Lorem Ipsum
Air Pollution Sam Michaels
Lorem Ipsum
Air Pollution In Bangkok Some places in Bangkok burn trash. Burning trash can cause acid rain, and the ashes of the trash go up in the air and fly in many different places.
Air Pollution
How it happens
According to The Washington Post, during 2010, worldwide 3.2 million people died because of outdoor air pollution (mainly in Asia), but in 1,900 only 800,000 people died. And in each year, there are more people in Bangkok than there were the past year, and each year, there will be more cars on the streets. And the amount of pollution in the air, will increase, and so will the number of deaths each year.
Some of the many causes of air pollution in Bangkok, Thailand are burning trash, and car fumes. People burn trash because they don’t have any access to an efficient and effective way to get rid of their trash. So people end up burning their trash in order to dispose of their trash. Since 70% of energy generated in Bangkok is from natural gas, creating energy is not a big problem. But one big problem is car fumes. Everyday millions of cars are driven around Bangkok, and many cars are not eco-friendly and create lots of fumes. There is also so much traffic in Bangkok, so cars are kept running for a longer period of time. There are not many cars that produce little fumes, and the ones that do produce fumes produce a lot.
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Effects Some effects from air pollution, are lung cancer, heart disease, and damage to the brain, nerves, liver, or kidney. Young children and the elder get affected the most. And since Bangkok is a city with a warmer climate, it worsens smog, and it triggers asthma and permanently damages and reduces the function of kid’s lungs. In the USA, premature deaths from toxic air pollutants are around 41,200 each year. Around 527,700 people in India die each year due to the air pollution. During the ‘Smog Disaster’, which happened in London in 1952, 4,000 people died in a few days because of the pollution in the air.
Did you know? Cigarettes contain over 4,000 chemicals.
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The Solution to Air Pollution Many people believe that things like hydro/solar/wind power are the solutions to air pollution. But they really aren’t the right solution for Bangkok. When some people think of Bangkok, they think of tourism, shopping malls, friends and other things. But one thing they think of is TRAFFIC. Because Bangkok is such a densely populated city, everyone lives close together. And many of these people commute back-and-forth to work via a car. Cars are a very big problem for the air pollution in Bangkok. Bangkok has a population of around 9.5 million people, and this population will keep growing, and so will the amount of cars. So what is the solution to this problem? Public transportation is the solution. It holds a lot of people in a vehicle, it doesn’t use a lot of fuel and doesn’t create a lot of air pollution, and it takes less space. There have already been new infrastructure in Bangkok such as the BTS, the BTS is a sky train. It carries many people going to and from work, kids going to school and coming back, etc. The BTS becomes very crowded, especially during rush hour. It even goes to a point where there is a line outside
the train, and people have to wait for multiple trains, so that the next one will have enough room for them to fit. This is an effective, efficient and cheap way for people to commute. But this isn’t effective enough, not enough people are using it, and it does not go everywhere in Bangkok. So what do we do now? We create an innovative idea/way to help people commute around Bangkok without creating so much air pollution. This new idea, must be green, modern, and must last us a long time. One good example, of a public transportation friendly place is Rio, Brazil. 74% of all motorized trips in Rio, are public. The new summer Olympics will take place in Rio, therefore they must create a way for all the tourists who don’t own a car there to move around. So now, Rio is creating a new innovative way for the tourists to commute around Rio efficiently. But just creating more ways for people to commute in a densely populated area, doesn’t help the people who commute from outside the city to the city. To help promote driving in the car with other people (so there is less pollution) people should create carpool lanes.
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Carpool Lanes?? “The health effects of air pollution imperil human lives. The fact is well documented -Eddie Bernice Johnson
Why would carpool lanes work? Because they promote people to ride with other people. People would know, that if they rode with other people, then they could commute to places faster than before. This would also reduce the amount of pollution coming from cars. At first, the people who drive may get angry, because we are taking one lane away, but after they notice that people who go in that lane travel way faster, then they would be encouraged to ride with other people. Since most traffic on the highways are normally in the morning and night, people could set the carpool lanes so that everybody can go in them as long as it isn’t during the time the carpool lane is on. Public transport is also a very good idea. It will help people commute to places nearby. There is no point to build a new subway system, because that costs a lot of money and takes a lot of time. But what is worth the money, is busses. There aren’t so many busses in Bangkok, but we could create more. These new busses would have to be ecofriendly, efficient and effective. For these buses to be ecofriendly, we would have to have cutting edge technology for reducing the amount of pollution. People would have to want to ride these buses, so they must be new, have air conditioning, and comfortable.
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There would be a public bus, which would have two stations, one in the suburbs, and one in the middle of Bangkok, this would be close to a BTS station. There would also be many other buses with many different routes. There should be bus lanes so that they may easily and quickly transport people around Bangkok. This will work because people will see that it is easy and cheap to quickly commute around Bangkok. They will no
longer feel the need to use a car unless going to a certain place that there aren’t any bus routes. There will still be places with no bus routes, but the amount of car fumes will decrease dramatically. And every week or so, there must be a bus cleaning, so that the buses are still nice and people want to travel in them. We should start moving towards a healthier environment, with more and more public transportation.
Buses are the future for Bangkok
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Air Pollution Sam Michaels Building a Better Bangkok
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Lorem Ipsum Dolor
Spring 2016
Green Buildings Sam Michaels
Green Buildings and Architecture Building a Better Bangkok Buildings these days are using too much energy, they aren’t kept insulated and the lights are old and take up lots of energy. Many buildings are not properly insulated, so the air escapes through cracks around the doors, through the walls, and the ceiling. But green buildings will be able to
collect more energy and pollute less, making your energy bill go down.
Power Lines
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; Lorem Ipsum Dolor
Spring 2016
Buildings are not green, and wasting money and energy. Buildings are using too much energy on things that don’t require much. One third of all heat loss in an uninsulated home is from the walls due to the wall being hollow. The light bulbs are wasting too much energy, and aren’t very efficient.
Rain Water Rainwater collectors are also a way to make a building green. It reduces the amount of water you use. The rainwater can be used for different things, such as watering plants. But if you have a filter, then you could use it for things like sinks, toilets, or showers.
A green building is a house that uses less energy, but makes more out of it. Things that green buildings sometimes have are green roofs. Green roofs help circulate air, thus reducing temperature in warm weathers. The Nanyang Technological University in Singapore has a green roof, where people can go and hang out. This green roof is
somewhat like a park. Places like Toronto have many green roofs. Green buildings should also have solar panels. Sometimes don’t want to get solar panels because they may be too big or take up too much space. But one thing that is coming out are Transparent Photovoltaic Cells that turn windows into solar panels. These cells are still being created, but are effective. They do not make it harder for light to come through. Triple glazing windows are also a way to keep the room insulated.
Insulation Insulation is a big problem, especially in colder climates. Since heat always flows towards cold areas, the colder the air is outside, the faster the heat escapes the room. So easy things like insulating walls, and closing the gaps in the doors can easily save people lots of money, especially in a colder climate.
A home with all these things would cost a lot for sure, but after a while, they will save more money than they spent. And according to the EPA, if a house is ‘green’, then there is improved air and water quality.
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Education* By#Kittipak#Tantichot#(Land)#
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& & & &Population!growth!is!a!great!problem!worldwide.!The!population!is!growing! rapidly!because!there!is!better!sanitation!and!medication!and!also!education.!In! the!poorer!countries!the!population!is!growing!rapidly!because!of!education! because!when!people!don’t!get!good!education!they!don’t!get!jobs!and!they!have! more!time!and!they!have!kids.!The!world!does!not!have!enough!food!to!sustain! everyone!and!already!1.3billion!people!are!starving.! ! !!!Thailand!is!not!a!fast!growing!country!so!there!is!nothing!to!worry!about,!but! most!of!the!growth!come!from!Bangkok!because!everyone!moves!there!to!get!a! job.!So!really!Bangkok!needs!better!education!because!if!people!don’t!get!jobs!the! people!will!become!poorer!and!that!will!make!the!children!of!the!poor!people!to! become!poor!also!and!that!is!not!good!for!the! !!!!!!!!!!!Did!You!Know?! people.! !
Thailand’s!population!grows!by!100! birth!and!56!deaths!each!hour!! 2!
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!!!!!!!!!!!!!Education!is!the!thing!that!causes!social&stratification.!It!most!likely!that! people!with!better!education!will!become!richer!than!people!didn’t!have!good! education!or!didn’t!go!to!school!at!all.!Education!gives!you!knowledge!that!you! need!to!know!and!helps!you!solve!things!and!calculate!easily!in!daily!life.!!Being! educated!helps!you!get!a!job!easier!because!when!people!hire!you!they!put!a! limit!that!you!need!to!at!least!this!educated!or!have!a!degree.!A!job!allows!you! to!earn!money!to!support!yourself.!Education!is!everything!it!does!not!only! helps!you!to!get!a!job!it!helps!you!solve!problems!quickly!in!daily!life.!
!!!!!!!!!Did!you!know?! 98#percent!of!people!who! can’t!read!come!from!poor! countries.!
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Education!in!Bangkok!is!not!good!enough.!There!aren’t!a!lot!of!public! schools!in!Thailand!right!now.!The!teaching!standards!in!Thailand!aren’t!really! high!some!kids!come!to!school!and!learn!nothing.!!As!you!know!it!Thai!teachers! punish!children!sometimes!even!physically.!It!is!proven!by!Neuroscience!that! there!is!a!part!in!your!brain!that!when!there!is!punishments!or!threats!the!part! of!your!brain!that!learns!shut!down!causing!you!to!be!unable!to!learn! (Information!from!GOTTIPATI,!SRUTHI!from!the!TED!TALK) So!we!are!punishing! the!kids!making!them!unable!to!learn!or!learn!not!that!well.!So!Bangkok!right! now!is!not!good!enough!it!needs!to!change. !!
Did!you!know?! ! In!a!typical!class! students!are! paying!attention! 40!percent!of! the!time.!
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!!!!!The!hole!in!the!wall!project!by!GOTTIPATI,!SRUTHI!proved!that!kids!learn!better! with!technology.!!GOTTIPATI,!SRUTHI!left!a!computer!in!a!slum!where!kids!never! touched!a!computer!and!let!them!play!with!it.!Months!later!when!he!came!back!the! kids!were!playing!games!and!typing!in!English!a!language!they!never!learned!!They! learned!things!that!they!never!learned!!With!a!computer!they!can!learn!things!they! never!knew!before.!!He!decided!to!put!some!files!about!a!certain!molecules!and!left! it!there!and!wanted!them!to!learn!about!it.!!He!came!back!and!only!one!girl!learned! a!little!about!it!and!their!test!scores!were!really!low!when!they!took!a!test.!He! decided!to!ask!one!of!the!children’s!elder!sister!to!Cheer!them!on!and!always!keep! on!encouraging!them!to!continue!and!keep!on!trying.!!!It!turns!out!their!scores! increased!!This!proves!that!using!technology!and!encouraging!the!children!is! better!!
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So!the!government!should!have!a!law!that!every!child!has!to!go!to!school,!build! more!public!schools,!Increase!their!teaching!standards,!and!get!more!technology!into! the!schools!such!as!computers.!The!teaching!standards!right!now!are!quire!low!the! teachers!don’t!really!care!about!the!students.!The!government!should!hire!better! teachers!that!care!and!encourage!students!and!have!a!fun!and!interesting!teaching! style!so!students!enjoy!learning!! ! The!government!of!course!will!need!money!for!all!of!this!to!be!possible;!the!tax! we!pay!today!already!supports!some!of!the!education!money.!We!need!more!money! to!build!more!schools!and!those!other!things.!So!the!government!should!either! spend!more!of!the!tax!money!on!Schools!or!charge!us!more!tax!and!use!that!money! to!improve!schools.!People!would!hate!the!increase!of!taxes!but!it!will!help!the! children!of!the!future!generation.!If!this!happens!the!schools!will!improve!and!the! children!in!Bangkok!will!be!well!educated!and!it!is!free!so!children!who!can’t!afford! and!now!get!education.!The!children!will!have!jobs!and!there!will!be!less!poor!people! in!Bangkok.!The!children!of!the!next!generation!will!have!a!brighter!future.!
Cras#faucibus#tempor#magna.#Maecenas#dapibus#sodales#erat.# Aenean#sem#felis.#
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aGirl!child!education!by!Bindass Madhavi http://www.flickr.com/photos/24888071@N07/4415231879/! ! aSchool!bus!by!Kevin!Dooley! ahttp://www.flickr.com/photos/12836528@N00/2474926476/! ! HFree Giant Macro Pencil and Pink Eraser Creative Commons by D. Sharon Pruitt -http://www.flickr.com/photos/40645538@N00/253412963/
Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia by One laptop per child
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Transportation* By#Kittipak#Tantichot(Land)#
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Did!you!know?! An!average!American! spends!an!average!of!!!!!! 9"years!!of!their!lives! sitting!in!a!car!! ! !
!!!!!Traffic!is!a!really!big!problem!in!Bangkok;!Traffic!is!a!waste!of!time!and!causes!pollution.!Ever! since!Thailand’s!first!car!law!the!problem!just!got!worst.!Because!the!government!is!not! charging!tax!for!your!first!car.!!1.4!million!cars!have!been!added!to!the!busy!streets!of!Thailand.! The!Citizens!of!Thailand!are!purchasing!new!cars!in!a!way!faster!pace!than!before!because!they! all!want!the!discount!for!their!first!cars.!That!causes!a!lot!more!traffic!than!there!already!is!!
Traffic !!!!!!Traffic!causes!pollution!and!people!not!getting!places!in!time.!!Cars!run!on!
Fossil!Fuels,!which!soon!will!run!out,!Every!time!there!are!new!roads!or! highways!it!helps!for!a!while!but!then!people!keep!buying!cars!and!there!will! soon!be!traffic!again.!BTS!and!MRT!helps!a!lot!but!not!enough!people!are!willing! to!stop!using!their!cars!and!go!on!the!BTS!and!MRTs.!
!!!!!! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! !
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while!you!are!stuck!in!traffic!and!the!car!is!not! moving!the!engine!is!still!working!causing!it!to! burn!more!fossil!fuels.!!Using!fossil!fuels!also! causes!pollution,!which!is!bad!for!your!health! and!the!environment.!The!Pollution!damages! the!ozone!layer,!which!affects!the! environment.!The!ozone!layer!is!what!repels! 30!percent!of!the!sun’s!heat!coming!to!earth.!! Our!very!own!health!is!affected!by!pollution.! Pollution!can!cause!causes!lung!cancer!and! other!things.!Of!course!traffic!waste!a!lot!of! our!time! and! ! causes!us! to!arrive! places!not! on!time.! !
The!world’s!longest!traffic! was!in!China’s!National! Highway!110!and!it!lasted! over!10"days!!
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! !!!!!!As!you!know!it!the!Government!is!constantly!building!new!roads!and!Sky! trains,!Of!course!they!help!a!whole!lot!but!it!only!helps!for!a!while.!When!there!is! more!roads!it!means!that!there!are!more!space!for!cars,!but!people!keep! purchasing!new!cars!and!the!roads!we!have!now!are!not!enough!for!the!people!in! Thailand.!The!BTS!and!MRT’s!do!help!but!it!seems!that!people!who!don’t!have! cars!want!to!get!their!own!car!instead!of!going!to!the!station!and!ride!the!BTS! everyday,!because!they!probably!will!think!that!having!a!parked!car!ready!for!use! to!go!anywhere!is!better!than!a!train!that!takes!you!to!certain!places.!People!who! have!cars!would!not!probably!give!up!their!cars!that!they!paid!a!precious!amount! of!money!for!just!to!ride!on!a!train.!Now!that!there!is!a!first!car!promotion!people! who!now!can’t!afford!cars!are!now!able!to!pay!for!them,!which!makes!the!traffic! even!worst!than!before.! !
!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!
!!!!!!!!!!!!!Did!you!know?! The!BTS!in!Thailand!operates in 2 lines with a total of 32 stations.
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The!Solution!!!!!! (Continued)!
traffic!in!Bangkok!when!1.4!million!cars!in!added!to!the!roads!of!Bangkok?!!My! solution!is!that!we!should!increase!the!prices!on!the!toll!ways!on!the!highways!of! Bangkok(The!busy!parts)!influencing!less!people!to!use!the!highways.!But!that!causes! people!to!ride!on!the!roads!under!the!highways!instead!!So!how?!I!think!that!we! should!add!booths!in!the!streets!to!charge!money,!but!the!price!wouldn’t!be!as!high! as!on!the!highway!but!not!everywhere!we!should!charge!money.!We!should!charge! money!on!the!busy!parts/!Important!parts!of!Bangkok!causing!there!to!be!less!traffic! because!if!you!charge!money!everywhere!in!Bangkok!of!course!there!will!be!a!lot!of! protesters!and!people!who!will!disagree!with!this.!The!idea!of!charging!money! actually!worked!Jonias!Elliason’s!(The!guest!speaker!on!Ted)!Hometown!started!to! charge!money!for!a!year!and!it!reduced!a!lot!of!traffic!!The!day!after!they!stopped! charging!the!money!the!traffic!got!worse!again!!At!the!beginning!70!percent!of!the! people!disagreed!with!this!rule,!but!as!it!continued!70!percent!of!the!people!agreed! and!wanted!them!to!keep!that.!! !!!!So!that!is!my!Solution,!you!should!charge!money!to!get!through!the!busy!parts!of! Bangkok!and!the!prices!on!the!highways!will!be!higher!Influencing!less!people!to!use! it.! !People!will!choose!to!use!the!BTS!and!MRT’s!more!often!because!of!this!because! using!the!cars!will!cost!a!lot!of!money.!This!will!also!reduce!pollution!in!Bangkok!and! make!it!more!efficient!to!get!to!places.! ! !
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^NJ!Parkway!tolls!by!Esther!Cervantes! ^http://www.flickr.com/photos/9970968@N03/2339779992/! -I_could_sell_car_insurance_with_this_pho to by joshephdepalma -http://www.flickr.com/photos/69231187@N04/7375584320/ -Beijing traffic by Safia Osman -http://www.flickr.com/photos/so8/8161891893/sizes/l/ Stop-N-go by Alex Eylar -http://www.flickr.com/photos/8344872@N05/5419064315/ -Pollution Chic by nomad whithin -http://www.flickr.com/photos/the-nomad-within/5679350817/sizes/l/ - waiting for the train, version3 by Tambako the jaguar -http://www.flickr.com/photos/tambako/5006286762/sizes/l/ Jonas elliason’s Image comparing traffic
- http://www.ted.com/talks/jonas_eliasson_how_to_solve_traffic_jams.html
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Building a better Bangkok Social stratification
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Social stratification Problems and solutions
There are not many problems in modern days with social stratification but there still are a few, most to do with money and in Africa tribes. Such as in Khulna in southern Bangladesh there are 40,000 more people moving there every year and each slums house that only fit 2 or 3 people has 7 to 10 squished into it.by 2030 one in 4 people will live in slums. In the kleong toi province in Bangkok the average person makes only 150 USD per month, which is near the lowest wage, and these are just people selling things they made like food and wooden handcrafts. These people all live in the market or live in the low slums.
The solutions to this are very simple, one of them is to form a organization called to king Bhumibol foundation where people donate to the people in slums so that they can have a small bit of money to start a biasness and slowly they can start a that restaurant or a department store of a 7/11 from a small bit of money could make it rise the percent of middle class people. All of the people that live in slums have moved from the rural areas and know how to farm so you can help the environment and economy by paying them to do vertical farming in all of the high rises so that the get some money that they can save. Slowly over generations the saved money will be passed down and most of the lower class and slums will be replaced with good houses and apartments
Building A better Bangkok disease/sanitation
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Disease: Problems and Solutions
Problems: over 10% of south Africa have aids, this could also happen to Bangkok if health care is not sufficient. One gram of poo has 10 million viruses,1 million bacteria,1 thousand parasites and 100 worm eggs imagine what would happen if this is laying round the slums every where. There is roughly one new disease every year one of these could of started in Bangkok. Squat toilets spread disease faster than other toilets, Bangkok has millions of squat toilets 40,000 slums are almost unlivable because of there sanitation at least a few thousand could be in Bangkok The black plague one of the biggest disease in history killed almost all of Europe. All lot of these things are happening in Bangkok and they could get worse if they are ignored. If no one is still not doing anything all of the other problems could happen to Bangkok. If you think about it if all these things happen in Bangkok the city will collapse very soon and all of Thailand will become sealed of from the world because of all of the slums that didn’t have sufficient healthcare. The only good thing about this is that the slums are separate form the main rich and middle class areas so unless a middle or rich class person goes in to the slums and comes out the disease will not spread beyond the slums.
The Bangkok government should worry about disease in the top priorities because everyone in the city is packed together and has a high population density in the slums and even in the rich apartment if a small disease broke out with a small chough that could infect the whole apartment would slowly get worse after been exposed to different environments will mutate and can start killing people everywhere and only certain people who got the cold early on and got cured will survive. So there should be free health care for people that cant afford it such as monthly check ups to see if they have any disease that is contiguous or lethal and get the health care for it so that there diseases in Bangkok so that every one in bad conditions can not worry about dying from a lethal disease. The government should also make a trade agreement with rich countries with medicine where they send there food for medicine where both countries benefit Thailand has a higher health standard and the other countries have more food.
Public Health Some problems about sanitation 3 million people die annularly from lack of public health according to the red cross also it will take 10 years and 129 million dollars for them to just reach sufficient amount of water for all people to have enough to stay healthy and survive this will take at least 20 year for the project to work properly .If you look in the sois I downtown Bangkok the people the live in slums cant worry about sanitation because they are trying to stay alive so the bathe in the canal waters that have all of the polluted waste and motor oil. They also find all of the bits of there make shift houses are found or them from people that sell corrugated iron at low prices because they are made in such unsanitary ways that they cant be put into real stores there was one case in PNG where there was urine in the sheet of tin so most of the iron ha to be checked because they all bought from the same wholesaler if this happened in Bangkok there would probably be a strike or protest because of the level of hygiene, nothing happened in PNG because this was a regular occurrence. There are places in China where the colour of the water is black and can kill you if drunken it.
Sanitation is very important in all cities all around the world and it will lead to disease (above). The worst problem is that the government does not provide healthcare to have a
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healthy life. If people that live in the slums have toilets at all the are slums have squat toilets that are very unsanitary and spread disease from person to person and people get sick and don’t have the money to get good health care and can hardly get food so the person will die and it could have been avoided if a small injection was given to him from the government healthcare. The way to fix this is for the government to provide a reward to people that give apartments that have a basic level of sanitation like a bathroom and shower and a good roof and a chance to find a job so the government pays them for one year enough time for them to find a job and if they don’t they will start to pay rent. This is a fair deal because It gives them one year to have a chance a getting a job as a factory worker or packager that can let to starting to have a fair life for them and their children. Another good thing that they can do is to tell people from the rural areas that the city is bad and riddled with disease and they are safe in the countryside.
There is nothing I fear more than waking up without a program that will help me bring a little happiness to those with no resources, those who are poor, illiterate, and ridden with terminal disease.
-Nelson Mandela
Energy The problem with energy is that 1.5 billion people in the world they do not have access to energy. I think that the bad thing is some people that have enough money for electricity they are lucky but people that don’t have enough money. The energy source the people use have fuel economic source. What else is that the people waste the energy for light and other things. In this photo these people they don’t have energy, so they have to use a candle. The other problem is that the people don’t get the fair amount of energy and the wealthy people they just can get a lot of energy. In India 70% pollution lives can terminate toxic bacteria. The other problem is that the some country the bulbs in the house it uses 10% and the other 90% comes from the heat outside. In Bangkok the poor people they need money to buy the electricity. The thing the poor people need is $. In Bangkok the problems are is the poor people don’t have the money to pay for the electricity. The people that don’t have electricity they would not have the air cons because outside if it is very hot they would be sick because they are no air cons.
Solution for energy My solution to energy is that everyone should have enough energy to them self so there is no gap. What else is that we should have lights just like plastic bottle that have light. That does not waste energy. The best way to not waste the energy is to save in the morning or afternoon, but at night you can open the light and you are not wasting energy. Sometime the government should give the poor people some energy for light, cooking, etc. The wealthy people that has like a lot of money that can buy anything they can help the people that don’t have the money to but the electricity. I think that the government should build a place where the people have enough energy so they can cook and see at night. I think that the government should give the poor people enough money so they can get enough energy. The government should build some place where the poor children can enough energy at night and morning. My other solution is that we should give the people in Bangkok some electricity.
This photo shows that they don’t have the money to buy the electricity, but if we give them the electricity that is good.
Attribution http://business.rediff.com/slideshow/2010/jul/08/slide-show-1-indiasnever-ending-power-crisis.htm
Facts about energy In the U.S over 70% generate non-renewable sources.
About 10% energy comes from the bulb and the 90% is from the heat.
The United States produces more nucleargenerated electricity than any other country, nearly 1/3 of the world’s total. The second largest producer is France, which generates more than 3/4 of its electricity in nuclear reactors’
Stopping air leaks around the house, can save you as much as 10% on heat and air conditioning costs.
Ten countries produce 2/3 of the world’s oil and hold the same percentage of known reserves. Saudi Arabia tops both lists
Weatherization can be bad because sometime the heat it makes the air leak I the house.
From 2008 to 2030, world energy consumption is expected to increase more than 55%. G
China has taken over the U.S. as both the world’s largest CO2 emitter and the world’s largest energy consumers
Heating and cooling rooms use the most energy in American homes today’s
20% of the lightening currently accounts electricity.
Enough sunlight it gives you some energy.
Water and Sanitation
Attribution http://www.hoarelea.com/services/p ublic-health
What is grey water? Grey water is like water that can clean dishes and plant. It can also help you grow agriculture etc.
The problem with water is that people use grey water illegally. What else is that people waste the water and that is not good. The grey water was supposed to be for planting trees and plant and etc. If the people start to waste the water then later on in 2050 the water would be gone and the people would have no water to plant and drink. If we give the people some water they would start to waste and that is why they don’t have water. The government should have a fine if they use the grey water illegally because some people in India they don’t use the water for the things they need. I also think that one of the problems is that the people do no get the right amount of water because people that are poor it is not fair because the wealthy people they have enough money to get tons of water and the poor people they do not have the money to get the water. There are some poor people and they cannot afford the water. The rich people they can afford the water and they can get the nice things, but the poor comparing to the people that have money and the people they don’t. The other problem is that the sanitation of the water is that it can kill the people because the water they drink it is not that good and fresh compare to the people that have money to but the water. The problem in Bangkok is that they do not have enough clean water. For the people the water is expensive for then to buy. They need money for them to get good water. What else is that when they get the bottle they start to waste it. The problem is that the when we give the people the clean water they would maybe start to waste the water. We should give the kids at school better and cleaner water because when the kids drink that dirty water the start to have diarrhea. Diarrhea it can kill the kids in the school. Diarrhea can cause a lot of people to die because the water they have is dirty.
Lorem Ipsum Dolor
My solution
Spring 2016
The government in Thailand they should give the poor peoples some money for them to afford the water. The government should build a place where the poor people can stay that has water that is clean. What else is that the people that have a lot of money they build better things in the school because the kids at school they can die with the bad condition in school. My other solutions are that we should give better water for the slum city because the water they have it is not that good and they can die.
Attribution http://kangensui.us/water/
Lorem Ipsum Dolor
Spring 2016
Facts about water
The other facts about the water are that when the sanitation of the water the children would die.
Lack of access to clean water and sanitation kills children at a rate equivalent of a jumbo jet crashing every four hours.
780 million people lack of access to water.
Over 2.5 more people lack water than live in the United States.
More than 3.4 million people die each year from water, sanitation, and hygiene-related causes. Nearly all deaths, 99 percent, occur in the developing world
An American person would take a five minutes shower than an average person in a slum country.