管理人員 工商管理碩士(EMBA)學位,2008 年獲英國威爾士大學工商管 理碩士(MBA)學位,2011 年取得中國國家一級心理諮詢師證書。 現身兼趙康池設計事務所設計總監、董事總經理,澳門心理研 究學會監事長、室內設計師協會會長、集郵協會監事長、行隱 畫藝學會會長、錢幣學會理事長等 13 個職務。三次榮獲澳門 設計大賽獎項,2012 年奪得全澳射擊速射及標準手槍比賽總冠 軍。2016 年被聘為第三屆全國錢幣收藏博覽會主席團顧問。 從趙康池的諸多頭銜不難看出,他是一位興趣廣泛、精力

圖 1-1 左起:趙康池、袁水清、呂幹洲(澳門錢幣學會副理事長) 2012.9.7 攝

充沛的大忙人,而專注澳門幣鈔和世界錯體鈔收藏,當好澳門 錢幣學會舉旗人,則是他最為重要的工作之一。 2012 年 9 月 7 日,趙康池率團到訪西安錢幣學會並進行學 術交流,我倆有幸相識(圖 1-1),他豁達、熱情、穩健、專 業的特點,給我留下深刻印象。之後,我俩又多次在全國性的 錢幣界活動中見面,看到了他參展的珍稀紙幣,目睹了他的組 織能力,聆聽了他的精彩演講,於是,全面瞭解這位澳門錢幣 界領軍人物,把他在錢幣收藏方面的閃光點介紹給同行,便鎖 定在我撰寫“百位中國錢幣收藏名家訪談錄”計劃之中。2016 年 12 月 5 日,我在澳門對趙康池先生進行了專訪;2017 年 7 月 22 日,我又在武漢·第四屆全國錢幣收藏博覽會上,與趙 先生進一步作了交流 ( 圖 1-2)。現將兩次訪談整理如下,與同

圖 1-2 在武汉 . 第四届全国钱博会上采访赵康池 2017.7.22 摄 便買下了。由此愛上澳門的老紙幣,一路收藏到現在。

道分享。 二 您是如何系統收集澳門紙幣和硬幣的?收集的重點是哪些 一 趙理事長,今天着重就錢幣收藏與研究方面的內容採訪您。 請問,您現在作為澳門錢幣學會的舉旗人,怎樣才能把這面旗 扛穩舉高?另外,您是如何與錢幣收藏結緣的? 趙康池:首先表示,我一定要扛好澳門錢幣學會這面大旗,

品種?有何計劃? 趙康池:我首先弄清了澳門貨幣的發行歷史,然後系統收 集。澳門紙幣的收藏可分為三個系列:第一個系列是澳門政府 正式發行的紙幣,即從 1902 年到現在全部流通過的紙幣。第


二個系列是 1902 年到現在的樣票。第三個系列是以前民間銀





工作有聲有色。 我本來是在學生時代收藏郵票,那時收集郵票的人多。參

澳門紙幣的收集比較困難,畢竟發行量少,回收率高,留 存到現在的數量很少,但是品種很多,好像回歸前一個同面值





爛鬼樓小市場看到有一張白色的、流通過的 1972 年壹佰圓紙幣,


The eighth Issue of JEAN 49

Features 專題 欣賞這兩張澳門大西洋國海外匯理銀行 1907 年發行的貳拾伍 圓券(圖 2)和 1941 年發行的拾圓券(圖 3)。 我們計劃 2017 年出版《澳門發行流通鈔票大全》,以澳門 錢幣學會名義出版。編撰工作已經開始,大概有 700 頁面,每 張紙幣儘量找到詳細的相關資料,但澳門紙幣這方面的資料實 在太少了,尤其是早期紙幣,實物更難收集,資料非常難找。 這是收集的重點和難點。 三 據瞭解,您收藏世界各國錯體鈔十多年,特別是收集的人 民幣和美元錯體鈔數量和品種之多,迄今無人超越,被泉友稱 為“當今怪鈔收藏第一人”。請介紹一下您收藏錯體鈔的概況。 趙康池:我收藏的第一張錯體鈔是美元紙幣。是 20 世紀 90 年代我在美國旅遊時見到的,當時感覺很特別,心想若能集 齊各類錯體鈔,既可提高欣賞趣味又可進行研究,還能為改進 印鈔技術和質檢提出中肯的建議,將是一件十分有意義的事情。 遂對錯體鈔四處收集,目前已集有千餘張,投資過千萬元。 我認為錯體鈔是由於設計、印刷乃至造紙過程中,基於人 為的疏忽,機械的誤差或故障形成,僥倖通過質檢關卡進入市

圖 3 澳門大西洋國海外匯理銀行拾圓券(正、反)20cm×12.6cm 1941 年 12 月 26 日簽發

場的紙幣。錯體鈔可分為 15 類,包括摺白、摺印、遮白、福耳、 移位、倒印、倒蓋、錯號、漏蓋、疊印、透印、錯版、浮水印 錯體和其他錯體。例如我手中的這張中國人民銀行 1990 年版 伍拾圓券就是倒浮水印(圖 4)、這張美國 1935 年版壹元銀元 券就是摺疊導致號碼和簽字背印了(圖 5)。 前輩李安深是中國集鈔名家,也是最早收藏錯體紙幣的大 家,被稱為“怪鈔大王”,他對所愛品種,更是不惜重金。我 要學習他收藏紙幣的執着精神,繼續努力。 圖 4 中國人民銀行 1990 年版伍拾圓倒浮水印券(正面)

圖 2 澳門大西洋國海外匯理銀行貳拾伍圓券(正、反), 20cm×12.6cm,1907 年 1 月 1 日簽發

50 《東亞泉志》第八期

圖 5 美國 1935 年版壹元銀元券摺疊導致號碼和簽字背印

Features 專題

圖 6 趙康池的 3 本著作 四 您的哪幾本著作已經出版?請談談編著的起因及各本書的

五 據澳門錢幣學會一位副理事長評價,您是一個難得的能為



趙康池:我這幾年對收藏的實物作了認真研究,在此基礎 上,興趣使然,編著了 3 本書,均正式出版(圖 6)。 第一本是《大清手繪明信片藝術欣賞與收藏》,系我獨著, 澳門特區政府文化局、澳門基金會贊助 , 由澳門行隱畫藝學會 於 2012 年 9 月出版。我年輕時喜歡收藏郵品,對中國早期明 信片喜愛有加。這本書主要介紹清朝中國早期手繪明信片,明 信片上的中國畫非常精美,賣給外國人後他們再寄到自己的家 鄉,宣傳了中國文化,所以是一種很不錯的邮品。

學會這幾年能快速發展的主要原因。請問您當選本屆錢幣學會 理事長以來,做了哪幾件大事? 趙康池:澳門錢幣學會 1988 年成立,首任理事長陳萌。我 是 2011 年聯繫申請加入並被推選為理事長的。在澳門特區政 府的支持和理監事會的幫助下,六年來做的主要工作:一是每 年組團與中國大陸省市級錢幣學會進行學術交流,從 2012 年起, 先後到訪過西安、北京、上海、合肥、昆明等地的錢幣學會, 2017 年 5 月會去杭州與浙江省錢幣學會交流。二是每年在澳門 舉辦一次錢幣展覽、交流、拍賣活動周。近三年與冠軍拍賣公




社團,2016 年嘗試加上商業元素,效果不錯,澳門市民反映很


好,大陸及港臺同行也反映不錯。三是從 2012 年起,每年出

二人一拍即合,澳門錢幣學會 2015 年 12 月出版。袁老師應該



研究最新成果(圖 7)。這些舉措推動了錢幣收藏和學術交流,


擴大了學會的影響力。2017 年 11 月將首次舉辦“兩岸四地”



第三本是《祥銀吉語——圖說中國近代帽飾》,系澳門錢 幣學會海外常務理事黃孝覃和我合著,澳門行隱畫藝學會 2016

六 請問澳門錢幣學會的現在和以前比,有什麼變化?您今後

年 11 月出版。這本書介紹了民間帽花,以前小孩出生後,頭


戴的帽子上有裝飾帽花;富貴人家成年人的帽子上有寶石,這 種風俗江南一帶流行,東北最為普遍。帽飾是民間手工藝。這 類書以前未見過。

趙康池:變化有三點:首先是隊伍發展壯大了。以前會員 僅幾十個人,現在 600 人,且遍佈全國各地,許多有名的收藏 家都加入了。其次是學會的活動多了。會員藏品拍賣(圖 8)、 交流,錢幣論壇基本每月都舉行,每次有 100 多人參加;每年

The eighth Issue of JEAN 51

Features 專題

圖 7 2012-2016 年出版的《澳門錢鈔縱橫》 年末進行總結表彰(圖 9),使學會的凝聚力大大增強。第三 是活動經費基本解決。從其他地區看,經費缺少是制約錢幣學 會健康發展的瓶頸。我們的活動能夠如願開展,主要是較好地 解決了經費問題。澳門基金會和文化局從 2012 年起開始關注 我們的活動,我們申請資助獲得支持,雖然數額不是很多,但 說明特區政府認同我們。加上多位名譽會長的慷慨解囊,冠軍 拍賣公司義拍捐獻,以及會員繳納的會費,活動經費比較充足。 關於今後的打算:團結會員,提升錢幣收藏研究品位,是 澳門錢幣學會的使命。辦好學會是我的事業,我一定要在任期 內盡職盡責,鞠躬盡瘁。有信心以後搞得更好,當然,也要看 全國經濟的發展,還有澳門的發展情況。我們的主要目標是錢 幣收藏與研究,在收藏上加大步伐,在研究上多出幾本書,繼 續辦好年展,編好特刊,躋身世界先進錢幣學會行列。 圖 8 澳門錢幣學會 2016 年 6 月會員藏品內部拍賣活動

圖 9 澳門錢幣學會理監事在 2015 年會慶上祝酒

52 《東亞泉志》第八期

Features 專題

Chopmarked Coins Chapter 1

The History of Silver in China Colin James Gullberg (Taipei)

I have divided this book into four broad sections. First I

will look at the history of silver flows in China from 1650 to

1935 and the coins that were used and were chopped during

this period. Next I will look at the various types of chopmarks

found on the coins. In the third part I look at shroffs and what, if anything, we can understand from the chopmarks. Finally, in the fourth section I look at collecting chopmarked coins. Let’s start with the history of silver in China.

Before the Europeans: Pre-1500 Long before the first Spanish 8 reales arrived in Asia,

silver was important to China’s economy. China’s first

recorded use of silver as currency was in the early Han dynasty (202 BC – 220 AD).2 Bronze cash coins, however, were the main means of payment for much of China’s history. At

times, cash coins flowed out of China into other neighbouring countries simply because these countries valued the coins more than the Chinese did and were willing to pay higher

prices for them. Japan imported such large quantities of Song

the modern world where the intrinsic value of coins is a much smaller proportion of the face value, money circulates “by

tale.” That is if the coin says “one dollar” on it we accept it as

a dollar regardless of how worn it is or how much its metal is

worth. The government that issued the coin has the legal force to ensure that it can be used, or exchanged for another dollar.

Silver increased in importance after the Song and Jin (1115

– 1234, the Mongols who controlled northern China) issued

too much paper currency. I do not wish to dwell on the history of paper money in China, which is long, except to say that the inflation caused a movement into commodities as a store of value and the best store was silver. In 1222, it was reported

that, “the price of silver becomes more dear by the day. While that of (Jin paper money) constantly declines; the people reckon prices solely in terms of silver.”5 Of course, paper

currency which has no intrinsic value, was losing its value in Song China as the dynasty came to an end in 1279.

After the Mongol Jin overthrew the Song and established

dynasty (960 – 1279) coins that the Song government banned

the Yuan dynasty (1271-1368), silver increased in importance.

to fifty ships a year left Ningpo for Japan carrying nothing but

such a far-flung empire silver was best suited for this purpose.

their export in 1199. The bans had little effect. By 1250, forty bronze coins as cargo.


Silver remained a relatively unimportant part of the

Chinese economy during this time. In 1070, records show

that silver made up only 7.3% of Song government revenues; bronze cash accounted for the other 92%. When silver was

used, it was mainly as a money substitute - when cash coins

were unavailable. However, there is evidence that silver’s use in the Song economy was becoming stronger. At Southern

Song-era archaeological sites, silver ingots (sycee) have been found that show sizes had standardized (50 liang - which

equalled 1 ding, 25 liang and 12 liang, where 1 liang =37.5 g). Some of these sycee were marked as tax receipts.4

China, like most economies in the past, used a commodity

system for their coins. Coins were exchanged “by weight.”

So, the exchange value of a collection of similar coins (say,

one cash coins or Spanish 8 reales) would be determined by their aggregate weight; regardless of the actual number. In

Mongol rule was partly based on extracting tribute and with A poll tax, payable in silver, had also been instigated by

the Mongols (the Jin at the time) in 1234. The Yuan paper

currency, made famous by Marco Polo in The Travels of Marco Polo, was backed by silver bullion (cash coin was no longer

permitted). Ultimately, the Mongol use of paper as the basis of its economy failed when silver stocks fell. This “silver famine”

affected not only Yuan China, but also the Muslim world from

Persia to Spain, forcing many places to stop using silver coins. The value of silver relative to gold doubled over the Yuan

dynasty.6 The insufficiency of silver reserves to support the

paper currency (nominally backed by silver) inevitably caused inflation, and destroyed the Chinese public’s faith in paper. During the Yuan dynasty the role of silver in actual

commerce was probably minor as it was too scarce and

valuable to circulate. Even after the Yuan prohibition of using precious metals in trade (i.e. coins) was lifted in 1311 (refusal

to accept Yuan paper currency was punishable by death) there was no sudden increase in the use of silver; however bronze


Linsun Cheng; Banking in Modern China – Entrepreneurs, Professional Managers, and the Development of Chinese Banks, 1897-1937, (2003), p. 140 3 R. von Glahn; Fountain of Fortune - Money and Monetary Policy in China 1000 – 1700, (1996), p. 54 4 Ibid., p. 55 5 Ibid., p. 56 6

Ibid., p. 60

The eighth Issue of JEAN 53

Features 專題 coin did return to circulation by the 1350s. By the end of the

in the early fifteenth century, mainly in Yunnan in the south,

done by barter. Silver values (relative to gold) reached an all-

closing of the Ming mints until 1505, the money supply grew

Yuan dynasty inflation was so serious that most trade was

time high in China of about 4 to 1 around 1365. The ratio had 7

been 10 to 1 in 1350.

The Ming dynasty (1368-1644) re-established the use of

cash coins; however, it also used its own paper money in 1375, which immediately started to fall in value. Coin production

started and stopped, and mints were opened and closed over the following decades, culminating with the unusual step

of the Ming banning its own coins in 1394. A flight to silver followed; its price rose ten-fold against paper currency and

400% against grain. Merchants set prices in terms of gold and

silver even though little actual metal was used in transactions; prices would be reckoned in silver and then converted into equivalent paper at the time the transaction was made.8

Early Ming emperors like Ming founder Hongwu (r.

1368-98) and Yongle (r. 1402-25) banned the use of silver as

money, partly fearing the power of the merchant class, which held much of the silver. It was not until the Xuande’s reign (r. 1425-35) that silver’s use was restored for the purpose

of paying land taxes (1433) and military officers (1436). As

the Ming began to accept silver as payment for taxes in the

but output of silver fell sharply after the 1430s13 and with the much more slowly than the demand.

1492 For many historians the year 1492 marks not only the

Reconquista with the expulsion of the Muslims from the

Alhambra in Granada, Spain and the discovery of the New

World but also of the beginning of the modern world and the start of a new world economy; an economy based more and more on international trade. The discovery of silver in Peru and Mexico changed the histories of the Americas, Europe

and Asia. But China would not see any of this silver for nearly another century.

American silver reached the Far East by three routes:

through the Levant and the Persian Gulf, the route round

the Cape of Good Hope; and the route taken by the Manila

galleons across the Pacific. Apart from Japan, whose silver

mines played a part in the silver trade in China in the 1500’s to early 1600’s, almost all the silver in circulation in the Far East was of European – that is America – origin.14

The flow of silver into China happened in two waves.

1430s, paper money quickly fell into disuse and by the early

The first was from Japan. In 1540, large silver deposits

the Chinese economy. To give one example, in every one of

discovery, vessels from southern Fujian ports of Quanzhou

fifteenth century silver had achieved a dominant position in the 836 Huizhou (in South Zhili) land sale contracts dating

from 1456 to 1644 the sale price was denominated and paid in silver.9 Clearly, silver’s importance in large transactions was well established.

After the Ming began to accept silver as payment for

taxes in the 1430s, paper currency quickly fell into disuse.10

One reason was after Xuande’s reign ended in 1435, the

Ming mints ceased operation and produced no cash coins for the next 70 years.11 Silver strengthened its importance

in the economy, but uncoined silver ingots were a primitive

form of money. Value was determined by intrinsic value and

were found at Iwami, in western Honshu. Soon after this

and Zhangzhou began to arrive to buy silver. After accidently discovering Japan in 1543, the Portuguese started trading between Ningbo and Kyushu, exchanging Chinese silk for

Japanese silver. The wars between Japan and China helped put the Portuguese in a dominant position, as they could

buy from the Japanese and sell to the Chinese.15 In 1557, the Portuguese were granted Macau on the provision that the

Portuguese were not allowed to trade elsewhere. Nor were non-Portuguese foreigners allowed to trade there.16 The

period from 1550-1650 has been called China’s silver century. The Philippines were also a long-standing part of the

could only be assessed through cumbersome measuring of

Japanese trading system. It was reported from Manila in 1575

currency, especially fractional currency, demanded a steady

goods,” and that they also brought “ever-increasing amounts

purity and weighing. Silver could be easily adulterated. New supply of cash coin.12 China had had a boom in silver mining 7

that “every year Japanese ships come loaded with trading

of silver” from the productive Japanese silver mines. It has

Ibid., p. 61, 69-70 Ibid., p. 73 9 Ibid., p. 76-77, 79 10 Ibid., p. 79 11 Ibid., p. 76 12 Ibid., p. 83 13 Ibid., p. 114 14 F. Braudel; The Perspective of the World – Civilization & Capitalism 15th-18th Century, vol. 3, (1979), p. 491 15 R. von Glahn; op. cit., p. 116-18 16 M. Greenberg; British Trade and the Opening of China 1800-42, (1951), p. 46 8

54 《東亞泉志》第八期

Graph 119 - The price of silver 1344 – 1998 (adjusted into in 1998 dollars) and the ratio of the price of gold to silver

Features 專題



The eighth Issue of JEAN 55

Features 專題 been calculated that between 1615 and 1625 an estimated

130,000-160,000 kilos of silver were exported from Japan, an amount that represented about 40 percent of the total world output outside of Japan.17

Besides silver flowing in from Japan, silver from the New

World began arriving in China. After the Spanish conquest of Luzon and the founding of Manila in 1571, Chinese

quickly seized the opportunity to supply the isolated Spanish with foodstuffs. By 1580, Chinese merchants traded silks,

porcelain, and spices from the Indonesian archipelago for 18

Peruvian and Mexican silver.

The Mexico City Mint struck its first coins in 1536. The

first coins struck in Lima, Peru were in 1568 and the first in

Potosí in 1574. Lima’s mint opened and closed several times during its history. Between 1540 and 1700 the New World

produced around fifty thousand tons of silver, a quantity that doubled the existing stock of silver in Europe, with profound consequences for its economy.20 Graph 2 below shows

the first American silver boom occurred in Potosí, but the

was far greater. This silver, which was discovered in Mexico and Peru,

changed the world economy. The great Cerro Rico (“rich

mountain”) was found at Potosí in 1545, and within three

years the town had grown to 14,000 people. By 1570, it had

reached a total of 120,000 people, making Potosí the largest town in either Old or New Spain.21 Over seventy percent of

Spanish silver production in the mid-1500s came from the

famous site at Potosí. Between 1550 and 1650 over a hundred and eighty tons of gold and sixteen thousand tons of silver were sent from the New World to Spain. At the same time mining in Europe was increasing. In 1555, the mercury

amalgam process was discovered in Germany which massively increased productivity. When it was applied at Potosí between 1572 and 1585 output increased seven times.22 Large deposits of silver were also discovered at Zacatecas, Mexico in 1548.

Graph 223 - Silver output Potosí, Peru and Mexico 1550-

1800 (millions of Pesos)

Mexican mining boom at the end of the eighteenth century


H. Kamen; Empire – How Spain Became a World Power 1492-1763, (2003), p. 213 R. von Glahn; op. cit., p. 118-19 20 H. Kamen; op. cit., p. 286 21 R. Davis; The Rise of the Atlantic Economies, (1973), p. 52 22 H. Kamen; op. cit., p. 286-87 23 F. Braudel; op. cit., p. 422 18

56 《東亞泉志》第八期

Features 專題 The first great cargoes from the new American mines

arrived in Spain in 1552. From that year, the import of

American silver rapidly mounted to reach a peak of some

seven million ounces a year in the 1590s. It maintained this

level until the 1620s, after which there was a rapid fall. These

figures may be compared with a central European production of half a million ounces a year at its peak in the 1630s.24

Much more silver was retained in the Indies as the economy grew, and shipments of silver across the Pacific to Manila Period 1493-1900 1901-1910 1911-1925 Totals:

Mexico 3,320,000 630,000 965,000 4,915,000

USA 1,438,870 556,130 977,310 2,972,310

for the China trade, already large by 1580, were also growing rapidly.25

The following table shows that during the 432 years of

reported data available to Kann the Americas supplied 82% of the world’s silver supply and Mexico alone supplied 36%. Table 126 - World silver production 1493-1925 (in

thousands of fine ounces)

South America 2,440,000 164,800 238,200 2,843,000

Richard von Glahn estimates annual Chinese imports

of New World silver in the 1590s probably totaled one

million pesos. One peso was equal to 0.75 liang. Similarly, he estimates the total amount of silver exported from Manila to

China 1572-1600 to have been no less than 584,000 kg; about 7.5% of Peru’s output at the time.27

In addition, Europe received large amounts of gold and

silver from the Americas in the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries. Europe kept the gold but re-exported most of

the silver to Asia. The Spanish silver dollars, known to the

Chinese as the peng-yang (standard dollar), were introduced

into China in the second half of the sixteenth century from the Philippine Islands, which were conquered by Spain in 1565.28 Manila functioned as a centre for East Asian trade for Spain. Silver coins from Mexico became a fundamental commodity offered by the Spaniards; the Chinese brought their goods to Manila in order to benefit from the silver, which they

exported to China. American silver in this way stimulated the

Asian economy. In the peak year of 1597, the amount of silver sent from Acapulco to Manila totalled twelve million pesos,

a figure that exceeded the total annual value of Spain’s trade across the Atlantic.29

Part of the flow of silver was used for the direct purchase

of Chinese goods, but much of it was shipped simply to take




186,000 303,700



Other Countries 1,440,060 200,000 364,297 2,004,357

advantage of the arbitrage opportunities available. Silver

flowed into China because the Chinese market valued it more than any other. From 1592 to the early seventeenth century

gold was exchanged for silver in Canton at a rate of 1:5.5 to 1:7, while in Spain the exchange rate was 1:12.5 to 1:14. This meant the value of silver was twice as high in China as in Spain.30 In

the first half of the eighteenth century, when the gold-silver

ratio was 1:10, European ships would buy gold in China, send it to Europe and buy silver there at a 1:15 ratio, resulting in

a 50% profit.31 The gold/silver ratio usually remained lower

and the price of silver higher, in China than elsewhere in the world. These opportunities had been eliminated through arbitrage by the middle of the eighteenth century.32

1600 Silver entered China at a rate of 250,000 – 265,000 kg.

per year in the first third of the seventeenth century.33 At

least 15 tons of silver annually (which resulted in a total of

3,000 tons) of silver was shipped on the Manila galleons from Acapulco, and earlier from Peru, directly to Manila. As much as 25% of American silver production was shipped directly across the Pacific, both legally and as contraband.34

One theory, known as the “crisis thesis,” states that the

negative impact of all this silver entering China was price


R. Davis; op. cit., p. 96 Ibid., p. 157-58 26 E. Kann; The Currencies of China, 2nd ed., (1975), p. 201 27 R. von Glahn; op. cit., p. 135 28 Yen-p’ing Hao; The Commercial Revolution in Nineteenth-Century China, (1986), p. 35 29 H. Kamen; op. cit., p. 213 30 A.G. Frank; ReOrient: Global Economy in the Asian Age, (1998), p. 135 31 R. von Glahn; op. cit., p. 133 32 D.H. Leavens; Silver Money, (1939), p. 86 33 R. von Glahn; op. cit., p. 4 34 A.G. Frank; op. cit., p. 145 25

The eighth Issue of JEAN 57

Features 專題 inflation, over-rapid urban growth, and unbridled business

silver fluctuated around 40,000 kg/yr. (although this figure

global economy centered on Seville. The severe depression in

decision to close China’s ports to foreign trade, in 1661,

speculation. The Chinese economy became enmeshed in the

the Atlantic economy in the middle decades of the seventeenth century, compounded by disruptions in the flow of silver

from Japan and the Philippines starting in the late 1630s, was one, if not the principal, cause of the collapse of the Ming in

the 1640s.35 The “crisis theory” argues that China’s economy

in the early 1600s had come to resemble its economy in the

2000s. Large inflows of foreign money as China ran persistent trade surpluses, thus increasing its total money supply. This increase in the money supply lowered the price of capital

(the interest rate) and enabled a boom in assets such as real

estate. The economy also became dangerously dependent on

the flow of silver. In fact one theory states that China became

so dependent on the silver flows that when they slowed down,

like they did in the second quarter of the seventeenth century, the resulting economic contraction helped in the fall of the Ming dynasty.36

The other theory, known as the “early modern paradigm,”

states that the flood of silver into China essentially dragged

China into the modern world’s trading system. China traded things it had in abundance like silk for what they lacked –

silver. Thus the inflows of silver were a net benefit for China as it forced China to change and adjust to the rest of the world, which it had largely avoided up until this point.

During much of the 1600s China went through a variety

of booms and busts both politically and economically - some self-inflicted, others beyond its control. In the 1620s the

was about half of the figure of the 1620s38). The Qing court’s

brought about a severe shortage of silver.39

When the Dutch and English companies started

penetrating the Indian Ocean they traded on a far larger

scale than their Portuguese predecessors, and thus required correspondingly greater amounts of silver. Whereas the

Italians and Portuguese had sent, at most, a few hundred

thousand ounces of silver to Asia in a year, the Dutch and

English from the 1620s onward sent millions.40 The China trade grew quickly for the English once the British East

India Company (EIC) started operations in 1601. In the first 23 years of operation (1601-24) the EIC exported a total of

£753,336, mostly in Spanish silver. During the period of 171059 silver totaled £26,833,614.41 Much of that was spent on tea. In 1664, a total of 2 lbs. and 2 oz. of tea was imported

into England. By 1783 it had reached 5,875,882 lbs. In the

last years of the EIC’s monopoly (the EIC lost its China trade

monopoly in 1833) the amount had reached 30m lbs. The tea trade was so important that the British parliament declared that one year’s stock had to be kept on hand and tea from

China accounted for the entire profit of the EIC in the final years of the company.42

In the Americas, silver production peaked at Potosí

around 1610. The silver output at Potosí had been so important that its enormous production was largely responsible for

the change in the ratio of gold to silver from 1:11.5 to 1:16;

as established by a royal decree in 1620.43 Downward trends

Dutch tried to take over the Chinese market from the Spanish

in Peru, however, were offset by the mining revival in New

get Macau from the Portuguese, the Dutch occupied the

Peru in the late seventeenth century (see Graph 2, page 17).44

and the Portuguese. In 1622, after unsuccessfully trying to

Pescadores. The Ming navy pushed the Dutch out of Penghu, forcing them to move to Taiwan. The Dutch on Taiwan

provoked a Ming blanket prohibition on trade in 1623-24 and from 1626 on (except for one year 1631-32).37 In order to stop Ming loyalists the Qing dynasty, which was established in

1644, tried to ban maritime trade. The Qing ban on maritime trade, however, did not end the flow of silver into China.

Throughout the 1640s and 1650s the importation of Japanese 35

Spain (Mexico), where production began to outstrip that of

Equally important, however, was the recovery of silver mining after 1660, passing its old peak production by 1690 and then

doubling its level of production again by 1770. This came from the reopening or more vigorous exploitation of old mining

areas – notably Guanajuato and Parral in Mexico – under the influence of stable prices in Europe, and of the flood of gold arriving in Europe from the deposits discovered in Brazil in

the 1690s, which raised the value of silver in relation to gold.45

R. von Glahn; op. cit., p. 5 Ibid., p. 4 37 Ibid., p. 123 38 Ibid., p. 227 39 Ibid., p. 135 40 R. Davis; op. cit., p. 96-97 41 M. Greenberg; op. cit., p. 6 42 Ibid., p. 3 43 F. Craig, Jr.; Coinage of the Viceroyalty of El Perú – an Overview, from: The Coinage of El Perú, (W.L. Bischoff, ed.), (1989), p. 7 44 J. H. Elliott; Empires of the Atlantic World – Britain and Spain in America 1492-1830, (2006), p. 227-28 45 R. Davis; op. cit., p. 171 36

58 《東亞泉志》第八期

Features 專題 From the 1650s on, the unrestricted flow of silver from

Japan and the gradual depletion of Japanese mines put

pressure on Japan’s silver supply. Exports averaged 76,000

kg per year during the period 1658-65. From 1672-83 exports

started to be applied to silver in China but a likely date would

be around 1680 or earlier. Evidence for this thesis comes from four small hoards discovered in Fujian in 1971 and reported

in Coin Hoards.48 In Joe Cribb’s article he describes four very

of silver dropped to an average of 23,191 kg/yr. After the Ming

similar hoards discovered in the early 1970s. All contained

the Dutch from Taiwan in 1662, Chinese merchants had a

that they most likely came from Manila traders and were

loyalist Zheng Cheng-gong (also known as Koxinga) expelled

decisive competitive advantage over the Dutch who no longer had a base of operations. In 1661-84 Chinese ships carried 62% of imports to Japan, the Dutch 38%.46

By 1683, the Kangxi Emperor (also: Kang-hsi) (r. 1661-

1722) had defeated Zheng Cheng-gong and unified China and Taiwan. The imperial ban on sea intercourse was lifted in

1684. From this point until the turn of the nineteenth century,

Mexican cobs from the early to late 1600s. Cribb speculates buried during the period of upheaval in the early Qing dynasty when Ming loyalists were still actively trying to re-establish

the Ming. One of the hoards contained chopmarked coins. The coins were issued before 1665 and one after 1678 (the date

was not visible but the assayer’s initials were). Several were chopmarked.

Frank Rose reported49 that in his collecting days he

China experienced unprecedented economic expansion as its

rarely saw chopped cobs, and considered them to be rarities.

the early Qing period, began being conducted on a free trade

at shows. Nowadays, we know them to be quite common –

foreign trade, previously inhibited by internal disorder during basis. For the next seventy-five years, European merchants

traded freely at China’s coastal ports, and Canton was but one of them. Even during the Canton system period, from 1757 to 1842, when the trade was nominally confined to Canton, this city did not hold a monopoly on China’s foreign trade.47


Then, beginning in 1986, he started to see more and more

several thousand have been sold at auction over the past few years alone. Why have they suddenly become common? I do not know the answer but Daniel Sedwick, one of the leading specialist dealers in Latin American coins, speculates that

hobbyists with metal detectors have made many discoveries

in the past 20 years. Pictured is one lot from a 2011 Daniel F. Sedwick sale.50

It is difficult to pinpoint the exact time when chopmarks

3 Lot of 50 Mexico City cobs, many with chopmarks and/or edge cuts. This was just one of many lots from a Daniel F. Sedwick October 25, 2011 sale. There were several hundred chopped cobs

in the sale. Image courtesy Daniel F. Sedwick, LLC.


R. von Glahn; op. cit., p. 226, 228 Yen-p’ing Hao; op. cit., p. 3, 15 48 J.E. Cribb; Some Hoards of Spanish Coins of the Seventeenth Century Found in Fukien Province, China, [From: Coin Hoards,The Royal Numismatic Society, (1977)], p. 180-84 49 F.M. Rose; Chopmarks, (1987), p. 17 50 Lot 566, Auction 10, October 25, 2011 Daniel F. Sedwick, LLC. 47

The eighth Issue of JEAN 59

Features 專題 For the chopmark collector, cobs are a challenge. Many

The chopmarks on most cobs tend to be small and rather

are in terrible condition – dateless, cut or corroded. Complete

simple. Relief chops are common, also of a simple nature.

mints, several centuries of coins) but the good news is there

meaning “sky,” “day” or “heaven”] or 主 [ju - meaning “lord”

date sets are impossible as there are far too many (several seems to be less competition for these coins than milled

chopmarked coins. There are probably fewer than 1,000

serious cob collectors in the United States and most of them shun chopmarked coins. Supply is currently plentiful so

adding to your collection is possible. Also, not only 8 reales

can be found with chopmarks. Minors, especially the 4 reales,

The characters used are usually 3-5 strokes (like 天 [tien or “master”]) or simple symbols.

The coin pictured below is a Mexico City 8 reales. The

shield obverse, lions and crosses reverse started in 1556 and

ran until the milled pillar dollar (8 reales) was introduced in 1733.

are also readily available. Clear, readable dates are far more desirable than dateless flans.

1607 Mexico Shield obverse, Lions and Crosses reverse

4 Mexico 1659 P 8 Reales, KM-45, R-7.

1659 Peru Cross of Jerusalem obverse, Pillars and Waves reverse Peru’s cobs started the Cross of Jerusalem obverse, pillars and waves reverse in 1659. Pictured below is a 4 reales from

Lima. Notice the large test cut across the obverse.

5 Peru 1696H Lima 4 Reales, KM-23, R-6. Occasionally, unusual pieces made it to China, were

chopmarked and survived the melting pot for collectors to

cherish. One of the rarest and most unusual coins must be the Papal States piaster from 1684, pictured below, with a double

60 《東亞泉志》第八期

swastika chop in the center of the reverse. The coin was in the Frank Rose collection and appeared in his book Chopmarks. I think the coin was likely chopped in the 1800s.

Features 專題

6 Papal States 1684 Rome Piaster (type: date below wreath), R-1.

1672 Netherlands Ducaton

repeated chopmarks, like the 上 , 上 [shang - “on”] on the ½

The Dutch were very active traders during the early years

chopping was either a type of security device (the chops are

of European trade in China. The VOC (Vereenigde Oost-Indische

Compagnie or “United East India Company”) was one of the first national trading companies and was set up in 1602 (it

closed in 1795) to engage in trade in the Far East. It was also the first company to issue stock.

The Netherlands broadly issued three distinct types of

coins. One is of a standing figure holding a staff leaning on a Bible which is placed on a pillar. The 3 gulden started to be minted in 1721, but the 1 gulden a few decades before that. The reverse has the Dutch shield. The second type has a

similar reverse but the obverse has a knight holding a sword

and the provincial shield. The third type is of the knight on a horse (“Dutch Rider”).

One would think the Dutch rixdollar (from which the

modern Malaysian currency the ringgit derives its name)

would be common as a trade coin; however, even the Dutch generally used Mexican dollars rather than their own rixdollars when trading with the Chinese.

The “Silver Rider” was first minted in 1659 in Holland,

and similar coins were issued by the other Dutch provinces

over the following century. Most had stopped production of

the coin by 1794. The coin contained 32.9 grams of 0.944 fine silver. They are surprisingly hard to find with chopmarks.

In the Qianlong Emperor’s time (r. 1736-1795), Taiwanese

people often used rixdollars for land sale transactions. In

Taiwan they were commonly known as ma-jian yin [ 馬劍銀 ]

ducaton pictured below. Dr. Tseng believes that this multiple usually parallel with each other) or it was simply a way of

extracting more money out of the shroff’s client – perhaps

a foreign merchant. As coins were chopped and eventually started to break traders didn’t want to accept them. They

would then have to be melted down and turned into sycee. Turning “broken dollars” involved another fee to be paid to the shroff; thus generating income for the shroff with pointlessly excessive chopping.

Dr. Tseng also gave me a copy of a very coveted

item among chopmark collectors: a Taiwanese “shroff’s

handbook.” The book, which Dr. Tseng discovered in an old used bookstore in Taipei, was badly worn, coverless and

with several torn or badly damaged pages. Nevertheless,

the book shows drawings of the silver coins that would have been in circulation in Taiwan at the time of printing (likely

around 1890). The book also gives us the Chinese names the Taiwanese shroffs gave to each of the coins and the silver fineness levels. This is important as several writers have perpetuated the story that the shroffs could tell a coin’s

silver content by its “ring” (the sound it made when struck). This book lays that myth to rest. Dr. Tseng speculates that the coins pictured in the book would have had to arrive in

Taiwan (or China) in large enough numbers to be melted and

assayed over a long enough period (perhaps ten years or so) to eventually appear in such a book. I will include several of the drawings from the book in this work.

The Dutch 3 gulden is rarely found with chops. It was

(“horse sword silver”) or jian yin [ 劍銀 ] (“sword silver”).

minted in the 1700s nevertheless it appears in the shroff

observed that the silver coins used in Taiwan, both foreign

Below is the picture of the 3 gulden from the handbook.

Dr. Tseng Che-lu, an expert on Taiwanese numismatics, has and local (for example the Old Man dollar) often have

handbook (c. 1890) thus showing it likely arrived in numbers.

The eighth Issue of JEAN 61

Features 專題

7 Netherlands - Zeeland 1773 ½ Ducaton, KM-102, R-4.

8 Netherlands – Utrecht 1763 3 Gulden, KM-117, R-3.

1700 Screw Press Spain Coinage

happened in 1700 when the mint in Seville was provided with

Spain began striking round coins at the Segovia Mint from

these mints was primarily for Spanish consumption but a few

1582 when a rolling mill was installed. Other Spanish mints followed over the next ten years. Nevertheless, hammered coins were still the main production.

The next major improvement in coining technology

62 《東亞泉志》第八期

a screw press. Madrid followed in 1709. The production of

pieces did make it to China. The coin below is an interesting and quite scarce example: a Spanish 1761 4 reales minted in Madrid. The mainland Spain design was not used with the new pillar dollar struck in the Spanish colonies in the Americas.

Features 專題

9 Spain 1761 Madrid J.P. 4 Reales, KM-396.1, R-3.

1732 Mexican Pillar Dollar

However, it made the pillar 8 reales and later the bust 8 reales

One of the most beautiful coins ever designed was the

of many milled 8 reales are fairly common (as many pieces

Spanish “pillar dollar.” Although a few mainland Spanish

coins of the era did make it to Asia and were chopped, the

coins from the Americas were the predominant trade coins and many millions ended up in the Far East.

When Spain introduced the new milled coinage in the

Americas, it lowered the silver content of its dollar-sized

coins to 0.9167 fine and 27.064 grams, giving a net silver content of 24.80 grams fine. The first coins were struck

in 1732 in Mexico City, although milled coinage had been

produced for quite some time in Spain. The coin was a first

as it used a pattern different from the one in use in mainland Spain. The obverse showed the Spanish coat of arms and

the reverse featured two globes flanked by two pillars. The

globes represented the Old and New Worlds, the pillars were

circulate internationally. As a result, high quality examples were chopped and went from shroff to shroff). The quality

of the minor coinage, which can occasionally be found with chopmarks, and which actually circulated, is much lower. The success of the milled pillars in Mexico and Lima

prompted the Spanish throne to authorize milled issues for Guatemala and Potosí. Potosí’s equipment was outdated

and continued to produce cobs for another 24 years. Milled

coins were produced in Potosí from 1767, but cob production continued for another six years, until 1773, a year after the

final pillars were minted in Lima.51 As a result, Bolivian pillars

are far shorter series (1767-70) and are less frequently seen with chopmarks.

During the first two years of production of milled pillars

the Pillars of Hercules – the straits between Spain and North

in Mexico (1732-33), test pieces were struck making the total

would have to pass. The columns were inscribed with PLUS

plentiful. For the collector, the chopped 8 reales is easy to

Africa, which all Spanish ships bound for the new world

VLTRA (further beyond) and the legend contained the motto

VTRAQUE VNUM (both are one) referring to the unity of the old and new worlds. The edge was also a novelty, a security “laurel leaves” pattern to prevent clipping.

In addition, Spain decreed in 1728 (and 1750) that the

gold-silver ratio would be 1:16. The then-prevailing worldwide ratio was between 1:15.03 and 1:15.2, thus it was profitable to send gold to Spain in exchange for (undervalued) silver. This error hurt Spain’s economy and contributed to its decline.


mintages of these two years small. All the ensuing years are

find, often with quite a wide variety of interesting chops. It is not unusual to find pieces with a mixture of small and large,

incuse and relief chops. Often a coin will have many different

small incuse chops only, sometimes many large chops and no small ones. This is contrasted with the early portrait dollars (1770s, 1780s) which are usually peppered with many small

chops. One of the most common questions collectors have is why the sizes of chops changed over time. There are several theories I have heard to explain the change in the size.

F. Craig, Jr.; op. cit., p. 15-16

The eighth Issue of JEAN 63

Features 專題

《戳記幣》節選——第一章 中國白銀史 高林(台北) 本書一共分為四個部分。第一章主要回顧了 1650 年至


1935 年期間白銀流入中國的歷史以及這段時期中國所流通使




記的圖案匯總。在第三章裡我介紹了一些錢幣兌換商以及各種 錢幣戳記所傳達的資訊。最後一章則討論了戳記幣的收藏行情。

宋金時期(1115 年到 1234 年期間,中國北方是在蒙古人 的統治之下),白銀的地位越發重要起來,尤其是在政府發行



前歐洲人時代:公元 1500 年之前

一一贅述了,我想提的是當時的通貨膨脹引發了一場儲存保值 商品的運動,而最好的保值商品是白銀。根據記載,公元 1222




時只以白銀做標準。5 因為紙幣本身沒有價值的緣故,所以随

歷史最早可以追溯到漢朝(前 202-220 年)。2 不過,在中國

着 1279 年宋朝的滅亡,這種紙幣也就在中國慢慢失去了其原



追捧,他們也願意花高價購入這些錢幣,所以有時候中國的銅 錢也會從國內流向這些周邊國家。比如日本就曾經大量進口過

蒙古人滅宋之後建立了元朝(1271-1368 年),白銀的地

宋代(960-1279 年)的銅錢,其數額之巨大還使得宋朝政府


不得不於 1199 年出臺了一項禁令,禁止錢幣再次出口到日本。


不過這項禁令收效甚微。到 1250 年,每年一共有 40 到 50 艘

貢品。1234 年(當時金朝還未被蒙古人所滅),蒙古人還實施


了用白銀繳納人頭稅的政策。馬可·波羅在其《馬可·波羅遊記》 一書中曾經提到過元朝所發行的紙幣,這種因此而聞名的紙幣



根據資料記載,1070 年宋朝政府的收入中,只有 7.3% 是白銀,


而剩下的 92% 都是銅錢。只有在沒有銅錢的時候,人們才會







整個元朝的統治時期,白銀價格相對金價翻了整整一倍。6 由於



一兩等於 37.5 克)。有些銀錠上面還刻有稅銀的字樣。


也就不可避免地造成了通貨膨脹,而通貨膨脹又進一步摧毀了 民眾對於紙幣的信心。

過去,中國同其他國家一樣,都把錢幣納入了商品流通體 系。在市場上,錢幣是以“重量”來進行交換和流通的。所以



易中所使用的白銀還是少之又少。1311 年,元朝政府下令禁止






沒有一下子增多,反倒是銅錢在 14 世紀 50 年代左右再一次回




Linsun Cheng 著《1897-1937 年間的近代中國銀行業——企業家、職業經理及中國銀行的發展》,2003 版,第 14 頁


R·馮·格萊芬著《財富的源泉——1000 到 1700 年間的中國貨幣與貨幣政策》1996 版,第 54 頁


同上,第 55 頁


同上,第 56 頁


同上,第 60 頁

64 《東亞泉志》第八期

Features 專題 了商品貿易的主要方式。中國的銀價(對比金價)在 1365 年

大幅度下滑。到 1505 年,隨着鑄幣廠的紛紛關閉,錢幣供應

達到了 1:4 的歷史最高點,而這個資料在 1350 年左右還僅僅


只是 1:10。


1492 年 明代(1368 -1644 年)銅錢又再次恢復使用,不過政府也 於 1375 年發行自己的紙幣,這種紙幣發行沒多久便開始貶值。

對很多歷史學家來說,1492 年不僅僅發生了把穆斯林從西



回地折騰了幾十年,一直到 1394 年明朝政府下令禁止硬幣流


通之後方才停止。隨後白銀價格飛漲,銀價上漲到了紙幣的 10


倍,穀價的 4 倍。商人們雖然是用金銀定價,但真正在交易中




換成對應的紙幣價格來進行交易。8 美洲的白銀流入遠東主要是通過以下三個途徑:走地中海 明朝早期的開國之君洪武(1368 -1398 年在位)和永樂皇


帝(在位時間 1402 -1424 年)都下令禁止使用白銀作為貨幣,

西洋到達遠東。16 世紀至 17 世紀早期,日本銀礦出產的白銀





年),白銀才在再次被用於繳納土地稅(1433 年)和支付軍 餉(1436 年)上面。15 世紀 30 年代,隨着明政府逐漸接納


使用白銀繳納賦稅,紙幣很快便退出了流通市場。到 15 世紀

國。1540 年,日本本州以西的岩美町發現了大量的白銀,從

初,白銀在中國經濟中已經佔據了統治地位。舉例來說,1456 年至 1644 年間,836 宗在惠州島(南直隸)進行的商業交易 都是以白銀作為結算和支付手段的。9 毫無疑問,白銀在這一 段時期的大宗商品交易中發揮了至關重要的作用。

那以後,就有大量來自福建南部泉州各港的船隻前來購買白銀。 自 1543 年葡萄牙人“偶然”發現了日本存在的銀礦以後,他 們就開始往來於寧波和九州之間,用中國的絲綢來換取日本的 白銀。中日戰爭的爆發更是幫了葡萄牙人的大忙,由於既能從 日本人手裡買到白銀又能把他們賣給中國人,這群葡萄牙人逐

15 世紀 30 年代,明政府接納了白銀作為繳納賦稅的手段

漸開始在中日貿易中佔據了統治地位。151557 年,中國政府禁

之後,紙幣很快便退出了流通市場。10 其中一個原因就是 1435


年宣德皇帝退位以後,明政府關閉了鑄幣廠,所以之後的 70

人也不允許在這片區域經商。16 從 1550 年到 1650 年這段時間

年一直沒有再生產過流通使用的硬幣。11 白銀在中國經濟中的


地位進一步得到提升,但是白銀在作為貨幣使用的時候都是未 經鑄造過的原始銀塊。銀塊的面值是由其本身的價值所決定的, 不過通過測量白銀的純度和重量來估計價值這個過程又非常緩 慢,再加上白銀裡面很容易摻假,所以新貨幣尤其是小額的輔 幣需要銅錢保持持續供應。1215 世紀早期,中國的銀礦如雨後 春筍一般冒了出來,其中大多數都集中在中國南部的雲南省。 雖然銀礦變多了,但是 15 世紀 30 年代之後,13 白銀的產量卻 7

同上,第 61 頁,69-70 頁


同上,第 73 頁


同上,第 76-77 頁,第 79 頁

菲律賓長期以來也一直是日本貿易體系中的一部分。據馬 尼拉 1575 年的史料記載,當時每年都有日本商船滿載貨物到 達當地,而其中白銀的數量不斷增多,這些白銀都是出自日本 那些多產的銀礦。據統計,自 1615 年至 1625 年間,日本一 共出口了 130000 到 160000 公斤的白銀,是當時世界其他國 家白銀出口總量的 40%。17


同上,第 79 頁


同上,第 76 頁


同上,第 83 頁


同上,第 114 頁 F · 布羅代爾著《世界視野——15 到 18 世紀的文明與資本主義》,第 3 卷,1949 年版,第 491 頁

14 15 16 17

R· 馮· 格萊芬,同上,第 116-118 頁 M· 格林伯格著《1800-1842 年的英國貿易與中國開放》,第 1951 年版,第 46 頁

H· 卡門著《帝國——西班牙是如何成為世界霸主的,1492-1763》,2003 版,第 213 頁

The eighth Issue of JEAN 65

Features 專題 除了日本,另一個向中國輸出白銀的就是新大陸。1571 年, 西班牙佔領呂宋島建立了馬尼拉,之後中國迅速抓住機會開始

際貿易中,用從印尼群島那裡得來的絲綢、瓷器以及香料換取 來自秘魯和墨西哥的白銀。18

向這座西班牙人的孤島輸出糧食。到 1580 年,中國商人在國 圖表 119 1344-1998 年的銀價(按 1998 年匯率折換成美元)及金銀兌換率

18 19

R· 馮 · 格萊芬,同上,第 118-119 頁


66 《東亞泉志》第八期

Features 專題 墨西哥城造幣廠在 1536 年打造了它的第一批銀幣。秘魯

銀礦被發現後只用了不到三年,當地的人口便增長到了 14000

利馬的第一批銀幣打造於 1568 年,而波多西則是在 1574 年。

人。到了 1570 年,這個數字更是增加到了 120000 人之多,

歷史上利馬的造幣廠開開關關不下數次。1540 到 1700 年期間,

使波多西成為了當時新、舊西班牙 21 領土上人口最為龐大的城

新大陸一共產出了約 5 萬噸的白銀,數量是歐洲白銀儲量的兩

鎮。在 16 世紀中期,西班牙生產的 70% 的白銀都是出自著名


的波多西銀礦,1550 到 1650 年期間,一共有 180 噸的黃金以


響。 下圖表 2 顯示了波多西的第一次美洲白銀繁榮的盛況,

及 16000 噸的白銀從新大陸被運往西班牙。與此同時,歐洲本

而 18 世紀末的第二次的墨西哥銀礦繁榮浪潮則比第一次來的

地的採礦業也在不斷發展着。1555 年,德國研究出的汞合金


技術大大提高了礦區的生產量。1572 到 1585 年,波多西應用 這項技術之後,其產量增長了整整 7 倍。221548 年,墨西哥的



年在波多西發現的塞羅裡科山(意為:富山)銀礦儲量更為龐大。 图表 2 23 1550-1800 年 波多西、墨西哥的白銀產量(單位:百萬比索 )

1552 年,第一批美洲新礦區產出的貨物到達了西班牙。從 這一年開始,進口美洲白銀的數量迅速增長,直到 16 世紀 90

大量的白銀被裝船穿越太平洋運往馬拉加用來和中國交易,但 這個數量依舊增長迅速。25

年代達到每年 700 萬盎司的頂峰。這一數值一直保持到 17 世 紀 20 年代,之後便迅速下降。17 世紀 30 年代,歐洲中心的

下面的圖表(來自耿愛德)顯示 432 年間世界上 82% 的

白銀年產量最高值也不過是每年 50 萬盎司。24 隨着經濟的發展,


越來越多的白銀被留在了印度群島,雖然到 1580 年,已經有

供給量的 36%。


H·卡門,同上,第 286 頁


R·戴維斯著《大西洋經濟的崛起》,1973 版,第 52 頁


H·卡門,同上,第 286-287 頁


F·布羅代爾,同上,第 422 頁


R·戴維斯,同上,第 96 頁


同上,第 157-158 頁

The eighth Issue of JEAN 67

Features 專題 表 1 26 1493-1925 年世界白銀產量(千盎司) 時間



























200,000 364,297




理查·馮·格萊恩估算 16 世紀 90 年代中國從新大陸進口


的白銀總量約有 100 萬比索。1 比索等於 0.75 兩白銀。他還

其他國家高,但到 18 世紀中期,這種獲利的方式就被套利交

估計 1572-1600 年從馬尼拉出口到中國的白銀總量應該不少於


584000 千克,約占當時秘魯白銀總產量的 7.5%。27

1600 年 另外,16、17 世紀歐洲也從美洲進口了大量的黃金和白銀。 他們把黃金留下,然後又把大多數的白銀重新出口到亞洲。16

17 世紀前 30 多年,每年有 250000-265000 千克的白銀流


入中國。33 每年至少有 15 噸白銀(總計 3000 噸)在阿卡普爾

群島流入中國。1565 年西班牙佔領了菲律賓群島,馬尼拉變


成了西班牙對東亞貿易的中心。28 來自墨西哥的銀幣成為了西

是從秘魯出發的。25% 美洲出產的白銀被裝船穿越太平洋去進



期望能從他們向中國出口白銀的貿易中分得一杯羹。美洲的白 銀就這樣刺激了亞洲經濟的發展。在到達巔峰時期的 1597 年,


從阿卡普爾科運往馬尼拉的白銀總量更是達到了 1200 萬比索,



業投機這些負面影響。中國經濟成為了以塞維利亞為中心的世 界經濟的一部分。17 世紀中期幾十年間的大西洋經濟嚴重衰退


以及 19 世紀晚期日本和菲律賓白銀流入的中斷即便不是主要


原因,也是導致 17 世紀 40 年代大明王朝衰落的原因之一。35


危機論還表明 17 世紀的中國經濟同其 21 世紀的經濟狀況很相

年到 17 世紀早期,廣州黃金兌換白銀的匯率為 1:5.5 到 1:7,


而西班牙的匯率則為 1:12.5 到 1:14,也就是說白銀在中國的



低了資本的價格(即利率),進而造成了如房地產一類的資本 繁榮。而經濟也形成了依賴於從外流入白銀的危險境地。實際

18 世紀下半葉,中國的金銀價格比達到 1:10 的時候,歐洲

上,有一個理論說中國太過依賴流入的白銀,一旦如 17 世紀

的商船會從中國購買黃金,然後把這些黃金運到歐洲以 1:15 的

40、50 年代一樣,白銀流入減緩,就會造成經濟緊縮。而這


金銀價格比購買白銀,這樣一轉手便可以收穫 50% 的利潤。



E·耿愛德著《中國貨幣論》,第二版,1975 年,第 201 頁


R·馮·格萊芬同上,第 135 頁


郝延平著《19 世紀中國商業革命》,1986 年,第 135 頁


H·卡門,同上,第 213 頁


貢德·弗蘭克著《白銀資本:重視經濟全球化中的東方》,1998 年,第 135 頁


R·馮·格萊芬,同上,第 133 頁


D·H·利文著《白銀貨幣》,1939 年,第 86 頁


R·馮·格萊芬,同上,第 4 頁


貢德·弗蘭克,同上,第 145 頁


R·馮·格萊芬,同上,第 5 頁


同上,第 4 頁

68 《東亞泉志》第八期

Features 專題 還有其他諸如“近代早期典範”的理論表明大量白銀的流






益,因為它迫使中國做出改變以適應其長期以來一直與之隔絕 1610 年,美洲波多西的白銀產量達到了頂峰。波多西白銀


產量的地位在當時變得極其重要,1620 年,在皇家法令的規 中國 17 世紀時在政治和經濟上都經歷了起起伏伏,這其中

定下,金銀價格比由 1:11.5 上調到了 1:16, 這其中很大一部分

有的是出於自身的原因,有的則是自己無法掌控因素。17 世紀

都是拜波多西巨大的白銀產量所賜。43 秘魯白銀產量的下降則

20 年代,荷蘭人試圖從西班牙人以及葡萄牙人手中奪過中國市


場。1622 年在從葡萄牙人手中奪取澳門的行動失敗後,荷蘭人

礦產量在 17 世紀後期開始超越了秘魯(見 17 頁表 2)。44 不過,


同樣重要的還有 1660 年之後的礦業復興,1690 年銀礦的產量

趕到了臺灣。到了臺灣的荷蘭人在 1623-1624 以及 1626 年之

超過了之前產量的最高值,之後在 1770 年,其產量更是翻了


後(除了 1631-1632 年),下令全面禁止同明朝的貿易。 為


了阻止明朝擁護者的活動,1644 年建立的清政府下令禁止海上


貿易。但這項禁令並沒有終止白銀繼續流入中國。17 世紀 40

個原因則是 17 世紀 90 年代大量從墨西哥發掘的黃金湧入歐洲,

到 50 年代這一段時間裡,從日本進口的白銀數量浮動在每年


40000 千克上下(不過這只是 17 世紀 20 年代的白銀流入量的 一半 38)。清政府於 1661 年下令關閉了對外貿易的港口,這 一舉措使得中國出現了嚴重的白銀短缺局面。


17 世紀 50 年代起,白銀的外流以及銀礦的逐年損耗給日 本的白銀供應帶來了壓力。1658-1665 年,日本每年的白銀平 均出口量為 76000 千克。1672-1683 年,這一數字下降到每年


23191 千克。在 1662 年明朝忠臣鄭成功(國姓爺)將荷蘭人




業上更多了決定性的競爭優勢。1661-1684 年,日本進口貨物


的商船有 62% 來自中國,荷蘭船隻的比例則只有 32%。46

17 世紀 20 年代起連續向亞洲運輸了數百萬盎司的白銀。401601 年,東印度公司成立之後,英國的對華貿易開始迅速增長。在

1683 年,康熙帝(1661-1722 年在位)打敗鄭克塽收復了

開始經營的前 23 年裡(1601-1624 年),東印度公司一共向

臺灣之後,於 1684 年解除了禁止海上貿易的法令。從這一直

中國輸送了 753336 英鎊的白銀,其中大多數都是西班牙銀幣。

到 19 世紀早期,清代早期因為內亂而發展受到約束的對外貿

1710-1759 年這段時間裡,東印度公司的對華白銀輸出總量為


26883614 英鎊之多,其中大多數的白銀都被用來購買了中國

了前所未有的擴張和發展景象,在之後的 75 年裡,歐洲商人

的茶葉。411664 年,運往英國的茶葉還只有 2 磅 2 盎司,但到


了 1783 年,這一數量卻上漲到了 5875882 磅。東印度公司壟

便是在 1757-1842 年廣州體系執行期間,雖然名義上商業貿易

斷對華貿易的最後幾年裡(其壟斷地位於 1833 年終止),英


國的茶葉進口總量達到了 3000 萬磅。茶葉貿易的重要地位使



同上,第 123 頁


同上,第 227 頁


同上,第 135 頁


R·戴維斯,同上,第 96-97 頁


M·格林伯格,同上,第 6 頁


同上,第 3 頁


小 F·克雷格《秘魯總督轄地硬幣——一部概述》,摘自《秘魯錢幣》(W ·L·畢肖夫編著),1987 年,第 7 頁


J·H·埃利奧特著《大西洋帝國——1492-1830 年的英國及西班牙在美洲杯的殖民地》,2006 年,第 227-228 頁


R·戴維斯,同上,第 171 頁


R·馮·格萊芬,同上,第 226、228 頁


郝延平,同上,第 3、15 頁

The eighth Issue of JEAN 69

Features 專題 卡伯 很難指出中國白銀上面出現戳記的具體時間,但是估計


約在 1680 年前後或是更早。1971 年在福建發現的並在 Coin

的玉米穗錢幣,所以覺得這些錢幣是珍品。49 之後從 1986 年

Hoards 上面報道的 4 個小型的藏品可以證明這一點。48Joe


Cribb 的文章中到了 20 世紀 70 年代早期發現的 4 個非常相似


的藏品。所有從 17 世紀早期到晚期的藏品上都有墨西哥玉米


穗的圖案。Cribb 推測這些銀幣最有可能是來自馬尼拉商人,



商之一的 Daniel Sedwic 推測,可能是拿着金屬探測器的錢幣


業餘愛好者們在過去的 20 年裡大量發現了這種錢幣的緣故。

1665 年之前,還有一枚發行於 1678 年(看不見硬幣上面的年

下圖就是一項出現在 2011 Daniel F. Sedwick 藏品拍賣上的卡



圖 3 很多面值為 50 的墨西哥城卡伯幣上面都有戳記或者邊緣缺失。這都只是 2011 年 10 月 25 號 Daniel F. Sedwick 眾多拍品中的一項。拍賣會上同時售出的還有其他幾百 枚戳記幣。圖片來源於 Daniel F. Sedwick, LLC. 對於戳記幣的收藏家來說,收藏卡伯錢幣可算是一種挑戰。 很多這種錢幣都是品相欠佳,有的沒有日期,有的有刻痕,有

這種戳記幣。很明顯,帶有可識別日期的錢幣要比沒有日期的 毛坯硬幣要受歡迎的多。

的還有被腐蝕過的痕跡。因為這種錢幣的種類太多(出自好幾 家造幣廠的各個世紀的硬幣都有),所以想要收集一套完整



記最為普遍,樣式同樣很簡單。戳記通常是 3-5 畫(如“天”



些。全美國就只有不到 1000 名真正的卡伯錢幣收集者,其中 大多數還都不會收集戳記幣。所以現在這種戳記幣的供應量豐



面是一頭獅子以及十字架,1556 年發行,直到 1733 年柱形錢




J ·E ·克裏布《中國福建發現的大量 17 世紀西班牙銀幣》,摘自《錢幣寶藏》,皇家錢幣學會 1977 年出版,第 180-184 頁


F ·M·羅斯著《戳記》,1987 年,第 17 頁


第 10 場 Daniel F. Sedwick, LLC 拍賣會 566 號拍品,舉辦日期 2011 年 12 月 25 日,


70 《東亞泉志》第八期

Features 專題 1607 年墨西哥盾牌(正面),獅子與十字架(背面)

圖 4 墨西哥 1659 八裏亞爾銀幣,KM-45, R-7

1659 年秘魯耶路撒冷十字架(正面),支柱和波浪(背面) 秘魯的卡伯錢幣是由 1659 年秘魯耶路撒冷十字架(正面),支柱和波浪(背面)開始的。下面的圖片是利馬的四裡亞爾。注 意硬幣正面較大的測試戳記。

圖 5 秘魯 1696 年利馬四裡亞爾 KM-23, R-6 偶尔会有稀有的幣流入中國,它們在被打上戳記後避免了被熔掉的命运,从而讓錢幣收藏者們得以將它們珍藏。1684 年的教 皇國比索很可能是最稀有、最罕見的硬幣了,如下圖所示,它的反面正中有两個“卍”字戳記。這枚幣是弗蘭克·羅斯的藏品, 並在他的書《戳記》中有出現。我認為這枚幣應該是在 19 世紀被打上戳記的。

圖 6 1684 年的教皇國罗马比索(种类:花环下标注年份), R-1

The eighth Issue of JEAN 71

Features 專題 1672 年尼德兰(荷兰)馬劍銀幣 在歐洲早期對中國的貿易中,荷蘭商人非常的活躍。成立

荷蘭於 1659 年鑄造了第一批的“銀騎士”,接下來幾個世紀,

于 1602 年的荷蘭東印度公司 (1795 年停业 ) 是最早在遠東推

其他荷蘭省份也相繼發行了類似的銀幣。這些銀幣重 32.9 克,


含銀量 94.4%,大都在 1794 年左右停產,幣面上很難見到戳記。





這種面值為 3 荷兰盾的幣始鑄於 1721 年,比 1 荷兰盾的铸造



銀幣還是本地的老公銀上通常都帶有重複的戳記圖案,如下麵 圖中帶“上”字戳記的 ½ 杜卡通(大馬劍)銀幣。曾博士認

第二種幣的背面与第一种类似,正面是一個持劍和地方盾 牌的騎士。 第三種幣是馬背上的騎士即“荷蘭騎士”。

為這種戳記要麼是一種防偽標記(這種重複戳記通常是平行排 列),要麼就只是錢幣兌換處從顧客——很可能是外國顧客那 裡額外獲利的一種方法。被打上戳記的銀幣會慢慢壞掉,不願



ringgit 的名字就是由裡克斯元演化而來的)是常用的貿易幣之





圖 7 荷蘭澤蘭省 1773 年 ½ 杜卡通(大馬劍)銀幣,KM-102,R-4




該是經歷了很長時間(有可能是 10 年左右)、大量地流入臺





概在 1890 年左右)可能在臺灣流通的銀幣,以及這些錢幣當 時在臺灣兌換處的中文名稱及含銀量。關於含銀量的記載是一

荷蘭盾銀幣上鮮有戳記發現。這種鑄造於 18 世紀的錢幣


也出現在了約成書於 1890 年的這本冊子上,這表示當時這種


銀幣曾大量流入臺灣。下圖就是書中的 3 荷蘭盾的圖片。

72 《東亞泉志》第八期

Features 專題

圖 8 尼德蘭——烏德勒支 1763 年 3 荷蘭盾,KM-117,R-3

1582 年,西班牙設立了一間軋鋼廠並開始在塞戈維亞造幣


廠生產圓形錢幣。接下來的 10 年間,西班牙其他造幣廠紛紛



趣又極為稀有的螺旋壓力機錢幣:一枚 1761 年馬德里生產的 4 雷亞爾西班牙銀幣。但美洲的西班牙殖民地在生產新型的柱

1700 年,一間塞維利亞的造幣廠引進了一台螺旋壓力機,


由此帶來了造幣技術上的一項重大革新。1709 年,馬德里造

圖 9 1761 年西班牙馬德里 J.P 4 雷亞爾,KM-396.1, R-3

The eighth Issue of JEAN 73

Features 專題 1732 年墨西哥雙柱銀元 西班牙的柱狀銀元是世界上最漂亮的錢幣之一。雖然當時

半身像 8 雷亞爾銀元得以在全世界進行流通。這也就造成了現


在高品質 8 雷亞爾雙柱銀元樣幣非常常見的現象(其中很多錢







銀量下降到了 91.67%(銀幣重量 27.064 克),純銀淨含量


為 24.8 克。雖然當時機製打磨幣在西班牙已經生產了一段時

24 年的卡伯幣,直到 1767 年,波多西才開始生產打磨幣,但

間,但美洲的墨西哥城還是到了 1732 年才首次生產類似的錢

卡伯幣的直到 6 年之後,即 1773 年才停止,比利馬生產最後

幣,由於和西班牙本土使用了不同 的樣式,所以這種錢幣也

一批雙柱銀幣還要晚一年。51 因此,玻利維亞雙柱銀元生產的



圍繞的兩個地球圖案。地球代表新、舊世界,雙柱代表“海格 力斯之柱”,即西班牙和南非之間海峽兩側的山峰,這片海峽




“PLUS VLTRA”(意為:海外另有天地),錢幣銘文中的箴


言 VTRAQUE VNUM(合二為一)意為一統新、舊兩個世界。

各樣有趣戳記的 8 雷亞爾並不罕見,真正難得的是那種兼有大、


小、陰、陽四種戳記錢幣。通常一枚錢幣上只有很多小的陰文 戳記,或者只有很多大戳記沒有小戳記。早期肖像銀元(18 世

此外,西班牙 1728 年(及 1750 年)頒佈法令,將金銀兌

紀 70、80 年代)也是如此,幣面上帶有很多小型的戳記。一

換比率設定為 1:16,而當時世界各地使用的比率多為 1:15.03


和 1:15.2,這使得將黃金運往西班牙兌換白銀變成了一項可以


獲利的生意。這 其中的差價損害了西班牙的經濟,並成為了導 致其最終衰落的一個原因。但這也使得雙柱 8 雷亞爾及之後的


小 F·克雷格,同上,第 15-16 頁

74 《東亞泉志》第八期


Column 專欄

The 50-Sen Coin of 1874 By Bowker F. Howard (USA) In the book entitled “Japanese Coinage” by Jacobs and

In the Japanese language volume entitled “Kahei Enkaku

Vermeule, published in 1853 by the “Numismatic Review”,

Zuroku” (An Illustrated History of Japanese Government

coins dated Meiji 7 (1874) and 8 (1875), which is quoted

1874 and 109 in 1875. This work is by Tsukamoto Toyojiro,

there is a footnote on page 99 regarding the 50-sen silver herewith:

“Coins dated Meiji 7 and Meiji 8 are fabrications; usually

coins of other dates with altered inscriptions. No authentic

specimens have been seen, though they are on every dealer’s

buying list.” This categorical statement is misleading, for there is abundant proof that at least the Meiji 7 coins were struck,

Coins), it is stated that 95,304 50-sen coins were minted in an official of the Osaka Mint, where the coins were minted,

was published in 1921 and is listed under number J-49 in A.B. Coole’s “A Bibliography on Far Eastern Numismatics”.

The record therein for Meiji 6 (1873) to Meiji 18 (1885)

may be of interest:

and it is highly probable that this is true of these of Meiji 8.

Meiji 9 (1876)

Meiji 10 (1877)

Meiji 11 (1878)

Meiji 13 (1880)

Meiji 18 (1885)










Meiji 6 (1873) Meiji 7 (1874) Meiji 8 (1875) 3,447,733


R Total 4,138,884

Jacobs & Vermeule give the minting as follows: Meiji 6 (1873) Meiji 7 (1874) Meiji 8 (1875) 3,543,146



Meiji 9 (1876)

Meiji 10 (1877)

Meiji 11 (1878)

Meiji 13 (1880)

Meiji 18 (1885)








ER Total 4,138,884

It will be noted that the totals given by both Tsukamoto

and Jacobs &Vermeule are the same for the years 1873 to

1885 inclusive, despite the fact that the former’s total is given in his book as 4,139,844, apparently an error in addition or

merely poor proofreading. Reference to Tsukamoto’s “The Old and New Coins of Japan” (Coole’s Number W 88), the English condensed version of the original Japanese complete work

entitled “Nihon Kaheishi” (Coole’s number J-111) confirms only the above given total mintage for the years 1873-1878 and 1880-1885 in the former work and only for the years

1873-1878 in the latter publication. Neither give an annual

break-down, only totals. No 50-sen coins were minted from Meiji 19 (1886) to Meiji 29 (1896) inclusive. It is difficult

to understand Jacob’s statistics on the annual mintings for

certainly they were not obtained from either of Tsukamoto’s publications, although in his Preface Vermeule credits

Tsukamoto by saying “This present work draws considerable

from these two, especially the Japanese edition of the latter,

but contains some revisions......” If the “revisions” included his statistics for Meiji 7, it will be shown that here it is incorrect. So much forw the bibliographical aspects of whether or

not minted in 1874 and 1875. However, it can be positively

affirmed that 50-sen coins were struck dated Meiji 7, so now

to the practical matter as to whether or not they actually exist as denied in the paragraph quoted above.

In 1959 I was engaged in arranging and attributing all the

Smithsonian Institution’s East Asian coin collection. There I found a specimen of the 50-sen of Meiji 7. It was contained in an old manila envelope together with a blank black card

upon which at sometime in the past it had apparently been exhibited. Many similar cases were also present in which

silver coins had acquired black deposits from contact with the similar cards.

The eighth Issue of JEAN 75

Column 專欄 It originally been a beautiful specimen with proof like

It seem reasonable to suppose that at least some of the

surfaces, but the black card on which it had been exhibited in

95,304 50-sen coins struck in Meiji 7 may have been minted

impossible to guess which, had greatly impaired its condition.

7 coins it seems highly probable that most of them were dated

Philadelphia or Washington and stored in Washington, it was Being aware that some years ago the United States Mint at

Philadelphia had transferred coins to the Smithsonian, and playing a hunch that this coin had a some time been in the Mint Collection, I referred to a copy of the “Catalogue of

Coins, Tokens, and Medals in the Numismatic Collection of the Mint of the United States at Philadelphia, Pa.2”, 1914

edition, and on page 563 I found that the Mint indeed had had a specimen of the “50 sen, 1874.” Doubtless this coin

had been received from the Japanese Government, perhaps for exhibition at the United States Centennial Exhibition in

Philadelphia in 1876,and then had been deposited in the Mint Collection, and was one of the specimens recorded in this volume.

from dies dated Meiji 6, and in view of the rarity of the Meiji

Meiji 6. This practice of mints striking coins dated a year prior is quite common. Tsukamoto’s enumeration of 109 having

been struck in Meiji 8 seems reasonable in view of its extreme rarity, which is probably on a par with that of these of Meiji 7. It would seem that Jacobas and Vermeule’s “revisions”

quoted above were made to substantiate their presumption

that “none” were minted for the years Meiji 7 and 8, as Jacobs and Vermeule’s total of 3,543,146 for Meiji 6 exactly agrees with the total number of coins struck for Meiji 6, 7 and 8 according to Tsukamoto.

The writer would be pleased to hear from any collector

who has specimen of the 50-sen dated Meiji 7 or 8. Address

communications to 1716 Gouldin Road, Oakland 11, California.

76 《東亞泉志》第八期

Column 專欄

1874 年日本 50 錢銀幣 霍華德·佛蘭克林·包克(美國) 由雅各和沃爾繆勒合著的《日本錢幣》一書(由《錢幣評論》 雜誌出版於 1953 年 ) 第 99 頁的注釋中,記載了明治七年(1874

的錢幣是確實鑄造過的,而明治八年的錢幣很有可能也是真實 存在的。

年)及明治八年(1875 年)的 50 錢銀幣的一些內容: 日語版《圖說日本政府錢幣》一書中提到(95)304 號 50 明治七年和明治八年的錢幣通常是由其他年份的錢幣改鑄

錢銀幣鑄造於 1874 年,而 109 號 50 錢銀幣的鑄造時間為 1875


年。該書出版於 1921 年,在 A.B. 庫勒《遠東錢幣參考書目》


一書中的編號為 J-49,作者塚本豐次郎是大阪造幣廠的一位管 理人員,而上面提到的那些錢幣就是在這家造幣廠鑄造的。下



明治六年 1873 年

明治七年 1874 年

明治八年 1875 年

明治九年 1876 年

明治十年 1877 年









明治十一年 明治十三年 明治十八年 1878 年 1880 年 1885 年 184,253



R 共計: 413.8844 萬枚

但雅各 & 沃爾繆勒給出的數據是:

明治六年 1873 年

明治七年 1874 年

明治八年 1875 年

明治九年 1876 年

明治十年 1877 年






明治十一年 明治十三年 明治十八年 1878 年 1880 年 1885 年 無



ER 共計: 413.8844 萬枚

值得一提的是 , 在 1873-1885 年鑄造的錢幣總量上 , 塚本




錢幣總量標注為 413.9844 萬枚,但這明顯是標注錯誤或是校


對不當導致的。塚本《日本新舊貨幣》(庫勒編號 W88)的英


文減縮版《日本貨幣史》(庫勒編號 J-111)印證了《遠東錢 幣 參 考 書 目》 中 1873-1878 及 1880-1885 年 期 間 鑄 幣 總 量 為

所以這幾本書的主要分歧就是 1874 年和 1875 年究竟有沒

413.9844 萬枚,而雅各及沃爾繆勒一書中只有 1873-1978 年的

有鑄造過 50 錢銀幣。明治七年確實鑄造過 50 錢的銀幣,這一



具體的年度鑄造量。而明治十九年(1886 年 ) 到明治二十九年

所以現在的實際問題就是:這種明治七年 50 錢銀幣究竟是不

(1896 年)間並沒有鑄造過這種 50 錢銀幣。雅各的數據讓人費解。


因為儘管沃爾繆勒曾在序言部分稱讚過塚本,說:“本書從塚 本的兩本書尤其是後一本書的日文版中引用頗多,只是做了一

我曾在 1959 年參與過史密森學會東亞錢幣藏品的整理和分

The eighth Issue of JEAN 77

Column 專欄 類工作。期間,我發現了一枚明治七年的 50 錢銀幣樣幣。這



七年(95)304 號 50 錢銀幣。而鑒於明治七年錢幣的稀有程度,




年錢幣的做法是造幣廠的慣例。明治八年的錢幣也是極為稀有 的,其稀有度可能與明治七年的錢幣不相上下,因此塚本書中


明治八年的鑄造量為 109 枚的記載似乎是比較合理的。

准精鑄幣。錢幣上的黑色卡片表明該錢幣曾在費城或華盛頓展 覽並在華盛頓儲存過,但無法得知錢幣上的嚴重損傷究竟是什

因為雅各和沃爾繆勒書中“明治六年鑄造了 354 萬 3146 枚”






七、八年沒有鑄造 50 錢銀幣的猜測是正確的。

藏品目錄(第二部分)》一書(1914 年), 並在第 563 頁上找 到了該造幣廠曾於 1874 年鑄造過這種 50 錢銀幣樣幣的確切記

手中藏有明治七、八年 50 錢銀幣樣幣的藏家如果能提供



能是為了參加 1876 年的費城世博會,世博會之後這枚錢幣就

奧克蘭 11,古爾丁路 1716 號)。

被送到美國造幣廠收藏,所以這枚錢幣就是書中記載的那批樣 幣中的一枚。

78 《東亞泉志》第八期


Column 專欄

VOC/C Countermarks on Tian Qi Tong Bao and Chong Zhen Tong Bao Coins of the Ming Dynasty Che-lu Tseng (USA) Cash coins cast in China such as Tian Qi Tong Bao and

Chong Zhen Tong Bao, were countermarked VOC/C on the reverse. The abbreviation "VOC" stands for "Vereenigde Oost-Indische Compagnie", also known as "the Dutch

East Indies Company" referred to by the British, with the letter “C” above to indicate Colombo or "Dutch Mint of

Colombo". It's unknown whether the letter "C" in large or small fonts may be related to the difference of the stamp tools and dates of manufacture.

It's rather rare to find old Chinese coins

countermarked the number and address of companies. For example, the number of ancient Chinese coins

countermarked VOC that are stored in the library of Sri

Lanka and private collections is no more than 10 pieces.

Due to spatio-temporal factors in its history, these ancient Chinese coins appeared in the Southern Islands.

From the 16th to the 19th century, silver coins, mostly

Pic. 1 The Tian Qi Tong Bao coin

Spanish silver coins from all around South America,

were primarily used in world trade of bulk commodities between Eastern and Western traders. These coins with

adequate silver content were identified by countermarking various brand or image characters in Eastern trade. The ancient Chinese copper coins were mainly used in small commodity trade.

As the exquisite copper coins of the Ming dynasty were

so popular in the South China Sea islands, and the supply was insufficient to meet the demand, Nagasaki trade

coins were cast by imitating copper coins of the Northern Song dynasty in Japan - coins of the Momoyama period by Yongle Tong Bao. Why did the people in Ceylon (Sri

Lanka), a faraway oriental country, accept the two coins of the Ming dynasty countermarked VOC for use by the

Vereenigde Oost-Indische Compagnie? Some reasoning in

Pic. 2 Chong Zhen Tong Bao coin

accordance with its historical inheritance and continuity are as follows:

First, remote causes were listed. Since the Han

dynasty, fragmented records exist about the shipping routes of the South China Sea. Relative to the Tang

Dynasty, there is a book titled Geography Records of The New

Book of Tang History (Volume Two, Part Seven), in which

Pic. 3 Persian, silver and countermarked VOC/C

The eighth Issue of JEAN 79

Column 專欄 the routes to foreign Countries were recorded in detail

at that time. One of these sea routes was known as "Sea Route from Guangzhou to Foreign Countries", starting

from Guangzhou, through the Indo - China Peninsula, the Malay Peninsula, the Malacca Strait, India Ocean, and Ceylon (present day Sri Lanka), to the Persian Gulf.

When the Song dynasty was initially established, the

Tubo Kingdom and the Western Xia Kingdom were located in the northwest. The Gansu Corridor section was blocked. The "sixteen prefectures of Yanyun" (16 states located to

the north of Beijing and Tianjin, Shanxi, Hebei Provinces)


were ceded to the Liao and Jing dynasties in the north. Therefore, the Song court actively developed overseas

transport and set up local customs office. The outflow of

countries. In the fourteenth year of the Yongle Reign (1416),

in the advanced ship trading caused price increases and

called Ying Yai Sheng Lan. He expanded and modified his

the Chinese copper cash that was a medium of exchange

financial difficulties. The Song and Yuan courts repeatedly prohibited the export of the copper coins. According to

the book titled A Brief Record of the Island Barbarians, the

Chinese copper coins were also used in Cochin and Java. In the early Ming dynasty (1405-1433), Zheng He led

Ma Huan began writing a book about their expedition

draft in thirty-five years; the final version was ready in the second year of the Jingtai Reign. The following are some examples of the global trading currencies in circulation according to this book.

In Java, ancient Chinese copper coins were used

seven expeditions to the Western Ocean. From the third

by many rich barbarians in their trade. It was also

goods like silk and porcelain, the fleets brought a large

the Western Ocean Countries. The Chinese goods favored

year of the Yongle Reign (1405), in addition to the major amount of copper coins of the Ming dynasty, which were

given as a reward to the states in the South China Sea and the Western Ocean. A recent report that numerous Yong le Tong Bao coins were unearthed from the ship at the

bottom of the South Ocean can prove it. The stone tablet erected by Zheng He in the second month of the seventh

year of the Yongle Reign Period was stored in the Colombo Museum of Sri Lanka.

In the second year of the Jingtai Reign Period

(1451), Ma Huan finished a book titled The Overall Survey of the Ocean's Shores (Ying Yai Sheng Lan). Ma Huan,

courtesy name Zongdao or Ruqin, pen name Mountainwoodcutter, was a Muslim who was born in Zhejiang's Kuaiji Commandery. He was a translator in the Ming

dynasty who understood Arabic. In the eleventh (1413)

recorded in another book titled Records of Tributes from

by the Javanese, such as blue and white porcelain, musk, shameuse, satin, and burning beads, were traded for

copper coins. The king of Java often sent fleets loaded with tribute of local products to the imperial court.

In the Country of Champa (present day southern

Vietnam), they used pale gold or silver coins, seventy

percent pure, in transactions. In the country of Palembang (present day Palembang of Indonesia), the Chinese copper coins, cloth and silk were traded in the market. Local

products were also paid as tributes to the imperial court. In the Country of Siam (present day Thailand), cowrie shells

(cypraea moneta) were extensively used as currency as an alternative to gold, silver, or copper coins.

In the Country of Ceylon, the gold coins used by the

and nineteenth (1421) year of the Yongle Reign Period,

King weighed one fen six li. Gems and peals were bartered

Huan accompanied Zheng He on three expeditions to

dish and bowl, copper coins, and camphor. The king

took notes about the routes, geography, King, politics,

treasure ships as tributes to the imperial court.

and the sixth year of the Xuande Reign Period (1431), Ma

for the popular goods such as Chinese musk, satin, celadon

the Western Oceans. During their expeditions, Ma Huan

often sent missions carrying gems and peals loaded onto

customs, culture, languages, character, climate, products, technology, trade, currencies, and wildlife of the twenty

80 《東亞泉志》第八期

In the country of Su-men-ta-la or Samudra, gold and

tin coins were used. The foreign name for the gold coin

Column ĺ°ˆćŹ„ was ti-na-ehr (i.e. dinar). They used pale gold of seventy

1660, no foreign silver or copper coins were allowed to

inscription at the bottom has a diameter of five fen, and

property to buy the Chinese copper coins as their petty

percent purity for its fabrication. Each coin with an

weighs three fen and five li on our official standard. The

foreign name for the tin coin was chia-shih (cash), and in all their trading they regularly used tin. It means that a

tradition of using Chinese copper cash in the South Ocean lasted for two or three centuries.

Second, there are some proximate causes. Colombo

fell in 1656 and the Portuguese were finally driven out of

the Island by the Dutch, according to the official records, on October 23, 1660 (Ceylon coin & Currency by H.W.

Codrington in Colombo in 1924). After November 8th,

circulate unless countermarked VOC. The Dutch used their cash.

The Tian Qi Tong Bao coin (1621-1627) (Pic. 1) and

Chong Zhen Tong Bao coin (1628 - 1644) (Pic.2) were countermarked VOC/C. One piece of the copper coin

equalled one doit. Eight doits equalled one Stuiver, which was a formerly used unit of value of the Netherlands

equal to 1/20 gulden or 5 Dutch cents. The third coin is a Persian Safavid abbasi of Abbas II (1642-1666] in silver

and countermarked VOC/C. These three coins are all from Stephen Album Rare Coins - Auction 15.

The picture of Zheng He led expeditions to the Western Ocean

The eighth Issue of JEAN 81

Column 專欄

明代天啟通寶和崇禎通寶銅錢加蓋戳印 VOC/C 探析 曾澤祿(美國) 天啟通寶及崇禎通寶背雲等二枚小平錢背有加蓋戳印 VOC, 上 面 多 加 一 個“C” 字。VOC(Vereenigde OostIndische Compagnie)聯合東印度公司,英國稱它為荷蘭東印 度公司。C 字是地名錫蘭之 Colombo 市,或意指 Dutch Mint of Colombo。這個 C 字有大小字,是否是指時間之不同,或戳 印工具之不同,不得而知。 在中國歷代古錢被加蓋公司行號及地名並不多見。如,有 戳印局部

VOC 加蓋的中國歷代錢,在錫蘭博物館及私人藏品出現不超過 10 枚。中國歷代錢幣所以出現在南國島嶼,當然有它之歷史時 空背景的理由。 16-19 世紀世界貿易東西二方大宗貿易多以銀錢為主,最 多是南美洲各地之西班牙銀幣,如到東方來貿易常被戳印不同 字型大小或形象文字,為的是證明它是銀量夠真品無誤,小宗 交易則以中國歷代銅錢為主。

圖 1 天啟通寶

蓋因明代錢製作銅質精緻,鄰近南海諸國樂於使用,又因 供需不平衡情況下,才有日本仿北宋銅錢之長崎貿易錢,日本 桃山時代(1587)仿明代之永樂通寶等。為什麼這二枚明代 錢遠在錫蘭會被人民樂於接受,及被荷蘭東印度公司蓋上戳印 VOC 而確認可流通使用。當然有它的歷史承繼性及延續性之脈 絡可尋,可推理如下: 一 遠因。從漢代起,南海航線就有片斷零散記載,但到了


唐代,《新唐書·地理志》(七下)就有相關當時“入四夷之 路”之詳細記載,其中海路之一是“廣州通夷道”。從中可以 知道從廣州出發,經過中南半島、馬來半島,通過麻六甲海峽, 進入印度洋,經過錫蘭(斯里蘭卡),進入波斯灣。 到了宋朝立國時,西北是吐蕃、西夏,河西走廊被遮斷, 在北方是遼金佔有燕、雲十六州。故宋朝便積極地開展海外交 通事業,設市舶司。海舶貿易發達,多以中國銅錢為交換物, 銅錢大量外溢,造成物價上漲財政困難。宋、元二代曾三令五

圖 2 崇禎通寶

申禁止銅錢出口。又《島夷志略》記載,交趾與瓜哇都使用中 國銅錢。 明代鄭和下西洋七次(1405-1433)。自永樂三年(1405) 開始,船隊除了攜帶絲織品和瓷器主要物品外,還帶了大量明 代銅錢,用以回賜南海西洋諸國王侯。近由南洋海底沉船大量 永樂通寶銅錢出土報告可引證。現存錫蘭(斯里蘭卡)可倫坡 博物館有鄭和樹立石碑,時間是永樂七年二月。

82 《東亞泉志》第八期

圖 3 波斯銀幣加蓋 VOC/C

Column 專欄 明《瀛涯勝覽》一書,馬歡著,成書於景泰二年(1451 年)。 馬歡,字宗道、汝欽,號會稽山樵,浙江會稽(今紹興)回族 人,明代通事(翻譯官),通阿拉伯語,曾隨鄭和於永樂十一 年(1413 年)、永樂十九年(1421 年)及宣德六年(1431 年) 三次下西洋。馬歡將鄭和下西洋時親身經歷的二十國的航路、 地理、國王、政治、風土、人文、語言、文字、氣候、物產、 工藝、交易、貨幣和野生動植物等狀況紀錄下來,從永樂十四 年(1416 年)開始著書《瀛涯勝覽》,經過 35 年修改和整理 在景泰二年定稿。這本書有描述各國貨幣使用交易之情況,就 擇例如下: VOC 石刻

爪哇國,中國歷代銅錢通行使用。番人殷富甚多,買賣交 易俱用中國歷代銅錢(又注:另一本書《西洋朝貢典錄》亦如 此記載),國人最喜中國青花瓷器,並麝香、花絹、紵絲、燒 珠之類,則用銅錢買易。國王常差頭目船隻將方物貢獻朝廷。

二 近因。西元 1656 年,荷蘭佔有錫蘭,征服了葡萄牙 人。 依 官 方 記 載 1660 年 10 月 23 日 之 公 告(Ceylon coin &


Currency by H.W. Codrington, Colombo 1924)。於 1660 年


11 月 8 日之後,任何外國銀幣或銅幣要有 VOC 之標記,才能






天啟通寶(1621-1627)(圖 1)及崇禎通寶(1628-1644)


(圖 2)等二枚均加蓋 VOC/C。一枚小平銅錢當作一枚 doit(荷


蘭銅幣)。八枚 doit 等於 1 枚斯圖弗 Stuiver(Stuiver,古荷 蘭貨幣單位,相當於 1/20 現代荷蘭盾,也和荷蘭 5 分幣相當)。


圖 3 是 波 斯 Safavid abbasi of Abbas II (1642-1666), 銀


幣加蓋 VOC/C。這三枚均來自美國加州史蒂芬稀有硬幣收藏


集——拍賣 15。

2-3 世紀之長使用中國銅錢之習俗。


The eighth Issue of JEAN 83

Column 專欄

The First Strike Ceremony of the 2017 Sino-German Friendship Commemorative Panda Sebastian Wieschowski (Germany) Before he was able to mint the first medal in honor of the 45th anniversary of the re-establishment of the diplomatic relations between Germany and China, Shi Mingde, Ambassador of the People’s Republic to Berlin, received a typical German-style security briefing into the massive minting machine of the Staatliche Münze Berlin. Shi then pushed the button – and a little later he was able to present the first copy of the Berlin Panda medal, received by guests from all over the world with loud applause. It was an appreciative ceremony organized by the Staatliche Münze Berlin in cooperation with the auction house Künker from Osnabrück and Michael Chou from Champion auction house from Hong Kong on Friday, June 30th. In his speech, Ambassador Shi Mingde talked about his first encounters with the Federal Republic of Germany – he had traveled by train from Beijing to Berlin 45 years ago to enter his diplomatic service duties. Shi Mingde pointed out that both Germany and China have drastically changed over the past 45 years. The passion for coins, however, had lasted over time. With the G20 Summit in Hamburg as well as the official opening of the panda area in the Berlin Zoo, the year 2017 will be marked by the closer German-Chinese friendship. And three companies (the Staatliche Münze Berlin, the auction house Künker and Champion auction) have set a strong example of these closer ties. The world-famous coin engravers Yu Min and Heinz Hoyer were invited to separately design two medals. Hoyer

Heinz Hoyer

84 《東亞泉志》第八期

could not be present at the ceremony, but sent a thoughtful greeting. He made it clear that, especially in uncertain times, German-Chinese friendship is an important contribution to global stability. Even in the numismatic sphere, friendships make special possible projects, which became apparent shortly after the speech of Ulrich Künker and Michael Chou. The two auctioneers are longtime friends and have collaborated, for example, in the transfer of historical dies from the Göppingen based company Otto Beh to the Kunstmuseum Moritzburg in Halle. Now, another remarkable medal has emerged on their initiative. The year of 2017 was special for German-Chinese friendship. On the occasion of the 45th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between the two countries, two Chinese pandas were sent to the Berlin Zoo in June. Three companies from Germany and Asia have joined forces to develop a special collector’s product: a commemorative medal series that celebrates German-Chinese friendship – and two of the most famous coin engravers in the world have collaborated on the joint design. There will be two versions of the medal. One of them was designed by Yu Min. The logo of the 45th anniversary of the founding of the diplomatic relations between the People’s Republic of China and the Federal Republic of Germany can be seen at the center of the front, framed by the Brandenburg Gate and the Great Wall in the background. On the back is a Berlin bear with two panda bears with a background of Chinese bamboo and the inscription “Chinese-German Friendship“ at the bottom and “ 中德友好 ” at the top. Yu Min’s version is produced by one of the leading private mint facilities in China. One variant is made of brass and the other is made of silver. The version of the medal designed by Heinz Hoyer is also embossed in

Yu Min

brass with a silver coating as well as a fine silver variant. These two share the same obverse with the medal designed by Yu Min. On the back is a Berlin bear with flowers, which shows two panda bearers in front of the backdrop of Berlin in the background and the inscription “SinoGerman Friendship” in English, Chinese and German. Heinz Hoyer’s version is produced by Germany’s oldest mint, the Staatliche Münze Berlin, which has been in operation since 1280. The medal was produced in a total of five different designs. A version in silver-plated copper is already available at the Staatliche Münze Berlin, with only 1,000 pieces struck. In addition, a medal with a circulation of 3,000 pieces will be sold. In Germany the medals will be distributed by Künker auction house. In addition, there will be a brass medal from both Germany and China, with the German version having a mintage of 1,000 pieces and the Chinese version being minted 1,500 times. Künker had already been successful as the distributor of the Mother’s Day Medal from China in Germany. Representatives of the NGC grading service were also present at the ceremony. Fifteen medals were minted and documented under the supervision of the grading experts to be equipped with a special “First Strike” label.

Column 專欄

中德建交 45 周年紀念熊貓章首打儀式 塞巴斯蒂安·威斯霍夫斯基(德國) 中華人民共和國駐德意志聯邦共和










交 45 周年紀念熊貓就在機器的運作中生



茨堡藝術博物館。現在,二人又打算攜 手共同出品這種非同尋常的紀念章。

2017 年 6 月 30 日(週五), 柏林國 家造幣廠聯合奧斯納布呂克坤克拍賣及

2017 年是中德友好歷史上值得銘記


的一年:该年不僅是中德建交 45 周年,


而且 6 月份柏林動物園還迎來了中國政

初到德國時的經歷。他说,45 年前,他


乘坐火車從北京來到柏林擔任外交職務 ,


在這 45 年間,中德兩國都發生了翻天覆



了一份特別的產品 —— 中德友好熊貓紀


念章,紀念章上的圖案分别由兩位世界 知名的錢幣雕刻師余敏和汉兹·霍尔設

隨着 G20 峰會在漢堡的舉辦及柏林





45 周年官方紀念標識,背景為德國的勃



但還是發來了一段頗具深意的致辭。他 明確表示,在任何時期,尤其是在動盪 的時代中,中德之間的友誼都是維護世

只中國大熊貓,背景是德國柏林的城市 德語文字。該版本由德國歷史最為悠久



背面是一只柏林熊手持鮮花歡迎兩 地標以及“中德友好”的英文、中文和


動物園熊貓館的正式開館,2017 年註定



的、自 1280 年開始運營的柏林國家造幣 廠負責鑄造。 這一系列紀念章共包括五個版本, 黃銅鍍銀版已經由柏林國家造幣廠生產


完成,鑄造量僅為 1000 枚;另一種鑄造


量為 3000 枚的版本已經由德國經銷商坤




會分別生產一種銅質紀念章,中方版本 的鑄造量為 1500 枚,德方版本的鑄造量


為 1000 枚。此前,由坤克公司負責經銷 另一版本由 汉 兹· 霍 尔 負 責

的母親節紀念熊貓就曾經在德國有過成 功的先例。

設 計, 分 為 黃 銅 鍍銀和白銀兩種

NGC 評級公司的代表也出席了此次活

質 地。 正 面 圖 案

動。在評級專家們的注視下,共計 15 枚






The eighth Issue of JEAN 85

Column 專欄

Chinese Coins from the Scholar’s Study "Chinese Coins from the Scholar's Study" at the

Ashmolean Museum, Oxford, opened on 25 April. It closes on Sunday 24 September. It's a small, but thoughtful display and well worth a visit if you can make it.

Curated by Dr Lyce Jankowski, it draws on the superb

collection of East Asian money in the Heberden Coin

Roomat the Ashmolean Museum. There is an informative, and well illustrated piece - Chinese Coins from a Scholar's

Study - written by Lyce for The E-sylum, vol. 20, No.26 (June 25, 2017), Article 22 - and a shorter notice in Coins Weekly (15 June 2017).

reflects Lyce's research into the history and context

Chinese Coins from a Scholar's Study (source: Coins Weekly)

collectionneurs et de numismates dans la région de Pékin

historical reflection.

The title "Chinese Coins from a Scholar's Study"

of collecting, including her PhD "Lescercles de

durant la première moitié du XIXème siècle"[A social network of coin collectors and numismatists around

discusses the relationship between collectors' taste and scholarly

The title of the display is also a clever variation of the

Beijing during the first half of the nineteenth century:

term "scholar's studio", which is often used for exhibitions

translation of the abstract below:

inkstones, books, rubbings and so on. It is an elegant

exchanging coins and ideas] (2012). I've made a quick

The period from the end of the 18th to the first half of the 19thcentury was a golden age in Chinese numismatics. Following the publication of the Qindingqianlu [Imperially endorsed record of coins] in 1751, numerous collectors developed an interest in coins and published catalogues, monographs and scholarly studies. Applying the methodology of evidential scholarship (kaozhengxue), they brought about a methodological revolution in the field of numismatics. The most representative work of this period is Li Zuoxian's Guquanhui, published in 1864, which brought together the collections and ideas of a community of collectors who corresponded regularly, exchanged coins, rubbings and books, and met from time to time. By examining the correspondence among members of this circle, and the exchanges (sales and gifts) among collectors in the capital, it is possible to understand the extent to which informal exchanges contributed to the development of scholarly criteria in Chinese numismatics, and to unprecedented advances in the field. This study seeks to determine how the social network of collectors contributed to the very significant advances made during this period. It traces the emergence of science as a requirement of research among private collectors, and

86 《東亞泉志》第八期

and books featuring Chinese art, calligraphy, brushes,

way of (re-)introducing Chinese coin-collecting into the

scholar-collector milieu. This point was neatly made at the Ashmolean by showing two complementary exhibitions

at the same time: "Chinese Coins from a Scholar's Study" and "Collecting the Past: Scholars' Taste in Chinese Art"

(an exhibition of Chinese paintings, 21 March - 22 October 2017), and by the events associated with both displays. Lyce Jankowski was awarded a Sackler Fellowship

(2014-2017) to study the collection of East Asian coins at the Ashmolean Museum. During the last three years, she

has transformed the collection - researching the collection and its history, re-arranging it, labelling it, and has made great progress in cataloguing it. She has also been active in the fields of numismatics and art history, and has

given presentations about the collection at seminars,

symposia, workshops and conferences. For details, see her short video The East Asian Coins Project at the Ashmolean

Museumand the papers and presentations she has posted on page.

Column 專欄 Unfortunately, the Sackler Fellowship has come to

an end, and Lyce has returned to Paris, where she will

be teaching at the Université Paris Diderot - Langues et Civilisations de l’Asie Orientale (LCAO).

Lyce's work at the Ashmolean makes this important

collection accessible as never before. It also enables us

to understand other collections more fully. For example, there are many links between the East Asian money

as The Tamba Collection) and the Ashmolean Museum. I wrote a history of Kutsuki Masatsuna's collection in

Catalogue of the Japanese Coin Collection at the British

Museum (2010) and took the story as far as I could - the

entire collection was offered to the BM, the BM purchased

some of it, and the rest was donated to the Indian Institute, and subsequently transferred to the Ashmolean. Lyce's work means we can now trace the story further.

collections at the Ashmolean Museum and the British

From Huobishi 2014

Museum - Kutsuki Masatsuna's collection, for example,

is split between the British Museum (where it was known


Visit us at 流覽網站,請訪問 www. Or look for us on Ebay under seller name 也可以在 Ebay 平臺聯繫我們,賣方名稱為

Ron Guth, C.P.A.

4640 Cass Street #9119 San Diego, CA 92169-7006 USA Phone: 858-349-8270

羅恩·孔斯 C.P.A. 地址:美國聖地牙哥,卡斯街 9119 室 C.P.A. 4640 號 郵編:92169-7006 網址 電話:858-349-8270

The eighth Issue of JEAN 87

Column 專欄

一位文人所研究的中國錢幣 名為“一位文人所研究的中國錢幣”的展覽於 4 月 25 日 在牛津阿什莫爾博物館對外展出,該展覽一直持續到 9 月 24 日(周日)。雖然規模不大,但卻頗為發人深省,如有機會不 妨前往一觀。 這場集東亞錢幣藏品之大成、由李斯·楊科斯基策劃的展 覽於牛津阿什莫爾博物館錢幣館與觀眾見面。與這次展覽相關 的還有一篇李斯為第 20 卷《E-sylum》雜誌(2017 年 6 月 25 日第 26 期第 22 篇文章)撰寫的一篇名為《一位文人所研究的 中國錢幣》的文章以及《硬幣週刊》(2017 年 6 月 15 日)上 的一篇稍微簡短的展覽通知。 《一位文人所研究的中國錢幣》一文介紹了李斯對錢幣歷 史的研究和她的收藏背景,文中還提到了她的博士論文——《19 世紀上半葉北京的錢幣藏家及錢幣學家社交圈:錢幣交換及錢 幣觀念》(2012 年)。現在此將這篇論文翻譯概括如下:

一位文人所研究的中國錢幣(圖片來源: Coins Weekly)


研究被授予薩克勒獎學金(2014-2017)。最近三年,她將研 究方向由錢幣藏品轉向了藏品及其歷史背景,將這些錢幣重新

18 世紀末至 19 世紀上半葉是中國錢幣學發展的黃金時代。


隨着 1751 年《欽定錢錄》的出版,大批藏家對硬幣產生了收藏





什莫爾博物館的東亞錢幣》及其在 page 網站上



1864 年出版的《古泉匯》一書。書中彙集了一家錢幣藏家社團 中出現的錢幣藏品和錢幣理念。社團成員在當時會定期通信, 是不是還會聚在一起交換錢幣、拓片及書籍。通過研究社團成 員間的往來信件及當時北京錢幣藏家之間交換的藏品(通過買 賣或贈與的方式),我們不難理解為什麼這些非正式的錢幣往 來會為當時中國的錢幣學術研究及錢幣學帶來如此空前的進步 與發展。查明北京藏家社交圈在當時是如何引發了這一長足發 展就是本文寫作的目的。除闡述了科技是出於私人藏家研究需 要而出現發展起來的之外,這篇文章還論證了收藏家的品味和 學術性歷史反思之間的關係。

但遺憾的是,薩克勒獎學金項目現在已經停止了。李斯也 回到了巴黎,未來將會在巴黎狄德羅大學教授東亞語言與文明。 李斯對阿什莫爾博物館藏品的研究讓我們前所未有地見識 到了這一重大的東亞錢幣館藏的真容,同時也讓我對博物館的 其他藏品有了更加全面的認識。比如,這批東亞錢幣藏品與大 英博物館的朽木昌綱藏品有着千絲萬縷的聯繫。大英博物館和 阿什莫爾博物館的館藏可以拼為一個整體(大英博物館的部分 名為:丹波藏品,因藏品所有者朽木昌綱曾擔任過日本丹波地 區的大名)。我曾在《大英博物館日本錢幣收藏目錄》(2010)

展覽的名稱中的“文人研究”(scholar's study)巧妙地


化用了英文的“文房”一詞(scholar's studio),文房多用於


表述中國“文房四寶”——筆墨紙硯和藝術書法相關的展覽或 書籍、經書碑帖拓片等物件。阿什莫爾博物館巧妙地運用了將 中國錢幣收藏寓於文人藏家所處時代背景這一做法,同時開設 了“一位文人所研究的中國錢幣”和“中國藝術品位”(中國 繪畫展覽,2017 年 3 月 21-10 月 22)兩場相輔相成的展覽, 並另外開展了一些與展覽相關的活動。

88 《東亞泉志》第八期

但博物館只買下了一部分藏品,剩下的錢幣就被捐贈給了印度 研究所,之後又被轉送到了阿什莫爾博物館。有了李斯的研究, 我們現在可以將這個故事繼續延伸下去。 摘自《貨幣史》2014 年刊

Column 專欄

Taiwan Currency Notes Released by the Central Bank of the Republic of China Su Jun (Beijing) First, The Retrocession of Taiwan On August 15, 1945, the Japanese Emperor issued an edict accepting the Announcement of the Potsdam Conference and unconditional surrender to the Allied forces. On August 22, the government of the Republic of China announced the names of major officers who would accept the surrender, the surrendering place, the leaders and numbers of Japanese surrendering troops to Japanese General Okamura Yasuji in the form of a memorandum. The place to accept the surrender was named Area 14 at first. Then, the Penghu area in Taiwan was added as Area 15 to accept the surrender of Japanese troops. The memorandum read: “Chen Yi, as the chief officer, will accept the surrender of 10HA, 8FD, 9D, 12D, 50D, 66D, 71D, 75BS, 76BS, 100BS, 103B, 102BS and 112BS Japanese forces and the Penghu garrison on the Penghu islands in Taiwan. The representative of Japanese surrenders shall be General Ando Rikichi. The gathering place will be decided by [Taiwan Garrison Commander] Chen Yi himself.” On September 1, 1945, the Republic of China government established the Taiwan Administrative Office in Chongqing with Chen Yi as the Chief Executive and the Taiwan Garrison General Headquarters to accept the surrender of Japanese soldiers in Taiwan. At 9 am, September 9, General He Yingqin, presided over the Unconditional Surrender Ceremony of Japan on behalf of the Supreme Commander of the Chinese Theater in Nanjing. Okamura Yasuji signed the Instrument of Surrender on behalf of the Japanese government. At this point, the eight-year war against Japan was formally ended. It was one of the most significant wars that China had won in its modern history. On October 25, 1945, General Chen Yi, the Chief Executive in Taiwan accepted the surrender of Ando Rikichi, the Governor-General of Japanese Army in Taiwan and the commander of the 10th Front Army (Pic 1) on behalf of the Supreme Commander of the Chinese Theater in the Taipei Public Hall (now known as the Zhong Shan Hall), which marked the end of half a century of Japanese colonial rule in Taiwan (Pic 2).

Pic 1 Ando Rikichi, the last Japanese General in Taiwan who signed the Japanese surrender

Pic 2 People gathering in front of the Taipei Public Hall to celebrate the retrocession of Taiwan

Second, Taiwan Currency Notes Released by the Central Bank

Nanjing National Government Planned to release Taiwan Currency Notes

On June 21, 1945, the Ministry of Finance of the Nanjing national government sent a telegram to the Central Bank and asked them to “issue Taiwan currency notes in advance”. The telegram read: “Since the end of war in Europe, Allied troops have been deployed to the East to attack Japanese invaders. If they land on the Chinese coast, the recovery of Taiwan will be in sight. Our department drew up a proposal about the preparations that the financial departments must make for the landing of the Allied army and the recovery of Taiwan. The proposal

The eighth Issue of JEAN 89

Column 專欄 has been signed and approved by Chairman Chiang.” The Ministry of Finance suggested the Central Bank estimate how much money would be needed in Taiwan (temporarily estimated at two billion yuan) and previously print local notes with the name of Taiwan in denominations of 10 and 50 yuan which would be brought by the Army later. All military and administrative spending of the Allies and the National Army after landing on Taiwan would be paid with these notes.

of Taiwan will be called “special time deposit of Taiwan”, with the maturity of one year.

Properly Deal with Notes Issued during the Rule of Japan

Seventh, the principal and a two percent of interest will be paid to the customer on the due date.

After the retrocession of Taiwan, the local government made an investigation and found that there were 800,000,000 yuan of exchange certificates and 1000 yuan endorsement exchange certificates guaranteed by the local banks when Taiwan was ceded to Japan, which would have great influence on Chinese financial operations. Therefore, the government of Taiwan formulated measures about the exchange of certificates in the name of the Chief Executive Office: Measures of Taiwan’s Chief Executive Office on Dealing with the Exchange Certificates Issued by Japanese Banks and the Endorsement Exchange Certificates Released by the Bank of Taiwan Published on December 7, 1945

First, to deal with the exchange certificates released by Japanese banks and the endorsement exchange certificates released by the Bank of Taiwan, the Taiwan Chief Executive Office specially formulates these measures. Second, exchange certificates in denominations smaller than 1 yuan issued by Japanese banks and 1000 yuan endorsement exchange certificates released by the Bank of Taiwan will stop circulating from November 8, 1945. Illegally used notes after the expiration date will be seized by the government. Third, anyone who has certificates mentioned in item 2 shall deposit their certificates into the following banks: the Bank of Taiwan, Hua Nan Commercial Bank, Chang Hwa Bank, Taiwan Industrial and Commercial Bank, Taiwan Savings Bank, Kangyo Bank, Sanwa Bank, or branches or agencies of these banks in Taiwan. Fourth, certificates put in banks will be regarded as special time deposit I Deposited Japanese exchange certificates will be called “special time deposits of Japan”, with the maturity of one and a half year. II 1000 yuan endorsement exchange certificates of banks

90 《東亞泉志》第八期

Fifth, exchange certificates must be deposited within a month from November 10 (1945) to December 9. Deposits made after this date will not be accepted. Sixth, banks authorized to take deposits shall send exchange certificates they accept and accounts to the Bank of Taiwan Head Office in Taipei every week.

Eighth, a month after depositing in accordance with above items, customers can withdraw a certain amount of money as living expenses or apply for a loan with the deposit as mortgage from the same bank. Details will be stipulated later. Ninth, each man, legal person or business entity can only open one account. Legal persons shall submit their group certificates, business entities shall submit business licenses and individuals shall submit household certificates when opening accounts. If any person, legal person or business entity was found to have more than one account, the bank shall have the right to forfeit his deposit. Tenth, these measures will take effect from the date of publication. These measures fully reflected the sovereignty of China, protected the interests and rights of certificate holders as well as the authority of the government on monetary management and achieved a smooth transition after the recovery of Taiwan. According to statistics, a total of 2,643,662,312 yuan of old Taiwan dollars (TWD) issued during the rule of Japan had been received by the banks of Taiwan till October 30, 1945. Measures on the Issue of Taiwan Currency Notes by the Central Bank Measures of the Ministry of Finance on the Issue of Taiwan Currency Notes by the Central Bank No 3967, Ministry of Finance

First, the government specially authorizes the Central Bank to issue Taiwan currency notes in accordance with these measures to secure the stable lives of people in Taiwan. Second, the Taiwan currency notes are legal tender in Taiwan and can be used to pay taxes and for any public or private settlement within the province. Third, five types of currency notes, including one yuan, five yuan, ten yuan, fifty yuan and one hundred yuan will be issued.

Column 專欄 Fourth, a reserve of Taiwan currency notes will be deposited in a segregated account in the Central Bank. Fifth, those who counterfeit or alter Taiwan currency notes shall be punished as money forgers according the criminal code. Sixth, the exchange of notes between Taiwan and the mainland shuold be provided by the Ministry of Finance in other files later. Seventh, these measures will take effect from the date of publication. Measures of the Ministry of Finance on the Issue of Taiwan Currency Notes by the Central Bank The Finance Minister Yu Hongjun October 25, 1945

The original document (No. 2683) and a copy (issued on November 15) about telegrams sent by officers of Taiwan on Taiwan currency notes printed by the Central Bank and released by the Bank of Taiwan will be sent to your department. It has been provided that Taiwan currency notes shall be issued by the Central Bank. Mr Chen’s suggestion of authorizing the Bank of Taiwan to release new notes will violate this provision and incur public doubt. Another proposal from Mr. Chen of authorizing the Bank of Taiwan to print new notes after releasing notes printed by the Central Bank, will create confusion in the monetary system. As Mr. Chen’s proposal of printing notes under the title of the Republic of China by the Bank in the name of the Bank of Taiwan, has been approved by the Supreme Court, the release of Taiwan currency notes shall be stopped for the moment. If there is any questions , please check with us. Thank you. To the Secretariat of the Administrative Office

Chen Yi’s Views on the Reform of the Currency System in Taiwan

Knowing that the Central Bank of the national government was going to release notes in Taiwan, Chen Yi, the Chief Executive of Taiwan sent a telegram to Premier Song Ziwen to express his views on the currency system of Taiwan on November 1, 1945. He said: First, old certificates in denominations smaller than 100 yuan issued by the Bank of Taiwan shall be permitted use temporarily. Second, in addition to covering the expenses of military and administrative affairs, new notes released by the Bank of Taiwan under the title of the Republic of China shall circulate along with and gradually replace old certificates. Third, all Japanese bonds shall be transferred to the Central Government which will issue new bonds to prepare for the release of new currency notes. Fourth, certificates in denominations larger than 100 yuan shall be removed from circulation and can only be deposited in banks and withdrawn in a certain amounts as living expenses. Fifth, military notes released by Japanese banks and miscellaneous notes will become invalid. Sixth, if the Allies needed money, they shall exchange U.S. dollars with the Bank of Taiwan for cash. Seventh, the central government shall retract notes released by the Bank of Taiwan with legal money after the exchange rates with the U.S. dollar and Japanese Yen are settled. The Ministry of Finance Approved the Proposal of Not Releasing Taiwan Currency Notes for the Moment. An Official Letter from the Ministry of Finance to the Secretariat of the Administrative Office on Not Releasing Taiwan Currency Notes for the Moment (November 22, 1945)

Yu Hongjun, Minister of Finance November 22, 1945 On November 29, 1945, the secretariat of the Nanjing National Government Administrative Office announced a temporarily stop to the release of Taiwan currency notes to avoid generating confusion by letting the Central Bank and the Bank of Taiwan separately issue a type of new note and to approve the proposal of Chen Yi on printing new notes under the title of the Republic of China by the Bank of Taiwan. Measures of the Ministry of Finance about Sending Central Bank Commissioners to Supervise the Release of New Notes by the Bank of Taiwan (December 14, 1945) File No. 10282 of the Ministry of Finance

To the Inspection Office: Our department made a provision of letting the Central Bank to release Taiwan currency notes for circulation after the retrocession of Taiwan and formulated measures about the release of new notes and the exchange of old certificates, which have been sent to the Administrative Office for recording. Mr. Chen Yi, the Chief Executive of Taiwan suggested letting the Bank of Taiwan print new notes to circulate alongside with old certificates, under the title of the Republic of China. The Administrative Office gave an order on November 10, saying: the establishment of a branch of the Central Bank and the release of Taiwan currency notes shall be postponed. The Central Bank will send supervisors to deal with related affairs. Telegraphs concerning this order have been sent to the financial commissioner of the Beijing-Shanghai Area and Lin Chongyong, the commissioner of the Central Bank.

The eighth Issue of JEAN 91

Column 專欄 The Ministry of Finance made measures about sending commissioners to supervise the Bank of Taiwan for the release of new notes. Copies shall be sent to the Chief Executive Office, the Central Bank to check in addition to the administrative office of record. Yu Hongjun, Minister of Finance December 14, 1945

Third, New Notes (New Taiwan Dollar) Issued by the Bank of Taiwan In March 1946, the Nanjing National Government approved to reshuffled the Bank of Taiwan as the Taiwan Provincial Bank. However, the name “Bank of Taiwan” continued to be used. In September, the bank merged with the Taiwan Reserve Bank and was wholly owned by the local government of Taiwan. Its total amount of capital reached 60,000,000 old TWD. Measures of Sending Central Bank Commissioners to Supervise the Bank of Taiwan for the Release of New Taiwan Dollars Issued by the Ministry of Finance on August 17, 1946

Pic 3 The 1945 Central Bank Taiwan 10 yuan note (obverse & reverse), 136mm*60mm, The Central Bank of China, Shanghai Branch collection

Fourth, commissioners shall report to the head office of the Central Bank and the Ministry of Finance if any illegal activities or situations are found against the second item.

First, the Central Bank shall dispatch commissioners to the Bank of Taiwan to supervise the release of new Taiwan dollars and to carry out the following tasks.

Fifth, commissioners have the right to check accounts and related files if necessary. Any refusal or delay shall be written up in a No. 1111 secret report which will be given to the head office of the Central Bank and the Ministry of Finance.

Second, the work of commissioners from the Central Bank will include:

Sixth, commissioners shall give written instructions when carrying out tasks mentioned in the second item.

I Monitoring the printing and release of new Taiwan dollars.

Seventh, commissioners can request the head office to send two to four people to assist with their work.

II Checking the reserve required for the issue of new Taiwan dollars.

Eighth, these measures will take effect from the date of publication.

III Reviewing the work of replacing old Taiwan dollars with new ones.

Fourth, Taiwan Currency Notes Issued by the Central Bank

IV Sealing up unreleased old Taiwan dollars, printing plates and chops.

Taiwan currency notes were printed by the Central Engraving and Printing Plant, Shanghai branch. The obverse features the portrait of Sun Yat-sen and “Central Bank” and “Taiwan Currency Note” in Chinese characters. The reverse depicts the picture showing Zheng Chenggong, the famous general of the Ming dynasty, fighting with Dutch invaders on the sea and the signatures of Li Junyao and Tian Fujin (Pic 3, Pic 4 and Pic 5).

V Checking the amount of old Taiwan dollars that have been issued and their reserve fund. VI Ensuring the exchange rate of the new Taiwan dollar which will be approved by the head office of the Central Bank. VII Other required tasks. Third, commissioners shall report to the head office of the Central Bank and the Ministry of Finance on the performance of the tasks mentioned above every month.

92 《東亞泉志》第八期

The Taiwan currency notes which had been printed were backlogged in Shanghai as the release plan was suspended and were destroyed later. Only a very limited amount of these notes entered the market and were well received by collectors now.

Column ĺ°ˆćŹ„

Pic 4 The 1945 Central Bank Taiwan 50 yuan note (obverse & reverse), 161mm *62mm, The Central Bank of China, Shanghai Branch collection

Pic 5 The 1945 Central Bank Taiwan 100 yuan note (obverse & reverse), 164mm*62mm

About the author: Mr. Su Jun, born in 1974 in Nanjing, Jiangsu province, is an expert in modern Chinese banknotes. He is a member of the Beijing Numismatic Society and an academic adviser of Zhejiang Lao Wan Tong Co., Ltd. In his 20 years of banknote collecting and researching, Su Jun has founded, edited The Illustrated Catalog of Chinese Banknotes and published many academic articles like, Banknotes of the Central Bank, Banknotes Issued by the Beihai Bank and Yunan Banknotes.

The eighth Issue of JEAN 93

Column 專欄

中央銀行臺灣流通券 蘇駿(北京) 一 臺灣光復 1945 年 8 月 15 日,日本天皇發佈詔書,表示願意接受波 茨坦會議宣言的各項規定,向同盟國無條件投降。 8 月 22 日,中華民國政府再以備忘錄的形式,將各地區 受降主官姓名、受降地點及日軍代表投降部隊長姓名、應投 降之部隊番號,通知岡村寧次。其時受降區域先列為十四區, 後增列臺灣澎湖地區為十五區,其規定如下:“臺灣澎湖列島 陳儀為受降主官,日軍投降部隊為 10HA、8FD、9D、12D、 50D、66D、71D、75BS、76BS、100BS、103BS、102BS、 112BS,及澎湖守備部隊。集中地由陳儀決定,日軍投降代表 10HA 安藤利吉。”

圖 1 日本駐台末代“總督”安藤利吉在受降書上簽字

1945 年 9 月 1 日,中華民國政府在重慶成立“臺灣省行 政長官公署”,委派陳儀為行政長官,又成立臺灣省警備總司 令部,準備接受在台日軍之投降。9 月 9 日上午 9 時,何應欽 將軍代表中國戰區最高統帥在南京主持日本無條件投降典禮, 岡村甯次代表日本政府簽署了降書。八年抗戰正式宣告結束, 中國贏得了中國近代史上最重要的一場戰爭。 臺灣省行政長官陳儀將軍於 1945 年 10 月 25 日,代表中 國戰區最高統帥在臺北公會堂 ( 今中山堂 ),接受日本駐台“總 督”兼第十方面軍司令官安藤利吉的投降(圖 1),標誌了日 本在臺灣半個世紀殖民統治的正式結束(圖 2)。

二 中央銀行臺灣流通券 南京國民政府擬發行臺灣流通券

圖 2 臺北公會堂前臺灣光復現場

妥善處理日本統治時期發行的貨幣 臺灣收復以後,臺灣省政府經查日本統治時期發行的兌換

券及臺灣銀行背書發行的日本銀行千元兌換券數有 8 億元,對 金融運行影響較大。為此,臺灣省政府以長官公署名義制定了

1945 年 6 月 21 日,南京國民政府財政部致電中央銀行“請


預先統籌發行臺灣地名鈔券”。文稱:“歐戰結束後,盟軍源 源東調,對日攻勢加緊。盟軍在我海岸登陸,可期臺灣光復在 望。除盟軍登陸我國海岸金融部門應行準備事項另行辦理外, 關於光復臺灣金融部門應行準備急要事項要點,業經本部擬定, 並簽奉委座批准照辦。其中關於處理臺灣貨幣事項,財政部提 出由中央銀行估定臺灣所需流通籌碼數額 ( 可暫定為二十億 ), 預先統籌印製臺灣地名券,暫印拾元、伍拾元兩種,隨軍攜往。 盟軍及國軍在臺灣登陸,所需軍政費用概以中央銀行發行之臺 灣地名券支付。”

《臺灣省行政長官公署處理省內日本銀行兌換券及臺灣銀 行背書之日本銀行兌換券辦法》,民國卅四年十二月七日公佈 第一條 臺灣省行政長官公署為處理省內日本銀行兌換券及 臺灣銀行背書發行之日本銀行兌換券,特訂定本辦法。 第二條 凡在本省內流通之日本銀行兌換券,票面金額一 元以上,及臺灣銀行背書發行之日本銀行千元兌換券,自民國 三十四年十一月八日起,一律禁止在市面流通。凡違反規定仍 在市面行使者,予以沒收。

94 《東亞泉志》第八期

Column 專欄 第三條 前條禁止流通之兌換券之持有人,應將其持有券存 入臺灣銀行、華南銀行、彰化銀行、臺灣商工銀行、臺灣儲蓄

第二條 中央銀行臺灣流通券為臺灣省境內流通之法幣,凡 臺灣省境內完納賦稅及一切公私款項之收付,均使用之。

銀行、勸業銀行、三和銀行及其省內之分支行或其代理店。 第三條 中央銀行臺灣流通券分為一元、五元、十元、五十 第四條 依前條規定存入銀行兌換券,視為特種定期存款,


其放存期限及名稱規定如後: 第四條 中央銀行臺灣流通券發行準備金,由中央銀行專戶 甲、日銀特種定期存款凡以日本銀行券存入者,稱目銀特


種定期存款,放存期限定為一年半。 第五條 偽造或變造中央銀行臺灣流通券者,依刑法偽造貨 乙、台銀特種定期存款 凡以臺灣銀行背書之日本銀行千元


兌換券存入者,稱台銀特種定期存款,放存期限定為一年。 第六條 臺灣省與內地之匯兌,由財政部另訂辦法管理之。 第五條 依第三條規定,應存入指定銀行之兌換券,應自民 國三十四年十一月十日起,至十二月九日止,一個月內存入,

第七条 本辦法自公佈之日起施行。

逾期各銀行不得收存。 茲制定“中央銀行臺灣流通券發行辦法”公佈之。此令。 第六條 各受託辦理存款之銀行,應於每週將其收存兌換券, 部長俞鴻鈞


民國三十四年十月廿五日 第七條 依本辦法存入銀行兌換券,予放存期滿還本時,付 給年息百分之二。


第八條 依本辦法存入之存款滿一個月後,每月得支取定額



時任臺灣行政長官的陳儀於 1945 年 11 月 1 日致行政院長宋子



第九條 凡依本辦法存款者,每人或每一法人,或每一商號,

(1) 臺灣銀行原發百元以下舊券暫准通用。(2) 接收後仍以臺




濟軍政各項費用外,並用以掉回同額舊券。(3) 所有抵充發行準


備的日本債券,概交中央,由中央換給公債,作為新發行的準備。 (4) 百元以上大票暫禁流通,只准送交銀行作為存款,按生活程

第十條 本辦法自公佈日施行。

度限額支取。(5) 日人所發軍票或其他雜鈔概行作廢。(6) 盟軍 在台需用現款,應以美鈔向臺灣銀行掉換。(7) 一俟中央整理幣

以上處理辦法,充分體現了國家主權,同時考慮了持有者 的利益,又維護了政府當局對貨幣管理的權威,社會反映較好,

制,對美、對日比率確定後,即用法幣,按照新定比率,將臺 灣銀行鈔券掃數收回,以完全國幣制之統一。

實現了平穩過渡。據統計,截至 1945 年 10 月 30 日,臺灣銀 行共收兌前日人統制時代發行舊台幣 2 643 662 312 元。






財政部公佈令渝財三字第 3967 號 案准貴庭本年十一月十五日機字第二六八三號以臺灣省長 第一条 政府為適應臺灣省人民生活安定市面起見,特准中 央銀行發行臺灣流通券,依照本辦法辦理。

官十一月九日及十日先後電院請將中央銀行印就之臺灣流通券 交由臺灣銀行發行,抄同原件囑開示意兄,等由,並附抄件到部。 查中央銀行臺灣流通券應由中央銀行發行,在中央銀行發行臺

The eighth Issue of JEAN 95

Column 專欄 灣流通券辦法內已有規定。如依陳長官主張轉手臺灣銀行發出, 不特與中央統一發行之旨不符,且將招致外界疑慮,影響該券 信用。陳長官所陳于委託臺灣銀行發行臺灣流通券後,後由該 台行印發新券,則同時發行兩種新幣更將引起貨幣之紊亂。今 後臺灣幣制,陳長官既已擬議以臺灣銀行名義改用中華民國年 號印發新券辦法呈奉鈞院核准,中央銀行臺灣流通券並奉約令 暫不發行,自應遵照辦理,不必再事更張,以免紛岐。相應函複, 即請查照轉陳為荷。 此致 行政院秘書處 財政部長 俞鴻鈞 十一、廿二 1945 年 11 月 29 日,南京國民政府行政院秘書處發函明 確中央銀行臺灣流通券暫不發行,原因是如果中央銀行發行臺 灣流通券,而臺灣銀行又發行新券,“同時發行兩種新幣,更 將引起貨幣上之紊亂”,但同意陳儀行政長官提出的以臺灣銀

圖 3 中央銀行台灣流通券民國三十四年拾圓樣張 (正、背) 票幅 136 毫米 ×60 毫米 中國人民銀行上海分行藏

三 臺灣銀行發行新臺幣

行名義改用中華民國年號印發新券的辦法。 財政部關於公佈中央銀行派員監理臺灣銀行發行新臺幣辦 法令 (1945 年 12 月 14 日 )

1946 年 3 月經國民政府批准,將臺灣銀行改組為臺灣省銀 行,對外仍用臺灣銀行名稱。9 月,合併臺灣儲蓄銀行,隸屬

財政部訓令字第 10282 號

於臺灣省政府。當時資本總額為舊台幣 6000 萬元。


中央銀行派員監理臺灣銀行發行新臺幣辦法 三十五年八月十七日財政部公佈

查臺灣收復後行使之鈔券,前經本部規定使用中央銀行臺 灣流通券,並經訂定中央銀行臺灣流通券發行辦法及臺灣省匯 兌管理辦法公佈分行,並呈報行政院備案在卷。嗣臺灣省陳長

( 一 ) 中央銀行為監理臺灣銀行發行新臺幣,派員駐在臺灣 銀行執行本辦法規定之事務。

官擬議以臺灣銀行名義改用中華民國年號,印發新券,與舊券 同樣行使,經呈奉行政院本年十一月十日令開:臺灣情形特殊,

( 二 ) 中央銀行派駐臺灣銀行監理之任務如左。

該省目前幣制仍應照陳長官所擬辦理,中央銀行暫緩在臺灣設 立分行,惟可派員前往監督,臺灣流通券暫不發行。等因。自 應遵辦。關於中央銀行暫緩在台設行及暫不發行臺灣流通券各 節,已電京滬區財政金融特派員陳行轉飭停印臺灣流通券財政 部關於公佈中央銀行派員監理臺灣銀行發行新臺幣辦法令,轉 知中央銀行特派專員林崇墉,並電達中央銀行查照。關於派員 前往監督一節,茲由部制定中央銀行派員監理臺灣銀行發行新 臺幣辦法。除分令知照代電臺灣省行政長官公署查照,函中央 銀行查照辦理並星請行政院鑒核備案外,合行檢發原辦法一份, 令仰知照。此令。 部長俞鴻鈞 中華民國卅四年十二月十四日

96 《東亞泉志》第八期

一、監督新臺幣之印製及發行。 二、檢查新臺幣發行準備金。 三、審核關於新臺幣收換舊台幣事項。 四、封存及保管已印未發之舊台幣及印版、戳記。 五、檢查舊台幣之印製發行數額及準備金之實況。 六、秉承中央銀行總行核定新臺幣之匯率。 七、其他奉令飭辦事項。

Column 專欄 ( 三 ) 派駐臺灣銀行監理,應將第二條規定各項任務之執行 情形,按月編造報告呈報中央銀行總行核轉財政部查核。 ( 四 ) 派駐臺灣銀行監理對於第二條規定各事項,如查有違 反法令情事,應即窯報中央銀行總行轉報財政部核辦。 ( 五 ) 派駐臺灣銀行監理為執行職務,得隨時向該行主管人 員查詢一切情形及檢查帳冊簿籍,暨其他有關文件,如有藉故 拒絕或逶延情事,應立 1111 密報總行轉報財政部核辦。 ( 六 ) 派駐臺灣銀行監理審核或辦理第二條規定各事項,得 對該行為必要之書面指示。 ( 七 ) 派駐臺灣銀行監理得因事實需要,呈請中央銀行總行 遴派稽核二人至四人,協助辦理一切事務。

圖 4 中央銀行台灣流通券民國三十四年伍拾圓樣張 ( 正、背 ) 票幅 161 毫米 ×62 毫米 中國人民銀行上海分行藏

( 八 ) 本辦法自公佈之日施行。

四 中央銀行臺灣流通券欣賞 中央銀行臺灣流通券由中央印製廠上海廠印製。正背面均 為平版印刷,正面網底以“中央銀行”及“臺灣流通券”兩種 字樣交互排列,正面為中央銀行紙幣的標準圖案“孫中山肖像”, 背面第一次採用明代鄭成功“驅荷海戰圖”。背面有局長李駿耀、 副局長田福璡中文簽名(圖 3、4、5)。 中央銀行臺灣流通券由於取消發行而滯留於上海。就地銷 毀過程中僅有少量流弊流入收藏市場。因頗具收藏價值而頗受 紙幣藏家追捧。

圖 5 中央銀行台灣流通券民國三十四年壹佰圓 ( 正、背 ) 票幅 164 毫米 ×62 毫米

作者簡介:蘇駿,1974 年生,江蘇南京人。中國近代紙幣收藏研究專家,北京市錢幣學會會員,浙江老玩銅網路 技術公司特邀學術顧問。收藏研究中國紙幣至今 20 餘年,學術成就有:主持創辦中華紙幣研究網,任《中國紙幣標準 圖錄》系列主筆,有《中央銀行紙幣》《北海銀行紙幣》《雲南紙幣》等多本學術專著出版。

The eighth Issue of JEAN 97

Column 專欄

The Casting of the Hubei One Tael Silver Coin Advocated by Chang Chih-tung during the Qing Dynasty, and Chang's Funeral Affairs Che-lu Tseng (USA)

Hubei one tael silver coin, large characters, NC collection

Chang Chih-tung made important contributions to modern Chinese machine-struck silver coins. In 1887, as Viceroy of Guangdong and Guangxi, Chang Chih-tung submitted a report to the Imperial Qing government to strike silver coins and establish the Guangdong Numismatic Office. In 1888, he was transferred to Huguang. In 1893, Chang Chih-tung petitioned the Qing government to strike silver coins and set up the Hubei Silver Bureau. At that time, most of the silver coins came in a weight of 7 mace and 2 candareens, which were based on the standard of Mexican silver dollars. On August 1904, He again petitioned the Qing government to strike a one tael silver coin in Hubei province. During this time, Yuan Shihkai and Chang Chih-tung were both in favor of taking the "tael" as the primary unit of currency, but there was debate as to whether the currency unit should be denominated as a "tael" or a "dollar". A debate between the "tael" and the "dollar" Even though it went counter to mainstream thought, it was the viewpoint of Yuan Shih-kai and Chang Chihtung that the currency unit should be the "tael". They argued that the "tael" had been used as a traditional unit of currency unit in China for a long time, so it should not be abandoned. The mainstream view, then, was that the currency unit should be the "dollar". This idea was advocated for by businessmen, foreign merchants, some officers within the Ministry of Revenue, and everyday civilians. As a unit of measurement, they believed that the "piece", as opposed to "tael", " mace" and "candareens", was more convenient for calculating. For trade and exchanging currencies with other countries, they also believed that we should not follow the usual method of calculation. Silver coins were used by merchants to facilitate trade and by civilians to buy daily

98 《東亞泉志》第八期

Hubei one tael copper coin pattern, small characters, NC collection

necessities - with the whole intent being to make the coins more convenient to use. The Shanghai Chamber of Commerce submitted a written statement to the Ministry of Finance that the "tael" was used as a unit of weight, while the "dollar" was used in the system of currency. It was unreasonable to mix these two different measurements together. If so, it would lead to many problems in people's daily lives. As a matter of fact, both propositions sound reasonable. But only the one that can make people's lives easier becomes the general trend. In 1909, Tai Tse ( the officer of the Ministry of Finance) said, "The opinion that the currency unit should be the ‘tael’ advocated by Chang Chih-tung and Yuan Shih-kai was a dogmatic view. It's hard to carry out, for it has many drawbacks. I suggest that the currency unit should be the ‘dollar’ ." The date of the Hubei one tael silver coin

According to Chang Chia-niang's book, The History of Chinese Money System, although there was a debate between "tael" and "dollar", Chang Chih-tung petitioned the Qing government in August of 1904 to start striking one tael silver coins. He proposed that the Hubei Silver Bureau could try out the one tael silver coin and observe the response of civilians and merchants around the world. If it worked, then he would petition Tai Tse to implement it. Otherwise these coins would be recycled by the Bureau. By referring to the surviving examples of Hubei one tael silver coins, and taking the above analysis into account, it can be speculated that dies were made in 1904 and coins with large characters and consisting of 90.0% silver were made in 1905 (on January 19, 1907, Chang Chih-tung cabled Yuan Shih-kai, stating that the coins consisted of 98.0% silver). After that, the Ministry of Finance issued a document to restrike coins of the denomination one tael

Column ĺ°ˆćŹ„ and six candareens (these used a small characters and other materials). But ultimately, on July 9, 1907, Tai Tse petitioned the Qing government to strike coins of 7 mace and 2 candareens. Why is the coin with large characters lighter than the one with small characters? There are two versions of Hubei one tael silver coin, one with "Ta Qing Yin Bi" (Qing silver) in large characters, and one with the legend in small characters. In the typical auction catalog, the large characters variety is more valuable than the small characters. Based on dealers' experience, the mass of a coin with large characters is less than one seventh that of one with small characters. The large characters is also very rare - but why? And why is it lighter? If you are curious, then check out the reference books for the answer. We know that Chang Chih-tung and Yuan Shih-kai both favored the "tael" as the currency unit. For promoting and implementing the unit "tael", they sent telegrams to each other to discuss the topic. We can obtain some information from these telegrams. For instance, on May 26, 1907, Yuan Shih-kai sent a telegram to Chang Chih-tung to discuss the merits and demerits of silver coins. Some content is as follows: "I consider that a Chinese coin which consists of 98.0% silver and weighs one tael should be struck. If the coin which consists of 90.0% silver is struck, we could win big profits at present, but would suffer heavy losses in the future." Believing one telegram on the topic was inadequate, on June 1, 1907, Yuan Shih-kai again sent a telegram to Chang Chih-tung, in which he said, "One tael silver coins were struck in the areas of Hunan and Hubei. If it can't be carried out in one place by accident, nor across the country. It's not the fault of the new currency. So we are supposed to strike coin which consists of 98.0% silver and weighs one tael." On January 19 of 1907, Chang Chih-tung replied, "In the report submitted in 1905, the coins consists of 90.0% silver, and we also didn't talk about the purity of silver. Through our consultation, this time we decided to strike the coin that consists of 98.0% silver. The coins of standard purity are the best. We accept good advice, and dare not rigidly adhere to any irrational system." On June 20, 1907, Chang Chih-tung sent a second telegram to Yuan Shih-kai. In it, he said: "It's not true that one tael coins minted by the Hubei Silver Bureau were recalled and destroyed for they couldn't be circulated in the market. With a circulation of more than 700,000, these coins were accepted by the government repository, as well as by many merchants. Also, these Kuang Hsu one

tael coins could be adopted to pay taxes at Hankow. The transaction certificate is attached. In accordance with the document issued by the Ministry of Finance, we are supposed to restrike one tael and six candareens coins and recall the old one. However, there are more than 100,000 pieces scattered among the people. In this way, the move to destroy these one tael coins was conducted on the basis of the official document rather than the Hubei officer's willingness. The day that the Minister Chen came to Hubei Province, he didn't talk about this with me. His attendant told a staff of Hubei Silver Bureau that since the Ministry of Finance set the new size specifications, we have to recall old ones and wait for the issuing of new coin dies. There is no one tael coin that couldn't be circulated." By reference to the remains of the one tael coin, we know that the coin with small characters weighs more than the one with large characters. According to the above telegrams, we should conclude that the coin with large characters struck in 1905 consists of 90.0% silver. Afterwards, the Ministry of Finance issued a document to restrike one tael and six candareens coins with small characters that consists of 98.0% silver and weighs one tael and six candareens (37.53g). The coins with large characters were recalled and destroyed; one with small characters was restruck. So the coins with small characters have larger amounts, higher purity and more weight than one with large characters. This is in accord with the details of the remains. On July, 1907, the Ministry of Finance substituted the "dollar" for the "tael" as the currency unit. This is the Qing silver one dollar coin that ended the debate between "tael" and "dollar", and the 7 mace and 2 candareens coins were struck. Random talk on the funeral affairs of Chang Chih-tung In ancient times, Chinese emperors took their funeral affairs very seriously, as did officials in the central and local governments. Before their deaths, they often asked the Chinese astrologer to choose an auspicious day and a land of treasure for the funeral. But in fact, the results of this preparation often proved counterproductive. Their graves were either excavated and robbed, or destroyed. The grave of Empress Dowager Tzu Hsi, for example, was blown up. Chang Chih-tung's grave was dug by red guards, which was a chilling sight to witness. Chang Chih-tung was related to the casting of silver coins his whole life. It is said that Empress Dowager Tzu Hsi awarded him a lot of money, so the red guards in question may have considered that there were many treasures in his grave. Details about this matter were recorded in the World Journal, a Chinese language newspaper published in North America.

The eighth Issue of JEAN 99

Column 專欄

清代張之洞奏鑄湖北一兩銀幣及其後事 曾澤祿 ( 美國 )





年(公元 1887 年)任兩廣總督時,向清廷奏請《仿鑄銀圓折》,






元是以七錢二分為主,是一種仿製墨西哥銀元之權宜措施。在 光緒三十年八月,他又向清廷奏請“湖北自鑄一兩銀幣”,當





模,而在光緒三十一年開始鑄造九色銀幣 ( 大字版型,見光緒 三十三年元月十九日張之洞致電袁世凱電文鑄幣重以十足成


色)。後因度支部下文改鑄一兩零六分(即是銀一兩加入雜質 六分,屬於小字版型),到光緒三十三年七月初九日,戴澤奏



人為主,他們的說法是,鑄一兩制是沿襲中國傳統官民慣用, 久已習慣的“兩”計,不可放棄這種主權律度。




以及戶部一些官員,他們的說法是不用“兩” “錢” “分”正名目,









小字版為輕,這又為什麼?如果有興趣的話,可以找找文獻, 是可以找到答案的。

其實,這二種主張都有其理之所在,唯能“便民”者則為 潮流所致。宣統元年,度支部尚書戴澤,則說:“兩”之單位





他們二人來信致電的內容找到線索,例如:“…光緒三十三年 五月二十六日,袁世凱為論銀幣利弊事致張之洞等電:竊以為


中國不劃定幣制則已,如劃定幣制,則重量以一兩為准,成色 應以九八為宜,合先以銀為本位,不可不抬高其質。若以九成


100 《東亞泉志》第八期


Column 專欄 世凱對這份致電內容還覺得不夠,又至光緒三十三年六月初一







零六分者為小型版式,成色為九八,重量一兩零六分,三十七 點五三克(一兩為三十七點三一克),所以把大字版式收回銷










“兩”“圓”之爭又告一段落,遂成以後銀幣以七錢二分之圓 制了。

張之洞在光緒三十三年六月二十日電信袁世凱的第二封電 文,又提到“…詢知鄂鑄一兩銀幣不能行,已收回銷毀一節,


殊非事實,鄂鑄一兩銀幣本身通行,已發出七十余萬,不惟藩 庫商民,即江漢關稅亦按庫平足文一律收用,此為行銷明證。











紅衛兵們可能認為他的墳墓藏有珍寶,有關此事,在美洲中文 《世界日報》有記載。

The eighth Issue of JEAN 101

November 10-12, Beijing International Coin Exposition (Beijing National Convention Center) Table A022

Chinese edition of Coin of the Year and matching commemorative panda Beijing Release The Chinese edition of Coin of the Year and a piece of commemorative panda will be limited sale for RMB 800 during the Beijing International Coin Exposition from November 10-11, 2017 11:00-16:00, table A022

Coin of the Year Awarding Ceremony

210 mm

143 mm

A group photo of guests attending the first award ceremony of Coin of the Year on May 16, 1984.

A group photo of guests attending the award ceremony of Coin of the Year on February 4, 2017.

Coin of the Year (Chinese edition) written by Donald Scarinci; edited by the JEAN editorial department; China Financial Publishing House, 2017, 208 pages, 143×210mm; color photos, Chinese A Celebration of Excellence For three decades, the Krause Coin of the Year Award has come to symbolize the highest achievement in international numismatic design, artistic vision, and craftsmanship. The book, Coin of the Year written by Donald Scarinci offers the possibility for readers to get information about this international award of coins. The commemorative panda honoring the publication of the Chinese edition of Coin of the Year, is 1 oz in weight, 99.9 in fineness designed by Yu Min. The mintage is limited to 300 pieces. This is the first commemorative panda authorized by the Krause Publications. The obverse features Chinese panda, the Temple of Heaven in Beijing and Chinese characters “Beijing” and “2017 Coin of the Year Beijing Book Release”. The reverse depicts the logo of Coin of the Year, flowers and stars, “2017 Coin of the Year Beijing Book Release” in English, 1984-2017, and the releasing date 2017-11-11.

11 月 10-12 日 北京國際錢幣博覽會(國家會議中心) 展位 A022


北京 首 發 限量出售! 1 本《世界硬幣大獎賽》中文版和 1 枚紀念熊貓章套裝售价 800 元! 2017 年 11 月 10-11 日,每天 11:00-16:00,北京國際錢幣博覽會展位 A022 世界硬幣大獎賽 頒獎典禮

210 mm

143 mm

1984 年 5 月 16 日世界硬幣大獎首屆頒獎典禮嘉賓合影

2017 年 2 月 4 日世界硬幣大獎頒獎典禮嘉賓合影

《世界硬幣大獎賽》中文版,唐納德·斯卡林奇(Donald Scarinci)著,《東亞泉志》編輯部譯。中國金融出版社 2017 年出版, 共 208 頁,143×210 毫米,彩色,中文。 一場硬幣藝術成就的慶典 三十多年以來,克勞斯出版社的“世界硬幣大獎”已經成為了世界錢幣設計、藝術和技藝的最高成就的標誌。現在,讀者可以通 過唐納德·斯卡林奇的《世界硬幣大獎賽》一窺這一世界性錢幣大獎的真容。 作為向世界硬幣大獎賽歷年獲獎者及全世界最出色的現代紀念幣的致敬之作,《世界硬幣大獎賽》一書既收錄了過去三十餘年間 世界硬幣大獎賽獲獎作品的圖片(正反兩面),也涵蓋了一些珍貴的收藏家資訊及背景資料。給您帶來完整的、令人印象深刻的 世界頂級現代紀念硬幣之禮。

《世界硬幣大獎賽》中文版紀念熊貓章,1 盎司銀質,成色 .999,發行量 300 枚。余敏設計雕刻。 第一枚由克勞斯出版社正式授權的紀念章 正面為首發式中文,主景為中國熊貓和北京天壇的組合,表明 首發式的地域特色,並刊有北京二字。背面為首發式英文,世 界硬幣大獎賽標誌和裝飾花卉及 1984-2017 組合成主圖案。上 部有璀璨的星象徵群星薈萃,並刊有首發式時間。

TOP CHINESE COINS 2nd Edition 《中國近代機製幣精品鑒賞》第二版 Price( 售價 ):US $100 Plus Postage( 不含郵費 )

In June 2010, Top Chinese Coins Vol. 1 was published by iAsure Group and the The Journal of East Asian Numismatics (JEAN). Top Chinese Coins Vol. 1 offers an in-depth summary of the final results from the Top Chinese Coins Survey, a landmark event held in winter 2009 to search for the 10 most valuable Chinese struck coins. Coins submitted for review were judged by their rarity, historical importance, artistic appeal, condition, market value and group identity. The deluxe bound book offered details on the Top Chinese Coins Survey as well as high-quality pictures, price trends, degrees of rarity and historical context of the 60 top Modern Chinese Coins.

Top Chinese Coins , Vol. 1 had a limited print run of 1000, leaving many numismatists and enthusiasts unable to purchase a copy of their own. In response to high demand, iAsure has made certain that the second volume which released in June 2011 will be available to a much wider audience. While Top Chinese Coins Vol. 1 included gold, silver and copper coins, the second volume highlights the great range of silver coins. It will also add summaries from auction sales that list pricing, degree of rarity, pedigree and grades. 2010年6月,愛秀集團和《東亞泉志》出版了《中國







品鑒賞•銀幣版》 (簡稱《銀幣鑒賞》)。

趨勢、珍稀度解析和背景故事等,在錢幣業界引起巨大 的轟動和反響,備受讚譽,被譽為“全景式展現中國珍 稀機製幣的重要鑒賞書籍”。

由於頁面所限,第二版刊載60枚中國銀幣精品的重 要資訊,在第一版的基礎上有多方面改進和加強。《銀 幣鑒賞》在最受歡迎和好評的照片拍攝和排版下更多功









If required, please contact Champion Auction 如果需要請與我們聯繫冠軍拍賣公司 Tel:021-6213 0771 Email:

Chopmarked Coins - A History 《戳記幣簡史》 Colin Gullberg 高林

Price ( 售價 ): US $50 Plus Postage ( 不含郵費 ) The book Chopmarked Coins- A History by Colin Gullberg is funded by iAsure Group. The softcover book is 187 pages in length, 210mm×285mm, fourcolor printing. It covers the history of foreign silver coins that circulated in China from 1600 to 1935 and contains images of some 150 coins. Gullberg includes firstperson accounts, summaries of all modern sources of knowledge on the subject and scans from a shroff’s handbook (circa 1890). It is the first English- language book on the subject since 1990 and only the second English language book on the subject.

愛秀集團贊助出版發行的 戳記幣英文專著《戳記幣簡 史》為軟裝本,正文內容187 頁,開本210mm×285mm, 四色印刷,闡述了1600年至 1935年間中國流通的外國戳記 銀幣概況,作者高林先生採用 第一人稱敘述,總結了現代有 關戳記幣的詳盡知識,並配有 某錢莊的手冊(約1890年)掃 描插圖和150多張戳記幣高清 圖片。本書是1990年之後的第 一本戳記幣英文專著,也是有 史以來的第二本戳記幣英文專 著。

Chinese And Foreign Papermoney Errors 《華洋怪鈔—中外錯體紙幣賞析圖鉴》 David Chio 趙康池 Aguang Chan 陳耀光

Price ( 售價 ):MOP $300; RMB 240; US $30 Plus Postage ( 不含郵費 ) In December 2015, this book was released by Macau Numismatic Society and edited by David Chio and Aguang Chan. A total of 1,000 copies was printed, 200 in hard cover and 800 soft cover. The book is 323 pages of full color A4 size 210×285 mm and features over 300 error notes and 800 photos. Notes from Chin dynasty to modern times and more than 10 countries and region is covered. The books also cover causes of errors, background information on the printing process and authenticity of errors. This is the first book in Chinese to feature this type of information on error notes and its collection.

该书由澳門錢幣學會於2015年 12月出版,趙康池、陳耀光編著。 印行1000冊,其中精裝本200冊, 平裝本800冊。是書全彩精印,小 A4开本,210mm×285mm,323 頁,選錄了中外錯體紙幣300多 種,圖片800多張,涵蓋中國自清 末到現今使用的紙幣,涉及中外十 多個國家和地區。本書對中外錯 體、錯版、變體等紙幣的成因、歷 史背景和辨偽,實事求是地作了係 統的、科學的分析與歸納,並介紹 了印鈔基本步驟和印鈔過程中所產 生的“另類”紙幣,補充了不少紙 幣收藏的基礎知識。可以說,本書 是首本對錯體紙幣進行全方位論述 的著作。

If required, please contact Champion Auction 如果需要請聯繫冠軍拍賣公司 Tel: 021-6213 0771 Email:

Appreciation of Modern Precious Metal Coins in China (Volume 1-5), edited by Wang Shihong, a famous Chinese gold and silver coins collector has been issued recently. This series of books were published by Encyclopedia of China Publishing House (ECPH), supervised by Coin Collection Committee, the branch of China Association of Collectors(CAC), and printed by Shanghai Artron Graphic Arts Company Limited. Ma Delun, former deputy governor of the People’s Bank of China, wrote the forward, and Dai Zhiqiang, the first curator of China Numismatic Museum, wrote a report for this series. When it comes to the main purpose of this book, the chief editor Wang Shihong says, “It is hoped that this series of books can provide relevant knowledge of modern gold and silver coins in China comprehensively and systematically and carry forward the excellent culture of our motherland, so that readers can have a more particular knowledge of the history and connotations of gold and silver coins, and better appreciate their artistic value.” He also hopes to attract more enthusiasts to participate in the investment and collection of gold and silver coins, gradually expand the size of collecting team, improve the brand effect of Chinese gold and silver coins and enhance their influence at home and abroad in order to realize a faster development of Chinese gold and silver coin industry.” Writing this series of books, Appreciation of Modern Precious Metal Coins in China (Volume 1-5), is a systematic project, so we set up the expert advisory committee and the editorial board. It took the Chinese professional elite team more than five years to compile these books. This series of books reveal the development of modern precious metal coins in China through the exclusive interviews with the decision-makers, designers, carvers, and coin collectors, as well as a large number of firsthand information rarely known by the people. This series of books is an encyclopedia of modern precious metal coins in China. With unique academic perspective and simple words, this series gives a full explanation of processes of project selection, design, production and so on, and also

Contact Information (for purchasing purposes): Domestic

Shanghai Hong’an Culture Communication Co. Ltd. Pay before delivery. Payment should be remitted to Hongkou subbranch of Shanghai branch of the Bank of Communications. The post office remittance is also acceptable. Account Number: 310066030018170238495 Contact Person & Phone Number: Luo Fei, 17717536767

International Price: 160USD (without postage)

Contact Person:Wang Yue Phone Number: 15000120957; 021-62130772 Email:

Appreciation of Modern Precious Metal Coins in China (Volume 1-5)

Wang Shihong, chief editor of Appreciation of Modern Precious Metal Coins in China

make an intensive study of their cultural value, collectiing characteristics of precious metal coins. As a combination of authority, historical events, groovy knowledge, artistry, technicality, and readability, Appreciation of Modern Precious Metal Coins in China, not only serves as references for academic researchers and financial workers, but also as a standard work showing modern precious metal coins in China from an overall perspective for collectors of gold or silver coins. This series is 235mm X 290mm in size, octavo, with, composed of 5 volumes, containing about 2.5 million words and 2,000 pictures which are all exquisitely printed according to the original drawings. All the Chinese modern precious metal coins issued by People’s Bank of China from 1979 to 2014 are included in these books. Besides, related materials, such as the development history of modern precious metal coins in China, comparison table of classified catalog of modern precious metal coins in China, and materials about gold or silver coins, are also recorded in appendix. In order to promote the spread and popularization of professional knowledge of gold or silver coins and to release the readers’ economic burden, the chief editor, Wang Shihong takes the compilation, publication of this series of books as a public welfare undertaking. Expenses, such as compiling and management expenses, all come from selfless devotees who are interested in Chinese gold or silver coins. Therefore, the price of these 5 books is 160 USD (without postage), containing only costs of publication, printing, and issue. At the same time, the brass commemorative medal designed by the famous designer Luo Yonghui for the issue of Appreciation of Modern Precious Metal Coins in China will also be issued at the price of 450RMB for each.

學術性和可讀性於一體,不僅是學術研究者和金融工作者完 整的參考資料,也是金銀幣收藏者全面瞭解中國現代貴金屬 幣全貌的權威著作。 《中國現代貴金屬幣賞析》叢書的尺寸為 235mm X 290mm,8 開,全套共 5 本,約 250 萬字,累計有近兩千餘幅圖片 ( 所 有金銀紀念幣圖譜均按原大精印 )。 《中國現代貴金屬幣賞析》 收錄了 1979——2014 年中國人民銀行發行的所有中國現代貴 金屬紀念幣,而且還在附錄部分刊載了“中國現代貴金屬幣 發展簡史”、中國現代貴金屬幣分類目錄對照表及金銀帀相 關資料等。

《中國現代貴金屬幣賞析》主編王世宏先生 由中國大百科全書出版社出版,中國收藏家協會錢幣收藏委 員會監製,上海雅昌藝術印刷有限公司承印,中國人民銀行 讀後感,中國著名金銀幣收藏家王世宏主編的《中國現代貴 金屬幣賞析》( 第 1—5 冊 ) 已經出版發行。

負擔,王世宏主編把該書的編寫與發行當作一項公益事業來 做,所有編寫費用、管理費用等,全部由熱心中國金銀幣事 業的無私奉獻者捐贈解決,書價只含出版、印刷、發行等費用, 全書五冊定價僅 950 元(國際售價 160 美金,不含郵費)。同時, 還發行由著名設計大師羅永輝設計的《中國現代貴金屬帀賞 析》發行紀念大銅章,每枚定價 450 元。

王世宏主編在談及組織編寫《中國現代貴金屬幣賞析》主要 目的時表示:希望通過本書全面、系統地介紹中國現代金銀 幣的相關知識,弘揚祖國優秀文化,使廣大讀者能進一步瞭 解金銀幣的歷史和內涵,提高大家對其藝術價值的賞析能力, 以吸引更多的愛好者參與金銀幣的投資與收藏,逐步擴大金 銀幣的集藏隊伍,提高中國金銀幣的品牌效應和海內外影響 力,促進中國金銀幣事業的更快發展。 編寫《中國現代貴金屬幣賞析》是一項系統工程,為此,成 立了專家顧問委員會、編輯委員會,由中國專業精英團隊耗 時 5 年多時間精心編著。全書通過對決策者、設計師、雕刻師、 以及錢幣收藏家們的專訪,以大量鮮為人知的第一手資料, 揭示了中國現代貴金屬幣的發展脈絡與軌跡。 《中國現代貴金屬幣賞析》以其獨特的學術視角,樸素的敘 述文字,多角度、全方位地展示了中國現代貴金屬幣的選題 立項、設計雕刻、工藝製作等過程,同時在文化價值、收藏 屬性等方面做了較為深入的探討,是中國現代貴金屬幣資訊 資料的百科大全。

國內 欲購者請與上海宏盎文化傳播有限公司聯繫,款到發貨 書款請匯交通銀行上海分行虹口支行或郵局匯付 賬號 310066030018170238495 聯絡人:駱 飛 電話:17717536767 國外

售價:160 美元(不包含郵費) 欲購者請與冠軍拍賣上海辦事處聯繫 聯絡人:王 月 電話:15000120957 郵箱

冊)發行 1—5



《中國現代貴金屬幣賞析》 第 (


Shanxi Sycee 《陝西銀錠》 By Li Jiong

作者:李炯 Price (售價):RMB ¥398

Shanxi Sycee was published by Shanxi Media Group’s Sanqin Press in July 2015. It was written by Mr. Li Jiong, a collector and researcher of Shanxi sycee from Yulin, Shanxi. Mr. Li collected 600 varieties of Shanxi sycee over a ten–year period and after comparing and analyzing many collections of Shanxi sycee, he decided that there was a need for a professionally researched book on the subject.

the silver currency of Shanxi Province. Mr. Dai remarked that “This book is a professional work of research of Shanxi sycee. Mr. Li has taken advantage of local sources in his research and has made a great achievement in numismatic research. It covers all development stages of Shanxi sycee including its infancy, development, widespread adoption and its final discontinuation.”

Mr. Li has classified Shanxi sycee into six categories: 50 taels boat-shaped ingots, officially minted sycee, commercially minted sycee, Shanxi stamp remittance ingots from other provinces, odd-shaped sycee, and a sixth ‘other’ group of sycee. This book comprehensively shows the conditions of the circulation of Shanxi silver currency in the late Qing Dynasty and early Republic Period. This book also examines the social conditions including politics, economics, culture, and customs of that period. The president of the Xi’an Branch of The People’s Bank China Guo Xinming and prominent collector Dai Zhiqiang both wrote prefaces for this book. They remarked that this book was a masterpiece of Shanxi numismatics and filled a space in the research of

The book is A4 size and is 260 pages long with two additional trifold pages. It is printed in full-color and is illustrated with good quality graphics of Shanxi sycee. It was published by Shanxi Media Group’s Sanqin Press in July 2015. Buy from website: cgi?id=1648 (Note: the book is signed by the author) Contact: Mr. Li Jiong Cell Phone: 15529990006; 15667811786 Email: 五十兩船形銀錠、官鑄銀錠、商鑄銀錠、外省陝槽、陝 西異形銀錠、存疑待考銀錠六大類,全面展示了清末民 國時期陝西省白銀貨幣的通行現狀,側面反映了這一時 期政治、經濟、文化、民俗等方面的社會面貌。本書由 中國人民銀行西安分行行長郭新明、 著名錢幣學家戴志 強先生並序。郭序指出:《陝西銀錠》的出版,恰逢我 國 “一路一帶”戰略構想提出之際,是陝西錢幣研究的 又一力作,填補了陝西白銀貨幣研究的空白。戴序認為《陝 西銀錠》是一部有關陝西地方銀錠的專譜、專著,李炯 先生立足本鄉本土,充分利用和發揮地域優勢,十年磨 一劍,揚長避短,求實務實,走了一條錢幣集藏研究的“捷 徑”,一條成功之路。全書採用以文為主,以圖為輔的 串聯方式,揭示陝西銀錠產生、發展、興盛、衰落的全 過程。 该書大 16 開本,126 克雅粉全彩精印,幣圖清晰逼真, 共計 26 萬字,260 余頁,亦附三折拉圖兩幀。作者首次 在銀錠圖片旁附陜槽銘文複原印章一方。圖文並茂,值 得珍藏。

2015 年 7 月《陝西銀錠》由陝西出版傳媒集團三秦 出版社正式出版發行。作者李炯先生是陝西榆林本鄉本 土的銀錠收藏、研究者,他用十年時間,收藏了 600 餘 種陝西銀錠。通過大量實物藏品的比對分析,作者首次 提出建構陝西銀錠分類學研究,將陝西銀錠分類為:

錢幣天堂網發售 登錄 可獲得作者簽名書 聯絡人:李炯 購書電話:15529990006;15667811786 郵箱

Unofficial Banknotes Issued in Jiangxi Province By Xu Anmin Price :RMB ¥298 Unofficial Banknotes Issued in Jiangxi Province was written by prominent paper money collector Xu Anmin, and was published in December 2014 by Jiangxi People’s Press, with the support and planning of the Jiang Xi Banking Industry. The unofficial banknotes cataloged in this book were issued by local administrative agencies, banks and organizations (such as local armed forces, cooperatives) etc. The face value of these paper notes was the same as that of the national legal currency which was circulated in some defined regions. The book is illustrated with pictures of 185 of the banknotes issued in Jiangxi Province, of which 25 were issued in the Qing Dynasty, 11 by local administrative agencies, 15 by local armed forces, 19 by chambers of commerce, and 88 by money houses and business houses. In addition, there are 21 local gold dollar coupons, 4 silver coupons, and 2 special money. Additionally, there are about 30 printing blocks and anticounterfeiting seals. The 200 physical coupons are from the author’s collection. This is the first time these precious coupons, some of which are unique, have been published.

comments were mainly on the collectors’ errors, value,

The book is divided into the following sections:

star-rating, collection methods, current existing condition and personal target.The postscript presents author ’s 20

the foreword, brief introduction, catalog, comments,

years collecting experience, his star-rating and calculating

references and postscript.The guide defines the scope

method, which will help collectors.The references include

and the time of the research and collecting and the

the relative historical resources, monographs and research

definition of unofficial banknotes. This is the first time

articles from modern times.In additional, the author

these banknotes have been categorized according to their

verified the authenticity of physical bonds which need to

different features. A brief introduction was also given

be proved. He also wrote another two articles about the paper money: “The Research of Banknotes Issued by Wu

to each chapter of the book.The General Introduction includes features, the development of unofficial banknotes, the rise of collecting these notes and the research achievements for unofficial banknotes. The pictures of the banknotes, local gold coupons ( 金圆券 ), local silver coupons ( 银 圆 券 ), special money, printing blocks and anti-counterfeiting seals are illustrated in the book. The book comprehensively describes each physical coupon of the banknotes. Many ancient stories were discovered such as the words of celebrities, family rules, poetry and prose from the script and pattern of the banknotes.The

Zheng-Yuan Private Bank of JianYi (Feng Cheng City) ”, and “Remark on 1896 Banknotes Issued by Kiangsi Official Silver Bank Again ”. This book is 281 pages long and has more than 300 colorful pictures of the banknotes. It is printed in A4 size on colorful bronze paper with a fine binding. It is a professional book for collecting and researching the unofficial banknotes issued in Jiangxi. It is sold by Xinhua Book Stores all over the country at a price of 298 yuan.

《江西民間鈔票》 作者:徐安民 售價:RMB ¥298





年 12 月由江西人民出版社出版發行。該書收集的實物












185 張,其中清代鈔票 25 張,基層行政機構鈔票 11 張,


地方武裝鈔票 15 張,商會鈔票 19 張,錢莊商號鈔票

20 多年收藏實踐經驗的親身感悟和思想提煉,并創造

88 張,地方金圓券 21 張,地方銀元券 4 張,特殊幣 2 枚。


另有,鈔版及防偽印章 30 余件。書中所錄選的 200 多


件實物券,均來自作者 20 多年的私人收藏品。在這些





考證,并專門撰寫《劍邑吳正元錢號票考略》和《光緒 丙申年“江西官銀號”銀錢票再議》等文章,提出作者


觀點,供讀者參閱。該書圖文并茂,大 16 開本,全彩


銅牌紙印刷,精裝幀,281 頁,300 多幅實物原大彩圖,






書店經銷,定價 298 元。

See Us at Beijing Coin Exposition 11/10-12 Table A022

Champion Macau Auction Nov-26-2017 CHAMPION 6/F Promenade, SofitelAUCTION Hotel Macau at Ponte 16

11/30-12/4, Pek Community Centre 11/23-26 20172016 Kam Kam Pek Community Centre

Macau Society 2017 International Show MacauNumismatic Numismatic Society 2016 International Show

Chinese Numismatic Forum VI Macau SAR China

Howard Bowker East Asia Collection Macau Special Exhibit

MNS Opening Ceremony

Michael Chou and Hans Henning Goerum

Special Release“Howard of China 2017Macau Bowker East Asia Collection” Commemorative Pandas Commemorative Medal Release Special Release of China 2016 Macau Commemorative Pandas


Artist Yu Min Was Given the Lifetime Achievement Award by Krause Publication Coin of the Year Award Committee

Editor of World Coin News David C. Harper (L.) and Chinese Embassy Culture Department Secretary Dr. Li Gang

Shanghai Mint Co., Ltd senior designer Yu Min is watching CCTV News live

A Lifetime Achievement Award in Coin Design was given to Yu Min of the Shanghai Mint Co., Ltd., Feb. 4 at the Coin of the Year Award ceremony at the World Money Fair in Berlin, Germany.

He began designing and engraving coins in 1980 and participated in the entire development process of gold and silver Pandas as a designer and engraver since the frst gold panda coin was issued in 1982.

The trophy was accepted by Dr. Li Gang, Secretary of the Culture Department of Embassy of People’s Republic of China to the Federal Republic of Germany.

His 1983 silver Panda won the Best Silver Coin award in the 1985 Coin of the Year competition. He has designed and engraved over 200 Modern Chinese coins including over 40 commemorative Panda coins, including the 2005, 2006, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2012 and 2013 gold and silver commemorative Panda coins, over the years. Mr Yu Min may hold the world record for the number of coins designed/engraved by a artist for a modern mint.

Yu Min is the first Asian Designer to win the award , the previous three edition of the award went to Herbert Wahner of Austria, Maria Carmela Colaneri of Italy, and Heinz Hoyer and Sneschana Russewa-Hoyer of Germany. Giving the award was David C. Harper, editor of World Coin News, founding sponsor of the award. The award is also sponsored by the World Money Fair. The publisher of the Journal of East Asian Numismatics, Michael Chou, introduced Dr. Li. His publication is the third sponsor of the Coin of the Year Awards and it prepared a biography of Yu Min. Yu Min graduated from Shanghai Arts and Crafts School inAugust 1980 and entered the Shanghai Mint (now known as the Shanghai Mint Co., Ltd) to design and to engrave coins in the design and pattern shop at the same year. From February to June 1996 he went to Russia and studied in the Sculpture Department of Repin Academy of Fine Arts. He was enrolled as a member of the China Sculpture Institute in July 2004.

The 2009 Panda coin designed by Yu Min was named the Best Commemorative Coin by a German magazine. Among commemorative coins, he designed and engraved the portrait of Chairman Mao on the circulating coin to Mark the 100th birthday of Mao Tse-tung. It was very diffcult to engrave a raised image of the chairman to be struck on a very hard nickelclad steel coin. Yu Min accomplished this after repeated trials. In the selection process of the 2008 Beijing Olympic coins, Yu Min’s design was one of the finalists and his four joint engraving designs (the fencing, pentathlon, archery and soccer coins) were adopted by the head offce of Bank of China.

See Us at Beijing International Coin Exposition 10/10-12 Table A023 For Consignments, please contact Michael Chou Phone:86-13701793363 1-6462709988 86-21-62130771 Fax:852-3007-4311

Mother’s Day Panda Designed by Yu Min Shanghai Mint’s First Heart Shape Panda Special Collectors Piedfort Edition (50g) 300 mintage

50g, Budda’s rays on Golden Summit


50g 30g, no Budda's rays

Yu Min’s Mother’s Day Panda was the Shanghai Mint’s first heart shape panda. With a mintage of 1,000 for the regular 30 grams silver and 100 for the 8 gram gold versions. There is also a special collector’s Piedfort version of the Mother’s Day Panda in 50 grams silver with a mintage of 300. Each of the Mother’s Day Special Collector’s version will have individual number on each panda. The Obverse features Mother panda and its two baby pandas and carnations for Mother’s Day. The reverse depicts Budda’s rays on Golden Summit of Mountain Emei in Szechuan province the home of the Pandas. Emei Mountain is one of China’s four major Buddhist mountains. Each Mother’s Day Panda is numbered individually and with its special Shanghai Mint Custom Box. This Mother’s Panda is released by Champion designed by Shanghai Mint Senior

2016 Macau Numismatic Society Annual Expo Commemorative Panda

2017 World Money Fair Berlin Commemorative Panda

Designer Yu Min and produced by China’s Shanghai Mint. Customers can reserve this special collector’s Piedfort Mother’s Day Panda (NGC 69) at the Price of USD 499 with original box and certifcate, limit one per customer. You can contact Champion’s US distributor Jerica at 941 952 0100 or email Estate Coin and Jewelry Galleria 1650 Main Street Sarasota Florida 34236. Champion Auction's previous show pandas designed by Shanghai Mint Yu Min, released at the 2014-6 Macau Numismatic Society Annual Show, 2016-7 World Money Fair Berlin and 2016 American Numismatic Association were a great success.

2016 ANA World's Fair of Money Anaheim Commemorative Panda

2017 World Money Fair Berlin Tri-Metallic Commemorative Panda

AUCOFFRE.COM was founded in 2009 by its French CEO and founder, Jean-François FAURE. ​is an online platform for private investors worldwide to buy and sell vault stored gold and silver coins. The Company has some 20,000 customers, 4 tons of vaulted gold, 11 tons of vaulted silver, 25 employees​ ​and​ ​a​ ​turnover​ ​of​ ​35​ ​millions​ ​euros​ ​worth​ ​in​ ​2015. At the end of 2011, decided to strike its own coin, one oz fine gold Vera Valor (with a title of 999.9%°). It has been the gold coin the most sold in France, Belgium and Switzerland in 2012. More than 35,000 Vera​ ​Valor​ ​coins​ ​have​ ​been​ ​sold​ ​since​ ​it​ ​was​ ​launched. Since then, decided to diversify its production and started to strike various editions of Vera coins (1/10 oz gold Vera Max Collector, 1 oz Vera Silver and so on …). More than 400,000 Vera Coins have been struck since its initial creation, which makes the first private Mint in France. In 2015, decided to strike a Map Coin Collection promoting small territories. The Company started to strike the first legal tender Vera Silver one ounce Zanzibar with a facial value of 1000 shillings of Tanzania (50,000 coins). These coins were sold quite quickly and the customers were even asking for further editions. Gibraltar is the second territory to be represented : 50,000 one oz Vera Silver and 5,000 one oz Vera Valor will be struck​ ​with​ ​legal​ ​tenders. In 2013, launched the VeraCash, the first and unique debit card that is backed by physical gold, the Vera Valor - unlike other debit cards that are backed by cryptocurrencies or dematerialised currencies. For the VeraCash, it is the physical gold that will determine the exact amount spent based on the gold price. Through the VeraCash card and the mobile application, it is also possible to send VeraCash units to another user as a means of payment : a VeraCash unit equals​ ​one​ ​unit​ ​of​ ​the​ ​national​ ​currency. and wish to put forward the true values of physical gold​ ​and​ ​silver​ ​whether​ ​in​ ​physical​ ​coins​ ​or​ ​as​ ​a​ ​means​ ​of​ p ​ ayment.

Mish International Monetary Inc. Mish國際錢幣公司 Specialists in 專營 Pandas since 1982 1982年起發行的熊貓幣 China Modern since 1979 1979年起發行的中國現代金銀幣 World Coins since 1964 1964年起專營世界錢幣

Looking To Buy?想買? Our inventory and knowledge has been available to both our colleagues and collector clients since coins of the People’s Republic of China first reached the world market in 1979. 自1979年中國現代金銀幣首次進入國際市場后,Mish 國際的員工及其藏家客戶積累了豐富的庫存和專 業的錢幣知識。

If you are looking for a particular China coin, chances are we have it, or may be able to recover it from an original buyer we sold it to years ago at first distribution. 想買中國幣?我們或許恰好有;也許多年前我們賣過,現在或許還能從原始買家手中買回來。

Looking To Sell?想賣? In this world of instant experts and brokers, Mish International is still your best choice to handle the purchase of your prized coins in this fast-changing market. Well-capitalized, truly knowledgeable and accommodating, we buy both single pieces and major collections at fair value with no delay, no limits and no excuses. 瞬息萬變的市場環境,Mish 國際仍是助您銷售錢幣的最佳選擇。雄厚的資金實力,專業的錢幣知識, 出色的協調能力,我們同時收購單枚幣和大型收藏,價格合理,快速付款。

Since 1964 始於1964

Here today. Here tomorrow 攜手今日 共贏明天 Mish International Monetary Inc Mish國際錢幣公司 1154 University Drive Menlo Park, CA 94025, USA 美國加州門羅帕克大學路1154號,郵編94025 Phone(電話):(650) 324-9110 Email(電郵)

Stack's Bowers and Ponterio Invites You to Be a Part of Our Exciting 2018 Auction Events of Chinese and Asian Rarities! The April 2018 Hong Kong Auction April 2-4, 2018 Consign by: January 29, 2018

The August 2018 Hong Kong Auction August 6-8, 2018 Consign by: June 2018

Exceptional Prices Realized from Our Recent Sale: CHINA. Sinkiang. Xinjiang Yuanbao Chinese Turkestan Principal Ingot. 50 Tael Local Tax Ingot, ND. VERY FINE. Realized: $16,800

CHINA. Hunan. 3.6 Candareems (5 Cents), 1902. Wuchang Mint. NGC AU-55. Realized: $60,000 CHINA. Dollar, ND (1912). PCGS MS-64+ Secure Holder. Realized: $43,200

CHINA. Pattern 1/2 Dollar (50 Cents), Year 25 (1936). NGC MS-64. Realized: $45,600

CHINA. Kwangtung. Pattern Cent, Year 25 (1936). PCGS SP-63 BN Secure Holder. Realized: $50,400 CHINA. 1,500 Yuan, 1990. Dragon & Phoenix Series. PCGS PROOF-67 DEEP CAMEO Secure Holder. Realized: $114,000

CHINA. Pattern “Mausoleum” Dollar, Year 16 (1927). PCGS MS-61 Secure Holder. Realized: $38,400

CHINA. Chiang Kai-Shek Silver Medal, ND (1937). PCGS MS-63 Secure Holder. Realized: $16,800

CHINA. Pattern 10 Cents (1/10 Dollar), ND (1910). Tientsin Mint. PCGS MS-62 Secure Holder. Realized: $15,600

CHINA. Yunnan Liangchuo Keding. Yunnan Province Two Stamp Tax Ingots. 9.75 Tael Tax Ingot, ND. VERY FINE. Realized: $20,400

CHINA. 50 Yuan, 1995. Panda Series. PCGS MS-69 Secure Holder. Realized: $18,000

CHINA. Kiangnan. 3 Mace 6 Candareens (50 Cents), ND (1897). Heaton Mint. NGC PROOF-67. Realized: $144,000

CHINA-PEOPLE’S REPUBLIC. People’s Bank of China. 5000 Yuan, 1951. P-857Ca. PCGSBG About Uncirculated 55 Details. Realized: $18,000

CHINA-EMPIRE. Ch’ing Dynasty. 100,000 Cash, Cash Year 8 (1858). P-A8b. PCGS Extremely Fine 40 PPQ. Realized: $27,600

Call or email a consignment specialist today to discuss consigning your personal collection or individual coin and paper money items. +1.949.253.0916 California | +1.212.582.2580 New York | 852.2117.1191 Hong Kong 香香 | | Unit 1603, 16/F, Mira Place Tower A, No. 132 Nathan Road Tsim Sha Tsui, Kowloon, Hong Kong Telephone: 852.2117.1191 Email: 1231 East Dyer Road Ste 100, Santa Ana, CA 92705 • • 949.253.0916 California • New York • New Hampshire • Hong Kong • Paris SBP JEAN No. 8 170925


Covers China 中國特別報道

The Numismatic Industry Leader Since 1960 始於1960年,錢 幣行業領導者

For Your Complimentary Coin World Special Edition Visit Us at the

Beijing International Coin Exposition! Nov. 8-11, 2017 Table A023

2017年11月8-11日北京國際錢展上 我們將免費贈閱《錢幣世界》 獨家特刊,展位A023!


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Check out our sister publication, Linn’s Stamp News, for the latest philatelic updates. 閱讀我們的姐妹刊《林氏郵票新聞》,獲取最新的集 郵資訊。

To get your digital edition subscription to Linn’s Stamp News, visit: 想要電子版期刊,請訂閱《林氏郵票新聞》,流覽網站 Please note: The digital edition is in English only 請注意數字版為全英文

New Polish Dealer selling on MA-Shops 波蘭 Podlaski Gabinet 錢幣公司在 MA-Shops 網站上線

Podlaski Gabinet 公司簡介: Marek Melcer’s Podlaski Gabinet Numizmatyczny has been oficially established in the year 2000. From the beginning our company’s main mission has been aimed at reliable coin evaluation and coin grading. Since 1999 we have organised fifteen professional numismatic auctions together with the Poznanski Dom Aukcyjny. Throughout all these years, we have gained a substantial experience in the coin trade and coin grading. We are the first Polish company (and the only one in three) invited to join a prestigious German Organization Der Verband der deutschen Münzenhändler e.V affiliating associations that deal with only licensed numismatic sales. We help collectors in creating and building up their coin collection. We are in close partnership with many numismatic companies and auction houses both in the country and abroad. What is more, we are actively present at the majority of important exchanges and numismatic auctions. It allows us to professionally represent our clients and purchase numismatic items on their behalf and with the highest level of expertise. Visit the shop:

馬雷克·梅爾徹爾的 Podlaski Gabinet 錢幣公司成立於 2000 年。自 一開始我們公司便主營真實可信的錢幣鑒定和評級業務。 1999 年,我們和波茲南斯基拍賣行一起辦了 15 場專業錢幣拍賣會。 這些年來,我們已經在錢幣交易和錢幣評級方面獲得了大量的經驗。 我們是唯一一家波蘭公司(三家中的唯一一家),受邀加入著名的 德國錢幣機構——德國硬幣經銷商協會,只從事授權錢幣的交易。 我們幫助收藏家創建他們的錢幣收藏集,和國內外諸多錢幣公司和 拍賣行有密切合作。更重要的是,我們積極地參加大多數重要的錢 幣交流會和拍賣會。這讓我們擁有高水準的錢幣專業知識,專業代 表我們的客戶選購錢幣。 流覽網店:

Nice coins offered by this dealer 優質品相錢幣在售:

August II Thaler 1717, Dresden mint. US $4,150.00 Silver 45 mm, weight 29,30 g. Catalogue References: Kopicki 11119 R4, Kaminski 629, Gumowski 2106 Very attractive and rare thaler minted to commemorate the death of the mother of Frederick Augustus I, Anna Sophia. 1717 年奥古斯特二世 1 泰勒,德累斯顿造币厂 4,150.00 美元 银质,直径 45 毫米,重量 29.30 克 目录参考:科皮斯克 11119 R4,卡明斯基 629,顾莫乌斯基 2106。 非常受欢迎的一枚珍稀泰勒,纪念弗雷德里克·奥古斯塔斯一世的 母亲安娜索菲亚的逝世。

1/2 Rouble 1819 NC RUSSIA US $3,500.00 Weight: 10.36 g Diameter: 28.00mm Catalogue References: Bitkin 163, KM C# 129. Condition: Scarce in this condition. 1819 年 1/2 卢布,俄罗斯北卡罗来纳 3,500.00 美元 重量 10.36 克,直径 28.00 毫米 目录参考:比特金 163,KM C# 129。 品相:罕见。

German New Guinea 5 Marks 1894 2,125.00 US$ Weight: 27.77 g Diameter: 38.00 mm Catalogue References: KM 5 1984 年德属新几内亚 5 马克 2,125.00 美元

Australia 100 dollars 2010 P. High Relief Koala 1,650.00 US$ Weight: 31.10 g Diameter: 27.00 mm Catalogue References: KM 1469. Diameter 27 mm, 1 Oz. Gold. Certificate PCGS PR 69 DCAM, scarce, low mintage 2000 pcs. Proof – High Relief

重量 27.77 克,直径 38.00 毫米

2010 年澳大利亚高浮雕考拉 100 澳元

目录参考:KM 5

1,650.00 美元 重量 31.10 克,直径 27.00mm 目录参考:KM 1469。直径 27 毫米,1 盎司金币。 PCGS 证书 PR69 DCAM,稀有,铸币量少至 2000 枚,高浮雕精制 币

Stater Kingdom of Macedon US $2,500.00 Ancient Greece. Kingdom of Macedon. Philip II 359-336 BC. Gold 17 mm, weight 8,58 g., Amphipolis mint. Obverse: Laureate head of Apollo right. Reverse: Charioteer driving biga right, holding kentron in right hand, reins in left; ivy leaf below horses. Catalogue references: Le Rider 70. 马其顿王国斯塔特 2,500.00 美元 古希腊,马其顿王国,菲利普二世(公元前 359-336) 金质,直径 17.00 毫米,重量 8.58 克,安菲波利造币厂 正面:阿波罗的戴桂冠头像,侧面向右 反面:御者右手持肯特隆显微硬度计,左手握缰绳,驾驶战车,向 右前行。战马下方为常春藤叶。 参考目录:骑士 70

OPEN YOUR MA-SHOP and sell to 300.000 collectors. 打开 MA-SHOP 网站, 向 300,000 收藏家出售钱币吧!

East Asia Journal 1984 Issue 《東亞通寶》第 1 期 1984 年發行

First Issue of JEAN digital edition January 2016 Issue 《東亞泉志》電子雜誌第 1 期 2016 年 1 月發行

北京國際錢幣博覽會 11 月 10-12 日 冠軍展位 A022

2017/11/26 冠軍澳門拍賣會 CHAMPION 澳門十六鋪索菲特酒店六樓會議室 AUCTION

年 11 月 23-26 日 澳門金碧文娛中心 2017 11/30-12/4, 2016 Kam Pek Community Centre

年澳門錢幣學會年展 2017 Macau Numismatic Society 2016 International Show

中國第六屆錢幣論壇 澳門錢幣學會年會

Howard Bowker East Asia Collection Macau Special Exhibit



“Howard Bowker East Asia Collection” Commemorative Medal Release 2017 年澳門錢幣學會年會紀念熊貓首發 Special Release of China 2016 Macau Commemorative Pandas

入會申請表 Application Form 申請日期 Application date: 申請會員類別:

本地會員 Macau Member

Membership applied for:

外地會員 Non Macau Member

姓名 Name:

性別 Gender:

證件號碼 ID No.:

出生日期 Date of Birth:


住址 Add.:

職業 Occupation:

錢幣收集範圍 Interst:

聯絡電話 Phone Number:


會費 新會員需交付:入會費 MOP500.00 New membership fee: MOP 500.00

本會宗旨:團結錢幣愛好者,推動錢幣之收藏及研究 介紹人 Referee:(需我會兩位成員推薦 two members of the Society) 會員姓名編號 Member No: 會員姓名編號 Member No: 此欄由澳門錢幣學會填寫 (Filled by the Society only): 新會員入會日期: 新會員編號: 1)新會員需認同本會宗旨。 New members should comply with the Society regulations. 2)入會申請人需填妥本申請表、交 1 張相片及繳納相關入會費用。 Please attach one photo and pay the membership fee. Add: AV. DR. RODRIGO RODRIGUES. 600E-P105 FIRST INTERNATIONAL COM. CENTER, MACAU Tel: (853)2833 4556 Fax: (853)2830 4772 Email:

地址:澳門羅理基博士大馬路 600E-1 樓 P105 室 電話:(853)2833 4556 傳真:(853)2830 4772

余敏榮獲克勞斯出版社世界硬幣大獎評委會頒發的 終身成就獎

《世界錢幣新聞》主編 David C. Harper(左)和中國駐德國 大使館文化部秘書李剛

上海造幣有限公司高級工藝美術師余敏在觀看 CCTV 新聞 頻道

本屆世界硬幣大獎頒獎典禮於 2 月 4 日在德國柏林的世界錢

1993 年獲工藝美術師任職資格,並被聘為工藝美術師。2004


年 7 月,被中國雕塑學會吸收為會員。

得者是上海造幣有限公司的設計雕刻師——餘敏。 余敏從 1980 年從事錢幣設計雕刻至今已 30 年,從 1993 年聘 中華人民共和國駐德意志聯邦共和國大使館文化部秘書——

為工藝美術師至今也已 23 年。從 1982 年發行第一枚熊貓金


幣起,至今已有近三十年歷史。余敏作為設計雕刻人員參與 並見證了熊貓金銀幣發展的整個過程。

余敏是首位獲得這項大獎的亞洲錢幣設計師,前三屆終身成 就獎的獲得者分別是:奧地利的赫爾伯特 • 韋納、義大利的瑪

由余敏設計雕刻的 1983 版熊貓銀幣獲得了 1985 年世界硬幣

利亞 • 卡梅拉 • 柯蘭納瑞以及德國的 Heinz Hoyer 和 Sneschana

大獎最佳銀幣獎,這些年,餘敏一共設計和雕刻了 40 多枚紀

Russewa-Hoyer 夫婦二人。

念熊貓,包括 2005、2006、2008、2009、2010、2012 和 2013 熊貓金銀幣。余敏為現代造幣廠設計和雕刻的錢幣數量之多,



的大衛 •C• 哈珀負責頒發,而世界錢幣展也是本屆獎項的贊助 商之一。

他所設計的 2009 版熊貓幣被德國錢幣雜誌評為最佳紀念幣。

《東亞泉志》出版人周邁可先生為李博士做了一下介紹。 周

紀念幣方面,余敏設計並雕刻了毛澤東誕辰 100 周年流通紀




浮雕是一個近乎苛刻的任務,經過多次實驗之後,余敏最終 圓滿完成任務。

余敏 1980 年 8 月畢業於上海工藝美術學校(中專)。同年進 上海造幣廠(上海造幣有限公司前身)設計製模車間從事錢

在 2008 北京奧運幣的競標中,余敏的設計成為了入圍了最終


的決賽圈。余敏與他人合作的設計(擊劍、五項全能、射箭、 足球)也在競標被中國銀行選中。

1996 年 2 月至 6 月期間,赴俄羅斯列賓美術學院雕塑系進修。

北京國際錢幣展覽會 11 月 10-12 日 展位 A023 如有疑問,請與周邁可先生聯繫,郵箱: 電話:86-13701793363 1-6462709988 86-21-62130771 傳真:52-3007-4311

由余敏負責設計、上海造幣廠生產的第一枚心形紀念熊貓 母親節特別收藏加厚版紀念熊貓(50g),鑄造量 300 枚

50 克的峨眉山面有金 頂佛光

30 克

30 克的峨眉山面沒有 金頂佛光

50 克



紀念熊貓。其中銀質熊貓共生產 1000 枚,品質為 30 克;金質熊

經銷商 Jerica,電話:941 952 0100;郵箱:jericainternational@

貓為 100 枚,重 8 克,另外還有特別收藏版 50 加厚克銀質熊貓,。

鑄造量為 300 枚,每枚熊貓上均打有編號。正面圖案為母親節康 乃馨、熊貓母親和倆個熊貓寶寶;背面圖案為熊貓故鄉——四川

地址:佛羅里達薩拉索塔 34236,1650 大道,Estate Coin and


Jewelry Galleria 公司。




展會熊貓曾在 2014 年 6 月的澳門錢幣學會年展、2016 年 7 月的


柏林世界錢幣展以及 2016 年美國錢幣協會展覽上取得過巨大的

499 美元的價格購得這種母親節特別收藏加厚版紀念熊貓,附帶


2016 年澳門錢幣學會國際年展紀念熊貓

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AUCOFFRE.COM 成立於 2009 年,其創始人兼法國總裁是讓·弗朗索瓦·福爾。 AUCOFFRE.COM 是一家為全球私人投資者提供庫存金銀幣交易的網上平臺。 公司大約有 2 萬名顧客,4 噸黃金庫存,11 噸白銀庫存,25 名員工。2015 年 成交額達到 3500 萬歐元。 2011 年底,AUCOFFRE.COM 決定自鑄錢幣——1 盎司純金金幣 Vera Valor(意為“真實的價值”, 含金量為 999.9%°)。2012 年,在法國、比利時 和瑞士,Vera Valor 已成為銷量最大的金幣。該金 幣自發行起,銷量已超過 35,000 枚。 此後,AUCOFFRE.COM 決定使產品多樣化,開始鑄造各種版別的 Vera 錢 幣——1/10 盎司 Vera Max 金質收藏幣、1 盎司 Vera 銀幣等。Vera 錢幣自誕 生以來,鑄造量已超過 400,000 枚, 因此成為法國的第一私營造幣廠。 2015 年,AUCOFFRE.COM 決定打造一個宣傳小塊領土的地圖幣收藏集, 開始鑄造第一種法定貨幣——桑吉巴 1 盎司 Vera 銀幣,面值為 1000 坦尚 尼亞先令,鑄造量為 50,000 枚。這些 Vera 銀幣很快被搶購一空,很多顧 客甚至還想購買這種幣的更多版別。具有代表性的第二塊領土是直布羅陀, 也將鑄造此種法定貨幣—— 50,000 枚 1 盎司 Vera 銀幣和 5,000 枚 1 盎司 Vera Valor 金幣。 2013 年,AUCOFFRE.COM 發 行 了 VeraCash 金 卡——唯一也是首個消費實物黃金 Vera Valor 的借 記卡。和其他的借記卡不同,其他的借記卡消費的 是加密數位貨幣或虛擬貨幣。對於 VeraCash 金卡來 說,按照黃金價格,用實物黃金來確定用戶所花費 的確切金額。通過 VeraCash 金卡和移動應用,將 VeraCash 的金額發給另一用戶,也能成為一種支付 方式。一個單位的 VeraCash 錢幣等於一個單位的該 國貨幣。 不論是作為實物錢幣,還是一種支付方式, 和 都希望體現實物黃金和白 銀的真實價值。

《东亚泉志》电子杂志 《东亚泉志》为冠军拍卖公司总裁周迈可和著名钱币学专家史博禄于1994年创办, 是一本学术性钱币研究专业杂志。旨在让广大钱币收藏家、研究学者更深入地了解钱 币知识,让世界各地的读者更好地了解中国深厚的钱币文化。 杂志高级编辑史博禄1951年生于美国密苏里州圣路易斯市,为密苏里大学历史系学 士,哈佛大学中国研究专业硕士。1974-1977年在克劳斯出版社任《世界钱币新闻》 助理编辑,参与《世界硬币标准目录》与《世界纸钞标准目录》编辑工作。史博禄拥 有30多年的收藏和研究中国钱币的丰富经验。他在《东亚泉志》上发表的研究文献极 大地丰富了中国钱币的知识内涵。 《东亚泉志》于1994年7月份问世,在20多个国家发行,广受欢迎,长期占据许多重 要图书馆书架的显著位置,包括美国国家博物馆史密森尼学会、大英博物馆、哈佛燕 京图书馆、哈佛大学、耶鲁大学、哥伦比亚大学、斯坦福大学、康奈尔大学和美国钱 币学会、美国钱币协会。杂志刊发过不少有重要学术价值的文章,如詹姆斯•史威尼 写的《1900年京局银元》、史博禄写的《徐世昌刻字纪念章》和《民国二十五年和 民国二十六年之中国银元故事》、汤姆•基纳写的《1897年浙江三分六厘样币和1899 年安徽三分六厘流通币的关系》以及曾泽禄写的《台湾老公银伪品》等。 2015年5月,周迈可决定于2016年1月复刊《东亚泉志》为电子季刊,中英双语。内 容以披露最新钱币收藏研究成果、推介泉界成功人士的事迹为主。主要栏目有学术研 究、人物专访、鉴赏争鸣、拍卖回顾、重要信息等。聘请著名钱币研究学者袁水清担 任中文主编。袁水清,1948年生,大学金融专科毕业,从事银行工作30多年。中国 钱币学会会员,陕西省钱币学会常务理事,西安市收藏协会常务副会长。同时聘请国 内外知名的钱币学者、收藏家及专业人士加入,如美国华人钱币学者曾泽禄、美国纸 钞专家弗雷德·施万、美国东南亚钱币专家霍华德·丹尼尔、德国中国现代币研究学者 塞巴斯蒂安·威斯霍夫斯基、香港中国现代金银币研究学者陈景林、台湾钱币学者周 建福、《戳记币简史》作者台湾东吴大学加拿大籍高林教授等。 从2017年起,《东亚泉志》加盟由克劳斯在德国柏林世界钱币展览会期间举办的 “世界硬币大奖”颁奖活动。

《东亚泉志》2017年免费订阅,如果需要,请把您的邮箱发到! 《东亚泉志》第一期在线阅读

The Journal of East Asian Numismatics In 1994, The Journal of East Asian

Relationship between 1897 Chekiang 5-Cents Pattern and 1899

Numismatics (JEAN) was founded by

Anhwei 5-Cents Circulation Strike” by Tom Keener, and “A Forgery

Michael Chou, the CEO of Champion Auction and Bruce Smith, a noted numismatist. It is a professional numismatic academic journal whose mission is to educate collectors and researchers on the subjects of Chinese numismatics, culture and history.

of Taiwan’s Old Man Dollar” by Dr. Che-lu Tseng. In May 2015, Michael Chou decided to start issuing the journal again starting in January 2016. The famous numismatic researcher Mr. Yuan Shuiqing will be chinese chief editor. He is a member

Bruce Smith, the chief editor of JEAN, was born in 1951 in

of China Numismatic Society, serving as executive director of

St. Louis, MO. He received his BA in history from the University

the Shenxi Numismatic Society and executive vice president of

of Missouri St. Louis; and his MA in China studies from Harvard

the Xi’an Collectors Association. As a numismatic researcher, he

University. In 1974-1977, he worked for Krause Publications

was chief editor of Collections and China Numismatics. He has

as Editorial Assistant on World Coin News and as cataloger for

published over 100 numismatic research articles and the masterpiece

Standard Catalog of World Coins and Standard Catalog of World

The Elite of Monetary History of China. Other distinguished

Paper Money. He was a full time coin dealer 1977-1987. In

contributors from home and abroad are numismatists, collectors and

1988-1989, he studied in China as a student of China Studies in

coin dealers, including Bruce Smith (author of Howard Franklin

Chengchow (Zhengzhou) University, Henan province. In 1991-1993,

Bowker – Numismatic Pioneer), Colin Gullberg (Canada, author

Mr. Smith was a graduate student at Harvard University. In 1994-

of Chopmarked Coins – A History), Wang Chunli (China, author

1998, he was the editor of The Journal of East Asian Numismatics

of Illustrated Catalog of China’s Jilin Province Silver Coins and

(JEAN). Bruce Smith has been a collector and researcher of Chinese

Illustrated Catalog of Chinese Gold & Silver Coins), Chinese

coins for over 30 years. His published research in JEAN has added

American senior numismatist Dr. Che-lu Tseng, senior numismatic

immensely to the body of knowledge for Chinese coins.

scholar of China modern gold and silver commemorative coins King

The first issue of JEAN was released in July 1994, and the last issue (18th issue) in 1998. Most articles were written in English,

L. Chan (Hong Kong), senior numismatist Chien Fu Chou (Taiwan) and CEO of Beijing Coins website Richard Guo.

the remainder in Chinese. The journal was distributed in over 20

It will be a quarterly, bilingual e-journal, covering the latest

countries, and remained a mainstay on many important library

numismatic research, interviews with famous collectors, auction

shelves, including the Smithsonian Institution, the British Museum,

reviews, and general news. The Journal's distribution is now over

the Harvard Yenching Library, Harvard University, Yale University,

5,000, including over 2,000 in Greater China region.

Columbia University, Stanford University, Cornell University, the ANS (American Numismatic Society), and the ANA (American Numismatic Association). The journal enjoyed great popularity and many important articles were published in JEAN, including “Peking Coins of 1900” by James Sweeny, “More on the Hsu Shihchang Medals with engraved names” and “The true story of China’s 1936 and 1937 Silver Dollars” by Bruce Smith, “The Apparent

Starting in 2017, Journal of East Asian Numismatics is a cosponsor of Krause's Coin of the Year Award Ceremony in Berlin with World Money Fair. You are welcome to subscribe, submit articles for publication, and advertise in the upcoming JEAN. The 2017 subscription is free of charge. Please send your email to

2017-2018 JEAN Advertising Rate 2017-2018 Issue

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Contact JEAN Shanghai Office Tel: 021-62130771 Email:

東 亞 泉 志 《東亞泉志》電子雜誌簡介 《東亞泉志》為冠軍拍賣公司總裁周邁可先生和著名錢

2015 年 5 月,周邁可先生決定于 2016 年 1 月復刊《東

幣學專家史博祿先生于 1994 年創辦,是一本學術性錢幣研




究專業雜誌。旨在讓廣大錢幣收藏家、研究學者更深入地了 解錢幣知識,讓世界各地的讀者更好地了解中國深厚的錢幣

雜誌高級編輯史博祿先生 1951 年生於美國密蘇里州聖

路易斯市,為密蘇里大學歷史係學士,哈佛大學中國研究專 業碩士。1974-1977 年在克勞斯出版社任《世界錢幣新聞》 助理編輯,參與《世界硬幣標準目錄》與《世界紙鈔標準 目錄》編輯工作。1977-1987 年全職進行錢幣交易。19881989 年在中國鄭州大學留學,主修中國研究課程。1991-

1993 年在哈佛大學攻讀碩士。1994-1998 年任《東亞泉志》 總編。史博祿先生擁有 30 多年的收藏和研究中國錢幣的豐

富經驗。他在《東亞泉志》上發表的研究文獻極大地豐富了 中國錢幣的知識內涵。

袁水清,1948 年生,大學金融專科畢業,從事銀行工作 30 多年。中國錢幣學會會員,陝西省錢幣學會常務理事,西安 《西部金融 • 錢幣研究》雜誌的責任編輯,《中國錢幣界》 雜誌主編。多年來他傾力于中國貨幣史和錢幣學的研究,發

表過近百篇錢幣研究文章;2012 年,出版了匯集中國古今 錢幣的鴻篇巨製《中國貨幣史之最》。同時聘請國內外知名 的錢幣學者、收藏家及專業人士加入,如《霍华德 • 富兰克 林 • 包克——錢幣學研究先驅者》作者史博祿先生、《戳記 幣简史》作者高林先生、《熊貓金銀幣收藏指南》作者皮特 • 安東尼先生、《中國吉林銀圓圖譜》和《中國金銀幣目錄》 作者王春利先生、美國華人資深錢幣學者曾澤祿先生、香港 中国现代金银币资深研究学者陳景林先生、台灣資深錢幣學 者周建福先生、美國現代金銀幣資深經销商羅伯特 • 米什先

《東亞泉志》于 1994 年 7 月份問世,1999 年停刊,

發行了 18 期。雜誌中大部分文章是英文,只有少部分是中文, 在 20 多個國家發行,廣受歡迎,長期佔據許多重要圖書館


博物館、哈佛燕京圖書館、哈佛大學、耶魯大學、哥倫比亞 大學、斯坦福大學、康奈爾大學和美國錢幣學會、美國錢幣 協會。雜誌刊發過不少有重要學術價值的文章,如詹姆斯 •

生、美國東南亞錢幣專家亞當 • 比亞吉先生以及北京錢幣 網总裁郭嘉華先生等。 復刊后的《東亞泉誌》為電子季刊,中英双语。內容以 披露最新錢幣收藏研究成果、推介泉界成功人士的事跡為 主。主要欄目有學術研究、人物專訪、鑒賞爭鳴、拍賣回顧、 重要資訊等。 從 2017 年起,《東亞泉志》加盟由克勞斯在德國柏林

史威尼寫的《1900 年京局銀元》、史博祿寫的《徐世昌刻 字紀念章》和《民國二十五年和民國二十六年之中國銀元故 事》、湯姆 • 基納寫的《1897 年浙江三分六釐樣幣和 1899

年安徽三分六釐流通幣的關係》以及曾澤祿寫的《台灣老公 銀偽品》等。


《東亞泉志》2017 年免費訂閱,如果需要,請把您的 郵箱發到 !

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