Building a Better Bangkok Sung Jun Kevin Yotam

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Air$Pollution$=$Mentioning$Problems$ $

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In!Bangkok!and!other!many!centuries!the!Air!pollution!is!very! horrible!issue!of!all.!It!could!affect!humans!and!also!the!environment.! One!of!the!main!issues!of!air!pollution!is!the!‘gas’!that!is!used!for!cars.! The!normal!gas!that!we!use!to!ride!cars!has!very!bad!quality!and!could! harm!the!environment.!But!people!keep!using!them!because!to!get!good! gases,!it!takes!a!lot!of!money!to!actually!buy!them.!!!!! ! ! !!!!!!! !!!!!!!!



! ! Photo!Credit:!<a!href="">27147</a>!via!<a!href="">Compfight</a>!<a!!!!!! href="">cc</a>!


Traffic!pollutes!the!air!most!because!especially!when!you!are! driving!through!the!high!way!if!you!get!stuck!in!the!middle!of!the!road! and!waiting!for!the!cars!to!move!out,!that!is!the!moment!that!pollutes! the!air!because!you!actually!are!not!turning!off!the!car.!You!are!just! waiting!with!your!engine!going!so!the!gas!wouldn’t!stop!coming!out.! Imagine!100!of!cars!stuck!in!the!high!way!with!their!engines!on.!It’s! going!to!be!awful.! ! ! ! ! !

The!air!pollution!gives!impacts!to!the!environment!but!they!also! give!‘us’!the!negative!effects.!People!must!have!fresh!air!in!order!to!be! healthy.!But!because!of!too!much!air!pollution,!in!the!city!many!people! started!to!have!problems!with!their!breathing.!So!they!would!go!to! hospital!to!get!medicine!or!to!get!cured.!That!also!relates!to!the!idea!of! too!spending!too!much!money!on!something.! ! !

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!!!!Photo!Credit:!<a!href="">mckaysavage</a>!via!<a!href="">Compfight</a>!<a!!!! href="">cc</a>


There!is!another!big!issue!rather!then!air!pollution.!It!is!water! pollution.!In!the!city!sides!when!people!are!trying!to!get!rid!of!oils!it! often!takes!a!lot!of!money!to!get!rid!of!it.!So!instead!what!people!do!is! they!just!dump!the!oils!into!the!river!nearby.!And!that!is!the!reason!why! some!factories!are!very!close!to!the!river.!But!what!happens!is!that!soon! the!entire!creatures!that!live!in!water!would!die!or!get!sick.!

$$$ $$Solutions$

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The!solution!to!this!problem!of!car!gas!is!that!we!should!try!to!use! gas!that!doesn’t!harm!the!air!quality.!So!for!each!gas!station!we!should! try!to!dig!out!all!the!bad!oils!and!refill!it!with!good!gases!like!‘EURO!4! Petrol’!A!type!of!gas!like!‘EURO!4!Petrol”!could!not!effect!the! environment!that!much!and!could!also!save!a!lot!of!money!by!buying! other!gases.!





Photo!Credit:!<a!href="">matteotarenghi</a>!via!<a!href="">Compfight</a>!<a! href="">cc</a> !

! The!solution!to!the!problem!of!the!traffic!is!that!we!should!all!try! to!walk!and!bike!if!we!are!trying!to!travel!short!distances.!Also!we! should!try!to!make!wider!roads!so!that!cars!have!more!space!to!go! through.!Most!of!all,!when!many!cars!are!stuck!in!the!highway!waiting!to! go!through!we!should!always!try!to!turn!off!our!engines!so!that!we!can! stop!the!bad!gas!from!coming!out.! ! If!we!are!aware!and!do!as!what!the!solution!mentioned!then!the! amount!of!people!who!gets!disease!would!decrease!and!fewer!people! would!have!problems!with!their!breathing.!Then!people!won’t!have!to! go!the!hospital!and!worry!about!the!money!cost.!


$ Education$=$Mentioning$Problems$/$Solutions$ !

1Photo Credit: <a href="">Motographer</a> via <a href="">Compfight</a> <a href="">cc</a> 2Photo Credit:

Many children in Thailand are not being well educated. This issue has many causes and one of them is because of the ‘money cost’ we all know that people who lives in Bangkok are not poor and pretty rich. But in the

Transportation By: Yotam E. Photo By: marcp_dmoz

Photo By: 27147


Traffic: This photo shows cars waiting to move.

Traffic In Bangkok, there is a lot of traffic. One of

Traffic ruins the fun of the city.

the causes of traffic in Bangkok is population density. Another problem is

Because of traffic, people can’t bike around the city because it isn’t safe, and there is a lot of noise. People also don’t want to walk there because of all the honking and air pollution of the cars.

there are a few roads that cars can’t get

People who are trying to get to work are late because of it.

through, so they go by the highway, which also causes the traffic. Traffic wastes so much time, that people get stressed about it. Traffic also causes air pollution. When the car is standing still, the engine is still on. That causes air pollution.


Traffic Problems

More people who are trying to get downtown are causing more traffic.

Photo by: Alain Bachellier

Air Pollution One of the most important problems that air pollution causes is it kills plants. It is bad because plants make air, and if we don’t have air, we won’t live. Air pollution cause acid rain. Acid rain is when chemicals fall out of the sky by water. Acid rain is harmful to the environment and animals because plants suck in that water to stay alive. Then the animals eat the plants, and they get sick. After the rain, the water goes to the lake and fish die too. Near Bangkok, there are a lot of factories that let out smoke, and it makes air pollution.


Air pollution: This photo shows a factory letting out smoke. Which pollutes the air.

The mayor of Curitiba, Brazil, made the world’s largest urban bus. Powered only by biofuels (made by soy beans). It is like a train, just a bus. There are lanes, dedicated only for it. No cars can get into the lanes. This solution helps because that doesn’t cause the traffic. This idea is good for Bangkok because more people will use it because they don’t want to get stuck in traffic.

A solution for Traffic Car lane.

Mexico city, has added 90 stations, and 1200 new bicycles to the Ecobici bike-sharing program. They have also improved sidewalks. SO if we do this in Bangkok, we won’t have as much traffic.

In Estonia, the capital of Tallinn became the largest city in the world to make transit system free. If Thailand will make transit city free, everyone who doesn’t want to pay for his or her gasoline will use it.


In my opinion, I think Bangkok should improve the sidewalks and rebuild the roads, and make them wider. Another thing that I have thought about is Bangkok should build the urban bus and have a lane only for it. I also think Bangkok should improve there public bus.

This is the bus lane

This photo shows an urban bus in Curitiba Brazil. Photo by Wikipedia:

Obesity Problems Obesity is when people are overweight or extremely overweight. Obesity causes diseases like cancer, heart problems, liver problems, high blood pressure, etc. 65% of the people in world are obese. In Bangkok it is a problem because most people eat fast food every day. So more and more people will get overweight and have diseases. Another problem is the people who are obese, take the doctors time, so then people who are not obese, and are sick, will not have a doctor. In the future, hospitals might get too many patients, and have more of them.

Obesity (fast food): This picture shows McDonald’s.

Photo By: loop_oh

Problems in Thailand that causes obesity is 7 eleven. So many Thai people go to 7 eleven and buy a lot of food because it is cheap. There is this lady that said she leaves early from work to get to 7 eleven before the traffic starts. Most Tai people like eating Tom Yam flavored noodles, and pork and sticky rice. Which is all very fat.

This is one of the most famous restaurants for fast food. Most people in the world who are overweight, got fat because of McDonald’

Blue= 65% are obese. 5

Red= 35% are not obese.

Solution for Obesity

In Toronto, Mississauga, Brampton & Caledon, they are trying to build more: Bike Lanes. Places for people to walk. Stairs instead of elevators. Closed streets so kids have a safe place to play and be more active. Another solution that we could use in Bangkok is, In the future, we might not people could eat have to use the hospital as all the stuff from 7 much because; there will be eleven because it drugs, which will target a is cheap, but then specific cell like obesity. if they want to stay healthy, they have to burn their fat by being active. • • • •

People who obese could have sensors in their house, that whenever they have a high blood pressure, or whenever they are sick, the doctor, will send them a message to the IPhone, My opinion is in Thailand we could use all these solutions. We could have bike lanes, urban bus which has a lane only for that. We could also have more stairs instead of elevators.

countryside of the Thailand people are often very poor and live in a very bad place without a bed. So which means that they have no money to buy much stuff. Kids need to be educated until high school graduation and many people aren’t. Many kids have no afford to pay for the school. So now the solution looks quite obvious. We must lower the expense of some schools so that more people could join in and get educated. For instance like ISB if you are not rich then you can’t come to this school. If costs really a lot of money for each students to go. So we should try to lower the cost of the school and make other people to feel a bit relax coming. Also the kids should be learning about ‘life lessons’ at home so they know how to react in a certain situation and how to work together to solve big problems.

1st Picture: Solovyova Lyudmyla! 2nd Picture: Creativa!

Thailand is developing country and we want Thailand to be welldeveloped country in the future. In order to make this possible, starting from now on every kid should be educated and make proud of their country. When important people dies in the future we must have other young bright people to join in and keep the country develop with proud. To make this happen kids must get educated, know about the society and willing to take risks to be a person who make changes. The last Idea is to make more schools so that more and more students from other place could come and learn. Also from other schools they should do some kind of a chary run and learn money so that they can donate that money to build other schools. This idea could come true by making specific laws or rules because people can’t just decide to make a school and do it. They must have a permission to do it. So the governments shall announce that people may make more schools for every student to go and learn. 140



Building(a( Better( Bangkok:( Energy(and( Housing( !

You!can!see!the!lightning.!But!have!you!ever!thought!of!what! happens!after!the!lightning!strikes?!Yes!thunder!does!happen,! but!lightning!leaves!behind!ambient!electricity!throughout!the! atmosphere.!How!can!we!use!this!knowledge!to!help!us?!

Energy: How to supply us With Enough Energy For Millions? In the future, Bangkok will need loads of energy to supply all those people. But how are we going to be able to supply so many people? Problems such as population growth have huge effect on the amount of energy use. In Bangkok, each year population grows by Scientists have begun to develop machinery, which captures ambient electricity left behind by lightning. Once though energy neutral, liquids will actually pick up charges from dust and other liquids. Solar panels capture sunlight, so why not try to capture lightning? A report at the 240th National of the American Chemical Society, lead by Professor Fernando Galemback says that water droplets in the atmosphere, though to be clear of energy, actually pick up an electrical charge. It happens when they come into contact with charged particles, like dust. Researchers have begun to simulate this process

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Praesent(pretium( lectus(a(dui.( Suspendisse!lobortis,!quam!ac! euismod!sodales,!diam!turpis! luctus!nunc,!vel!porta!mauris!enim! quis!ipsum.!Aenean!pharetra! elementum!augue.!Maecenas!ante.!


Sed(a(magna(quis(nulla(porta(iaculis.( Lorem(Ipsum( Ut(imperdiet(tristique(nunc.( byline(


by using water droplets and particles of silica and aluminum phosphate, which are common substances in the air. It is called hydroelectricity, which could really help us if we begin to use this. Hydroelectricity is driving researchers to find ways to produce more energy. Explain more. It may not be the greatest strategy for Bangkok, because it works best in high-humidity places. But it’s a start. This tech hasn’t been releases, and it may never be, but it’s one step forward to supplying more energy to more people.

Are Their Any Other Strategies To Supplying Bangkok With Energy? It’s no good to try using solar electricity straight away, because right now, we have weatherization! Weatherization is tried and true, uses little resources, and is a clean way to conserve electricity. It doesn’t need any technological breakthroughs either! Everyone can agree on this, as it saves money and oil. 2! !

! Lorem!Ipsum!Dolor!


Now the problem here is hundreds of millions of dollars of gas warmed air leak out of homes. Sealing the leaks, insulating the building, save homeowners money, reduce our consumption of fossil fuels, and cut greenhouse gas pollution, as well as create a load of jobs then who could disagree? Weatherized homes save occupants $400 in heating and cooling bills on the first year. Adding on to that, it also reduces 2.65 tons of CO2 (Carbon Dioxide) emitted from homes. 38 million homes use this, and save energy for others. Just caulk your windows, doors, and blow cheap foam insulation in obvious leaks at your home. You won’t need to use a heater or AC because the air can’t escape. All this will save 10% of your heating and cooling bills. This could be a good way, but not an amazing way to save energy as it mostly stops pollution, which is not the focus here. So, the solution here is to use weatherization and new technology that is being developed to our advantage. This could really help the future of Bangkok. But it will only work if we put our minds to it.

We Have Talked About Energy Conservation… What About Housing? Now, housing is a problem. Where are we going to put the millions of people that come to Bangkok or are born here? Sometimes, we just don’t have enough homes, or the homes aren’t affordable! Old Buildings are beginning to be converted into micro-apartments and cheap homes for people. Homeowners left behind square footage, leaving behind an empty landscape of McMansions, vacated big box stores, and abandoned shopping malls. Many municipalities have been wondering how to repopulate these areas with more nimble and post-boom strategies. They have begun to rebuild and populate shopping malls and other buildings. They are converted into cheap, affordable micro-apartments. People have a chance to live in a cheap, landmarked piece of architecture. Tenants who move into $550 micro-apartments won’t need to bring much for the rent, because they have



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built in beds, full baths, storage, wardrobes, everyday supplies, and microwaves. With no stove in sight, they are going to have to make do with their microwaves. All this will allow people to find affordable housing, and we will be able to hold thousands of people converting old building in to homes. This is a strategy we could really use to give people housing and everything else they need in their homes to make it. How should Bangkok do this? “Duis!ultrices,!lacus!id!bibendum! pharetra,!purus!metus!posuere!orci,! non!nonummy!orci!nunc!eu!nisi.! Maecenas!magna.�! !"!Ipsum!

In!lacinia,!enim!sed!luctus!ultricies,! velit!odio!tempor!mauris,!in!aliquet! nunc!sem!tempor!nisi.!! Vestibulum!sodales.! Proin!sit!amet!dolor.!Aliquam! aliquam!lobortis!lacus.!Suspendisse! sed!est!eu!pede!malesuada! sollicitudin.!Sed!vulputate.!Nulla! facilisi.!Lorem!ipsum!dolor!sit!amet,! consectetuer!adipiscing!elit.!Vivamus! tellus!est,!hendrerit!id,!elementum!a,! tempor!eu,!dui.!! Vivamus!volutpat!tempor!sem.!! Proin!iaculis!ante!quis!erat.!Proin! metus!nisl,!fermentum!a,!pharetra! sit!amet,!tincidunt!id,!quam.! Vivamus!feugiat!pellentesque!pede.! Nunc!nonummy.!Proin!egestas! congue!velit.!Donec!fermentum!felis.! Aliquam!metus.!Aenean!orci!nisl,! nonummy!in,!eleifend!at,!porttitor! quis,!tellus.!Duis!lacus.!Pellentesque! nunc.!Integer!fermentum.!!

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