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Transportation in Bangkok is a big problem because there is great amount of traffic and this causes pollution. Some innovative solutions are being done by other countries.
BANGKOK should synchronize traffic lights like what LA is doing to reduce travel speed and travel time. Less traffic means if a car doesnâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t have to wait at a light then its not releasing carbon emissions. This helps less air pollution and less traffic.
“Vivamus et metus.”
“While transportation projects are some of the most important investments a city can make they’re also some of the most expensive.”
“That’s why the Asian Development Bank announced at Rio+20, the United Nations conference on sustainable development, last week that they will join with seven of the world’s largest multilateral development banks to provide loans and grants totaling $175 billion over the next 10 years for urban transportation projects in developing countries.”
AIR POLLUTION Since transportation solutions cut down on air pollution a different way to solve air pollution problem is to look at farming. Fertilizers is the biggest cause of Air pollution and carbon emissions and green house gases so to solve air pollution we need to look at different ways of farming. So instead of using fertilizers we can organic farm in the city. We can start urban farming in empty lots. Even in the middle of the city we can farm on rooftops. Urban farming is a good solution to teach people about taking care of our planet. It also can be done in slum areas.
Air pollution
We can can haveurban gardens in Another solution is if Bangkok makes schools. The poor city special laws for vehicles to enter schools can also use the downtown maybe you have to buy a food from the garden to sticker to enter the center of BKK teach the kids and also with your car or pay every time you eat healthy for lunch. enter a popular area that has lots of traffic. If people donâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t want to pay a lot they Start bring alternative energy, resources like would have to take solar, water, and geothermal, for heating and public transportation. cooling into buildings, new and existing. Use cleaner fuel sources for transportation. I use Singapore has public transportation as much as possible to something like this and it works. help reduce air pollution.
Bangkok should introduce electric scooter taxis and get motorcycle taxis off the road. They can still have their jobs but it will help cause not as much air pollution. Amsterdam uses scooter taxis, they even have GPS in it but that might be too expensive for Thailand. A cheaper version that is made in Thailand will also help make more jobs.
We can make public transportation more advanced. Vietnam is building a metro rail. Bangkok already has the MRT so we can make the BTS go to other parts of the city. We can make the buses and tuk-tuks more green and clean.
Another soulution for air pollution is Thailand can do what USA has been doing which is called the clean Air act. The EPA (enviormental protection Acency )
Period 5/6
Water and Sanitation By: Julia Gregory
Squat Toilets Sure squat toilets are way better than sitting, but now we have a problem with them. Squat toilets are causing joint disease. This is because when you use one, you are putting pressure on your knees and that can lead to osteoarthritis. Over 6 million Thai people are suffering from it and soon many more. Governments are planning on getting rid of all squat toilets and replacing them with sitting ones. This will be a hard process since 87% Thai households have a squat toilet. By next year they are hoping 75% will have sitting toilets and 100% by 2016.
Squat and Sitting Toilets
Water and sanitation are some of the key things we need to be healthy. Water is becoming scarce in some countries and even though squat toilets are better, with sanitation, than sitting, they have a problem too. Also people using gray water systems illegally! We need to do something fast before we create one huge mess. With people around the world helping others we can give people all supplies they need, but that can only happen with your help.
Gray Water In Tucson, USA there is these things called gray water systems. What government has just found out that 13% of a single family is using them illegally; the government should make it legal. They are also planning on probably getting rid of them. Some people think that instead of making it illegal we can just use it for our gardens and outside stuff and use the clean water for cooking, showering, and etc. Gray water is bad because it is low in salt; if you have a gray water pool it attracts mosquitos and diseases and gray water is also water that has already used.
It is also better for the water you using while washing clothes go to the sewer while washing things like diapers and bleach. If they don’t be very careful while removing these gray water systems then something bad could happen. The thing is you can build a simple water system for $100, but people don’t. It is also better for the water you using while washing clothes go to the sewer while washing things like diapers and bleach. If they don’t be very careful while removing these gray water systems then something bad could happen. The thing is you can build a simple water system for $100, but people don’t. Also 46% of families’ water is for irrigation in their yards just for gray water. We need to do something to stop this because from the sounds of it, the gray water systems sound not so great for our health. This is something Bangkok can do because most of our clean water is from bottled water and so with more bottled waters then that means more plastic and leads to oceans having garbage in them.
What Teens Are Doing Now In India these some high students saw how some families didn’t have potable water, so they decided to help build a solar powered treatment plant.
What We Can Learn From This One this can teach us all is that if you set your mind to something, you can achieve it. These teens saw how the families were living and how they needed help, so what did they do, they helped them. If we all take a minute to look around where we are you can probably point out one or two problems. These teens who made this happen prove that our generation is probably to make a huge step in some problems that we have in the future. All it takes is one voice to be heard.
What They Have Done These high school students have helped set up a solar powered treatment plant for families around their school without water. There is now 750 families that live around the school that with be given 1300 gallons of water everyday to share amongst themselves. All of the families receiving this water because they live without clean water and live in poor areas.
Some Things We Should Do In Bangkok we should build these solar powered treatment plants too because most of the water is not clean, except for bottle water. If those teens can do it at their school then we can do it in our city. It won’t only provide us with clean water, but have us living a better life. 2
Solutions Lets Flush Out Squat Loos One solution is flushing out squat toilets. I have described to you how squat toilets are leading to people in Bangkok to joint disease because they are putting pressure on their knees while using squat toilets. If we all reduce squat toilets and use sitting ones then we are on the path to ending joint disease
Making It Legal We need to make gray water legal again because people are using it illegally. If we do make it legal there should be a law saying it should only be used outside for gardens and use clean water for cooking, showering, etc. Gray water is not good for those things because it is basically water already used so it wouldnâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t be good if we used it while cooking and other things.
Solar Powerâ&#x20AC;Ś Yes! The teens in India made a good point that solar power is the best option. With solar powered water systems we will be able to provide water to any place that needs it. We need to build these all over the world in places that are poor or do not have clean water. So lets say yes for solar power items because it is the best option we have.
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Climate Change By: Julia Gregory
Wildfires In forests global warming is heating them up and causing wildfires in many places. It has been more often that wildfires are occurring. This is because spring is coming earlier and snow melts earlier too, which causes forests to become dire and more flammable. This will not only destroy those forests, but all those species living in it will be harmed and their population will decrease more and more until there is no more of them. We need to find a way to make the chances from 50/50 to 99/1 of wildfires not happening, but how can we do this?
Problem There are so many problems that include the climate change and global warming. For example carbon dioxide in our atmosphere, spring coming earlier, wildfires, rising sea levels water disappearing, and the worst of all the re-rising of small pox. These are some major problems we need to fix before they get out of hand. If we don’t then we don’t know what could happen to us in the future and if something does it could be fatal to human kind.
Carbon Dioxide: Harming in Us Carbon dioxide, we use that a lot now and days. Now it is crossed the line and we need to stop it from going through a red light. Carbon dioxide stays in our atmosphere for 100 years. We need to stop using greenhouse gases also because it stays in the atmosphere for 100 years. This is causing so many problems, like in Australia they have lost a lot of rainfall in the southern part and they are running low on water supplies. We need to fix this now before our generation has to suffer consequences that will come if we don’t. It is also created a problem of living in a costal area.
SUMMER 2016 Living on the costal areas might leave to fatal storms destroying the places. Carbon dioxide is affecting all of this because it affects the air and gases we are letting in. The only question is how will we convince people to stop using it?
Spring: I Think the Groundhog Predicted Wrong There are many problems with the climate change and global warming, but now they have caused spring to come earlier. This makes the plants bloom earlier then they should and when the animals are done hibernating they wake up to nothing to eat and have to start migrating as soon as they realize. This can affect all of these animals’ populations because if this keeps happening then they might disappear
You May Not Want to Go to the Beach Sea levels are becoming so high with global warming happening. It is causing many countries with a costal line worried about their countries’ safeties. We need to help all these countries before their nightmares become real.
Stopping Sea Levels Rising From Effecting Us What we need to do is build barriers in the most vulnerable places and where they are most likely to be affected first. If we spend our time doing this to cities that may not be hit first then we will be letting the rising seawater winning. We can’t do this by social stratification reasons because then we must be losing our minds because if it doesn’t hit the higher people and hits the poor countries then we will have lost so many people. We need to make the right choice and not the silly choice.
Where Has All the Water Gone? Climate change and global warming is causing so many problems for us. At the moment 125 lakes have disappeared from their place and we have no idea where the water has gone. Some people are saying that it seeping through the soil, but we are not 100% confident that is why. If we want to have water for the future, then we need to find where all 125 lakes have gone. 2
The Re-Rising of Small Pox With the climate change and global warming melting ice away earlier than normal, there has been some worries about a disease re-rising for the past. The disease is small pox. People are worried with ice melting that it will release the small pox disease again and we will all be in great danger. Small pox was a harmful disease that creates circler bumps all over you like you were bit by thousands of mosquitos. This disease was gone way back in the past, but people say with the ice melting faster that it could be trapped under it or release it from its grasp. If the disease does re-rise then we are all in danger and none of us are safe. Sure there is a cure, but if it is spreading all around the world than it will take longer to send the cure over if some places have it because they can afford it. I think if we want to stop this from happening before than we need to find where it might be and get rid of it for good. People will probably never be safe again if it does re-rise and stays for a long time. Small pox was a harmful disease that killed many when it first started and it may kill even more than before, so lets do something now before it is to late.
Solutions Rising Sea Levels
Carbon Dioxide
What we can do is build barriers in the places that have a higher chance of rising sea levels hurting them. We should build the barriers by how high the sea level has raised in each country since the one with the biggest is probably going to get hurt first.
We need to get rid of all of our uses of greenhouse gases and carbon dioxide. It is affecting our atmosphere and soon affects us. We need to make all places see this problem and switch to solar power so it is healthier for the Earth and us.
Spring There is not much we can do about spring coming earlier, but what we can do is provide food for the animals that hibernate. We should have rescue places that have food prepared for them and so they donâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t end their population.
Wildfires We should start by keeping an eye on the forest so when another wildfire happens we can get there quicker before it does more harm to the forest and so it doesnâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t spread towards towns and cities.
Water Disappearing What we need to do is have solar powered treatment plants because the water that disappears we could have boiled to give to people who need water. We need to find where it first, but it seems like an unlikely chance we will ever see the water that disappeared from those 125 lakes, but we do need to have hope that we will.
Small Pox We need to find where the small pox will be released so we can go there to help the people who get it while we are trying to get there. I bet if you asked someone about what happened when it first happened it would be one of the saddest stories you will ever hear in your life. We need to reduce carbon dioxide because it is messing with the climate and that is why the snow is melting faster. We need to fix this problem now before we cannot do anything. 3
Building a Better Bangkok
Written by Jordan B
An article about how we can make Bangkok an innovative, and green city
1 2
Green Energy is the solution to most of Bangkok’s Energy problems. It’s Clean, Safe, and Efficient. But because Bangkok is so large some of it’s areas aren’t safe enough to be producing energy in.
and expensive. So by the end of it’s time the energy will be all used up and there will be even more pollution in the Air, Water, and Land. Causing even more problems and using up even more money for energy that takes up more energy to produce and find than it gives off.
Problems involved; Lack of Green Energy, and Social Stratification Greener energy solutions /Weatherization Thailand is a massive kingdom. Its total population is over 67,091,089 people. It’s center city; Bangkok as of 2010 had a population of over, 8,280,people. Even now as you read this article that population is rapidly increasing. Because of population increase the demand for energy; especially in unusually hot places is at large, because of Cooling, Lighting, and other energy consuming electronics. Another problem with the way that Bangkok is using its energy now is that, it is unsustainable,
Even though Bangkok is a wealthy city, it still has problem with managing its money that is used for multiple purposes. Because sustainable energy isn’t always an option for people who live in certain areas they will use the cheapest sources of energy that they can buy, which most of the time will give off a negative impact on the environment. And when the item is used to its full capacity, it will most likely end up be burned and polluting the air around the area. Like gasoline motor scooters, Old plastic, Metal bits, and Scrapes in general. Making things worse, and pushing Bangkok farther, and farther away from becoming a more innovative city.
B a n g ko k, like m o st o f th e o th e r w e a lth y c itie s’ in th e w o rld , is a c ity w ith h ig h sta n d a rd s. A n d b e c a u se th e c ity ’s sta n d a rd s a re so m e tim e s so h ig h th a t, p e o p le w h o c a n n o t m e e t th a t s ta n d a rd a re fo rc e d in to p o v e rty a n d e n d u p liv in g in “slu m s” Th e p o p u la tio n o f p e o p le th a t liv e in B a n g ko k, in h a b itin g “slu m s” is a n e stim a te d 0 .5 % Th e d e v a sta tin g 2 0 1 1 flo o d s c a u se d 1 3 .6 m illio n p e o p le in to p o v e rty . Th e flo o d s a lso kille d 8 1 5 p e o p le , a n d d a m a g e d 6 5 o f Th a ila n d ’s 7 7 p ro v in c e s. In its 1 7 5 d a y d u ra tio n .(2 5 Ju ly 2 0 1 1- 1 6 Ja n u a ry 2 0 1 2 ) a n d e v e n n o w , so m e a re a s’ a re still b a d ly damaged.
Social Stratification is an issue that is global. It sometimes stars out small, and then it develops on a massive scale affecting whole state, city, Country, and/or continent. Cities’ like Bangkok that have a large population that keeps rising, have a common problem of keeping the amount of people that live in them at the same rate. So at the end of the “run” there will be more people who can’t afford to live in the normal Bangkok areas’ and must live in the places that aren’t suitable to inhabit, like the shacks, on the river and under bridges. An example of this is the photo (to the right) of one of the many shacks
Even though some people might not have enough money to use energy on a large scale. But there are always more innovative solutions, that don’t involve spending a lot of money. One of these cheap green solutions is weatherization. It’s simple and cheap. All that it involves is just simply stopping-up the wholes that allow energy to escape, such as cold air, or heat. This innovative solution has worked for people who live in the U.S, with weatherized homes, and helped them “save an average of over $400 dollars on their heating and cooling bills after the first year alone.” If People in Bangkok were to follow this lead from the U.S
Images by: James Jordan, StressedTechnician, Chewonki Semester School , mueritz
(In order of appearance) ( In order of apperence)
Social Stratification is an issue that is commonly tied to the amount of money that someone has. And if you are living in on a city that has a constantly growing population, then maintaining your money can be hard. But if the city makes an effort to try and lower the costs of it products so that more of the population can use/have these products then Bangkok can move forward. One way to do this is to lower the amount of items that have to imported from other places so that more costumers can buy their products. Another way that Bangkok can improve on the amount of people that live in slums is to have, more hostiles. So then at least there will be less people living on the streets, or in slums, and in to good living conditions.
Energy By Darin Sumetanon
March 19, 2013
The Problem Health… obesity… population density… those aren’t the only problems going on in Bangkok right now… in the world right now! There’s another big problem, and it’s the fact that not enough people are getting energy. One fifth of the world’s population has no electricity, no energy, while one billion more people have unreliable energy that they spend almost $37 billion on. 1.3 billion people lack modern electricity, mostly light. They rely on old time light, such as burning wood, lanterns, and kerosene lanterns. You might think that’s not such a bad idea. At least they have some form of light, right? Wrong. It is also very dangerous. 1.7 million people will die from burning kerosene lanterns, and more will die from respiratory diseases caused from smoke-filled rooms. This is all over the world, and a lot of this is in Bangkok too. The question is: How can we fix it?
Issue #: [Date]
Dolor Sit Amet
Weatherized Homes There isnâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t just the problem of people not having energy, but the problem of people having energy and wasting it. People have hundreds of millions of dollars of oil and gas leaking out of homes. Imagine how much is wasted when that happens! There is a solution to this. Itâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s called weatherization. Weatherization is when you seal leaks that the oil and gas run out of. This solution has lots of benefits, such as saving money, cutting greenhouse gas pollution, and it will give poor people jobs. They can have the jobs of insulating the buildings where the oil and gas is leaking. For example, in the USA, homes are already being weatherized and those homes have already saved over $400 in heating and cooling bills in one year. This is a solution that should happen everywhere.
Issue #: [Date]
Dolor Sit Amet
One Big Problem With Energy In Bangkok Bangkok is a city that just keeps growing and growing. It’s been compared to New York! This affects energy. But how? When people in Bangkok continue to get more money, they’re going to want more and better energy. And because Thailand is hot, what’s the first thing they’re going to want? Air conditioning. After air conditioning is going to come the demand for more and more stuff. How does this affect Bangkok in our energy problem? People begin to get careless with it, and use more than is needed. Prices for energy will begin to get higher and higher, leaving people who at first had energy,
The Solution The solution to the energy crisis in Bangkok is solar-power. Solar-powered energy is cheap, efficient, and easy to fix if it breaks. There are companies for solar power, such as d.light, Barefoot Power, Greenlight Planet, and BBoxx. I think that what the government should do is make the solar-power cheaper, so that people can afford it. They can do this by lowering the payment for the solar panels. Paying part of the money for it, and having people pay a little more for the rest. I think that solar-power is a very good idea because poor people would be able to get energy that they can afford. This is a solution for Bangkok that would do a great deal to help with the energy problem in Bangkok.
Issue #: [Date]
Dolor Sit Amet
Credits for Photos Credit for Photo 1: wagner campelo Credit for Photo 2: Unitopia Credit for Photo 3: ecstaticist
Education For Building a Better Bangkok By Darin Sumetanon
The Problem Have you ever visited Bangkok? Have you ever noticed all the small shops on the side of the road, all the people that live in the slums? Have you ever wondered the reason for that? There are lots of reasons, but one big reason is that they don’t get enough education. The people on the streets couldn’t afford college, so they didn’t get the education needed to learn how to support for themselves well. I think if they could go to college, Bangkok wouldn’t have so many slums, or so many shops cluttering up the street. Some kids don’t even go to school, because they can’t afford the school materials. However, a small step has been made to solving that problem. In 2008, the education minister of Thailand, Jurin Laksanqwist decided to provide Thai children with materials through the 15 years of government-sponsored free education. The minimum wage in Thailand is 300 baht a day… that’s nine dollars and 86 cents in America! It is clear that the people who get paid that amount of money wouldn’t be able to afford a very elite school, such as ISB. ISB’s semester fee’s for just Pre-k is 213,500 baht! What’s the solution to this problem?
; Lorem Ipsum Dolor
Spring 2016
More About the Problem Besides the shops and stray dogs lining the streets, there’s also litter. You can find cigarettes, plastic bags, garbage bags, broken pencils, old shoes, and scraps of paper. People are careless about littering, but you can’t always blame them. One reason is because they don’t get the education needed to know that littering is a bad thing, bad for the earth, and it is also one of the problems Bangkok is facing. Education can help Bangkok. It can make people aware of the problems, it can help people support themselves better, they can get better jobs, there can be better companies, Bangkok could be cleaner, and people could stop polluting and littering.
A Short Story about How a Man Provided Education to a Small Slum A man named Sugatra Mitra won the TED prize… 100,000 dollars! He made the best solution to help kids get education. What he did was, he dug a hole in a wall bordering a slum. In the hole, he put a laptop with a hidden video camera. He watched as the kids played around with the laptop, and taught each other how to use them. He realized that the solution to the energy problem was to “Let the kids teach each other.” That is exactly what those kids did. They told their friends about the laptop, taught them how to use it, how to find information on it.
; Lorem Ipsum Dolor
Spring 2016
The Solution I think what we should do is exactly what Sugatra Mitra did. Bangkok has a lot of slums, and laptops hold useful information. What if what we did was dig holes in all the walls bordering slums, or dig a hole near the slum, and just put the laptop inside. Laptops arenâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t that hard to use, I taught myself to use one. I taught myself, and I watched my parents use their laptops, then I followed their example. I think that if we were to do that to all of the slums in Bangkok, more kids would get more education. Bangkok could get to be a better place. Where would we get the laptops? Well, the government or the education minister of Thailand. They have enough money to buy laptops for slums, and this is a solution they would pay attention to and it would be easy to solve.
; Lorem Ipsum Dolor
Spring 2016
Credits for Photos Credit for Photo 1: RURO photography Credit for Photo 2: Bob the Real Deal
; Lorem Ipsum Dolor
Spring 2016
Lorem Ipsum Dolor
Spring 2016
Fusce ac ligula a magna bibendum tempus. Vestibulum cursus turpis eget velit. Integer lorem. Sed libero sem, rutrum vitae, nonummy et, pretium eget, diam. In tristique auctor mi. Fusce sit amet augue. Praesent elementum volutpat lectus. Cras sollicitudin sem eget magna. Sed iaculis erat imperdiet velit. Aliquam vehicula, mauris at pharetra semper, dui arcu lobortis lorem, non faucibus ligula elit vel magna. Aliquam eleifend, mauris vel pellentesque elementum, massa augue convallis ligula, vestibulum cursus pede lectus at nunc. Sed iaculis massa non tortor. Mauris interdum tincidunt lacus. Donec sit amet velit. Pellentesque congue pharetra est. In ligula arcu, dapibus ac, auctor non, bibendum sit amet, elit. Nullam vel nisl id eros bibendum commodo.
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!"#$$%&'( • !"#$%&#'(")%&#'("%'*#'%+,%#-"(#.$%/,(.0% • Osteoarthritis- Joint disease that is caused by putting pressure on the knees. • Small Pox- A highly dangerous disease that is caused by a variola virus • Slum- A place that people build houses out of old materials they can find. • Elite- A choice that is the best of anything considered collaboratively. • Government- A group of people that runs a city. • Obesity- Being fat or chubby. • Kerosene- A liquid mixture of liquid%hydrocarbons • Repertory- Working in a sequence in a session. • Inhabit- To live in a place. • Un stainable- Cannot be morally reprehensible. • Social Stratification- Judging people by how much money. • Weatherization- To make a house protected by the weather • Hostel- characteristic of an enemy.