2021.7 / Issue 41
Bilingual (English - Chinese) Digital Quarterly
25 th
JEAN 1994-2019
上海亞洲文會大樓( 現上海外灘美術館) Rockbubund Art Museum(Shanghai Royal Asiatic Society Building)
蘇柯仁 Sowerby
伍德华 伍德華 Woodward
1936 年孫中山像背布圖中圓銀幣樣幣,NGC MS63 CHINA-REPUBLIC 1936 Sun Yat Sen 50 Cents Silver Pattern, NGC MS63
耿爱德 耿愛德 Eduard Kann
1867 年上海貳錢銀幣,NGC PF66 CHINA-Shanghai 1867 Two Mace Silver, NGC PF66
『本期專題 | FEATURES 』 中華錢幣協會歷史
The History of the China Numismatic Society
席德柄、喬晉梁、韋憲章⸺戰亂時期的三位中央造幣廠廠長 Turpin Hsi, Qiao Jinliang, Wei Xianzhang-Three Directors of the Central Mint during the War
晚清金幣大珍:中國新疆餉金金幣品種考辨——兼論中國近代機製 幣史料的輯軼與辨偽 Rare Gold Coins in the Late Qing Dynasty A Research on the 1907 China Sinkiang Gold Coin⸺ Also on the anecdotes of historical coinage
泉壇的馬可波羅——意大利錢幣雕刻師 Luigi Giorgi 與大清銀幣
1911 年伍角單面鉛質樣幣,NGC MS63,L.Giorgi 陰文簽字版 & 設計師手稿 CHINA-EMPIRE 1911 50 Cents Uniface Lead Pattern, NGC MS63, with raised L.Giorgi signature & Designer Manuscrupt
Marco Polo of the Numismatic Community: Italian Coin Engraver Luigi Giorgi and Empire 1911 Dollar Patterns
《東亞泉志》為冠軍拍賣公司總裁周邁可先生和著名錢幣學 專家史博祿先生於1994年創辦,是一本學術性錢幣研究專
業雜誌。旨在讓廣大錢幣收藏家、研究學者更深入地瞭解錢 幣知識,讓世界各地的讀者更好地瞭解中國深厚的錢幣文化。
2021 免費訂閱
中英雙語 - 電子季刊
Bilingual (English - Chinese) Digital Quarterly
以披露最新錢幣收藏研究成果、推介泉界成 功人士的事蹟為主。主要欄目有學術研究、 人物專訪、鑒賞爭鳴、拍賣回顧、重要信息等。
25 th
No. 23
JEAN 1994-2019
2021. 7 / Issue 41
亞泉志 志 東 泉 亞 4 No. 1 04 2019.
東亞泉志 東亞 泉東 志亞 泉東 志亞 泉 No. 17
No. 15 / Issue 2019. 07
32 Issue
2020. 01 / Issue 35
No. 18
h - Ch ineJEA al (Englis
O T I C Point) A R C (Sink ing 沉没
Li Hung Chang
Slave ships 奴隸船隻
Arms Plaza, Cuba 古巴兵器廣場
2 5 th
Anhui 安徽
A nn
0 th
F ir
iv e rs ar y
特號 功紀 Bid” 珍妮 奧成 mpic g Sing 韓國申 “Olys Ton
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marks 會 Chop Charle 奧運 mes Coins 銅元 pes of 類 屆首爾 十文 pic Ga - Ty 的種 紀念 10 Cash 第 24 戳記 共和 Oly m ter 2 Portra it 淺談 凱像 24th Chap h Ka i —— 袁世 The 二章 istor yYuan Shi 史》第 ins - HThe 幣簡 Co 記 d 《戳 marke Chop
Weishan In My ublic of Mind China:
1994 年 -201 9
Ne 張南琛 lson Ch ang
設 sign 計師 er M 手稿 anus cr
ANNI 25TH 李鴻章出訪德國與德製紀念章
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n an
2021 .4 /
nitio Recog
金 “白
terl y
Ta臺 iw 灣 an
『 本期 專題
al Q
Shandong 山東
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Hubei 湖北
Zhili 直隸
Prices of Goods 商品價 四川 格 Tonto Fish/kan on Li Hung Chang’s visit Otto von Bismarck g Zhi ton ng Hunan 魚 / 斤 240 Cash ejia 240 同治通寶 g bao 1 Cash 李鴻章造訪奧托·馮·俾斯麥紀念章 zh 江 湖南 Jiangxi Meat 130 文 shao 紹定 一文銅錢 浙 Cash 元寶ou 貴州 ding Guizh 肉 130 江西 文 yuan 大錢 Flour 150 Fujian bao Yunnan large 麵粉 150 Cash 雲南 A 1997 issued 福建 coin medal confirmed An orang 文 the arrival of 古巴 1997 年發行的紀 Guan e/Cash da qi 大齊通寶 橘子 / 念華工抵達哈瓦那 Chinese to Havana gxi 廣西 拓片 tong 個1文 ong 150 周年紀念章 gd Cotto ba n o ru 廣東 Guan bbing棉花 / lb 380 Cash 磅 380 文 ...... Sichuang
(En 中英雙 glish 語 - C - 電子 季 hin ese) 刊 Dig it
Bil in
Medal on Li Hung Chang’s visit to Hamburg 李鴻章訪問漢堡紀念章
nette USS Jean
1994-2 019
Shanxi 山西
e 38
25 th
Shu xun
Tibet 西藏
/ Issu
in, ke Co Coin. n Ca Ca ke Pat ter shaped Dragon in. Tur tlePin San r Co in and Silve 會獎章 Bai Jin Ca ke Co 美國國 n Sing rliest 妮特號 Pat ter · 唐先珍 ’s EaCharles Tong Horse 查尔斯 inanette Med al Jean Ch nal The USS Cong ressio US
Start) 起點(
澳 門
幣 的銀 發行 最早 中國
Mongolia 新疆
幣 品』龍 金三 『白
Quarte rly
2020. 10
Zha ng
Otto von Bismarck
Bilin 中 Quarte gual (Eng 英雙語 rly 電子 lish Chine 季刊 周年 se) Di JEAN 1994-2019 gital
20世 紀3 The Bu 0年 代上 nd, Sha 海外灘 nghai, in the 193
陝西 Shaan
Ha n u of ror W
20世 紀40年 New York 代紐約風 in the 景 1940s Map of the Late Qing 民國初 (1912 年 Empire (191 ) 中國地圖 2)
U.S. A
n o g a r D
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2020. 07 / Issue
航線 圖
Picture of Emp 同治皇 eror Tong 帝像 zhi
珍妮 特號
of the USS
The trav elogue von Rich of thofen the geograph 地理學 er Ferd 家費迪 inand 南·馮 ·李希 霍芬
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周年 Quarterly - 電子季刊 019 中英雙語 4-2ital Dig se)N 199
中英雙語 - 電子季刊
周年 中英雙語 - 電子季 Bilingual (English - Chinese) Digital Quarterly 刊 JEAN 1994-2019 Bilingual (Engli sh - Chinese) Digital Quart 中英雙語 Bilingu erlyal - 電子季刊 (Englis 周年 h - ChJEAN 1994-2019 inese) Digital
2020. 04 / Issue
msde ors 幣學 oins 中央 收 藏 ing the le n 會的 獨一 in th ction “克 利 Natio Issuanc and the 造幣赫 ⸺ 福 藏品 nal Nu e and Red Ameri e N of a周年 德· 威特 Uni 無二 C co Fam 訪華 can Nu mism ”紀念 廠 廠 emption 的整 que atic Co 長席100 llect ous 章首打儀 mism Se 套擬 Fi 式 德 llectio 塵 atic So ion t of from nanc n's Ea封 柄先 ciety Artis 發行 Collec A Pr st 七 the ier du As十 生的 tion 載Objec t's Sket 中國 Form ring ojec ian 錢幣 t Bu :19 ts Fo ches 幣設 er C the R r Acce fo ried 49 年 計師 entra epub r ss. for Pr 金 lic 手 l 70
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江南 let-S 珍珠龍 cale Drag on
af t
收藏 lle 書 首發 ct io 設 n Bo 計 稿 ok Re
eM ed
Issu e 40
Welcome to contribute articles. 歡迎投稿 ! Chinese / 中文 / jeanzg@163.com English / 英文 / championghka@gmail.com
Chinese Editor
Che-lu Tseng
Yuan Shuiqing
Hans-Henning Goehrum 漢斯 · 亨寧 · 格魯姆 Technical Advisor
Ma rket i ng Adv isor
US Correspondent
European Correspondent
Gu Jun
Mark Sutton
J. Matthew Brotherton
Oliver Strahl
馬修 · 布拉澤頓
Publisher & Editor in-Chief
Advertising & Circulation Manager
Michael H. Chou
Esther Zhao
Senior Editor
Design Director
Bruce W. Smith
Steve Feller
「 中英雙語 · 電子季刊
Tan Wanmei 譚婉梅
Bilingual (English - Chinese) Digital Quarterly」
臺北公司 Taipei Office
上海辦事處 Shanghai Office
臺北市南京西路 163 號 1 樓 50-51 室 電話 :886-2-25551761 郵箱 :championghka@gmail.com
上海市普陀區常德路 1211 號寶華大廈 1808 室 電話 :86-21-62130771 電話 :championghka@gmail.com
We are extremely honored for the Journal of East Asian Numismatics to be the producers of the Nelson Chang book which was released on May 29, right before the record-brea k i ng Champion Macau Nelson Cha ng auction. The 100 NC collection lots broke 60 auction records and realized over us 20 million, the largest sale of a single named Chinese vintage coins collection. In this issue, we feature an article on the history of the China Numismatic Society, which makes a brief review of the background and the development of the society established by Arthur de Carle Sowerby, the co-founder of the China Journal , together with two enthusiastic coin collectors, G. H. Parkes and K. F. Mulder.
which they carried on from 1937 to 1946. Our European Correspondent Oliver Strahl wrote an article to review the 2021 World Money Fair in Berlin. Our editor Zhou Bian has an interesting article on jade discs, which identifies whether they are a kind of ornament or a coin. The issue also includes an interview with numismatist Jiang Lihua from Northeast China by our Chinese editor Yuan Shuiqing. In terms of ancient coins, we have an article on iron mother coins discovered in Shijiazhuang by Tong Yu. We hope our readers will find something of interest in the issue.
Stephan Dai wrote about the three directors of the Central Mint during the Chinese civil war. Chen Bin contributed an ar ticle on Sinkiang gold coins. and Professor Fan Weici of Taiwan provided an interesting article Macro Polo of the Numismatic Community: Italian Coin Engraver Luigi Giorgi and Empire 1911 Dollar Patterns . In addition, there is an interesting article about the 1903 Hupoo gold coin by our senior editor Bruce Smith. We are also publishing correspondence between two famous numismatists, Howard F. Bowker and Arthur B. Coole,
Michael Chou Publisher & Editor-in-Chief
08 10 13 16 18 33 39
The 17th China Copper Coin Seminar and 2021 Lanzhou Coin Show to be Held in Champion Auctions〔Shanghai〕 Lanzhou, Gansu
A Collection Legacy from a Legendary Family——A Legacy of Collection: Zhou Bian〔Shanghai〕 The NC Collection of Chinese Coins
An Indispensable Reference Book for Sichuan Dragon Dollar Collectors——A Zhou Bian〔Shanghai〕 Catalog of Sichuan Dragon Dollars in the Late Qing Dynasty Is the Jade Disc a Kind of Ornament or Coin?
Interview with Numismatist Jiang Lihua of Northeast China
Zhou Bian〔Shanghai〕
Yuan Shuiqing〔Xi'an〕
Research on the Xianfeng Paochi One Cent mother coins found in Shijiazhuang The 1903 Hupoo Tael Set Struck in Gold
Tong Yu〔Hebei〕
The First Sanxing Auction to be Held in the Autumn of 2021: Revival of the Sanxing Auction through a Hundred Years Sanxing Auctions〔Nanjing〕
Bruce W. Smith 〔USA〕
46 58 70
The History of the China Numismatic Society
Marco Polo of the Numismatic Community: Italian Coin Engraver Luigi Giorgi and Fan Weici〔Taipei〕 Empire 1911 Dollar Patterns
94 98 114
Champion Auction〔Shanghai〕
Turpin Hsi, Qiao Jinliang, Wei Xianzhang-Three Directors of the Central Mint during the War Stephen Tai〔Taipei〕 Rare Gold Coins in the Late Qing Dynasty: A Research on the 1907 Sinkiang Gold Coins and the Relevant Historical Coinage Anecdotes Cheng Bin〔Urumqi〕
A Review of the World Money Fair'21 Berlin # Digital Fair & The current hot Oliver Stelzer〔Germany〕 market for Panda Coins and Medals Howard F. Bowker – Arthur B. Coole Correspondence (1937 – 1967)
Champion Auctions〔Shanghai〕
Champion 2021 Macau Spring Auction Realized Over USD 20 Million
Champion Auctions〔Shanghai〕
前言 yan
《東亞泉志》編輯部有幸負責編輯出版了《收藏傳奇⸺ 張南琛中
對 2021年柏林世界錢幣博覽會進行了回顧。本刊編輯周邊先生所
自張南琛收藏的拍品中有60項打破拍賣紀錄,成交總額超過 2 000
收藏專場前正式發行。該場拍賣打破了多項拍賣紀錄⸺ 100項來 萬美元,是迄今成交總額最高的一場中國機製幣拍賣。
本期雜誌的專題文章中有一篇《中華錢幣學會歷史》,對由《中國雜 誌》創辦人蘇柯仁先生(Arthur de Carle Sowerby),及兩位熱心
的錢幣收藏家帕克斯(G. H. Parkes)和穆德先生(K. F. Mulder)
期還有我們的中文主編袁水清先生對東北錢幣專家姜力華先生的 古幣方面,本期刊載了佟昱先生關於石家莊發現的咸豐通寶寶直小 平鐵母之文章。
戴學文先生撰寫的文章介紹了戰亂時期的三位中央造幣廠廠長 ;成
斌先生則供稿了一篇關於新疆金幣的文章 ;臺北的樊慰慈教授則 撰寫了《泉壇的馬可波羅⸺ 意大利錢幣雕刻師 Luigi Giorgi 與大
一兩金幣系列》,以及冠軍研究室整理的兩位著名的錢幣學家⸺ 霍華德 · 佛蘭克林 · 包克與邱文明在1937年至1946年間的通信。
我們的歐洲通訊員奧利弗 · 斯特拉爾先生(Oliver Strahl)則撰文
《東亞泉志》總編輯兼出版人 :周邁可
目錄 mu
09 11 14 15 17 26 36 43
2021 首槌·秋拍: “三省拍賣” · 穿越百年 · 風雲再起
第十七屆中國銅元討論會暨 2021 蘭州錢幣展銷會將於甘肅蘭州舉行 一個傳奇家族的收藏傳奇——《收藏傳奇——張南琛中國錢幣收藏》
一本海內外四川龍洋藏家不可或缺的工具書——《川龍薈萃——清末四川省造龍洋 周邊〔上海〕 圖譜》 玉璧是禮飾還是玉幣
佟 昱〔河北師範大學〕
1903 年戶部一兩金幣系列
專 題
52 64 80 91
專 欄
96 106 126
部 門
席德柄、喬晉梁、韋憲章 韋憲章 ⸺戰亂時期的三位中央造幣廠廠長
晚清金幣大珍:中國新疆餉金金幣品種考辨——兼論中國近代機製幣史料的輯軼 成斌〔中国乌鲁木齐〕 與辨偽 泉壇的馬可波羅——意大利錢幣雕刻師 Luigi Giorgi 與大清銀幣
2021 年柏林世界錢幣博覽會回顧——當前熊貓幣章市場大熱 霍華德·包克——邱文明通信(1937-1967)
奧利弗·斯特拉爾〔德國〕 冠軍研究室〔上海〕
異彩紛呈,行情井噴 : 冠軍 2021 年澳門錢幣春拍成交總額逾 1.3 億元人民幣
The First Sanxing Auction to be Held in the Autumn of 2021: Revival of the Sanxing Auction through a Hundred Years Sanxing Auctions 〔Nanjing〕
Chinese civilization has a long history and embodies the changes of collection. The progress of society promotes not only the prosperity of literature and art but also the vigorous development of the antique collection. Sanxing Auction carries a century of humanistic feelings and continues the painstaking management and spiritual heritage of Sanxing Silverware Shop for generations.
The First Sanxing Auction to Kick off in the Golden Autumn of 2021 In order to create the cultural atmosphere of the ancient capital of six dynasties and show the unique charm of traditional Chinese art, Sanxing Auction is grand launching as a comprehensive cultural relics auction company, restoring the glorious years of its predecessor Zhejiang Dinghai Sanxing Silverware Shop. It is recently informed that its first auction will be held in Nanjing (Grand Metropark Hotel), the ancient capital of six dynasties, from October 25 to 28, 2021. This autumn auction will cover ancient coins, gold and silver ingots, silver dollars, banknotes, copper coins, commemorative coins and medals, gold and silver wares, and many other categories. The full range of products, the rich collections, and the extreme beauty of auction lots will strike the first hammer for Sanxing Auction to enter the auction industry.
Sanxing Auction Revivals through a Hundred Years Founded in the thirty-four years of the Qing Dynasty,
Its scale ranks at the forefront of the same industry in
Sanxing Silver ware Shop is mainly engaged in the
Jiangsu and Zhejiang, and it is well known. At present,
trading and processing of gold and silver jewelry, the
it is China’s only century-old silverware shop whose
dealing of coins, medals, bullions, and cakes, and the
original site, signboard, and inheritor are unified. Sanxing
customization of gold and silver commemorative medals.
Auction was born under the efforts of Mr. Chen Yong ( 陳 永 ), the fourth-generation descendant of the Chen family, adhering to the century-old brand craftsman spirit. By building an artwork ecochain service platform integrating artwork appraisal and valuation, online and offline auction, shopping mall, purchase, repurchase, market information, and artwork encyclopedia, it is bound to be built into“the most influential auction brand in China”.
2 3
三省拍賣 · 穿越百年 · 風雲再起 三省拍賣〔南京〕 中華文明源遠流長,也凝聚著收藏的風雲滄桑。社會的進步, 在促進文化繁榮的同時,也推動古玩收藏的逢勃發展。“三 省拍賣”承載著一個世紀的人文情懷,也延續著“三省銀樓” 幾代人的苦心經營和精神傳承。
“三省拍賣”首場拍賣 定於 2021 金秋開槌 為營造六朝古都的文化氛圍,展現中華傳統藝術的獨特魅 力,“三省拍賣”⸺ 作為一家全門類綜合型文物拍賣公司 隆重上線,精彩還原其前身“浙江定海三省銀樓”的輝煌歲 月。近日獲悉,“三省拍賣”首場秋賣將於 2021 年 10 月 25-28 日於“六朝古都”南京(維景大酒店)舉辦,此次金 秋首槌拍賣將涵蓋古錢、金銀錠、銀元、紙幣、銅元、紀念 幣章、勳章獎章、金銀器等諸多品類。品類之齊全,藏品之 豐富,拍品之極美,將為“三省拍賣”的金秋首秀敲響進入 拍賣行業第一槌。
“三省拍賣”⸺ 穿越百年 再創輝煌 創始於清光緒三十四年的“三省銀樓”,主營金銀首飾買賣 加工,幣、章、條、塊交易,金銀紀念章定制,規模位居江 浙同行業之前列,譽滿一方。目前,是中國唯一一家原址、 招牌和傳承人統一的百年銀樓。“三省拍賣”在陳家第四代 後人陳永先生的努力下誕生,秉承百年品牌的工匠精神,通
過搭建集藝術品鑒定估價、 線上和線下拍賣、商城、求 購、回購、行情資訊、藝術 品百科為一體的藝術品生 態鏈服務平臺,勢必將其打 造成“中國最具影響力的拍 賣品牌”。
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The 17th China Copper Coin Seminar and 2021 Lanzhou Coin Show to be Held in Lanzhou, Gansu Champion Auctions 〔Shanghai〕
From August 19 – 21, 2021, the 17th China Copper Coin Seminar and 2021 Lanzhou Coin Show will be held in Lanzhou, Gansu (Longxin Hotel, No 169, Qingyang Rd. Chengguan District). Copper coin collectors, numismatists, and amateurs from all over the country are welcome to Lanzhou to learn about and discuss the new discoveries of copper coins and achievements in numismatics. We hope to make joint efforts to carry forward the culture of Chinese copper coins and numismatics!
Schedule 8/19 (Thursday) 9:00-18:00 18:00
Sign in Reception dinner
8/20 (Friday) 9:00-12:00 12:00 12:00
The 17th China Copper Coin Seminar Buffet Visit Gansu Numismatic Museum/ Gansu Museum
Muslim dinner
8/21 (Saturday) 9:00-12:00
2021 Lanzhou Coin Show Gansu Coin Show Gongbo Copper Coin Show
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第十七屆 中國銅元討論會暨2021蘭州錢幣展銷會 將於甘肅蘭州舉行 冠軍研究室〔上海〕
2021 年 8 月 19 日至 21 日將在甘肅蘭州舉辦第十七屆中國銅元討論會暨 2021 蘭州錢幣展銷 會(蘭州城關區慶陽路 169 號隴鑫大酒店)。 歡迎全國各地銅元及錢幣藏家、泉友、愛好者蒞臨,共同研討和交流銅元及錢幣的新發現、 新成果,為弘揚中華銅元及錢幣文化共同努力。
日程安排 8月19日(週四) 9:00-18:00 18:00
簽到 兩會歡迎晚宴
8月20日(週五) 9:00-12:00 12:00 12:00 12:00
第十七屆中國銅元討論會 酒店自助餐 參觀甘肅錢幣博物館/甘肅博物館 清真晚宴
8月21日(週六) 9:00-12:00
2021蘭州錢幣展銷會 甘肅錢幣展 公博銅元精品展
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A Collection Legacy from a Legendary Family
A Legacy of Collection: The NC Collection of Chinese Coins Zhou Bian〔Shanghai〕
well-known antique collectors and experts. His father Zhang Shuxun ( 張叔馴 ) was known as “the King of Ancient Coins” in the numismatic community. Against such a background, NC built a collection of great rarity. The book was written by Nelson Chang. Michael Chou, Ron Guth, Bruce Smith, Laurence Chang, and Edmund Chang. Phyllis Chang helped to edit the book, and Che-lu Tseng advised. Nelson made a detailed illustration of his collecting legacy and experience, and the book involves how he got these coins and his impression of the collection. Articles about Nelson Chang, Chang’s family, and the NC collection are attached at the end of the book, which makes the book of high study and historical value. Besides this, the book makes a detailed introduction of rare Chinese coins from 1838 to 1949 in the NC Collection. The 195-page book was written in traditional Chinese and English, accompanied with photos of rare coins in NC’s and Zhang Shuxun’s collection, such as ying sheng yuan bao ( 應 聖元寶 ), tai he tong bao ( 泰和通寶 ), da ding tong bao ( 大定 通寶 ), and zhao na xin bao ( 招納 信寶 ). It also covers some related photos and reports, including the destination of the Chinese coins brought to America by Zhang Shuxun and how Michael Chou came to know NC. The book is worthy owning for any Chinese coin collector, and readers will have a good knowledge of the legendary family’s collection through reading this well-printed book.
A Legacy of Collection: The NC Collection of Chinese Coins has a gorgeous dark blue cover with a silver title. In late May, I read the news about the book’s release and the subsequent NC Collection auction. Since then, the story of NC, his family, and his collection has been revealed. Nelson Chang ( 張 南 琛 ), known as NC, was born into a wealthy family in Nanxun, Zhejiang. His family was one of the most famous collecting families in China from the end of the Qing dynasty to the beginning of the Republic Period, and his family members were all keen on collecting, including many
Contact: Champion Auction, 1808, Baohua Building, No. 1211 Changde Road, Putuo District, Shanghai, China. Email: jeanzg@163.com. Tel: 021-62130771. 12
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An Indispensable Reference Book for Sichuan Dragon Dollar Collectors
A Catalog of Sichuan Dragon Dollars in the Late Qing Dynasty Zhou Bian〔Shanghai〕
A Catalog of Sichuan Dragon Dollars in the Late Qing Dynasty by Zhang Chengguang ( 張 承 光 ) and Liu Zhenyu ( 劉 震 渝 ) is a reference book wh ich ma kes a s y s t emat ic identification and classification to Sichuan dragon dollars produced in the late Qing dynasty. The third edit ion, w ith 198,000 characters and 560 images, was published by the Sichuan Art Publishing House in December 2020. ISBN: 978-7-54109595-5. Price: 336 RMB.
Inner Pages
T he Sig n at u r e by the author
The book is divided into 30 chapters. The first three chapters introduce Sichuan dragon dollars produced by the Chengdu Mint, the return of the Sichuan dragon dollar patterns to Chengdu after a hundred years, and the mintage and grading of the Sichuan dragon dollars. These three chapters explain the history of the Sichuan dragon dollar, presenting many important historical documents and records.
and a postscript. The book classifies the Sichuan dragon dollars into seven major groups according to their character and pattern features. Then, subcategories are made based on the detail of the dragon faces. The pictures in the book are of high definition, with magnified images and detailed explanations. The book classifies the rarity, and it also presents the market prices of coins in different conditions, facilitating the identification and exchanges of researchers and collectors.
Sichuan is the most important area in West China, so the mintage of Sichuan dragon dollars is large, with a wide circulation. However, since the coin dies were modified and reengraved due to damage, their inscriptions, patterns, and varieties saw many changes. The book takes 17 chapters to make a comprehensive explanation of the Sichuan dragon dollars, according to their dragon patterns, inscriptions, dates, and rarity.
The book A Catalog of Sichuan Dragon Dollars in the Late Qing Dynasty focuses on the Sichuan dragon dollars. The writers researched based on the collection and then compiled the study results into this popular reference book, which has been highly spoken of by collectors and experts. All these manifest the great effort that the writers made in the process of compiling it. It will not only help readers to have a better understanding of the history of the Sichuan dragon dollar at the end of the Qing dynasty but also advance the collecting and indepth study in this field.
The last few chapters record the unearthed Sichuan dragon dollars, appreciate Sichuan dragon dollars, and introduce famous collectors and dealers in this field. In addition, it also attached some online exchange platforms, 19 varieties of Qing dollars issued during the Guangxi Emperor’s region, references,
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《收藏傳奇——張南琛中國錢幣收藏》 周 邊〔上海〕
NC 的父親就是民國錢幣界赫赫有名的古錢大王張叔馴。
這樣的家學淵源與涵養,使張南琛先生的收藏活動傳承有 序、如魚得水,珍稀藏品也極為豐富。
《收藏傳奇⸺ 張南琛中國錢幣收藏》一書,由張南琛編
寫,顧問:曾澤祿,編輯 :周邁可、古富、史博祿、張貽倫、 張貽仁、張貽智,翻譯 :趙婷婷,美術編輯 :鄭會群、譚
婉梅,編輯助理 :柴慶慶。張南琛先生在書中詳細敘說了
自己收藏貽贈、收藏經歷以及如何獲得藏品,以及對藏品 的印象等過程與經歷。其後,有多位他的友人與學界學者 介紹與研究 NC 與其父輩的錢幣藏品的文章,因此極具史
料與研究價值。最後為《NC 收藏中國錢幣 :1838-1949》
的章節,以圖錄形式詳盡介紹了 NC 收藏的珍貴錢幣品種。
快遞員送來冠軍公司寄我的《收藏傳奇⸺ 張南琛中國錢
幣收 藏 》一書,深藍色封皮襯着銀白色文字,典雅美觀。 五月下旬,也在網上看到了在澳門舉辦的此書首發儀式的
報道,以及其後的 NC 收藏的拍賣會。由此,NC 其人其
去向,冠軍周邁可總裁如何與 NC 結識過程等有趣的經歷
NC 就 是 張南 琛 先 生(Nelson Chang)的 英 文 簡 稱。源
聯繫地址 :上海市普陀區常德路1211號寶華大廈1808室 ;
郵箱 :jeanzg@163.com ;
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Tel :021-62130771
《川龍薈萃——清末四川省造龍洋圖譜》 周 邊〔上海〕
由張承光、 劉震渝編著的《 川龍薈萃⸺ 清末四川省造 龍洋圖譜》,是一部對四川清代省造龍洋系統定版與分級 的工具書。 經一版再版, 到至今2020年12月四川美術出 版社三版, 書內有字數198千, 圖片560幅。 國際標準書 號 :ISBN978-7-5410-9595-5。 定價人民幣336元。
析、川龍的著名藏家與商家以及主編介紹。另有網上交流 平臺、光緒主幣十九稀、版別檢索清單與後記等內容。
《川龍薈萃》一書,把四川龍洋的版別分成七類,以文字 特徵與龍面特徵清晰地區分川龍大版別。又按龍面紋細部
分成大頭龍、尖角龍、狹面龍、闊面龍、劍毛龍、四角龍 點邊須、四角龍橫邊須、異面龍等小版别。書中川龍圖片
《 川龍薈萃⸺ 清末四川省造 龍洋圖譜》分為三十章 節,
前三個章節分別為 :成都造幣廠生產川龍始末、百年後川
《川龍薈萃⸺ 清末四川省造龍洋圖譜》一書,編著者將
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and black, and the edge of the disc is thin and bladeshaped. The jade disc from the Archaeological Ruins
Is the Jade Disc a Kind of Ornament or Coin?
of Liangzhu City is thin on the outer edge and thick on the inner edge, and the color is mostly a fog-like grayish white. The jade materials used for a jade disc in the Shang and Zhou dynasties were mostly blue, green, and white jade from Nanyang and Xiuyan. Such jade discs are of smooth surface in round shape, and its inner and outer edges are of the same thickness, with a rounded edge and the regular center hole. Small jades discs have
Zhou Bian〔Shanghai〕
exquisitely carved patterns, mostly string patterns, or dragon, phoenix, or bird. From the Spring and Autumn period to the Warring States period, the patterns of jade discs mainly consisted of clouds, grains, while some
Chinese people love jade, and China possesses a
also have/had dragon patterns. The color of the jade is
profound jade culture. Jade is commonly considered
still mainly white jade, blue jade, and jasper. During this
the essence of mountains and rivers. The ancients
period, innovative productions appeared, with some live
believed that everything has spirituality, and jade has
animal images carved on the inner hole or outer edge.
the spirituality to communicate with heaven and hell.
The carving technique generally combined a few thick
Therefore, Buddhism calls jade the relic of the earth,
lines and many thin lines to make deep marks and sharp
which can dispel evil.
corners. This production style continued until the Han dynasty.
Yubi ( 玉璧 , jade disc) is a round flat piece of jade with a hole in its center. As Erya Shiqi (《爾雅 · 釋器》) says:
The book Zhou Li Tian Guan Da Zai (《周禮 · 天官 · 大
" when the diameter of the hole is larger than the wide
宰》) writes: "people appreciate jade coins, jade offerings,
of the jade, it is called‘bi ’( 璧 ); when the diameter of
and jade tables in the imperial palace." As Zheng Xuan
the hole is smaller than the wide of the jade, it is called
( 鄭玄 ) noted for the book: "the feudal princes can use
‘yuan ’( 瑗 ); when the diameter of the hole is as large as
jade coins." Sun Yirang’s ( 孫詒讓 ) corrected the note
the wide of the jade, it is called‘huan ’( 環 )." Therefore,
saying that "jade discs were known as money in ancient
there are three types of jade disc, namely, bi, yuan , and
times.”The book Guan Zi (《管子》) describes the origin
huan , according to the size of the hole. Archaeological
of currency as follows: "Jade originated from Yushi, gold
discoveries indicate that yubi were first produced in the
from Ruhan, pearl from Chiye. These places were 7,800
Neolithic age about five to six thousand years ago, and a
miles away from Zhou, too far and difficult to arrive. The
large number of exquisitely crafted jade discs were found
emperor set a currency system of three types, with pearls
in the Liangzhu cultural relic ruins. The Shang and Zhou
and jade as the premium currency, gold as the medium
dynasties were the development period of the jade disc.
currency, and spade and knife coins as the inferior
During the Spring and Autumn period and the Warring
currency." It can be seen that the origin and formation of
States period, jade discs were widely used as ornaments
currency has gone through a long process. Goods, that
and funeral items, as well as tokens used in ceremonial
were easy to carry and store but had a high value, served
occasions. The Zhou Li (《周禮》), which was written
as general equivalents for exchange. There were a huge
at the end of the Warring States Period, regarded jade
number of jade discs and jade artifacts unearthed from
artifacts such as bi ( 璧 ), cong ( 琮 ), gui ( 圭 ), zhang ( 璋 ),
excavations in the late Neolithic Age. Speculating from
hu ( 琥 ), and huang ( 璜 ) as the "Six Auspicious Things".
the huge quantity, simple craftsmanship, and location founded, they were not like ritual objects or ornaments,
In the Neolithic Age, the color of the jade disc was
but more likely represented wealth. Therefore, jade discs
generally blue, green, off-white, and light yellow; the plain
perhaps became a special commodity and the original
surface has no lines and is brightly polished. Most outer
circumferences are not perfectly round, middle holes are not centered, sides of holes are sloped, the thickness
Jade discs are a core artifact from ancient Chinese jade
is uneven, and the surface is not flat, with many cut
culture. Their history has stretched for more than 5,000
marks. The color of the jade disc from the Hongshanhou
years. They served as a symbol of currency and wealth in
Archaeological Site is generally reddish-brown, gray,
early times. E
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西漢 卷雲紋淺黃色玉瑗
玉璧是禮飾還是玉幣 周 邊〔上海〕 美石為玉,玉是石之精華。古人認為萬物皆有靈性,玉是
的還有蟠螭紋 ;玉質仍以白、青、碧玉為主。這時期出現了
物形象。雕刻技法普遍運用粗 細陰線結合法,粗線條少,
“肉(璧 玉璧是一種中央有穿孔的玉器, 《爾雅 · 釋器》載 :
根據孔徑大小將其分為玉璧、玉瑗、玉環三種。考古發現, 玉璧最早產生於距今約五六千年前的新石器時代,良渚文
“大朝覲會同贊玉幣、玉獻、玉幾、 《周禮 · 天官 · 大宰》:
雲: ‘古者玉帛通謂之幣,玉幣即瑞玉也。’” 《管子》書中是
玉爵。”鄭玄注 : “玉幣,諸侯享幣也。”孫詒讓正義 : “金鶚
這樣描述貨幣起源的 : “玉起於禺氏,金起於汝漢,珠起於
把璧、琮、圭、璋、琥、璜等玉器作為“六器”、 “六瑞”。
經歷了漫長的過程。便於攜帶保存,具有稀缺價值的物品, 相對充當一般等價物的必然性也會增加。從新石器時代晚
新石器時代玉璧玉色一般多呈青、綠、灰白、淡黃色 ;素
的核心器物,它的歷史延綿了5 000多年,它也曾充當過早
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Interview with Numismatist Jiang Lihua of Northeast China Yuan Shuiqing 〔Xi’an〕
Among numerous numismatic scholars, experts, and collectors in Northeast China, Jiang Lihua ( 姜
Society, as well as numismatic journals of all levels.
華 ,
1953- ) is a celebrity known for his numismatic collection,
On September 12, 2020, I had the privilege to getting
research, appreciation, and academic activities. Jiang
to know Jiang Lihua, who is elegant, modest, calm, and
once served as the Deputy Director of Shenyang Culture
knowledgeable, at the opening ceremony of Shenyang
and History Research Institute. He is now a member
International Coin Exhibition and the Release Conference
of the Chinese Numismatic Society, member of the
of Space Panda Coin designed by Yu Min at the Jiufang
expert database of the Chinese Numismatic Society, the
Hegu Art Museum. I had an interview with him after the
Deputy Secretary-General of the Liaoning Numismatic
ceremony. (Image 1)
Society, member of the Consulting and Appraisal Expert Committee of the Liaoning Provincial Collectors
YSQ – Yuan Shuiqing JLH – Jiang Lihua
Association, and expert of the Cultural Relic Protection Group of the Shenyang Cultural Heritage Bureau. He has engaged in collecting and researching Chinese currencies for 40 years. In the 1980s, Jiang Lihua organized
Shenyang Youth Numismatic Society, the first numismatic organization of the youth in China, and supervised an
You just visited the coin exhibition on the second floor, and
influential publication, Shenyang Youth Numismatic
three rare silver and copper Qing coins from Fengtien and
Newsletter (《瀋陽青年錢幣通訊》), in China. He focused
Heilungkiang (Image 2) offered by the Champion Auction
on the currencies of the Yan State in the Pre-Qin Period,
are among the highlights. It is the first time for these
the currencies issued in North China during the Jin, Qing,
scarce coins to be exhibited in Northeast China. Please
and the Puppet Manchuria periods, the currencies issued
talk about their historical background and value.
by the banks in Northeast China, and Renminbi. He has published dozens of numismatic researches on the
academic annual conference of the Chinese Numismatic
As you said, it is the first time for these three rare patterns minted in Germany to be exhibited in Shenyang, which is a good chance for collectors in Liaoning and other places in Northeast China to appreciate these coins. The Fengtien patterns fills the gap in the record about the minting history of the Fengtien Machinery Bureau at the end of the Qing dynasty as a fresh foreign sample of early Fengtien silver coins. It is of great significance for us to study the designing philosophy, development process, and minting Image 2 Jiang Lihua (left) and Yuan Shuiqing 18
technique of precious metal coins in China in early times.
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As for the Heilungkiang pattern coin, it involves a mint that
龍江省半元銀幣銅樣》), attached with a rubbing (Image 3).
did not have official coinage. In the third issue of Shenyang
The pattern might have been minted by the Peiyang Mint
Youth Numismatic Newsletters in 1987, Shenyang collector
for the Heilungkiang Mint. The 20-cent pattern exhibited is
Liu Linzhang ( 劉 林 章 ) published an article The Copper
in the same style as the half dollar copper pattern, so it is
Patterns of the Heilungkiang Half Dollar Silver Coins (《黑
an important reference for confirming the mint and country of striking.
YSQ You offered a 1955 one-cent coin pattern and a 1952 10cent pattern (image 4). It was the first time that I saw these two patterns. Where did you get them? Are there any patterns reversed in the Shenyang Mint Co., Ltd.? And why they were called non-precious metal coins?
JLH Above non-precious metal patterns were found in coin markets in Shenyang in the 1980s. The 1952 10-cent pattern was testified to be minted by the Shenyang Mint after the founding of the People’s Republic of China. At that time, the government purposed two plans for the second series of Renminbi. One plan was to issue paper notes with 100 yuan as the largest denomination and 50-cent, 20-cent, 10-cent, 5-cent,
Image 2 Three rare silver and copper Qing pattern coins of Fengtien and Heilungkiang by a German Mint
2-cent, and 1-cent coins as fractional coins. The other was to issue small-value paper notes with 10 yuan as the largest denomination together with fractional coins. In the end, the second plan was adopted and some patterns for fractional coins were produced. This is recorded in the Chinese Name-card – Renminbi (《中國名片 人民幣》) by the People’s Bank of China. The Chinese Numismatic Museum once made a material test on the 10-cent coins. It turned out that its material is the same as the magnesium coins of Manchuria, and only the Shenyang Mint had
Image 3 The rubbing of the copper pattern of the Heilungkiang Half Dollar Silver Coin
such material at that time. In addition, its diameter is the
Image 4 1955 one-cent non-precious metal coin patterns and 1952 10-cent magnesium pattern by the Shenyang Mint J
2 3
same as the Manchuria 5-cent magnesium coins made
You have read the Shenyang special edition of the Journal
in Shenyang. Therefore, this 10-cent patterns should
of East Asian Numismatics issued in September 2020.
be produced by the Shenyang Mint. I have written a
Have you read other issues of the JEAN ? And how do you
specialized article on these patterns and released on the
like it?
annual conference of the China Numismatic Society and the 51st issue of Chinese Collection: Numismatics (《中國
收藏 · 錢幣》). I have read several issues. Articles and coins involved are The 1955 10-cent pattern has four varieties, This is the
of good quality. In particular, it gives us a chance to see
only set covering four varieties. This set was examined
many rare Chinese machine-struck coins in early time.
by the China Numismatic Museum, and it was found that
The journal also covers numismatic research results about
its material was not in line with the magnesium coins.
coins of Hong Kong, Macau, Taiwan, and other regions
According to Liu Shirong ( 劉世榮 ), the former director of
and countries. It helps to have a good knowledge of world
the Shenyang Mint who led the issue of the second set
numismatic collection, auction, and research and broaden
of Renminbi coins, there was a lack of metal in China,
the horizon of collectors and researchers. In addition, the
as China was engaged in the movement to resist U.S.
journal is well-edited, printed, and illustrated. Many friends
aggression and aid Korea after the founding of new China.
speak highly of this journal.
The People’s Bank of China requested mints to find
materials suitable for producing coins. The raw material of the 10-cent patterns was founded by a technician in a paper plant along the Mudanjiang River under his
Champion Auction will publish the third edition of the Top
leadership, and then the patterns were made.
Chinese Coins, and Zhang Peilin ( 張培林 ) and you have already submitted the questionnaire from Champion President Michael Chou (image 5). How do you like the
first two editions? And do you have any suggestions for the third edition?
Do you know how many patterns are known and their market values? And have you seen patterns in the
Shenyang Mint?
Top Chinese Coins is a book of high quality about Chinese
machine-struck coins in modern times. As for the third As for as I know, there are 3 to 4 known 1952 10-cent
edition, I suggest including the newly founded rare
patterns, and no more than 10 pieces of 1955 1-cent
varieties in the book. Even those with some doubts or
pattern exist. About 7 years ago, a Shanghai collector
disputes could be covered, and some different objective
purchased a 1955 1-cent pattern from a Shenyang
views could be added for the reference of other collectors
collector for 50,000 RMB.
and researchers.
The Shenyang Mint has never exhibited these patterns. According to the book Chinese Name-card, the People’s Bank of China has a booklet for 1952 pattern coins. Yet, we have no chance to browse it, or we do not need to make so much effort to testify. Image 5 Michael Chou (left) asked Jiang Lihua (middle) and Zhang Peilin (right) for comments on the third edition of the Top Chinese Coins
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YSQ Since you live in Shenyang where the Shenyang Mint is located, you enjoy merit in studying machine-struck coins. I wonder what kind of academic activities have the Liaoning Numismatic Society co-organized with the Shenyang Mint.
JLH The Shenyang Mint is the only mint that has produced coins for over 130 years since its establishment in China, holding an important place in the history of coinage in China. Since the setup of the Liaoning Numismatic Society, the position of the vice president was held by a leader who used to work at the Shenyang Mint. Both the
chief. The journal was first issued in February 1987,
Liaoning Numismatic Society and the Shenyang Mint have
and it had made 10 issues by 1991. It was designed to
worked to cooperate and support each other. The society
guide young numismatic amateurs and carry forward the
once organized its members to compile a centennial
brilliant numismatic culture of China. The journal focuses
chronicle for the mint and offered precious images and
on the currencies in the north of China, such as the knife
documents. The Fengtien dollar and some other rare coins
coins, spade coins, and round coins in the Yan State in
housed in the mint were also donated by society members
the Pre-Qin Period, currencies of the Liao Period, and
to fill the blank in the Shenyang Mint Museum. We worked
the currencies of Manchuria. Some study results are
together to complete the Monetary History of the Northeast
good references now. the newsletter covers interviews
Revolutionary Base (《東北革命根據地貨幣史》). The mint
with famous numismatics, collection of society members,
also supported our members to visit the mint museum and
numismatic knowledge popularization, and the information
carry out exchanging events to advance the study of the
exchanges, which made it of certain influence in the
coinage in Northeast China.
domestic numismatic community.
Many leaders of the Chinese Numismatic Society and
I have subscribed to the Liaoning Numismatics , the journal
famous domestic numismatists used to pay great attention
of the Liaoning Mint, and I also published some articles on
to the journal. Dai Zhiqiang, then Secretary-General of
the journal. However, I have not read the Shenyang Youth
the Chinese Numismatic Society, wrote the name for the
Numismatic Newsletters that you edit in chief. It is said
journal (image 6), and he even wrote a letter to encourage
its name was written by Dai Zhiqiang ( 戴 志 強 ) and Ma
when issue 10 was published (image 7). Famous
Dingxiang ( 馬定祥 ) once inscribed for the journal. Would
numismatist Ma Dingxiang, who was 72 years old at that
you please introduce its background, principle, content,
time, wrote a poem for the journal to praise that the journal
copies, and influence? And will there be any issues in the
covered many rarities and provided an excellent platform
for exchanges (image 8), which indicates his attention and encouragement for the young numismatic amateurs.
JLH The backbone of the journal was young at that time. A total The Shenyang Youth Numismatic Newsletters was a
of 10 issues was published and gifted to collectors and
numismatic journal by the Shenyang Youth Numismatic
amateurs for free. Each issue had 600 to 800 copies, and
Association and I assumed the position of editor-in-
dozens of bound edition was made (image 9).
2 3
Image 6 The first issue of the Shenyang Youth Numismatic Newsletters , with the name written by Dai Zhiqiang Image 7 The letter from Dai Zhiqiang to the edition department of the Shenyang Youth Numismatic Newsletter Image 8 Ma Dingxiang ’ s poem for the Shenyang Youth Numismatic Newsletter Image 9 The bound edition of the Shenyang Youth Numismatic Newsletter published after the journal stopped issuing
YSQ Your study focus covers the currencies issued in the Yan State in the Pre-Qin Period, currencies issued in the north area in the Liao Period, Qing Dynasty and Manchuria, and Renminbi. Would you please introduce your study results?
JLH I have studied Chinese currencies for nearly 40 years, and I am particularly interested in the currencies in the Yan State in the Pre-Qin period. My study results are as below. In 2010, I published the Original Pointed-Head Knife Coin
Discovered in the West of Liaoning Province in the first issue of Chinese Numismatics. I got the coin introduced in the article 15 years ago, and its shape is similar to the pointed-head knife of the State of Yan. Despite some
image 10 Original Pointed-Head Knife Coin Discovered in the West of Liaoning Province
features like bronze cutting knife such as length, knife handle, and knife ring, its blade is extremely thin, so it could not be used as the cutting knife any longer. Though my testimony, it is known as “original pointed-head knife”, as a kind of coin produced in the evolution of knife
from cutting tool to coin. It fills the gap in the evolution
process of knife coins in the north. Such coin was never
I have read the Study on the Lead Currencies of the Yan
reported before, and it provides important evidence for the
State you published on the Chinese Numismatics, and it
development of the Chinese knife coin (image 10).
has made an in-depth study.
2 3
there was no systematic study. I have over 10 lead knife coins, 5 types of lead spade coins, and some lead round coins of the Yan State in my collection. Due to their great rarity and high value for the study, they were appraised as one of the Top Ten Coins in the Folk by the Rare Coin Exhibition and Competition held in Zhangjiagang during
Image 11-1 Awarding certificate
November 8-9, 2011 (image 11).
YSQ I also attended this influential event, and I knew that 14 lead coins from the Yan State were appraised as the Top Ten Coins. Yet, I did not know you at that time, so I did not know they were your collection.
JLH It is much to be regretted that we did not meet earlier. Based on my testimony, the lead currencies of the Yan State is neither the coins to be burned with the dead Image 11-2 Jiang Lihua shared his study results on lead coins with Dai Zhiqiang
nor the mother coins. Given the low melting point, good liquidity, and rarity, the lead coins should be the sample coins used to test the quality of coin dies, but some lead coins were used with the other currencies in circulation. In addition, I also compared more than 10 pieces of lead knife coins, cloth coins, and round coins from the State of Yan with similar bronze coins, and examined these coins in the China Numismatic Museum. It is concluded that the lead content of these coins is generally about 90%, some even more than 99%, containing minute copper and iron, with no tin. This is different from the normal coins of the Yan State which have a high lead content, and they are
Image 11-3 From left: Zhou Xiang ( 周祥 ), Shen Mingdi ( 沈 鳴 鏑 ), Jiang Lihua and Liu Jianmin ( 劉 建 民 ) at the Rare Coin Exhibition and Competition
basically made of a lead-based alloy. For this reason, I published the Study on the Lead Currencies of the Yan
State in the fifth issue of Chinese Numismatics in 2017 and released the relevant results at the 2017 annual conference of the Chinese Numismatic Society.
I have focused on the lead currency of the Yan State for
You have also made some accomplishments in the study
many years. Such currency is unique among all currencies
on yi hua [ 一化 ] round coins of the State of Yan.
issued by states during the Pre-Qin Period. Despite some
records in the coin catalog at the end of the Qing dynasty,
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JLH There are two types of coin identification events. One is organized by the cultural and museum departments. The other one is organized by local media or collection associations to provide identification services to the public free of charge as a charity (image 13). These events are different from the service provided by grading companies. As for domestic grading companies, their identification lacks a unified standard and their staffs who engaged in identifying are of various abilities. This will be a prominent problem in their long-term development. Image 12 Some newly founded yi hua round coin varieties
Yes. I think the yi hua round coin was a kind of currency issued in the Yan in the late period, and most coins were founded in Liaoning Province and eastern Inner Mongolia. There were many records about these coins, but I had not seen any systematic study results. Therefore, I made a systematic study based on my collection and documents. Finally, I completed the article the Study on Yi Hua Round
date, background, and place of the coins. On the other
Image 13 Jiang Lihua attended coin identifying work at the Shenyang Finance Museum.
hand, it makes clear identification of their varieties. The
Coins of the State of Yan (《燕國“一化”圓錢考》). On the one hand, the article makes a demonstration of the
article also shows some newly founded varieties for the first time, which completes the numismatic discovery of
You assumed the position of the deputy director of the
the yi hua coins of the Yan State. The article is published
Shenyang Culture and History Institute. How did you come
in the second issue of the Chinese Numismatics in 2016,
to learn about numismatics? And what is your future plan?
accompanied by some colorful images (image 12).
JLH YSQ I am keen on traditional Chinese culture and history, As you are good at coin identification, you have engaged
and I came to collect stamps in the mid-1970s. In the
in the identification and consultation work in museums of
early 1980s, I came across ancient coins which made
all levels. However, most collectors tend to submit coins
me obsessed. Since then, I have got involved in the
to coin identification companies for appraisal. Against this
numismatic collection. In the following 40 years, I spent
circumstance, are there any coin identification events in
most of my spare time studying and collecting coins.
Shenyang? Have you found any new questions in the coin In August 1986, I established the Shenyang Youth
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Image 14 Jiang Lihua delivered a report on the fifth representative conference of the Liaoning Numismatic Society in 2019.
Image 15 Jiang Lihua attended the numismatic appraisal activity held by the Shenyang Radio and Television Station.
Numismatic Association and took the position of the vice
president. From 1987, I served as the director of the Liaoning Numismatics Society. Since 1990, I was elected
Thank you for your accepting my interview! I hope you will
Deputy Secretary-General of the Liaoning Numismatic
have more research results. Please contact the Champion
Society (image 14). As the deputy secretary-general, I am
Auction and Journal of East Asian Numismatics if you
mainly responsible for guiding and organizing members
want to share any important information and activities in
and numismatic amateurs to collect, research, and
northeast China.
popularize the splendid numismatic culture of China. I also participate in editing a series of books about Liaoning
coins and organizing events. In addition, I have been entrusted by the society to make lectures on numismatics
Ok. We should make more exchanges to make every effort
in provincial and municipal radio and other media to
to advance the Chinese numismatics.
answer questions from the public since December 1992. Up to now, I have held more than 300 lectures, and the lecture continues monthly. Though it is a little busy to attend these activities, I feel quite enjoyable. (image 15)
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東北錢幣專家 姜力華訪談錄 袁水清〔西安〕
YSQ 袁水清
JLH 姜力華
名人士。姜力華,1953 年生, 退休前任瀋陽文史研究館副 館長。現為:中國錢幣學會會員,中國錢幣學會專家庫成員, 遼寧省錢幣學會副秘書長,遼寧省收藏家協會諮詢鑒定專家 委員會專家,瀋陽市文物局文物保護專家。收藏研究中國歷 代貨幣 40 年。20 世紀 80 年代發起組織成立了中國第一個
青年錢幣組織“瀋陽青年錢幣學會”,主編了《瀋陽青年錢 幣通訊》泉刊,在當時國內有一定影響。其重點研究先秦燕
光緒元寶銀質和銅質 3 枚罕見的樣幣(圖 2),請談談其歷
史背景及價值。 2020 年 9 月 12 日,我在九方禾穀藝術館參加瀋陽國際錢 幣精品展開幕暨余敏設計的太空熊貓幣發佈會時,有幸認識
姜力華,他儒雅,謙虛,沉穩,寡言,錢幣知識面寬。會後, 我對他進行了采訪(圖 1)。
如您所講,這 3 枚罕見的,由德國代鑄的光緒元寶樣幣在 瀋陽首次展出,對遼寧及東北泉友來說是個偏得,飽了眼福。 圖 本 2 文作者採訪姜力 華 d左 e合 影
填補了清末奉天機器局銀幣鑄行歷史資料的缺失,為奉天早 期銀元的國外代鑄樣幣提供了新的實物,對於研究我國清代 貴金屬貨幣的設計理念、發展歷程、鑄造工藝演進等都有着 重要意義。 黑龍江光緒元寶硬幣更是這樣,這個計劃中的造幣廠一直沒 有正式鑄幣。1987 年第 3 期《瀋陽青年錢幣通訊》曾經刊 登了瀋陽藏家劉林章先生的文章《黑龍江省光緒元寶半元銀 幣銅樣》,並配發了一枚拓片(圖 3)。認為可能是北洋造 幣廠代為試鑄。這次展出的黑龍江省造一錢四分四厘樣幣, 與上述黑龍江半元銅樣幣風格相同,為確認其代鑄國家和造 幣廠提供了重要參考依據。
2 3
圖 3 黑龍江省光緒元寶半元銀幣銅樣拓圖
關於 1952 年壹角樣幣,經考證為中華人民共和國成立初期 瀋陽造幣廠試製。當時國家要發行第二套人民幣,共有兩套 方案,一是大面額的,紙幣最高的為 100 元;硬幣為 5 角 2 角 1 角及 1、2、5 分。但最終國家決定採用較小面額的方案, 紙幣最高面值為 10 元,即“大黑拾”;硬幣採用了分幣, 但角幣樣幣也製作了。這在人民銀行編著的《中國名片 人 民幣》一書中有明確記載。這枚壹角樣幣我曾經拿到中國錢 幣博物館進行材質分析,結果與對比的偽滿洲國鎂質錢幣成
圖 2 德國代鑄的清代奉天 、 黑龍江光緒元寶銀質和銅質 3 枚罕見樣幣
分一致,此種材質只有瀋陽造幣廠有。其直徑與偽滿伍分鎂 幣相同,又出於瀋陽,應為瀋陽造幣廠試製的樣幣。我為此 專門撰寫過研究文章,於中國錢幣學會學術年會上發佈,併
發表於《中國收藏 · 錢幣》第 51 期。
您的參展品 1955 年壹分、1952 年壹角試樣幣(圖 4)我第
關於 1955 年壹分樣幣,共有 4 種版式。即醬紫色光邊、齒
邊各一種,橘黃色光邊、齒邊各一種,目前配齊這 4 種的
僅見這一套。這套樣幣也經中國錢幣博物館檢測,與鎂質幣 材質不同。據瀋陽造幣廠老廠長,參與研製第二套硬幣的劉 世榮先生介紹,當時由於新中國剛成立,加之抗美援朝戰爭,
國內金屬物資匱乏,人民銀行讓各廠研究試製各種適於製造 硬幣的材料。這種壹分樣幣的原料,就是他帶領技術人員從
這幾種非金屬人民幣硬幣樣幣均出自 20 世紀 80 年代瀋陽
圖 4 瀋陽造幣廠 1955 年壹分 “ 非金屬” 試樣幣、 1952 年壹角鎂質硬幣試樣幣 J
2 3
YSQ 就您所知,這幾種試樣幣的存世量及目前市場價格?瀋 陽造幣有限公司的樣品您見過嗎 ?
JLH 1952 年壹角我知道的大約 3 至 4 枚,1955 年壹分總數 在 10 枚以內。1955 年壹分,七八年前上海來人曾用 5
圖 5 《 中國近代機製幣鑒賞( 第三版 ) 》 編委會主任周 邁可向姜力華( 中) 、 張培林徵求評選意見
萬元人民幣從瀋陽藏家手中買走過一枚。 之前的瀋陽造幣廠和更名後的有限公司都沒有展出過。
《中國名片 人民幣》一書記載,中國人銀行總行存有 1952 年的樣幣冊,但我們見不到,否則何必費力考證。
冠軍拍賣計劃 2021 年出版《中國近代機製幣鑒賞(第三 版)》,周邁可總裁已徵求了您和張培林先生對入選幣
冠軍拍賣旗下的《東亞泉志》2020 年 9 月 " 瀋陽特別版
的提名(圖 5)。請您對第一版、第二版作以評價,對
" 想您也流覽了,往期的電子雜誌您是否讀過?請對冠軍
拍賣及研究的窗戶,開闊了錢幣收藏和研究者的視野。 此外,雜誌編輯嚴謹,印製精美,圖文並茂,身邊很多
瀋陽造幣有限公司是國內唯一一家連續造幣達 130 餘年的
錢幣學會成立以來,歷屆領導班子中都有瀋陽造幣廠一位領 導,擔任副會長,相互合作、支持。錢幣學會曾組織會員骨
2 3
題寫了刊名(圖 6 )。在泉刊出版到第 10 期時,還專門寫
信給予鼓勵(圖 7)。時年 72 歲的著名錢幣學家馬定祥先生,
為《瀋陽青年錢幣通訊》題詩:“青出於藍勝於藍,年華正 茂覓珍罕。錢幣之窗大開放,通訊交流人人贊。”(圖 8) 四句藏頭詩包涵了“青年錢幣通訊”刊名,可見馬老對青年
都陸續離開了青年工作崗位。泉刊也只出了 10 期,都是免
費贈送泉友的。一般每期鉛印 600 至 800 份左右,還裝訂
了幾十冊合訂本(圖 9)。
我主編。1987 年 2 月創刊,至 1991 年共出版 10 期。主要
是引導青年錢幣愛好者,瞭解弘揚祖國燦爛的貨幣文化。泉 刊重點放在北方歷代貨幣,如先秦燕國的刀、布、圜錢,遼
代貨幣,偽滿洲國貨幣研究上。一些研究成果至今仍有借鑒 參考價值。《通訊》還開闢了著名泉家專訪、會員藏泉、錢 幣知識普及、藏泉資訊交流等欄目,在當時的國內錢幣界有
我收藏研究中國歷代貨幣近 40 年,特別是對先秦燕國貨幣
情有獨鐘。如果說取得一些研究心得或成果,主要有以下幾 個方面。
圖 6 《 瀋陽青年錢幣通訊》 創刊號, 刊名題寫 : 戴志強 圖 7 中國錢幣學會秘書長戴志強致信《 瀋陽青年錢幣通訊》 編輯部 圖 8 馬定祥以藏頭詩遙祝《 瀋陽青年錢幣通訊》 創刊 圖 9 《 瀋陽青年錢幣通訊》 停刊時出的合訂本
2 3
2010 年,我在《中國錢幣》雜誌第 1 期發表了一篇文章《遼 西發現原始尖首刀》(圖 10)。文仲介紹的這件藏品,是 我 15 年前所得,其形制與燕國尖首刀極其相似。儘管長度、 刀柄、刀環仍然有青銅削刀的一些特徵,但刀身刀刃部極薄, 已經不能作為削刀使用。我考證命名其為“原始尖首刀”, 與“原始空首布”的性質相同,是由青銅工具削刀向尖首刀 幣演變、過渡的一種原始刀的實物。填補了北方刀幣演進鏈 中的一段空白,十分珍貴。這種“原始尖首刀”之前未見諸 報道,為研究我國刀幣形成及發展、演進,提供了重要的實 物證據。
YSQ 我讀過《中國錢幣》發表您的《燕國鉛質貨幣考》一文,研 究有深度。 圖 10 《遼西發現原始尖首刀 》
JLH 關於燕國鉛質貨幣的研究,是我多年關注的一個課題。燕國 鑄行鉛質貨幣,這在先秦各國中是獨有的現象。清末以降的
圖 11-1 獲獎證書
錢譜中偶有提及,但一直沒有系統的研究。我多年收藏了燕 國鉛質明刀、5 種鉛質布幣和鉛質“一化”圜錢 10 多枚。 由於其稀少及研究價值較高,我的 14 件燕國鉛質貨幣藏品, 曾經在 2011 年 11 月 8-9 日張家港舉辦的“金生杯”長江·黃 河流域九省六市珍稀錢幣博覽暨賽寶大會上,被評為“中華 民間十大錢幣國寶”之一(圖 11)。
圖 11-2 姜 力華向戴 志強介紹 鉛質錢幣 研究成果
YSQ 我也參加了這次影響很大的民間錢幣活動,知道燕國鉛質錢 幣 14 枚被評為十大民間國寶,但當時咱倆還不認識,不知 是您的珍藏。 圖 11-3 在 珍 稀 錢 幣賽寶大會上, 與 專家組周祥、 沈鳴 鏑 、 劉建民合影
JLH 相識恨晚。關於燕國鉛質貨幣,經我考證,其性質既不是冥
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幣,也不是所謂母錢。鑒於鉛金屬的熔點低、流動性好和鉛 質貨幣極其稀少的情況,應為檢驗錢範鑄錢品質用的鉛質試 範樣幣,其中個別的與流通貨幣混在一起使用了。此外我還 拿燕國的 10 餘枚鉛質刀幣、布幣、一化圜錢,和相同的青 銅錢幣對照,到中國錢幣博物館做了金相檢測。得出了燕國 鉛質貨幣一般含鉛量普遍在 90% 左右,有些甚至達到 99% 以上,含微量銅、鐵,而錫含量為 0。這與含高鉛的正常燕 國貨幣不同,基本是一種鉛基合金。為此,我撰寫了《燕國 鉛質貨幣考》論文在中國錢幣學會 2017 年學術年會上發佈, 還在《中國錢幣》2017 年第 5 期上發表。
圖 12 部分 “ 一化” 圜錢新見品
錢幣鑒定是您之所長,多年來您經常參加地方博物館組織的 錢幣諮詢鑒定工作。但現在收藏者大都把藏品送到評級公
司,請問遼沈地區的錢幣鑒定活動還開展嗎?在錢幣鑒定方 面您發現有哪些新的問題?
是的。關於燕國“一化”圜錢的研究,我認為一化圜錢是燕 國晚期的一種減重貨幣,多出於遼寧及內蒙古東部地區。對 於一化錢幣,錢譜多有提及,但尚未見較全面系統的研究成 果。我根據自己多年的收藏和歷史資料,進行了較為系統的
研究。並撰寫《燕國“一化”圜錢考》一文。一方面對一化 錢幣鑄行的年代、歷史背景、鑄行地域進行了論證;另一方 面,就一化錢幣的版別進行了系統梳理。首次披露了一批燕
登於《中國錢幣》2016 年第 2 期,並配有整版彩色錢幣圖片。
項等,是屬於公益性活動(圖 13)。這與評級公司的
(圖 12)
錢幣鑒定性質及方式不同。當前國內各評級公司的錢 幣鑒定,缺乏統一的標準和權威性,鑒定人員水準參 差不齊。將會是影響評級公司長遠發展一個突出問題。
圖 13 2020 年 11 月 , 姜 力 華 參加瀋陽金融 博物館的錢幣 鑒定工作
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圖 14 姜力華在遼寧省錢幣學會第五次會 員代表大會上作報告 ( 2019 年)
圖 15 這張照片是姜力華參加瀋陽 電臺組織的錢幣鑒賞活動, 他至 今還在這個 《 收藏天地 》 節目中 開 “專家講壇 ” 錢幣熱線
與編輯遼寧錢幣系列叢書,組織會員活動日等業務工作。此 外還受錢幣學會委託,從 1992 年 12 月起,在省市廣播電
臺等媒體開辦錢幣知識講座,解答群眾諮詢,至今已達 300
餘次,現在每月還在進行(圖 15)。雖有些忙碌,但樂此 不疲。
JLH YSQ 我十分喜歡中國的傳統歷史文化,20 世紀 70 年代中期開始 集郵。80 年代初一個偶然的機遇接觸了古錢幣,令我喜愛癡
迷,由此進入錢幣收藏領域。此後 40 年中,絕大多數業餘
我於 1986 年 8 月,組建瀋陽青年錢幣協會,任副會長。 1987 年起為遼寧省第一屆錢幣學會理事。1990 年當選遼寧
省錢幣學會副秘書長至今(圖 14)。在錢幣學會中,我是 好的,加強聯繫,共同為推進中國錢幣收藏研究盡綿薄之力。
兼職副秘書長,主要負責引導和組織廣大會員和錢幣愛好 者,開展錢幣收藏、研究,宣傳祖國燦爛的錢幣文化。參
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Research on the Xianfeng Paochi One Cent mother coins found in Shijiazhuang Tong Yu〔Hebei〕 Iron coins are very popular through the Five Dynasties and
issued large amounts of banknotes, but also successively minted
Ten Kingdoms, the Northern Song Dynasty, the Southern Song
Xianfeng iron coins in many provinces. There are iron coins made
Dynasty and the Xianfeng period of Qing Dynasty. A so-called
in Paoquan, Paoyuan, Paochi, Paode, Paohe, Paofu, Paosu, Paokin,
“iron mother coin”, as the name implies, is the mother coin
Paoshan and Paochuan, with denominations of One Cent and Ten
used for casting iron coins, and it is mostly made of copper. In
Cents (not all of the above provinces produced ten-cent coins).
terms of art, the “iron’s mother” is as well-made as the “copper’s mother”, with exquisite and deep-carved characters, a simple but
Among the various iron coins, the Xianfeng Paochi One Cent
nice design with a carefully-polished hole and neat shape. The
(photo 1) and Ten Cents are more common and have been
size of the mother coin is larger than that of the iron coin, which
discovered in many areas. There are mainly four inscriptions of
obviously is suitable for casting. Since the design of iron coins is
One Cent iron coins: Sandianpao, Erpao, Foupao and Zhenpao 1,
quite different from that of copper coins, it is easy to identify an
the Erpao also has a branch version with Chutoupao inscribed in
“iron’s mother” even if it is made of copper. Between the “iron’s
Manchu, and only a few have survived.
mother” and the iron coin, there is a commonly called “copper model of the iron coin”. Whether this argument is scientific or
In April 2019, 110 Paochi One Cent mother coins were found
not, it will not be discussed in this article. Although many kinds
in Luancheng District of Shijiazhuang, which includes all
of “iron’s mother coins” have been discovered, they are all
the above four patterns and with least Erpao version. Looking
extremely rare, and have naturally become precious materials for
closely at these mother coins, they are identical in terms of shape,
iron coin research.
size, weight, character style, casting art and preservation state, and there is no obvious trace of circulation, so it is speculated
During the Xianfeng period, China was suffering from internal
that they were cast at the same time and in the same place.
and external troubles, and the Taiping Rebellion Movement swept
Coincidentally, in the 1990s, Shijiazhuang once discovered more
over a large part of China. At that time, the supply of copper
than 20 Xianfeng Paochi One Cent mother coins (photo 3), the
was far from meeting the needs of producing currency. In order
pattern and preservation state of which were basically the same as
to cover military expenditures, the Ch`ing government not only
the above findings. What is even more peculiar is that there were
Four patterns of Xianfeng Paochi One Cent iron coins 1.三點寶, diameter: 23.0mm, thickness: 1.3mm 2. 爾寶, diameter: 23.4mm, thickness: 1.3mm 3. 缶寶, diameter: 22.4mm, thickness: 1.4mm 4. 珍寶, diameter: 22.4mm thickness: 1.3 mm Photo 1 1 Qi Zongyou, patterns of Xianfeng coins [M], 2013, Zhonghua Book Bureau, p602.
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Photo 2
Four patterns of Xianfeng Paochi One Cent mother coins discovered in Luancheng, Shijiazhuang in 2019 1. 三點寶, diameter: 24.0mm, thickness: 1.6mm 2. 爾寶, diameter: 24.1mm, thickness: 1.8mm 3. 缶寶, diameter: 24.0mm, thickness: 1.6mm 4. 珍寶, diameter: 24.2mm thickness: 1.6 mm ( Photo provided by Lian Jingpeng )
Photo 3
Four patterns of Xianfeng Paochi One Cent mother coins discovered in Shijiazhuang in the 1990s 1. 三點寶, diameter: 23.9mm, thickness: 1.6mm 2. 爾寶, diameter: 24.1mm, thickness: 1.8mm 3. 缶寶, diameter: 23.4mm, thickness: 1.6mm 4. 珍寶, diameter: 24.1mm thickness: 1.8mm (Photo provided by Zhao Zikai )
no other coins involved in the two discoveries. Obviously, they
As we all know, the Paochi Money Bureau was established in
were deliberately selected and stored in a centralized manner and
Paoding, Chili Province in 1747 during the Qing dynasty. It
have been preserved to this day. Xianfeng iron mother coins are
cast a large number of coins throughout the Qianlong, JiaChing,
scarce and are usually found sporadically. Such a phenomenon
Taokuang, Xianfeng, Tongchi and Kuangxu periods. Until Paochi
where these coins have been found in concentrated groups in the
was abolished in 1899, Paoding was always the center of money
same area many times is worthy of attention.
casting in Chili Province during the Ch`ing dynasty. Common
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sense tells us Paochi iron coins should have been produced by the
fact that the Paochi Money Bureau was not only in Paoding. Five
Paochi Bureau, but why were its production tools (i.e. the mother
months later, on October 11, 1857, Tan Tingxiang mentioned in
coins) concentrated in another city (Zhengding, which is now
his new proposal that due to high cost of raw materials, Tianjin
called Shijiazhuang) at that time? Is it a coincidence or is there
and Daming were not suitable for casting iron coins. Since
another other reason? We might find the answer from historical
Zhengding was close to Shansi Province, the cost of iron and
carbon was much lower. A few days later, ten furnaces were built in Zhengding, specializing in casting One Cent iron coins. Ten
German Sinologist Werner Burger mentioned in his new book
furnaces were used including two local ones, two furnaces moved
“Ch`ing Cash” that in January 1857, the Paochi Money Bureau
from Tianjin and Daming, and another newly built six.4 It can
built five furnaces in Paoding. Later, 20 new coin furnaces were
be seen that the Zhengding branch of the Paochi Money Bureau
set up near Lingyu Temple outside the city to produce Paochi One
was specially set up for the casting of One Cent iron coins. Other
Cent and Ten Cents iron coins. Albeit this statement is reasonable,
types of Paochi coins were still minted by the Paochi General
it is not the whole story. On May 14, 1857, Tan Tingxiang, then
Bureau. On November 16, 1868, Pao Jun, the then-Minister of
governor of Chili Province, mentioned in his proposal that the
Revenue wrote in his notebook: from August 22 of 1857 till
Paochi Money Bureau was about to establish branch offices in
abolished on December 30 of 1858, the Zhengding branch of the
Tianjin, Zhengding, Daming, etc. and the 25 furnaces of the
Paochi Money Bureau has minted 161,700 strings of iron coins.5
provincial capital (Paoding) would be specialized in iron coin
So far, the historical process of Zhengding Bureau has been very
casting. The reason should be to reduce the production pressure
clear, as summarized as follows:
of the Paochi Bureau. The historical record objectively proves the
The coin casting process of Zhengding branch of Paochi Time
May 1857 The setting up of Paochi branches in Tianjin, Zhengding and Daming to cast One Cent iron coins is planned.
August 1857
October 1857
December 1858
Two furnaces were built by the Zhengding Money Bureau and began to cast Paochi One Cent iron coins.
Due to limited conditions, the Tianjin and Daming branches were not formally launched, and their coin furnaces were moved to the Zhengding branch, which increased Zhengding’s furnaces to ten.
The Zhengding Money Bureau was abolished. It has existed for 16 months, during which a total of 161,700 strings of iron coins were cast.
Summary The historical record perfectly fits with the discovery, which
Tan Tingxiang did not explicitly mention whether the Tianjin
not only makes the Paochi One Cent mother coins found in
and Daming branches actually cast One Cent iron coins. If they
Shijiazhuang well-documented, but also lets a short-lived
indeed cast coins, what patterns did the coins use? These issues
money bureau reappear. Unfortunately, we have yet to find the
need to be further researched.
specific location of the Zhengding Money Bureau. In addition,
(This article was written under the guidance of my instructor Mr. Dai Jianbing, as well as the help from Zhao Zikai, Lian Jingpeng and Lin Xiao, I would like to express my gratitude to you all.)
2 W. Burger. Ch`ing Cash [M].2016. HK. University Museum and Art Gallery, Hong Kong University. p123. 3 The First Historical Archives: Proposal from Tan Tingxiang, the governor of Chili on May 14 of 1857, file number: 04-01-35-1371-004. 4 The First Historical Archives: Proposal from Tan Tingxiang, the governor of Chili on October 11 of 1857, file number: 04-01-35-1371-008. 5 The First Historical Archives: Note from Pao Jun, the Minister of Revenue on November 16 of 1868, file number: 02-01-04-21852-020.
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石家莊發現的咸豐通寶寶直小平鐵母考 佟 昱〔河北師範大學〕
“寶直小平鐵錢四式”1另 版、缶寶版、珍寶版四種(圖1),俗稱:
緻立體、地章乾淨平整,穿口打磨乾淨,輪廓、背郭整齊,錢徑 均較相同版式的鐵錢要大,很顯然這些特徵都是適應於翻鑄
曾一次發現咸豐通寶寶直小平鐵母錢 20餘枚(圖3),其版式
放而保存至今的。咸豐鐵母錢本就稀少,多為零星發現,像這 樣在同一地區多次集中地發現的現象值得關注。
咸豐時期國家內憂外患,太平天國運動席捲大半個中國,這 時的銅材供給已經遠遠不能滿足制錢的需要。為了有效彌補
產工具(鐵母)卻多次集中發現於當時的正定府範圍內?是巧 合還是另有原因? 要揭開這一疑問我們不妨嘗試從史料中尋
咸豐通寶寶直小平鐵錢的四種版式 1.三點寶版,直徑:23.0mm,厚:1.3mm 2.爾寶版,直徑 :23.4mma, 厚: 1.3mm 3.缶寶版,直徑 :22.4mm,厚 :1.4mm 4.珍寶版,直徑 :22.4mm,厚 :1.3 mm 圖1
1 齊宗佑 , 咸豐錢的版式系列 [M],2013, 中華書局 ,p602。
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2019年於石家莊欒城發現的咸豐通寶 寶直小平鐵母錢四種版式 1.三點寶版,直徑:24.0mm,厚:1.6mm 2.爾寶版,直徑 :24.1mm,厚 :1.8mm 3.缶寶版,直徑 :24.0mm,厚 :1.6mm 4珍寶版,直徑: 24.2mm厚 :1.6mm ( 連京鵬供圖)
20世紀90年代石家莊發現的咸豐通寶 寶直小平鐵母錢的四種版式 1.三點寶版,直徑:23.9mm,厚:1.6mm 2.爾寶版,直徑 :24.1mm,厚 :1.8mm 3.缶寶版,直徑 :23.4mm,厚 :1.6mm 4.珍寶版,直徑 :24.1mm,厚 :1.8mm ( 趙梓凱供圖)
德國漢學家布維納(Winner Burger)在他的新書《清朝錢編
年譜(Ch`ing Cash)》中提到:咸豐七年正月,寶直錢局在保
2 W. Burger. Ch`ing Cash[M].2016.HK.University Museum and Art Gallery, Hong Kong University. p123。
2 3
正定府寶直分局設立及鑄造過程* 時間
擬定於天津、正定、大名分 正定錢局,設爐兩座,正式開 由於條件所限,天津和大名 正定錢局被裁撤。共存在
別設立寶直局分局專門鑄 鑄寶直小平鐵錢。
兩局未正式開鑄,其錢爐移 一年零四個月,期間共鑄
到正定分局繼續使用。錢爐 鐵錢十六萬一千七百串。 增加至十座。
*注 :表中資訊來源 : 3、 4、 5
小結 檔案的記載與實物發現完美吻合,不但令石家莊集中發現的
3 第一歷史檔案館:咸豐七年潤五月十四日,署理直隸總督譚廷襄題奏議推行大錢鈔票章程並於天津鑄錢折,檔號:04-01-35-1371-004。 4 第一歷史檔案館:咸豐七年十月十一日,署理直隸總督譚廷襄題奏報酌義添設歸併爐座加鑄鐵錢緣由事,檔號:04-01-35-1371-008。 5 第一歷史檔案館:同治七年十一月十六日,時任戶部尚書寶鋆題遵察直隸正定府寶直分局咸豐七年八月至八年十二月收支鑄本並采買鐵片等用過工料等銀數事本 檔號:02-01-0421852-020。
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The 1903 Hupoo Tael Set Struck in Gold Bruce W. Smith 〔USA〕
As the result of a new treaty signed in 1902, following the
and yet, the auction catalog contained a strange piece of
suppression of the Boxer Rebellion, China agreed to reform
information. According to the catalog, only five pieces had
its currency along western standards. In that same year, the
been struck. If this information is genuine, how could it
Chinese government began work on establishing a Central
have been obtained? The catalog also noted that the coin
Mint, also at Tientsin. As head of China’s maritime customs
had been listed and priced in the T. K. Su catalog of Chinese
bureau, Sir Robert Hart was asked for recommendations
coins published in the previous year. How could a hitherto
on the new coinage. He suggested a silver tael coin with
unknown coin be priced in a catalog?
matching subsidiary values of ½, ¼ and 1/10 tael. In 1903, Yuan Shih-k’ai sent Na-T’ung, the Manchu President of the Board of Revenue, to Japan to study Japanese mint technology and to hear suggestions for the new mint to be established in Tientsin. Following Hart’s suggestion, in 1903 a set of pattern silver coins in denominations of 1 tael, 1, 2 and 5 mace, and 5 candareens was struck for the Board of Revenue (Hupoo). These coins are recorded in Eduard Kann’s Illustrated Catalog of Chinese Coins as Kann 927 through 931. Delayed in part by the Russo-Japanese War, however, this new mint did not get into operation until 1905. Since the Central Mint was still in the planning stages, where were these patterns produced? The dies for these Hupoo
Eduard Kann
coins were almost certainly made in Japan by the Osaka Mint. Since Na-T’ung had been sent to the Osaka Mint to study its operation, this makes perfect sense. The actual coins must have been made by the rebuilt Peiyang Mint, which also struck the Hupoo copper coins (Yeoman 3-5) for circulation. The Peiyang Arsenal Mint, built in 1896, had been damaged during the Boxer fighting in the summer of 1900, but had managed to get back into production by 1902. This might have been just an interesting story about a set of beautiful Chinese coins. Eighty years later, however, the story took a new turn. In the September 1982 Money Company Hong Kong auction, an example of the Hupoo Tael struck in gold appeared for the first time in public.
From Left: Jan Aamlid, Surachai Smitasin, Richard Nalson
Such a coin had never been seen or heard of before,
2 3
Another example of the tael struck in gold appeared in Money Company’s 1986 Hong Kong sale and a different specimen turned up in their 1987 Hong Kong sale. Money Company sold another in its 1990 sale. Meanwhile, the 2 mace coin from this set, also struck in gold, began appearing in auctions. The first was in Money Company’s 1983 Hong Kong sale, in which the catalog mentions that another
Kong auction.
The one sold in 1998 China Guardian Auction (realized 1,380,000 RMB) and now in HA Auction in June 2021, NGC PR64
Where had these gold strikings come from and why had they
The next questions to ask are, who owned the Hupoo dies
never been seen before? The answer might be found in a
in the 1970’s and where are they today? First, the dies
book of coin rubbings published in 1990. Titled “Dai Baoting
might never have been in the Dai Baoting collection. Dai
Jito Zhongwai Qianbi Zhenpin” (Dai Baoting’s Collection
Baoting (1895-1976) was known for his excellent quality coin
of Rubbings of Rare Chinese and Foreign Coins), the two
rubbings. Over the years, he would buy rare coins, make
volume work consists mostly of rubbings of numerous
good clear rubbings of them, then sell them to buy other
cash coins. The second volume, however, also contains
coins. He also borrowed coins belonging to other collectors
rubbings of Chinese machine struck coins. Among these
and made rubbings of them. In 1936 he published a
are rubbings of several dies used to strike various Chinese
collection of his rubbings, but that collection contained only
coins, including the obverse and reverse dies for the Hupoo
150 coins. He must have continued collecting and making
Tael and the Hupoo 2 Mace coin. The implication of the
rubbings in later years. The 1990 collection of his rubbings
existence of these two particular dies, in the possession of
contained over 2,000 rubbings, one of them of a coin dated
some private collector - the exact dies necessary to produce
1948. We do not know when he made the rubbings of the
the gold strikings of the Hupoo Tael and 2 mace - can not
Hupoo dies, nor do we know who owned them at that time.
example had been sold by private treaty a few years earlier. The 2 mace appeared again in Money Company’s 1988 Hong
be overlooked. The implication is that someone, probably in the 1970’s, used those dies to produce unauthorized fantasy
One person to ask about this matter would be Jack Klausen,
gold strikings of those two coins. If this is the case, and if the
a well known coin dealer in Kansas City and California.
owner of the Money Company auction firm, Richard Nelson,
In 1964 Klausen bought the Arthur B. Coole collection of
was in contact with the person who had the restrikes made,
Chinese coins, and over the years added to the collection.
this could explain how he could state in his auction catalog
By the 1980’s, Klausen had acquired a pair of dies for the
that only only five pieces were struck - the person who made
Peiyang 1907 Silver Tael (Kann 938). At the ANA Coin
them must have told him.
Convention in the summer of 1983, a previously unknown gold striking of the 1907 Peiyang Tael showed up, priced
Is the figure of five pieces believable? To begin with, this is
at only US $2,750. The dealer who was selling the coin
the number of the one tael pieces supposedly struck. In the
explained that the price was so low because it had been
years since 1982, these tael coins have seldom turned up at
struck within the past ten years by Jack Klausen, who had
auction. The tael was seen again in a Taisei Singapore sale
used the original dies to overstrike on Austrian 100 Korona
in February 1995; in China Guardian Auction in 1998; in a
gold coins. Some weakly struck examples show traces of the
Baldwin-Ma-Gillio Singapore sale in March 2002; in 2005
original Austrian design. Those original dies were later sold
Champion ebay online auction; and in a Cheng Xuan sale in
in the Spink-Taisei auction of February 1988. In later years,
Beijing in November 2005. Given this information, the figure
Klausen denied that he had produced the restrikes, but
of five pieces could be correct.
several dealers who knew him continue to state that he was
2 3
behind their production. Was Klausen connected with the
were in the Beijing Cheng Xuan auction of June 2006.
Hupoo gold restrikes? Unfortunately, we can not ask him, as he died in 2002.
Though the evidence is mostly circumstantial, it would seem clear at this point that the gold strikings of the 1903
Another person who is still living and who was associated
Hupoo Tael and the matching 1 and 2 Mace, were privately
with Klausen during the 1970’s and 1980’s, is Taiwan coin
made in the 1970’s, using original dies now in the hands of
dealer, J. S. Lee (Li Chen-hsing or Lee Jum-shing). Lee
Mr. J. S. Lee in Taiwan. However, research into Chinese
bought the Coole collection from Klausen in installments
coins is seldom so simple. In an obscure article published in
during 1976-1977. When interviewed in Taiwan in December
the September 1951 issue of the Numismatic Bulletin, the
2007, Lee said that Klausen had purchased a group of dies
famous collector of Chinese coins, Eduard Kann wrote that
in the 1960’s. This group included dies for coins from South
he had seen a gold striking of the 1903 Hupoo 5 Candareens
America and Burma, as well as dies for the common Sun Yat
coin. This coin, he said, was in the collection of Shanghai
Sen and Yuan Shih-kai dollars. Also in this group was the
collector, Ching Tse-wei. Kann apparently didn’t record this
pair of dies for the Peiyang 1907 Tael. Lee bought the Burma
information in his catalog because this particular article
dies and some of the South American dies, but refused to buy
was about Chinese fantasy and unofficial coins. If this
the Peiyang dies. Lee would not confirm that Klausen had
information is correct, it raises a number of questions. First,
used the Peiyang dies to produce the gold restrikes.
why has no one else ever reported the Hupoo 5 Candareens in gold? Second, was the gold striking produced at the
Lee had some additional information regarding Chinese
Peiyang or Tientsin Mint or was it produced privately
dies. He said that in the 1980’s he had bought obverse and
(perhaps in the 1940s)? Third, are the dies for the Hupoo 5
reverse dies for the Hupoo Tael, the 2 Mace and the 1 Mace
candareens coin in private hands today, and if so, who has
coin. The dies had come from Haberling in Europe who was
married to a woman from Japan. The dies had turned up in Japan. Where are those dies today? Lee says he still has them, but denied having made any gold restrikes. Lee later passed away in 2018, and dies went to his brother-in-law Chang Min Chuan. The pictures are contained in the Ta Han Coins book by Chang Min Chuan. We must also ask, when were the dies used to make the gold restrikes, and who made them? From our research, it appears Haberling had made the restrike in the 1970’s. Some were sold to Tokyo Yuji The rubbing of the gold striking of the 1903 Hupoo 5 Candareens coin from the collection of the Shanghai collector, Ching Tse-wei, made in 1941.
Otani of Daruma Coins, and some may have been consigned to Richard Nelson of Money Company. It should also be noted that the Hupoo 1 Mace die was
Based on the available evidence, my conclusion is that the
not among the Dai Baoting rubbings. Was the 1 mace die
gold strikings of the 1903 Hupoo Tael, 1 Mace and 2 Mace
not part of the collection at that time or was it simply too
patterns are, in fact, unauthorized, privately produced
difficult to make a good rubbing from? Gold strikings of the
restrikes made from the original dies, at some time in the
1 Mace are also known, but strangely, the first one didn’t
1970s. It seems that Haberling of Switzeland had these
turn up in auction until 1995. The Taisei Singapore sale in
restrikes made, but it appears that very few of each were
February 1995 and the Taisei Hong Kong sale in August
struck, perhaps as few as 5 sets. No gold striking of the
1995 both contained the 1 mace in gold. Another appeared in
5 Mace coin has been reported. A gold striking of the 5
a Taisei sale in 1999 and another in a Baldwin sale in March
Candareens was reported by Kann in 1951, but no one has
2001. The most recent sale of the 1 mace and the 2 mace
reported seeing such a coin since that time.
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Addendum ●In Liu Gai-zao's 1979 Catalog of China Coins, there is an example of the Hupoo Tael. Therefore, these gold taels must have been struck before 1979.
●There is another example appearing in 1990 Haru Chang's Rare Gold and Silver Coins of the late Qing Dynasy (Taipei, 1990, 222 pages with coins illustrated in color throughout. Hardbound with special slip case. Coins of rare Qing issues from the Haru S.C. Chang collection. Text in Chinese and English (by Ma Tak-Wo).)
The one from 1990 Haru Chang book and sold in 2005 Chengxuan Auction
The one sold in 2005 Champion Ebay online auction, UNC, from a Taiwan collector
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3年 0 9 1
戶部一兩金幣系列 史博祿〔美國〕
1902 年,在鎮壓義和團運動之後,中國簽署了新的條約,同
立中央造幣廠。作為中國海關總稅務司,Robert,Hart 爵士
半兩、1/4 兩和 1/10 兩的銀幣。1903 年,袁世凱派滿洲戶部
1986 年香港金錢公司拍賣會上,又出現了一枚1903 年戶部
新建造幣廠的建議。1903 年,遵循 Hart 的建議,一套面額為
中央造幣廠直到 1905 年才正式運行。1903 年戶部樣幣被鑄
造。由於那桐曾被派往大阪造幣廠學習,這個推測非常合理。 而樣幣一定是在重建的北洋造幣廠製造的,當時流通的戶部
1903 年戶部一兩和二錢幣模的正反兩面拓片。這兩種幣模
左起 :簡·亞姆利德 、素拉柴·斯密塔辛 、 理查·納爾遜
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能在 1970 年代,有人私自用這些幣模鑄造了精美的一兩和
天的ANA錢幣大會上,出現了一枚前所未見的 1907年北洋
Richard Nelson與重鑄錢幣的人有聯繫,這就能解釋他為何
新加坡泰星拍賣、1997 年中國嘉德拍賣、2002 年 3 月新加坡
年 11 月北京誠軒拍賣。綜合以上資訊,五枚的數字可能是準
另一位在世並在 20 世紀 70 至 80 年代與 Klausen 有聯繫的
人是一位臺灣幣商李振興(J.S.,Lee)。1976-1977 年,李從
拓片。1990年的拓片合集包含了超過2 000枚錢幣拓片,其中
李還提供了一些有關中國幣模的資訊。他說在 20 世紀 80 年
代,他購買了戶部一兩、二錢和一錢的正反雙面幣模,這些幣 日本女士。這些幣模曾在日本出現過。那麼這些幣模現在在
薩斯城和加利福尼亞著名的錢幣經銷商。1964 年,Klausen
後幾年中不斷豐富中國錢幣藏品。1980 年代,Klausen 獲得
了一對1907年北洋一兩銀幣(Kann 938)的幣模。1983年夏
從我們的研究來看,似乎是瑞士幣商於 1970 年代重鑄了金
這枚一兩金幣在 1997 年中國嘉德拍賣售出, 與一錢金幣及貳錢金幣一起以 1 320 000 人民幣的 價格成交 , 已於 2021 年 6 月在 HA 拍賣亮相, NGC PR64,成交價 144 000 美元 44
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給了理查德·納爾遜(Richard Nelson)金錢公司的拍賣。
● 在劉改造 1979 年中國錢幣目錄中,有一枚 1903 年戶部
一兩樣幣。 因此,這些金幣一定是在 1979 年之前鑄造的。
很難製作拓片?大家都知道一錢金幣的存在,但很奇怪,第一 枚一錢金幣直到1995年才出現在拍賣會上。1995年2月泰星
儘管大多數證據都無法證實,但有一點很明確:1903年戶部 一兩及一錢、二錢金幣是在 1970 年代被人用現存於臺灣李
● 還有一枚樣幣出現在 1990 年鴻禧美術館出版的《中國近
代金·銀幣選集》裏(臺北,1990 年,222 頁,彩色錢幣圖
片,精裝書籍。張秀青清朝珍稀錢幣藏品,中英雙語 (by 馬 德和 )。)
報》1951年9月刊上發表了一篇隱晦的文章。耿愛德在文中寫 道,他曾看到過一枚1903年戶部五厘金幣,這枚金幣由上海
的《中國幣圖說匯考》裏,因為這是一套近乎奇幻、非正式的 錢幣。如果這個資訊是真的,那就引發了很多問題。首先,為 什麼從未有過其他關於戶部五厘金幣的記錄?其次,金幣是
在北洋還是天津造幣廠鑄造,還是由私人鑄造(可能在 20 世
紀 40 年代)?第三,戶部五厘錢幣幣模現在由私人收藏麼?如
1990 年鴻禧美術館《 中國近代金·銀幣選集 》中的一兩金幣 , 2005 年在誠軒拍賣上售出
1903 年戶部五分金幣拓片, 來自上海收藏家秦子幃, 製作 於 1941 年 根據現有證據,我的結論是,1903年戶部一兩、一錢、二錢金
金幣,但每一種金幣都存世稀少,可能僅存 5 套。五錢金幣從
2005 年冠軍 Ebay 網路拍賣賣出的戶部一兩金幣 , UNC, 來 自一位臺灣收藏家
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On April 2nd, 1937, the China Numismatic Society held a special meeting in the reading room of the Royal Asiatic Society Building (now Rockbund Art Museum), at which the
Constitution of the China Numismatic Society was adopted. The following is a brief review of the history of the China Numismatic Society.
The earliest founders of the China Numismatic Society were two enthusiastic coin collectors: G. H. Parkes and K. F. Mulder. They contacted Arthur de Carle Sowerby, one of the co-founders of the China Journal , about the establishment of the society. In late May 1934, the three Constitution of the China Numismatic Society
collectors held a meeting at Mr. Sowerby’s residence, at which they decided to promote the
founding project of the China Numismatic Society. On June 6, 1934, a conference was held in the office of the
of the China Numismatic Society Champion Auctions〔Shanghai〕
China Journal , at which the founding ceremony of the China Numismatic Society was held. In addition to the abovementioned Mr. Parks, Mr. Mulder and Mr. Sowerby, the founding members of the conference also included famous coin collectors, Mr. G. D. Raeburn, Mr. H. E. Gibson and Mr. L. Paul. The meeting decided to suspend the rules and articles of society for the time being, and then add them if necessary. Mr. Sowerby was elected as the president of the society, Mr. Parks as honorary secretary, Mr. Mulder as honorary treasurer, and Mr. H. E. Gibson as an additional committee member. The society has an entrance fee of US$ 10 and an annual fee of US$ 5, and its membership is open to all the public interested in collecting and studying coins, banknotes, and medals. Membership is formally proposed and seconded by the current members of the Council and elected by the Committee. The meeting also decided to hold regular meetings on the second and fourth Tuesdays of each month from October 1934. In addition, since RAS authorized the China Numismatic Society to hold a meeting in the reading room in the Asian Cultural society Building (No.20 Museum Road), the Society should
Asiatic Society Building in 1932 N
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Today's Rockbund Art Museum
pay special attention to the coin collection in Shanghai Museum (here refers to the Asian Cultural society Building, the earliest museum in Shanghai). (The Museum Road above was renamed as Huqiu Road in 1943) After the establishment of the China Numismatic Society, it quickly established contact and maintained friendly relations with the Royal Numismatic Society in London, the American Numismatic Society in New York and the coin and medal keepers in the British Museum. In the process of preparing for the establishment of the Coin society Library, many members made generous donations, including A.M. Tracey Woodward, a famous master of Chinese copper coins. Mr. Woodward has always been the most generous and powerful supporter of the China Numismatic Society. During the three years after the establishment of the China Numismatic Society, the Council of the society held regular meetings, but in 1936, it only held one meeting on the second Tuesday of every month. After the regular meeting, it was changed to the second Wednesday of every month, and the specific time was 5: 30 pm. Members of the Society also organized several interesting lectures, during which various coins, banknotes and medals were exhibited. At the special meeting held on April 2, 1937, the China
Raeburn, Honorary Secretary, Mr. Treasurer Mulder,
Numismatic Society passed the Constitution of the China
Committee members and Mr. H. E. Gibson.
Numismatic Society and appointed Eduard Kann as the vice chairman. Article source: The board members of the society are: Mr. Sowerby,
Journal of China, April 1937, Vol. 26, No.4
⸺ Collected by Bowker, edited by JEAN
Chairman of the Board, Mr. Eduard, Vice Chairman, Mr.
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Kann ’ s signature articles given to Bowker
The cover page of the collection of the China Numismatic Society collected by Bowker
The History of Minting in Shanghai Written on February 12th, 1940, Shanghai
Early Chinese Silver Coinage Written on January 14th, 1948, San Francisco
The remaining five articles of the China Numismatic Society collected by Bowker A signed article given to Bowker by G. D. Raeburn
Some of the icons of coinage in Raeburn’ s article given to Burke
Chinese Soviet Coins and Notes & Coins that never were Written on February 25th, 1929, Shanghai 48
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※There are six articles published in the China Journal in the collection of Chinese Coin society collected by Bowker, which is the first one. The last five articles, covering Chinese Soviet coins and banknotes, Shanghai coins, Chinese coinage, Chinese coinage history and early Chinese silver coins, will be announced for everyone in the future.
It is very likely that Bowker and Kann attended the meeting organized by the China Numismatic Society in Shanghai Asian Cultural society Building (No.20 Museum Road).
【Appendix 】 The China Journal
The China Journal is an English sinology Journal. It was founded in Shanghai in January 1923 by British naturalist Sowerby and famous sinologist John Calvin Ferguson. It was originally called The China Journal of Science and Arts, which was a bimonthly Journal and changed into a monthly Journal in 1925. In January 1927, the English name of the Journal was changed from The China Journal of Science and Arts to the China Journal , and the Chinese name was correspondingly changed to the China Journal in January 1936. It was discontinued in 1941, and 35 volumes and 214 issues were published in 19 years, which affected all over the world and was deeply concerned by Sinology at that time.
historical and academic value. The attached image data is especially rich and beautiful and precious. Unlike Sinology Journals in the past and even in the same period, which paid more attention to China's history, religion and culture, the China Journal published a large number of research articles on natural science and applied science. It can be seen from this that the development of modern science and technology injected new vitality into Sinology research in the 20th century, which also made it a truly comprehensive Sinology journal.
Compared with other Sinology Journals, the China Journal has two special historical and academic values: First, the content of the China Journa l is much broader, involving not only the humanities but also the natural aspects of Chinese things; it not only studies Chinese history and culture, but also pays attention to China's reality and problems. Its content is all-encompassing, and it can be called an encyclopedia of Chinese history and present situation, humanities and nature. Second, it is worth paying attention to that the Journal, located in Shanghai, has many records of Shanghai's situation during the Republic of China, and contains extremely rich local historical data of Shanghai, for example, its full-course graphic report on “ Songhu AntiJapanese War ” is quite rich and informative.
This Journal is one of the most important Sinology Journals founded by westerners in China in modern times. Its purpose is to deepen Chinese scientific research and encourage Chinese literary and artistic research, with emphasis on supporting original research. Chinese and western scholars' research articles on Chinese affairs are mainly published, including animal, plant and mineral resources investigation, biochemical research, hydrological and climatic analysis, geographical property investigation, political and economic review, introduction of local conditions and customs, dynamic tracking of the current situation, art and religion, historical and cultural research, etc., which have played an important role in promoting the western world to understand China and promoting the development of Sinology in modern Europe and America, and have high J
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Rockbund Art Museum China and the West in the 19th and 20th centuries, but also the earliest museum opened to the society in modern China. At that time, there were lecture halls, libraries and museum showrooms in this five-story building, with an average of 7,000 visitors per month. This institution, which integrates exhibitions, cultural activities and knowledge dissemination, has become a place with cultural heritage and history, which is different from other buildings in urban blocks. It is also a unique urban texture in colonial times.
The Rockbund Art Museum is located in the Bund source area at the intersection of Huangpu River and Suzhou River in Shanghai. It was once one of the earliest museums in China-the former site of Asian Cultural society Building. The original repair cost 40 million yuan. This area is close to the former British Consulate, and it is the first place where foreigners from Shanghai set foot. This Asian Cultural society Building, built in 1932, is not only an important historical witness of the academic and cultural exchanges between
Arthur Sowerby
the London society, and then took part in many long-distance expeditions to collect local specimens. He has published many monographs and established his academic position in Chinese natural history.
Arthur de Carle Sowerby (18851954) was a British naturalist. His great-grandfather was J a m e s S o w e r b y, a B r i t i s h botanist and founder of the Geological Society, and his father was Arthur Sowerby, a Baptist priest who preached in China for more than 40 years. In order to preach, Sowerby's family came to Shanxi Province in 1881. Sowerby spent his childhood in China, so he can speak fluent Chinese. After the Boxer Rebellion broke out in 1900, Sowerby's family chose to return to England. Sowerby successfully entered Bristol University to study science after finishing high school in England. In 1905, Sowerby dropped out of Bristol University, returned to China, taught in Tianjin at the New School run by
In the autumn of 1922, Sowerby and famous sinologist John Calvin Ferguson founded the China Journal in Shanghai. The Journal is positioned as a comprehensive, exploratory academic Journal with both popularization and appreciation value. In May 1927, the editor-in-chief Sowerby raised a very important question. He wrote an editorial, “ Science Knows No Country ” : “ Science has no borders and knowledge is internationalized, which has been universally accepted by all mankind in the 20th century. If the people of any nation still claim that his backward and outdated culture can still hide in the human knowledge system, maintain a certain corner, or have the right to keep a separate research route, no one will believe it. “
Eduard Kann
to write Illustrated Catalogue of Chinese Coins, which was printed and published in 1954 at his own expense. The illustrations in the book are all his collections.
Eduard Kann (1880–1962) was originally from Austria. He left Vienna in 1901 and entered the British banking industry. The following year, he was sent to a branch in China. He lived in China for 47 years because he loved China and Chinese things and got along we l l w i t h C h i n e s e p e o p l e . Kann has rich experience in the financial industry. When he was engaged in gold and silver bullion trading in Shanghai, the National Government often contacted him for advice and appointed a member of the Advisory Committee of the Central Mint. Since 1946, he has traveled to the United States for three consecutive years and visited the Philadelphia Mint in April 1948. After moving to the United States, he taught at Loyola University on the outskirts of Los Angeles and lived in Hollywood until his death. After Kann settled in the United States, he began
Because he has been engaged in the financial industry for a long time, Kann has considerable attainments in Chinese currency, so this book is still an important reference book of Chinese silver dollar; it was reprinted in 1966 because of the great demand. Kann also collected paper money, and originally planned to publish a book about Chinese paper money, but failed to realize it. As an authoritative scholar who studied China's economy and finance in the early days, Kann's statistics on China's financial and monetary data are well documented and frequently quoted by future generations. In addition to the mechanism gold and silver coins, Kann's possession of Chinese banknotes and silver ingots during his lifetime is enormous, and I am afraid no one can match it in the future. In 1954, Kann sold some of his collections in order to raise the publishing funds of the Illustrated Catalogue of Chinese Coins, and the other collections were later sold in three batches. The first part N
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at that time, the price was very low. After being bought by a coin dealer, they compiled this catalogue and sold it at the marked price. Kann also collected about 200 pieces of silver ingots, but did not publicly auction them; there are 332 pieces of Chinese silver ingots in the British Museum in Britain, among which 190 pieces of silver ingots belong to its old collection and were purchased by the Museum in 1978.
was sold in June 1971, with 1200 items, most of which were extremely precious coins; the second part was sold in September 1971, with 535 items, mainly Xinjiang coins; the third part, sold in March 1972, is Kann's miscellaneous collection. Some of them are the essence of their records, such as gold and silver coins in Jilin and Xinjiang; others are rare tokens and stamps. Because they were not noticed
Tracey Woodward
various places. In 1922, he was unable to continue because of the suspension of the Journal . Subsequently, The China
Alphonse Marie Tracey Woodward (1876-1938) was born in Reunion Island in the Indian Ocean. His father was an American seaman and his mother was French. He settled in Japan with his mother in 1879. Woodward inherited his father's stamp collection at a young age, wrote stamp articles at the age of 16, focused on collecting and studying Japanese stamps, and soon became the authority of stamps in Japan, Korea and Taiwan. From 1911 to 1916, he arrived in Singapore and London, then moved to China, until his family moved to France in 1930. Postage Stamps of Japan and Dependencies was published in 1928, which won the Annual Award of the Royal Philatelic Society (RPS) in 1929 and is still an authoritative work in this field.
Journal was published in Shanghai, and Woodward was invited to write a series of Chinese ten-article copper coins with the title of the Notes on the Provincial Minted Coins of China. Eighteen expositions on ten copper coins in various provinces of China were published one after another. After Wu returned to France, they were collated and bound, compiled into a book and published in 1936. The book was renamed the Minted Ten Cash Coins of China, which is the origin of the famous Ten Copper Coins in China. Among all the books in Chinese or other languages, this is the first book to systematically introduce the minted ten-cash copper coins.
Woodward's collection is rich in coins. According to Kann, Woodward's collection is the best among Westerners. Its coins were auctioned in the 1950s, and buyers included King Farouk of Egypt at that time. In November, 1996, the Champion Auction was commissioned by Frank Robinson, a collector in the east of the United States. Champion helped him bought a 1932 gold standard Pentagon and three Hunan ten-character brass yuan sample coins. In December, 2007, the Hong Kong Champion Auction sold an example of 1853 Baoquan Bureau pattern coin of Woodward collection at a high price of US$ 103,000, which was the first time that the auction price of a Chinese pattern coin exceeded US$ 100,000.
While living in Shanghai, Woodward began to write articles about Chinese coins. In 1921, he published several times in the English Journal The New China Review published in Shanghai to introduce the gold, silver and copper coins in
The Famous Woodward Collection
① In 1904, Jiangnan province made Guangxu Yuanbao twenty-cash copper pattern coin, graded as NGC MS63 BN, formerly Woodward and Bowker Collection. The Bowker family donated it to the Shanghai Mint Museum on March 23, 2015.
② In 1853, Xianfeng Yuanbao of Baoquan Bureau. In 2007, the auction price of this coin at Champion Auction was $103,000.
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外灘美術館)閱覽室內舉辦了一場特別大會,會議通過了《中 華錢幣協會章程》。以下是對中華錢幣協會歷史的簡要回顧。 中華錢幣協會的最早發起 者是兩位熱心的錢幣收藏 家: 帕 克 斯 先 生(G. H. Parkes)和穆德先生(K. F. Mulder)。兩位收藏家 就協會的成立事項與《中 國 雜 誌 》(The China
Journal ) 聯 合 創 辦 人 之 一蘇柯仁先生(Arthur de Carle Sowerby) 進 行 了 接洽。1934 年 5 月下旬,
1937 年 4 月 2 日,中華錢幣協會在亞洲文會大樓(現上海
三人在蘇柯仁先生的住所 召開了一次小型會議,會
上決定推進中華錢幣協會 的創辦項目。 1934 年 6 月 6 日,《中國雜誌》辦公室內召開了一場會議, 會上舉辦了中華錢幣協會的成立儀式,與會的創始成員除了 上述的帕克斯先生、穆德先生和蘇柯仁先生外,還包括著名 錢幣收藏家雷伯恩先生(G. D. Raeburn)、裘畢勝先生(H. E. Gibson)、保羅先生(L. Paul)和布特裏克先生(Richard
1932 年亞洲文會大樓
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P. Butrick)。會議決定暫時擱置協會規則和章程, 若後續有需要則再加立。蘇柯仁先生當選為協會 理事長,帕克斯先生為名譽秘書,穆德先生為名 譽司庫,裘畢勝先生為額外的委員會成員。協會 設立入會費 10 美元及年費 5 美元,並向所有對 收集和研究硬幣、紙幣、紀念章和勳章感興趣的 公眾開放會員資格,可由現任理事會成員正式提 出和附議,並由委員會選舉產生。會議還決定從 1934 年 10 月開始,於每月第二和第四個星期二 舉行例行會議。此外,鑒於皇家亞洲學會(RAS) 授權中華錢幣協會在亞洲文會大樓內的閱覽室 (博物館路 20 號)舉行會議,協會理應對上海 博物館(此處指亞洲文會大樓⸺ 上海最早的博 物館)的錢幣收藏予以特別關注 ( 注:文中的博 物館路已在 1943 年更名為虎丘路 )。 中華錢幣協會成立後,很快同倫敦的皇家錢幣協 會、紐約的美國錢幣協會以及大英博物館的錢幣 兼獎章保管員建立了聯繫,並維持着友好關係。 在錢幣協會圖書館的籌備建立過程中,許多會員 紛紛慷慨解囊、予以捐贈,其中包括著名中國銅 元大師伍德華先生(A.M. Tracey Woodward)。 伍德華先生一直是中華錢幣協會最慷慨有力的支 持者。 中華錢幣協會成立後的三年間,協會理事會定期 舉行會議,不過 1936 年,僅在每月第二個星期 二舉行一次會議。後例行會議又改為每月的第二 個星期三舉行,具體時間為下午 5 點 30 分。協 會成員還組織了幾次非常有趣的講座,期間展出 了收藏的各種硬幣、紙幣和獎章。 1937 年 4 月 2 日舉行的特別大會上,中華錢幣 協會通過了《中華錢幣協會章程》,並任命耿愛 德先生(Eduard Kann)擔任副理事長一職。 協會的理事會成員有 : 理事長蘇柯仁先生、副理 事長耿愛德先生、名譽秘書雷伯恩先生、名譽司 庫穆德先生、委員會成員和裘畢勝先生。 如今的上海外滩美术馆
( 文章來源:《中國雜誌》1937 年 4 月刊 26 卷 4 期⸺ 包克收錄,《東亞泉志》編輯部整理 )
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包克收藏並精裝的中華錢幣協 會文集(封面頁 )
《 中國造幣廠歷史》 撰寫於 1940 年 2 月 12 號, 上海
《早期中國銀幣 》 撰寫於 1948 年 1 月 14 號,舊金山
《 中華蘇維埃硬幣與紙幣 》 &《 不存在的硬幣 》 撰寫於 1929 年 2 月 25 號, 上海 54
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※ 包克所收藏的中華錢幣協會文集中 , 刊發於 《 中國雜誌 》 的文章共六篇 , 此為第一篇 。 後五篇文章分別涉及中華蘇維埃 硬幣與紙幣、 上海硬幣、 中國臆造幣、 中國造幣歷史以及中國早期銀幣, 將在日後為大家一一揭曉, 屆時請關注冠軍拍賣 的推文 。 包克很有可能曾與耿愛德在上海亞洲文會大樓 ( 博物館路 20 號 ) 參加過中華錢幣協會組織的會議。
【附錄】 《中國雜誌》
《 中國雜誌 》 (The China Journal ) 是一份英文漢學雜誌 , 1923 年 1 月由英國籍博物學家蘇柯仁聯合著名漢學家福開 森等創辦於上海, 原名《 中國科學美術雜誌 》 (The China Journal of Science and Arts ),為雙月刊 ,1925 年改為月刊 。 1927 年 1 月 , 雜 誌 英 文 名 由 The China Journal of Science and Arts 改為 The China Journal , 中文名於 1936 年 1 月相 應地改為《 中國雜誌 》 。 至 1941 年停刊, 19 年間共出版 35 卷 214 期 ,影響遍及瀛海內外 , 深受當時漢學界關注。
圖像資料尤其豐富美觀 ,彌足珍貴 。 與以往乃至同時期的漢學雜誌較多關注中國的歷史 、宗教 、 文化等不同 , 《中國雜誌》刊登了大量自然科學和應用科學 方面的研究文章, 從中可見現代科學技術的發展為 20 世紀 的漢學研究注入了新的活力 ,這也使得該刊成為一份真正意 義上的綜合性漢學期刊。 同其他漢學雜誌相比 , 《中國雜誌》具有兩點特殊的歷史和 學術價值:其一, 《 中國雜誌》內容的涵蓋面要廣泛得多 , 不僅涉及中國事物的人文方面 ,亦涉及自然方面;不僅有對 中國歷史文化的研究,也關注中國的現實狀況和問題。其內 容包羅萬象,堪稱關於中國歷史與現狀、人文與自然的百科 全書。其二,值得關注的是,該刊設址上海,對民國年間的 上海市況多有記錄,蘊含極為豐富的上海地方史資料,比如 其對“淞滬抗戰 ”的全程圖文報道 ,內容相當豐富翔實。
該雜誌系近代西方人在華創辦的最重要的漢學雜誌之一,創 辦目的是深化中國科學研究,並且鼓勵中國的文學和藝術研 究,重點是支持原創性研究。主要刊登中西方學者關於中國 事物的研究文章,內容包括動植物及礦產資源調查、生物化 工研究、水文氣候分析 、地理物產調研、政治經濟評述、風 土人情介紹、時局動態跟蹤、藝術宗教以及歷史文化研究等 等,對於促進西方世界瞭解中國、推動近代歐美漢學的發展 發揮了重要作用,具有很高的史料價值及學術價值。其所附
一幢有故事的老建築⸺ 上海外灘美術館 上海外灘美術館坐落於上海黃浦江與蘇州河交匯之處的外 灘源片區,曾是中國最早的博物館之一⸺ 亞洲文會大樓舊 址。當初修繕耗資 4 000 萬元人民幣 。 該片區緊鄰原英國領 事館, 是上海外僑最早涉足之地。 這幢建成於 1932 年的亞 洲文會大樓, 不僅是 19、 20 世紀中西學術文化交流的一個 重要歷史見證, 也是近代中國最早向社會開放的一座博物
館 。當年,在這幢五層大廈中,設有演講廳、圖書館、博物 館陳列室,參觀者月均 7 000 人次 。 這個集展覽、 文化活動 以及知識傳播於一身的機構,成為有別於城市街區中其他建 築,帶有文化底蘊和歷史的場所,也是殖民時代獨特的城市 肌理。
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蘇柯仁 蘇 柯 仁( Arthur de Carle Sowerby, 1885— 1954 年 ) 是 英 國籍博物學家,曾祖父是英國植物學家、地質學會創始人詹 姆斯· 索爾比(James Sowerby) , 父親是在中國佈道逾四十 年的浸禮會教士蘇道味( Arthur Sowerby) 。 為了佈道, 蘇 柯仁一家於 1881 年就來到了中國山西省 。 蘇柯仁在中國度 過童年, 因此能說一口流利的華語。 1900 年義和團運動爆 發後,蘇柯仁一家選擇回到英國 。蘇柯仁在英國讀完高中後 , 順利考入布裏斯托大學攻讀理學。 1905 年, 蘇柯仁從布裏 斯托大學輟學,重回中國,在天津任教於倫敦會辦理的新學 書院,之後參加多次長途探險旅程,採集當地標本。他曾出 版多部專著,奠定其在中國博物學方面的學術地位 。 1922 年秋 ,蘇柯仁聯合著名漢學家福開森等在上海創辦《中 國雜誌 》 。 雜誌定位為: 綜合性、 探索性 , 兼有普及和欣賞 價值的學術雜誌 。 1927 年 5 月 , 主編蘇柯仁提出了一個很 重要的問題 , 他撰寫了一篇社論 《 科學無國界 》 ( Science Knows No Country) : “ 科學無國界,以及知識的國際化 , 這是一個已經被二十世紀全人類普遍接受的事實 。任何一個 民族的人民,要是還在聲稱他那落後和過時的文化還可以躲 在人類知識體系,維持着某一個角落,或者有權守着一條獨 自的研究路線,都是沒有人會相信的 。 ”
耿愛德 在洛杉磯市郊的羅亞拉大學 ( Loyola University) 授課 , 至 過世時均住在好萊塢。耿愛德定居美國後,開始寫作《中國 幣圖說匯考 》 , 自掏腰包於 1954 年印刷出版 。 書中圖例均 為其藏品 。 由於長期從事金融業, 耿愛德對中國貨幣有相當造詣, 故 該書迄今仍為一本重要的中國銀元參考書;後因需求甚殷 , 乃於 1966 年再版 。 耿愛德也收集紙幣, 原打算出一本有關 中國紙幣的書 ,但未能實現。作為早期研究中國經濟、財政 的權威學者, 耿愛德所統計的中國金融財政貨幣資料皆有 所據, 屢為後人引用。 除了機製金銀幣外, 耿愛德生前所 藏的中國紙幣與銀錠數量極大 ,今後恐怕也無人能出其右 。 1954 年, 為籌措《 中國幣圖說匯考 》 的出版經費, 耿愛德 出售了部分藏品, 其他藏品後來分三批出售。 第一部分於 1971 年 6 月出售 ,計 1 200 品 ,其中大多是極珍貴的錢幣; 第二部分出售於 1971 年 9 月,計 535 品,以新疆錢幣為主; 第三部分出售於 1972 年 3 月, 是耿愛德的雜項集藏。 有些 是其曾著錄過的精華,如吉林和新疆的金銀幣;另有些是稀 有代用幣及章,由於當時不受注意價格很低,被一位幣商購 入後編了本目錄按標價銷售。 耿愛德也收藏銀錠兩百件左 右 ,但未公開拍賣;英國大英博物館現藏有中國銀錠 332 件 , 其中有 190 件銀元寶系其舊藏 , 在 1978 年被該館購得。
耿愛德(Eduard Kann, 1880 – 1962 年 ) 原籍奧地利。 1901 年離開維也納進入英國銀行業,次年派往中國的分行,由於 熱愛中國及中國事物,與中國人亦相處愉快 ,在中國居留長 達四十七年。耿愛德有豐富的金融行業從事經驗 ,在上海從 事金銀條塊買賣時,國民政府常聯絡他徵詢意見 ,並委任中 央造幣廠顧問委員會委員職務。 從 1946 年起 , 連續三年赴 美國遊歷 , 1948 年 4 月曾拜訪費城造幣廠 。 移居美國後曾
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伍德華 屬地郵便》 ) ,此書獲得 1929 年英國皇家集郵學會( RPS ) 年度獎 ,至今仍為這方面權威之作 。 居留上海時, 伍德華開始寫作有關中國錢幣的文章 ,1921 年幾次發表在上海出版的英文雜誌 The New China Review ( 《 新中國評論 》 ) 介紹各地金銀銅幣 ,1922 年因該雜誌 停刊未能繼續。隨後 The China Journal ( 《 中國雜誌 》 )月 刊在上海發行, 伍德華應邀撰寫中國十文銅元系列專文, 以 Notes on the Provincial Minted Coins of China ( 《 中國各 省機製銅元》 )為題,陸續發表十八篇介紹中國各省當十銅 元的論述,伍氏回法國後將之加以整理合集裝訂,彙編成書 在 1936 年出版, 重新命名為 The Minted Ten Cash Coins of China《 中國機製十文銅元 》 , 這就是著名的《 中國機製十 文銅元》的由來。在所有中文或其他文字的書籍中,這是第 一本系統介紹中國機製十文銅元的書譜。 伍 德 華 (Alphonse Marie Tracey Woodward, 1876 – 1938 年 ) 出生於印度洋中的留尼旺島, 父親是美國海員, 母親 是法國人 。 1879 年隨其母定居日本 。 伍德華年幼即繼承 父親收集的郵票藏品, 16 歲時就撰寫郵票文章, 着重於搜 集研究日本郵票, 不久成為日本、 朝鮮、 中國臺灣郵票的 權威 。 1911 年至 1916 年間, 曾先後到達新加坡及倫敦兩 地, 隨即移居中國, 直到 1930 年舉家遷往法國。 1928 出 版 Postage Stamps of Japan and Dependencies ( 《 日本及其
伍德華藏品中錢幣的部分極為豐富 ,據耿愛德所述,伍德華 藏品是西洋人中首屈一指的。 其錢幣在 20 世紀 50 年代公 開拍賣,買主包括當時埃及國王法魯克等人。1996 年 11 月, 香港冠軍拍賣受美國東部藏家 Frank Robinson 委託, 購得 包括一枚 1932 年金本位幣五角銀質樣幣和三枚湖南十文黃 銅、 紅銅樣幣 。 2007 年 12 月, 香港冠軍拍賣以 103 000 美元的高價拍出一枚原伍德華舊藏的 1853 年寶泉局當千雕 母 ,這是中國雕母錢拍賣價格首次超過 10 萬美元 。
① 1904 年 甲 辰 江 南 省 造 光 緒 元 寶 二十文銅幣 NGC MS 63BN⸺ 伍德 華 - 包克舊藏。包克家族於 2015 年 3 月 23 日捐贈與上海造幣博物館
② 1853 年 寶 泉 局 咸 豐 元 寶 當 千 雕 母。2007 年在冠軍拍賣的成交價為 103 000 美元
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Turpin Hsi
Qiao Jinliang
Turpin Hsi, Qiao Jinliang, Wei XianzhangThree Directors of the CentralWei Mint Xianzhang during the War
Turpin Hsi
Stephen Tai〔Taipei〕
Wei Xianzhang
In 1928, the Central Mint, the highest minting institution of the Central Government during the Republican period, was restructured from the former Shanghai Mint. In the early days of its establishment, its primary task was to mint silver dollars as silver dollars came to be widely used in China; especially after the announcement of "abolish the Tael and adopt the Yuan" on March 1, 1933, a large number of Sun Yat-sen junk silver dollars were produced. However, affected by the Sherman Silver Purchase Act, international silver prices skyrocketed, and a large amount of silver flowed into the United States. Chinese silver dollars were melted into silver bullion because the price of silver was higher than their denomination. As a result, China plunged into a period of
deflation and business decline. This unprecedented financial crisis forced the Central Government to use inventory silver as a bargaining chip to reach an agreement with the U.S. government to exchange silver for gold and U.S. dollars as government reserves and issue fiat currency. Fiat currency is a kind of non-convertible currency that is guaranteed by government credit and decoupled from gold, silver, and other precious metals. As a currency, fiat currency is only a value symbol, and its form was mainly banknotes issued by the Bank of China, the Bank of Communications, and later the Agricultural Bank of China; then, there were also coins minted by the Central Mint as a fractional currency.
the Central Mint in Shanghai in the Republican period
[History of the Central Mint] hoarded by people once they were issued or the minting was suspended due to the lack of circulation benefits. For this reason, the coins minted by the Central Mint's various factories quickly lost circulation benefits, and the types and quantity of coins became less and less.
However, just 9 months after the issuance of the fiat currency, the War of Resistance against Japan broke out, and the Central Government was forced to pay for the huge military expenditures with increased printing of banknotes. As a result, the fiat currency continued to depreciate. In total, during the eight years of war, it was eventually worth 1/2000th the original value 1. In the process, banknotes were increased in denominations to catch up with the prices; coins had no such flexibility. Also, because the price of materials exceeded the face value of the currency, they were often
Born in a financial family in Suzhou, Turpin Hsi ( 席德柄 ), the grandson of HSBC’s second comprador Zhengfu Hsi ( 席 正甫 ), was the soul of the Central Government’s currency and foreign exchange policies. He served as director of the
1 Yang Ge, China's Finance and Inflation in the Wartime , 1937-1945.
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strips. The Central Mint, which originally minted coins, was the only official institution capable of doing the job. However, it was unpredicted that the War of Resistance was followed by the Civil War between the Kuomintang and the Communist Party, and inflation was back at an even greater scale, and the gold policy has become a countermeasure again. The work of gold casting, therefore, became an indispensable business of the Central Mint.
Central Bank’s Foreign Exchange Bureau, director of the Business Bureau, general manager of the Bank of China. Many major financial policies and measures, such as the replacement of foreign exchange listing transactions with customs bonds, and the stability of the fiat currency exchange rate in the initial period of issuance, were implemented under his leadership. In June 1942, he proposed to solve the problem of inflation that severely eroded China’s finances: only when the gold was released could it be truly welcomed by the public. This proposition, not long after, was indeed adopted. After the U.S. government promised to sell gold worth of 220 million U.S. dollars, the Central Government began to release the gold in September 1943.
Turpin Hsi, Qiao Jinliang ( 喬晉梁 ), and Wei Xianzhang ( 韋 憲章 ) served as directors of the Central Mint from the eve of the War of Resistance against Japan to the relocation of the Central Government to Taiwan. During this extraordinary period, the task of casting gold replaced minting coins. The archives of the trio made up for a chapter that was not available in modern history.
With the expansion of gold release targets, in order to meet different needs, the US gold bricks had to be recast into small
【Director Turpin Hsi】
Term of office: from June 1937 to June 22, 1944 Turpin Hsi (1892-1968), born in Wu County, Jiangsu Province, was the younger brother of Demao Hsi ( 席德懋 ). He studied at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology in the United States in his early years and obtained a bachelor's degree in engineering. Then he went to the University of Birmingham in the United Kingdom to study business. After returning to China, he served successively as secretary of the Ministry of Finance, deputy director of the Jianghaikou Taxation Bureau, and supervisor of Jianghan Customs. In June 1937 on the eve of the War of Resistance Against Japan, he was appointed director of the Central Mint.
policy that the minting business was going to be reduced or even suspended. Not long after, the 1943 Half Dollar nickel coins became the last type of coin produced during the AntiJapanese War. On June 22, 1944, as no coins needed to be struck, Turpin Hsi, who had been in office for seven years, chose to resign as the director. At that time, the gold release policy strongly advocated by his brother Hsi Demao was being gradually implemented. However, for Turpin Hsi, who was interested in coin collecting and dedicated to the coinage business 3, this was nothing more than saying goodbye to the Central Mint.
After the outbreak of the Anti-Japanese War, the Mint immediately moved out of Shanghai, and workers, machinery, and equipment were evacuated. Later, branch factories were established in Wuchang, Chengdu, Guilin, Lanzhou, and Kunming. Most of the fractional coins, which are also the most common coins of the Republican period, were produced during the war.
On October 23 of the same year, the Ministry of Finance announced that gold trading would be adjusted from at least 10 taels to 400 taels to expand the transaction level and increase the effect of gold release. After that, cutting and recasting the gold bricks into small pieces became routine work and new business of the Chongqing Central Mint (hereinafter referred to as the Chongqing Mint) in the later period of the Anti-Japanese War. This was also the subject that Turpin Hsi left for the new director to face.
Image 2 The last coin made under Turpin Hsi's supervision, 1943 Sun Yatsen Half Dollar spade nickel coin
Director Turpin Hsi
In the late stage of the AntiJ a p a n e s e Wa r, i n f l a t i o n increased. In 1942, Turpin H s i w a s o r d e re d t o s e l l a large amount of the original production equipment such as boilers to the Yunnan Iron and Steel Plant 2. At this moment, it has become an established
The last coin made under Turpin Hsi's supervision, 1943 Sun Yatsen Half Dollar spade nickel coin
2 February 26, 1942, Engineering Office of Yunnan Iron and Steel Plant, Yunnan (31) Submission No. 0305. 3 Zhoubian, Coin Collection of a Famous Financier in the Republican times-Coins from the former Central Mint Director Mr. Turpin Hsi in the NC Collection , Issue 22 of the Journal of East Asian Numismatics . April 2021.
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【Director Qiao Jinliang】
Term of office: from June 22, 1944, to August 31, 1945 Mint needed to number the gold bars and report to the Ministry. Therefore, the report of the delivery of gold bars from the Chongqing Mint started in August, there was no report before that. However, since the redemption from March 15, 1945, was the gold deposit in September 1944, there is still a record of the total gold deposit in that month, which is equivalent to 9,336 taels of pure gold 9. The Chongqing Bank of China, which received the largest deposit of the banks, received only 191 taels. Therefore, it is estimated that there were only in the range of a few thousands of taels delivered at first. The aforementioned documents of the Bank of China in Chongqing also recorded that the gold bars ran out soon, and in April 1945, payment had to be suspended. Since then, gold deposits that were maturing could only be continuously deferred until the beginning of June when a large number of American gold bricks finally arrived.
The Central Mint in 1931
Qiao Jinliang, who took over the position of the director, was the great-grandson of the famous Shanxi merchant Qiao Zhiyuanb ( 喬致遠 ). He graduated from Oberlin University in the United States with a master's degree. After returning to China, he served as secretary of the Ministry of Finance and director of the Jiangsu Provincial Tobacco Taxation Bureau. He was highly regarded by Minister Kong Xiangxi ( 孔祥熙 ), and then became the director of the Central Mint 4.
In order to stabilize the uneasy circumstances, the Central Government immediately announced a large-scale method for the redemption of maturing gold: all unpaid gold deposits due at the end of July and gold bars due in November of the previous year (1944) would be paid from July 31.
However, Qiao Jinliang's term of office was not long, only lasting only one year and two months. At the end of August 1945, when the Central Mint was still casting a large number of gold bars, he was suddenly replaced. The reason for this situation has not become clear until the relevant files had been made public in recent years. The Republican gold bar cast by the Chongqing Mint for Central Bank was proposed during Qiao's tenure.
The Central Mint was commissioned to cast gold bars. At the request of the Central Bank, half of the bars should be cast into five taels, one quarter should be ten taels, and one quarter should be one tael 10. Due to the huge amount of gold and the promise announced, the Ministry of Finance issued a special order in order to ensure the completion of the project on schedule on June 23, 1945: The Chongqing Mint must cast 10,000 taels of gold every day 11.
The gold bar was first designed to redeem gold deposits maturing on March 15, 1945. These gold bars were mentioned in the Chongqing Mint’s internal approval 5 and the received documents from the Chongqing Bank of China 6 . However, according to the Chongqing Mint’s complete report on casting and turnover of gold bars submission to the Ministry of Finance 7 from August 1945 to mid-February 1946, there was no record of these gold bars, in that the Central Mint lacked experience. This problem was not resolved until the Minister of Finance Yu Hongjun ( 俞鴻鈞 ) issued an instruction on July 26 8: Afterwards, the Central
However, the Chongqing Mint did not know the actual situation and the seriousness of the matter. In the beginning, from the point of view of coinage, it was recommended that they should produce coin-shaped gold cakes instead of casting gold bars to avoid irregular purity, irregular weight, and inconvenient circulation, but it ignored the urgency of the matter. Confronted with repeated reminders and urges by the Central Bank and the Ministry of Finance, the mint declined owing to insufficient equipment and manpower, and even simply responded: please ask the private mint to cast 12 or transfer the gold to Chengdu or Kunming branches to cast 13.
4 Wang Baomin, Fan Aiming, Wang Zhi, A prominent Shanxi Merchant-Qiao Zhiyong's Way of Employing People, Doing Business, and Being in the World . Page 307, Tsinghua University Press. 5 June 12, 1945, Signed and submitted by the Workers Office of the Central Mint. 6 March 22, 1945, Chongqing Bank of China, No. 220. Compilation of Historical Data on the Bank of China , page 1180. 7 Please refer to the Gold Bars Casting Report submitted by the Chongqing Mint to the Ministry of Finance. 8 The Central Mint Yuzao Zongzi No. 123 on July 26, 1945. 9 Compilation of Archives on the History of the Republic of China Series V, Part 2, Finance and Economy (4), p.604. 10 June 12, 1945, signed and submitted by the Central Mint Workers Office. 11 June 23, 1945, Ministry of Finance Order No. 5592. 12 June 28, 1945, Chongqing Zongwen No. 2431. 13 June 30, 1945, Chongqing Zongwen No. 2495.
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the six tael and ten tael pieces were replaced with five tael pieces that were being cast; on the other hand, 5,000 taels were transferred to make two mace pieces, and 10,000 taels were re-produced into four mace pieces. Both types of small gold bars could not be cast by machines and must be cut by hand. The work started on the 11th 17. Ten days later, only 670 pieces of two mace and 564 pieces of four mace had been completed 18.
The attitude of the mint finally angered Yu Hongjun, Minister of Finance, he warned in a sternly written letter: "...The case of gold casting is of vital importance to the government’s implementation of the gold policy and credit. The Chongqing Mint did not take actions to cast gold bars on time. The deadline for the release of gold at the end of July cannot be delayed any longer. The director of the mint is instructed to deal with the case and no more mistakes are accepted. The previous suggestion that the two mints in Chengdu and Kunming should also cast gold is infeasible, and should not be discussed again..." 14
On August 31, there were only approximately 76,000 taels of gold bars that were delivered to the Central bank from the Chongqing Mint, including 2,977 pieces of two maces, 2,814 pieces of four maces, 7,140 pieces of one taels, 264 pieces of three taels, 2,814 pieces of five taels, and 2,567 pieces of ten taels 19. This was not only far below the target of 200,000 taels approved by the Ministry of Finance before August 15, but also made the payment deferral become the norm. The situation had not been improved by the end of the year 20. Public grievances had already boiled over.
Surprised that the situation was so serious, the mint began to prepare for casting. On the one hand, the mint borrowed five hundred large balances, pressing machines, and other machinery and equipment from the Chengdu Mint to finalize the casting method of gold bars. First, the gold bricks were rolled into gold pieces with a thickness of two, four, or six centimeters respectively, and cut into various gold bars of less than five taels; then the leftover edge chips were used to cast ten tael pieces with a muffle furnace 15. As the Chongqing mint lacked the sheet rolling equipment, it contacted the Ordnance Department's 20th Arsenal to roll the gold sheet for the mint.
Image 3 Gold bars of five taels in Chongqing Mint in early August 1945 during Qiao Jinliang's tenure
It was not until July 29 did the casting officially start, with only two days left before the release date. In addition, according to the objective approved by the Ministry of Finance, the Chongqing Mint must cast 200,000 taels by August 15, including 80,000 one tael pieces, 13,333 three taels pieces, 12,000 five taels pieces, and 2,000 ten taels pieces 16, which was almost an impossible task. On July 30, the Supreme Council of the Ministry of National Defense announced the Donation Measures of Gold , which forced gold depositors and gold redeemers to donate 40% of their total to the military if they redeemed more than one teal of gold. The unexpected regulations reduced the amount of gold redeemed and caused frustrating operational problems. The smallest gold bar minted by the Chongqing Mint was originally one tael. After the donation, there was a remainder when redeeming it, and smaller gold bars were needed to make up for it. These small gold bars were cast temporarily, but it was very time-consuming and labor-intensive.
gold bars of five tael in Chongqing Mint in early August 1945 during Qiao Jinliang's tenure
At the beginning of August, the Ministry of Finance, the Central Bank, and the Chongqing Mint had an emergency meeting for this and decided to adjust the proportion of the 200,000 taels of gold bars originally scheduled to be minted by the Chongqing Mint before August 15. On the one hand,
On September 1, Qiao Jinliang’s was replaced as director, and the original deputy director Wei Xianzhang was promoted to fill the vacancy. The official did not provide any explanation for the change, but the reason is clear. Qiao moved to the United States with his family a year after he was dismissed.
14 July 7, 1945, Ministry of Finance No. 458. 15 On July 11, 1945, the Central Mint submitted a document to the Ministry of Finance (the document number is unclear). 16 August 4, 1945, the Department of Currency, Ministry of Finance (quoted from the Central Mint Letter No. 2730 on August 4, 1945): 17 On August 10, 1945, the Workers Office forwarded the report to the director. 18 March 2, 1946, Chongqing Zi No. 1352 submission. The Central Mint's General Report on Gold Receipt and Consumption (July 1945 to February 1946) . 19 ibid. 20 December 2, 1945, Chongqing Business Daily .
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【Director Wei Xianzhang】
Term of office: from August 31, 1945, to December 25, 1955 Wei Xianzhang (1890-?), born in Zhongshan, Guangdong, graduated from Shanghai’s St. John's College and went to the United States to study, then graduated from the Philadelphia Textile College in 1916, and received a master's degree in business administration from the University of Pennsylvania in 1917. After returning to China, he served at Shenchang, Nanyang Brothers Tobacco, Taikoo Shipping, and many other foreign merchants for many years until he entered the Central Mint 21. He was also a man in the early Chinese sports arena. In 1910, China imitated the Olympic Games to hold the first National Games. As a student of St. John’s University, he won the gold medal in the 220-yard and 100-yard race in the national advanced group; in 1913, he represented Jiangsu to participate in the first Far East Games in Manila, the Philippines, and won consecutive 120-yard high hurdles and high jump men’s gold medals and 220-yard low hurdle silver medal 22.
Year 37 of the Republic China (1948)
Wei had served as the deputy director for 16 years since 1929 until he was promoted to the mint director, and he was the longest-serving deputy director in the history of the mint. The primary task after his promotion is to take over the unfinished work of the predecessor and cast a large number of gold bars. From September 1945 to mid-February 1946, the Shanghai Mint produced more than 1,364,400 taels of gold bars in Wei's tenure 23. In addition to the six types of bars that were cast by his predecessor, that was two-mace, four-mace, onetael, three-tael, five-tael, and ten-tael, the mint has also used the edge chips to cast six taels, thirty taels, sixty taels, and one hundred taels; the latter three types being more than 108,800 taels, 195,600 taels, and 6,000 taels in total, which were produced based on the second item of the Gold Redemption Measures: "... if the mint fails to mint enough gold bars, the purchaser or depositor must make up for the full amount by themselves and receive the whole piece from the original bank office..." In addition to the more than 76,000 taels of gold bars completed during Qiao’s tenure from July 29 to August 31, 1945, and the Kunming Central Bank also commissioned the Kunming Mint to cast in September (although the contract was terminated soon), the casting amount reached approximately 80,000 taels of gold bars 24; the total amount reached 1.52 million taels. Before the Central Mint returned to Shanghai from Chongqing, it had already met the demand for supply and redemption, and the crisis was finally resolved.
Shanghai Mint gold bars of five tael, in the gold and silver deposit and redemption period (November 1948-February 1949) during Wei Xianzhang's tenure Image 4 Shanghai Mint gold bars of five taels, in the gold and silver deposit and redemption period (November 1948-February 1949) during Wei Xianzhang's tenure Since then, Wei experienced the Shanghai gold turmoil, the secret gold coin and bullion production plan 25, gold and silver deposits and redemption, and the issuance of silver dollar notes. He was entrusted to cast gold bars and silver dollars in Shanghai, Chengdu, Taiwan and other places. After the government moved to Taiwan, he served for the reform of the Taiwan dollar and the gold deposit method; He was behind all major policies related to gold and silver. The gold bars from the Central Mint, whether in Chongqing, Shanghai, Chengdu, or Taiwan, or even the silver, copper, and aluminum coins issued early in Taiwan, were all completed within his term. He also became the director of the Central Mint with the longest tenure in history.
21 History of Shanghai St. John's University. 22 Luo Shiming, The Olympics Come to China , Tsinghua University Press Co., Ltd., 2005, p. 46. 23 March 2, 1946, Chongqing Zi No. 1352 submission. The Central Mint's General Report on Gold Receipt and Consumption (July 1945 to February 1946) . 24 Stephen Tai, Gold Archives of the Republic of China , Chapter 3, Section 3 The beginning and end of Kunming mint. Potosi Studio, January 2020. Page 95 below. 25 Stephen Tai, Seventy Years of Dust, 1949 Gold Coins Casting Plan , The Journal of East Asian Numismatics , Issue 22, published on May 1, 2021.
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There were two major deeds in his tenure, which are worthy of reading.
10,000 taels, much less than 3.5 million taels released by the Central Bank 26. However, when the relevant people were brought to justice after the internal information that some of the Central Bank officials colluded with the gold companies was exposed shortly afterward, Wei was reported to the Ministry of Finance for rewards for his performance in defending national interests. The case was reviewed and passed on March 3, 1948, Wei was awarded the fifth-class Jingxing Medal 27.
During the Shanghai gold turmoil, the Central Bank decided to recast and release a large number of gold stocks through the gold companies in Shanghai. The action immediately aroused the opposition of Finance Minister Yu Hongjun, Wei Xianzhang, and others, urging that the deposit should be handed over to the Shanghai Mint for recasting. Later, although the Central Bank did not change its decision, the Shanghai Mint was given the opportunity to cast gold bars of ten taels with 99% purity at the end of 1946 with Wei’s continued communications and the support of the Ministry of Finance. However, it was too late. When the Central Bank announced that it would stop releasing gold on February 15, the Shanghai Mint only cast around 1,000 pieces, weighing no more than
The other problem happened after the relocation. In order to handle the gold and silver deposit and redemption, the Shanghai Mint was forced to collect miscellaneous gold from the private sector from November 1948 to February 1949, and directly cast the gold into a large number of gold bars, resulting in a disorderly decline in fineness.
Due to military failure, the Central Government had no time to take care of the currency. The Central Bank, which had moved to Guangzhou, announced to various branches on July 10, 1949: the gold purity would change to 98% as the transaction standard 28. At that time, the Central Bank had no intention of raising the standard but chose to adapt to the reality.
Shanghai, Guangzhou, or other places. However, most of the relevant information about him after he came to Taiwan has now disappeared. The most surprising thing is that we can't even find his name on the website of the Central Mint. The author finally found a clue through arduous work. A document abstract in the database of the Academia Sinica’s Post-War Taiwan History Chronology records: "On December 25, 1955, Wei Xianzhang, the director of the Central Mint was dismissed due to illegal act and dereliction of duty". "Illegal act and dereliction of duty" should be the reason why he suddenly disappeared. The problem is what law was violated and how did he derelict his duty? There was no exact answer. So far, the mint that has gone through the stormy years has already been a history.
However, Wei did not give up the fineness of 99%, the gold standard derived from the Shanghai Mint. When the Central Mint was ordered to continue to make gold bullion at the end of the same month, Wei immediately advocated that the gold bullion should adopt the gold standard of .990 fineness of the Shanghai Mint, which was later supported by the president of the Central Bank 29. The importance of 99% fineness was not only because it was the gold standard of Shanghai, it was also the popular standard among Taiwanese. Later, although it could not be applied to the mainland, it was started to be implemented in Taiwan in November. Taiwan gold bars fully evolved to 99.1% fineness, which eliminated Taiwan people’s doubts about the quality of official gold bars since the outbreak of the June 21 incident 30. Image 5 Taiwan gold bars of five taels with 99.1% fineness in 1950. Cast during Wei Xianzhang's tenure. When the Central Government moved to Taiwan, Wei Xianchang became the first director of the Central Mint in Taiwan, and his tenure in Taiwan far exceeded that in
Taiwan gold bars of five tael with 991 fineness in 1950 during Wei Xianzhang's tenure
26 Stephen Tai, Gold Archives of the Republic of China , Chapter 4, Shanghai Mint Period, p. 99 below. 27 Ji Xun Committee, March 3, 1948, Xun Zi No. 61. 28 July 10, 1949, the Central Bank Business Bureau Guangzhou Tong No.27. 29 July 22, 1949, Sui Ding No. 106, submitted by Wei Xianchang. 30 Stephen Tai, Gold Archives of the Republic of China , Chapter 6, Tai Mint Period, p. 164 below.
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中央造幣廠,為民國時期的中央最高鑄幣機構,在 1928 年
鑄銀元遂成為首要任務;尤其在 1933 年 3 月 1 日宣佈“廢
( 图: 民国时期上海的中央造币厂 )
【風雨歲月中的中央造幣廠】 不過,就在法幣發行 9 個月之後,對日抗戰爆發,國民政
八年戰爭期間,貶值了約 2 000 倍之多 。過程中,紙鈔,
行初期法幣匯率的穩定等,背後均可見其身影。他於 1942 年月 6 月首先提出要能解決通貨膨脹嚴重侵蝕財政的問題,
1 楊格:《中國的戰時財政與通貨膨脹,1937-1945》。
2 3
後承諾出售總數價值 2 億 2 千萬美元的黃金之後,國民政
府從 1943 年 9 月起開始展開釋金行動。
【席德柄廠長】 1937 年 6 月起,迄 1944 年 6 月 22 日 席德柄 (1892-1968 年 ),祖籍江蘇吳縣,席德懋之胞弟,
之後,1943 年半圓鎳幣便成為抗戰期間出廠的最後一批鑄
地稅局副局長、江漢關監督等職。抗戰前夕的 1937 年 6 月,
1944 年 6 月 22 日,在無幣可鑄的情形下,席德柄選擇辭
收藏並執著鑄幣事業的席德柄 3 而言,這不啻是告別造幣廠
同年 10 月 23 日,財政部宣佈黃金現貨交易起碼從 400 市
兩調降至 10 市兩,以擴大交易層面,增加釋金效果。此後,
到了抗戰後期,通貨膨脹加劇。1942 年間,席德柄奉命將
將金磚切割、改鑄小塊,就成為抗戰後期重慶中央造幣廠 ( 下
廠內原有的大批鍋爐等生產設備,售予資委會雲南鋼鐵廠 ,
稱重慶廠 ) 的例行工作與新業務,這也是席德柄留給新任去
席德柄任內的最後一種鑄幣 民國三十二年半圓孫像 布圖鎳幣 )
2 1942.2.26,資委會雲南鋼鐵廠工程處,滇 ( 卅一 ) 處第 0305 號呈文:“……中央造幣廠前托西南運存遮庫其 16% 編號二十鍋爐三具,182 件,43.830 噸,已售予資委會雲南鋼鐵廠…… 中央造幣廠標售存放臘戌之新式 200 匹馬力臥式鍋爐三座,當即函電商購……。” 3 周 邊:民國著名金融家的錢幣收藏,NC 收藏中來自前中央造幣廠廠長席德柄先生的錢幣,載《東亞泉志》第 22 期。2021 年 4 月。
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【喬晉梁廠長】 1944 年 6 月 22 日起,迄 1945 年 8 月 31 日 接任廠長職的喬晉梁,是著名晉商祁縣票號喬致遠的曾孫,
個問題,直至 7 月 26 日財政部長俞鴻鈞面諭 8:爾後中央
廠的鎔鑄解送金條表報,最早就是從 8 月份開始,更早之前,
出任中央造幣廠廠長 。 4
不過,喬晉梁任期不長,歷時僅一年零两个月。1945 年 8
不過,由於 1945 年 3 月 15 日兌付者是 1944 年 9 月的黃
金存款,該月黃金存款總額仍有紀錄可查,折合純金 9 336 市兩 9,各行局之中承辦存款最多的重慶中行也僅領得 191
最早一批,是為了兌付 1945 年 3 月 15 日到期的黃金存款
1945 年 4 月,只好暫停兌付。此後到期的黃金存款,就只
之用。這批金條,在重慶廠內部簽呈 及領取的重慶中國銀
能不斷遞延,直至 6 月初起,大批美國金磚終於陸續抵達。
鎔鑄、解交金條的完整報告 7,起自 1945 年 8 月終於 1946
行的文件 均有提及,但,根據重慶廠後來提交財政部有關 6
的辦法:所有 7 月底到期的黃金存款及上年 (1944)11 月應
年 2 月中旬,並無這一批金條的記錄。
付而未付的黃金現貨,均將在 7 月 31 日開始兌付。
分之一為十兩條,四分之一為一兩條 10。由於黃金數量極大,
並已對外界作出承諾,為了確保如期完工,財政部於 1945
年 6 月 23 日特別下達訓令:重慶廠每日必須鎔制一萬兩 。
然而,廠方顯然不清楚實際狀況與事情的嚴重性。於伊始, 先以鑄幣觀點,建議生產幣型金塊,不應鑄造金條,以避免
成色重量不規整、流通不便云云,卻無視於做法的緩不濟急。 面對央行、財政部一再提醒與催促,廠方則是以環境、儀器
1931 年的中央造币厂
4 王保民、範愛明、王智:《晉商翹楚——喬致庸用人、經商、處世之道》。第 307 頁,清華大學出版社。 5 1945.6.12. 中央造幣廠工務處簽呈。 6 1945.3.22,重慶中國銀行,業字第 220 號。“為轉渝行函陳:第一批到期黃金,計 191 市兩,已向國行領到,並於 3 月 15 日開始兌付,請察洽備案由”。“總處鈞鑒:接渝行儲行第 1292 號函稱:敝處自三月十五日至卅日,應交付到期之黃金 191 市兩 ( 內計渝行 158 市兩,廟處 22 市兩,坊處 11 市兩 ),已於三月十三日,向國行如數領到。其成色 996.4 至 999.8 不等, 且以一兩上下之小條為多,每枚重量亦不均,其尾差最大者,約四分左右。此批請領 191 市兩 (129 枚 ) 共計尾差一兩一錢零四厘,實領純金 189.896。此項尾差,按現在牌價,每市兩 2 萬元計算,折合國幣 22,080 元,連同利息,國幣 66 850 元,均由國行撥來。所有到期黃金,敝處已於本月十五日開始兌付等由。理合函陳,敬請鈞察備案為禱。此頌 鈞綏 儲蓄部 通啟”。 《中國銀行史資料彙編》,頁 1180。 7 參見重慶廠歷次呈送財政部的《中央造幣廠鎔鑄金條旬報表》。 8 1945.7.26 中央造幣廠渝造總字第 123 號文:“...... 本廠頃奉部長面諭:中央銀行發行黃金原塊飭由本廠列印編號,並製成紀錄備查 ......”。 9 《中華民國史檔案資料彙編》第五輯 第二編 財政經濟 ( 四 ),頁 604。 10 1945.6.12 中央造幣廠工務處簽呈。 11 1945.6.23 財政部財錢甲字第 5592 號訓令。
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爐坊代工 12,或轉交蓉昆兩分廠鑄造 13。
兩、十兩條;另一方面,則挪出 5 千兩改製二錢小片,一
“...... 關於鎔鑄黃金一案關係政府執行黃金政策暨信用至
切而成。11 日起開工 17,10 天後,也僅完成二錢 670 片、 四錢 564 片 18。
為重要,迭經由部令飭該廠迅為籌備開始鎔鑄,迄已多日仍 未決定切實辦法實現,距預定七月底發放黃金之期為時已迫 不容再事延宕,貽誤要政,合再電仰該廠廠長等迅速進行即
到了 8 月 31 日,重慶廠解交央行的金條,共有:二錢 2
兩 2 814 條,十兩 2 567 條,總數僅 7 萬 6 千多市兩 19,
977 片,四錢 2 814 片,一兩 7 140 條,三兩 264 條,五
日鎔鑄,並以此事責成該廠長等全力辦理,勿再貽誤於咎。 勿庸議 ......。”14
不僅遠低於財政部所核定 8 月 15 日之前應鑄解 20 萬兩的
底仍存在 20。外界不明就裏,但民怨早已沸騰。
借調五百兩大天平及砝碼、印花機等機器設備,敲定各式金 條的鎔鑄工法,先將金磚輾成二、四、六釐米厚度的金片, 分別裁切成五兩以下各種金條;再用切剩的邊屑,以馬夫爾
爐鎔鑄十兩條 15。由於重慶廠欠缺軋片設備,於是洽請兵工 署第二十兵工廠代軋金片事宜。
當正式開鑄之時,已是 7 月 29 日,距發放日僅剩兩天。又, 根據財政部所核定的目標,重慶廠必須於 8 月 15 日以前鑄
解二十萬兩,包括一兩條 8 萬兩,三兩條 4 萬兩,五兩條 6
萬兩,十兩條 2 萬兩等 16,幾乎已是不可能的任務。
7 月 30 日,國防部最高委員會公佈《黃金購戶存戶獻金辦 法》,強制黃金存款及現貨的存戶或購戶,兌領黃金超過一
兩者,應捐獻其中的 40%,作為充實軍費之用。突乎其來
喬晉梁任內 ,1945 年 8 月上旬,中央造幣廠五兩金條
人挫手不及。重慶廠所鑄的最小金條原本為一市兩,獻金後, 兌付時將出現尾數,需要更多更小的金條,以供找補。這些 小金條,必須臨時增鑄,卻非常費時費工。
9 月 1 日,喬晉梁的廠長一職遭到撤換,遺缺由原副廠長韋
8 月初,財政部、央行、重慶廠為此緊急會商,決定對於重
慶廠原定應於 8 月 15 日之前鑄解的二十萬兩大小金條調整
12 1945.6.28 渝總文第 2431 號文。 13 1945.6.30 渝總文第 2495 號文。 14 1945.7.7 財政部財錢甲字第 458 號文。 15 1945.7.11 中央造幣廠呈財政部文 ( 文號不清 ):“...... 決定採用機械方法,輾成相當厚度,切成一兩、二兩、三兩、五兩小塊,切餘邊屑,再用馬夫爾爐鎔鑄十兩小條 ......” 16 財政部錢幣司 1945.8.4 文 ( 引自中央造幣廠 1945.8.14 渝總文第 2730 號覆函 ) :“...... 查此次兌付黃金辦法,業經明令公佈並核定應於 8 月 15 日以前鑄解二十萬兩在案 ...... 據稱存戶在 五兩以內者甚多,依照獻金辦法須多制一兩及二錢、四錢小片方可應付。經照此次核定二十萬兩商定分配數量,於一兩金條百分之四十,八萬兩,內中以五千兩改制二錢金片,三兩金條, 百分之二十,四萬兩,內中以四千兩改制四錢金片,六兩金條,百分之三十,六萬兩,內中以六千兩改制四錢金片,十兩金條,百分之十,二萬兩。惟查現在舂制者系五兩金條,為節 省時間,免除換制舂模起見,並經商定用以代替搭配六兩及十兩者。其一兩三兩二錢四錢者,應照上開比例搭鑄重量,務求準確 ...... 迅即依照搭鑄並依限照解 ......”。 17 1945.8.10 工務處轉呈廠長,技正司徒得;“...... 廠座手諭剪切二錢、四錢金條由 ...... 職負責辦理,本月十一日在鄒容路開工 .......”。 18 1946.3.2 渝盛字第 1352 號呈文。中央造幣廠收解金料及耗損總報告 (34 年 7 月至 35 年 2 月 )。 19 同上。 20 1945.12.2, 《重慶商務日報》:“ ...... 黃金存款,按半年到其順延一月,如十月份到期,統於十一月付,十一月何時付現?必須按號碼順序,故手續甚煩。每行號碼,當有每日只付百號者, 故存戶均怨氣沖天 ...... 至於蓉昆蘭州西安貴陽之兌現,更為困難”。
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【韋憲章廠長】 1945 年 8 月 31 日起,迄 1955 年 12 月 25 日 韋憲章 (1890-? 年 ),祖籍廣東中山,上海聖約翰書院畢業, 赴美留學,1916 年畢業於費城紡織學院,1917 年再獲賓州
大學工商管理系碩士學位。自美學成返國後,於慎昌、南洋 兄弟菸草、太古輪船等多家洋商工作多年,直至進入中央造 幣廠 21。
其人,同時也是早期中國體壇的風雲人物。宣統二年 (1910
年 ) 中國模仿奧運舉辦的第一屆全運會,他以聖約翰大學學
生的身份獲得 220 碼、100 碼競跑全國高等組金牌;民國
會,連獲 120 碼高欄、跳高男子金牌及 220 碼低欄銀牌等
佳績 22。
民国 37 年 ( 1948 年)
至升任廠長為止,韋從 1929 年起已擔任副廠長達 16 年之久, 是該廠歷來資歷最久的副廠長。升任後的首要任務,便是接 手前任未完成的工作,趕工鎔鑄大量待鑄金條。
自 1945 年 9 月起至 1946 年 2 月中旬,滬廠在韋任內鑄解
出 136 萬 4 千 4 百多市兩的各式金條【注 23】。除了前任
1945 年 10 月起,又利用切割金塊所累積的邊屑,增鑄六兩、
三十兩、六十兩、一百兩等四種;其中後三種分別鑄有 10
萬 8 千 8 百多市兩、19 萬 5 千 6 百多市兩與 6 千多市兩, 都是依據《黃金現貨及存款兌付辦法》第二項:“……造幣 廠分鑄不及,得由購戶或存戶自行拼湊足額,向原經辦行局 整塊領取”的規定所鑄造,藉以減少其他小型金條的供應壓
力。加上喬任內於 1945 年 7 月 29 日至 8 月 31 日所完成
韋憲章任內 , 金銀存兌期間 (1948.11-1949.2), 上海廠五兩 金條
的 7 萬 6 千多市兩,以及昆明央行 9 月間亦向昆明分廠委鑄,
雖不久即解約,仍鑄出約 8 萬兩金條 24;加總後到達 152
萬兩之多,在該廠自渝返滬之前,已足敷供應兌付之需,危 機終告解除。
劃 、金銀存兌、銀元券發行,在上海、成都、臺灣等地受
21 22 23 24 25
上海聖約翰大學校史。 羅時銘:《奧運來到中國》,清華大學出版社有限公司, 2005,頁 46。 1946.3.2 渝盛字第 1352 號呈文。《中央造幣廠收解金料及耗損總報告 (34 年 7 月至 35 年 2 月 )》。 筆者:《民國黃金檔案》,第三章第三節 昆廠廠條鑄造始末。波多西工作室,2020 年 1 月。頁 95 以下。 筆者:《塵封七十載 1949 年金幣金塊鑄造計劃》《東亞泉志》第二十二期,2021 年 5 月 1 日出版。
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政部的支持下,滬廠於 1946 年底獲得承鑄成色十兩 990 的廠條的機會,
兌, 滬 廠 於 1948 年 11
只是為時已晚,2 月 15 日宣佈停止釋出黃金時,滬廠亦僅鑄出千條左右,
月至 1949 年 2 月止,被
重量不超過一萬兩,相較於央行釋出的 350 萬兩,可說微乎其微 。不過, 26
1948 年 3 月 3 日獲授五等景星勳章 。 27
迫鎔化收兌自民間的雜 以致成色紊亂走低。
張金塊應採用該廠成色 990 的鑄金標準,後來獲得央行總
遷往廣州的中央銀行於 1949 年 7 月 10 日通電各地分行:
裁的支持 29。
市面黃金改采 98 作為交易標準 28。當時的央行已無意提升
990 成色,所代表的意義,除了就是回復被破壞之前的標準,
不過,韋卻未放棄 990 成色此一源自上海廠的鑄金標準。
足赤,後來,雖無法運用於大陸,從 11 月起卻開始在臺灣
落實,臺條更是全面進化至 991 成色,大幅消除 621 事件
爆發以來臺民對於官方金條品質的疑慮 30,此功勞非其莫屬。 隨中央政府遷臺後,韋憲昌成為中央造幣廠的開台廠長,在 臺任期也遠超過在上海、廣州或其他地方。不過,其來臺以
後的有關資料,於今卻大多無端消失,最令人詫異的是,連 中央造幣廠網頁也找不到他的名字。
經過一番努力,筆者終於找到一絲線索!中研院“戰後臺灣 歷史年表”的資料庫中一份檔摘要記載:“1955 年 12 月
25 日,中央銀行造幣廠長韋憲章因違法失職,遭公懲會以 撤職與停止任用八年處分。”“違法失職”,應該就是他突 然銷聲匿跡的原因了。只不過,違反何法?如何失職?就不 得而知。行文至此,那個走過風雨歲月的造幣廠,早已隨人 物走遠了。
韋憲章任內 ,1950 年間, 中央造幣廠成色 991 五兩金條
26 筆者,前揭書,第四章 上海廠時期,頁 99 以下。 27 稽勛委員會 1948.3.3,勛字第 61 號。“為財政部請授韋憲章一員勛章案,業經審核決定授勛,請查照行知由。” 28 1949.7.10 中央銀行業務局廣州通 27 號 央行駐臺代表辦公室譯電。“各分行處關於逐日電報金銀外幣行是應注意事項 ......(3) 黃金市價應以市兩為單位,按九八成色折算並應將折算公 式報局備查”。 29 1949.7.22 穗鼎第 106 號,韋憲昌呈文。“查本年三月 間,奉鈞座面諭籌鑄金幣,經將式樣、重量級含金成色呈奉鑒核 ...... 查金幣與金塊,性質不同。金幣已定有固定面值,而金塊價 值須視中央銀行牌價決定,故金塊成色,應較金幣為高。茲擬依照鑄金條辦法規定金塊含金成色亦以 990 為標準 ......”,經 1949.7.30,廣秘第 1163 號文,總裁批:“照辦。” 30 筆者,前揭書,第六章 臺廠時期 頁 164 以下。
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Rare Gold Coins in the Late Qing Dynasty
A Research on the 1907 Sinkiang Gold Coins and the Relevant Historical Coinage Anecdotes Cheng Bin〔Urumqi〕 to use the tael as the currency unit and the silver purity was designed to be 98%. However, the Finance Ministry thought the purity of 98% was not suitable. Later, the Currency Investigation Bureau was established in 1909. In 1910, the Currency Regulations ( 幣 制 則 例 ) was promulgated, and the silver standard was implemented. Silver dollars with a denomination of 7 mace and 2 candareens, and with a purity of 90% were named Ta Qing silver coins ( 大清銀幣 )1. Sinkiang silver coins and gold coins were minted and circulated in this special period.
Abstract: In the late Qing ( 清 ) dynasty, the Qing government reconsidered and reconstructed its monetary policy. The dispute over whether to implement the gold standard or the silver standard had continued for several years. In 1907, as a supporter of the gold standard, Wang Shuzhan ( 王 樹 枬 ), the governor of Sinkiang ( 新 疆 布 政 使 ), cast the only official gold coin for circulation in China. According to the book Record of Sinkiang (《 新 疆 圖 志 》), the numismatic community agrees that onemace and two-mace gold coins were minted in Sinkiang. Therefore, Eduard Kann and many other Chinese and foreign numismatic collectors and researchers considered the five-mace and one-tael gold coins as forgeries. It was not until a century later that the five-mace gold coins appeared in an official museum collection, breaking the preconceived thinking pattern formed through the scattered anecdotes. However, the verified five-mace and one-tael gold coins reported as forgeries by Eduard Kann have similar concentric circles, which provides clues for exploring the existence of the one-tael gold coins.
In the Qing dynasty, Sinkiang silver mainly originated from the military rations of inland provinces, but Sinkiang was rich in other mineral deposits, including gold, copper, and lead mines. In 1897, Rao Yingqi ( 饒 應 祺 ), the governor of Sinkiang purchased minting machines through Shanghai Carlowitz & Co ( 禮 和 洋 行 ) and set up the Sinkiang Machinery Bureau ( 迪 化 銀 圓 局 ) in Dihua. In 1907, Sinkiang governor Wang Shuzhan set up the Dihua Silver Dollar Bureau in the Sinkiang Machinery Bureau ( 新 疆 機 器 局 ) to mint gold, silver, and copper coins. In 1909, the Silver Dollar Factory of the Sinkiang Machinery Bureau purchased various machines2. Yuan Dahua ( 袁 大 化 ), the last governor of Sinkiang, also served as the chief officer of the Mohe Gold Mine ( 漠 河 金 礦 ). He described the day he arrived in Dihua, the provincial capital, in the Sinkiang Diary ( 撫新紀程 ), and went to the Sinkiang Machinery Bureau to check: "(June 11, 1911) the machinery bureau was located at Shuimogou ( 水磨溝 ), where I saw silver and copper dollars struck. There are hot springs, which do not freeze in winter and save power."3 Yet, the story in which Yuan Dahua led the minting of gold and silver coins have not yet been recorded in historical records.
Keywords: late Qing dynasty, currency system, gold standard, Sinkiang, gold coins Introduction At the end of the Qing dynasty, the government and the Sinkiang governors had a heated discussion about the currency system, and the groups supporting the gold standard and the silver standard were evenly matched. There were many different opinions regarding the denominations of silver dollars, the most important of which were the 7-mace-and-2-candareen system and the tael system. In September 1908, the government agreed
1 History of Chinese Currency by Gu Xinwei, Shanghai: Shanghai People's Publishing House, November 1958, p.549. 2 Archives of Modern Chinese Weapon Industry (1), Edited by the Editing Committee of the Archives of the Modern Chinese Weapon Industry, Beijing: Weapon Industry Press, December 1993, p. 256. 3 (Qing dynasty) Sinkiang Diary by Yuan Dahua, Sinkiang Newspaper Bureau // Chief Editor Shen Yunlong; Modern Chinese History Series No.10, Taipei: Wenhai Publishing House, 1967, p. 179180. The book reports that on February 26, 1911, Yuan Dahua set off from Kaifeng and arrived in the provincial capital of Sinkiang on June 11. In the past, it was generally considered that Yuan Dahua produced One Tael in silver, Five Mace in gold and other coins, but his arrival in the Sinkiang provincial capital was only half a year before the outbreak of the Dihua Uprising of the Revolution ( 辛亥革 命迪化起義 ). The time period for Yuan Dahua to buy machines and mint coins seems to be very short.
2 3
gold mines, with a huge number of gold bullion and jewelry produced every year, but no gold coins had been minted. The national treasure flowed out, and foreign currency dominated the Chinese market, which was extremely worrisome. Sinkiang is a gold-producing area, which Britain and Russia had coveted for a long time. Nowadays, we mine gold and strike gold coins officially. Although it is not presently possible to switch to the gold standard, there will be a favorable result. Moreover, gold coins can be used as currency and not just as ornaments. Isn’t this an obvious improvement?5
Preconceptions: Record of Sinkiang and the gold coins Record of Sinkiang is an encyclopedia about Sinkiang in the Qing dynasty. The editor of the book, Wang Shuzhan, was a leading advocator of the gold standard currency system. There is a special chapter about gold coins in the book, which provides important historical materials for later research on gold coins. The following is an excerpt (image 1): “For many years, Sinkiang province was short of provisions and funds for troops, and depended on the subsidy from the Qing government and other provinces. However, in later years, the subsidy became insufficient and could not be paid on time. Russian gold coins and notes were widely used in Sinkiang but were too expensive. In May 1907, Wang Shuzhan asked to mint gold dollars for circulation and pay the troops. Cai Shichang ( 蔡 世 長 ) and the other three officers 4 have been to the Machinery Bureau to supervise the minting of gold coins. There are two gold coins: the one-mace and the two-mace. A one-mace gold coin was equal to three taels of silver, and a two-mace was equal to six taels of silver. Four months later, a total of 5,001 taels, 3 mace and 3 candareens of gold coins were minted by the Silver Dollar Bureau.
This piece of the historical article reflects the history of Sinkiang's minting of gold coins. More importantly, there are two kinds of gold coins: the one mace and the two mace coins are well known among numismatists, which has had a profound impact on the numismatic community. In addition, since existing Sinkiang gold coins are very rare, research on these gold coins has been limited. The existence of one-tael coin was not mentioned in the Record of Sinkiang, “In May 1907, Governor Wang Shuzhan asked machinery bureau to produce silver dollars. On June 4, four kinds of silver dollars were cast, including five-mace, four-mace, two-mace, and onemace.6” However, due to the fact that there are still a lot of one-tael silver coins in circulation, numismatists agree that one-tael silver coins were produced between 1909 and 1912 after the Record of Sinkiang was finished.
At the time the currency used by almost all countries was based on gold. China is endowed with abundant
In the section of Food and Monetary in the Record of Sinkiang, Wang Shuzhan clearly pointed out that that monetary policy is related to the destiny of the country.7 "China’s prosperity depends on industry and commerce, both of which are based on currency. As for prosperous countries, such as Britain, their gold dollar must be popular around the globe, its banks spread all over the world, and its domestic currency systems must be unified and consistent; therefore, its business can be developed as far as it can and will not be restricted by any national boundary. Oppositely, poor countries, such as China, must have the most turbulent currency system, which is not based on the gold standard, and its banks cannot be popularized. Why are rich and poor countries so different? Currency systems must be an important reason." 8
Image 1: The chapter about gold coins in the Record of Sinkiang
4 In 1911, the governor of Sinkiang Wang Shuzhan was transferred to Beijing. At that time, Cai Shichang was also dismissed. According to Volume 54 of Xuan Tong Zheng Ji (《宣統政記》) and Liang Guang Guan Bao (《兩廣官報》first issue): (1911) May 2: "officer Ruixian accused Wang Shuzhan of corruption, Wang was then transfered to Beijing and accepted an investigation. Cai Shichang was also accused and dismissed". 5 (Qing dynasty) Sinkiang Graphical Records part I , by Wang Shuzhan, compiled by Zhu Yuqi, Shanghai: Shanghai Ancient Books Publishing House, December 2015, p. 646-647. 6 (Qing dynasty) Sinkiang Graphical Records part I , by Wang Shuzhan, compiled by Zhu Yuqi, Shanghai: Shanghai Ancient Books Publishing House, December 2015, p. 645. 7 Research on Wang Shuzhan's Monetary Thought, by Wang Yongsheng, Regional Financial Research, 2016 (10): 83-87. 8 (Qing dynasty) Record of Sinkiang part I , by Wang Shuzhan, compiled by Zhu Yuqi, Shanghai: Shanghai Ancient Books Publishing House, December 2015, p. 624.
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Sinkiang Province. In fact, some of these measures were implemented later while some were not carried out. " Record of Sinkiang also introduced Wang’s plans for Sinkiang's local gold and copper mines, currency systems, and bank settings.
reverse, which is the same design as on silver dollars. A one-mace gold coin equals three taels of silver. The ratio of gold to silver was one to twenty in 1906, which had become one to thirty in 1907, and one to thirty-eight in 1908. Consequently, gold coins are collected by people.”11
“Sinkiang is rich in copper mines in Shaya, Kuqa, Aksu, Baicheng, Kashgar, and Bayandai; Sinkiang is also rich in gold mines in Khotan, Tacheng, Wusu, and Khotan. The monetary system is easy to change when the copper is high, and gold coins are easy to mint when gold is rich. We should use gold as the standard, supplemented by copper, banknotes, and silver coins, and then set up banks in Dihua, Kashgar, and Ningyuan, so as to be consistent with the mainland banks such as Ta Qing Bank. We should set up branch banks in Semi, Amusik, Tianjin, Beijing, and Shanghai to collect funds from the mainland and to prevent a fortune from flowing out. We should mint more gold dollars and fewer silver coins, so as to raise the price of silver. We should follow mainland provinces to cast one-cash and ten-cash copper coins.9”
The Circulation and Collection of Gold Coins Gold coins were put into circulation shortly after they were made. Due to their scarcity and the change in the ratio of gold to silver, they were quickly withdrawn from circulation and became collectibles. From 1916 to 1917, Xie Bin ( 謝 彬 ) visited Sinkiang as a special commissioner of the Ministry of Finance of the Beiyang Government. He recorded in Sinkiang Travel Notes ( 新 疆遊記 ): " On April 3 (1917) , there are two kinds of gold coins, namely, one mace and two mace, which are also called xiang jin ( 餉金 ). They have all been taken out of the province today, and few people have seen them."12 Xie Bin also wrote about this situation in the financial review of National Defense and Diplomac y (國防與外交) (1926). Zeng Wenwu's ( 曾文吾 ) History of Chinese Business in the Western Regions ( 中國經營西域史 ) (1936) recorded: "(Gold coins) were collected after they were issued, and it is not easy to see them again. The machinery bureau stopped casting them soon after they were issued."13
Considering the above monetary measures, minting more gold dollars is the key to the plan. It is also reasonable to mint five-mace gold coins and even one-tael gold coins. According to the system of silver dollars, five-mace, fourmace, two-mace, and one-mace coins were fractional coins, while one-tael coins were the standard currency. If the gold coin system uses this as a reference, onetael gold coins should also be produced. Of course, from the perspective of the circulation environment, the onetael" gold coins were too valuable and too heavy to be exchanged and circulated on the market.
After the gold coins became collectibles, they were commonly seen in the records of collectors and were covered in numismatic books. For example, Yuan Kewen ( 袁 克 文 , the second son of Yuan Shikai 袁 世 凱 ) recorded in the Hanyun Diary ( 寒雲日記 ): " September 11 (1927). I have obtained a gold coin with dragon pattern and Huicu characters, ‘ 餉金二錢 ’ (two-mace gold coin) was carved on the reverse. I acquired one one-mace gold coin last year, now I got this two-mace coin, they will be a perfect pair now."14 It can be seen that Yuan Kewen possessed two types of gold coins.
The significance of Sinkiang gold coins to the history of Chinese currency is as Peng Xinwei’s ( 彭 信 威 ) book History of Chinese Currency ( 中國貨幣史 , 1958) said: "At the end of the Qing dynasty, many people talked about the gold standard, but China rarely minted gold coins."10 “Of the gold coins that have been used and mint in China, there are only two types of gold coins minted by the Sinkiang Machinery Bureau in 1907. One is the one-mace gold coin and the other is the two-mace gold coin. There is a dragon pattern surrounded by Huicu characters on the
The chapter Price of Rare Gold Coins in the Rare Chinese Coins ( 中 國 稀 見 幣 參 考 書 1935) compiled by Wang Shouqian ( 王 守 謙 ) listed "No. 18. Sinkiang two-mace gold coin, 40 yuan; No. 19. Sinkiang one-mace gold
9 (Qing dynasty) Record of Sinkiang part I, by Wang Shuzhan, compiled by Zhu Yuqi, Shanghai: Shanghai Ancient Books Publishing House, December 2015, p. 625. 10 History of Chinese Currency by Peng Xinwei, Shanghai: Shanghai People's Publishing House, November 1958, p.551. 11 ibid, p.591-592. 12 National Defense and Diplomacy by Xie Bin, Shanghai: Shanghai Zhonghua Book Company, July 1926, p. 40, 10th Financial Review. 13 The History of Chinese Business in the Western Regions by Zeng Wenwu, Shanghai: The Commercial Press, 1936, p. 379. 14 Hanyun Diary by Yuan Kewen, Taiyuan: Shanxi Ancient Books Publishing House, September 1999, p.108.
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coin, 20 yuan". The price of the one-mace silver coin (No. 70) was 4 yuan in the book.15 Wang Shouqian also introduced the gold coins in Illustrated Catalog of Chinese Gold and Silver Coins ( 中 國 金 銀 幣 圖 說 , 1936), "the gold coins were minted by Wang Shuzhan in Sinkiang in 1902 (which: should be 1907). At that time, the Russian gold ruble prevailed in Sinkiang. The market was being manipulated. Wang Shuzhan minted one-mace and twomace gold coins to resist the Russian currency." The coin picture in this article is very clear (Image 2).16
錢 金 幣 , 1944) by Zhang Yanbo ( 張 炯 伯 ) was a rare research essay on the Sinkiang gold coins at that time. The article published the picture of the coins and quoted the relevant records of the Record of Sinkiang. Zhang Yanbo believed that "the content of the book is consistent with the real object." However, he held that it was difficult to implement the gold standard system or use two different units at the same time. "At the end of the Qing dynasty, Jing Qi ( 精琦 ) and Wei Silin ( 衛斯林 ) once proposed to adopt the gold standard (the so-called virtual gold standard), but they did not make an attempt to implement it. A few one-tael gold coins were produced by the Central Mint in 1906. But no one knew how to use such a big gold coin in the market. Sinkiang province rashly followed and failed. They neither confirmed the fractional coins and standard currency nor regulated the weight and quality of the coins. The unit of coins was still of the correct weight but not of the correct value. Therefore, the gold coins circulated only for a short time and disappeared quickly.” Shi Jiagan's ( 施 嘉 幹 ) A Research on Modern Chinese Coins ( 中 國 近 代 鑄 幣 匯 考 , 1949) published gold coin pictures and stated: “Sinkiang Machinery Bureau produced two types of gold coins with a teethed edge in 1907, and a total of more than 5,000 taels of gold coins were put into circulation in Sinkiang to make up for the lack of government subsidies, and to boycott the Russian gold dollars."18
Image 2: Sinkiang gold coins (from the Illustrated Catalog of Chinese Gold and Silver Coins by Wang Chouqian)
The above writings roughly reflect the understanding of gold coins in the numismatic community in the first half of the 20th century. It is generally believed that there are two gold coins: a one-mace and a two-mace gold coin. The internal reason of minting gold coins is "making up for the insufficiency of subsidies and financial demands", and the external cause is "resisting the Russian gold dollar."
Jiang Zhongchuan's ( 蔣 仲 川 ) Illustrated Catalog of Chinese Gold, Silver and Nickel Coins ( 中國金銀鎳幣圖 說 , 1939) published a picture of one-mace and two-mace gold coins. It also stated that "the Sinkiang gold coins were minted in 1902 (which should be 1907) and there are two denominations: one mace and two mace. At that time, foreign gold dollars prevailed in Sinkiang, the gold coins were produced to resist foreign coins. Since the gold coins circulated only for a few days, they are rare treasures”.17 The book was purchased by Eduard Kann after it was printed.
Regarding the characteristics and trends of Sinkiang gold coins in the auction market in the 21st century, the author made a statistical analysis based on information collected by Artron Art Auction Net ( 雅 昌 藝 術 品 拍 賣 網 ). Since 2000, Sinkiang gold coins have appeared in major auctions 22 times. Among them, one-mace gold
One-Mace and Two-Mace Gold Coins ( 餉 金 一 錢 二
15 Rare Chinese Coins by Wang Shouqian, Shanghai: Global Post and Coin Company, August 1935. P. 9, 15, 33. 16 Illustrated Catalog of Chinese Gold and Silver Coins by Wang Shouqian, Shin Kong Stamp and Coin Magazine, 1936 (3), p. 19. 17 Illustrated Catalog of Chinese Gold, Silver and Nickel Coins by Jiang Zhongchuan, Shanghai: Shanghai Guoguang Publishing House, June 1939. p. 4. 18 Research on Modern Chinese Coins by Shi Jiagan, Shanghai: Shanghai Bookstore Publishing House, October 1989, p. 4.
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coins appeared 17 times (the variety without Huicu characters on reverse 13 times, the variety with Huicu characters 4 times), and two-mace gold coins appeared 5 times. This is different from the fact that most of the coin pictures published in books were the variety with Huicu characters. Some of the auctioned gold coins were marked as collections of famous collectors such as Ma Dingxiang ( 馬定祥 ), Liu Gaizao ( 劉改造 ), Li Weixian ( 李偉先 ) and Huang Huashu ( 黃華樞 ). Although there were many cases of unsold coins, the valuation and transaction price of the gold coins has continued to rise from 20,000-30,000 yuan in 2000 to more than 200,000 yuan in 2020.
The first five-mace gold coin appeared in 2007 when Wang Yongsheng ( 王永生 ) found a five-mace gold coin in the collection of the China Numismatics Museum ( 中 國 錢 幣 博 物 館 ), and the authenticity of the five-mace gold coin was verified. In the Discovery and Significance of Five-Mace Gold Coin ( “ 餉金五錢 ” 的發現及其意義 , image 3)19, Wang Yongsheng believed that the minting of the five-mace gold coin was later than the publication of the Record of Sinkiang, so there is no record. The five-mace gold coin owned by the China Numismatics Museum has a diameter of 32.7mm and a weight of 18.29g. In view of the fact that the coin was transferred by the People's Bank of China Headquarters Treasury, it may have been a pattern sent to the Ministry for investigation20. In the published picture, there are four concentric circles on the obverse of the five-mace gold coin.
Regarding varieties, two varieties of the one-mace gold coin have been recognized for a long time, that is the variety with Huicu characters on the reverse and the variety without Huicu characters on the reverse. Due to the differences in the calligraphy strokes of the obverse Chinese character " 二 " (two), the two-mace gold coin has straight " 二 " and ordinary " 二 " varieties. In addition, since the gold coins and the silver coins were used in the same currency system, and the minting time was close, we can speculate the minting order of gold coins from the silver coins of similar patterns. The silver coins have complex varieties, among which the fivemace silver coin has the most abundant varieties, with a long minting time and the most varieties. Through years of research on the varieties of Sinkiang machine struck coins, Li Qixing ( 李 啟 星 ) found that the use of coin dies shows a certain regularity, which can be laid out in an approximate order of the coinage. This may provide a certain reference for exploring the order of the varieties of the Sinkiang gold coins.
Image 3, Sinkiang gold coins (in the Discovery and Significance of Five-Mace Gold Coin by Wang Yongsheng)
The second five-mace gold coin was discovered in October 2011 at the special exhibition of Ancient Chinese Coins at the National Museum of China. More than 1,700 Chinese coins from the collection of the National Museum were on display. The organizer also published a book Ancient Chinese Coins ( 中國古代錢幣 ), which included a large number of photos and related information of the coins in the collection21, among which a five-mace gold coin was revealed.22
A H u n d r e d Ye a r s o f E x p l o r a t i o n : T h e Existence of Five-Mace Gold Coins A hundred years have passed from the establishment of the Dihua Silver Dollar Bureau in 1907 to the authenticity of the five-mace gold coins confirmed in 2007. This verification process benefited from the re-appearance of two authoritative coin collections. The influence and restriction of the scattered anecdotes of historical coins on coin research can be seen from this process.
Later, Sun Hao ( 孫 浩 ) republished the coin photo (image 4) to A Century of Silver Dollars-Chinese Modern Machine Struck Coins ( 百年銀圓——中國近代機制幣
19 The Discovery and Significance of Five Mace Gold Coin by Wang Yongsheng, Chinese Coins, 2007 (3), P. 55-56, insert 1 page. 20 History of Modern Chinese Currency (1st Series 1840-1911 during the Qing dynasty) compiled by the Financial History Group of the Counselor's Office of the People’s Bank of China, Beijing: Zhonghua Book Company, September 1964. Quoted from: Wang Yongsheng, The Discovery and Significance of Five Mace Gold Coin, Chinese Coins, 2007 (3), p.56. 21 The Opening of Ancient Chinese Coins , the Special Exhibition of the National Museum of China by Huo Hongwei, Chinese Coins, 2011 (04): 37. 22 Ancient Chinese Coins , edited by Lu Zhangshen, the National Museum of China, Beijing: China Social Sciences Press, July 2011.
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珍賞 2016)23. In the book, Sun Hao stated "It is reported that the new governor Yuan Dahua purchased machines from Shanghai to mint five-mace gold coins in 1910, but the gold dollars were very rare. At present, the only known five-mace gold coin is in the collection of the National Museum of China in Beijing. The craftsmanship can be called exquisite, and it is cherished by collectors because of the small number left in the world."
predecessor of the National Museum) by the East China Cultural & Educational Affairs Commission ( 華東軍政委 員會文化教育委員會 ) on January 29, 195425. Since the East China Cultural & Educational Affairs Commission was located in Shanghai at that time, the coin may be a collectible that was once circulated in Shanghai.
Image 4, Sinkiang gold coins (in A Century of Silver DollarsChinese Modern Machine Struck Coins by Sun Hao, P. 92)
Image 6 Five-mace gold coins (in the Identification of Modern Machine Struck Coins by Qian Yu and Qian Lu)
In 2018, Coins Volume (SongQing Dynasty)24 (錢幣卷宋 - 清) of the Cultural Relics Research Series of the National Museum of China series ( 中 國 國 家 博物館館藏文物研究叢書 ) compiled by the National Museum of China published the Sinkiang five-mace gold coin (image 5), indicating that this gold coin contains 90% gold and has a diameter of 33mm, a weight of 18.3g, and has four raised rings amid the front bead ring (No. 7-267). The denominations of the gold coins include five mace, two mace, and one mace. According to Wang Yongsheng’s research, the five-mace gold coin in the collection of the National Museum of China was transferred to the Chinese History Museum (the
In fact, there were many writings mentioning the fivemace gold coins before 2007, but they did not draw wide attention. Qian Yu ( 錢 嶼 ) and Qian Lu's ( 錢 律 ) Identification of Modern Machine Struck Coins ( 近代機 制幣辨偽圖鑒 , 1996) published pictures of the five-mace gold coins and identified them (image 6). They thought the five-mace gold coins were forgeries, and thought they were struck by ancient currency merchants as two types of gold coins with the five-mace silver coin as the prototype. It is recorded the two-mace and one-mace gold coins were only struck for four months, with a total of 5,001 taels of gold coins minted, so the so-called five-mace gold coins are obviously fake. The character “ 金 ” (gold) on the authentic gold coins is longer, and the strokes in Chinese are more beautiful, while the fake ones are slightly thicker, and there are several concentric circles on the front."26The author of the book also found that the five-mace gold coins had several concentric circles on the front and regarded this feature as the main difference between the authentic and fake ones. The second edition of the book (2006)27 has the same statement. It can be seen that due to the scarce information of the historical coinage, many unsolvable mysteries have been left to future generations.
Image 5, Sinkiang fivemace gold coin (in the Coins Volume (from the Song to Q i ng dy n a s t y ) of the Cultural Relics Research Series of the National Museum of China series compiled by the National Museum of China", Ancient Books Publishing House, November 2018, p. 301)
23 A Century of Silver Dollars-Chinese Modern Machine Struck Coins by Sun Hao, Shanghai: Shanghai Science and Technology Press, June 2016, p. 91-92. 24 Cultural Relics Research Series of the National Museum of China, Coins Volume (Song-Qing dynasties) compiled by the National Museum of China", Ancient Books Publishing House, November 2018, p. 301 25 Sinkiang Gold Coins, the only gold coins in the Three Thousand Years // Who Minted Coins in the Three Thousand Years by Wang Yongsheng, Beijing: CITIC Publishing Group, January 2019. 26 Identification of Modern Machine Struck Coins by Qian Yu, Qian Lu, Shanghai: Shanghai Bookstore Publishing House, November 1996, p. 98. 27 Identification of Modern Machine Struck Coins (2nd Edition) by Qian Yu, Qian Lu, Shanghai: Shanghai People Publishing House, January 2006, p. 115-116.
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Traces of Concentric Circles: Feature of OneTael Gold Coins There are four equidistant concentric circles amid the front bead circle of the five-mace gold coins caused by pressure overflow during minting process, which was different from common coins with. The traces of concentric circles seem to show a relationship between the five-mace and one-tael coins, which provides clues for exploring the existence of one-tael gold coins. However, due to the lack of documentation and existing coins, it is difficult to verify whether the one-tael gold coin exists. Let us have a review of the connection between five-mace and one-tael gold coins below. Image 7 Sinkiang gold coins in the Illustrated Catalog of Chinese Coins-Gold, Silver, Nickel and Aluminum by Eduard Kann (1954)
With regard to the traces of one-tael gold coins, documents can be found in the collection and writings of the Austrian coin collector Eduard Kann. In the first half of the 20th century, Eduard Kann worked in the banking industry in China for many years and later worked as a gold and silver bar trading broker. He once lived in Shanghai, and participated in the activities of the China Numismatics Society and published many articles in Ch’uan Pi ( 泉幣 ), a magazine. Eduard Kann wrote Chinese Currency ( 中國 貨幣論 , 1926) in which he talked about the Sinkiang gold coins and “one-mace and two-mace gold coins circulated in Sinkiang during Qing dynasty."28
mace gold coins (No. 1508), and listed two varieties of two-mace gold coins. The book indicates "(approximately) 1907 Sinkiang two-mace gold coin (no data), diameter 24 mm, thickness 1.25 mm, weight 7.8 grams. No. 1507, front: Chinese characters " 餉 金 二 錢 " (two-mace gold coin) in a bead ring; back: dragon pattern, with its tail pointing to the left, surrounded by Huicu characters. No. 1507a, front: Type 1507, with a different style of Chinese calligraphy; back: Type 1507, with different shapes of Huicu characters, clouds, and dragon tails. No. 1507 and No. 1508 are in the collections of E. Kann and Don C. Keefer (Chicago collector, USA)."32
A Ch’uan Pi magazine issue published in 1944 contained information about Sinkiang gold coins in three separate articles, which aroused the attention of Shanghai numismatists. First, it was recorded in the records of two regular meetings: Xu Xiaohe ( 許小鶴 ) presented a twomace gold coin29, Luo Bozhao 羅 伯 召 presented onemace and two-mace gold coins 30. Then the magazine published an article Sinkiang One-mace and Two-mace Gold Coins ( 餉 金 一 錢 二 錢 金 幣 ) by Xu Xiaohe and Zhang Yanbo.31
Eduard Kann also published the coin photo (image 7) of the one-tael (B106) and five-mace gold coins (B107) in the "Fake Coins - Gold Coins" section of Illustrated Catalog of Chinese Coins-Gold, Silver, Nickel, and Aluminum 33. There are clear traces of four concentric circles on both coins. Most of the photos published in the book were from the collection of Eduard Kann. The original version of the book was in English and has a long-standing reputation in the Chinese numismatic community and had been translated into Chinese by Qian Yu and Qian Wei ( 錢衛 錢衛 ).
Eduard Kann’s Illustrated Catalog of Chinese Coins-Gold, Silver, Nickel and Aluminum ( 中 國 幣 圖 說 匯 考 —— 金 銀 鎳 鋁 , 1954) included Sinkiang one-mace and two-
28 Chinese Currency by Eduard Kann, Shanghai: The Commercial Press, 1933, p. 268. 29 Ch'uan Pi Issue 24, 1944, edited by the China Numismatic Society, p.19. //The compilation of "Ch’uan Pi" Issue 1-32, edited by China Chuan Pi Society, Shanghai: Shanghai Bookstore, April 1988, p. 1145. 30 Records of the Regular Meetings of China Numismatic Society (1940-1946) by Ma Dingxiang and China Numismatic Research Center, Shanghai: Shanghai Calligraphy and Painting Publishing House, March 1993, p. 442. 31 Ch'uan Pi Issue 24, edited by Zheng Jiaxiang and the China Numismatic Society, May 1944, p. 15. 32 Illustrated Catalog of Chinese Coins-Gold, Silver, Nickel and Aluminum by Eduard Kann, Beijing: Jincheng Publishing House, March 2014, p.649. 33 ibid, p.727-728.
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It is worth mentioning that the three types of silver coins, wen yin yi liang ( 紋 銀 一 兩 ), Shanghai yi liang ( 上 海 一 兩 ), and zhong wai tong bao ( 中 外 通 寶 ) have long been accused of being forgeries due to the special minting background, the unconventional design style, and scarce documentation. In recent years, thanks to the publication of their minting drawings and archives, they have been confirmed by experts that they are indeed rare treasures. The author is still searching for the whereabouts of the one-tael gold coins published in Eduard Kann's book. As we all know, the old collection of Eduard Kann was sold at three auctions in the early 1970s, of which the second and third auctions contained the Sinkiang coins. In October 2008, at a Champion Hong Kong Auction, the fifth part of the collection of a Chinese family was auctioned, including some Chinese fantasy coins and commemorative medals, some of which were from the old collection of Eduard Kann, including the Sinkiang twomace gold coins ( Kann No. 1507) (image 8).
Image 8 Two-mace gold coin from Eduard Kann ’ s old collection (Kann No. 1507) (at Champion auction)
Qiu Sida's ( 邱 思 達 ) Illustrated Catalog of Modern Chinese Coins ( 中 國 近 代 鑄 幣 圖 說 1991) published a chart of the four denominations of the Sinkiang gold coins, among which there were one-tael and five-mace gold coins (image 9), all with four concentric circles on the front. The caption of this group of pictures is "21-24 1907, cast by Wang Shuzhan, the governor of Sinkiang, with a dragon pattern on the back; 21. One-tael gold coin; 22. five-mace gold coin; 23. two-mace gold coin; 24. onemace gold coin."34 The picture of one-tael and five-mace gold coins in the book may be quoted from Eduard Kann's book, as the pictures in the same book show that twomace and one-mace have a different design.
Image 9 Gold coins in Qiu Sida's Illustrated Catalog of Modern Chinese Coins (1991)
On November 10, 2007, China Guardian’s ( 嘉德 ) 2007 Autumn Auction had a lot titled "1947 Sinkiang one-tael gold coin (LOT No. 3736) (image 10), with an estimated value of RMB 80,000-120,000 but remained unsold. According to the lot description: "The gold coin weighs 37 grams, with a single dragon, a five-color flag and an iron-blooded 18-star army flag on the back. There is also the word NOPK103. The coin is exquisitely handmade, which obviously imitates the 1907 Sinkiang onemace and two-mace gold coins. Unique in extremely good condition.” There are two speculations about the coin. The first is that “the official currency depreciated rapidly in 1947, and the local army in Sinkiang planned to issue gold coins to pay for military provisions, so they imitated
Amnesia and Reconstruction: the 1947 OneTael Gold Coins Since the beginning of the 21st century, there has been a 1947 one-tael gold coin, which has appeared in auctions four times - in 2007, 2017, 2018, and 2020. This provides a new clue to explore the existence of 1907 Sinkiang onetael gold coins. As stated in the lot description of Beijing Cheng Xuan’s ( 誠 軒 ) 2017 Autumn Auction, "This coinage greatly satisfies people's imagination of one-tael gold coins."
34 Illustrated Catalog of Modern Chinese Coins by Qiu Sida, Beijing: China Bookstore, April 1991, p. 135.
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the design of 1907 one-mace and two-mace gold coins. But the plan was not approved. NOPK should have been the issuing department, which is difficult to be verified now.” The second opinion is that “this coin was struck by a private bank in the last year of the Republic of China, so it has both the dragon pattern and the flag of the Republic of China". Image 10 1947 Sinkiang one-tael gold coin (from China Guardian’ s 2007 Autumn Auction)
Ten years later, the 1947 Sinkiang gold coin reappeared at the "Ancient Coins, Silver Ingots and Machine Struck Coins" section of Beijing Cheng Xuan’s 2017 Autumn Auction on December 20, 2017, with the lot title “1947 Sinkiang one-tael gold coin-fantasy” (LOT number: 1511) (image 11), the estimated value was "no reserve price", and was sold for RMB 57,500. The description of the lot is “the coin's reverse shows a single dragon with a fivecolor flag, an iron-blooded 18-star military flag pattern and the words "NOPK 103" on the top; Sinkiang province has only officially minted two types of gold coins: onemace and two-mace gold coins. This coinage greatly satisfies people’s desires for one-tael gold coins. The dragon pattern was meticulously carved. Unique to date, extremely rare, NPGS AU50." This time “fantasy” was directly marked in the title of the lot, and has been graded by a third-party rating agency.
Image 12 1947 Sinkiang one-tael gold coin (from the Hong Kong Royal & Noble Auction Co., Ltd. 2018 Singapore Chinese Antiques Auction)
On April 28, 2018, the coin reappeared in the "Coins" section of the Hong Kong Royal & Noble Auction Co., Ltd. 2018 Singapore Chinese Antiques Auction. The lot was named "1947 Sinkiang onetael gold coin" (LOT No. 0040) (image 12), with an estimated price of HKD 80,000, and was subsequently sold for HKD 85,000. The description of the lot is simpler than the previous Image 11 1947 Sinkiang one- two. "It weighs 37 grams, tael gold coin (at Beijing with a single dragon, a Cheng Xuan ’ s 2017 Autumn five-color flag, and an Auction) iron-blooded 18-star army flag on the reverse. There is also the NOPK103. The coin is exquisitely hand-made, which obviously imitates the 1907 Sinkiang one-mace and two-mace gold coins.” The
Image 13 1947 Sinkiang one-tael gold coin (at Shanghai Hosane 2020 15th Anniversary Auction)
auction information also revealed that the coin’s size is 3.9cm in diameter and weighs 37g. Its weight is close to a Kuping ( 庫平 ) or Xiangping ( 庫平 ) one-tael coin, and it is similar in weight and diameter to Sinkiang one-tael silver coins. On July 18, 2020, the coin appeared in the "Contemporary Gold and Silver Coins, Modern Machine Struck Coins, Medals" section of the Shanghai Hosane ( 泓 盛 ) 2020 15th Anniversary Auction. The lot was named "1947 Sinkiang one-tael gold coin"(LOT No. 0858) (image 13), the estimated value was RMB 10,000 and was sold for RMB 86,250. The lot description was similar to LOT 3736 of the China Guardian 2007 Autumn Auction.
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The inscription ‘NOPK 103’ on the coin could be key information to reveal the origin of the coin, the author guessed that the letters ‘NO’ may mean ‘NO. (number)’, ‘PK’ may be the abbreviation for the English name of Peking (Beijing), ‘103’ may be the license number of the production institution, and 1947 should be the year of the minting. That is to say, the coin may be made by a gold minting institution with the license number ‘Peking No. 103’ in 1947.
The first speculation is the local army in Sinkiang intended to issue gold coins as a trial coin for military payment, which is unlikely to be true. In 1939, Sinkiang abolished the tael and adopted the yuan as the currency unit, and gradually converted gold and silver coins into banknotes. The subsequent currency units were the yuan ( 元 ), jiao ( 角 ), and fen ( 分 ), and the gold coins minted in tael did not easily circulate and were difficult to exchange. Moreover, according to the ratio of gold coins to silver coins in the late Qing dynasty, one mace of gold equaled three taels of silver, one tael of gold equaled thirty taels of silver.
Concluding Remarks Although the Sinkiang gold coins are scarce, and the circulation period and area are very limited, they are still a vital demonstration of the currency reform in the late Qing dynasty, and they have maintained the "only officially issued gold coins for circulation in China" for a long time. Due to the in-depth excavation of rare archives and the re-release of the collection of coins and cultural relics, the existence of five-mace gold coins was verified after a hundred years’ research. It remains to be further explored whether the one-tael gold coins are fantasy coins or rarities ignored for the loss of historical records. The history of coin research in the past has shown that it requires continuous efforts of the numismatic community to verify their existence until critical evidence emerges.
The second speculation that "the coin was struck by a private bank in the late Republican years", may be possible. The pattern combination of ’Single Dragon Playing Ball’ and ‘Five-color Flag and IronBlooded Eighteen-Star Military Flag’ may come from the patchwork and reorganization of different coinage patterns in the late Qing dynasty and the beginning of the Republican era. The design may reflect the fantasies of the creators in the middle of the 20th century about the appearance of coins in the late Qing dynasty and the early Republican era, that is, the reconstruction of the original features of historical coins. Whether the designer of the coin has imitated the real object or drawings of the 1907 one-tael gold coin is still unknown.
About the author
Cheng Bin (1988-), M.A., member of the China Numismatic Society and Sinkiang Numismatic
Society. His research focuses on modern Sinkiang coins, coins of the Silk Road and monetary & financial history. His numismatic papers have been published in the Journal of East Asian Numismatics, Sinkiang Numismatics and other journals. Email: 1512403395@qq.com.
References: [1] (Qing dynasty) Record of Sinkiang (Part 1), Wang Shuzhan, compiled by Zhu Yuqi [M]. Shanghai Ancient Books Publishing House, December 2015. [2] (Qing dynasty) Sinkiang Diary, Yuan Dahua. Sinkiang Newspaper Bureau [M]. Edited by Shen Yunlong; Modern Chinese History Series No. 10, Taipei: Wenhai Publishing House, 1967. [3] Sinkiang Travel Notes , Xie Bin [M]. Shanghai: Shanghai Zhonghua Book Company, 1922. [4] National Defense and Diplomacy, Xie Bin [M]. Shanghai: Shanghai Zhonghua Book Company, July 1926. [5] Hanyun Diary , Yuan Kewen [M], Taiyuan: Shanxi Ancient Books Publishing House, September 1999. [6] Chinese Currency , Eduard Kann [M], Shanghai: The Commercial Press, 1933. [7] Rare Chinese Coins , Wang Shouqian [M], Shanghai: Global Post and Coin Company, August 1935. [8] The History of Chinese Business in the Western Regions, Zeng Wenwu [M]. Shanghai: The Commercial Press, 1936. [9] Illustrated Catalog of Chinese Gold, Silver and Nickel Coins , Jiang Zhongchuan [M], Shanghai: Shanghai Guoguang Publishing House, June 1939. [10] One-Mace and Two-Mace Gold Coins, [J] Ch’uan Pi Issue 24, edited by Zhang Jiongbo, 1944. [11] A Research on Modern Chinese Coins, Shi Jiagan [M], Shanghai: Shanghai Bookstore Publishing House, October 1989. [12] Illustrated Catalog of Chinese Coins-Gold, Silver, Nickel and Aluminum, Eduard Kann [M], Beijing: Jincheng Publishing House, March 2014. [13] History of Chinese Currency , Gu Xinwei [M], Shanghai: Shanghai People's Publishing House, November 1958. [14] History of Modern Chinese Currency (1st Series 1840-1911 during the Qing dynasty), [M] compiled by the Financial History Group of the Counselor's Office of the People’s Bank of China, Beijing: Zhonghua Book Company, September 1964. [15] Archives of Modern Chinese Weapon Industry (1) [M], the Editing Committee of Archives of Modern Chinese Weapon Industry, Beijing: Weapon Industry Press, December 1993. [16] Illustrated Catalog of Modern Chinese Coins, Qiu Sida [M], Beijing: China Bookstore, April 1991. [17] Identification of Modern Machine Struck Coins , Qian Yu, Qian Lu [M], Shanghai: Shanghai Bookstore Publishing House, November 1996. [18] The Discovery and Significance of Five-Mace Gold Coin , Wang Yongsheng [J], Chinese Coins, 2007 (3). [19] The Opening of Ancient Chinese Coins, the Special Exhibition of the National Museum of China by Huo Hongwei [J], Chinese Coins, 2011 (04): 37. [20] Ancient Chinese Coins , Lu Zhangshen [M], the National Museum of China, Beijing: China Social Sciences Press, July 2011. [21] Research on Wang Shuzhan's Monetary Thought , Wang Yongsheng [J], Regional Financial Research, 2016 (10): 83-87. [22] A Century of Silver Dollars-Chinese Modern Machine Struck Coins , Sun Hao [M], Shanghai: Shanghai Science and Technology Press, June 2016. [23] Coins Volume (Song-Qing dynasty), [M] Cultural Relics Research Series of the National Museum of China, the National Museum of China, Ancient Books Publishing House, November 2018. [24] Who Minted Coins in the Three Thousand Years, Wang Yongsheng [M], Beijing: CITIC Publishing Group, January 2019.
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新疆餉金金幣品種考辨 ⸺ 兼論錢幣史料的輯軼與辯偽 成 斌 〔中國烏魯木齊〕
摘要 清朝末年,清政府對貨幣政策進行了反思與重構,
清銀幣。1 新疆餉銀銀幣和餉金金幣也是在這場爭論的背景
1907 年主持鑄造了全國唯一正式發行的、用於流通使用的
疆礦藏豐富,地產砂金,亦有銅鉛諸礦。1897 年,新疆
1907 年,新疆布政使王樹枬在新疆機器局內設迪化銀圓局,
鑄造機製金銀銅幣。1909 年,新疆機器局“銀圓廠購置各
局實地查看的情形:“ ( 宣統三年五月十五日, 即 1911 年
6 月 11 日)水磨溝有機器局,余入閱視 ,造銀銅圆、槍子 ,
用水激動之 。有溫泉,冬日不凍,頗省火力,俟物力殷裕尚
關鍵词 清末,幣制,金本位,新疆,餉金金幣
可擴充。十二裏省城東門,官商兵民出接道左,進城住皇華 館。”3 而袁大化主導鑄造金銀幣的情況尚未見史料記載。
一 先入為主:《新疆圖志》與餉金金幣
清朝末年,清廷和地方督撫大員對於幣制問題展開了激烈 討論,金本位制和銀本位制的支持力量勢均力敵。就是關
錢二分說和一兩說。結果在光緒三十四年(1908 年)九月
研究者對照(圖 1):
為單位,成色為九八足銀。度支部認為九八成色不大適宜。 後來在宣統元年(1909 年)設立幣制調查局,宣統二年(1910
按時解到,每遇伊、塔兩城及標營陸軍各處請餉,無法因應 。
俄人乘間以其金圓 、銀票重價居奇。光緒三十三年五月,藩
1 彭信威:《中國貨幣史》,上海:上海人民出版社,1958.11,第 549 頁。 2 中國近代兵器工業檔案史料編委會編:《中國近代兵器工業檔案史料(一)》,北京:兵器工業出版社,1993.12,第 256 頁。 3(清)袁大化撰:《撫新紀程》,新疆官報書局 // 沈雲龍主編 ;《近代中國史料叢刊》第 10 輯,臺北:文海出版社,1967,第 179-180 頁。該書載 1911 年 2 月 26 日,袁大化起程於開封, 6 月 11 日抵達新疆省城。以往泉界一般認為是袁大化加鑄的“餉銀一兩”“餉金五錢”等面值幣種,但其抵達新疆省城距辛亥革命迪化起義爆發僅相隔半年,可供袁大化購買機器, 鑄造金銀幣的時間似乎很短。
2 3
銀一兩”的存在。“ ( 光緒 ) 三十三年五月 , 藩司王樹枬
詳請就省城水磨溝機器局鑄造銀圓 ,委員管理 。六月初四日 , 頒發銀圓局鈐記一顆 ,先於初二日開局試鑄,鑄成五錢、四 錢、 二錢 、 一錢四種銀圓 。 ”6 但是由於“餉銀一兩”銀幣
實物存世尚多,泉界達成了“餉銀一兩”銀幣為《新疆圖志》 截稿後在宣統年間鑄造的共識。
王樹枬等人在《新疆圖志》“食貨· 錢法”的綜述部分,就
開宗明義地指出貨幣政策事關國家命運。 “ 大通之世, 國 7
與國相競,大抵富強在工,而輔之以商,其提綱也則在錢幣 。 富強之國 ,其金圓必周行於世界,其銀行必遍及於各埠,其
圖 1 《 新疆圖志 》 金幣相關記載之內頁書影
國內各種幣制必能劃一使用而無地異價變,畸輕畸重之弊; 故其商務可以任其力所能及 ,而商民無受制他國金融界下之
司王樹枬請採購砂金試鑄金圓 ,輔餉糈之不濟 ,顧市面之流
通,委巡檢蔡世長 4 等四員就省城外水磨溝機器局督匠鑄造。
其金圓共分一錢、二錢兩種 。重一錢者抵紋銀三兩 ,重二錢
以金為本位者也,必其銀行業不能普及者也 ,中國其最者焉 。
者抵紋銀六兩。… …開局四月,共鑄金五千零一兩三錢三分,
是故貧富強弱判若天淵 ,其原因雖不盡在錢幣,而錢幣實居
每金一兩申色五分 , 由銀圓局帶鑄 , 並未開支局用 。
其最甚之一也。 ”8
按,各國通用之幣,以金未本位。中國自有黃金 ,不以鑄幣,
王樹枬在權衡近代中外金融貨幣制度之利弊得失的基礎上, 認為由於“金幣之未暢也,故俄商可以金圓銀票(即俄帖子)
每年出金磚、金葉,值銀三千萬兩之多,國寶外流 ,真元內斷,
奇贏貴賤,惟人所操,深患隱尤 ,未知何底矣 。新疆為產金
隩區,英、俄兩國垂涎已久 。現在鼓鑄金圓 ,為異日用金之
起點,則必廣開金礦,總納於官 ,而不許有抑勒偷漏之弊。
目前雖不能一律改用金幣 ,而種子既茂 ,華實堪期 。且既以
此市易之利用,則非如向之僅供玩飾,置黃金於無用,以啟 外人之窺伺也,其關係為何如 ?5
蓋新省五金之產最富 ,如沙雅,如庫車 ,如阿克蘇,如拜城 ,
如喀什 ,如巴彥岱等地 ,皆產銅;如和闐 ,如塔城,如烏蘇 ,
如於闐 ,皆產金。銅富則幣制易改,金富則金圓易鑄。以金
少鑄銀圓 ,以高抬銀價 ,銷毀紅錢,仿鑄內省“ 當一”、“ 當
行,一則收內地之資財,一則杜本省生銀之外流,廣鑄金圓 , 十”兩種銅元 ,以昭劃一而便通行 。 9
4 1911 年,新疆布政使王樹枬被參開缺調京之際,蔡世長也被革職。據《宣統政記》卷五十四、《兩廣官報》(第一期)記載:宣統三年(1911 年)五月初二日上諭:“已亥(日), 禦史瑞賢奏藩司大員紊行貪鄙案。諭:前據禦史瑞賢奏,藩司大員素行貪鄙,當經諭令長庚(伊犁將軍)確查,茲據查明覆奏,新疆藩司王樹枬被參各節,皆無實據。……新疆布政使 王樹枬著開缺調京查驗。……借補迪化縣典史試用巡儉蔡世長,承鑄金銀各幣,顯有弊混,且系改名蒙捐,著革職永不敘用。”見於兩廣官報編輯所:《兩廣官報》1-10//《近代中國 史料叢刊三編》(491-500),臺北:文海出版社,1989.03,第 11-12 頁。 5(清)王樹枬纂修;朱玉麒整理:《新疆圖志》上,上海:上海古籍出版社,2015.12,第 646-647 頁。 6(清)王樹枬纂修;朱玉麒整理:《新疆圖志》上,上海:上海古籍出版社,2015.12,第 645 頁。 7 參見王永生《王樹柟貨幣思想研究》,區域金融研究,2016(10):83-87。 8(清)王樹枬纂修;朱玉麒整理:《新疆圖志》上,上海:上海古籍出版社,2015.12,第 624 頁。 9 (清)王樹枬纂修;朱玉麒整理:《新疆圖志》上,上海:上海古籍出版社,2015.12,第 625 頁。
2 3
王守謙編《中國稀見幣參考書》(1935 年)所載“稀見金
號 19,餉金 新疆 重一錢 二十元”。同書“餉銀一兩”銀
幣之市價”列出“編號 18,餉金 新疆 重二錢 四十元;編
幣(編號 70)每枚四元。16 王守謙又在《中國金銀幣圖說》
(1936 年)介紹,“餉金為遜清光緒二十八年間( 引者注:
應為光緒三十三年 ) 王樹枬在新疆所鑄造 。 因當時俄國之
幣史》(1958 年)所言:“清末,談論金本位的人很多,
金盧布 , 盛行於新疆 。 操縱市面 。 王樹枬乃就地鑄金幣抵
清晰(圖 2)。17
但中國很少鑄造金幣。” “清末真正使用過而且鑄有漢文
制俄元 。 計有一錢兩錢兩種 。 ”該書所附餉金金幣圖甚為
蔣仲川著《中國金銀鎳幣圖說》(1939 年)刊出餉金一錢、
餉金二錢金幣圖片各一張。並說明“此系光緒二十八年( 1902
是一比二十,這是光緒三十二年的比價,次年比價已變成一 比三十,再過一年變成一比三十八,餉金自然被人收藏或銷
年 ) ( 引者注 : 應為光緒三十三年 , 1907 年 ) 新疆省鑄造
鎔。” 金貴銀賤的局面愈演愈烈,餉金金幣發行後的命運 11
之餉金 ,計有二種 ,一重二錢 ,一重一錢 ,當時外國金鎊 ,
已流入新省 , 該省鑄以抵制外幣也 , 卒未暢通 , 是亦稀見 之品 。 ”18 該書印版後被耿愛德購得。
二 餉金金幣的流傳與收藏 餉金金幣鑄就後投入市面流通不久,因鑄造量稀少,金貴銀
1917 年,謝彬作為北洋政府財政部特派員到新疆考察,其
在《新疆遊記》12 記載:“( ( 1917 年 ) 四月三日 金圓始
自王樹枬 ,用以抵制俄幣高價居奇者也 。有一錢 、二錢兩種 ,
亦曰餉金 。 ( 上鑄餉金二字 ,每錢值銀三兩 。)今皆流出省外 , 鮮有見者 。”13 謝彬還將這一情況寫入《國防與外交》(1926 年)的金融雜評當中。曾問吾編著的《中國經營西域史》 (1936 年)記載:“ ( 餉金金幣 ) 惟發行後 , 均被市間收存 , 不 易再見 。 流行不久 , 即告停鑄 。 ”14
譜。如袁克文(袁世凱次子)在《寒雲日記》中記載: “( 1927 年 ) 九月十一日 。得清金貨一品 ,面範龍文 ,周標回文四 。背重輪 , 中央文曰 ‘ 餉金二錢 ’ … … 曾於前歲得一錢一品於日下 ,
今又獲此 ,可雲合璧矣 。 ”15 可見袁克文集齊了餉金一錢、
10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18
圖 2 餉金金幣(見於王守謙 《中國金銀幣圖說 》 )
鼓信威:《中國貨幣史》,上海:上海人民出版社,1958.11,第 551 頁。 彭信威:《中國貨幣史》,上海:上海人民出版社,2007.12,第 591-592 頁。 謝彬:《新疆遊記》,上海:上海中華書局,1922 年,第 119 頁。 謝彬:《國防與外交》,上海:上海中華書局,1926.07,第 40 頁,金融雜評第十。 曾問吾:《中國經營西域史》,上海:商務印書館,1936 年,第 379 頁。 袁克文:《辛丙秘苑·寒雲日記》,太原:山西古籍出版社,1999.09,第 108 頁。 王守謙編:《中國稀見幣參考書》,上海:寰球郵幣公司,1935.08. 第 9、15、33 頁。 王守謙:《泉幣:中國金銀幣圖說》,新光郵票錢幣雜誌,1936(3),第 19 頁 . 蔣仲川:《中國金銀鎳幣圖說》,上海:上海國光印書局,1939.06. 第 4 頁。
2 3
張絅伯考釋《餉金一錢二錢金幣》(1944 年)19 是當時關
過多年來對新疆機製幣版別的關注,發現鑄幣幣模有“物盡 其用”的特點,兩面幣模混配呈現出一定的規律性,可以鋪
精琦、衛斯林 ,雖一度提議 ,采行金匯兌本位制 ,所謂虛金
本位,然亦未嘗行實施 ,丙午丁未年間 ,造幣總廠曾鑄庫平
一兩金幣。偌大金圓 ,請問如何行用。計政當局 ,昏聵糊塗, 以至於此。新省貿然效仿 ,所犯正同 。即不明定本單主輔, 又不規定重量成色 。始終不脫稱重觀念 ,不用計值 ,仍用紀
三 百年尋蹤:餉金五錢金幣的存在實證
從 1907 年迪化銀圓局設立,到 2007 年“餉金五錢”金幣
施嘉幹編寫的《中國近代鑄幣匯考》(1949 年)刊有餉金
重。宜乎行用未久,而告失敗也 。 ”而光緒朝以降,新省銀
二錢、一錢幣圖。並稱:“新疆餉金 ,光緒三十三年( 1907)
新疆機器局鑄有餉金二種 ,邊有線齒 ,共鑄金五千餘兩,在
第一枚“餉金五錢”金幣再度進入泉界視野是在 2007 年,
新流通,用以抵補政府協餉之不足 ,並抵制俄人金圓票者 。”20
以上著述大致反映了 20 世紀上半葉泉界對餉金金幣的認知
的存在真實性為泉界所接受。王永生在《“餉金五錢”的發 現及其意義》 (圖 3)21 認為“餉金五錢”的鑄造時間遲於《新
金金幣成因分析,認為內因是“輔餉糈之不濟,顧市面之流 通”,外因是“抵制俄國金圓”。
關於 21 世紀以來,新疆餉金金幣在拍賣市場的特點和趨勢,
館收藏的“餉金五錢”金幣,直徑 32.7mm,重 18.29g。
2000 年以來,新疆餉金金幣在各大拍賣會上出現 22 次。
其中,餉金一錢金幣出現 17 次(背無回文版 13 次,背回 文版 4 次),餉金二錢金幣出現 5 次。這與以往圖書所刊
幣圖多數為背回文版不同。一些餉金金幣拍品注明為馬定 祥、劉改造、李偉先、黃華樞等名家舊藏。儘管餉金金幣拍 品流拍情況不在少數,但拍品估價、成交價持續升高,其估 價和成交價從 2000 年前後的每枚二三萬元人民幣,上漲至
2020 年前後的每枚二十餘萬元人民幣。
關於餉金金幣的版別,其中“餉金一錢” “背有回文”版和“背 無回文”版兩種版別很早就被泉家所辨識。“餉金二錢”金
圖 3 新疆餉金金幣( 見於王永生《 “ 餉金五錢” 的發現及 其意義 》 )
19 張絅伯考釋;許小鶴藏:《餉金一錢二錢金幣》,載《泉幣》1944 年(24),第 15 頁。 20 施嘉幹編:《中國近代鑄幣匯考》,上海:上海書店出版社,1989.10,第 4 頁。 21 王永生:《“餉金五錢”的發現及其意義》,載《中國錢幣》2007(3),第 55-56,插 1 頁。
2 3
部查考”之幣樣。22 在所刊圖片中襯底的餉金五錢金幣紋樣,
2018 年, 中 國 國 家 博 物 館
第二枚館藏的“餉金五錢”金幣再度面世是在 2011 年 10 月,
文物研究叢書 錢幣卷(宋 金幣(圖 5),說明此金幣
是時中國國家博物館“中國古代錢幣”專題陳列開幕,此次 陳列精選國家博物館館藏我國歷代錢幣 1 700 餘枚。此外,
含金量 90%,直徑 33mm,
幣》一書,收錄了大量館藏錢幣彩色照片及相關資訊, 其
凸起圓環(編號 7-267)。
重 18.3g,正面珠圈內四圈
為了配合錢幣專題陳列,主辦方還編輯出版了《中國古代錢 23
隨後,孫浩將該幣圖(圖 4)引用至《百年銀圓 中國近代
機製幣珍賞》(2016 年) 。並對“餉金”金幣進行介紹,
1954 年 1 月 29 日 由 華 東
圖 5 新疆餉金五錢 ( 見於中 國 國 家 博 物 館 編 ,《 中 國 國 物館前身)的。27 由於彼時 家博物館館藏文物研究叢書 錢 幣 卷 宋 - 清 》, 古 籍 出 版 華東文委駐上海,該幣或為 社 ,2018.11, 第 301 頁 ) 曾流轉於上海市面的錢幣收
年 (1910 年 ), 新任巡撫袁大化自上海添購機器加造五錢金
幣,但非常稀少 ,目前僅知北京中國國家博物館收藏一枚。
工藝尚稱精美,因存世數額不多 , 向為藏家所珍視 。 ”
據筆者梳理文獻發現,在 2007 年之前也有多種著述提及餉
金五錢,但是未引起泉界廣泛關注。錢嶼、錢律著《近代機 製幣辨偽圖鑒》(1996 年)刊出“餉金五錢”金幣並對其
進行了辨偽(圖 6)。認為這是“古錢商以兩種餉金金幣和
‘餉銀五錢 ’銀幣為原型,臆造出‘ 餉金五錢’ 。史載二錢 、 一錢金幣僅鑄四個月即停, 共鑄金 5001 兩 , 故知所謂餉金 五錢顯系臆造。真品幣文‘ 金’字長點,漢文筆劃多秀挺 ,
而偽品筆劃稍粗, 正面有數圈同心圓痕跡。”28 該書編著者
圖 4 餉金金幣( 見於孫浩編著《 百年銀圓中國近代機製幣珍 賞》第 92 頁 )
並將此特徵當作其與“餉金一錢” “餉金二錢”真偽差異之處。 該書第二版(2006 年)29 表述相同。可見由於中國近代機
22 《度支部咨新疆巡撫聯魁文——准許新疆製造金圓》(光緒三十四年四月)記載“並將所鑄金圓揀提一枚,送部查考。”原載於:中國人民銀行總行參事室金融史料組編《中國近代 貨幣史資料(第 1 輯 清政府統治時期 1840-1911)》,北京:中華書局,1964.09。轉引自王永生:《“餉金五錢”的發現及其意義》,載《中國錢幣》2007(3),第 56 頁。 23 霍宏偉:《中國國家博物館“中國古代錢幣”專題陳列開幕》,載《中國錢幣》2011(04)第 37 頁。 24 呂章申主編;中國國家博物館編著:《中國古代錢幣》,北京:中國社會科學出版社,2011.07。 25 孫浩編著:《百年銀圓中國近代機製幣珍賞》,上海:上海科學技術出版社,2016.06,第 91-92 頁。 26 中國國家博物館編:《中國國家博物館館藏文物研究叢書 錢幣卷(宋 - 清)》,上海:上海古籍出版社,2018.11,第 301 頁。 27 王永生:《“餉金”金幣 : 我國三千年來唯一的金幣》,載《三千年來誰鑄幣》,北京:中信出版集團,2019.01。 28 錢嶼、錢律著:《近代機製幣辨偽圖鑒》,上海:上海書店出版社,1996.11,第 98 頁。 29 錢嶼、錢律著:《近代機製幣辨偽圖鑒》(第 2 版),上海:上海人民出版社,2006.01,第 115-116 頁。
2 3
錄記載:許小鶴出品餉金二錢金圓,31 羅伯昭出品餉金一錢、 餉金二錢。32 進而刊出許小鶴藏、張絅伯考釋的《餉金一錢 二錢金幣》文章 33。
耿愛德(E.Kann)著《中國幣圖說匯考 金銀鎳鋁》(1954
年)刊出餉金二錢、餉金一錢(編號 1508),並列出了餉
金二錢的 2 個版別。書中稱“ ( 約 ) 1907 年新疆金幣二錢 ( 無紀年 ) 。 直徑 24 毫米 , 厚 1.25 毫米 , 重 7.8 克 。 編號
1507 正面 : 一道珠圈內 ‘ 餉金二錢 ’ , 意指 : 軍餉黃金二
錢。 背面: 龍紋, 其尾正指向左邊, 圍繞着維文幣文。 編 號 1507a 正面: 1507 型。 漢字書法的風格有變化 。 背面:
圖 6 餉金五錢( 見於錢嶼 、錢律著《 近代機製幣辨偽圖鑒 》)
1507 型 。 維 文 字 、 雲 和 尾 末 改 變 了 形 狀 。 編 號 1507 和
四 同心圓痕跡:“餉金一兩”金幣的圖版特徵
1508 型在耿愛德 [E.Kann] 、唐·C. 基弗 [Don C.Keefer](美
耿愛德還在《中國幣圖說匯考 金銀鎳鋁》的“臆造幣·金幣”
的幣圖(圖 7)35。兩種幣圖均可見清晰的四圈同心圓痕跡。
國芝加哥藏家)的收藏品中 。 ”34
這種同心圓痕跡似乎在“餉金五錢”和“餉金一兩”金幣之 間建立了某種穩定的聯繫,這為進一步探討“餉金一兩”金 幣的存在與否提供了線索,或是揭開“餉金一兩”金幣真容
的秘鑰。但是由於“餉金一兩”金幣缺少文獻記載,其實物 未見面世或下落不明,這給求證帶來了很大難度。下面我們 回顧“餉金五錢”和“餉金一兩”金幣“同框”的情況。
利籍錢幣收藏家耿愛德的收藏及著述。20 世紀上半葉,耿
愛德先後於多家外國在華銀行供職多年,後為金銀條塊交易 經紀人,曾旅居上海,又連續參加中國泉幣學社例會活動, 《泉幣》雜誌曾刊發其藏品及論文多篇。耿愛德(E.Kann)
著《中國貨幣論》(1926 年)論及“近代實際流通之金幣”
時就關注到了新疆餉金金幣,稱“又當光緒年間,嘗有值一 錢及二錢之金幣。流通於新疆雲。”30
1944 年出版的《泉幣》雜誌先後三次刊出有關餉金金幣資訊, 圖 7 耿愛德(E.Kann )著《 中國幣圖說匯考 金銀鎳鋁 》( 1954
30 31 32 33 34 35
耿愛德:《中國貨幣論》,上海:商務印書館,1933 年,第 268 頁。 中國泉幣學社編:《泉幣》第 24 期,1944 年,第 19 頁。// 中國泉幣學社編《泉幣》1-32 期合訂本,上海:上海書店,1988.04,第 1145 頁。 馬定祥,中國錢幣研究中心編:《中國泉幣學社例會記錄(1940-1946)校注本》,上海:上海書畫出版社,1993.03,第 442 頁。 鄭家相編輯:《泉幣》第 24 期,中國泉幣學社,1944.05,第 15 頁。 耿愛德(E.Kann)著:《中國幣圖說匯考 金銀鎳鋁 gold,silver,nickel and aluminum》,北京:金城出版社,2014.03,第 649 頁。 耿愛德(E.Kann)著:《中國幣圖說匯考 金銀鎳鋁 gold,silver,nickel and aluminum》,北京:金城出版社,2014.03,第 727-728 頁。
2 3
(圖 8)。 愛德舊藏,就包括“餉金二錢”金幣(耿氏編號 1507)
相製版而成。該書原版為英文,在中國錢幣收藏界久負盛名。 直至 2014 年,由錢嶼、錢衛首譯為中文版。
邱思達編著《中國近現代鑄幣圖說》(1991 年)刊出了餉
為“21-24 光緒三十三年(1907 年),新疆藩司王樹楠鑄
(圖 9),正面均有四圈等距的同心圓痕跡。該組圖片說明
造,背蟠龍,21. 餉金一兩。22. 餉金五錢。23. 餉金二錢。
24. 餉金一錢。”36 該書餉金一兩、餉金五錢幣圖或為耿愛
售出,其中第二批、第三批均有新疆錢幣。2008 年 10 月,
五 失憶與重構:1947 年版“餉金一兩”金幣
蹤當中。眾所周知,耿愛德舊藏於 20 世紀 70 年代初分三批
進入 21 世紀以來,有一枚 1947 年“餉金一兩”金幣,先
後 於 2007 年、2017 年、2018 年、2020 年,4 次 在 拍 賣
機。正如北京誠軒 2017 年秋季拍賣會的拍品說明所言,“此 枚臆造幣極大滿足了人們對餉金一兩金幣的想象。”
2007 年 11 月 10 日,中國嘉德 2007 秋季拍賣會出現一枚
名為“新疆民國三十六年餉金一兩金幣”的拍品(LOT 號:
3736)(圖 10),估價 80,000-120,000 人民幣,結果流拍。 據拍品說明介紹:“該金幣,重 37 克,背圖為單龍戲珠、
五色旗及鐵血十八星軍旗圖案,另有 NOPK103 字樣,此
二錢所製,為目前僅見,極美品。”並對此幣身世,作了二 種推測,“一是認為此幣為 1947 年法幣貶值迅速,新疆地
圖 8 耿愛德舊藏餉金二錢金幣( 耿氏編號 1507) ( 見於冠 軍拍賣 )
應為發行單位,現已無考;二是此幣為民國末年金樓臆造打 製,故圖案為龍圖及民國旗幟並存。”
圖 10 新疆民國三十六年餉金一兩金幣(見於中國嘉德 2007 秋季拍賣會)
圖 9 邱思達編著 《 中國近現代鑄幣圖說 》 ( 1991) 所刊餉 金金幣圖版
36 邱思達編著:《中國近現代鑄幣圖說》,北京:中國書店,1991.04,第 135 頁。
2 3
時隔十年,2017 年 12 月
重 37g,重量接近庫平或湘平一兩,與餉銀一兩銀幣重量、
20 日, 該 幣 在 北 京 誠 軒
2017 年秋季拍賣會的“古
錢 銀錠 機製幣”專場再
2020 年 7 月 18 日,該幣出現於上海泓盛 2020 年暨十五周
品名稱為“民國三十六年新疆餉金一兩金幣”(LOT 號:
1511)( 圖 11), 此 次
元人民幣。拍品說明與 2007 年秋北京拍賣會近現代機製幣
年拍賣會的“當代金銀幣 近代機製幣 勳章獎章”專場,拍
0858)(圖 13),估價 10 000 元人民幣,成交價 86 250
臆 造 金 幣 ”(LOT 號:
專場 LOT3736 相似。
設定的估價為“無底價”, 成 交 價 為 57500 元 人 民
幣。拍品說明為該幣“背 圖為單龍戲珠、上鐫五色 旗、鐵血十八星軍旗圖案
及‘NOPK 103’字樣;
圖 11 民國三十六年新疆餉金 一兩臆造金幣( 見於北京誠軒 2017 年秋季拍賣會 )
一錢、餉金二錢二種金幣, 此枚臆造幣極大滿足了人
圖 12 新疆民國三十六年餉金一兩金幣 ( 見於香港皇室貴族 拍賣有限公司 2018 新加坡中國古藝術品拍賣會)
NPGS AU50。”這次出讓方將此幣明確為“臆造品”,直 接標注於拍品名稱中,並經過第三方評級機構評分。
2018 年 4 月 28 日, 該 幣 在 香 港 皇 室 貴 族 拍 賣 有 限 公 司
2018 新加坡中國古藝術品拍賣會的“錢幣”專場再次出現。
拍品定名為“新疆民國三十六年餉金一兩金幣”(LOT 號:
0040)(圖 12),估價 80 000 港幣,成交價為 85 000 港
元。拍品說明較之前兩次簡略, “重 37 克,背圖為單龍戲珠、
五色旗及鐵血十八星軍旗圖案,另有 NOPK103 字樣,此
圖 13 民國三十六年新疆餉金一兩金幣( 見於上海泓盛 2020 年暨十五周年拍賣會)
二錢所製。”此次拍賣資訊還披露了該幣尺寸為直徑 3.9cm,
一兩臆造金幣身世的 兩種推測。
關於 1947 年新疆餉金
可能性不大。新疆於 1939 年“廢兩改元”,並逐漸將金銀貨幣兌
換為紙幣,後續印鈔單位為圓角分制,再以兩錢為單位鑄造金幣, 不易流通兌換。而且依據清末餉金金幣和餉銀銀幣的比值,餉金一 錢兌換紋銀三兩,若為餉金一兩應兌換紋銀三十兩。另據新疆地方
文獻記載,1949 年 5 月,為應對通貨膨脹、紙幣貶值,新疆省政
府採取幣制改革措施,開始鑄造 1949 版新疆造幣廠銀圓,另設計
2 3
關於此幣銘文中的“NOPK 103”應是揭示該
的圖案組合或出自對清末和民初不同鑄幣圖案的拼 於 20 世紀中葉的臆造者,對清末民初錢幣面貌的遐
平 103 號”的金器鑄造機構所製。
年。即該幣或為 1947 年由一家牌照編號為“北
想,即對歷史錢幣本來面目的失憶和重構。該幣設 尚不得知。
結語 儘管新疆餉金金幣鑄造量稀少、流通時間及範圍十分有限,
成斌 ( 1988-) , 碩士研究生學歷 , 中國錢幣學會 、 新疆錢幣學會會員 。 主要研究中國 近 代 錢 幣 與 貨 幣 金 融 史。 論 述 發 表 於《 東 亞 泉 志 》 《 新 疆 錢 幣 》 等 刊 物 。 電 子 郵 箱:
參考文獻 [1] (清)王樹枬纂修;朱玉麒整理 . 新疆圖志(上)[M]. 上海古籍出版社,2015.12. [2] (清)袁大化撰 . 撫新紀程,新疆官報書局 [M]. 沈雲龍主編;近代中國史料叢刊第 10 輯,臺北:文海出版社,1967. [3] 謝彬著 . 新疆遊記 [M]. 上海:上海中華書局,1922. [4] 謝彬著 . 國防與外交 [M]. 上海:上海中華書局,1926.07. [5] 袁克文著 . 辛丙秘苑·寒雲日記 [M]. 太原:山西古籍出版社,1999.09. [6] 耿愛德著 . 中國貨幣論 [M]. 上海:商務印書館,1933 年 . [7] 王守謙編 . 中國稀見幣參考書 [M]. 上海:寰球郵幣公司,1935.08. [8] 曾問吾著 . 中國經營西域史 [M]. 上海:商務印書館,1936 年 . [9] 蔣仲川著 . 中國金銀鎳幣圖說 [M]. 上海:上海國光印書局,1939.06. [10] 張絅伯考釋 ; 許小鶴藏 . 餉金一錢二錢金幣 [J]. 泉幣(第 24 期),1944 年,第 15 頁 . [11] 施嘉幹編 . 中國近代鑄幣匯考 [M]. 上海:上海書店出版社,1989.10,第 4 頁 . [12] 耿愛德(E.Kann)著 . 中國幣圖說匯考 金銀鎳鋁 gold,silver,nickel and aluminum[M]. 北京:金城出版社,2014.03. [13] 鼓信威著 . 中國貨幣史 [M]. 上海人民出版社,1958.11. [14] 中國人民銀行總行參事室金融史料組編 . 中國近代貨幣史資料 第 1 輯 清政府統治時期 1840-1911[M]. 北京:中華書局 , 1964.09. [15] 中國近代兵器工業檔案史料編委會編 . 中國近代兵器工業檔案史料(一)[M]. 北京:兵器工業出版社,1993.12. [16] 邱思達編著 . 中國近現代鑄幣圖說 [M]. 北京:中國書店,1991.04. [17] 錢嶼,錢律著 . 近代機制幣辨偽圖鑒 [M]. 上海:上海書店出版社,1996.11. [18] 王永生 .“餉金五錢”的發現及其意義 [J]. 中國錢幣,2007(03): 第 55-56,插 1 頁 . [19] 霍宏偉 . 中國國家博物館《中國古代錢幣》專題陳列開幕 [J]. 中國錢幣,2011(04):37. [20] 呂章申主編;中國國家博物館編著 . 中國古代錢幣 [M]. 北京:中國社會科學出版社,2011.07. [21] 王永生 . 王樹柟貨幣思想研究 [J]. 區域金融研究,2016(10):83-87. [22] 孫浩編著 . 百年銀圓中國近代機制幣珍賞 [M]. 上海:上海科學技術出版社,2016.06. [23] 中國國家博物館編 . 中國國家博物館館藏文物研究叢書錢幣卷(宋 - 清)[M]. 上海:上海古籍出版社,2018.11. [24] 王永生 . 三千年來誰鑄幣 [M]. 北京:中信出版集團,2019.01.
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Marco Polo of the Numismatic Community:
Italian Coin Engraver Luigi Giorgi and Empire 1911 Dollar Patterns Fan Weici〔Taipei〕 The late Qing dynasty witnessed the upsurge of silver coin production in various provinces. As a result, Chinese machine-struck coins became diverse and attractive, which made it even more interesting and challenging for collectors. Apart from different inscription styles, the reverses of the coins featured dragons, either majestic or lovely, of varied characteristics: some dragons were riding the clouds, and some were playing in water; some had a fire on the dragon pearl, and some did not; some had outstretched claws (Chinese style), and some had curled up claws (Japanese style). All these varieties added even more excitement. However, due to the different silver content of coins minted by the different provinces and disputes arising from profits, the Hupoo ( 戶 部 ), Ministry of Revenue of the Qing government, ordered the Tientsin Mint to design a set of silver coins to test the possibility of a unified currency. At the very beginning of the currency reform, there was a debate about the currency unit. Except for the Hupoo Tael silver series (1903) and 'Chung' Tael silver series (1906), all coins used the Dollar as their unit from 1908. Pattern Dollar coins were issued of the 1907 Dollar series, the 1910 Dollar series, and the 1911 Dollar series.
silver Dollar coins. The details about the sketches were revealed in the article Unique Set of Artist's Sketches for a Proposed Chinese Coin by American numismatist Bruce W. Smith in the Journal of the East Asian Numismatics . The comparison and conclusion on Luigi Giorgi's signatures on different varieties of 1911 coins are shown below. Luigi Giorgi of the Stefano Johnson Medal Factory, Milan, Italy, came to China in the early 20th century and served as the chief engraver of the Tientsin Mint from 1910 (in the Empire Xuantong's regime) to 1917 (in the early Republic period). He specialized in designing coins and medals and engraving dies, and was the only engraver who left his signature on the Qing coin dies. The 1911 silver coins, which were the first as well as the last series of currencies officially issued by the government, might be the first number of coins designed and engraved by Luigi Giorgi after he assumed the position in the Tientsin Mint. In addition to the abovementioned sketches of dragon dollars, the only known manuscript with L. Giorgi's signature is the 1923 dragon and phoenix dollar from the Nelson Chang Collection. There is no signature on patterns of long-whisker dragon dollar, short-whisker dragon dollar, reversed dragon dollar, and wide-tail dragon dollar. Only curled-whisker dragon dollar patterns which were finally put into circulation and standing - dragon 50-cent patterns have such signatures. Differences among the signatures are shown below.
The 1911 silver Dollar patterns have five different designs, including the long-whisker dragon, short-whisker dragon, reversed dragon, wide-tail dragon, and curled-whisker dragon. The curled-whisker dragon design, which was finally applied to the Dollar coin put into circulation, has more varieties according to the dots, scales, and dragon pearls on the coins. As for 50-cent, 20-cent, and 10-cent coins, they made use of the standing dragon design. Given their majestic dragon designs and fine engraveing, the 1911 silver Dollar patterns are very popular among collectors. Owing to the different mintages, the prices varies from one variety to another.
Ⅰ Giorgi 1911 dollar pattern, silver, raised signature, at 8 o'clock on the reverse. 1.The Chang Foundation Museum ( 鴻禧美術館 ) Collection; 2.Künker Auction 180, 2011. Note: These are obviously patterns, with a proof-like surface and extremely sharp inscriptions, decorative patterns, and scales. Their reedings are regular and sharp, and the blank at the edge is regular. In addition, the upper edge of the fourth strike of the character nian ( 年 ) at 7 o'clock is flat instead of a tilted edge as that on the circulating coins. © Fan Weici
Compared to provincial coins, the dragons on the 1911 silver coin series saw a major difference. Because of the inferior social status of craftsmen, the designers and engravers of most Chinese coins were not recorded before the early 1900s. However, Luigi Giorgi (1880 - 1950), an Italian coin engraver, is well known in the numismatic community, as his name was engraved on some of the 1911 silver pattern coins. Several great numismatists in the mid-20th century recorded his story in their publications. Recently, a set of Luigi Giorgi's manuscripts of the 1911 silver dollars from the collection of famous numismatic researcher and missionary Arthur B. Coole (1900-1978) was made public, which is an exciting development in the story of the 1911 J
Ⅱ L. Giorgi 1911 dollar coins, silver, incused signature, at 8 o'clock on N
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© Fan Weici
the obverse.
Ⅲ Reversed dragon with variety 2 and 3 on the obverse
1.The American Numismatic Society Collection;
Ⅳ Wide-tail dragon with variety 2 and 3 one the obverse Ⅴ Curled-whisker dragon with variety 4. This group can be divided into the deep variety and light variety. The former one is an early variety, and the other one was produced later (perhaps before the production of the Yuan Shih Kai dollar in 1914).
2.Chang Huang, The Silver Dollars and Taels of China (《中國銀圓及銀兩 幣目錄》), CH33. Note: These do not have a prooflike surface, and their inscriptions, decorative patterns, and scales are relatively sharp, with sharp and regular reedings. The upper edge of the fourth strike of the character nian at 7 o'clock on the obverse is tilted. The positions of their incused signatures vary slightly. The "L" on the one in the ANS collection is close to the flower pattern on the left (image 2), while the other one, from Chang Huang's collection, is close to the reeding on the whole.
The existing quantities of different varieties of the 1911 coins varied from one to another. However, it is interesting that the sharpness and regularity of their reedings are similar, and collectors used to ignore this feature. In conclusion, the Tientsin Mint mixed obverse and reverse coin dies in the trial production. There has been little indepth analysis and exploration on this issue except for the long-whisker dragon dollar pattern with the regular obverse. Experts and numismatists should pay more attention to the details on the obverses,their combinations with the reverses, and the dragon designs to have a better understanding and appreciation for the 1911 silver Dollar series.
1911 50-cent pattern, uniface, plain edge, raised signature, at 8 o'clock on the obverse, 1991 Goodman Collection Sale, unique. 1911 50 - cent pat tern, un i face, wh ite al loy, i ncused signature, at 6 o'clock on the reverse, unique.
Fan Weici ( 樊慰慈 ), a music scholar, art critic, and columnist, earned a Ph.D. degree in Music History from Northwestern University, America. He currently is serving as the Dean of the Art School of Chinese Culture University, Taiwan. His works have been published in many professional music and art journals in Taiwan and Mainland, China. Fan began to collect machine-struck coins from the end of the Qing dynasty when studying in Chicago in the 1980s. During this period, he learned and accumulated relevant knowledge and experience by attending local numismatic events, and consulting major coin dealers when he visited coin shops in the Chung Hwa Shopping Mall in Taipei during his summer vacations. In the 1990s, he returned to work in Taiwan and began to attend coin auctions and exhibitions held in Hong Kong and Singapore. In addition, he paid attention to developments in the international numismatic community and experienced the first climax of Chinese machine-struck coin development in modern times. Fan came to focus more on the emergence of the coin market in Mainland China before 2000, participating in the annual spring and autumn auctions in Beijing. Following the rise of online platforms, he has posted many articles and images on the "Coinsky" website and discussed and exchanged information with collectors and numismatists from all over the world.
Ⅲ Giorgi Inc. 1911 dollar coin, silver, raised signature, at 8 o'clock on the reverse, the Chang Family Museum Collection, unique Note: this coin in VF condition was put into circulation and cleaned, making it difficult to determine if this is a pattern. The "Inc". refers to "ncisore", which means "engraver" in Italian, rather than "Incorporated" in English. Apart from the various dragons on the reverse, the Tientsin Mint also designed several obverse pattern coins for the 1911 series, varying in Chinese and Manchu characters as well as details on the leaves on both sides. Though the coins in the above second type do have L. Giorgi's signature on their obverses, there is no manuscript or document about Giorgi's engagement in the design of their obverse. According to the leaves on both sides of the obverse, the 1911 coins can be grouped into the following four varieties. 1. Raised leaf, wide on the top and narrow on the bottom; 2. Wide raised leaf; 3. Wide incused leaf; 4. Narrow leaf (the regular variety put into circulation)
Fan Weici focuses his collection on the Chinese machinestruck coins issued by the central mint, Peiyang Mint, and some other provincial mints such as Kwangtung, Chekiang, and Fengtien in the late Qing Dynast y. His col lecting approach is to focus on qua lit y instead of quantit y, to enjoy identifying varieties, and to gain more numismatic knowledge. Fan once collected Marvel comics from the 1960s to the 1970s, and now, he is interested in the development and commentary of modern Swiss mechanical watches.
The combinations of obverse and reverse varieties are as below. Ⅰ Long-whisker dragon with variety 1, 2, 3, and 4 on the obverse Ⅱ Short-whisker dragon with variety 1 on the obverse 90
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意大利錢幣雕刻師 Luigi Giorgi 與大清 樊慰慈〔臺北〕 清末的中國機製幣之所以品項繁多、引人入勝,為收藏增
筆者於此不多贅述。以下僅針對 Giorgi 在不同版別的宣三
出 身 意 大 利 米 蘭 Stefano Johnson 紀 念 章 工 廠 的 Luigi
Giorgi,20世 紀 初 來 到 中 國, 於1910至1917年 間 應 聘 為
亦可分為張開或捲曲 ( 前者中式、後者日式 ),在鑒賞時增
的各款大清銀幣樣幣,可能即屬 Giorgi 到天津就職後的第
生出“戶部一兩”(1903年 ) 和“中字一兩”(1906年 ) 兩組
制,而有丁未壹圓套幣 (1907年 )、宣統年造壹圓套幣 (1910
套幣之外,從 光 緒三十四年 (1908年 ) 左 右確定 採用壹圓
式發行的國幣。上述邱文明舊藏的三款手繪龍洋設計圖, 背面的手稿之外,唯一存世的類似的設計圖是有1923年龍
年 ),以及數款宣統三年大清銀幣 ((1911年,以下簡稱宣三 ) 的設計,做為清朝國幣之試樣。
鳳壹圓,該圖有 L. Giorgi 簽字,為張南琛先生收藏所有。
Giorgi 的簽字,唯獨在最後被採納為正式發行版的曲須龍
Giorgi 不同樣式的簽字。
一 Giorgi
大小不同的深版、淺版等多種版別 ;伍角、貳角、壹角三
大 清 銀 幣 壹 圓(1911年 ),
1. 鴻禧美術館舊藏。
上明顯地呈現了極大的差異。由於工匠階級的地位在過去 傳統社會裏較不受重視,20世紀初期之前絕大部分中國錢
2. Künker Auktion
設計者為意大利錢幣雕刻師 Luigi Giorgi ( 約 1880-1950
底呈現類鏡面光澤, 字體、 花紋及龍麟均特別地細緻突出,
B. Coole, 1900-1978年 ) 舊藏的一批據傳為 Giorgi 以鉛
正面七點鐘方位的“ 年” 字, 第四筆劃的上緣為平頭, 不同於
流通版的斜頭。 ( 圖1)
美國錢幣專家史博祿 (Bruce W. Smith) 在《東亞泉志》的
二 L. Giorgi
注 :此版的兩枚錢幣在製造 上具有明顯的樣幣特徵, 版
年 )。近世更因美國傳教士暨知名錢幣學者邱文明 (Arthur
© 樊慰慈
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大 清 銀幣 壹 圓(1911年),銀幣,
正面刻有 L. Giorgi 的簽字,可惜目前似無手稿或史料進一
1. American Numismatic
2. 張璜 : 《中國銀圓及銀兩
兩旁花葉之版別區分為以下四種 :
幣目錄》編號 CH33 。
1. 上粗下細花瓣邊葉陽紋 ;2. 上下粗花瓣邊葉陽紋 ;3. 上
下粗花瓣 邊葉陰紋 ;4. 細 花 葉(即正式發行的宣三 版 別,
注 :此版錢幣的版底並無類鏡面光
澤,字體、花紋及龍麟卻仍較為細 緻突出, 齒邊亦相當地規整犀利。
正面“ 年” 字第四筆劃的上緣為斜
可歸納如下 :
頭。現存兩枚錢幣除品相不同之外, 圖2
陰文簽字的位置亦略有不同, ANS
1. 長須龍 / 正面配1、2 、3、4均有。
藏品的 L. 位置十分貼近左花的下緣 ( 圖2),張璜圖中那枚的簽
2. 短須龍 / 正面僅見配1。
3. 反龍 / 正面配 2 、3。
4. 大尾龍 / 正面配 2 、3。
大清銀幣伍角(1911年),單面鉛版 光 邊樣幣,陽文簽字,
5. 曲須龍 / 正面僅見配4,並可再細分為深版和淺版
正 面 八 點 半 位 置。Goodman Collection Sale,1991年。
兩大類。其中深版之生產應屬較早期,淺版則為後期 ( 甚
至可能一直生產至民國三年袁大頭問世之前 )。
大清銀幣 伍角(1911年),單面白色合金樣幣,陰文簽字,
三 Giorgi Inc.
的是,不同正面版別的錢幣在齒邊的工整和犀利程度上, 如上述歸納,從現存的各種宣三樣幣觀察,當初在造幣總
獻對此仍缺乏更深入的分析與探討。無論業者或收 藏家, 對於宣三樣幣版別的認識及評價,除了背面蟠龍之區分外,
注 :此枚錢幣因曾經流通並被清洗過, 被發現時僅有 VF 的
品相, 較看不出是否曾屬樣幣的打法。 但獨特簽字上所顯示的
Inc., 並非英文常見的 Incorporation ( 公司 ), 而是指意大利 文的 Incisore, 即雕刻師。
作者樊慰慈 音樂學者 、 藝術評論家暨專欄作者 , 著作常見於兩岸音樂和藝術類的專業刊物 。 美國西北大學音樂史學哲學博士 , 現任中 國文化大學藝術學院院長 。 1980年代赴芝加哥地區留學時開始收藏清朝末年的機製幣 , 除參加當地的年度錢幣展會 , 並經 常借着暑假回臺北時 , 到中華商場一帶逛錢幣店 , 不斷向當時市場幾位主要的錢幣商學習 , 累積相關知識和經驗 。 1990年 返臺工作 , 開始參加每年在香港和新加坡舉行的錢幣拍賣會及展會 , 同時保持關注國際泉壇的最新動態 , 親身經歷中國機 製幣在近代的第一波熱潮 。 2000年之前開始進一步關注大陸錢幣市場的萌發 , 每年參與北京的春 、 秋兩拍 , 因當時正逢網 路平臺的崛起 ,經常在 “ 錢幣天堂 ” 發圖 、 文 , 和各地泉友切磋交流。
三十餘年來在中國機製幣領域主要專注於清末中央和北洋的各系列錢幣 , 並曾旁及廣東 、 浙江和奉天等系列 。 收藏理念 為在精不在多 , 但一切不必強求 ; 以細查版別為樂趣 , 吸收知識為目標 。 過去的收藏興趣也曾包括1960至1970年美國 MARVEL公司的經典漫畫 , 目前則專注於近代瑞士機械表的發展和評論。 J
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Mish International Monetary Inc. Mish国际钱币公司 Specialists in 专营
Pandas since 1982 1982年起发行的熊猫币 China Modern since 1979 1979年起发行的中国现代金银币 World Coins since 1964 1964年起专营世界钱币
Looking To Buy?想买? Our inventory and knowledge has been available to both our colleagues and collector clients since coins of the People’s Republic of China first reached the world market in 1979. 自1979年中国现代金银币首次进入国际市场后,Mish 国际的员工及其藏家客户积累了丰富的库存和专业 的钱币知识。
If you are looking for a particular China coin, chances are we have it, or may be able to recover it from an original buyer we sold it to years ago at first distribution. 想买中国币?我们或许恰好有;也许多年前我们卖过,现在或许还能从原始买家手中买回来。
Looking To Sell?想卖? In this world of instant experts and brokers, Mish International is still your best choice to handle the purchase of your prized coins in this fast-changing market. Well-capitalized, truly knowledgeable and accommodating, we buy both single pieces and major collections at fair value with no delay, no limits and no excuses. 瞬息万变的市场环境,Mish 国际仍是助您销售钱币的最佳选择。雄厚的资金实力,专业的钱币知识,出 色的协调能力,我们同时收购单枚币和大型收藏,价格合理,快速付款。
Since 1964 始于1964
Here today. Here tomorrow 携手今日 共赢明天 Mish International Monetary Inc Mish国际钱币公司 1154 University Drive Menlo Park, CA 94025, USA 美国加州门罗帕克大学路1154号,邮编94025 Phone(电话):(650) 324-9110 Email(邮箱):robert@mishinternational.com
A Review of the World Money Fair'21 Berlin # Digital Fair & The current hot market for Panda Coins and Medals Oliver Stelzer〔Germany〕 Ms. Balz welcomed the guests online in an opening video and cut the red ribbon for the successful start of the fair. Right on time, the links to the virtual exhibitors were unlocked. In advance, each participant could subscribe to the newsletter to receive various presentations by exhibitors during the event days. Under the heading "Our Virtual Exhibitors" there were a total of 34 well-known exhibitors, including mints, providers of minting techniques, suppliers of precious
The World Money Fair, Berlin, was held online
metals, specialist publishers, auction houses and major distributors. The respective company presented itself with its history, its field of activity and with a brief insight into current products. For those interested, the link to the exhibitor's homepage was provided. In addition, eight different video conferences were offered to customers by pre-registration. Smaller dealers with coin offerings were generally not
Mrs. Barbara Balz announced the inauguration of the online World Money Fair, Berlin
represented. Two newsletters and a podcast from various exhibitors were offered on each of the virtual fair days. These
A few weeks have now passed since the digital edition of
additional digital program items contained further details
the World Money Fair`21.
about products, services and offers.
The 50th World Money Fair with China as guest of honor
The Technical and Media Forum could be accessed as
was postponed last year in November due to the ongoing
a video presentation. Very significant for many collectors
pandemic. The fair should take place later in 2021. Now,
was especially the presentation about the new issues of
the third wave of the pandemic is spreading in Germany
the China Gold Coin Incorporation.
and it seems that this year, due to the numerous Corona mutations, we will no longer be able to attend coin fairs.
A special highlight was the raffle, which ended on February
Hopes are based on a normal return in 2022, when many
15. There were eleven different sponsors from the pool of
collecting enthusiasts would be delighted to see the 50th
virtual exhibitors for the prizes, including a 10-gram gold
Anniversary Fair held here with China as the guest of
bar. To participate, various questions had to be solved - the
honor. The second largest coin fair Numismata is in a
correct answer was hidden on the virtual presentation pages.
similar situation, no fixed date has been set for 2021 and
The guest of honor China unfortunately did not have a
the first fair in March, which would have been held in
special World Money Fair anniversary issue in its virtual
Munich, has already been canceled.
luggage due to the postponed fair - perhaps this will be
The digital World Money Fair was officially opened by
realized for the next fair to be held. A few coveted fair
Barbara Balz on January 27, 2021 at 10:00 am.
issues were nevertheless available, as presumably coins
2 3
reminder of the World Money Fair 2021, which did not take place. The digital version of the World Money Fair was overall very well organized, but unfortunately it was not a comparable substitute for the real event. The digital fair appealed mainly to the commercial customer, for whom the event was a perfect platform for an exchange. The specialized collector, in Australia 1 ounce colored silver coin by the Perth Mint
Belgian Specialty - Beer Coin by the Belgium Royal Mint
contrast, had finished his virtual visit and tour after a few minutes. The currently very active market for panda
for the event had already been minted. The Perth Mint
coins and medals is highly exciting. The year 2021 can be
Australia offered a 1 Ounce Silver Kookaburra Colored
called another golden year for panda coinage.
with a mintage of 1,500 that came in custom packaging
Due to the crisis, many collecting fields are rising in price
with the World Money Fair logo.
because, on the one hand, there is more time available
The Royal Mint of Belgium released the last euro coin
and, on the other hand, capital must be secured. Even
set in the three-part "Belgian Specialties" series with this
collectibles such as Pokémon cards are benefiting from this
year's theme of "Beer." The issue price was 25 Euros and
- up to 500,000 Euros are being paid for individual cards.
will be offered by dealers for 179 Euros. Both fair issues
In Europe, the popular panda coins are offered more and
are sold out at the mints.
more rarely, many pieces are in collections or go back to
The officially licensed World Money Fair 2021 Berlin Show
China for new master sets. The demand by new collectors
Panda put on an extremely surprising performance. The
of Chinese coins makes the prices in Germany explode
Journal of East Asian Numismatics No.21 already reported
and only rarely a favorable coin can be snatched up - this
in detail about this latest issue of the very successful and
even hardly with pieces with qualitative
traditional series.
losses. Many sellers are stunned and would rather have sold at
After the article about the Show Panda was published,
the present time. Particularly
there was a real rush in Germany for the few available
rare pieces can sometimes
pieces in the Kuenker online store. After only about
only be purchased at auction
6 hours, the stock of the 1 Ounce Silver version was
houses, such as the upcoming
completely sold out. The orders arriving every minute
Champion Auction in May.
amazed the shipping department of the auction house
for a Show Panda was last seen in the 1990s only with
World Money Fair 2021 likewise becoming more popular Berlin Silver Show Panda
the Munich Show Pandas. The 1 Ounce version fetched
this year, only two different releases
185 Euros and the 8 Gram variant 155 Euros in free trade
of medals have appeared with a
shortly after (Issue Price: 1 Ounce AG 89 Euros / 8 Gram
reduced mintage.
The panda medal issues are
Kuenker. The 8-gram silver variant with a higher mintage is also completely sold out. Such an immense demand
and increasing in value. So far
AG 39 Euros).
Eagerly awaited and
A correction is to be noted, the mintage of the 1 Ounce
certainly very much
version in silver is only 200 pieces - the stated 300 pieces
in demand, will be
in the Certificate of Authenticity is a printing error. For the
the new sequels
2022 issue year, an alternating motif of the different sizes
to the issues of
is again planned. I am already sure that the next issue will
the Space Panda
move even faster into collectors' hands.
and the Polymer Panda.
For many collectors, the fair issues represent a special
2 3
World Money Fair 2021 Berlin Silver Show Panda Space Panda 95
2021 年柏林世界錢幣博覽會回顧 ⸺ 當前熊貓幣章市場大熱 奧利弗·斯特拉爾〔德國〕
距 2021 年第 50 屆柏林世界錢幣博覽會已過去了數周。由
博覽會原計劃於 2020 年 11 月舉行,
中國為該屆展會的榮譽嘉賓,但展 會因疫情原因推遲至 2021 年晚些 時候舉行。然而,現在新冠病毒不斷 變異,第三波疫情正在德國肆虐,今 年似乎也無法舉行錢幣展會。我們希望等 到 2022 年時一切可以恢復正常。屆時,諸多收藏
好者必會對這次由中國作為榮譽嘉賓的第 50 屆柏林世界錢 幣博覽會很感興趣。而第二大錢幣展會 Numismata 也面臨 着相似的境遇⸺ 2021 年的舉辦時間尚未確定,原定在 3 月於慕尼克舉辦的一場活動也已經取消。 2021 年 1 月 27 日上午 10 時,芭芭拉·鮑爾茨女士(Barbara Balz)宣佈線上柏林世界錢幣博覽會正式開幕並剪彩,她
還通過公開視頻對線上參加展會的客人表示歡迎。虛擬展 商的觀展鏈接準時解鎖。觀眾可以通過提前訂閱簡報,在 活動當日收到各展商的講演視頻。 在“我們的虛擬展商”板塊下,共有 34 家著名展商,包括 造幣廠、造幣技術供應商、貴金屬供應商、專業出版商、 拍賣公司和經銷商。各公司向觀眾展示了自己的歷史、經 營領域及現有產品等。 芭芭拉·鮑爾茨女士 ( Barbara Balz) 宣佈線上柏林世界錢幣 博覽會正式開幕並剪彩
網站向愛好者們提供了展商官方主頁的鏈接,還通過預先 註冊的方式向顧客提供了 8 個不同的視頻會議通道。 而那些提供錢幣的小幣商則大都沒有代表參加。 在虛擬展會舉行期間,各展商每日會有兩封簡報及播報, 就產品、服務及報價提供更為詳盡的資訊。 觀眾可以通過視頻的形式觀看技術和媒體論壇。此外,線 上還有對許多收藏家都特別重要的中國金幣總公司新發行 錢幣的介紹視頻。 此次展會的另一亮點是抽獎活動,獎品由 11 家線上展商提 供,甚至包括 10 克金條。該活動於 2 月 15 日結束。想要
2 3
很多藏家認為,雖然 2021 年柏林世界錢幣博 覽會沒有實地舉行,但展會官方發行的紀念章 是對其特殊的紀念。 線上的柏林世界錢幣博覽會總體上組織良好, 但無法完全替代實地的展會,這點頗為遺憾。 線上展會吸引的主要是商人,對這些客人而言, 這是一個很好的交流平臺。反之,專業的收藏 者只花了幾分鐘便結束了此次的參觀。 澳大利亞珀斯造幣廠的 1 盎司笑翠 鳥彩色紀念銀幣
比利時皇家造幣廠發行以“ 啤酒” 為主題的 “ 比利時特產 ” 系列幣
現在熊貓幣章市場非常活躍,2021 年甚至堪稱 熊貓幣章的另一黃金之年。
多的時間可以投入其中,另一方面,當前資金可以得到保證。 即使是像寶可夢卡片這樣的收藏物也從中受益,有單張卡 片的最高價格甚至上漲至 50 萬歐元。
由於展會延期,中國作為榮譽嘉賓無法為世界錢幣博覽會帶 來特別發行的紀念幣章,但我們也許可以在下一屆展會上看 到中國的特別紀念幣章。儘管如此,此次展會還是有一些令
完成。如澳大利亞珀斯造幣廠帶來了 1 盎司笑翠鳥彩色紀
念銀幣,鑄造量 1 500 枚,其定制包裝上還有世界錢幣博覽
此感到震驚。而那些特別稀有的珍品有時只能在拍賣會上 買到,如 5 月舉行的冠軍 2021 年拍賣。
比利時皇家造幣廠發行了“比利時特產”系列中的最後一枚 熊貓紀念章已經越來越受藏家歡
(共三枚),而今年的主題是“啤酒”。該幣發行價為 25 歐元,
所有紀念幣在出廠時便已經售罄,幣商的售價為 179 歐元。
發行了兩款不同的熊貓紀念 章,但其鑄造量均有所減
官方許可發行的 2021 年柏林世界錢幣博覽會熊貓紀念章的
表現也極為亮眼。該系列展會熊貓紀念章一直以來都頗為成 功,《東亞泉志》第 21 期已對最新發行的紀念章進行了詳
世 界 錢 幣 博 覽 會 50 念幣和聚合物環熊貓紀念章也 周年紀念銀章正面
動,而昆克線上商店可售的紀念章數量極少。其中,1 盎司 銀章只用了 6 個小時便售罄了。每分鐘都有訂單進入昆克 拍賣的商店,這讓其運送部門驚訝不已。而 8 克銀章雖然 鑄造量稍大一些,但是也已經全部賣完。我們上次見到對展 會熊貓紀念章如此之大的需求量還是 20 世紀 90 年代的慕 尼克展會熊貓紀念章。不久之後,1 盎司銀章的售價便高達 185 歐元,8 克銀章的價格也攀升至 155 歐元(發行價:1
世界錢幣博覽會 50 周年紀念銀章反面
盎司銀章為 89 歐元,8 克銀章為 39 歐元)。 我們在此需要更正的是,1 盎司銀章的鑄造量僅為 200 枚, 而證書上的鑄造量錯印為 300 枚。2022 年的展會熊貓紀念
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Howard F. Bowker – Arthur B. Coole Correspondence 1937 – 1967 Howard F. Bowker
Arthur B. Coole
Champion Auction〔Shanghai〕
1937 1937/4/3- Coole to Bowker
1938/7/25- Bowker to Coole
1 page Tientsin Hui Wen A cademy to Chief Pay Clerk Gouldin Road, Oakland. Written on Academy stationery.
Agana, Guam to Williams Street, Denver.
1 page
Bowker asks about second edition of CICH. Bowker hasn’t heard from Coole in response to the letter of September 1937.
Bowker had ordered a copy of Coole’s Coins In China’s History and asked whether Coole could find books for him in China. Coole just about to leave on furlough till 1938, and would be at 219 S. Williams Street, Denver.
1938/10/27- Coole to Bowker 1937/9/13- Bowker to Coole
No return address, to Williams Street, Denver.
1 page Methodist Compound, Peking to Agana, Guam. Written on stationery with Coole’s coat of arms.
1 page
Coole finally replying to Bowker’s two letters. Is now settled in Peking, and has Bowker’s want list. Mentions Chi Tung and Federal Reserve Bank coins in circulation (sent some to Bowker), but old coppers have disappeared. Coole left his collection in the USA for fear of unsettled conditions in China.
Bowker just leaving for Guam. Asks Coole to find coins for him.
1939 2 pages 1939/4/1- Bowker to Coole No return address, to Methodist Compound, Peking.
2 pages 1939/6/17- Bowker to Coole Passage Guam to Honolulu to Methodist Compound, Peking. Written on U.S.S. Chaumont stationery.
Bowker had recently returned from trip to Manila, Hong Kong, Shanghai and Yokohama. Added some Chinese silver coins to his collection as well as a set of 9 Wang Mang spades. In Japan obtained a Hsien Feng 100,000 cash note. Asks Coole to look for local provisional stamps. Obtained 13 sets of old Chinese numismatic books in Shanghai. [In a 1967 obituary of Allan Gokson, Bowker wrote that he first met Gokson, a famous stamp collector, when he visited Shanghai in 1939, accompanied by James N. Wong.]
Bowker criticizes Coole for listing fantasy silver coins as genuine in his Coins In China’s History (2nd edition). Makes other comments on the book. Bowker being transferred to New York, where he hopes to examine the ANS collection.
1939/9/9- Coole to Bowker
2 pages Methodist Compound, Peking to Receiving ship, New York City. Written on Coole stationery. Coole busy working on his bibliography. Coole had not seen Raeburn’s article on fantasy coins, “Coins Which Never Were” and asks what issue it appeared in. Coole has only 2 coin molds in his collection, and obtained both after the second edition went to press. Coole says he now has 86 Chinese and Japanese numismatic books, and has
1939/5/1- Coole to Bowker
1 page Methodist Compound, Peking to Naval Station, Guam. Written on Coole stationery. Coole says he has 70 sets of Chinese numismatic books in his library.
2 3
1939/11/9- Bowker to Coole
had a college student go through every page and make an index of every coin and its location in each book. Coole mentions that he has a collection of Chinese stamps he began as a child. [This collection Bowker tried to sell for him years later, but many stamps were damaged from improper mounting]
U.S.S. Seattle to Methodist Compound.
2 page
More on fantasy coins. Says a Mr. Wong of the Universal Coin & Stamp Co. of Shanghai is exporting quantities of such fantasy coins to the US and to money shops in Shanghai. Bowker thinks the fake of the 1882 Kirin tael was made at the Tientsin Mint, which also made Raeburn’s #3 through 48. Same source, he says, is making fantasy Soviet dollars. Offers Coole a copy of Ros’ “A Tael Coinage for Kirin” which Bowker says is rare. Bowker asks whether Coole’s planned bibliography will be on Chinese language works only. Bowker says he has already started on a bibliography of western language works, and has over 300 listed. Has been through the NY public library and ANS, and plans to examine Robinson library [in Massachusetts] soon. Also plans to visit the Newbury Library in Chicago. Bowker says he does not have a photo of himself and doesn’t feel he is qualified to be included in such a group.
1 page 1939/10/10- Coole to Bowker Methodist Compound, Peking to Receiving Ship, New York City. Written on Coole stationery. Coole collecting photos of living numismatists for inclusion in his bibliography, and asks Bowker for a photo of himself. [No photos appear in Coole’s original bibliography, and Bowker apparently didn’t send his photo, because Coole had to ask again in 1966 when they were working on the new bibliography].
1940 2 pages 1940/1/3- Coole to Bowker Methodist Compound, Peking to USS Seattle, Navy Yard, NY.
Tsiang’s English & Chinese catalog – “The text is terrible, particularly the English portion, and the whole thing displays a lamentable ignorance on someone’s part.” [Bowker is suggesting that someone else actually wrote the catalog.]
Coole stationery. Coole has tried to get a copy of Raeburn’s article, but says the journal it appears in is banned in north China [under Japanese control]. Mentions Shih T’ing-yung of Yenching University, who collects Chinese silver and gold coins. He and Coole think Tsiang’s recent catalog of such coins is inadequate and they are thinking of compiling a better listing, which will separate the real coins from the fantasies. Says he found out recently that there are two makers of spurious coins in Peking, and that there are two pairs of steel dies currently for sale for making fake coins [doesn’t describe them]. Says his bibliography is already in the publisher’s hands, and includes Chinese, Japanese and western language works. Says he now has 100 sets of Chinese numismatic books.
1940/2/10- Coole to Bowker
1 page Methodist Compound, Peking to Receiving Ship, New York, NY. Coole stationery. “After looking for months for a fifty tael Hsien Feng paper bill for you, I finally located one yesterday at Liu Li Ch’ang Fair, which is open for the Chinese New Year period. I am enclosing it herewith. Please accept it with my compliments.”
1940/3/12- Bowker to Coole
USS Seattle to Peking.
1940/2/10- Bowker to Coole
USS Seattle, Navy Yard, NY to Peking.
The China Journal for January 1940 published Bowker’s review of the collection of rubbings of Chinese silver [and gold] coins, which Bowker had purchased in Shanghai a year ago [1939]. Bowker says he obtained from England a copy of Alexander Wylie’s listing of Ch’ing dynasty coins originally published in 1858. He already had several copies of this work, but this copy had an inscription by Wylie to his sister, and bound in, a list of coins and three Chinese banknotes. Asks Coole to try to obtain about 6 copies of Ku Kung Ch’ing Ch’ien P’u [Ch’ing Dynasty Coins in the Palace Museum by Huang P’eng-hsiao]; Bowker
3 pages
Discusses bibliographies and Bowker’s work on his listing of about 400 western language works on East Asian numismatics. Coole’s bibliography was already going through the press. Bowker has just bought a collection of Sinkiang coins and expected to obtain rubbings of the entire collection if he did not buy it all. Also says he purchased a set of rubbings of Mr. Tsiang’s collection when he was in Shanghai ( consisting of about 600 coins [all silver and gold struck coins]). Mentions
2 pages
2 3
1940/6/5- Bowker to Coole
had two copies by gave both away.
Receiving ship, NY to Peking.
On stationery “The Receiving Ship at New York.” Bowker says he does not collect Japanese coins nor book on them [but does want Japanese books on Chinese coins]. Says he has an extra copy of the Robinson catalog [of numismatic books on China] because he bought [James] Stewart Lockhart’s copy of the catalog. Bowker had put aside work on his western language bibliography when he heard that Coole was working on his own bibliography. Now Bowker has begun work again because he has many more listings than in Coole’s work (western language works). Also states articles should be listed together with books by the same author. Many specific comments and corrections on items in Coole’s bibliography.
2 pages 1940/4/6- Coole to Bowker Methodist Episcopal Church, Peking to USS Seattle, New York. On church stationery. Mentions a “Mr. Shih at Yenching University who has a fine collection of silver coins and knows his collection as well as merely possessing the pieces. Some day I may get connected with him and put out something in English that will be of value to the numismatic world in this line.” Mentions China Numismatic Society – Arthur Sowerby, president, and E. Kann vice-president.
3 pages 1940/4/26- Coole to Bowker Methodist Compound, Peking to USS Seattle, New York, NY.
6 pages 1940/7/7- Coole to Bowker Methodist Compound, Peking to USS Seattle, New York.
Coole stationery. Includes ledger page with accounting for books purchased by Coole for Bowker, dated 30 March 1940. Also 2 pages handwritten in Chinese from a bookstore, listing various books (no date). Has a list of books Coole purchased in Peking for Bowker, with numbers from his bibliography. Coole also sent Bowker a ream of special paper for making rubbings. Coole ran into John Ferguson at an embassy tea party. Ferguson said he had examined Coole’s bibliography and planned to write a review for the Peking Chronicle and the North China branch of the Royal Asiatic Society. Coole discovered that one of the molds in his collection was once owned by and is illustrated in a book by Li Tso-hsien. Coole later illustrated this mold and told the story in Coins In China’s History.
1940/5/6- Bowker to Coole
USS Seattle, New York, NY to Peking.
Coole stationer y. Includes a customs receipt and a handwritten page of notes (possibly by Bowker). Minor corrections to the bibliography and list of books Coole sent to Bowker.
1940/8/15- Bowker to Coole USS Seattle, NY to no address.
2 pages
2 pages
Bowker visited [Essex Institute in] Salem, MA and had some items microfilmed, including Ramsden’s letters to Robinson, and Chaudoir’s book “Recueil de Monnaies de la Chine…..” which Bowker believed he would not be able to find a copy of. He says ANS copy is a condensed translation of the text and a tracing of the plates – not the original work. Bowker mentions his recently published article on Chinese books in the ANS library, published in Coin Collectors Journa l.
Bowker had received an undated letter from Coole (probably from early April), which included a rubbing of a Yuan dynasty copper printing plate. Unclear whether Coole owned the piece or not, but Bowker refers to other printing plates from which he hoped Coole was able to get rubbings. Mentions Carter condemning the book Ch’uan P’u T’ung Chih as a forgery, but is uncertain whether to believe it. Bowker had become a member of the Numismatic Society of China. Notes that Coole had erroneously included Ramsden’s works with French titles in his bibliography. [Those works do not exist – not in French. The information was taken from some other bibliography which was published in French. Nevertheless, the French works were included in the 1967 bibliography.]
7 pages
2 pages 1940/10/14- Coole to Bowker Peking Hui Wen Academy to no address. On academy stationery.
1940/10/22- Coole to Bowker
1 page Methodist Compound, Peking to USS Seattle, New York. Coole stationery.
1940/11/18- Bowker to Coole USS Seattle, New York to Peking
5 pages
Bowker had just met Chang Nai-chi, whom he says is also known as Chang Su-ching. Bowker had known him previously but never met him. Apparently they met in New
2 3
in China. Bowker planned to publish it posthumously, but too much of the manuscript was missing, so Bowker plans to produce his own book, crediting Ramsden where appropriate. [Bowker often mentioned his interest in cowrie money, and did publish a short article on the subject in Coin Collectors Journal in 1943, but never
York. He gave Bowker a copy of the first issue of Ch’uan Pi magazine. [This was Nelson Chang’s father, best known by his style name, Chang Shu-hsun.] Chang said he was a friend of Fang Jo [Fang Yao-yu, another famous Chinese numismatist]. Bowker mentions having driven down to Washington [DC] to visit a collector named Hodge, who was very interested in Chinese coins and books on them. Also mentions corresponding with Prof. [Homer] Dubs of Duke University, and loaning him most of his Wang Mang coins. Dubs had been working on a translation of the Han Shu, the standard history of the early Han dynasty, including the Wang Mang period. Dubs had read about the Wang Mang knife coin with gold, which he translated as “gilded” but after seeing some pieces from Bowker’s collection, realized that the gold is actually beaten into a carved space on the coin. Dubs translated some material on the use of cowries from the Han Shu for Bowker. Bowker says he has found part of an unpublished manuscript by Ramsden for a book on the use of cowries
produced the monograph he planned.]
1940/11/18- Bowker to Coole
USS Seattle, NY to no address
3 pages
Specific comments and corrections to items listed in Coole’s bibliography. [In a 1967 obituary of Allan Gokson, Bowker says he first met Gokson in Shanghai in 1940, during a trip from Guam. Bowker must have gotten the year wrong; he was in Guam in 1939, and New York in 1940].
1941 1941/1/12- Coole to Bowker
Peking Hui Wen Academy to USS Seattle, NY.
and folio number [within that chuan]. [It is true that his method takes up less in a citation, but it just isn’t practical unless everyone numbers their own books the same way
3 pages
Peking Hui Wen Academy to USS Seat tle, NY. On academy stationery. Refers to an exchange of letters between Coole and Dr. Chang Kwun-peh [Chang Chiungpo] in Shanghai, published in Ch’uan Pi magazine [the first issue, July 1940]. Bowker apparently had not seen the issue, but heard that his name was mentioned. Coole explains that Bowker’s name was only metioned in passing as one of the people who received a copy of Coole’s bibliography with an extra page between each page, on which to write notes. [Chang’s letters criticize Coole for listing Chinese books which are of little value or are entirely misleading. Chang says 70 per cent of Chinese numismatic works are rubbish and should be thrown out, and specifies two which are so bad that they should be burned! Coole responds that his intent is to list all works on Chinese numismatics – good and bad – and that his is not a selective listing but a general [comprehensive] listing.] Coole says Bowker’s article on cowries as money should be interesting, and mentions that he had just acquired three imitation cowries in white marble and one in red marble. He also has three jade cowries. Coole says his books, [most of his collection], his wife and daughter are in Denver, having left China sometime earlier. Coole defends his practice of privately numbering the pages in his Chinese books, and using those page numbers in his coin index. He thinks it is more convenient than the traditional method of citing the chuan
he did].
1941/5/25- Bowker to Coole
2 pages USS Catlin, Navy Yard, Philadelphia to Denver, Colorado. Handwritten note says readdressed to Williams Street (Denver) 6/23/41. Bowker was detached from the USS Seattle [in NY] and drove across country to Oakland during 4-1/2 days in April. He picked up his wife, and drove back to Philadelphia, but stopping to see the sites along the way. He passed through Denver, but didn’t know at the time that Coole had left China and was actually in Denver. They failed to meet at that time. Mentions a collector in the USA named Mr. Hodge, for whom Bowker was supposed to get a certain book. Bowker mentioned him in earlier letters, but did not give his first name. Bowker mentions the article he wrote on Ramsden, which to his surprise, was published in Coin Collectors Journal that spring. Bowker mentions that according to the executor of Ramsden’s estate, there is no know photo of Ramsden. Bowker has a photo of a man, with Ramsden’s name on the back, but is unsure whether it is, in fact, Ramsden. He asks Coole if there is anyone alive who could identify Ramsden from a photo.
2 3
2 pages 1941/7/12- Coole to Bowker Williams Street, Denver to USS Catlin, Philadelphia.
1 pages 1941/8/15- Bowker to Coole USS West Point, Norfolk, Virginia to Williams Street, Denver.
Coole stationery. Bowker was upset that a shipment of books Coole had sent him from China had not arrived. Coole says that the Japanese were not allowing westerners to send old things out of China – though they were actively shipping antiquities to Japan. Coole sent Bowker’s books out of the country through an American soldier named Gillette. Coole says he sent his own books out in the care of Sgt. Daffin of the Marine Quartermaster Department. Daffin was going to be on Guam for 6 months before returning to the United States, so Coole had not yet received his books either. [Within a few months, of course, we would be at war with Japan and packages would not easily cross the Pacific for some time] Coole says his original collection was safe in Grinnell, Iowa at this sister’s house. The coins he had bought recently in China, had been sent back through four different Navy men. Two of those packages had arrived safely, but the other two had not yet turned up. Coole mentions attending a monthly meeting of the Numismatic Society of China at Shanghai on his way out of China. Met G. Duncan Raeburn and Eduard Kann at the meeting, but laments that “The folks in Shanghai are interested in silver and gold cocins to the exclusion of others.”
Bowker says he has been transferred several times recently, causing problems with mail reaching him since he left the [USS] Catlin. “Since leaving the Seattle, I have been attached to the Manhatten, now the Wakefield, and the West Point, formerly the America, but now appear to be settled down for the duration, I hope.” [The Seattle was an old armored cruiser, which by that time was not in active service, and was used as a receiving ship. The assignment to the Catlin was only temporary; the Navy was converting it to a civilian ship. The West Point (AP23) was originally a cruise ship (America) which had been converted to a troop transport ship. It would soon be on its way to Portugal, if it was not already underway.] Bowker complains about G. Dunc an Raeburn not answering his letters, and says “He appeared to me to be a coin collector of the stamp of Tracey Woodward, one who goes in for the microscopic die varieties of the silver pieces.” [After the Portugal trip, Bowker’s ship then went to Nova Scotia to pick up British troops on their way to India. The United States entered the war during this time. From there the ship went to Ceylon, then Suez, Egypt, where it picked up British troops from the North African campaign, and transported them to Australia. The ship then went to San Francisco. This explains why there are no letters from Bowker during the rest of 1941.]
1942 2 pages 1942/3/1- Bowker to Coole USS West Point, New York to 7th Street, Junction City, Kansas.
On Methodist Soldiers’ Work stationery, depicting 3 buildings. Coole says his books sent from China had all arrived. No mention whether his coins arrived. Brief remarks on the book Bowker asked about, Ch’uan Chih.
Bowker says he has not had a letter from Coole since the 12 July 1941 letter. Say the ports he has visited have been boring and he has added only one coin and one book to his collection since leaving the United States. Discusses the dating and different editions of a book he obtained in London before leaving the states. Complains he has received little mail (none for 3 months). “In the past I have usually kept up quite a voluminous correspondence with collectors and friends throughout the world, but lately have somewhat neglected it ……. Had also expected that I would be able to go home on retirement the 1st of next November, but guess that is also out for some time to come.”
1942/2/22- Coole to Bowker
Junction City to USS West Point, New York.
1942/4/29- Bowker to Coole
Gouldin Road, Oakland to no address.
Bowker’s books which Coole sent from China have still not arrived. During his trip around the world, Bowker says he has typed up the listings of western language works on Far Eastern numismatics – 799 items. The last three pages are some “Random Notes” on items in Coole’s bibliography. Bowker apparently wrote this in 1941 and thought he had sent it to Coole, but wasn’t sure.
2 pages
4 pages
2 3
1942/5/11- Coole to Bowker
Junction City to Gouldin Road, Oakland.
1942/6/12- Bowker to Sgt. Robert L. 1 page Daffin, USMC
1 page
Junction City to Gouldin Road, Oakland.
On Methodist Soldiers’ Work stationery. Coole gives details about Robert Daffin, the person who was carrying Bowker’s books out of China and was to mail them when he was able. He was a member of the U.S. Embassy guard in Peking.
USS West Point, San Francisco (Chief Pay Clerk) to Washington, DC. Signed and unsigned carbon copy of a letter to Sgt. Daffin regarding the books he was supposed to send to Bowker.
1943 1943/2/8- Bowker to Coole
USS Whitney, San Francisco to Junction City
on cowries as money was published in Coin Collectors Journal; asks for Coole’s comments on the ar ticle. Bowker also brings up the question of indexing topics such as cowries and bridge money in Coole’s coin index (in Coole’s bibliography). Bowker says he does not have Daffin’s military address with him on the ship.
1 page
On ship’s stationery. Bowker mentions seeing Coole’s picture in Newsweek magazine. “I left the [USS] West Point in New York about six months ago and came out to the South Pacific as supply officer of the ship mentioned above. We do not do any cruising, being anchored most of the time in a base port where we are a floating machine shop for repairs to other vessels ….. I wish I had brought along my oriental coins and books so that I could do a little with them in my spare time. The war as seen from here is a rather monotonous affair despite the fact that we are not very far from the scene of action.” Bowker asks to borrow some of Coole’s imitation cowries – says they will be safe in the mail!
1943/2/17- Coole to Bowker
Junction City to USS Whitney, San Francisco.
1943/2/22- Bowker to Coole
USS Whitney, San Francisco to Junction City.
On ship’s stationery. The imitation cowries Coole sent to Bowker arrived, and Bowker raises some questions about the supposed hoard of cowries found in the bronze vessel. Bowker’s letter from 12 June of 1942 to Daffin was returned with notation that the Marine Corps was unable to identify the person. Bowker thinks Daffin is in some sort of trouble and a friend at Marine Corps headquarters is covering for him. [Also possible Daffin was killed or captured on or near Guam or was reassigned to a secret project.]
3 pages
O n M e t h o d i s t S o l d i e r s ’ W o r k s t a t i o n e r y. C o o l e congratulates Bowker on promotion to Lieutenant, and says he will send Bowker 20 imitation cowries to study, as per attached list. More on Daffin, who was supposed to deliver some books to Bowker, but has not been heard from since. Coole says there is a Chinese cavalry officer there at the fort [where Coole ministers], who may be able to do translations for him. [This suggests that Coole’s Chinese ability was probably limited to spoken Chinese and that he was not very good at translating written text. This becomes apparent after he retired; his translations are often very wrong.] Third page is the list of imitation cowries.
1943/6/1- Bowker to Coole
Fleet Post Office, San Francisco to Junction City.
USS Whitney, San Francisco to Junction City
Junction City to USS Whitney, San Francisco.
2 pages
2 pages
Written on Methodist Soldiers’ Work stationery. Coole provides details on the cowrie hoard and the vessel it was found in. Dealer says excavated near Anyang, Honan. Details of specific pieces among those loaned to Bowker.
On ship’s stationery. The first group of imitation cowries Coole sent were found in a bronze vessel unearthed in north China [at Anyang in 1940]. Besides the cowries, there were 2 spiral shells and a ring-shaped shell. Bowker asks for details on the find. Bowker mentions his article
1 pages
Bowker heard from their mutual friend, Hodge in Washington, that Coole wished to sell his collection. Bowker asks for details and whether the library is also for sale. Bowker returned galley proofs for his bibliography to be published by the ANS the previous week. Notes that “Sycee Silver” by Sigler had just been published by the ANS.
1943/7/1- Coole to Bowker 1943/3/14- Bowker to Coole
2 pages
2 3
1943/7/4-Bowker to Coole No address to Junction City
1943/9/12-Bowker to Coole
1 page
Gouldin Road, Oakland to Junction City.
Bowker says he may soon be transferred back to the US and asks Coole to send mail to him at the Oakland address. Bowker notes that one of his sons was lost in a plane crash in the New Hebrides on June 9th and another son was lost when the [USS] Argonaut sank in January. Bowker says there is a young Chinese man on board who has been writing out index cards for him.
Gouldin Road, Oakland to Junction City. Bowker expresses his feeling about the loss of his two sons. He is most concerned about their families – both forced to carry on without a husband and father. Mentions that both sons had a child born on the same day. Says he advised his sons not to go into the military.
1943/8/6-Bowker to Coole
Junction City to Gouldin Road, Oakland.
Gouldin Road, Oakland to Junction City.
1943/10/8-Coole to Bowker
2 pages
1943/8/11-Coole to Bowker
Junction City to Gouldin Road, Oakland.
1943/10/20-Bowker to Coole
No addresses.
On Methodist Soldiers’ Work stationery. Coole says of Keefer: “However, I agree with what you say about Don Keefer. He is not a scholar but likes the fanfare of publicity. I met him a number of times in Chicago and he makes most of his money from a patent chemical formula that women use to prevent pregnancy.” [Actually the chemical was to induce abortion. Keefer was sent to prison twice for distributing it.] Coole is still trying to get Captain Lung to translate Chinese material on cowries used as money, but they have not been able to arrange a time. Coole says he himself can translate books written in pai-hua (modern spoken Chinese) but has trouble with wen-li (literary or classical Chinese). Says he has yet to see an American who can translate classical Chinese without the help of a Chinese scholar.
2 pages
Mentions visit by Eric Mayell, who is preparing a book on Chinese antiquities, including a chapter on cowries and early bronze coins. “Mayell is connected with Pathe News and is the man who took the fillm of the bombing of the USS Panay by the Japs.” Bowker refers to Kann and others: “I am acquainted with Kann, whom I met when I was last in Shanghai. I have often wondered how he and other friends are faring under the Japs. I have never met [John C.] Ferguson, but am acquainted with his books and other publications. I certainly concur with you in your low opinion of [Richard] Schlosser. Any number of the specimens he used for illustrations of the several articles he published, are such obvious fakes that I can scarcely see how anyone with any knowledge at all of the subject would be deceived. I always thought it a shame that such trivial articles should be printed in [such] sumptuous manner. I had one or two of his articles translated by a friend who understands German, but was not unduly impressed.”
2 pages
2 pages
Junction City to Gouldin Road, Oakland. Methodist Soldiers’ Work stationery. Comments by Coole on page of translations about cowries [not present]. Coole says he would like to produce an encyclopedia on Chinese coins.
Bowker notes that his article on the Lo collection at the ANS was published in the May-June issue of Coin Collectors Journal. Bowker notes an article by Don Keefer in the first issue of Stack’s Numismatic Review on a German gold coin issued in 1751 [for use in China]. Says of Keefer “….. Keefer is such a nut that he has possibly selected some outlandish descriptive term for it which I do not recall seeing previously [referring to the German coin] ….. As a collector he is long on getting hold of anything he has not and short of information and especially deficient in writing up what slight information he has.” Mentions that Powills in Chicago was planning to compile a bibliography on Chinese numismatics, but Bowker says he was only a beginner. Bowker mentions how he left the USS Whitney – by Army plane from New Caledonia to Hawaii, with stops at Fiji and Canton Island, then going on from Hawaii to San Francisco. He was sent home (back to his family) on short notice because he had lost two of his sons. He had a chance to see the third son [Irving] either in Hawaii or San Francisco before the son was sent to Alaska.
1 page
1943/12/3-Coole to Bowker Williams Street, Denver to no address.
1 page
Coole is being sent to Chungking by the Methodist church. Expects to fly from India to Chungking.
1943/12/10-Bowker to Coole
No addresses.
2 pages
Bowker invites Coole to visit him if he travels through San Francisco. Hopes Coole can find books for him in Chungking, and offers to store Coole’s library while he is in China.
2 3
1943/12/22-Coole to Bowker
Williams Street, Denver to Gouldin Road, Oakland.
1 page
1943/12/29-Bowker to Coole
1 page
Gouldin Road, Oakland to Williams Street, Denver.
Coole says his librar y is already packed for storage because he might have to leave on short notice. Says he will look for books for Bowker. Coole asks if Bowker is ready to return the cowrie imitations he loaned.
On Naval Supply Depot stationery. Bowker says Coole’s cowries are being photographed by Mayell, but expects they will be returned shortly. Bowker asks if Coole knows anything about willow leaf money. [Bowker unsure where to return them since Coole is leaving soon for China]
1944/1/13- Coole to Bowker
1946/1/1-Bowker to Coole
1 page
Gouldin Road, Oakland to Williams Street, Denver.
New York, NY to Gouldin Road, Oakland.
This letter is addressed to Mrs. Coole and mentions that Bowker had not heard from Coole directly since the latter’s letter of 13 January 1944. Apparently Coole was in China during 1944-46 and did not write to Bowker during that time. From this point onward, Bowker’s address was
On stationery of Board of Missions and Church Extension of the Methodist Church. Coole is in New York on his way to China. Visited with their mutual friend, Frederic Hodge, and looked over his collection of Chinese coins. Also visited Powills in Chicago on the way to New York. Coole tells Bowker to send the cowries to his wife in Denver when he is finished with them. Coole says he has only heard of willow leaf money in a Japanese work of which Hodge has a photocopy. That work says they look like arrowheads but have an inscription on the stem.
1944/1/19- Bowker to Coole
No address to 5th Avenue, NY.
1 page
Gouldin Road, Oakland unless otherwise shown.
1944/1/15-Coole to Bowker
2 pages
Williams Street, Denver to no address.
This letter is from Mrs. Coole (Ella), providing Arthur Coole’s address in Shanghai. Handwritten on stationery with mountain scene. Mrs. Coole says her husband is willing to sell his collection of Chinese coins.
1 page
Bowker expecting Mayell to visit him at his house that evening. Mayell has in his collection a natural cowrie which has had the back ground off and was then gold plated.
1946/2/23-Bowker to Coole
Gouldin Road, Oakland to Williams Street, Denver.
1 page
Coole had returned to Denver from China, but would go back to China in 1947. He had visited Bowker in Oakland on his return trip. Bowker had received a letter from the librarian of the Royal Asiatic Society in Shanghai saying that the Japanese has stolen two thirds of the society’s library and shipped it to Japan. The society had filed a claim with the Japanese government and asks if Bowker has any connections in the US Navy who might be able to help them recover the books.
Note: No other letters from 1944 and none from 1945 were found in this collection of letters. Coole was in China from 1944 till February 1946, then returned to China in September 1947. He had been sent to China unexpectedly at the beginning of 1944 to replace the Methodist Church’s treasurer in China, who was seriously ill. Coole ended up going by ship from New York, amidst a huge convoy to avoid German submarines, through the Mediterranean and the Suez Canal, to India. From India he flew over the Himalaya Mountains to China.
(Part 1)
2 3
霍華德·包克——邱文明 通信 (1937-1967 年) 冠軍研究室〔上海〕
1937/4/3- 邱文明致信包克
1938/7/25- 包克致信邱文明
天津匯文書院— —>奧克蘭,寫於學院信箋
關島-阿加尼亞— —>丹佛-威廉姆斯街
包克訂購了一本《中國歷代五金貨幣》(Coole's Coins in
China's History),詢問邱文明能否在中國為他找到一些書
籍。邱文明正準備休假到1938年,他住在丹佛市南威廉姆斯 街219號。
1938/10/27- 邱文明致信包克
北京-衛理公會— —>關島-阿加尼亞
1937/9/13- 包克致信邱文明
無寄件人地址— —>丹佛-威廉姆斯街
有包克想要的書籍。信中,邱文明提到目前流通中的一些智 通銀行和聯邦儲備銀行的硬幣(當時送了一些給包克),然而
舊銅幣已經找不到了。由於擔心中國局勢不穩,邱文明將自 己的收藏留在了美國。
1939 1939/4/1- 包克致信邱文明
1939/6/17- 包克致信邱文明
無寄件地址— —>北京衛理公會
關島— —>檀香山— —>北京-衛理公會寫於邱文明信箋上
國郵票收藏家郭植芳寫的訃告中提及,他第一次見到郭植芳 是在1939年,當時他在中華集郵會前會員James N. Wong的
1939/9/9- 邱文明致信包克
北京-衛理公會— —>紐約-新兵練習艦寫於邱文明信箋上
1939/5/1- 邱文明致信包克
幣》(Coins That Never Were),詢問該文章出現在哪一期。
北京-衛理公會— —>關島-海軍基地寫於邱文明信箋上
邱文明的收藏中只有兩個硬幣模具,都是在第二版出版後得 到的。他說到自己現在有86本中日錢幣書籍,讓一名大學生
流覽了每一頁,並對每一枚硬幣及其在每本書中的位置做了 106
2 3
1939/11/9- 包克致信邱文明
索引。邱文明提到,他從小就開始收集中國郵票。 (多年後,
美國-西雅圖— —>北京-衛理公會
更多關於臆造幣的內容。來自上海環球錢幣郵票有限公司的 一位王先生正在向美國和上海的錢幣店出口大量這樣的臆造 幣。包克認為1882年吉林壹兩幣的贗品是天津造幣廠所鑄,
1939/10/10- 邱文明致信包克
北京-衛理公會— —>紐約-新兵練習艦
同時這家造幣廠也製造了雷伯恩的3號到48號。他說,該造 幣廠也在鑄造蘇聯盧布臆造幣。向邱文明提供了一份羅斯的
諸塞州的羅賓遜圖書館。邱文明還計劃參觀芝加哥的紐伯裏 圖書館。包克說,他沒有自己的照片,也不覺得自己有資格列 入這樣一個群體。
1940 2頁 1940/1/3- 邱文明致信包克 北京-衛理公會 — —>美國海軍紐約造船廠(布魯克林造船廠)USS西雅圖號寫於邱文明信箋
1940/2/10- 邱文明致信包克
北京-衛理公會— —>紐約-新兵練習艦寫於邱文明信箋
下)。提到燕京大學的施廷鏞,他收集中國的銀幣和金幣。他 和邱文明認為,蔣最近的這類硬幣目錄是不夠的,他們正在
1940/3/12- 包克致信邱文明
美國海軍紐約造船廠-USS西雅圖號— —>北京-衛理公會
19 40年1月的《中國日報》發表了包克對中國金銀錢幣拓
包克說,他從英國獲得了一本亞曆山大·懷利(Alexander Wylie)於1858年出版的清代錢幣目錄。他已經有好幾本了, 但這本書上有懷利給他妹妹的題詞,並裝訂了一張硬幣和三
1940/2/10- 包克致信邱文明
3 頁美
國海軍西雅圖號— —>北京
張中國鈔票的清單。要求邱文明設法在故宮博物院獲得黃炳 孝所藏的大約6份《故宫清乾平清》錢幣。包克有兩份,都已
幣的外語作品。媒體已經報道了邱文明的參考書目。包克剛 剛購買了一批新疆錢幣,如果不全部購買,他預計將獲得整批
1940/4/6- 邱文明致信包克
3頁 北平-衛理公會 — —>美國海軍紐約造船廠-USS西雅圖號寫於 邱文明信箋
拓片,裏面包括大約600枚硬幣,都是金銀幣。提到蔣的中英 文目錄“文本很糟糕,特別是英文部分,整件事顯示了某人
量的銀幣。但對於他的瞭解,也僅僅是局限於擁有這些錢幣。 也許有一天我能和他取得聯繫,發表一些對錢幣界有價值
2 3
1940/7/7- 邱文明致信包克
北平-衛理公會— —>美國海軍紐約造船廠-USS西雅圖號
寫於邱文明信箋包括海關收據和手寫的一頁筆記(可能是包 克寫的)。對邱文明寄給包克的書目和書單的輕微更正。
1940/4/26- 邱文明致信包克
3頁 北平-衛理公會 — —>美國海軍紐約造船廠-USS西雅圖號寫於 邱文明信箋
1940/8/15- 包克致信邱文明
2 頁美
國海軍紐約造船廠-USS西雅圖號— —>無收件人地址
包 克 參 觀 了位 於 馬 薩 諸 塞 州 薩 利 姆 的 薩 利 塞 克 斯 研 究
所,並 拍攝了一些 物品,包括 拉 姆斯登 給羅賓遜的 信、肖
多爾(Chaudoir)的書⸺ 《中國錢幣概略》Recueil de
館的茶話會上遇到了約翰·弗格森( John Ferguson )。弗格
Monnaies de la Chine。包克認為他找不到這本書。他說,美
邱文明後來舉例說明了這個模具,並在《中國歷代五金貨幣》 中講述了這個故事。
1940/10/14- 邱文明致信包克
北平匯文書院— —>無收件人地址寫於書院信箋
1940/5/6- 包克致信邱文明
美國海軍紐約造船廠-USS西雅圖號— —>北京
1頁 1940/10/22- 邱文明致信包克 北平-衛理公會 — —>美國海軍紐約造船廠-USS西雅圖號寫於 邱文明信箋
包克收到了邱文明一封未注明日期的信(可能是4月初的), 信中有一個元代銅印版的拓片。不清楚邱文明是否擁有這 幅作品,但包克提到他希望邱文明能夠得到拓片的其他印 版。提到卡特譴責《泉普通志》(Ch'uan P'u T'ung Chih)
1940/11/18- 包克致信邱文明
美國海軍紐約造船廠-USS西雅圖號— —>北平-衛理公會
是偽造的,不確定 是否去相信。包克已成為中國錢幣協會
(H.A.Ramsden)的作品用法語命名。 (那些作品在法語中
的名字張叔馴而聞名。張說他是方喬的朋友方藥雨,另一位 著名的中國錢幣學家。包克提到曾開車去華盛頓拜訪一位名
1940/6/5- 包克致信邱文明
紐約新兵練習艦— —>北平-衛理公會
興趣。也提到了與杜克大學教授荷馬(Homer)的通信,並借 用了他大部分的王莽硬幣。杜布斯(Dubs)一直在翻譯《漢
特(Stewart Lockhart)的目錄。當包克聽說邱文明正在研究
中。 (錯金)杜布斯為包克翻譯了《漢書》中一些關於使用海
改為出版他自己的書,在書中提及拉姆斯登的功勞。 (注:包 克經常提到他對貝幣感興趣,並於1943年在《硬幣收藏家雜
2 3
誌》(Coin Collectors Journal)雜誌上發表了一篇關於這個
1940/11/18- 包克致信邱文明
美國海軍紐約造船廠-USS西雅圖號— —>無收件人地址
在1967年郭植芳的訃告中,包克說他第一次見到郭植芳是在 1940年的上海,當時他從關島出發來到上海。包克一定是弄 錯了年份,他1939年在關島,1940年在紐約。
1941 1941/1/12- 邱文明致信包克
北平匯文書院— —>美國海軍紐約造船廠-USS西雅圖號
克的名字只是作為收到邱文明參考書目的人之一被順便提 及,每兩頁間都有一頁用來做筆記。 (張叔馴在信中批評邱文
1941/7/12- 邱文明致信包克
丹佛-威廉斯街— —>費城-喬治·華盛頓號郵輪
說,在達芬中士(Sgt. Daffin)的關照下,他把自己的書從海
文明也還沒有收到他的書。 (當然,幾個月內,我們將與日本
碼。他認為這比傳統的引用 chuan和頁碼的方法更方便。 (的
還沒到。邱文明提到,在離開中國的路上,他參加了在上海 舉行的中國錢幣協會的每月例會。在會上他遇到了雷本(G.
1941/5/25- 包克致信邱文明
Duncan Raeburn)和耿愛德,還說, “上海人只對白銀和黃
費城海軍造船廠-USS卡特林號— —>科羅拉多-丹佛
手寫的紙條:地址改為威廉姆斯街(丹佛)1941年6月23日。 在4月的4天半時間裏,Bowker從美國海軍紐約造船的USS
1941/8/15- 包克致信邱文明
西維吉尼亞號戰艦— —>丹佛-威廉斯街
來看看沿途風景。路過丹 佛時,由於不知道邱文明已經離
號郵輪,所以他很難收到郵件。 “離開西雅圖號後,我一直在
2 3
雷本(G. Duncan Raeburn)怎麼沒有回信,並說:“在我看 來,他是伍德沃德的硬幣收藏家,他喜歡小的幣種。”葡萄牙 之行結束後,包克的船隨後前往新斯科舍省去接前往印度的
1942 1942/3/1- 包克致信邱文明
1942/5/11- 邱文明致信包克
紐約-美國海軍西點號— —>堪薩斯-章克申城第七大街
章克申城— —>奧克蘭-古爾丁路寫於衛理公會的工作信箋
邱文明告訴羅伯特·達芬( Robert Daffin)一些細節,達芬他
買的一本書的年代和這本書的不同版本,說了他幾乎沒有收 到郵件的情況(3個月沒有收到郵件)。 “過去,我和世界各
1942/6/12- 包克致信美國海軍陸戰隊的 1頁 羅伯特·達芬中士
地的收藏家和朋友保持頻繁大量的信件來往,但最近有點懈 怠……我也期望我能在明年11月1日退休後回家,但我想這也
美國西點號— —>華盛頓哥倫比亞特區
給達芬中士的一封信的簽名和未簽名的影本,關於他需要寄 給包克的書。
1942/4/22- 邱文明致信包克
章克申城— —>紐約-美國海軍西點號
寫於衛理公會的上面有三個建築的圖樣的工作信箋,邱文明 說,他從中國寄來的書都到了,但沒有提他的硬幣是否已經寄 到。簡評了一下包克問的書⸺ 《莊子》。
1942/4/29- 包克致信邱文明
奧克蘭-古爾丁路 — —>無收件人地址
邱文明從中國寄來的包克的書還沒有到。包克說,在他的環 球之旅中,他已經把《東洋古錢學叢書》上的英語部分打了 出來,共有799項。最後三頁是邱文明的書目中關於錢幣的一 些“隨筆”。包克應該是在1941年寫的,並且邱文明覺得包克 已經寄給他了,但不確定。
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1943 1943/2/8- 包克致信邱文明
1943/6/1- 包克致信邱文明
舊金山-惠特尼號— —>章克申城寫於船艦信箋
舊金山-艦隊郵局— —>章克申城
包克提到在《新聞週刊》雜誌上看到邱文明的照片。 “大約六
點。儘管我們離戰場不遠,但我們從這裏所看到的戰爭相當 單調乏味。”包克問邱文明借一些邱文明仿製的貝幣⸺ 說
1943/7/1- 邱文明致信包克
章克申城— —>舊金山-惠特尼號寫於衛理公會的工作信箋
1943/2/17- 邱文明致信包克
章克申城— —>舊金山-惠特尼號寫於衛理公會的工作信箋
邱文明祝賀包克晉升為中尉,並說他將送包克20個仿貝來研 究,並附上了清單。講了更多關於達芬的事,本應該送些書給
1943/7/4- 包克致信邱文明
沒有寄件人地址— —>章克申城
方,有一名中國軍官,他可能可以幫他做翻譯。 (這也說明了,
機失事中喪生。包克還說,船上有一個年輕的中國男子一直 在為他寫索引卡。
1943/3/14- 包克致信邱文明
舊金山-惠特尼號— —>章克申城寫於船艦信箋
奧克蘭市-古爾丁路 — —>章克申城
(Don Keefer)在《斯塔克錢幣評論》(Stack's Numismatic
Review )第一期中的一篇文章,內容是1751年德國發行的一
枚供中國使用的金幣。基弗說, “……基弗是個瘋子,他選
擇的描述性術語非常古怪,我不記得以前見過(指的是德國 硬幣)……。作為收藏家,他渴望得到他所沒有的東西,他所
1943/3/22- 包克致信邱文明
舊金山-惠特尼號— —>章克申城寫於船艦信箋
2 3
1943/8/11- 邱文明致信包克
章克申城— —>奧克蘭-古爾丁路寫於衛理公會的工作信箋
1943/10/20- 包克致信邱文明
邱文明談到基弗(Don Keefer),邱文明這樣說:“我同意你
提到梅葉爾(Eric Mayell)的來訪,他正在準備一本關於
葉爾與派斯(Pathe News)有聯繫,他是拍攝日軍轟炸帕
日本鬼子手下過得怎麼樣。雖然從未見過福開森(John C.
施洛瑟(Richard Schlosser)關於福開森的差評,他用來為
他發表的幾篇文章作插圖的樣品都很明顯是贗品,我看只要 對這行有任何瞭解的人都不會被他欺騙。我一直認為奢靡地 印刷這種不重要的文章真的挺羞恥的。我有一兩篇他的文章
1943/9/12- 包克致信邱文明
奧克蘭市-古爾丁路 — —>章克申城
1943/12/3- 邱文明致信包克
包克表達了他對失去兩個兒子的感受,他最關心的就是他的 家庭⸺ 家人們都被迫在沒有丈夫和父親的情況下生活。提
丹佛-威廉姆斯街— —>無收件人地址
1943/12/10-包克致信邱文明 1943/10/8- 邱文明致信包克
章克申城— —>奧克蘭-古爾丁路
1943/12/22- 邱文明致信包克 丹佛-威廉姆斯街— —>奧克蘭-古爾丁路
邱文明說,他的圖書都已打包,因為他可能不得不在接到通 知後馬上離開。他說他會為包克找書,還問包克是不是差不 多可以把他借的仿貝還回來。
1頁 奧克蘭的古爾丁路到丹佛的威廉姆斯街。寫於海軍補給倉庫的 信箋 包克說,梅葉爾正在拍攝邱文明的貝幣,不過預計很快就能 還回去。包克問邱文明是否知道柳葉形狀的貨幣的事。 (包克 不確定還到哪里去,因為邱文明很快就要去中國了。)
2 3
1944 1944/1/13- 邱文明致信包克
紐約— —>奧克蘭-古爾丁路寫於衛理公會宣教委員會信箋
無無寄件人地址— —>紐約-第五大街
奇(Frederic Hodge),並過目了他收藏的中國硬幣。在去紐
庫,被派往中國。邱文明最後從紐約乘船去了中國,在一個巨 大的船隊中,為了避免德國的潛艇,他們就經過地中海和蘇 伊士運河,然後到印度,再從印度飛越喜馬拉雅山脈來到中 國。)
1946 1946/1/1-包克致信邱文明
無無奧克蘭-古爾丁路 — —>丹佛-威廉姆斯街
奧克蘭-古爾丁路 — —>丹佛-威廉姆斯街
這封信是寫給邱文明夫人的,信中提 到,自從收 到邱文明
府提出索賠,並詢問包克在美國海軍中是否有認識的人可以 幫他們找回這些書。
1946/1/15- 邱文明致信包克
丹佛-威廉姆斯街— —>無收件人地址
地址。手寫於上面有山景的信箋。邱文明的夫人說,她丈夫 願意出售他收集的中國錢幣。
( 第一期 )
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Champion 2021 Macau Spring Auction Realized Over USD 20 Million Champion Auction〔Shanghai〕
On May 30, the Champion 2021 Auction of the Macau Nelson Chang Collection was held at the Macau Sofitel at Ponte 16. The auction lasted for 8 hours and ended at 7 pm. The total turnover hit a new high of more than USD 20 million. More than 100 modern Chinese machine-struck coins from the Nelson Chang Collection appeared at the auction, and more than 60 coins broke auction records. This auction made Champion Auction even more famous as a seller of exception Chinese and Asian coins. Most of the auction lots from the famous Nelson Chang Collection were of extreme rarity, often with exceptional toning and eye appeal. When it came to the future of the
imminent increase in prices, and that copper coins would
machine-made coin market, Michael Chou, the president
become the focus of the next wave of competition because
of Champion Auction, believes that there would be an
of their relatively low price.
Overview As Shanghai collector Shen Xueming said, “This auction
out of 122 lots for a 99.18% sell-through rate, with 1 lot
enjoyed one of the largest number of bidders in Macau,
withdrawn. In total, it realized USD 20,479,432 (over RMB
and it even appealed more bidders than some auctions
130,000,000, including the buyer’s commission), and the
held in mainland China. I have not seen so many exquisite
average realized price exceeded RMB 1,000,000, with 37
machine-made coins in one auction for a very long time.”
lots realizing over RMB 1,000,000. All these were a record.
The auction was a great success. The auction sold 121
2 3
Three coins sold for over USD 1,000,000: LOT 023 –
Silver, PCGS SP61, realizing USD 1,116,000 (in 2011, this
CHINA – EMPIRE 1911 Long-Whisker Dragon Dollar
was auctioned by Champion at USD 17,000); LOT 018 –
Silver, NGC MS64, realizing USD 1,344,000; LOT 017
CHINA – CHIHLI 1907 Tael Silver Pattern, NGC MS63,
- CHINA – EMPIRE 1911 Long-Whisker Dragon Dollar
realizing USD 1,104,000.
LOT 023 LOT 023 – CHINA – EMPIRE 1911 Long-Whisker Dragon Dollar Silver, NGC MS64, realizing USD 1,344,000
LOT 017 LOT 017 – CHINA – EMPIRE 1911 Long-Whisker Dragon Dollar Silver, PCGS SP61, realizing USD 1,116,000
LOT 018 LOT 017 – CHINA – CHIHLI 1901 Tael Silver Pattern, NGC MS63, realizing USD 1,104,000
2 3
In addition, 2 coins sold for over USD 900,000: LOT 008 –
CHINA – HUPEH 1904 Tael Pattern Set, NGC MS64/MS62/
CHINA – KIANGNAN 1898 Circlet-like Scale Dragon Dollar
AU50, realizing USD 912,000.
Silver, NGC MS65, realizing USD 996,000; LOT 019 –
LOT 008 CHINA – KIANGNAN 1898 Circlet-like Scale Dragon Dollar Silver, NGC MS65, realizing USD 996,000
LOT 019 LOT 019 – CHINA – HUPEH 1904 Tael Pattern Set, NGC MS64/ MS62/AU50, realizing USD 912,000
2 3
modern Chinese coins, with 200 lots selling for over USD 10,000,000 by Champion Auction in 2010 in Hong Kong, that being the first Chinese coin auction to sell for over USD 10,000,000. Famous collector Ye Jiye ( 葉 繼 業 ) of Beijing remarked, “This was the best Chinese coin auction after the Bowker Collection auction, and it may be hard to see a collection of such high quality in the future. The average realized price is so high that it will be difficult to break in the near A total of 8 coins exceeded USD 500,000 and 18 coins
sold for over USD 300,000. The Nelson Chang Collection of Chinese coins realized over USD 20,000,000, setting a
David Chio ( 趙
new record for a Chinese coin auction. It is also the record
Numismatic Society said, “This was the hottest auction held
for a single day or single collection auction of Chinese
in Macau in recent years. We hope to work with Champion
coins. The previous record was the Giant Collection of
Auction to advance numismatic culture in the future.”
池 ), the Chairman of the Macau
Auction Results Other Highlights
In addition to floor bidders, many collectors bid on the phone, setting many records through vigorous bidding. Phone bidders won LOT 017 (CHINA – EMPIRE 1911
LOT 001 – CHINA – QING Dynasty 1853 Hsien-feng Yuan-
Long-Whisker Dragon Dollar Silver, PCGS SP61), LOT
pao 1,000 Cash, Board of Revenue, Mother Coin, with
018 (CHINA – CHIHLI 1907 Tael Silver Pattern, NGC
Moon and Star Pattern, BGCA UNC90, Bowker Collection.
MS63), and LOT 023 (CHINA – EMPIRE 1911 Long-
After spirited bidding by floor bidders and phone bidders, a
Whisker Dragon Dollar Silver, NGC MS64).
Southern China phone bidder won this lot, setting a record auction price of USD 132,000.
Seven bidders spent more than USD 1,000,000, which is LOT 002 – CHINA – MANCHURIAN 1934 Long Guang
also a record for a Chinese auction.
Silver Gold Gilted Medal, GBCA MS65, Kalgan Shih Collection. A phone bidder won this lot at USD 33,600.
A famous collector from Southern China (floor bidder 130) won LOT 003 – CHINA – ANHWEI 1898 Dollar Silver (NGC MS66, realizing USD 420,000), LOT 008 – CHINA
LOT 004 – CHINA – ANHWEI 1898 Dollar Silver, NGC
– KIANGNAN 1898 Circlet-like Scale Dragon Dollar Silver
MS66, Hsi/NC Collection. This lot went to a Southern
(NGC MS65, realizing USD 996,000), LOT 009 – CHINA
China floor bidder at USD 360,000.
– KIANGNAN 1897 Plain Edge Dollar Silver (NGC UNC DETAILS, realizing USD 612,000) and LOT 010 – CHINA – KIANGNAN 1898 Reeded Edge Dollar Silver (NGC UNC DETAILS, realizing USD 468,000), all at record auction prices. He was the top byer of the Nelson Chang Collection coins, and he said that this was the best quality auction he has attended in the past 20 years and he would have tried to bid on more auction lots if he had more funds
LOT 001
2 3
LOT 006 – CHINA – ANHWEI 1898 20 Cent Silver with
fought for this pattern dollar, with the phone bidder winning
A.S.T.C., NGC MS66, Hsi/NC Collection. This lot went to a
at a record price of USD 1,164,000.
US phone bidder at USD 43,200. LOT 018 – CHINA – CHIHLI 1907 Tael Silver Pattern, LOT 007 – CHINA – ANHWEI 1898 10 Cent Silver with
NGC MS63, NC Collection. Many floor and phone bidders
A.S.T.C., NGC MS66+, Hsi/NC Collection. This lot went to
bid on this finest known Chihli tael, with a phone bidder
a Taiwan floor bidder attending from China at USD 62,400.
winning at a record price of USD 1,104,000.
LOT 014 – CHINA – EMPIRE 1903 5 Mace Silver Pattern,
LOT 019 – CHINA – HUPEH 1904 Three-piece Tael
NGC MS65, NC Collection. This lot went to a Taiwan
Pattern Set: (1) Brass, Large Characters, NGC MS64; (2)
phone bidder in stiff competition with a Southern China
Copper, Large Characters, NGC MS62BN; (3) Copper,
floor bidder, setting a record price of USD 342,000.
Small Characters, NGC AU50 BN. NC Collection. Again, many floor and phone bidders fought for this set of coins,
LOT 015 – CHINA – EMPIRE 1903 2 Mace Silver, thick
with a floor bidder winning at USD 912,000 and setting a
flan, NGC MS67, NC Collection, finest known. A Northern
record price for this unique set of Hupeh pattern Taels.
China phone bidder won this lot for a record price of USD 126,000.
LOT 020 – CHINA – KIRIN 1885 5 Mace Silver with Square Hole, NGC AU50, NC Collection. This lot went to a
LOT 016 – CHINA – EMPIRE 1906 Tael Gold, Large
floor bidder at USD 246,000, setting a new auction record.
Clouds, Plain Edge, NGC MS64, NC Collection. A floor bidder won this lot for USD 462,000.
LOT 021 – CHINA – SHANGHAI 1856 Tael Silver, issued by Wang Yung Sheng, made by Wan Chuan, NGC AU58,
LOT 017 – CHINA – EMPIRE 1911 (Year 3) Long Whisker
NC Collection. A floor bidder won this lot for a record price
Dragon Dollar Silver, pointed petals, PCGS SP61, W. L.
of USD 258,000.
Collection. Three phone bidders and two floor bidders
LOT 014
LOT 016
LOT 020
LOT 021
2 3
LOT 024
LOT 025
LOT 026
LOT 029
LOT 031
LOT 032
LOT 024 – CHINA – EMPIRE 1911 50 Cent Uniface
NC Collection. These two lots went to the same floor
Lead Pattern with L. Giorgi Signature, NGC MS63, NC
bidder at USD 234,000 and 240,000, respectively.
Collection. This lot went to a floor bidder at USD 198,000. LOT 031 – CHINA – REPUBLIC 1916 Yuan Shi Kai Flying LOT 025 – CHINA – REPUBLIC 1914 Yuan Shi Kai Dollar
Dragon Hung Hsien Dollar Silver with L. Giorgi Signature,
Silver with L. Giorgi Signature, NGC SP66, NC Collection.
NGC MS64, finest known, NC Collection. A floor bidder
This lot went to a floor bidder at a record price of USD
won this lot for USD 672,000, setting an auction record.
504,000. LOT 032 – CHINA – REPUBLIC 1916 Yuan Shi Kai Flying LOT 026 – CHINA – REPUBLIC 1914 Yuan Shi Kai 50
Dragon Dollar Silver with Hat Touching Rim, NGC MS64,
Cent Silver with L. Giorgi signature, NGC MS63, NC
Kann/NC Collection. There was spirited bidding among
phone and floor bidders for this finest known pattern, with a floor bidder winning at UDS 504,000, setting a record
LOT 029 – CHINA – REPUBLIC 1914 Plumed-Hat Yuan
Shi Kai Dollar Silver with L. Giorgi signature, NGC MS63,
2 3
LOT 037
LOT 039 Collection. A Hong Kong phone bidder won at USD 120,000. LOT 037 – CHINA – HEILUNGKIANG 1896 50 Cent Brass Pattern, NGC MS62, Otto Beh Mint, NC Collection. This lot went to a Taiwan phone bidder at USD 168,000, setting a record.
LOT 040
LOT 039 – CHINA – KIRIN 1901 10 Cash Brass, NGC XF DETAILS, Unique, NC Collection. This lot went to a US mail bidder at USD 96,000.
LOT 033 – CHINA – ANHWEI 1897 5 Cent Brass Pattern with A.S.T.C., Otto Beh Mint, NGC MS63, Unique, NC
LOT 040 – CHINA – HONAN 1909 One Cash Brass
Collection. This lot went to a Taiwan phone bidder for a
Pattern, NGC MS63, Dai Baoting/NC Collection; LOT 041
record price of USD 138,000.
- CHINA – HONAN 1909 Two Cash Brass Pattern, NGC MS63BN, Dai Baoting/NC Collection. Both lots went to
LOT 034 – CHINA – FENGTIEN 1897 Dollar Brass,
the same floor bidder for USD 108,000 and USD 98,400,
“TENG-TIEN”, Otto Beh Mint, NGC MS63, NC
LOT 042
LOT 043
ANWHEI 1932 Dollar Silver, Pseudo – Russian, NGC
SHAAN 1934 Dollar Silver, NGC MS63, NC Collection.
XF45, NC Collection; LOT 043 – CHINA – SOVIET
LOT 042 and LOT 044 went to the same phone bidder at
SZECHUAN – SHAANXI 1934 Dollar Silver, NGC MS64,
USD 432,000 and USD 324,000 respectively, and LOT
2 3
LOT 045
LOT 049
LOT 052
LOT 057
043 realized USD 312,000. All broke auction records for
252,000, setting a record.
their types. LOT 060 – CHINA – REPUBLIC 1936 Sun Yat Sen Dollar LOT 045 – CHINA – REPUBLIC 1912 Yuan Shi Kai Dollar
Nickel Spade Coin Essay, NGC MS64; LOT 061 – CHINA
Brass Pattern, Unique, NGC UNC DETAILS, Kann/NC
– REPUBLIC 1936 Sun Yat Sen Dollar Copper Spade Coin
Collection. A floor bidder won this lot at USD 462,000,
Essay, NGC MS61BN, NC Collection; LOT 062 – CHINA
setting a new price record.
– REPUBLIC 1936 Sun Yat Sen 50 Cent Silver Pattern, NGC MS63; LOT 063 - CHINA – REPUBLIC 1936 Sun Yat
LOT 049 – CHINA – REPUBLIC 1912 3 Fen Bronze
Sen 50 Cent Silver Pattern, NGC AU58, think planchet, all
Pattern, NGC SP64BN, NC Collection, the finest known;
from the NC Collection. These four coins went to the same
LOT 055 – CHINA – REPUBLIC 1924 10 Cash Copper
floor bidder at USD 126,000, USD 150,000, USD 234,000,
Pattern, NGC MS64BN, NC Collection, finest known. Both
and USD 198,000 respectively, all setting records.
lots went to the same floor bidder at USD 120,000 and USD 78,000 respectively, setting auction records. LOT 052 – CHINA – REPUBLIC 1919 Yuan Shi Kai 10 Dollar Gold, NGC MS66, NC Collection, finest known. A phone bidder won this lot for USD 210,000, setting an auction record. LOT 057 – CHINA – REPUBLIC 1932 Sen Yat Sen Gold Standard 10 Cent Silver Pattern, NGC MS63, NC
LOT 060
Collection, the finest known. A floor bidder won at USD
2 3
LOT 062
LOT 066
LOT 066 – CHINA – TAIWAN 1838-1859 Old Man Dollar
LOT 083 – CHINA – HUPEH 1894 Dollar Silver with
Silver, Taiwan Mint, NGC AU DETAILS, NC Collection,
Chinese characters “Ben Sheng” on the reverse, NGC
finest known. A Hong Kong bidder won this lot for a
VF DETAILS, NC Collection. A Hong Kong phone bidder
record price of USD 180,000.
won this lot for USD 150,000.
LOT 068 – CHINA – EMPIRE 1908 Dollar Silver, NGC
LOT 087 – CHINA – KIRIN 1904 Dollar Silver with Yin-
MS65; LOT 080 – CHINA – FENGTIEN 1898 Dollar
Yang in the Center, NGC MS64, NC Collection. Sold to a
Silver, NGC MS63, both from the NC Collection. These
Taiwan phone bidder for USD 93,600.
two lots went to a Taiwan phone bidder at USD 234,000 and USD 246,000 respectively, both setting auction
LOT 089 – CHINA – KWANGTUNG 1889 50 Cent Silver
Pattern, 7.3 Reverse Pattern, NGC MS64, NC Collection. There was spirited bidding between Chinese and Macau
LOT 074 – CHINA – CHEKIANG 1896 20 Cent Silver,
floor bidders, with the Chinese floor bidder winning at a
NGC XF45, NC Collection, very rare, the finest known. A
record price of USD 240,000.
Taiwan phone bidder won this lot for USD 50,400.
LOT 068
LOT 080
LOT 083
LOT 089
2 3
LOT 092 – CHINA – SINKIANG 1878 Huang Hsu 1/2
USD 43,200, USD 15,600 and USD 24,000.
Silver, NGC MS62, NC Collection; LOT 093 – CHINA – SINKIANG KASHGAR 1905 5 Mace Silver, NGC MS61,
LOT 103 – CHINA – KANSU 1914 Yuan Shi Kai Dollar
NC Collection; LOT 094 – CHINA – SINKIANG 1906 2.5
Silver, NGC XF45, NC Collection. A floor bidder won this
Fen Copper, NGC VF DETAILS, NC Collection; LOT 095
lot for USD 186,000, setting a record.
- CHINA – SINKIANG KASHGAR 1907 Tael Silver, NGC VF 35, NC Collection; LOT 096 – CHINA – SINKIANG
LOT 107 – CHINA – YUNNAN 1919 Tang Chi Yao 5
1910 5 Mace Ration Silver, NGC MS62, NC Collection;
Dollar Gold, NGC MS66, NC Collection. A floor bidder
LOT 097 – CHINA – SINKIANG 1910 1 Mace Ration
set a record price of USD 117,600.
Silver, NGC XF 45, NC Collection. Sinkiang coins were among Nelson Chang’s favorites, and all realized
LOT 110 – JAPAN 1859 3 Bu Silver, PCGS AU DETAILS.
record prices at USD 12,000, USD 24,000, USD 36,000,
A Japanese mail bidder won this lot for USD 6,000.
LOT 094
LOT 095
LOT 103
LOT 107
Auction Features The features of the auction are as below: 1.Though the number of auction lots was small, they were of high quality, thus appealing to many bidders, bidding lasting for a long time. Over 100 floor bidders from Macau, Zhuhai, Beijing, Shanghai, Guangzhou, Shenzhen, Shandong, Sichuan, Henan, Chongqing, Nanjing, Shenyang, Hangzhou, Suzhou, and Wenzhou bid in person, and many domestic and foreign bidders bid by telephone or online. As a result, it took 8 hours to auction
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only 100 coins from the Nelson Chang Collection.
3.The most famous collectors of Chinese machine-struck coins gathered together at the auction.
2.Prices were soaring in this flourishing market. The auction room was packed with both veteran and new
4.Many young people joined in, including some spirited
collectors. Some bidders were deterred by high prices.
young women who were willing to bid.
The prices realized were unexpectedly high, often several times or even 20 times the starting prices.
Reasons for the Success of the Auction
and its official Wechat account, but also compiled the
Some things happen for a reason, while some just by
an NGC photographer took exquisite photos, which gave
accident. The success of this auction, which surprised the
phone and overseas bidders who could not see the lots
whole numismatic community, belongs to the former. The
in person have confidence in the condition of these coins.
success occurred for the following reasons:
The catalog introduced the stories, the research results,
book Collection Legend – NC Chinese Coin Collection. In addition, the auction catalog was rich in content, and
and the previous auction records of the coins, creating an 1. Famous collection. Most coins in the auction were from
important reference for bidders.
the Nelson Chang Chinese Coin Collection, and many of these coins were originally collected by the famous
4. First release ceremony and commemorative medal.
numisamtic celebrities, such as Eduard Kann, Irving
On May 29, Champion Auction held the first release
Goodman, and Jess Peters. In addition, the grading and
ceremony for the book A Legacy of Collection: The NC
certification by NGC allowed bidders to choose their
Collection of Chinese Coins and release a commemorative
favorite coins with confidence.
medal in Macau just prior to the auction. The book helps collectors understand the story of these coins and
2. Excellent quality. The coins in the NC Collection auction
increased their willingness to bid. Nelson Chang had a
were of high quality and great rarity. In particular, many
legendary experience in numismatics and built a world-
had maintained their quality over nearly a hundred years,
class collection. The book was edited by Michael Chou,
with a clear history of ownership. Many coins were the
Ron Guth, and Bruce Smith based on Nelson Chang’s
finest known of their type. Having been kept in coin
experience and his legacy to his sons. His children, Phyllis
envelopes for many years, these coins acquired very
Chang, Edmund Chang, and Laurence Chang, helped to
beautiful original toning. Their pedigree also makes them
compile the book. The medal was designed by Yu Min, the
more attractive to contemporary collectors, even appealing
former senior designer of the Shanghai Mint, the winner
to collectors of other fields. According to Ye Jiye's ( 葉 繼
of the lifetime achievement award of the Coin of the Year,
業 ) analysis, "These coins feature famous pedigrees, top
in four specifications (40 mm brass, 30 g silver, 50g silver,
condition, and most of them are the finest known. Many
and 50g gold). Books and medals were sold together.
bidders bid actively even on the lower-graded, as believing
Michael Chou, the President of Champion Auction, gave
these coins were under graded.”
a wonderful speech about the new book; Mateo Zhao, the Asian Market Expansion Director of NGC, delivered
3. Full preparation and strong promotion. Champion
a speech on "NGC and the Nelson Chang Collection";
Auction spent several years obtaininf these coins overseas
and senior collector Shen Xueming ( 沈 雪 明 ) shared the
on the Nelson Chang’s behalf. Before the auction,
story about the origin of Honan pattern coin series and all
Champion published specialized articles on the Nelson
important guests were invited to the first release ceremony.
Chang Collection in the Journal of East Asian Numismatics
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A Legacy of Collection: The NC Collection of Chinese Coins
Michael Chou Delivering a Speech
First Release Medal
First Release Ceremony
About Nelson Chang Heaton Mint Hunan Pattern Dollar, and25 years later in 2010, Champion auctioned the first Chinese coin for above USD 1 million, 1910 Yunnan Spring Dollar, NGC AU55. Champion put both coins on display in Macau in 2015.
A successful Wall Street Career specializing in Commodities and non-traditional assets, combined with a long and extensive family history of collecting antiquities and Chinese coins, lead to a collecting passion that spanned for 25 years. His focus lay in finding the highest quality and rarest numismatic items. Nelson ’ s background on Wall Street researching and trading in commodities, futures and currency gave him a keen eye for investments. Working under Wall Street Titan Sandy Weill, Nelson established leading commodity research and trading operation at CBWL Hayden Stone, later Shearson Lehman, the predecessor to Lehman Brother. His career brought him to contact with some of the most colorful speculators of the era, including the Hunt Brothers, who attempted to corner the silver market in 1979-1980 and nelson oversaw their trading accounts. He later became one of the pioneers of the hedge fund industry, launching innovative funds and financial instruments.
Nelson Chang, the builder of the NC collection, came from one of the most famous and wealthiest families in China. His grandfather Zhang Shiming built likely one of the most famous houses in the Republican times in Nanxun, and his father Zhang Shuxun, who was known as the King of Chinese Ancient Coins, likely spend over 1 million Chinese silver dollars of his 2,280,000 inheritance in 1928 during the 1930s to buy Chinese ancient cash coins. Nelson's second grand uncle Zhang Jingjiang was the comrade of Sun Yat-sen, a mentor to Chiang Kai-shek, and known to Chairman Mao. Nelson's father-in-law was Turpin Hsi from the Hsi Family, likely the most famous Chinese financial family in Shanghai, and he was the director of the Central Mint in Shanghai for 8 years and also formed an outstanding coin collection of over 10,000 coins.
Nelson Chang purchased the first Chinese coins to be auctioned above USD 10,000 in 1975, that is, the 1897 J
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冠軍 2021 年澳門錢幣春拍成交總額逾 1.3 億元人民幣 冠軍研究室〔上海〕
澳門 5 月下旬榖旦,陽光奪目。 5 月 30 日,冠軍 2021 年澳門錢幣春季拍賣會⸺ 張南琛 中國錢幣收藏專場在澳門十六浦索菲特大酒店舉行,現場坐 無虛席,拍賣會持續 8 小時,於下午 7 時落下帷幕。總成 交額喜創新高,逾 1.3 億元人民幣。共有 100 多枚來自張 南琛收藏貽贈的中國近代機製幣亮相拍賣會,其中 60 多枚 打破拍賣紀錄。 這場拍賣使冠軍拍賣聲名鵲起。總裁周邁可說,之所以那麼 多枚錢幣打破紀錄,主要是拍品出自名家藏集,包漿完好如 初,非常少見。談到對機製幣後市行情的預測,他說,近期 還會有小的漲幅,銅元因價格低,會成為下一波競爭重點, 行情會隨之走高。
一 概況 “冠軍此次澳門春拍是在中國澳門舉辦錢幣拍賣會以來人
合人民幣 1.3 億多元;單件機製幣平均成交價逾 100 萬人
民幣;成交價超過 100 萬人民幣者 37 件。以上四項均創歷
然,據統計,拍品共 123 件,撤拍 1 件,成交 121 件,成
此次拍賣誕生了 3 枚價格百萬美元錢幣⸺ LOT 023 - 宣統
交率 99.18%;成交總額 20 479 432 美元(含傭金),折
三年(1911 年)大清銀幣長須龍壹圓銀質樣幣,經評 NGC
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MS64,成交價 1 344 000 美元,摘取桂冠;LOT 017 - 宣
1 104 000 美元。值得一提是,本次拍賣的兩枚“長須龍”
統三年(1911 年)大清銀幣長須龍壹圓銀質樣幣,經評
PCGS SP61,成交價 1 116 000 美元(該幣曾在 2011 年
的 575 萬元人民幣,而 2020 年,冠軍拍賣在澳門拍出的“長
由冠軍拍賣以 17 000 美元的價格拍出);LOT 018 - 1907
須龍”(NGC MS64)價格則為 312 000 美元。
年北洋光緒元寶一兩銀質樣幣,經評 NGC MS63,成交價
LOT 023 宣統三年(1911 年)大清銀幣長須龍壹圓銀質樣幣,經評 NGC MS64,成交價 1 344 000 美元
LOT 017 宣統三年(1911 年)大清銀幣長須龍壹圓銀質樣幣,經評 PCGS SP61,成交價 1 116 000 美元
LOT 018 1907 年北洋光緒元寶庫平一兩銀質樣幣,經評 NGC MS63, 成交價 1 104 000 美元
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除了以上 3 枚錢幣外,還有 2 枚(套)錢幣的成交價超過
美元;LOT 019 - 1904 年“湖北一兩”銅質樣幣一套 3 枚經
90 萬美元⸺ LOT 008 - 1898 年江南省造戊戌光緒元寶珍
評 NGC MS64/MS62/AU50,成交價 912 000 美元。
珠龍庫平七錢二分銀幣,經評 NGC MS65,成交價 996 000
LOT 008 1898 年江南省造戊戌光緒元寶珍珠龍庫平七錢二分銀幣,經評 NGC MS65,成交價 996 000 美元
LOT 019 1904 年“湖北一兩”銅質樣幣一套 3 枚經評 NGC MS64/MS62/ AU50,成交價 912 000 美元
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錢幣成交總額超過 2 000 萬美元,打破冠軍拍賣在 2010 年 中國香港拍賣 Giant 中國現代錢幣收藏專場拍賣 1 000 萬美 元的紀錄(共計 200 件拍品),創下了中國錢幣單一名人 收藏拍賣紀錄。2010 年時,冠軍拍賣也締造了第一場成交 總額超過 1 000 萬美元中國錢幣拍賣。 北京知名藏家葉繼業接受筆者採訪認為,“這場拍賣會是自 包克錢幣專場拍賣以來最好的一場,估計這樣高規格的集藏 以後很難再見到。平均單枚機製幣成交價紀錄近幾年很難被 打破。” 澳門錢幣學會理事長趙康池表示:“這場拍賣是澳門多年來 此次拍賣,成交價超過 50 萬美元的錢幣總計 8 枚,成交價
超過 30 萬美元的錢幣總計 18 枚。出自張南琛收藏的中國
二 得標情況 本次拍賣除了現場競拍的買家外,還有很多收藏者通過電話
委託的方式進行出價, 因競投激烈,使價格屢創新高。拍 品 LOT 017 - 宣統三年(1911 年)大清銀幣長須龍壹圓銀
LOT 001 - 清代 1853 年咸豐元寶當千,寶泉局,背星月母
質樣幣(PCGS SP61)、LOT 018 - 1907 年“北洋一兩”
錢,公博美 90,包克收藏,幾位現場買家和電話委託買家
銀質樣幣(NGC MS63),及 LOT 023 - 宣統三年(1911 年)
大清銀幣長須龍壹圓銀質樣幣(NGC MS64),均由電話
132 000 美元的價格得標,打破拍賣紀錄。
委託買家得標。 LOT 002 - 1934 年偽滿洲國龍圖勳功旌章,公博 MS65, 此次拍賣有 7 位買家的得標總額超過 100 萬美元,這也創
電話委託買家以 33 600 美元的價格將其收入囊中。
LOT 004 - 光緒二十四年(1898 年)安徽省造光緒元寶庫
號)以 420 000 美元的價格買下 LOT 003 – 光緒二十四年
平七錢二分銀幣,NGC MS66,席德柄 / 張南琛收藏,華南
(1898 年)安徽省造光緒元寶庫平七錢二分銀幣(NGC
買家以 360 000 美元的價格得標。
MS66), 以 996 000 美 元 的 價 格 買 下 LOT 008 – 1898 年江南省造(戊戌)珍珠龍光緒元寶庫平七錢二分銀幣 (NGC MS65),以 612 000 美元的價格買下 1897 年江南 省造老江南人字邊光緒元寶庫平七錢二分銀幣(NGC UNC DETAILS),以 468 000 美元的價格買下 LOT 010 - 1897 年江南省造老江南齒邊光緒元寶庫平七錢二分銀幣(NGC UNC DETAILS),價格皆打破拍賣紀錄。這位買家可以說 是此次張南琛中國錢幣收藏拍賣的最大買家,他說這是自己 過去 20 年中參加過的拍品品質最好的錢幣拍賣會,如果他
LOT 001
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LOT 006 – 光緒二十四年(1898 年)安徽省造光緒元寶庫平
葉版,PCGS SP61,W.L. 收藏,三位電話委託買家和兩位
一錢四分四厘樣幣,A.S.T.C. 版,NGC MS66,席德柄 / 張
現場買家競爭激烈,最終一位電話委託買家以 1 164 000 美
南琛收藏,美國的電話委託買家以 43 200 美元的價格得標。
LOT 007 – 光緒二十四年(1898 年)安徽省造光緒元寶庫
LOT 018 – 光緒三十三年(1907 年)北洋造光緒元寶庫平
平七分二厘銀幣,A.S.T.C. 版,NGC MS66+,席德柄 / 張
一兩銀質樣幣,NGC MS63,張南琛收藏,諸多現場買家
以 62 400 美元的價格將其收入囊中。
價,最終一位電話委託買家以 1 104 000 美元的價格得標, 打破拍賣紀錄。
LOT 014 – (光緒二十九年(1903 年)戶部光緒元寶庫平 五錢銀質樣幣,NGC MS65,張南琛收藏,中國臺灣的電
LOT 019 – 光緒三十年(1904 年)湖北省造大清銀幣庫平
話委託買家出價超過一位現場買家,以 342 000 美元的價
一兩銀質樣幣一套三枚:(1)黃銅大字版,NGC MS64;(2)
紅 銅 大 字 版,NGC MS62BN;(3) 紅 銅 小 字 版,NGC AU50BN,皆為張南琛收藏。這一拍品又吸引了很多現場買
LOT 015 – 光緒二十九年(1903 年)戶部光緒元寶庫平貳
家和電話委託買家出價,最終一位現場買家以 912 000 美元
錢銀質樣幣,厚坯,NGC MS67,張南琛收藏,已知品相
最好的一枚,電話委託買家以 126 000 美元得標,價格打 LOT 020 – 1885 年吉林省造光緒元寶廠平五錢銀質樣幣,
NGC AU50,張南琛收藏,一位現場買家以 246 000 美元 LOT 016 – 光緒丙午年(1906 年)造大清金幣庫平一兩,
光邊大雲版,NGC MS64,張南琛收藏,一位現場買家以 462 000 美元的價格得標。
LOT 021 – 咸豐六年(1856 年)上海縣號商王永勝匠萬全 造壹兩銀餅,NGC AU58,張南琛收藏,一位現場買家以
LOT 017 – 宣統三年(1911 年)長須龍大清銀幣壹圓,陽
258 000 美元的價格得標,打破拍賣紀錄。
LOT 014
LOT 016
LOT 020
LOT 021
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LOT 024
LOT 025
LOT 026
LOT 029
LOT 031
LOT 032
LOT 024 – 宣 統 三 年(1911 年) 伍 角 單 面 鉛 質 樣 幣,L.
LOT 031 – 1916 年袁世凱像中華帝國洪憲紀元飛龍銀幣,L.
Giorgi 簽字版,張南琛收藏,一位現場買家以 198 000 美
Giorgi 簽字版,NGC MS64,張南琛收藏,已知品相最好的
一枚,一位現場買家以 672 000 美元的價格得標,打破拍 賣紀錄。
LOT 025 – 民 國 三 年(1914 年) 袁 世 凱 像 壹 圓 銀 幣,L. Giorgi 簽字版,NGC SP66,張南琛收藏,已知品相最好的
LOT 032 – 1916 年袁世凱像中華帝國洪憲紀元飛龍銀幣,
一枚,一位現場買家以 504 000 美元的價格得標。
沖天冠版,NGC MS64,耿愛德 / 張南琛收藏,多位電話委 託買家和現場買家都對其志在必得,最終一位現場買家以 504 000 美元的價格得標,打破拍賣紀錄。
LOT 026 - 民 國 三 年(1914 年) 袁 世 凱 像 中 圓 銀 幣,L. Giorgi 簽 字 版,NGC MS63, 張 南 琛 收 藏;LOT 029 – 1914 年袁世凱像中華民國共和紀念幣壹圓銀幣,L. Giorgi 簽字版,NGC MS63,張南琛收藏。分別以 234 000 美元 和 240 000 美元的價格被同一位現場買家買下。
2 3
LOT 037
LOT 039 琛收藏,一位中國香港的電話委託買家以 120 000 美元的 價格得標。 LOT 037 - 1896 年黑龍江省造光緒元寶庫平三錢六分黃銅 樣幣,奧托·拜赫德製中國樣幣,NGC MS62,張南琛收藏, 一位中國臺灣的電話委託買家以 168 000 美元的價格得標, 打破拍賣紀錄。
LOT 040
LOT 039 – 1901 年吉林省造辛丑光緒通寶制錢十箇銅幣, NGC XF DETAILS,孤品,張南琛收藏,一位美國的書面
LOT 033 – 光緒二十三年(1897 年)安徽省造光緒元寶庫
委託買家以 96 000 美元的價格將其收入囊中。
平三分六厘黃銅樣幣,A.S.T.C. 版,奧托·拜赫德製中國樣幣, NGC MS63,孤品,張南琛收藏,一位中國臺灣的電話委
LOT 040 – 1909 年河南宣統己酉中心“汴”一文銅幣樣幣,
託買家以 138 000 美元的價格得標,打破拍賣紀錄。
NGC MS63, 戴 葆 庭 / 張 南 琛 收 藏;LOT 041 – 1909 年 (己酉)河南中心“汴”大清銅幣當制錢二文樣幣,NGC
LOT 034 – 1897 年奉天省造光緒元寶庫平七錢二分黃銅樣
MS63BN,戴葆庭 / 張南琛收藏。分別以 108 000 美元和
幣,天天版,奧托·拜赫德製中國樣幣,NGC MS63,張南
98 400 美元的價格被同一位現場買家買下。
LOT 042
LOT 043
OT 042 – 1932 年 中 華 蘇 維 埃 共 和 國 俄 文 版 壹 圓 銀 幣,
銀 幣,NGC MS63, 張 南 琛 收 藏。 其 中 LOT 042 和 LOT
NGC XF45,張南琛收藏;LOT 043 – 1934 年川陝省造幣
044 分別被同一位電話委託買家以 432 000 美元和 324 000
廠造中華蘇維埃共和國壹圓銀幣,NGC MS64,張南琛收藏;
美元的價格買下,LOT 043 被現場一買家以 312 000 美元
LOT 044 – 1934 年川陝省造幣廠造中華蘇維埃共和國壹圓
的價格競得,3 枚均打破拍賣紀錄。
2 3
LOT 045
LOT 049
LOT 052
LOT 057
LOT 045 – 1912 年中華民國袁世凱像(舊譜程德全)開國
年)孫中山像布圖壹圓銅質試打幣,NGC MS61BN;LOT
紀念銀幣壹圓黃銅試打幣,NGC UNC DETAILS,孤品,
062 - 民國二十五年(1936 年)孫中山像布圖中圓銀質樣幣,
耿愛德 / 張南琛收藏,一位現場買家以 462 000 美元的價格
NGC MS63;LOT 063 - 民國二十五年(1936 年)孫中山
像布圖中圓銀質樣幣,薄版,NGC MS63。這四枚均為張 南琛收藏,成交價格分別為 126 000 美元、150 000 美元、
LOT 049 – 1916 年中華民國五年嘉禾中圓孔贰分銅幣樣
234 000 美元和 198 000 美元,被同一位現場買家買下,均
幣,NGC SP64BN,張南琛收藏,已知品相最好的一枚;
LOT 055 民國十三年(1924 年)中華銅幣背嘉禾十文樣幣, NGC MS64BN,張南琛收藏,已知品相最好的一枚。這兩
LOT 066 – 1838-1850 年臺灣老公銀庫平柒弍銀幣,官局鑄
枚分別被一位現場買家以 120 000 美元和 78 000 美元的價
造,NGC AU DETAILS,張南琛收藏,已知品相最好的一枚,
一位中國香港的電話委託買家以 180 000 美元的價格得標, 打破拍賣紀錄。
LOT 052 – 中華民國八年(1919 年)袁世凱像拾圓金幣, NGC MS66,張南琛收藏,已知品相最好的一枚,一位電 話委託買家以 210 000 美元的價格得標,打破拍賣紀錄。 LOT 057 – 民國二十一年(1932 年)孫中山像金本位幣壹 毫銀質樣幣,光邊,NGC MS63,張南琛收藏,已知品相 最好的一枚,一位現場買家以 252 000 美元的價格得標, 打破拍賣紀錄。 LOT 060 – 民國二十五年(1936 年)孫中山像布圖壹圓鎳
LOT 060
質樣幣試打幣,NGC MS64;LOT 061 - 民國二十五年(1936
2 3
LOT 062
LOT 066
LOT 068 – 1908 年造幣總廠光緒元寶庫平七錢二分銀幣,
背“本省”,NGC VF DETAILS,張南琛收藏,一位中國
NGC MS65;LOT 080 – 大清光緒二十四年(1898 年)奉
香港的電話委託買家以 150 000 美元的價格得標。
天機器局造一圓銀幣,NGC MS63。均為張南琛收藏,被同 一位中國臺灣電話委託買家買下,成交價格分別為 234 000
LOT 087 – 1904 年吉林省造甲辰光緒元寶庫平七錢二分銀
美元和 246 000 美元,均打破拍賣紀錄。
幣,中心太極,NGC MS64,張南琛收藏,一位中國臺灣 的電話委託買家以 93 600 美元的價格得標。
LOT 074 – 光緒二十二年(1896 年)浙江省造光緒元寶 庫平一錢四分四厘銀幣,NGC XF45,張南琛收藏,極為
LOT 089 – 1889 年廣東省造光緒元寶庫平三錢六分五厘銀
幣樣幣,七三反版,NGC MS64,張南琛收藏,一位內地
家以 50 400 美元的價格得標。
的現場買家和一位中國澳門的現場買家均對其志在必得,最 終內地的買家以 240 000 美元的價格將其收入囊中,打破
LOT 083 – 1894 年湖北省造光緒元寶庫平七錢二分銀幣,
LOT 068
LOT 080
LOT 083
LOT 089
2 3
LOT 092 – 1878 年(AH1295)新疆光緒銀錢五分銀幣,
LOT 103 – 民國三年(1914 年)甘肅省造袁世凱像壹圓銀幣,
NGC MS62;LOT 093 – 1905 年(AH1323) 新 疆 喀 什
NGC XF45,張南琛收藏,一位現場買家以 186 000 美元的
光 緒 元 寶 伍 錢 銀 幣,NGC MS61;LOT 094 – 1906 年
新 省 光 緒 元 寶 市 銀 二 分 五 厘 銅 幣,NGC VF DETAILS; LOT 095 – 1907 年(AH1325) 新 疆 喀 什 大 清 銀 幣 湘 平
LOT 107 – 1919 年雲南省造唐繼堯像擁護共和紀念當銀
壹 兩,NGC VF35;LOT 096 – 1910 年 新 疆 餉 銀 五 錢 銀
幣伍圓金幣,NGC MS66,張南琛收藏,一位現場買家以
幣,NGC MS62;LOT 097 – 1910 年新疆餉銀一錢銀幣,
117 600 美元的價格得標,打破拍賣紀錄。
NGC XF45。這幾枚拍品均為張南琛收藏,來自張南琛最 喜歡的錢幣鑄造地區⸺ 新疆,成交價格分別為 12 000 美
LOT 110 – 1859 年日本三分銀幣,PCGS AU DETAILS,
元、24 000 美元、36 000 美元、43 200 美元、15 600 美
一位日本的書面委託買家以 6 000 美元的價格得標。
元和 24 000 美元,價格均打破拍賣紀錄。
LOT 094
LOT 095
LOT 103
LOT 107
三 特點 拍品数量本次拍賣呈現出諸多特點: 1. 拍品數量少品質好,參與人數多,拍賣持續時間長。本 次拍賣吸引了來自澳門、珠海、北京、上海、廣州、深圳、 山東、四川、河南、重慶、南京、瀋陽、杭州、蘇州、溫州 的上百名競拍者參與現場拍賣會,還有諸多海內外買家通過 電話或網路進行競價,以致於僅僅 100 枚張南琛收藏錢幣 的拍賣時間竟持續了 8 個小時。
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2. 價格猛漲,呈井噴式行情。拍賣現場新老藏家齊聚,競
3. 買家相對集中,機製幣大玩家基本都來了。
拍意願強烈,海內外賣家競相出價。不少抱有很大希望的買 家,在高價頻出面前望而卻步。成交價格出人預料,多為本
4. 年輕人批量加入,不乏年輕女性,且敢於出價,大有志
四 取得佳績的原因
封中保存了多年,養成了非常漂亮的原味包漿,加 之名人效應,使得此次拍賣對藏家們更具吸引力,
外界資金隨之進入。正如葉繼業的分析,“這批幣 出身比較高貴,品相頂級,評級分好多都是最高的,
古德曼、Jess Peters 等最為著名的名人收藏,可 謂是傳承有序。加上 NGC 評級量化和辨偽,使競 買者更能放心、安心地選擇自己心儀的錢幣。
4. 首發專著和紀念章。冠軍拍賣為配合本次張南琛中國錢
幣收藏專場拍賣,於 5 月 29 日在澳門舉行了《收藏傳 準備充分,宣傳力度大。冠軍拍賣為徵集此次拍品,跨
奇⸺ 張南琛中國錢幣收藏》專著及其紀念章首發儀式。
號,還編撰專著《收藏傳奇⸺ 張南琛中國錢幣收藏》。
另外,拍賣圖錄內容豐富,其中的照片是由 NGC 攝影
計,分為 40 毫米厚坯黃銅章、30 克銀章、50 克鑲嵌 1
克金銀章、50 克金章四種規格。書章並售。冠軍拍賣總 裁周邁可就新書首發作了精彩演講;NGC 亞洲市場拓展 總監趙振陽作了“NGC 與張南琛收藏”主題演講;資深 藏家沈雪明以“汴字系列樣幣出處之謎”為題進行了分享。 所有重要客戶均受邀參加了首發儀式。
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《收藏傳奇⸺ 張南琛中國錢幣收藏 》
相關鏈接 銀質樣幣。 25 年之後 , 冠軍拍賣在 2010 年拍出了第一枚 價格超過 100 萬美元的錢幣⸺ 1910 年庚戌春季雲南省造 光緒元寶庫平七錢二分樣幣, 經評 NGC AU55。2015 年 , 冠軍拍賣將這兩枚幣同時在澳門展出 。
張南琛曾在華爾街從事商品和非傳統資產交易 ,職業生涯頗 為成功。加之張氏家族在收藏古董和中國錢幣方面有著悠久 的歷史, 他在長達 25 年的時間裏都對收藏保持了極高的熱 情,專注收藏那些品相最好且最為珍稀的錢幣 。張先生曾在 華爾街從事商品期貨、期貨合約和外匯期貨方面的研究和交 易,對投資有着敏銳的嗅覺。張南琛曾在華爾街巨頭桑迪·威 爾手下工作, 在海登斯·通公司建立了領先的商品研究和貿 易運作體系, 之後他又投身希爾森·雷曼公司 , 即雷曼兄弟 公司的前身 。他的職業生涯讓他接觸到了當時該領域中最具 有傳奇多彩的投資者,其中便包括亨特兄弟 。亨特兄弟試圖 在 1979-1980 年操縱白銀市場 , 而他們的交易賬戶正是由 張先生負責管理。後來 ,張南琛成為了對沖基金領域的先鋒 之一,推出了創新型基金和金融工具 。
張南琛出身張氏家族 ,這曾是中國最為著名且最為富有的家 族之一。其祖父張石銘在南潯的舊宅可能是民國時期最為著 名的建築之一。 其父張叔馴是古錢大王, 他在 1928 年時繼 承了 2 280 000 枚大洋的遺產, 並在 20 世紀 30 年代時花 費了超過 100 萬大洋 , 用於購買中國古錢 。 張先生的二叔 公是國民黨元老張靜江,孫中山稱他為“ 中華第一奇人” , 蔣介石稱他為“ 革命導師” ,毛澤東稱他是“ 有經濟眼光的 人” 。張南琛的岳父席德柄出自席氏家族,席家可能是上海 最有名的中國金融家族。席德柄曾出任上海中央造幣廠廠長 一職長達 8 年,收藏有超過 1 萬枚來自世界各地的錢幣。
張南琛曾在 1975 年買下中國第一枚價格超過 1 萬美元的錢 幣⸺ 1897 年喜敦造幣廠湖南省造光緒元寶庫平七錢二分 J
2 3
2 3
2 3
PCGS、NGC、PMG、華夏評級、中乾評級 認證代理商
高價收購買賣、專業送評鑑定 龍銀、袁大頭、船洋、銀錠、古錢、金銀幣 各國套幣、各國紙鈔、郵票、字畫、古董 老酒、人參、金銀飾、金銀條 A:100臺灣台北市中正區牯嶺街41-1號 T:+886-2-23515430;+886-956-191-919 F:+886-2-23512177 E:silverhouse88@gmail.com Line&WeChat:yinchiacoin
Artist Yu Min was given the Lifetime Achievement Award by Krause Publication Coin of the Year Award Committee
Editor of World Coin News David C. Harper (L.) and Chinese Embassy Culture Department Secretary Dr. Li Gang
Shanghai Mint Co., Ltd. senior designer Yu Min is watching CCTV News live
A Lifetime Achievement Award in Coin Design was given to Yu Min of the Shanghai Mint Co., Ltd., Feb. 4 at the Coin of the Year Award ceremony at the World Money Fair in Berlin, Germany.
He began designing and engraving coins in 1980 and participated in the entire development process of gold and silver Pandas as a designer and engraver since the first gold panda coin was issued in 1982.
The trophy was accepted by Dr. Li Gang, Secretary of the Culture Department of Embassy of People’s Republic of China to the Federal Republic of Germany. Yu Min is the first Asian Designer to win the award, the previous three edition of the award went to Herbert Wähner of Austria, Maria Carmela Colaneri of Italy, and Heinz Hoyer and Sneschana Russewa-Hoyer of Germany. Giving the award was David C. Harper, editor of World Coin News, founding sponsor of the award. The award is also sponsored by the World Money Fair. The publisher of the Journal of East Asian Numismatics, Michael Chou, introduced Dr. Li. His publication is the third sponsor of the Coin of the Year Awards and it prepared a biography of Yu Min. Yu Min graduated from Shanghai Arts and Crafts School in August 1980 and entered the Shanghai Mint (now known as the Shanghai Mint Co., Ltd.) to design and to engrave coins in the design and pattern shop at the same year. From February to June 1996 he went to Russia and studied in the Sculpture Department of Repin Academy of Fine Arts. He was enrolled as a member of the China Sculpture Institute in July 2004.
Rick Stelzer Estate Coin & Jewelry Galleria 1650 main street sarasota FL 34236 USA Tel: (+1) 605 321 1449 rick52447@gmail.com
His 1983 silver Panda won the Best Silver Coin award in the 1985 Coin of the Year competition. He has designed and engraved over 200 Modern Chinese coins including over 40 commemorative Panda coins, including the 2005, 2006, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2012 and 2013 gold and silver commemorative Panda coins, over the years. Mr. Yu Min may hold the world record for the number of coins designed/engraved by a artist for a modern mint. The 2009 Panda coin designed by Yu Min was named the Best Commemorative Coin by a German magazine. Among commemorative coins, he designed and engraved the portrait of Chairman Mao on the circulating coin to mark the 100th birthday of Mao Tse-tung. It was very difficult to engrave a raised image of the chairman to be struck on a very hard nickelclad steel coin. Yu Min accomplished this after repeated trials. In the selection process of the 2008 Beijing Olympic coins, Yu Min’s design was one of the finalists and his four joint engraving designs (the fencing, pentathlon, archery and soccer coins) were adopted by the head office of Bank of China.
Champion Shanghai Room 1808, Bao Hua Building, No.1211, Changde Rd, Shanghai 200060, People's Republic of China Tel: 86-21-62130771 championghka@gmail.com
余敏榮獲克勞斯出版社世界硬幣大獎評委會頒發的 終身成就獎
《世界錢幣新聞》主編 David C. Harper(左)和中國駐德國大使館文化部秘書李剛
本屆世界硬幣大獎賽頒獎典禮於2017年2月4日在德國柏林的世 界錢幣展上舉行。本屆的世界硬幣大獎賽錢幣設計終身成就獎
上海造幣有限公司高級工藝美術師余敏在觀看 CCTV 新聞頻道
1993年獲工藝美術師任職資格,並被聘為工藝美術師。2004 年7月,被中國雕塑學會吸收為會員。
的獲得者是上海造幣有限公司的設計雕刻師⸺ 余敏。 余敏從1980年從事錢幣設計雕刻至今已30年,從1993年聘為 中華人民共和國駐德意志聯邦共和國大使館文化部秘書—李剛
至今已有近三十年歷史。余敏作為設計雕刻人員參與並見證了 熊貓金銀幣發展的整個過程。
余敏是首位獲得這項大獎的亞洲錢幣設計師,前三屆終身成 就 獎 的 獲 得 者 分 別 是 :奧 地 利 的 赫 爾 伯 特 •韋 納、 意 大 利
的 瑪 利 亞•卡 梅 拉•柯 蘭 納 瑞以 及德 國 的 Heinz Hoyer 和
Sneschana Russewa-Hoyer 夫婦二人。
念 熊 貓, 包 括2005、2006、2008、2009、2010、2012和 2013熊貓金銀幣。余敏為現代造幣廠設計和雕刻的錢幣數量之
的大衛•C• 哈珀負責頒發,而世界錢幣展也是本屆獎項的贊助 商之一。
是一個近乎苛刻的任務,經過多次實驗之後,余敏最終圓滿完 成任務。
余敏1980年8月畢業於上海工藝美術學校(中專)。同年進上海 造幣廠(上海造幣有限公司前身)設計製模車間從事錢幣設計雕
決賽圈。余敏與他人合作的設計(擊劍、五項全能、射箭、足球) 也在競標被中國銀行選中。
1996年2月至6月期間,赴 俄羅斯列賓美 術學院雕塑系進修。
冠軍拍賣有限公司 地址 :上海市常德路 1211 號寶華大廈 1808 室 電話 :86-21-62130771 传真 :86-21-62130773 Email :championghka@gmail.com
Rick Stelzer Estate Coin & Jewelry Galleria 1650 main street sarasota FL 34236 USA Tel: (+1) 605 321 1449 rick52447@gmail.com
Stack’s Bowers and Ponterio Presents Selections from
The Hobart Collection Featured in
The September 13-16, 2021 Hong Kong Auction
CHINA. Hupeh. Tael, Year 30 (1904). PCGS MS-63 Gold Shield.
CHINA. Kwangtung. 3 Mace 6 Candareens (50 Cents), ND (1890-05). PCGS MS-63 Gold Shield.
CHINA. Silver 25 Cents (1/4 Dollar) Pattern, ND (1910). Tientsin Mint. PCGS Genuine--Cleaned, Unc Details Gold Shield.
CHINA. Dollar, ND (1912). PCGS MS-65 Gold Shield.
CHINA. Dollar, ND (1914). PCGS MS-63 Gold Shield.
CHINA. Dollar, ND (1916). PCGS MS-64 Gold Shield.
CHINA. Dollar, ND (1923). PCGS MS-64+ Gold Shield.
CHINA. Dollar, ND (1923). PCGS MS-64+ Gold Shield.
CHINA. Dollar, ND (1924). PCGS MS-65 Gold Shield.
CHINA. Dollar, Year 10 (1921). PCGS MS-63 Gold Shield.
CHINA. Dollar, Year 10 (1921). PCGS MS-64 Gold Shield.
CHINA. Hunan. Dollar, Year 11 (1922). PCGS MS-63 Gold Shield.
Contact Us for More Information About this Collection 949.253.0916 California • 212.582.2580 New York • 852.2117.1191 Hong Kong • InfoHK@StacksBowers.com LEGENDARY COLLECTIONS | LEGENDARY RESULTS | A LEGENDARY AUCTION FIRM Unit 1603, 16/F, Mira Place A, 132 Nathan Rd, Tsim Sha Tsui, Kowloon, Hong Kong 1550 Scenic Avenue, Suite 150, Costa Mesa, CA 92626 • 800.458.4646 InfoHK@StacksBowers.com • StacksBowers.com
California • New York • New Hampshire • Oklahoma • Hong Kong • Paris SBG JEAN SeptHK2021 Hobart 210628
齐心协力 共同振兴 中国金银币二级市场 易金在线APP成立于2013年10月,是中国最大的贵金属投资领域纪念金银币二级市场社区电商拍卖交易平台,积聚9年的服 务体系、以完善的技术创新和信任背书的发展势能。易金在线建立了在线竞拍、金币百科、易金大数据、认知传播、评级保养5 大品牌方向。构建行业上下游联动,建立行业信任体系,推动供需增长,50+创新专利,推动行业数字化变革,高效协同的完整 产业链条。
拍卖时间 01
周一 19:00 综合场
周四 19:00
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平台优势 ★ 在线拍卖
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地址:北京市西城区德胜置业大厦6号楼 电话:4006906001 地址:上海市黄浦区局门路600号卢工邮币市场二楼B054 电话:021-63167939
北京站 联系我们:北京通州永顺朝北 8080, 10 号楼一单元 603 室 快手号:A13651234655(京钰)
2020 年 11 月 19 日 冠軍澳門拍賣會 掃一掃,關注我們
1898 年湖南省造光緒元寶庫平三錢六分樣幣 PCGS SP66+,華人家族收藏 起拍價:USD 230000 成交價:USD 540000
1911 年大清長須龍壹元銀幣 NGC MS64,包克收藏 起拍價:USD 30000 成交價:USD 312000
1911 年宣統三年大清銀幣伍角 NGC MS62,包克收藏 起拍價:USD 10000 成交價:USD 132000
1910 年宣統年造大清壹元銀幣 NGC MS64,包克收藏 起拍價:USD 10000 成交價:USD 105600
1852 年臺灣老公銀壹圓 NGC AU55,包克收藏 起拍價:USD 10000 成交價:USD 91200
1896 年 黑 龍 江省 造 光 緒 元 寶 庫 平三 錢 六 分 NGC AU55,奧托·拜赫德製中國樣幣 起拍價:USD 20000 成交價:USD 67500
1907 年東三省造光緒元寶庫平七錢二分銀幣 NGC AU58,NC 藏品 起拍價:USD 38000 成交價:USD 67200
庚子京局製造一錢四分原鑄幣 NGC MS60,包克收藏 起拍價:USD 10000 成交價:USD 62400
1904 年光緒三十年湖北省造大清銀幣庫平一兩 小字版,NGC AU53,包克藏品 起拍價:USD 5000 成交價:USD 62400
1907 年(丁未)大清伍角銀幣 NGC MS65,包克收藏 起拍價:USD 5000 成交價:USD 57200
1853 年臺灣如意軍餉 NGC AU Details,NC 藏品 起拍價:USD 20000 成交價:USD 40800
1920 年中華民國九年鄂造貳角每五枚當一圓銀 幣,NGC MS61,包克收藏 起拍價:USD 3000 成交價:USD 36000
聯繫我們:上海市常德路 1211 號寶華大廈 1808 室
電話 : 86-21-62130771
郵箱 : championghka@gmail.com
冠軍上海 VIP 微拍Ⅱ 拍賣成交亮點 /Highlights
1903 年戶部光緒元寶庫平 5 錢銀幣,L&M2, K928,華人家族藏品 起拍價:200000(人民幣) 成交價:1243000(人民幣)
1909-1911 年湖北省造光緒元寶庫平七錢二分 銀幣,L&M187,NGC MS65,H.F.Bowker 藏品 起拍價:60000(人民幣) 成交價:319500(人民幣)
1922 年(民國十一年)湖北武昌造幣廠長郭銅 質紀念牌,NGC AU58 BN,NC 藏品 起拍價:100000(人民幣) 成交價:291500(人民幣)
天津黎元洪像中華民國五族共和紀念銅章, NGC AU55 BN,NC 藏品 起拍價:100000(人民幣) 成交價:275000(人民幣)
1908 年造幣總廠光緒元寶庫平七分二厘銀幣, L&M13,NGC MS64,H.F.Bowker 藏品 起拍價:60000(人民幣) 成交價:176000(人民幣)
1895-1905 年湖北省造光緒元寶庫平三錢六分 銀幣,L&M183,NGC MS62,H.F.Bowker 藏 品 起拍價:30000(人民幣) 成交價:148500(人民幣)
1932 民國二十一年孫中山像壹元,三鳥 LM108 PCGS MS 63 金盾品相完整,狀態佳。 起拍價:30000(人民幣) 成交價:132000(人民幣)
清·太平天國背聖寶·當百 宋體 尺寸:直徑 56mm 42.21g 起拍價:30000(人民幣) 成交價:103400(人民幣)
1894 年德屬新幾內亞 5 馬克銀幣,KM7, PCGS PR62,華人家族藏品 起拍價:30000(人民幣) 成交價:83600(人民幣)
1914 年福建福建袁世凱福州海運局鎳幣,反面 福州海運局雙打,NGC AU55,華人家族藏品 起拍價:30000(人民幣) 成交價:61600(人民幣)
臺灣老公銀足紋銀餅庫平柒弍,臆造幣, KANN-F1,NGC MS63,Ex.Kann/H.F.Bowker 藏品 起拍價:30000(人民幣) 成交價:52800(人民幣)
1904-1905 年江蘇省造光緒元寶當十,方龍, NGC AU58 BN,H.F.Bowker 藏品 起拍價:30000(人民幣) 成交價:13750(人民幣)
聯繫我們:上海市常德路 1211 號寶華大廈 1808 室
電話 : 86-21-62130771
郵箱 : jeanzg@163.com
2021.6.27 冠軍上海 VIP 精品微拍 微拍成交亮點 /Highlights
1916 年中華帝國袁世凱像洪憲紀元飛龍銀幣 沖天冠版,NGC MS63, 曾亮相於 1996 年冠軍 拍賣及 2010 年 Ultima 收藏專場拍賣 起拍價:300 000 元 成交價:1 859 000 元
1927 年十六年造中華民國國民政府孫中山像 陵墓紀念銀幣 NNC MS64,Richard Wright 收藏 起拍價:300 000 元 成交價:1 386 000 元
1898 年(光緒二十四年)安徽省造光緒元寶 庫平七錢二分銀幣,扁四,小星花版 NGC MS64,席德柄 / 張南琛收藏 起拍價:300 000 元 成交價:1 331 000 元
1923 年中華民國十二年造龍鳳壹圓銀幣 NGC MS65,Su Z. 收藏 起拍價:300 000 元 成交價:1 111 000 元
1903 年光緒元寶戶部庫平一兩金幣 NGC PF65 起拍價:300 000 元 成交價:891 000 元
1906 年(丙午)戶部“中”字 大清銀幣貳錢,NGC MS66,張南琛收藏 起拍價:100 000 元 成交價:594 000 元
1889 年廣東省造光緒元寶庫平三錢六分五厘 銀幣,NGC AU55,包克收藏 起拍價:300 000 元 成交價:550 000 元
1906 年光緒年造大清銀幣戶部貳錢銀幣 PCGS MS65,W.L./ 黃華樞收藏 起拍價:100 000 元 成交價:363 000 元
1912 年中華民國黎元洪像開國紀念幣壹圓銀幣 NGC MS64,張南琛收藏 起拍價:100 000 元 成交價:330 000 元
1912 年中華民國袁世凱像共和紀念十文銅幣 小面版,NGC AU55,張南琛收藏 起拍價:30 000 元 成交價:239 800 元
1895-1905 年湖北省造光緒元寶庫平三錢六分 銀幣,NGC MS64,華人家族藏品。原味包漿, 鑄打深峻 起拍價:30 000 元 成交價:231 000 元
1919 年雲南省造唐繼堯像擁護共和紀念拾圓金 幣,反面帶數字“1”,NGC MS62,1991 年美國 錢幣學會複製品 起拍價:30 000 元 成交價:231 000 元
1898 年吉林省造光緒元寶庫平七錢二分銀幣 NGC XF40,張南琛收藏 起拍價:30 000 元 成交價:187 000 元
1911 年(宣統三年)大清銀幣壹圓 NGC MS64 起拍價:30 000 元 成交價:165 000 元
1924 年(民 國 十三年)中 華 銅 幣 背 嘉 禾 十文 NGC XF45 BN,NC 藏品 起拍價:10 000 元 成交價:154 000 元
聯繫我們:上海市常德路 1211 號寶華大廈 1808 室
電話 : 86-21-62130771
郵箱 : jeanzg@163.com
《中國近代機製幣精品鑒賞》第三版 正式啟動 2020 年 7 月 17 日(週五),冠軍拍賣組織來自上海、浙江、四川等地的 20 名藏家前往上海造幣有限公司參觀了上 海造幣博物館及其包克錢幣展示廳,午餐期間宣佈開始啟動第三版《中國近代機製幣精品鑒賞》編撰工作。《東亞泉志》 出版人周邁可及中文主編袁水清於 8 月 16 日至 20 日前往北京,開展第三版的問卷策劃和評委會構建工作。問卷調查 工作已於 9 月正式啟動,12 月評選出新一版的十大精選硬幣。第三版預計於 2021 年秋面世。
2009 中國近代機製幣競選活動 弘揚中國錢幣文化
TOP 10 of the Greatest Chinese Struck Coins Survey 評選結果
1903 年(癸卯)奉天省造光緒元寶庫平一兩銀質樣幣 1900 年(庚子)京局製造光緒元寶庫平七錢二分銀質樣幣 1898 年湖南省造光緒元寶庫平七錢二分銀質樣幣 1904 年廣東省造光緒元寶庫平重一兩銀質樣幣,背鑄字 1910 年 ( 庚戍春季)雲南造宣統元寶庫平七錢二分銀質樣幣 1896 年四川楷書(缶寶 ) 光緒元寶庫平七錢二分銀幣 1890 年廣東省造光緒元寶庫平七錢二分、七錢三分反版銀質樣幣 1911 年(宣統三年)大清銀幣壹元銀質樣幣,長須龍、短須龍、大尾龍、 反 龍、曲須龍
1906 年(丙午)和 1907 年(丁未)大清金幣庫平一兩樣幣 (1904-1905 年)四川省造光緒元寶當三十銅幣,試鑄幣
組織機構 主辦:愛秀集團
協辦:美國 MGC 冠軍拍資公司
2009 年 12 月 18 日 ,上海精選結果發佈會上 ,周邁可向林青禾頒獎 Michael Hans Chou awards certificate to George Lim at the Top Chinese Coins Survey Conference in Shanghai on December the 18th, 2009
廣州國標錢幣收藏鑒定評估有限公司 上海申泉工貿總公司組委會 主任委員:孫浩 資深錢幣收藏界專家學者
副主任委員 : 周邁可 愛秀集團董事長暨冠軍拍賣董事長
顧問委員會主任委員 : 戴志強 中國錢幣學會副理事長 顧問:
周 祥 上海博物館研究員中國文物鑒定委員會委員 沈鳴鏑 上海錢幣學會副秘書長
甄偉剛 廣東集幣協會理事
張明泉 中華錢幣協會理事長
周建福 臺北市錢幣協會理事長 郭俊勝
曾澤祿 美國著名中國錢幣收藏家
2009 年 12 月 18 日 ,上海精選結果發佈會上 ,甄偉向陳吉茂頒獎 Zhen Weigang awards certificate to Chen Chi Mao at the Top Chinese Coin Survey Conference in Shanghai on December the 18th, 2009
熱線、東方網等媒體均對精選活動及結果進行了隆重報道,引起熱烈的 關注。
2009 年 12 月 18 日 , 精選活動嘉賓參觀上海造幣博物館 Guests of the Top Chinese Coin Survey Conference visited the Shanghai Mint Museum on December the 18th, 2009
2009 年 12 月 18 日 ,精選結果發佈會在上海舉行 The Top Chinese Coin Survey Conference in Shanghai on December the 18th, 2009
中國近代機制幣十大精選活動 第三版(2020.9-12) 美國原 PCGS 總裁及資深錢幣專家 Ron Guth 所編輯的“100 Greatest US Coins ”(《美國錢幣百大精選》)一書中, 根據調查而評選出美國十大精選錢幣,使錢幣收藏家和愛好者們對這些美國錢幣的背景有更好的瞭解。因此我們準備用 類似的概念,在中國錢幣界內進行一次深入而廣泛的調查和評選活動,以評出公認的中國近代機制幣的十大精選,以此 使錢幣收藏者對中國錢幣有更多瞭解,並提升社會對錢幣收藏和研究、探討的興趣,活躍錢幣市場。 為此成立“中國近代機制幣的十大精選”甄選委員會。委員會設有由錢幣界權威組成的組委會及顧問組,和由著名錢幣 界專家、學者以及收藏家組成的評選組。評選方法首先通過書面調查等方法,綜合評選組的見解後提交組委員會審核, 最後由網上向錢幣界公佈評選統計及評選出來的中國近代機制幣十大精選。為使精選的十大錢幣具有廣泛性,所選的錢 幣至少包括一枚銅幣、一枚金幣,一枚銀幣。 組委會、顧問組和評選組成員,以及活動計劃,近期將在網上公佈。敬請各位錢幣愛好者關注及參與!
評選方法 1. 在下頁表內選出您認為的中國近代機制幣十大精選的錢幣。 2. 為使精選的十大錢幣具有廣泛性,所選的錢幣至少包括一枚銅幣、一枚金幣,一枚銀幣。 3. 選出後請將挑選單交回組委會: 上海普陀區常德路寶華大廈 1211 號 1808 室
郵箱:jeanzg@163.com 4. 所有參加問卷調查的朋友都將收到第三版書籍及編委會發放的參與證明。 “中國近代機制幣十大精選”甄選委員會 2020 年 9 月
評選人姓名: 地址:
電話 :
NGC以及第三方认证的优势 关于NGC
2. NGC对硬币进行归类和描述。
NGC成立于1987年,为硬币、代币和章 时至今日,NGC已经认证了4700多万
提供综合的等级及真品保证,这给予客 户更多的信心。
经NGC认证的硬币: •真品
•妥善的保护 •综合的保障
•被市场信赖 •更具价值
20世纪80年代中期,硬币收藏市场受到 两大颇具挑战性的威胁: 1. 假币变得司空见惯。
2. 卖家给自己的硬币评级——这是一种
明显的利益冲突——买卖双方很难在 硬币等级和价格上达成共识
精准、一致和诚信的评估,解决了这些 问题。
1. NGC对硬币进行鉴定。
3. NGC 对硬币从1至70级进行评级。
4. NGC将硬币封装在具有保护作用的 封装盒里。
NGC将一枚放大5倍未见生 产后瑕疵的硬币定义为原
厂状态(Mint State)或精制 (Proof)70级的硬币。
每一枚经NGC认证的硬币都会被分配一 个独一无二的认证号码,这使得硬币的 信息可以在全球范围内追踪。要确认一
各地的收藏家、经销商和拍卖公司都信 赖、理解以及使用NGC评级,所以NGC 认证使得确定一枚硬币的价值更为容
易。 NGC还在其网站上提供了一整套
价格指南,以帮助收藏家们研究硬币的 价值。
枚硬币的描述和评级等级,您只需访问 NGCcoin.hk/certlookup进行查询。
币市场更安全、更透明、更具 有活力。
在网上无法看见实物的情况 下购买经NGC认证的硬币。
NGC认证已吸引了无数新收藏 家加入并促进了全球市场。
NGCcoin.hk/connect 在线联系我们:
Facebook.com/NGCcoin Instagram.com/ NGCcoins (@NGCcoins)
NGC評級師均是訓練有素,經驗豐富的專業 人員,並在錢幣學研究領域處於前沿。每一枚硬 幣均由多名專業評級師進行檢驗,以保證準確 性與一致性。
我們的綜合研究圖書館 為NGC評級師提供最相 關的參考資料。他們同時 也向全世界的專家進行 咨詢。
評級師參考我們數據 庫中數百萬的真假幣 圖像,包括非常詳細 的診斷圖像。
X射線螢光光譜分析,結合特定的重力 與顯微鏡評估,幫助判定硬幣表面成分 與鑄造工藝。
每一次NGC評級背後都是一整套高度複雜,經過時間考驗的過 程。依憑於我們行業領先的專業技術,超過4900萬枚硬幣被委託 給NGC,其中甚至包括許多來自世界各地的頂級硬幣。
了解更多,敬請瀏覽 NGCcoin.hk/expertise
紙幣交給PMG鑑定, 最放心
PMG成立於2005年,為紙幣提供獨立公正的專業真品鑑定、評級並封裝的服務。 PMG被世界各地的收藏家和經銷商所認可。因其專業、精準和一致的評級, 對公正的承諾以及全面的真品和等級保證而被全球信賴, 也因此成為全球最大的第三方紙幣評級服務機構。
了解更多? 請瀏覽 PMGnotes.hk/about
Chopmarked Coins - A History 《戳記幣簡史》 Colin Gullberg 高林
Price ( 售價 ): US $50 Plus Postage ( 不含郵費 ) The book Chopmarked Coins- A History by Colin Gullberg is funded by iAsure Group. The softcover book is 187 pages in length, 210mm×285mm, fourcolor printing. It covers the history of foreign silver coins that circulated in China from 1600 to 1935 and contains images of some 150 coins. Gullberg includes firstperson accounts, summaries of all modern sources of knowledge on the subject and scans from a shroff’s handbook (circa 1890). It is the first English- language book on the subject since 1990 and only the second English language book on the subject.
愛秀集團贊助出版發行的 戳記幣英文專著《戳記幣簡 史》為軟裝本,正文內容187 頁,開本210mm×285mm, 四色印刷,闡述了1600年至 1935年間中國流通的外國戳記 銀幣概況,作者高林先生採用 第一人稱敘述,總結了現代有 關戳記幣的詳盡知識,並配有 某錢莊的手冊(約1890年)掃 描插圖和150多張戳記幣高清 圖片。本書是1990年之後的第 一本戳記幣英文專著,也是有 史以來的第二本戳記幣英文專 著。
Chinese And Foreign Papermoney Errors 《華洋怪鈔—中外錯體紙幣賞析圖鉴》 David Chio 趙康池 Aguang Chan 陳耀光
Price ( 售價 ):MOP $300; RMB 240; US $30 Plus Postage ( 不含郵費 ) In December 2015, this book was released by Macau Numismatic Society and edited by David Chio and Aguang Chan. A total of 1,000 copies was printed, 200 in hard cover and 800 soft cover. The book is 323 pages of full color A4 size 210×285 mm and features over 300 error notes and 800 photos. Notes from Chin dynasty to modern times and more than 10 countries and region is covered. The books also cover causes of errors, background information on the printing process and authenticity of errors. This is the first book in Chinese to feature this type of information on error notes and its collection.
该书由澳門錢幣學會於2015年 12月出版,趙康池、陳耀光編著。 印行1000冊,其中精裝本200冊, 平裝本800冊。是書全彩精印,小 A4开本,210mm×285mm,323 頁,選錄了中外錯體紙幣300多 種,圖片800多張,涵蓋中國自清 末到現今使用的紙幣,涉及中外十 多個國家和地區。本書對中外錯 體、錯版、變體等紙幣的成因、歷 史背景和辨偽,實事求是地作了係 統的、科學的分析與歸納,並介紹 了印鈔基本步驟和印鈔過程中所產 生的“另類”紙幣,補充了不少紙 幣收藏的基礎知識。可以說,本書 是首本對錯體紙幣進行全方位論述 的著作。
If required, please contact Champion Auction 如果需要請聯繫冠軍拍賣公司 Tel: 021-6213 0771 Email: jeanzg@163.com
TOP CHINESE COINS 2nd Edition 《中國近代機製幣精品鑒賞》第二版 Price( 售價 ):US $100 Plus Postage( 不含邮费 )
In June 2010, Top Chinese Coins Vol. 1 was published by iAsure Group and the The Journal of East Asian Numismatics (JEAN). Top Chinese Coins Vol. 1 offers an in-depth summary of the final results from the Top Chinese Coins Survey, a landmark event held in winter 2009 to search for the 10 most valuable Chinese struck coins. Coins submitted for review were judged by their rarity, historical importance, artistic appeal, condition, market value and group identity. The deluxe bound book offered details on the Top Chinese Coins Survey as well as high-quality pictures, price trends, degrees of rarity and historical context of the 60 top Modern Chinese Coins.
Top Chinese Coins , Vol. 1 had a limited print run of 1000, leaving many numismatists and enthusiasts unable to purchase a copy of their own. In response to high demand, iAsure has made certain that the second volume which released in June 2011 will be available to a much wider audience. While Top Chinese Coins Vol. 1 included gold, silver and copper coins, the second volume highlights the great range of silver coins. It will also add summaries from auction sales that list pricing, degree of rarity, pedigree and grades.
品鑒賞·銀幣版》 (簡稱《銀幣鑒賞》)。
錄、市場趨勢、珍稀度解析和背景故事等,在錢幣業界 引起巨大的轟動和反響,備受讚譽,被譽為“全景式展 現中國珍稀機製幣的重要鑒賞書籍”。
由於頁面所限,第二版刊載60枚中國銀幣精品的重 要資訊,在第一版的基礎上有多方面改進和加強。《銀 幣鑒賞》在最受歡迎和好評的照片拍攝和排版下更多功
If required, please contact Champion Auction 如果需要请联系冠军拍卖公司 Tel: 021-6213 0771 Email: jeanzg@163.com
B.H. Mayer´s Kunstprägeanstalt GmbH
Minted in Germany 德国铸造
1盎司 999纯银 硬币
Nano technology applied to the surface of this unique coin 这枚独一无二的硬币表面,采用了纳米技术 Exclusive limited mintage 1000 独家限量发行 1000枚 2019 Tanzania 1000 Shillings 2019年 坦桑尼亚 1000 先令
2019 Tanzania 1000 Shillings
Coin Designed by: Yu Min
CBPMC Senior designer Winner of 2017 COTY “Lifetime” Achievement Award in Design
设计师: 余敏
中国印钞造币总公司高级工艺美术师 曾获得“2017年克劳斯世界硬币大奖赛年度终身成就奖”
Room 1808, Baohua Mansion, No. 1211, Changde Rd., Putuo District, Shanghai Tel:0086(21)-62130772 www.magnico.cn
上海市普陀区常德路宝华大厦1211号1808室 电话:0086(21)-62130772 网址:www.magnico.cn
德国铸造 德国梅耶造币厂
Eternal Love & The Everlasting Rose Pure Silver Coin The coin presented with a natural grown rose, with the tip of each petal coated in pure 24k gold.
$ 200
$ 260
Coin Specifications Weight: 10 grams; Metal Content: .999 Silver Dimensions: 35mm; Quality: Proof Country of Issue: Tanzania Year of Issue: 2020 Denomination: 500 Shillings; Mintage: 6,000
Tel: 021-62130771
Email: jeanzg@163.com
Add: Room 1808, Bao Hua Building No. 1211, Changde Rd.
免費 訂閱 2021
電子季刊 中英雙語 出版人 周邁可
幣協會。雜誌刊發過不少有重要學術價值的文章,如托馬斯 · 烏爾曼寫
的《1886-1888年間朝鮮首鑄機製幣⸺ 德國專家相助創建現代造幣
廠》 、史博祿寫的《袁世凱像大鬍子開國紀念幣》 、範治南與何緯渝寫的
《欽差大臣驚世之旅,記李鴻章訪美破冰之行》 、湯姆 · 基納寫的《1897
祿寫的《明代天啟通寶和崇禎通寶銅錢加蓋戳印 VOC/C 探析》等。
雜誌中大部分文章是英文,只有少部分是中文,在20多個國家發行,廣 受歡迎,長期佔據許多重要圖書館書架的顯著位置,包括美國國家博
從2017年起, 《東亞泉志》加盟由克勞斯在德國柏林世界錢幣展覽 會期間舉辦的“世界硬幣大獎”頒獎活動。
25 周年紀念章
2021.4 / Issue 40
Bilingual (English - Chinese) Digital Quarterly
Chinese Show Panda CATALOGUE
25 th
JEAN 1994-2019
張南琛 Nelson Chang
設計師手稿 Designer Manuscript
1901 年吉林十箇 1901 Kirin 10 Cash
江南珍珠龍 Kiangnan Circlet-Scale Dragon Dollar 1911 年長須龍大清銀幣 1911 Long-Whiskered Dragon Dollar
『本期專題 | FEATURES 』 張南琛先生與收藏之家
Nelson Chang and A Family of Collectors
民國著名金融家的錢幣收藏⸺ NC 收藏中來自前中央造幣廠廠長席德柄先生的錢幣
The Coin Collection of a Famous Financier during the Republic Period: The Coins in the NC collection from the Former Central Mint Director Turpin Hsi
收藏書首發設計稿 Draft of NC Collection Book Release Medal
Unique Set of Artist's Sketches for Proposed Chinese Coin
塵封七十載:1949 年金幣金塊鑄造計劃
JEAN Online Links 《東亞泉志》線上閱讀
章 目 錄
東亞泉志出版 JEAN Publications
A Project Buried for 70 Years: The Gold Coin and Gold Cake Project in 1949
第1期 issuu.com/jean388/docs/the_first_issue_of_jean 第 22 期 issuu.com/jeandigitala1/docs/the_twenty-second_issue_of_jean
微信掃一掃 關注我們
2022年《東亞泉志》廣告現在接受預定! 2021-2022 年
第 23 期
7 月 31 日
US $500 (¥ 3,500) US $1,600 (¥ 11,000) US $300 (¥ 2,000)
US $1,000 (¥ 6,500)
第 24 期
10 月 31 日
10 月 1 日
US $500 (¥ 3,500) US $1,600 (¥ 11,000) US $300 (¥ 2,000)
US $1,000 (¥ 6,500)
第 25 期
1 月 31 日
US $500 (¥ 3,500) US $1,600 (¥ 11,000) US $300 (¥ 2,000)
US $1,000 (¥ 6,500)
第 26 期
4 月 30 日
4 月1日
US $500 (¥ 3,500) US $1,600 (¥ 11,000) US $300 (¥ 2,000)
US $1,000 (¥ 6,500)
《東亞泉志》上海辦公室 電話:021-62130771 郵箱:jeanzg@163.com 地址:常德路 1211 號寶華大廈 1808 室
1頁 4 期
1/2 頁 1 期
1 頁 (A4):210×297mm
1/2 頁 4 期
1/2 頁:210×148mm
The Journal of East Asian Numismatics Bilingual (English-Chinese) Digital Quarterly In 1994, The Journal of East Asian Numismatics (JEAN) was founded by Michael Chou, the CEO of Champion Auction and Bruce Smith, a noted numismatist. It is a professional numismatic academic journal whose mission is to educate collectors and researchers on the subjects of Chinese numismatics, culture and history. Bruce Smith, the chief editor of JEAN, was born in 1951 in St. Louis, MO. He received his BA in history from the University of Missouri St. Louis; and his MA in China studies from Harvard University. In 19741977, he worked for Krause Publications as Editorial Assistant on World Coin News and as cataloger for Standard Catalog of World Coins and Standard Catalog of World Paper Money. He was a full time coin dealer 1977-1987. In 1988-1989, he studied in China as a student of China Studies in Chengchow (Zhengzhou) University, Henan province. In 1991-1993, Mr. Smith was a graduate student at Harvard University. In 1994-1998, he was the editor of The Journal of East Asian Numismatics (JEAN). Bruce Smith has been a collector and researcher of Chinese coins for over 30 years. His published research in JEAN has added immensely to the body of knowledge for Chinese coins. The first issue of JEAN was released in July 1994, and the last issue (18th issue) in 1998. Most articles were written in English, the remainder in Chinese. The journal was distributed in over 20 countries, and remained a mainstay on many important library shelves, including the Smithsonian Institution, the British Museum, the Harvard Yenching Library, Harvard University, Yale University, Columbia University, Stanford University, Cornell University, the ANS (American Numismatic Society), and the ANA (American Numismatic Association). The journal enjoyed great popularity and many important articles were published in JEAN, including “Peking Coins of 1900” by James Sweeny, “More on the Hsu Shih-chang Medals with engraved names” and “The true story of China’s 1936 and 1937 Silver Dollars” by Bruce Smith, “The Apparent Relationship
JEAN Online Links 《東亞泉志》在線閱讀
1st Issue 2nd Issue 3rd Issue 4th Issue 5th Issue 6th Issue 7th Issue 8th Issue 9th Issue 10th Issue 11th Issue 12th Issue 13th Issue 14th Issue 15th Issue 16th Issue 17th Issue 18th Issue 19th Issue 20th Issue 21st Issue 22nd Issue
between 1897 Chekiang 5 Cents Pattern and 1899 Anhwei 5-Cents Circulation Strike” by Tom Keener, and “A Forgery of Taiwan’s Old Man Dollar” by Dr. Che-lu Tseng. In May 2015, Michael Chou decided to start issuing the journal again starting in January 2016. The famous numismatic researcher Mr. Yuan Shuiqing will be chinese chief editor. He is a member of China Numismatic Society, serving as executive director of the Shenxi Numismatic Society and executive vice president of the Xi’an Collectors Association. As a numismatic researcher, he was chief editor of Collections and China Numismatics. He has published over 100 numismatic research articles and the masterpiece The Elite of Monetary History of China. Other distinguished contributors from home and abroad are numismatists, collectors and coin dealers, including Bruce Smith (author of Howard Franklin BowkerNumismatic Pioneer), Colin Gullberg (Canada, author of Chopmarked Coins-A History), Chinese American senior numismatist Dr. Chelu Tseng, Steve Feller former international banknote societ y editor, senior numismatic scholar of China modern gold and silver commemorative coins King L. Chan (Hong Kong), senior numismatist Chien Fu Chou (Taiwan) and CEO of Beijing Coins website Richard Guo. It will be a quar terly, bilingual e-journal, covering the latest numismatic research, interviews with famous collectors, auction reviews, and general news. The Journal's distribution is now over 1,000, including over 3,000 in Greater China region. Starting in 2017, Journal of East Asian Numismatics is a co-sponsor of Krause's Coin of the Year Award Ceremony in Berlin with World Money Fair. You are welcome to subscribe, submit articles for publication, and advertise in the upcoming JEAN. The 2022 subscription is free of charge. Please send your email to jeanzg@163.com.
issuu.com/jean388/docs/the_first_issue_of_jean issuu.com/jean388/docs/the_second_issue_of_jean issuu.com/jean388/docs/the_third_issue_of_jean issuu.com/jean388/docs/the_fourth_issue_of_jean issuu.com/jean388/docs/the_fifth_issue_of_jean issuu.com/jeandigitala1/docs/the_sixth_issue_of_jean issuu.com/jeandigitala1/docs/the_seventh_issue_of_jean issuu.com/jeandigitala1/docs/the_eighth_issue_of_jean issuu.com/jeandigitala1/docs/the_ninth_issue_of_jean issuu.com/jeandigitala1/docs/the_tenth_issue_of_jean issuu.com/jeandigitala1/docs/the_eleventh_issue_of_jean issuu.com/jeandigitala1/docs/the_twelfth_issue_of_jean issuu.com/jeandigitala1/docs/the_thirteenth_issue_of_jean issuu.com/jeandigitala1/docs/the_fourteenth_issue_of_jean issuu.com/jeandigitala1/docs/the_fifteenth_issue_of_jean issuu.com/jeandigitala1/docs/the_sixteenth_issue_of_jean issuu.com/jeandigitala1/docs/the_seventeenth_issue_of_jean issuu.com/jeandigitala1/docs/the_eighteenth_issue_of_jean
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2021-2022 JEAN Advertising Rate 2021-2022 Issue Issue Date
Ad Required
Full Page/Issue
Full Page 4 Issues
1/2 Page/Issue
1/2 Page 4 Issues
Issue 23
US $600 (¥ 4,000) US $2,000 (¥ 13,000) US $400 (¥ 2,500)
US $1,300 (¥ 9,000)
Issue 24
US $600 (¥ 4,000) US $2,000 (¥ 13,000) US $400 (¥ 2,500)
US $1,300 (¥ 9,000)
Issue 25
US $600 (¥ 4,000) US $2,000 (¥ 13,000) US $400 (¥ 2,500)
US $1,300 (¥ 9,000)
Issue 25
US $600 (¥ 4,000) US $2,000 (¥ 13,000) US $400 (¥ 2,500)
US $1,300 (¥ 9,000)
Contact JEAN Shanghai Office Tel: 021-62130771 Email: jeanzg@163.com Add: Room 1808, Bao Hua Building No. 1211, Changde Rd.
* PX: 300
* full page (A4): 210×297mm * 1/2 page: 210×148mm
東亞泉志 電子季刊 · 中英雙語
2015年5月,周邁可先生決定於2016年1月復刊《東亞泉志》,聘 請著名錢幣研究學者袁水清先生擔任主編。袁水清,1948年生, 大學金融專科畢業,從事銀行工作30多年。中國錢幣學會會員,澳
雜誌高級編輯史博祿先生 1951年生於美國密蘇裏州聖路易斯市,
《東亞泉志》為冠軍拍賣公司總裁周邁可先生和著名錢幣學專家史 博祿先生於1994年創辦,是一本學術性錢幣研究專業雜誌。旨在
1977年在克勞斯出版社任《世界錢幣新聞》助理編輯,參與《世 界硬幣標準目錄》與《世界紙鈔標準目錄》編輯工作。1977-1987 年全職進行錢幣交易。1988-1989年在中國鄭州大學留學,主修 中國研究課程。1991-1993年在哈佛大學攻讀碩士。1994-1998 年任《東亞泉志》總編。史博祿先生擁有30多年的收藏和研究中 國錢幣的豐富經驗。他在《東亞泉志》上發表的研究文獻極大地豐 富了中國錢幣的知識內涵。
藏協會常務副會長。退休後,歷任《收藏》 《古泉園地》 《西部金融 · 錢 力於中國貨幣史和錢幣學的研究,發表過近百篇錢幣研究文章 ;
2012年,出版了彙集中國古今錢幣的鴻篇巨制《中國貨幣史之最》。 同時聘請國內外知名的錢幣學者、收藏家及專業人士加入,如《霍 華德 · 富蘭克林 · 包克—錢幣學研究先驅者》作者史博祿先生、《戳 記幣簡史》作者高林先生、美國華人資深錢幣學者曾澤祿先生、國 際紙鈔收藏協會前任總編輯 Steve Feller、香港中國現代金銀幣資 深研究學者陳景林先生、臺灣資深錢幣學者周建福先生、美國東南 亞錢幣專家亞當 · 比亞吉先生以及北京錢幣網總裁郭嘉華先生等。
《東亞泉志》於1994年7月份問世,1999年停刊,發行了18期。 雜誌中大部分文章是英文,只有少部分是中文,在20多個國家發 行,廣受歡迎,長期佔據許多重要圖書館書架的顯著位置,包括美
復刊後的《東亞泉志》為電子季刊,中英雙語。內容以披露最新錢 幣收藏研究成果、推介泉界成功人士的事蹟為主。主要欄目有學術 研究、人物專訪、鑒賞爭鳴、拍賣回顧、重要資訊等。
國國家博物館史密森尼學會、大英博物館、哈佛燕京圖書館、哈佛 大學、耶魯大學、哥倫比亞大學、斯坦福大學、康奈爾大學和美國
如詹姆斯 · 史威尼寫的《1900年京局銀元》、史博祿寫的《徐世昌 刻字紀念章》和《民國二十五年和民國二十六年之中國銀元故事》、 湯姆 · 基納寫的《1897年浙江三分六厘樣幣和1899年安徽三分六
jeanzg@163.com !
JEAN Online Links 《東亞泉志》線上閱讀
第1期 第2期 第3期 第4期 第5期 第6期 第7期 第8期 第9期 第 10 期 第 11 期 第 12 期 第 13 期 第 14 期 第 15 期 第 16 期 第 17 期 第 18 期 第 19 期 第 20 期 第 21 期 第 22 期
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https://issuu.com/jeandigitala1/docs/the_twenty_first_issue_of_jean https://issuu.com/jeandigitala1/docs/the_twenty-second_issue_of_jean
2021-2022 年《東亞泉志》廣告現在接受預定! 2021-2022 年
第 23 期
7 月 31 日
US $600 (¥ 4,000) US $2,000 (¥ 13,000) US $400 (¥ 2,500)
US $1,300 (¥ 9,000)
第 24 期
10 月 31 日
10 月 1 日
US $600 (¥ 4,000) US $2,000 (¥ 13,000) US $400 (¥ 2,500)
US $1,300 (¥ 9,000)
第 25 期
1 月 31 日
US $600 (¥ 4,000) US $2,000 (¥ 13,000) US $400 (¥ 2,500)
US $1,300 (¥ 9,000)
第 26 期
4 月 30 日
4 月1日
US $600 (¥ 4,000) US $2,000 (¥ 13,000) US $400 (¥ 2,500)
US $1,300 (¥ 9,000)
《東亞泉志》上海辦公室 電話 :021-62130771
郵箱 :jeanzg@163.com
地址 :常德路1211號寶華大廈1808室
1頁 4 期
分辨率 :300
1/2 頁 1 期
1/2 頁 4 期
1頁 (A4) :210×297mm
* 1/2頁 :210×148mm
入會申請表 Application Form 申請日期 Application date: 申請會員類別:
本地會員 Macau Member
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外地會員 Non Macau Member
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會費 新會員需交付:入會費 MOP 1000.00 New membership fee: MOP 1000.00
本會宗旨:團結錢幣愛好者,推動錢幣之收藏及研究 介紹人 Referee:(需我會兩位成員推薦 two members of the Society) 會員姓名編號 Member No: 會員姓名編號 Member No: 此欄由澳門錢幣學會填寫 (Filled by the Society only): 新會員入會日期: 新會員編號: 1)新會員需認同本會宗旨。 New members should comply with the Society regulations. 2)入會申請人需填妥本申請表、交 1 張相片及繳納相關入會費用。 Please attach one photo and pay the membership fee. Add: AV. DR. RODRIGO RODRIGUES. 600E-P105 FIRST INTERNATIONAL COM. CENTER, MACAU Tel: (853)2833 4556 Fax: (853)2830 4772 Email: dcdesign@macau.ctm.net
地址:澳門羅理基博士大馬路 600E-1 樓 P105 室 電話:(853)2833 4556 傳真:(853)2830 4772 Email:dcdesign@macau.ctm.net
2021.11.28 冠軍澳門秋季拍賣會 拍賣地址:澳門十六浦索菲特大酒店 6 樓
拍品委託截止日期:9/30 5.30 冠軍澳門春季拍賣會 NC 收藏拍賣亮點 ( 100 項拍品超過 60 項創下拍賣記錄 ,成交總額高達 1.3 億元 )
1911 年(宣統三年)長須龍大清銀幣 NGC MS64,陽葉版,已知品相較好的一枚, 原耿愛德收藏 起拍價:US 150 000 成交價:US 1 344 000
1911 年 (宣統三年) 長須龍大清銀幣壹圓, 陽葉版, PCGS SP61,WL 收藏 起拍價:US 150 000 成交價:US 1 164 000
1907 年(光緒三十三年)北洋造光緒元寶庫平一 兩銀質樣幣 火球上三個小圓點成一條直線,NGC MS63 起拍價:US 200 000 成交價:US 1 104 000
1898 年(戊戌)江南省造光緒元寶庫平七錢二 分銀幣,凹眼龍,珍珠龍,龍尾 6 根尾鰭 NGC MS65,已知品相較好的一枚,原 Hsi 收藏 起拍價:US 100 000 成交價:US 996 000
1904 年(光緒三十年)湖北省造大清銀幣庫平 一兩樣幣 , 可能是僅見的一套,分別為一枚黃銅、 兩枚紅銅。①黃銅,大字版,NGC MS64;②紅 銅,大字版 , NGC MS62 BN; ③紅銅,小字版, NGC AU50 BN 起拍價:US 200 000 成交價:US 912 000
1916 年中華帝國袁世凱像洪憲紀元飛龍銀幣 L. GIORGI 簽字版,NGC MS64, 已知品相較好的一枚,可能為原耿愛德收藏 起拍價:US 200 000 成交價:US 672 000
1897 年江南省造光緒元寶庫平七錢二分銀幣 老江南,人字邊,NGC UNC DETAILS,品相較 好的一枚,席德柄 /NC 收藏 起拍價:US 50 000 成交價:US 612 000
1914 年(中華民國三年)袁世凱像壹圓銀幣 L.GIORGI 簽字版,NGC SP65, 已知品相較好的一枚 起拍價:US 150 000 成交價:US 504 000
1916 年中華帝國袁世凱像洪憲紀元飛龍銀幣 沖天冠版,NGC MS64,已知品相較好的一枚 起拍價:US 60 000 成交價:US 504 000
1898 年江南省造光緒元寶庫平七錢二分銀幣 齒邊,NGC UNC DETAILS,原光,好味道。該 幣好品相者非常少,已知僅兩枚為未流通等級 起拍價:US 60 000 成交價:US 468 000
1906 年丙午大清金幣庫平一兩光邊大雲版 NGC MS64,已知品相較好的一枚 起拍價:US 100 000 成交價:US 462 000
1912 年中華民國袁世凱像(舊譜稱程德全)大 鬍子壹圓開國紀念幣黃銅試打幣 NGC UNC DETAILS,原耿愛德收藏,非常稀少 起拍價:US 60 000 成交價:US 462 000
聯繫我們:上海市常德路 1211 號寶華大廈 1808 室
電話 : 86-21-62130771
郵箱 : championghka@gmail.com