1 minute read

BIM Implementation Development: Part 2




Establish BIM goals and responsibilities



Access needs and anxiety of the team

Organize and document folder structures

Identify key competitors in league for projects. Establish strategy for being ahead

Research best tools/ software in the industry for BIM uses

Establish valueaddign culture that responds to need and anxietty of employees Establish and document naming conventions for files and folders Evaluate previous projects , and ways to improve Examine associated tools/ software costs

Establish BIM champion that will challenge team to develop BIM maturity Streamline BIM related communication. eg Slack/ Trello/ agile/ kanbam

Identify BIM uses necessary to meet high standards for information delivery

Establish roles and responsibilities necessary for BIM goals Establish systems for managing roles and responsibilities. eg agile management Evaluate project requirements, software and skills needed to meet project milestones

Evaluate whether purchasing tools/ software will yield desired ROI and add value

Ensure staff are equipped to use software efficiently, with training and mentorships

Evaluate members suitable to fill roles and responsibilities

Determine how to fill gaps: trainig outsourcing or hiring

Establish mentoring environment where skilled train less skilled

Design and automate templates for documents and software that are repetitive

Develop BIM standards and templates/ manuals for selected BIM uses.

Establish project milestones and detail project scopes

Examine current trends in industry( AR, gaming, media). Explore opportunities.

Establish roles and responsibilities and assign appropriate members Develop templates and automations for repetitive tasks

Review Scrum and agile strategies team to ensure member can follow Evaluate performance of software and team members throughout projects

Establish detailed expectations for employees and measureable performance requirements

Establish rewards and consequences for performance evaluations

Measure performances and flow up on rewards and consequences

Set regual scrum retrospectives to evaluate what BIM methods are efective/ ineffefient

Develop BIM processes for design and coordination workflows with maps and details

Schedules maintenance to ensure BIM processes and protocols are being followed

Indentify and resolve existing issues based on assessment reports and audits

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