Sceptre winter13

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THE SCEPTRE Volume 22, Number 2

Winter 2013

• Student News • Alumni News • National Junior Honor Society Induction • A Visit With the Bishop A Publication of Christ the King School, Nashville, TN • A Primary Education Ministry of Christ the King Parish

A MESSAGE FROM MRS. WOODMAN Dear Christ the King Families and Friends, While anticipating the final quarter of the school year, I pause to reflect on the significant changes Christ the King has encountered in the past year. I have been welcomed into a new leadership role, as has Don Boehm. Our faculty and staff has incorporated new colleagues in the Development Office and classrooms. We have said good-bye to dear friends and associates. Many new families have joined our school and parish community. Parent leadership has guided us through special events, annual traditions, and fundraisers, while our Board leadership has provided wisdom and strength. I love the quote, “Change always comes bearing gifts,” by Price Pritchett, business consultant for organizational change. It brings to mind the many gifts that have graced our school with the changes we have seen. A strong faculty, committed to the children, is a treasured gift in any school. We are blessed by having such a group of professionals made up of veterans who give their wisdom and loyalty to CKS combined with young teachers who bring energy and new ideas. I see examples of collaboration and teamwork among them every day. The collective strengths of the men and women on our faculty benefit our children daily. Our greatest gifts are the students who continually amaze me with their Christian spirit and accomplishments. Classes are currently filling water cooler bottles with currency in their classrooms to make “Change for Haiti.” Their goal is to raise enough money for teachers’ salaries in our twin parish. It is heartwarming to see the enthusiasm they bring to this service project. Kindergarten and 8th grades have supported the parish Room In The Inn program with their service this winter. Buddies in 1st and 7th grades have visited Ronald McDonald House, taking daily necessities for use by the residents there. In fact, every class incorporates service in their religion curriculum. I see these school and class service projects trickling down to students’ every day actions. I was touched to receive a beautiful, anonymous card during Lent with a note saying that the sender was praying for me. I learned that other faculty and staff members have received the same in prior weeks. Imagine my delight when I learned that one of my young students has silently initiated this kindness as her personal service project! Students have also shared their academic, artistic, and athletic gifts with the school. Twenty new students were inducted into the National Junior Honor Society in a ceremony planned and conducted by the current CKS members. The Middle Tennessee Science Bowl team won 2nd place this year in the East Tennessee competition. Three 8th graders and one 7th grader have qualified for the regional finals of the National History Bee. The USCCB Catholic Campaign for Human Development awarded 1st, 2nd, and 3rd place along with two Honorable Mentions for student art projects entered in the Multi-Media Youth Art Contest with the theme of “Be a Disciple! Put Two Feet of Love in Action.” Another student was honored for her fashion design in the Scholastic Art & Writing Contest. Raider basketball teams finished the season with many wins and happy memories of competition with good sportsmanship. Our 75th anniversary year heralded changes for our school that have helped us grow and given us new reasons to celebrate this beloved Catholic school we call home. The many gifts we are blessed with each day are made possible by the generosity and commitment of our families and friends. I am so appreciative of all who have supported our mission through prayer, contributions, and volunteerism. Thank you! Mrs. Sherry Woodman

TABLE OF CONTENTS Letter from Mrs. Woodman...................................................................2 Good News about CKS Students...........................................................3 More Good News/Spring Happenings/Leaders Read...........................4 Alumni News/Future Raiders............................................................... 5 Development Office News/Visit with the Bishop...................................6 National Junior Honor Society Induction..............................................7 Dates to Remember ...............................................................................8 On the Cover:

The students are busy filling these jugs with currency to send to our sister parish in Haiti to make “Change for Haiti.”

Mr. Lincoln visited during Catholic Schools Week (seen here shaking hands with Austin McKenzie during the school assembly).

GOOD NEWS: CKS STUDENTS Second Place Wins for both the Varsity Girls and Boys Basketball teams in the Parochial League Championship Games! Pictured at left and below.

Fourth grader, Brooke Cullison, brought home a trophy as the State Level Winner in the Knights of Columbus Free Throw Contest in the 10-year-old girls category!

SCHOOL LEVEL KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS FREE THROW WINNERS: Grant Tinsey, Mark Pyburn, Brooke Cullison, Sam Estepp, Mary Catherine Pyburn, Michael Musacchio, Joseph O’Connell, Reilly Cooper, Anna Fredericks, and Katie Cooper (not pictured)

At right: Kindergarten was able to throw a few footballs and run some plays with Vanderbilt Offensive Coordinator/Running Backs Coach John Donovan and players Fitz Lassing and Wesley Tate.

SCIENCE BOWL WINNERS On Saturday, February 2nd, four of our students went to Oak Ridge to compete in the Middle School Science Bowl. They won 2nd place and brought back a $500 check for the school as well. The team included Olivia Coode, James Duke, Kevin Gomez (CTK parishioner), and Rachel McHenry. The team advisers are Amy Maffei and Julia Gomez.

MORE STUDENT NEWS/SPRING HAPPENINGS ART WINNERS: We have swept the categories in the USCCB Catholic Campaign for Human Development Multi-Media Youth Art Contest this year! First Place: “Washing in Jesus’ Footsteps” - Dodi Fredericks, Caroline Fredericks, Margaux Granath, Jessica Holmes (pictured at left); Second Place: “How Do You Measure Up?” - Austin McKenzie, Max Smith, Andrew Wesnofske; Third Place: “Pathway to Love” - Margaret Trew, Hope Long, Sophie Shahan; Honorable Mentions: “Two Gears of Love in Action” - Nikki Williams, Alex Strobel, Tom Pagonis, Thomas Hill, Michael Howington and “Many Feet, One Purpose” - Regan Rosinski, Abigail Wehby, Sarah Wilson, Sydney Wyatt. They will be honored at a Youth Art Reception at St. Cecilia Academy in the School Library on March 19th at 6:00p. Congratulations to all of our artists!

LEADERS READ A few of the community leaders who came to read to the classes during Catholic Schools Week: from top clockwise: Father Dexter read to Pre-K; First Lady Haslam read to 1st grade; Mrs. Alice Valiquette read to Kindergarten - pictured with Mrs. Woodman and principal of the day, Grace Holland; Mayor Karl Dean read to 7th grade; Fox 17’s Stacy Case read to 3rd grade.

SCHOLASTIC ART AWARD: Congratulations to 7th grader, Hannah Vogt who got an honorable mention in the Regional Scholastic Art & Writing Awards in the Fashion Design category.


Daniel Huetter at left, and pictured above with Mrs. Woodman at the National Merit Semi-Finalist announcement ceremony

Daniel Huetter, CKS Class of 2009, is one of seven members of the FRHS Class of 2013 who has been recognized as a National Merit Finalist. This Finalist honor places Daniel among the top high school students from across the United States for this school year. Congratulations, Daniel!

Great turnout from the Yearbook Signing for the Class of 2012 - so good to see you!

FUTURE BABY RAIDERS ON THE WAY! There are four new baby Raiders expected this year! At left Mrs. Louisa Bateman (8th grade teacher) is expecting a baby in late July, Mrs. Nicole Heyer (4th grade teacher) in early July, Mrs. Sara Smith (school counselor) in May, and Mrs. Gina St. Charles (7th grade teacher) on March 14th!

Many thanks to some of our alumni who came out to support the Small Miracles Concert with the gift of their talent - from top: FRHS Band members Catherine Weiss, William Downey, Griffin Bauer, James Della Croce, Eamonn Donnelly, Alex Horak; Megan Vanderkooi singing and playing guitar; Alex Barnett announcer; Ginny and Kayce Boehm singing a duet; Michael Canonico on piano.

Alumni News? We want to hear it! Email any new life events, accomplishments, weddings, births, address changes, pictures, etc. to Be sure to LIKE Christ the King School on Facebook so you can see what’s happening around school right now! You can also sign up for our weekly email newsletter at the

DEVELOPMENT OFFICE NEWS by Michelle Barber, Director of Development During this season of Lent, I am reminded of all the sacrificial ways in which our friends and families share their time, talent, and treasure with the students of Christ the King School. Our students benefit from the generosity of others daily as they encounter Christ in the classroom, in liturgy and in one another. Today, more than ever before in our seventy-five history, the Church calls each of us to focus our attention on the value of a Catholic school education. In his 2012 discourse to the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops, Pope Benedict XVI said:

and the significant contribution that they make to American society as a whole ought to be better appreciated and more generously supported.”

make a gift to the CKS Annual Fund, know that every gift - no matter the amount - is valued and appreciated. Please prayerfully consider making a gift to the Annual Fund to ensure that the CKS tradition, a “priceless treasure,” continues to be passed along for generations to come.

We are all called to support Christ the King School. The 2012-2013 Annual Giving Campaign is well underway. The Annual Fund provides essential operating dollars and contributes to the 30% differ$72,000 - Goal ence between the actual cost of a CKS education and tuition revenue. $58,214.53 Annual Fund dollars impact daily life at CKS by providing salaries, special programming, professional development, curriculum enhance“It is no exaggeration to say that pro- ments, an in-house technology speviding young people with a sound cialist and a professionally trained education in the faith represents the counselor - just to name a few most urgent internal challenge fac- ways your Annual Fund dollars are ing the Catholic community in [the at work. Thanks to the generosity United States]. The deposit of faith of our grandparents, parents, fac $0 is a priceless treasure which each ulty, staff, CTK parishioners, CKS generation must pass on to the next. Board, alumni, and many friends, Catholic schools remain an essential we are close to meeting our $72,000 Online donations are possible at resource of the new evangelization, goal. If you have not had a chance to



Above: Joseph O’Connell lights the candle as Quinten Green is initiated, Mary Caitlin Spining passes the torch to brother Jack, Sophie Shahan initiates Jeanne Meyer, and Jessica Holmes initiates Nathan Hamilton. New members (front row), current and alumni members (back row) are pictured as a group.

On February 21st, new members were inducted into the National Junior Honor Society. We congratulate the following new inductees-front row, alumni and current students-back row: Current and alumni members pictured: Patrick Beacom, Parker Barton, Audrey Burdge, Michael Canonico (‘11), Audrey Darke (‘12), Malachy Doyle, Anna Fredericks, Caroline Fredericks, Dodi Fredericks, Margaux Granath, Jessica Holmes, Jay Linton, Hope Long, Joseph O’Connell, Liam Pruett (‘12), Regan Rosinski, Sophie Shahan, Natalie Rowan Sharp (‘01), Mary Caitlin Spining (‘12), Margaret Trew, Abigail Wehby, Sarah Wilson, Sydney Wyatt. New Members: Catherine Bohren, Olivia Coode, Carolyn Darke, Caitlyn Davis, Quen Deckbar, Alex Frankenbach, Corinne Gerhold, Quinten Green, Nathan Hamilton, Thomas Hill, Rowan Jordan, India McKenzie, Jack McLaughlin, Jeanne Meyer, Rachel Phan, Kate Pruett, Luke Shuba, Jack Spining, Alex Strobel, Hannah Vogt.


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Christ the King Church 3001 Belmont Boulevard Nashville, Tennessee 37212

Serving the Families of Christ the King, Cathedral, Holy Family, Holy Name, Saint Ignatius, Saint Patrick, and Saint Phillip Mrs. Linda Thompson has been entertaining us with Sing-A-Longs for a few decades now. She’s mentioned retirement, but we’re hoping she will continue to entertain future generations of CKS students for years to come. (Seen here entertaining current and alumni CKS students and the audience, at the Small Miracles Concert)


April 1-5 18 25 28

March 18-21 Scholastic Book Fair 27 8th Grade Stations of the Cross 28 Holy Thursday - NO SCHOOL May 1 29 Good Friday - NO SCHOOL 31 Easter Sunday/Egg Hunt

10 Spring Break 20-24 Spring Sing-A-Long 23 1:15p Guitar Spring Recital 27 11:00a First Communion 28 29 7:00p Confirmation @ Cathedral

1st-8th Field Day 8th Grade Trip Pre-K-Kindergarten Fun Day Memorial Day - NO SCHOOL 6:00p Academic Banquet Last Day of School 8:15a EOY Awards 12:00p Dismissal 7:00p Graduation

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