Building a Better Bangkok Philip Maxime Santi Chris

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!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Table!of!Contents:! ! P.1:%Water%Sanitation%Problem,%Solution% P.2:%Second%Water%Sanitation%Problem% P.3:%Second%Water%Sanitation%Solution% P.4:%Transportation%Problem,%Solution% P.5:%Second%Transportation%Problem,%Solution% P.6:%Public%Health%and%Safety%Problem% P.7:%Public%Health%and%Safety%Solution% P.8:%Social%Stratification%Problem% P.9:%Social%Stratification%Solution% P.10:%Not%Enough%Housing%Problem,%Solution% P.11:%Bad%Education%Problem,%Solution% P.12:%Energy%Problem% P.13:%Energy%Solution% P.14:%Pollution%Problem% P.15:%Pollution%Solution% P.16:%Glossary% % % Table%of%Contents%Made%By%Maxime%André%Schenk…% %

Building a better Bangkok


Maxime AndrĂŠe Schenk

One of the biggest

Did you know, that in

Bangkok should use this

problems are about

Tucson where the

so that everybody can

water, when scientists

dessert climate means

use there water again for

or others talk about

that people typically

there plants and others,

water waste and toxic

spend at some of 45%

also some villagers in

waters it is called

of their daily water

Tucson have started to

water sanitation. The

usage is to Irrigate their

use gray water gray

problems are that to

yards. The solution to

water, means to reuse

many people waste

this problem in

some water that they

water and have pipe

Bangkok is to reuse

have already used before

leeks which makes

there water this is called

they use it to Irrigate

the water not flow

gray water.


well threw the pipes.

Lorem Ipsum

Leeks are Just Going Threw the Pipes‌

The water leeks are coming

Taps in Shillon, the capital state of Mehalaya state, spout water for just a few hours only. A report that

Some different thoughts have been going on..

Mc Kinsey and company helped to write , predicted

A separate analysis

that India would need to

concluded that ground

double its water

water supplies in many of

generation capacity by

Indian cities including in

the year 2030 to meet the

Delhi Hyderabad, and

demands of its surging

Chennai, are declining at


such a rapid rate that they may run dry within a few years.


The Grand Water Sanitation Solution‌ In other places in India the people get 30% of the water and for 3 hours only because the pipes have leeks in them and all 70% percent of their water gets wasted and not used, The solution is to fix the pipes so the people would get all of

their 70% back to make it into a 100%of fresh water. This would work for a city such as Bangkok because they have some leeks that no one fixes, they should fix it because people are complaining and they don’t do any changes.


Social Stratification Issue,&Date&

Problem Social&stratification&is&not&a&problem&but&the&real&problem&is&how&we&divide&the&economy.&The&economy&is&how&we&divide&the& money,&between&the&poor&and&the&rich.&The&poor&people&don’t&have&much&money&or&nothing&at&all,&when&the&rich&have&a&lot&of& money&so&they&can&buy&AC’s&and&good&houses&and&technology.&But&the&poor&people&don’t&have&extra&money&to&buy&those&things.& &20%&of&the&people&in&Bangkok&live&in&poverty;&that&is&equal&to&80,000&people.&When&people&live&in&poverty&most&have&health&care& problems,&and&bad&education.&When&people&live&in&poverty&they&don’t&have&good&jobs&and&earn&a&low&pay&yearly.&People&who&live& in&poverty&are&also&slum&dwellers&or&could&be&homeless.&Slums&are&houses&that&are&made&out&of&trash&or&anything&that&slum& dwellers&could&get&their&hands&on.& &

pg.&3& &

1 2



Solutions What is better for Bangkok or what we can improve. A&solution&for&how&we&divide&the& economy&is&if&we&give&the&poor& infrastructure&such&as&public& transport&like&under&ground&trains& BRT&and&police,&then&the&poor&won’t& have&to&be&afraid&to&socialize&with& the&rest&of&the&city&they&are&doing& this&in&Rio&de&Janeiro.&“Everybody& who&lives&in&the&city&is&part&of&the& city&the&poor&and&the&rich”&said& Eduardo&Paes&the&mayor&of&Rio&in& 2012.& &

& & Public&health&is&a&problem&caused&by& social&stratification&because&the& poor&can’t&afford&medication.&A&way& to&get&money&to&the&poor&is&to&have& a&fund&raiser&so&the&rich&people&can& donate&money.&In&ISB&we&did&a& fundraiser&to&get&money&for& Operation&Smile.&&Operation&Smile&is& a&cleft&palate&fundraiser&for&& materials&needed&for&volunteer&

Building A Better Bangkok One of the other Biggest problems is

The Luciano Ducci 92 feet- long (28 m)

In china alone 350,000,000 people will

Transportation how we

Megabus can carry 250

migrate from villages to

use are cars and there is

people at a time and

cities by 2030, In

going to be more traffic

makes just four stops

Hongkong one of the

and all of us are not going

along a 6 mile route

fastest – growing cities in

to be healthy anymore

with a projected flect of

China , The BRT system

because we ride buses cars or vans. Is this city designed for you or your

24 vehicles, the system will carry an average of 25,000 people a day.


passengers a day and have cut the average commuting in half.

Lerner presented the

The result-The bus

private sector with a

transit(BRT) network

unique solution: with the

became the worlds first

government build a rapid

metronized bus system,

bus system that would

more than 2.3 million

have all the amenities of

people now travel on it, and

a subway- speed,

Curitiba has the lowest level

reliability , Affordability

at Atmospheric pollution

and frequency.

in Brasil. If we use cars and

Companies would invest

others too much there will

in the fleet of buses, and

be a huge problem with

the government would

pollution and more.

chart the itineraries.

carries 800,000

In La the percentage of people who bike daily is less then 1 %, In Amsterdam 50% of all transport is biking. From 1955 to 1970, the bicycles share of all trips taken by Amsterdam residents fell from as high as 75% to 25% percent. You should use bikes more so that there is less pollution and I am not saying that you should never ride a car and always ride bikes I am saying that you should use bikes if you are not going a far distance.

In LA and Amsterdam‌

Public Health By Santi_K

Issue, Date

Problems Some people can’t afford medication and they are poor. Another problem is pollution and smoking it is bad and produces co2. Causes of co2 are holes in the Ozone oxygen gets out and sunlight comes and it makes the world wormer (Global worming). Sanitation is a problem because then it well gives germs if it is bad sanitation. Germs can lead to sickness and if not treated can lean to contagious desists and then can make everyone affected. The rich can also be affected by health like in the bathroom lime daises can occur and germs are everywhere. Bad Sanitation can also accrue on the public streets like dog poop, cracks in the sidewalk and leaking sewers.

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Solutions What could Bangkok do better? A solution to prevent inquires on the high way is to apply a medical box every mile so if an injury accrues then people wont have to hike very far if they are injured. This is what the boy scouts applied to Huston. Once when I was playing base ball my friend got hit by the base ball in the chest and it was hard for him to breath and the nurse wisent there to help and I was afraid to do CPR but I got a paper bag to help him breath. Boy scouts are also good to have around.

In Rio there are parks near the highways so it would prevent pollution. There is a green belt around Rio we should apply it to Bangkok because then the city wouldn’t be so spread out and there would be less pollution.

Not Enough Housing Not enough housing is a problem to Bangkok because in some places there is not enough space. This is bad because if we don’t have any space then we will not be able to live anywhere. This is like Monaco because Monaco is the densest area in the world and there are lots of people but not enough houses.

The arcade is a mini mall and apartments. It is car friendly (don’t need to use cars) because the stores are so close that you can walk to them. Also it is healthier for the people who are living in the hotel.

This problem is happening all around the world too. This problem will keep growing unless we solve it now. A man called Evan Granoff is a developer of this problem. He had made a solution to this problem. His solution is to turn shopping malls into a apartment. This solution will benefit Bangkok because it will put the poor people into a nice house. This will also be a bad solution because there will be no more shopping malls to go to. The apartments are $550 each and will have everything you need. Accept a stove. =micro-units rch?q=the+arcade+appartment &rlz=1C5CHFA_enTH523TH 523&aq=f&um=1&ie=UTF8&hl=en&tbm=isch&source=

Bad Education Bad education is floating through Bangkok like a virus or a mosquito. This problem will affect us all buy people not getting jobs. The education will just get worse if we don’t get better learning supplies. There is a learning facility in India that has lots of computers but not teachers. This is good because the children that go to learn there can teach themselves to use a computer. This will show great improvement in learning but will not give the children the social skills they need to live in the real world. This solution that was made in India should be done in Bangkok. It will conserve space and it will conserve resources. The only problem with this solution is that Bangkok will have to spend lots of money on the one school then on lets say a house.

Building a Better Bangkok (Energy)

Bangkok uses a crazy amount of energy Bangkok is one of the cities that use the most electricity. In the future if Bangkok doesn’t change people will either run out of electricity or they just wont have enough money to pay for their electricity.

Have you ever been to Bangkok at nighttime? Well its crazy you only see lights but what’s the point, is it to commercialize, but people just don’t understand that everyone hates it. Also if Bangkok would turn off all those lights for only one day they would save enough electricity to let everyone in Thailand to cook one meal and that’s only for one day.

As I said before Bangkok needs to work on their electricity because they will run out soon. I was thinking they should build more wind meals because they helpful and lots of contrives or putting up thousands. For example when I went to Switzerland and I went to the urban areas where it was mostly fields and almost the entire field was full with wind meals unlike Thailand you don’t see a lot at all.

Solution to saving energy is pretty simple. The most important thing to remember is that what im going to say and what you should do, you might not like it because it doesn’t look nice but would you rather run out of electricity or save it for a long time.

One solution If you don’t live in such an amazing house that has perfect sized windows or its wood. Try to get glue from you local store and put glue in those spots now every time you turn on you fan you wont waste any of the wind because there are no cracks or anything that the wind can go through. If you live in a place where it some times becomes cold but doesn’t snow and you have AC and its cold out side but not inside OPEN THE WINDOW don’t turn on the AC. Same thing with Heaters if its hot out side but cold inside but cold inside don’t turn on your heater OPEN THE WINDOW. Another way to save energy is curtains. If the entire Bangkok had curtains that actually keep the heat out and keep the cold in then we would save a lot of energy. We need curtains where you pull the string and the curtains fold up or down. They may not look so nice but its better then having your room super hot.

Second solution The first thing you need to do it make sure that in your house when you have the AC on NEVER EVER leave your door open in the room and never have a single window open. If everyone does this than we could save A LOT of electricity and that’s only AC. For lights every time you leave the room turn your lights OFF no matter how dark it is. If its morning or afternoon don’t turn your lights on at all because you don’t need them because we have a sun that makes light. Now lastly cooking and other stuff like that. Every time we cook and you need water NEVER EVER put water in that you had in your refrigerator because its cold and then you need to heat it up again just take normal water.

Building a Better Bangkok

Pollution Pollution in Bangkok is getting worse and worse every second and we aren’t doing anything about it. Not all the pollution is coming from cars, but that’s just what most people think.

In Bangkok there is this type of chemical that is making the pollution even worse. The chemical is called Benzene, it’s a chemical found in petrol and tobacco smoke. The Din Daeng community was found to have the highest benzene levels, at 5.2mg cu m and the average is supposed to be 1.7 mg cu m.

In Bangkok most people would think that the pollution is all coming from cars and traffic but that’s not fully true. Studies show that in Bangkok a lot of the pollution is people smoking. They say that Bangkok is one of the cities with the most people smoking in the whole world.

Solution to smoking I think the solution to smoking should be to elegize it because people won’t stop smoking until there is nothing left to smoke. So why doesn’t Bangkok Thailand just elegize smoking so that no one has anything to smoke and if people see some one smoke and report them they could go to jail for 1 day or pay extra taxes.

Solution to Air pollution I think the solution to air pollution is making everything either more expensive or elegize everything. For example you can’t elegize cars because we need them but cigarettes we can elegize. Some people might be a little mad about this but would you rather have a polluted worlded for the rest of your life or would you stop one thing so that everything and everyone is happy again. With cars people wont be so mad because most people already have cars but so that not anymore people are getting them we raise the price. My last solution is trains. For example in Germany when you go to the city you wouldn’t find more then 20 cars and on the high ways the only way there might be traffic is if there was some huge car crash. In ISB most kids that live downtown go to school with cars if Bangkok would put trains then the kids would never have to go in a car for a long time. In Germany kids would never go to school with a car unless they miss their train so they need to get to school fast. The main point is that Bangkok should build trains because I bet the at least half the people would use trains and no longer cars. Also if half the people transfer to trains and the other half will stay with cars it will already make a huge difference it would even make a difference if only a fourth went because there are so many people with cars in Thailand that no matter what it will make a difference.

Glossary Transportation: Is the movement of people and and animals and also cars and buses and anything that moves. Migrate: Is moving to another place with a different climate. Average: is a measure of the "middle" or "typical" value of a data set. Amenities: are any tangible or intangible benefits of a property, especially those that increase its attractiveness or value or that contribute to its comfort or convenience Itineraries: an individual work is sometimes called a travelogue or itinerary. Atmospheric: relating to, or existing in the atmosphere. Capacity: The ability to receive, hold, or absorb. Surging: To increase suddenly. Gray water: Wastewater from household baths and washing machines that is recycled especially for use in gardening or for flushing toilets. - Maxime

Benzene: a colorless volatile liquid hydrocarbon present in coal tar and petroleum, used in chemical synthesis. Its use as a solvent has been reduced because of its carcinogenic properties. Chemical: a compound or substance that has been purified or prepared. Raise: lift or move to a higher position or level. Commercialized: A designed to make profit. - Philip


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