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SCRUM Retrospective
Scrum Retrospectives were collected onSlack for phase 2, for delivery on June 5, 2022.
Member Comments
Group two members In this exercise, we brainstormed our scrum retrospective in Slack, and then discussed the points in a daily scrum. Our findings can be found illustrated and described below.
Continue Scrum planning is helpful to map out the list of tasks to be done.
If someone is ahead of watching the tutor recording, this person can help the team to set up the task list to be done.
Slack is helping us to post a message for any updates.
Stop Central files should not be directly accessed apart from the first time setup.
To avoid duplicate works.
Invent Students can access BIMCloud free of charge for one semester (plus one semester if it is a yearlong project).
The methodology for the model work sharing is to make Dropbox a server to those central files.
Set up procedure is in the link below: http://therevitkid.blogspot.com/2012/01/using-dropbox-asrevit-server-free.html
Act When signing up, you will be asked to read and accept their Terms and Conditions.
Login to dropbox account. The login information has been saved in the Slack channel called “revitwork-sharing”.
Everyone shall work in their local file. Back up with timestamp in case the central file is damaged.w Mentor (from Meeting Minutes) Included above. Karol helped Archicad team set up worksharing with Graphisoft.
What help us back?
Scrum planning is helpful to map out the list of tasks to be done.
First to watch lectures can help the team to set up the task list to be done.
Slack is helping us to post a message for any updates.
Central files should not be directly accessed apart from the first time setup.
To avoid duplicate works.
How can we do things differently?
Students can access BIMCloud free of charge for one semester for Archicad.
Establish time slots when teammates are likely to be working on the model.
Make Dropbox a server to those central worksharing files in Revit.
What help us move forward? 1.
Individually, reflect on what worked and you should continue doing and stop doing, Write down any ideas into the yellow section.
Reflect together
4 min per section 15 min together
See procedure at provided linked to set up worksharing in Revit.
What should we do next?
Each work in their local file. Back up with timestamp in case the central file is damaged.
Login to dropbox account. The login info. saved in Slack channel “revit-worksharing”.
Individually, rthink of next steps. Present and commit together.
4 min per section 10 min together